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NHPD launches new shooting investigations unit in crackdown


Struggling Elis face two big tests in weekend road trip to Colgate, Cornell





Lock installation nears finish

The Emancipation of Memes.

Facebook news feeds across campus exploded throughout the day Thursday as a new Facebook page called “Yale Memes” distracted students from midterms. In just a day, the page accrued over 1,700 fans and dozens of memes touching on common Yale experiences, such as subpar dining options, YaleQuinnipiac relations, sober Toad’s and consulting. It also got real later in the day, with memes about Title IX and race.


locks are needed. Munck added in an interview that student will not need additional keys since keys to suite doors will also open bedroom doors. “The installation of room locks in all the colleges is nearly complete,” YCC president Brandon Levin ’13 wrote in an email. “We remain entirely supportive of the program and proud that it emerged from a 2007 YCC initiative.” Administrators told the News in 2008 they had been concerned that bedroom locks would detract

State lawmakers convened in Hartford this week for a legislative session that began amid doubts about the state’s fiscal stability. After recent budget estimates painted a bleaker-than-expected picture of Connecticut’s finances, Gov. Dannel Malloy opened the session Wednesday with a call for an “economic revival” in his annual State of the State address. Malloy pushed for increased funding for education reform efforts, changes to the state’s public benefits system and a balanced budget. In their newly begun session, legislators will likely also consider proposals regarding redlight enforcement cameras, the legalization of Sunday liquor sales, an increase in the state’s minimum wage and the abolition of capital punishment in the state. Malloy’s biggest push was for wideranging education reforms, which he said were critical in light of Connecticut’s educational achievement gap, the largest in the nation. According to State Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, whose district includes New Haven, over 40 percent of public school children in Connecticut are in school districts plagued by an “extreme” achievement gap, particularly among low-income and minority students. “Education reform is going to be the biggest policy initiative of the session — the governor laid out the urgent necessity for it,” Looney said. “The governor, I think, proposed significant steps that will lead towards reform, including attention being paid to the quality and rigor of teacher preparation programs.” Malloy proposed using $128 million to target his education initiatives, including $50 million to need-based education grants to school districts, which will increase the money given to low-perform-



Fox News comes to Yale. The

Bill O’Reilly show featured a segment on Sex Week on Thursday. The five-minute video clip features shots of a reporter for the show asking students questions about Sex Week. A few were visibly offended.

A five-year effort to increase campus security will be completed this summer.

Dems are famous. The Yale

College Democrats are getting attention for their “Change Is” Facebook campaign. The Dems earned a Chapter Spotlight on the blog of the national College Democrats, and Jim Messina, President Barack Obama’s campaign manager, told the Dems to “keep up the good work,” according to a Tweet from Yale spokesman Michael Morand.

The birds. Yalies enjoying

Blue Dog Café late Thursday morning had to clear out briefly so that two pigeons that had come to hang out could be removed from the facility.

Nom. An exhibit called “Big Food: Health, Culture and the Evolution of Eating” opens at the Peabody Museum tomorrow. The exhibit features information about food, food history and our hunter-gatherer origins. The Museum will hold an opening celebration from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, featuring crafts, a puppet show, a scavenger hunt and a Zumba class. Honored. Mike Davies, the

CEO of the New Haven Open at Yale tennis tournament who was once Britain’s top tennis player, will be inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame, according to a Thursday press release. A theft at Wine Thief. Crown

Street’s favorite liquor store, The Wine Thief, saw a theft of its own early Thursday morning. A burglar threw a rock through the window shortly after 3 a.m. and was captured on security footage. Yale Police later apprehended a man matching the description of the suspect at the corner of Elm and Park Streets with a $250 bottle of wine from Chateau Teyssier on his person, the New Haven Register reported.


2003 The New Haven Police Department starts building an online database of email addresses to alert residents about crime trends. Submit tips to Cross Campus


Gov. Malloy sets tone in Hartford


Students of the last three colleges to install locks on bedroom doors won’t have to wait much longer for personal security. BY SOPHIE GOULD STAFF REPORTER Davenport, Timothy Dwight and Pierson Colleges are the only colleges whose in-suite bedroom doors have no locks, but that will change this summer. Nearly five years after a Yale College Council proposal called for bedroom-door locks, Yale Facilities will install locks in the final three residential colleges, John Meeske, associate dean for student organizations and physical resources, said in an email. Administrators approved the pro-

posal in 2008, reasoning that room locks would enable students to better protect their belongings even if suite mates neglect to lock the door to the suite. Several students in Davenport interviewed said they favor the addition of bedroom locks in light of the string of burglaries in Davenport last fall. Last week, Davenport students received an email from Barbara Munck ’84, a senior administrative assistant in Davenport, informing them of the upcoming lock installations and notifying them that Yale Lockshop staff would enter rooms to determine how many

Alpha Sigma Phi expansion slows BY CAROLINE TAN STAFF REPORTER The national fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi is putting its efforts to establish a Yale Alpha Sig chapter “on pause,” according to Geoff McDonald, the organization’s coordinator of chapter and colony development. McDonald, who began recruitment efforts on campus Jan. 9, said he left campus Jan. 29, 11 days earlier than scheduled. His departure brought a premature end to the fraternity’s official recruitment efforts, which had failed to garner sufficient student interest in creating a new chapter, and marked one of the first times Alpha Sig has not successfully expanded to one of its target universities. Though McDonald is no longer on campus, he said the fraternity will continue to support the three Yale students who have expressed interest in serving as founding members. “We haven’t closed the door at Yale and don’t think we ever really will,” he said. “We had a great group of a few individuals [interested in starting a chapter]; however, we could not really gain traction outside of these individuals.”

Though McDonald said Alpha Sig has seen a 98 percent success rate with past chapter expansion, he said official recruitment efforts at Yale were particularly difficult.

We could not really gain traction outside of these [few] individuals. GEOFF MCDONALD Chapter and Colony Development Coordinator, Alpha Sigma Phi The University does not have a student center or other “heavily trafficked” areas to post fliers, McDonald said, and also lacks “inter-fraternity councils” — umbrella organizations present at many other universities that bring together campus fraternity leaders. He said these councils often have official rush lists, which have helped him organize recruitment and expansion activities in the past. Though Yale currently does not have an inter-fraternity council, the Advisory Committee on Campus Climate SEE ALPHA SIG PAGE 6

Law School loan forgiveness reduced POLICY CHANGED TO ‘PROTECT THE PROGRAM LONG-TERM’ BY DANIEL SISGOREO STAFF REPORTER Faced with increased enrollment and rising loan costs, the Yale Law School is scaling back its loan forgiveness program. The Career Options Assistance Program, which partially subsidizes tuition loan payments for Law School graduates should they enter relatively low-salary careers, will require a larger student contribution from members of the incoming and future classes than it currently does. Law School Associate Dean for Finance and Administration Brent Dickman said the change reflects the more conservative budget projections the Law School has made since the recession, and was designed to sustain the program’s quality. Still, five students admitted to the Law School class of 2015 said the policy changes will have little impact on their decision of where to attend law school, as Yale’s program remains among the most generous in the country. COAP is designed to encourage Law School alumni to pursue public service careers, though the program does not limit participation to specific career paths. Under the previous policy, law school alumni who earn less than $60,000 in their postgraduation careers are eligible

to have their loans payments fully subsidized by COAP, while those earning more than $60,000 are expected to contribute a quarter of their income above that baseline. The new policy sets the baseline salary lower, at $50,000, and expects participants to contribute varying percentages of their income toward loan payments, based on a sliding scale of income brackets. For alumni with adjusted incomes over $80,000, for instance, COAP expects a contribution of $6,750 in addition to 60 percent of the income exceeding $80,000.

This is the only situation where we have to think about how much a student will cost us 13 years down the road. BRENT DICKMAN Associate Dean of Finance and Administration, Law School “This is the only situation where we have to think about how much a student will cost us 13 years down the road,” Dickman said. “We’re really just trying to protect the program long-term.” Changes to the program will not retroactively apply to any current students or alumni who are participating, or may be SEE LAW LOANS PAGE 4




.COMMENT “Not all human beings earn respect, but all should be accorded it.”



Put those clothes in the bucket




A Sex Week for all


ex Week includes perspectives of all stripes. True Love Week

should join the rest of campus.

There has been a lot of talk about sex this week. Sex Week and True Love Week are both in full swing. We have come a long way since Undergraduates for a Better Yale College tried to have Sex Week banned. We can be thankful that Sex Week has brought a wide-ranging schedule of events to campus. We can also be thankful that the organizers of True Love Week have had the chance to add their take on the place of sex in society to the discussion. But we are one student body, and the talk of sex and sexual climate that has gripped us so intensely for the last year affects all Yalies — not segmented groups of us. If we are to have a genuinely inclusive week devoted to discussion of all things sexual, it should not be divided along partisan, religious or any other lines. Sex Week and True Love Week should go hand in hand. Sex Week has already made a good faith effort to include as many perspectives as possible. Its schedule this year boasts a range of speakers who could appeal to students from every corner of Yale. The week includes events at the Slifka Center and Saint Thomas More as well as legal panels and a sex toy workshop. The porn industry sponsors are gone, but organizers have not been afraid to hold on to some of the more salacious events — a decision that contributes to the comprehensive nature of the event. Students are right to push the envelope. That approach is exactly what Yale needs — and exactly the stage than can include True Love Week’s more conservative stance.

Although UBYC positioned True Love Week specifically in opposition to Sex Week, the group should be happy to have won a more moderate, inclusive Sex Week. Now, True Love Week should integrate into the improved Sex Week program, not play its own game on the sidelines. As Ann Olivarius ’77 said in Sex Week’s keynote address Saturday, exploration — whether academic, emotional, sexual or otherwise — is empowering. We are all at Yale to explore. Sex Week and True Love Week should encourage Yalies to do just that, together. They should invite us, together, to listen to and challenge divergent opinions. Sex Week’s organizers have demonstrated their willingness. It’s time for True Love Week’s organizers to do the same. The line is tired, but it’s true: Discussion is the antidote to so many of Yale’s recent sexual controversies. But that discussion must not sequester dissenting groups and further divide us. UBYC’s initial efforts to ban Sex Week were shortsighted, as this year’s Sex Week has proved with its broad offerings. UBYC no longer aims to abolish Sex Week. That’s a start. Yalies on all sides have learned to voice objections. True Love Week calls itself a protest against the commodification of sex. One of its events drew a kiss-in protest against a speaker’s homophobia. Those protests have their merits, and both accomplished something. But we need more than objection. We need genuine engagement despite — if not because of — our differing opinions.

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All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Julia Fisher, Opinion Editor, Yale Daily News


powered lives. Going to a naked party was, consciously or unconsciously, on their bucket lists. This was the precocious group that got this task done early in the semester. There would be more opportunities for those who had procrastinated, including a party days before graduation. Standing in that disturbingly humid basement, I prided myself that, for the first time in my Yale career, I had done my work before it was even assigned. Going to a naked party wouldn’t even be on my bucket list.

TWO SENIORS TACKLE THEIR BUCKET LISTS But as my peers in the class of 2011 have long since put their clothes on and ventured into the real world, I recently found myself wondering what was going to be my bucket list. Freshman year, I did a project where I tried to curb a number of bad habits that I had picked up at Yale, using a website called stickK to set up selfbinding contracts. I gave myself a curfew, made myself exercise every day and said goodbye to Facebook, among other things. I

agreed to pay $50 for every contract I broke. And I wrote about the whole process. Three years later, I’m seeking to do exactly the opposite. I want to indulge in those activities that only college offers, from the raucous to the wholesome. From what I’ve heard, it’s not only nudity that doesn’t win you points in the workplace. There’s also no one offering you tea at 4 p.m. as you talk with famed politicians. There are few opportunities for inner-tube water polo games or Quidditch matches, and it’s hard to come by a bacon, egg and cheese at 4 a.m. And as I steadily devise and complete my own bucket list, I again plan to write about my tasks, admittedly in part as another form of self-binding contract. The need to write about my experiences will force me to have the experiences in the first place. Meta, I know. Over the past few weeks, I’ve told friends of this idea to write about a senior bucket list. One of them, Kate Lund ’12, liked the notion so much that she asked to take part . Kate and I make the ideal bucket list duo. We each have particularly striking inadequacies in our fulfillment of the classic Yale experience. I have never jogged (or even briskly walked) up to East Rock, while Kate regularly takes trips

with Yale Outdoors. Kate’s never been to Toad’s; I haven’t been in just over a week. Neither of us can remember going on our own accord to a full-length a capella concert. We know; we’re sorry. These are the obvious ones, but we’re also seeking some more creative ideas for us to do separately or together. Please email us suggestions at ydnbucketlist@ We’ll give you a shout-out in this weekly column, which Kate and I will take turns writing. And, given the suggestions I’ve already gotten from friends (most of which involve the stacks), a reminder: These should be ideas that about which we can write. So anything illegal probably isn’t going to work — the whole bucket list concept really loses its thrill if we don’t make it to graduation. Just in case you were wondering, Kate’s been to a naked party too. And while neither of us has done the naked run in Bass library, the News doesn’t operate in the real world. It gives its writers and editors exam period off to work on passing their classes. And it gives its columnists an excuse to keep their clothes on. ZARA KESSLER is a senior in Ezra Stiles College and a former editor of the Yale Daily News Magazine. Contact her at .

Lift the Cuba embargo W

hen you own a cow in Cuba, you can drink its milk, but you may not slaughter it, said Patricia Alejandro ’12, who was born in Cuba and is a member of Yale’s Cuban American Undergraduate Student Association. When they wanted to buy beef, Alejandro’s family had to pay 40 or 50 convertible units — two or three months’ salary. A pair of jeans or sandals cost more than one month’s salary. Countless other goods were also prohibitively expensive — including sugar, the national crop of Cuba, yet one so overpriced that few Cubans can actually enjoy it. Fifty years ago Tuesday, President John F. Kennedy’s Proclamation 3447 entered into full force, and all trade between the United States and Cuba was prohibited. The measure dramatically tightened what had been a partial economic embargo against Cuba — and the harsher measure continues to this day. The embargo was initially enacted after Fidel Castro took power and the Cuban government nationalized American holdings in Cuba. The embargo prohibits American citizens from doing business with Cuba, visiting (except under exceptional circumstances) and, until 2000, even providing humanitarian aid. The embargo’s extraterritorial provisions also make it extremely difficult for Cuba to do business with other countries. The embargo has stunted the Cuban economy and limited Cubans’ access to good food, modern technology and useful

medicine. It has also hurt the United States’ relationships with other countries — the European ParliaSCOTT ment actuSTERN ally passed a law making A Stern it illegal for Perspective Europeans to comply with certain parts of the embargo. The purpose of the embargo was undeniably to make life so difficult for Cubans that they would see the error of their ways and expel Castro and communism. The United States government has maintained — for 50 years — that it will not do business with Cuba until it learns to respect human rights and liberty. There is a pretty serious problem with this plan: It hasn’t worked. Beyond the fact that Castro is still in power and Cuba is still not a democracy, the embargo has not truly succeeded in sewing resentment into the hearts and minds of the Cuban people. The embargo allows Castro to make the United States and the embargo the scapegoats for all of Cuba’s ills. It also forces Cuba to rely on countries like the former USSR, China and Venezuela for trade. The appalling hypocrisy of the embargo is that the United States nearly always maintained diplomatic and economic relationships with countries like Russia, China and Vietnam even

during the heart of the Cold War. Numerous influential people have come out against the Cuban embargo, including Pope John Paul II, Jesse Jackson and George Schultz. They all claim that the embargo hurts the Cuban people, not the Cuban government. Democratic politicians Gary Hart, George McGovern and Jimmy Carter have also expressed this view. It is interesting to note, however, that Hart and McGovern only became vocal enemies of the embargo long after their presidential runs. Politicians are scared openly to oppose the embargo.

THE EMBARGO ON CUBA IS POINTLESS AND INEFFECTUAL The Cuban-American population is an exceptionally powerful and vocal voting bloc, and many Cuban-Americans support the embargo out of sheer hatred of Castro. These Cuban exiles — whose votes are so important, particularly in Florida — have pushed nearly every major politician away from normalizing relations with Cuba. As Hart wrote on his blog last year — years after leaving politics, of course — the embargo is “a straight-jacket whereby first-generation Cuban-Americans wielded inordinate political power over both parties and constructed a veto over rational,

mature diplomacy.” It would be highly inaccurate, however, to foist the blame for the embargo’s persistence upon the Cuban-American population. American politicians across the political spectrum are to blame for their intransigence and their unwillingness to challenge the status quo. The embargo is not a major political issue, so politicians are just too apathetic to engage with it. I will be the first to admit that this is an irritatingly complex issue and one that only an expert could fully understand. My limited understanding of the embargo against Cuba is based on research and interviews, not personal experience. And yet it is easy for anyone to note that covering our eyes and pretending we can’t see Castro won’t make him go away. There is, however, hope. Recent public opinion polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans support at least re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba. President Obama has relaxed some of the harsh travel restrictions against Cuba and shown signs of favoring the normalization of relations there as well. Cuba, too, has shown a willingness to change, highlighted by its recent legalization of the private sale of real estate. It is time for the embargo to end. 50 years late is better than never. SCOTT STERN is a freshman in Branford College. His column runs on alternate Fridays. Contact him at .




round this time last year, I went to my first naked party. In many ways, the experience was exactly what I had expected. There was an upstairs bedroom where partygoers had discarded their clothes. There were various other nooks and crannies where paranoid guests — namely, my friends and me — who thought their garments were going to get stolen had discarded their clothes. And then there was a dark basement full of people wearing no clothes. A fellow YDN editor: Check. That kid from English 120 freshman year: Check. A number of my senior friends: Wait — what were they doing there? The group of seniors stuck out from the bare-skinned masses. They moved with an awkward caution, the same kind with which I tiptoed around, the kind that screamed, “I’m a newbie nudie.” Their pupils darted downward enough to indicate that they’d heard about the no peeking rule but, just couldn’t help themselves. They came late. They left early. But they were there. Many were there because they knew there wouldn’t be many more options for them to be there. As they went off to their cubicles, dropping trow wouldn’t be normal, cool or remotely within the boundaries of their Excel-


WRITE TO US All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission.

The focus should be on Ward 22 I was pleased to see the News cover the cochair races for the Democratic Town Committee of New Haven (“Ward 1 co-chair candidates run unopposed,” Feb. 9). However, I was disappointed that the News did not give equal coverage to Ward 22. I should disclose that I, along with Jayuan Carter, a lab assistant at the School of Medicine, am running for the co-chair of the Ward 22 Democratic Committee. But I write today not to focus on our race but to inform the Yale community about this unique intersection of town-gown relations. Ward 22 is evenly split between Yale and the Dixwell neighborhood of New Haven, with more than 1,000 undergraduates from the four colleges of Morse, Stiles, Timothy Dwight, and Silliman. Ward 1 is nearly 100 percent Yale University. Ward 22, therefore, better represents the true ecosystem of this city at a time when Yale is very focused on its role in fostering positive economic and social change. It is no coincidence that Ward 1 Alderwoman Sarah Eidelson ’12 and Ward 22

Alderwoman Jeanette Morrison both campaigned and won on the message of trying to bring students and residents of this city closer together. In Ward 22, there is real opportunity for conversation and action. Whether it is opposing violence, improving education, promoting public health, or creating jobs, Yale students have a vital role to play. Real partnership happens best where there is diverse and fair representation. The frontier of Yale-New Haven politics is not taking place in Ward 1. That political laboratory is in Ward 22. JOSEF GOODMAN FEB. 9 The writer is a sophomore in Morse College and a candidate for the Ward 22 Democratic Committee.

Putting pressure on Iran During her visit last Monday, Christiane Amanpour spent a good deal of time discussing Iran and advocating a stronger, more committed policy of engagement toward Iran, specifically something greater than the Obama administration has tried. Though this issue was touched upon by the News (“Journalist asks for U.S. foreign policy change,” Feb. 7), I would like to elaborate on it. As an Iranian American, I was rather concerned by Amanpour’s rhetoric. I asked her, “Wouldn’t engaging the Iranian regime strengthen the oppression of 70 million people [in Iran]?” Her response was upsetting. She justified her stance equating oppression with the economic impact caused by western sanctions on the Iranian people, arguing that they “oppress” people by preventing them from finding jobs or prospering — a talking




WOODY ALLEN “I don’t know the question, but sex is definitely the answer.”




No right answers

More sex walk, less sex talk


’ve never seriously dated anyone at Yale. As I near my 21st birthday, I realize I possibly never will. Yet my own acceptance of this — based mostly on the patterns I’ve become familiar with as an upperclassman — does not preclude a sense of curiosity for the distinctive way men and women interact on this campus. I’ve enjoyed reading the recent articles written by Yalies expressing discontent at the current social and sexual climate. In the course of my time here I’ve developed a rather acute interest in all things related to relationships. It’s a bit of a hobby of mine, and when it was particularly strong a few months ago, I managed to get through a decent amount of popular literature on the subject. I read “The Rules” by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, an ineloquent guidebook to winning “the man of [your] dreams” with crude, numbered commandments like, “Don’t Talk to a Man First (and Don’t Ask Him to Dance)” or “Don’t Accept a Saturday Night Date after Wednesday.” Needless to say, it was a terrible book. “Why Men Love B------” by Sherry Argov was, surprisingly enough, a bit less severe, but it sang a similar song. I explored in other directions as well, reading tasteless works like Neil Strauss’ “The Game” and scouring blogs for men on “tips for dealing with” (read: ways to confuse, perturb or lead astray) women. Why, given the recently asserted populations of nicelooking, not evil, socially adjusted, straight single men and women, do so many of us feel like we are floundering in the wake of some tragically insurmountable reality?

We all have friends back home who are living the kind of romantically or sexually fulfilling college experience we occasionally dream of. Some of us even have long-distance if-onlys (if only s/ he went to Yale! Why can’t I find anyone like him/her at Yale?). It’s not clear to me why my friends at Stanford or any of the UCs seem to be so much better adapted. Or why a decent number of my friends here have decided to opt out of the Yale dating sphere in favor of easier, less threatening online relationships with people half a world away. In attempting to answer all of these questions, I tried turning to the books. Hilariously, it took me awhile to notice the glaringly perfect caricature I was quickly becoming. Turning to the books to learn about love? How incredibly Yale.

point of the Iranian regime. She then compared Iran with Cuba, claiming that isolating Iran, like isolating Cuba, would not lead to any positive change. That comparison was disingenuous and rather surprising coming from Amanpour. I’m sure she knows well that Iran cannot be compared with Cuba without a very significant stretch of the imagination. Western principles of freedom and liberty are fundamental to the Iranian people. Indeed, it is what drove them to overthrow the Shah. Iran also has a very young, educated demography that has repeatedly and inspirationally shown its willingness to fight oppression in the face of imprisonment, torture and execution. To accept the repercussions of engagement with Iran, as Amanpour did, is frankly insulting to the millions of Iranians who have selflessly put their lives on the line to fight the regime and bring freedom for their people.

Let grad students access all of Yale

YALIES TEND TO OVERTHINK SEX AND LOVE The point I’m going to make next is not original, and I’m positive it comes up in the myriad conversations had over Wenzels every weekend as frustrated boys and girls wax philosophical about their failed romantic ventures. Nevertheless, I think there’s some merit it getting it down on paper. Regardless of how we each got here, we came to Yale because we are particularly good at thinking. When you have to think long and hard about something in order to do it, it means it does not come to you as a natural talent. Look at the frequent media coverage

Why does Yale Dining hate me? Perhaps this is grandiose, but this is the question every graduate student who fell into the plight of a dining plan stews on every week. The graduate student body does not have access to those golden palaces in which the undergraduate students dwell, even when the dining hall in the Hall of Graduate Studies was not open over our past weekend. But the question of dining access is only a smaller part of the administration’s idea of a graduate student. Even being a first year and grasping at what it means to be here and on the road to academia, I know what I think of myself and my fellows; we, being drawn by the caliber of work, sought out this institution to participate in excellence. We are creating and perpetuat-

of Yalies’ sex lives, the fact we annually host a Sex Week (and now a True Love Week,) the culture we’re thrust into as unsuspecting freshmen (where we’re expected to set near strangers up on blind dates in some contemporary take on courtship) and the (occasionally naked) parties we host named after the Modern Love column in The New York Times. We, both collectively and individually, are not socially adjusted. The truth of the matter is the enigma that is love, sex and all their accoutrements seems to paralyze us when the opportunity arises to make a connection and obtain something like normal happiness. The idea of a strategy or science to finding love — or even just physical satisfaction — is appealing to people who are as introspective as me, but, ultimately, there’s no simple solution. It’s as tempting to blame the other sex as it is to blame ourselves, just as it’s tempting to idealize communities and people with whom we have no physical contact. (Ever had a dining hall run-in with your high school ex? Didn’t think so.) But what we should all try to remember is the fact that “Yalie” is really synonymous with “awkward,” that regardless of gender, we are all people with feelings, that despite our best intentions, our plans and our hopes, we have to learn not to expect the screw date to work out or the flirting to turn into something more. And then, finally, we have to stop thinking about it. ALEX LIN is a junior in Pierson College. Contact her at .

ing the ideal of Yale through our work. We are the very foundation on which Yale builds its future. Why are we then treated like a menace to be kept from the undergraduates? We have already walked their path and have insights that might be useful. Yes, there are programs that call for graduate mentors, but they are sterilized interactions. The gated community creates the gated community mind. The psychology of separation soon follows and limitations result in second class formation; us and them. Are we grad students a part of Yale or not? JAMES GUTIERREZ FEB. 5 The writer is a graduate student in the environmental engineering program.


ale men” do not exist. Men at Yale are queer and straight, short and tall, foreign and domestic, loud and quiet. As such, there is no way to describe the full populace of the Yale male, straight or otherwise, and such generalizations are unbecoming of those who make them. David Lilienfeld (“Stuck in the frosh pit,” Feb. 2), who has made many such references, commits a bit of hypocrisy, though certainly not the first in the recent media storm on sexual culture. Lilienfeld claims Maria Yagoda (“Just say no (to awful sex),” Jan. 20) has both unfairly condemned the worth and sexual prowess of Yale men and failed to inspect this set carefully enough, and then he proposes that Yale men are in fact “bright, well-adjusted, liked young men.” But two sweeping generalizations do not make it right. Yagoda has generalized to the point of no return, Lilienfeld has aggrandized to the point of no return, and Yale’s sexual culture is on the brink of defining itself into the ground. Why can’t we each define ourselves? Why does the huge specter of Yale’s hookup culture overshadow the infamous Pierson College couple in the throes of passion, the subject of much criticism on the Rumpus blog? Why is it the job of one sexually frustrated freshman to inform Yale’s females that their male counterparts are imminently datable? We’ll believe it — on a case-by-case basis — when we see it. And many of us have seen it, often silently, and even perhaps in men like Lilienfeld. Many of my straight female friends have found fulfillment in hookups and relationships at Yale. Those who remain single today — including me — ought to recognize that the problems stem from within as much as they do from others. We must fix ourselves before we try to fix Yale men, Yale women or some supposed sexual culture, which could not possibly be uniform among over 5,000 undergraduates. The generous availability of free therapy

Super Implications The philosophical implications of the Super Bowl’s outcomes have gone nearly unexamined. No such discussion may begin at any other place than the entertaining display of utter ignorance of the ethos of sportsmanship displayed by the wife of the most prominent sportsman entering the game last Sunday. So many questions are raised by Giselle Bundchen’s blaming the Patriot receivers for not catching the relatively errant passes thrown by her husband Tom Brady, but they all narrow down to one. The essential question is how can the wife of a great quarterback not know that one never blames the receivers, even when and especially when they may have been at fault? The answer to this question is simple: privilege. One would have to be purposefully unmindful not to

at Yale Health seems like one great starting point for the self-betterment or sex-betterment quest. Therapy is an opportunity for us to reflect on what we want, how we aim to achieve it and how we feel along the way. Anyone who’s been to Toad’s in the last five years has felt the emotional weight of collective neuroses inside; many of those drinking at the bar are drowning their insecurities, and many of those snatching at random dance partners are anxiously seeking validation. Nobody goes to Toad’s with the sincere intent of finding a long-term partner. We go to Toad’s to remind ourselves that we’ve still got it, to see and to be seen, to have a good time, which is never really so simple. Lilienfeld, I implore you to stop approaching Yale women and their “complaints about the lack of quality men at Yale” as the problem. Speaking only for myself, I counter that the problem is in fact the lack of quality interactions with men at Yale. Asking a girl out to lunch, rather than grinding on her at Toad’s, might be a step in the right direction if it’s hand-holding you’re after. As for a casual hookup, which is not at all an undignified thing to want, grind away. And if some careful reflection does not afford enough answers, perhaps a hefty swig of the truth (and I don’t mean Dubra) will: sometimes, the attraction is just not there. We all have a few men and women in our friend zone who we realize would make the perfect partner; they are charming, supportive, intelligent and yes, even “not-evil.” Sexual and emotional chemistry are nothing like real chemistry, where the right quantity of the right ingredients produces a desired result. Attraction is indescribable. Perhaps if we spent less time trying to describe it and more time actively seeking it, going for a desired result while accepting that rejection is the worst of our first world problems, we might actually contribute to healthier attitudes towards sex at Yale. ALISON GREENBERG is a sophomore in Branford College and a former staff reporter at the News. Contact her at .

notice that there is something about the Patriots that is somewhat clubby, at least by NFL standards. It is difficult to charge a lack of openness within the roster of any NFL team, but New England seems to have players who are excellent in their own regard, but whose postions on other teams are held by larger, faster, more athletically talented men. The implication is that the Patriots choose a player by something other than his athletic talent. This is not of itself wrong, but these implications are magnified by a head coach for whom a press conference consists of mumbling a few condescending nothings, enforcing the notion that this is one club that is closed to outsiders. We all hope that the available position will always be awarded to the most talented candidate. We hope that we are spared from the attacks of those who feel privileged to be above the common considerations of working

together amicably. But mostly, we all hope that winning by closed and unfair means confers upon the victors some kind of a weakness that will affect them deleteriously when they do have to compete on a level playing field. We hope that privilege has its downsides as well as its advantages. Watching Eli Manning humbly deflect all praise to his New York Giant teammates, who boisterously celebrated their victory without any talk of dynasty or destiny, showed us all the way in which America is still what she started out to be. It also shows to those of us of Yale, how our privileges also impose a duty, one which we might ignore at our own peril. GERALD W. WEAVER II FEB. 5 The writer is a 1977 graduate of Saybrook College.




“Never to lie is to have no lock on your door, you are never wholly alone.” ELIZABETH BOWEN IRISH NOVELIST


Yale Law School Is participation in the program limited to certain career paths?

Harvard Law School

Stanford Law School

Columbia Law School

University of Chicago Law School





Not limited

How late can alumni enter the program?

10 years from graduation

No restrictions

5 years from graduation

7 years from graduation

10 years from graduation

Until when can alumni stay in the program?

10 years from entry into the program

No restrictions

10 years from graduation

10 years from graduation

10 years from graduation

eligible to participate, in COAP. Romy Ganschow LAW ’12, who said she plans to work in public service next year and participate in COAP, said she was glad the new policies would not affect her. Ganschow said she has heard of other law schools that apply changes to loan forgiveness programs to current students and alumni. Dickman said COAP’s spending has increased by roughly 5 to 9 percent annually as more alumni enrolled in the program and the value of loan repayments grew as well. But the growth in COAP spending was outpacing growth in Law School revenue, which is based on tuition dollars, donations and endowment income. In the long term, Dickman said COAP expenditures would form a “larger and larger” portion of the Law School’s budget, which he said would make it more difficult to sustain other programs. Spending on COAP currently constitutes 3.5 percent of the Law School’s annual budget, at $3.5 million per year. The money comes from the Law School’s $961 million endowment — which allocates several hundred thousand dollars to the

program — as well as general Law School funds. Asha Rangappa LAW ’00, Law School associate dean of admissions and financial aid, said she does not expect the new policies to affect this year’s admissions yield. While the changes make the program less generous, she said it still remains high among loan forgiveness programs at law schools nationwide and does not place restrictions on students’ career choices. Still, Rangappa said the new, bracketed approach was more difficult to explain to prospective students. “It’s harder to make an elevator pitch,” she said. Five s t u d e n ts re ce n t ly admitted to Yale Law said the loan forgiveness program’s policy change would not impact their decisions of where to matriculate. Nicole Fearahn, a recent admit, said in a Tuesday email that, for her, the changes to COAP’s offerings do not outweigh many other points in Yale’s favor. Students have 10 years after graduation to begin participating in COAP. Contact DANIEL SISGOREO at .




Old policy New policy

15K 10K 5K 0 50K






Adjusted Income YDN

A new loan forgiveness policy at the Law School requires graduates to repay differing amounts of their student loans based on set income brackets.

Lock installations slowed by costs, regulations LOCKS FROM PAGE 1 from the social experience of living in a suite, but a series of thefts that fall prompted them to change their stance. When the project was approved in 2008, Meeske said the initiative could cost around $1 million in total and involve almost 2,000 doors. The first room locks were installed in Berkeley College, Silli-

man College and Arnold Hall during the summer of 2009. Munck said that the initiative has been “phased in over several years” to spread out the financial burden. Yale also “built in” the costs of room locks into the budgets for the more recent residential college renovations, she said. As the project has progressed, administrators have also said complications with funding and

fire codes delayed the installations. Officials from Yale Facilities did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Computers and other electronic devices were stolen from the Davenport library, computer cluster and buttery this fall, which several students interviewed said made the need for bedroom locks more apparent.

“I can choose to be reckless and leave my door unlocked, but locking my door should be an option,” said Connor Kenaston ’14. “The University should do a better job providing students with the ability to secure their belongings.” Alexandra Abarca ’13, who said her iPhone was stolen from the Davenport dining hall, said the theft made her “lose a lot of the sense of community that residen-

tial colleges work so hard to create.” Sophia Chen ’13 added that after the thefts, she and her suite mates are much more cautious when deciding whether or not to prop open the door to their suite. Eighty-six percent of Yale undergraduates live in University housing. Contact SOPHIE GOULD at .






YUAG unites music, architecture

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 12:00 PM “Autism, Aspergers, and a New Clinical Definition: A Discussion with Dr. James McPartland.” McPartland, assistant professor and associate director of the Developmental Electrophysiology Laboratory at the Yale Child Study Center, will speak to the Public Health Coalition over lunch. Branford College (74 High St.), small dining room. 12:30 PM NROTC Information Session. The session is for current frehsmen interested in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Crops unit at Yale, which will be up and running next fall. Topics will include the mission of the NROTC program, scholarship and nonscholarship opportunities, summer training and more. LinslyChittenden Hall. (63 High St.), Room 210.

NHPD launches shootings task force BY JAMES LU STAFF REPORTER The New Haven Police Department will form a new shootings task force aimed at investigating and cracking down on shootings in the Elm City. With the help of two inspectors from the State’s Attorney’s Office, the new squad will set up shop on the third floor of the NHPD’s Union Avenue headquarters, where they will revisit unsolved non fatal shootings and work toward prosecuting offenders. The new unit, modeled on a similar squad formed last July in the Hartford Police Department, is the NHPD’s response to the unsettling number of unsolved shootings last year. “There were 133 shootings last year, but that’s not the shocking number,” said Mayor John DeStefano Jr. in the State of the City address he delivered Monday night. “The shocking number is that only 27 were solved.” Led by Michael Sullivan, a former New Britain police officer, and Joe Howard, a former NHPD officer, the new unit will have seven or eight members, with some additional officers assigned on a temporary basis, NHPD Chief Dean Esserman said. NHPD spokesman David Hartman said the members of the new team have not yet been selected. In addition to NHPD officers, the task force will include representatives from the stateBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Department of Correction. Kevin Doyle, a prosecutor from the New Haven State’s Attorney’s Office, will prosecute shooting cases handled by the unit.

The new task force is modeled on the Hartford Police Department’s “Shooting Team,” whichbegan operation last July and made 42 felony weapon-related arrests in its first three months. “The work of the Hartford Shooting Team has been nothing less than exemplary,” Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra said in an Aug. 31 press release announcing eight arrests. “Investigations spanning cold cases, shootings and possession of illegal firearms possession are being closed by arrest and sent to the State’s Attorney for prosecution, clearly sending the message that those who choose to act violently will be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” The new unit will will help combat recidivism, since many shooting perpetrators are not first-time offenders and are likely to commit repeat offenses if not caught, Sullivan told the New Haven Register on Feb. 1. The new shootings unit will focus on the “small nucleus” of offenders and work with prosecutors to “keep them locked up,” he added. DeStefano and other city officials repeatedly stressed last year that around 70 percent of New Haven’s crime comes from either the narcotics trade or the prison re-entry population, highlighting the need to target potential repeat offenders. The NHPD’s Major Crimes Unit — which formerly handled the shooting cases that the new task force will take on — will continue investigating homicides and other particularly serious crimes, said Hartman. Contact JAMES LU at .


A concert Thursday night featured student-composed pieces intended to reflect the architecture of the Art Gallery. BY JORDAN KONELL STAFF REPORTER Last night, Yale’s art, music and architecture scenes merged in a single concert performed in the foyer of the Yale University Art Gallery. IGIGI, a student organization devoted to supporting budding composers on campus, held its second concert of the year, “Compositions Inspired by Kahn,” Thursday night before about 80 students and faculty members. The composers’ task was anything but simple: to compose pieces that reflected the architecture of the Art Gallery, renowned architect and former Yale professor Louis Kahn’s first commissioned work and a modernist masterpiece. The performance was part of “Gallery+,” the Art Gallery’s ongoing series of collaborations with campus organizations that invites students to respond to the gallery’s collection through special programs and performances. Eight undergraduate composers wrote pieces in a variety styles — from jazz to punk to classical — to convey their interpretation of the build-

ing’s design. “We saw a great variety of pieces,” said Gabriel Zucker ’12, a co-president of IGIGI. Zucker, whose piece “Battle of Egypt” opened the program, added that the foyer’s walls and the Judith Shea sculptures that stand in the gallery’s entrance window served as his primary inspiration. Zucker said he adapted “Battle of Egypt” from a previously written jazz piece to mirror the contrasts and transparency of the Kahn building.

We wanted students to respond to space and how it can form the experience of a room. ELIZABETH MANEKIN Museum educator, Yale University Art Gallery Elizabeth Manekin, a museum educator at the Art Gallery, said that while IGIGI collaborated with the gallery last year on a concert of music

inspired by specific paintings, she said she thought that it would be fitting for the composers to reflect on Kahn’s groundbreaking design before the Art Gallery’s renovation is finished next month. “The building is so interesting architecturally that [this project] seemed perfect,” Manekin said. “We wanted students to respond to space and how it can form the experience of a room.” In translating the building’s architecture and abstract features into their pieces, composers said they focused on Kahn’s tetrahedral ceiling, its angular central stairwell and the contrast of the modernist Kahn building to Yale’s neo-Gothic architecture. Benjamin Peterson ’15, who composed “A Brief Comment on the Art Gallery,” said that while he found translating architecture to music challenging, it was a worthwhile process. While composing, Peterson said he was particularly inspired by the layout of the gallery’s windows and how they let in light. Rather than using a variety of instruments as in previous

IGIGI performances at the gallery, Zucker said the composers of IGIGI decided to write all of their compositions for the cello because of its resonant sound. Clair Solomon ’14, a cellist in the Yale Symphony Orchestra, said she enjoyed practicing and performing the pieces, although she admitted that some were so technical and intricate that she had to make changes. She added that while playing in front of the composers was particularly stressful, performing in the venue that inspired the music was an impacting experience. Laura Indick ’13, a collections and education assistant at the Art Gallery, said that while she is not a musician, the music added a new view on the Kahn’s design. “It was cool to see the music take in the building and interpret it in another way,” Indick said. “It was great to see the architecture from a new perspective.” IGIGI will hold its next performance, an annual music marathon concert, in April. Contact JORDAN KONELL at .

New Haven lauds growth of tax base BY BEN PRAWDZIK STAFF REPORTER


Mayor John DeStefano Jr. attended a ribbon cutting for Ivy Bistroy, a new restaurant in Science Park. New commercial and residential development have contributed to a 16.7 percent increase in the city’s tax base.

New Haven’s grand list, the total assessed value of all taxable property in the city, grew by over $860 million this year — a 16.7 percent increase over last year and an improvement over last year’s three percent growth. According to Mayor John Destefano Jr.’s office, a large part of the change in total property value is due to property revaluation. Approximately 2.7 percent of the grand list’s growth, or $139 million, is attributable to net new growth of taxable property and assets, which DeStefano said is an indicator of improved economic conditions in the Elm City. “Last year, New Haven experienced the strongest grand list growth in the state,” DeStefano said in a press release. “New Haven continued to experience strong growth again this year, yet another indicator that the city’s economic development initiatives are succeeding.” The grand list is broken down into three classes of taxable assets: real property including buildings and land, personal property such as equipment, and motor vehicles. Real property values are reassessed at periodic intervals through a process called revaluation. City Hall spokeswoman Elizabeth Benton ’04 said the city follows grand list increases closely since it is equivalent to growth in city tax revenue. If the grand list value rises, Benton said, there is more taxable property value in the city, and city revenue can be increased through property revaluation without increasing tax rates. “We have been able to grow the grand list for several years, and that’s why we’ve been able to keep tax rates stable,” she said. Of the 20,855 residential properties in New Haven, 46 percent, approximately $722 mil-

lion, increased in value in the latest revaluation. New Haven last conducted property revaluation in 2006, at the peak of the nationwide bubble in housing prices, but stopped short of implementing the revalued prices when the bubble burst shortly thereafter.

Last year, New Haven experienced the strongest grand list growth in the state. JOHN DESTEFANO JR. Mayor, New Haven The $139 million in grand list growth not attributable to property revaluation is due largely to two power plant upgrade projects that came online last year, Benton said. She added that this new growth would generate over $6 million in increased tax revenue using 2010 rates. “[The new investment] shows confidence — people don’t invest if they don’t have confidence in the area,” said Anne Haynes, CEO of the Economic Development Corporation of New Haven. “Utilities invest in new equipment when they think there is going to be new electricity needs, so there is an indication for future economic vibrancy in New Haven.” Benton said that the 2.7 percent in new grand list growth is “substantial,” and is one of the greatest increases in the state. The top five highest taxpayers for the 2011 Grand list are the United Illuminating Company, Winstanley Corporation, the Fusco Corporation, Yale and PSEG New Haven. Contact BEN PRAWDZIK at .




“But Connecticut and Rhode Island have originally realized the most perfect polity as to a legislature.” EZRA STILES FORMER PRESIDENT OF YALE COLLEGE

Malloy address sets stage for legislative session HARTFORD FROM PAGE 1 ing school districts such as New Haven. He also proposed expanding access to early childhood education and reforming the teacher tenure system to include an evaluation process currently under development by the state. Echoing DeStefano, Looney connected education reform with economic revival, since the majority of the jobs that will be created in the state’s “new economy” are ones that require more advanced skills and educational attainment, he said. Malloy’s proposals come amid a backdrop of budget woes, despite having enacted the largest mix of spending cuts and tax increases in the state’s history last year. Two weeks ago, the state legislature’s Office of Fiscal Analysis revised the state’s projected $100 million budget surplus into a deficit of over $140 million, and the ratings agency Moody’s downgraded Connecticut’s bond rating, citing an unbalanced budget and the state’s lack of a “rainy day fund” in case of emergency. In his budget address, Malloy pledged that when the fiscal year ends on June 30, the state will not have a budget deficit. “Yes, we will have to cut some spending and forgo some things we wanted to do over the course of the next few months, but make no mistake about it: we will end this year in the black,” Malloy said. Despite the currently projected deficit, Looney said the state’s finances are in a “much better place” than they were last year, when the state grappled with a $3.5 billion deficit. Among the other issues Looney said the legislature will bring up this session is permitting red-light cameras, which Looney said would protect pedestrians and free up local police departments from traffic deployment, and allowing Sunday liquor sales within the state, which proponents say would prevent residents from traveling to nearby states to purchase liquor. Loo-

ney also said he would consider bringing death penalty repeal to a vote in the Senate if he could get enough senators to support a repeal bill, which Malloy has pledged to sign. Other bills likely to see debate in the General Assembly include a voting reform package — which includes a bill permitting same-day voter registration — changes to the minimum wage, which state Rep. Roland Lemar of New Haven said would provide an economic boost of its own, and a bill legalizing medical marijuana, which Looney said has support from Malloy andlegislators. The challenge, Looney said, will be to address this many issues in a “short” threemonth legislative session. “It’s a short session,” Looney said. “There’s an awful lot to do in three months.” The state legislature will be in session until May 9. Contact NICK DEFIESTA at .


Expand early childhood education, increase funding for low-achieving school districts, reform teacher tenure. CHANGES TO STATE PENSIONS

Increase state pension funding by $125 this year to approach 100 percent of pension funding by 2032. BALANCED BUDGET

Despite a $145 budget deficit, Malloy promised “we will end this year in the black.”


In his State of the State address at the State Capitol in Hartford Wedneday, Gov. Malloy proposed new investments in education and outlined his plan to balance the state’s troubled budget by the end of the fiscal year on June 30.

Fraternity deterred by Yale’s Greek system ALPHA SIG FROM PAGE 1


An Alpha Sig official said Greek life at Yale is more independent from the administration than at other schools.

recommended in its November report that the University create “leadership councils” to encourage discussion and collaboration among different fraternities, and administrators met with Greek life leaders last semester to discuss the possibility of forming such an organization. Fraternity leaders interviewed in November were resistant to the idea, which they felt would give administrators too much oversight of their organizations, the majority of which are not registered with the Yale College Dean’s Office. But if Alpha Sig were to come to campus, the chapter would consider becoming a registered undergraduate organization, said Scott Eisner ’14, one of its three potential founding members. Eisner said he and the two other students interested in founding a chapter, Christopher Zeng ’14 and Nicholas Ribovich ’14, are hoping to recruit another 10 to 15 students before formally reaching out to administrators. He added that he hopes additional student support will give the initiative

more “leverage” in discussions with University officials. “Right now, we need to find people who want to [help start a chapter], who are willing to do it, who will be good fits so we have something to take to the administration,” Eisner said.

We haven’t closed the door at Yale and don’t think we ever really will. GEOFF MCDONALD Chapter and Colony Development Coordinator, Alpha Sigma Phi McDonald said he found Yale’s Greek system to be more independent from the administration than is typical. He said the few administrators he approached about possibly creating an Alpha Sig chapter were open to the idea, but did not actively take steps to support it. Administrators at other universities have tended to be more engaged in fraternity processes, he added. “With Yale, it wasn’t neces-

sarily a ‘We don’t want to help,’ but a ‘We don’t really have the resources to help,’” McDonald said. Dean of Student Affairs Marichal Gentry said in a January interview that the Dean’s Office would be “receptive” to new campus organizations if students expressed interest. But so far, student interest at Yale has been limited. McDonald said the average founding class of a chapter usually consists of 20 to 30 students, adding that he recruited 56 founding members at the University of Arizona. “The Yale class is definitely smaller than what we would’ve liked or would have anticipated,” he said. “But we have to keep reminding ourselves that [Alpha Sig] started at three members originally. Maybe that’s the magic number at Yale.” Alpha Sig was founded at Yale 167 years ago as a sophomore literary society. Contact CAROLINE TAN at .

Our staffers don’t look like this anymore.

r e c y c l e yourydndaily





“I’m afraid if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all its meaning.” ANDY WARHOL LEADING FIGURE OF THE POP ART MOVEMENT

Talk focuses on sex traffic BY LIZ RODRIGUEZ-FLORIDO STAFF REPORTER Lamont Hiebert, an advocate against sex trafficking, told students Thursday evening that child slavery and sex trafficking occurs not only in Africa but also in Connecticut.

SEX WEEK Hiebert, co-founder of Love146, a nonprofit that seeks to prevent sex trafficking and child slavery, led a presentation in William L. Harkness Hall for seven students about his organization’s work in a Sex Week 2012 event. He said educating the general public about trafficking is essential in the fight to eradicate it. “We need to change the mindset that slavery is not abolished,” he said, adding that there are an estimated 27 million victims of domestic servitude or commercial sex throughout the world. In America, he said, some victims of trafficking have been transported from Haiti to Connecticut, or from Asia to New York. Two children are sold into human trafficking every minute, Hiebert said, often after being threatened or misled with fictitious job offers. The Central Intelligence Agency expects the monetary gains from human trafficking to surpass the profits made from drug and arms cartels in the next 10 years, he added. Hiebert said gender and race discrimination often inhibits awareness and policing of sexual trafficking. “We live in a culture of exploitation,” he said. “If you can rescue a child, that is amazing, but if you can prevent an occurrence, that is even better.” The efforts of Hiebert’s organization, Love146, have included education programs about sex trafficking and violence for high school students in Connecticut, the launching of a magazine in Eastern Europe that addresses sex trafficking and the construction of wells in Africa to ensure children do not have to travel far from home for subsistence, risking abduction by traffickers. Once abducted, escaping is often incredibly difficult for victims, he said, though Love146 has seen many instances when

victims has been rescued. He added that many trafficking cartels “break in” young women with pornography before introducing them into forced prostitution. “The problem with going to a sex show or buying sex — including porn — [is that] it’s impossible to tell who’s a victim or who’s there on their own,” he said. Paul Holmes ’13, co-director of Sex Week, said Hiebert was invited to speak because “ultimately you need to show the stakes of not talking about sex.” The talk ran 30 minutes past its scheduled end time, as audience members discussed with Hiebert their thoughts and questions about the sex trafficking culture. Catherine Osborn ’12, who attended the event, said she found it helpful to hear about ways to address sex trafficking, adding that distinguishing between prostitution and trafficking can at times be difficult. Founded in 2002, Love146 is headquartered in Connecticut and has bases throughout the Middle East, East Asia and Eastern Europe. Contact LIZ RODRIGUEZ-FLORIDO at .

SEX TRAFFICKING Each year, $32 billion in profits are made from human trafficking. Trafficking is currently the secondmost profitable crime in the world. Of the female victims trafficked, the majority are forced into prostitution. In America, over 100,000 children annually are forced into the commercial sex industry. Each year, between 14,500 and 17,500 men, women and children are trafficked into the United States.

Exhibit targets daily evolution


ArtSpace, an Orange Street gallery, is showcasing the evolution of certain artworks over time. BY ROBERT PECK STAFF REPORTER A local art gallery is examining the creative process with an exhibit documenting the daily additions artists make to their projects over the course of weeks or months — and, in some cases, over an artist’s entire life. “Our Daily Rite,” which opened Thursday at the Orange Street gallery ArtSpace, will show the ritual of daily art making until March 24. The show features ongoing projects by local and international artists that will grow even while on display, said ArtSpace Executive Director Helen Kauder, as well as finalized pieces paired with text explaining the steps the artist took to arrive at the work’s conclusion. Conceived and curated by Meredith Miller ART ’03, a photographer at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the exhibit’s works cover a wide range of media, from daily video and photo installments to developing newspaper collages and a complete wax sculpture assembled piece-by-piece over the course of years. Miller said her inspiration for the project came from watching friends log daily art projects online. “I think it was through Facebook,” Miller said. “A friend started doing a drawing a day three years ago, and she inspired other friends to work [with her] on that project.” Miller proposed “Our Daily Rite” to ArtSpace about a year and a half ago, but she said the gallery’s busy schedule could not accommodate the show until now. During the intervening time, Miller said she contacted artists to participate — a total of 12 men and women that Miller found through the Yale

School of Art, recommendations by colleagues and, in one case, an Internet search. That artist was wax sculptor Jamie Davis, who has represented her entire life in her art. Davis’ long-term project on view serves as a sculptural autobiography. A string of wax paper discs functions as a stacked timeline of all 11,741 days of her life. Davis dyed the discs in varying shades of gray to delineate emotional periods of her life in which she was fighting loss or illness. While Davis’ piece is complete, other works will continue to grow during their time at ArtSpace. Local artist Rob Rocke will be taking one iPhone photo every day capturing aspects of his daily life, Miller said. She added that Rocke’s project has been an on-again-offagain effort since 2010. German sketch artist Pia Linz gained an intimate relationship with her work by working from inside it. Miller said she invited Linz to participate after the two met last year while Linz was sketching in Central Park. Every day for a month, Linz climbed inside a Plexiglas polyhedron, Kauder said, drawing intricate designs on the interior depicting the scenes she could see from within it. When viewed from the outside, the piece gives the viewer a mirror image of what the artist could see from within the art itself. In addition to “Our Daily Rite,” ArtSpace is currently home to a display of recent work by Ithaca, N.Y.-based artist Chris Oliver. An opening reception for both shows will be held tomorrow, Sat. Feb. 11. Contact ROBERT PECK at .

Independent disables comments BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER The New Haven Independent’s move to disable commenting on its articles has sparked debate throughout the Elm City. On Tuesday, Paul Bass ’82, editor of the New Haven Independent, a daily New Haven news website, posted an article on the site explaining that comments would no longer be featured alongside stories, citing a recent uptick in accusatory, factually incorrect and harsh comments that detracted from the public discourse. Independent readers and community members offered different opinions on whether the decision was warranted and what impact it may have on political discussions in the city. “Until recently, the comments were the best part of our site — they were diverse, edgy, fun and passionate,” Bass said. “[Over the] last few months, they became a sewer despite our best efforts.” Until Tuesday, the Independent’s nine-person staff screened each comment before it was posted, monitoring the posts for profanity or false accusations. But in recent months, Bass said though the comments he allowed to be posted technically fell within these guidelines, their spirit was nevertheless nasty, lending an antagonistic air to the conversation beneath each article. Bass added that an surge in the volume of comments began to strain staff resources. Matthew DeRienzo, the Connecticut regional editor for the Journal Register Company, owner of the New Haven Register, said that the Register modeled its comment policy after that of the Independent this

November — pre-screening comments rather than deleting inappropriate remarks after they were posted. DeRienzo said comments are indispensable to an online news source because they serve as the main tool for communication between journalists and community members. “The community doesn’t know if you’ve received 50 phone calls when you’ve done something wrong, but they can know that you’ve received 50 comments,” DeRienzo said. “For you to do community journalism — or any journalism at all, really — and not allow readers to comment, to not provide feedback and question you, it is a transparency problem that hurts your credibility.”

Until recently, the comments [on the New Haven Independent] were the best part of our site — they were diverse, edgy, fun and passionate. Over the last few months, they became a sewer despite our best efforts. PAUL BASS ’82 Founder and editor, New Haven Independent The recent negativity in the Independent’s comments arose from several hot-button issues this fall, said Bass, including the contentious mayoral race, immigration and the East Haven raids. He said he did not

know why the site had never encountered problems under its original comment policy. Ben Crosby ’13, an occasional commenter on the Independent, said that the quality of comments has historically been high due to the site’s strict screening policy, paralleling the careful nature of the its reporting. “I hope the hiatus is a temporary one,” Crosby said. “Comments do provide an entirely virtual republic of letters insofar as people can come together — people from all across town who wouldn’t normally enter these sorts of discussions.” After receiving over 50 emails complaining about the change, the Independent’s staff is now deliberating over a new comment system, though Bass said he was not confident that comments would return. Yale spokesman Michael Morand ’87 DIV ’93 defended Bass’s decision to suspend comments on the Independent’s articles, saying that he trusted the editor to find a balance that would allow for both citizen participation and highquality journalism. “No one’s yet gotten this area figured out perfectly,” said Morand. “All we can hope is that the New Haven Independent makes it better, and that their new policy advances the conversation about engaged community journalism.” The New Haven Independent is owned by the Online Journalism Project, a non-profit organization that specializes in local reporting across Connecticut. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .





The amount of snow Dartmouth University received this week.

Due to the lack of snow, Dartmouth was forced to cancel several of its cold-weather Winter Carnival events.


Egypt study abroad program on hold BY ALISON SILVER SENIOR STAFF WRITER Students can now study abroad in the Middle East through a newly approved program at the University of Jordan in Amman. The creation of the program, coordinated through Middlebury College and launched in the fall, comes after a study abroad program in Alexandria, Egypt was placed on hold following last year’s outbreak of civilian protests against the government. Two Brown students were participating through the approved program in Egypt — also coordinated through Middlebury — when they were evacuated from Alexandria last January. Middlebury decided to postpone its Egypt program until further notice because “the situation is still too unstable in Egypt right now,” said Michael Geisler, Middlebury’s vice president for language schools, schools abroad and graduate programs. Amanda Labora ‘12.5 was one of the two Brown students evacuated from Egypt last January. Upon returning to Brown, Labora was in a “weird situation” because the study abroad program was over but second semester had already started. She decided to take a leave of absence because of her untimely return. Labora said her time in Egypt was not wholly positive or negative. Her experience was “very humbling,” she said, because she realized how little control she had over the events that transpired. “There’s a dogma at Brown that it’s always better to be somewhere else, but real effective change, like the radical societal change that happened in Egypt, can’t come from the outside,” she said. Her advice to students studying abroad is to take every opportunity and obstacle as

it comes, rather than t ry i n g to i m p o s e one’s own expectations on a given situaBROWN tion. Michael Dawkins ‘12 also did not immediately return to Brown after the evacuation. “When I got back, it was extremely difficult adjusting,” he said. “There was this sensation that anytime something could explode or go off, or everything could go into chaos.” He has not yet resumed studies at Brown and has been working in Louisiana for several months.

Real effective change, like the radical societal change that happened in Egypt, can’t come from the outside. AMANDA LABORA Student, Brown University “The transition was too difficult and too abrupt, and we weren’t really given a lot of time to process,” he said. Geisler said Middlebury is monitoring the situation in Egypt daily, watching the news and receiving country briefings from the U.S. State Department and Global Rescue, the provider that helped airlift students from Alexandria during their evacuation. Since last November, Egypt has been on the State Department’s travel alert list, a list that includes countries whose conditions pose significant shortterm risks to the security of American citizens, according to the Department’s website. “Anytime you send students to a foreign country, there is a certain risk involved, no mat-


Instability in Egypt has prolonged the suspension of Brown’s study abroad program in the country. ter how much due diligence you do,” Geisler said. Four years ago, Middlebury was considering implementing a program in Syria, but “we had information that made us hesitate,” he said. Prior to the protests that sprang up across the Middle East last year, Middlebury had already been looking to add an extra site in Jordan because the Egypt program was so successful, Geisler said. “Everybody is looking at this

with the understanding that the situation in Egypt is fluid,” said Kendall Brostuen, director of international programs and associate dean of the College. Uprisings continue to occur across the Middle East, particularly in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Yemen and Libya, said Melani Cammett, director of Brown’s Middle East studies program and associate professor of political science. Even in countries like Jordan, which are not men-

tioned as much in the headlines, political unrest is still an issue, she said. Jordan is less of a concern at the moment, Cammett said, due to its different government dynamics. Jordan has a monarchy in addition to multiple political parties, and its “monarchy has been very astute at managing politics,” she said. Protests are ongoing in Egypt, largely around the issue of the military’s current role in gov-

ernment. Cammett said the protests have been successful in terms of ousting former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and holding elections not rigged by the state. But many key features of the system have not yet changed, she said. Other universities are currently less restrictive in terms of current study abroad options. Boston University, for instance, currently offers programs in Lebanon and Syria.



Student vote may be cut

Lack of snow leads to event cancellations BY NOAH REICHBLUM STAFF WRITER


Ithaca’s Districting Commission is considering eliminating a largely student-populated district. BY MATTHEW ROSENSPIRE STAFF WRITER Low student voter turnout may lead to the elimination of a city district overwhelmingly populated by students if proposals discussed by Ithaca’s redistricting commission Wednesday are implemented. The plans are being reviewed by an independent commission of local residents, but concerns about student voting patterns were raised at the board’s first public meeting Wednesday. “Just look at the number of students who voted at Robert Purcell Union,” said John Hurt, former ward chair of the 5th Ward Democratic Committee. “And the representation on local committees is nill.” Nancy Schuler, a member of the city’s redistricting commission, echoed Hurt’s concerns. “Only 50 students voted [in the mayoral election] on West Campus


last year,” she said. “There’s a problem [with] using geographic features instead of neighborhoods to determine voting districts; the issues aren’t

always the same.” The city currently has five wards, none of which correlate with the five county legislative districts that fall only partially within the city’s borders. This division makes election procedures more complex, according to Elizabeth Cree, Republican commissioner of elections for the Tompkins County Board of Elections. To simplify elections in the future, Tom Frank, chair of the redistricting commission, outlined a plan to reconcile city wards with county districts so voters within each given ward would all vote in the same leg-

islative district. “The county legislature is proposing to put four legislative districts strictly within the city, so if the city adopts four wards, you solve the problem of overlapping districts at a high level,” Frank said. One plan proposed at the meeting would eliminate one of the city’s five wards and reduce membership on the Common Council by two. Another would eliminate the same ward and split the remaining four wards into eight, with one alderman elected from each. According to county legislator Kathy Luz Herrera, who attended Wednesday’s meeting, the suggested plans may perpetuate a trend of overlooking student voters. “When I first came here, I thought it was unfortunate that local politicos didn’t like spending time in student districts,” Herrera said. “That’s basically disenfranchising them.”

Due to a lack of snow and dangerous, icy conditions, the snow sculpture contest, Carni Classic and human dog sled race have been canceled for this weekend’s Winter Carnival, according to Winter Carnival Council co-chair Mandy Bowers. The Polar Bear Swim will still take place barring warm temperatures at night, which are unlikely based on current temperature forecasts. Occom Pond is evaluated on a daily basis and a final decision regarding the Polar Bear Swim will be announced Friday morning, Eric Ramsey, director of the Collis Center and advisor to the Winter Carnival Council, said in an email to The Dartmouth. The decision to cancel three Winter Carnival events was made on Wednesday afternoon following a meeting with members from leadership groups including Programming Board, the Collis Center, the Office of Alumni Relations, the Office of Residential Life, Safety and Security and the Office of Facilities, Operations and Management, according to Bowers. “We held out in making final decisions on hosting these events until the last possible moment,” Ramsey said. The lack of snow on the golf course made the cancellation of the Carni Classic, a three-kilometer ski race open to all members of the Dartmouth community, a “no-brainer,” Bowers said. The combination of ice and minimal snow on the Green created a dangerous environment for the human dog sled race and unfavorable conditions for the snow sculpture contest. “There was nothing we could really do,” Bowers said. Bowers said she thought about possible cancellations as early as December, when she received an email forecasting warm winter weather conditions. “The point that it became a reality was 10 days ago when we saw the 10-day forecast,” Bowers said.

In addition to the cancellation of the three events, cross-country ski races have been moved to Stowe, Vt. Molly ChoDARTMOUTH dakewitz, who planned to participate in the human dog sled race with residents on her floor, said she was disappointed by the cancellation. “It’s one of those fun things we could do together, and I was looking forward to it,” she said. Aditi Kirtikar, a member of the human dog sled race committee, said the group had already purchased prizes for the competition. Bowers said prizes that were meant for cancelled events will be awarded to winners of other carnival events, such as the gingerbread house building event, which corresponds to the Carnival’s “Candyland” theme. Students interviewed by The Dartmouth said the cancellation of the three popular events could attract students to those events that are less frequently attended. “It might let people see what else is going on at the Carnival,” Amanda Zieselman said. Stephanie Crocker, a Nordic skier, said she believes the cancellation will not have a large impact on overall student participation numbers, as only a small percentage of the student population actually competes in these events. “People enjoy Winter Carnival just for the break from class, to getting out, relaxing and hanging out with friends,” Crocker said. While students expressed disappointment upon hearing of the cancellations, most were not surprised. “It’s definitely too bad because the dog sled race and the sculptures are certainly a highlight of Winter Carnival, but at the same time we haven’t really had a winter, so it’s very understandable,” Chris Pullerits said.




TODAY’S FORECAST Increasing clouds, with a high near 46. Snow, mainly after 1am. Low around 32..



High of 38, low of 17.

High of 30, low of 13.


ON CAMPUS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 9:40 AM Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association New England Regional Conference. The theme of this full-day conference is “Doctor 2.0: Generation Y in Medicine,” designed to explore the ethical, social and cultural issues that Asian-Pacific doctors and patients face in this era. Free, but register at apamsanewenglandconference2012. Hope Memorial Building (315 Cedar St.). 11:00 AM World Micro-Market Valentine’s Day Sale. Stop by between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. to buy jewelry, chocolate, stuffed animals, purses, and more! World Micro-Market sells handicrafts from disadvantaged artisans in developing countries. Dwight Hall (67 High St.), chapel.


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 2:00 PM The Sonnet Dessert. An afternoon of sonnets, music and dessert, in which 154 actors, professors, administrators, staff members and students from across the University will perform all of Shakespeare’s sonnets in order. The event will last about three and a half hours, and guests may come and go at leisure. Part of Shakespeare at Yale. Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St.), Linonia & Brothers Room.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 5:30 PM Career Stories with Michele Malvesti. Malvesti will speak about her career as vice president in the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group at Science Applications International Corporation, as well as her past positions on the National Security Council and the Defense Intelligence Agency. Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St.), International Room.


5:30 PM “Can Newtonian Gravitation Explain Intertial Motion.” James Weatherall from the University of California-Irvine will give this lecture. Linsly-Chittenden Hall (63 High St.), Room 317.


To reach us: E-mail Advertisements 2-2424 (before 5 p.m.) 2-2400 (after 5 p.m.) Mailing address Yale Daily News P.O. Box 209007 New Haven, CT 06520

Questions or comments about the fairness or accuracy of stories should be directed to Max de la Bruyère, Editor in Chief, at (203) 432-2418. Bulletin Board is a free service provided to groups of the Yale community for events. Listings should be submitted online at submit. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit listings.

To visit us in person 202 York St. New Haven, Conn. (Opposite JE) RELEASE FEBRUARY 10, 2012 FOR

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Classic British two-door 5 “That’ll do, thanks” 10 TiVo products 14 Had too much, for short 15 Gulf of Guinea capital 16 “The Caine Mutiny” novelist 17 Fight fan’s accessory? 19 Skye writing 20 Where a soldier may be out 21 Do 22 Davis of the silver screen 23 Augment 25 Preacher’s accessory? 28 Like preachers 29 Basketball filler 30 Spot markers? 31 “Freeze!” 32 Checkout device 36 Conductor’s accessory? 39 How villains act 40 Feature of a good essay 43 Texter’s “No way!” 46 Chemical suffix 47 Colleague of Ruth and Antonin 48 Donald Trump accessory? 52 When Peter Pan grew up 53 Love interest 54 “Mysterious Island” captain 56 Two-yr. degrees 57 Input, often 58 Vampire’s accessory? 61 Uncommon blood type, briefly 62 Squash variety 63 Actress Petty 64 Antiquity 65 Layered skirts 66 Help the chef DOWN 1 Bonnets for Colonial Williamsburg reenactors

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By Julian Lim

2 Skelton catchphrase 3 Across the driveway 4 Forest’s Oscar role 5 “Thus do I ever make my fool my purse” speaker 6 Golden Arches pork sandwich 7 Le Guin genre 8 Cliff nester 9 It may keep you from getting home safely 10 One in with the out-crowd 11 Spinning mass 12 Take stock? 13 ’50s-’60s country singer McDonald 18 Boot camp VIPs 22 Special Forces hat 24 Ill-fated rapper 26 Hackneyed 27 Aviation nickname 32 Hurled 33 Skulk 34 MSN alternative 35 Springfield, for one

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

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37 Holmes adversary Adler 38 It has its ups and downs 41 Decent plot 42 Armada component 43 Below-par period 44 City west of Venezia 45 Latke maker’s need



47 Adequate, in verse 49 Public persona 50 Pricey bar 51 India’s longestserving prime minister 55 Chain links?: Abbr. 58 D.C. athlete 59 Hosp. area 60 Climber’s destination

1 9 2 4 3 3 6 9 8 6 9 6 8 5 3 4 8 4 5 3 4 6 1 7 8 2 4 7 1 9 6 2 1 9 5 7 9 3 6 5 1

6 9 8 2





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Obama may leave ‘No Child’ law behind BY KIMBERLY HEFLING AND BEN FELLER ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — It could be the beginning of the end for No Child Left Behind. The goal was lofty: Get all children up to par in math and reading by 2014. But the nation isn’t getting there, and now some states are getting out. In a sign of what’s to come, President Barack Obama on Thursday freed 10 states from some of the landmark law’s toughest requirements. Those states, which had to commit to their own, federally approved plans, will now be free, for example, to judge students with methods other than test scores. They also will be able to factor in subjects beyond reading and math. “We can combine greater freedom with greater accountability,” Obama said from the White House. Plenty more states are bound to take him up on the offer. While many educators and many governors celebrated, congressional Republicans accused Obama of executive overreach, and education and civil rights groups questioned if schools would be getting a pass on aggressively helping poor and minority children — the kids the 2002 law was primarily designed to help. The first 10 states to be declared free from the education law are Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Tennessee. The only state that applied for the flexibility and did not get it, New Mexico, is working with the administration to get approval. Twenty-eight other states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have signaled that they, too, plan to flee the law in favor of their own plans. The government’s action on

Thursday was a tacit acknowledgement that the law’s main goal, getting all students up to speed in reading and math by 2014, is not within reach. The states excused from following the law no longer have to meet that deadline. Instead, they had to put forward plans showing they will prepare children for college and careers, set new targets for improving achievement among all students, reward the best performing schools and focus help on the ones doing the worst. Obama said he was acting because Congress had failed to update the law despite widespread agreement it needed to be fixed.

We can combine greater freedom with greater accountability. BARACK OBAMA President, United States “We’ve offered every state the same deal,” Obama said. “If you’re willing to set higher, more honest standards than the ones that were set by No Child Left Behind, then we’re going to give you the flexibility to meet those standards.” The executive action by Obama is one of his most prominent in an ongoing campaign to act on his own where Congress is rebuffing him. No Child Left Behind was one of the most touted domestic accomplishments from President George W. Bush ’68, and was passed with widespread bipartisan support in Congress. It has been up for renewal since 2007. But lawmakers have been stymied for years by competing priorities,


Massachusetts Education Secretary Paul Reville observes Brittany Barboso, left, and Marcus DaSilva, right, solving math problems in their sixth-grade disagreements over how much of a federal role there should be in schools and, in the recent Congress, partisan gridlock. The law requires annual testing, and districts were forced to keep a closer eye on how students of all races were performing - not just relying on collective averages. Schools that didn’t meet requirements for two years or longer faced increasingly harsher consequences, including busing children to higher-perform-

Jobs was eyed for gov’t post BY PETE YOST ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — FBI background interviews of some people who knew Apple co-founder Steve Jobs reveal a man driven by power and alienating some of the people who worked with him. In the FBI documents released Thursday, many of those who knew Jobs praised him, speaking highly of Jobs’ character and integrity and asserting that he always conducted his business dealings in a reputable manner. They recommended him for a post during the George H.W. Bush ’68 administration. The 1991 interviews were part of a background check for an appointment to the President’s Export Council. The Commerce Department

confirmed Thursday that Jobs did serve on the council during the first Bush administration. Export council members serve in an unpaid capacity and meet at least twice a year, advising the president on trade policy. One person told FBI agents the Apple co-founder’s enormous power caused him to lose sight of honesty and integrity, leading him to distort the truth. Another interview subject described Jobs to the FBI as a deceptive person — someone who was not totally forthright and honest and as having a tendency to distort reality in order to achieve his goals. However, one former business associate who had a falling out with Jobs said that, while honest and trustworthy, Jobs nonetheless had questionable moral character.


Newly released FBI interviews were for an appointment to the President’s Export Council in 1991.

Mortgage settlement reached BY DEREK KRAVITZ ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — A landmark $25 billion settlement with the nation’s top mortgage lenders was hailed by government officials Thursday as long-overdue relief for victims of foreclosure abuses. But consumer advocates countered that far too few people will benefit. The deal will reduce loans for only a fraction of those Americans who owe more than their homes are worth. It will also send checks to others who were improperly foreclosed upon. But the amounts are modest. It’s unclear how much the deal will help struggling homeowners keep their homes or benefit those who have already lost theirs. About 11 million households are underwater, meaning they owe more than their homes are worth. The settlement would help 1 million of them. “The total number of dollars is still small compared to the value of the mortgages that are underwater,” said Richard Green, director of the University of Southern California’s Lusk Center for Real Estate.

Federal and state officials announced that 49 states joined the settlement with five of the nation’s biggest lenders. Oklahoma struck a separate deal with the five banks. Government officials are still negotiating with 14 other lenders to join. The bulk of the money will go to California and Florida, two of the states hardest hit by the housing crisis and the ones with the most underwater homeowners. The two states stand to receive roughly 75 percent of the settlement funds. Of the five major lenders, Bank of America will pay the most to borrowers: nearly $8.6 billion. Wells Fargo will pay about $4.3 billion, JPMorgan Chase roughly $4.2 billion, Citigroup about $1.8 billion and Ally Financial $200 million. The banks will also pay state and federal governments about $5.5 billion. The settlement ends a painful chapter of the financial crisis, when home values sank and millions edged toward foreclosure. Many companies processed foreclosures without verifying documents. Some employees signed papers they hadn’t read or used fake signatures to speed foreclosures —

an action known as robo-signing. President Barack Obama praised the settlement, saying it will “speed relief to the hardest-hit homeowners, end some of the most abusive practices of the mortgage industry and begin to turn the page on an era of recklessness that has left so much damage in its wake.”

The total number of dollars is still small compared to the value of the mortgages that are under water. RICHARD GREEN Director, Lusk Center for Real Estate The deal requires the banks to reduce loans for about 1 million households that are at risk of foreclosure. The lenders will also send $2,000 each to about 750,000 Americans who were improperly foreclosed upon from 2008 through 2011. The banks will have three years to fulfill terms of the deal.

ing schools, offering tutoring and replacing staff. Over the years, the law became increasingly unpopular, itself blamed for many ills in schools. Teachers and parents complained it led to “teaching to the test.” Parents didn’t like the stigma of sending their kids to a school labeled a failure when requirements weren’t met. States, districts and schools said the law was too rigid and that they could do a better job coming up with

strategies to turn around poor performance. A common complaint was that the 2014 deadline was simply unrealistic. As the deadline approaches, more schools are failing to meet requirements under the law, with nearly half not doing so last year, according to the Center on Education Policy. Center officials said that’s because some states today have harder tests or have high numbers of immigrant and

low-income children, but it’s also because the law requires states to raise the bar each year for how many children must pass. The current law requires schools to use standardized tests in math and reading to determine student progress. The waivers announced Thursday do not excuse states from those requirements but instead give them the freedom to use science, social studies and other subjects in their measures of student progress.




Lee, Johnson, and Wi share lead at Pebble Beach Golfers Danny Lee, Dustin Johnson, and Charlie Wi all scored nine under par on their first day of the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. Of the three Johnson has the highest ranking and the best record on the course, winning the 2009 and 2010 Pebble Beach tournaments. 87 players broke par. Tiger Woods, playing in his first tournament of the season, currently sits tied for 15th at four under par.

Yale seeks big road wins Elis pursue BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER Five-hundred-mile road trips are not always enjoyable. Hopefully the Bulldogs’ long bus ride will be worth it. The men’s basketball team left Thursday at 4:00 pm for tonight’s game against Cornell (8–12, 3–3 Ivy) in Ithaca, N.Y. They will then travel to New York City Saturday to take on the Columbia Lions (13–9, 2–4 Ivy). This road trip is traditionally tough for the Elis. Last year Yale (15–5, 5–1 Ivy) defeated the Lions 87–81 in double overtime March 4, only to fall to the Big Red 68–55 the following evening. Head coach James Jones said that the long game plus a long drive helped lead to the loss. “Last year we just didn’t have a lot left in the tank [at Cornell],” Jones said. He added that following the double overtime victory, the Bulldogs did not reach Cornell until 2:30 a.m. Rest will not be an excuse this year, however; Yale will have almost an entire day to prepare for tonight’s game. Forward Greg Mangano ’12 said that the rest would be important, since the Bulldogs have played just one of their eight games in 2012 away from the Lee Amphitheater. One thing that the Bulldogs would like to leave at home is a tendency towards turnovers. Yale has coughed the ball up 68 times during the past four-game home stand. Jones and Mangano both stressed the importance of taking care of the basketball. “We were up in the high teens and even the low 20s [in turnovers] for a couple of games there,” Mangano said. “[We] are not going to

key victories

win playing like that.” Jones added that ball control will aid the defense, particularly against a Cornell team that has struggled running a half-court offense when it cannot make transition baskets. One Big Red baller that Mangano and Jones have their eyes on is guard Chris Wroblewski. Mangano said that his ability to score as well as distribute the basketball — he averages 10.1 points and 5.2 assists per game — makes him a dual threat.


We want to win every game at this point, especially against teams with some losses [in Ivy League play]. JEREMIAH KREISBERG ’14 Center, men’s basketball A ways south in the Big Apple, Columbia’s guard Brian Barbour could spoil the Elis’ New York tour with his 15.5 points per game. The Elis cannot afford to let any game get away from them on the quest for the Ivy League title, center Jeremiah Kreisberg ’14 said. “We want to win every game at this point,” Kreisberg said. “Especially against teams with some losses [in Ivy League play].” Kreisberg can do a lot to prevent a loss in the Empire State this weekend if he builds off of his performance against Princeton last Saturday. His nine points were the most he has scored since Dec. 19 at Rhode Island, but his presence on both ends of the floor was most important, Mangano said. Mangano added that the two


Greg Mangano is averaging 19 points per game and 32.1 minutes of playing time for Yale, which sits at second place in the Ivy League. charges Kreisberg took in the first half were instrumental, as both forced the Tigers into two of their seven turnovers and energized the Elis. Kreisberg said that Jones reached out to him before the game in a text message that helped to put

W. basketball returns home

him in a better mindset. All of the Bulldogs will need that mindset to return home Saturday with two tough road wins. Contact CHARLES CONDRO at .

so we’ll try to neutralize them and take advantage of our chances. They’re well coached, and they do the little things that need to be done to win. We’ll try to do the same thing.” The last time the Elis took on the Raiders, in November, goalie Jeff Malcolm ’13 orchestrated a defensive masterpiece, saving all 39 shots he faced en route to a 2-0 win. That game marked the beginning of a three-game shutout streak for Malcolm. But since then, the Bulldogs have surrendered an average of 3.41 goals a game. Neither Malcolm nor Nick Maricic ’13 could solidify their status as the starting netminder, forcing head coach Keith Allain ’80 to rotate between the two based on their game time performance. Malcolm’s strong showing against Clarkson last weekend likely earned him another start on Friday. “We’re going to two hostile environments against two of the best teams,” Brockett said. “You know they’ll get their chances, so getting good goaltending and having Malcolm make all the saves he’s supposed to make and even a couple he’s not supposed to make will be huge in determining the outcome of the game.” To make matters worse for the Elis’ defense, stalwart Kevin Peel ’12 will miss this weekend’s action due to a concussion sustained in the loss to St. Lawrence last Friday. The senior also missed two games at the begin-


W. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 early because of a knee injury. The Lions (2-17, 0-5 Ivy) have yet to come within ten points of winning an Ivy League game and were outscored 94-35 by the Tigers earlier this season. Saturday’s game should come as a welcome relief for the Bulldogs after what could be a close game Friday night. This weekend, the Elis will play on back-to-back days for the second week in a row, and they will have to deal with the rigors of two games in two days for the remainder of the Ivy League season. The Bulldogs may have fared better against Princeton last weekend had they not played in Philadelphia the night before, but West said

that the team will be making no excuses this weekend.

We have to put ourselves in a position where we won’t let [the schedule] be the deciding factor. AARICA WEST ’13 Guard, women’s basketball “We just have to get in the mode that this is the Ivy League, and we have to put ourselves in a position where we won’t let [the schedule] be the deciding factor,” the junior guard said. The game against Colum-

bia on Saturday is also the centerpiece of Yale’s fifth annual Pink Zones Weekend, a series of athletic events designed to raise awareness and funds for research into breast cancer treatment. The weekend includes a bench-pressing competition between the New Haven Police and Fire Departments, and the Bulldog Invitational hosted by the Yale gymnastics team on Saturday. On Sunday, the men’s and women’s squash teams will host Harvard. Last year’s Pink Zones weekend raised over $10,000 for the Smillow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Contact JOHN SULLIVAN at .

Contact JIMIN HE at and KEVIN KUCHARSKI at .

Men’s lacrosse to face Siena M. LACROSSE FROM PAGE 12

Guard Aarica West ’13 averages 5.2 points per game and makes 66.7 percent of her free throws.

ning of the season with a broken leg. While Cornell does not have a forward of Smith’s caliber, the Big Red has thrived this season by spreading the scoring burden among its top lines. Nine different Cornell players have reached double-digits in scoring so far this season. The most menacing aspect of the Big Red, however, is its scoring defense, which ranks eighth in the country with just 2.30 goals allowed per game. Goaltender Andy Iles has notched five shutouts this year, putting him third among all collegiate goalies. In November, Cornell handed Yale its worst loss of the year at Ingalls Rink, shell shocking the Bulldogs with a 6-2 victory. “They always play very controlled, they slow the pace down, and we’ll see more of that,” O’Neill said. “We try to count on our speed. Hopefully, we won’t let them slow it down too much, and hopefully we’ll force the tempo. That will be the key to our game.” A pair of victories this weekend would likely boost the Bulldogs into the top of ECAC rankings, giving them the chance to secure a first-round bye and home-field advantage in the playoffs. The puck drops at Colgate at 7 p.m. on Friday. The Elis face off against Cornell at 7 p.m. the following day in Ithaca, N.Y.

up the field for other people,” Mahony said in an email to the News. “I don’t think I will ever stray from my shoot first [mentality], but I would like to see my assist game evolve, especially because our offense has enough chemistry that there will often be someone open with a better shot. That being said, I have no problem pulling the trigger at any time.” Shay said the veteran leadership on the team has kept up its camaraderie from last season. However, Mahony said this year’s team has more of an underdog mentality and will not take any win for granted. Captain Michael Pratt ’12 said the week of two-hour practices at the Reese Stadium has been very productive so far. He added Shay makes practices extremely difficult, putting high pace and intensity into the mix so that his players can better equip themselves when met with high-pressure situations in upcoming matches. “The practices have been very competitive since many of the players are fighting for spots,” Pratt said. “We are really excited that we finally have a team to compete [against] besides [ourselves].” Shay said the goalkeeper spot will be the biggest hole to fill, as all of the other positions have returning players. Currently, three players are vying for the position: Peter Spaulding ’13, Jack Meyer ’14 and Eric Natale ’15. Pratt added Shay will choose the goalie based on the number of saves each player makes during the upcoming three scrimmages, and the selected player will start the season’s official match against St. John’s on February 25. Pratt said the Elis have a formidable defensive lineup. “Three junior starters, Phil Gross, Peter Johnson and Michael McCormack, who started in every game ever since they were here, are returning and sophomores Jack Ambrose and Jimmy Craft are also returning. Freshman players like David Better and Harry Kucharczyk have been playing well.”

At midfield, in addition to Pratt, Matt Miller ’12, Colin Still ’12 and Mahony are returning. Pratt said that underclassmen Ryan McCarthy ’14, Shane Thornton’15 and Colin Flaherty ’15 are also competing for spots On offense, there are four players vying for three spots: Matt Gibson ’12, Andrew Cordia ’13, Brandon Mangan’14 and Conrad Oberbeck ’15. “This year’s offense has enough savvy and poise that we will likely become a group that thrives on ball movement and off-ball play,” Mahony said. “We need to improve on our efficiency. Last year our shooting percentage was too low and our turnovers too high to allow us to win in some of the bigger games.” Depending on the opponent, game plans change week to week since different teams have different strategies. Pratt said Cornell is heavy on attack so the team has to concentrate on defense, but Princeton, constantly in the spotlight for having one of the best defenses in the league with several All-Americans, plays an “exotic” offense. Consequently, the team has to formulate special defensive strategies. The team is certainly shooting for the Ivy League title this season, which would earn it a spot in the NCAA tournament. Ambrose said Cornell is Yale’s biggest rival and obstacle for the title since it has retained its offensive power from last year, including the Ivy League Player of the Year Rob Pannell. “Our biggest goal is to dominate on a day to day basis,” Mahony said. “We lack a lot of the marquee out of conference matches that other teams have, so our biggest competition is going to be internal. Our sport has a ridiculous amount of parity, and with only 13 games, we need to make sure we push ourselves and be ready for all 13 of those games. If we do that, our season will not end before we’re ready to end it.” The Elis will face Siena on Sunday at Reese Stadium at 1 p.m. Contact EUGENE JUNG at .


Long stick midfielder Jimmy Craft ’14 saw playing time in all 14 of the Bulldogs’ games last season.



MBBALL Wisconsin 68 Minnesota 61

MBBALL Tenn St 72 Murray St 68

NBA Lakers 88 Celtics 87

SPORTS FENCING IVY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIPS The Bulldogs will compete for an Ivy title at home on Saturday and Sunday. The men’s team placed second to Harvard last year, coming within one touch of winning the Championship. The women’s team placed last last year. Both teams are riding winning streaks.

TRACK AND FIELD MEN, WOMEN’S TEAMS GET HYP’ED Harvard will host the annual rivalry meet against Princeton and Yale on Saturday. The Tigers are the favorites on the men’s side, as they have been for the last seven years. HYP will be the last meet of the regular season before the Heptagonal Championships in two weeks.

NHL Canadiens 4 Islanders 2


SOCCER Lazio 3 Cesena 2


“We’re going to two hostile environments against two of the best teams. CHARLES BROCKETT ’12 FORWARD, MEN’S HOCKEY





Guard Austin Morgan ’13 and the men’s basketball team hit the road for games against fourth-place Cornell and sixth-place Columbia this weekend.

Road test for Elis

Bulldogs prep for Cornell, Columbia

BY JIMIN HE AND KEVIN KUCHARSKI STAFF REPORTERS With its season winding down to a critical stretch, the men’s hockey team has little room for mistakes.



Guard Janna Graf ’14 makes 76.3 percent of her free throws. BY JOHN SULLIVAN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The Bulldogs return home this weekend looking to rebound from last Saturday’s defeat at Princeton and regain control of their conference season.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Yale (12-8, 4-2 Ivy) is currently sitting in third place in the Ivy League after last week’s loss to the first-place Tigers and is half a game behind second-place Harvard. The Elis take on Cornell tonight at the John J. Lee Amphitheater and will face off against Columbia tomorrow. Cornell (9-10, 3-2 Ivy) trails the Bulldogs by a half-game in the Ivy League standings. While the Big Red should not pose too great a challenge, Cornell is one of the more accurate shooting teams in the league. The Big Red leads the conference in assists with 13.8 per game, slightly ahead of the

Bulldogs’ 13.7 assists per game. The Elis have also exhibited a tendency to start slowly in the past few games, which guard Aarica West ’13 attributed to unfocused, anxious play in an interview this week. Against Harvard, Dartmouth and Penn the Bulldogs were able to recover and go on big scoring runs in the second half, but the team cannot keep relying on late sparks of energy to save itself. Nonetheless, Cornell has yet to collect a win against an Ivy League team with a winning record and will have to prove that it belongs in the top half of the standings with Princeton, Harvard and Yale. The Big Red lost badly to Princeton in its first conference game and lost to the Crimson by ten last week. Columbia’s hopes for this season took a huge hit before the team even took the floor when sophomore Brianna Orlich, the team’s leading scorer last season, announced that she was ending her college basketball career SEE W. BASKETBALL PAGE 11


This weekend, the Bulldogs (10-11-2, 7-8-1 ECAC) will take on conference rivals Colgate (15-10-3, 9-6-1) and No. 13 Cornell (11-6-6, 8-3-5) in hope of improving their conference standings before the ECAC hockey playoffs. But the Elis, who have struggled during the earlier periods of their past few games, can ill-afford a slow start against the Big Red and the Raiders, ranked second and third in the ECAC, respectively. Against Colgate, the Blue and White has one simple mission: stop Austin Smith. The senior winger is the nation’s most prolific goal scorer with 30 tallies in 28 games, and the only player in Division I hockey to average more than one goal a game. “With any good player, you want to take away space,” captain Brian O’Neill ’12 said. “[Smith] is having a good year so if we can take away space and time from him and be physical on him, we can have success against him. You can’t guarantee success against a

player like him, but that’s the best approach.” Drafted by the National Hockey League’s Dallas Stars, Smith is a favorite to win the Hobey Baker Award, given annually to the nation’s best collegiate hockey player. O’Neill, who leads the team with 15 goals and 28 points, has also been nominated for the prestigious award. Even if the Bulldogs manage to

slow down Smith, they still face daunting offensive threats from Colgate forwards Robbie Bourdon and Chris Wagner, who have 11 and 10 goals respectively for the season. “[Colgate is] a hard working team,” forward Charles Brockett ’12 said. “They have one or two lines that are deadly offensively SEE MEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 11


Forward Chad Ziegler ’12 has scored six goals so far this season.

Elis kick off preseason BY EUGENE JUNG CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The Elis will kick off their 2012 preseason this weekend with a scrimmage against Siena. Despite a relatively late start to the official season, the team has been toiling away in unofficial practices since the beginning of the semester. Official practices with head coach Andy Shay began last Wednesday. Last season’s overall record was 10–4, 3–3, Ivy, putting the Bull-

dogs in third place in the league behind Cornell and Penn. The last time the team took the Ivy League title was in 2010, when they finished in a four-way tie for first.

MEN’S LACROSSE The team gained and lost some key players this season. The most apparent deficit is the 2011 AllNew England first team goalkeeper Johnathan Falcone ’11. However, with 12 new fresh-

man recruits, the team is now 41 strong. One of the key players to watch is midfielder Gregory Mahony ’12. Mahony, who scored 16 goals and eight assists last season, was a Second Team All-Ivy and First Team All-New England pick in 2011. “I have built my reputation over the past several years as a shooter, but I would like to see that translate more into opening SEE MEN’S LACROSSE PAGE 11

THE NUMBER OF GOALS COLGATE WINGER AUSTIN SMITH AVERAGES PER GAME. He is the most prolific goal-scorer in the nation and the only player in Division I hockey to average more than one goal a game. He scored four times in his last game, an 8–3 rou of RPI last Saturday.

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