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CROSS CAMPUS This is your Higgins email.

Just after midnight Wednesday morning at the Walgreens on York Street, a man approached the register ostensibly to purchase toothpaste and a chocolate bar. He asked for a pack of cigarettes. When the woman working the checkout stand retrieved the cigarettes, the man handed her a note reading “Give me all the $20.00 bills, and you won’t get hurt.” She handed cash to the the man, who was white and had a blonde goatee, and he took off, according to a Wednesday NHPD press release.





Romney rallies in Hartford; Yalies opine on campaign’s future


Fairfield sweeps slumping Elis at home as Yale fades in late game





Tailgate victim sues BY DANIEL SISGOREO STAFF REPORTER Nearly five months after a U-Haul crash injured two women and killed another at the Harvard-Yale tailgate, one of the victims is suing the U-Haul Company of Connecticut and Brendan Ross ’13, the truck’s driver. In a lawsuit filed with the New Haven Superior Court last week, Sarah Short SOM ’13, one of the acci-

dent’s survivors, claimed she had sustained a number of “severe painful and obvious injuries” from the crash and sued for at least $15,000 — the minimum amount necessary to file a case before the court, said Michael Stratton, her attorney. Though New Haven Police Department spokesman David Hartman said the police investigation is completed and under review in the state’s attorney’s office, the results have not yet been released

to the public. Stratton said he chose to file the lawsuit before the investigation’s findings become available in order to begin a case that will likely take two years to resolve. “I don’t think this Ross person is a bad person or should go to jail, but he should take responsibility for what happened here,” Stratton said. SEE TAILGATE PAGE 6

The challenge of ‘shared governance’

You’re a Mac? Watch out.

Yale’s Information Technology Services emailed students on Wednesday to warn them about a Flashback Trojan Virus infecting Mac computers worldwide. Though no computers at Yale have been infected as of last week, more than half a million worldwide have been hit by the virus. More terror. Around 11 p.m. Wednesday, students in the halls of Osborne Memorial Lab were attacked by an errant bat flying erratically in the foyer. The students were not hurt; the bat’s fate remains unclear. Busted. Eighteen residents of

New Haven and its suburbs were arrested for their alleged affiliation with a crack and cocaine distribution ring connected to New Haven’s Grape Street Crips gang.

Recent debates over University policies have called Yale’s decisionmaking procedures into question.

Meme attack. In the wake of

the short-lived Yale Memes Facebook page, a number of tumblrs have sprung up parodying Yale life. One, #whatshouldwetapme, makes jokes about the society tap process; another, #whatshouldwecallyale, basically rehashes the jokes made and lol’d about on Yale Memes.

It’s here. Tonight is tap night

for senior societies. Expect to see people in various suits, cloaks, masks and blinfolds, even though Dean of Student Affairs Marichal Gentry explicitly stated in an email to students earlier this week that blindfolds are banned. Tap night starts at 6 p.m. All tap activities must be completed tonight, according to Gentry.


1964 More than 750 Yale students block New Haven streets from 7 to 9 p.m. during a mass riot in honor of Kingman Brewster’s inauguration. Submit tips to Cross Campus



BY GAVAN GIDEON STAFF REPORTER On the evening of Jan. 18, roughly 20 professors gathered for wine and cheese at the home of English professor Jill Campbell GRD ’88. The event, co-hosted by History of Art professor David Joselit, was an informal affair, but the evening’s discussion helped launch a concerted campaign of faculty dissent.

UPCLOSE The group had met to express dissatisfaction with the direction Yale was heading. In recent years, administrators had implemented an increasingly top-down approach to decision-making, professors maintained. The January meeting marked the beginning of efforts to restore balance to the University — to reassert the faculty’s deliberative role in its governance. Since then, the group, largely composed of professors in the humani-

WITH 86-62 APPROVAL, BILL NOW HEADS TO GOV. MALLOY FOR SIGNATURE BY NICK DEFIESTA STAFF WRITER The death penalty’s days in Connecticut are numbered. After nearly nine hours of debate, the State House of Representatives passed a bill repealing capital punishment late Wednesday night, setting the stage for the state to become the 17th state to abolish capital punishment. The House’s approval of the bill by a vote of 86 to 62 follows its passage in the Senate early Thursday morning, and Gov. Dannel Malloy has pledged to sign the bill into law once it reaches his desk. “For decades, we have not had a workable death penalty,” Malloy said in a statement following the bill’s passage. “Going forward, we will have a system that allows us to put these people away for life, in living conditions none of us would want to experience. Let’s throw away the key and have them spend the rest of their natural lives in jail.” The bill replaces capital sentences with life in prison without the possibility of parole. In order to corral support for the bill, SEE DEATH PENALTY PAGE 6

A final hurrah? It remains to

be seen whether the city will succeed in forcing Occupy New Haven off the New Haven Green, but the city is already estimating that, once it receives a final judicial thumbs-up to kick the Occupy protesters out, the total cost to clean up and restore the Green will run as high as $25,000, the New Haven Independent reported.

Death penalty repeal passes in House

ties, has mobilized at three consecutive Yale College faculty meetings and expanded through email listservs. Professors began by protesting the implementation of a business model intended to streamline administrative services at the February meeting. Over the next two months, they also contested leadership in the Graduate School and the University’s partnership with the National University of Singapore in the creation of Yale-NUS College. The intensity of these professors’ frustration may not be widespread among faculty. One department chair called the group a “cadre” of no more than a dozen professors “essentially trying to be professional revolutionaries.” But their efforts have forced a response from the administration. University President Richard Levin and Provost Peter Salovey have met with over 20 departments in recent weeks to discuss concerns, many caused by financial difficulties. All faculty members, mobilized or not, have helped bear the burden of cuts made since the onset

of the recession in 2008. Those three years of accumulated budget fatigue are now prompting faculty to raise questions of governance that they might have let rest during rosier financial times. “There are mechanisms for faculty governance in place of various kinds on this campus,” Salovey said. “The question remains: Are these methods optimal, let alone sufficient? I think in the course of this semester especially, many faculty members have been asking that question.”


Governance issues took center stage one week ago when the Yale College faculty voted at their April meeting to pass a resolution urging Yale-NUS to uphold principles of nondiscrimination and civil liberty. Though the resolution was approved by a margin of 100 to 69 after two and a half hours of debate, a number of professors cited concerns with the pro-

ROTC courts admitted students BY TAPLEY STEPHENSON STAFF REPORTER Now that Yale has offered admission to students who applied to the University’s new Reserve Officers’ Training Corps units, ROTC administrators are competing with well-established ROTC programs and U.S. service academies to attract admitted cadets and midshipmen. Lt. Molly Crabbe and Lt. Col. Theodore Weibel, naval science instructor and Air Force ROTC detachment commander respectively, said their programs are in contact with many students who have been accepted to Yale and awarded an ROTC scholarship, but the final size of the units remains in question. Weibel said he thinks admitted midshipmen and cadets will be attracted to Yale because of its strong academics and diverse social sciences, even though service academies offer more rigorous military training and resources. SEE ROTC PAGE 6


YCC elections meet little excitement BY MADELINE MCMAHON STAFF REPORTER Heading into today’s Yale College Council 2012-’13 Executive Board elections, the majority of students interviewed said they are largely uninterested and uninformed about the races. Current YCC Vice President Omar Njie ’13 said he thinks candidates have been campaigning with less intensity this year than in past years, and there are fewer “bigger campus personalities” running for positions. Of 15 students interviewed Wednesday, 14 said they had not yet decided upon a presidential candidate to support, and eight said they are not engaged in the elections because they

do not think YCC has been addressing issues that significantly affect them. “Most of the platforms are based on small changes,” Tori Flannery ’13. “Either what they want to change is not feasible, or it’s too small.”

I know why we need a student government, but [the election] seems like a popularity contest. EMMA SCHINDLER ’14 Amalia Skilton ’13 said she has not decided for whom she is voting

because she is unsatisfied with all of the presidential candidates. Skilton said she thinks Yale’s student government does not measure up to those of larger universities, where she said student government leaders more vigorously tackle controversial initiatives such as student financial aid, health care and LGBTQ rights. “I understand calculations of what things they can and can’t make a difference on,” Skilton said, “but it’s the coward’s way out [to just for push for small changes].” Skilton added that she would decide which candidate to vote for “at the last minute” Thursday morning. SEE YCC ELECTIONS PAGE 6


Current Yale cadets participate in a weekly meeting at Stone Ranch Military Reservation.




.COMMENT “Stop pretending that you have a mission other than to free-load off the

Sticking in time E

xactly five years and one day ago, Kurt Vonnegut — the great author, humanist and, yes, Midwesterner — passed away, and, somehow, someone or something unstuck my eighth-grade heart. I knew Kurt Vonnegut well — in my bookshelf and in my backpack, after dinner and between classes. I knew Kilgore Trout, Dwayne Hoover and Harrison Bergeron; I knew Billy Pilgrim and Eliot Rosewater and even Montana Wildhack. I read Deadeye Dick and Bluebeard and Mother Night and conceded with some embarrassment that I didn’t really like Player Piano all that much, but maybe I’d give it another shot. I never did. To read the entire bibliography of an author is dedication; ask anyone who has ever conquered the canon of Tolkien or fallen in love with Harry Potter. To do so at the age of 14 — living, like a Vonnegut character, in the cusp of a war I could barely understand — is admittedly unmitigated obsession. But to identify so deeply with the philosophy and art of an author in the months leading up to his own death? That’s the stuff of pure literary coincidence — the kind Vonnegut brings to life in “Cat’s Cradle” and the kind that’s stuck with me far beyond my middle-school years. I sometimes think I learned everything I know from Kurt Vonnegut. At least, he taught me most of it, anyway. You’ve heard all the quotes before, I’m sure: “If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is,” for instance. There’s “Busy, busy, busy,” and “So it goes,” and even maybe “Poo-tee-weet?” They’re powerful, and they’re popular, too. They often find themselves stripped of context, scrawled over faded photographs of forests in anonymous Internet diaries. The commercialization — or rather, the progressive decontextualization — of Vonnegut suits him well. Vonnegut understood the value of symbolism and repetition. He squeezed pen ink doodles into the pages of his novels and signed his name with a symbol that was half-asterisk, half-anus: contradictory and irreverent, yet self-identifying. For what it’s worth, no author since Vonnegut has signed his name with anything even remotely resembling a butt. But Vonnegut also provided me with one of the most enduring literary torments I have encountered. Maybe I’m just sensitive, though. Anyhow, here is how “Breakfast of Champions” ends: with Kilgore Trout — Vonnegut’s infamous semiautobiographical creation — shouting at the skies. “Make me young! Make me young! Make me young!”

It is, indeed, a harrowing image, to think of arms yearning and outs t re tc h e d , MARISSA begging for Yet MEDANSKY youth. we beg for youth all the Sidewinder time, hoping to isolate it — to cling to it. Yishai Schwartz (“More than a wrinkle in time,” March 27) addressed the flaws of viewing college as a place separate from the cycles of life and time. This type of culture, frozen in a state of “forever 21,” seems to permeate society, too. Phrases like #youonlyliveonce and songs like “We are Young” — not to mention the existence of multiple campuswide dances dedicated to the promise of hearing “Sk8er Boi” and the Spice Girls — relish in either self-imposed immortality or self-imposed nostalgia. Time, we think, is fluid, and we seek to control it, bending it to conform to our desires. This fluidity of time is one of Vonnegut’s central themes. Yet the idea of being unstuck in time — as Billy Pilgrim finds himself in “SlaughterhouseFive” — reinforces, rather than challenges, the linearity that underpins our notion of existence. Rather than conceive of time as web, or a net, or even intersecting planes, time is a line — and sure, you can jump forward or jump backward, but it rails forward and backward all the same. For the Tralfamadoreans in Vonnegut’s opus, everything that is going to happen has always happened, will always happen and is happening right now. These happenings are fixed and unchanging — even if they can happen all at once. After all, determinism won’t save you from the eventual explosion of the sun. Yet time churns forward. Another semester ends, classes grind to a halt, another “Now That’s What I Call Music!” album finds its way to Best Buy shelves. We are not Tralfamadoreans; we can’t unstick ourselves from the moments in which we live. Yet we can revel in the wonders of existence and rebound from the trials of life, so that we may never, pitifully and universally, weep for what could have been. These are the lessons Kurt Vonnegut taught me — and, five years and day after his death — he can still teach all of us.

city of New Haven.”


Heading off a drug storm T

here’s a storm brewing in Latin America. It has a benign name — drug policy reform — and it’s only in the early stages. But if the United States continues to dismiss it, it will wreak havoc on every country, city and neighborhood in the Americas. In January, newly elected rightwing Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina shocked the United States when he called for a debate on whether the drugs that make up the vast majority of the illegal drug trade’s revenue, cocaine and heroin, should be legalized. The Presidents of Mexico and Colombia echoed his argument, despite an immediate U.S. denunciation. When President Obama heads to Colombia on Friday for the Summit of the Americas, he will be entering an arena ready and willing for the first time to seriously challenge U.S. drug orthodoxy. This is a watershed moment. Officials in Latin America and the Caribbean have criticized the drug policies of their own countries and of the United States before, but rarely before leaving office. When the Jamaican government seemed leaning towards the legalization of cannabis in 2001, given that well over half Jamaica’s population is estimated to use cannabis at least occasionally, the U.S. threat to cut off aid to the country was enough to nip that initiative

in the bud, so to speak. So open criticism of anti-drug efforts by the sitting Presidents of three Latin AmeriCOLIN can countries ROSS that all receive American aid Gangbuster is a dramatic development. The citizens of these countries and others in the region have good reason to be frustrated with America. They are now cooperating with us in aggressively combating the drug trafficking that funnels drugs north and corrupts the countries through which it flows. The price of confronting these criminal networks has been violence on a massive scale. Colombia only gained the upper hand over its trafficking networks after years of costly struggle. Slaughters and beheadings in Mexico are now a daily routine and Guatemala and its neighbors have become the new bloody battlegrounds, the murder rates for several doubling in the last decade. The United States gives critical aid to these countries, but it is often overly focused on military hardware rather than the infrastructure and training the

countries’ judicial systems need to investigate, prosecute and imprison drug traffickers. In any case, the amount of aid — two million dollars, in Guatemala’s case — is laughable compared to the amounts the traffickers have at their disposal. So why does the new push for reform constitute a looming storm rather than a triumphant awakening? Because the natural reaction when challenging deeply entrenched, broken policies to is reject them and embrace the opposite model: hence, the new rallying calls for legalization. The United States suppression of any reform discussion has lent credence to the gloomy belief that these are our only choices: unacceptable levels of violence or an increase in drug addiction that perhaps could be tolerated. Given that choice, more and more concerned leaders seem willing to risk making dangerously addictive and destructive drugs legally available at vastly cheaper prices if they think it will stem the bloodshed. Fortunately, it is false choice. Experts, officials and everyday citizens have been developing and implementing alternatives that reduce both drug addiction and violence that are just now beginning to enter the mainstream and have an impact. The HOPE program, pioneered in Hawaii, uses the immediate threat of a short

stay in jail and mandated treatment to curb drug use among even hard-core users. The aggressive community policing tactics used in many cities in the United States and now beginning to be tried by police forces such as Rio de Janeiro’s have built a proven track record of drastically reducing violence. These initiatives and many others deserve far more discussion than I can give them here, and thankfully they are finally receiving it in city halls and legislatures across the hemisphere. But in their overly strident defense of the status quo, U.S. officials risk imperiling all these efforts by forcing reformers into a corner. If radical change is seen as the only way to get attention and make headway, support for it will wash away the moderate reforms that curtail the worst effects of illegal drug trafficking without losing millions more to the miseries of addiction. Before it loses all credibility, the United States must work to channel the gathering storm toward proven reforms if we are to prevent false solutions like legalization from replacing an endless bloodbath with neverending despair. COLIN ROSS is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact him at .


The beginning

MARISSA MEDANSKY is a freshman in Morse College. Her column runs on alternate Thursdays. Contact her at .

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or almost 100 years of our country’s history, slavery was an institutionalized, legally sanctioned and brutal reality. We all know how it ended — over the course of the Civil War, Northerners realized that it was not enough to hold on to the Southern states; slavery itself had to end. Perhaps less well-known is the movement supported by radical abolitionists to promote secession of the free states to form a nation that would be untarnished by America’s original sin of slavery. The heart of their thinking was this: we are morally pure, but slavery is morally abhorrent. By sharing a government and a nation with slaveholders, we pollute ourselves. We contaminate our moral character. They were right. From returning escaped slaves to allowing them to be counted as three-fifths of a person, Northern states were complicit in this great moral failing. Nonetheless, it is hard to imagine that the Civil War could ever have been fought if the free states had simply withdrawn. To the extent that such a sin as slavery could ever be absolved, it was absolved by the blood of those who fought against it, much more

than it ever could have been absolved by those who simply wished to divorce themselves from it. But the HARRY w i t h d rawLARSON f ro m -wh a t we-hate attiNothing in tude is very much alive Particular today, fueled by the notion that by engaging with those with whom we disagree, we somehow endorse their actions and corrupt our own. I have no doubt that a poll of Yale’s student body would show that many students think of former president George W. Bush as an arrogant isolationist, who, by refusing to talk to America’s enemies, made them stronger, not weaker. Certainly this was the vogue position during the 2008 campaign, when large majorities of Yale students supported prodialogue Senator Barack Obama. Now, however, it seems equally vogue to count larger and larger groups of people with whom we should not associate. Gabe Murchison ’14 and Hillary O’Connell ’14 (“Defend trans students, YCC,”

April 10) attacked Yale’s decision to invite ROTC back to campus because of the military’s refusal to accept transgendered individuals in its ranks. And throughout the Yale-NUS debate, opponents of the college, despite valid concerns about the effects of Singapore’s restrictions on free expression, have essentially argued that because Singapore’s government restricts Singapore’s citizens in ways with which we disagree, we should not partner with it in any way lest we be seen as endorsing its government. I am sympathetic to these concerns. As Shaun Tan astutely argued (“Truth is Arrogant,” April 9), the fact that Singapore’s government holds different views from us does not make its views valid. Whether we speak of Singapore’s restrictions on free speech or homosexuality or the military’s restrictions on transgender rights, I would hope Yale could claim a moral upper hand. Still, we do not make anyone come around to our way of thinking by refusing to engage with them. In his piece, Tan derided Fareed Zakaria’s citation of the former Singaporean Minister of Education’s contrasting America’s “talent meritocracy” with Singapore’s “exam meritocracy.”

Tan rightly argues that the point of exams is to gauge merit, so how can an exam meritocracy be as valid as a talent one? As I read it, though, the Minister was endorsing our focus on talent over Singapore’s attention to test scores — he was arguing that his country was deficient, and that it could improve itself by looking to ours. And yet, Tan paid no attention to the admiration inherent in the quote, instead lamely arguing that Singapore lacks our standards, so those that want to partner with it can’t possibly recognize its deficiencies. Of course, there are cases when engagement legitimizes bad people. Those who sought to negotiate with Hitler were infamously wrong-headed. Still, there is a difference between cooperation and moral indifference, and apart from the most extreme cases, we can better spread our values by talking to as many people as possible. True moral rectitude involves a willingness to engage with the world. It does not spring from a sanctimonious insistence on distancing ourselves from every potential source of moral contamination. HARRY LARSON is a sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at .




“The American people are the greatest people in the world.” MITT ROMNEY U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE

Romney campaigns in Hartford

12:00 PM Tour of Kroon Hall. Register in advance for this tour of Kroon Hall, Yale’s greenest building and a symbol of the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. Part of Celebrate Sustainability. Email to register. Kroon Hall (195 Prospect St.), main entrance. 4:00 PM “Coexistence Regulations: Oops, Plants Can’t Read.” This event is part of the “Biotechnology in Agriculture” series and features Carol Mallory-Smith, a professor of weed science at Oregon State University. Her main areas of research are weed management in agronomic crops, weed biology, and gene flow and hybridization between crops and weeds. Kline Biology Tower (219 Prospect St.), room 1214. 8:00 PM “New Music New Haven.” Featuring Kaija Saariaho’s “Serenatas for cello, piano, and percussion,” and “Terrestre for solo flute with violin, cello, harp, and percussion.” Sprague Memorial Hall (470 College St.), Morse Recital Hall.


The article “Dwight Hall impartiality questioned” contained several errors. Dwight Hall approved the Yale Working Group for Occupy New Haven as a short-term project, not a short-term member. Also, Nathaniel Zelinsky ’13 previously served on the Dwight Hall board of directors and trustees, not its executive committee. Additionally, the Liberal Party of the Yale Political Union is not a member organization of Dwight Hall; it is a part of Dwight Hall’s Social Justice Network.


Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, applauds as Connecticut State Republican Party Chairman Jerry Labriola, Jr., right, introduces people during a campaign event in Hartford Wednesday. BY MICHELLE HACKMAN AND HOON PYO JEON STAFF REPORTER AND CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

Weak Latino support poses threat to Romney BY MONICA DISARE STAFF REPORTER While Mitt Romney may have the Republican presidential nomination all but secured, his lack of Latino support could cost him the election in November. People of Hispanic or Latino origin make up 16.3 percent of the country’s population, and only 14 percent of this group said they would vote for Romney, according to a Fox News poll conducted in March — significantly less support than Republican presidential nominees have enjoyed from Latinos in past years. Leaders of Latino advocacy organizations in New Haven and on campus said Romney is particularly unattractive to Hispanic voters because of his stance on immigration issues. “If [Romney] is trying to convince Latinos to vote for him, he’s doing it the completely wrong way,” said Chris Rodelo ’15, a member of Yale’s MEChA and the undocumented students advocacy organization Connecticut Students for a Dream. Romney has taken a hard line on immigration issues. He said he would veto the DREAM Act — which would provide conditional permanent residency to certain undocumented residents who complete two years of college or military service — and is supportive of the Arizona antiimmigration laws, which gave local law enforcement the authority to detain anyone suspected of being undocumented and made failing to carry immigration documents a crime. Romney’s anti-immigration rhetoric, students said, is also contributing to his unpopularity among Latinos. For example, Rodelo said, Romney has made statements suggesting that the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States should be deported. Benjamin Wilson ’14, a member of the Yale Political Union’s conservative Federalist Party, also said Romney’s rhetoric has been less than “stellar,” pointing to Romney’s statement that the answer to unlawful immigration is “self-deportation.” New Haven’s Latino community — 27.4 percent of the city’s population — has paid close attention to Romney’s positions. According to community leaders, Elm City Latinos are concerned by Secure Communities, a new federal deportation program that checks fingerprints of suspected criminals submitted by local

police to the FBI against Immigration and Customs Enforcement databases in an effort to deport criminals residing in the country illegally. Megan Fountain, a volunteer for immigrant advocacy organization Unidad Latina en Accion, said while Secure Communities is intended to target dangerous criminals, in practice it has led to the deportation of people who have only committed minor infractions. Though Secure Communities was an initiative of the Obama administration, several Hispanic leaders said that if elected, Romney would likely continue to support the law and others like it, whereas they are hopeful that Obama will be receptive to calls for reforming the program, said Carolina Bortolleto, the college access program coordinator for Connecticut Students for a Dream. Concern over Secure Communities is not limited to border states, she said. Though Connecticut will not be an influential swing state in the 2012 presidential election, the Hispanic vote in border and and non-border swing states such as Florida, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado could be crucial. These four states have a total of 49 electoral votes and an average Hispanic population of 29 percent. In general, Rodelo said, the Latino community has leaned toward Democratic candidates. Diana Enriquez, the moderator of MEChA, said the Democratic Party has made an effort to establish relationships with clergy members in Latino communities. She added that while it is sometimes difficult to believe that immigration laws will change under the Obama, his administration has taken some steps in the right direction. But the Latino vote does not hinge exclusively on immigration issues, Rodelo said, calling the Hispanic community “a lot more nuanced than that.” Wilson cited Bush as a Republican candidate who was able to appeal to a large portion of the Hispanic population because he spoke to Latino voters respectfully. The conservative element of the Hispanic community is significant, Enriquez said, and a Republican candidate who capitalizes on it could do some “serious damage” to Obama’s electoral prospects this fall. Hispanics make up 13.4 percent of Connecticut’s population, according to the most recent census. Contact MONICA DISARE at .

HARTFORD — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney visited Connecticut today in anticipation of the state’s April 24 primary. After fellow Republican Rick Santorum’s exit from the race on Monday, Romney traveled to the state capital having virtually captured the GOP nomination. At a small printing business in Hartford Wednesday afternoon, the former Massachusetts governor delivered a speech to a 100-person audience before holding a private gathering with a group of Connecticut Republican leaders and female business owners. In his three-minute stump speech at the press conference, Romney listed many failures of the Obama administration that he planned to correct as president. “If you want a big welfare state that writes lots of checks to citizens, then you can vote for the other guy,” Romney said. “If you want opportunity with rising incomes and more jobs and a brighter future for you and your kids, vote for me and let’s take back the country.” Though members of the Yale College Democrats traveled to Hartford to protest the event, the Yale College Republicans did not attend. Still, the two co-presidents of the Yale College Republicans said they are confident that Romney will win the November election, even while other campus Republican and Democratic leaders expressed their doubts. Michael Knowles ’12, co-president of the Yale College Republicans, said Romney’s reputation for being a moderate candidate will be an asset when he needs to attract independent voters to win in November. “I don’t think Obama’s campaign will

be able to capture the enthusiasm of ’08 in this campaign — not when he has a failed record,” Knowles said. “I think this election will be a referendum on President Obmama and his handling of the economy.” But the Dems, who sent five members to Hartford on Wednesday to protest Romney’s visit, said the Yale College Republicans’ absence was telling. “I think the fact that no Yale Republicans were in attendance is indicative of Mitt Romney’s difficulty connecting with young voters,” said Zak Newman ’13, president of the Dems. Josh Rubin ’14, elections coordinator for the Dems, said this lack of enthusiasm for Romney stems from his failure to offer concrete solutions that will positively impact the younger generation. Given the “palpable” excitement for Obama and Romney’s lack of charisma, Obama will be able to win another presidency, Rubin predicted. Unlike Knowles and Yale College Republican co-president Cyprien Sarteau ’12, Harry Graver ’14, vice president of the William F. Buckley Program, said he is not optimistic about Romney’s chances. He said Romney’s uninspiring personality will be an insurmountable weakness, adding that the apathy many feel for him will likely result in overall Republican inactivity on campus. “Like many conservatives, I had qualms with his candidacy — a largely moderate record, a serious problem with consistency and a seeming overall lack of philosophical or ethical principle,” Graver, also a staff columnist for the News, said. “With that said, I plan on voting for Romney and supporting him the best I can.” But Knowles said Romney’s appeal as an alternative to Obama will manifest itself on campus more extensively this election cycle compared to past years. Up until

recently, he said, the Yale College Republicans were a relatively dormant group. But in fall of 2010, Knowles and Max Eden ’11 founded Students for Mitch Daniels, an organization aimed at lobbying the Indiana governor to run for President. Knowles said the “freshness” of this organization attracted Republicans on campus and led to a revival of the Yale College Republican group. About 40 people participate actively in the Yale College Republicans, according to Sarteau. Sarteau said that though the group will likely do little field organizing in Connecticut, a solidly blue state, they will hold phone-a-thons for Romney and throw their support behind local Republican candidates, such as the eventual Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Joe Lieberman ’64 LAW ’67. Knowles added that he has encouraged members of the College Republicans to write for campus publications to spread their message. “I think you will only see Republicans’ presence grow on campus this election,” Sarteau said. Still, a March poll conducted by the News did not show campus Republicans growing in numbers. In the poll, 10 percent of registered voters on campus identified as Republicans, compared with 55 percent who identified as Democrats and 24 percent as Independents. In October 2008, the News reported that 12 percent of registered voters on campus planned to vote for McCain. Romney traveled to Warwick, R.I., today after his Hartford event. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN and HOON PYO JEON at and .

Times art critic offers tips at YUAG BY URVI NOPANY STAFF REPORTER In a Tuesday talk titled “Criticism: Taking it Personally,” Pulitzer Prize- winner and New York Times art critic Holland Cotter broke down his approach to the field. In addition to discussing the more technical aspects of writing such as meeting deadlines and avoiding predictable language, Cotter tackled broader issues concerning art criticism, such as the relevance of being an art critic in today’s world. “Art criticism today is a luxury item,”Cotter said. “Unlike film or book reviews, very few people read art reviews to see whether they should spend an afternoon in Chelsea shopping for paintings.” Cotter described his path toward becoming a critic as an “indirect” one. He started out as an academic writer in the 1980s and said he was in the middle of his doctoral thesis at Columbia when he received a call from The New York Times asking him to review an exhibit. Cotter said the review turned into several, and when he was offered a position as a staff writer, he convinced the Columbia faculty to waive his thesis due date indefinitely. Twenty years after taking the job at The Times, Cotter said he is technically still a graduate student. In his talk, organized by the Poynter Fellowship in Journalism, the Yale Center for British Art and the Yale University Art Gallery, Cotter said that he hoped to encourage budding art critics. Often, he said, those just starting a career in criticism tend to be hesitant in proffering their opinions, while others are too eager to give

prematurely negative comments. “The art world tends to live on a diet of tempests and teapots,” Cotter said. Over the course of his 20-year career at The Times, Cotter said that he was impelled to broaden his own artistic “taste” to become a better critic. While his primary passion lies in Buddhist and South Asian art, Cotter has also reviewed numerous exhibits inspired by the Western canon for The Times, from exhibitions of contemporary art to traditional old master paintings. He added that while he studied poetry during his undergraduate years, a single survey course in art history put him on the path towards becoming a critical writer. “Cotter’s genuine willingness to very openly and thoughtfully engage art created across all cultures and times is what distinguishes him from so many critPHYLLIS TUCHMAN ics writing today,” Art Gallery Director Jock Reynolds said in an email. “He also Art critic Holland Cotter spoke about his writes clearly and beautifully, which is career and the field of criticism at the Yale also why people enjoy reading what he University Art Gallery Tuesday. has to say.” When writing reviews, Cotter said that his focus is only on the reader, not on Director of the Yale Center for Britthe artist or academic writing. The transi- ish Art Amy Meyers said that Cotter has tion from academic writing to writing for approached art criticism as a constant “remagazines and finally for The Times took education.” By continually teaching himhim a long time to adjust to, Cotter said, self, Meyers said, Cotter also teaches his adding that he still has trouble condensing public and in the process has transformed his thoughts into the requisite 600-word the field of art criticism. articles. Cotter was awarded the Pulitzer Prize “The most immediate crisis for any of for Criticism in 2009 and the Lifetime us writers is how to meet your deadlines,” Achievement Award for Art writing by the he said, adding that he compares writing College Art Association in 2010. a critical review of a painting to the act of painting itself, saying that both processes Contact URVI NOPANY at were layered and complex. .




“A university’s essential character is that of being a center of free inquiry and criticism — a thing not to be sacrificed for anything else.” RICHARD HOFSTADTER HISTORIAN

Budget concerns prompt debate on governance TIMELINE FACULTY DISSENT JAN. 18 Roughly 20 professors gather for wine and cheese at the home of English professor Jill Campbell, and discuss University governance.

FEB. 2 Shared services comes under fire at a Yale College faculty meeting after Vice President for Finance and Business Operations FEB. 17 Shauna King delivers a Yale College Dean presentation on the Mary Miller cancels business model. March’s faculty meeting, citing few agenda items. The meeting is reinstated the next day after protest from professors.

MARCH 6 Fifteen professors at the Graduate School submit a proposal to Levin and Provost Peter Salovey that calls for a faculty advisory committee to counsel Graduate School Dean Thomas Pollard on proposed policies.

APRIL 5 A revised version of Benhabib’s resolution passes by a vote of 100-69 at April’s faculty meeting, despite a statement of opposition from President Richard Levin.

MARCH 1 Political science and philosophy professor Seyla Benhabib introduces a resolution at March’s meeting that urges Yale-NUS to protect civil liberty.

MARCH 29 Levin and Salovey release a memo to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences responding to areas of concern and reaffirming their commitment to communication.

idential colleges and buildings on Science Hill was stalled. Administrators have also exerted increased control of FAS search and hiring processes since the recession hit. Before the budget crisis, the number of faculty and authorized searches increased alongside dramatic growth in the endowment during the mid-2000s. But over the past three years, the size of the FAS ladder faculty was held at roughly 700 and the number of faculty searches requested far exceeded those that could be approved. According to a report Salovey released to the FAS in early March on faculty resources and budgeting, individual departments have had less influence over faculty appointment decisions since the recession began because the FAS Steering Committee — a group that includes Salovey, Miller, Graduate School Dean Thomas Pollard and the deputy provosts — has been forced to ration searches. Many departments now have more allotted positions than the budget has allowed them to fill. Daniel Harrison, chair of the Music Department, said departments have had less authority over hiring decisions due to the budget shortfall, as decisions to freeze searches have come out of the Provost’s Office. He said some of the “apparently unrelated events” that have frustrated faculty in recent months can be traced to the shortfall. “Now that the budget crisis is easing a bit, faculty are kind of coming out of their shells and noticing that a number of decisions were either taken out of faculty hands and done administratively or some of those decisions were done hastily,” Harrison said. But more than three years later, the budget gap still has not been completely eliminated: Salovey said in January that a disparity between growth in expected spending and revenue will require “targeted reductions” to close a projected $67 million deficit in the 2012-’13 budget.


GOVERNANCE FROM PAGE 1 posal’s language. Shortly before the vote was conducted, Levin also delivered a statement of opposition to the resolution. He told the News he took issue with the “moral superiority” of its first sentence, which expresses “concern regarding the history of lack of respect for civil and political rights” in Singapore. The approved statement was a revised version of a resolution that political science and philosophy professor Seyla Benhabib GRD ’77 had introduced a month earlier at the faculty’s March meeting. At the time, Benhabib told the News that debate over the resolution helps demonstrate that the Yale College faculty is an “equal deliberating body” to the Yale Corporation, even if the faculty is not responsible for all decisions concerning the University. Levin said in February that the decision to launch Yale-NUS ultimately rested with the Yale Corporation, as the venture is a new school and not a program within Yale College. The April meeting marked the first time faculty members took a stance on the Singaporean school, which will be jointly administered by Yale and NUS, through a formal vote. “We took a big and positive step forward this evening, perhaps opening up the larger question about governance in Yale University and the place of the faculty,” Benhabib said after March’s meeting.


Though faculty have lately questioned the weight they carry in University decisions, Yale has long tried to balance faculty and administrative voices through a system of shared governance. Judith Areen LAW ’69, a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, said shared governance systems allot decision-making responsibilities to both the faculty and a non-faculty or “lay” governing board. While the latter, like the Yale Corporation, is responsible for business-related issues, the former has primary authority over all academic matters. Areen, who has written about higher education governance and law, said shared governance at colleges and universities is unique to the United States. The founders of Harvard — the oldest higher education institution in the nation — tried to emulate the governance systems of British institutions such as Cambridge and Oxford, where faculty have complete control. But in 1636 there were not enough scholars in Massachusetts Bay Colony to establish a system of faculty governance, and a lay governing board was created. Over the next 200 years, higher education faculty in the United States largely followed the directives of their governing boards. But as the boards began to include more businessmen and fewer legislators and ministers in the late 19th century, and as professors placed new emphasis on scholarship instead of simply teaching, disputes led faculty to take a stand to protect themselves from their boards. The American Association of University Professors was formed in 1915 with the purpose of upholding the faculty’s role

in governance, and released a statement that year on academic freedom and tenure, Areen said. Nearly 100 years later, some faculty and administrators at Yale are divided over what form shared governance should take. Areen said shared governance systems do not necessarily outline a clear-cut division of responsibilities, but instead rely on “consultation and mutual respect” between faculty, administrators and governing boards. Faculty and administrators are not “monolithic,” said Salovey, who became an administrator in 2003, noting that he still considers himself part of the faculty. Even if professors are not the final decision-makers on some issues, Salovey said their input is important. “I think it’s most important to recognize that when it comes to matters of curriculum and faculty appointments — what is taught and who teaches it — the judgment of the faculty and its authority are paramount,” Salovey said. The Yale-NUS project is one example of an issue that does affect faculty, Salovey said, and should therefore involve substantial consultation with professors. Administrators discussed Yale-NUS at town hall meetings with faculty in the fall of 2010 — before a budget for the college was finalized with NUS and the Singaporean government in late March 2011. Levin had also presented on Yale-NUS three different times at faculty meetings in the three years prior to March’s meeting. But several faculty members said they feel they were not adequately consulted in the past and would like a greater say as the project moves forward.


As tensions mounted across the University in the wake of protests faculty raised at their February meeting, Levin and Salovey began visiting departments, and they released a memo to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences addressing areas of faculty concern two weeks ago. In the six-point memo, Levin and Salovey reaffirmed their commitment to productive dialogue with the faculty, pledged to collaborate with departments in staff restructuring related to shared services, and expressed regret over “any misunderstanding” caused by proposed policy changes in the Graduate School. Throughout much of the memo, the two administrators linked recent faculty unease to financial challenges the University has faced since the recession hit in 2008. Levin told the News after the memo was released that he thinks faculty have consolidated around a diverse set of grievances this semester partly because a period of tight finances requires decisions be made at “the top” more than usual. “It’s pretty hard to reduce budgets by majority vote,” Levin said. With the onset of the nationwide economic downturn, Yale’s endowment declined by nearly 25 percent in fiscal year 2009 and left the University facing a $350 million budget deficit. Administrators called for across-the-board budget cuts three years in a row. Faculty hiring and salary increases faced financial constraints, and construction of the new res-

As part of efforts to close the initial budget shortfall, Levin and Vice President for Finance and Business Operations Shauna King decided to use shared services — a business model intended to ease the burden on faculty and staff by moving common tasks out of departments to centralized service units — as a cost-cutting measure. After King delivered a presentation on the progress of the shared services model at the February faculty meeting, roughly 20 professors took turns criticizing the initiative. They described the model as an across-the-board system that fails to consider the needs of individual departments, and said it has led to unnecessary restructuring of staff. Underlying much of this criticism is the complaint that faculty have not been adequately involved in decisions related to shared services and changes that directly impact their departments. History professor Glenda Gilmore said administrators should have included faculty in the initial decision to introduce the business model, as they are the ones utilizing the services. Quality administrative support helps faculty to improve their teaching and research, she added. “The people who are implementing these changes saw the faculty as an obstacle to be worked around, and they didn’t realize that the faculty was actually consuming and using these services,” Gilmore said. The shared services model is widespread in the private sector, and King, who is leading its implementation at Yale, spent her entire career in the corporate world. She even served as president of PepsiCo Shared Services before coming to Yale in June 2006. But the model is less common at colleges and universities, and Rowan Miranda, associate vice president for finance at the University of Michigan, said Yale and other schools may face resistance as they introduce shared services to higher education. “I see shared services as something that is inevitable,” Miranda told the News in late March. “It’s the next logical influx of thinking in the business world brought into higher education.” Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Dimitri Gutas ’69 GRD ’74, who recalls the “good ol’ days” of the late 1960s when he was an undergraduate at Yale, said shared services has contributed to an overall negative shift in how the University is governed. Gutas said Yale’s governance structure has historically existed on a basis of “advice and consent” between faculty and administrators. But he said the introduction of a “technocratic, management class interposed between the faculty and the administration” has hampered their communication. Members of this management class, such as employees in the Office of Finance and Business Operations, do not work on the same basis of “advice and consent” because they are hired, fired and held accountable by the administration, he added. Benjamin Ginsberg, a professor of political science at Johns Hopkins University, said administration in higher education has become increasingly professionalized over the past 25 years. Faculty members used to fill adminis-

trative positions on a temporary basis, but Ginsberg said today professional administrators from outside faculty ranks are generally hired to these roles and to a proliferation of new positions like assistant deans, associate provosts and vice presidents. Ginsberg said these employees — which he terms “deanlets” — have led to university presidents controlling their own “army” of administrators. While faculty view the mission of a university as research and teaching, Ginsberg, who recently wrote a book entitled “The Fall of the Faculty,” said professional administrators are primarily concerned with finances and focus on bringing “customers” to the university. “Administrators have worked quite assiduously to put the faculty out of the business of governance; to shield their decision-making from faculty involvement; to hire more and more and more ‘deanlets’ so they can operate independently of the faculty,” he said. Levin said financial decisions are made to support the educational mission of the University, adding that faculty growth has outpaced administrative growth over the past 12 years.


In examining the role of the faculty in Yale’s decision-making processes, professors and administrators differ on whether the University should realign its system of shared governance. Salovey said a variety of mechanisms exist at Yale that support the faculty’s role in governance, such as standing and ad hoc faculty committees, monthly faculty meetings for Yale College and the Graduate School, and the Joint Boards of Permanent Officers — a body responsible for approving faculty appointments and promotions that consists of tenured professors in those two schools. Administrators commended the democratic nature of Yale College faculty meetings, which Miller said convene the “most encompassing governing body on the campus” and allow “for all membership to have a voice.” But those meetings are designed to address issues involving the college in particular, and Levin and Salovey said in their memo that they recognized a desire among faculty for “a regular forum for faculty discussion of significant University issues.”

Now that the budget crisis is over, faculty are kind of coming out of their shells. DANIEL HARRISON Chair, Music Department The two administrators proposed holding meetings of the FAS — which currently only take place to discuss reports of specific committees — once or twice a semester in the coming academic year on a trial basis, with the procedures for those meetings to be determined by a faculty committee. To improve communication and collaboration between administrators and faculty, Levin and Salovey also suggested holding more regular meetings between departmental administrators and Miller and Pollard. But some professors, including many involved with the faculty group on governance, have advocated for the creation of a formal faculty body with significant voting and deliberative power. As faculty dissent has gained momentum this semester, professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology Joel Rosenbaum said he has tried to build support among his colleagues for a faculty senate. Rosenbaum, who has taught at Yale since 1967, said the University’s governance has become a corporatized “permissive autocracy.” A faculty senate or elected council for the FAS — or potentially for the University as a whole — would provide a better forum for discussion than Yale College faculty meetings and give faculty a greater say in decision-making, some professors claim. Economics professor William Nordhaus ’63, who chaired the committee that

reported on faculty resources, said in an April 6 email that “including faculty in major decisions is a key element in good governance in a university.” “I have long favored trying to find a more effective way for faculty to voice their concerns in a systematic and informed manner, perhaps a senate or perhaps some other approach,” said Nordhaus, who came to Yale in 1967 and served as provost in the late 1980s. “This becomes ever more important as the University becomes large.” Professor of political science Steven Wilkinson, who came to Yale in 2009, said he has found the University’s faculty governance procedures more difficult to understand and “less institutionalized” than those at Duke University and the University of Chicago, where he used to work. Duke had an Arts and Sciences Council elected by the faculty, Wilkinson said in an April 4 email, which discussed and voted on a variety of university-wide issues. The council was a “pretty constructive and reasonable body,” he said, which improved university decisions and made them “more legitimate.” At Yale, the faculty have less substantial opportunities to deliberate on important issues, Wilkinson said. He noted that “most of the faculty voice” is expressed through committees appointed by administrators as well as meetings of the Yale College faculty or the Joint Boards of Permanent Officers, in which items not placed on the agenda must be held until the end. Agendas for Yale College faculty meetings are set by the Yale College Steering Committee, which includes appointed faculty members and representatives of the Dean’s Office. Salovey said committee appointments are made with input from departmental chairs. But Levin is responsible for making the final decision on chair appointments, though Miller, Pollard or T. Kyle Vanderlick, dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science, meet one-onone with all faculty members in a department beforehand. Administrators said they are open to discussing changes to Yale’s governance structures. While Levin said a representative faculty body could increase commitment from elected faculty, he noted that such a group could also create politics among professors. “I don’t think it’s obvious that it’s an improvement over what has, over time, been a pretty engaged democratic process where we’ve had many very thoughtful and well-reasoned discussions of the full plenary body,” Levin said.


Yale historian Gaddis Smith ’54 GRD ’61 said shared governance at Yale has traditionally been exercised through the “considerable discussion” that takes place between faculty and administrators. Power on most matters ultimately rests with the Corporation, Smith said, and the faculty’s most significant “check” on that power is to speak out against and denounce policies with which they disagree. Faculty dissent this semester is “reminiscent” of governance conflicts Yale witnessed in the 20th century, Smith said — even if not as serious. He cited an alumni committee’s reshuffling of power from faculty to the Corporation at the end of World War I, the heavy-handed decisionmaking of President A. Whitney Griswold in the 1950s, and faculty pushback against the directives of President Benno Schmidt ’63 LAW ’66 in the early 1990s. Before Schmidt resigned in 1992, faculty demanded the creation of a committee on governance. The committee issued a report in 1993, which Smith said became largely irrelevant when Levin took the helm of the University that year. A similarly significant discussion on governance has not taken place since then, and both administrators and faculty recognize it may be time to resume the dialogue. “It’s probably good for the body politic to have a governance discussion every 20 years or so,” Music Department Chair Harrison said. “And we’re probably due for one.” Contact GAVAN GIDEON at .









“I didn’t develop a pro-Yale bias — an enduring, predictive, monolithic predisposition towards Yale. I developed a set of opinions shaped by my Yale experiences.” MALCOLM GLADWELL AUTHOR

Committee OKs federal funds BY NICK DEFIESTA STAFF REPORTER In a joint committee meeting Wednesday night, aldermen debated the final budget for New Haven’s share of federal Community Development Block Grants. The Board of Aldermen’s joint community development and human services committee approved several amendments to Mayor John DeStefano Jr.’s budget for the grants, sending its final budget to be debated before the entire board. Although the committee made minimal changes to funding allocations, it spent over an hour debating a proposed amendment by East Rock Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 that would streamline the funding process in future years. Many local nonprofits and community organizations rely on the grants to cover their operating costs. But with the federal government slashing aid to states, these organizations — including churches, housing programs, and youth and elderly services — have had to make do with less money in recent years. To receive funding, organizations must submit applications in the fall. In late February, DeStefano submitted his office’s recommended CDBG budget to aldermen. According to City Hall spokeswoman Elizabeth Benton, New Haven’s total funding allocation has been decreased by more than $1 million. As a result, the city has narrowed its funding priorities to goals outlined by the mayor and the board earlier this year: youth development, job and employment opportunities, public safety and neighborhood revitalization. Those priorities affected Wednesday’s proceedings, as the committee debated five changes to the proposed CDBG budget. The first three, proposed by aldermen on the committee, would increase funding to Fair Haven Health Clinic and Centro San Jose by $3,000 each and to New Haven Pop Warner, a nonprofit football and cheer league — which was cut entirely from DeStefano’s budget — by $9,700. But in order to give more money to the three organizations, the amendments would take money from four others, including $7,700 from the Area Agency on Aging and $4,000 from STRIVE. Ward 26 Alderman and committee co-chair Sergio Rodriguez objected to the cuts to STRIVE, an organization that provides job training and placement, given the board’s objec-


New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell discussed his career and offered advice for aspiring journalists at a talk on Wednesday.

New Yorker’s Gladwell shares writing strategies NICK DEFIESTA/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker, left, proposed a successful amendment to streamline the Board’s federal funding approval process. tives of boosting employment in the city. “One of my understandings was that a priority for the board this year was creating jobs,” Rodriguez said. Rodriguez offered another amendment that would take $4,000 from the Montessori School on Edgewood — which he said did not use all the money it was allotted last year — to make up for the money STRIVE would lose. After some debate, the four amendments, along with another that increased funding for the city’s Complete Streets initiative with money taken from the Health Environmental Rehab & Lead Paint initiative, all passed the committee. The committee then debated Elicker’s amendment, which they said would clear some of the red tape surrounding the CDBG funding. After submitting an application and attending required presentations in the fall, CDBG applicants must come before the joint committee to ask for funding, often waiting for up to three hours in the process. Elicker’s amendment would remove the need for community organizations that have successfully received funding in the past — many of which have applied for CDBG funding for over a decade — to come before the joint committee every year.

“The spirit of it is to make it easier [to apply] without losing any of the oversight,” Elicker said. Under the amendment, organizations that have successfully received funding in the past would not need to testify before the board unless their funding request changed substantially or they were summoned by aldermen. The amendment was a point of contention within the committee, with Ward 1 Sarah Eidelson ’12 questioning exactly who on the committee would have the authority to summon organizations to testify. In the final version that was passed by the committee, any alderman on the committee could summon an organization, subject to the approval of the co-chairs. Now, the committee’s finalized CDBG budget will head to the entire Board of Aldermen, where it will be debated and new amendments may be added to it before it is voted on by all 30 aldermen. Rodriguez said the board’s final vote will come during its May 7 meeting. New Haven received a total of $6,443,460 in federal funding this year, $3,673,534 of which is from CDBGs. Contact NICK DEFIESTA at .

BY ANISHA SUTERWALA STAFF REPORTER Malcolm Gladwell, staff writer for the New Yorker and bestselling author, shared his inspirations for stories, offered advice for aspiring journalists and criticized the Ivy League Wednesday afternoon before a crowd of over 400 students in Sheffield-SterlingStrathcona Hall Auditorium. In the event, which was hosted by the Yale Politic, Gladwell called his entry into journalism “accidental,” having failed to find a job in advertising, but his journalistic interests stem from a passion for “telling stories.” Though his work has garnered widespread acclaim, he said he does not consider himself an original thinker. He does not “generate ideas” for his work, he said, but instead draws ideas from academic papers and finds ways to “make those ideas come alive.” “I’m not doing the original work,” Gladwell said. “There’s that bird on the back of the elephant that picks off the ticks — I am the bird.” Gladwell began his journalism career writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine, until the Washington Post hired him in 1987. He worked at the Post for 10 years before joining the staff of The New Yorker in 1996, where he wrote some of his best-known articles. He published his first book, “The Tipping Point,” in 2000, and since then has published three others. The first step in looking for a story worth writing, Gladwell said, is to read. When he finds an interesting author, Gladwell said he reads the articles the author cites in his work. He follows this trail of articles until it leads him to a story that intrigues him. Gladwell compared the process to that of academic research, adding that he looks for a way to “connect [the ideas] to people outside” of academia. Journalists, Gladwell said, often underestimate the importance of a good story. Gladwell

said he tries to focus less on conveying important facts and more on using stories to convey information that people may otherwise disregard. When asked to dispense advice for budding journalists, Gladwell was hesitant to direct them toward newspapers. Although he said his experiences at the Washington Post were fulfilling, he said positions at newspapers are now not often fruitful mostly because newspapers are less profitable than they once were. He suggested online media, even if unpaid, as a good starting point for aspiring journalists. “Newspapers are kind of dreary, depressed places,” he said. “I would go the penniless Web route to get practice. You can enter the mainstream so much quicker there.” Gladwell also discussed topics in his upcoming book, whose title has not been released, such as the lives of children of billionaires and the experiences of Ivy League students. He said he used to think of the Ivy League as a “pernicious force that perpetuated privilege in America,” but now believes it “doesn’t do anything at all.” He claims in the book that the career outcomes of Ivy League students and students of similar intellect at state schools do not vary greatly in prestige or wealth. “I have an entire chapter on why you’d all have been better off if you’d gone to your second-choice school,” he said. Tara Rajan ’15 said she thought Gladwell was an excellent speaker and tailored his talk to Yale students. “It was an honest social science and behavioral economics view of things that pertain to us,” she said. “I don’t necessarily agree with all the things he said, but I do think it was important to hear them from an expert.” Gladwell’s book is slated to be released in 2013. Contact ANISHA SUTERWALA at .

DESIGN We’re the best-looking desk at the YDN.

We see you.



FROM THE FRONT Admits weigh ROTC choices

“For centuries the death penalty, often accompanied by barbarous refinements, has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists.” ALBERT CAMUS FRENCH AUTHOR

Tailgate victim sues Ross ’13, U-Haul POTENTIAL NEGLIGENCE CLAIMS IN COMPLAINT The vehicle was driven too fast for conditions. The vehicle was not under proper control.

ROTC FROM PAGE 1 “Most of the kids who have been admitted to Yale also competed for service academies, other Ivy Leagues and Ivy Plus schools,” Weibel said. “At this point in time, it’s about presenting them with the facts, helping guide them to the best decision possible, whether it’s Yale or not.” Before students can become cadets or midshipmen at Yale, they will have to matriculate to the University and then accept the scholarship packages from the Air Force or Navy. Crabbe said six students have accepted their Naval ROTC scholarships and matriculated to Yale, and 10 admitted students have received scholarship offers from the Navy but have yet to accept their packages. Still, she added that it is too early to estimate the eventual size of the ROTC units, since some potential midshipmen have not yet been offered scholarships. Weibel declined to comment on how many admitted students have received scholarship offers from the Air Force. Still, he added that he expects the Air Force unit to “easily” reach its goal of 30 cadets, including those who enroll in the unit from colleges outside Yale.

Most of the kids who have been admitted to Yale also competed for service academies, other Ivy Leagues and Ivy Plus schools. LT. COL. THEODORE WEIBEL Detachment commander, Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps “What the Air Force Academy teaches you to do, versus what ROTC teaches you to do, is fundamentally the same thing: We grow leaders,” Weibel said. “How the academies go about that and how we go about that is different.” He added that academy and ROTC graduates will enter the service with the same ranking. Matt Smith ’16 said he received acceptance letters to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis — as well as Duke and Notre Dame, both of which have a larger, well-established Naval ROTC units — but ultimately chose Yale and its new ROTC unit for the University’s academic and social culture. “I think I would do better in a more traditional college setting and have the Navy part of it be one thing among many that I encounter — whereas at the Naval Academy you’re wearing a uniform every day until you go to bed at night,” Smith said. Smith added he thought Yale was making more of a commitment to ROTC than other elite schools that have recently instituted military programs after the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Mary Farner ’16, who is still waiting for her Naval ROTC scholarship to be approved, said she stopped considering other schools once she was accepted into Yale, but she is still deciding whether or not to enroll in ROTC. “The biggest thing holding me back from doing ROTC is that five-year commitment [to the Navy upon graduation],” Farner said. “I definitely am the type of person who will want to graduate college and start down the path to my career.” ROTC will also have programs at Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard and Princeton by the fall of 2012. Contact TAPLEY STEPHENSON at .

A proper lookout was not kept. A horn or other warning was not provided. The vehicle was in unsafe condition.


A U-Haul swerved into the Yale Bowl’s D-Lot on Nov. 19, killing one woman and injuring two other people at the Harvard-Yale tailgate. TAILGATE FROM PAGE 1 Stratton said he heard from Short that the family of Nancy Barry of Salem, Mass., who was killed in the crash, is also in the process of filing a lawsuit against Ross. Paula St. Pierre, Barry’s mother, declined to comment. The crash occurred the morning of Nov. 19, when a U-Haul driven by Ross accelerated and swerved into the Yale Bowl’s D-Lot, killing Barry and injuring Short and Harvard employee Elizabeth Dernbach. Ross passed a field sobriety test on the scene and was taken to the New Haven Police Department for questioning. Short severely injured her leg in the

crash and required multiple surgical interventions. The complaint accuses Ross and the U-Haul Company of Connecticut of negligence. Five potential causes of the crash are listed in the document, including the excessive speed of Ross’s driving, the fact that he never honked his horn and the working condition of the U-Haul, the last of which Stratton said was included because Ross’s lawyer stated in November that the accident occurred due to an “apparent vehicle malfunction.” Hartman said the investigation’s results will only be released once the state’s attorney’s office determines whether to press criminal charges

against Ross. Michael Dearington, Connecticut state’s attorney for the New Haven district, said his office will examine the results of the investigation “as soon as practically possible.” Hartman said he expected the process to take between four and six weeks, because the state’s attorney’s office has requested that several witness statements be transcribed. William Dow ’63, Ross’s attorney, said he will represent Ross in any criminal cases that might arise from the investigation, but not in any civil lawsuits the victims file against Ross, including the one filed by Short. He added that incidents like Ross’s often result in several lawsuits.

Stratton said the civil case might expand to include accusations against Yale for the configuration of the Yale Bowl lots, which allow trucks to flow into pedestrian areas. In response to the incident, Yale revised its tailgate regulations in January, banning kegs and box trucks from tailgates, creating of a vehicle-free student tailgating area and requiring that tailgates end by kick-off. Stratton said he could not comment on the exact amount of money Short will receive if she wins the case. “It’ll be determined one or two ways: either by a jury who makes that decision on their own or it’ll be what the market will bear in terms of negotiations,” Stratton said. “I can’t put a dollar value on the case right now.” Ross and Short deferred comment for this article to their attorneys. Pete Sciortino, president of the U-Haul Company of Connecticut, said his company has cooperated with the police investigation but declined to comment on the civil case. Contact DANIEL SISGOREO at .

Death penalty repeal heads to governor DEATH PENALTY FROM PAGE 1 Senate Democrats amended the bill to apply only to future convictions, meaning that the 11 inmates currently on the state’s death row — including Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsy, who were convicted and sentenced to death in the infamous 2007 Cheshire triple homicide — will still face capital punishment. The bill also created a special felony murder charge carrying additional punishments for offenders convicted of committing murders that would have triggered capital sentences. The bill restricts inmates convicted of the new charge to two hours a day outside their jail cells, allows them only non-contact visitation and keeps them in a facility separate from those housing other inmates. “These inmates will face condi-

tions that are similar to and in some cases more severe than conditions on death row,” Senate President Donald Williams, a Democrat from Brooklyn, Conn., said. “It is a punishment and sentence that is certain and final.” The bill’s passage in the House comes a day after city officials — including Mayor John DeStefano Jr., New Haven Police Department Chief Dean Esserman and State Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, who represents New Haven and has spearheaded the repeal effort — held a press conference in City Hall to pressure the state to end capital punishment. Looney said the death penalty is inappropriate because the criminal justice system is imperfect, citing James Tillman, who served a prison sentence for 16 years before being proven innocent, and Kenneth Ireland, who was exonerated after serving 19 years in

prison. “The reality is the death penalty cannot be applied in a fair and impartial manner and there can be no guarantee against error,” Looney said. “No fallible human system should have the power to take a life. Our system is subject to both good faith error and deliberate perversions of justice.” A Quinnipiac University poll released last week revealed that Connecticut voters largely support capital punishment. According to the poll, 62 percent of Connecticut voters surveyed said abolishing the death penalty is a “bad idea.” Looney said the poll results often vary with how the death penalty issue is presented in polls, adding that previous polls have shown greater support for repeal when respondents are given the option to replace the capital punishment with life imprisonment, rather than the question of whether the death

penalty should be allowed. A Quinnipiac poll released last October supports Looney’s claim, finding that when given the option between the death penalty and life in prison without parole, only 46 percent of Connecticut voters continued to support capital punishment. In 2009, a similar bill repealing the death penalty passed both chambers of the state’s General Assembly, but was vetoed by Republican then-Gov. Jodi Rell. In the past 50 years, Connecticut has put only one person to death. In May 2005, the state executed serial killer Michael Ross, who requested the death penalty after being given the option of life in prison without parole. Contact NICK DEFIESTA at .

Students express apathy toward elections will not affect them. Several students said they felt candidates’ campaigning on Facebook pages is not persuasive because the substance of candidates’ platforms is not effectively conveyed. Deeconda said the photo campaigns serve only to show a candidate’s popularity, and Rhiannon Monta ’14 said she did not appreciate the candidates’ persistence in pursuing students online.

Most of the platforms are based on small changes. Either what they want to change is not feasible, or it’s too small. KAMARIA GREENFIELD/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR

Cristo Liautaud ’14, John Gonzalez ’14 and Eric Eliasson ’14 are running for president of the Yale College Council. YCC ELECTIONS FROM PAGE 1 Emma Schindler ’14 said she is relatively well-informed about the candidates’ platforms, but thinks the limits to what the YCC can accomplish prevent her from getting interested in the race. She added that she thinks presidential candidates are

saying what they hope will attract votes rather than taking steps to enact “real change.” “I know why we need a student government,” Schindler said. “But it seems like a popularity contest.” Anurag Deeconda ’14 said he found the platforms of all presidential candidates to be “generic,” so he will be

making his decision based on candidates’ abilities to reach out to him on a personal level. Although seniors are allowed to vote in YCC executive board elections, four seniors interviewed said they would abstain from voting because they will not be students next year and the outcome of the election

TORI FLANNERY ’13 “The Facebook campaigns are too excessive,” Monta said. “I just ignore everything, because I don’t like being spammed.” The polls for the YCC elections open at 9 a.m. on Thursday and close at 9 p.m. on Friday. Contact MADELINE MCMAHON at .






Scattered showers, mainly between 11am and 5pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 57.


High of 61, low of 42.

High of 64, low of 45.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, APRIL 13 4:30 PM “A Moving Story: Concert Dance Interpretations of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet.’” Amymarie Bartholomew ’13 will give this talk and demonstration examining the ways that Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” has been presented. Part of Shakespeare at Yale. Davenport College (248 York St.), Davenport/Pierson Auditorium. 5:30 PM Sustainability Bike Tour. Experience the evolution of Yale’s sustainable campus, commune with cyclists of all abilities and learn basic bicycle safety tips. Write to oiss@yale. edu with “Bike Tour” in the subject line to register. Event will be postponed in case of heavy rain or thunderstorms. Part of Celebrate Sustainability. International Center for Yale Students & Scholars (421 Temple St.).


SATURDAY, APRIL 14 1:00 PM “The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom.” This Academy Award-nominated documentary follows survivors in the hardest-hit areas of Japan’s recent tsunami as they revive and rebuild at the beginning of cherry blossom season. Discussion with special guests will follow the screening. Part of the 2012 Environmental Film Festival at Yale. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), auditorium.

SUNDAY, APRIL 15 9:30 AM Julia’s Run for Children. This four-mile run passes through Edgerton Park. Event will include a 0.7-mile fun run for kids under 12. There will be awards, refreshments and a raffle. The recreational/fun run will begin at 9:30 a.m. The competition walk/ run will begin at 10 a.m. Part of Celebrate Sustainability. Proceeds benefit LEAP. Cross Campus.


10:00 AM New Haven All-Day Singing. Join the Yale-New Haven Regular Singing for its second annual all-day singing from the Denson revision of “The Sacred Harp,” the shape-note tunebook most widely used today. Potluck dinner at 12:30 p.m. Connecticut Hall (Old Campus).


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Questions or comments about the fairness or accuracy of stories should be directed to Max de La Bruyère, Editor in Chief, at (203) 432-2418. Bulletin Board is a free service provided to groups of the Yale community for events. Listings should be submitted online at submit. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit listings.

To visit us in person 202 York St. New Haven, Conn. (Opposite JE) FOR RELEASE APRIL 12, 2012

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


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2 “Joanie Loves Chachi” co-star 3 Hearer of final appeals 4 __Kosh B’Gosh 5 Comeback 6 Go to and fro 7 Post-op program 8 Maine campus town 9 Promotes 10 Immigrant’s subj. 11 Excessive 12 Invasive Japanese vine 13 Prevent legally 18 What ad libbers ignore 22 Overabundance 24 Star 26 “My country, __ ...” 27 Horn, for one 28 Gravy thickener 29 Ringlet 33 With “and” and 40-Across, emissionsreducing method whose first word (this answer) can follow the start of the answers to starred clues

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Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved


8 5

3 1

4 9

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34 Sidle 36 Burger follower 37 “Nessun dorma,” e.g. 38 Combine, as assets 41 Using (up) 44 Fireplace powder 48 Chair on a porch 50 Fake 51 Fan club focuses


52 Towpath locale 53 She’s not for you 54 “What did I do to deserve this?” 55 “Poison” plant 59 Harangue 61 Architectural pier 62 More, to a minimalist 64 Elle, across the Atlantic 65 Bit of a snore?

9 6 7 4

5 8


7 5 6


4 3 6 1


2 3

5 9



NATION BY SUZANNE GAMBOA AND SONYA ROSS ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Trayvon Martin’s parents expressed relief Wednesday over a special prosecutor’s decision to charge the man responsible for the 17-year-old’s death. Martin’s mother said if she could speak directly to George Zimmerman, she would allow him a chance to say he is sorry for what happened. “I would probably give him an opportunity to apologize,” Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, told The Associated Press in an interview. “I would probably ask him if there were another way that he could have settled the confrontation that he had with Trayvon, other than the way it ended, with Trayvon being shot.” Her voice trailed off, and tears welled in her eyes. She remained stoic, and expressed faith that the justice system would work as it should. Martin’s father, Tracy Martin, offered several questions that he would like to ask Zimmerman about the sequence of events that led up to Trayvon’s death, but in the end he would want to know, “Was it really worth it?” “The question I would really like to ask him is, if he could look into Trayvon’s eyes and see how innocent he was, would he have then pulled the trigger? Or would he have just let him go on home?” Tracy Martin said. The parents spoke in Washington shortly before special prosecutor Angela Corey announced in Florida that Zimmerman, 28, had been arrested on a second-degree murder charge in their son’s Feb. 26 death. The parents and Trayvon’s brother, Jahvaris Fulton, were attending a national conference convened by Al Sharpton’s

National Action Network. They watched Corey’s announcement on television in a room at the Washington Convention Center. As soon as Corey uttered the words “seconddegree murder,” Martin and Fulton grasped hands, and their attorney, Benjamin Crump, placed his hands over theirs. Fulton smiled slightly at the news. “We wanted an arrest and we got it,” Fulton said later during a brief appearance before reporters. “Thank you, Lord, thank you, Jesus.” Before the arrest, Fulton said: “That won’t bring Trayvon back but at least that would give us reassurance that the justice system is working.” Zimmerman’s shooting of the black teenager brought demands from black leaders for his arrest and set off a furious nationwide debate over race and self-defense that reached all the way to the White House. Zimmerman, whose father is white and whose mother is Hispanic, said the teenager attacked him, and he shot in self-defense. Martin’s family argued Zimmerman was the aggressor. They appealed for their supporters, as well as Zimmerman’s supporters, to remain calm in response to the prosecutor’s decision. “We’ve always said that we want peaceful resolution, no matter what side you’re on,” Martin said. “We don’t want them to stop the protest and the rallies, we just want to make sure that they remain peaceful,” Fulton said. “We’re going through the process the right way, the proper way. We just ask that everybody that supports us do the same thing. Even the ones who don’t support us, we want to make sure that they protest in a peaceful manner.”

Dow Jones 12,805.39, +0.70%

S NASDAQ 3,016.46, +0.84% S

Trayvon Martin killer charged


Oil $102.43, -0.26%

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Was Titanic’s demise more than human folly? BY JONATHAN FAHEY ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — After an entire century that included two high-profile government investigations and countless books and movies, we’re still debating what really caused the Titanic to hit an iceberg and sink on that crystal-clear chilly night. Maybe there’s more to blame than human folly and hubris. Maybe we can fault freak atmospheric conditions that caused a mirage or an even rarer astronomical event that sent icebergs into shipping lanes. Those are two of the newer theories being proposed by a Titanic author and a team of astronomers. But the effort to find natural causes that could have contributed to the sinking may also be a quest for an excuse - anything to avoid gazing critically into a mirror, say disaster experts and Titanic historians. New theories and research are important “but at its most basic what happened is they failed to heed warnings and they hit the iceberg because they were going too fast,” said James Delgado, director of maritime heritage at the National Oceanic and


Passengers talk behind a model of the Titanic onboard the MS Balmoral Titanic memorial cruise ship on Wednesday. Atmospheric Administration. With this week’s 100th anniversary of Titanic’s sinking, the interest in all things Titanic is steaming faster than the doomed cruise ship on its maiden voyage. One of the novel new theories says Titanic could have been the victim of a mirage that is similar to what people see in the desert. It’s the brainchild of Tim Mal-

tin, a historian who has written three books about Titanic. The latest, an e-book titled “A Very Deceiving Night” emphasizes how the atmosphere may have tricked the Titanic crew on a cloudless night. “This was not avoidable human error,” Maltin said in a telephone interview from London. “It’s just about air density difference.”

Obama campaign prepares for Romney BY BEN FELLER ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — For all the turmoil of the long primary season, President Barack Obama is right where he expected to be: taking on Mitt Romney and targeting him as a wishy-washy protector of the rich. With the November outcome likely to hinge on the economy, Obama will now engage more directly with the help of an experienced, well-financed campaign organization. The campaign for the White House took on a decidedly different feel on Wednesday, a true two-man race for the first time. Yet even as Republican Rick Santorum’s withdrawal a day ear-

lier changed the dynamic, beginning the general election in earnest, the contours of the Romney-Obama race had already been becoming clear. Both sides will keep pounding voters with ferocious arguments over who has the best vision for jobs, economic security and giving Americans a shot at a better life. In sharp and steady doses, directly or through aides, Obama and Romney will also accuse the other of being dishonest with voters and out-oftouch with their daily woes. Everything gets faster and louder now. Obama will pick his spots in targeting Romney directly until the election draws closer, needing to juggle the demands

of his job and eager to remind everyone that he is the one who is already the president. Obama’s Chicago-based campaign, meanwhile, will be working vigorously to challenge Romney and try to define him. In a sign of the bitter fight ahead, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina went after Romney the day the race was joined: “The more the American people see of Mitt Romney, the less they like him and the less they trust him.” The Obama campaign followed that on Wednesday with a video of some of Romney’s most divisive or awkward moments during the Republican primaries, titled: “Mitt Romney: Memories to last a lifetime.”




“You can’t make war in the Middle East without Egypt and you can’t make peace without Syria.” HENRY KISSINGER FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE

Syria pledges peace BY ELIZABETH KENNEDY ASSOCIATED PRESS BEIRUT — Syria promised to comply with a U.N.-brokered cease-fire beginning Thursday but carved out an important condition - that the regime still has a right to defend itself against the terrorists that it says are behind the country’s year-old uprising. The statement Wednesday offered a glimmer of hope that a peace initiative by special envoy Kofi Annan could help calm the conflict, which has killed some 9,000 people. But the regime still has ample room to maneuver. In comments carried on the state-run news agency, Syria said the army has successfully fought off “armed terrorist groups” and reasserted state authority across the country. “A decision has been taken to stop these missions as of the morning of Thursday, April 12, 2012,” the statement said, adding: “Our armed forces are ready to repulse any aggression carried out by the armed terrorist groups against civilians or troops.” The government denies that it is facing an uprising by Syrians who want to dislodge the authoritarian family dynasty that has ruled the country for more than four decades. Instead, the regime says, terrorists are carrying out a foreign conspiracy to destroy Syria. Because the regime has treated any sign of dissent as a provocation, there are only dim

hopes for an abrupt end to the bloodshed. The White House cautioned that President Bashar Assad’s regime has reneged on promises to stop the violence in the past. “What is important to remember is that we judge the Assad’s regime by its actions and not by their promises, because their promises have proven so frequently in the past to be empty,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters in Washington. Annan is scheduled to brief the U.N. Security Council on Thursday by videoconference from Geneva. Many activists predict that huge numbers of protesters would flood the streets if Assad fully complies with the agreement and pulls his forces back to barracks. But Syria has ways to maintain authority even without the military, in the form of pro-regime gunmen called “shabiha” and the fiercely loyal and pervasive security apparatus. Over the course of the uprising, the military crackdown succeeded in preventing protesters from recreating the fervor of Egypt’s Tahrir Square, where hundreds of thousands of people camped out in a powerful show of dissent that drove longtime leader Hosni Mubarak from power. In the early days of the Syrian rebellion, Syrian forces used tanks, snipers and machine guns on peaceful protesters, driving many of them to take up arms. Since then, the uprising has transformed into an armed insurgency. Many fear the conflict could soon become a civil war.

Dispute escalates in Sudan BY MICHAEL ONYIEGO AND MOHAMED SAEED ASSOCIATED PRESS JUBA, South Sudan — After a day of fierce fighting, troops from South Sudan captured an oil-rich border town that is claimed by Sudan, whose troops withdrew under the onslaught, a Sudanese government minister said Wednesday. The military advance by South Sudan into territory it claims but which is internationally recognized as Sudan’s brought swift condemnation from the United States and Britain. Both nations, along with the U.N. Security Council, urged South Sudan to withdraw from the town of Heglig and condemned the bombings of South Sudan territory by Sudan. Sudan’s ambassador to the United Nations, Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, said he had filed a complaint to the Security Council condemning the “heinous attack” on Heglig and demanding South Sudan’s withdrawal. “We will decide to retaliate, and retaliate severely, deep inside South Sudan” if the Security Council doesn’t address the situation, Ali Osman told reporters. He added, “We know they are a very fragile state, they have a lot of problems inside. We do not want to escalate this war, which they started, because it is not going serve the interest of either country.” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was “alarmed by the escalation in fighting” and said both countries should withdraw their forces from each others’ territory. “We condemn South Sudan’s military involvement in the attack on and seizure of Heglig, an act which goes beyond selfdefense and has increased tensions between

Sudan and South Sudan to dangerous levels,” U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said. Heglig lies along the ill-defined border between the two African nations and has been the focal point of nearly two weeks of clashes between their armies. The region is home to oil facilities that account for around half of Sudan’s oil production, a critical source of income for the country’s flagging economy. The two rivals fought a civil war that lasted decades, and any increase in their sporadic border clashes raises the risk of a return to all-out war. The two sides never reached a deal to share the region’s oil resources or delineate their exact border. Sounding the alarm, a South Sudan official said the fighting is “spreading all over.” The Sudanese government admitted late Wednesday that South Sudan’s army, known as the SPLA, has taken over Heglig and that its forces have withdrawn to regroup. The town is 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of the disputed region of Abyei, whose fate was left unresolved when South Sudan split last year from Sudan. Sudan Information Minister Abdulla Ali Masar said the SPLA, which he said was supported by “foreign forces” as well as the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) of the Darfur rebel movement and SPLA-North, waged a three-pronged attack on the area around Heglig. He did not identify the foreign forces. “Those huge, well-equipped forces managed to enter the town ... and looted belongings of the civilians and companies,” Masar told reporters in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.

Egypt court rules Islamist’s mother not U.S. citizen


Egyptian supporters of potential presidential candidate Hazem Abu Ismail hold posters and a national flag as they gather outside a courtroom in Cairo, Egypt, on Wednesday. BY SARAH EL DEEB ASSOCIATED PRESS CAIRO — An Egyptian court ruled Wednesday that that the mother of a popular ultraconservative Islamist viewed as one of the strongest contenders for president is not a U.S. citizen, likely clearing the way for him to run in May elections. The decision was met with cheers of “God is great!” by thousands of Hazem Abu Ismail’s supporters who had camped outside the court house in Cairo for hours, waiting for the decision. Abu Ismail is a 50-year-old lawyer-turned-preacher with a large following of enthusiastic supporters, particularly from the country’s ultraconservative Salafi movement. The decision is likely to heat up an already intense presidential campaign for the May 23-24 elections - the first freely contested presidential race in Egypt’s history. A law put in place after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak last year stipulates that a candidate may not have any other citizenship than Egyptian - and that the candidate’s spouse and parents cannot have any other citizenship as well. The country’s electoral com-

mission said last week that it had received documents confirming that Ismail’s mother was an American citizen, effectively disqualifying him from the race. The announcement sparked widespread protests by his supporters. The prospects of Abu Ismail’s return threatens to divide the votes of Islamists who have nominated a number of candidates. Among the other contenders are Khairat el-Shater of the Muslim Brotherhood, the country’s largest political group, who represents a more mainstream face of the Islamist movement than does Abu Ismail. Mubarak’s ex-spy chief Omar Suleiman also joined the race in a surprise move on Friday, the last day of applications. The Cairo Administrative Court ruled that the authorities must provide Abu Ismail with a document confirming that his mother has only Egyptian nationality. Abu Ismail had challenged authorities to produce evidence backing their allegations. He had argued that if his mother held any citizenship other than Egyptian, authorities must have local records of her dual nationality. Lawyers said the papers presented by authorities were insufficient. Many Egyptians who acquire another nationality fail to register

with the government here and are hence not recognized by Egypt as dual nationals. Abu Ismail had said that the case against him was a plot by authorities and foreign powers to disqualify him because of his increasing popularity. The presidential elections commission is currently vetting documents of all applicants for the elections and is to announce a final list before the end of the month. Other candidates are also facing legal challenges, including the Brotherhood’s Khairat elShater. Plaintiffs have challenged el-Shater’s candidacy on grounds he had served time in prison connected to his political activity under Mubarak. He received a pardon from military rulers but his challengers say more time must pass before he can run, according to the law. Suleiman, the ex-spy chief, is facing a challenge from the Islamist-dominated parliament. Parliamentary committees have been discussing passing a law barring former Mubarak officials from running for office. Suleiman’s bid for presidency has angered Islamists and revolutionary groups who say it was an offense to the 2011 uprising that toppled Mubarak.

























PEOPLE IN THE NEWS BILL PARCELLS The former New York Giants, New England Patriots, New York Jets and Dallas Cowboys coach said he is staying retired Wednesday despite having talked to Sean Payton and general manager Mickey Loomis about the New Orleans Saints’ interim opening for 2012.

Elis drop two to Fairfield

Augusta’s troubling policy

BASEBALL FROM PAGE 12 would score the third run himself when Brenner hit a sacrifice fly to left field. But the wheels came off for the Elis in the top of the third. After striking out the side in the second inning, lefthander Eric Hsieh ’15 appeared to have a 1–2–3 third inning, but Hanson overthrew the first baseman. The Stags (14–19, 3–6 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference) took advantage of the extra out and scored two runs in the inning. “I did a lot better than in past outings,” Hsieh said. “[But] I have to be better at settling down [after an error] … I left a few balls up in the zone.” Fairfield took the lead in the top of the fifth inning, and despite a Yale hit in each of the final three frames, the Stags held onto the lead.

COLUMN FROM PAGE 12 institutions such as “the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts and countless others,” the report said. This claim is a little alarming. There are a number of obvious reasons why the Boy Scouts do not admit women. Out of respect for Mr. Johnson, I won’t bother enumerating them. Augusta National, in contrast, is a golf club. There is simply nothing about the experience of playing recreational golf that lends itself to complete gender segregation. Of course, Augusta National is much more than a golf club — it’s also where some of the world’s most powerful leaders go to mingle. This function, however, makes its exclusionary policies even more disturbing. By barring women from an arena of major political and business discourse, it promotes an archaic boys’ club image of both athletics and leadership.

We just couldn’t put a whole game together today. We need to play a lot better when it’s winning time.


CHRIS O’HARE ’13 Pitcher, baseball

It might be possible to simply roll our eyes at this antiquated policy if Augusta National were any other golf club. But it’s not. Augusta National hosts the Masters — the first and perhaps most popular of the men’s four major championships. Its position in the public spotlight (a rather lucrative one) makes its discriminatory policies intolerable. Among the tournament’s tens of millions of annual viewers are aspiring female golfers, business leaders and citizens. Augusta National has a responsibility to project an image consistent with 21st-century society. Perspective takes courage. Leading social change requires extraordinary strength. No one, however, is asking the Club to exhibit such courage or strength. We simply ask that Augusta National catch up to the rear of the pack. There comes a time in the life of all social institutions when they are asked to change in order to accommodate the advance of social paradigms. I fear these institutions too often convince themselves that “it’s more complicated than that.” And too often, it simply is not. Augusta National is clinging to a past that should not be celebrated. The Club was wrong to reject black membership just 25 years ago, and it is wrong to reject female membership today. I’m afraid history will remember both policies as equally absurd. The Club now has a golden opportunity to save its image by celebrating an offer of membership to Ms. Rometty. But I won’t hold my breath. Contact JOHN ETTINGER at .

In the second half of the doubleheader, the Elis fell down 3–0 early but managed to retake the lead 4–3 in the bottom of the fourth. Yale tied the game at threeall in the bottom of the third on a two-run double by Brenner and an RBI single by first baseman and pitcher Kevin Fortunato ’14. The Blue and White took the lead on a sacrifice fly by third baseman Chris Piwinski ’13 The lead was transient for the Bulldogs, as the Stags scored five runs in the final two innings to steal the game. Unlike in previous games, hitting was not a problem for Yale, and the Bulldogs collected 16 hits during the twin bill. “This weekend and today we hit a lot of balls hard but right at people,” Fortunato said. “That’s something that doesn’t show up in the box score … [And] that’s the thing about baseball. Even when you do everything right, you can still fail.” The Elis will be staying at home this weekend as they place host to the archrival Harvard Crimson (6–23, 2–6 Ivy) at Yale Field. GRAHAM HARBOE/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

Catcher Ryan Brenner ‘12 scored after hitting a double against Fairfield.

Yale falls on N.Y. road trip

Elis lose comeback effort SOFTBALL FROM PAGE 12


Despite trailing by a single goal at halftime, the women’s lacrosse team could not keep up down the strech in a 12–8 loss on Wednesday. W. LAX FROM PAGE 12 second goal to narrow the game to 7–5 and kept the Bulldogs’ hope of adding their season’s second away win alive. Although DeVito scored two more goals and recorded her season’s second hat trick, along with Fleishhacker’s second goal two minutes before the whistle, it was too late to bounce back. “It was the best played 60-minute game as a team this year,” head coach Anne Phillips said. Although the Elis fought back fiercely until the whistle blew, they failed to turn the match around, as the Seawolves scored seven goals in the second half. Phillips said Stony Brook stalled, holding the ball to run the clock. The defense did not show many

blind spots except in turnovers (19–12) and demonstrated strong transitions, but the hosts responded with a fierce offense, which hindered the Elis from rallying and dominating the game. “The defense was awesome,” Phillips said, adding that team had matchup on top players and kept them from scoring as frequently. As usual, the Bulldogs showed strength in draw controls (14–8), which provided them with more goal possessions and attacking opportunities. Phillips said Stony Brook played highpressure defense, but Yale successfully executed its game plan. Goalkeeper Erin McMullan ‘15 recorded nine saves, although she allowed just as many goals. “Stony Brook played a backer defense,

but our offense adjusted well and picked it apart with passing,” Parchman said. But the Seawolves had better control in offense, recording nine more shots and collecting 11 more ground balls. Fouls were another weak point for the Elis, who committed 12 more than their opponents. Yale has scored 101 goals so far this season and has now only four matches remaining, three of them against Ivy teams. “Today’s match makes the end of the season look bright for us,” Avallone said. After two consecutive road trips, both losses, the Elis will remain at home to take on Columbia on Saturday at 1 p.m. Contact EUGENE JUNG at .


past second base. Whereas last year the Bulldogs were shut out six times total, Wednesday’s game marked the team’s scoreless game so far. There are 16 games remaining in the season. “We need to string out hits together,” Brennan said. “We need to get rallies going. We’re a really good hitting team, but we haven’t been showing it recently.” Pitcher Chelsey Dunham ’14 (5–10) took her fifth straight loss. Over the course of the game, she struck out six batters, just shy of her season high of seven. The Bulldogs came out more aggressively in the nightcap, Jen Ong ’13 said. In the bottom of the first inning, Brennan drove in two runs with a double to rightcenter field. A subsequent error brought her home and gave Yale a 3–0 lead. “I haven’t been hitting too well recently, so that [double] just felt awesome,” Brennan said. But the Elis did not score for the remainder of the game. Bit by bit, Wagner caught up in the fifth inning and overtook the Bulldogs. Wagner’s two runs in the top of the seventh, which brought the score to 6–3, put the final nail in the coffin. The Bulldogs could not respond and ended the inning with only three at-bats.

Brennan said the team’s pitching was not at fault for the loss, but the Elis struggled offensively. Though the team struck out less often — six times over the course of the double-header, compared to 12 against Cornell and 17 against Princeton last weekend — the Bulldogs still could not get on base often enough to score runs. “I think we learned that we need to start hitting more and putting everything together,” Ong said. The Bulldogs next face Harvard at home this weekend. As Northern Ivy League opponents, they will play four games over the course of Saturday and Sunday. “I guess we came in to today hoping for a tune-up before Harvard, and while we saw some good things at the plate, we ultimately just didn’t have enough,” Chelsea Janes ’12 said. “Honestly, our momentum isn’t good right now, and we definitely feel the weight of that.” Janes, a staff columnist for the News, added that Wednesday’s loss increased incentive for the Bulldogs to beat Harvard, and the team is still confident it can win this weekend. Last year the Cantabs swept the Bulldogs, 8–0, 11–1, 12–11, 11–3. Contact MASON KROLL at .


MLB N.Y. Yankees tk Baltimore tk

MLB Toronto 3 Boston 1


SOCCER Arsenal 3 Wolves 0


NBA Philadelphia 93 Toronto 75


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL MESSIMER ’13 NAMED CAPTAIN Guard Allie Messimer ’13 was elected captain by her teammates and will lead the women’s basketball team for its 40th season, the team announced early The economics major has played in all 85 of Yale’s games during her three-year career, averaging 5.1 points.

WINTER ACADEMIC ALL-IVY TEN ELIS HONORED Ten Yale student-athletes were selected for the Ivy League’s winter Academic All-Ivy honors. The women’s swimming and diving and women’s squash teams led the way with two honorees each, while the fencing team also boasted two members on the list.

NHL Philadelphia 4 Pittsburg 3

“We all know we could play a better game than we did. We should be winning games — that’s the bottom line.” HANNAH BRENNAN ’15 INFIELDER, SOFTBALL YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2012 ·

Elis falter against Fairfield


A club on the wrong side of history It’s good to be the CEO of IBM at the Augusta National Golf Club. The annual host of the Masters Tournament has offered membership to the last four CEOs of its top corporate sponsor. Donning the club’s legendary green jacket has given these executives the opportunity to play and network with a powerful and exclusive membership body that includes Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Jack Welch. Ginni Rometty, the company’s new top dog, has been granted no such honor. Unfortunately for Rometty, she falls one Y chromosome short of Augusta’s membership requirement. Augusta’s no-girls-allowed policy places it at risk of losing IBM’s major sponsorship dollars. The decision not to offer Rometty membership has turned into a high-profile public snub that has even attracted a finger wag from President Obama. It’s worth noting that even the president wouldn’t have had a chance to play the hallowed fairways until 1990, the year the Club admitted its first black member. It’s difficult for me to appreciate that in my own young lifetime, African-Americans were actually excluded from membership. Now, just as then, Augusta National is on the wrong side of history. The club’s embarrassingly outdated policy serves as a link to the worst kind of past. The troubling case of Ms. Rometty presents an opportune moment for the Club to escape its tradition and all the highprofile criticism that surrounds it. Unfortunately, such convenient endings rarely accompany these sorts of tales. As reported by PBS in 2002, former Augusta National Chairman Hootie Johnson was quick to point out that as a private organization, the club maintains the right to set its own membership policy (however discriminatory). From a legal perspective, Mr. Johnson is clearly correct. But his position is difficult to defend on principal. He maintains that the club’s single-sex policy is in line with other cherished American SEE COLUMN PAGE 11



Despite success at the plate, Yale fell to Fairfield 4–3 and 8–4 in a pair of seven-inning contests Wednesday. BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER The Bulldogs held the lead in both games of their doubleheader Wednesday, but they lost both of them before the final out was made.

Yale fell to Fairfield University 4–3 and 8–4 in a pair of seven-inning contests at Yale Field yesterday afternoon. “We just couldn’t put a whole game together today,” pitcher Chris O’Hare ’13 said. “We need to play a lot better

Losing streak stretches to 10 BY MASON KROLL CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Things are looking grim for the Bulldogs. With the looming prospect of this weekend’s contest against Harvard, the softball team lost its 10th straight game at the hands of Wagner on Wednesday. Last year, Yale split with the Seahawks (14–26), winning the first game 9–1 but losing in the second 7–4. But in Wednesday’s doubleheader, the Bulldogs (7–23, 1–7 Ivy) fell in both games, 6–0, 6–3. “We all know we could play a better game than we did,” Hannah Brennan ’15 said. “We should be winning games — that’s the bottom line.” In the first game, the Bulldogs counted four hits to Wagner’s six, but while the Seahawks translated each hit into a run, the Elis could not do the same. In fact, Yale runners never made it SEE SOFTBALL PAGE 11

when it’s winning time.” In the first game the Elis (6–24– 1, 0–8 Ivy) jumped out to a 3–0 lead after two innings thanks to three hits and two walks. Catcher Ryan Brenner ’12 led off the bottom of the first with a double and then came around to score




Seawolves too skilled for the Bulldogs BY EUGENE JUNG CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

Wagner swept past Yale in a doubleheader Wednesday, winning 6–0 and 6–3.

on a sacrifice bunt by shortstop Cale Hanson ’14. Yale tacked on two more in the second after a double off the bat of designated hitter Josh Scharff ’13 scored Jacob Hunter ’14. Scharff

With only 13 seconds remaining on the game clock of the first half, attacker Jen DeVito ’14 pulled Yale within a goal of Stony Brook with a strong shot past the Seawolves’ goaltender. The tally made the score 5–4 at the half, but despite four goals from DeVito and a fierce team effort, the Elis fell 12–8 to an experienced Stony Brook team in New York on Wednesday. “I am really proud of how the team played as a unit from offense to defense,” midfielder Cathryn Avallone ’15 said. Four minutes after the Bulldogs lost the opening faceoff, the Seawolves scored the game’s first goal. Only 40 seconds later, attacker Devon Rhodes ’13 rallied the Yale side when she placed the Bulldogs on the scoreboard after an assist by fellow attacker

DeVito. Followed by Rhodes’s goal, midfielder Kerri Fleishhacker ’14 and DeVito recorded one and two goals respectively. Still, the Seawolves matched Yale goal for goal to maintain a lead throughout. Defender Kallie Parchman ’14 said Stony Brook was a fast and strong team. “We played to our potential in both halves, which is something we had been struggling with,” she said. Although the Bulldogs (3–8, 0–4 Ivy) were all set to reverse the situation, the match did not go as they hoped. The team started the second half off strong with midfielder Christina Doherty ’15 winning the faceoff in the second period. But the Seawolves (11–3, 3–0 America East) did not relent on their barrage of goals and added two more to bring the score to 7–4 Stony Brook. Rhodes added her SEE W. LAX PAGE 11

THE NUMBER OF YALE STUDENT-ATHLETES WHO RECEIVED 2011-12 WINTER ACADEMIC ALL-IVY HONORS. Squash player Kenneth Chan ’13 and swimmer Hayes Hyde ’12 were named first team AllIvy. Four Yale team captains made the list.

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