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After repeal, death row inmates fight sentences with data on racial bias


Years after myotonic dystrophy diagnosis, goalie still plays for Yale





Malloy blasts Ryan at DNC Days-old

search already criticized

Special guest. Burmese

human rights activist, opposition leader and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi will be on campus Sept. 27 to deliver a speech at Sprague Hall, University President Richard Levin announced in a Wednesday email. The speech will run from 11:30 a.m. to 12:50, and tickets will be available on the second floor of Woolsey Hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 19 and 20.


Scott McClean, an associate professor of Political Science at Quinnipiac University and attendee at this year’s convention, characterized Malloy’s critique of Ryan as a demand that the country “beef up fiscally,” yet “still pursue a progressive agenda.” The governor also denounced “systemic” Republican efforts to “disenfranchise millions” of minority voters and “undermine the fairness” of November’s presidential election through voter ID

Just days after it began, the search process for University President Richard Levin’s successor is already drawing criticism from some faculty, alumni and students. Yale Corporation Senior Fellow Edward Bass ’67 sent a campus-wide email Friday afternoon in which he detailed the presidential search process — to be led by a committee of eight Corporation trustees and four yet-to-benamed faculty members — and asked for input from the Yale community. Since then, Bass has received over 800 letters from faculty, students, staff and alumni, and nominations of more than 200 professors to serve on the committee. But some members of the University say the process is undemocratic and the nomination period — which has already closed — did not allow enough time for input. Members of the Yale community were able to email their nominations to Bass between his announcement at roughly 4 p.m. Friday and noon on Tuesday. Given the Labor Day weekend, this gave community members less than one business day to submit suggestions. “This kind of severe limitation is itself a way of stifling input, while appearing to encourage it,” French and African studies professor Christopher Miller ’83 said in a Wednesday email to the News.



DNC continues. In addition

to Gov. Dannel Malloy, former President Bill Clinton LAW ’73 fired up the crowd at the Democratic Convention in Charlotte Wednesday night with a ringing endorsement of President Barack Obama. Natural talent, or a gift from within the hallowed halls of Yale Law School?

Murphy looks for help. This week is an important one for U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy, who’s in Charlotte seeking assistance from big Democratic donors to help him defeat Republican WWE executive Linda McMahon this fall. Polls show the race as too close to call; as of July 25, Murphy had raised $5.5 million to McMahon’s $14 million. Getting noticed. The

University of Connecticut student newspaper, The Daily Campus, ran an editorial Wednesday evening praising Levin’s tenure and examining the lessons UConn can draw from Levin’s example. “Yale has been lucky to have somebody like Richard Levin as president,” the editorial reads. “We wish him luck, from one dog (a Husky) to another (a Bulldog).”

Meeting crashers. Early

Wednesday afternoon, students across campus received an email from one “Sue N. Tit, Ph.D.” — an anagram for “The Pundits.” The email told students to gather in the Prospect Street entrance to Becton Lab before walking over to a meeting in the Computer Science Department at Arthur K. Watson Hall, to discuss what type of espresso machine the department should install in its second-floor kitchen. The crashers asked questions like, “What about a tea maker? Can we just make tea?” and “I’m just confused … is it espresso or expresso?” before the students and faculty in attendance figured out the prank and continued the meeting on their own.

Goodbye to you? The New Haven Register’s parent company, the Journal Register Co., announced this week that it had filed for bankruptcy protection — the second time in four years for a parent company of the Register. No staff reductions are planned. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1978 The University announces a $1.25 million, five-year anonymous grant to fund undergrad writing classes so students aren’t turned away. Submit tips to Cross Campus



Gov. Dannel Malloy delivered a harsh rebuke of the GOP presidential ticket’s fiscal proposals at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., Wednesday night. A Mitt Romney administration would “shred the safety net that protects the middle class,” he said. BY NICOLE NAREA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER In front of a crowd of thousands at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy unleashed a verbal assault Wednesday on the fiscal policies embraced by the Republican presidential ticket. Malloy took the stage just after 7 p.m., followed by party luminaries such as U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren and former President Bill Clinton LAW ’73, who delivered the night’s keynote address.

In addition to lauding Democrats’ efforts to enfranchise minorities, Malloy reiterated his critique of the budget proposal spearheaded by GOP vice-presidential nominee U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, calling the plan “harsh,” “radical” and “wrong.” “It would shred the safety net that protects the middle class and those striving to get there,” Malloy said in a speech that reflected his rising stature among national Democrats. “It would undermine FDR’s New Deal, unravel Harry Truman’s Fair Deal and leave us with Mitt Romney’s Raw Deal.”

YPD addresses off-campus party concerns BY MADELINE MCMAHON STAFF REPORTER A Wednesday meeting with Yale Police Department officials has led Greek leaders to feel more comfortable with plans for enforcement of the new off-campus party registration requirement. Since a d m i n i s t ra to r s announced last month that students must register all offcampus parties with over 50 attendees, student leaders have had mixed responses to the new rule, with several express-

ing concerns that it disproportionately affects Greek organizations. Last week, Yale Police Department Chief Ronnell Higgins invited Greek leaders and two members of the Yale College Council executive board to a dinner meeting with three other Yale Police officials to discuss the rule. During the meeting, which was closed to the press, attendees talked about ways in which Greek organizations can work with the Yale Police Department to increase student safety and establish open communica-

tion, said Cooper Godfrey ’14, president of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity.

They assuaged our concerns that the purpose of their job isn’t to arrest us. BEN SINGLETON ’13 Former president, Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity

Yale sees slight increase in freshman class diversity BY ANDREW GIAMBRONE STAFF REPORTER The class of 2016 is the most racially diverse in the University’s history after the number of freshmen identifying as students of color increased marginally in the latest admissions cycle. A record 40.6 percent of this year’s freshman class identified as both a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and also a student of color on admissions forms, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jeffrey Brenzel said Wednesday — up exactly one percentage point from the previous year’s figure. Though those statistics rely on students’ own decisions to identify themselves with a particular race or ethnicity, three admissions experts interviewed said the diversity of Yale’s class of 2016 is in line with that of other top-tier institutions. “Our yield with students of color con-

tinues to be very strong against intense competition from peer schools,” Brenzel said. “That has contributed to an incredibly diverse and accomplished freshman class each year.” The official racial breakdown of the class of 2016 — as reported by Yale to the federal government — is 16.8 percent Asian, 7.1 percent black, 10.4 percent Hispanic, 0.9 percent Native American and 5.4 percent multiracial. While students in past years could only select one racial or ethnic category on application forms, the Department of Education established new reporting guidelines in 2011 that ask students first whether they identify as Hispanic/Latino, and then ask students to check boxes for all other racial categories with which they identify. Brenzel said his office is also reporting diversity statistics without the multiracial SEE ADMISSIONS PAGE 6

“They assuaged our concerns that the purpose of their job isn’t to arrest us,” said Ben Singleton ’13, an attendee and former president of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. “We at least are now developing a working relationship, and it relieves everyone’s fears.” Higgins said the plan for enforcement will incorporate the YPD’s community policing model — which emphasizes the relationship between citizens and officers — and “sorority and fraternity houses make up a significant amount of Yale

College’s off-campus community.” As the department enforces the new rule, he said, it will focus on ensuring the safety of students. At the meeting, fraternity and sorority leaders explained that typical Yale parties are a “more controlled environment than the administration thinks they are,” Singleton said, adding that Greek leaders agreed to more actively require identification at the door and restrict alcohol distribution to preSEE YPD PAGE 4

Interest in STEM majors climbs BY CLINTON WANG STAFF REPORTER More students in the class of 2016 are likely to pursue a science or engineering major than in any previous class. According to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 42.5 percent of freshmen are potentially interested in pursuing science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) majors — a marked increase over the one-third of freshmen who were interested six years ago. The number of seniors who graduated with science and engineering majors also reached a record 260 students last year, and administrators said they hope to maintain those trends.

“I think it’s a terrific trend, and it’s not by accident,” Associate Provost for Science and Technology Timothy O’Connor said. “It’s the result of an initiative that’s been going on for some time within the Admissions Office.”

I think it’s a terrific trend, and it’s not by accident. TIMOTHY O’CONNOR Associate provost for science and technology The Admissions Office has undertaken several measures SEE STEM PAGE 4




“Best wishes to the freshmen as they explore this magnificent institu.COMMENT tion which I torment out of love and awe, not out of bitterness or ger.” ‘THEANTIYALE’ ON ‘YALE WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS’


Politicizing Yale’s next president

For gold, for country and for Yale I A

s our next University president makes plans to advance Yale’s mission of educating global leaders, he or she should consider the Olympics and the role of athletics in both character building and international exchange. The list of President Levin’s achievements in expanding Yale’s engagement with the world is long and impressive, and he has improved academics and the arts in ways that will generate leaders in these fields. However, he did not take full advantage of the opportunity for global learning and leadership through sports. Sports interest, inspire and draw participation from people across different cultures in a way that is unmatched by any other public arena — more than politics, more than finance. The best and most recent example was the London Games, which enraptured the entire world for three weeks last month. At the Games, religion was irrelevant, wealth had little influence and language barriers between participants were of no concern. Over 200 different countries sent representatives to compete peacefully. Worldwide, billions tuned in to see athletics at their finest, and not just their own country’s athletes. Usain Bolt’s record-setting 100-meter sprint attracted an estimated 2 billion viewers. This media attention turns Olympians into public icons and, sometimes, like in the case of Usain Bolt, elevates them to the status of diplomats. They represent their countries through their words and actions. They are role models for countless young fans. They are leaders. Yale sent six athletes to the Olympics this summer, adding to the list of 169 athletes and 108 Olympic medals in Yale’s history. Athletics have provided opportunity for Yale to cultivate international leaders similar to the leaders cultivated in the sciences, politics, journalism and more. You don’t even have to be a professional to practice leadership through sports. Even recreational athletes or non-athletes, within and outside of Yale, celebrate the ways sports build character — dedication, responsibility, cooperation. In addition to leadership, sports contribute to global citizenship at any level. Consider Grassroots Soccer, which teaches AIDS awareness through a soccer program in South Africa, or GirlSportWorks, a group that empowers girls through afterschool sports in Peru, or even just a pickup game of cricket to shed outsider status while traveling in India. A Yale education is increasingly a global education, aiming to teach students how to navigate foreign affairs and foreign cultures. The founding of the Jackson Institute and the launch of the Global Affairs major in 2010 and

the first class of Yale-NUS students expected in 2013 are testaments to this. As the Olympics demonstrate, sports offer a host of opportunities for international engagement. Imagine student-athletes from New Haven and student-athletes from Singapore competing in soccer. The game would foster mutual respect regardless of differing political philosophy — a matter that has been scrutinized in the universities’ partnership. Sports are a common denominator for all countries. Recognizing the potential for global citizenship and leadership through sports can also be a way to better integrate student athletes into the ambitions of the University. Currently there is a sense among most student-athletes that Yale has little appreciation for varsity sports. This institutionalized attitude marginalizes athletes and lowers expectations for them to be leaders in the classroom and elsewhere beyond their sport. Yale’s administration perpetuates this sentiment through such gestures as suggesting two new residential colleges with no increase in the number of student-athletes. Implying that admitting athletes is a sacrifice insults current Yale teams. On the contrary, not admitting athletes comes at a greater cost. Without dedicated sportsmen and women, there would be less character building and narrower global relationships, and the lack of respect for athletics could compel athletes to insulate themselves from the rest of the University. Between a new president and two new residential colleges, next year will be a milestone in Yale’s history. At the same time, the Olympic games are fresh in everyone’s minds. Today, sports and their ability to generate influential figures and cultural exchange are in the global spotlight in a way they will not be for another four years. When the new president takes office in Woodbridge Hall next year, let him or her not forget the opportunity Yale has to advance three of its goals simultaneously: global education, leadership development and excellence in athletics. It merely requires the community — including studentathletes themselves — to recognize that these three goals are not in conflict with one another. They are complementary. Sports can be a catalyst for progress of the whole University if Yale takes advantage of their potential. We need a shift in perspective, and it can start with a little team spirit from Yale’s most important Bulldog.

n the last few days, students’ Facebook threads have been littered with links to a website,, run by a group of students and alumni concerned about the Yale presidential search process. This group claims to be concerned by the overly corporate makeup of the Yale presidential search committee and has endorsed specific candidates for the committee’s faculty slots. Students and faculty should resist getting caught up in the group’s alarmist fervor and feel-good language and should resist the attempt to supplant scholarship with politics. The Progresslab group has presented its campaign as an attempt to protect the University’s fundamental values: its commitments to the liberal arts and sciences, teaching, “unfettered freedom of speech” and “academic leadership.” The professors the group selected were chosen, we are told, because they were “thoughtful and accomplished” and shared the above-mentioned values of the University community. All of this sounds quite good. Who isn’t in favor of “leadership,” “freedom of speech” and professional scholarship? But the bland, motherhoodand-apple-pie-ness of this list of values is precisely the problem. Of course, if this totally uncontroversial list of values were what the Progresslab group was actually about, the group would have no reason to

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THIS ISSUE PRODUCTION STAFF: Scott Stern PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS: Laura Peng, Skyler Ross, Lara Sokoloff, Sihua Xu


YISHAI SCHWARTZ is a senior in Branford College. His column runs on alternate Thursdays. Contact him at .

Entering the lion’s den


PRODUCTION & DESIGN Sophie Alsheimer Mona Cao Raahil Kajani Mason Kroll Cora Ormseth Lindsay Paterson Yoonji Woo

The News’ View represents the opinion of the majority of the members of the Yale Daily News Managing Board of 2013. Other content on this page with bylines represents the opinions of those authors and not necessarily those of the Managing Board. Opinions set forth in ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the Managing Board. We reserve the right to refuse any ad for any reason and to delete or change any copy we consider objectionable, false or in poor taste. We do not verify the contents of any ad. The Yale Daily News Publishing Co., Inc. and its officers, employees and agents disclaim any responsibility for all liabilities, injuries or damages arising from any ad. The Yale Daily News Publishing Co. ISSN 0890-2240

politicization. Let me be clear, I have no objection to the study of race, migration or sexuality, and chances are good that I share most of the political views held by the professors who teach in these departments. But we are fooling ourselves if we deny that the omission of professors of philosophy, classics and traditional history was deliberate. When combined with a call for increased activism in the public sphere, the selection of these particular professors can only be seen as a symbolic endorsement of the increased politicization of the academy, and that politicization is something that those of us who care about the University’s mission must resist. Chances are that all of the debate and discussion over the presidential search is simply hot air. Months from now, we will all wake up happily to an email announcing Provost Peter Salovey’s selection as Yale’s 23rd president. Nevertheless, we should be wary of those who militantly and frantically advocate for the obvious. More often than not, they are pushing an agenda. And when that agenda calls for watering down scholarship in the service of politics, we should cry foul.

JEN DOWNING is a senior in Silliman College and a member of the varsity women’s track team. Contact her at .

PHOTOGRAPHY Emilie Foyer Zoe Gorman Kamaria Greenfield Victor Kang Henry Simperingham


concrete advancement — academic, political and social — of a society that currently lacks a serious engagement with liberal arts. This emphasis on politics becomes even more obvious in the group’s addition of a final element in its list of values and its choice of professors. The list of values concludes with “a determination to manifest and defend these values in the public sphere.” Aside from the relevance to Yale-NUS, the group is clearly looking for professors — and subsequently, a president — who will take an active role in public policy debates. We should not begrudge anyone the right to have a political position, but conceptualizing the University presidency as a partisan bully pulpit is a misguided project that can only detract from the University’s commitment to scholarship. Engagement in political debates should be a professional qualification for politicians, not university presidents. Finally, the choice of professors only confirms the group’s barely concealed commitment to politicizing the University. The professors chosen are indeed “thoughtful and accomplished,” beloved teachers and respected scholars. But there are many such individuals in this University, and it is no accident that three of the four endorsed professors have appointments in interdisciplinary area studies that are largely defined by their


A more universal family

YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400 Editorial: (203) 432-2418 Business: (203) 432-2424 EDITOR IN CHIEF Max de La Bruyère

exist. Does anyone — even the most anti-corporate fanatical conspiracy theorist — actually YISHAI believe that SCHWARTZ the members of the Yale Dissentery Corporation don’t care about education, scholarship and the First Amendment? If the Progresslab group is waging a full-fledged campaign, they are doing so because they actually think there is something at stake. That something, it is clear, is whether the University is going to be a place dedicated to the production and dissemination of knowledge, or a platform for the advance of specific political agendas. First, let’s examine the group’s statement of values a little more closely. In the context of current campus debates, emphasizing the importance of “unfettered freedom of speech” is not an innocent assertion of obvious values. It is a thinly veiled indictment of a specific project: Yale-NUS. The group’s purported concern for free speech is actually about a specific, and controversial, policy question, and they are taking a stand: the privileging of a rigid attachment to an abstract political ideal over the


All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Julia Fisher, Opinion Editor, Yale Daily News



hen I was 15, my parents got divorced. One night during that particularly turbulent time, I told my father that I still loved him. Despite the divorce, despite all the bad things in the world, I believed there was still this thing called love that could and would hold our crumbling family together. (I can only imagine just how naive I sounded giving lectures on love to a twicedivorced man.) My father gave me a look that was both bitter and patronizing, and spat back: “There is no such thing as love. There is sex, and loyalty, but there is no love.” I recalled this exchange in a moment of psychoanalytic insight while sitting at the YPU debate on Tuesday night, straining to understand former senator Rick Santorum over the echo of Woolsey Hall and the hisses of my fellow Yalies. In his speech to the Yale community, the senator talked a lot about family. That was to be expected. As several friends of mine pointed out afterwards, the motion he was defending — “Resolved: Government is destroying the family” — more

than invited his commentary on what he termed the ”foundational building block of society.” According to Santorum, the family is comprised of a mother, a father and children. And they all apparently go to church. I would define family differently, and not just because my parents are divorced, leading me, according to Santorum, to have “mental and physical problems” that children from two-parent families don’t have. I would define family differently, because to me, family is not something that people have or don’t have. Family is a flexible term you use for the people who hold a particular kind of relationship to you, the people who fulfill a certain function in your life. You may not have parents, but you have people who inspire you, people who mentor you, people who love you at your worst as well as at your best. You may not have siblings, but you have friends whom you can call at any hour of the day or night with a problem, a concern, a question, a happy moment. Your blood relatives might be gone, toxic or simply uninterested, but wherever

you are, you are part of a web of relationships that holds a community together. Those relationships — that community — I believe, can and should be called a family. Santorum’s speech made me angry, and not just because his definition of family was both narrow and narrow-minded. Santorum made me angry because he defined family as something that either exists by his definition or doesn’t exist at all. He did not allow for all of the important relationships that help everyone navigate their lives. These are the fundamental building block of society. And they come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, colors, genders, ages, places and times. In his speech, the senator talked a lot about “the facts.” I would ask him, rather, to consider realities — the realities of people falling in and out of love, the realities of pregnancies, abortions and births, the realities of diseases nobody plans for, the realities of immigration which rarely goes as planned, the realities of people living messy and complicated lives that, for the most part, they do not anticipate.

My parents did not get married thinking they would divorce, just as I later did not go to music school thinking I would end up in African studies. In many ways, we do not choose who we become, what happens to us or the resources available to us to take the courses of action we’d like to take. To me, family means the people with whom, and for whom, I will go a very long way. The hard truth of life is that I can’t always be sure they will be there for me. But in this way, maybe, I am different from my father. I believe in a love beyond sex, loyalty and blood — a love that I can act out toward the people around me. Is this a kind of love the government can support? I don’t know. But I know this is a kind of family the government can do little to destroy. This kind of love and these kinds of families are ultimately what pulls people up and gives them the strength to go on when life does not go according to plan. KLARA WOJTKOWSKA is secondyear master’s student in African studies .




“Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.” J.R.R. TOLKIEN AUTHOR


Yale Dining revamps menu

A photo caption that ran with an article on the women’s soccer team mistakenly identified Meredith Speck ’15 as Muriel Battaglia ’15. The article “‘An icon in spite of itself’“ and its accompanying photo caption misstated the title of professor Elihu Rubin ’99. He is the assistant professor of architecture and urbanism at the Yale School of Architecture. The article “Seminar sends students on historical ‘Grand Tour’“ stated incorrectly that the Franke Seminar is funded by the Franke Center. In fact, it is funded by the Whitney Humanities Center. The article also misstated the name of the curator of “The English Prize” at the Yale Center for British Art. He is Scott Wilcox. FRIDAY, AUG. 31

The WEEKEND cover “Behind the grill“ stated incorrectly that the Yale Farm provides produce to campus dining halls.

Register’s parent goes bankrupt BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER The Journal Register Company, the parent company of the New Haven Register, announced Wednesday that it is filing for bankruptcy. The company announced in a morning email to its employees that it had filed voluntary petitions for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in a New York federal court. The newspaper chain said it intends to initiate a bankruptcy sale in which investors will bid to take ownership of the company’s holdings. According to New Haven Register Publisher Tom Wiley, the filing enables Journal Register Company to shed debts and to continue normal operation throughout the sale process. “After much consideration, the Board of Directors concluded a Chapter 11 filing was the best course of action for Journal Register Company,” John Paton, CEO of Journal Register Company, said in a Wednesday press release. “As difficult as they are, the steps we announced today are steps that will ensure the company’s future.”

Even though we compete for stories, I’m rooting for them to succeed because the more models, the better. PAUL BASS ’82 Editor, New Haven Independent Alden Global Capital, the hedge fund that acquired the Journal Register Company last year, may be the most likely buyer in its upcoming sale, said Joshua Benton ’97, director of the Harvard Nieman Journalism Lab — essentially meaning that the hedge fund will sell the company back to itself. This way, he added, the newspaper is using bankruptcy to rid itself of many of its pension and lease debts without a management turnover. “They may be in a position where they can go through this bankruptcy and come out pretty much the same company — only a

bit leaner,” Benton said. Currently, the Journal Register Company employs 110 journalists across Connecticut who write jointly for the New Haven Register, The Shoreline Times, The Middletown Press, The Torrington Register Citizen and Connecticut Magazine. Wiley said that at the moment, no layoffs are planned across the state-wide newsroom as a part of the bankruptcy sale, though he added that he could not make any promises about the future. Paton said in the release that the company’s digital revenues increased by 235 percent from 2009-’11. On average, Journal Register websites receive 3.8 million unique visitors a day, according to Jon Cooper, the vice president of Digital First Media, which operates the Journal Register. Paton said in the press release that his company plans to streamline its publications and make them more reliant on online visitors despite the fact that print remains far more profitable. Paul Bass ’82, editor of the local news website New Haven Independent, said that Journal Register Company is “making a valiant attempt” to preserve the for-profit model of journalism, but he does not expect it to succeed. Bass, whose website is funded entirely by grants and charitable donations, added that the Internet has decimated the for-profit journalism industry because news websites no longer maintain a monopoly on local advertising. “Even though we compete for stories, I’m rooting for them to succeed because the more models out there, the better,” Bass said. “But I think today’s bankruptcy is the latest reminder of how hard it is to preserve some vestige of the old model.” Benton told the News that though the Journal Register Company was the first to initiate a new round of bankruptcy filings in the newspaper industry, he expects several more newspaper chains to follow suit in the upcoming year. The Journal Register Company plans to emerge from bankruptcy in about 90 days, according to the press release. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .


In addition to changes to Yale Dining’s menu, some college dining halls, including Branford’s, above, have made changes to the layouts of their serveries. BY LAVINIA BORZI AND SOPHIE GOULD CONTRIBUTING REPORTER AND STAFF REPORTER Students may find Southern fried chicken next to Korean BBQ tofu tacos in dining halls this year as a part of a new Yale Dining menu that packages complementary flavors from different cultures. In designing the new menu, Director of Culinary Excellence Ron DeSantis, who joined the Yale Dining team last year, said in an email that he is striving to provide healthy and delicious food that provides the comfort of a home-cooked meal for students of all backgrounds. As part of the menu’s new emphasis on preparing vegetables that will appeal to students, two inseason vegetable dishes will be available at lunch and dinner. “By offering interesting vegetables, prepared in appetizing ways, we can create interest in this food category,” he said,

praising vegetables and grains for making food “exciting” by providing “the most diverse flavor, texture, color and nutrition.” One of the two vegetable dishes will be steamed, and the other will be grilled, roasted or sautéed, DeSantis said, and the vegetable selection will depend on what is in season. This strategy is similar to one used by restaurants, he said, rather than most large dining halls. Another addition in some of the dining halls is fruit-infused water, called “spa water” by DeSantis, which he said is intended to encourage students to find healthier alternatives to “sugary carbonated sodas.” Though it is still early in the year, DeSantis said initial feedback has been “positive.” While 11 students interviewed were not aware of the specific changes, five said they felt the quality of food has improved this year, while the others said the food seems to have remained the same. Rushika

Pattni ’15 said that she has seen an increase in the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables available in Saybrook this year. “I’m a vegetarian, and I’m a lot more satisfied with the options this year. There used to be much less variety,” she said. Along with the menu changes, some of residential dining halls have rearranged the layouts of their serveries. The reconfiguration in Branford, for example, was meant to improve the flow of students through the servery and make fresh fruit and salad toppings more visible and accessible, DeSantis said. The redesigns have not been met with universal enthusiasm, however. Angie Hanawa ’15 said the new layout in Stiles is “confusing,” while Shefali Jain ’12 said the new configuration in Pierson has been “frustrating” to figure out. “Nothing is where it is supposed to be!” Jain said. But the redesigns are not set in

stone. Branford Master Elizabeth Bradley MPH ’95 GRD ’96 said the improvement process began last spring when she invited any interested Branford students to a focus group last spring with DeSantis and Yale Dining Executive Director Rafi Taherian. The 10 to 12 students who came to the meeting brainstormed various ways to improve the Branford dining hall, such as removing trays, having hamburgers available at every lunch and dinner and reducing traffic around the soda machine. “My experience so far is that it’s improved so much,” Bradley said. “I don’t think we’re done at all. I think it’s going to get better and better.” DeSantis is one of 67 certified master chefs in the United States. Contact LAVINIA BORZI at and SOPHIE GOULD at .

Eidelson ’12 leads committee’s push for youth services BY DINEE DORAME CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Chaired by Ward 1 Alderwoman Sarah Eidelson ’12, the Board of Aldermen’s youth services committee met Wednesday night to formalize its goals for citywide youth programs, following the launch of citywide youth initiatives last spring. The committee gathered alongside representatives from the nonprofit United Way of Greater New Haven, local public schools, the Citywide Youth Coalition and the mayor’s office to discuss ways in which they can improve the services offered to Elm City youth. Eidelson said that although the process has moved more slowly than she had hoped, these initiatives are her top political priority. “We are amidst a crisis. We are not doing enough for youth and we should have made these efforts years ago,” Eidelson said. The Board of Aldermen called

for the development of a comprehensive youth agenda for the city last spring and has been actively pushing for an increase in job availability, after-school programs and more nonprofit services designed to assist children and teens. Before any major decisions are made, the committee must take an inventory of all services and programs currently available in the greater New Haven area so the group can focus on developing needed initiatives, Eidelson said. “I believe we should focus on making specialized services extremely accessible to the youth in our community,” Ward 29 Alderman Brian Wingate said during Wednesday’s workshop. The committee stressed the need for programs that would specifically address mental health counseling, fitness and academic tutoring. The committee finalized their plan to continue taking and analyzing an inventory of New Haven youth services and also set an

“aggressive” — in the words of several organization representatives — completion deadline of February 2013. By then, they hope to have set some permanent strategies and have a full list of services that will be offered on a regular basis. Several aldermen expressed their concern with that deadline, arguing that quicker action was needed. Ward 30 Alderman Carlton Staggers and Ward 23 Alderwoman Tyisha Walker said they hope to see results in the next few months. “These efforts take time and we are planning on taking a thorough look at the programs already offered to the youth in our city,” Eidelson said, responding to those concerns. Boost!, a program sponsored by United Way, is one new example of the current efforts in the city to promote youth services. The program connects New Haven

schools to nonprofit organizations to foster enhanced community involvement among young people. “We are aiming to only promote programs that are showing real growth and progression,” said Laoise King, vice president of education initiatives for United Way of Greater New Haven. She added that five New Haven schools have already made participation in Boost! possible for their students. Eidelson said no additional meetings have been scheduled yet for the her committee, but she expects to meet about this topic more frequently in the coming year. There are currently 236 nonprofit organizations serving youth in the Greater New Haven area, according to a United Way report distributed at the Wednesday meeting. Contact DINEE DORAME at .

With new data on racial bias, death row inmates fight sentences BY MASON KROLL AND MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER AND CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The trial of seven Connecticut death row inmates seeking to overturn their death penalties on the basis of judicial bias began Wednesday at the Northern Correctional Institute in Somers, Conn. The seven inmates, all convicted of murder before the repeal of Connecticut’s death penalty last spring, claim that racial and geographic bias unjustly affected their sentencing. The inmates’ case is largely drawn from the research of former Yale Law School and current Stanford Law School professor John Donohue III GRD ’86, who analyzed discriminatory bias in capital cases within the Connecticut justice system from 1973 to 2007.

When Connecticut became the 17th state to abolish the death penalty on April 25, legislators worded the repeal legislation so that it did not apply to those who had been sentenced to death before the repeal date. The trial, presided over by Judge Samuel Sferrazza, began with testimony from Chief State Attorney Kevin Kane, according to the Hartford Courant. Amid security concerns, it is taking place in a makeshift courthouse in the prison, with a live video stream for the media screened 15 miles away in a courthouse in Rockville, Conn. Donohue, a noted statistician, will serve as an expert witness for the inmates and will likely give testimony next week, he said. Donohue began work on the study six years ago, while he was still a Yale Law School professor specializing on the use of the death penalty as a deterrent,

and completed it in 2011. The study, which has not yet been published, examined the 4,686 murders committed in Connecticut over three decades and the resulting nine sustained death sentences. Since 2007, two more men have been sentenced to death, bringing the state’s total number of death row inmates up to 11. Donohue said he and a group of Yale Law School students created an “egregiousness rating system” that considered victim suffering, victim characteristics, defendant’s culpability and the number of victims. The study, according to Donohue, revealed that minorities who kill whites are three times as likely to receive the death penalty as whites who kill whites and six times as likely to be put to death as minorities who kill minorities. Additionally, the study found that the application of the death pen-

alty is not correlated to the egregiousness of the crime, as rated by the study’s index. In fact, cases with both white perpetrators and victims were, on average, more egregious. Together, these findings suggest racial and geographic bias in the state’s use of the death penalty, according to Donohue. “The facts seem to suggest that the state would not comply with the constitutional standards for running a death penalty regime,” Donohue said. The offices of Kane and Gov. Dannel Malloy declined to comment, citing the ongoing nature of the case. The seven inmates petitioning their sentences were all convicted of murder and sentenced to the death penalty before 2008, with some cases, such as that of Daniel Webb, stretching back to 1989. Four of the 11 inmates on death row are not

participating in the trial, including Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky, who were convicted in the brutal murders of the wife and two daughters of William Petit after breaking into their home in Cheshire, Conn, in 2007. The “Cheshire case,” as it came to be known, is “possibly the most widely publicized crime in the state’s history,” according to the Hartford Courant. Kristi Lockhart, an associate research scientist at Yale and instructor for the psychology course “Clinical Psychology in the Community,” said she thought Hayes and Komisarjevsky were not included in the trial because of the way they could have affected the group’s demographics — both Hayes and Komisarjevsky are white. Yale law professor Steven Duke, who teaches and writes on criminal law, said that though he

has not personally read Donohue’s study, he has “virtually no doubt that discrimination occurred.” But, Duke said, the validity of the study does not guarantee any particular outcome in the trial. Donohue said that while his background is academic, his research is highly applicable to Connecticut’s stance on the death penalty. “From the perspective of wise public policy, I think it would be best to inter the death penalty in Connecticut once and for all,” Donohue said. “This case may be the vehicle for that decision.” The most recent execution in Connecticut, that of Michael Ross in 2005, was the state’s first since 1960. Contact MASON KROLL at mason. and MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at matthew. .




“If [the law] were to be changed younger people would learn to drink responsibly and not binge drink at the first sight of alcohol.” ANONYMOUS RESPONSE TO AN UNDERAGE DRINKING SURVEY

YPD seeks to assuage Greek leaders’ concerns YPD FROM PAGE 1 arranged areas within a house. Meanwhile, officers presented a plan to send patrolling officers to meet with party hosts ahead of time to discuss what the party will entail and provide a point of contact to keep dialogue open throughout the night of the party, he said.

We at least are now developing a working relationship, and it relieves everyone’s fears. BEN SINGLETON ’13 Former president, Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity The group plans to meet again in the coming weeks, said Will Kirkland ’14, president of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, adding that he thought the dinner was a “helpful first step.” During the meeting, Higgins also asked Greek leaders for input on how to uphold the new tailgate regulations while encouraging participa-

tion in tailgates, Singleton said. He added that he felt as though Greek leaders were included in a “constructive” discussion, and that their ideas were heard and would be seriously discussed by police. In contrast, he said, he felt that fraternity leaders have recently been “taken out of the discussion” by administrators when they issued the new registration rule. YCC President John Gonzalez ’14, who attended the meeting along with YCC Vice President Debby Abramov ’14, said he thought the meeting was productive in starting a conversation, but he is hoping to facilitate a new discussion between Greek leaders and administrators to address further concerns, such as the Yale College Executive Committee’s protocol for dealing with violators of the rule. During this year’s Camp Yale, the Yale College Dean’s Office received between 10 and 15 party registrations, according to Associate Dean for Student Organizations and Physical Resources John Meeske. Contact MADELINE MCMAHON at .


In the wake of new regulations for off-campus parties, Yale Police Chief Ronnell Higgins held a closed meeting with Greek leaders and members of the YCC Executive Board on Wednesday.

In DNC speech, Malloy lays into Ryan budget MALLOY FROM PAGE 1 laws — such as those in Texas and New Hampshire. Connecticut has made progress in promoting voter enfranchisement, he said, referring to a law passed in May that allows for voters to register on Election Day. “There is a high immigrant and minority population in New Haven and it is such a struggle to get them to vote, especially with additional barriers placed in front of people,” said Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10. “It is great to have [Malloy] highlight Connecticut’s efforts on a national stage.” As one of the earlier speakers in the night’s 56-person lineup, Malloy was charged with the task of “providing a clear and concise summary of the Democratic platform” rather than speaking to his own experience as governor, McClean said. Malloy did not snag a prime-time televised speaking slot and his speech was instead streamed live online. Nevertheless, such publicity on the national stage will be “hugely important” for Connecticut Democrats looking to garner support for Chris Murphy, the Democratic nominee in the state’s November Senate

election, according to Yale political science professor David Cameron. “He’s good, effective and tough, and he’s going to remobilize the Democrats sitting on their hands now,” Cameron said. “He can get a crowd energized.” Nicole Hobbs ’14, elections coordinator for the Yale College Democrats and a Branford, Conn., native, was among those watching Wednesday. She applauded Malloy for discussing the national Democratic agenda rather than presenting himself and his own policies for future prominence in the party. “Gov. Malloy understands the importance of the choice that this country is going to make,” Hobbs said. “It’s crucial that he highlight President [Barack] Obama’s record at a time when voters need that information.” Thomas Dec ’13, a member of the Connecticut delegation in Charlotte and a Wilton, Conn., resident, expressed his pride in seeing his governor address the crowd from the audience on the convention floor. A Connecticut governor at the DNC is indeed a rare sight: Malloy is the first Democratic leader of the state since 1991. “The native Nutmeggers in our delegation were amazed that he not only spoke on behalf of

Faculty oversight floated SEARCH FROM PAGE 1 “There was no possibility of faculty conferring amongst themselves in any meaningful way, and certainly no time for any democratic selection process.” Several of the professors speaking out against the format of the search, like Miller, are part of the larger faculty group that has protested the way the University is currently governed. Another member of that group, history of art professor Mimi Yiengpruksawan, wrote an email to Bass on Sunday comparing the faculty’s lack of a voice on the presidential selection committee to their alleged lack of input in the decision to launch Yale-NUS College. She proposed establishing an advisory board with 12 professors, half appointed by the committee and half elected by the Yale College Faculty, to aid the committee in its efforts. In a Wednesday night email, Bass said he considered the “context of the precedents and traditions for the Presidential Search at Yale” and decided to select faculty for the committee by nomination and appointment, rather than election. “I believe the structure we arrived at, which is comparable to the highly successful approach the Yale Corporation used when it selected President Levin, will accomplish the desired participation and input for all constituencies,” Bass said.

The deans and directors of Yale’s schools will review the recommendations and offer their own before Bass makes the final decision, which he said on will come by the end of the week. The search committee will be responsible for nominating candidates for the presidency to the Corporation.

This kind of severe limitation is itself a way of stifling input, while appearing to encourage it. CHRISTOPHER MILLER ’83 Professor, French and African Studies Four professors who emailed Bass about the search committee — three of whom asked that faculty be allowed to elect their representatives — said he has yet to respond. Bass told the News he plans to respond to every message. To facilitate the process for nominating search committee members, four recent alumni and current student Donna Horning ’13 created a website Monday night that offered community members a template to write letters to Bass. The site noted that most of the trustees already appointed to the committee are from the corporate world, and emphasized the need to appoint members

who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the liberal arts. The creators of the website suggested nominating four faculty members who they claim are willing to serve on the committee — Meg Urry, chair of the Physics Department; George Chauncey ’77 GRD ’89, head of the American studies major; Stephen Pitti ’91, master of Ezra Stiles College and a professor of history; and Joseph Roach, director of the Program in Theater Studies and a Sterling professor. Organizers of the site have encouraged visitors to continue emailing Bass, even though the deadline has passed. “We’re thrilled that Yalies all over the world — over 3,600 people — visited our site on Tuesday, and that so many faculty, administrators, students, and alumni want to be a part of the decisions that affect the University,” the organizers wrote in a statement to the News on Wednesday. “We’re working now on our next steps for advancing this conversation and contributing to the presidential search process.” The website’s creators said they will update it by Monday with information on the input they received from visitors. Levin will officially step down on June 30, 2013. Contact GAVAN GIDEON at and TAPLEY STEPHENSON at .

Connecticut, but also on behalf of the broader American public,” Dec said. Predictably, though, Malloy’s message did not please all Yalies. Alex Crutchfield ’15, the Yale Political Union’s floor leader of the right, said he was dissatisfied with Malloy’s “partisan tone.” Crutchfield contrasted Malloy’s address with that of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who called out politicians on both sides of the aisle for “not acting as leaders” and took on a “post-partisan” tone at the Republican National Convention last week. “Malloy is the anti-Christie,” Cameron said. Malloy and Christie have become rivals of sorts since they came to office in fall 2010, especially in light of their simultaneous and tactically different efforts to extract concessions from powerful public employee unions in their states. The Democratic National Convention, which was drawn more than 4,000 delegates to Charlotte, runs through tonight, when Obama will deliver a speech accepting his party’s nomination. Contact NICOLE NAREA at .


Gov. Dannel Malloy harshly criticized the fiscal strategy embraced by the GOP presidential ticket in his speech at the DNC Wednesday evening.

Retention targeted as next step STEM FROM PAGE 1 over the past few years to bolster Yale’s reputation in the sciences and engineering. In 2011, the office started requiring applicants interested in engineering to write an additional essay, and in the spring of that year the University introduced the Yale Engineering and Science Weekend, which invites strong applicants with interests in STEM majors to campus in order to explore Yale’s science facilities and learn about its programs and opportunities. Yale also hosts science and engineering forums for prospective students on the East and West coasts and began including a science and engineering viewbook in its admissions materials in 2009. O’Connor said he does not yet know whether demand for STEM courses has increased notably this fall. Should demand for science lecture classes exceed normal levels, lecture classes will relocate to larger lecture halls and the schedule for lab courses may be reconfigured. In the long term, O’Connor said Yale plans to construct larger auditoriums on Science Hill. Still, two professors of introductory science courses interviewed said they have not seen substantial increases in course enrollment, and two others said they are not sure if increased interest among freshmen was responsible for greater enrollment. Molecular biophysics and biochemistry professor Michael Koelle said BIOL 101 — a new introductory-level biology

course — had a large number of shoppers, but he attributed that increase to new requirements in the major. “There are probably several sources, the most important of which is that [all of the biology majors] now require the BIOL 101-104 courses,” he said. “I’m not sure if an increased number of freshmen interested in science is also a factor in the large enrollment in BIOL 101.” Koelle added that he hopes freshmen planning to major in a STEM field will not sacrifice the opportunities to explore courses in other majors and non-STEM fields at Yale. Along with upping its recruiting efforts, the University has prioritized increasing the percentage of students who follow through on their plans to major in STEM fields. The current retention rate in the sciences at U.S. colleges is less than 40 percent, said Jo Handelsman, a molecular, cellular and developmental biology professor who co-authored a White House report on improving undergraduate STEM education. Handelsman estimated in February that the rate at Yale is approximately the same. The University also established the STEM Teaching Transformation Committee last year to improve STEM teaching. During the same time period, Yale has pursued major renovations to science and engineering facilities, and administrators anticipate that interest in the sciences and engineering will continue to grow alongside these projects. Deputy Dean of the School of Engineering and

Applied Science Vincent Wilczynski said the opening of the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design this fall will greatly increase the school’s visibility to prospective students.

It’s not just one challenge, but many, and we have to meet them all if we’re going to the best that we can help students achieve their aspirations. WILLIAM SEGRAVES Associate dean of science education, Yale College “It’s not just one challenge, but many, and we have to meet them all if we’re going to the best that we can to help students achieve their aspirations,” Associate Dean of Science Education William Segraves said. “We’re trying to address the full range of them, including how we support faculty members in their role as teachers, how we promote the evolution of the curriculum and pedagogy to incorporate new discoveries … and how we foster an environment beyond the classroom that supports and enhances students’ learning.” Yale College currently offers 26 different STEM majors. Contact CLINTON WANG at .




PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ROBERT ADAMS This New Jersey native is widely hailed as the pre-eminent photographer of the American West. He was a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow in photography, and received the MacArthur Fellowship in 1994.

360 State owners denied relief at City Hall



The owners of the tallest residential tower in New Haven, 360 State Street, walked away empty-handed from City Hall Tuesday after aldermen rejected a proposal that would have given them a tax break. The city assessed their property taxes at four times its original estimate. BY BEN PRAWDZIK STAFF REPORTER New Haven’s Board of Aldermen struck down a proposal Tuesday that would have provided financial relief to the owners of 360 State Street after the complex received a tax bill far exceeding initial city projections. The vote comes as the latest blow to the union-backed pension fund Multi-Employer Property Trust, which owns 360 State, the city’s tallest apartment building, and has been fighting the tax assessment for nearly a year. City officials had originally projected annual taxes of $1.4 million for the 500-unit, 32-story luxury apartment tower based on square footage and taxes at comparable buildings. But after the final bill came in at $4.3 million, Ward 7 Alderman Douglas Hausladen ’04 submitted a proposal to the board that would lock MEPT into a $1.4 million annual tax plan for 20 years. Proponents of Hausladen’s proposal said it would be a step toward restoring the damage the 360 State ordeal has done to the city’s reputation as friendly to developers. “360 State was the first major new construction downtown in two decades, and nobody wants to wait another

20 years for the next,” Hausladen wrote in a letter to the board. “But quite honestly, any potential developer who learns that a tax projection can be arbitrarily quadrupled once the building is built will fold up his plans and run as fast as possible in the opposite direction.” Hausladen’s proposal was initially assigned to be reviewed by the joint legislation and tax abatement committee, co-chaired by Ward 9 Alderwoman Jessica Holmes of East Rock and Ward 8 Alderman Michael Smart of Wooster Square. But Holmes and Smart decided not to hold a public hearing on the legislation, arguing that a well-defined appeals process through which property owners can dispute tax assessments exists in the courts, and MEPT should not be given special treatment. The Board unanimously discharged the issue after Hausladen had announced on Aug. 31 that he would not fight the committee’s efforts to toss out the proposal. “Our discharging this [proposal] in no way should be interpreted as an indication that the city is not interested in negotiating a solution. However, the committee process is not the appropriate venue to address this issue,”

Holmes said during the Tuesday evening board meeting. Mayor John DeStefano Jr. has vocally opposed any tax relief proposal for MEPT since last September and criticized what he called MEPT’s efforts to “circumvent” the courts. But Hausladen, MEPT and Bruce Becker SOM ’85 ARC ’85 — 360 State’s architect and developer — argued that the tax break proposal is about holding the city to its word, not about stepping around established legal proceedings. The $1.4 million annual tax projection was approved by the board at a public meeting in 2007. The next day, the city sent a letter to the state’s Department of Economic and Community Development, saying the estimated taxes had been “closely analyzed” by the city’s tax office, the city assessor and the Board of Aldermen and were “agreed [to be] fair.” New Haven’s Office of Economic Development confirmed the original $1.4 million projection as late as August 2010. The assessment was then quadrupled last year by the city’s former assessor shortly before DeStefano fired him. “This isn’t just a run-ofthe mill property tax complaint. 360 State is the result of a carefully planned partnership between the City and

MEPT, and MEPT wants to solve this problem as partners with the City,” Tilly Hatcher, a consultant to MEPT, said in a letter to the board. “If the City ultimately decides to repudiate its prior commitments, the union pension funds that invest in MEPT stand to lose tens of millions of dollars.” The contested tax assessment even stirred controversy during last year’s mayoral race, with DeStefano’s sole general election opponent, Jeffrey Kerekes, accusing the mayor of “cooking the books” of city tax revenue for political gain. MEPT launched a website — www.360StateTaxProblem. com — with a video, timeline and Q&A detailing the property’s impact on the local community and the ensuing tax debate. The video highlights locally owned businesses that have set up shop in the retail space in and around 360 State and features testimony from residential tenants, one of whom said she “decided to move to New Haven because of this building.” The $180 million tower broke ground in September 2008, and the first tenants moved into the building in August 2010. Contact BEN PRAWDZIK at .

A new service expected by library administrators to soon become “indispensable” to the research process allows researchers to request materials and receive scanned copies by email. Through the new Scan and Deliver service announced Tuesday, library staff will scan materials requested on Orbis and email them within two days. Sixty-three people used the service on Tuesday, with requests ranging from Time Magazine and Newsweek articles to excerpts from the books “Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England” and “Dictionary of the Middle Ages.” Library administrators said they expect the service to dramatically change the way research is conducted at the University by giving researchers remote access to scanned material. “Our goal is to really take away a lot of the burden of the tedious process of locating materials, retrieving them and scanning them yourself,” said Tom Bruno, associate director for resource sharing and reserves at Sterling Memorial Library. Requests are usually limited to one chapter of a book or one journal article, due to copyright restrictions. The system currently includes the catalogs from Sterling, Bass Library, the Medical Library and the Law Library, and it will expand on Oct. 1 to include items held in the Library Shelving Facility. Library administrators also plan to incorporate materials held in the Music, Math and Forestry libraries. The program is an extension of similar services that have been available at the Medical Library and the Law Library for several years. Brad Warren, director of access services for the Sterling Memorial Library and Bass Library, said he expects to see around 30,000 requests over the first year, based on data from University-wide Scan and Deliver programs at Harvard University and the University of Chicago. Staff library staff already involved with scanning will absorb the workload, Warren said, but the Library may hire additional staff depending on the volume of requests. Bruno, who was previously involved with the Harvard Scan and Deliver program, noted that Harvard’s program transitioned from being “a novelty to

almost an indispensable part of the research process in an astonishingly quick amount of time,” adding that he expects Yale’s Scan and Deliver system to have similar popularity. Unlike the services at Harvard and the University of Chicago, Yale’s Scan and Deliver program will also allow alumni, who have purchased borrowing privileges, to use the service. Brian Valencia, a graduate fellow who taught the course “Music in the Theater” last spring, said the service provides a convenient alternative to “incredibly bulky and wieldy and expensive” course packets. He added that the Scan and Deliver service offers the opportunity to use more contemporary resources in the classroom. “I can’t tell you the number of hours I’ve spent over a Xerox machine finding the book, copying the book, collating the pages, and then distributing in hardcopy or going through the onerous processing of uploading to Classesv2,” he said. Of eight students interviewed, all said they believe the program will be helpful and that they foresee using Scan and Deliver in the future. Abigail Johnson ’15 said the service will help lighten students’ loads, since “people don’t always want to carry around 5,000 books.” She added that she wants to use Scan and Deliver during shopping periods, so she can keep up with course reading without purchasing the required texts. Kia Quinlin ’16 said she appreciates the new service because it allows her to access the library’s resources from anywhere. “When winter comes along and there’s snow on the ground, I don’t plan on walking anywhere ever, so I think I’ll be using [Scan and Deliver] a lot,” said Kia Quinlin ’16. Eric Li ’13 also said the program will make it less likely that students will damage or lose materials. But Li and Johnson added that the program does not replace the need for visiting the library, since it is only helpful when students already know exactly what materials they need. “I like flipping through the books to look for information, when I don’t necessarily know what two pages I want to have,” Johnson said. Contact APSARA IYER at and JULIA ZORTHIAN at .

YUAG director talks personal connection to Adams retrospective BY CARLEE JENSEN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The captions claimed the photographs had been taken in Denver, Ludlow and Colorado Springs — but Jock Reynolds, director of Yale University Art Gallery, didn’t seem to notice. His mind was in California. At a talk in the gallery’s firstfloor exhibition area on Wednesday afternoon, Reynolds led a group of University students, gallery employees and members of the New Haven community on a tour of “The Place We Live,” a retrospective collection of the photography of Robert Adams. Adams, whom Reynolds described as “the most respected living chronicler of the American West,” has spent more than four

decades documenting the changes and developments imposed upon the space that was once this country’s untamed frontier. The subject is of particular personal importance to Reynolds, who co-curated “The Place We Live” along with the gallery’s assistant curator of photographs, Joshua Chuang. Reynolds was raised in Davis, Calif., during an era of rapid development following World War II. As he led his audience through the exhibit, he described a childhood shaped by the kind of suburban sprawl that takes center stage in Adams’ photographs. “His work was so close in content to what I’d grown up with,” Reynolds said. “It took time for me to look at [the photographs], not just with irony and scorn, but

with the knowledge that people had lived here and that we loved it.” Love was at the center of Reynolds’ talk: his own love for his childhood home and a love for the landscapes and open space that drew so many to the American West during the mid-20th century. Ironically, Reynolds said, that latter love may have been destructive to the beauty that was its object. Overpopulation in the West necessitated the construction of sprawling suburbs, and with them malls and supermarkets capable of serving unprecedented numbers of people, Reynolds said. In this way, the landscape was covered over and the free space was filled; Adams documents this in photographs of trailer parks and construction

sites bare of greenery. “We loved it too much,” Reynolds said.

It took time for me to look at [the photographs] not just with irony and scorn, but with the knowledge that people had lived here and that we loved it. JOCK REYNOLDS Director, Yale University Art Gallery The over 200 black-andwhite photographs on display

are printed small — no larger, in most cases, than the snapshots one might find in a family’s living room. They are designed, Reynolds said, to fit into the pages of a book. Adams, who Reynolds described as being particularly concerned with the way his work appears in printed collections, has produced more than 40 books of photography during his career. Reynolds credited the small size of the prints with creating a sense of intimacy between the image and the viewer. “It’s incredibly tender, and really quite devastating,” Jan Cunningham ART ’85, a New Haven resident, said of Adams’ photography. Walking through the gallery after Reynolds’ talk, she paused at several prints: a baby in its bouncer on an otherwise

empty front porch, a mass-produced landscape painting on a department store shelf and the shadow of a tree on a closed garage door. Juliana Biondo ’13, a history of art major, commended Reynolds and Chuang’s selection and presentation of the images. “It’s beautifully curated,” she said. “The photographs themselves … really honor the medium of photography.” “The Place We Live” will remain at Yale University Art Gallery until Oct. 28. Following the end of the exhibit, the images will travel to venues in Spain, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. Contact CARLEE JENSEN at .


Jock Reynolds, the director of the Yale University Art Gallery, led a tour group through the gallery’s first-floor exhibition Wednesday afternoon to examine the photography of Robert Adams.





Yale’s College Prowler Diversity Grade

According to the popular guide to colleges, College Prowler, Yale prides itself on the ethnic, economic, religious and geographic diversity of the student body.

Class of 2016 is Yale’s most diverse ever





white asian hispanic black multiracial native american

category in order to “understand the real diversity represented in the class” — counting students toward each group they marked on their forms. According to that methodology, the class of 2016 is 20.2 percent Asian, 9.4 percent black, 10.4 percent Hispanic and 2.7 percent Native American, he said. By comparison, Harvard’s freshman class is 22.6 percent Asian, 9.4 percent black, 9.3 percent Hispanic and 1.7 percent Native or HawaiianAmerican, the Harvard Crimson





asian 16.8%


Categories are in accordance with guidelines implemented last year by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). ADMISSIONS FROM PAGE 1

native american

reported. “If a matriculating student were to self-identify as Latina and Native American, they would have been reported as Hispanic [under the new federal guidelines] but as both Hispanic and Native American in the second set of numbers,” Brenzel explained. “Similarly, if a student has self-identified as Asian and black, they would have been reported as multiracial to [the government] but reported as both Asian and black in the second set.” David Petersam, president of

Virginia-based higher education consulting group AdmissionsConsultants, said Yale’s numbers “clearly show the outstanding effort the administration has made towards providing a more diverse environment that benefits all of its students.” He added that Yale has garnered some “good PR” by admitting such a diverse freshman class. Andrew McNeill, senior associate director of college counseling at the Taft School in Watertown, Conn., said Yale’s prestige and generous financial aid policies allow it to attract a

white demographic that represents the country at large, without having to compromise the quality of the incoming class. “It is a sad reflection on American society that we deliver educational opportunity in relation to economic prosperity, and economic prosperity is linked to educational background; that circle of exclusion means African American and Hispanic stu-

dents, who have been historically and disproportionately underprivileged, are also disproportionately under-prepared for the rigors of a place like Yale,” McNeill said in a Wednesday email. “I see [Yale’s] numbers as very encouraging. While [African-American and Hispanic citizens] represent far more than 19.8 percent of America, those numbers are impressive given

the structure of American precollegiate education.” Yale admitted 2,043 students to its freshman class, of which 1,356 chose to matriculate this fall. Contact ANDREW GIAMBRONE at .


Investment Associate, Management Associate & Technology Associate Information Session Tuesday, September 11th 7:00pm at The Study Hotel

Investment Associate, Management Associate & Technology Associate Career Fair Friday, September 14th 11:00am - 3:00pm at Lanman Center

Investment Associate & Management Associate Resume Drop Deadline Apply online through Yale Career Services by Wednesday, September 26th

Technology Associate Resume Drop Apply online through Yale Career Services






Patchy fog before 9am. Otherwise, mostly sunny, with a high near 82. Low of 67.


High of 84, low of 67.

High of 83, low of 66.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 1:30 PM Ethnicity, Race and Migration Open House. According to the major’s website, ER&M majors study the world in order to change it. Founded in 1998, the program provides undergraduates with the methodological and practical tools for leadership in a diverse and dynamic 21st century. 35 Broadway (rear entrance), #215. 5:00 PM “Caris’ Peace.” This documentary follows School of Drama alumna Caris Corfman’s journey back to the stage after surgery to remove a brain tumor. Reception to follow the screening. Green Hall (1156 Chapel St.), Iseman Theater.


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 7:00 PM “Back to the Future.” This 1985 film, directed by Robert Zemeckis, is 116 minutes long. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Aud.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 7:30 PM Undergraduate Women in Science at Yale info session. UWISAY is a community of support for Yale women interested in science, math and engineering. Come to the information session to hear about exciting activities and events, and sit in on UWISAY’s open board meeting afterward. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), room 114. 8:00 PM Yale Swing and Blues Dance Practicum. The weekly Sunday night dance practicum brings new dancers, longtime dancers, locals and visitors together for an evening of social dancing with an informal, friendly atmosphere. Local and guest DJs. Harkness Memorial Hall (367 Cedar St.).


8:00 PM Yale Tango Club Practilonga. Novice to expert dancers welcome. No partner needed. All ages; all undergraduate, graduate, and students of life are welcome. Free. GPSCY (204 York St.), ballroom. 8:00 PM Great Organ Music at Yale: Isabelle Demers. Demers will play the music of Mendelssohn and Reger. Woolsey Hall (500 College St.).


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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Cask stopper 5 Conquest for Caesar 9 Serbs, e.g. 14 School that expelled James Bond 15 Gustav Mahler’s wife 16 Hilarious person 17 Grandmotherly nickname 18 Protective trench 19 Miguel’s gal 20 Prickly undergrowth 22 Pine secretion 23 More than te-hee, online 24 Prop for a safety briefing 26 Brewer’s vessel 29 Implore 31 Wheels 32 Mideast language 34 Finish a gymnastics routine, perhaps 37 Toward the stern 40 They lead you astray ... and what the starts of 20-, 24-, 52- and 60-Across are? 44 Brian of Roxy Music 45 “Yeah, sure” 46 Surpass 47 Washed-out 49 Bob Marley genre 51 Place in considerable disarray 52 It’s often a tough cut 57 Fighting Tigers’ sch. 59 Ness and others 60 Verbally overwhelm 65 Dim 66 Small pie 67 Time for action 68 2-Down, for one 69 Mother of Don Juan 70 Kerry’s home 71 Much of the RMS Queen Mary, now 72 Bank (on) 73 “Seasons of Love” musical

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By Jerome Gunderson

DOWN 1 Not in good shape? 2 Natural Bridges locale 3 Second helping, to a dieter 4 Twist 5 Long shot, say 6 Baseball’s Moises 7 It has a campus near the JFK Library 8 Turning tool 9 Ancient Athens rival 10 Nitwit 11 Ouzo flavoring 12 Watch 13 Barely sufficient 21 Slangy “Don’t worry about it” 25 “High Voltage” rockers 26 Ex-GIs’ org. 27 Bern’s river 28 1982 sci-fi film 30 Superficially fluent 33 Grumpy friend? 35 Exist 36 Mosquito protection

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7 4 6 7


53 Scout master? 54 Elaborate display 55 Up and at ’em 56 Scottish feudal lord 58 Milker’s handful 61 Hurler Hershiser 62 Large-tongued comics dog 63 Wave a red flag at 64 Nikita’s no



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Clinton: Obama showing the way

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Rain, political risks force Obama’s speech indoors BY JULIE PACE ASSOCIATED PRESS


Former President Bill Clinton speaks to delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012. BY DAVID ESPO ASSOCIATED PRESS CHARLOTTE, N.C. — President Barack Obama inherited a wreck of an economy, “put a floor under the crash” and laid the foundation for millions of good new jobs, former President Bill Clinton said Wednesday night in a Democratic National Convention appeal aimed directly at reassuring millions of voters struggling to get by in tough times. Casting the election as a clear choice between Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney, Clinton said in excerpts released in advance that the Republican campaign argument is “pretty simple: ‘We left him a total mess, he hasn’t cleaned it up yet, so fire him and put us back in.’” “I like the argument for President Barack Obama’s re-election a lot better,” Clinton said. “He inherited a deeply damaged economy, put a floor under the crash, began a long hard road to recovery and laid the foundation for a more modern, more well-balanced economy that will produce millions of good new jobs, vibrant new businesses and lots of new wealth for innovators,” the former president said. Obama’s high command released the remarks as they struggled to bury the news of an embarrassing retreat on the party platform. Under criticism from Republicans, they abruptly rewrote the day-old document to insert a reference to God and to declare that Jerusalem “is and will remain the capital of Israel.” Some delegates objected loudly, but Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa ruled them outvoted. Air Force One touched down as convention delegates filed early into the Time Warner Cable Arena, eager to nominate Obama and Vice President Joe Biden for new terms in time-honored roll calls of the states. Obama’s acceptance speech will mark the convention finale on Thursday night. Aides unexpectedly scrapped plans for him to speak to a huge crowd in a 74,000seat football stadium, citing the threat of bad weather in a city that has been pelted by heavy downpours in recent days. “We can’t do anything about the rain.

The important thing is the speech,” said Washington Rey, a delegate from Sumter, S.C. That and the eight-week general election campaign about to begin between Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney. In a tight race for the White House and with control of the Senate at stake, Democrats signaled unmistakable concern about the growing financial disadvantage they confront. Officials said Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was Obama’s first White House chief of staff, was resigning as national co-chair of the president’s campaign to help raise money for a super PAC that supports the president’s re-election.

I like the argument for President Barack Obama’s re-election a lot better. BILL CLINTON Former president, United States Unlike candidates, outside groups can solicit donations of unlimited size from donors. At the same time, federal law bars coordination with the campaigns. Clinton’s speech marked the seventh convention in a row he has spoken to party delegates, and the latest twist in a relationship with Obama that has veered from frosty to friendly. Whatever the past, the incumbent and his high command looked to the former president to vouch for him when it comes to the economy, his largest impediment to re-election. Twelve years after leaving office, Clinton retains high popularity in the electorate in general as well as among white men who are dubious about giving Obama a second term in power in an era of slow economic growth and 8.3 percent joblessness. As a group, white men favor Romney over Obama, according to numerous polls, but a Gallup survey taken in July showed 63 percent of them view the former president favorably, to 32 percent

who see him in unfavorable terms. White voters without college degrees preferred Clinton’s wife, Hillary, over Obama in during their epic battle for the presidential nomination in 2008. They now prefer Romney over the president by more than 20 percentage points, according to an Associated PressGfK poll published last month, yet other surveys show they give high favorability to Clinton. Clinton’s turn on stage marked the second night in a row Obama ceded the convention spotlight. First Lady Michelle Obama delivered the featured speech on Tuesday night in a convention hall jammed with cheering delegates. Republicans have suddenly discovered a lot to like about Clinton — a man they impeached in late 1998 when they ran the House and he sat in the Oval Office. Ryan made no mention of those unpleasantries when he told a campaign audience in Iowa, “Under President Clinton we got welfare reform. President Obama is rolling back welfare reform.” “President Clinton worked with Republicans in Congress to have a budget agreement to cut spending. President Obama, a gusher of new spending.” Independent fact checkers have repeatedly debunked Ryan’s claim about Obama’s welfare proposals, repeated often in Republican television ads. Nor did the Wisconsin lawmaker mention that under a balanced budget compromise with Clinton to rein in federal spending, Republicans agreed to create a new benefit program that provides billions in health care coverage for lowerincome children and others not eligible for Medicaid. Democrats said their decision to move Obama’s acceptance speech was due solely to weather concerns, adding they had too many people eager to attend, not too few as Republicans suggested. Aides said Obama would hold a huge conference call with ticket-holders who would no longer be able to see the speech in person. Party leaders did their best to draw as little attention as possible to the change in the platform, making the alternation even before the prayer that opened the second night of the convention.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Citing the potential for severe weather, President Barack Obama scrapped plans to accept the Democratic Party’s nomination Thursday in an outdoor stadium and moved his convention’s final night indoors. The switch was as much about trying to mitigate political risk in a key Southern battleground as it was about public safety. Democrats worried Obama would look incompetent or anger voters in the closely contested state if he switched speech sites on the day of the speech or held a rain-soaked event. But the move led Republicans to play up his standing in the state, arguing that he didn’t have enough support to fill the 74,000-seat Bank of America Stadium. Obama squeaked out a win in North Carolina in 2008, but polls show him trailing Republican rival Mitt Romney two months from Election Day. The weather call means the president will now address a far smaller crowd indoors in the same hall where Democrats have gathered for the first two days of their convention. The Time Warner Cable Arena will be set up for about 15,000 people — mostly official convention participants when Obama speaks. That’s just slightly larger than the president’s biggest crowd this election cycle, though an audience of millions will be watching

on television. Vice President Joe Biden will also speak Thursday at the indoor arena. Republicans, who canceled the first day of their convention due to weather in Tampa, Fla., accused Democrats of downgrading their events because of low enthusiasm. “You can’t believe a thing this administration says,” said former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu, a Romney backer. “Their campaign promised you rain or shine the president would be speaking there. Then when they couldn’t get a crowd, they brought it inside. I think those facts speak for themselves.”

You can’t believe a thing this administration says. JOHN SUNUNU Governor, New Hampshire Democratic officials had said earlier this week that Obama would speak outside if it were raining, but not in the event of severe weather. The National Weather Service said there is a 40 percent chance of thunderstorms on Thursday afternoon, dropping to 20 percent by the time the president was scheduled to speak in the 10 p.m. hour. It has rained every day since Saturday in Charlotte. Strong storms brought downpours of nearly an inch Monday and Tuesday.


Then-presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama addressed supporters at a rally in Chester, Pa., in 2008.




Academic Dishonesty According to the Harvard University student handbook, plagiarism and collaboration are strictly prohibited unless expressly permitted by the instructor. The policy states that all examinations submitted to a course are expected to be the student’s own work.



Cornell housing cramps new students New dean to address


This dorm room, which houses five students, was originally a study lounge in Jameson Hall on North Campus. acclimate to the transfer situation, so I was beyond upset that I was stuck with this living situation,” Yang CORNELL said. According to the email Cornell sent Yang, her new home was a study lounge that had been converted into a quintuplet to accommodate an “unusually large incoming class.” The email also indicated that, at some point, Yang could be asked to move elsewhere. “We want to alert you to the possibility that you may be asked to move to a traditional room before

BY CAROLINE FLAX STAFF WRITER As Jamie Yang ’15 prepared to transfer to Cornell this fall, she looked forward to moving into a single room on West Campus. But when she received her housing assignment over the summer, she was “mortified and panicked.” “Dear Jamie Yang,” the letter said. “We are pleased to provide you with your housing assignment for the 2012-2013 academic year.” Yang read on to discover that she would be living in what she described as a “forced” quintuplet in Jameson Hall on North Campus, an area of campus that generally houses first-year students. “I knew living on West [Campus] would be the best place to

or during the academic year,” the email said. “Our hope is to be able to return your room to a study lounge for use by all residents of your building.” Yang has since moved into a seven-person suite in Alice Cook House on West Campus. Although, according to Cornell’s housing website, “most transfer students are housed together in groups,” none of Yang’s new suitemates is also a transfer. “It would have been a lot more pleasant if I had roommates who were transfers as well. It’s easier to acclimate when people I’m living with are also in the same boat with me,” Yang said. Yang may be just one of many transfers who did not receive her first choice in housing. Sometimes,

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more incoming first-year and transfer students are admitted to Cornell than can be accommodated in on-campus housing, according to Carlos Gonzalez, assistant director of the Office of Residential and Event Services. However, since these students are guaranteed housing by Cornell, as many as five students at a time may be placed in a converted lounge and offered new rooms as alternative housing becomes available. “We have a handful of residence hall study lounges that we convert to quintuplet rooms [if there are too many students],” Gonzalez said. “As other space becomes available due to students leaving the University for health or academic reasons, we usually offer students placed in these lounges with the option of moving to another room.” Students who are unhappy with their housing situation have the option of contacting the housing office prior to their move-in date, Gonzalez said. This year, the housing office already has arranged room changes for 112 new students and 172 students who are not freshmen. “All rooms are generally filled once housing assignments are made, but we keep track of student requests and offer room swaps whenever possible,” Gonzalez said. “Room changes sometimes are not possible for several weeks into the semester because we must first complete a room census to determine vacancies.” According to Lee Melvin, associate vice provost for enrollment, the current ideal freshman class at Cornell ranges in size from 3,180 to 3,250 students. This number, he said, can change based on the number of students each undergraduate college wants to enroll and how many students the University can handle without being overburdened.


Just days before Harvard announced its most sweeping plagiarism investigation in recent memory, the College tapped Brett Flehinger, resident dean of Lowell House and a lecturer in the history department, to fill a recently-created position in the College administration addressing academic integrity. Flehinger was hired in mid-August as assistant dean of the College and associate secretary of the Administrative Board, Harvard’s disciplinary body, which is investigating the roughly 125 students accused of academic dishonesty in Government 1310: “Introduction to Congress.” Flehinger, who started his new position on Tuesday, will leave his job in Lowell but will continue in his role in the history department. Flehinger was not available to comment on his new position, but expressed mixed emotions about leaving Lowell in an Aug. 16 email to the House announcing his departure. “Taking this job is bittersweet, primarily because it means I’ll be stepping down as resident dean, and I want to thank everyone in the House for the past three years,” Flehinger wrote. “Living with all of you has been an enriching, exciting, and heart-warming experience.” Jeff Neal, a spokesperson

for the Faculty of Arts a n d S c i ences, said the n e w posiHARVARD t i o n was created before Harvard began its cheating investigation. Neal wrote in an emailed statement that the position was first requested in February and then authorized in late April or early May. Neal did not return a request for comment on whether the cheating scandal fast-tracked the administration’s timeline for filling the job. In mid- to late-May, assistant professor Matthew B. Platt alerted the Ad Board to suspiciously similar strings of words in between 10 and 20 final take-home exams in his spring course, a tip that led the Ad Board to later expand its investigation to about 125 students in the class. In an Aug. 15 email to College administrators announcing the appointment, Dean of the College Evelynn M. Hammonds wrote that Flehinger would “provide a guiding role” in implementing campus programs addressing academic integrity. She also wrote that Flehinger would work with Secretary of the Ad Board John “Jay” Ellison to manage Ad Board cases, particularly ones involving academic misconduct.







PEOPLE IN THE NEWS MARIA SHARAPOVA Maria Sharapova advanced to the semifinals of the U.S. Open yesterday afternoon when she beat Marion Bartoli, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4. Sharapova will take on No.1 Victoria Azarenka on Friday in the semifinals. Serena Williams will face Sara Errani in the other semifinal.

Eli to play in French league

‘Get a Grip’ marks third year MCCONNELL FROM PAGE 12 ease. Their conversation resulted in the Get a Grip campaign, which began McConnell’s sophomore year. The annual campaign kicked off last weekend with the Get a Grip game against Quinnipiac on Saturday. Maddy Sharp ’13, a forward and the captain of the field hockey team, said the game is very meaningful for the team. She added that each year, the team sells T-shirts and wristbands on campus during the week leading up to the game, and the game draws the largest crowds of the season. Saturday’s come-from-behind 3–2 victory was no exception. In addition to the game, which raises awareness about myotonic dystrophy, Sharp said the team runs a season-long Goal-a-Thon, in which people pledge to donate a certain amount of money for each goal the team scores. McConnell said that over the past two years, the campaign has raised $90,000, all of which supports research to find a cure for myotonic dystro-

MORICE FROM PAGE 12 school. Morice’s transition marks the achievement of a goal for which he has been working since he began playing as a toddler. Tod Hershovitz, assistant coach of the men’s soccer team at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and an old family friend, added that Morice’s commitment to soccer and sportsmanship were present from the beginning. “Max was always full of energy, passionate, striving to improve his game and get better and better,” Herskovitz said. “His positivity and hard-working attitude have remained consistent over the years I’ve known him, and his love for the game only continues to grow.” Morice’s move to France marks not only a major change in his athletic career and development, but also in his personal life. Though he visits the country several times a year to see family, Morice is living permanently in France for the first time. No longer does he work to balance academics and athletics, college social life and the demands of his team. Instead, he faces the pressures that come from playing soccer as a full-time job. Currently, Morice is on the second team, also known as the reserves team, but he said he hopes to earn a spot on the first team next year. Professional soccer in Europe is distinct from American collegiate soccer in several ways, Morice said. “The level of play is clearly a lot higher in the professional world,” he said. “The play is much more tactical and technical. The pure strength and grit aspects are not as emphasized as they are in the US.” Nick Alers ’14, defender for men’s soccer team, said Morice’s playing style at Yale already stood out for emphasizing the same tactical approach more typical of European professional play. With Morice’s departure, the Bulldogs lost a skilled, technical player who was a tremendous asset to the team’s efforts ever since scoring the game-winning goal in his first game, against Central Connecticut

phy. In the offseason, Sharp said, the team still cares strongly about the campaign, but it does not necessarily remain at the forefront of team members’ minds because McConnell never complains about having the disease. Sharp said her work ethic is just as strong as any of the other players, and McConnell is a source of inspiration for the team. Stuper added, “Despite what other student-athletes have that day — a tough class, a tough exam … [Ona’s playing] just can’t help [but] to inspire you to dig a little deeper.” McConnell said she remains active in the fight against myotonic dystrophy throughout the year through her involvement as a board member for the Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation. The nonprofit organization organizes conferences, raises money, and garners awareness about the disease in the hope of finding a cure. Contact ALEX EPPLER at .

Pro athletes: innocence lost? COLUMN FROM PAGE 12


Max Morice ’15 averaged three points per game — one goal and one assist — during his time at Yale. State University in the fall of 2011. But even in his departure from the team, Morice’s ability to remind his teammates why they play and love soccer so much is perhaps his greatest legacy at Yale, team member Peter Jacobson ’14 said. Morice said he remains uncertain about

whether or not he will return to Yale. “I [get] to play soccer everyday, all day. What could be better?” Contact KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG at .

what he’s feeling. And That is what we love, especially when those dour scowls transform into brilliant, genuine displays of emotion and joy, like they did just a couple weeks after Wimbledon when Murray outplayed Federer to earn an Olympic gold medal. The desperately-needed rematch on the All-England Club’s Centre Court put Andy back in good spirits. But Olympic gold won’t be enough for Murray — like soccer or basketball in the Olympics, Olympic tennis isn’t yet considered the pinnacle of competition, and elite players do not win with consistency, nor is it all Murray is shooting for in his career. That is what I want to see more of in today’s businesslike sports world — more emotion, more evidence that the game matters to athletes, and more ambition. We just got a big dose of small-name, hardworking success stories during the Olympics, but that is not something I want to see just every four years. The rest of the time, Americans focus on the major team sports, and we are not rewarded with the passion we expect. Too often we see NBA or MLB players look as if they do not care or as if they are just going

through the motions. Aspiring professional athletes talk so much about “making it to the bigs” or “getting drafted out of college,” but when they finally make it, we are frequently greeted with complacency and even laziness. Perhaps they’re jaded by today’s sports culture, which focuses in on athletes starting in high school — maybe the attention and the platform is old news after a few years. Yes, competing professionally is technically a job. Yes, there is a contract and requirements and bonuses. But sports are also supposed to be something more — there is a reason you’re playing and we are watching. To me, disinterest in your position of privilege is shortsighted and immature. You’re not just an employee on the NBA or MLB payroll. Andy Murray is more than a tennis player. He is one of us — both haunted and motivated by his failures, but grateful for his successes. And if we saw more of that energy and humility elsewhere in professional sports, we’d see a much-needed return to an era where athletes were role models and competitors instead of toocool celebrities. Contact EVAN FRONDORF at .

Roddick’s career ends against del Potro BY HOWARD FENDRICH ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — Chants of “Let’s go, Andy!” rang out between points during the last service game of his career, and again before the start of what would wind up as the last return game. Always a fan favorite at the U.S. Open, and the 2003 champion, Andy Roddick, headed into retirement with a 6–7 (1), 7–6 (4), 6–2, 6–4 loss to Juan Martin del Potro of Argentina in the fourth round at Flushing Meadows on Wednesday. It was an emotional farewell for Roddick, who sat in his changeover chair, covering his face with a white towel, after sailing a running forehand long on the last point. He choked up during an on-court speech at Arthur Ashe Stadium, telling the crowd, “Oh, wow. For the first time in my career, I’m not sure what to say.” “Since I was a kid, I’ve been coming to this tournament. I felt lucky just to sit where all of you are sitting today, to watch this game, to see the champions that have come and gone,” Roddick

told the fans. “I’ve loved every minute of it.” The American surprisingly announced last Thursday, his 30th birthday, that the U.S. Open would be his final tournament. That impromptu news conference came a day before Roddick’s second-round match, and he wound up winning that one, and a third-rounder, too, riding a wave of support in the stands. But those two opponents were ranked 43rd and 59th, and the seventh-seeded del Potro, the 2009 U.S. Open champion, provided a far more daunting challenge - especially once he lifted his energy level and got his big, flat forehand cranked up. The match was suspended because of rain Tuesday night after Roddick took the first point of the opening-set tiebreaker, and they resumed more than 18 hours later in front of thousands of empty blue seats. It took Roddick only four minutes to close that set, fresh and strong as can be, while del Potro was rather sluggish. The key, probably, was the second set. Neither man faced so

much as a single break point, and this time it was del Potro’s turn to dominate the tiebreaker. Gaining more traction on his opponent’s once-all-powerful serve, del Potro whipped a cross-court forehand return right at Roddick’s feet on set point. Del Potro’s momentum swing continued when he broke to begin the third set. He hit a drop shot that Roddick chased, grunting loudly, and eventually del Potro deposited a passing winner that left Roddick hanging his head. Del Potro broke again for a 3–0 edge in that set, producing a drop shot winner that Roddick didn’t even chase. As he walked to the sideline for the changeover, Roddick grimaced and flexed his right shoulder — the one that hit a then-record 155 mph serve years ago but now aches. He jokingly referred to it as “Hamburger helper” after his previous match. Up 1–0 in the fourth, Roddick got a chance to make one last stand and postpone retirement for at least a set, if not another match, when del Potro doublefaulted to hand over a break point. But Roddick sailed a backhand

long, then dropped his racket at his feet and leans forward with hands on head, the very picture of exasperation. When Roddick double-faulted, then missed a forehand, to fall behind 3–2, the competitive portion of the match was essentially done. The rest of the way was a chance for spectators to salute a guy who always wore his emotions on his sleeve while finishing nine consecutive seasons ranked in the top 10. Roddick made a brief appearance at No. 1 following his only Grand Slam trophy — and the most recent for an American man — nine years ago. He appeared in four other major finals, losing to Roger Federer each time, and wound up with 32 tournament titles overall. “It’s been a road of a lot of ups, a lot of downs, a lot of great moments. I’ve appreciated your support along the way,” Roddick said. “I know I certainly haven’t made it easy for you at times but I really do appreciate it and love you guys with all my heart. Hopefully I’ll come back to this place someday and see all of you again.”

Del Potro joined the fans in standing to applaud. He moved on to a quarterfinal against defending champion Novak Djokovic, who advanced when his opponent, No. 18 Stanislas Wawrinka, stopped because of illness and fatigue while trailing 6–4, 6–1, 3–1. Djokovic’s Serbian Davis Cup teammate, No. 8 Janko Tipsarevic, finished his rain-interrupted 6–3, 7–6 (5), 6–2 victory over No. 19 Philipp Kohlschreiber of Germany, and gets No. 4 David Ferrer of Spain in the quarterfinals. Olympic champion Andy Murray became the first man to reach the semifinals, coming all the way back after being one point from facing a two-set deficit to beat No. 12 Marin Cilic 3–6, 7–6 (4), 6–2, 6–0. Four-time major champion Maria Sharapova also turned things around to win her quarterfinal Wednesday, coming from behind after a rain delay for the second consecutive match and defeating 2007 Wimbledon runner-up Marion Bartoli 3–6, 6–3, 6–4. Sharapova was down 4–0 on

Tuesday when play was stopped. But she wound up improving to 12–0 in three-set matches this year. “It’s a great statistic. It shows that I enjoy the battle no matter what the score is,” said Sharapova, who will face top-seeded Victoria Azarenka in the semifinals. “The third set, it’s the last set out there, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t put everything out there.” Serena Williams faced no such trouble in her quarterfinal Wednesday night. Williams, who has won three of her 14 Grand Slam titles at the U.S. Open, hit 12 aces while defeating 2008 French Open champion Ana Ivanovic 6–1, 6–3. Williams’ semifinal opponent will be 10th-seeded Sara Errani of Italy, who eliminated her good friend and doubles partner, No. 20 Roberta Vinci, in straight sets. The story of the day, though, was Roddick’s departure — from the tournament and from tennis — and Williams watched his loss to del Potro. “I love Andy so much,” Williams said. “Such a good friend.”


MLB N.Y. Yankees 6 Tampa Bay 4

MLB N.Y. Mets 3 St. Louis 2


MLB Atlanta 1 Colorado 0


MLB Washington 9 Chicago Cubs 1


RYAN LAVARNWAY ’09 HITS HOME RUN IN BOSTON WIN After failing to hit a home run in his first 69 at-bats in the Majors this season, Lavarnway —normally a dependable power hittter —finally went long Tuesday night to help the struggling Red Sox break a seven-game losing streak with a 4-3 win against the Seattle Mariners.

KELLY JOHNSON ’16 IVY LEAGUE HONOR ROLL Johnson, a setter on the volleyball team, was placed on the Ivy League Honor Roll this week. Johnson has 2.90 kills per set, 5.00 service aces per set, and 2.30 digs per set. The Bulldogs will compete against Villanova and Northwestern this weekend.

SOCCER New England 2 Columbus 0

“Different aspects of the game are emphasized [in Europe]. The play is much more tactical and technical.” MAX MORICE ’15 FORWARD, MEN’S SOCCER YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 ·


The Murray effect Looking back, Monday was not the best night to be at the U.S. Open. Top seed Roger Federer had already played earlier in the afternoon, and the Andy Roddick farewell tour wouldn’t resume until the next day. But watching two rising stars gave me hope that passion still lives somewhere in sports today. Those of us seated in the upper promenade level were assaulted with a harsh, humid wind that foreshadowed rain coming to Queens. The tournament organizers obviously recognized this before I did and moved one of the two scheduled night matches out of Arthur Ashe and into the smaller Louis Armstrong stadium. The Williams sisters were pushed out of the main bill, so the remaining match had to be something huge that included Novak Djokovic, right? Nope. Most of the 20,000-plus nightsession attendees (including me) stuck around to see unassuming third seed Andy Murray take down youngster Milos Raonic in straight sets. Murray isn’t American. He’s not as flashy as Rafael Nadal, nor as confident (or dare I say arrogant?) as Federer or Djokovic. But on Monday night, men and women alike pleaded, “Come on Murray!” — though the result was never really in doubt. At some point, I had to feel bad for Raonic, the 21-year-old Canadian with a massive serve but no love from the Americans at Arthur Ashe. He was clearly the underdog, but unfortunately, he was up against tennis’s definition of underdog. Is that why we love Andy Murray? Are we captivated by a simple beat-the-odds story? Or is there something more to our fascination with the Grand Slam-less Briton? My deep investigation into this topic took me back to my own experience in London this summer. I arrived in the midst of Wimbledon, and not unexpectedly, the city was abuzz with tennis talk. In between the Queen’s Jubilee and the rapidly approaching Olympics, Londoners still made time for tennis. Horrible tennis puns headlined the British tabloids, and not surprisingly, the focus was all on hometown boy Andy. With Murray-mania in full force, it was impossible not to root for him. I watched the Wimbledon final at the aptly named Sports Café in the heart of London, and I’ve never seen a crowd’s energy rise and fall with every point like it did for Murray. The atmosphere was jubilant one moment but turned absolutely silent when he lost a crucial service game in the fourth and final set. Andy lost to Federer at Wimbledon, but perhaps the most important moment for the evolution of his career came right after the conclusion of the final. Post-match interviews are usually trivial, but this one was special. Murray, overcome with emotion, realized right there that he lost his chance to beat big bad Roger on his home court. He was respectful, graceful and restrained, although his eyes filled with tears. And then, as if he needed to apologize, he choked out: “I am getting closer.” This is when I realized that Murray is more than an underdog. He’s human. Rafa, Djokovic, Roger — they’re celebrities. They’re cool, calm and collected — winning Grand Slam tournaments is just part of the job description. Murray steps onto the court like he has something to prove, yet he’s captivatingly vulnerable. He curses and slams his racket after a bad point, but the anger is focused pitifully inward. He gets mad at himself, and it’s easy to see his displeasure. The glum facial expressions, the looks of dejection between games when things aren’t going right — this is a guy who lets the world know SEE COLUMN PAGE 11

Morice ’15 chases pro dreams SOCCER


Max Morice ’15 is taking his passion for soccer to France to play with Stade Rennes this season. BY KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG STAFF REPORTER When asked to name the student seen juggling and bouncing a ball around Yale’s campus, Men’s Soccer Head Coach Brian Tompkins did not have to think twice: Rarely could former sophomore Max Morice be seen without a soccer ball by his side. But when Morice was offered a chance to take his lifelong passion to the professional level by signing with Stade Rennes in France, the opportunity was too good to pass up. “This has been my dream since I was a small boy, to play professional soccer,” Morice said.

I know Max has the mental strength, discipline and character to take him to this next level now. TIM CARTER After completing his freshmen year and playing in all 17 of the soccer team’s games, Morice signed a professional soccer contract with Stade Rennes as one of two new recruits this summer. The team normally only takes players from

France, but Morice’s family is from France and his grandfather was able to arrange a trial. For the left-footed midfielder, soccer runs in the family. Morice’s father Pierre played with the team Nantes in the France First Division and in the United States with the Minnesota Thunder. Morice’s brother, Peter, played at Columbia. Despite his talent on the field and commitment to the game, Morice’s early departure from Yale came as a surprise to Tomkins and three teammates interviewed. While they said they recognized that Max’s passion for soccer would likely drive him into the profession eventually, they did not expect it would come so early.

But Tim Carter, Morice’s coach for all four years at Shattuck St. Mary’s School in Minnesota, said he could imagine Morice pursuing a professional career before graduating college. “Playing professionally was certainly always in the back of Max’s mind,” Carter said. “I know Max has the mental strength, discipline and character to take him to this next level now.” But Carter added that playing a year of collegiate soccer puts Morice in a stronger position to make the transition than if he had entered the professional ranks directly after high SEE MORICE PAGE 11

Years after diagnosis, McConnell ’13 inspires BY ALEX EPPLER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Ona McConnell ’13 grasped two fingers on her left hand with her right fist, struggling to release her grip. While trying to relax the muscles in her hands, McConnell explained that this occurs every time that she grasps her field hockey stick — several times a day, six days a week as a member of the varsity women’s team. “This is myotonia,” she explained.

FIELD HOCKEY McConnell said her passion for field hockey began at the age of 9, and she eventually drew enough attention as a goalkeeper to be recruited for the varsity team at Yale.


During her senior year of high school, however, she noticed a decline in the quality of her game: she began missing balls that she normally would have saved. Toward the middle of her freshman year at Yale, she experienced difficulty relaxing her grip. A doctor’s visit concluded with a diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy, the most common form of muscular dystrophy. The first question she asked her doctor was, “Can I still play field hockey?” She later asked doctors if playing sports would make her condition worse, and they told her that the evidence was inconclusive. McConnell told them, “If you can’t prove it, I’m going to continue.” While McConnell continued playing, she said her skills in goal

have declined and her opportunity to earn playing time is low. She said that the symptoms of her disease persist, including the myotonia, which causes both her muscles to cramp and also constant fatigue. No cure for myotonic dystrophy exists, and the medicines that she takes to combat some of her symptoms add cognitive slowness to her other symptoms. “It was really annoying to not be able to do what I could [in goal],” she said. “I might have dropped out of Yale if it wasn’t for my team.” Soon after the diagnosis, McConnell met with head coach Pam Stuper, and the two brainstormed a way to raise awareness and money to combat the disSEE MCCONNELL PAGE 11


Get a Grip raised about $90,000 from 2010-’11.

THE NUMBER OF GOALS MAX MORICE ’15 SCORED DURING HIS FIRST AND ONLY YEAR WITH YALE MEN’S SOCCER. Morice has left Yale and is pursuing a professional soccer career this season with Stade Rennes of France.

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