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CROSS CAMPUS A family affair. For those of

you hoping to dine out this weekend, you might want to reserve your seats early. The University is expected to welcome hordes of parents and relatives for its annual Family Weekend. So Yalies, get ready to mingle and play tour guide for the next few days.





Team looks to continue dominance against Princeton


Faculty, admins consider issues in retaining science professors






Students weigh voting options


much stronger candidate than Brown’s 2010 challenger, Martha Coakley. Still, the Senate race in Massachusetts is much closer than Enriquez would like, with the latest polls between the candidates giving Warren a lead of a few percentage points. The Connecticut

Discontented with what they perceive to be increasingly topdown decision-making at Yale, several professors are teaming up with a national organization in an effort to promote shared governance at the University. The professors are working to reinstate a chapter of the American Association of University Professors, a national organization that represents professors in promoting academic freedom and shared governance at universities nationwide. At a Sept. 26 organizational meeting on campus, roughly a dozen faculty members appointed officers — including East Asian languages & literatures professor John Treat as president — and approved bylaws for the new chapter. Their next step will be to notify the Yale administration of the group’s formation and attempt to expand membership, according to a Sept. 27 email Treat sent to prospective members. Professors involved in the group said they are skeptical that the Yale chapter, which existed previously but became inactive over 10 years ago, would have any foreseeable impact on University governance, but they said the national organization’s name and underlying principles could



Honoring his life. Several students in Davenport organized a birthday party on Thursday night in memory of Zach Brunt ’15, a Davenport student who died last spring. The gathering included snacks and refreshments, and students in attendance lit orange sky-lanterns in remembrance. One man campaign. A School

of Management alumnus has nominated himself for the University’s top job. In a recent column, Wick Sloane SOM ’84 openly declared his candidacy for presidency of Yale and outlined — in detail — his “Eli-genda,” which included apologizing for the Iraq War, keeping dining halls open and free for Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, closing the School of Management and withholding checks from students who fail pop quizzes on the battles listed in Commons.


A large gray elephant was found seemingly wounded outside a classroom in WLH. Passersby reported seeing a gang of poachers chasing the 8,000-pound African mammal for its ivory. But they quickly realized their dreams of ivory were full of hot air as they approached the plastic carcass.

A rainbow hits Cross Campus.

LGBT Co-op organizers set up a makeshift door draped by a rainbow flag on Thursday as part of an effort to celebrate “National Coming Out Day.” Passersby were encouraged to walk through the door frame as a symbolic interpretation of “coming out of the closet.” Organizers said roughly 60 to 100 students walked through the door. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1980 Victors celebrate their previous day’s win in the “New Haven Bed Race,” in which 41 five-person teams of bedracers rolled their beds down a 60-yard course on Temple Street. “We’re the fastest in bed,” boasted one competitor after winning the preliminary heat. The event raised $10,000 for charity and drew over 1,000 spectators, including one clown who gave away balloons and goodies. Submit tips to Cross Campus


Faculty push for AAUP


his November, Yale students have the choice to vote for Connecticut’s next senator or to cast their ballots in their home states. How will they decide?. MICHELLE HACKMAN reports. LORENZO LIGATO/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

Members of the Yale College Democrats help students register to vote in Connecticut on Old Campus. BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER As a freshman in 2009, life-long Democrat Diana Enriquez ’13 registered to vote in Connecticut. That November, her home state of Massachusetts elected Scott Brown, its first Republican senator since 1972.

“I was shocked,” Enriquez said. “Everyone assumes Massachusetts is a monolithic democratic machine, but a lot more people vote for the Republican party than they tend to admit.” Since then, Enriquez has reregistered in Massachusetts to cast her vote for Brown’s opponent, Democrat Elizabeth Warren, whom Enriquez considers a

Senate candidates on the attack at debate BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS CONTRIUBTING REPORTER Throughout Thursday evening’s hour-long debate between U.S. Senate candidates Chris Murphy and Linda McMahon, neither candidate yielded an inch on topics including economic growth, foreign policy and personal character. The debate, which came four days after the candidates’ first matchup

last Sunday, was intended to focus primarily on the economy, government fiscal policy and foreign relations. Instead, the hour largely consisted of personal attacks between the candidates, reflecting the hostile tone the race has taken over the past several months. The election could decide which party controls the U.S. Senate and is currently considered a toss-up SEE DEBATE PAGE 6

Esteemed audio curator passes away


Visiting family members walk through Old Campus. Family Weekend begins today and ends on Sunday. BY COLLEEN FLYNN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

BY JESSICA HALLAM AND JANE DARBY MENTON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER AND STAFF REPORTER Richard Warren ’59, a Yale library curator who devoted his life to one of the nation’s most extensive audio archives and was praised by colleagues for his wisdom and dedication, passed away after suffering a stroke last Sunday at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He was 75 years old. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from Yale, Warren returned to New Haven in the late 1960s and soon became curator of the Yale Collection of Historical Sound Recordings (HSR), a position he held for the rest of his adult life. During Warren’s 45-year tenure, colleagues said he relied on his remarkable knowledge of music and SEE WARREN PAGE 6

Family Weekend breeds a cappella stress


Richard Warren ’50, Yale library audio curator, passed away on Sunday.

This year’s early arrival of Family Weekend has brought a capella stress levels to a crescendo. This year’s Family Weekend — Friday, Oct. 12 through Sunday, Oct. 14 — comes two weeks earlier than the weekend has fallen in the past, giving student performance groups little time to arrange pieces and prepare new members for one of the groups’ three major on-campus concerts each year. Many a cappella inductees, whose rigorous rush period ended on tap night Sept. 19, said they have undergone a fast-paced training regimen to learn their groups’ pieces in time for this weekend’s performances. Adding to the groups’ concerns, Family Weekend falls during this year’s midterm season, putting additional stress on members to find time to keep up with their musical and academic

commitments. “Not only have we had less time to rehearse than we have in the past, but the past two weeks have been extra stressful for our all members,” said Emefa Agawu ’15, the pitch of Redhot & Blue. “It’s incredibly difficult to put in all the studying we need to do to ace our midterms on top of preparing for such a big concert.” In past Family Weekends, Agawu said, Redhot & Blue has had “intense tech-week rehearsal schedule with rehearsals every night late into the evening,” but due to midterms and prior commitments, such a rigorous schedule has not been possible. She added that fitting in studying and rehearsing has been especially difficult for freshmen who are experiencing the pressures of their first midterm season. To cope with the challenges of the earlier date, Redhot & Blue has SEE FAMILY WEEKEND PAGE 6




.COMMENT “If you can't/won't debate something, that's a sign you don't believe it to



An Odyssey to remember I

f my life at Yale were adapted into a Road Trip movie, it would start somewhere in Siberia and end somewhere else in Siberia. It would be written in Croatian, and the characters would travel in circles via a sleigh drawn by a team of marsupials. Think "The Odyssey," but without the beginning. Or the end. What I am trying to express is that my life has no direction, and that having no direction is both very fun and very bewildering. If you feel that your life is starting to take direction and you are not a senior, I would advise you to avoid attending to that feeling. This is not to say that having direction is bad. We all need to wind up somewhere — and we all will, because no somewhere is nowhere. It’s just that, as far as metaphors go, I find life-as-a-journey to be the most problematic one. I blame Homer. It’s not that having a direction is a bad thing, necessarily. It’s just that it can be really boring if you don’t have a team of gods conspiring to keep you from attending to it too intensely. Because while Odysseus’s quest to go home is beautiful and touching and profound, it’s only the heart of a poem whose amazing bulk is a series of fantastic episodes. If Odysseus had been able to avoid those episodes like he’d planned, the poem would have been considerably shorter and a lot less fun. If you spend your entire Yale career looking for Ithaca, your life will be even worse than this imaginary, abridged "Odyssey", because you won’t be able to shorten it. You will still have 24 chapters of unidirectional monotony. You will then try to spice things up by writing it in heroic couplets, which is, please believe me, always a bad choice. And this all because you decided, from freshman or sophomore year on, that you were going to go to law school. Or medical school. Or Merrill Lynch. If there’s anything that I learned from "The Odyssey," it’s that your true Penelope will wait for you. She’s cool and clever like that. If she isn’t your true

Penelope, she’s probably your Clytemnestra, and then you’re screwed. But even if you are Ithaca-bound, don’t let your destination distract you. I have seen it happen, and it’s kind of sad. For example: Last year, my friend and I took a class with a fantastic professor who is a notoriously tough grader. We both loved the class and both felt enriched by its presence in our lives, but we also realized that the professor wouldn’t give us the grades we were used to getting. This was confirmed when we got our first papers back. It would be a challenge — perhaps an insurmountable one — to meet our professor’s high standards. My friend is applying to law school this year; like Aeneas, he’s been committed to his destiny at Harvard Law School since he arrived at Yale. No Dido could tempt him to even so much as vacation on his journey to Cambridge. On the other hand, because I have literally no direction in life, it’s hard for me to conceive of a future for myself at all — let alone one in which my GPA will matter. So I entered into the fourth book of "The Aeneid," burnt myself on the funeral pyre of a below-average grade and didn’t facio a single flocci, because, look, that poetry was awesome. So what if Aeneas wasted some time in Carthage? Rome can wait. Yale is a Mediterranean Sea speckled with Greek islands, a tiny scene set for four years of rollicking, nearly purposeless adventure. Our Odyssey can only be life changing and revelatory if we give it the freedom to be so — we have to make the winds that blow us off course. You may think you’re on a quest for Ithaca, but maybe you’re an Agamemnon. And even if you aren’t, at the end of the day, you want to write an Odyssey worth remembering. There will be plenty of time to frame your story later — right now, your business is acquiring episodes. Ithaca will wait.

Ensuring the right to vote I

’d like to think I’ve voted in every national election since 2000, though technically those were my father’s votes and I merely pressed the button. Each time, as I prepared to fill out his ballot, I relished the idea that politicians had to pay attention to our concerns, because the key to their jobs was in the power of my finger. From an early age, I understood that voting was a right that my ancestors were steadily denied for decades. Their past struggles and successes pulsate through me when I step into the voting booth. My views on voting have evolved over time. Our system of democratic representation is far from perfect. Though we remain a one-man, one-vote society, those with money and influence drown out the voices of the many. The two-party system is deeply flawed. While many Yalies are incredibly engaged in the political process, there are some who do not wish to seem complicit in a system they do not fully support. These are important issues to consider and reform, but abstaining doesn’t address another issue of representation that is often neglected.

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The News’ View represents the opinion of the majority of the members of the Yale Daily News Managing Board of 2014. Other content on this page with bylines represents the opinions of those authors and not necessarily those of the Managing Board. Opinions set forth in ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the Managing Board. We reserve the right to refuse any ad for any reason and to delete or change any copy we consider objectionable, false or in poor taste. We do not verify the contents of any ad. The Yale Daily News Publishing Co., Inc. and its officers, employees and agents disclaim any responsibility for all liabilities, injuries or damages arising from any ad. The Yale Daily News Publishing Co. ISSN 0890-2240


According to estimates from The Sentencing Project, a national research and advocacy organization, over 5.8 million people have lost the right to vote as the result of a prior felony conviction. More than 1 in 13 African-Americans are disenfranchised because of restrictions barring those with a criminal record from voting.

idea that this demographic is not civically engaged, or doesn’t care about their right to vote, is a false one. I’ve had several productive conversations with those I’ve registered through the program about current events, politics and the presidential debates. And with huge numbers of people returning home from prison, the re-entry population has the potential to become a powerful and consistent voting block. Our system of representation has many flaws, and many will still choose not to vote in order to protest them. That’s okay, but please consider this before you decide to abstain. If we are truly serious about reintegrating those with convictions back into society, we have failed if one of the most important tools of civic engagement is denied. If Yalies are serious about taking a stand against systems of oppression in this country, they should be in the voting booth on Nov. 6 to stand in solidarity with disenfranchised voters. NIA HOLSTON is a junior in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact her at .


THIS ISSUE COPY ASSISTANTS: Douglas Plume PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS: Jason Kim, Astrid Pacini, Leon Jiang, Allison Durkin, Isadora Stankovic EDITORIALS & ADS


While only five states permanently disbar persons with felony convictions from the right to vote, many people in other states are not aware that their right to vote is ever restored. In Connecticut, the current law states that those with felony convictions may vote after they complete their sentence-prison time and parole. Those only sentenced to probation, those convicted of misdemeanors and those awaiting trial in jail do not lose their right to vote — but many believe they do. For the past several months, I have participated in voter registration drives targeting those with prior convictions. On several occasions, men and women have come up to me and timidly asked, “Are you sure I can vote?” As I informed them they retained their right, some remained unsure. This is because officials who do not know the correct laws have told them misinformation. I too have heard incorrect facts on the right to vote from correctional officers and even U.S. congressmen. The disenfranchisement of people with convictions has not garnered enough attention. The

MICHELLE TAYLOR is a senior in Davenport College. Contact him at .

Yale-NUS: In loco regiminis

YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400


Because we have always had the privilege of voting, we don’t understand what a privilege that truly is. Many Americans are still systematically denied the right to vote, even though they would vote if able. Because of this, I don’t believe Yale students have an excuse to stand outside of politics and polling places. It’s unfair choose to sit out while so many wish to stand in your place.


Editorial: (203) 432-2418 Business: (203) 432-2424

EDITOR IN CHIEF Tapley Stephenson

be defensible.” 'BUBBAJOE123' on 'CREATING SAFE SPACES'


All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Marissa Medansky and Dan Stein Opinion Editors Yale Daily News



nder the banal headline “Yale-NUS develops student group policies,” the News reported on an announcement by the governing board of this new institution. Yale-NUS policy “will prevent students from creating campus branches of existing Singaporean political parties, in accordance with the nation’s law.” Apparently, not even a junior branch of the ruling party — the PAP — will be allowed, and violators will no doubt be subjected to unspecified sanctions. Yale-NUS President Pericles Lewis says the “Singaporean government will only become involved if illegal activity does occur.” So Yale-NUS officers and deans will clearly be required to report violators to the government. The announcement thus confirms what Lewis seems to have inadvertently leaked to the Wall Street Journal in July, barely two weeks after taking office (“Singapore’s Venture With Yale to Limit Protests,” WSJ, July 16, 2012). Quoting and paraphrasing Lewis in a moment of com-

plete self-contradiction, the article reported: “Students at the new school ‘are going to be totally free to express their views,’ but they won’t be allowed to organize political protests on campus.” Lewis said he was misrepresented, but the WSJ stood by its story, and the second (paraphrased) part of the statement is now officially confirmed by the governing board of Yale-NUS. In fact, the new announcement is more severe than what the WSJ reported: it is not just protest that is banned, but also political groups themselves. A small but global firestorm followed the WSJ story. “Human Rights Watch Blasts Yale for Singapore Rules,” reported Foreign Policy, referring to a press release by HRW that criticized Yale for “betraying the spirit of the university as a center of open debate and protest by giving away the rights of its students. Instead of defending these rights, Yale buckled when faced with Singapore’s draconian laws on demonstrations and policies restricting student groups.” The News

rightly editorialized: “Freedom is an afterthought to Yale’s venture into Singapore” (“Yale-NUS Students Deserve Free Speech,” July 23, 2012). In the midst of this summer controversy, the only thing redeeming Yale’s reputation was the fact that the Yale faculty had voiced its reservations (not even its opposition) through a resolution adopted in March. (The resolution was denounced as “unbecoming” by President Richard Levin.) The new announcement also specifies that “clubs that show disrespect for specific religions or racial groups” will be banned. This apparently unexceptionable prohibition — seemingly but only seemingly akin to “speech codes” in force on certain American campuses — takes on a different weight in Singapore, where Section 377A of the legal code bans male homosexual acts. What if the very fact of homosexuality and the active pursuit of LGBT rights are deemed “disrespectful of specific religions”? In a world where many religions condemn

homosexuality, and in a country where the continuing ban on male homosexual acts is often explained as a political necessity attributable to religious pressure, this is not a far-fetched scenario. So now it is official: an institution bearing Yale’s name — headed by professors and staff taken from Yale-New Haven — is in the business of restricting the rights of students. Yale–NUS students will not enjoy full political freedom, nor full freedom of association or speech. The officials of Yale-NUS will make sure that “partisan or political campaigning and fund-raising” do not take place on their campus. Instead of being in loco parentis, Yale-NUS will operate in loco regiminis — in the place of the state. This is hardly the foundation for a renewal of the liberal arts. SEYLA BENHABIB is the Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy and CHRISTOPHER MILLER is the Frederick Clifford Ford Professor of African American Studies and French




LEO TOLSTOY “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”



Love our food I

remember being younger and hearing horror stories about college: students surviving off ramen, the kleptomaniac roommate, bouncing hot dogs, the nymphomaniac roommate, mystery meat, beer and Dubra diets, the freshman fifteen, the freshman fifteen roommate. Actually, most of them were definitely food-related. Particularly the roommate who steals your food is seriously the worst. After coming to Yale, I was relieved to find that while ramen is kindly offered at Durfee’s, it rarely appears more than once in a day. As far as I’ve witnessed, the hot dogs (or bratwursts, or sausages or schnitzels) do not bounce, and anyway, they’re made from organic meat. I walk into the dining halls on any given day to “Griddled Polenta with Mushrooms and Spinach,” “Sardinian Baked Eggplant,” “Gnocchi with Sundried Tomatoes and Parmesan,” or “Sweet Potato Quinoa Burgers with Pecans.” Admittedly, I’m never too certain about labels containing more than four words, but there’s always a pretty decent bet it’s going to be good (even if it doesn’t resemble what it intends to). Sometimes the peanut butter (have you noticed how it’s organic?) is the safest bet, but more often than not I end up eating three-course lunches because I can’t decide between the sundry options. The thing that really gets me is those people who walk into a dining hall (let’s say, Branford), scan the offerings and immediately declare, “Man, there is literally nothing to eat today.” I admit I have been known on occasion to do this. Girl, is there really nothing to eat? Literally nothing to eat, you

say? I’m pretty sure there’s some cereal right over there, next to the salad bar, next to the deli bar, next to the soup selection, next to the PB&J, next to those things for vegans, next to the yogurt that’s next to the three types of sugarsoaked baked goods.

APPRECIATE OUR CHOICES And if there really, truly, is nothing to eat, have you seen the number of squirrels in the courtyard? You don’t have to be Katniss to catch one of those and roast him up for dinner. Don’t you keep telling me there’s nothing to eat. Some of those squirrels are looking pretty rotund in the rump. “Nobody ever heard of a vegetarian when I was in college,” Don Robinson ’58, a family friend of mine, told me the other week. He remembered washing dishes and refilling the milk machine far more than the food itself. He did recall a few things, though: “You didn’t have restrictive diets; I don’t know what a kid trying to eat kosher would have done. There weren’t vegetarian diets, much less vegan and stuff like that.” When Robinson visited his children at Yale in the ’80s, “stuff like that” was slowly starting to appear. Still, “It was not good, I can tell you that,” said Ann Phillips ’77, the mother of my friend from high school. “The eggplant parmesan – horrible. Just really basic cafeteria food. It’s possible there were salads … there wasn’t, like, a salad bar thing. There were maybe two choices: you could get

either A or B. I just remember a lot of other horrible memories of Commons – it was so scary.” Phillips quickly moved to a big house off campus where she and her 12 housemates took turns at cooking. Granted, the ’80s did see a shift away from saturated fats and fried foods towards leafier comestibles. Just this year, Yale’s new executive chef, added two vegetarian options to each meal period every day. The daily menus are “pretty much up to him,” said to Jeff D’Amico, chief Branford chef and a longtime foodie educated at the Culinary Institute of America. Branford’s head chefs aren’t particularly enthused about it. Not enough protein, they say. “The choice, the selection, it isn’t always the best,” he said, “but we don’t make the choices.” D’Amico did point out that the kitchens are cooking to order more than ever, rather than way in advance. But at the end of the day, food is food. Branford’s Master Bradley, who subsisted on granola, yogurt and peanut butter during her college days (“you could not spoil those”), pointed out that the dining halls often bear the brunt of our complaints just because we all like to have something to complain about. But lately, with goat cheese, fried plantains and honey-glazed salmon, Branford hasn’t offered much to complain about. We Yalies of the current decade can be satisfied knowing that we are being fed more or less like royalty. Enjoy your “Vegetable Cassoulet with Pecan Crust.” Whatever that is. TAO TAO HOLMES is a junior in Branford College. Contact her at .

Oatmeal and monophobia I

remember my first encounter with the phenomenon of the solo-eater predator. It was October. With the poor foresight of a freshman still accustomed to the daily school schedule, I had shrewdly chosen an 8:25 a.m. Spanish class. I had finally disentangled myself from the holy sanctity of a down comforter, bolted from the twilight zone of early morning Old Campus and reached the beaconing haven of Commons for the only thing that motivated me to get out of bed and ready for class: oatmeal. My second teeming cup of coffee and early morning mental haze had all but disappeared when she swooped out of nowhere. She was — as most solo-eater predators are — only a casual acquaintance. “Oooh, you look so lonely sitting here!” she said. “Are you ok?” Her face beamed with a mild but genuine neighborly concern. “I was going to run and get something before class, but … ” she trailed off, checking her watch and evaluating her many pressing time constraints. “But I could push that off ‘til later if you wanted me to stay for five, since it looks like you’re almost done!” “Um, go ahead, I’m just reading the paper,” I said, perplexed and uncomfortable. “You sure? It’s not a problem if you want company!” she charitably informed me, positively beaming at the early-riser camaraderie between us. I confirmed I was fine alone. I was glad to see her go and happy to be left back in the peace of my preferred morning company — the New York Times. I cast off the incident as a slightly odd but entirely singular exchange. But less than a month later a predator struck again. “Where are your roommates?” he asked. “On their way?” “Nope, just had a couple minutes before class.” I said as I looked up from a book, still distracted by the chapter I should have finished the night before. And it kept happening. Again and again. Every month or so, I would discover more of

the breed — in all shapes and sizes — people I liked, knew only peripherally and once even a TA. These tactless invasions implied that I was both unwillingly alone and that the magnanimous presence of the solo-eater predator would somehow alleviate the burden of my wretched solitude.

EATING ALONE GIVES US TIME TO REMEMBER WHO WE ARE Don’t get me wrong — I love social eating. There is nothing like Sunday brunch with my friends. We brief each other about all the ridiculous things we shouldn’t have done the night before, but did. We complain about all the work we should do, but don’t. We linger over a fourth mug of green ginger tea until the dining hall ladies finally shoo us out. But I also love the paralleled indulgence of procrastinating my 30 assigned pages of polisci for a pleasure-reading book and a greasy grilled cheese. I love prefacing my day with a 20-minute hiatus from the “Yale bubble” via the inky columns of the World section. So if you see me in a dining hall, shrouded in miserly isolation and hiding my face in shame behind the folds of the morning paper, stop by and say hi if you want — but don’t think you’re doing me any favors. I respect people who take the time to make every single meal into a social endeavor. But that’s not for me. I am not perfecting a mysterious, lone-wolf image. I am not pensive or lonely, moping or depressed. I am eating oatmeal. AMELIA EARNEST is a junior in Pierson College. Contact her at .


Go forth and explore T

o the parents, grandparents, siblings and unclestwice-removed currently lost on campus even with a map in their hands, I welcome you. Welcome to our humble yet majestic home, our beloved college where we spend the best years of our lives. Perhaps you’ve been here before, or maybe this is your first time on the East Coast. Either way, I hope you find joy in seeing the extra 10 pounds your kids have put on since you last saw them at home. A slew of events are here for you to attend. View discussions of the Cold War over lunch; tour just about every Yale building in existence; attend more a cappella concerts and improv performances than your students

will take midterms. And please don’t forget to lounge around Cross Campus, sunbathe on the benches and take in the sights. Oh, Harkness Tower! Sterling Memorial Library! And that statue on Old Campus — rub his foot, you must.

DON'T WORRY ABOUT SEEING THE REAL YALE But take a step back while doing all these things and think about what you’re doing here in the first

place. Helping your freshman son wash his dirty laundry aside, you are here to enjoy and experience Yale, I suppose. But how do you expect to do that? Students often criticize Family Weekend for its inability to really show our curious relatives what Yale is all about. They maintain that the peppy campus tours, grand library displays and Pulitzer Prize-winning professors in the dining halls aren’t everyday occurrences and don’t exhibit the Real Yale. They have a point. Any expectation that two days on campus in mid-October can show any visitor, family or not, what life at Yale is like is silly, and maybe even a little foolish. Visitors can never fathom the pain of rushing from classes in

WLH up Science Hill for a midterm. They will never plan a meal with someone in Commons and immediately forget doing so. They won’t ever have to decide between getting started on that p-set or getting to know that cute freshman in JE. On the other hand, do these experiences really represent Yale better than the gimmicks that define Family Weekend? From the moment we’re admitted, we’re inundated with information. We’re told about this fellowship and that study abroad program. Our frocos challenge our pre-med plans and pitch what they think are good majors and courses for us to take. Upperclassmen spew advice about partying, restaurants and everything

in between. Yet despite all of this advice, we all end up making different choices. We acknowledge that each experience represents the Real Yale in its own right — and then complain that Family Weekend fails to show our Yale to parents. Or we may never be sure what our Yale is — indeed, many Yalies are destined to roam around campus, not unlike our lost relatives. We’ll ask ourselves what we’re doing here, because that Yale experience we always hear about really isn’t a thing at all. There’s no Real Yale, other than that feeling all of us feel but none of us can explain — a feeling that none of us want to end but all of us will remember for the rest of our lives.

So to the families on campus, see Yale as it is and judge for yourself what it means — that’s all anyone can do, even your children. Attend whatever special event you wish; indulge in whichever tourist trap you want. Go explore our campus, a place with so much history, splendor and mystery. Yale is here for us to explore, so explore it like the rest of us, and I promise your weekend will carry much more meaning. Also, don’t forget — I suspect your kids still want their floors vacuumed and laundry folded regardless. IKE LEE is a sophomore in Ezra Stiles College. Contact him at .


A French perspective on corporatization INTERNATIONAL DISPATCH


s Yale students, we’re all incredibly focused and ambitious; we expect the best. Therefore, it’s perfectly logical for us to criticize Yale’s shortcomings and expect them to be fixed. Our complaints can range from the unresponsiveness of the Yale administration, to the cynical careerism of the student body, to the academic culture that seems to increasingly cater to this careerism at the expense of the more traditional liberal arts. Regardless, we all have aspects of the university that we’d like to see changed. However, bemoaning Yale’s “corporatization” and calling for a return to the glorious days of yore when undergraduates could be seen burning their draft cards won’t improve anything. First of all, this corporatization that has been so discussed, and that the YPU debated just last week, hasn’t

been particularly well-defined. What does it mean for a university to become more corporate? Studying for this semester in Paris has given me the opportunity to look at Yale from the outside and compare it to a radically different system, a system that I believe to be suffering from overwhelming corporatization. In France, students live offcampus (to the extent that a campus exists), go to class during the day, and return home immediately afterwards. There is generally very limited interaction between students and professors or administrators. Professors are required to both teach and do research; there are no pure lecturers. Overall, the focus of such an education is usually narrowly defined as preparing students for a job rather than ensuring more thorough personal development. The liberal arts are very much a foreign concept here. Even the

academic work represents a certain level of corporatization, as oral presentations emphasize rote memorization and summary over analysis and argument. Admissions committees emphasize test scores to the exclusion of almost any activities done outside of class. All of this is symptomatic of a rather impersonal approach to education. It prioritizes the collective over the individual. In order to ensure a flawless meritocracy, objective exam scores take the place of subjective extracurricular passions. As my French political philosophy professor would say, Rousseau’s “People” (singular) have taken the place of Madison’s “Factions.” This is, in short, what a corporation looks like: a place where individuality is discouraged and adherence to a single pre-professional track is the norm.

Many of the complaints about Yale, however, that have been leveled under the heading of “increased corporatization” have nothing to do with these issues.

WE ARE MISUSING LANGUAGE TO MISCONSTRUE REALITY Instead, they might bemoan Yale’s abandonment of the humanities in favor of investments in math and science, the infamous Yale-NUS venture, famous faculty hires, controversial programs, etc. The use of “corporatization” here seems to be intended only to convey a vague sense of unease or

anger resulting from the negative connotations associated with the word “corporate.” Accusations of corporatization in each of these examples are little more than rhetorical strategies intended to make disagreements over priorities into profound disagreements about the future of Yale. They attempt to tie specific undesired policies with broader, more dangerous undercurrents. In effect, those that engage in this type of criticism try to make their complaints more dire by arguing that some particular policy is symptomatic of the university’s “grand strategy” of corporatization. Though much of this language is misdirection, I wouldn’t brush aside all accusations of corporatization. To the extent that Yale’s administration doesn’t take into account student or faculty opinion, to the extent that it seeks to burnish its brand at the expense of its education, to the extent

that it lets public relations direct its actions — various manifestations of corporatization can exist. (Though I do appreciate Yale’s efficient administration, and as a student on financial aid, I appreciate its generosity.) Nonetheless, I do believe that it’s important to call a spade a spade. If your problem with Yale has something to do with a consistent trend in bureaucracy, topdown decision-making or dehumanization, then go ahead and make your corporatization claim, but if your criticism is something else entirely, then don’t confuse the matter. And if you want to see an example of corporatization at a university level, look no further than the Continental higher education system. URIEL EPSHTEIN is a junior in Morse College. Contact him at




“Music doesn’t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.” JIMI HENDRIX AMERICAN MUSICIAN, SINGERSONGWRITER

Students prioritize specific issues, races VOTING FROM PAGE 1 senate race between Democrat Chris Murphy and RepublicanLinda McMahon – for which she is no longer eligible to cast a ballot – is not faring much better for her party. “These are two states that I thought wouldn’t have competitive races in my lifetime,” Enriquez said. “But it’s unclear whether the two Democrats will end up winning.” For Enriquez and many other students, the decision to register in Connecticut or their home state presents a series of tradeoffs each election cycle. Some make the calculation that their vote will be more valuable in one state or the other, while others feel an unshakable attachment to a particular state — even if remaining there does not seem strategically useful. WEIGHING OPTIONS According to Chrissy Faessen, vice president of Communications and Marketing for Rock the Vote, there are 45 million voters aged 18-29 in the United States, a quarter of the electorate. But Erik Opsal, senior communications coordinator for the NYU Brennan Center for Justice, said young people are traditionally considered to be the least important voting demographic as they often turn out to vote in the lowest numbers, Sixty-six percent of voters in the 18-29 demographic voted for Barack Obama in 2008, according to a Pew Poll published on Sept. 28, making youth turnout a particularly important issue in Democrats’ campaigns this year. In Connecticut, Murphy’s campaign first reached out to the

Yale College Democrats for support in 2011, according to Dems president Zak Newman ’13. This semester, Murphy has visited campus twice to help the Dems run a voter registration drive and make phone calls to voters in Connecticut. The Murphy campaign could not be reached for comment. Kate Duffy, a spokesperson for the McMahon campaign, said her candidate has also visited college campuses including the University of Connceticut and Eastern Connecticut State University. She said McMahon has made particular inroads with student voters this election cycle because she has shown through her leadership of WWE that she is a job-creater.

It’s extremely important for Yale students to vote in New Haven … Voting here grounds us here in important ways. SARAH COX ’15 The Dems sent out a campuswide survey Wednesday asking students to identify whether they are registered to vote and, if so, in which state they are registered. Dems voting coordinator Emma Janger ’15 said the survey will help the Dems direct voter registration and get-out-thevote efforts. With such a competitive race here in Connecticut — a Rasmussen poll this week gave Murphy a five-point lead and a Quinnipiac University poll last week

showed McMahon ahead by a point — students must decide if Connecticut’s races deserve their ballot. Newman said he will vote in Connecticut this year because his vote has real impact in such a close race, whereas it would have little effect in his home state of Texas. Heather May ’13, the senior representative for the Yale College Republicans, is also registered in Connecticut over her home state of California, a state that Democrats traditionally win by large margins in state-wide elections. Though she recognizes that her vote will likely not sway the presidential campaign here, she is voting to support McMahon, whom she trusts to “get Connecticut back on its feet in terms of the economy.” But even a tight senatorial race is not enough for some students to register in Connecticut. Alexander Crutchfield ’15, the floor leader of the Yale Political Union’s Party of the Right, is also from California, hailing from a city in the Bay Area. But unlike May, he is registered to vote in his home state.Though his vote will do little to move the presidential or senatorial campaigns in the state, he wants to vote against a ballot initiative that would create a new state bureau to regulate public-sector pensions, he said. “It’s really easy to think, ‘well this state always goes blue,’” Crutchfield said. “But I care deeply about my state. Dealing with the state budget is the biggest thing. These are really systemic and cancerous issues.” VALUE VOTERS For students like Crutchfield, specific issues may figure

prominently in deciding where to vote. Annie Schweikert ’15, a Democrat, said she registered in her home state of Virginia after watching Republicans limit women’s rights in the state. She will vote for Democrats in every race this November in hopes that her ballot will contribute to the reversal of a law that requires women to have an ultrasound before getting an abortion. Faessen said an important issue weighing on most students’ minds when they decide where to vote is the economy. “They’re worried, ‘Once we graduate, will we have a job?’” she said. “They’re wondering how they will dig themselves out from a mountain of debt.” Shelby Baird ’14, a Republican from southwest Pennsylvania, said she is voting to protect the coal mining industry in her home state, which employs many of her neighbors back home. She will vote against President Barack Obama in the state partially because his agenda on the environment includes limiting the use of coal, she said. “One of the coal mines near my house had to lay off 200 something people because of new restrictions that made it harder to sell coal,” she said. Other students said they register in states that have races to which they feel most strongly committed. Tyler Blackmon ’16, an intern for the Murphy campaign, has decided to stay registered in his home state of Georgia despite the fact that his county voted for Republican presidential candidate John McCain with the largest margin on the eastern seaboard in 2008. After working on Georgia Democratic candidate Tom

BY THE NUMBERS ELECTION 2012 50 59 33 61

Percent of voters under 30 who are certain they are registered to vote Percent of voters under 30 who say they support President Barack Obama Percent of voters under 30 who say they supprt Governor Mitt Romney Percent of voters who are “highly engaged” in the election, down from 75 percent in 2008

McMahan’s state house election this summer, Blackmon thinks McMahan — who focused his campaign on education reform, an issue that resonates on both sides of the aisle — stands a chance to win in November. “The option I had was to make an impact here in the Senate race or to build up the Democratic party of Georgia,” Blackmon said. “I think a lot of people forget how competitive the state of Georgia has the potential to be – we were within 5 points of Obama winning the state in 2008.” Yale College Republicans chairwoman Elizabeth Henry ’14 said that while she could register to vote in Connecticut, she does not have the institutional memory to vote on local races in New Haven where many of the races are decided in the Democratic primary due to the city’s overwhelming Democratic population. Instead, she has elected to register in her home state of Mississippi this year, as she wants to shape the politics that exist in the southern state where she is

more probable to remain. “Most likely the four years I am at Yale are the four years I will be in Connecticut,” she said. “But I have spent 18 years in Mississippi. At some point, I will probably end up back there.” But Sarah Cox ’15, who came to Yale from Washington, D.C., disagrees with the idea that local elections cannot be impactful. She said that after volunteering on aldermanic campaigns last year, she realized that local races in New Haven have a disproportionate potential for impact and change. She added that, now that she lives in New Haven, the races feel more relevant to her life. “I think it’s extremely important for Yale students to vote in New Haven, because we live here, we are a significant segment of the city’s population, we affect the city and the city affects us,” she said. “Voting here grounds us here in important ways.” Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .

Professors eye governance AAUP FROM PAGE 1 help further their cause. “Faculty at an institution have a fundamental responsibility to take part in the governance of their institution,” Irene Mulvey, a professor at Fairfield University who serves as president of the AAUP’s Connecticut State Conference, said in a Thursday email. Mulvey was present at the Sept. 26 organizational meeting. University President Richard Levin said Thursday that he has not been informed of any efforts to launch an AAUP chapter at Yale. Provost Peter Salovey declined to comment on the formation of the chapter, adding that he has yet to be contacted by its officers. The AAUP, which has chapters at over 300 universities, assists faculty members in the event that their academic freedoms are violated and also represents professors in promoting higher education legislation. Yale once had an active chapter of the AAUP, but it allegedly “lapsed” in the 1990s, English professor and secretarytreasurer of the new chapter Jill Campbell said. Prospective chapter members interviewed said the group will

provide a forum for discussion on issues such as Yale’s partnership with the National University of Singapore in the creation of a liberal arts college and the search for a new University president. Art history professor David Joselit said the Yale chapter could serve as a nationally sanctioned lobbying group within the University. Many of the professors pushing the proposed AAUP chapter are the same faculty who expressed concern with University governance at multiple Yale College faculty meetings last spring. They have argued that the administration has pursued an increasingly top-down approach to decisionmaking in recent years, pointing to the faculty’s alleged lack of involvement in projects such as Yale-NUS and contentious changes to departmental staffing. Though the new group has yet to set any concrete goals, prospective members said it has the potential to give the faculty more sway in University governance. English and American studies professor Wai Chee Dimock, a prospective member of the new chapter, said the AAUP chapter is likely to “foster a participatory culture and strengthen faculty

input into the decision-making process” in the long run but is unlikely to have an immediate impact at Yale. English professor Katie Trumpener said the mechanisms of faculty governance at Yale are weaker and more informal than those at many other universities. “We are — or should be — very important stakeholders in the University, and the [faculty] ought to have not only consultative but legislative powers,” she said in a Tuesday email, adding that recent University decisions, including the founding of Yale-NUS, have made issues of faculty governance more pressing. Dimock said Yale’s affiliation with the national organization could help keep professors informed about challenges that faculty at other colleges and universities are facing. She added that understanding national problems in higher education, such as funding cuts to humanities programs, will help Yale’s faculty evaluate how to approach similar issues at the University. Campbell said the AAUP’s official stances on “shared governance” between faculty and administrators will help guide


The purpose of the American Association of University Professors is to advance academic freedom and shared governance, to define fundamental professional values and standards for higher education and to ensure higher education’s contribution to the common good. professors at Yale in expressing their own concerns — a particularly important matter as the University appoints a new president. “We need guidance from the fundamental principles that the AAUP has articulated and defended for close to 100 years,” Campbell said in a Wednesday email. The AAUP was founded in 1915 with the intent of upholding the faculty’s role in university governance. Contact SOPHIE GOULD at .




“Society is like a large piece of frozen water, and skating well is the great art of social life.” LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON ENGLISH POET AND NOVELIST

Olympic skater returns to campus BY ZIZI YU CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Olympic gold medalist Sarah Hughes ’09 did not want to let one accomplishment at the age of 16 define her for the rest of her life. Drawing a crowd of about 50 at a Jonathan Edwards Master’s Tea Thursday afternoon, Hughes — the 2002 Olympic champion in figure skating — opened up about her childhood as a figure skater, the overnight fame that came with her Olympic success and her journey to build a new life away from the ice. Hughes currently works with a nonprofit called the Women’s Sports Foundation where she aims to emphasize the link between an active lifestyle and academic success. She enrolled in Yale shortly after the 2002 Olympics ended and said she valued education throughout her career and hoped to make a fresh start upon arriving on campus. “I was on the cover of Time Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Wheaties boxes and Campbell’s Soup cans,” Hughes said. “I could have kept doing that, but I wanted the space to grow as person and learn to think for myself.” Hughes started figure skating at the age of three, following in the footsteps of her father and two older brothers who played hockey, she said. By age five, she added, she was skating in front of crowds of 20,000 people, eventually performing in ice shows across France and Switzerland during the summer she was eight. As a junior in high school, she won her Olympic gold medal, defeating more well known names such as Michelle Kwan and Russian World Champion Irina Slutskaya. She said when she watches videos of herself at the 2002 Olympics, she realizes that the timing of her win worked well by allowing her to leave figure skating to further her education. “I remember exactly every moment,” she said. “I paid

extra attention because I knew I wouldn’t be back.” At Yale, she stayed out of the public eye, she said, adding that she appreciated the “personal” experience associated with her residential college life in Timothy Dwight College. After graduating with a degree in American Studies, Hughes has worked with several non-profit organizations such as the Women’s Sports Foundation and Figure Skating in Harlem. She added that she makes frequent trips to the nation’s capital to speak with policy makers to advocate for issues concerning female involvement in sports such as Title IX. Hughes said she has found a high correlation between female leadership in the corporate world and early participation in sports. “If you look at any of the women Fortune 500 CEOs, all of them played sports as a child,” Hughes said. JE Master Penelope Laurans, who was close to Hughes during her Yale years, said she is not surprised by Hughes’ choice to enter a career in philanthropy, because she always “had a hunger to do good in the world.” Other attendees said they were impressed by Hughes’ accomplishments both on and off the ice. Michael Fischer, a computer science professor and president of the Yale Figure Skating Club, said he has noticed a division between Yale’s athletic and academic cultures and was impressed by Hughes’s ability to bridge that gap. Liza Lebedov ’16 said she enjoyed the talk because she paid close attention to the 2002 Olympics and remembers Hughes’ win. Hughes was inducted into the U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame in January 2010. Contact ZIZI YU at .

STEM retention an open question


Two students work at the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design. Director of the CIDE John Morrell ’86 left Yale before its opening. BY CLINTON WANG AND DAN WEINER STAFF REPORTERS When John Morrell ’86, a professor of mechanical engineering, was named director of the highly-anticipated Center for Engineering Innovation and Design in May 2011, engineering students and faculty had no idea that he would leave the University for a job offer at Apple a month before the Center’s opening. His sudden departure left the CEID without a director and reversed the faculty growth that the School of Engineering and Applied Science had been seeking to accelerate. Though faculty retention is an issue for all departments at Yale, professors interviewed disagree on whether the need for newer facilities on Science Hill has hampered the ability of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) departments to retain faculty. Associate Provost for Science and Technology Timothy O’Connor said that in the last four or five years, STEM departments face an average of four to five retention cases annually within a STEM faculty of 256 professors in 2011-2012. He added that he can only recall one professor involved in a retention case who actually left the University in the past five years. Though O’Connor said Yale’s STEM departments generally do “very well” in retaining faculty, he added that availability of research funding, Yale’s need for comprehensive facilities upgrades and

personal reasons all contributed to recent STEM retention cases. “The quality and quantity of lab space and teaching facilities are persistent problems for many science departments,” said David Post, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology. “Those issues can make retention difficult.”

The quality and quantity of lab space and teaching facilities are persistent problems DAVID POST Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department

Post said that STEM departments should create a proactive retention program that would address many of the issues facing their faculty. He envisions a program including grants for exploratory research, equipment upgrades and lab modernization, as well as additional slots for postdoctoral fellows. These innovations, he said, would “reduce the wandering eyes” and keep faculty from searching for positions at other universities. Though O’Connor said Yale already offers many of the benefits Post proposes, he said he agwrees that the University should aim to be as attractive as possible to minimize faculty

interest in positions at other schools. He added that some classroom and lab renovations on Science Hill are currently underway. O’Connor added that Morrell’s departure represented a unique case for faculty retention in the STEM fields, since Morrell left academia altogether to pursue a career in the private sector. Post said the availability of research funding is most relevant for mid-career faculty, who may have used up all of the initial research funding available to them without attaining senior or tenured faculty positions. He added that several of Yale’s peer institutions have funds that faculty can use to create partnerships with peer faculty or embark on a new research direction entirely — funds that Yale does not offer. Provost Peter Salovey said in an email Thursday that his office pays close attention to retention cases across the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, adding that he and each of the deputy provosts meet with faculty who they hear are considering leaving Yale for another university. Still, other science professors do not see faculty retention in general as a particularly severe issue in the sciences, and some said many cases of faculty loss may be driven by factors outside of Yale’s control. “I don’t think faculty turnover in the sciences is … particularly more problematic at Yale than it is at other universities,” said Michael Koelle,

a molecular biophysics and biochemistry professor. “Yale also hires professors away from other universities. It is not uncommon for a professor to move to a new university once or twice in their career.” Physics Department chair Meg Urry said only two faculty left the physics department recently, and both did so to return to their home countries. Chemistry professor Robert Crabtree said some faculty loss may be familyrelated, such as professors’ spouses getting jobs elsewhere. All four senior science majors interviewed said they do not feel that faculty retention in the sciences is a particularly pressing issue, adding that they have not been personally affected by faculty loss. Still, chemistry major Emma Alexander ’13 said she has noticed its negative impact. “I haven’t noticed any changes in my classes as a result of lost faculty, but it can be a big problem for interdisciplinary research groups,” Alexander said. “The social robotics group just lost two faculty members from different areas right after it started a project that brought in a $10 million grant. It’s important that lost faculty be replaced quickly if Yale wants to be competitive in the sciences.” There are currently 15 STEM departments. Contact CLINTON WANG at Contact DAN WEINER at .

Students develop new city discount card BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER


At a Jonathan Edwards Master’s Tea Thursday, Sarah Hughes ’09 spoke about her decision to return to Yale after the 2002 Olympics.


Hungry Yalies and New Haven residents will soon be able to dine out for less via a new discount card program called Save Haven. The card, which organizers said will be on sale by late October for $10, provides access to discounts at 17 restaurants around Yale. Discounts include free bubble tea with a purchase of $15 or more at Ivy Noodle and a 20 percent discount at Ashley’s Ice Cream. A quarter of the profits from card sales will go to Safe Haven, a local food bank and homeless shelter, said Save Haven founders Alexander Ward ’15 and Hannah Flaum ’15. Ward and Flaum said they hope the program will benefit the New Haven community along with Yale students. “We wanted to make something that would help out students and residents,” Ward said. “We tried to focus on the restaurants that are most popular to Yale students but also have some that are

less popular.” Students interviewed, however, generally lacked the same enthusiasm Ward and Flaum shared for the card.

We wanted to make something that would help out students and residents. ALEXANDER WARD ’15 Co-founder, Save Haven

Ryn Buhler ’16, who eats out once every two weeks, said he is unlikely to buy the card, citing that he rarely visits the restaurants at which discounts are offered. “If you weren’t on the meal plan and ate out a lot more it might be a better deal,” Buhler said. Some students, however, said that they might consider buying the card after looking further into the discounts provided. Ana Gra-

jales ’13, who lived off campus last year, said that eating out can be a less expensive option than the meal plan. “I would take the discount card if the discount rate offered is good enough,” Grajales said. Ward and Flaum hatched the idea for the card over the summer and have financed the project with their own money. At the upcoming football games against Lafayette and the University of Pennsylvania, they plan to set up tables to sell the cards inside the Tailgate Village and near the gate to the Yale Bowl. The two said they also intend to sell Save Haven cards at locations around campus. Save Haven is not the first attempt by Yale students to create a discount card for New Haven businesses. In 2010, Sam Silverman ’10 began selling the “Bulldog Card,” which provided discounts at 55 New Haven vendors compared to Save Haven’s 17. The Bulldog Card ultimately failed to gain significant traction among Yale students and was discontinued. At the time, many

attributed the card’s failure to the fact that a Yale ID itself provides students with discounts at vendors across New Haven. Some students suggested that the discounts offered by the Save Haven card are already found in coupons that are freely available. “The specials they’re talking about you can get for free from coupons,” Francois Kassier ’16 said. Nonetheless, restaurant managers offering Save Haven discounts expressed hope that the card would help bring in more business. “It’s capturing the Yale students and New Haven residents,” said Amit Jaiswal, business manager for Thali Too. Ward and Flaum said they ordered an initial bundle of 1,000 cards to sell. Dhruv Aggarwal contributed reporting. Contact MATTHEW LLOYDTHOMAS at matthew.lloyd-thomas@yale. edu .




“All education is a continuous dialogue — questions and answers that pursue every problem on the horizon. That is the essence of academic freedom.” WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS ASSOCIATE JUSTICE

Family Week arrives too soon for groups FAMILY WEEKEND FROM PAGE 1 adjusted its set list, Agawu said. Audience members should expect more quartets and trios than usual, she said, with fewer group songs that are more difficult to rehearse. Gabe Reynoso-Palley ’16 joined the Society of Orpheus and Bacchus last month. Although he said he expects the group to still sound good this weekend, he has found it “next to impossible” to learn all the required music in such a short period.

It’s incredibly difficult to put in all the studying we need to ace our midterms on top of preparing for such a big concert. EMEFA AGAWU ’15 Pitch, Redhot & Blue “It’s a very stressful place to be in,” said Hannah Sears ’16, a new member of Shades. Out of the Blue Pitch Fiona Vella ’14 said that the weekend’s early date has “put a little more pressure on us to rehearse more frequently,” although the new date will not change how many songs the group performs. She added that two per-

formances last weekend — one at Froyo World and the other at Campus Customs — helped new members of the group learn the pieces. According to Natalie Punzak ’16, a recent addition to Out of the Blue, new members of Out of the Blue face a greater challenge than those of other groups this Family Weekend, since all new members and departing members are required to solo at the concert. But Out of the Blue prepared its freshmen well for their solos — new members were required to attend individual lessons with the group’s solo instructor, she added. But Proof of the Pudding Pitch Antonia Gallman ’14 said the earlier date has not significantly altered her group’s rehearsal activity, since it is always difficult for new members to learn all the music before Family Weekend. In an ideal world, Family Weekend would fall at least two months after rush ends, she said, adding that she understands that a month-long rush period makes adequate preparation time impossible. “Yes, this makes it harder to teach new members the music, but it’s hard every year,” Gallman said. “On this time scale of three to four weeks, it’s just difficult for any new member to remember so much music.” Yale has 15 a cappella groups, including two with all-senior members. Contact COLLEEN FLYNN at .


Beinecke Plaza is a popular destination for Yale relatives to visit during Family Weekend.

Debate involves personal attacks SENATE DEBATE FROM PAGE 1 — some polls show 5th District Congressman Murphy leading while others claim a small advantage for former wrestling executive McMahon. Both candidates came to the debate with high expectations, hoping to use the hour to pull ahead in the polls. To accomplish this, the two candidates needed to convey particular messages to voters, said Eastern Connecticut University political scientist William Salka. McMahon “has to show that she’s comfortable talking about the issues,” Salka told the Hartford Courant Wednesday. He added that the Murphy campaign has been hurt by persistent attack ads from McMahon. “Murphy’s problem was that his image had been defined by McMahon through her ads,” Salka said. “He needed to introduce himself to a statewide audience.” Hosted at the University of Connecticut, the debate was jointly sponsored by the University of Connecticut, the Hartford Courant and Fox CT News. The attacks started almost immediately after the debate commenced, with McMahon criticizing Murphy’s record as congressman. Throughout the debate, McMahon frequently referred to Connecticut’s unemployment rate of 9 percent — more than a point higher than the national average — and painted Murphy as the cause for Connecticut’s continued job stagnation. “This morning, 170,000 people [in Connecticut] woke up without a job,” McMahon said repeatedly. Murphy emphasized that he had a jobs plan that focused on manufacturing before moving on to criticize McMahon. Tying the former wrestling executive to the policies of the

Warren remembered for enthusiasm WARREN FROM PAGE 1


Chris Murphy and Linda McMahon answer questions at a Thursday night debate. Bush Administration while also noting her personal fortune, Murphy said that McMahon planned to lower taxes for the wealthy while doing nothing for the middle class. “Does it make sense to give Linda McMahon another $7 million tax break or does it make sense to decrease class sizes?” Murphy said. Within 15 minutes, the candidates had largely turned to attacks on each other’s personal lives. McMahon suggested that Murphy was frequently absent from committees as a congressman and that he received a special interest rate on a loan from a bank in exchange for voting for the bank bailout in 2008. Murphy, in turn, suggested that as the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, McMahon failed to give wrestlers any benefits and let self-interest guide her business decisions. After Murphy claimed that McMahon told a Tea Party group she would consider a “sunset” clause for Medi-

care, which would set a date on which Congress would be required to reenact the program for it to continue, the debate became intensely personal. “You know you have to be honest,” McMahon said, turning to Murphy. “You’re not being honest.” Throughout the debate, both candidates accused the other of trying to distort the campaign. Murphy was especially aggressive, accusing McMahon of focusing on personal attacks against him instead of the issues, claiming that a McMahon staffer had said that “talking about the issues would be senseless.” This year marks McMahon’s second attempt at the office, having lost to Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73 in 2010. Following two more debates, voters will make a final decision between Murphy and McMahon on Nov. 6. Contact MATTHEW LLOYDTHOMAS at .

musical history to build Yale’s collection — one of the nation’s most comprehensive sound databases — by adding selections from a broad array of cultures and time periods. But those who knew Warren remember him most for his thoughtfulness and eagerness to help colleagues and researchers. “The first thing that comes to mind [about Warren] is extraordinary generosity, especially when it came to music and musicians,” said Mark Bailey MUS ’89, his colleague in the Music Library. “[He did] whatever he could to bring music and the arts to life.”

He had this funny little chuckle that was a mild chuckle, or he would raise one eyebrow. SUZANNE LOVEJOY Interim music librarian Steve Smolian, an expert in restoring old or damaged recordings who worked professionally with Warren for over 40 years, said Warren created the standard for how sound archives should operate. Warren was particularly interested in the music of the Ivy League, and he compiled what colleagues described as the “definitive” discography of Charles Ives 1898, a famous American modernist composer. His coworkers at Yale said Warren also loved using technology to restore and reissue historical recordings, including those of Cole Porter 1913. “His expertise and knowledge of

the recorded sound was so extensive,” said Suzanne Lovejoy, who occupied the office adjacent to Warren for over a decade. “But Richard was just so mild and unassuming.” Craig Harwood GRD ’02, a former professor of music at Yale, first met Warren when he was researching the history of Jewish music. Though Warren never specialized in Jewish music, he spent hours a week discussing and listening to old recordings with Harwood, the professor said. Though Warren was often private and reserved, those who knew him said he also possessed a rich sense of humor. “He just always seemed to be in good humor,” Lovejoy said. “He had this funny little chuckle that was a mild chuckle, or he would raise one eyebrow.” Warren’s enthusiasm for music extended beyond the scholarly realm. He was an active singer for over 20 years in a choir under Bailey’s direction — an activity Bailey described as “a real passion.” Warren’s colleagues at the HSR recalled Warren’s fondness for chocolates and penchant for bringing sweets and flowers to the library. Bailey said Warren always had chocolates from all over the world on hand to share with his coworkers and visitors. “The tin never went empty,” Bailey said. “There were always a wonderful array of chocolates in that bin.” Warren is survived by his wife, Mary Jo, their two children and four grandchildren. Contact JESSICA HALLAM at Contact JANE DARBY MENTON at .






A slight chance of showers between 1pm and 3pm. Increasing clouds, with a high near 57.


High of 53, low of 44.

High of 69, low of 56.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 7:00 P.M. “OKA!” Come watch a showing of “OKA!” as a part of “Films at the Whitney.” Writer and director Lavinia Currier will introduce the film and hold a Q&A afterwards. 106 min. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Aud. 9:30 P.M. “DPOPS Goes the Distance!” Parents’ Day Concert featuring: “Disney Goes the Distance (with Hercules and Mulan)”, the “Olympic Fanfare”, and “The Finale: An Epic Medley (with Star Wars)” and “The Incredibles.” Free admission! Davenport College (248 York St.), Dining Hall.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 4:30 P.M. “Sur et Veritaal/Rangeela/Raga Society Family Weekend Show!” We will be presenting a joint concert along with the Rangeela dance group and the Yale Raga Society. Feel free to bring your families along as well! Admission is free for all. Saybrook College (242 Elm St.), Underbrook.


7:00 P.M. “The Searchers.” Come watch a showing of “The Searchers,” a 1956 film directed by John Ford. Part of “Films at the Whitney.” 119 min. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Aud. 9:00 P.M. “Slavs: A Family Weekend Concert” An evening of Slavic and Eastern European folk music. This is the best time for you to introduce your family and visitors to your favorite round dances and dissonant harmonies! Slifka Chapel (80 Wall St.), Floor 2.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 2:00 P.M. “Puppet & Art Workshops for the Carnival and Day of the Dead Parade in Fair Haven” All ages welcome. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Bregamos Community Theater (491 Blatchley Ave.). 2:30 P.M. “Meditation with YMindful” YMindful seeks to cultivate a welcoming, peer, non-religiously affiliated environment for Yalies to encounter mindfulness and meditation. Jonathan Edwards College (68 High St.), Dance Studio.


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Questions or comments about the fairness or accuracy of stories should be directed to Editor in Chief Tapley Stephenson at (203) 432-2418. Bulletin Board is a free service provided to groups of the Yale community for events. Listings should be submitted online at submit. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit listings.

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Like the Knights Templar 8 Performers, e.g. 15 In 16 Kiss offerer 17 Unit often counted 18 Big rigs 19 Cowboy Tony 20 Writer of creamy messages 21 Lion’s prey 23 Ancient Greek storage vessel 27 Hook, line and sinker 30 Mantegna’s “Criminal Minds” role 32 The Once-__: “The Lorax” character 33 March of Dimes’ original crusade 35 Leaded fuel component 36 Rush discovery 37 Pizza places 38 Wimbledon champ before Pete 39 It didn’t get its no. until 1939 40 Urban cruisers 41 “__ see” 42 Determination 45 Alp ending 46 Fleece sources 48 People 49 Lines at the hosp. 50 Oscar winners’ lines 53 On top of things 56 Make it right 60 H.G. Wells classic, and a hint to this puzzle’s theme found in the answers to starred clues 66 “... by yonder blessed __ I swear”: Romeo 67 Muse of Hughes 68 Author Bagnold 69 Squealed 70 Sharp rival 71 Thickness measures

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By Joe Samulak and Peter A. Collins

DOWN 1 Buddy 2 Mobile home?: Abbr. 3 *“Midnight’s Children” author 4 “Typee” sequel 5 *“Armies of the Night” author 6 Hit the road, say 7 Hard part of mathematics? 8 “What a relief!” 9 Show again 10 *“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” author 11 __ Royale: Lake Superior national park 12 *“The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” author 13 Thrice, in Rx’s 14 Part of CBS: Abbr. 21 __ monkey 22 “This is a bad time” 24 Continues despite hardship 25 *“The Caine Mutiny” author 26 Radar of TV

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved


5 8 3 2 5 (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

28 Common boot feature 29 They affect stock prices 31 UAR member 34 Fertility clinic cells 43 That, in Oaxaca 44 Brandy letters 47 Quaint memory aid 49 Respect 51 Farm female 52 “Friendly skies” co.

4 7


7 6 6


53 Casino fixtures 54 “Halt!” 55 Near-eternity 57 Upscale hotel chain 58 Get exactly right 59 Culminates 61 Annoy 62 Anger 63 Men’s patriotic org. 64 Skater Midori 65 Enclose, in a way

8 9

6 9


8 4 1 6

9 1 8

2 4







“Competition is such a virtue, and everybody’s so busy competing, they have no time for compassion.” MAJOR OWENS FORMER DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMAN


Former professer accused of swindling Harvard hopefuls BY ELIZABETH AURITT STAFF WRITER Soaring numbers of applications and plummeting admissions rates at top-ranked U.S. universities leave many applicants searching anxiously for a spot at a premier institution. When former Harvard lecturer and visiting assistant professor Mark J. Zimny told Gerald and Lily Chow he knew how to assure that their two sons would gain admission to these elite colleges, they bought it. The Chows, residents of Hong Kong, contend now that Zimny, of IvyAdmit Consulting Associates, LLC, owes them more than $2 million. They filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts in April 2010 claiming that Zimny misled them as he took that exorbitant sum from them while claiming to help their sons.

T h e co m p l a i n t states that Zimny first met the Chows in 2007. At that time, HARVARD it says, he introduced himself as a Harvard professor, though he was in fact no longer affiliated with the University. Zimny taught in the sociology department and at the Graduate School of Education from 2001 to 2005. Zimny claimed that making major donations to Ivy League universities would be crucial in positioning the Chows’ sons for admission, the suit claims. But he told the Chows that making a donation directly would not be beneficial. Instead, he offered to serve as a middleman who could make a donation on their behalf.

The Chows gave Zimny more than $2 million to cover both his services and the contributions to universities, though Zimny did not specify to which institutions he would be making the donations. During this time, IvyAdmit drew up a plan for the admissions process for the Chows’ sons. They set their sights on Harvard. Zimny was not accredited by the Independent Educational Consultants Association, the governing body that vets private college counselors. Requirements for accreditation include having an advanced degree, going through a training process and visiting many secondary school and college campuses. Don McMillan, president of an educational consulting firm in Boston, said he was astounded at the news of the case. “There is a small slice of the industry that is really exploiting the flow

of money from [Asia],” he said. “It just made me sad to see that exploitation.”

There is a small slice of the industry that is really exploiting the flow of money from [Asia] DON MCMILLAN President, educational firm Howland, Spence & McMillan

McMillan said his consulting group encounters many international families looking for guidance obtaining admission to top colleges. He said his group focuses on helping students target, identify and gain entrance

to schools that are the best fit for them. A Harvard spokesperson said that assistance from a private counselor is not necessarily helpful in gaining admission to the College. “While it is certainly possible that in individual cases an admissions consultant can be helpful to an applicant, we have encountered no evidence to indicate that is the case generally. More importantly, our process — and the very wide range of information we collect about applicants — is designed to give us the broadest possible view of their qualifications, regardless of whether they used a consultant or not,” the spokesperson, Jeff Neal, wrote in a statement to The Crimson. The Zimny suit brings to light the great lengths wealthy international students and their par-

ents will go to gain admissions to top U.S. colleges. Private counselors can be a great boon to these families, who know little about the intricacies of the U.S. college admissions process, but the price tag on these advisers can be astronomical. Michael Goran, director of IvySelect College Consulting, has worked with students from China in the college admissions process. “It is definitely more handholding with international students,” he said. The millions that the Chows said they paid sounded unusual to Goran, though. He said that a comprehensive package for private educational consultants typically costs $5,000 to $6,000. Prices above $15,000, he said, are very rare. Zimny and his attorney John Fitzpatrick could not be reached for comment.


Penn looks into computing and privacy policies BY ANGELYN IRVIN AND CAROLINE MEUSER STAFF WRITERS Answers to the recent hacking incident may be found by looking through the University’s decentralized computing system. Last Monday, anonymous “hacktivists” who go by the name Team GhostShell leaked student and faculty names, email addresses and PennCard numbers from five data tables of the Vice Provost for University Life server. According to the leak, 322 data tables were compromised, but only information from five were released. The information was taken offline

last Wednesday. According to a University press release, no sensitive information that could UPENN result in identity theft was made public. The names of the five data tables published were “aod_user,” “coursereview_tblusers,” “lgbtc_users,” “nec_wp_users” and “OHE_FS_ student.” The affected VPUL server is not a part of Penn’s central computing system.

According to Robin Beck, Vice President for Information Systems and Computing, each school and department within the University has its own information technologies organization. “Each school is responsible for managing their own IT, what they spend and direct support of faculty and students,” Beck said. ISC provides central support such as security awareness and response and services for local providers. It is also responsible for shared services, such as Penn Portal and Penn InTouch. “We think of this as leveraging the knowledge of individual

schools. IT organizations have their faculty and their unique academic disciplines and complimentary resources that go across the University,” Beck said. “You can almost think of it as kind of a federated model.” Many organizations across campus maintain strict confidentiality policies due to private information they possess on students. The Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Program Initiatives, Student Health Service and Counseling and Psychological Services, for example, are VPUL organizations that hold such data and maintain such policies.







“Who understands the next thousand years? Let’s just make this morning last forever.” TAO QIAN CHINESE POET, FROM HIS POEM “NINTH DAY, NINTH MONTH”

Mo Yan wins Nobel Prize BY ALEXA OLESEN AND LOUISE NORDSTROM ASSOCIATED PRESS BEIJING — Novelist Mo Yan, this year’s Nobel Prize winner for literature, is practiced in the art of challenging the status quo without offending those who uphold it. Mo, whose popular, sprawling, bawdy tales bring to life rural China, is the first Chinese winner of the literature prize who is not a critic of the authoritarian government. And Thursday’s announcement by the Swedish Academy brought an explosion of pride across Chinese social media.

Whether getting [the Nobel Prize] or not, I don’t care. MO YAN Chinese novelist, recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature The state-run national broadcaster, China Central Television, reported the news moments later, and the official writers’ association, of which Mo is a vice chairman, lauded the choice. But it also ignited renewed criticisms of Mo from other writers as too willing to serve or too timid to confront a government that heavily censors artists and authors,

and punishes those who refuse to obey. The reactions highlight the unusual position Mo holds in Chinese literature. He is a genuinely popular writer who is embraced by the Communist establishment but who also dares, within careful limits, to tackle controversial issues like forced abortion. His novel “The Garlic Ballads,” which depicts a peasant uprising and official corruption, was banned. “He’s one of those people who’s a bit of a sharp point for the Chinese officials, yet manages to keep his head above water,” said his longtime U.S. translator, Howard Goldblatt of the University of Notre Dame. “That’s a fine line to walk, as you can imagine.” Typical of his ability to skirt the censors’ limitations, Mo had retreated from Beijing in recent days to the rural eastern village of Gaomi where he was raised and which is the backdrop for much of his work. He greeted the prize with characteristic low-key indifference. “Whether getting it or not, I don’t care,” the 57-year-old Mo said in a telephone interview with CCTV from Gaomi. He said he goes to his childhood hometown every year around this time to read, write and visit his elderly father. “I’ll continue on the path I’ve been taking, feet on the ground, describing people’s lives, describing people’s emotions, writing from the standpoint of the ordinary people,” said Mo, whose real name is Guan Moye and whose pen

Hezbollah says it sent drone over Israel BY ZEINA KARAM ASSOCIATED PRESS


Chinese writer Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday, Oct 11. name “Mo Yan” means “don’t speak.” He chose the name while writing his first novel to remind himself to hold his tongue and stay out of trouble. The state media hoopla and government cheer contrasted with the last Nobel prizes given to Chinese. Beijing disowned China-born French emigre dramatist, novelist and government critic Gao Xingjian when in 2000 he became the only other Chinese writer to win the literary prize.


BEIRUT — The leader of Hezbollah claimed responsibility Thursday for launching an Iranian-made drone aircraft into Israeli airspace earlier this week, adding more tension to an already explosive Mideast atmosphere. Sheik Hassan Nasrallah warned that it would not be the last such operation by his Lebanese militant group. Israeli warplanes shot down the unmanned plane, but the infiltration marked a rare breach of Israel’s tightly guarded airspace. Hezbollah had been the leading suspect because of its arsenal of sophisticated Iranian weapons and a history of trying to deploy similar aircraft. With a formidable arsenal that rivals that of the Lebanese army, Hezbollah is already under pressure in Lebanon from rivals who accuse it of putting Lebanon at risk of getting sucked into regional turmoil. Confirmation that Hezbollah was behind the

drone could put the group under further strain internally as it pursues its longstanding conflict with Israel. Hezbollah, a powerful Shiite group committed to Israel’s destruction, has long served as an Iranian proxy along Israel’s northern border. It is also seen as a close ally of the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Israel accuses the Assad government of allowing Iran to ferry weapons to Hezbollah through its territory. Israel and Hezbollah fought a brutal month-long war in mid2006. Hundreds of people were killed, and Hezbollah fired several thousand rockets and missiles into Israel before the conflict ended in a stalemate. Israel routinely sends F-16 fighter planes over Lebanon, in violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution that ended the 2006 war. The Israeli planes have often broken the sound barrier over Beirut and other places as a show of strength, most recently after the drone incident.



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Biden, Ryan debate

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Vice President Joe Biden and Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan speak during the vice presidential debate. BY MATTHEW DALY AND NEDRA PICKLER ASSOCIATED PRESS DANVILLE, Ky. — At odds early and often, Joe Biden and Republican Paul Ryan squabbled over the economy, taxes, Medicare and more Thursday night in a contentious, interruption-filled debate. “That is a bunch of malarkey,” the vice president retorted after a particularly tough Ryan attack on the administration’s foreign policy. “I know you’re under a lot of duress to make up for lost ground, but I think people would be better served if we don’t interrupt each other,” Ryan later scolded his rival, referring to Democratic pressure on Biden to make up for President Barack Obama’s listless performance in last week’s debate with Mitt Romney. There was nothing listless this time as the 69-year-old Biden sat next to the 42-year old Wisconsin congressman on a stage at Centre College in Kentucky. Nearly 90 minutes after the initial disagreement over foreign policy, the two men were still at it, clashing sharply over rival approaches to

reducing federal deficits. “The president likes to say he has a plan,” said Ryan, a seven-term congressman. But in fact “he gave a speech” and never backed it up with details. Biden conceded Republicans indeed had a plan. But he said that if enacted it would have “eviscerated all the things the middle class care about,” including cutting health care programs and education. As Biden and Ryan well knew, last week’s presidential debate has fueled a Republican comeback in opinion polls. Republicans and Democrats alike have said in recent days the presidential race now approximates the competitive situation in place before the two political conventions. Obama and Romney are generally separated by a point or two in national public opinion polls and in several battleground states, while the president holds a slender lead in Ohio and Wisconsin. With Democrats eager for Biden to show the spark the president lacked, he did so. He supplemented his criticism by periodically smiling mock-

ingly, wagging his finger and raising his arms in mock disbelief as his rival spoke. Ryan, sitting on the national debate stage for the first time, settled on a smirk for parts of the debate. He sipped water and cleared his throat through many of Biden’s answers. Unprompted, Biden he brought up the video in which Romney had said 47 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax, view themselves as victims and do not take responsibility for their own lives. “It’s about time they take responsibility” instead of signing pledges to avoid raising taxes, Biden said - of Romney, Ryan and the Republicans. Ryan was ready with a response. “This is a man who gave 30 percent of his income to charity, more than the two of us combined,” he said of the man at the top of the Republican ticket. “Mitt Romney’s a good man. He cares about 100 percent of Americans in this country. And with respect to that quote, I think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don’t come out of your mouth the right way.”

WASHINGTON — Federal health officials have tracked down 12,000 of the roughly 14,000 people who may have received contaminated steroid shots in the nation’s growing meningitis outbreak, warning Thursday that patients will need to keep watch for symptoms of the deadly infection for months. “We know that we are not out of the woods yet,” Dr. J. Todd Weber of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, as the death toll reached 14. Of the 170 people sickened in the outbreak, all but one have a rare fungal form of meningitis after receiving suspect steroid shots for back pain, the CDC said. The other case is an ankle infection discovered in Michigan; steroid shots also can be given to treat aching knees, shoulders or other joints. Fungus has been found in at least 50 vials of an injectable steroid medication made at a specialty compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts, investigators said. Health authorities haven’t yet said how they think the medication was contaminated, but they have ruled out other suspects — other products used in administering the shots — and the focus continues to be on that pharmacy, the New England Compounding Center. Compounding pharmacies traditionally supply products that aren’t commercially available, unlike the steroid at issue in the outbreak. And Dr. Madeleine Biondolillo of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health said it appears the company violated state law governing those pharmacies, which aren’t supposed to do large-scale production like a drug manufacturer. Instead, they’re supposed to produce medication for patient-specific prescriptions, she said. “This organization chose to apparently violate the licensing requirements under which they were allowed to operate,” she told reporters Thursday. Company officials weren’t immediately available to comment Thursday

but earlier this week declined comment except to say they were cooperating with the investigation. Idaho becomes the 11th state to report at least one illness. The others are Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee and Virginia.

“We know that we are not out of the woods yet.” DR. J. TODD WEBER Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Last month, after illnesses began coming to light, the company recalled three lots of the steroid medicine — known as preservative-free methylprednisolone acetate — that were made in May, June and August. The recall involved about 17,700 single-dose vials of the steroid sent to clinics in 23 states. It’s not known if all or just some of the vials were contaminated, or how many doses were administered for back pain or for other reasons. Those given joint injections are not believed to be at risk for fungal meningitis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. A back injection would put any contaminant in more direct contact with that lining. Symptoms of meningitis include severe headache, nausea, dizziness and fever. The CDC said many of the cases have been mild, and some people had strokes. Symptoms have been appearing between one and four weeks after patients got the shots, but CDC officials on Thursday warned at least one illness occurred 42 days after a shot. The fungus is difficult to grow in lab analyses, and health officials on Thursday issued an unusual piece of advice to doctors: If a patient who got the injection starts to develop meningitis symptoms, he or she should be treated, even if testing is negative for the fungus.




“I always turn to the sports section first. The sports section records people’s accomplishments; the front page nothing but man’s failures.” EARL WARREN CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES

Elis fight for No. 1


WIN THE TURNOVER BATTLE: Lafayette has been outgained by an average of 53.4 yards through five games this year, but the team has still managed to win three of those games. The team is ranked 12th in the nation in turnover margin. These takeaways have set the Leopards up with good field position. On the other hand, last week was the first time all season that the Bulldogs have not turned the ball over. Yale will need to build off of that performance to pull off the win tomorrow.

STICK WITH THE RUN: With star running back Tyler Varga ’16 most likely sidelined by eligibility questions, it would be easy to assume that the Elis will need to air it out to get a win against Lafayette. On the contrary, the Bulldogs should recommit to their ground attack this week. Running back Mordecai Cargill ’13 and quarterback Eric Williams ’16 are both averaging around four yards per carry on the season. Yale’s offense has proven most effective starting with the run, then using the openings their ground attack creates in the secondary to facilitate the passing game.

IT’S OK TO PUNT: Ideally, a team never wants to punt the football, but sometimes doing so is just a fact of life. Yale punted just once on Saturday, instead going for it seven times on fourth down. The Bulldogs started well, converting on two straight fourth downs and then throwing a touchdown pass to linebacker Dylan Drake ’13 after faking a field goal attempt. The next four attempts would fail to move the chains, however, as Yale gave up great field position and let the game slip away in the second half. Yale tried two fake field goals and a fake punt. Fakes are supposed to surprise the opposing defense, but at some point they stop becoming a surprise. Sometimes it is better to kick the field goal or punt the ball and pin the other team deep. Head coach Tony Reno needs to show some faith in his special teams so that when he does call a fake it is actually a surprise.



The Elis are still searching for their first win at the Yale Bowl and will take on the Leopards tomorrow.

Bulldogs to take on Big Red

VOLLEYBALL FROM PAGE 16 Tigers went down 2–1 in both those matches and had to fight back to take the wins. “Princeton is a really strong team,” Polan said. “We have to come out strong from the beginning, be stable the entire match and then not let up.”

Princeton is a really strong team. We have to come out strong from the beginning, be stable the entire match and then not let up. KENDALL POLLAN ‘14

Last season, Princeton was Yale’s most dangerous opponent. The Tigers finished second in the conference and dealt Yale one of its two Ivy losses of the season, a 3–1 defeat at Princeton. That match put the two sides in a tie atop the conference standings that lasted until Yale defeated Princeton on the penultimate weekend of the regular season to pull ahead for good. Senior outside hitter Lydia Rudnick is a big reason why Princeton poses such a challenge. Rudnick, who is the sister of Yale libero Maddie Rudnick ’15, is 27th in the nation and first in the conference in kills, averaging 4.25 per set. In last season’s action, Rudnick torched the

Elis for 25 kills on .434 hitting during the teams’ first meeting of the season. But the second time around, Yale held her to 17 kills on a .250 hitting percentage, in a 3–1 victory. “You have to do the best you can blocking and defensively and hope that you can be successful against [Rudnick],” head coach Erin Appleman said. “She’s extremely talented but hopefully by having a balanced attack on our side we’ll be able to contain her.” Leading Penn on Saturday will be junior libero Dani Shepherd, who is coming off her first Ivy League Player of the Week award and leads the nation in digs per set with 6.63. Her exploits have been the centerpiece of Penn’s team defense, which is one of the best in the nation. The Quakers are ranked first among all Division I squads in digs per set with 21.25. But the Quaker defense will be put to the test by a red-hot Yale offense. The Bulldogs currently are ranked fourth in the nation with 14.83 kills per set and sixth in assists with 13.81 per set. Last weekend, setter Kelly Johnson ’16 was named Ivy League Rookie of the Week for the second time this season after serving as Yale’s primary offensive catalyst. Johnson hit .405 with 3.14 kills per set and 6.29 assists per set in road matches against Dartmouth and Harvard. The action tips off at 7 p.m. on Friday night against Princeton and resumes at 5 p.m. Saturday against Penn. Contact KEVIN KUCHARSKI at .

Yale looks to end losing streak

WOMEN’S SOCCER FROM PAGE 16 with heart. “We will have to match their intensity the entire game,” Meredith said. “There may be no superstars, but they all work for each other and those teams are tougher to beat.” Cornell (1–10–1, 0–2–1 Ivy) plays the collaborative style that Yale (5–6, 0–3 Ivy) also touts on the field. While Cornell has had 12 players contribute goals and assists this season, Yale has had 13. Meredith said it has been easier to defend a team with one or two superstars than a well-rounded team like Cornell. To prepare for their upcoming match, the Bulldogs have been working on more team defense and one-on-one play. Yale has also been striving for consistency. “We need to play well for 90 minutes,” Meredith said. “Our focus needs to be on having one complete game.” While the Elis were able to pull together a strong second half after readjusting their formation and focusing on an attack against Dartmouth last week, 45 minutes was not enough to reverse the scoreboard. “We got off to a slow start and as a result Dartmouth got a few good scoring opportunities early,” forward Anne Song ’13 said. “It gave them confidence early in the game.” For the Elis, midfielder Kristen Forster ’13 remains the leading scorer with six goals and three assists for 15 points — the third most in the Ivy League. Cornell’s leading scorer, Maneesha Chitanvis, has four goals and two assists on the season, making her the league’s 8th leading scorer. This past week, Chitanvis was also recognized on as the player of the week. On the other end of the field in net, the Big Red differ substantially from the Bulldogs. Cornell’s Tori Christ has started 11 of 12 games and has a 2.52 goals against average. Rachel Ames ’16 has stepped in as the Bulldogs’ starter since Adele Jackson–Gibson ’13 was sidelined early in the season due to an injury and has started five of the nine games she has played in, making 30 saves for a 1.30 goals against average. Yale will go toe-to-toe with the Big Red at 4:00 pm on Saturday. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .


Last year, the Bulldogs defeated the Big Green 5–1 as part of a seven-game winning streak to close out the season that handed Yale the Ivy League title. FIELD HOCKEY FROM PAGE 16 “We’re hoping to increase our offensive output and come away with a win,” captain Madison Sharp ’15 said in an email. The Bulldogs have notched eight goals in 10 games so far this season, with midfielder Erica Borgo ’14 and midfielder/back Mary Beth Barham ’15 leading the team with two goals each. Dartmouth has scored a total of 27 goals while the Vermont offense has found the net 15 times in 12 games. “We have worked on creating opportunities in the circle so we hope this will pay off in getting some goals and some corners this weekend,” back Megan Kirkham ’15 said in an email. Despite the Elis offensive struggles, the Bulldog defense has allowed fewer goals than both of its opponents this weekend. Yale has given up 30 goals this season, while Dartmouth has condeded 33 and Ver-

Field Hockey mont 44.

“Our defense has been very strong vs. this season and I think that comes from the fact that we play team defense. Dartmouth From our forwards through to our backs Sunday, 2 p.m. everyone contribvs. utes on defense and that has been crucial to our success,” Kirkham said. “As Vermont for this weekend, we would really like to give up less corners.” Last season, Yale went head-tohead with Dartmouth in a game that would prove to be the turning point in the Bulldogs’ run to become Ivy League Champs. After the Bulldogs went up 2–1 in that game with Jessie Accurso’s ’15 go-ahead goal, the strong offensive showing continued as Georgia Holland ’14 scored a hattrick. The teams both had 14 shots Saturday, 12 p.m.

on goal, but the Bulldogs came out on top due to 13 saves from goalie Emily Cain ’14. With a 5–1 win over the Big Green, Yale was lifted to first place in the conference and held firm with a seven-game winning streak to end the season and claim the title. Though graduating seniors played key roles on last year’s team, the Bulldogs remain confident in their ability to beat Dartmouth once again. “Our team has obviously graduated some good players since last year, but over this season, we have seen a lot of freshmen and other players stepping up to fill those roles,” Kirkham said. Dartmouth had a five-game winning streak snapped last weekend with a loss to No. 2 North Carolina. Though their offense had scored a total of 22 goals in their preceding five games, the Big Green were shut out decisively, 6–0. Dartmouth midfielder/back Lisa Masini leads the team in points with 15, including

six goals, while defender Liz Blanken continues to keep opposing goalies on edge with a team-high 28 shots. The Catamounts are also looking to rebound from a three-game losing streak in Sunday’s game against the Elis. Vermont midfielder Alana Izzo and midfielder/back Kelsey Bonner both lead the team in points with nine apiece. Although the Bulldogs have not played Vermont in recent years, Kirkham said they intend to play as hard as they would against any other team. “It’s always exciting playing a team we’ve never experienced before.” Sharp said. “We’re approaching the game against Vermont the same way we approach every other game, regardless of whether it’s league or non-league.” The Bulldogs take the field in New Hampshire on Saturday at 12:00 p.m. Contact GIOVANNI BACARELLA at .



MLB Baltimore 2 N.Y. Yankees 1

MLB San Francisco 6 Cincinnati 4

MLB Washington 2 St.Louis 1

SPORTS MEN’S LACROSSE EXHIBITION TOURNAMENT OCT. 14 The Bulldogs return to the field after their Ivy League Tournament title run last season at Reese Stadium on Saturday for the annual Christain Prince Memorial Tournament. The Elis will host UMass and Rutgers.

NBA Philadelphia 102 Orlando 95


MEN’S BASKETBALL TELEVISION SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED The television schedule announced Wednesday features 11 games with Ivy teams on the NBC Sports Network and the CBS Sports Network. Yale’s game against Florida on Jan. 6 will be featured on NBC Sports and the Yale-Harvard game on Feb. 23 will be on CBS Sports.

NBA N.Y Knicks 108 Washington 101


“To be 5–0 and to be able to fight for first place in the Ivy League is going to be really fun.” KENDALL POLAN ’14 VOLLEYBALL


Elis battle Princeton for first BY KEVIN KUCHARSKI STAFF REPORTER A clash of Volleyball giants is coming Friday, 7 p.m. to the John J. Lee vs. Amphitheater. The volleyball team will fight Princeton for sole Princeton possession of first place in the Ivy Saturday, 5 p.m. League tonight in vs. what should be Yale’s most exciting home match of the season. The two sides are Penn tied atop the Ivy standings with identical 5–0 conference records after finishing in the top two spots in the league last season. “We’re all really excited about this,” setter Kendall Polan ’14 said. “To be 5–0 and to be able to fight for first place in the Ivy League is going to be really fun.” The Elis (9–5, 5–0 Ivy) will follow up Friday’s marquee matchup with another exciting contest against Penn (8–8, 3–2 Ivy) on Saturday. Including the Quakers, the three sides that will be playing at Yale this weekend have been amongst the league’s strongest programs in recent years, together winning the past five Ivy titles and 11 of the past 13 overall. The Bulldogs have played every other Ivy team on their schedule but have yet to be seriously challenged in league play. They have won their first five conference matches without being forced to play a fifth set and have only dropped two sets in total. That run has included 3–0 sweeps of Cornell, Columbia and Harvard. Looking at Princeton’s results, it is hard to say how Friday night’s match will go. The Tigers (8–7, 5–0 Ivy) have had a couple close calls already this season but still sport a spotless Ivy record. Their first two conference matches of the year ended in narrow 3–2 victories over Penn and Harvard. The SEE VOLLEYBALL PAGE 15

Football aims to halt slide BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER


The Bulldogs have yet to be pushed to five sets in an Ivy League match this season and have only lost two sets in total over five matches.

Yale heads north

N C A A eligibility after vs. transferring from the University of Lafayette We s t e r n Ontario. Head coach Tony Reno stated that there is no timetable for Varga’s return to uniform, although Varga is practicing with the team. The loss of Varga is nothing new to the Elis, as they have seen a string of missing players this season. The Elis have also played all season without last year’s top two wide receivers, Chris Smith ’13 and Deon Randall ’13. Reno stated that he has had to mix-and-match throughout the season to put Yale’s best foot forward.


Saturday, 12 p.m.

Heading into the halfway point of the season, the Bulldogs are still searching for their first win at the Yale Bowl in 2012. Yale (1–3, 0–2 Ivy) will host Lafayette (3–2, 1–0 Patriot) tomorrow afternoon. Over the course of the season, Lafayette has made the most of their chances, Leopard head coach Joe Walton said. “We were very opportunistic,” Walton said. “Taking advantage of turnovers and taking advantage of great defense. But also driving the football when we have to.” In last week’s loss to Dartmouth (3–1, 1–1 Ivy), quarterback Eric Williams ’16 and the Elis posted their first turnover-free game of the year. The Bulldogs still lead the Ivy League in turnovers — 12 so far. Wide receiver Cameron Sandquist ’14 stated that he has been impressed with how Williams has improved. “[Williams has] been asking lots of questions since he’s shown up,” Sandquist said. “He’s detail-oriented. If we complete a ball but it’s not how he wants it, he’s going to ask questions about where I’m going be, what I saw. It’s really not what you’d expect from a freshman quarterback.” Williams and the rest of the offense will have to run on all cylinders to make up for the absence of running back Tyler Varga ’16. Varga was witheld from last week’s loss to Dartmouth due to questions about his

It’s not the guys on the bus — it’s the guys on the right seats in the bus. TONY RENO Football Head Coach “Moving guys around that you feel you have the best chance to win football games, that’s what we’re constantly doing,” Reno said. “It’s not the guys on the bus — it’s the guys on the right seats in the bus.” Kickoff tomorrow will be at noon. The game will be streamed live on ESPN3. Contact CHARLES CONDRO at .

Bulldogs seek Ivy win against Cornell BY ASHTON WACKYM CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

against the Vermont Catamounts (1–11, 0–2 America West) the following day. On the heels of three consecutive shutouts, including last week’s 4–0 loss against the No. 5 Virginia Cavaliers, the Bulldogs will be counting on their leading scorers to play their best this weekend.

After a bit of Women’s Soccer “soul searchSaturday, 4 p.m. ing,” as head at coa c h R u dy Meredith said, the Bulldogs have focused Cornell o n i n d iv i d ual responsibilities to put the team back on track for a successful season. The Elis have the opportunity to test their reevaluated skills and reignited drive when they step onto Charles F. Berman Field at Cornell this Saturday, The Big Red have picked up momentum in the past couple of games despite a sluggish 0–10 start, tying Harvard 1–1 and defeating Lafayette 4–1. The Bulldogs, however were on a three-game hot streak — including an 8–1 trouncing of Saint Peters — before going cold the past three games at the start of Ivy League competition. The contest against Cornell will be yet another game won




The Elis finish off their streak of five straight road games at Dartmouth and Vermont. BY GIOVANNI BACARELLA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER As its string of five straight road games wraps up this weekend, the field hockey team is faced with the challenge of snapping a three-game losing streak. The Bulldogs (3–7, 1–2 Ivy) will play the Dartmouth Big Green (5–5, 2–1 Ivy) this Saturday in Hanover and will go up



The Elis will travel to Cornell in an attempt to fetch their first Ivy win of the season.


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