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YCC survey says students divided over project


Artist documents hometown of Braddock, Penn.





New Green uses planned

Pundits? A poster for a Saybrook College Master’s Tea featuring “Wilma Dickfit” went up on entryways and bulletin boards across campus Wednesday afternoon. According to the poster, Dickfit — the author of “Let’s Find Out The Hard Way” — hopes her work will encourage independent thought and inspire “well-intentioned amateurism.” For anyone curious, parents are welcome.

More cops and courts. Eric

Yee ’12 pled not guilty to illegal weapon possession on Tuesday during his court hearing in San Fernando, Calif. Yee was arrested in September after police officers discovered an assault rifle in his residence. The officers searched his house after he allegedly wrote threatening comments about children on ESPN’s website.

Dude, where’s my car? Yale Fleet Management is holding a used car auction for those in the Yale community looking to pimp their rides. So far, vehicles for sale include several Fords, a Honda CR-V, an Isuzu Box Truck and a Dodge Dakota Pickup. Money in the bank. Dartmouth

College and Columbia University posted their investment returns this week. With a 5.8 percent return, Dartmouth has taken the lead in Ivy League endowment performances so far, overtaking Yale’s 4.7 percent return. Columbia posted a 2.3 percent return.

Dead heat revisited. A new poll by the University of Connecticut and Hartford Courant puts Chris Murphy (D) 6 percentage points ahead of Linda McMahon (R) in a hotly contested Senate race. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1985 The city rejects a proposal for an all-glass office tower for the New Haven Government Center, to be located on Elm, Orange and Chapel streets near the New Haven Green. Submit tips to Cross Campus



Rotten apples. A new October activity has taken downtown New Haven by storm. In a Wednesday email to the Yale community, Police Chief Ronnell Higgins warned students about a recent uptick in iPhone thefts in the Elm City. The crime, known among perpetrators as “apple picking,” seems to be a more profitable, if daring, twist to its traditional fruity counterpart. Crime watch. As if on cue, an attempted “apple picking” incident occurred shortly before 9 p.m. Wednesday night at the corner of Chapel and High streets, where a teenager snatched a woman’s iPhone before fleeing the scene. The victim immediately alerted the police, who surrounded and apprehended the thief outside the York Street parking garage. Yalies, next time you’re wandering around Skull & Bones, make sure to watch your phone.


that it will eventually present to the Green’s proprietors and the New Haven Green Restoration Committee. “It seems fairly clear that there’s an interest in more activity [on the Green] and infrastructure improvements, such as better seating

Bernard Chaet, a former chair of Yale’s Art Department who taught for almost 40 years and saw the transformation of the department into a nationally ranked professional school, passed away Tuesday. He was 88. Chaet emphasized the importance of art as a discipline for those of all academic backgrounds and taught his students to think critically about art. He is widely credited with helping to chart Yale’s path to the forefront of American visual arts education. A renowned artist, Chaet painted throughout his life and exhibited his work nationwide. “He stimulated an appetite for looking at art and trying to understand it,” said William Bailey, a close friend and colleague of Chaet’s. Born in 1924 in Boston, Chaet studied at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and then at Tufts University from 1947 to 1949. He was appointed to teach painting at Yale in 1951 and soon became “the anchor around which the basic programs were offered in drawing and painting,” his colleague Richard Lytle said. The current Dean of the School of Art, Robert Storr, noted that “[Chaet’s] years coincided with the years when Yale became one of the top art schools in the country.” Part of Chaet’s success at the art school was his balance between teaching the basics, maintaining a full-time faculty and inviting prominent professional artists to visit and critique, Lytle said. Chaet’s colleagues said his skill in the classroom was closely connected to his talent as an artist. An influential painter, Chaet’s works are part of several collec-




The Project for Public Spaces has been tasked with improving the New Haven Green and finding new uses for the public space. Plans to be included in their proposal include suggestions for activities and varied infrastructure improvements. BY DIANA LI STAFF REPORTER In celebration of the Elm City’s 375th anniversary next year, city administrators and the New Haven Green’s proprietors have begun to discuss ways to improve the public space. The Proprietors of the New

Haven Green have hired the Project for Public Spaces (PPS), a nonprofit planning and design organization, to gather input from nearby residents and businesses about how to improve the New Haven Green, according to head proprietor and Yale Law Professor Drew Days III. No official plans have been developed, but PPS is drafting a proposal

UP introduces peer advisors BY ANYA GRENIER STAFF REPORTER This fall, the Office of Undergraduate Productions, or the OUP, launched a new program that will give students formal opportunities to mentor other undergraduates working on theater productions. The OUP created eight workstudy positions to recruit the “Undergraduate Production Peer Advisors,” whose areas of expertise range from lighting to scenic design, said Rorie Fitzsimons, the senior technical director of the OUP. The Peer Advisors, who had to apply for the position through a standard on-campus job application, will be available to assist any students who want to stage theater productions by holding weekly “office hours” at the OUP’s facility and providing their contact information for support at other times. Peer Advisors who are on duty a given weekend will also visit each show as it “loads in” to its performance space, providing tools and advice for preparing for the next weekend’s performances, Fitzsimons explained. This initiative reflects an ongoing effort by the OUP to change how students view the organization, Fitzsimons said. In the past, some students have seen the OUP as a group solely

interested in enforcing regulations rather than in helping them achieve their creative goals. “We’re not disciplinarians … We want to know where [students] want to go with this piece of theater and help them get there,” Fitzsimons said.

It’s hard to be the bad guy sometimes. … It’s very artsy, but there are also pragmatic concerns. EDEN OHAYON ’14 House manager, OUP Last year, the OUP began to create formal, work-study roles for students through the House Manager program, which gave undergraduates the responsibility for ensuring that student productions follow fire and safety codes. Prior to the creation of the House Manager program, UP’s role was primarily to check that students followed and understood the specific safety rules of the space they were using. The very nature of the OUP as a regulator, however, means that the body’s SEE PEER ADVISOR PAGE 4

Trumbull master to leave post BY KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG AND CLINTON WANG STAFF REPORTERS After serving for 16 years as Trumbull College master, Janet Henrich announced Monday that she plans to step down at the end of the 2012-’13 academic year. In an email sent to the Trumbull community, Henrich said she and Associate Master Victor Henrich will leave their posts to take a year-long sabbatical before returning to campus to teach, conduct research and perform clinical care. During her tenure, Henrich oversaw Trumbull’s 2006 renovation and the reopening of the basement’s pottery studio. Trumbull students interviewed said they have appreciated Henrich’s demonstrated interest in student initiatives, noting that she is a visible presence within the college. “When I first started my medical school interviews, she sat down and talked extensively with me,” Syed Hussaini ’13 said. “I don’t think many other administrators at Yale would take the time to so personally advise me.” Trumbull College Dean Jasmina Besirevic-Regan said she was previously aware that Henrich was considering leaving her position, adding that she “cannot imagine the Trumbull community without Master Henrich’s leadership.” BesirevicRegan said she thinks Henrich decided to step down because she has served as master for over a decade and would like to shift her focus back to teaching. Henrich could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Three students interviewed said that to further engage with Trumbull students, Henrich founded the Living History proj-


Janet Henrich was appointed master of Trumbull College in 1997. She will step down at the end of the 2012-’13 academic year. ect — an initiative that brings 16 Trumbull students to Yale-New Haven Hospital every other week to get to know patients on a personal level during their hospital stay. Participant Daniel Shao ’15 said the information students gather is passed on to doctors, giving them a more holistic view of their patients so they can choose the most effective treatments. He added that Henrich’s departure leaves Living History’s connection to Trumbull uncertain. “We want the project to continue to be SEE HENRICH PAGE 9




.COMMENT “What would move this discussion forward? We have the same people,

saying largely the same things”

'DARDEN' ON 'LETTERS 10.17.12'



Censorship and self-censorship

Catholicism in politics


am quite embarrassed to admit that I had never heard of Mo Yan before he won the 2012 Nobel Prize in literature. To be sure, he was an established writer in China, but as vice president of the state-sanctioned Chinese Writers Association, Mo Yan belonged to the official “literary circle” that often appeared impenetrably opaque. After his win, I felt bound by my Chinese heritage to learn more about him and his work. The first thing that struck me was his pen name. Taken literally, “Mo Yan” means “Don’t Speak” — quite an irony for someone who writes for a living. In the preface to the English translation of his short story collection “Shifu, You’ll Do Anything for a Laugh,” Mo Yan recounts the origins of his pen name. Garrulous by nature, his frequent outbursts of speech as a youth stirred trouble for the family and frightened his parents, who begged him to keep his mouth shut. In many ways, Oriental culture preaches self-censorship. As much as the saying “silence is a virtue” is recognized in America, the notion is far more pervasive in Asian societies, where individual expression is often construed as a challenge to authority. Perhaps more importantly, Mo Yan’s obsession with selfcensorship reflected the political climate of his time. Born in 1955, he represents a generation that grew up during the height of the Cultural Revolution, a time when ideology overtook people’s lives and propaganda blurred the lines between imagination and reality. Any deviation from party doctrine led to persecution. Born into these circumstances, the pseudonym “Mo Yan” thus served as a constant reminder of the dangers of unimpeded expression. Although the Cultural Revolution ended almost four decades ago, its suffocating atmosphere of suspicion and fear has left deep scars on the Chinese psyche. Meanwhile, to this day, censorship has never been completely lifted. The state still maintains an iron grip on traditional media and actively polices the Internet. In today’s China, historic legacies and political realities have coalesced to further a culture of censorship. Before I left for Yale this semester, my mother sat me down and reminded me about the dangers of expressing my opinions too freely. Nobody knows who might be watch-

ing, she said, or what the consequences might be. “Trouble comes out by the mouth,” the saying goes, and she told me I would be better served if I just focused on my studies and found a job. My mother is looking out for my interests, of course. She understands that freedom of speech is protected in the United States, and that I would hardly be subject to personal harm for writing for a university newspaper. Yet to her and millions of others who have grown accustomed to the culture of censorship, there seems to be little value in expressing one’s opinion publicly. After all, what can I accomplish by writing these columns? Am I really going to change the way people think in a mere 750 words?

"MO YAN" MEANS "DON'T SPEAK" Censorship breeds selfcensorship. Its true danger lies not in the deletion of words itself, but in the pervasive sense of self-doubt that it instills and the subsequent stifling of ideas and creativity. For those born under the protection of the First Amendment, the open expression of one’s opinion might seem commonplace, even trivial. However, the act of speaking out itself carries enormous significance. Just as it takes time for an atrophied man to get his strength back, it also takes time for a silenced nation to rediscover its voice. By writing under the guise of “Don’t Speak,” Mo Yan made a deliberate statement against the veil of censorship. He carefully treads the line between self-expression and self-censorship, using euphemisms and allusions to deliver his ideas. Some fault him for not being outspoken enough, and some fault him for cooperating with the system. Nevertheless, it is difficult not to respect him for sticking with his pen in an often hostile environment. To those of us who are lucky enough to write without the looming shadow of censorship, perhaps we should pause for a bit and think about the freedom that we enjoy. Like Mo Yan, we tread on, carefully but surely.

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he has compromised his views on abortion, saying it should be legal in cases of rape and incest. This is not in line with the Church’s teachings, but should Ryan also be excommunicated? The fact is that Ryan’s newly found views represent the Church’s greatest opportunity to see its teachings put into, albeit restrained, practice. And the fact that Catholics have to make vast moral compromises in order to get even a shadow of their beliefs enacted into law should worry everyone in the Church. To be clear, you can be a prochoice Catholic, but you cannot be both pro-choice and a good Catholic. For, to be pro-Choice means either to oppose willfully the Church’s teachings or to be ignorant of the Church’s teachings. Of course, everyone who is baptized Catholic is technically Catholic for life. But, it is nonsensical to be Catholic and also dispense fundamental Church teachings. Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski recently said, “the Church — clergy and laity — while agreeing to disagree on other matters of prudential judg-

ment cannot but oppose the evils of abortion … In [this area], there can be no other legitimate Catholic position.” Meaning, there are some issues on which members of the Church can disagree; there are some on which members cannot. The latter are definite and clear Church teachings, values Catholics cannot disavow. This year’s election is evidence of the fact that Catholic values as the Church teaches them are politically toxic. Consequently, Catholics must support Catholic candidates who have compromised on Catholic values (i.e. Ryan), or face a situation in which the winning candidate does not support Catholic values at all (i.e. Biden). The Church, too, does not risk excommunicating its members because the media fallout would be too great; it is already hemorrhaging members, and it does not want to lose any more. It would appear that in this political and cultural climate, the Church is simply trying to hang on for dear life. For the past fifty years, approximately a quarter of the U.S. population has self-identified as

Catholic. Additionally, the largest religious group in America is nonpracticing Catholics. Catholics as a voting bloc have the political power to leverage Church teachings into federal law. So why don’t they? That is not to say that Catholics should bully lawmakers to make everyone get baptized and follow the precepts of the Church. It means this: Enough Americans support abortion, for example, that any politician who wants to be elected has to be pro-choice to some degree. So too, there are enough Catholics, if they act as one body, to effectively lobby lawmakers and make it politically untenable for them to enact pro-choice laws and support prochoice institutions. If we inform and rededicate ourselves to Church teachings — uniting as one political power — there is every reason to believe that we can elect a candidate who supports Catholic values in their entirety. MATTHEW DERNBACH is a senior in Trumbull College. Contact him at .


Student health, not discipline I

n the past few weeks I’ve heard from friends about instances of severely inebriated people being left outside parties in the hopes that they’ll be someone else’s problem. I’ve heard about freshman counselors being excommed after calling Yale Health to pick up a fellow (inebriated) freshman counselor; I’ve heard about Yale Police standing and watching while a group of Yalies drunkenly decide what to do with an incapacitated friend. These things are happening because the Yale College Dean’s Office is taking an increasingly disciplinary stance toward student alcohol consumption, thereby creating a rift between students and the YCDO. We are currently dealing with nebulous and vague policies. On one hand, administrators encourage us to call the ambulance in case of an emergency. Yet the consequence for attempting to help a friend could very well be expulsion. We are seeing the YCDO prioritize discipline over student health. It’s undoubtedly a good thing that the YCDO is re-evaluating campus drinking culture. In the

XIUYI ZHENG is a junior in Davenport College. Contact him at .

YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400

EDITOR IN CHIEF Tapley Stephenson


he Catholic Church increasingly finds itself on the wrong side of history. Gone is the age when ecclesiastical authority reigned across the Western world. Gone is the age when emperors would kneel in the snow for days on end, praying for the pope to rescind excommunication. Gone is the age when men thought that obedience to the Church was necessary for living and leading in this world. This presidential election is unprecedented in at least one respect: There is a Catholic on each ticket. However, if we look to the issues — abortion, for example — one candidate is more Catholic than the other. Vice President Joe Biden self-identifies as Catholic. Yet, he is publicly pro-choice, a position which he maintains in direct opposition to the Church’s teachings. If we take the long view of history (from the first to the 19th century), public “Catholic” figures like Biden would be excommunicated. But Rep. Paul Ryan, too, is not as Catholic now as he was before the presidential race began. To agree with Romney’s platform,

midst of a searching for a new president and in the aftermath of the Title IX investigation, Yale is in a pivotal place of introspection. It is necessary that as we think about what Yale is and what its values are, we also consider the role drinking plays in that identity. Most Yale undergraduates would agree that binge drinking can be dangerous. But the YCDO’s approach to the issue perpetuates the problems that it is frantically trying to solve. Rather than taking a public health approach, the YCDO is implementing disciplinary measures that could very possibly create new and more dire problems for it to solve later. When I met with one of the YCDO's student life graduate fellows, she raised an important question when she said that granting Yale students immunity for alcohol violations could be problematic. Why should Yale students feel entitled to a free pass to avoid the consequences of dangerous drinking habits? If a group of underage drinkers sends their drunkest friend to the hospital, why should doing the right thing exempt them from the law? This is a good point — it raises

questions that I’m afraid I don’t have answers to. It is understandable that the YCDO must balance many different factors, deciding how much to crack down and how much to allow for leeway. When weighing these options, the YCDO should prioritize student health. Phone calls to YaleNew Haven should not be an incriminating process. That phone call is about saving a person’s life. There are approaches to combating binge drinking that don’t rely on threatening students. Some of these approaches are already happening on campus, and don’t require reinventing student drinking policy. For example, Master Stephen Pitti of Ezra Stiles College issues money for students to buy pizza for registered parties, with the intention of allowing guests to drink on a full stomach. And now, the YCDO announced it would fund allday and all-night activities during fall break. I assume this policy is aimed at preventing alcoholrelated incidents from occurring, given that a good number of students will stay on campus for fall break. This is a phenomenal first

step that represents the kinds of policies we need to be seeing more of from the YCDO. An important next step is for the YCDO to stop sending the message that students may be punished for seeking medical attention in a potentially lifethreatening situation. The two minutes that it takes to call YaleNew Haven are two life-saving minutes. The YCDO must send a message that tells students not to fear helping a friend or a stranger in a dire situation. If students and the administration want to curb binge drinking, they should implement constructive steps rather than destructive policies. Support oncampus parties by granting them funds to buy food. Stop focusing on discipline — such as hiring an outside security company for Safety Dance — and start focusing on creating a positive partnership with students. This conversation is ultimately about student well-being, not student punishment. ALEJANDRO GUTIERREZ is a senior in Calhoun College. Contact him at alejandro.guttierrez@yale. edu .


Looking deeper on education T

he U.S. Supreme Court has heard the case of Abigail Fisher, a 22-year-old woman, who believes she was denied admission to the University of Texas at Austin on the basis that she was discriminated against because she was white. I cannot help but feel a multitude of emotions toward this specific case and college admissions — but most importantly, toward affirmative action in higher education. The recent basis of what is known as affirmative action in higher education came from the case of Grutter v. Bollinger in 2003. In a 5-4 decision, the University of Michigan Law School was allowed to consider race as a factor when admitting students, but the Court affirmed that strict point systems, or quotas, are unconstitutional. As a Texan, I know the controversy that surrounds the "Top 10 Percent" system, a process in which students in the top 10 percent of their high school class can receive automatic admission to a public university in Texas. But Fisher did not make the 10 per-

cent cut in her high school and was denied admission when she applied through the normal application process. There are districts in Texas that have excellent schools and prepare their students very well for college. However, those schools are typically competitive for spaces in that top 10 percent of class. Inversely, there are districts with poorly performing schools that are inherently less competitive. So I can see how a student from a more competitive high school who falls just outside of the top 10 percent can feel slighted if he or she does not get into UT or another public university. A student from a poorly performing high school who just squeaks into the upper 10 percent will be able to gain automatic admission. There are other states, such as California, that have similar measures in place and find the same ethical questions within the process. As a first generation AfricanAmerican, I’ve always been on the periphery of this issue. American minorities have witnessed vary-

ing levels of marginalization for generations. But my parents, who have only been here for the past 20 years, have never had these strong feelings of a legacy to overcome. They instilled in me a foundation of hard work regardless of how the field might look. Opportunities will reveal themselves, just as they have for my parents. Affirmative action never came up in my household, but have we benefitted from it? Maybe, but we measure our progress without considering policies. That being said, I understand how minority groups, especially those who have experienced this marginalization, can believe that any measure that levels the playing field is desperately needed. Cycles of injustice are hard to break. But from my experience, it’s very hard to measure whether affirmative action helps or hurts its target population, especially when considering the diversity of other factors such as income or location. Trying to mold an equal playing field based on race, gender or income means someone will get the short end of the stick. But most importantly, some

people will have better preparation than others. We need to start earlier. We need to start looking at feasible ways to reform education from the elementary to high school levels. We can make this happen by building the strength of primary and secondary schools through quality teachers, properly allocated funds, measures intended to keep students on track — including opportunities for vocational training — and policies that would illustrate the importance of learning in the classroom and at home. It’s not easy, but it would phase out the difficult questions of inequality we face when we develop a policy like the top 10 percent system. Even though Ms. Fisher has a right as an American to bring this case to court, there are problems at a much deeper level that we must address before practices like affirmative action are no longer necessary. MORKEH BLAY-TOFEY is a senior in Trumbull College. Contact him at .




“A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.” JACK LONDON AMERICAN AUTHOR, JOURNALIST AND SOCIAL ACTIVIST


The article “Psychiatrists promote Startup” misstated the name of the educational program C8-Kids multiple times, including in its headline. The article also misspelled the name of Dr. Bruce Wexler.

Giving campaign raises thousands BY JASMINE HORSEY CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, a local philanthropic institution, held its second “Great Give Campaign” on Oct. 16 and 17. The campaign, which lasted for 36 hours, urged residents of Greater New Haven to donate to local nonprofits, offering up to $170,000 in matching funds by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and its affiliate The Valley Community Foundation. Not including matching funds, the total amount raised by donors came to $335,407, the result of 4,052 separate donations. The initiative — held entirely over the online donation platform — gave over 200 participating local nonprofits the chance to win individual grant prizes in $20,000, $10,000, $5,000 and $1,000 denominations, as well as three grand prizes of $20,000 to be awarded to the nonprofits securing the greatest number of individual donors, new donors and most money raised. William Ginsberg, president and CEO of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, said the Great Give Campaign was important in terms of raising awareness about local nonprofit organizations. “The more people know about these things, the more likely they will be over time to give,” Ginsberg said. “It’s about creating an incentive structure to get people to go onto the site and learn about local nonprofits and what’s going on in this community.” Topping the leaderboard for most money raised was Squash Haven, a nonprofit that seeks to provide New Haven students with academic support and training in competitive squash, which received $31,155 in donations. Julie Greenwood, the executive director of Squash Haven, said the campaign offers nonprofits a chance to connect with many new donors. “We competed in this two years ago, and we’re really excited at the opportunity to try online giving as a form for drawing fans, supporters and new donors to Squash Haven,” she said. “It’s a fun format and this year, with 36 hours, it makes it like a sprint.” “A grant award of $20,000 can help us either mediate shortcomings in terms of our own fundraising, or it can help us plan for potential growth in upcoming fiscal years,” she added. Following Squash Haven in second and third place were the Neighborhood Music School

and Solar Youth, which raised $14,282 and $12,157, respectively. Since the first giveGreater. org challenge in 2010, the Community Foundation has distributed more than $800,000 in new and matching funds to local nonprofits. This is the third time the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven has hosted a challenge of this kind, though the 36-hour duration is a new concept.

“We’re really excited at the opportunity to try online giving as a form for drawing fans.” JULIE GREENWOOD Executive Director, Squash Haven “We’re still trying to figure out what works best,” Ginsberg said. “This is all about the Internet age and being at a place where the local organizations can present themselves on the Internet. This is the way the world of philanthropy is going.” Ginsberg added that despite the benefits of online giving, people remain unaware of its potential. One of the main goals of the Great Give campaign is to encourage people to continue using online resources as a means to donate on an ongoing basis, he said. Since it was last held in 2010, the Great Give campaign has seen the number of local participating nonprofits double — a positive force Ginsberg said he hopes will help these nonprofits develop the way they present themselves to the community. Though visitors to were encouraged to view the online profile of each nonprofit, donors unable to select a nonprofit to donate to had the option of adding their gift to the pool of funds for the “Everybody Wins Prize.” In addition to the matching funds provided by the Community Foundation, the Valley Community Foundation — a similar foundation which supports Naugatuck Valley — is sponsoring a special prize, matching any donation of up to $100 by those living or working in the Naugatuck Valley until its $20,000 match pool is exhausted. The Community Foundation, established in 1928, distributed approximately $19.5 million in grants to local nonprofits in 2011. Contact JASMINE HORSEY at .

BY THE NUMBERS GREAT GIVE $335,407 $170,000 4,052 $31,155

Amount raised through donations from Great Give campaign Matching funds provided to nonprofits from campaign Total number of Great Give donations Amount donated to Squash Haven, the most of any nonprofit

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Students divided over Yale-NUS BY ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA AND JULIA ZORTHIAN STAFF REPORTERS Two years after Yale rolled out plans to build a liberal arts college with the National University of Singapore, the first formal poll assessing student opinion on the venture reveals a divided student body. O f t h e s t u d e n ts wh o responded to the question asking “How should the next Yale University President approach Yale’s international presence?” on the Yale College Council’s presidential search questionnaire, 467 respondents agreed with the statement that the next president should “Continue official partnerships with foreign universities (Yale-NUS)” and 281 answered he or she should “Discontinue official partnerships with foreign universities.” Though the survey reveals that almost two-fifths of respondents do not support partnerships with foreign universities, four professors interviewed are skeptical of the survey’s value given the vagueness of the question and the answer choices: The question itself and the negative answer choice do not make reference to Yale-NUS, while the affirmative answer choice does. YCC President John Gonzalez ’14 said the question was supposed to address all of Yale’s international initiatives, both formal and informal. “We didn’t want to overload the survey with too much wording,” Gonzalez said. Though Gonzalez said the question was intended to gauge student approval of all international initiatives, including the former partnership between Yale and Peking University, Presidential Search Student Counselor Brandon Levin ’14 said he thought the question, “as it was defined in the parenthetical which refers to YaleNUS, is essentially the question of whether Yale should continue Yale-NUS.” He added that he will help resolve any ambiguity but he said he found the questions to be framed “very clearly.” In an email later Thursday night, he said he understands the question to also take other


Discontinue official partnerships with foreign universities

37% 61%

No response


chose to elaborate on these responses


official international partnerships into account.

I doubt the numbers reflect the approval rating of YaleNUS. I think there are more students who don’t like it — probably a majority — but people realize it’s a done deal at this point. JAKE ROMANOV ’14 Yale-NUS President Pericles Lewis said he is pleased that most students support con-

tinued partnerships with foreign universities, adding that he feels the wording of the question was clear. He said he is not surprised that opinion on campus is divided, as that is often the case at major universities. Classics professor Victor Bers, who has been an outspoken critic of Yale-NUS since it was announced in September 2010, said he is pleased that a significant percentage of respondents said that the University’s next president should discontinue Yale-NUS. Twelve of 49 students interviewed said they were surprised by the poll results, six of whom said they expected the percentage of students who do not support Yale-NUS to be lower. “I doubt the numbers reflect the approval rating of Yale-

NUS,” Jake Romanow ’14 said. “I think there are more students who don’t like it — probably a majority — but people realize it’s a done deal at this point.” Of those interviewed, 24 students said they think the successor to University President Richard Levin, who announced in August that he plans to step down at the end of this academic year, should continue cooperation with NUS, 13 said he or she should not, and 18 felt they are not informed enough to answer. The Yale-NUS campus is scheduled to open in September 2013. Contact ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA at . Contact JULIA ZORTHIAN at .

‘Parent University’ launched BY MONICA DISARE AND VIVEK VISHWANATH STAFF REPORTER AND CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Starting Nov. 3, children will not be the only ones taking classes in New Haven public schools. Top city officials, including Mayor John DeStefano Jr. and Superintendent Reginald Mayo, met at Gateway Community College Wednesday to discuss the launch of Parent University — a program designed to teach parents how to help their children succeed in school. Workshops for Parent University, which according to a press release include “reading with your child” and “fun ways to teach math,” will take place this November at Gateway’s newlyopened campus on Church St. from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. The event is free for New Haven Public School parents. “Parents are a child’s first and most important teachers. It is imperative that families have the knowledge, tools and resources they need to support their children through school and life,” DeStefano said. “Parent University is one way New Haven public schools [are] reaching out to parents and families to provide that support. It is a vital effort and one that must be sustained and expanded.” Parent University’s inaugural event will include a series of classes ranging from navigating the public school system to planning for college. There will also be non-academic workshops such as avoiding cyberbullying and abuse. Additionally, parents will have the option to enroll in classes geared toward advancing their professional lives, including resume writing and successful job searching. The idea is to provide a “variety of different workshops that really works the gamut for par-


Gateway Community College’s will begin teaching classes to parents on how to help children succeed in school. ents,” said Susan Weisselberg, chief of Wraparound Services, which provides social and emotional counseling for students enrolled in New Haven’s public school system.

Parents are a child’s first and most important teachers. JOHN DESTAFANO JR. Mayor, New Haven “The district expects about 350 parents to attend the kickoff event,” said Abbe Smith, director of communications for New Haven public schools. In an effort to be as accomodating to parents’ needs as possible, organizers said Parent University’s launch will offer free

parking and childcare services. Parents who have preregistered for the event will be able to drop their children off at the nearby Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School where they will take part in educational and recreational activities through day. Beyond classes and workshops, parents will also hear a keynote speech from Dr. Karen Mapp, the director of the Education Policy and Management Program at Harvard University and a New Haven native. Mapp also co-authored “Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family–School Partnerships,” published by The New Press in 2007. Smith said Parent University is a key component of school reform in New Haven because involved parents are an integral part of the success of a school district. “The studies show that the

more involved parents are in education, the better students will do in school, the better they will do in college, the better jobs they will find and the higher quality of life they will have,” she added. While individual workshops aimed at encouraging parent and community involvement in schools have been held in the city before, the New Haven Public School district hopes Parent University will grow into a larger, more permanent initiative. Gateway Community College, which officially opened last August, is located at 20 Church St. Contact MONICA DISARE at Contact VIVEK VISHWANATH at .




“Hmm… I pretty much just do whatever Oprah tells me to do.” LIZ LEMON “30 ROCK” CHARACTER

Peer advisors to support student theater PEER ADVISORS FROM PAGE 1


interest in engaging with students hasn’t always been clear, peer advisor Zeke Blackwell ’13 said. “It’s hard to be the bad guy sometimes,” house manager Eden Ohayon ’14 said, citing instances where she and other house managers had to turn people away from shows to comply with safety procedures. “It’s something that one does not think about often [with theater] … it’s very artsy, but there are also pragmatic concerns.” The Peer Advisor Program is a way of showing students that rule enforcement is only one of the OUP’s goals, Fitzsimons explained. Creating more formal roles for students to work within the office “generates that shift in thinking,” Blackwell said.

Blackwell is a senior in Branford College majoring in cognitive science. He has directed, acted in, written, designed or been a technician for 25 shows during his time at Yale and has experience working in every theater space on campus. Most recently, he was the assistant technical director for “A Lie of the Mind” and will be working on set design for the upcoming Dramat mainstage “The Drowsy Chaperone.”

ETHAN KARETSKY ’14, PEER ADVISOR Karetsky is a junior in Calhoun College majoring in American studies. He has worked on the direction and production side of 11 shows at Yale, including “Sweeney Todd” and “Cabaret,” and he is producing “Spring Awakening,” which opens tonight. Karetsky is also involved in campus life as a tour guide and chair of the Spring Fling Committee.

People who are just starting out will see that there’s a positive structure in place to support them. RORIE FITZSIMONS Senior technical director, Office of Undergraduate Productions Student-on-student mentorship is also simply “how the most effective learning takes place,” Fitzsimons said. “It gives younger students an example of what they can accomplish.” The House Manager program now follows a similar model, giving new participants the opportunity to shadow more experienced students as they work on a show, Ohayon said. “It helps with the learning curve,” she explained. The creators of the Peer Advisor program anticipate it to be particularly useful to students


working on the less professional “pop-up shows” that take place throughout the year, Blackwell said, adding that these often have “very little framework … to work within.” “It’s good to have a more official layer of student help,” OUP peer advisor Ethan Karetsky ’14 said. “You’re not just calling a favor from a friend, but from someone whose job it is to be there.” Fitzsimons said he hopes the

Peer Advisor program will also help mitigate the general shortage of experienced technicians on campus, especially with the rising number of shows going up each semester. “People who are just starting out will see that there’s a positive structure in place to support them,” Fitzsimons said, adding that he hopes this will encourage more students to work in technical fields. Yale Dramat member Javier


Cienfuegos ’15 said the program will offer those working on more amateur productions a support structure comparable to what the Dramat already has in place. When it comes to technical experience, students are especially in need of guidance, since it is hard to pick up those skills without learning from someone who knows the field, he added. In addition to providing technical support and training to productions already underway,

the peer advisors hope to assist those who are still in the brainstorming stage, Blackwell said. The informal “office hours” in particular aim to help students at the very beginning of the process. “[Students who] don’t have as fully fleshed out an idea might not feel comfortable going to an adult for help … we’re peers, we’re not meant to be intimidating,” Blackwell said. Blackwell added that the

fledgling program’s first challenge is publicizing itself, since the peer advisors will have no obvious way to reach out to shows that have yet to be announced. The Office of Undergraduate Productions is located in the Broadway Rehearsal Lofts on Elm St. Contact ANYA GRENIER at .




“Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.” ANTON CHEKHOV RUSSIAN PHYSICIAN AND AUTHOR

‘Seagull’ reinforces Chekhov trend BY MARGARET NEIL CONTRIBUTING REPORTER


An all-undergraduate prodduction of Anton Chekhov’s “The Seagull” opens tonight and runs through Saturday.

Yale undergraduates frequently grapple with the tradeoff between pursuing careers in the arts and giving up these dreams for potentially more pragmatic careers — and Adela Jaffe ’13 believes Anton Chekhov might have some answers. Jaffe is the director of an allundergraduate production of Chekhov’s “The Seagull” — the second staging of the play at Yale in 2012 — which opens tonight in the Afro-American Cultural Center. Set in the Russian countryside at the tail end of the 19th century, the play brings to life various existential tribulations facing an eclectic cast of characters. Perhaps the greatest of these trials is looking at the reality of an artist’s life, said Jaffe, who does not plan to be involved in theater professionally. Carmen Zilles DRA ’13, who acted as Masha in last semester’s graduate production, said that “The Seagull” is a great catalyst for exploring questions in the arts. “This play looks at two generations of actors — of artists — and on the one hand Chekhov makes clear what is so special about literature, about theater, but at the same time he doesn’t romanticize what it means to be an artist,” Jaffe said. Both she and Zilles said they believe that this may be why Chekhov is so popular among actors. This is the third Chekhov production at Yale in less than a year. Chekhov has been popular on the national and international stage as well, with several celebrity renditions including the Classic Stage Company’s current production of “Ivanov” with

CT fourth district race tightens BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER In Connecticut’s fourth congressional district, the race between encumbent Democrat Jim Himes and Republican businessman Steve Obsitnik is tighter than many realize, according to experts closely following the two campaigns. No public polls have been conducted on the congressional contest unfolding in Connecticut’s fourth district, making the race difficult for outsiders to assess. However, the fourth district — which encompasses some of Connecticut’s wealthiest cities, including Greenwich and Stamford — is historically moderate, having elected Republican Chris Shayes 10 times before electing Himes in 2008. Though Himes is popular throughout the district for his reputation as a moderate Democrat, Obsitnik has received an outpouring of support from the national Republican party, including financial contributions from national Republican super PACs and a campaign event with Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Gary Rose, a political science professor at Sacred Heart University, said the focused Republican support may help Obsitnik edge Himes out in the election. Unaffiliated voters hold a plurality in the fourth district — nearly 150,000

of the approximately 400,000 registered voters have declared no political party allegiance, according to a report from the Connecticut Secretary of the State published in August. Rose, who authored the book “Connecticut’s Fourth Congressional District: History, Politics, and the Maverick Tradition,” said the district generally leans toward moderate Republican candidates. “[The people in the district] are country-club conservatives,” Rose said. “They are very liberal in their social and moral values, but very fiscally conservative.” The district elected Himes in 2008, a strong year for Democratic political candidates across the nation. Himes had spent his early career on Wall Street, working at Goldman Sachs for 12 years before moving to an affordable housing nonprofit. These Wall Street ties played well with voters — in 2008, his campaign received more than $500,000 of donations from the financial services industry. Once elected, Himes was placed on the House Financial Services committee, where he helped craft the House version of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, an overhaul of the nation’s financial regulations. He was then re-elected in 2010, even as the Republican Party retook the House. Rose said Himes gained a reputation of creating bipartisan ties in the House

and maintained high voter approval ratings in his district throughout both of his terms. But with the lack of public polling in the 2012 election, it is difficult to determine whether Himes is carrying his likability into the November leg of the race. According to Amanda Bergen, communications director for the Obsitnik campaign, Obsitnik outraised Himes by $122,000 in the third quarter of this fiscal year. That figure includes tens of thousands of dollars contributed through super PACs and also financed by Obsitnik himself. “Our momentum has definitely picked up — it’s palpable,” Bergen said. “And without public polling, one of the only tangible ways to measure [the race] is through fundraising.” Rose noted that Obsitnik does not have the same name recognition in the district as Himes, which could be a factor behind fundraising success. “Name recognition is a problem. On most issues, there’s not a great deal of difference between [Obstinik] and Himes,” Rose said. “[Obstinik] hasn’t articulated a reason for the voters to abandon Himes and go with him.” The fourth district has elected only two Democrats to Congress since World War II. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .






Westport Norwalk Darien Stamford


Ethan Hawke and 2011 version of “Three Sisters” with Maggie Gyllenhaal, in addition to the Sydney Theater Company’s recent “Uncle Vanya” starring Cate Blanchett. Inculcated though he might be in the canon of theater and literature, it nevertheless appears that there is some sort of Chekhov revival happening. In the past, the playwright has been thought of as “boring,” Jaffe and Zilles explained. “The characters talk about being depressed, they sort of philosophize, sit around and talk a lot, and people interpreted that literally,” Zilles said of earlier productions. Zilles said she believes that the current interpretations are more alive — sometimes to the point of slapstick, like in the Sydney Theater Company’s production.

The biggest thing I’ve tried to do is to have this be an emotionally honest play. ADELA JAFFE ’13 Director, “The Seagull” For her part, Jaffe said she is aware of the difficulties in bringing the characters’ inner emotions to light. Often when they discuss a seemingly mundane topic, such as the weather, the lotto or a book, they are really conveying a wealth of underlying anxiety, she said. “The biggest thing I’ve tried to do is to have this be an emotionally honest play and encourage the actors to be present in the moment on the stage, and let those emotions come through, because letting the characters feel

things fully, even if they aren’t saying it fully, is the most important thing,” Jaffe said. The ensemble nature of Chekhov’s work lends itself to a group conversation about how to interpret these many emotional layers, Toni Dorfman, an associate professor of theater studies who directed an undergraduate production of Chekhov’s “The Cherry Orchard” in 2009, said in a Tuesday email. “The challenges of Chekhov’s late, great plays include the fact that they are ensemble pieces; many scenes have almost everyone on stage, and what happens underneath the dialogue among these characters can really only be discovered in rehearsal, with lines down cold and everybody alert and receptive,” Dorfman said. The undergraduate version of “The Seagull” comes at the heels of the graduate production. Though Jaffe admitted she saw the graduate interpretation and was inspired by it, she emphasized that she had wanted to put up a production since she read the play in high school, precisely because the idea of trying to live an arts-related life struck a chord with her. She explained that she is not trying to reproduce the graduate version, partly due to a lack of time and money. But, Zilles said, this weekend’s show will still provide a unique perspective since undergraduates have a different point of view and are at a different point in their lives. “The Seagull” opens tonight at 8 p.m. in the ground floor auditorium of the Afro-American Cultural Center and runs through Saturday. Contact MARGARET NEIL at .

Lieberman backs bipartisan Israel support BY NICOLE NAREA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER As an observant Jew, Sen. Joseph Lieberman ’64 LAW ’67 has made the security of Israel a central tenet in his foreign policy platform. Representing Connecticut during his fourth and final term, the former Democratic vice presidential nominee drew over 80 students and faculty to Linsly-Chittenden Hall Wednesday night for a discussion sponsored by Yale Friends of Israel, or YFI, and the Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale about bipartisan support for the Jewish state. While he described Congress as “very divided and dysfunctional” in a climate of “historic changes,” he said his colleagues are united in their desire to maintain robust American-Israeli relations, particularly in light of Iran’s mounting nuclear threat and the rocky democratization of countries in the Middle East. A history of shared values among Israel and the U.S. — including democracy, rule of law, humanitarian ideals and devotion to faith — keep what Lieberman called a tradition of “Christian Zionism” alive in America. “The American people support Israel and care about its security,” Lieberman said, claiming that bipartisan support for the Israeli state is a true reflection of public opinion. “There is a real sense of affinity between these two countries.” He said the U.S.-Israel relationship has a profound impact on international security as a whole. Close allies of the United States continue to scrutinize its foreign policy with regard to a nucleararmed Iran and potential support of an Israeli military strike, Lieberman added. “It worries [our allies],” Lieberman said. “If we don’t stand by Israel in times of crisis, will we stand by them?” Lieberman also regards Iran as a source of cyberterrorism. He said he believes the Iranian government is behind recent attacks on the cybersystems of major U.S. banks, including J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup. In July, he reintroduced a bipartisan compromise to protect the private sector’s digital infrastructure and prevent a “cyber 9/11 attack.” Lieberman said that global economic sanctions have crippled the Iranian economy, citing a unanimous Senate vote to pressure the central bank of Iran and a bipartisan resolution for the “containment” of a nuclear Iran. But he added that options for diplomacy are dwindling and military inter-


vention must remain on the negotiating table. “Sometimes the best way to achieve peace is by preparing for war,” Lieberman said. However, Lieberman continues to support diplomatic efforts to quell Israeli-Palestinian tensions. He said he supports a two-state solution — which would establish an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel — because he sees “no other solution” to ending instability in the region. Though he is a leading advocate of Israel in the Senate, he said he has interacted with leaders on both sides of the debate over Israeli policy who appreciate his desire to hear their case and mediate. Danielle Ellison ’15, an organizer of the discussion and president of YFI, said she liked Lieberman’s point that support for Israel was “not just a political calculation” on behalf of legislators. Lieberman said during his talk that American public opinion of Israel is instead based off a “pervasive ethic” of acceptance for different cultures. Emily Feldstein ’16 said she appreciated how the senator “framed the conflict in the context of a larger Middle East peace picture,” which she said was “less ideological and more pragmatic.” David Lilienfeld ’15 added that Lieberman made a “compelling” case for “mutually shared values” between the United States and Israel. Lieberman was Al Gore’s running mate in 2000 against former President George Bush ’68 and former Vice President Dick Cheney. Contact NICOLE NAREA at .




“I want to wait to have sex until I’m married.” BRITNEY SPEARS AMERICAN ENTERTAINER

Frazier depicts hometown BY ERIC XIAO CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Though her work has been displayed in venues as far away as South Korea, documentary filmmaker and photographer LaToya Ruby Frazier’s art has always remained focused on her hometown of Braddock, Penn. Frazier spoke to an audience of roughly 30 at the School of Art Wednesday afternoon, delivering a narrative of her life followed by several short films that exposed viewers to the decline of Braddock, a Pittsburgh borough that was once the site of Andrew Carnegie’s first steel mill. Deviating from the format of standard art lectures, Frazier did not discuss her work at all during her talk, instead reading her life narrative from a script while a slideshow of images from her past was displayed on a screen. “This is not about me talking about the images — the images have their own language,” she said. Frazier said she initially felt compelled to dedicate herself to profiling her hometown after buying a book on the town’s history and realizing that it contained no information on the role of African-Americans in Braddock’s past. The presentation focused on Frazier’s family history over three generations, which she connected to Braddock’s increasing poverty rate. She described how her grandmother lived in a more prosperous time and her mom grew up during the “white flight” to the suburbs, while she witnessed “the crack epidemic and the demise of my family.” The earlier sections of Frazier’s speech showed her grandmother with her collection of elegantly dressed dolls. As the narrative progressed, Frazier highlighted the poverty that struck Braddock in the 1980s after its steel mills closed, noting that the town was where the “elderly, poor, sick, underemployed working class reside.” In a film that followed Frazier’s explanation, she displayed and periodically returned to a scene of her mother in bed, speaking with a severe stutter she said resulted from years of crack addiction. Frazier said her works have always carried a socio-political meaning as well. “Inherently, all work is political,” she explained. “When a work is apolitical, that’s a political statement.” She also criticized the arrival of large

Author promotes discourse on sex BY JESSICA HALLAM CONTRIBUTING REPORTER


Documentary filmmaker LaToya Ruby Frazier spoke on Wednesday about using her photography as a vehicle for autobiography. corporations in Braddock and their attempts to create an idealistic portrait of the city that ignores the overarching issues of poverty and racism affecting the city. As a photo of a Levi Strauss Jeans advertisement that displayed the words “Go Forth” appeared on the screen, Frazier read from her narrative, “Go forth? Go forth where? And who gets to go forth?” Her films built upon this theme by capturing Frazier’s mother explaining the lack of police care for the largely African American Braddock community. Frazier’s mother concluded, “Personally, I don’t like Braddock, and I could care less about the people.” Audience member Hannah Price ART ’14 said the talk showed how Frazier’s work touches on incredibly important subjects. Frazier said she hopes her work will attract enough attention to Brad-

dock’s problems that they will one day be solved. “I can build up a very large archive that will one day be useful,” Frazier said. Audience member Justin Schmitz ART ’13 said he appreciated the scripted narrative that accompanied the slideshow. “What’s really great about a talk like this is that there is a level of preparation and a level of consistency that reinforces the artist’s vision and even the artist’s persona,” he said. Frazier’s first solo exhibition — “LaToya Ruby Frazier: A Haunted Capital” — will be on display at the Brooklyn Museum starting March 2013. Contact ERIC XIAO at .

In order to save humanity, society must learn to discuss sex openly, according to prize-winning LGBT advocate Samuel R. Delany. Temple University English professor Delany, a successful science fiction author and notable commentator on queer culture, gave a lecture Wednesday evening describing his theories on the significance of discourse on sex. Delany is this year’s winner of the James Robert Brudner ’83 Memorial Prize and Lecture, an honor bestowed by Yale’s Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trangender Studies that awards winners $5,000 and the opportunity to give a lecture at Yale. Each year, the committee gives the award to an individual who has helped improve understanding and tolerance of the LGBT community. Delany’s talk focused primarily on the value of publicly acknowledging and discussing sex, because he said ignoring the topic will have negative consequences on society. “[Sex] is the least understood need,” he said. “Sex is a good thing.” Delany said that written works in Western culture rarely provide detailed descriptions of sex, adding that his own writings contain a “great deal” of sex scenes. Authors’ unwillingness to write about sex is due to a misunderstanding of sex’s role in contemporary society, which should be more than a method of procreation, he said. Some people blame masturbation for causing insanity in teenagers and young adults, he added, though these views should be considered “inarticulate idiocy.” The need for sex is as natural as the need for food and water, and cannot be restricted to the practical use of procreation, he said. Delany said the disparity between humans’ need for sex

and its public perception creates a dangerous result for society. “The nation most capable of dissociating sex and procreation will be the most successful,” he said.

Sex is the least understood need. Sex is a good thing. SAMUEL R. DELANY Science fiction author Delany said countries that cannot speak openly about methods of birth control used for recreational sex will face “destruction” due to overpopulation. He said societies that strictly interpret the Biblical commandment to “go forth and multiply” are prohibited from discussing birth control and contraception, leading to unwanted pregnancies that cause an increase in the unskilled labor force and higher crime rates. When the number of abortions in low-income communities increases, the crime rate will lower within 15 years, he added. Attendees interviewed said they were impressed with Delany’s ability to speak openly about sex. “It’s refreshing to hear someone of his age speak about sex from a very radical, unconventional standpoint,” Deirdre Sargent, ART ’13 said. Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies professor Inderpal Grewal said it was “really fascinating” to hear the voice of an author whose books she has read extensively. Delany will deliver the second part of his lecture tonight at the Midtown Executive Club in New York City. Contact JESSICA HALLAM at .






Mostly sunny, with a high near 63. Light and variable wind in the afternoon..


High of 66, low of 52.

High of 68, low of 45.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 12:30 PM Protest (an art intervention). Join graduated student activists to take part in a demonstration located at the entrances to Bass Library. The content and nature of your protest is entirely up to you. Cross Campus. 8:00 PM Nassim Soleimanpour’s “White Rabbit, Red Rabbit.” Come enjoy a dangerous theatrical experiment that has taken the international fringe circuit by storm. Featuring a different developing story line each performance, this show promises to be one that keeps its audiences interested till closing night. Yale Cabaret (217 Park St.).


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 2:00 PM InspireYale Presents: Painting with The Big Brush Workshop. You do not need to be a Picasso or a Bach to participate in the arts. Join Carmen Lund and InspireYale for the special opportunity to clear away obstacles and regain your creative confidence in The Big Brush Workshop. This experiential workshop is a fun and non-judgmental way to play, explore and take risks. Office of International Students and Scholars (421 Temple St.). 8:00 PM Teeth Slam Poets: OPEN SLAM. Join Teeth onstage and strut your literary stuff. All poets welcome. Davenport College (248 York St.), Theater.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 11:30 AM Pancakes on a Baha’i Holy Day. This Saturday is a Holy Day of the Baha’i Faith, one of the nine days in the year on which we suspend all work and celebrate the birth of the Bab which occurred on Oct. 20, 1818 in Shiraz, Persia. We would like to invite you to celebrate with us by having Dutch pancakes over brunch! Saybrook College (242 Elm St.), Dining Annex.


7:30 PM Yale Undergraduate Jazz Collective: Weekly Jam Session Come on out to our first meeting and jam session of the year! Instrumentalists and vocalists of all abilities are welcome. Morse College (304 York St.), Practice Room.


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Questions or comments about the fairness or accuracy of stories should be directed to Editor in Chief Tapley Stephenson at (203) 432-2418. Bulletin Board is a free service provided to groups of the Yale community for events. Listings should be submitted online at submit. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit listings.

To visit us in person 202 York St. New Haven, Conn. (Opposite JE) RELEASE OCTOBER 19, 2012 FOR

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


CROSSWORDEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Kool Moe Dee’s genre 4 Response to a drought ending 10 Spot that many avoid 14 Words of attribution 15 Inspiration for jambalaya 16 Jaunty greeting 17 *Components of 39-Across 20 Yao-like 21 Gummy 22 *Components of 39-Across 28 Lightsaber wielders 29 Get ready for a drive 30 Elem. school staple 33 Some emoticons 37 Barbera d’__: Italian wine 38 Sushi topper 39 Symbolic sum of 17-, 22- and 50Across 41 Key for getting out of a jam 42 Humble reply to praise 44 Visit 45 __ Cabos, Mexico 46 Chowderhead 48 Gaseous: Pref. 50 *Components of 39-Across 56 Signal to try to score 57 They’re often bruised 59 Classic manual, with “The,” and what the starred answers’ components are vis-à-vis 39Across 64 Greg’s love on “House” 65 Hard pieces 66 Flicks 67 Pup without papers 68 Writer de Beauvoir 69 Miss Pym’s creator

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8 5



4 2

5 (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

35 Go after, puppystyle 36 Serious 40 “Eli’s Coming” songwriter 43 Support for a downward-facing dog 47 Campbell of “Wild Things” 49 “Is this what __ for ...?” 51 Tampico tots


52 Gangster Frank 53 Briefly 54 Abu Simbel’s land 55 “Honest!” 58 Steamy 59 Sunblock of a sort 60 Sch. with a Riverhead campus 61 Prefix with meter 62 Marshland 63 Lubbock-toLaredo dir.

9 8 3 3

5 2 6 2

6 4 7

9 4 5

3 8







The New Haven Green The Green is a privately owned park in downtown New Haven, bordered by College, Chapel, Church and Elm streets. The Green hosts numerous events: for instance, the Festival of Arts and Ideas and the New Haven Jazz Festival. It was designated a National Historical Landmark District in 1970, as it comprises the central square of the plan of the original Puritan colonists in New Haven.

Chaet pushed Yale art CHAET FROM PAGE 1 tions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He also won numerous awards, including the Jimmy Ernst Award, and was elected to be a National Academician by the National Academy of Design, New York, in 1994. “I don’t think you can teach well in art unless you can do it yourself,” said William Bailey, a close friend and colleague of Chaet’s, emphasizing the impor-

tance of Chaet’s own career to his teaching. “The greatest teachers I’ve known have been the greatest artists, and Bernie certainly fits that.” Chaet outlined all of his artistic lessons in a book, entitled “The Art of Drawing.” Published in 1970, the work became a classic drawing textbook and went through several editions. Louis Newman, the director of the David Findlay Jr. Gallery in New York where Chaet displayed much of his work, emphasized Chaet’s investment not only in

his own art but also in that of his students. “I’ve been a dealer my whole adult life and it was a rarity to find an artist who wasn’t jealous of his relationship with his dealer,” Newman said. “Bernie was the exception. … I would come up to see his work and he’d stop me and make sure we saw some promising artist’s work first. He had a rare generosity of spirit.” Chaet’s love for his students extended outside the classroom, as he often went out of his way to help get his students jobs.

Samuel Messer, the associate dean of the School of Art, is planning to hold an exhibit in the coming days of some of the work kept as examples from Chaet’s classes, as well as some books of his paintings. Chaet is survived by his wife, daughter and his two granddaughters. Rishabh Bhandari contributed reporting. Contact JOSEPHINE MASSEY at .

City admins weigh Green upgrade NEW HAVEN GREEN FROM PAGE 1 arrangements, social gatherings and positive activity,” said Christy Hass, deputy director of the New Haven Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees. “We’re not doing any of these things yet, but we’re putting ideas together and there are a lot of things between now and when it actually becomes a plan for development.” Days, who heads the centuries-old self-perpetuating group that owns the Green, said that there is no guarantee that a plan will be implemented. Even if PPS’s proposal were accepted, he said, there would be no dramatic change on the Green as PPS tends to focus on “lighter, cheaper and quicker” changes. Ward 7 Alderman Doug Hausladen ’04 said that PPS has looked at “low-dollar, highimpact” options and is using a “bottom-up community-based process” in which the group engages all the constituencies that surround the Green and surveys residents. PPS has held a number of public meetings, distributed surveys and asked people on the New Haven Green to gather suggestions about how to improve the Green, Days said. Days added that he did not want to mention specific suggestions,

but said that the ideas the group has received have been “quite diverse.” Hausladen said that certain suggestions from people he has heard have included setting up chairs and tables on the Green where people can eat and socialize, building an ice skating rink and adding a performance space. Claire Criscuolo, the owner of Claire’s Corner Copia on Chapel Street, said that she would like to see a number of gardens representing different nationalities on the Green, mentioning Japanese, French and Italian gardens. Sandra Olsen, minister of the Center Church on-the-Green on Temple Street, attended a public meeting PPS held at City Hall two weeks ago and said that her church has had internal discussions about what they want to see on the Green. She said the meeting was well-run and that over 45 people attended. “I think the Green is lovely, but it could use spiffing up, and we as a church are in favor of special events being held there,” Olsen said. “But we do not want to see permanent structures on the Green. I want the Green to be a space you can sit on in the warm weather, or walk across, and just enjoy it.” Future Green developments

Students look to new master HENRICH FROM PAGE 1 a uniquely Trumbull initiative, but we will no longer have the distinction of saying that our master runs the program,” Shao said.

We want the project to continue to be a uniquely Trumbull initiative. DANIEL SHAO ’15 Fourteen of 23 students interviewed said they were surprised by Monday’s announcement, while nine students said they had heard rumors of Master Henrich’s possible departure. Sudhakar Nuti ’13 said he was “shocked” by the email because Henrich has been an integral part of his residential college experience.

Henrich said in her email that University President Richard Levin will appoint a committee to select the new master, but she did not specify when. Four students interviewed said they hope the new master will be interested in students’ personal and social lives and not simply their academic interests. Nicholas Goel ’16 said he would like to see a more youthful and accessible master chosen as Henrich’s replacement. “I want someone who is very visible and has a lot of energy,” he said. Henrich is a professor of general medicine and obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences. Contact KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG at Contact CLINTON WANG at .


The New Haven Green may see improvements for the Elm City’s 375th anniversary. will require long-term funding for the maintenance of any new additions or programs at the Green, Hausladen said. Options include creating a new nonprofit to manage the Green or assigning the task to an existing city business or retail group, he added. “PPS wants to make New Haven a destination, and they want to make the New Haven Green the focal point,” Hausladen said. “The Green has been

the center point of New Haven, and always will be.” Both Criscuolo and Olsen said that they feel that they have adequately expressed their views and that the Project for Public Spaces is making a concerted effort to gather people’s thoughts and ideas. Clients of PPS have included Bryant Park and Times Square. Contact DIANA LI at .

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Women central to race BY DAVID ESPO AND KEN THOMAS ASSOCIATED PRESS MOUNT VERNON, Iowa — One day after their contentious, finger-pointing debate, President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney vied aggressively for the support of women voters Wednesday, as they and their running mates charged across nearly a half-dozen battleground states in the close race for the White House with 20 days to run. Not even Republicans disputed that Obama’s debate performance was much stronger than the listless showing two weeks earlier that helped spark a rise in the polls for Romney. The two rivals meet one more time, next Monday in Florida. The first post-debate polls were divided, some saying Romney won, others finding Obama did. At least some of the voters who asked the questions in the town-hall style encounter remained uncommitted. “If Gov. Romney could actually provide the jobs, that would be a good thing because we really need them,” said Nina Gonza-


Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney waves to supporters as he arrives to a rally. lez, a 2008 Obama voter, neatly summarizing the uncertainty confronting voters in a slowgrowth, high-unemployment economy. Obama wore a pink wristband to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month as he campaigned in Iowa and then Ohio, and reminded his audience that the first legislation he signed


President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks at a campaign event at Cornell on Wednesday.

after becoming president made it easier for women to take pay grievances to court. Romney took no position on that bill when it passed Congress, and his campaign says he would not seek its repeal. But Obama chided him, saying, “That shouldn’t be a complicated question. Equal pay for equal work.” He also jabbed at Romney’s remark during Tuesday night’s debate that as Massachusetts governor, he received “whole binders full of women” after saying he wanted to appoint more of them to his administration. “We don’t have to collect a bunch of binders to find qualified, talented women,” he said. “I’ve got two daughters and I don’t want them paid less for the same job as a man,” Obama said at an appearance in Athens, Ohio, later Wednesday. Obama spoke to a crowd of about 14,000 students and supporters at Ohio University, imploring them to vote early. “I want your vote. I am not too proud to beg. I want you to vote,” he said.























PEOPLE IN THE NEWS LANCE ARMSTRONG Amid a growing scandal over steroid use during his career, cyclist Lance Armstrong stepped down yesterday from his position as chairman of The Livestrong Foundation, the well-known charity that supports cancer treatment and research.

Varga back on field

Elis face Penn at home


Tyler Varga ranks third in the Ivy League with 104.8 rushing yards per game. VARGA FROM PAGE 12 ning backs it’s the same game,” Varga said. “They hand the ball off to us [and] we’ve got to break tackles, make people miss and get into the end zone.” The game has not changed much for Varga, as he has continued to power through defenses regardless of the different rules. He described his running style as “aggressive,” and even opposing teams have noticed. Colgate linebacker Chris Horner and Lafayette head coach Frank Tavani both said that Varga was hard to

stop with just one man after facing him on the field. Despite his successes, Varga seems unwilling to have the praise steeped wholly upon his shoulders. When asked about his performance, Varga is more likely to talk about his offensive line, his coaching staff or his fellow backs than he is to call his own number. At Yale, however, Varga is not working solely towards success on the gridiron. Varga is also working toward a career in medicine. Rande Kostal, director of athletic programs for the University of Western Ontario football team, told

Yale’s goalkeeper Rachel Ames ’16 has 34 saves and a 1.11 goals against average this season.

the News last week that he felt Varga was particularly wellplaced to have success both on and off the field. “He’s a very bright kid,” Kostal said. “I wasn’t [director of athletic programs] when he was recruited … but his grades were very good.” Varga’s credits from his freshman year at UWO have been transferred to Yale, Varga stated. These credits were transferred as part of the NCAA’s clarification of Varga’s elgibility to play this year. Varga was cleared to play last week, but he has been re-classified as a sophomore.

Despite being weighed down by his athletic and academic commitments, Varga said that he would like to experience more of what Yale has to offer. He added that he is interested in rushing a fraternity — either DKE or Zeta. “I don’t know if they want me to disclose that,” Varga said. “I don’t want to start any wars here … I’ll leave that until the spring semester.” Varga ranks third in the Ancient Eight with 104.8 rushing yards per game. Contact CHARLES CONDRO at .

Bulldogs take on Quakers


The Yale men’s soccer team will look to reverse a five-game winless streak against the Quakers this Saturday.

wins, especially when we feel like we’re close in the majority of these games,” captain and goalkeeper Bobby Thalman ’13 said. Thalman added that despite the winless streak, the team was never dominated by any of the opponents. After the competitive 2–0 loss against the Huskies, the only game that has been decided by more than a goal came in last Saturday’s 3–0 loss at Cornell. Even in that game, the Big Red scored all three of their goals in the second half. The Bulldogs will hope to continue this competitive attitude during Saturday’s game at Reese Stadium. Entering this weekend’s match, the Quakers (2–10– 0, 0–3–0 Ivy) sport the worst Ivy League record. Penn comes into this weekend’s game with a fourmatch losing streak. Yale’s last matchup against Penn was one of the most exciting games on the team’s schedule last year. After a scoreless first half,

the Bulldogs scored early in the second half. Penn responded with less than eight minutes remaining to send the game into extra time. It was in the 105th minute that forward Charlie Paris ’12 scored his third goal of the season and secured the thrilling victory for the Elis.

It’s a tough time when you’re not getting wins. BOBBY THALMAN ’13 Captain, men’s soccer “That’s probably actually one of the more exciting, fun games I’ve played in in my whole soccer career,” defender Nick Alers ’14 said. Alers added that Penn utilizes a style of play that focuses on keeping possession of the ball, which will allow the Bulldogs to employ a passing style this weekend as well. During the team’s winless

streak, the Bulldogs have been held scoreless. In fact, the Elis have tallied only one goal in their past seven games, dating back to a 0–0 tie against Fordham on Sept. 21. The team nearly ended the drought in Tuesday’s 1–0 loss against Lehigh. The squad created a number of chances, including a headed shot by forward Peter Jacobson ’14 that was called offside after finding the back of the net. Jacobson leads the team in shots with 23. In order to capture their first Ivy win this Saturday, the Bulldogs will have to execute on these chances. “The big thing is I’m going to try and make sure the guys stay composed and don’t get too caught up with the current record or current results,” Thalman said. “Go out there and have fun and I think the goals will come back.” The game will kickoff this Saturday at 3 p.m at Reese Stadium. Contact ALEX EPPLER at .

WOMEN’S SOCCER FROM PAGE 12 and a 0.93 goals-against average. This season, the Bulldogs have succeeded in moving off the ball, but they must continue to emphasize their effective giveand-go game against Penn, Meredith said. A careful first touch will help the Bulldogs maintain possession, play the ball quickly and consequently prevent the Quakers from striking. “We won’t have time to play with it in our back half — we just have to play it quick,” Meredith said. “Our first touch on the ball is really important.”

Despite being out of Ivy League contention, the Elis still have the opportunity to end the season with a winning Ivy record by winning the rest of their conference games. This weekend also gives them an opportunity to knock Penn from its second place standing. Saturday’s game will be the second in a double-header at Reese Stadium during Alumni day. Kick off at 5:30 p.m. will follow the men’s soccer team’s game, also against Penn. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .

Soccer racism continues COLUMN FROM PAGE 12



ident of their FA reported last week that “there is no racism in Spanish football.” This was certainly interesting to hear. Just this past summer at the European Championships, the Spanish football federation was fined because the Spanish fans racially abused Italian forward Mario Balotelli, who is of Ghanaian descent. Also, Barcelona’s Brazilian fullback Dani Alves has said that the racism in Spain is “uncontrollable” and that he’s simply learned to live with it. Another of Barcelona’s black players, Samuel Eto’o of Cameroon, could not live with it and opted to leave Barcelona, due largely to the rampant racism he faced there. Perhaps most telling is the former Spanish national team coach, Luis Aragones, who, in conversation years ago with one of his players, referred to France’s Thierry Henry as “that black s***.” So yeah, not much racism in Spanish soccer. Italy may be the worst. Many black players know not to ply their trade in Italy because they will be forced out. Even black Italians, such as Balotelli, are viciously abused. While Balotelli was playing for Inter Milan, fans of a rival club once threw bananas onto the field, directed towards the young striker. But even after joining England’s Manchester City, Balotelli could not escape abuse from his homeland “supporters.” Before playing against England in the quarterfinals of the Euros this past summer, Balotelli appeared in an Italian sports newspaper as the cartoon character King Kong climbing on Big Ben. The day after scoring two beautiful goals in their scintillating semifinal victory over Germany, Balotelli appeared on the front page of another Italian sports paper under the headline, “We made them black!” The comment was a pun on bruising the opposition, but also, of course, on the color of Balotelli’s skin. The Italians’ hesitancy to accept even one of their own reminded me of an excellent book about Italian soccer called The Miracle of Castel di Sangro by Joe McGinniss. In the book,

McGinniss follows the 1997 season of a small team from Castel di Sangro, a mountain town of 6,000. At one point, a transfer has been agreed for Joseph Addo, the one-time captain of the Ghanaian national team, only for the club to pull out of the deal mysteriously. The suggestion is that Castel di Sangro’s coach was not comfortable with a black player on his team, no matter how good he might be. Addo would have been far and away the best player on the squad.

DO NOT BE OVERLY SWAYED BY MONEYMAKING, OR ANY OTHER, MOTIVES Racism in soccer is probably most pronounced in eastern Europe. This last summer, when Poland and the Ukraine jointly hosted Euro 2012, racism ran rampant. Before the tournament, a former England captain warned English fans, particularly those of color, to stay home from the tournament in order to avoid “coming back in a coffin.” This advice proved prudent as the Spanish, Russian, and Croatian football federations were all fined for their fans’ racist behavior, the Dutch team was abused at its training ground by local observers and the German football federation was fined because its fans displayed neo-Nazi symbols during a victory over Denmark. Keep in mind that this was a 16-team tournament. Over one-quarter of the participating countries were fined. Prior to the tournament, both players and administrators had taken a hard line towards racism. Rhetorically, that is. Balotelli said that if a banana were thrown at him on the pitch, he would go to jail because he would kill those people who threw it at him. UEFA’s president, Michel Platini, said that referees were under instructions

to stop matches if racist behavior were directed towards players. Well, racist behavior was directed towards the players and no matches were stopped. Things have not gotten better since the summer. Yesterday, Serbia and England played an under–21 match in Krusevac. The match was marred by monkey chants and worse. I’ll let England left back Danny Rose explain: “[In the second half] I had two stones hit me in the head when I went to get the ball for a throw-in. Every time I touched the ball I heard monkey chants,” Rose said. Naturally, the Serbian FA denied that there was any racist chanting during the match and even attempted to shift the blame to Rose himself, claiming that he provoked the fans by acting in an “inappropriate, unsportsmanlike and vulgar manner.” (In frustration, Rose did kick a ball into the stands at the very end of the game). Many around the world are calling for Serbia to be banned from international soccer. You might think that this issue is far from us. Sure, hooliganism and racist soccer fans exist, but they do so on the other side of the Atlantic. But listen to this. I am one of the captains of the club soccer team here at Yale. The other day, in the middle of our game against a nearby university, one of the other team’s players called one of our players so heinous a name that we had to stop the game in order to process fully what had happened. One of their athletic administrators came out onto the field, and we voiced our displeasure and astonishment. It was an important moment of recognition that our game was about more than just the result. I think that UEFA, FIFA and all the FAs around the world would do well to take an example from us: Do not be overly swayed by moneymaking, or any other, motives. If egregious prejudice continues to intrude upon the game we all love for its diversity, you will have a weaker product to market. Contact JOSEPH ROSENBERG at .


NBA Toronto 104 Washington 101

NBA Philadelphia 113 Cleveland 99

SPORTS WOMEN’S FIRSTNAMESOCCER LASTNAME ’## RACHEL AMES NAMED IVY ROOKIE. HEADLINE HEADLINE Goalkeeper Ames posted Text text textRachel text text text’16 text text text her first career shutout in Saturday’s text. Text text text text text text text— win Cornell thetext textover text text textand textwas textnamed text text Ivy League Rookie of the Week. She has text text text text text text text text text a 1.11text goals against average andtext an .810 text text text text text text text save percentage. thetext second text text text text She text is text text text player totext earntext Rookie the Week this text text text of text. season.


NBA Houston 109 Memphis 102


NBA Phoenix 100 Dallas 94

NBA Portland 97 Denver 80


FIRSTNAME LASTNAME ’## MEN’S TENNIS HEADLINE HEADLINE BULLDOGS TO HOST USTA/ITA Text text men’s text text text team text text The Yale tennis willtext playtext in text. Text text text Tennis text text text text— the United States Association text text text text text text text Associatext text (USTA)/Intercollegiate Tennis text text textRegional text textChampitext text tion text (ITA)text Northeast text text this textweekend. text text text text onships Thetext Elis text will host text text text text text text text text moretext than 100 players from schools in text text text text text.for the event. the Northeast region

“For the “Text text most text part text for text textrunning the text textbacks text text it’s textsame the text text game.” text text text text text TYLER text. VARGA ’15 FIRSTNAME LASTNAME FOOTBALL ’##



The elephant on the pitch

Varga rushes to the forefront BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER

When England took the field yesterday in its World Cup Qualifier against Poland, it was conspicuously missing its former captain, John Terry. Under a month ago, Terry — generally considered one of the best central defenders of the last decade, but also one of the game’s biggest villains — retired from international soccer because the English football association (FA) attempted to discipline him for allegedly using racially abusive language towards another player, Anton Ferdinand, in a match in the English Premier League on October 23 last year. Terry explained his retirement by petulantly asserting that the FA had “made my position with the national team untenable.” Indeed, Terry was cleared of the same charges in a magistrates’ court in London this past July. But the FA is allowed to investigate whatever it pleases. It is of particular note that Ferdinand is the brother of another England central defender, Rio Ferdinand. And when it rains it pours: Terry, while captain, also slept with his left back’s former girlfriend (who was also Terry’s wife’s best friend). Perhaps Terry should consider that he made his position with the national team untenable. Terry’s alleged racial abuse hints at a larger issue that is coming to taint international soccer and domestic leagues around Europe: There is blatant racism in the game and not much at all is being done to combat it. England has a reputation as a safe haven, a place where players of all colors and nationalities can come and be respected in an advanced society. Not so. Besides the recent hoopla surrounding Terry, exactly a year ago, Luis Suarez, Liverpool’s fleet-footed Uruguayan forward, was banned eight matches for “using insulting words towards” Manchester United defender Patrice Evra, who is French and black. The worst part was that the week after Suarez was banned, his Liverpool teammates wore warmup t-shirts supporting their striker. Yes, the same one who had just been suspended for repeatedly calling Evra a “negro.” Hey, maybe Spain is better, right? The presSEE COLUMN PAGE 11


Running back Tyler Varga ’15 leads the Elis with 419 rushing yards and four total touchdowns in four games this season.

Elis ready for Quakers BY ASHTON WACKYM CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Coming off of its first win in the Ivy League last weekend, the women’s soccer team has the opportunity to start a new wining streak.

Six players have put multiple goals on the board for Penn so far. The Elis have had a total of 10 players score this season. In net, the Quakers and Bulldogs have shown similar strengths. Goalkeeper Rachel

Four Canadians will skate for the Bulldogs this winter, but this fall it has been a football star from the great white north who has taken Yale by storm. Running back Tyler Varga ’15 has entered the Ivy League football scene and the Ivy League Rookie of the Year discussion from an unusual football background. Varga leads the Elis with 419 rushing yards and four total touchdowns in four games this season. In addition to excelling at football, Varga has competed in a variety of other sports, including skiing, baseball, judo — he has a blue belt — and gymnastics. “I did [gymnastics] for about eight years,” Varga said. “I think that provided me with a really good base just for overall explosiveness and strength and body control.” Varga credited his father, John, as a major influence in his athletic development. The elder Varga had been a quarterback during his high school days and now works in fitness. Varga stated that his father both helped him with his fitness and kindled his affection for football. That passion for football led Varga to the University of Western Ontario. With the Mustangs last year, he dashed his way to 799 rushing yards, 15 touchdowns and the Canadian Intervarsity Sports Rookie of the Year award. Although the rules are slightly different north of the border, Yale’s running back coach Larry Ciotti said that Varga quickly adapted to the new rules this year. “It took him a little time to understand American football,” Ciotti said. “Didn’t take him a great deal of time, but we kid him about it.” As an NFL fan, Varga said that most of the rules did not faze him, although not having multiple men in motion surprised him at first. In Canada, the field is 10 yards longer, there is one more man on the field and one less down, but Varga stated his role remains unchanged. “For the most part for the runSEE VARGA PAGE 11

Bulldogs look to end slump

Ames ’16 has 34 saves on the season, a 0.810 save statistic and a 1.11 goals-against average, while Penn goalkeeper Sarah Banks has 39 saves, a 0.765 save statistic SEE WOMEN’S SOCCER PAGE 11

WOMEN’S SOCCER This Saturday, the Bulldogs (6–6, 1–3 Ivy) will take on Penn (7–5–1, 3–1 Ivy) in Reese Stadium. Head coach Rudy Meredith said the game will be played at one of the quickest paces the Elis have seen this season. “Penn plays a real high-pressure game,” Meredith said. “It’s almost like playing a basketball team that plays a full-court press.” Penn, which lost its first conference game last week, is now tied for second place in the Ivies. The Bulldogs currently sit sixth in the league. Meredith said the Bulldogs will keep an eye out for the Quakers’ precise attack. “If you turn over the ball, they’ll make you pay,” he said. The Quaker attack is strong:


The Elis will play against the Quakers at home Saturday and will attempt to end their losing streak. BY ALEX EPPLER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Playing in its first home Ivy League game of the season, the men’s soccer team will look to snap a five-game winless streak against Penn this Saturday. GRAHAM HARBOE/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

Despite being out of Ivy League contention, the Elis still have the opportunity to end the season with a winning record in the league.



It has been almost a month since the Elis (3–7–3, 0–2–1 Ivy) added a notch in the win column. Before their 2–1 victory at Marist on Sept. 23, the Bulldogs’ record hovered at .500. Yet the Elis lost to No. 4 Connecticut two days later, a loss that began the streak that has dropped the Elis four games under .500. “It’s a tough time when you’re not getting SEE MEN’S SOCCER PAGE 11

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