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NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT · FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2021 · VOL. CXLIV, NO. 7 · yaledailynews.com
Yale, city strike 6-year deal
YLS admins sued in Amy Chua case Student plaintiffs allege retaliation BY EDA AKER AND PHILIP MOUSAVIZADEH STAFF REPORTERS
Salovey, Elicker and other officials announced the new agreement at a joint city hall press conference on Wednesday.
Officials promise $52M in new contributions, new ped zone on High St BY SYLVAN LEBRUN AND SAI RAYALA STAFF REPORTERS Yale and New Haven will launch several initiatives to build up the University’s commitment to the city, including an increase to Yale’s voluntary contribution, the establishment of a new Center for Inclusive Growth and a new expectation that the University will offset city revenue lost on properties it takes off the tax roll. Officials gathered on Wednesday afternoon to announce the changes, which follow years of advocacy from unions and local organizations. Yale’s voluntary contribution is slated to rise $52 million over the course of six years, which will bring the total contribution during that time period to $135.4 million. The Center for Inclusive Growth will “seek to identify economic and social development initiatives that will bolster growth throughout our community,” according to a press release. Officials also announced that the stretch of High Street between Elm and
Chapel Streets — which passes between Old Campus and Harkness Tower — will be redeveloped through Yale funding and guidance as a City-owned pedestrian walkway. The commitment follows recent news that the University’s endowment has increased $11.1 billion to a total value of $42.3 billion in the 2021 fiscal year. At the same time, the city projected a budget deficit of $66 million for fiscal year 2021-22 before it received additional funding from the state and Yale. City officials and advocacy organizations have long called on Yale to increase its voluntary payments to the city, including an ongoing Yale: Respect New Haven campaign that has called on the University to pay the full amount of the tax break it receives for its nonprofit status. “Yale and New Haven have a bond that has been tested by time and strengthened by shared purpose,” University SEE TOWN-GOWN PAGE 4
Two unnamed Yale Law School students filed a complaint Monday against three Law School administrators and the University for allegedly “blackball[ing]” them from job opportunities after they refused to endorse a statement in the ongoing investigation against law professor Amy Chua. The students, referred to as Jane and John Doe throughout the lawsuit, are suing the University and Yale Law School Dean Heather Gerken, Law School Associate Dean Ellen Cosgrove and Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Yaseen Eldik on the grounds of breach of contract, intentional interference with prospective busi-
ness relationships and defamation, among others. The complaint — a copy of which was obtained by the News — was filed in the United States District Court of Connecticut. The plaintiffs requested punitive damages of at least $75,000 and compensatory damages of at least $75,000, among other monetary rewards. “Two Yale Law School deans, along with Yale Law School’s Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, worked together in an attempt to blackball two students of color from job opportunities as retaliation for refusing to lie to support the University’s investigation into a professor of color,” the complaint reads. SEE CHUA PAGE 4
7,313 apply early, 8% down from 2020
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will read 7,313 applications as officers begin to build the class of 2026. BY JORDAN FITZGERALD STAFF REPORTER Aspiring members of the class of 2026 sent 7,313 early action applications to Yale this fall, the second largest in Yale’s history. This year’s pool only fell behind last year, when the Office of Undergraduate Admissions read 7,939 early applications. This year’s application pool is about eight percent smaller than last year’s cohort, and 27 percent larger than 2019. First generation college students, international students and underrepresented racial or ethnic groups bucked this trend, rising in both 2020 and 2021.
Last year, 10.5 percent of early action applicants were admitted into the college, which fell from 13.8 and 13.19 percent acceptance rates for the class of 2024 and the class of 2023, respectively. Early action applicants will find out their application status in December. “As always, the admissions office is much more interested in the strength and diversity of the pool of students who apply to Yale each year than simply the number of students who apply,” Dean of Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid Jeremiah Quinlan told the News. “The Admissions Committee is currently in the process of con-
sidering early action applicants, and we look forward to sharing some good news with admitted students in the coming weeks.” According to Mark Dunn, the director of outreach and communications at the admissions office, more students than ever are applying in every demographic category the office tracks. Most subgroups within the application pool followed the same trend as the program overall — applications spiked in 2020 and fell slightly in 2021. Last year, Dunn said applications from first-generation, internaSEE 2026 PAGE 5
Elicker sets priorities for second term BY SYLVAN LEBRUN STAFF REPORTER
The mayor emphasized ongoing economic growth during the pandemic.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY, 1950. Arnold Wolfers, chairwoman of Yale's Red Cross blood drive, announces an all-time record of 148 pints for the amount of blood collected over one day in New Haven.
Elicker is the 51st mayor of New Haven. After a first term interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayor Justin Elicker is heading into his second with plans to introduce infrastructure bills, expand climate programs and increase city funding. On Election Day earlier this month, Elicker won 84 percent of the vote across New Haven, a margin that he said encourages him that residents are enthusiastic about the work he has done in the city. In the beginning of his second term, a number of projects will be voted on in the Board of Alders and rolled out, including the new agreement with Yale that increases the University’s voluntary contribution to the city by $52 million over the next six years. Affordable housing and infrastructure bills, as well as the allocation of over $100 million in federal American Rescue
Plan funding, are also high on the mayor’s agenda. Elicker emphasized the ongoing economic growth in New Haven that has continued amid the pandemic, and he said he hopes that his administration will both bolster this development and distribute its benefits equitably. Path to a Second Term A Connecticut native, Elicker first moved to New Haven 13 years ago to attend graduate school at Yale. He later served four years on the Board of Alders representing Ward 10, before an unsuccessful first mayoral run in 2013. Previously, he had worked as a foreign service officer for the State Department for five years and taught at elementary and high schools. After defeating incumbent Toni Harp in 2019 with 69 percent of the vote, Elicker had just over two months in office before the pandemic hit New Haven. Looking back, he said that he is proud of not
only the city’s response to COVID19, but of all the other projects that he helped push across the finish line amid the crisis. “The last two years have been dominated by COVID-19… and we're not out of the woods yet,” Elicker said. “But when you think about the other things that we've accomplished, they are just quite remarkable during a pandemic. We’ve been able to get many other things done that have been elusive for decades.” In his first term, Elicker secured increased state funding for the city by fighting for the expansion of the Payment in Lieu of Taxes, or PILOT, program. Passed this summer, this new plan will have New Haven receive $90 million from the state this year, more than double the $41 million received in 2020. Elicker listed this as one of his proudest accomplishments, along with the recent Yale agreement and the SEE ELICKER PAGE 5
The School of Medicine’s Student Mental Health and Wellness Program aims to provide students with short-term individual therapy and counseling.
After the redisplay of the controversial group portrait at the Yale Center for British Art, community members weigh in.
Mariam Khan '24 made history as the youngestever elected member of the Hamden Board of Education.