Today's Paper

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CROSS CAMPUS” School’s out! Almost. Reading

period begins at 5:30 p.m. today, but it will only last until Wednesday this year. You can start cramming now.





With this year’s fall break, students face a shorter reading week


Buzzer shot lands Elis a win against Bryant 64–62 on the road






Gallery blends new and old

Faculty mull online education

On a break. After three


consecutive terms, the popular seminar co-taught by Provost Peter Salovey will be taking a break from Yale. Called “Great Big Ideas,” the seminar will return in spring 2014 and be co-taught by current Dean of Admissions Jeffrey Brenzel, who will take Salovey’s teaching spot when the moustached administrator becomes president.

Dream big. Members of student group Net Impact convened on Cross Campus yesterday as part of their “Make an Impact” campaign, during which organizers asked passers-by to write down their dreams on Post-it notes and pop balloons to “make an impact.” Participants were then asked to replace their popped balloon with their Post-it note. More than 250 passers-by took part in the effort. Hitting the books. Two recent releases by Yale Law School professors John Fabian Witt ’94 LAW ’99 GRD ’00 and Akhil Reed Amar ’80 LAW ’84 were named to the 2012 best books list of two major newspapers. Witt’s book was named to The New York Times’ notable books list, while Amar was named to The Washington Post top books list for nonfiction works. Spotted. Former Dean of

Jonathan Edwards College and newly appointed Dean of Yale-NUS Kyle Farley was seen hanging around the JE dining hall yesterday afternoon. The former college administrator announced he would step down in September 2011 to oversee curricula and help with student recruitment at Academies Australasia, an educational group in Australia.

Midnight train. Elm City residents have started a social media petition urging New Haven officials to increase the number of Metro-North trains that stop at the State Street train station, which currently serves only a handful of Metro-North trains. As of yesterday, the petition has collected 164 signatures. Crossing borders. Student

group Reach Out, which organizes student-led spring break trips to foreign nations for service projects, received a record number of applications this year. Though Reach Out typically collects 100 to 150 applications, the group received 300 applications this year for its nine service trips.


1971 Three faculty groups support a calendar change that would set Sept. 5 as the first day of school and schedule final examinations before winter break. Submit tips to Cross Campus



his is a two-part series exploring the development of the Yale University Art Gallery — which will officially reopen to the public on Dec. 12 — over its 14-year renovation process. Part 1 investigates how the gallery’s architecture and collections pay tribute to the YUAG of old while considering its changing place in the art world. Part 2 examines how the YUAG has grown into its role as a teaching museum. YANAN WANG reports.

On the fourth floor of the renovated Yale University Art Gallery, a terrace sculpture garden looks out onto Chapel Street. Standing along the edge of the balcony, visitors are treated to a bird’seye view of the city and campus below. Like many of the gallery’s new additions, it is a tribute to both the institution’s past and present — a reminder that while the building’s foundation remains nearly as aged as the University itself, the YUAG has not closed its horizons to the future.

Nearly every seat in Connecticut Hall was filled at Thursday’s Yale College faculty meeting in which professors discussed expanding Yale’s online presence. At the meeting, the ad hoc Committee on Online Education, chaired by psychology professor Paul Bloom and music professor Craig Wright, presented a report to the faculty that recommended ways in which the University could expand online and allow the public to benefit from Yale’s resources and teaching. The committee’s report suggests the College offer for-credit courses to Yale undergraduates and the public during the academic year and encourages faculty members to make their course materials publicly available. Wright said the meeting was a blend of curiosity and enthusiasm and that he was excited that faculty members seemed engaged with the topic. “I found it — as someone [who has gone] to Yale faculty meetings for 40 years — an exhilarating experience and an exhilarating discussion,” Wright said. “We were actually talking about the essence of what education is about — what we teach and how we learn.” Though Wright said faculty members raised many detailed questions, he added that he did not sense hostility to the committee’s recommendations. Yale College Dean Mary Miller said discussion of the report was lively and lasted nearly 50 minutes. The meeting began with a presentation of the report by Bloom before opening up for discussion. Psychology professor and



City fights budget woes in face of ‘cliff’ BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER Under the shadow of a potential $11 million budget shortfall and facing uncertainty over massive federal cuts, the New Haven Board of Aldermen Finance Committee met Thursday evening to discuss the city’s

financial troubles. In the hearing, aldermen discussed two reports on the current state of the city’s finances — the city’s September monthly financial report and a report by New Haven’s Financial Review and Audit Commission (FRAC) — and was the beginning of what will likely be a long pro-

ITS to launch online TV BY DAN WEINER STAFF REPORTER When students return to Yale next semester, they will have access to high-definition TV anywhere on campus — all through their laptops. Yale undergraduates living on campus will be able to stream approximately 30 channels of high-definition live programming to their computers and TVs for free starting next semester, Director of ITS Network Services David Galassi said. He added that he expects students will be also able to record TV shows as well as stream content to TVs and mobile devices later in the spring. The offering represents the beginning of an 18-month pilot partnership with Tivli, a Harvard startup that began offering Internet-protocol television (IPTV) to Harvard in May 2011, and is expected to begin in January. “Tivli offered to do a pilot with us, we thought it was a great opportunity to continue

to offer the students the service they are used to while exploring this new and exciting service,” Galassi said. While students will still be able to watch TV through the traditional cable wiring that exists in dorms, Galassi said IPTV represents the future of TV at Yale, as neither the two new residential colleges nor the new School of Management campus will be wired for traditional cable. Galassi added that students have been requesting a high-definition upgrade of Yale’s cable services — an upgrade that IPTV will bring without requiring any structural wiring changes. The IPTV service is currently on a trial run as Yale decides whether Tivli is the right provider, Galassi said. Galassi said he suspects Yale will complete a registration process for undergraduates living on campus — the final step before IPTV setup is complete — in time for launch in January. SEE IPTV PAGE 8

cess of attempting to balance the budget that will last through June, when the city’s fiscal year ends. Currently, the city faces a budget deficit that could range anywhere from $1.8 million to $11 million due to projected shortfalls in revenue and overruns in expenditures. “We’re hoping it’s closer to

$1.8 million, but we’re worried and think it will be closer to $11 million,” FRAC chair David Cameron said. “We have a big structural problem. It’s very hard to keep this budget in balance.”


Cameron pointed to several

causes of the shortfall, emphasizing inaccurate predictions made during the budgeting process. The intention of his committee’s report, he said, was to draw the attention of the mayor and Board of Aldermen to assumptions in the budget SEE BUDGET PAGE 8



NEW HAVEN HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING On Thursday, Mayor John DeStefano Jr. and WTNH/MyTV 9’s Gil Simmons hosted the city’s annual tree lighting celebration. Beside the 65-foot-tall Norway spruce, New Haven residents enjoyed free activities on the New Haven Green, including mini-car rides.




.COMMENT “As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods”


Dealing with Grinches T

hey do not like the winter cold. They think your cheer is getting old. Their Thanksgiving breaks were short and bad. Their take on snow (“it’s mush! just slush!”) will make you sad. They don’t say “happy holidays,” (and worse) they judge your stupid jolly ways. They are the Grinches: a rare December specimen of Yalie that, like its Dr. Seussinspired counterpart, appear in winter and strive to make everyone miserable. If you want to ensure a stable successful December, it’s best to identify and manage the Grinches in your life early on. Latent Grinch tendencies may be identified as early as November. Key candidates are: friends who use “Black Friday” and “what is state of today’s world?” in the same sentence, people in section who complain about the frigid weather, yet are not from California, and, most worrisome, those who announce a preference for standard Starbucks cups over the holiday-themed red ones. If Grinchiness is caught early, treatments are possible — pumpkin spice lattes, fall colors, the sight of Old Campus in the snow — but full recovery is not common. The hellish workload that is the two weeks following Thanksgiving break usually proves to be more than enough to push Grinches back into their old, Yale Compliment-deriding ways. The knee-jerk response to Grinch behavior is to ignore it. You’re in college! Line your room with enough Christmas lights and extension cords to trip up a jewel thief. Run Mariah Carey’s Christmas album on repeat. Take time off before a test to make latkes. But, after participating in a poorly conceived attempt to carol on Old Campus last year, I’ve realized that some of the standard Grinch grudges should be taken at face value. Maybe it is facile to simply assume that a month will make people happy. Maybe spending your entire reading period watching a steady rotation of holiday movies on Netflix is just a seasonally appropriate form of procrastination. I don’t think that, as college students, we really know how to celebrate the holidays. We could probably parse religious texts for the beginnings of tradition or predict the economic implications of end-ofyear sales, but how much do we know about the authentic spirit that underlies the ceremony?

According to the Grinch, not much is of value; it’s all superficial. According to the Grinch, that holiday sweater you’re wearing is just a defense mechanism. You’re just hiding in the crowd, pretending, like everyone else, that winter nights are cozy and comfortable, when, in reality, they are simply long and lonely and cold. But Grinches aren’t always right. In fact, they are almost never right. Winter does suck, that’s a fact that even that even early man could understand, and nobody likes frostbite. But whoever aligned Stonehenge to mark the winter solstice also knew something else that the Grinches forget — that winter doesn’t last. The winter holidays are, in reality, about endurance: In Kwanzaa, the values that bound a people throughout a troubled history are remembered and rekindled. In Christmas, the birth of Jesus marks the possibility of redemption. In Hanukkah, a flame clings to life for a tribe that has all but given up on it. Unless the Mayans prove to be correct this year, the world does not end in late December, it begins again. And that’s a fact so utterly ridiculous that I can forgive the average Grinch for forgetting, because why should we get another chance? The semester is over, the grades are sent and the friends are made and lost. We shouldn’t be given another try and yet, every winter, somehow we get one. I’ve seen people crack under pressure in college, convince themselves that they’re not worth it. And when hit by an unexpectedly low grade or biting comment from a “friend” it’s easy to let your cynical, Grinchy side well up from time to time. What chance do you have of catching up if you’re not on the right track now? But if you’re going to make it through the depths of winter (finals or not), you need to have faith in something else. I don’t care whether you believe in religion, in family and friends or simply that, just for a moment, the taste of gingerbread will make everything better. Grinches like to say that winter is about darkness, but if you have something to celebrate, the light never leaves. So let your heart grow three sizes. It’s not over yet.



The hunt for a new inspiration U

nless things go really badly, this was the only presidential election I’ll experience as an undergrad. I’m a sophomore, so I wasn’t in college the last time Barack Obama won a presidential election, but I’ve heard the stories. Hundreds of students gathering on Old Campus, embracing one another, laughing and cheering and crying. Shortly after midnight, one group began singing the national anthem, and the music spread and swelled. They held hands, forming a gigantic, united circle. I was still a high school sophomore in Pennsylvania — the state John McCain tried the hardest to win, yet lost. Before the election only a handful of my classmates stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, which blared out from the loudspeaker in a nasal monotone every morning. But the day after President Obama’s victory, my homeroom class rose as one, standing to recite the pledge, hands on hearts. Every single person was inspired to stand. That inspiration is gone. Maybe it never existed at all. It was a fluke, a statistical blip, a false start. Or perhaps the president genuinely inspired my generation, only to leave us standing at the altar, a cold metallic taste in our mouths. A few weeks ago, Obama won

again, filling colleges across America with a sense of relief, if not exhilaration. There were election parties and celebrations, SCOTT but no massive STERN crowds or jubilant singing. A Stern Few students Perspective swarmed Old Campus, and the silence of the night remained largely unbroken. It’s hard not to contrast the two celebrations. And it’s hard not to notice a larger trend — a tendency toward apathy among young people. College students used to stand for something. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and others formed a veritable alphabet soup of radical youth protest. They rioted and rebelled, standing atop police cars and taking over administrative buildings. Student political leaders carried real clout and students straddled a uniquely powerful soapbox. Think of the free speech protests at Berkeley or the anti-war riots at Kent State. In 1968, youth protesters stormed

the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, demanding change and chanting, “The whole world is watching, the whole world is watching.” Not for the first time, the whole world was watching the actions of youth. Perhaps for the last time, though. When I first arrived as a freshman at Yale, I was struck by the palpable sense of political apathy. Few people seemed to care about the upcoming election — the pervasive idea was that every option was pretty bad, so why bother. Sure, the Yale College Democrats and Yale College Republicans were active during this election season, canvassing and phone banking to the point of exhaustion. I’ve heard their efforts may even have exceeded those of four years ago. But compare this to the Yale of the 1960s and 1970s, when student political activity rocked the campus. When an infamous Black Panther trial was held in New Haven in 1970, students went “on strike” to express their outrage; the strike was so successful that all classes were made optional. The most conventional excuse for the political apathy on college campuses is that there is simply less to get worked up about. Back in the swinging ’60s there was the Cold War, the civil rights movement and Vietnam. The very fate

of our society was at stake, so of course students freaked out. But now things are fine — sure, we need to work out a few of the kinks, but there’s no need to make too much noise. I don’t know what caused this weird sense of complacency. Maybe with the job market and economy in such dire straits, college students have to be more focused on their studies. Maybe it’s because our country has been at war since we’ve been old enough to be politically involved, so it seems like there are bigger fish to fry. Or maybe it’s just that that our generation merely participates in a different way: have a problem, make a Facebook group! Whatever the reason, this mentality is misguided. This needs to change now. Right now. With colleges infected with apathy, I fear for my future. It’s time for activism to make a comeback. We must reinvent student political activity, making it possible and exciting and urgent for today’s youth. We shouldn’t rely on President Obama for inspiration. It’s time that we stand up and shout. We don’t need a new hero — we need a new mindset. SCOTT STERN is a sophomore in Branford College. Contact him at .


You can’t ignore us E

lection results do not lie. As statisticians break us down, Latino voters went 75 percent for President Obama this November. I saw campaign ads in Spanish whenever I turned on the TV. Linda McMahon’s ads sat on the sidebar of my computer whenever I logged on to Facebook, but translated into Spanish. Now, the immigration debate is creeping into political coverage across the board. America must keep paying attention. This election we voted against those who tried to suppress our votes. On Yale’s campus, we responded to voter suppression and sent canvassers of all kinds to Fair Haven. On several doors that we knocked that week, we met registered voters in Fair Haven who were told by the others that their votes didn’t count or that they could not vote because their driver’s license had recently expired. What began as voter outreach turned into a full-blown campaign, as Americans alongside Latin Americans and undocumented students reminded residents across the city where they could go to vote. Now, it will be our students

JACKSON MCHENRY is a sophomore in Silliman College. Contact him at

who make lawmakers keep paying attention. The DREAM Act — a piece of federal legislation offering undocumented students a pathway to citizenship, provided that they serve for two years in our military or completed high school — grabbed everyone’s attention when it reached national headlines. While it did not pass, states across the country have considered their own versions of the bill, and Massachusetts became the 13th state to pass its own version of the DREAM Act this month. “Groups like Connecticut Students for a DREAM,” a local immigration activist group, are pushing Connecticut’s legislature to improve access to colleges and universities for undocumented but very well-qualified students. This was the first time that undocumented students held such a symbolic voice in politics, and politicians like President Obama and Sen. Marco Rubio reached out to them with variations on the bill. This past week, local activist Lorella Praeli, who stared the Connecticut Students for a DREAM and now works for the national umbrella organization

United We Dream, was featured in a New York Times article discussing immigration reform. On the same weekend I heard Gabby Pacheo, the other woman featured in the article, speak for senior partners at Morgan Stanley, startup gurus and nonprofit heroes at TEDxWomen. She shared her story with the crowd, about growing up as a very successful student whose options were limited by her immigration status. Every face in the room was deeply moved. The stories of our students are everywhere and permeating different levels of society than they could before. We’re still a mixed bag: As the recent report from the Pew Hispanic Center reminds us, Latino voters were not solely concerned about immigration. More often, our immediate concerns were focused on economic, education or health care issues. I’m a Massachusetts liberal, but I still work in communities that aren’t familiar with what homosexuality and gay marriage entail. While I support decriminalization of marijuana for numerous reasons, I have never and will never smoke in my lifetime. I still cringe when-

ever I smell marijuana smoke because statistics from the drug wars flood through my mind, and all I can see are images of violence. Our views are more nuanced than politicians often give us credit for in campaign ads and targeted speeches. We are not a one-issue community, and we never will be. One of my professors made a joke at an election panel we held this year about how the “Latino vote gets rediscovered every four years.” After this election, we are no longer in the shadows, waiting to be “rediscovered.” Our activists are in the streets, spreading information and dispelling myths. Politicians are reaching out to our communities, even in states like Connecticut where the Latino presence is quieter than it is in states like North Carolina and Texas. We’re here, and we’ve been here for a long time. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes to the table for immigration reform in these next few months. DIANA ENRIQUEZ is a senior in Saybrook College. Contact her at .


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he great success of Yale has been that it “produces leaders,” whether in education, politics, business, law, medicine or any other field. What did some of these leaders — Stephen Schwarzman, Bill Clinton and Samuel Johnson — all have in common during their time at Yale? They didn’t care. A popular college seminar entitled “Great Big Ideas” strikes the perfect balance between asking us to care and not care. In the seminar, we are taught to care about some of the world’s most important ideas and not to worry about voicing our opinions. Adam Glick ’82, our esteemed professor, questions every tenet of our beliefs, forcing us to break out of our shell of obedience. Though it has been announced that "Great Big Ideas" will not be taught for the next two semesters, the class must continue to be offered at Yale. Since the day we arrive on campus, we are taught obedience: from meeting with our freshman counselors to eating at certain times. Yet, at many of our peer colleges, students seem more likely to take risks, while caring less about academic requirements

or what classes you have to take to get into ethics, politics, and economics. As a consequence of this obedience, many of us Yalies feel an urge to go to every event with a celebrity, study until we physically can’t for every midterm, apply for selective programs left and right and attend the information sessions of every major consulting firm. The competition for the collection of trophies and awards began the second we walked onto campus, and Yalies I know find themselves often unable to break out of it. The genius of “Great Big Ideas” is its ability to push brilliant students to break out of their shells of obedience and shine the way they are supposed to. While there is no question that Yale has some of the world’s brightest students, getting good grades requires more obedience than any other task: writing assigned papers, taking exams written by others, doing mindnumbing problem sets. “Great Big Ideas” is a course that allows these students to apply their brilliance to their own personal advancement, and not the fulfillment of course requirements.

Part of the brilliance of people like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg is that they too didn’t care about requirements and grades. Rather than learn from the obedience they were taught in our higher education system, they pushed back. They didn’t care about rules, regulations, norms or expectations; they cared about fighting for something they care about. At Yale, just about every class teaches the obedience I resent, with the exception being “Great Big Ideas.” By teaching us how to defend our beliefs and passions in the face of staunch opposition from a professor who is seemingly all-knowing, “Great Big Ideas” is a larger asset to Yale than any course or program I can think of. Perhaps I have some bias as a student in the seminar, but after three months I’ve learned not just how to think more efficiently or about various topics that make the world turn, but I now understand the importance of not following rules, and of questioning the norms that we live by. Rather than nod his head in agreement at something we say and think silently to himself how much he

is going to deduct from our participation grade for being wrong, our professor shot down our ideas with alternatives that exposed us to almost infinite perspectives. A few weeks ago, I learned that "Great Big Ideas" will be going on a hiatus until the spring of 2014, for technicalities that are beyond my knowledge. While many mourn the loss of a great University president, the disappearance of "Great Big Ideas" is an equal loss to this institution — a university that desperately needs a class that challenges traditionally obedient students to argue rather than agree. Rather than dissociate ourselves from "Great Big Ideas," we should embrace it. The same way Yale emphasizes Directed Studies and Perspectives on Science and Engineering for freshmen, our University should give students an opportunity to learn how to think independently and support their arguments in person, not from behind a computer screen. MOHAMMAD SALHUT is a junior in Saybrook College. Contact him at .




FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.



Impostor syndrome

Into the abyss


eople keep asking me how I fill my days at Yale, the implication being that classes alone aren’t enough. New acquaintances ask directly; after learning my residential college, where I’m from and my major, it seems the next logical step. Strangers ask indirectly, in their glances — some covert, others less concealed — angled my way when I’m caught lingering in the dining hall too long after lunch. Potential employers request an attached resume; clubs ask for three-sentence bios that inevitably make their way to the unread “About Us” section of websites; relatives nestle the question somewhere in the first quarter of the biannual “checking in on you” email. Last time I was asked, I had to repeat myself three times before my interrogator understood. “I try to be happy,” I said. She had, I assume, expected a well-rehearsed litany of clubs. If I wanted to take a risk, I would add a hobby toeing that fine line between so unheard of that no possible conversation could ensue, and sufficiently unique to make me worthy of conversing with further. It is the elevator pitch translated into social currency. I wish my response had stemmed from self-assurance and the confidence that I am more than a list of activities. In fact, my answer was rooted in insecurity and trepidation, the sort of self-doubt that I think plagues the majority of us here at Yale far more than it should. There is a term for this, you know. Impostor syndrome. (True

to form, as a psychology major and a pre-med student, I give nothing its due until it has been clinically explained and written down in the annals of some oversized and infrequently read volume.) This syndrome has its own eponymous website, dedicated to a book on the topic written by a Dr. Valerie Young, who clearly did not suffer from the condition her-

WHEN CAPABLE PEOPLE ARE CONVINCED THEY ARE INCAPABLE self. Impostor syndrome: when capable people are convinced they are incapable, poets certain that their words possess neither elegance nor rhythm, photographers possessed by the fear that the right lighting will forever evade their capture. It might even explain why — at least on an anecdotal basis — the stereotypical high achievers, those lucky people granted admission to places like Yale, are so overrepresented among therapists’ clients. I sometimes find it preposterous that anyone could stand to be burdened by my worries without monetary reward. But if we can catalog this as a syndrome, then accordingly we must be able to find a cure, or at least some treatment to assuage the symptoms. This past summer,

I took up yoga at the behest of my older sister, a newly christened yoga teacher. I am not very “good,” per se, at yoga — my handstand is nonexistent; my headstand must be assisted by the wall and still usually results in bruised knees; I am routinely astonished by the inflexibility of my hips. But as I’m walking around New Haven these days, I am often overcome by the urge to stretch my arms to the sky, and when I allow my gaze to follow my fingertips, I can see that the sky is vast and I can appreciate — relish, even — that I am both infinitesimally small and shockingly powerful. And when my arms make their way back down to my sides, I can wrap them around myself, each shoulder blade held by the opposite hand, and I can feel triumphant over impostor syndrome. I have been repeating a mantra in my head over the past several months, one I first heard from a yoga teacher in Charlotte, N.C., my hometown. As I lay on the ground, trying to breathe through the anxiety of the day, she reminded the class, “You do enough. You have enough. You are enough.” So yes, on some days, I am scared to tell people what activities fill my planner. But I can tell them this: Each and every day that I can look up over the tops of the trees, see a sky that refuses to be quantified and be grateful that I am loved and I am healthy and I am happy. It is enough. GABRIELA REED is a junior in Timothy Dwight College. Contact her at


’ve been having an existential crisis this week. I’d almost rather not call it such, using what’s become a hackneyed code for the depression or stress that often comes with winter darkness and finals week, but this time it’s exactly right: I’m looking for meaning in existing, and so far I’m at a loss. Awkward, right? Not many questions are so pretentious and depressing. Surely, if this were still worth talking about despite that, we would. Hell, I’m a science major. This is so not my thing. And yet I find myself still wrapped up in my head, earnestly asking this: Why are we here? “We” being anyone, “here” being anywhere, and this being a question Wikipedia tells me long tortured Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre and Camus, to name but a few. I hadn’t really understood what that Nietzsche quote about the abyss meant until now, when I find myself standing on its brink, captivated by its depth, yet ignorant of its history. I desperately want to fill this abyss, to top it up with the common-sense utilitarianism that has driven me for so long, but what use is utility if you don’t assume that anyone should want it? How do you test any particular notion of the Good when without it the world as we know it still makes perfect sense — or, at least, seems no more or less absurd? A scientific answer is damning. With no reason to believe anything but that life, the uni-


Reduced to the resume

verse and everything merely is, we exist without meaning, like so much navel fluff. Camus, I’ve gleaned, believed this, but argued that we ought to fight back against the universe and its indifference. We, like Sisyphus, though condemned to futile work, can reframe our perseverance as a triumph of the human will. “The struggle itself toward the summit,” he wrote, “is enough to fill a man’s heart.” It’s an inspiring manifesto, but not enough. If you’re reading the wiki on Camus, you can quickly end up on that for existentialism, then free will, and 20 or so tabs later learn that the neurologists Ammon and Gandevia discovered, way back in 1990, that they could trick their human subjects into “making choices” as they liked by varying the strength of magnetic fields passing through a subject’s head. As certain as each of their subjects was that his forced will was free, I am now that mine is not. And though I might be more of a monist than most, I’ve yet to meet a classmate who rejects much of pop neuroscience, and the upshot is the same. We talk curiously about how a person’s self changes with his body; how a drug, a clot, a tumor can make a sane man crazy, or a crazed man sane; and so have all reattributed some measure of our own agency to outside causes. What triumph, then, can we attribute to the human will? This reductionism, so convenient in physics, leaves me grasping for some way to imagine Camus’ Sisy-

phus as any nobler than Newton’s apple. This weirds me out. Not because I imagine some fallout happening if impersonal meaning and free will turn out to be fictions; we’ve gotten along, with or without them, for an awfully long time now. But here and now, in this thinkingest of places in these thinkingest of days, trudging on without these answers feels like some bad joke, like when Wile E. Coyote would run out over a canyon, before gravity kicked in. I blame myself, but also our school. We’re all guaranteed to learn particular things, like a second language through L3 and how to use a condom, but not whether our wills are free? And these topics aren’t just elective, they’re elusive. Sure, they’re too dry to be good dinner conversation. But when hundreds of us made time last week to hear a panel of professors convened on “Fear and Leading the Meaningful Life,” didn’t we expect more than a plea to “do something that is meaningful”? If you’ve made a leap of faith, if you’ve surrendered to your instincts, if you’re still grasping for some proof, I just want to know how. I’ve got some Nietzsche and psych books on request at the library, but I’m afraid that I’ll finally stop procrastinating and start studying for finals before I can pick them up. AARON LEWIS is a junior in Branford College. Contact him at .


Snapchat: the phenomenon I

was first introduced to Snapchat on the patio of Box 63 during Camp Yale this year. “You have to download this app — it’s so fun,” said an already proficient snapchatter. I thought it was stupid. I didn’t get the point of taking a picture that would inevitably disappear. But, I did start sending “snaps” of my friends and me, mimosas in hand, to the few users that showed up from my contacts. Then I kept using it. Every day. Then new friends started Snapchatting me. Then my daily Snapchat notifications jumped from five to 35. Then, my friend started referring to his iPhone as his “Snapchat machine.” And then, yesterday, my friend was invited to DKE formal through a Snapchat. Snapchat stopped being just an app and turned into a culture, a phenomenon. It’s basically Twitter combined with texting combined with crack. Twitter gives you 140 characters to say your thought or what you are currently doing; Snapchat gives you 31. A text is permanent; a Snapchat is gone within 10 seconds. Anyone who has you in his or her contacts can Snapchat you. I doubt that you would refer to everyone in your contacts as a friend, and I am positive that you wouldn’t text most of them at 11 a.m. on a dreary Monday just to say, “I hate Spanish,” or “All I want for Christmas is you.” But these are just two of my Monday Snapchats from people that I would never text, and who would never text me at 11 a.m. on a Monday. But now, because of Snapchat, I’m receiving a picture of their face during a lecture on a dreary Monday, and you know what? I like it. And I’m not the only one. I’m not the only one that feels legitimately closer to some junior guy because I receive a Snapchat every time he moves from the eighth to the fourth floor of the Stacks. Because of Snapchat, we feel more connected to the girls and guys we used to know solely in terms of bars and fraternities. We know who has a lot of work

and who doesn’t. We know who is hung over and who is on a walk of shame. Best of all, we can see it. We see the aftermath of that looming senior thesis or that Zeta late night. I think Evan Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat, understood our generation when he put a time limit on a picture message. Maybe he didn’t mean to, but he took technology backwards a bit, bringing us a little closer to what real human interaction is supposed be. It’s supposed to be a memory, not something tangible. A conversation with a friend at Flavors is not transcribed and then published on the Internet, searchable by future job prospects. It is simply left as a memory. And when we retell the story tomorrow, we might misquote our friend or forget some details — but that’s OK. That’s what human interaction is about. That’s what Snapchat is about. You see it for a few seconds, then it’s just a memory. By taking out the forever part of a picture or text, more people want to share. They aren’t afraid to put themselves out there, to send an ugly picture that may turn someone off or a beautiful picture that may seem narcissistic. They know it will eventually disappear. We are a generation of the “Like” button, of the comments box and the wanonymous comments box. Of statuses and tweets. We post things online, aware that anyone can see them. Aware we are being judged and almost always looking for approval — for that “Like.” Snapchat is different. It’s fun without the terrifying permanence of the rest of our technology. Hopefully this is just the beginning. Hopefully our culture can go back to a time when we weren’t scared to share too much. But for now, my username is Chaoticklowy, and I accept silly faces, hungover stares and of course, formal invites. CHLOE DRIMAL is a senior in Calhoun College. Contact her at .



FROM THE FRONT Gallery debuts new spaces, collections YUAG FROM PAGE 1 When the gallery officially reopens to the public on Dec. 12, it will celebrate not only the culmination of a 14-year-long construction project but also the debut of over 4,000 pieces of artwork that were either newly acquired or had previously been placed in storage. With a collection now totaling over 200,000 holdings and a facility of over 40,000 square feet of gallery display space, the expansion places the YUAG on par with some of the most renowned art museums in the world. “We have striven broadly for excellence,” YUAG Director Jock Reynolds said. “Yale University now has in its art gallery, Center for British Art, Peabody Museum and libraries one of the greatest concentrations of art in any city of the world.” Beginning with the restoration of the Louis Kahn building in 2003, the revitalization of the YUAG has been a long time coming. As early as 1994, architects Duncan Hazard ’71 and Richard Olcott of Ennead Architects — formerly known as Polshek Partnership — began drawing up master plans. The completion of the $135 million undertaking arrives at the tail end of what Reynolds termed “280 years of deferred maintenance,” and the process has involved large increases in museum staff as well as aggressive fundraising pushes through the onset of the recession in 2008. But even as the gallery marches toward the future, it continues to commemorate the legacies of its past. “Our architectural plan is a retracing of the gallery’s history,” Hazard said. “The artwork is taking back its original home. OLD ART RESTORED When curator Ruth Barnes arrived at the YUAG in 2010, she had just completed renovation projects at the University of Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology. She accepted Yale’s offer of employment, she half-joked, because she had become addicted to the rigors of restoration. Barnes is the curator of IndoPacific art, the gallery’s only completely new collection. Made possible by contributions from Thomas Jaffe ’71, the IndoPacific art department features artifacts and sculptures from ancient Southeast Asia, as well as one of the world’s best collections of Indonesian textiles, Barnes said. While the gallery acquired two-thirds of its Indo-Pacific collection only three years ago, the majority of newly displayed pieces have been held in storage facilities for several decades. For some of the older work, years of dust-gathering have taken their toll. Deputy Chief Conservator

Carol Snow cited a Byzantine church mosaic as an example of an older piece that underwent heavy treatment before display in Street Hall’s renovated ancient art section. Many of the procedures worked to undo the effects of outdated methods, Snow said. When the mosaic was first excavated from Gerasa, Jordan in the 1920s, gallery employees reinforced the backing with concrete, which did not hold up over time. Seventy-five years later, the piece has been refurbished to go back on display. The YUAG’s expansion project gave gallery staffers a chance to test and develop techniques for conservation and refurbishment. Methods employed include 3-D scanning, multispectral imaging and computer numeric controlled (CNC) devices. Snow said new acquisitions — of which there are 1,100 in total — provide an opportunity for curators and conservators to identify new materials and develop new analytical methods over time.

When dealing with modern and contemporary works, Snow said the shifting function of materials is especially relevant. Some present-day artists purposefully expose their pieces to decaying effects of time, causing curators to question whether they should work to preserve these pieces at all. With artworks ranging from ancient to contemporary, Snow said each department presents its own set of unique and rewarding challenges.

Our architectural plan is a retracing of the gallery’s history. The artwork is taking back its original home. DUNCAN HAZARD YUAG Renovation Architect As the conservation and collections departments transition

from one-and-a-half buildings to the amalgam of three historic viewing spaces — the Louis Kahn building, the Old Yale Art Gallery and Street Hall — curators and conservators alike will continue to evaluate the evolving challenges of maintenance and upkeep. A SEAMLESS TRANSITION When the original Louis Kahn building first opened in November 1953, it was christened the “Yale University Art Gallery and Design Center.” As an undergraduate student, Hazard spent many nights at the center, which housed studios for art and architecture majors in addition to exhibition space. More than two decades later, he returned to draft the master plan for the largest expansion and renovation project in the gallery’s history. But the legacies of the YUAG’s original architects persist in the renovated gallery’s design, which pays tribute to not only Kahn’s aesthetic sense but also to the vastly different styles of the other two buildings. In

Street Hall’s Trumbull Room, which contains the gallery’s original donation from John Trumbull, the walls are painted bright red to honor Kahn’s original use of red wool fabric on the walls. The YUAG’s three buildings share a single main entrance, and early visitors to the spaces have lauded Ennead Architects for the seamless yet meaningful transitions between different segments of the gallery. “The integration of the three buildings is amazingly smooth,” School of Architecture Dean Robert A.M. Stern said. “The way they flow is excellent, yet you don’t lose sense of the difference between them. Each maintains its own character.” Chief Curator Laurence Kanter said the gallery’s individual exhibition spaces enabled each curatorial department to create a unique “flavor” to complement their collections. During the design process, Hazard and Olcott took into account the genre of art that would inhabit each section of the gallery. The European galleries are characterized by low ceilings and dark wall colors, whereas the modern and contemporary sections boast vast, 25-foot ceilings. Kanter described how the deep mulberry tones of his gallery were chosen to draw out the rich colors of the art. Formerly home to the History of Art Department, Street Hall has been transformed from once “cannibalized classrooms” into galleries reminiscent of those envisioned during the 19th century, Curator of American Paintings and Sculpture Helen Cooper GRD ’86 said. But one feature of the hall is unmistakably modern: the glass elevator, topped with a vast skylight and sandwiched between steel staircases. Within Street Hall’s 1866-era structure, “there is the sense of light drifting down through the glass,” Hazard said. Contact YANAN WANG at .

TIMELINE YALE UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY 1832 The Yale University Art Gallery opens in the Trumbull Gallery. 1866 The Art Gallery expands into Peter Bonnett Wright’s Street Hall. 1928 The Old Art Gallery, designed by Egerton Swartout, unites the galleries along Chapel Street. The iconic bridge over High Street connecting the Old Art Gallery and Street Hall is constructed. 1953 The Art Gallery moves into Louis Kahn’s first modernist masterpiece at the intersection of Chapel and York Streets. 1972 The History of Art Department locates in Street Hall. 1998 Director of the Art Gallery Jock Reynolds first speaks with University President Richard Levin about renovating the museum. 2008 The History of Art Department moves from Street Hall to the Loria Center, making room for the YUAG’s expansion back into its old home. MARCH 2012 Construction finishes on the YUAG. DECEMBER 6, 2012 Gallery opens to Yale students for a preview. DECEMBER 12, 2012 Gallery officially opens to the public after a 14-year, $135 million expansion. The expansion triples the gallery’s display square footage and reclaims the Old Art Gallery and Steet Hall.




“But there are advantages to being elected president. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified top secret.” RONALD REAGAN 40TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES


The article “Students develop jazz culture” mistakenly stated that the residential college seminar program typically does not pay its instructors. In fact, the program does pay its instructors for teaching.

Businesses prep for holidays

Faculty mull governance BY SOPHIE GOULD STAFF REPORTER Though Provost Peter Salovey established regular faculty forums this fall to give professors a new venue to discuss their concerns, many faculty members continue to question whether administrators are doing enough to solicit faculty input in University decision-making. Professors in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences have explored different approaches to reasserting the faculty’s role in governance over the past semester. The faculty forum convened three times this fall to discuss issues including the presidential search process, the University’s science and technology resources and the possibility of founding a faculty senate, and some professors have begun to revive a Yale chapter of the American Association for University Professors (AAUP) — a national organization representing the interests of professors. But several faculty members interviewed said neither of these structures can fulfill the role of a faculty senate — an elected body that would hold significant voting and deliberative power at the University.. “The faculty forum is an excellent venue for faculty to share opinions and debate a variety of matters of interest and concern,” said music professor Richard Cohn. “But it lacks the stable structure and continuity of personnel to serve as an effective advisory board on complex issues, some of which need to be studied intensely across time. It also lacks the legitimacy of an elected body.” Before the creation of the faculty forums, monthly Yale College and Graduate School faculty meetings with preset agendas and occasional town hall-like gatherings functioned as the only settings for professors to voice their opinions. Classics professor Victor Bers, one of the officers of the Yale chapter of AAUP, said that so far, the chapter has only held one informal meeting with its officers and plans to begin recruiting members next semester. Cohn, who supports the establishment of a faculty senate or a similar institution, said he thinks Yale’s chapter of AAUP can coexist with a senate, but it cannot replace one. Because of AAUP’s mission, the chapter’s relationship to the University would be “less collaborative by nature” than the relationship between a senate and the

University would be, he added. Part of the AAUP mission is to promote shared governance, but its agenda includes several other items as well. Salovey said over 20 years have passed since the University appointed a committee to assess the state of governance at Yale and make recommendations about the future. “It may be time to consider another such discussion,” he said.

There is a crisis of governance at Yale, and we need new structures to address it. SEYLA BENHABIB Professor, political science department Cohn said he and a number of colleagues hope that Salovey will appoint a “broadly representative set of faculty” to study shared governance and make recommendations about what kind of elective body would best suit Yale. A faculty senate would likely take over many of the functions of the faculty forum, Bers said. Salovey said he would prefer to continue the current experiment of the faculty forum and to assess the merits of this approach at the end of the academic year. The advantage of the faculty forum is that it is explicitly focused on issues of concern to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, he said. “At the moment, I’d like to try the forum and see if we can’t make it work,” Salovey said. Recent administrative issues such as the implementation of Shared Services, a business model intended to centralize administrative tasks across the University, and Yale’s partnership with the National University of Singapore in the creation of a liberal arts college have heightened tensions between the administration and faculty, many of whom feel the administration has not taken their views into account. “There is a crisis of governance at Yale and we need new structures to address it,” said Seyla Benhabib, a political science and philosophy professor. The last faculty forum was held on Nov. 12 in Connecticut Hall. Contact SOPHIE GOULD at .


Local restaurants are preparing for a busy weekend due to late-night study breaks for finals. BY MONICA DISARE STAFF REPORTER As Yale students gear up for their finals and the holiday season, campus area businesses are preparing to capitalize on students’ end-of-semester habits. Broadway retail outlets including Campus Customs, Urban Outfitters and the Yale Bookstore are bracing for this weekend, which they expect to be one of the busiest holiday shopping weekends for students. Meanwhile, local restaurants such as Tomatillo Burrito and Ashley’s Ice Cream are getting ready to fuel late-night study breaks as finals draw near. Retailers will have a few more days than in years past to make student sales since final exams finish later in December. Restaurant owners and managers interviewed disagreed over whether final exams impact food sales. Sherif Farook, the owner of Tomatillo Taco Joint, said that during finals, he predicts overall sales will not increase dramatically but delivery orders will rise. Next door, the manager of Ivy Noodle, Pat Lim, said that finals and the holidays have little effect on food sales, which instead surge for events like football games. The shift manager at Ashley’s Ice Cream, Kristin Firine, however, said that there is a boost in ice cream sales during finals. Yale students as well as Quinnipiac University and Southern Connect-

icut State University students come to Ashley’s for ice cream during finals, she added. She said finals and presidential debates are when she observes students “de-stressing with ice cream.” Clothing stores are also preparing for the preholiday rush. Campus Customs has its annual 40 percent off holiday sale this morning from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. After 9:00 the store will continue to sell items at 20 percent off, said its owner Barry Cobden. Yale Bookstore General Manager Joe King said his store will begin its 20 percent off Christmas sale this weekend, which is scheduled at the beginning of reading period to be convenient for students. Urban Outfitters has a 50 percent off sale this weekend, as well. Anne Johnson, the store manager of Laila Rowe, mentioned no major sale this weekend, but said the store will have its usual holiday promotions throughout the season. She said the store, which has scarves, rainwear and necklaces, is popular for Secret Santa gift exchanges and boyfriends shopping for their girlfriends. Store owners interviewed all said that sales generally decrease once students leave campus. When students head home, “it’s like a zombie town,” said Christina Deberry, the men’s department manager at Urban Outfitters. Farook said that 50 percent of the traffic at his store comes from students.

Once students go home, there are so few customers that workers at Ashley’s can usually do their homework or read a book, she said. Other store owners said the target customer merely shifts when Yale students leave. After finals are over, the city holds holiday events as New Haven college students come home, shifting the customer makeup in downtown New Haven, Cobden said. The Yale Bookstore sells a lot of Christmas items to New Haven residents, King said, but sales decrease once students leave. Americans spend an average of $704 during the holiday season on gifts, according to Business Insider. Contact MONICA DISARE at .


20 percent off


50 percent off


40 percent off this weekend, then 20 percent off

Shortened reading week builds stress BY KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG STAFF REPORTER For the first time since it was instated over 30 years ago, reading week will no longer last a full week. With fall break’s addition to the academic calendar, reading week will only last for three school days this year — down from five last year. Though administrators said the change eliminates the days when students typically do little work, students said the change adds stress to the term’s end. Even so, the majority of students interviewed said fall break, which offers a reprieve from the long stretch between the beginning of the school year and Thanksgiving, makes up for the shortened reading period. “I think having fall break is worth having to suffer through this shortened period at the end of the term,” Daniel Roza ’15 said. “The psychological benefits of having fall recess to break up the semester were important, and most students squander the first few days of reading week anyways. This shortened time

will make us more productive.” Reading period runs from Monday to Wednesday this year, with exams beginning on Thursday and lasting six days, down from eight days last year. Administrators interviewed said they altered the academic calendar in part to equalize the number of school days in the formerly imbalanced fall and spring semesters, and also to create more time in the fall term for orientation activities.

For a long time, we’ve recognized that students play around for one or two days during reading period. JONATHAN HOLLOWAY Chair, Council of Masters Both Council of Masters Chair Jonathan Holloway and University Secretary and Vice President for Student Affairs Kimberly Goff-Crews said that they do not think the shortened read-

ing period will have a large effect on students’ studying schedules. “For a long time, we’ve recognized that students play around for one or two days during reading period, so it’s pretty lowrisk to go from a weeklong reading period to a shorter one,” Holloway said. Goff-Crews added that she thinks most students “party and have fun” at the beginning of reading period and only buckle down later in the week. Nine out of 15 students said fall break is worth the shortened reading period, even though they have less time to complete final assignments and study for exams. Paul Holmes ’14 said his class schedule is “front-loaded” so his end-of-semester crunch time is less severe than usual. He added that the academic year is “way better” with the added fall break. Still, some students said fall break was more appealing in October than it is now, with deadlines fast approaching. “I appreciated fall break earlier this semester, but now I


Students review for finals in lower level Bass during reading period. would definitely trade the recess for an extra few days of reading period if I could,” Laura Cremer ’13 said. “Because of the shorter reading period, a lot of my final essays and exams come within one to two days of each other.”

Martha Glodz ’15 said she would rather have a shorter fall break, or no fall break at all, if reading period could be restored to its previous length, because the compressed schedule is “just too stressful.”

Fall semester classes end at 5:30 p.m. today, and winter break begins Dec. 18. Contact KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG at .




“A great city is that which has the greatest men and women.” WALT WHITMAN AMERICAN POET

Students document local subjects BY ANISHA SUTERWALA STAFF REPORTER In Silliman College’s Maya’s Room art gallery, students have the chance to see parts of New Haven they have never noticed before. Seven students in a Silliman residential college seminar — taught by documentary photographer Lori Grinker — opened an exhibit displaying their work from the semester on Wednesday. The exhibit, titled “Documentary Photojournalism of New Haven,” aims to provide a survey of individual student perspectives on New Haven through photographs. Grinker, who is teaching the seminar for the third time, said she chose the New Haven landscape as the subject of the course

because she thinks the city has “everything that represents what is going on in this country.” She added that her goal was to help students get out of the “Yale bubble,” which she did not realize existed until students in her first seminar introduced it to her. “I wanted the course to take them out of the safety of Yale to document things relating to their studies, or things of importance to them,” she said. “I wanted them to jump right in.” Grinker explained that as a member of the Yale community, most news she hears about life outside Yale relates to crime or poverty. But she said she hopes the show’s viewers will learn through the photographs that people in New Haven can be the same as Yale students, or that even if they are different, they

might face similar struggles. Students’ projects documented subjects ranging from Iraqi refugees in New Haven to a pair of local twins to the Dixwell Fire Station. Semhal Tsegaye ’15, whose project focused on hip-hop and rap culture in New Haven, said the beginnings of the course involved simply going out into the city and taking pictures, before developing a narrower focus to create a series that “told a story.” “I started off more exploring the ‘hoods’ of New Haven,” Tsegaye said, explaining that she discovered the rap scene and decided to pursue it as her project after meeting budding New Haven rappers. Another student, Ifeanyi Awachie ’14, stumbled onto her project during an in-class photography exercise

on the New Haven Green, when she photographed Kacie and Paige Piscatelli, two Gateway Community College students in quirky outfits who turned out to be twins. Grinker suggested that someone follow the twins and document their lives.

We’re just a part of the community, which the exhibit captures — and that’s why I love it. IFY OZOMA ’ 15 “Initially, I had considered more ‘serious’ issues like homelessness in New Haven,” she

said. “But I think it’s really relatable, showing two girls who live here.” Awachie said she wanted her project to force people to confront their assumptions about twins and the complexity of familial relationships. Like many students in the class, she developed close relationships with her subjects — she recently invited them to her birthday party, and both girls were present at the exhibit. Grinker said she enjoyed watching both the projects and the relationships between photographer and subject develop. She added that it often takes her students — who begin the course “shy and distant from the subject” — the duration of the semester to fully engage with both their photography and their

subjects. Ify Ozoma ’15, who spent time over the summer working on a mayoral campaign in New Haven, said she thinks the exhibit portrays New Haven in a fair light. She said Yale students often view the city with a certain prejudice that she feels the photographers avoided. “I feel like Yale students either want to be completely separate from New Haven, or help,” Ozoma said. “New Haven has its problems, but we’re not its saviors. We’re just a part of the community, which the exhibit captures — and that’s why I love it.” The exhibit will be on display until the end of reading period. Contact ANISHA SUTERWALA at .


Students from a Silliman residential college seminar created “Documentary Photojournalism of New Haven,” an exhibit that seeks to document individual student perspectives on New Haven.

Campus safety report released by YCC BY LORENZO LIGATO STAFF REPORTER In an attempt to strengthen ongoing conversation between students and the Yale Police Department, the Yale College Council released its “Campus Safety Report” on Tuesday. The report, which synthesizes student opinions gathered throughout the term about campus safety resources, identified an array of safety issues ranging from poor illumination to insufficient safety services. The findings of the report were transferred to the YPD and to other members of the administration, who are currently taking action to make improvements based on the student suggestions, said Janet Lindner, associate vice president for administration. “We are eager to work with the YCC, and with all students, to identify ways to improve campus safety,” Lindner said. “I have read the report and take it very much to heart. I’m meeting with a team from police, security, transportation and facilities to go over each recommendation

to see what improvements we can make.” YCC President John Gonzalez ’14 said the YCC took the initiative to compile student safety concerns for the YPD after students voiced complaints about poor lighting and safety services in the fall. The 19-page report compiled feedback generated through a form on the YCC’s website, a crowdsourcing Google Document that was sent to all undergraduates on Nov. 13, and a lighting patrol conducted by YCC representatives to investigate areas around campus where students reported poor lighting conditions. Combining these three sources, the report concluded that “the biggest concern that students had regarding student safety dealt with inadequate lighting around campus.” Areas identified included Temple Street in front of Timothy Dwight College, Dwight Street between Edgewood and Elm, Hillhouse Avenue, and Sachem Street by Ingalls Rink. In response to the popular outcry for better lighting on

campus, the YCC sent students to inspect the areas reported and ensure the complaints were valid. The lighting patrol led to the identification of over 30 lighting problems, including 19 instances in which streetlights were either missing or nonfunctional and five areas where lights were flickering or malfunctioning.

We are eager to work with the YCC, and with all students, to identify ways to improve campus safety. JANET LINDNER Associate vice president, administration “As a general trend, lighting on campus was not bad, but as soon as we walked off campus, we noticed many more lighting problems,” said YCC associate member Andrew Grass ’16, who helped conduct the inspection. As shown on a map included

in the YCC report, these poorly lit areas often coincide with the locations of some of the 10 reported crime incidents that have occurred this academic year. Dwight Street, for instance, was the location of two recent robberies — one on Sept. 25, involving a graduate student, and one on Oct. 13, involving a Yale staff member. Likewise, a robbery was reported on Dec. 4 on Grove Street near High Street, another area that was identified as needing lighting improvements. “I‘m not going to imply causation, but there is an association between streets that were poorly lit and various areas where there’s been mugging or assault,” Grass said. On the question of safety services, the YCC report noted a handful of complaints from students about the resources available to students. In particular, according to the report, students lamented the limited presence of police officers in certain areas, as well as the “long wait times for shuttles and security rides that forced students to

wait outside in the dark where they felt unsafe.” In response to these concerns, the report included suggestions for the YPD to enhance campus safety, including increasing the number of vehicles and rides to improve response times, scheduling security rides in advance for groups of students and having additional officers patrolling the areas behind Pierson and near Swing Space. The YCC also suggested implementing new resources to educate the Yale community, such as an informational safety meeting for off-campus students and workshops with the YPD to register laptops, bikes and other personal belongings. After releasing the report earlier this week, Gonzalez said he forwarded the report to Higgins and met with the YPD chief on Tuesday to discuss the concerns and suggestions raised by students. “It’s much better for us to hand in a comprehensive report, than to come to Chief Higgins with ad hoc complaints,” Gonzalez said. “It makes our sugges-

tions much more powerful and will be great for our relationship with the YPD moving forward.” Following the meeting with the YCC president, Higgins shared the report with members of the YPD and other administrators and will be taking steps to make the appropriate changes. “I see this as core to community policing — it’s a partnership that requires mutual respect and joint problem solving,” Higgins said. “Campus safety isn’t just a policing issue, it’s a community issue and our police strategies are always evolving.” Lindner said that, upon reviewing the areas identified by students through the YCC report, she has reached out to the University’s Office of Facilities and will be collaborating with representatives from the City of New Haven to restore any lights that are out or flickering and make any necessary lighting improvements. Gonzalez was elected YCC president last April. Contact LORENZO LIGATO at .




“The safety of the people shall be the highest law.” MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO ROMAN PHILOSOPHER, STATESMAN AND ORATOR


History of art offerings questioned BY JOSEPHINE MASSEY STAFF REPORTER




BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER In his monthly report to Gov. Dannel Malloy on Monday, Comptroller Kevin Lembo certified a $415 million budget deficit — $50 million higher than the figure projected in mid November. Lembo’s heightened budget projections follow on the heels of recent spending cuts. Last week, the governor announced $170 million in budgetary reductions, which will affect a wide array of state agencies. The legislature will now be forced to convene in a special preChristmas session to find nearly $250 million in other cuts to slash from the state’s budget. The dates for this session has not yet been set. “Projected state spending above budgeted levels, and the slow pace of national economic recovery are impeding the state’s ability to bring the budget into balance,” Lembo wrote in the monthly report. In his last monthly letter, issued Nov. 1, Lembo estimated that the state was short $60 million. By mid November, Malloy’s budget director, Ben Barnes, increased that estimate to $365 million, setting off a round of mandatory cost-cutting procedures in the governor’s office and the legislature. On Nov. 29, Malloy announced a series of 5 percent cuts in the budget that hit social welfare agencies particularly hard, such as the Department of Children and Families. Due to a technicality in state law, these cuts could not be figured into Lembo’s deficit estimate; they will be counted in his January budget projection.

Within the next two weeks the governor legally must submit a deficit mitigation plan to the state legislature that will suggest $250 million in additional cuts. In a pre-Christmas session, elected officials will negotiate on a final deficit-reduction package. Roy Occhiogrosso, Malloy’s senior advisor, said Lembo’s new deficit estimate will not delay Malloy’s plan.

Budgeting is a precarious process, even in good times. STEVE LANZA Labor economist, University of Connecticut Lembo attributed the additional $50 million shortfall to higher-than-expected levels of spending on the state’s social programs, particularly on a new Medicaid program for low-income adults. He said the current budget relied on nearly $100 million in Medicaid savings initiatives, but the program has seen over 4,000 new cases this fiscal year, pushing costs ever higher. Though Malloy and Lembo are both Democrats, Lembo is an independently elected official, and therefore his calculations are issued indepentently of the governor’s office. On Monday, top Malloy aids pushed back against Lembo’s latest estimate, saying it was higher than the true deficit. “He’s using the $415 million figure because he believes we’ll spend more on Medicaid and in some other areas than we believe we will,” Ochiogrosso said in an

e-mail to the News. But Lembo said in his report that he only expects the deficit to grow in coming months. Lembo could not be reached for comment. Steve Lanza, a labor economist at the University of Connecticut, said that despite the infighting over budget projections, the current deficit is “modest” compared to what the state has seen in recent years. When Malloy entered office in 2010, the yearly budget shortfall topped $1 billion. During that round of negotiations, Malloy included an increase in the state’s income tax as one of several tools to raise new revenues. The governor has said repeatedly that he will not raise any taxes in this round of budget talks. Lanza added that athough projections for this year’s budget deficit have fallen short of the true cost, it is unfair to blame any particular office since both the executive and legislative branches approved the budget. “Budgeting is a precarious process even in good times — we know that from balancing our own household budgets,” Lanza said. “Sometimes you come up short, and sometimes things come out better than you expected. And this year, the economy is not performing as anyone imagined or hoped.” The state legislature will begin negotiating the state’s next two-year budget in January. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .

To School of Art administrators, students are unable to gain the art history background necessary for their field. Undergraduate art majors are currently required to take two history of art classes, and graduate students often supplement their education in the History of Art Department despite the absence of a formal requirement, School of Art Dean Robert Storr and Associate Dean Samuel Messer said. Still, Storr, who teaches both undergraduate and graduate art classes, said he does not feel history of art offerings provide the basic knowledge of art their students need to learn and instead focus on the theoretical and methodological lenses more appropriate for the art history field itself. “Increasingly, art history is about structural, methodological or theoretical things, when in fact just the acquisition of when, where, what and how is something that students need to get knowledge of,” Storr said. “Even if they’re looking at the same material, we’re looking at it different ways.” Messer said many students are not taught art history before coming to Yale and do not want to spend time on history of art courses once they arrive. “People that don’t know [art history] can be repeating things, thinking that it’s never been done, and then be surprised when they realize it’s been done for 2,000 years,” Messer said. “I think it’s important to know [art history], but I also think you have to know it so you can step aside of things and react to things.” Messer added that when students do study art history, they gain only a “very shallow” knowledge or focus on narrow topics, adding that these are often Eurocentric in nature. “There is unfortunately not enough outreach into other cultures, into other time periods, into other modes of thinking,” he said. To increase students’ exposure to art history, particularly

in a more global context, the school offers graduate seminars such as “Contemporary Global Art” or “Theories of Perception.” Still, Storr said he does not think that these courses fully combat the problem, and added that he hopes the School of Art can begin to teach its own art history survey course that could cater specifically to the needs of practicing art students. But the school lacks the funding to hire another faculty member for that purpose. “I don’t think we’re in the position to start offering survey classes in art history,” Messer said. “We don’t have the funds, and that’s really not what we’re here for.”

There is unfortunately not enough outreach into other cultures, into other time periods, into other modes of thinking. SAMUEL MESSER Associate dean, School of Art Two graduate students interviewed said that while they feel studying art history is important for producing art, they believe graduate students already have a foundational understanding in the field. Wayde Macintosh ART ’13 said most of his peers gained a basic knowledge of art history during their undergraduate educations or through classes they’ve taken at Yale. Meena Hasan ART ’13 said students need to study art history to a greater extent based on their medium. Painters, for instance, can trace their style of art through the entire artistic canon, while multimedia artists are more limited when studying the past. Graduate students must take six credits outside of the School of Art. Contact JOSEPHINE MASSEY at .

City cognitive program gains national recognition BY ROSA NGUYEN STAFF REPORTER After two years helping students develop their mental capabilities, C8Kids, a New Havenbased cognitive improvement program created by a Yale psychiatrist, received national recognition last week. The brainchild of Yale School of Medicine psychiatry professor Bruce Wexler, C8Kids was named one of the top six finalists in the Software & Information Industry Association’s 12th Annual Education Tech Business Forum held Nov. 26 and 27 at New York City’s McGraw Hill Conference Center. C8Kids employs “cognitive crosstraining,” a principle combining interactive computer games with physical exercises to enhance cognitive functions in children. The program was chosen from a pool of over 80 products for its innovation and potential to improve child academic performance, said Karen Billings, vice president of SIIA’s Education Division. “C8 Kids is unique because it focuses on more than a curriculum area or administrative task,” Billings said. “Their contribution will come from their ability to help so many students with a critical need and improve their ability to learn.” The cognitive cross-training strategy used by the program was the product of 20 years of Wexler’s neuroscience research. After his experiments confirmed that connections between neurons are shaped by environmental stimulation, Wexler applied the principle of neuroplasticity — a term referring to the changeable structure and function of the brain — to enhance cognitive development in children. C8Kids employs a series of computer games, which exercise the brain to assess a child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

Repetition of these tasks strengthens corresponding brain regions, thereby improving academic performance. In addition, C8Kids programs pair physical exercises engaging the same areas of the brain as the computer games to further reinforce children’s cognitive improvement, Wexler said. He added that he particularly focused on improvement in the “eight core cognitive capacities,” including attention, response inhibition and information processing.

C8 Kids is unique because it focuses on more than a curriculum area or administrative task. KAREN BILLINGS Vice president, SIIA’s education division The program has worked with over 700 children around the world, including 80 Connecticut students, 300 New York students and 30 children in China. However, although C8Kids is based in New Haven, the program has yet to expand to Elm City schools. “We’ve been in extended discussions with the New Haven school system and would very much like to work with them, but they haven’t found the right school or the right class or the right kids yet,” Wexler said. “We’re still trying to find the right venue for our program [in New Haven]. Wexler and Ken Coleman, president and co-founder of C8Kids’ distributing company C8 Sciences, both said they appreciate the program’s newfound recognition in the field of education. The company is currently discussing potential collaborations with Pierson Laboratories, a com-


Bruce Wexler, founder of C8Kids, presented at the 12th Annual Ed Tech Business Forum’s Innovation Incubator program. pany contributing to educational technology, and Aristotle Circle, a tutoring program based in New York City. “[C8 Science’s high placement in SIIA’s forum] is bringing us in contact with lots of well-estab-

lished companies in the education tech industry,” Coleman said. “We’d like to work with them and expand our scope accordingly.” For now, interested parents can purchase the C8Kids program for online use. C8 Sciences

will soon introduce a new pricing model that will allow customers to determine how much they pay for C8Kids services, Wexler said. “We want our program to be available to kids no matter what their socioeconomic status is,” he

added. C8 Sciences is hoping to develop programs that will target childhood autism and adult depression. Contact ROSA NGUYEN at .



FROM THE FRONT City faces budget woes 20


TV options expand





1.86 million

BUDGET FROM PAGE 1 which may be inaccurate. Shortfalls in the city’s revenue include receiving $2.446 million less than expected in PILOT payments, voluntary payments made by colleges, hospitals and other tax-exempt organizations in lieu of property taxes. The city may also receive as much as $4 million less than expected in building permits due to the delay of construction of Yale’s new residential colleges and a development at 100 College St. Other revenue shortfalls include low voluntary payments by nonprofits and the State Property Tax Relief Fund. FRAC’s report detailed overruns in expenditures on behalf of the city, much of which came from overtime expenditures — police overtime alone nearly doubled the original prediction, adding almost $2.8 million to the city’s costs. Expenditure overruns also included a possible failure to save as much as $2.5 million in negotiations with city unions, in addition to several smaller issues. Despite the FRAC report, a solution for the city’s financial woes remains elusive. Neither City Budget Director Joe Clerkin nor City Finance Director Mike O’Neil presented a set of strategies for reducing the shortfall to the committee. Last year, when the city ran a $8.7 million budget deficit, it was able to draw from a $10.6 million “rainy day” fund to cover the difference. That fund, however, now only has $1.86 million left, meaning the city will either have to cut expenses or raise revenues. “We’re just going to manage down expenditures this year. So what that practically means is that across the board we’ll slow down hiring and only fill essential positions,” Mayor John DeStefano Jr. told the News Thursday. “I feel relatively comfortable with our approach.” But Ward 7 Alderman Doug Hausladen ’04 was not as confident, suggesting that the city needs to revamp how it develops its annual budgets. He added that the city needs to reconsider its pension and health care obligations in addition to how it predicts revenue. “We’ve had years of declining sales

3.1 million

16.5 million

revenue,” Hausladen said. “If you don’t take your medicine early, you’re going to be dealing with this problem over and over.”


Absent from the Finance Committee meeting Thursday night, though, was mention of the national “fiscal cliff” that threatens to derail New Haven’s budget efforts. While budget shortfalls are a norm for cities following the 2008 economic downturn, municipalities must now grapple with the looming specter of the fiscal cliff, a series of automatic tax increases and cuts in the federal budget totaling $2.4 trillion over the next decade set to go into effect in 2013 unless the White House and Congress agree upon a solution. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), would shrink by approximately 0.5 percent in 2013 were the fiscal cliff’s sequestration and tax hikes to occur. “It’s safe to say that if [we go off the fiscal cliff] it would put the state in a forced position to make cuts in the state budget, a big part of which is aid to municipalities,” State Comptroller Kevin Lembo told the News Thursday. DeStefano said that, despite dire predictions about the consequences of sequestration, he was not overly concerned about the fiscal cliff’s impact on New Haven, telling the News that the city does not “receive meaningful amounts of federal dollars in our operating budget.” DeStefano added, however, that economic stimulus funds beneficial to the city may be lost. “I would suspect that there could be some public stimulus dollars, particularly around infrastructure that could represent good investments for us, particularly rail, that would be lost” due to the sequestration, he said. Clerkin agreed with DeStefano, saying that the city was more worried about budget issues at the state level due to the size of the aid the Elm City receives from state coffers. Connecticut is currently facing a $415 million budget shortfall.

Others, however, are more concerned about the fiscal cliff. Gregory Minchak, a spokesman for the National League of Cities, told the News that sequestration could have a trickle-down effect, with cuts at the federal level reflected in state budgets, which would then impact the balance sheets of municipalities. “It’s a huge problem,” Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 said. “The city receives a lot of federal and state aid, particularly for funding our schools, but also for a lot of our programs, whether it’s maternal health funding or environmental programs or Community Development Block Grants, and it’s clear that we’re not going to be receiving as much aid in the future.” Federal CDBGs fund community improvements like nonprofits, affordable housing and infrastructure developments. While New Haven has not released information detailing the potential impact of sequestration on city programs, Hartford, Conn. has. The cuts, totaling between $4.2 million and $4.5 million, would reduce 14 federal programs by about 8 percent, which Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra said would slash benefits for 5,300 to 7,600 Hartford residents. Minchak noted that beyond cuts in federal programs and state aid, sequestration could also mean reduced revenue for cities due to a double-dip economic recession, which economists have predicted if an agreement on the fiscal cliff is not reached. The further reduced revenue, Minchak said, would only exacerbate what cities already face. “They would be forced to do what they’ve already done, which means further cuts to services. They’re already at very deep cuts right now, so they would have to go that much further,” Minchak said. “We’re at the bone right now and they’d be chopping into it.” New Haven’s fiscal year concludes on June 30, 2013. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .

Faculty discuss online courses FACULTY MEETING FROM PAGE 1 committee member Laurie Santos said she thought the thoroughness of Bloom’s presentation allowed faculty members to consider the different online formats suggested in the report that best related to their teaching styles and subject matter. “I think one of the pleasant surprises was just how excited folks seemed at the idea that there are many different kind of online tools,” Santos said. “It seemed like different faculty picked upon different aspects.” The committee’s report was circulated two days before the meeting, in accordance with the rules governing faculty meetings established last month. Professors interviewed prior to Thursday’s meeting expressed mixed opinions about the report’s recommendations — some said they were enthusiastic about Yale’s expansion into new media, but others said they did not think the Yale classroom

experience could be replicated online. Near Eastern languages and civilizations professor Benjamin Foster GRD ’75 said he personally would never offer his course online, but that he was supportive of his colleagues who chose to participate in online education. The recommended online courses would follow the format of the 10 online summer courses Yale offered in 2011 and 2012, which were capped at 20 students each. Students in these courses interacted via live video stream and through a chat function that allowed them to communicate with each other, and privately with the professor, during the class. The report also suggests faculty members experiment with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), free online lecture courses to anyone who signs up. Though many of Yale’s peer institutions, including Harvard, Princeton and Stanford have embraced MOOC platforms such as Coursera and EdX, the report

does not recommend that Yale commit to a specific platform. In a Tuesday interview, classics professor Victor Bers said he was concerned about the long-term effects of increasing online education, and said his style of teaching would not lend itself to an online format. “There is a good part of [teaching] which I think requires eye-to-eye contact and the closer experience of being in the classroom,” Bers said. At the meeting, faculty also considered a proposal by Foster to extend membership in the Yale College faculty meetings to nonladder faculty who have taught at the University for 10 or more semesters. Foster presented his argument, but the motion was voted down. Yale College faculty meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month. Contact JANE DARBY MENTON at .

IPTV FROM PAGE 1 The channel provider prohibits Yale from offering IPTV to students living off campus, Galossi said, adding that graduate students will be unable to use the service as the initial phase of the trial period will focus on undergraduates. Yale College Council President John Gonzalez ’14 said students have few campus locations in which to gather to watch significant televised events, and the service will enable students to share experiences like the presidential election. He added that it would also allow for more informal diversions as well, such as watching “Monday Night Football” for a few moments in a Bass study room. Gonzalez emphasized that he does not think the service will be disruptive in the classroom, as it is little different from YouTube videos or ESPN highlights that students can already watch on their laptops. “It’s going to be really good for news and really good for sports — things that you have to see live,” Gonzalez said. “I don’t really think that people are going to be in the classroom and start watching Days of Our Lives.” Comcast provides content for both the existing cable and IPTV, but there will be reduced channel offerings on IPTV. Galassi consulted with Gonzalez, among others, in helping to construct the channel offerings, adding that Yale has the flexibility to change

the offerings as it sees fit. The costs of cable TV and IPTV are “comparable” for Yale, Galassi said, though Yale is paying more for the high-definition content as well as for offering HBO and its on-demand version, HBO GO. Galassi said ITS is ready to handle any additional demand that the service may induce, but he added that Harvard did not experience a problematic increase in network usage after IPTV was introduced. Six of 12 students interviewed said they intend to use the new service. Nicola Soekoe ’16 said she worries IPTV will hurt her work ethic, though she said she will certainly watch HBO. “[IPTV] would be a really cool thing, but it might make me procrastinate more, just because I’d be able to watch all the shows all the time,” she said. “But it would be really nice and would add something extra to my Yale experience.” Acshi Haggenmiller ’15 said he did not think he would use the service because he usually watches television through Netflix with the goal of viewing a specific show. Dartmouth, Harvard and Brown are the only other Ivy League schools that currently offer IPTV. Jasmine Horsey contributed reporting. Contact DAN WEINER at .






A chance of light rain, mainly after 3pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 44.

High of 55, low of 41.

SUNDAY High of 49, low of 38.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 2:00 PM Jake Tapper at Yale. ABC Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper will discuss his new book “The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor.” Tapper will be interviewed by Mark Oppenheimer, director of the Yale Journalism Initiative, about documenting the extraordinary and haunting events that befell one army outpost in Afghanistan. The event is open to the Yale community and the general public. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Room 116. 7:30 PM Yale Anime Society Presents “Spice and Wolf” Kraft Lawrence, a 25-year-old traveling merchant, peddles various goods from town to town to make a living. His main goal in life is to gather enough money to start his own shop. A chance encounter with the 15-year-old Holo (actually a 600-year-old wolf spirit) changes his priorities somewhat. Holo has decided to accompany him in search of her homeland of Yoitsu — a land she abandoned many years ago in order to watch over a human city. Saybrook College (242 Elm St), TV Room.


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 1:00 PM Second Annual Conference for Undergraduate Women in Science & Engineering at Yale Open to all undergraduates interested in learning about career opportunities and issues facing women in science. Featuring Dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science T. Kyle Vanderlick as the keynote speaker, eight different panels and an activities fair of undergraduate organizations. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Room 115.



1:00 PM Family Day and Film Screenings Families are invited to come and explore the Yale Center for British Art. Art-making and activities in the galleries will be available in addition to films. Free and open to the general public. Yale Center for British Art (1080 Chapel St.).

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202 York St. New Haven, Conn. (Opposite JE) FOR RELEASE DECEMBER 7, 2012

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By Gary J. Whitehead

4 Nothing special 5 Frantic 6 Signaled one’s arrival 7 Ancient theaters 8 1961 record breaker 9 Ate at 10 Tram load 11 Supply electricity to a California city? 12 Weather may delay them: Abbr. 13 Half of dix 21 Samson’s end? 22 Ancient assembly area 26 Compass hdg. 28 Bars at the end 29 Latish lunch hr. 31 “Because freedom can’t protect itself” org. 32 “Come Sail Away” band 33 Solstice month 34 Doing the job 35 Spot a flamboyant singer? 37 Bygone blade 40 Rockefeller Center statue

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved



7 9 3 2 1 8

6 8 5 1

3 5 2 (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

41 Approach 44 Every other hurricane 46 One may be penciled in 48 Like a piece of cake 50 Boost, with “up” 52 Front-end alignment 54 “New” currency replaced by the Congolese franc



55 Gay leader? 56 Triple-A, at times 57 Software product with a cup-and-saucer logo 58 All over again 60 “Categorical imperative” philosopher 61 Slurpee alternative 63 Come out with

4 9

5 1 7 9 4

2 3 5




“Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood.” JIMMY CARTER 39TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND 2002 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LAUREATE

Morsi offers nothing to defuse crisis


Protesters chant anti-Muslim Brotherhood slogans outside the presidential palace in Cairo. BY AYA BATRAWY AND MAGGIE MICHAEL ASSOCIATED PRESS

r e c y c l e yourydndaily

CAIRO — An angry Mohammed Morsi refused Thursday to call off a referendum on a disputed constitution that has sparked Egypt’s worst political crisis in two years, drawing chants of “topple the regime!” from protesters who waved their shoes in contempt. The Egyptian president’s uncompromising stand came a night after thousands of his supporters and opponents fought pitched battles outside his Cairo palace, leaving at least six dead and 700 injured. Speaking in a nationally televised address, Morsi accused some in the opposition of serving remnants of Hosni Mubarak’s authoritarian regime and vowed he would never tolerate anyone working for the overthrow of his “legitimate” government. That brought shouts of “the people want to topple the regime!” from the crowd of 30,000 Morsi opponents — the same chant used in the protests that brought down Mubarak. Morsi also invited the opposition to a “comprehensive and productive” dialogue starting Saturday at his presidential palace, but gave no sign that he might offer any meaningful concessions. The opposition has already refused to engage Morsi unless he first rescinds decrees giving him nearly unrestricted powers and

shelves the draft constitution hurriedly adopted by his Islamist allies in a marathon session last week. Morsi said the referendum on the disputed charter would go ahead as scheduled on Dec. 15. He also refused to rescind the Nov. 22 decrees. Reading from prepared notes, Morsi frequently broke off to improvise. He wore a black tie in mourning for the six people killed in Wednesday’s clashes. Earlier Thursday, Morsi’s troubles grew when another of his advisers quit to protest his handling of the crisis, raising to seven the number of those in his 17-person inner circle who have abandoned him. The only Christian in a group of four presidential assistants has also quit. Violence persisted into the night, with a group of protesters attacking the Cairo headquarters of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, ransacking the ground floor. Another group of protesters attacked the Brotherhood’s offices in the Cairo district of Maadi. Outside the president’s house in his hometown of Zagazig, 50 miles north of Cairo, police fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters, security officials said. During his speech, Morsi repeated earlier assertions that a conspiracy against the state was behind his move to assume near unrestricted powers, but he did not reveal any details of the plot.

yale institute of sacred music presents


VESPERS Music for St. Mark’s by Rosenmüller and Legrenzi, ca 1670

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r e c y c l e yourydndaily

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Notre Dame’s Manti Te’o wins Walter Camp Award On a night filled with college football award presentations, the 124 FBS head coaches and sports information directors awarded the Walter Camp Player of the Year Award to senior Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o. Te’o had seven interceptions and 103 tackles this year for the Fighting Irish. The award, named after Yale football legend Walter Camp 1882, will be presented to Te’o at a dinner in Commons on Jan. 12.

Sears ’16 for the win

Elis play three straight at home M. HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 NCAA, having scored 10 out of 42 times for a 24 percent success rate. As Yale (6–2–1, 3–2–0 ECAC) takes on Union on Saturday, the team will be well-matched on the power play. Union is currently ranked first in the NCAA, having scored on 16 of 55 power plays for a 29 percent success rate. “In high levels of hockey, you’ll see that a good percentage of the games will be decided by special teams, whether it’s the power play or the penalty kill,” Allain said. “Teams are pretty evenly matched on five-on-five play, so if you can be better than them on the power play or on the penalty kill, it gives you an edge.”

One of the Bulldogs’ goals for Friday’s game is to play all four lines of forwards and “get everyone involved early,” Allain said. Allain said he is pleased with the current fitness level of the Bulldog team. “It gives us the confidence that we have the stamina to out-chance our opponent,” Allain said. “But I think our mental toughness is as pronounced as our physical toughness.” RPI lost to Quinnipiac 3–1 last Saturday, and Union tied Princeton 4–4. Puck drop will be at 7 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday. Contact LINDSEY UNIAT at .


The Elis shot 42.9 percent from the 3-point line while holding Bryant to 2–13 shooting from beyond the arc. M. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 game and is second on the team with 11.4 points per game. Guard Mike Grace ’13 said Sears plays beyond his years. “Most of the games he’s played in, he hasn’t played like a freshman,” Grace said. The game-winning shot was made possible when Bryant guard Joe O’Shea missed the front end of a oneand-one. Sears corralled the missed shot and passed it off to guard Javier Duren ’15, who found Grace racing down the court. The senior captain made a move to the basket but could not get his shot to fall. Sears put the ball back in for the victory. Grace said that no play was drawn up for him to take the last shot, so he was focused on giving the Elis a chance to win before overtime. “I knew I had to get the ball on the

rim whatever I did because we had only four or five seconds left,” Grace said. “Justin bailed me out.”

Coach always preaches to us that if we’re solid on defense teams will make mistakes. MIKE GRACE ’13 Guard, men’s basketball The Elis were successful inside for the entire game. Center Jeremiah Kreisberg ’14 had his best game of the season, although he is still recovering from back surgery, with 14 points on six of eight shooting from the field. The Elis outscored Bryant 42 to 30 in the paint. Yale’s big men also gave the Bulldogs a decisive advantage with four

blocked shots. Although the Elis have had trouble with turnovers this season, Yale committed only eight turnovers while forcing 15 from Bryant. The turnovers were not the result of unnecessary risks on defense, according to Grace. “We were solid [defensively],” Grace said. “Coach always preaches to us that if we’re solid on defense, teams will make mistakes.” Jones added that the Bulldogs will need to continue that effort on defense when they travel to face the University of New Hampshire on Saturday. He specified that the Wildcats’ big men — led by junior center Chris Pelcher with 12.9 points and 8.1 rebounds per game — pose the biggest threat. The Elis tip off at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday in Durham, N.H. Contact CHARLES CONDRO at .


The Bulldogs will be well-matched on the power play as they take on Union.

Yale hot from 3-point range


W. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 dogs in scoring with 13.2 points per game and a 52.2 percent shooting percentage from the 3-point line. She is accompanied by fellow guards Janna Graf ’14 and Nyasha Sarju ’16, who both average over nine points per game.


We are shooting the ball really well, particularly from behind the arc.



Men’s Hockey



7:00 p.m.*

Women’s Hockey



7:00 p.m.


SARAH HALEJIAN ’15 Guard, women’s basketball Both Sarju and Halejian were named to the Ivy League Honor Roll this week for outstanding performance in recent games against Quinnipiac and Army. “Our biggest strength is the number of players who can score the ball,” said Tyson. “Every person on the court is an offensive threat, which is huge because teams have to worry about stopping us as a whole, instead of just stopping one individual player.” Yale snapped a four-game losing streak with its 67–53 victory over the Rams this week, but the Bulldogs know that they have



Track and Field


Guard Janna Graf ’14 is second on the team with 10.8 points per game. significant work to do before the start of Ivy League play on Jan. 19 against Brown. “For the rest of the season, we need to just focus on continuing to improve. We feel that we can definitely contend for an Ivy

League championship, which is the ultimate goal for us, but for now, we need to focus on St. Francis,” Halejian said. The Bulldogs will continue their nonconference schedule over the winter break and will

take on the Marist University and Georgetown in the coming weeks. Tipoff is set for 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. Contact DINÉE DORAME at .


Yale Season Opener

9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.

Men’s Basketball


New Hampshire

Women’s Basketball


St. Francis Brooklyn 2:00 p.m.

Men’s Hockey



7:00 p.m.

Women’s Hockey



7:00 p.m.

*Broadcast on WYBC Yale All-Access



NCAAB 11 Cincinnati 87 AR-Little Rock 53

NCAAB 16 Creighton 64 Nebraska 42

NCAAB 4 Syracuse 84 Long Beach St. 53

SPORTS MEN’S LACROSSE PLAYERS RECOGNIZED THREE NAMED TO FACE-OFF TEAM Peter Johnson ’13, Michael McCormack ’13 and Dylan Levings ’14 were named Wednesday to the 2013 Face-Off Yearbook Pre-Season All-America squad. Johnson and McCormack were both ranked in the nation’s top 16 last year in caused turnovers.

IVY M. HOCKEY Dartmouth 4 Vermont 2

BASEBALL SPRING SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED SEASON OPENS IN FLORIDA The Bulldogs will start their season with a three-game series against Army in Tampa, Fla. at the Yankees Spring Training Complex on Mar. 9–10. Other highlights include a Mar. 26 game against Michigan at Citi Field, and two nineinning games at Virginia on Mar. 19–20.


IVY W. BBALL Princeton 84 Hofstra 54


“Our biggest strength is the number of players who can score the ball.” AMANDA TYSON ’14 GUARD, W. BASKETBALL


Elis look to continue streak

Bulldogs beat the buzzer

BY LINDSEY UNIAT STAFF REPORTER The men’s hockey team is looking to continue its four-game winning streak as it takes on conference rivals RPI and Union at Ingalls Rink this weekend.

MEN’S HOCKEY Fresh off a 4–3 win over Brown last Saturday, the No. 15 Bulldogs will face off against the Engineers (3–6–3, 0–5–1 ECAC) and the No. 12 Dutchmen (8–3–2, 3–2–1 ECAC) on Friday and Saturday nights, respectively. “The RPI and Union weekend is always extremely physical, fast and competitive,” team captain and forward Andrew Miller ’13 said. “We need to make sure we have good starts in both games, and we need to play well defensively throughout the whole weekend.

The RPI and Union weekend is always extremely physical, fast and competitive. ANDREW MILLER ’13 Captain, men’s hockey Last weekend’s win was contingent on a strong power play, which head coach Keith Allain said may play a role in this weekend’s games as well. The Bulldogs scored all four goals against Brown with a one- or two-man advantage and have the eighth most effective power play in the SEE MEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 11


Forward Justin Sears ‘16 helped the Bulldogs slip past Bryant 64-62 on the road. BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER

game-winning layup as time expired.

After Wednesday night, the Elis have to believe in second chances. Yale pulled down 12 offensive rebounds, but none was more important than one by forward Justin Sears ’16 with two seconds left that led to his

MEN’S BASKETBALL Sears helped the Bulldogs (3–6, 0–0 Ivy) slip past Bryant (4–3, 0–0 Northeast) 64–62 on the road. The victory gave the Elis their first win in an oppo-

nents’ arena in four tries this season. “We beat a good team on the road who had been playing well,” head coach James Jones said. “It should certainly help our confidence, but we don’t want to get overconfident.” Jones added that he was particularly impressed with Sears’

performance as the freshman star played the game while battling through illness. Sears posted a career-high 20 points to go along with nine rebounds and two blocks. He accomplished all of that in just 20 minutes, as Jones said that his coaching staff was trying to keep Sears fresh for Saturday’s game..

On Wednesday, Sears said that he was focused on taking what the defense gave him. “Their big guys weren’t trying to get many fouls, so I could be more aggressive,” Sears said. Sears leads the Elis with an average of seven rebounds per SEE MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 11

Yale seeks first road win BY DINÉE DORAME CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The women’s basketball team will travel to Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. to take on the St. Francis College Terriers this Saturday.



Janna Graf ’14 had a season-high 18 points along with six rebounds and five steals in Yale’s win over Fordham on Tuesday.


Coming off their recent win against Fordham last Tuesday, the Bulldogs (2–6, 0–0 Ivy) are seeking their first victory on the road this season. “The win against Fordham reassured us that we can defend good teams and that our game plan of wearing out our opponents works when we execute it,” guard Amanda Tyson ’14 said. The Terriers (2–4, 0–0 NEC) will play their second Ivy League opponent this week, having fallen to the University of Pennsylvania, 61–60, on a last-second Quaker basket on Wednesday. Despite their recent loss, the Terriers are currently aver-

aging 40 percent from the field and led by a strong duo of sophomore forwards, Sarah Benedetti and Jaymee Veney, who are averaging 9.8 and 9.7 points per game, respectively. St. Francis converted 25 points off of turnovers against Penn. The Terriers’ ability to capitalize on their opponents’ mistakes poses a threat to the Bulldogs, who currently average 21 turnovers per game. Offensively, Yale brings its own strength to the table with a 74 percent free-throw average and a 40 percent average from behind the arc. In Tuesday’s win over Fordham, the Elis made seven of their 14 shots from beyond the 3-point line. “Right now, we are shooting the ball really well, particularly from behind the arc,” Halejian said. Sophomore guard Sarah Halejian ’15 currently leads the BullSEE W. BASKETBALL PAGE 11

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