Today's Paper

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T H E O L D E ST C O L L E G E DA I LY · FO U N D E D 1 8 7 8




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Selective majors maintain their exclusive status


New string quartet comes to School of Music





Yale can access student emails

Student groups cut in half

Natty D’s higher calling.

Professor David Bercovici sent a message to students in “Natural Disasters” (aka “Fratural Disasters”) about Super Typhoon Haiyan: “As students of a class specifically about such natural disasters, you do have (believe it or not) special knowledge about what this disaster entails.” Bercovici then encouraged his 333 students to contribute to relief efforts, adding that he and his wife have already sent funds to the Red Cross. Who knew Geology and Geophysics’ most notorious lecture could also incite so much good in the world?


workshops — will soon be individually removed from the official list of organizations. As of Wednesday, only 279 organizations met both requirements and are therefore still considered registered with the Dean’s Office, Meeske said, adding that 177 groups fulfilled one requirement but not the other, and 161 did not fulfill either requirement at all.

Yale students’ email accounts are subject to search without consent or notification by the University, as outlined in a publicly available but little-publicized document. Under the University’s Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy, the University maintains the right to access not only employee accounts, but students’ accounts as well. While 55 of 73 students interviewed were unsurprised that the University can monitor their correspondences, few were clear on the specifics under which Yale can search their accounts. Only three students of 73 interviewed were aware of the specifics of Yale’s policy, with one adding that he learned about the University’s regulations through a class. “I feel like the University should make clear under what circumstances they consider searching emails,” Sherry Du ’17 said. “The school should do more to publicize this.”





Chocopologie’s replacement seems to have arrived. A new sign at 47 High St. reads Chocolat Maya and although the windows remain boarded up, a sign on the door indicates the new store has its liquor permit application underway. If this new shop intends to serve both chocolate and alcohol, the High Sreet fraternities may just have their competition cut out for them in terms of late night hot spots. Nerd Olympics. Your progress on Candy Crush Saga may actually indicate your intelligence level. Lumosity, a website that offers online activities to improve cognitive abilities, measured how well 60,000 college students performed on the site’s various online games. The project produced a list entitled “Lumosity’s Smartest Colleges 2013,” where Yale placed ninth overall. Yale also came in first in “flexibility,” which was tested via a game called Word Bubbles Rising. Pat yourselves on the back, Yalies. Girls Gone Wilde. As part

of a “Women Rule” series from Politico, Google and The Tory Burch Foundation, actress Olivia Wilde wrote an essay about how much she was inspired by her mother’s ambition. Her mother, writer and filmmaker Leslie Cockburn ’74, was a member of Morse College. “My mother could easily have settled in and lived a comfortable life among the citrus trees and tennis courts,” Wilde wrote. “Instead, she leapt across the country to New Haven, Conn., to attend Yale.”

Sitting on a throne of cheese.

A list from Food Republic ranked the best cheese shops in America and New Haven’s Caseus came in third place. “The cellar-level fromagerie sells over 100 cheeses, plus locally sourced preserves, pickled products from a Yale graduate and bake saleworthy brownies, individually wrapped and studded with tangy chevre,” the article said. Now students can have the comfort of knowing they are not only receiving one of best educations available in the U.S. but eating some of the best cheese as well. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1993. Yale Station reopens its doors after renovations. Submit tips to Cross Campus


Leaders of many student groups have been upset to learn that their organizations are no longer registered with the YCDO. BY WESLEY YIIN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER At the end of October, over 600 student organizations were officially registered with the Yale College Dean’s Office (YCDO). Now, fewer than 300 of these groups will retain their registered status. All returning student organizations this year were required to both renew their registration through an online form and send three mem-

bers to leadership workshops sponsored by the YCDO by the end of October. On Nov. 1, all groups that failed to renew their registration via the online form were automatically removed from the list of student organizations on the YCDO website. According to John Meeske, associate dean for student organizations and physical resources, the groups that failed to fulfill the second requirement — having three representatives attend leadership

Fire union threatens suit BY ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER STAFF REPORTER Under the threat of litigation, city lawmakers moved Wednesday to form a committee to consider modifications to a budget provision that has come under attack by New Haven’s fire union. The provision, effective since July, eliminated vacant captain positions and increased the number of lieutenant positions. The shift requires additional exams to fill lieutenant positions before captains are selected from that full pool. Fire union Local 825 President Jimmy Kottage appeared before the Board of Aldermen’s finance

On Tuesday, New Haven Public Schools announced a nearly $1 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that will fund a professional development program for teachers, originally drafted by a team of seven teachers and administrators. The one-year grant of $973,000 will support a teacher professionalism program called Empowered Effective Educators, and seek to improve classroom instruction by providing teachers with more opportunities to collaborate and become school leaders. The pilot program is already underway, with 52 teachers from throughout the district leading small learning communities of five to six


committee on Wednesday evening to argue that the provision is unlawful and unfair to veteran lieutenants, who he said should be able to immediately take the test for promotion to captain. To avoid costly and time-consuming lawsuits — brought by his union and its members — the city should form a special committee to consider amending the budget provision, Kottage said. Multiple individual firefighters are already seeking counsel to bring suits against the city concerning their right to be promoted from lieutenant to captain, Kottage said, addSEE FIREFIGHTERS PAGE 6


Yalies prioritize jobs

teachers who meet to discuss ways to solve problems they face in the classroom, said Hill Regional Career High School history teacher Justin Boucher, who served on the grant-writing committee. “We are trying to make teacher learning something that happens on a daily basis,” Boucher said. “The teachers really need to be constantly embedded in this professional growth practice in order to improve and learn.” In the spring, NHPS was among five districts across the nation who were invited to pitch their professional development ideas to the Gates Foundation, which awarded over $15 million to the three best programs. Although NHPS did not SEE NHPS GRANT PAGE 6


Survey results show that fewer Yale students are pursuing advanced degrees after graduation. BY RISHABH BHANDARI AND LAVINIA BORZI STAFF REPORTERS According to survey information spanning the past several decades, graduating Yale students have been increasingly putting off graduate and professional school in favor of first obtaining professional work experience or following other pursuits. According to data compiled by the Office of Institutional Research, the percentage of Yale College seniors who entered graduate school immediately after college dropped from 64 percent in 1966 to 21 percent in 2010 — the last year that the OIR was in charge of collecting data on students’ postgraduate plans. For the class of

2013, according to data collected by Undergraduate Career Services, only 18.3 percent of seniors planned to attend graduate school immediately after college. Students from undergraduate humanities majors have accounted for a large portion of drops over the last few years, as 17 percent of humanities majors entered graduate school after graduating from the University in 2010, compared to 56 percent of humanities majors from the class of 1970. “One of the things that is important to keep in mind is that graduate schools are now looking for students to have some work experience,” said UCS Director Jeanine Dames. For instance, Dames said, prospective appli-

cants to medical schools are increasingly encouraged to spend a few years pursuing research after graduation. But with law schools, she said, it is still too early to establish whether this same trend can be applied. Over the last 10 to 15 years, there has been a trend of students taking time off before entering law school, Yale Law School Spokeswoman Janet Conroy said in a Wednesday email. She said that the number of new law students coming directly from college used to make up roughly onethird of the entering class, and now fluctuates between one-fourth and one-fifth. In 2010, the percentage of students entering law school and medical school SEE GRAD SCHOOL PAGE 4




.COMMENT “Tailgates are one of the best venues to enjoy everyone at Yale.”


arely a week out from the municipal election, some undergraduate students have already begun publicizing their new group called “Yale Students for Hillary” as a branch of the national Ready for Hillary movement. But in their zeal to ready Yale’s campus for Clinton’s all-butcertain presidential run, this group unintentionally undermines their own objectives and threatens to stall the progressive movement before it has a chance to take off. Ostensibly, organizing for Hillary three years before the 2016 election would accomplish two main goals: first, it would build up excitement about Hillary on campus ahead of a 2016 run; and second, it would ensure that the best Democratic candidate (Hillary) would become the Democratic nominee.

SUPPORTING HILLARY NOW WILL BE A SETBACK FOR THE PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY But assumptions about the certainty of her nomination seem hauntingly familiar to the lead-up to Clinton’s 2008 run. Having served as senator from New York and first lady, Clinton assumed a front-runner status early on, marching toward what seemed like a locked-up nomination — until it wasn’t. Her star rose too quickly, too early, and she lost precious momentum going into Super Tuesday, which Obama used to rise up and take the nomination before Hillaryland even knew what had happened. I fear that a threeyear head start to 2016 would only force a repeat of 2008. Aside from damaging Hillary’s political viability, the group also undermines the progressive movement as a whole. Campaigning for an incumbent in 2012, Democrats missed the opportunity to analyze the priorities of the progressive community — conversations that typically occur in contested primaries. If Hillary faces no serious competition in the primary, we will delay for another four (maybe eight)

years the chance to re-evaluate the platform of the Democratic Party. Yale students should therefore keep their minds open to other progressive candidates in 2016. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has consistently led the charge for implementing a modern Glass-Steagall Act that would protect consumers from financial meltdown. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has called for a fundamental restructuring of the way our military deals with sexual assault. And Martin O’Malley has successfully sold bold progressivism to Americans below the Mason-Dixon Line. Before blindly organizing for Hillary, we should allow other potential candidates to make their case. If she eventually emerges victorious over the others in a contested primary, she will be a stronger candidate because of it. This analysis comes with a major caveat: I am easily one of Clinton’s most ardent supporters, and I believe the combination of her domestic and foreign policy experience makes her one of the most qualified presidential candidates in American history. But such early sycophantic devotion to a candidate is misguided and will only hurt progressivism in this country and on this campus. If Yale students want to bring about concrete political change, they should instead focus their energies on winning crucial congressional and statewide races in 2014. Next year, Americans have the chance to retire scores of Tea Party congressional Republicans who have obstructed progress in this country. Here in Connecticut, one of the country’s most progressive governors will face re-election. And even the often-overlooked State House and State Senate races across the country have the potential to bring about real change in the form of marriage equality, Medicaid expansion and criminal justice reform. But if Yale students devote even an ounce of energy to 2016 before looking at the races that come before, they are doing the Democratic Party and the progressive movement as a whole a disservice. One day, I might be ready for Hillary. But not today. TYLER BLACKMON is a sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at .


Going, going, gone


Not ready for Hillary, yet



ver the last three-and-ahalf years of college, I’ve tried to pick out patterns, experiences that somehow link us together in our time at Yale — regardless of our major, sport, race, artistic abilities or socioeconomic status. At the beginning, it was easy: Freshman year, most of us gained a few extra pounds. Sophomore year, people were all dumping and being dumped. But by junior year, I began to notice a subtler thread throughout many of our undergrad experiences — we had lost a grandparent or were in the midst of losing one. People I know rarely talk about it, but it’s there, an unshakable moment that lingers in different forms. A grandparent can symbolize something different to every individual, whether that’s stability, kindness, humor, sexism, heritage, wool socks, heroism or simply history. They seem so distant and removed from our campus cradle, rocking to the steady rhythm of study-drink-sleep, study-drink-sleep. We tend to leave it that way — separate, so as not to impinge on bright, uninhibited feelings of youth, discovery and invincibility. I’ve had only one living grandparent who I can remember. She lived 6,759 miles away, spoke another language and always told me I could lose a little chub. The last time I saw her, in China two summers ago, I ended up crying because I couldn’t understand what she was saying — words of advice woven into ancient Chinese aphorisms that I’d yet to learn in class. I felt helpless and ashamed, but I consoled myself with knowing that in the next few years I would become fluent, return to China, and listen to and record the stories of refusing to have her feet bound and of relatives killed by the Japanese, of dancing with Chairman Mao and of the Communist Revolution. Last fall, my grandmother passed away. She was nearly 90 but healthy enough to live another 10 years. Unfortunately, she was not healthy enough to overcome a severe case of restaurant food poisoning. The whole incident felt tainted by its seeming preventability. I struggled a lot with the loss. Not because I was close to her but because I never would be. I’d lost my opportunity to actually understand her, and I’d lost the decades of personal history that had disappeared with her. A heavy sense of failure weighed me down for the entire rest of my junior year. My friends, when I ask them, tell me brief anecdotes about their own grandparents. One mentioned how her grandfather would send her a package a week throughout all of high school. Another told me how he can still recall the exact cadence of his grandparents’ speech and the intonations of their voices when they used to answer the phone. The best story I’ve heard is from a close friend who came out his freshman year at Yale. On her deathbed, his grandmother had

just one question for him: How does gay sex work? But more often, our dialogue stays pivoted on 4 0 h o u r TAOTAO CompSci HOLMES p-sets, NYC job interviews Taoisms and the latest BuzzFeed articles. One of my suitemates’ grandmothers passed away just two months ago, and none of us heard about it. I only know because I asked him today whether any of his grandparents were still living. All of our grandparents have — or had — extraordinary histories to share, experiences to recount, and advice to offer, by

virtue of having lived three, four or even five times as long as we have. Some of my peers were wise or lucky enough to sit down with their grandparents and a notepad, or tape recorder, or even just their ears, and ask the questions that only their grandparents could ever answer, to capture the stories that only their grandparents could ever tell. Now that we’re in college, they can regale us with previously withheld tales of drunken pranks and wild romances, of World War II and Brown v. Board of Education. I tend not to be a jealous person, but I’m jealous of my friends who had the perspicacity to do this, and I’m jealous of my friends who will go home this Thanksgiving to a grandparent who speaks the same language and is still fully present. For something that binds so

many of us together, this faraway notion of grandparents flits only on the periphery of our friendships. Despite its pervasiveness during our years at college, we let it remain separate. At Yale, we feel like we’re making ourselves into the people we’re meant to become. But during the few moments I’ve listened to a friend mention the story of his or her grandparents, I’ve felt most strongly the magnitude of the various fortuitous moments in history that brought us all here — and the privilege we’ve been given, sitting in neogothic towers, wondering if we’ll ever have stories as memorable as theirs to tell. TAOTAO HOLMES is a senior in Branford College. Her columns run on alternate Fridays. Contact her at .


G U E S T C O L U M N I S T S H E L B Y D AV I S - C O O P E R

On fear

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uesday evening, I had the privilege of seeing Junot Díaz speak at Saint Thomas More Chapel. I have never once been to a Master's Tea, often missing the great thinkers who come here. Díaz’s talk was full of insights: on intersectional and institutional oppressions; on internalized patriarchy and colonialism; on what it is like to be a writer of color and to be forever obligated to speak on being a writer of color. The man dropped truth-bomb after truthbomb. At one point, the audience emitted a collective “Mmm” of approval. Díaz also spoke about fear — particularly, on the intense fear he feels rolling from audiences like the one at Saint Thomas More. Audiences of immensely bright and privileged individuals who are so scared: scared to screw up, to walk out of step. So desiring always to make the right decision, where the “right” decision is the one that results in respectable (read: commodifiable) success. It resonated. I am scared. Scared that in my four years at Yale, I did not carve out a more purposeful path, a more fulfilling one. Scared

that I do not have what it takes to get into medical school. Scared that maybe I should have gone into finance. Scared that I will forever be living hand-to-mouth, as my mother does waiting tables. I am scared that my Yale degree, for all the enormous wealth to which it’s exposed me, will soon hang on the wall in an apartment whose rent I can barely afford, forever a reminder of the privilege I once had but could not sustain. I harbor a not-so-secret desire to be a writer. I have only taken two courses in the Yale English Department, but have loved every moment I spent in them. They have been a reprieve from a course load that largely involves pre-med requirements, which are consistently soul-sucking and artless — always filled with fears of falling below a curve, of the implicit competition that comes with knowing we are all looking to fill a series of limited slots. In his talk, Díaz criticized the tendency of educational institutions, particularly the Ivies, to professionalize their students’ pursuits. He explained that the arts are disappearing from schools

because we cannot cash in on them. The classroom is not the place for cultivating art — it is the place for producing workers. As Díaz said this, I could not help but think about the audience of which I was a part: many of whom, like myself, were first-generation, working-class students. It is we who are cut most deeply by the paradox to which Díaz alluded: that to survive in a society whose framework is fundamentally capitalist requires one to be motivated by money, but to be motivated by money is to sell out. Still we share a very real need to pursue a career that produces income. We have no one to fall back on. I once told my mother that I no longer wanted to apply to medical school. That I felt I was following a path because it was well-defined, one that would secure me financial stability. I told her that what I really wanted to be was a writer: that if I could have, as Díaz does, a farreaching platform to change the way people think about something, to address structural violence — that I would much prefer doing that over constant memorizing and calculating. I told her I wanted to

remove myself from the production line. My mother asked me, “But do you also want to starve?” I do not. And so I am afraid. Afraid of what it means to have to deny passions for practicality. Afraid that our society does not create spaces for screwing up, for walking out of step. We lack the social nets to take risks and we lack an appreciation for what those risks often produce. And still I cannot afford to be “just” a writer. I often wonder whether our passions ought to guide our life choices. Whether happiness is the paradigm of a good life. I don’t have an answer. But I don’t have a better alternative. Something in me says it shouldn’t be about how much money we have in the bank. And I believe, as Díaz does, that if we are truly passionate for something, it will find a way into our lives. I graduate in May, and I don’t know what I’m doing afterward, but I know what I want right now: to stop being so damn afraid. SHELBY DAVIS-COOPER is a senior in Timothy Dwight College. Contact her at .




ANNE FRANK “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."



From ACIR, on divestment N



Putting the lid on the cookie jar R

ecently I met the guy that dumped BP’s solar investments at a bar in New Haven. He wasn’t happy to do it, but it turned out it wasn’t in BP’s interest to move their investments away from high pollution, high profit energy. That is, for every dollar invested in solar or wind, they could have been making more money on natural gas or oil. BP is bound by law to maximize profit to their shareholders, so they dumped solar. BP is made up of people, though, like the guy I met at the bar. Antony Burgmans, the chairman of BP’s board, is also a person. And, as it turns out, people would rather not have their kids experience a world a whole lot worse than the one we live in now. They’d rather not have their kids experience, say, ocean life destroyed by shifts in pH, temperatures four to seven Celsius degrees hotter and unprecedented natural disasters occurring regularly. The people at BP will even admit this preference, and they suggest a solution. In their 2012 annual report they wrote: “Climate change represents a significant challenge for society and the energy industry … policy support is required to help commercialize effective lower-carbon options and technology.” Policy — of course! Unfortunately, the folks at BP don’t come to work every morning to solve climate change; they’re more focused on making money by supplying the world with cheap energy. So none of them as individuals have much power to, for instance, invest in solar power that would reduce BP’s profits, even if it would personally make them better off to have a cooler planet. I think this is pretty important, so I’ll say it again: No one at BP, or any other fossil fuel company, has the power to shift their business strategy enough to avert catastrophic climate change. But that doesn’t mean they’d suffer if we pursue better climate policy. If, like in Australia, a carbon tax of $23 per ton were enacted, BP would still be profitable and investors would still make money. If this seems dubious, consider that in 2011, the year after their disastrous gulf spill, BP reported 62 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions — while they made their shareholders $40 billion in pretax profits. That’s billions, not

millions. BP may not be actively investing in solar, but in mentioning better policy, its annual report shares some common ground with environmental advocates. Take President Barack Obama. This summer, Obama announced a climate action plan that directs the Environmental Protection Agency to clamp down on coal. During the speech, he also told us to “invest, divest.” When the President said that, he wasn’t talking to policymakers or oil companies to let them know that he would be investing and divesting himself. If you were one of the 10,000 young people gathered in D.C. for Power Shift this October, he was talking to you. The president called on you to get into the streets and make a fuss. Why does he need you to do that? It turns out, as a recent study from Oxford shows, the louder the kids at Yale and other campuses are about divesting, the more people at BP can start doing what they need to do. Which is to stop profiting off of actions that will fry our planet. Whether that will take a carbon tax, cap and trade or regulations enforcing emissions standards is a subject for a whole other op-ed. My point? Oil and gas companies are like an obese and insatiable kid in front of an enormous cookie jar. They will keep eating until it kills them, and in this case, us as well. Cookies (cheap energy) are sweet. But that kid desperately needs rules that would put the lid on the cookie jar. And companies need rules that make destroying the planet damaging to their bottom line. Luckily for people like BP’s board chair Antony Burgmans, a smaller dividend is a small price to pay to avoid climate catastrophe. And, luckily for everyone else, there are thousands of young people across the country who are willing to force policymakers to take the issue on. So, Yale College students and Corporation trustees, help the good folks at BP out. Do them a favor and divest their stock. YONATAN LANDAU is a member of the class of 2015 in the School of Management and the coalition coordinator for Fossil Free Yale. Contact him at .


For an apolitical endowment O

n Sunday, we will have the opportunity to vote on whether we believe that Yale should divest from the fossil fuel industry. By voting no, we can show that we value the University’s financial stability above the desire to make a political statement. I do not seek to contest the science of global warming. It poses significant long-term challenges, and I see leading research universities like our own as natural places in which those challenges might be addressed. But fossil fuels cannot simply be understood in the context of their production given their utility in our daily lives. Indeed, it would be a “grave social harm” to destabilize those companies that we depend on to light our houses and power our cars. Struggling companies would be far less likely to innovate, and to keep developing the technologies that would reduce our long-term dependency on carbon. Divestment would have a human impact, too. Rising energy costs caused by a weak fossil fuel industry would render many ordinary people unable to pay their bills and heat their homes. Gestures have consequences. Those calling for divestment do very little to avoid using fossil fuels in their own lives, since they have not yet worked out a way to take such action. Instead, they have chosen to project their desire for change onto Yale; to demand an institutional gesture when they are incapable of making an individual one. But Yale’s endowment is not a political fund. Its investments seek not to make profound ideological statements, but to deliver consistent returns for the University, so that Yale can fund institutional necessities like faculty salaries, financial aid and world-class research. Divestment would clearly limit the range of investment possibilities open to our fund managers. Harvard’s President Drew Faust identified this lost flexibility as a key reason for refusing to implement divestment at her own school. Even potential investments in renewable energy might be scuppered if an appropriate hedge could no longer be found in the fossil fuel sector. There are very specific occasions when Yale avoids investing in companies for ethical reasons, but these are not a precedent for what Fossil Free Yale now proposes. The wrongs of apartheid, for instance, are not called into question. In contrast, the merits of fossil fuel companies are a matter of dispute; emissions need to be balanced against the benefits we derive from production. The fact that we are having this conversation

is proof enough that any decision to divest would be taking a side in a political debate. Most importantly, divestment would set a deeply troubling precedent. It would suggest that any area of the University’s investment portfolio could be divested so long as the associated student campaign was sufficiently enthusiastic. Global warming matters. So do sweatshops. So does child labor. So does the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia. To act on one of these issues alone seems odd and singular. To act on all of them would render our endowment impotent. There are other reasons for concern regarding divestment. In recent weeks, Harvard’s fossil free campaign has moved beyond the rhetoric of moderation. It is now actively encouraging Harvard donors to withhold their contributions to the university. At the same time, Brown students staged an aggressive sitin outside President Christina Paxson’s office. The behavior of these radical movements should give voters in the referendum pause for thought. If, like me, you would consider it destructive for Yale alumni to be discouraged from donating, it is worth remembering what fossil free organizations are doing elsewhere. Rather than joining in with the repetitive attacks on Harvard’s Faust and Brown’s Paxson, we should listen carefully to what they have to say. Neither of these presidents are conservative ideologues, yet both strongly articulated their belief that the only way to act in the best interests of the universities they serve was to reject divestment. They have access to confidential investment information that is not in the public domain; why should we doubt that they have made their conclusions for measured and sensible reasons? Students for a Strong Endowment will never win awards for activism. We will never form part of a vast national movement. For this I make no apologies — it means that we are not seeking to make headlines, but instead are focusing our attention on acting in the best interests of our University. Divestment is a risk we don’t need to take. Join me, and vote no to this bid to turn a thriving endowment into a permanent political protest for whichever activist group feels like its time is now. You’ll be doing Yale a great service. ALEX FISHER is a senior in Morse College and a member of Students for a Strong Endowment. Contact him at .

ext week the Yale College Council will administer a referendum in which students can demonstrate their stances on fossil fuel divestment. This initiative by the College Council provides me, as Chair of Yale’s Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility, with the opportunity to describe the role of the ACIR on campus and to provide an update on our work on the fossil fuels issue. The ACIR follows an approach to investment outlined in “The Ethical Investor,” a book that suggests factors the University’s investors should consider other than maximum returns. The Yale Corporation has adopted the guidelines in “The Ethical Investor” and the ACIR relies on the guidelines in carrying out its responsibilities, which include making recommendations to the Corporation Committee on Investor Responsibility, which can then recommend policies regarding issues such as proxy voting and divestment to the Yale Corporation. With respect to our policy on divestment, we focus initially on the concept of “social injury.” Social injury is “injurious impact that the activities of a company are found to have on consumers, employees, or other persons.” Speaking for myself, though I believe that my colleagues on the ACIR share this view, climate change is occurring and is caused by human activities. Both on our own and working with the group Fossil Free Yale, which has made several excellent presentations on the scientific evidence supporting global warming, it has become clear to us that the hypothesis that human factors are causing global warming has been rigorously tested and is valid. Human activities currently release over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year, far more than from natural sources. For example, human activities release more than 135 times as much carbon dioxide as volcanoes each year. Thus, it appears clear to me that reducing fossil fuel emissions is an important, and likely the most important strategy for confronting the problem of climate change. The issue, then, is how divestment by Yale would lead to reducing fossil fuel emissions. Recently, Brown University declined to divest from coal companies. There were two bases for this decision. First, the president held that “a cessation of the production and use of coal would itself create significant economic and social harm to countless communities across the globe.” Second, she wrote that “divestiture would not have a direct effect on the companies in question.” Harvard also declined to divest recently, though apparently for different reasons. Its president, Drew Faust, defended their decision on the grounds that the money in their endowment was given “to advance academic aims, not to serve other purposes however worthy.” President Faust appears to reject categorically the use of the endowment as “an instrument to impel social or political change.” Here at Yale, I believe that our situation is different from that at Brown and Harvard in that our students understand the University’s policy of working within the guidelines established by “The Ethical Investor.” Consistent with these guidelines, any recommendation by the ACIR regarding divestment would come, if at all, after a process of engagement with the relevant company. It also is our policy to recommend divestment only as a last resort, and then only if we thought that divesting has the prospect of producing something of benefit in the struggle against climate change. In recent meetings with Fossil Free Yale, the ACIR has agreed with the students that the next stage of our process should be to encourage energy companies who do not already do so to disclose the environmental impact of their activities in their annual reports and proxy solicitations. In order to begin asking for disclosure, however, we must develop a common metric or set of metrics that would allow the environmental impact of energy companies’ activities to be measured and compared. Working with the students, we have identified metrics that we find promising. We are in the process of communicating with faculty experts to obtain a peer-reviewed evaluation of these metrics. If a consensus emerges that these metrics actually enable investors to compare investments based on their environmental impact, we will then consider next steps. In particular, we will consider recommending that we write to energy companies whose shares are publicly traded to ask that they voluntarily disclose their performance based on these metrics so that investors can compare among investments on the basis of their environmental impact. We also are monitoring closely the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) requirements regarding environmental disclosures. While the SEC has several regulatory provisions that require public companies to disclose environmental information, none of the existing disclosure rules mandates the disclosure of information that permits useful comparisons among companies to be made. The ACIR continues to work with the Yale community on ethical investment issues in general. We are particularly focused at the moment on our work with Fossil Free Yale. JONATHAN MACEY is the Sam Harris Professor of Corporate Law, Corporate Finance and Securities Law and the Chair of the University's Advisory Commitee on Investor Responsibility. Contact him at jonathan. .



FROM THE FRONT Student emails can be read SURVEILLANCE FROM PAGE 1 Most students said they were not taken aback by the policy because the email account is provided by Yale. Graduate students who came to Yale after working in the corporate world expressed especially little surprise over the policy. Ashlee Tran SOM ’14 said employees at large corporations assume their emails are monitored. “It doesn’t shock me at all that they can do that,” Acer Xu ’17 said. “It’s Yale email, it’s an internal server.” According to its Acceptable Use Policy, several circumstances warrant access to students’ emails: “preserv[ing] the integrity of the IT systems,” complying with “federal, state, or local law or administrative rules,” carrying out “essential business functions of the University,” “preserv[ing] public health and safety” and producing evidence when “there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of law or a significant breach of University policy may have taken place.” Administrators did not define what actions constitute a significant breach of University policy, though ITS Director of Strategic Communications Susan West described these circumstances as “specific and unusual.”

I feel like the University should make clear under what circumstances they consider searching emails. SHERRY DU ’17 For the University to access a student account, two administrators must give their approval: University Provost Benjamin Polak as well as the dean of Yale College or the appropriate graduate or professional school, though deans are allowed to delegate this task. However, in situations where “emergency access is necessary to preserve the integrity of facilities or to preserve public health and safety,” systems administrators may access an account without approval. No explicit mention is made in the Undergraduate Regulations of the University’s right to access student accounts, though the Appropriate Use Policy is accessible through a link on page 128 of the 131-page document. In 580 pages of similar regulations for graduate students, there is no mention of or link to the University’s information technology privacy policies. Yale College Dean Mary Miller, who is responsible for approval requests for access to the accounts of any undergraduates, declined to comment on the number of instances in which she has approved non-consensual access to an account. Miller also declined to say whether she has ever denied a request for monitoring. Miller said she did not know who ultimately reviewed the contents of any accounts accessed.

University Vice President for Human Resources and Administration Michael Peel said that the University rarely accesses emails without consent, adding that during five years in his position it has been done only six times for staff. According to University Vice President and General Counsel Dorothy Robinson, the Acceptable Use Policy was first adopted in 2000 by a committee led by Yale Information Technology Services and the Office of the Provost. “The policy was reviewed by Yale faculty members, and privacy was one of the most important issues discussed,” Robinson said in an email to the News. The University’s ability to monitor internet activity is not limited to email. The University’s firewall logs the websites visited by users of the Yale network, Robinson said, though she added that these logs are overwritten daily, meaning the University does not store the web browsing histories of its network users for longer than a day. Robinson added she is unaware of any instances in which the University has viewed those logs without consent. While most students interviewed said they thought accessing students’ accounts was within the rights of the University, they added that Yale should exercise discretion in choosing whether or not to look at an email account. “[I] would hope that it would only be used in extreme cases, things like breaking University regulations or state and federal law,” Drew Morrison ’14 said. But others were adamant in their opposition to the policy, in part because the policy has been poorly publicized. “It’s an infringement. If I was aware of it somehow, when I signed up for the Yale email, then it would be different,” John Lee ’14 said. “They should have made it clearer.” Lee added that he sees no circumstances under which Yale should be able to access students’ accounts without consent. Calling the policy “antithetical to the University,” Brett Tolman GRD ’15 said it represents an overreach on Yale’s part into students’ personal lives. Like many others, Lee and Tolman suggested that the policy is not publicized well enough for students to take notice. “Universities always have this fine print where they give themselves permission to do things under extreme circumstances,” Iva Popa ’14 said of the monitoring abilities. “I think it’s a slippery slope to allow the University that much freedom.” Yale defines its IT systems as the servers, personal computing devices, applications, printers, networks, online and offline storage media, software and data files that are owned, managed or maintained by the University.

“When schools flourish, all flourishes.” MARTIN LUTHER GERMAN THEOLOGIAN

Graduate students’ ages shift GRAD SCHOOL FROM PAGE 1 immediately after college dipped to a low of four percent. But YLS professor Robert Burt said he has not noticed that fewer students are entering the school immediately after graduation. He said he thinks that the student age demographic has been the same in recent years, and that the only significant shift happened in 1980. Burt said there are advantages and disadvantages to taking time off after college. One upside, he said, is the possibility to have a period of respite and do something with practical value. “Lots of students feel that they are on a treadmill, and the idea of dropping out of the academia and doing something that has some obvious and immediate practical application is attractive,” Burt said. But Burt also said that some students may become “hardened” into a particular career path — for example, when students go into investment banking or paralegal work right from college, they may compromise the open-ended value of their future law education by already locking into a certain career path and closing off other options. Yale School of Management Associate Dean David Bach said that the School of Management is a special case because it requires students to have at least two years of experience before applying. But there are no requirements as to what industry the applicants work in, he said. “For us as a school it’s exciting to have people who have worked in a broad variety of organizations,” Bach said, “The key question is not so much what industry [they come from], but what leadership skills they have been able to develop.” Bach said the only exception to this rule is the Silver Scholars program, which allows a small number of selected college seniors to complete the first year of their

MBA degree straight out of college. He said that this program has been competitive, with roughly 100 applications for seven or eight spots each year — and that it has enjoyed increasing popularity over the years. SOM Admissions Director Bruce del Monico said in a Thursday email that he has seen a fluctuation in the ages of new students pursuing joint degrees between SOM and other Yale professional schools. While these students tended to begin their joint YLS-SOM degrees straight out of college in the past, he said, they have now begun arriving with a few years of work experience under their belts.

It’s exciting to have people who have worked in a broad variety of organizations. DAVID BACH Associate dean, Yale School of Management Yale Divinity School Assistant Director of Admissions Sean McAvoy said the Yale Divinity School is also an exception because it traditionally attracts an older population than other schools. He said that in the past few years the age of entering students averaged in the early thirties, and that not long before that they were slightly younger. But about a decade ago entering students were much older, averaging around 40 years old, McAvoy said, so there is no real recent trend of students taking more time to work. “I think that every student comes to us when they are ready to come to us,” McAvoy said. “It’s a unique path for everybody and I think everyone who comes here is following that path at the right time for the individual.” All faculty members and administra-

tors interviewed gave different reasons for why students have been increasingly stalling their graduate school education after college. YLS professor Steven Duke said students seek work experience in order to build up their resumes and make themselves more competitive applicants for law school. But Burt said that in reviewing applications, he does not apply any such criteria. “If there’s talent and interest and intellectual engagement — that’s what excites me,” Burt said. Students interviewed gave different reasons for postponing further education. Aahan Bhojani ’14 said he is entering the consulting industry after college and is thinking of applying to graduate school later. He said he decided to work for a few years to figure out his interests and decide whether or not he needs to obtain an additional degree to pursue those interests. Sesenu Woldermariam ’14, who said he plans to work for a few years in a legal consultancy firm before applying to law school, also said that work provides an undeniable advantage for grad school applications. “For pretty much any form of professional education, work experience is much more important than getting straight A’s,” Woldermariam said. Amongst members of the class of 2013 entering graduate or professional school immediately after graduation, 54.4 percent chose to pursue a master’s degree or Ph.D., 27.2 percent chose to enter medical school, 9.2 percent chose to study law and 9.2 percent are studying unspecified degrees or certificates. Contact RISHABH BHANDARI at and LAVINIA BORZI at .

Greg Cameron, Nicole Ng and Larry Milstein contributed reporting. Contact MATTHEW LLOYDTHOMAS and ADRIAN RODRIGUES at and .


Many graduate schools, including those at Yale, have seen a long-term trend of students taking more years off before applying.

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“The long and the short of it is, we need more rigor in all kinds of programs.” MARGARET SPELLINGS U.S. SECRETARY OF EDUCATION 2005–2009

Mental health coverage expands in state


The Obama administration announced a guaranteed parity in mental health and substance abuse coverage across the nation. Private insurance owners will now find mental health resources comparable to medical coverage. BY HANNAH SCHWARZ STAFF REPORTER Connecticut residents with private insurance will soon find their plans offering coverage for mental health and substance abuse comparable to medical coverage, with parity extending to features including copays, deductibles, and length of treatment. Amidst the botched rollout of healthcare reform, a less publicized announcement from the Obama administration last Friday guarantees parity in mental health and substance abuse coverage across the nation. The

federal expansion is the final step in realizing the promises of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. This strengthening of mental health coverage was one of the 23 executive actions announced by Obama after the Newtown shootings last December. “The [regulations] are a major step forward towards ensuring that people suffering from mental illnesses get the treatments that they need,” said John Krystal MD ’84, chief of psychiatry at Yale-New Haven Hospital. With the changes, those with mental health disorders will be

The irony is that it’s … the one area where statesupported services exceed what is generally available to others. ROBERT KILLIAN Probate judge, Hartford able to access services for as long as needed, instead of facing arbitrary limits on the number of psychiatric visits allowed

EP&E and Global Affairs to remain exclusive BY YUVAL BEN-DAVID STAFF REPORTER Yale’s application-only academic majors will not open their doors to all students any time soon. Though Princeton recently dropped the application process for the undergraduate program in its Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Yale is not planning to make a similar adjustment for its Global Affairs or Ethics, Politics and Economics programs for budgetary reasons, according to leadership in both majors. Though Yale students interviewed said the application process deters some students from applying and throws those rejected off their intended academic tracks, some said they are drawn to the programs’ exclusivity. In an email to the News, James Levinsohn, the director of the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, said he does not expect the major to drop its cap of about 50 students. Budgetary constraints have limited the major’s ability to expand, he said. “We cannot really drop the application since we don’t have the resources to meet demand,” Levinsohn said. Political science professor Steven Wilkinson, who is the director of undergraduate studies for EP&E, echoed this analysis for the EP&E major. Dean of Yale College Mary Miller said these budgetary limitations stem from the fact that Global Affairs and EP&E are interdisciplinary majors and are not run by departments. She added that the architecture major — which is also application-based — has to stay capped because of limited studio space and the need to share resources with the School of Architecture. Expanding the Global Affairs major would require hiring additional faculty to maintain small class sizes and provide support for capstone projects, which are Global Affairs students’ equivalent of a senior thesis, Levinsohn said. Wilkinson said EP&E’s similar emphasis on seminars likewise puts severe limits on its budget. For Princeton, equalizing student access to the Woodrow Wilson program was the result of recommendations from a committee that conducted a yearlong review of the Woodrow Wilson School. Princeton now has no selec-

tive undergraduate majors. “To be honest I’m very glad they dropped the application,” said Tomi Johnson, a sophomore at Princeton who plans to do the program. “It makes the Wilson School more accessible and less intimidating as a [prospective] major.” The Princeton class of 2015, which is the first class to experience the nonselective major, has a record number of students in the Woodrow Wilson program. Some students have expressed concern that the major will be less intimate now, Johnson said. Though Princeton students no longer have to apply to the program, they must now complete a set of prerequisite courses that were not previously mandatory. Members of the Princeton class of 2015 were able to enter the school this fall as long as they had completed one course in statistics, one in microeconomics, one in history and one in either politics, sociology or psychology. Princeton’s decision to add prerequisites marks a key difference from Yale’s selective programs, Wilkinson said. Neither Ethics, Politics and Economics or Global Affairs have prerequisites in order to accommodate students who had not originally planned to major in those subjects, he said. “We’ve sometimes debated whether we should have [requirements],” Wilkinson said. “The reason we haven’t is that we don’t want to block off the incredibly smart person who does fine art or biology who decides in sophomore year, ‘I’d really like to switch to EP&E.” Still, students interviewed said many Yalies feel obligated to start fulfilling the majors’ requirements in order to strengthen their applications. Maxwell Ulin ’17 said freshmen that hope to major in Global Affairs or EP&E must accept a degree of uncertainty in their academic trajectories. “If you apply to Global Affairs and you were planning on being a Global Affairs major and were taking classes in global affairs and get rejected, suddenly you have to change course,” he said, adding that he finds the selectivity of these majors dissuading. Applications to Global Affairs are due Nov. 22, while EP&E applications are due Dec. 6. Contact YUVAL BEN-DAVID at .

through insurance, said Kate Mattias, executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Connecticut. She added that outpatient services for mental health treatment will now be comparable to those offered for medical treatment. While the changes look promising on paper, the effect for Connecticut residents remains to be seen, said Daniela Giordano, NAMI Connecticut’s public policy director for adults, state and national matters. In particular, only time will tell if the quantitative changes like co-pays, deductibles and

length of treatment translate to a qualitative improvement in care. While the Act does not extend to Medicaid recipients, Connecticut offers better mental health coverage through Medicaid than any other state, said Sheila Amdur, president of Connecticut Community Providers Association, an organization that represents over 100 local mental health providers. In the state, Medicaid offers services that complement primary treatment — such as case management — that are not featured on private insurance plans, said Sara Frankel, public policy

director for children, youth and young adults with NAMI Connecticut. “The irony is that it’s probably the one area where statesupported services exceed what is generally available to others,” said Robert Killian, a Hartfordbased probate judge who serves clients resisting treatment for mental health. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in any given year, around 25 percent of Americans over 18 struggle with mental illness. Contact HANNAH SCHWARZ at .

CT still has widest achievement gap BY POOJA SALHOTRA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Despite Connecticut students’ above average-performance on math and reading, the state continues to face the widest achievement gap in the nation, according to National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) data released by the U.S. Department of Education last week. NAEP, a test administered every two years to fourth- and eighth-grade students nationwide, assesses students’ abilities in math and reading and measures disparities between students of different racial and socioeconomic groups. Overall, the percentage of Connecticut students at or above proficiency in both fourth- and eighth-grade math and reading levels is higher than the national average, but the state maintains a stark achievement gap between low- and highincome students and between white and minority students, the report shows. According to data analysis by the education nonprofit ConnCAN, the NAEP results show that Connecticut ranks worst in six of 16 categories that measure the achievement gap. The categories compared lowincome vs. non-low-income, African-American vs. white, Hispanic vs. white and English language speakers vs. non-English language speakers, across fourthand eighth-grade math and reading scores. “When you look at it holistically, Connecticut is failing to provide high-quality education to low-income, black and Hispanic students, and that is simply unacceptable,” said ConnCAN Communications Director Brett Broesder. Broesder explained that while white students and non-lowincome students are relatively strong in reading and math, lowincome students — especially those from minority groups — are lagging behind their peers in

other states. This persistent achievement gap in Connecticut is tied to the state’s income disparities, Director of Yale’s Education Studies Program Elizabeth Carroll wrote in a Wednesday email to the News. This divide is evident in Greater New Haven, where only 17 percent of low-income students are reading at grade level whereas 58 percent of high-income students are meeting standards, a recent DataHaven report shows. According to the 2010 census, Fairfield County is the nation’s most unequal county in terms of median household income. Carroll said the quality of public schools that children have access to is directly related to neighborhood affluence, with the wealthier suburbs having more highly funded schools. But while the NAEP results show where states like Connecticut stand in terms of math and reading levels, they do not directly illustrate how to best improve education systems. “I recommend that we use results like these to find states and districts where historically underprivileged groups are making sustained, significant progress and then start the difficult work of more systematic evaluation research to try and identify what really works and why,” Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics Jack Buckley said in an email to the News. The report found that certain states, including Tennessee and Washington, D.C., did make significant improvements in overall math and reading scores since 2011. Broesder said that the improvements in both Tennessee and Washington stem from education reform initiatives that are similar to those launched in Connecticut in 2012. Tennessee raised its education standards in 2009 and in 2011, adopted professional teacher evaluations that assess teachers

based on student performance and provide teachers with support and guidance to strengthen instructional practices. Washington, D.C. similarly adopted IMPACT, a program that evaluates teachers’ strengths and weaknesses and provides assistance to struggling teachers. Both states also adopted the rigorous Common Core State Standards in 2010 and have put resources toward school turnaround and expanding charter programs. In 2012, Connecticut launched a comprehensive education reform program, which includes state oversight of turnaround schools, a teacher evaluation system and increased support for charter schools. Through the Commissioner’s Network school program, the State Department of Education has offered additional resources and strategies to improve 11 unsuccessful schools, two of which are in New Haven. Because Connecticut’s reform initiative is still in its early stages, Broesder said, there has not been enough time to see real improvements in scores on the NAEP. Still, Broesder said that if the state continues to allocate resources toward increasing access to high-quality public schools, improving lowperforming schools and establishing stronger teacher evaluation systems, Connecticut will ultimately see increasing scores and a narrowing achievement gap. “When states put in the effort to improve schools, kids are making gains regardless of race or ZIP code,” Broesder said. “We are making good progress, but to close that worst-in-the-nation achievement gap, we need to keep pressing for all kids to have access to high quality education.” The NAEP data is based on the scores of over 376,000 fourthgraders and 341,000 eighthgraders. Contact POOJA SALHOTRA at .




“Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.” HONORÉ DE BALZAC FRENCH NOVELIST

Firefighters, Aldermen clash over promotions FIREFIGHTERS FROM PAGE 1 ing that the union as a whole will seek counsel if the Board does not act to reconsider the provision. “I will bring litigation” lieutenant Gary Cole told the committee, saying he has already sought counsel and will take legal action unless the city alters its policy and administers tests for captaincy promotions. “It’s about doing your time, earning your spot.” A 14-year veteran should not be passed over for captain by a rookie who has just been made a lieutenant, Kottage said, a prospect he insisted would undermine morale in the force. A handful of aldermen chafed at the tactics of the union, saying they felt bullied into moving on a proposed item that could have been presented without the threat of a lawsuit. “You’re threatening us,” Ward 22 Alderwoman Jeanette Morrison protested. “If you don’t do what we say, we’re going to sue

you — that’s not playing nice, that’s bad.” But Frank Ricci, the union’s vice president and a department lieutenant, said they were just trying to help the city avoid a costly legal battle and to give them advance warning of the union’s intentions. Ricci was the plaintiff in the 2009 Ricci v. DeStefano Supreme Court case that found the city in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for throwing out promotion test results without clear evidence of disparate impact. Precedent is on the union’s side, Ricci added, saying every prior case involving the city’s stance on promotion exams has been decided against the city, including the 2005 state case Kelly v. New Haven. “We’re trying to avoid a lawsuit,” Ricci said. “No one’s making threats.” Still, if the city does not change course and continues to fill lieutenant positions before administering captaincy tests, the union will pursue a lawsuit,

Kottage said. He said an aldermanic committee should be formed to examine the provision governing the promotions. New Haven Chief Administrative Officer Rob Smuts ’01 testified in opposition to the formation of a special committee to consider the budget provision, asking the committee to wait to act until the city and union formalize a verbal contract agreement. Smuts said the contract should be finalized within a week or two and will resolve the dispute over promotions. He said legislative action would harm the city’s negotiating position. Over Smuts’s objection, Board President and Ward 5 Alderman Jorge Perez moved to form the special committee, saying it will ensure the city is prepared to handle the matter should the contract fall through. The special committee will be comprised of two members of the current city administration, one rank-and-file firefighter appointed by the chief, one representative of the fire union, two


Union members testified before the Board of Aldermen about the issues with new provisions affecting the NHFD. members of the finance committee and two members of the transition team working with Mayorelect Toni Harp ARC ’78. “[Harp] is the one who’s going

Gates donates to NHPS NHPS GRANT FROM PAGE 1

Send submissions to


receive this grant in the summer, the district decided to start running their teacher professionalism program using money from a $53 million federal grant they received in 2012, said New Haven Federation of Teachers’ vice president of high schools David Low. “We didn’t want to abandon the program just because we didn’t get the funding,” Low said. “The point was to create meaningful professional development programs, so we wanted to go ahead and get started on that.” The program was launched over the summer, when teachers who were selected to serve as teacher facilitators underwent a one-week training session, and for the past two months, the facilitators have been meeting with their “teacher pods,” groups of about half a dozen teachers, Boucher said. Though the district did not receive the initial grant, the Gates Foundation invited them to apply for a bridge grant, which would fund the program for one year, Low said. Last week, the district found out that they were awarded this one-year grant, and on Tuesday, Superintendent of Schools Garth Harries ’95, New Haven Federation of Teachers President David Cicarella and other administrators convened at Barnard Elementary to officially announce the award. This announcement came less than a week after the teachers union and the Board of Education ratified a three-year teacher contract that includes a new focus on teacher professionalism as well as increased compensation for teachers rated as effective, strong or exemplary. Cicarella said that the grant aligns with the new teacher contract in its goal to keep effective teachers in the classroom while giving them a chance to engage in leadership activities. “Before, the only options for teachers to advance was to become administrators, but we want the best teachers to stay in the classroom,” Cicarella said. “So the whole point of the fund is that we can give [participating teachers] who participate a stipend for taking on this additional responsibility … we can’t

expect them to commit to it voluntarily.” In addition to funding teacher stipends, Low said that the grant will pay for people to more efficiently schedule teacher collaboration. Currently, some groups are having to meet outside of the regular school day, but that is not a model that teachers can be expected to sustain in the long run, Low added. Each of the facilitator groups has an individualized focus — ranging from building lessons to student engagement — depending on what the membership needs, Boucher said. During the meetings, the teachers can discuss strategies

to make improvements and then reflect on the effectiveness of those strategies. “It’s not one mind trying to figure out how to get through to students,” Boucher said. “It can be five minds thinking, ‘This is the problem in the classroom, how can we solve it?’” Other school districts that received professional development grants from the Gates Foundation include Fresno, Calif., Long Beach, Calif. and Jefferson County, Colo. Contact POOJA SALHOTRA at .


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave NHPS a large grant to help fund a teacher training program, which, it is hoped, will help close the achievement gap in New Haven schools.

to have to live with this,” Perez said. The formation of the committee won unanimous recommendation and will now be consid-

ered by the full Board. Contact ISAAC STANLEYBECKER at .

Student groups unregistered UNREGISTERED FROM PAGE 1 To gauge student opinions on the YCDO’s newly enforced policies, the Undergraduate Organizations Committee (UOC) sent a survey with questions about organization registration to all student leaders. Ben Ackerman ’16, chair of the UOC, said students have mostly expressed frustration with the leadership trainings. “Even though the desire of administrators to positively impact campus culture is understandable, it is clear that the workshops, should they continue in future years, need to be improved significantly,” Ackerman said, adding that students also expressed concern about the online registration system. Vijay Narayan ’15, musical director of Sur et Veritaal — a South Asian a cappella group — said that his group narrowly avoided losing its registered status, as it almost missed the renewal deadline. In addition, Narayan said, he did not particularly enjoy the leadership trainings. Students interviewed said they were concerned with glitches in the registration system and with the lack of clear communication between the YCDO and student leaders. While Meeske acknowledged that there was a problem in the system that caused groups that renewed their registrations in August to be dropped from the official listing, he said he believes that all of the inconsistencies had since been rectified. But Kornvuthi Lapprathana ’15 and Rebecca Modiano ’16, co-presidents of The Myanmar Project, expressed surprise upon learning that their group was

not listed on the YCDO website, despite having registered this year. After an email conversation with Meeske, the leaders found out that their registration was — like many others — lost in the computer system because they reregistered in August. Modiano called the YCDO process disorganized, adding that she knows of many other organizations that encountered similar issues. Ackerman said the UOC has been in close contact with the YCDO regarding the newly enforced policies and processes for student groups. “We are excited that the Dean’s Office has agreed to a significant review of student organization policy, including that of group registration,” Ackerman said. “These new policies, among other things, will make the registration process much simpler for students and their organizations.” Ackerman and Meeske also said that the Dean’s Office is looking to adopt new technologies so that the student registration process can be streamlined. With better software, Meeske said, there will be less confusion about registration status or the number of students represented at the leadership trainings from each organization. Meeske also said he is hopeful that an improved system can eventually be adopted by the professional and graduate schools. Student organizations that are not registered with the YCDO cannot receive funding from the UOC or make room reservations in University buildings. Contact WESLEY YIIN at .




“Music is the shorthand of emotion.” LEO TOLSTOY RUSSIAN AUTHOR

New quartet to take residence at School of Music

BY JESSICA HALLAM STAFF REPORTER Members of the Yale School of Music community will soon be exposed to a new perspective on chamber music. The School of Music officially appointed the Brentano String Quartet as the school’s new quartet-in-residence earlier this month. Brentano’s predecessor, the Tokyo String Quartet, retired this year after 37 years of residence at the school. As quartet-in-residence, Brentano will teach students chamber music and perform one concert per semester. Brentano will also perform and teach at the Yale Summer School of Music. The quartet’s rich performance resume and diverse repertoire will enable the group to provide School of Music students with a thorough experience of chamber music, administrators at the school said. “I am thrilled that [Brentano has] decided to join us at Yale, and I think that their contributions in their artistic activities and in their teaching responsibilities are going to be just first-rate,” said School of Music Dean Robert Blocker. Along with extensive performance experience, Blocker said, members of the quartet will

bring with them a new outlook on chamber music, adding that a goal of the school is to familiarize students with multiple ways of thinking about and performing music. Director of the Yale Summer School of Music Paul Hawkshaw explained that Brentano’s 14-year residence at Princeton, where they taught and performed before coming to New Haven, will be an asset to the school’s community. Hawkshaw said he thinks the members of the quartet are approachable and easy to work with, which is vital to teaching a small group of people in a chamber music class. Tokyo String Quartet’s second violinist Kikuei Ikeda said Brentano’s dedication to teaching will help them successfully engage students in the classroom. Brentano’s interest in playing 20th-century music corresponds well to the increasing student interest in repertoire from this century at the music school, Hawkshaw said. School of Music Deputy Dean Melvin Chen said that Brentano’s interest in music outside the traditional string quartet repertoire will serve as a model for students pursuing classical music, as they will face a changing field in the

coming years. Chen said he hopes Brentano will pass on their perspective on how classical music relates to society and other art forms. “Great classical musicians, they never work in a vacuum,” Chen said. “They’re always influenced by everything else going on at the time in society.” Chen explained that Brentano’s experience working hand in hand with professional and student composers will allow students at the School of Music to learn about the expectations professional quartets have of composers. He said Brentano is interested in interdisciplinary projects, which may lead to collaborations with the School of Art and School of Drama, adding that since the quartet’s first violinist Misha Amory ’89 attended Yale College, he imagines the quartet will also initiate projects with undergraduates. “They’re enthusiastic about taking advantage of the awesome resources that the whole University has,” Chen said. The Brentano String Quartet formed in 1992. Contact JESSICA HALLAM at .

START Bank appoints new leader BY ERICA PANDEY CONTRIBUTING REPORTER In the midst of an era of new leaders in New Haven, START community development bank is also appointing new leadership at the start of the new year. Former President and CEO William Placke announced late last week he will retire at the end of 2013, and the board of directors at Start Bank has decided to replace him with Maureen A. Frank. Frank will work as acting President and CEO for the remainder of the year, assuming full responsibilities next year. START’s two branches, located in Dixwell and Fair Haven, have been operational since 2004. As a community bank, START is involved in the enrichment of communities in Greater New Haven, in addition to functioning as a full-service commercial bank. Frank hopes to continue Placke’s goal of helping New Haven’s small businesses and nonprofit institutions, as well as introduce new objectives. “I expect some change in the direction of the bank,” Frank said. “My objective is to heighten public awareness of the bank. There are so few community banks left.” Placke has six weeks left at START, during which he will be working with Frank to ensure a smooth transition period between leaders. He said he will acquaint Frank with START’s clients and development projects. “We have been building relationships with small businesses

and institutions in New Haven as a recognizable, commercial bank,” Placke said. “We also work to serve low- and moderate-income neighborhoods in the area.” Frank hopes to lead the expansion of START in both its commercial roles and community development projects. The bank currently has about $52 million in assets, and Frank and Placke are optimistic about future growth.

My objective is to heighten public awareness of the bank. There are so few community banks left. MAUREEN A. FRANK Acting president and CEO, START START’s Vice President of Community and Development Patti Scussel said the bank’s financial literacy training program and partnership with Youth@Work are two of the most successful projects targeting New Haven area youth, one of the bank’s main goals. Through training, the bank has so far provided over 3000 New Haven residents with financial literacy skills and is expanding to surrounding towns. New Haven’s Youth@Work initiative is a joint venture of the city, the Board of Education and the Workforce Alliance that seeks out employment opportunities for struggling New

Haven youth. START invites these young people to sign up for direct salary deposits into savings accounts at the bank to ease their money managing responsibilities. Scussel said START also works with Columbus House, a nonprofit homeless shelter in New Haven. START provides free financial literacy training sessions to Columbus’s clients and allows them to set up accounts at the bank. John Brooks, director of development at Columbus House, said the sessions focus on the importance of saving. The training also includes general information about different types of bank accounts and bank transactions. “We hope that with [Frank] as CEO, our relationship with the bank will continue as it is,” Brooks said. Scussel and Frank do not expect the recent election of Toni Harp ARC ’78 as mayor to affect START’s business agenda. Frank said the bank’s relationship with the past mayoral administration was “a regulatory one.” She predicts that future transactions with the mayor’s office will run as smoothly as before. Once he leaves office, Mayor John DeStefano Jr. will assume a seat on START’s board of directors. “This was the previous mayor’s personal decision,” Scussel said. START and the Quinnipiac Bank are the only community banks in the New Haven area. Contact ERICA PANDEY at .


As the School of Music’s new quartet-in-residence, the Brentano String Quartet will be responsible for teaching chamber music, performing one concert per semester and working with the Yale Summer School of Music.

Civilian Review Board prepares for changes BY ERICA PANDEY CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Throughout a sometimes contentious campaign season, the two mayoral candidates — Toni Harp ARC ’78 and her opponent Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 — agreed upon the need to reorganize the city’s Civilian Review Board. The Civilian Review Board, which Mayor John DeStefano Jr. formed in 2001, met on Thursday night for the first time after New Haven residents voted earlier this month to incorporate it into the city charter. The board is responsible for reviewing how the New Haven Police Department handles civilian complaints about officer misconduct. Now that it has become a permanent body in city government, the board will see a staffing increase, assume its own meeting space and build a joint database with the police department to monitor complaints. The new Board of Aldermen will begin certifying changes authorized by the charter reform items that passed earlier this month at its first meeting in January 2014. The board has not yet determined when it will review the changes to the Civilian Review Board. “There has been concern among many people that the [Civilian Review Board] is not chartered, and can be removed with a stroke of the mayor’s pen — this will change,” said board member Frank Cochran, who has been charged with overseeing the implementation of changes to the board’s structure. Though the board only existed until now under a mayoral executive order, it has held monthly public meetings since June 2001 to review civilian complaints regarding the misconduct of city police officers. The board sees 100–130 complaints per year, according to Lieutenant Tony Duff of the Internal Affairs Department, and confirms that they are fairly investigated by the Internal Affairs Department at the NHPD.

Duff reported 11 civilian complaints and one internal complaint reported to the NHPD this year. “No complaints were out of the ordinary this month,” he said. “Mostly verbal abuse.” During his presentation, several board members posed questions about previous cases and the relationship between the two bodies. The board’s secretary, Leslie Radcliffe, asked whether the lieutenant and his colleagues had followed up on a civilian complaint of unnecessary roughness relating to handcuffs from an earlier meeting. Board Chair Barbara Carroll voiced concern that the NHPD is not issuing letters about civilian complaints immediately after they are filed, a procedure on which the two bodies had previously agreed. The changes, which were mandated by the charter reform measure, will help ensure the board follows the procedure outlined in its bylaws, said board member George Carter. Although the bylaws specify that the board should discuss complaints during meetings, most board members do not read about cases until after the meeting. “We don’t discuss these cases at this table. That’s all I’m saying,” Carter said. “And we should.” Following discussion of complaints put forward this month, the board nominated members for the positions of chair, vice-chair and secretary. Ward 24 Alderwoman Evette Hamilton, who attends Civilian Review Board meetings, nominated Carroll to stay on as chair. Carroll said that she will accept the nomination for chair, but with the knowledge that the entire board could change in January, when Harp will be inaugurated as mayor. The board saw fewer complaints this month than it did in October. Contact ERICA PANDEY at .





Dow Jones 15,876.22, +54.59

S NASDAQ 3,972.74, +7.16 S Oil $94.13, +89.01

Mass burial held in Philippine city

S S&P 500 1,790.62, +8.62 T 10-yr. Bond 2.70%, -0.02 T Euro $1.35, -0.1%

Toronto mayor denies allegations BY ROB GILLIES ASSOCIATED PRESS


Workers arrange body bags at a mass burial site at the Basper public cemetery in Tacloban, central Philippines on Nov. 14, 2013. BY OLIVER TEVES AND KRISTEN GELINEAU ASSOCIATED PRESS TACLOBAN, Philippines — The air was thick with the stench of decay as sweating workers lowered the plastic coffins one by one into a grave the size of an Olympic swimming pool. Scores of unidentified bodies were interred together Thursday in a hillside cemetery without any ritual — the first mass burial in this city shattered by last week’s Typhoon Haiyan. Six days after the disaster, some progress was being made in providing food, water and medical aid to the half-million people displaced in the Philippines. Massive bottlenecks blocking the distribution of international assistance have begun to clear. Soldiers on trucks gave out rice and water, and chainsaw-wielding teams cut debris from blocked roads to clear the way for relief trucks in Tacloban, the capital of the hardest-hit Leyte province. Thousands of people continued to swarm Tacloban’s damaged airport, desperate to leave or to get treatment at a makeshift medical center. “We know the gravity of our countrymen’s suffering, and we know that, now more than ever, all of us are called on to do whatever we can to help alleviate our countrymen’s suffering,” President Benigno S. Aquino III said in a statement. Authorities say 2,357 people have been confirmed dead, a figure that is expected to rise, perhaps significantly, when information is collected from other areas of the disaster zone. With sweat rolling down their faces, John Cajipe, 31, and three teenage boys who work at the Tacloban cemetery placed the first body in the grave’s right-

hand corner. The second body followed two minutes later, carefully placed alongside the first. And so on, until scores of coffins filled the 6-foot deep grave. A ritual to sprinkle holy water on the site is expected to be held Friday, one week after the typhoon struck.

The situation is dismal. … Tens of thousands of people are living in the open … exposed to rain and wind. VALERIE AMOS Humanitarian chief, United Nations A portion of the femur was removed from each corpse by the National Bureau of Investigation. Technicians will extract DNA from each bit of bone to try to identify the dead, said Joseph David, crime photographer for the bureau. “I hope this is the last time I see something like this,” said Mayor Alfred Romualdez. “When I look at this, it just reminds me of what has happened from the day the storm hit until today.” The massive flow of international aid was bolstered by Thursday’s arrival of the USS George Washington in the Philippine Sea near the Gulf of Leyte. The aircraft carrier will set up a position off the coast of Samar Island to assess the damage and provide medical and water supplies, the 7th Fleet said in a statement. The carrier and its strike group together bring 21 helicopters to the area, which can help reach the most inaccessible parts of the disaster zone.

The United Kingdom also is sending an aircraft carrier, the HMS Illustrious, with seven helicopters and facilities to produce fresh water, Britain’s Ministry of Defense said. It said the ship is expected to reach the area around Nov. 25. The U.S. already has a half-dozen other ships — including a destroyer and two huge supply vessels — in the area, along with two P-3 aircraft that are being used to survey the damage so that planners can assess where aid is most needed, the 7th Fleet said. “We are operating 24-7,” said Capt. Cassandra Gesecki, a spokeswoman for the Marines, who have set up an operations hub near Manila’s international airport. “We are inundated with flights.” Valerie Amos, the U.N. humanitarian chief who toured Tacloban on Wednesday, said about 11.5 million people have been affected by the typhoon, which includes those who lost loved ones, were injured, or suffered damage to their homes or livelihoods. “The situation is dismal. … Tens of thousands of people are living in the open … exposed to rain and wind,” she told reporters in Manila. She said the immediate priority for humanitarian agencies in the next few days is to transport and distribute highenergy biscuits and other food, tarpaulins, tents, drinking water and basic sanitation services. “I think we are all extremely distressed that this is Day 6 and we have not managed to reach everyone,” she said. Amos said because of a lack of fuel in Tacloban, trucks are unable to move the aid material from the airport to the city. The weather also remains a challenge, with frequent downpours. The good news is that the road to the airport has been cleared of debris, she said.

TORONTO — Toronto’s mayor denied Thursday that he pressured a female employee for oral sex, in an obscenity-laced statement on live television in which he also threatened to take legal action against former staffers who spoke to police about his drinking and drug use. Rob Ford, who admitted last week to smoking crack, later announced he was getting professional help. But he once again refused to step down and used a typical mix of contrition and defiance in several public appearances Thursday. He wore a football jersey to a City Council session, where outraged councilors turned their backs each time he spoke and again called on him to step aside. Later, Councilor Karen Stintz said the city has suspended all school trips to City Hall indefinitely because staff deemed it unsafe. Ford drew gasps from reporters Thursday morning when he used an obscenity as he denied telling a staffer he wanted to have oral sex. “I’ve never said that in my life to her, I would never do that,” Ford said on live television. The father of two school-age children said he is “happily married” and used crude language to say he enjoys enough oral sex at home. Ford later apologized for his remarks at a news conference. He explained he was pushed “over the line” by newly released court documents that included allegations against him involving cocaine, escorts and prostitution. He called the allegations “100 percent lies.” He said his integrity as a father and husband had been attacked, prompting him to “see red.” “I acted on complete impulse in my remarks,” Ford said. Ford also said he didn’t want to comment on the particulars of the health care support he’s receiving and asked for privacy for his family. The mayor said he would take legal action against his for-

mer chief of staff, Mark Towhey and two other aides over their interviews with police that were detailed in court documents released Wednesday. Ford did not specify what the aides might have said that was untrue. He also said he would take action against a waiter who said he believed Ford and a woman were snorting cocaine in a private room at a restaurant. “I have to take legal action against the waiter who said I was doing lines,” he said. “Outright lies, that is not true.” The conservative Ford, 44, was elected in 2010 on a wave of discontent from Toronto’s outer suburbs over what voters considered wasteful spending and elitist politics at City Hall. But his term has been consumed by revelations of bad behavior, from public drunkenness to crack smoking to threatening to kill someone in a videotaped, incoherent rant. The court documents released Wednesday are part of a drug case against Ford’s friend and occasional driver. Police interviews with Ford’s ex-staffers revealed their concerns about his drug use and drunk driving, with one staffer alleging another saw Ford “impaired, driving very fast,” and frightening the female employee who was in the car with him. In another incident, Ford was described by a former staff member as being “very inebriated, verbally abusive and inappropriate with” a female staff member on St. Patrick’s Day. Another former staffer reported seeing the mayor drunk in his office about 15 to 20 times in the year he worked for him. Ford acknowledged to reporters that he might have consumed alcohol while driving in the past. But he immediately went on the defense. “I’m not perfect. Maybe you are but I’m not, OK?” he told journalists. “I know none of you guys have ever had a drink and got behind the wheel.” Later, many of Toronto’s 44-member City Council turned their backs as the mayor spoke about city affairs.






Mostly sunny, with a high near 56. Light southwest wind increasing to 5 to 9 mph in the morning.

High of 55, low of 40.

SUNDAY High of 59, low of 52.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 10:00 a.m. “The Animals’ Longing Gaze: Heidegger and Derrida on Death.” The German Department and Whitney Humanities Center will host lecturer David Farrell Krell, a professor at Brown University. Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Rm. 208 6:30 p.m. “Half of a Yellow Sun” Screening. Join the Council on African Studies and film director Biyi Bandele for her telling of the “African Story,” followed by a Q&A with the director. Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Aud. 7:00 p.m. Veritas Forum: “What Makes Us Human?” Rosalind Picard, a Christian and computing researcher at MIT, and Joshua Knobe, a Yale philosophy and cognitive science professor, will discuss religion, robotics and consciousness. Sheffield-SterlingStrathcona Hall (1 Prospect St.), Rm. 114.


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30 a.m. Proust Marathon. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of Marcel Proust’s “Swann’s Way,” 100 students, scholars and guests will take turns reading their favorite passages from Proust’s masterwork. Saybrook Underbrook Theater (242 Elm St.). 7:00 p.m. “The Philadelphia Story.” The Yale Film Society and Films at the Whitney will screen the 1940 romantic comedy “The Philadelphia Story.” The film, which stars Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn and James Stewart, won Academy Awards for best actor and best adapted screenplay. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Aud.



2:00 p.m. “Three Rivers — One Source: A Concert of Traditional Vietnamese Music.” Come enjoy music, folk songs, poetry chants and drama with musical instruments from the deltas of the Hong, Huong and Cuu Long Rivers of Vietnam. Luce Hall (34 Hillhouse Ave.), Aud.

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By Jerry Edelstein

3 Duke of Cornwall’s wife, in Shakespeare 4 Back then, back when 5 Delight 6 Fish with no pelvic fin 7 Seismograph readings 8 __ belt 9 Legislative decision 10 Season, in a way 11 Height meas. 12 Day song word 15 Baby bug 17 Rent 21 Little League starters? 25 “Oh, when will they __ learn?”: Seeger lyric 26 November honorees 27 Maritime 28 “Gone With the Wind” feature 29 “Aladdin” parrot 30 “... with __-foot pole!” 31 For fear that 32 Bartlett cousin 33 Musical range 34 Jessica of “Total Recall” (2012)

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8 6

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38 Halogens, e.g. 39 Lysol target 40 Samoan port 42 Most hackneyed 45 Hosts 46 Poetic preposition 47 Dorothy Hamill maneuver 49 Soccer star Lionel who won the Ballon d’Or each of the last four years


50 “Stormy Weather” composer 51 Salisbury __ 52 Sharp turns 53 Memo start 54 Blueprint 57 Decision clouder 59 Great Lakes st. 61 Through 62 Place to retire

3 1 1

9 5

9 3 7

7 8 4


6 7 9

6 7 2




Nov. 6, 1869

First game of American football played.

Football heads to Princeton


The football team lost 29–7 to Princeton last year, although hopes are high for the Elis that they might end the Tigers’ winning streak as they face Princeton for the 136th time this weekend. FOOTBALL FROM PAGE 12 ing game [to stop him]. We can’t let them get in rhythm.” Epperly has been the top quarterback in the Ivy League by almost every statistical measure. Not only has he won offensive player of the week in each of Princeton’s five Ivy games, he has thrown 20 touchdown passes and run for 16 touchdowns on the season, both of which are best among all Ancient Eight players — not just quarterbacks. He has completed 74.1 percent of his passes, a figure that is second in the entire country. Yale (5–3, 3–2 Ivy) also features dual-threat quarterbacks of its own in starter Hank Furman

’14 and backup Morgan Roberts ’16. But Furman and Roberts are recovering from shoulder and leg injuries, respectively, and it remains uncertain whether either will be able to play Saturday. Furman described himself as a “game-time decision.” “Half the time, I don’t even know who’s behind us,” offensive lineman Will Chism ’15 said. Whether or not Furman is able to play, the Elis will need to rediscover their offense if they hope to win. The Bulldog offense, manned by quarterback Eric Williams ’16 after Furman and Roberts went down, scored on just one of its eight drives in the second half against Brown and put up just 78 total offensive

yards before its final possession. But after the Bulldogs switched to quarterback Logan Scott ’16 midway through the fourth quarter, Yale managed to pull out the victory when wideout Deon Randall ’15 took a third-down handoff 32 yards to the house with just 19 seconds left. “Our team prides itself on being able to handle adversity,” Furman said. “Those are the types of games that build confidence from a team perspective.” Much of the credit for the victory over Brown goes to the Elis’ defense. The Bears had five drives in the fourth quarter but managed to accrue just 69 total yards on them. Linebacker Will

Vaughan ’15 said that the offense thanked the defense after the game for keeping the team in contention against Brown. If the Bulldogs are to pull the upset over the Tigers, they will need to take care of the football. In the Elis’ five wins this year, they have just six total turnovers; in their three losses, they have turned it over eleven times. Even without preseason AllAmerican back Tyler Varga ’15, Yale has found success when running the ball, with both Kahlil Keys ’15 and Candler Rich ’17 stepping up in his absence. With Varga’s status up in the air again this weekend, the efforts of Keys and Rich will go a long way towards alleviating pressure on

whichever signal caller gets the start. “Our run game is the core of our offense,” Furman said. “It will be very important for us to play a physical game in the trenches.” This weekend’s game has major Ivy League implications. The Tigers, who are currently undefeated in conference play, would take at least a share of the Ivy title with a win. Their last conference triumph was in 2006, when they shared the top spot with the Bulldogs. For Yale, the Princeton matchup has championship implications as well. A victory would keep the team’s hopes of clinching a share of the Ivy

championship alive. “Starting with our captain and head coach, we focus on playing the next play. All the other outside stuff really has no effect on how we’re preparing for this game,” Drake said. “If anyone’s thinking ahead, it’s a mistake.” No matter Saturday’s result, the Bulldogs appear vastly improved on last year’s squad, which finished 2–8 last year and lost 29–7 at home against the Tigers. Saturday’s game, which kicks off at 1 p.m., can be seen on ESPN3. It marks the 136th meeting between Princeton and Yale. Contact GRANT BRONSDON at .

Keys to the game against Princeton BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER Tomorrow at 1:00 p.m., the Bulldogs (5–3, 3–2 Ivy) will take on the Princeton Tigers (7–1, 5–0) in their last competition before The Game. The contest will air on ESPN3 and will take place in Princeton Stadium. In order to gain the edge over the Tigers, Yale must force turnovers, keep the ball on the ground and dominate on defense. Keep forcing turnovers Princeton’s offense is the most productive in the Ivy League, putting up an average of 44.3 points per game. Should the Tigers keep up this pace, they will go on to set the Ivy League record for highest points per game average in a season. The Tigers have averaged 31 minutes of possession per game, but they have fumbled the ball 12 times this season for seven losses. The Elis have also struggled with turnovers, fumbling 15 times and losing possession nine times. If the Elis can limit their own turnovers, then Yale can keep Princeton off the field by forcing turnovers themselves. The less time the Tigers have with the ball, the harder it will be for them to continue running their average of 88 plays per game that allow them to score more than any other Ivy. Push the run Over 57 percent of Princeton’s total offensive yards have come through the air, and each passing play they run that results in a catch averages 10.6 yards. When the Tigers choose to throw the

Trailing Princeton by two games in the Ivy standings, a Yale win would keep the Bulldogs in the hunt for the Ivy crown. ball they are effective. In addition, 25 of the Tigers’ 48 touchdowns have been the result of passing plays. The Tigers also have several quarterbacks that can throw the ball. Four quarterbacks have taken snaps in all eight games, although Quinn

Epperly has the lion’s share of yards for the Tigers. Epperly has passed for 1668 yards at a completion rate of 74 percent this season. Additionally, he broke an FCS record two weeks ago when he completed his first 29 straight passes. Breaking up Epperly’s air

game will be essential to an Eli victory tomorrow. The defense While Yale’s offense has put on an impressive performance this season, Princeton’s attack has been the most productive in the Ivy League. Keeping the Tigers


from scoring will be a priority tomorrow. Yale has tallied a total of 2797 yards on the season, but the Tigers have racked up 4200 total offensive yards. Yale has intercepted the ball three more times this season than it did in 2012 and has 19 sacks. Pursuit of

the quarterback and tight coverage will help give the Bulldogs the defensive edge necessary to top Princeton for the first time in two seasons. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .




“Sports do not build character. They reveal it” HEYWOOD BROUN AMERICAN JOURNALIST

Final Ivy weekend for volleyball

Elis host Pioneers HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 strong program.” Since losing the first game of the season in a nonconference game against Brown, the Elis have gone on a five-game unbeaten streak. They will look to make it six straight against the Pioneers (2–7, 1–3 Atlantic Hockey), who are coached by former Yale assistant C.J. Marottolo. Sacred Heart comes into this game having dropped six consecutive games. The Pioneers’ problems have been on both sides of the ice. Their offense has scored just 15 goals in nine games, which ranks 57th out of 59 Division I teams. Meanwhile, their defense has allowed at least four goals in five games during the losing streak. But Sacred Heart did begin the year with an upset victory over then-No. 1 UMass Lowell, and if the Bulldogs learned anything from last year’s magical national title run, it is that underdogs should never be counted out. “I don’t think we will look past them,” defenseman Ryan Obuchowski ’16 wrote in an email to the News. “Make no mistake, they are a good team.” A recurring theme of Yale’s season has been the goalie platoon of Lyon and fellow freshman Patrick Spano ’17. Spano started last Friday’s game against Princeton and the net minder delivered 22 saves to pick up his third victory of the year. Lyon, who has yet to record a victory in goal as a Bulldog, started between the pipes on Saturday. Lyon said the goaltending situation is up in the air again, and that the coaches must re-evaluate their two possibilities for goal before making a decision for Saturday. “Goalie uncertainty doesn’t affect us,” Obuchowski said. “Our goalies have played well and given us a chance to win, so we have the utmost confidence in them.”



The men’s hockey team has not lost since falling 4–1 to Brown in a nonconference game on Oct. 25. A first glance at the stat sheet might suggest that the defense struggled against Quinnipiac. The Bobcats kept Lyon busy in the net all game and especially in the final frame, when they fired 22 shots. But Yale’s penalty kill was outstanding, shutting down all eight of the Bobcats’ power plays. Although the Bobcats managed to put three pucks into the net, that number is below their season average of 3.55 goals. “I don’t think we played too poorly defensively,” Lyon said. “The scoring chances were pretty even, and Quinnipiac’s style is to shoot the puck and push quantity over quality.” Yale still has many areas it can improve on, especially its power-play unit. Despite an overall positive weekend, the Bulldogs notched just a single power play goal on 10 opportuni-

ties and they have just five scores on 30 penalties all year. The Sacred Heart match presents another opportunity for the Bulldogs to improve, especially with a man advantage. The Pioneers have killed just 75.6 percent of penalties this year, ranking 50th in the country. “We need to be more mobile,” captain and forward Jesse Root ’14 said. “We’re too stationary. The biggest thing is guys moving [their] feet and doing a better job getting into the zone.” Root also said that the Bulldogs need to keep getting better as a team, especially on transition offense. Saturday’s game at Ingalls Rink starts at 7:00 p.m.

SOCCER FROM PAGE 12 ning five of its seven matches at Roberts Stadium. “With only pride on the line, I expect this to be the hardest working performance that our team will have all year,” goalkeeper Blake Brown ’15 said. “Every game this year our primary goal has been to play the best we can for each other. Being out of contention for the league title doesn’t change that, we just have a bigger motivation to send off the seniors on a good result.” The seven members of the class of 2014 will play their last official game for the Bulldogs at Princeton. The seniors have compiled a 19–37–11 record over their four years and have been an integral part of the program. Each senior has featured in at least 14 games this season. Captain Max McKiernan ’14 and defender Nick Alers ’14 have both started all 16 games. Forward Peter Jacobson ’14 has finished as Yale’s top point-getter the past two seasons, finishing second his freshman year, and has amassed 25 points in his career. Jacobson is also tied for the team lead in points this season. “I’m sure there will be some emotion on Saturday for all of us seniors,” McKiernan said. “Yale soccer has been a huge part of our lives and the fact that its coming to an end hasn’t really sunk in yet. Hopefully we will go out with a win.” Jacobson and the rest of the Bulldog offense will look to pounce on a Tiger defense

that is tied with Yale for the most goals conceded in the Ivy League this season. The Yale attack has been on fire in recent weeks, scoring eight goals in the last four games. The Bulldog’s defense played spectacularly in October, conceding only six goals in seven games, but has struggled in November. The Elis slipped back to the bottom of the Ancient Eight in total goals against by surrendering six goals in their last two games. Opponent set pieces have continued to be the Achilles heel of the defense. Last weekend against Brown, the Bears scored two goals in a 10-minute span from free kicks. The Elis will have to be mindful of the Tigers’ clinical forwards, Thomas Sanner and Cameron Porter. Each has scored seven goals this year and rank in the top five in the Ivy League in both points and goals. The Elis have a 9–6–2 record against the Tigers during the tenure of head coach Brian Tompkins. Last year, Yale lost the matchup 1–0 at Reese Stadium on Sanner’s first-half goal. “I would like the team to go out there and play their hearts out for the guys who are stepping into the Yale uniform for the last time in their lives,” Brown said. “We have proven that we can score goals and limit goals against, hopefully we can go out there and do both against a good Princeton team.” Yale travels to Princeton to play the Tigers this Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at .



The Elis are 11–1 in the Ancient Eight this season and have won 25 of their last 26 Ivy matches.


Soccer winds down

Harvard last Saturday. They are tied with the Crimson for second place in the Ivy League. In the last head-to-head between Yale and Penn on Oct. 11, the Elis extended their winning streak to four games, but not without a fight from the Quakers. After dropping the first two sets early, Penn challenged Yale in the second half of the match. The Quakers held a 10-point lead midway through the third set, but had to deal with an incredible 14–4 run by Yale that tied the game at 22. Penn did not wither under the Elis’ onslaught, however, and battled back to win the set 27–25. In the fourth and final set, the Bulldogs rode an eight-kill, three-assist performance by Johnson to victory. With the end of the season just around the corner, the Elis will now look toward the NCAA tournament. They may not

be favored to win, but Johnson said the team will welcome the opportunity to test its abilities. “It’s always fun to be the underdog,” she said. “No one knows what to expect from you. You have nothing to lose. Whoever we play, we can just go out there and just leave everything on the court.” A national title may be out of reach even for this Ivy League juggernaut, but as the Elis have proven time and time again, their main goal is to improve as a team, regardless of their record. “I want us to play at a level that we can bring to the postseason, a level that we can be proud of,” libero Maddie Rudnick ’15 said. “Most of all I want us to get better and have fun while we do.” First serve against Princeton will take place tonight at 7 p.m.

Bulldogs lose in heartbreaker BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 upset victory in Piscataway, N.J., they certainly sent a message to the rest of the Ivy League. “We’re going to be pretty good,” forward Brandon Sherrod ’15 said in a message to the News. “It’s just tough to say that because we lost.” After two free throws from guard Javier Duren ’15 put Yale ahead by six with just 1:46 remaining, a win appeared to be in the books for the Elis. But Rutgers forward J.J. Moore quickly responded, banging home two cold-blooded three-pointers to erase the Yale lead. Yale responded quickly. The Bulldogs hurriedly inbounded the ball to guard Armani Cotton ’15, who was fouled after rushing the ball into the frontcourt. Cotton, who bounced back from a scoreless outing against UConn on Monday, buried two clutch free throws with 26 seconds to go to put Yale back in front. On the ensuing possession, Rutgers benefitted from new NCAA rules concerning hand checking which have resulted in more whistles than ever. Yale forward Justin Sears ’16 bumped Rutgers forward Kadeem Jack under the basket, picking up his fifth foul of the game. Sears fouled out of the game, and Jack knocked down two free throws, putting the Scarlet Knights ahead for good at 72–71. Yale would have a couple more opportunities. After Duren initially turned over the ball, Rutgers was called for a traveling violation with 2.6 seconds remaining as guard Myles Mack rolled on the court in possession of the ball. On the inbounds underneath the basket, Duren lobbed a pass to guard Nick Vic-

tor ’16, who was positioned in front of the rim. Victor caught the ball and shot it in one motion — his first and only shot of the game—but the effort clanked harmlessly off the rim. Jones said such games full of adversity are the types that he wants his team to experience early in the season. “We want to challenge ourselves and we want to be battle tested by the time the league starts,” head coach James Jones said in a message to the News. Nevertheless, the Elis can take away a number of positives. The squad entered halftime trailing in each of their first two games, but went into the half at Rutgers up 37–34. Duren paced the Elis in scoring with a career-high 22 points. With Sears, who entered play averaging 21.5 points per game, caught in early foul trouble, guard Jesse Pritchard ’14 provided major relief off the bench. The captain nailed all three of his three-point attempts in the first half. Sherrod also stepped up in the first half of play, outperforming his season average of seven points per game by scoring eight in just the first half. He would finish with 10. Duren capped off Yale’s firsthalf scoring with a remarkable and-one circus shot with 38 seconds left in the half, hanging in the air for what seemed like an eternity after a beautiful spin move. After Duren hit the free throw, Rutgers guard Myles Mack scored two of his 17 points to bring the Scarlet Knights to within three at the break. Rutgers would get no closer for almost the entire second half. The lead was sustained in large part due to an improved

second half effort from Sears. Playing near his hometown of Plainfield, N.J., Sears was able to slam home two breakaway dunks that seemed to give him some momentum. Before fouling out of the game, Sears managed a 12-point performance, though his lone rebound was a far cry from the 11.5 he had been averaging. Sears said foul trouble and his attempts at avoiding over-theback fouls made an impact on his lack of production. “It [foul trouble] definitely played a role,” Sears said. “Usually I’m very aggressive going after the offensive boards … I felt that I had to take it a little bit easier, but it is what it is.” Sears was not the only Bulldog who had a less-than-stellar day on the glass. The Elis had a plus-11.5 rebounding margin entering last night’s tilt, only to be outrebounded by eight by the Scarlet Knights, who are not known for being a great rebounding team. Jones said he attributed some of that to Sears being limited. “Justin, our leading rebounder, got into foul trouble in the first half and never got into the flow on the glass,” Jones said in another message to the News. “He’s a huge difference maker for us.” The Bulldogs will have some time off to lick their wounds before returning to action next week for their home opener. Yale will tip off against Sacred Heart (0–2, 0–0 NEC) at Payne Whitney on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. Contact JAMES BADAS at .

SCHEDULE FRIDAY NOV. 15 W. Swimming and Diving

@ Columbia

5 p.m.

W. Ice Hockey

@ Rensselaer

4 p.m.


@ Princeton

7 p.m.


@ Princeton

1 p.m.

M. Soccer

@ Princeton

3 p.m.

M. Ice Hockey

vs. Sacred Heart

7 p.m.

Yale All-Access


@ School

x p.m.

WYBC postponed from Saturday


vs. School

x p.m.



@ School

x p.m.

Yale All-Access


vs. School

x p.m.



@ School

x p.m.



Yale would finish third in the Ivy League with a win at Princeton and a Dartmouth win over Brown.



NCAAF N. Illinois 28 Ball State 27

NCAAM No. 19 Connecticut 101 Detroit 55

NCAAW No. 24 Georgia 72 Mercer 41

SPORTS EARL PHELAN ’89 NCAA SILVER ANNIVERSARY AWARD Phelan will receive the NCAA Silver Anniversary Award, an honor that recognizes notable former NCAA athletes 25 years after the ends of their careers. After playing basketball for the Bulldogs, Phelan distinguished himself in the field of education reform.

MELISSA GAVIN ’15, MEREDITH SPECK ’15 AND SHANNON MCSWEENY ’16 WOMEN’S SOCCER The three Bulldogs received All-Ivy honors on Thursday, as Gavin and Speck made the All-Ivy first team and McSweeney made the All-Ivy second team. The awards are based on polling of Ivy League coaches.


NCAAW No. 5 Louisville 88 No. 14 LSU 67


“I’m sure there will be some emotion on Saturday for all of us seniors.” MAX MCKIERNAN ’14 MEN’S SOCCER


Yale looks to keep Ivy hopes alive

Elis fall in final


breaker, 72–71.

BY JAMES BADAS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Until the final 30 seconds of the second half, the men’s basketball team dictated the action against Rutgers and had held the lead for the previous 22 minutes. But when the final buzzer eventually sounded, Yale found itself on the losing end of what could only be described as a heart-

MEN’S BASKETBALL Yale (1–2, 0–0 Ivy) set out to make a statement in travelling to the raucous Rutgers Athletic Complex to face the Scarlet Knights (2–1, 0–0 AAC). While the Bulldogs could not seal the SEE BASKETBALL PAGE 11


The Elis will head to Princeton on Saturday hoping to stay in the hunt for the Ivy League title. BY GRANT BRONSDON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Following a thrilling last-minute victory over Brown, the Yale football team travels to Princeton on Saturday aiming to both prevent the Tigers from clinching the Ivy championship and to and keep its

own hopes alive. The No. 24 Tigers (7–1, 5–0 Ivy) enter the game red-hot, having won seven straight contests. Much of that success is due to star quarterback Quinn Epperly, who has won Ivy Offensive Player of the Week honors for four consecutive weeks. Epperly set an NCAA record against Har-

Pioneers travel to Ingalls BY GRANT BRONSDON STAFF REPORTER The Yale men’s hockey team will take a brief respite from ECAC play this Saturday night when they take on Sacred Heart at Ingalls Rink.

MEN’S HOCKEY Yale (3–1–2, 2–0–2 ECAC) played two key conference games last week, highlighted by last Saturday’s showdown against nearby

rival Quinnipiac. The Bulldogs knocked off Princeton 5–2 and managed a tie against the Bobcats 3–3. Goaltender Alex Lyon ’17, who started against Quinnipiac and stopped 48 shots, said that the national championship rematch served as a teaching moment. “I think it definitely helped me deal with big crowds,” Lyon said. “Getting to this level, you see a bit higher intensity atmosphere. It also gave the team a lot of confidence … to play with a pretty

vard with 29 consecutive completions to start the game. “He reminds me of Tim Tebow when he was at Florida,” defensive end Dylan Drake ’14 said of the left-handed Epperly. “We need to disrupt their passSEE FOOTBALL PAGE 10


The men’s basketball team led by as many as eight points, but lost to Rutgers 72–71 last night.

Bulldogs play Killer P’s BY DIONIS JAHJAGA STAFF REPORTER If there is one thing the Yale volleyball team cannot do, it is take the foot off the gas. After clinching the Ivy League title for the fourth year in a row last weekend, they have seemingly nothing left to prove. But this weekend against Princeton and Penn, you can count on the Elis to compete like they always do.

VOLLEYBALL Though their conference-record winning streak is broken and they have secured their ticket to the NCAA tournament, setter Kelly Johnson ’16 said the Elis (17–4,

11–1 Ivy) still have a reason to compete. “We don’t want to lose to anyone,” Johnson said. “Our goal is to beat every team that we play. We don’t want to give Penn or Princeton the feeling that they have the ability to beat us.” Tonight the Elis will take on the Tigers (9–13, 5–7 Ivy). In their last matchup on Oct. 12, Yale protected its home court with a 3–1 victory. Princeton surprised the Bulldogs by taking the first set 25–21, but captain Kendall Polan ’14 took over the game with her serving and playmaking to lead the Elis to victory. Yale won the next three sets in dominating fashion by an average margin of 10 points. Princeton is currently in fifth place in the conference, fresh off a 3–2 victory at

Dartmouth. The Elis know they are the team to beat in the Ivy League, but they also know that they cannot overlook the Tigers, according to outside hitter Erica Reetz ’14. “Penn and Princeton have always been tough teams in my Yale career,” Reetz said. “We will come out this weekend with the same intensity and competitive edge that we brought to every Ivy match this season.” After their bout against Princeton, the Elis will travel to Philadelphia for their match against the Quakers. Penn (14– 9, 8–4 Ivy) has won its last six contests, including an impressive 3–2 decision over SEE VOLLEYBALL PAGE 11


Pride on the line for men’s soccer BY FREDERICK FRANK STAFF REPORTER In the last game of the season and with little to play for but pride, the men’s soccer team travels to Princeton with a chance to finish third in the Ivy League.

MEN’S SOCCER Coupled with an unlikely

Dartmouth victory at Brown, a Yale (4–10–2, 2–2–2 Ivy) win would allow the Elis to jump both the Tigers and the Bears in the standings to record their best finish in the Ancient Eight since 2005, when Yale tied for first place in the conference. Princeton (6–9–1, 3–2–1 Ivy) has lost three of its last four games but has a strong home record, winSEE SOCCER PAGE 11



The volleyball team clinched its fourth consecutive Ivy League title last weekend.

THE LEAD THAT THE YALE MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM HELD OVER RUTGERS WITH 1:46 TO PLAY. The Scarlet Knights outscored the Bulldogs 10–3 the rest of the way to come back and win 72–71. Guard Javier Duren ’15 scored a career-high 22 points in the loss.

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