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Linda Lorimer wins firstever YaleWomen Award of Excellence
Rally protests Gurley shooting
Early birds. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 agreed to a debate on “Good Morning America” ahead of the April 19 New York primary. “I think it’s a great opportunity to reach an audience that may not always be able because of other obligations to tune in to debates,” Clinton said. Her opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders, has yet to agree to the morning debate.
Rash(ida) decision. Harvard announced that Rashida Jones, who graduated from the college in 1997, would be delivering the Class Day address this May. “It’s where I first had the idea for Facebook, which went on to make me billions of dollars and change the world. Oh, wait, that wasn’t me …,” Jones joked. The Yale Class Day chairs have not yet announced this year’s speaker. UConn’d. Last night, the UConn women’s basketball team defeated Oregon State 80–51 to extend its victory streak to 74 games and take one more step toward winning four straight NCAA championships. The Huskies will battle the Syracuse women on Tuesday night for the national title. The best duo besides Duo Mobile. Timothy Dwight
College will host a Chubb lecture with Paul Simon, one half of the iconic musical duo Simon & Garfunkel. Simon will speak at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Battell Chapel. Smoker? I barely know her.
The Owl Shop, one of New Haven’s oldest bars, got a shoutout in The New York Times in this past weekend’s arts supplement. The Times described the Owl Shop as one of the few venues that retains the smoke-filled vibe of bars before smoking bans existed. April is the awareness month.
In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness month, students will host a town hall about rape culture on Yale’s campus. The open discussion will be held at 8 p.m. this evening at the AfroAmerican Cultural Room.
1990 The Silliman College housing committee distributes a letter to all students in the residential college, asking for volunteers to move offcampus. Silliman is facing a housing crunch spurred by the closing of a 20-person annex. Follow along for the News’ latest.
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Happiness Challenge sponsors pilates event on Cross Campus PAGE 5 SCI-TECH
ZAHA HADID 1950-2016
Trailblazing architect dies at 65 BY JOEY YE STAFF REPORTER
Gurley, who was walking through with his girlfriend, in the chest. Liang was subsequently convicted of second-degree manslaughter and is set to be sentenced on April 14. New York District Attorney Kenneth Thompson recommended against jail time for Liang on March 28. New Haven social justice protestors
Zaha Hadid, a visiting professor at the Yale School of Architecture who was widely credited as the greatest modern female architect, died March 31 of a heart attack while being treated for bronchitis in a Miami hospital. She was 65 years old. Born in 1950 in Baghdad, Hadid was the first woman, and the first Muslim, to win the Pritzker Architecture Prize, which is regarded as the Nobel Prize of architecture. She was also the first woman to receive the Royal Institute of British Architects Gold Medal. Around the world, her buildings include the Guangzhou, China Opera House and the London Olympics Aquatic Center. Hadid was a frequent guest at Yale who taught every few years as a visiting professor; this semester, she co-taught an advanced studio class for graduate students in architecture. “[Hadid] was a huge, significant talent and she was also a great teacher,” incoming Dean of the Yale School of Architecture Deborah Berke said. “She demanded incredible amounts of work and the highest possible quality from her students, but she also loved them and we will miss her terribly.” Berke, who studied with Hadid while
16 years later. Onaje Woodbine
’02, a former member of the Yale men’s basketball team, wrote a piece for The Chronicle of Higher Education in which he described why he quit the team after his sophomore season. “On the basketball court, I would be perceived by … the predominantly white Yale campus as a typical black man, naturally gifted in body but equally defective in mind,” Woodbine wrote.
A group of approximately 40 gathered to protest Akai Gurley’s shooting. BY SARA TABIN STAFF REPORTER Cries of “no justice no peace; no racist police” and “hands up to the sky; we doing this for Akai” rang out across the rainy New Haven Green on Saturday afternoon. A group of approximately 40 Connecticut residents, Yale students and members of 28-year-old Akai Gur-
ley’s family gathered to protest Gurley’s shooting, which occurred at the hands of New York Police Department Officer Peter Liang on Nov. 20, 2014 in Brooklyn. The rally was organized by the local racial justice nonprofits ANSWER Coalition CT, Black Lives Matter New Haven and Moral Monday CT. Liang’s weapon discharged in a dark stairwell and ricocheted off a wall, fatally striking
Salovey’s commitment to climate questioned BY FINNEGAN SCHICK AND DAVID SHIMER STAFF REPORTERS Following the announcement last month that Yale’s Climate and Energy Institute would close at the end of this academic year, student and faculty climate change activists and University administrators seem to disagree over whether Yale is sufficiently dedicated to climate change initiatives. Some professors and students involved with the YCEI said Yale’s decision to defund the eight-year-old institute reflects a larger lack of commitment for climate and energy research from University President Peter Salovey’s administration. The institute’s gradual decline stemmed from topdown budget cuts over the past two years. While YCEI fac-
ulty and students have not yet directly confronted the University about the institute’s closure, they speculated that Salovey has been unsupportive of climate change research. “We had a full budget before Salovey,” said Matthew Goldklang ’16, YCEI New Haven Energy Scholar intern. “I had no idea we were going to be completely cut. It’s really sad.” Salovey and University Provost Benjamin Polak strongly disputed the notion that the current administration has been moving resources away from climate change research. Polak said that over the past three years, the total budget for climate-change-related programs and initiatives, which includes the Energy Sciences Institute at West Campus and SEE CLIMATE PAGE 6
AAUP report evaluates Title IX BY MONICA WANG STAFF REPORTER Over the last few years, with cases of sexual misconduct on college campuses garnering widespread media attention, various groups from across the political spectrum have weighed in on what effective Title IX enforcement should look like and whether colleges are equipped to enforce it. Last month, the Association of American University Professors added to that conversation with a new draft report, which raised concerns about how schools’ applications of Title IX may be jeopardizing faculty freedom and actually hampering efforts at gender equity. Title IX — a federal statute
among the Education Amendments passed in 1972 — protects individuals from sex discrimination in all educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. But as universities have recently used the statute to crack down on sexual misconduct, faculty rights to academic freedom, including free speech, due process and shared governance, have been upended “in unprecedented ways,” the report argued. In particular, it pointed to attempts to censor faculty expression in the name of preventing harassment. In addition, an overemphasis on Title IX’s provisions regarding sexual harassment and assault SEE REPORT PAGE 4
Student and faculty activists and University admins seem to disagree about climate change initiatives.
Geller Commons opens to homeless BY AMY CHENG AND ZAINAB HAMID STAFF REPORTER AND CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Geller Commons, a statefunded affordable housing unit in Hamden, Connecticut, opened its doors last week to homeless individuals living in the city and surrounding communities. New Reach, a New Havenbased nonprofit dedicated to combating homelessness and poverty in Connecticut, developed the property using a $7.6 million grant awarded by Connecticut’s Permanent Supportive Housing Initiative in 2014. The grant was approved by the Interagency Committee on Supportive Housing, an organization of state committees that develops longterm housing solutions for families, individuals and
young adults. Construction of the unit broke ground in April 2015, and the building welcomed its first tenants last week. In addition to providing rental housing, Geller Commons will offer its residents support ranging from counseling to transportation. The housing unit, located on Sanford Street, comprises 33 handicap-accessible, single-bedroom apartments, 16 of which will be allocated to individuals who earn 50 percent of the New Haven metro area’s average median income. Of the remaining 17, 10 are set aside for the chronically homeless — individuals who have been homeless for at least one year or who are disabled and have been homeless at least four times in the past three years — including veterans
ineligible for Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing. Seven will be rented out to youths aging out of foster care. When announcing the grant recipients, Gov. Dannel Malloy stressed the vital role supportive housing plays in providing economic stability to those who are in need. “These homes are a proven way to end longterm homelessness,” Malloy said in an April 2014 press release. “When we invest in housing, we invest in people, in stable neighborhoods and communities, and in our economic future.” According to Christie Stewart, chief development director of New Reach, the nonprofit works with other organizations SEE HOMELESS PAGE 4