Today's Paper

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CROSS CAMPUS Gu-getters. The John Simon

Guggenheim Memorial foundation announced its list of 2016 fellows yesterday. Among the 178 recipients were three members of the Yale faculty. Economics professor Dean Karlan, former Yale Art School Dean Robert Storr and East Asian Studies professor Jing Tsu each received recognition for their work. This marks the 92nd annual competition for the Guggenheim fellowship.




Yale Students for Hillary call potential voters during phone bank






his weekend, the Yale Corporation will continue to deliberate the names of the two new colleges and the potential renaming of Calhoun College and the title of “master.” In contrast to previous presidents who largely directed such significant decisions, University President Peter Salovey has approached the Corporation with a consensus-based attitude, prolonging decision-making. DAVID SHIMER reports.

to register to run for Yale College Council positions is this evening at 5 p.m. Brace yourselves, because after 5 p.m., candidates may launch Facebook photo campaigns and distribute flyers. Polls will open next Thursday, and in the case of unusually close races, run-off elections will be held the following week.

Dolphinitely. Guilford

Police Animal Shelter had to humanely euthanize a stranded dolphin yesterday afternoon. After a passerby saw a whitesided dolphin stranded off of Chaffinch Island Park, the Mystic Aquarium’s Emergency Response Team arrived at the scene and attempted to save the dolphin but was unsuccessful.

Miss International Fear.

The Office of International Students and Scholars at Yale will host a discussion on the “Culture of Fear” at 5:30 p.m. this evening. Topics of conversation will include the perceived American fear of outsiders and the media’s role in creating fear. Girl talk. The Yale Women’s Center invites students to hear from a panel of faculty and administrators, including Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Melanie Boyd, about womanhood at Yale. The event will be hosted at the Saybrook Underbrook Theater at 6:30 p.m. Written in the stars.

The opening night of “Constellations” — a play about the tension between free will and destiny — is tonight at the Calhoun Cabaret at 8 p.m. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1958 History majors bemoan the lack of resources within their department. Students’ main criticism is aimed toward the lack of seminar offerings. The department has only listed one seminar — “Western World in the 18th and 19th Centuries” — for the coming year. Follow along for the News’ latest.

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Muslim scholar speaks in Battell chapel to crowd of 800 PAGE 8 UNIVERSITY

Under Salovey, Yale Corporation gains influence

YCC, walking around with them blue faces. The deadline

Wadsworth it. Harvard President Drew Faust joined civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis to unveil a new plaque at Wadsworth House yesterday. The plaque honors four slaves who worked at the university in the 1700s. The unveiling comes just weeks after Harvard announced that it would change its law school seal which references a prominent slave-owning family.



The Yale Corporation is currently deliberating over three major naming decisions.

School-specific AAU results kept private BY MONICA WANG AND DAVID YAFFE-BELLANY STAFF REPORTERS The decision by Yale’s 13 graduate and professional school deans not to publish school-specific data on the prevalence of campus sexual misconduct has provoked widespread debate in the University community, pitting those who demand total transparency against others who say the numbers are a distraction from broader efforts to improve Yale’s sexual climate. Last September, the Association of American Universities released university-specific results for the 27 schools, including Yale, that participated in its campus climate survey. The results, which University President Peter Salovey called “extremely disturbing,” showed an above-average rate of sexual assault and harassment among both undergraduates and graduate and professional students at Yale. This preliminary round of data, which can be found on the University’s website, distinguished between undergraduate versus graduate and professional numbers, but did not further break down the numbers for each graduate and professional school — thus combining the responses

of 3,364 students at schools with distinct social and academic climates. Two months later, the University obtained survey results for each individual graduate and professional school from Westat, the outside research company that developed the survey. Although administrators passed the data onto each school’s dean — and although the numbers have been presented to students at townhall-style meetings over this past semester — the deans have declined to make the information available to the general public. In response, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate has launched a lobbying campaign aimed at collecting the data for a public report that would compare best practices across schools. But administrators at the graduate and professional schools say publishing the data would actually get in the way of the important task of curbing campus sexual assault and harassment. “Students have expressed to me that they would like to know what the landscape is in other schools and how they’re addressing them in each particular school,” GPSS President Elizabeth Mo GRD ’18 said. “People do SEE AAU RESULTS PAGE 4

It is near midnight on Nov. 12, 2015, and 200 students are marching on University President Peter Salovey’s house in the cold. Advocating for a more diverse and inclusive campus, they present Salovey with a set of demands. Their list includes, among other things, renaming Calhoun College, eliminating the title of master and naming the two new residential colleges after people of color. Just five days later, Salovey responds to campus concerns with a series of initiatives, one inviting the community to listening sessions with the Yale Corporation on naming. But the three issues remained unresolved. For more than seven months, the 17 members of the Yale Corporation, including Salovey, who chairs each of the body’s meetings, have been deliberating whether to rename Calhoun and eliminate the title of master. They have not yet announced a decision. The Corporation has also been debating what to name the two new residential colleges. This decision has not been reached either. In November, student activists demanded that Salovey address these issues within days. But for such unusual and significant items, who makes the actual decision: the president or the Corporation as a whole?

UPCLOSE To the surprise of former University leaders dating back 60 years, the answer now seems to be the Corporation. Interviews with Corporation members, former University President Richard Levin and various current and former administrators reveal that past presidents did not see the Corporation as a body that could or should make these types of decisions. Rather, they viewed the Corporation as a feedback mechanism that always accepted presidential recommendations — including on nonroutine issues like these three. “The Corporation simply never would have controlled these decisions,” said former University Secretary John Wilkinson ’60 GRD ’63, who served in the position under former University Presidents Bartlett Giamatti and Benno Schmidt in the 1980s. “[Giamatti] would have pulled out his hair and just started screaming if he were just another member of the Corporation on something this big. He would have had a fit.” But Salovey has taken a different approach. He told the News that upon his ascension to the presidency SEE CORPORATION PAGE 6

CS makes progress on hiring BY DANIELA BRIGHENTI AND VICTOR WANG STAFF REPORTERS More than a year after the Computer Science Department received two anonymous gifts for a total of $20 million, the department still has yet to hire the majority of faculty members promised by the donation. The department sent a final list of candidates to Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office on April 5, department chair Joan Feigenbaum said Tuesday during a departmental town hall. The push for faculty hiring stems in part from the $20 million gift, which has been designated for three faculty positions in com-

puter science at the cost of $5 million each and a $5 million start-up package for the new faculty members. With the decision in March 2015 to move the Computer Science Department to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the department was also promised two additional jointhires between computer science and other engineering departments. Before the donation, the computer science faculty size had not grown larger than 20 faculty members since 1989, a year when just over 400 undergraduate students were registered for computer science courses. Meanwhile, from 2011 to fall 2014, the number of under-

graduate course registrations for computer science classes has grown from 600 to 1,400 undergraduates and the number of junior and senior computer science majors has doubled. While the department has released little information about the hiring process and timeline, FAS Dean Tamar Gendler confirmed that the department had successfully sent the candidate list, which includes at least one female faculty candidate, to her office for approval. She added that no formal offers have been made but that the department expects to hire two or three additional faculty this SEE HIRING PAGE 4


The department held a town hall Tuesday.

Appropriations passes alternative budget BY NOAH DAPONTE-SMITH STAFF REPORTER With Connecticut facing a looming $911 million deficit for fiscal year 2017, the General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee passed a budget Wednesday that would close less than two-thirds of the gap. The budget’s $569 mil-

lion in cuts will affect every facet of state government, including funding to municipalities and current services, committee co-chairs state Sen. Beth Bye, D-West Hartford, and state Rep. Toni Walker, D-New Haven, told reporters in the state capitol before the committee’s meeting. Though the committee’s budget

leaves roughly $340 million in savings unresolved, Bye and Walker said they anticipate that tax revenues will rise later this year and cover the remaining deficit. But before the plan can be adopted, it has to pass through the full General Assembly. “We know we’re going to impact our residents,” Bye said. “Thousands and

thousands came before us and said, ‘Please don’t cut this or that.’ But there are no sacred cows in this budget. There couldn’t be. So everybody took some hits.” The committee’s budget cuts include a 5.75 percent reduction to the state’s payment in lieu of taxes program, which compensates municipalities for tax-exempt properties.

New Haven, with the most tax-exempt properties in the state, would be particularly affected by those cuts. The committee’s budget is notable, however, for not projecting any savings through layoffs of state workers. Bye and Walker said the process of putting together the committee’s proposed budget was biparti-

san, with Democrats sitting alongside Republicans on subcommittees that decided cuts. Walker noted that the past year has been tumultuous for the state’s budget — the committee’s proposal is the fourth budget the committee has put forth in the last year. The SEE BUDGET PAGE 4

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