Today's Paper

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CROSS CAMPUS Tell no one. Cut members of

the class of 2017 some slack today as they walk through campus in ridiculous outfits, post questionable photos and videos on Facebook or ask you to take pictures of them with Sasha Pup. It’s senior society tap night. In the evening, seniors and their newly tapped juniors will gather for tap night festivities which are rumored to last all weekend long.


I’M ON (HIGHER) ONE GIVING IT WAS RED Higher One, a company founded by Yalies, sells two major divisons






s Yale grows in size, its administrative structures become more complex. This complexity has altered the relationship between Yale’s leaders and the faculty and staff. FINNEGAN SCHICK reports.

of senior societies, former Bonesman and former President George H.W. Bush ’48 threw the first pitch at the Houston Astros-Kansas City Royals game earlier this week. Bush’s son, former President George W. Bush ’68 — who was also in Skull and Bones at Yale — was the captain of the Yale baseball team during his senior season. The younger Bush was later was a managing partner of the Texas Rangers.

Better than tap night.

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump will visit the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford on Friday. The hall expects to fill its capacity of 8,000 people for the event. Trump will speak in the Constitution State to rally support for the Connecticut primary on April 26.

Speak out. The Community

Consent Educators, United Against Sexual Assault at Yale and the Women’s Center will host a series of events for “Take Back the Night” to raise awareness around campus climate issues. Tomorrow, there will be a chalking on Cross Campus at 11 a.m.

It only happens twice a year.

This evening, the shops on Broadway will participate in the spring “College Night on Broadway.” Yale students can show their IDs to access discounts at retail stores and restaurants. There will also be a live DJ and henna tattoos.

Not sorry. Journalist Lucy Aharish will give her perspective on the ArabIsraeli conflict at Slifka at 4 p.m. today. The talk is titled “Unapologetic.” THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1992 Donald Kagan announces that he will resign from his position as Yale College dean. Kagan’s resignation followed a speech to the faculty titled “Restructuring and the Threat to Yale College” in which he criticizes the faculty for opposing academic cuts. Follow along for the News’ latest.

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Executive Director of Yale Hospitality Rafi Taherian wins two awards PAGE 9 UNIVERSITY

Is Yale becoming too corporate?

Take a pitcher. Speaking

Por(cellian) que? Harvard was featured in The New York Times today after the university’s oldest all-male social club, Porcellian Club, put forth an official statement saying that admitting women could increase the chances of sexual misconduct. In response, Rep. Katherine Clark tweeted, “Or, instead of blaming women, you could focus on teaching members of your club to NOT sexually assault people.”



When union representatives tried to deliver a petition to Polak at 2 Whitney Grove Square, they were rebuffed.

YCC candidates look beyond student effort BY JON VICTOR STAFF REPORTER With Yale College Council elections on the horizon, all five presidential candidates have made eliminating the student effort a central part of their campaigns — but they have proposed smaller-scale financial aid reforms as well. In response to student activism, the administration announced in December that the student effort — an amount that students on financial aid are asked to contribute toward their Yale education — would be reduced next year from its current amount of $6,400 by $1,350 for students with a parent contribution of zero and $450 for everyone else. Sarah Armstrong ’18, Diksha Brahmbhatt ’18, Carter Helschien ’18, Josh Hochman ’18 and Peter Huang ’18 all vowed to carry on advocacy to eliminate the expectation altogether. But, acknowledging that full elimination of the student effort would likely not happen during their terms as president, several have also presented more creative proposals to benefit low-income students in the short term. “In terms of eliminating [the student effort] completely, that’s not going to happen in this next year,” Brahmbhatt said. “It’s not something that the YCC can promise to do, or we would be giving people false hope.” Brahmbhatt and Huang both said they want to establish more rewarding jobs on campus for students to exercise their passions and unique skill sets while also being paid. For example, Huang said, the YCC could work to increase the number of paid research positions available on campus. Others focused on policies tangentially related to financial aid for the lowest-income students at Yale. Hochman’s platform calls for elimination of mandatory course drop fees as well as a review of how individual residential colleges distribute emergency funds to students with extreme financial need. By contrast, Armstrong and Helschien’s solutions focused more on recipients of financial aid in general. Armstrong said the YCC should create awareness that tuition insurance is available, as well as generate more administrative support in the FinanSEE YCC PAGE 4

Down the block from Warner House sits an eight-story office building, a monolithic block of glass and brick. University Provost Benjamin Polak once worked in Warner House, but after Yale created a new position for a dean to oversee the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Polak’s offices relocated to the fourth floor of 2 Whitney Grove Square. The relocation of the Provost’s Office from a classic Yale landmark on Hillhouse Avenue to a modern office building is more than just a change in locale. It also typifies what some have described as the increasing corporatization of Yale. The so-called “corporatization” of the University is tricky to define and even trickier to actually observe. Staff members worry that their ranks continue to shrink after more than a decade of efforts to centralize the University’s body of staff and make it more efficient. Faculty members are more concerned that Yale’s senior administration is growing too large — expanding to include a bevy of vice presidents, provosts and deans — at the expense of the University’s academic community. “People use the word [corporatization] without defining it,” said Vice President for Finance Stephen Murphy ’87, who helps Polak manage Yale’s finances. “The question becomes … Is the

UPCLOSE addition of administrative support at all levels, including the senior levels, effective and efficient?” The inner workings of Yale’s administration are deeply complex, but staff and faculty with decades of institutional memory say Yale is no longer the same school it was only a decade ago, before large-scale staff reorganizations began. Furthermore, they said, working at Yale feels increasingly like being part of a company, not part of an institution devoted to research and education. Has the restructuring of the staff and the growth of the senior administration really sacrificed community in the name of efficiency? Is corporatization sterilizing Yale, or strengthening it?


For Yale’s staff, the trend of corporatization has become apparent in the University’s attempts to streamline and condense into central offices. A few decades ago, many of Yale’s 9,455 administrative staff worked closer to central campus, working in departments and offices near Old Campus and Hillhouse Avenue. Today, around 1,000 staff work in a SEE CORPORATIZATION PAGE 6

Students anticipate naming announcements BY DAVID SHIMER STAFF REPORTER Last weekend, University President Peter Salovey said the names of the two new residential colleges, as well as the potential renaming of Calhoun College and the elimination of the title master, will be announced in the coming weeks before final exams. But students are criticizing the University for likely waiting until either

the end of classes or reading week to reveal these decisions. Throughout the academic year, the Yale Corporation collected input from the Yale community and internally debated the three issues. But the body’s involvement ended during its fourth meeting last weekend, according to Vice President for Communications Eileen O’Connor. Now the University is poised to announce the decisions toward the end of the

semester to the chagrin and skepticism of students. All 40 students interviewed said the University should make the announcements as far in advance of final exams as possible, and all 40 also said it will be more difficult for students to potentially protest the decisions as the semester comes to a close. “It is very smart of them to SEE NAMING PAGE 4

After controversial season, donations unclear BY DANIELA BRIGHENTI AND JON VICTOR STAFF REPORTERS The month of March featured both unprecedented success and scathing criticism for the Yale men’s basketball team. Weeks later, the potential impact on incoming alumni donations remains unclear: if the team’s historic tournament run could lead to a surge in giving, or if its sexual misconduct controversy could lower donations instead. Just as the team secured its first March Madness berth in 54 years, it also found itself answering questions about the expulsion of former captain Jack Montague for sexual misconduct. The convergence of the two storylines brought significant national attention — both positive and negative — to the basketball program and to Yale as a whole. While alumni at times debated whether the University administration handled the controversy correctly, they were largely uncertain about whether either headline would translate to any shift in donation levels. “It has been a topic that people have been talking about a lot, and more clarity and resolution would be helpful for alums,” said Yale Hockey Association President Daryl Jones ’98, who said his group has had recurring conversations about the Montague sitSEE MONTAGUE PAGE 4


Alumni and administrators are unsure what effect the basketball team’s recent headlines will have on donations.

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