Today's Paper

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T H E O L D E ST C O L L E G E DA I LY · FO U N D E D 1 8 7 8




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CROSS CAMPUS The Amar Report. Law professor Akhil Amar ’80 LAW ’84 appeared on “The Colbert Report” last night to talk — what else? — constitutional law with Stephen Colbert. But if you missed Amar on television, don’t worry. The storied professor teaches a class twice a week in the Law School auditorium. Money matters. Or does it? A new national study has found that the more college money parents provide for their children, the lower their children’s grades in college, according to a recent article from The New York Times. This inverse relationship was not as strong at elite institutions than at other private, costly and out-ofstate colleges, the study continued. Frat city, yo. Zeta Psi brothers were spotted handing out free “Rush Zeta Psi” shirts on Old Campus yesterday afternoon. Because if there’s anything that will convince an undecided freshman to join a fraternity, it’s a free T-shirt. That should seal the deal. Stop, drop and roll. A fire





Controversial Christian fraternity Beta Upsilon Chi prepares for rush


The Bulldogs earn second conference victory against Brown










YCBA restores building

Celebrate the dream. The

Yale Peabody Museum will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day this Sunday and Monday with free events, including a poetry slam and interactive games. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1884 Vital statistics released today indicate that the average Yale man is 19 years and one month old and 5-feet-7.92inches tall. Submit tips to Cross Campus



’97-’98 ’99-’00 ’01-’02 ’03-’04 ’05-’06 ’07-’08 ’09-’10 ’11-’12

Can you sing? Sarah Solovay ’16 can. The singer/songwriter is one of the top 10 finalists in Hitlab’s “Golden Ticket Contest,” wooing the judges with her songs “Superhuman” and “A Little In Love.” The contest winner will have a chance to attend and perform at the 55th annual Grammy Awards.

Haven school board has accepted a $111,042 donation from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that will fund “innovative professional development” for teachers.



For students who are studying East Asian languages at Yale, applying to the Richard U. Light Fellowship is becoming a rite of passage. Established in 1996, the fellowship — which provides full funding for students to study Chinese, Japanese or Korean for a summer, semester or year in Asia —

Education reform. The New

students studying European languages like French and German has been steadily decreasing. “For the past five years, there’s been a consistently high level of student interest,” Light Fellowship Director Robert Clough said. “I think there’s a genuine curiosity about East Asia, and the fact that this fellowship can accelerate a stu-

After reaching its goal of recruiting students interested in science in the class of 2016, Yale’s Admissions Office aims to maintain the same percentage of science-oriented students in future years. Keeping in line with other major research universities and University-wide sciencecentered initiatives, the office began a targeted plan of science recruitment six years ago. The class of 2016 represents the first in which over 40 percent of students matriculated with the intent to major in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) field. Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jeffrey Brenzel said despite starting out “a bit behind,” Yale’s science outreach efforts have now caught up to the University’s broader focus on the sciences. “We had to get the message out about Yale as a place to do science, in a more focused and aggressive way than the Admissions Office had been doing [before 2006],” Brenzel said. The Admissions Office began to emphasize recruiting top STEM students in 2007, shortly after Brenzel took his current position, said Jeremiah Quinlan, deputy dean of undergraduate admissions, in an email to the News. Quinlan said the Admissions Office started to benchmark its applicant pool and recruiting strategies against those of close peer institutions at the direction of University President Richard Levin and other Yale officers. Brenzel said that since then, the Admissions Office has been working closely with the University’s science departments to gather information so it can best represent Yale’s science offerings to high school students.


alarm set off in the Loria Center yesterday afternoon sent Yalies scurrying outdoors. But there wasn’t much to worry about: The alarm went off not because of a fire, but because several students opened plastic fittings in a stairwell, causing the dust to explode and trigger the alarm.

New campus celebrity. Marc Grossman, former U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, will come to Yale as a senior fellow with the Jackson Institute of Global Affairs. The former ambassador will visit campus three times this semester and teach a course in the department next fall.

Science recruitment goal reached

BY YANAN WANG STAFF REPORTER With Yale University Art Gallery renovations complete as of last December, Yale’s art community is shifting its attention across the street to the Yale Center for British Art as the museum gears up to begin the first phase of its 2013 refurbishment project. In October 2012, the British Art Center released a 200page report outlining its plans for future steps toward the preservation of the building, famed architect Louis Kahn’s last major architectural work. The refurbishment project, which is just one segment of the center’s comprehensive conservation plan, will involve the restoration of the Prints & Drawings and Rare Books & Manuscripts departments, as well as the study room on the second floor. Set to begin this summer, the project marks the center’s first major construction undertaking since its roof was renovated in 1998. “The refurbishment is both an ending point and a beginning point,” British Art Center Director Amy Meyers said. “This inaugural project sets off a new age for the building.” Cecie Clement, the British Art Center’s deputy director, noted that the restorations are long overdue — the two curatorial departments have not been SEE YCBA PAGE 4

has become increasingly popular among students studying the three eligible languages. Since the 1996–’97 school year, the number of fellowships awarded to students has increased from 22 to 155. The growth in the number of Light Fellows over the past decade follows a language study trend in Yale College: While the number of students studying Chinese has increased by roughly one-third, the number of

Mental health funds preserved ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER STAFF REPORTER Before 26 people were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the state’s Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) faced severe budget cuts that threatened to undermine patient services. But in the wake of the December tragedy, state officials are looking for ways to preserve funding for what they said

is much-needed care. Across-the-board budget cuts passed last year in response to the state’s ballooning deficit require DMHAS to cut at least $9.4 million from its budget before July 1. Private mental health service providers in contract with the state were slated to lose critical funding — most of which comes from DMHAS — as a result. But instead of passing along cuts to its service providers, DMHAS officials are

pursuing internal offsetting measures to preserve funding for mental health care. “We’ve already notified the providers that the grants for mental health and addiction services are off the table,” DMHAS Commissioner Patricia Rehmer said. “We’re working to protect all private funding — including vocational services and housing SEE HEALTH CUTS PAGE 6

City seeks neighborhood grant BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER After newly sworn-in Sen. Chris Murphy toured a chronically violent New Haven public housing development last week, the city’s efforts to revitalize the neighborhood have gained renewed attention. The neighborhood, Farnam Courts, located across Interstate 95, near the intersection of Hamilton Street and Grand Avenue, is a development of 240 one-, two- and three-bedroom homes for families with children. Built in the 1940s, the neighborhood has become one of New Haven’s most violent areas. Hoping to change that, the Housing Authority of New Haven has applied for a Choice Neighborhood grant — used for neighborhood revitalization — from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, for which it has been rejected twice before. “The Choice Neighborhood grant program is highly competitive, but redeveloping Farnam Courts is a worthy project,” U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro said in a Thursday email to the News. “Awarding the funds would help revitalize not just Farnam Courts and its residents,


Sen. Chris Murphy’s visit to the New Haven neighborhood Farnam Courts called attention to its need for federal funding support. but also the surrounding area, which would be a positive step for the whole city.” In its $30 million Choice Neighborhood proposal for Farnam Courts, the Housing Authority of New Haven

is seeking to revamp the area entirely, turning it into a mixed-income community with a combination of owned and rented homes. The proposal, if impleSEE FEDERAL FUNDING PAGE 6




.COMMENT “Is anyone at the top of this administration paying attention to the genuine



VIEW A time to remember, a time to act


s Connecticut students, we remember the tragedy in

Newtown and seek to build a safer state. As a Connecticut school, we feel the pain in Newtown as our pain. Their loss is our loss, their grief our grief. We, as a community of learners just a few miles away and a few years older, must remember that we are not so different from Sandy Hook Elementary School. We ask for safety and security as we pursue our studies. We ask only to learn in peace — and this universal right was denied to the innocent students of an entire elementary school. In years past, this right was denied to the students of Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University and too many others. We cannot allow our places of learning to become places of fear. So often isolated from the rest of Connecticut, Yalies have an opportunity to stand with a larger community who will be unable to forget the events of just over a month ago. It is also our moment to stand with those who have seen one tragedy too many and finally called for change. The call to limit gun violence in America — and to honor the memory of those who died — must be our cause as well. It is simply too easy to acquire a gun in the United States. We have failed to question the loopholes and lapses in our laws, allowing ourselves to forget the brutal stain gun violence leaves on our communities and our country. There are simple steps that will allow us to make our schools, malls

and movie theaters safer. Of course, it is impossible to create an insurmountable safeguard against the mind of a mass murderer, but the impossibility of a perfect solution is a poor excuse for inaction. As fellow Connecticut students, we stand behind the efforts President Barack Obama announced on Wednesday. We encourage Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy to follow the lead set by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and to involve Connecticut in a statewide dialogue that leads to legislative action. Members of our board, many of us American citizens, stand by the right guaranteed in the Second Amendment, but it has become increasingly clear that the lethal capacity of firearms has outpaced the rational application of the amendment. Yet laws to control the purchase of American firearms will not suffice as an answer to the repeated tragedies our communities have faced. We must also look beyond guns to address issues of mental health and a culture that glorifies violence — a culture in which we have all grown up. We expect Malloy’s efforts to be comprehensive. Of course, these solutions will face immense obstacles. Gun ownership is a part of American culture, and a right according to our Constitution. But this is a moment for students — still horrified, outraged and heartbroken a month later — to act.

problems at Yale University?”


Well, folks, this is it

here are certain tokens you collect, small signs that you are wearing thin the remnants of your precious youth. You can’t remember the last time you were carded. Everyone on campus looks so young. Yale Dining has no more surprises for you — they could put tofu in their cheesecake and you still wouldn’t notice. And then it arrives, suddenly, like the last day of summer before fifth grade: It’s your 22nd birthday. You are now beyond tofu, beyond summer and beyond 21. That day was Wednesday for me. Yes, thank you. I think I had a nice time. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember it, but my hair smelled promising. Twenty-two is the beginning of the end. Twenty-two is the age at which most people graduate — the age of actual “adulthood.” Twenty-two is the first birthday beyond milestones, a palindrome which predicts the monotony of life to come: a life of uneventful birthdays you eventually won’t bother to celebrate. Twenty-two is hearing an empty bottle of André whisper “memento mori” in the silence before a tabletop toast. At 22, you realize that the nature of birthdays has changed forever. Before 21, birthdays are goals, or stepping stones on the way to

goals: having as many years as the fingers on one hand, reaching double digits, becoming a teenager, a drivMICHELLE getting er’s license, TAYLOR being able to vote and buy Tell It Slant tobacco and, finally, being able to buy alcohol. Five, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21: the iconic ages. In the last moments of my birthday sobriety, I was complaining to a friend who is genuinely old: He’s 26 and in law school. He goes to bed at 10 p.m., and eats breakfast every morning. It’s horrifying. “Youth is wasted on the young,” he told me wisely. He’s right. I spent the first 22 years of my life hurtling from one goal to the next. Being 19, for example, meant nothing to me but being two years away from turning 21. On my 14th birthday, I was thinking about being 16, and on my 16th birthday, I was thinking wishfully about college. The day after each birthday in high school, I would start a countdown until

my next one. Now I am 22, and I have nowhere to hurtle except into my grave. I mean, I assume I have a while to get there, but still. After 22, you have to start living differently. I don’t just mean eating less now that your metabolism is beginning to slow, although that would probably be a good idea. You have to start enjoying the intermission — the everyday, the ordinary. You can’t keep searching for hoops to jump through, or milestones to reach. After all, at 22, each day you’re still alive is probably a milestone. It’s a cliché to say that, instead of birthdays, you should celebrate every day. It’s also probably a very easy and pleasant way to die young. But I think that everyone — not just those of us entering our fragile senescence — could benefit from something of a shift in perspective: not treating every day like a birthday, but maybe as its own milestone, its own destination. Of course, this is easier when, like myself and many other seniors, you have very little left to look forward to. But even in the sweet, bygone days of my youth, I remember that anticipating an event generally squashed all the joy out of it when it was finally

upon me — that’s what comes of getting your hopes up. Unfortunately, the anticipation-disappointment problem is a cycle: we plan, wish and wait for something too long, which begets unrealistic expectations, which begets less-than-total satisfaction, which begets desperation, which brings us back to a new and equally foolhardy anticipation. “This birthday was so-so, but my next is going to be amazing!” Nope. My best friend has this habit that I’ve managed, happily, to shirk. If he receives something extra-delicious and special, like gourmet chocolates or homemade cookies, he saves it for The Right Moment. He stows it away for days, months, even years — until, right when he’s “ready” to eat it, he finds it’s ruined. It’s stale. It’s melted. It’s no good. Readers, you and I are those chocolates. Don’t let yourself go stale. Stop waiting around, like I did, and eat your candy — while you can still metabolize it without consequences. MICHELLE TAYLOR is a senior in Davenport College. Her column runs on Fridays. Contact her at .


Getting politics out of our money P

olitics is a big-money game. Spending on political campaigns and advocacy has skyrocketed in the past several decades. Almost three years ago, the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations and unions could spend unlimited funds for political purposes, paving the way for the emergence of the infamous super PAC. Both President Obama and Gov. Romney spent over a billion dollars each on their respective campaigns. It’s easy to see these astronomical numbers and feel like something is wrong here. Many are convinced that we need to get the money out of politics. Some of these people seek to fix our supposedly broken democracy through campaign finance laws. They believe limiting the amount of money that individuals, organizations and corporations can spend on political campaigns would limit the relative influence those people and groups have on elections and politicians. However, this is likely misguided. Whether through the use of money or through other means, the rich and powerful will always find ways to influence politics. It seems somewhat naive to think that the influential will suddenly

cease trying to influence politics if we simply limit the money they can directly spend on campaigns. One could even say it’s preferable to have the rich and powerful exert their influence through cash. Money is easier to track — and therefore more transparent — than other means of influencing campaigns and politics. Setting a lower contribution cap would only lead influential groups and individuals to look for other, more covert avenues (like backdoor deals) through which to exert power. They, to some extent, already utilize these kinds of means, but why would we want to encourage even more of this behavior? Limiting cash donations would be an incentive for those with power and access to further exploit these more obscure methods. Furthermore, these techniques are entirely unavailable to the poor and middle class. Sure, limiting cash donations might help level the playing field within the arena of direct campaign contributions, but it would also widen the gap between the powerful and powerless in the battle for influence through the media and secret deals between major stakeholders and political

kingpins. So what’s left? How else can we decrease the amount of money spent to influence political outcomes? As long as our politicians have “goodies” to give to the highest bidder, special interest groups and corporations will continue to fight over the spoils of political war through massive spending on lobbying and campaign donations. If we want to end the contest, we need to take away the prize. Goldman Sachs and its employees spent $10 million in 2012 on political contributions and lobbying; clearly, they thought they would get at least $10 million of value from our government for doing so. And, in all honesty, they likely did. It’s simple economics and human nature. If something is worth $100 to someone, they’ll likely be willing to spend up to $100 to acquire it. Likewise, if our federal government is spending more than a trillion dollars on discretionary spending alone every year and is exerting massive influence over the economy through regulation and other noncash means, it should come as no surprise that the public at large is willing to spend billions to capture some of that value for private

interest, as our most recent $4 billion presidential election has shown us. Instead of trying to get money out of our politics, maybe we should get politics out of our money. Perhaps instead of handing our money over to politicians who will then simply write a law that favors whoever bribed them the most through political donations, we should keep our money and spend it how we want, on what we know is best for us. Federal spending for fiscal year 2012 was 24 percent of U.S. GDP. That means we’ve essentially politicized 24 percent of our economy, and that doesn’t even include the spending of state and local governments. For every four dollars of economic output, one of those dollars gets decided by politicians. It’s no wonder big money has found its way to politics. As long as our political system is willing to dole out benefits and penalties as politicians see fit, people will be willing to spend large sums to control the flow of spending and regulation coming from the government. NNAMDI IREGBULEM is a senior in Davenport College. Contact him at .


A premed feeling around in the dark YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400 Editorial: (203) 432-2418 Business: (203) 432-2424

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have received a variety of reactions when I tell people I am pre-med, most involving some pity for the “suffering” we pre-meds undergo. As a second-semester senior who will matriculate into medical school in August, I have been pre-med since stepping foot on Yale’s campus, but the past seven semesters have not been a smooth ride. In many ways, I feel very lucky to have had my particular path as a pre-med. I have received wonderful advice from upperclassmen and continuous support from my academic adviser. I have also met other pre-meds I consider great friends and trust enough to share the details of our pre-med experience. Taking "Physiological Systems," by far my favorite science class at Yale, picked me back up when I was at the nadir of my premed existence. (As a side note, every pre-med should take that class before they truly decide if medicine is academically the path for them.) And yet, I rarely felt secure as a pre-med here. Never once did I feel on track or sure that I was doing the right thing. There was never a clear sense of how to navigate the pre-med track smoothly — and the resources in place to help me never gave me a satisfac-

tory answer. In fact, the first time my entire pre-med class came together in an organized meeting was in November of junior year, when UCS mandated that people applying in the 2012–'13 application cycle attend several meetings and application workshops. “We will finally hold your hand and guide you,” they seemed to say. Well, that’s great. But where was UCS from the very beginning? Who was there to guide us from the start? Why didn’t anybody talk to us as freshmen? I am not saying that UCS should tell students exactly what classes to take and what extracurricular activities to join, but a vast majority of the pre-med guidelines seemed vague and difficult to figure out on our own. UCS should clearly lay out our options from the beginning, rather than forcing pre-meds to feel around in the dark. And after those November meetings, we never met as a group again. We were once again on our own. Another issue in the pre-med track is the lack of grading consistency in the same subject, or even the same class. For instance, the rotating professors for "Organic Chemistry" always create con-

tention. One semester, a professor might grade on a rather harsh curve, but the next semester’s professor would curve almost a full letter grade higher. Furthermore, while some faculty and many science students have been proposing small classes and experimenting with seminar-style courses, freshmen and sophomores were handed a 300-person "Introductory Biology" lecture this year. The very topic of grading transparency elicits groans among STEM majors. One science lab I took last semester was a horrendous experience in this department. We trudged through many more hours of lab work than we spend in any nonscience class (although this is begrudgingly accepted as part of the Yale STEM experience), then completed two meticulous, lengthy lab reports. Even though the lab manual supposedly laid out the guidelines for a successful lab report, only students with experience writing actual research papers in that topic could know the small nuances needed to succeed. We were handed the average and standard deviation for the course, but nothing else helping us understand our final grade. I emailed the professor three times to inquire about the grad-

ing curve to no avail. As a member of the YCC Science and Engineering Subcommittee, I am working with other committee members to address such glaring faults in grading transparency. While the comments we received on last year’s grading transparency report showed an overwhelming displeasure towards the lack of transparency in STEM classes, any progress we could possibly make is slow in the face of the hurdles between student opinion and administrative action. Yale, on the whole, has done a lot for me as a pre-med; I am not trying to bite the hand that feeds me. However, the issues with the pre-med track forced me to feel around in the dark, hoping that what I grabbed onto was beneficial. I want Yale, or UCS, or someone, to turn on the lights and show pre-meds exactly what options we have, so we can confidently make choices we will not regret, so someone can hold our hand and actually guide us down a path, and so pre-meds can leave Yale feeling like confident winners, rather than worn survivors. JENNY MEI is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact her at .




REGINA GEORGE IN 'MEAN GIRLS' “Get in, loser, we're shopping.”



On a night run M

y freshman year, I spent several nights running laps in a reflective vest around Old Campus. It’s unclear why I was wearing such a vest in a place with no cars. What was clear, though, was my fear of New Haven nights. Later that year I bucked up and broadened my night-running range to Hillhouse Avenue, where I did suicide sprints up and down Yale’s pretty and short street. Eventually, I made my way up to the farm, making sure to loop back down to well-lit Whitney Street. By spring I raced between the orange-lit spots of Prospect Street that punctuated stretches of darkness, until the dark stretches grew too long for comfort, and I turned back. I’d always wanted to run at night. Night is when, and running is how, I forget everything other than the rhythm of my breath and sound of my feet. My sophomore year, I shut my mind up and ran where my body really wanted to go. My first time, I fell. Hard. I tripped over a knobby root on an East Rock trail, skidded onto rocky ground and ran home with bloody knees and elbows. I was hooked. Coming home from night runs since, I’ve seen shooting stars from Cross Campus. These days, or nights rather, I go where I want. I put on my shoes, tie

up my hair and soon enough, find myself somewhere like the bridge over Mill River, watching water move in pleats below the wiry silhouettes of trees. I get lost a lot, too, sometimes following trails that aren’t really trails at all, having to hop over a pile of felled trees with thorny branches that tear threads from my T-shirt or prick scratches in my skin.

WE CAN LEARN A NEW SPATIAL LANGUAGE AT NIGHT When I run, lost or wounded or happy, I feel like this city is mine. I forget other parts of a New Haven night: the narratives crafted in emails from Chief Ronnell A. Higgins, the ones that trigger images of stunned graduate students being approached by troops of teenagers on bicycles. Too many of those narratives in my head can make the wind hitting the leaves behind me sound like footsteps chasing me; they can turn each tree stump into someone crouching in the distance, ready to attack.

When I run, I shed those narratives. I speak a spatial language different than the one I hear whispering in my head (against my will) when I am walking home to Dwight Street late at night. Over the years, the vocabulary of this other spatial language, the one that pops up when my body moves toward the trees and the rivers, has expanded. It grows with each nighttime journey, the landmarks echoing former moments of exploration and play. I turn the corner onto an East Rock trail and see the network of roots where I have so often stood on my head, kicking my feet against the bark above. I follow the river where I waded into the water at midnight on my December birthday, bringing in 22 with shivers and gasps. I stride below the tree near the lake where I have climbed an arched branch and listened to distant sounds of honking ducks. I jump up the stone stairs to the grassy spots on top where I’ve watched stars become dizzying streaks that split into lines and spread across the sky. My night-running spatial language helps me be fluent in play; it encourages me to stand on my head again, climb more trees, lie on the ground and watch the sky move. I run to lose the language that fills the rest of my life, and engage place

through movement instead of words. My mind empties and my body takes me where I need to go: the elephantskin willow trees that blot out the outside world when their branches have bloomed, or the shore for that moment wading into the river when the cold water stings your skin, fills your ears with gurgling sounds, and washes away everything but your breath. There are reasons to feel fear. I know the source of that other spatial language that can fill my head walking around the city at night: there is violence and crime here. If we try to forget that fear sometimes, though, we might be able to break out from our reflective-vest-clad laps around Old Campus (a universal experience, I’m sure) and begin navigating public space as not just something to get through, but also something to celebrate. Running around and playing in the dark, this city can feel particularly ours. We might find more reasons to celebrate it if we move through it more, do cartwheels onto the grass and look up. I’ve seen shooting stars, lying on the ground, passing early mornings on Cross Campus. DIANA SAVERIN is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact her at diana. .

I can’t spell S

hopping period has its ups and downs. Some people get anxiety from going to seven classes in one day, others think it’s Camp Yale: Part II and don’t go to class at all. I personally hate shopping period. It’s not because I’m the only girl at Yale who has never left a shopping period class early — even when I know I will never take the class. My grandmother taught me better manners than that. No, it’s those stupid note cards that professors hand out for you to write why you want to be in their class. That’s when I really lose it. That’s when I decide to change “intrigued” to “interested,” because the red squiggle underline that shows up on my computer won’t show up on my note card. Without those red squiggles, I lose all confidence. The last thing I want to do in an English seminar is admit that I can’t spell. I wish I could explain to the professor that I did fine in the days of "Hooked on Phonics," that it’s not my fault that I get marked down at Yale for spelling mistakes on Spanish tests, but not English tests. But I don’t. Instead, I use the most basic form of English I know and risk my chances of getting in. It’s hard to know which looks better: having a poor vocabulary but spelling everything right, or having a vocabulary but spelling everything wrong. A blonde in one of my classes prefaced her note card by saying that she’s dyslexic. I’m not sure what the test is for dyslexia, but I immediately wanted to pull out my laptop to see if I could find an online test and diagnose myself. Maybe it would turn my bad spelling into a disability I can’t help.




WRITE TO US All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission.

Promoting diverse career paths

The recent YDN article on competitive majors may have inadvertently given some readers the impression that most EP&E majors are headed to graduate school and are not interested in the policy, business and service fields that attract people to some other majors (“Students weigh Global Affairs, EP&E,” Jan. 16). Many EP&E students do go to graduate school in a variety of fields. An even larger number of our graduating students, though, head into consulting and business, and many of our students also go to medical school, law school and a variety of other fields. We are proud of all of them. The article also may have implied that EP&E might not be the major to go to if students have an international topic or are interested in working in international fields after graduation. In fact, EP&E students are deeply engaged with international topics, and do field research and write theses on subjects as diverse as freedom of speech in China, religious pluralism in the Middle East, and urban development in India and Brazil, as well as on many topics closer to home. Many students also work abroad — in environments as different as Hong Kong, Ghana and Vatican City — during their summer internships. This breadth, flexibility and our major’s intellectual engagement with ethics, economics and the politics of the world around them gives all our students — including this year’s two Rhodes scholars and one Mitchell scholar — a world of options once they graduate. STEVEN WILKINSON JAN. 17 The writer is the director of undergraduate studies for the Ethics, Politics and Economics major.

Discovering open-access resources at Yale Adi Kamdar ably makes the case for openaccess scholarship at Yale (“Acting for Aaron and open access,” Jan. 15). It should be pointed out, however, that Yale is not completely lacking in free online institutional repositories. The Law School is very supportive of open access, and the Law Library has since 2003 maintained the Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository, which preserves and makes accessible the scholarship of the school. Currently there are more than 4,000 faculty papers in our repository, which have had over 1.5 million downloads, and we are working toward encompassing all such papers since the beginning of the school, as well as many student papers and student-edited law reviews. Last year the repository had visitors from 6,039 cities and nearly 170 countries around the globe. It has become one of the major sites for openaccess legal scholarship on the World Wide Web. FRED SHAPIRO JAN. 15 The writer is associate librarian for collections and access services in the Yale Law School Library.

But maybe our generation does that too much. We look to the Internet to find reasons for our flaws. If we can’t concentrate, we have ADD. If we are hyper and can’t concentrate, we have ADHD. If we had a speech impediment when we were younger, it was just because our ears weren’t fully developed, not just because we had a lazy tongue. If we talk too loudly (like me), it’s because we still have hearing problems, not because we just secretly crave attention. Our parents, coaches and teachers always discouraged us from giving an excuse. “My dog ate my homework” never actually worked, and a trainer will run you until you need to grab the closest garbage can if you waste their time with a five-minute excuse of why you were late. But still, we have this intuitive inclination to hide our flaws with an excuse. Were we taught this, or is it instinctive, is it survival of the fittest? Or, maybe the same people that told us they never want an excuse, just an apology, are the ones who we watched hide their own flaws with an excuse. Sometimes maybe we forget that people can’t be put in a box. Being a bad speller doesn’t make you stupid — Albert Einstein couldn’t spell, and I think he discovered something big. That kid with ADHD will be able to concentrate when they find something they love — Justin Timberlake has ADHD, and he’s doing just fine. Maybe we should take advice from our coaches, teachers and parents, even if they themselves don’t follow it. Maybe we need to stop trying to hide our flaws and just let them be. Instead of camouflaging our imperfections with disabilities, we should highlight our strengths. We should write what we want on that note card; it’s the content that counts. Maybe I’m a bad speller. Maybe I write my thank-you letters on Microsoft Word before I transcribe them onto my monogrammed stationary. Maybe I’m a little hyper, and I talk a little louder than most. But I’ll tell you one thing — I started with 22 red squiggles on this column, now I’m at none, but you would’ve known what I meant either way. CHLOE DRIMAL is a senior in Calhoun College. Contact her at .

You’re reading about yesterday. Write about right now. Write for CROSS CAMPUS. Email the blog queen at



FROM THE FRONT YCBA preps for refurbishment

“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” CARL SAGAN AMERICAN ASTRONOMER AND ASTROPHYSICIST

STEM admissions goal fulfilled SCIENCE RECRUITS FROM PAGE 1


The British Art Center had previously hesitated to undertake the project due to the labor involved in moving the departments’ collections. YCBA FROM PAGE 1 refurbished since the center opened in 1977. While the plan does not call for drastic changes to the rooms, Clement said restoration work is necessary for refreshing the departments’ “tired” look. The center had previously hesitated to undertake the project due to the intensive labor involved in moving the departments’ books, prints, drawings and manuscripts from one space to another, Clement said. “The thought of moving the majority of our collection has just been so daunting,” Clement said. “But 30 years have gone by, and now we’re going to bite the bullet.” While the rooms that house the Prints & Drawings and Rare Books & Manuscripts departments go through the refur-

bishment, their over 85,000 combined works — including 35,000 rare books and manuscripts — will be stored in the second- and third-floor exhibition spaces. These floors, which are reserved for temporary exhibitions, will be closed to the public beginning late summer until fall 2013, while the permanent exhibition on the fourth floor will remain on display throughout the refurbishment. George Knight ARC ’95, the project’s lead architect, explained that all of the changes aim to adapt the building’s design to modern safety regulations and technology. Citing improvements like new power outlets and carpeting, he added that the project’s goal is to reinvigorate, rather than to change, Kahn’s original vision. “Every time I tell someone

that I’m working on the YCBA, there’s always a pause, a look of fright on their face,” Knight said. “They think we’re going to tamper with the design of the building, which is considered one of the most important buildings of modern architecture.”

Once [Kahn’s] building is spectacularly finished, [it] will sing again in a very special way. AMY MEYERS Director, British Art Center Parts that have fallen into disrepair include the frayed and yellowed wall linens and the sun-bleached woodwork,

Knight said. He observed that at one area, where the carpet is particularly worn, visitors are able to see the concrete floor underneath. “Once [Kahn’s] building is spectacularly finished, [it] will sing again in a very special way,” Meyers said. While the refurbishment is taking place, public programming that usually occurs on the second and third floors will be relocated to the British Art Center lecture hall or to the YUAG. Clement said that such exchange between the two galleries began during the YUAG’s own renovations, when the center provided space for the gallery’s programs. Louis Kahn taught at the School of Architecture from 1947 to 1957. Contact YANAN WANG at .

The Admissions Office targets an incoming class with 40 percent STEM-interested students, Brenzel said. “Yale has made real progress in attracting and matriculating more of the country’s very top students in the STEM disciplines,” Quinlan said, adding that the Admissions Office changed science and engineering campus tour programs, created a group travel program and changed its way of messaging online and print materials. From 2006 to 2011, the number of STEM applicants to Yale increased by about 52 percent, compared to a 40 percent increase in overall application numbers in the future. In February 2011, the Admissions Office debuted Yale Engineering and Science Weekend (YES-W) — a program that invites targeted applicants from Yale’s regular decision admissions pool to visit campus to see the University’s science and engineering resources — and plans to continue hosting the program each year, Brenzel added. Yale also announced a $500 million initiative in 2000 that aimed to upgrade its science programs and facilities. Yale’s West Campus was created specifically for the strengthening of science, medicine and engineering programs. Current undergraduates in STEM majors said they were surprised by the number of sciencerelated opportunities on campus, and that they only found out about them through promotional material from the Admissions Office and YES-W. Madeleine Barrow ’15 said she did not think the science departments at Yale were “something extraordinary” until she received

an engineering brochure from the Admissions Office while she was applying to colleges. Barrow said she values how Yale is not a science-specific school and that others around her are studying different fields, allowing her to be in a “place where people appreciate arts [as well as sciences], with a creative vibe.” Nimisha Ganesh ’15 said she chose Yale for its research opportunities, which are not generally offered to undergraduates at other major research universities. She added that she has been surprised by the abundance of science and research available to students, though she is as “tech-oriented” as some others.

Yale is really far behind some other schools … in terms of engineering and math. DHYAN VALLE ’15 Students said they were enthusiastic that a substantial percentage of science-interested students would be included in each incoming class. “Yale is really far behind some other schools … in terms of engineering and math,” Dhyan Valle ’15 said. “Bringing in a lot more engineering students hopefully sparks the interest for more students to apply here, and take part in the program.” Roughly 20 percent of students in class of 2011 graduated with degrees in STEM fields. Contact AMY WANG at .




“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER


Donation to expand palliative care

The article “Arch school ranked No. 3” mistakenly stated that Yale College offers a bachelor of arts in architecture. In fact, Yale does not offer a professional degree in architecture; the degree given to undergraduates in the architecture major is a bachelor of arts.


The Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center received a $1 million donation from the Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation. BY LINDSEY UNIAT STAFF REPORTER


Christian fraternity Beta Upsilon Chi deregistered in 2012 to avoid Yale Undergraduate Regulations’ anti-discrimination policies. BY KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG STAFF REPORTER Yale’s newest fraternity, Beta Upsilon Chi, or BYX, will begin its first rush process next week as the University’s only Greek organization currently in defiance of Yale’s anti-discrimination policies. In October 2012, BYX chose to deregister with the Yale College Dean’s Office to maintain a nationally mandated policy of exclusively Christian membership. All registered groups must comply with the Undergraduate Regulations, which state that all undergraduate organizations are banned from discriminating on the basis of religion. Fraternity members said Christianity is a key part of their fraternity’s life, and they are committed to upholding the Christianonly policy despite the challenges associated with deregistering. “We decided not to compromise what our purpose is for being registered on campus,” said Victor Hicks ’15, the chapter’s founder and president. “We are a brotherhood of Christian men. … We hold chapter meetings that are Christcentered, and testimony is given at these meetings. The sole unifying aspect of the fraternity is that you believe in Christ.” The BYX national organization’s website states that “each of our members is a professing Christian and exhibits a willingness to serve in Christ’s Kingdom” — a requirement that defies the Undergraduate Regulations, which mandate all organizations adhere to Yale’s equal opportunity policies. Hicks said he registered the fraternity in summer 2012, when he sent the Dean’s Office a copy of the fraternity’s constitution. John Meeske, dean of student organizations and physical resources, said the fraternity was approved for registration because administrators “did not realize” the fraternity’s membership policy. The constitution sent along with the registration application included all membership requirements, Hicks said. After Meeske and Assistant Dean of Yale College Rodney Cohen told Hicks that BYX must eliminate its Christian-only membership requirement to continue operating as a registered organization in October 2012, Hicks and his fraternity brothers decided to discontinue registration with the University to continue the policy. Hicks said the fraternity members chose to deregister based on the national organization’s recommendation that the fraternity not compromise the membership requirement to obtain registration. He added that the members had a desire to “stay true to what the fraternity had established” — an organization centered around

Christian teachings and open only to Christians. Meeske said he only remembers one other group during the 2011– ’12 academic year that deregistered because it defied the Undergraduate Regulations. BYX member Josh Ginsburg ’15 and Hicks both said that Christian beliefs and practices comprise a key role in the fraternity’s activities and events. Hicks said five of the six current BYX members met last year at a weekly Bible study group run by the undergraduate organization Yale Faith and Action. He added that the fraternity takes a “biblical stance” on alcohol — it prohibits any member under 21 years of age from drinking at all, and those members over 21 may only drink in moderation when not wearing BYX apparel. New fraternity members must sign a pledge stating that they believe in Christ when they join the organization, he said.

As a nonregistered organization, we definitely have to supplement by putting more effort in. VICTOR HICKS ’15 Founder and president, BYX Both Hicks and Ginsburg said they understand the traditionally Jewish Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity’s choice to admit students that identify with all religions. Ginsburg said adopting a policy similar to AEPi’s would not affect BYX because he thinks that permitting non-Christian members would still not garner interest from many non-Christian students. AEPi President Daniel Tay ’14 said his fraternity “looks for people who fit into our culture in a holistic sense … who fit the fraternity’s cultural, philanthropic and social sides” rather than only Jewish students. BYX has made efforts to overcome the difficulties of operating as an unregistered organization without access to University funding, spaces or events such as the extracurricular bazaar, Hicks said. “As a nonregistered organization, we definitely have to supplement by putting more effort in, relying on word of mouth and coordinating with other leaders on campus to recruit a really good group of new brothers for next semester,” he said. BYX will begin its spring rush process on Monday, Jan. 21. Contact KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG at .

With a recent $1 million donation to the Palliative Care Program at the Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center, doctors are hoping to expand research and patient care in the often overlooked field. The Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation is providing the $1 million donation in equal installments over the course of four years, and the first allotment was given earlier this month. The donation will allow for the expansion of the Yale Cancer Center’s existing Palliative Care Program, which provides multidisciplinary support for physical, spiritual and psychosocial suffering from serious diseases, said Chief of Palliative Medicine Jennifer Kapo, the program’s director. Funds will be used to develop a bereavement program to help grieving family members of terminally ill and dying patients. The donation will also increase palliative care education and training by funding a fellowship program at the Yale School of Medicine. “We are thrilled to receive this support,” Kapo said. “It’s a very generous amount.” Yale Cancer Center Director Thomas Lynch ’82 MED ’86 said that it is often difficult to secure funding for palliative care because many patients and donors prefer to support scientific research into the causes and cures for diseases. But pallia-

tive care, he said, is very important to the treatment of diseases such as cancer. “Good palliative care can lead to a longer life and a better quality of life for patients,” Lynch said. “Palliative care has been one of my key priorities [as director of the Yale Cancer Center].” Lynch said since hiring Kapo to run the program one year ago, “palliative care has dramatically improved.” He added that the Milbank Foundation’s goals match those of the Yale Cancer Center. Though palliative care is not “end-oflife” or hospice care, Kapo said it is important to integrate such pain management into treatment of curable diseases. Studies have shown that lung cancer patients who received early palliative care had a longer median survival rate than those who did not. “It’s the newer iteration of rehabilitation, so it’s a natural progression from the foundation’s interest in physical rehabilitation,” said Carl Helstrom, executive director of the Milbank Foundation. “It’s [a] continuation of what we’ve been trying to do.” Founded in 1995 in honor of philanthropist Jeremiah Milbank 1909, the Milbank Foundation has supported a number of research, rehabilitation and palliative care programs in New York and at Yale. Milbank started the nation’s first comprehensive rehabilitation center in 1917

to support soldiers returning from World War I. “We’re not a huge foundation, so we like to get into situations that are highly leveraged,” Helstrom said. “For us to get in and make a contribution at a point in the creation of something, we feel we can help to get more bang for the buck.” Helstrom added that he hopes the million-dollar donation will help Yale’s palliative care service become a multimilliondollar operation over time. Milbank’s grandson Jeremiah Bogert ’63, a member of the foundation’s board of directors, said he heard Lynch talk about his vision for the Yale Cancer Center at the Yale Club in New York two years ago and expressed interest in providing support. Last June, the Milbank Foundation received a “well-thought-out and well-organized” proposal from Lynch and Kapo, and approved the donation in October. “As a graduate of the class of 1963, I’m in my 50th reunion year and it’s very gratifying to me to be able to do this at this time, because I love Yale and what Yale has done for me,” Bogert said. Smilow Cancer Hospital is the most comprehensive cancer facility in New England. Contact LINDSEY UNIAT at .

Hispanic tapped to State Supreme Court BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER Judge Carmen Espinosa became the first Hispanic justice to be nominated to the Connecticut Supreme Court when Gov. Dannel Malloy announced her selection earlier this month. Espinosa, who is currently an appellate court judge in Connecticut, was also the first Hispanic to assume that role when Malloy elevated her from a superior court where she had served for nearly 20 years. If confirmed by the state Legislature, her appointment to the state’s highest court will represent growing Hispanic influence in Connecticut’s government. “I would like to especially thank Governor Malloy for his continued commitment to diversity in our judiciary,” Espinosa said at a press conference earlier this month. “Not only does he honor me with this nomination, but he has honored the Hispanic community as well.” In her work as a judge, Espinosa has served on the Sentence Review Division and the Client Security Fund Committee and was a member of the Judicial Branch Education Committee of the Connecticut Judges’ Institute. She was the first Hispanic to serve on both the state’s appellate court and the superior court, to which she was appointed in 1992. Prior to becoming a judge, she worked as an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and then as an assistant U.S. attorney. She said that she hopes her latest appointment will serve as an example to Hispanic children that “anything is possi-

ble if they stay in school and use education as the bridge to success.” If confirmed, Espinosa will join a growing number of Hispanics in Hartford. Of the 187 members of the legislature’s latest two-year class, a record dozen are Hispanic, including Connecticut’s first two Hispanic state senators, Andres Ayala and Art Linares Jr. According to data released by the secretary of the state’s office after the 2012 election, Hispanics are estimated to comprise 8 percent of all registered voters in Connecticut, lagging behind their 14 percent share of the total state population. Hispanic lawmakers, by contrast, hold only 6 percent of legislative seats. Still, demographic trends — the Hispanic population in Connecticut and across the United States is young and growing — suggest Hispanics’ presence in political life will only continue to increase. “In the state of Connecticut, we have a lot to count in terms of firsts for Latinos,” said Ayala, who represents the Bridgeport area. “But we need to continue the momentum. We need to get to a place where we’re counting sixths, 10ths and so on.” He added that Espinosa’s nomination is a “huge deal,” comparable to the excitement surrounding Sonia Sotomayor’s appointment to the Supreme Court as its first Hispanic judge. But Carolina Bortolleto, a leader of Connecticut Students for a Dream — undocumented students and their allies from across the state who advocate for immigration reform — said the fact that Espinosa’s appointment comes after Sotomayor’s is not one to be celebrated.


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Carmen Espinosa, currently a Connecticut appellate court judge, was nominated by Gov. Dannel Malloy earlier this month. “It’s time that we have some more on the state level when we have someone on the national level,” she said. Malloy has demonstrated a desire to diversify his state’s highest court. Alongside Espinosa, he nominated his former chief legal counsel Andrew McDonald to the state Supreme Court in December. If McDonald is confirmed, he will be the first openly gay justice to serve on the high court. If confirmed, Espinosa will replace Supreme Court Justice C. Ian McLachlan, who retired in June. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .



FROM THE FRONT Students eye Asian study LIGHT FROM PAGE 1 dent’s language level is part of what attracts a lot of students.” Clough added that factors such as positive reviews from returning students and the fellowship’s high level of flexibility and financial coverage also appeal to students. The fellowship covers language study at one of several programs in South Korea, China and Japan, and fully funds all tuition and living expenses, including flights. The fellowship received additional funding from various sources including the Greenberg Yale-China Initiative in 2006, and “around that time, the China numbers really exploded,” Clough said. Clough added that he hopes student interest in the fellowship will continue to grow in the future, so that it can further expand financially. “We’d love to see the application numbers increase so we can talk to the funders and others interested in supporting this type of work,” he said. “Even now … there’s not enough funding to enable some students [to receive the fellowship]. There’s still kind of an unmet need.” Clough declined to provide the number of students applying to the program because he did not want the admissions rate to discourage future applicants. Korean professor Seungja Choi said the fellowship is “pretty well-known” among all students who take an East Asian language because of Yale’s academic fair, the fellowship’s online presence, classroom visits and instructor recommendations. Japanese professor Michiaki Murata said he thinks at least 60 students applied for the Japanese program this year. Five students said they think the Chinese program is especially competitive in comparison with the other two languages, due to the growth of China as a world power and increasing interest in Chinese as a global language. Light Fellow John Maheswaran GRD ’16 said he thinks the University seems to be “struggling to get people interested” in Korean, the smallest program of the three. Though student interest in the fellowship has risen, Marko Micic ’15, a Light Fellow, said he thinks the fellowship is “certainly less competitive than getting into Yale in the first place.” Students who have less exposure to Asian countries and are in their younger years of language study are definitely preferred, Micic said. Four students interviewed said they think priority tends to go toward students with less experience in their language field. “Most people who apply are probably at the L1-L2 level — they look for someone who will progress a lot, and who will get the most value out of the trip,” said Peter Wyckoff ’16, who recently applied to the fellowship. Light Fellow Helen Fang ’15 said she thinks the fellowship is an especially coveted opportunity because it is open to students of all majors, whereas funding for language study abroad is only available for students in the corresponding majors at some other universities. “I would definitely recommend it any time Yale throws money at you,” Light Fellow Ned Downie ’14 said. “You get enough money to cover tuition, airfare, vaccinations, food. … I know other students [who] said they had money left over.” Students who applied to the Light Fellowship this month will be notified of their admission this February. Hannah Schwarz contributed reporting. Contact AMY WANG at .

“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.” PABLO PICASSO SPANISH ARTIST

City looks to revitalize neighborhood FEDERAL FUNDING FROM PAGE 1 mented, would reduce the number of neighborhood units to 160. Residents displaced by the demolition of their current homes would have the option of moving back once the new homes in the neighborhood were completed, New Haven Housing Authority Chief Karen DuBoisWalton told the New Haven Independent earlier this month. Roughly 20 percent of residents have moved back after similar projects in the past, while the rest move on to other locations, Dubois-Walton said. Choice Neighborhood grants, which are awarded by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, attempt to “transform distressed neighborhoods and public and assisted projects into viable and sustainable mixed-income neighborhoods,” according to HUD’s website. They were first awarded in 2010. “They’re looking not just to revitalize the housing itself,” HUD spokeswoman Rhonda Siciliano said. “They’re looking at the neighborhood as a whole, making sure housing is linked up with jobs, transportation and good schools.” The grants are awarded through a competitive application process with multiple rounds. The program is divided between two distinct sets of grants: planning and implementation. Planning grants are awarded to cities to help them design neighborhood revitalization projects, while implementation grants are awarded for the completion of projects already planned. In fiscal year 2012, HUD awarded planning grants to 17 communities, totaling $4.95 million, and implementation grants to four communities, totaling $109 million. New Haven’s proposal is for an implementation grant. Additional funding from pri-

vate investors and local community members, which totaled $393 million in 2012, enhances implementation grants. Siciliano declined to comment on the specifics of why New Haven’s proposal was not chosen the previous two times the city has applied, saying only, “there’s a lot of competition for these grants.” The Housing Authority of New Haven did not return request for comment.

They’re looking at the neighborhood as a whole … jobs, transportation and good schools. RHONDA SICILIANO Spokeswoman, Department of Housing and Urban Development In 2006, New Haven rebuilt Quinnipiac Terrace, which had previously suffered from similar chronic crime and violence as Farnam Courts, with a HOPE VI grant from the federal government, the predecessor of Choice Neighborhood grants. Murphy also visited Quinnipiac Terrace last week, which has been successfully transformed into a mixedincome neighborhood. After 2010 earmark reforms made inserting money into federal bills for local projects by senators and congressmen more difficult, municipalities increasingly have relied on established federal programs, like Choice Neighborhood grants. As a result, congressional delegations from states with municipalities seeking the grants have frequently found themselves using leverage behind the scenes to influence grant



San Antonio Cincinnati

proposals. Speaking to Mayor John DeStefano Jr., DuBois-Walton and reporters last week, Murphy vowed to use his leverage in Washington to help the project. “It’s not going to be a light lift,” Murphy said. “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.” Murphy did not say what specific steps he intended to take. His office did not return multiple requests for comment. The office of Sen. Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73 confirmed that


New Haven

it had reached out to the Housing Authority of New Haven to offer support for the Farnam Court application but did not say what other steps, if any, it had taken. Cities awarded implementation grants in the past three years are Cincinnati, Ohio; San Antonio, Texas; Seattle, Wash.; and Tampa, Fla. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .

Looming mental health cuts put off HEALTH CUTS FROM PAGE 1 assistance that helps recovering patients — but we don’t know at this point if we’ll be able to avoid 100 percent of cuts to providers.” Rehmer said she will scour the Department’s line item budget to find areas with surplus funds. Personnel services and overtime savings, she said, might have excess funds that could be reallocated to absorb the cuts. DMHAS officials are in conversation with the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) to come to a formal agreement on cost-saving measures. According to OPM Under Secretary for Legislative Affairs GianCarl Casa, DMHAS budget cuts were the result of both executive and legislative action to stave off projected deficit increases. When a $1.1 billion deficit was projected for the fiscal year beginning on July 1 — on top of the current $365 million budget shortfall — Governor Dannel Malloy used executive authority to slash $7.7 million from DMHAS as part of his broader funding rescissions on Nov. 28. When Malloy sent his deficit mitigation plan to the legislature on Dec. 7, it included an additional

$1.7 million in cuts from DHMAS. The departmental cuts — the most severe in years — were initially predicted to spill over to private service providers, Rehmer said. The Milford-based community health care provider Bridges was scheduled to lose $120,000 in funding, said the organization’s CEO and president, Barry Kasdan. “We had already laid out plans for direct cuts to our programs. I know for sure that outpatient services and community support services would have taken a big hit,” Kasdan said. “We were notified of the cuts and asked to submit impact statements all prior to Sandy Hook. DMHAS was already working to mitigate these cuts, and the shooting gave the state a final impetus to really pull back on the cuts. Sandy Hook was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Our organization is seeing an increase in referrals, from people both directly and indirectly affected by the tragedy. It’s a natural reaction when something like this happens.” According to Sheila Amdur, interim CEO and president of the Connecticut Community Providers Association, an advocacy group representing 110 local men-


Million dollars comprising the current fiscal year deficit Billion dollars as the proposed deficit for the fiscal year beginning on July 1 Million dollars of cuts to DMHAS under Gov. Dannel Malloy’s rescissions Million dollars of total cuts under Malloy’s recisions

tal health providers, mental health providers have seen no funding increase for five years. “It’s after a tragedy that we see legislators and the public focus on mental health issues. Of course this would happen after Newtown,” she said. “But it’s not enough — without more funding, the community’s support system is going to erode. The promises have to come from the governor’s office and we haven’t seen what the budget for the new fiscal year is going to look like.” According to Pat O’Neal, spokesman for the Connecticut

House Republicans, the Newtown shooting has heightened awareness of mental health issues beyond the question of DMHAS funding. Part of the “state’s enhanced mental illness initiative,” as O’Neal described it, is a bipartisan legislative task force that focuses on mental health, school safety and gun safety. The original appropriation for DMHAS totaled $693 million. Contact ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER at .




“If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” JAMES MADISON FOURTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES

State may get Will pushes rational conservatism highway tolls BY JACOB WOLF-SOROKIN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

BY PATRICK CASEY STAFF REPORTER Drivers in Connecticut may soon face tolls for the first time since the 1980s. Following a seven-fatality crash at a toll booth in 1983, Connecticut began a complete phase-out of its highway tolls. By 1987, the state was completely toll-free, and it compensated for lost revenues by hiking gasoline taxes. Now, as the state faces severe fiscal pressure and several expensive transportation infrastructure projects, State Rep. Patricia Dillon, D-New Haven, is attempting to bring tolls back to Connecticut roads. “We have massive needs in transportation,“ Dillon said. “Even if you just look in New Haven … we don’t have enough mass transit, and our roads are in terrible condition.” Dillon said she is concerned increasing fuel efficiency is eating into state revenues from the gasoline taxes. She added that without additional revenue, Connecticut is vulnerable to federal spending cuts on transportation. Connecticut is more reliant on federal funding for its highways than any other state, according to a study by the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. Dillon explained that the state needs to invest more of its own money in routine road upkeep and larger transportation projects. Proposals to reinstate tolls on Connecticut roads face significant opposition, however. Last summer, the state Senate passed a bill to allow tolls on Route 11 to fund the road’s expansion to Waterford, but the bill was killed in the House. Auto-services group AAA Southern New England, which lobbies for motorists, opposes collecting tolls on any already existing roads. Fran Mayko, a spokeswoman for AAA, said, “I

CONNECTICUT H I G H WAY TOLLS Connecticut has not collected any highway tolls since 1987. Now, some legislators want to re-establish tolls. Connecticut receives about $500 million in federal transportation funding each year. Per capita, this is more than any other state in New England. Connecticut collects a flat tax of $0.25 on each gallon of gas sold in the state. It also applies a 7.53 percent tax on each gallon of gas sold. The latter tax, however, is capped when the price of gasoline reaches $3.00.

know the state is in dire straits here with a budget problem, and I know a lot of lawmakers feel that [tolls] are one way to raise money, we just don’t feel it’s the appropriate way.” The state government has routinely borrowed from its Special Transportation Fund, which finances state transportation infrastructure and upkeep, in order to balance its overall budget. AAA, however, opposes this practice, blaming such budgetary practices in part for the state’s current transportation funding problems. R e p . D a v i d S c r i b n e r, R-Brookfield, the ranking Republican member of the House’s Transportation Committee and Transportation Bonding Subcommittee, has played a major role in opposing new highway tolls. He said toll booths still create hazardous driving conditions, as not every car is equipped with devices to pay electronically. Scribner added that tolls, especially at the border, will discourage residents of other states from coming to Connecticut to shop and do business. “It is clearly a disincentive for out-of-state people to come to Connecticut. I think that works against all of our other efforts to create job growth, to encourage people to come as consumers to the state of Connecticut,” Scribner said. Scribner contested Dillon’s assertion that gasoline tax revenues have fallen as fuel efficiency has increased. He also noted that gasoline is taxed more heavily in Connecticut than almost anywhere else in the nation. The Nutmeg State has two gasoline taxes: one flat, $0.25 per gallon charge levied when consumers fill up their car, and one 7.53 percent tax levied on wholesalers. Although the latter is capped when gasoline exceeds $3.00 per gallon, the rate is scheduled to increase to 8.81 percent in July of this year. Scribner said Connecticut will have to forgo federal highway funding if it chooses to implement tolls. “[The federal government] has strongly adhered to a policy of discouraging tolling at the national level. … It is certain that [implementing tolls] would reduce our federal transportation funding which, by the way, approaches $500 million per year. Virtually every transportation improvement project in Connecticut is supported nearly 80 percent by federal funds.” Dillon said that there are ways around the federal requirements. She noted that the federal government is the one paying for the bulk of the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s ongoing study to determine the feasibility of implementing tolls in the state. “Many states have tolls in very targeted ways and don’t miss their federal dollars,” she said. According to The Wall Street Journal, gasoline in Connecticut cost an average of $3.90 per gallon in 2012. It tied New York in

Describing Ann Coulter as an “enemy” to the pursuit of an intellectual brand of conservatism, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist George F. Will delivered an impassioned defense of the right in America Thursday afternoon. Sponsored by the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program, the talk was titled “Up From Liberalism, Yet Again” and drew hearty applause from the audience, which included roughly 150 students, professors and community members in Linsly-Chittenden Hall. Will, whose biweekly column runs in The Washington Post and is syndicated in about 400 publications throughout the country, argued for conservative ideology and sought to inspire young conservatives in the audience. During his talk, Will advocated for a rational brand of conservatism founded in federalist virtues dating to the country’s founding. “American politics today is very much a continuation of the argument that the founders had,” Will said. “The story of American politics today is the rivalry of two Princetonians.” Will framed the major tension in American politics as one between James Madison, the Federalist president and a Princeton alumnus, who sought to prevent majority tyranny by ensuring government is made up of an unstable amalgamation of minority parties, and Woodrow Wilson, the progressive president and former leader of Princeton University, who laid the foundation for modern progressivism through his belief in a more unified government for a more unified society. The nation is embroiled in a debate over whether “government exists with limited powers to secure our rights” or whether it has huge powers “to metastasize and intervene in every facet of


Columnist George Will advocated for a rational brand of conservatism in a Thursday afternoon talk. life,” Will said. “When you hear it said that government is dysfunctional, the system that Madison designed is working,” Will said. “The American system is designed to make people wait until concurrent majorities [exist] because we want a government safe in securing our rights.” Often described as the poet laureate of the conservative movement, Will pushed his audience to consider the role government plays in shaping the habits, customs and dispositions of its citizens. The advent of new technology, from the telegraph to the television and Internet, has drastically changed the game of politics, Will said. Arguing that academia and the media are on the side of the liberals, Will expressed confidence

that conservatives will be able to limit government because of the “arithmetic,” or the lack of fiscal sustainability of government programs like Social Security.

When you hear it said that government is dysfunctional, the system that Madison designed is working. GEORGE F. WILL Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist But Will did not shirk from the challenges facing the conservative movement, including appealing to

a wider subset of voters. Students interviewed said they enjoyed Will’s talk and found his message resonant. Konrad Coutinho ’13 said he appreciated that Will shared his belief that the country’s founders intended Washington to encounter its modern dysfunction, adding that such arguments are generally unpopular on campus. Carolyn Hansen ’16, a Buckley Program fellow, said she thinks Will’s rational ideals appeal to Yale’s conservatives. “He is an example of what most conservatives at Yale are striving for,” she said. Will has been syndicated since 1974. Contact JACOB WOLF-SOROKIN at .




TODAY’S FORECAST Sunny, with a high near 32 and a low of 21. North wind 7 to 10 mph.



High of 43, low of 31.

High of 44, low of 20.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 11:30 AM “We Love Reading: A Community-Based Model to Advance Early Childhood Development in Jordan” Part of the Edward Zigler Center Social Policy Lecture Series. Free and open to the general public. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Room 116. 12:30 PM Furniture Study Tour Behind-the-scenes tour of the American Decorative Arts Furniture Study, the gallery’s working library of American furniture and wooden objects, with more than 1,000 works from the 17th century to the 21st century. The tour will take place every week until Feb. 22, 2013. Open to the general public. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.).


SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 12:55 PM Donizetti’s “Maria Stuarda” Met Live in HD. Directed by David McVicar. Mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato will take on the role of Mary, Queen of Scots. Elza van den Heever sings Elizabeth I, and Maurizio Benini conducts. Free to the current Yale community with a valid Yale ID. Sponsored by the Yale School of Music. Sprague Memorial Hall (470 College St.), Morse Recital Hall. 7:00 PM “Annie Hall” Directed by Woody Allen and part of Films at the Whitney. Free and open to the general public. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Auditorium.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 3:00 PM “Artist Panel: A Conversation Among Artists” Director Jock Reynolds will lead a conversation with sculptor Judith Shea and painters Peter Halley and Kristin Baker, three artists who have major works on view at the gallery. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.). 4:00 PM 100 Men In Black In Concert Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day at a concert featuring 100 Men In Black, an all-male chorus based in Durham, N.C. Free and open to the general public. Battell Chapel (400 College St.).


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PEOPLE IN THE NEWS CHIP KELLY The renowned Oregon head coach accepted the head coaching job with the Philadelphia Eagles after Kelly was heavily recruited by multiple NFL teams. Kelly also has an Ivy League connection — he started his coaching career as an assistant at Columbia.

Conference schedule heats up MEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 step forward,” Allain said. “We want him to be a top-two line guy and right now, he’s showing why he should be.” Despite the fierce rivalry ingrained in the mind of every Yalie and Cantab, the team aims to take a composed approach to this weekend’s game.

We can’t really play with our emotions. We just have to stick to what helps us be a good hockey team. KENNY AGOSTINO ’14 Forward, men’s hockey “We can’t really play with our emotions,” Agostino said. “We just have to stick to what helps us be a good hockey team.” The balance they hope to bring to the Harvard game should serve the Bulldogs well in a matchup against the No. 11 Big Green the following night. After managing only one point in their two matchups against Dartmouth this season, the

Elis are looking to best the team ranked one spot above them in their second high-profile conference home game in two nights. “Dartmouth is a big, strong team that is good in the corners,” forward Jesse Root ’14 said. Allain added that the Big Green are “tenacious defensively” and have solid goaltending. Yale is thankful to have both Root and Trent Ruffolo ’15, two of their top forwards, back in the lineup in anticipation of this weekend’s games. “Take any team in college hockey. If you take two of their top six forwards out of the lineup, you are going to have to ask guys to do things that they’re not regularly doing,” Allain said. “I think we’re a better team with those two guys back in the lineup.” While tickets quickly sold out to Harvard’s Friday night matchup and tickets to Saturday night’s game against the Big Green are selling fast, the Bullodgs are committed to treating this weekend’s games the same as any other. “It doesn’t really matter who you play in the end,” Laganiere said. “It’s more fun, the fan turnout will be great, and there will be a lot of excitement around the rink.” NBC will be covering the puck drop at 7:30 p.m. tonight at Ingalls Rink. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .

Bulldogs overcome Brown Bears WOMEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 “It changed the momentum of the game and it played a huge role [in our victory],” Haddad said. Haddad struck twice in the second period, once just 2:26 into the frame and another at the 9:03 mark when a slap shot from defender Tara Tomimoto ’14 ricocheted off Haddad’s foot.

Hopefully we’ll continue to play the way we did today. JAIMIE LEONOFF ’15 Goaltender, women’s hockey After Brown’s Laurie Jolin scored on a rebound with 16:03 remaining in the third and final period, the Bulldogs buckled down and prevented the Bears from scoring again. The 25 shots aggregated by Brown was the fewest Yale has allowed all season in a regular season match. “We spent a lot of time in the offensive zone. When you control the game like that,

Elis kick off Ivy season

you give fewer shots on net,” Leonoff said. Playing a complete game was one of the biggest team goals for this week, but despite the win, Haddad was not completely satisfied. “We had maybe 40 minutes where we really executed what we wanted to do and another 20 where we were a little lost. We want to turn that 40 minutes into 60,” Haddad said. The Bulldogs have a day off today before they travel up to Providence for a rematch with the Bears in an unusual back-to-back scheduling oddity. “I don’t think we’ll adjust much. Hopefully we’ll continue to play the way the way we did today and I don’t think they’ll be in the game,” Leonoff said. Haddad agreed, saying that the team was going to come out with the same attitude as today’s game. Yale now sits in ninth place in the ECAC, one point behind Princeton. The Elis play 7p.m. on Saturday at Brown. Contact GIOVANNI BACARELLA at .


The Bulldogs have been a threat from beyond the arc all season, averaging 8.4 3-pointers per game. BY SARAH ONORATO CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Having defeated both Bucknell and Bryant in the past week, the women’s basketball team will look to continue its winning ways when the Bulldogs open their Ivy League season against Brown on Saturday.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL The Elis (5–9, 0–0 Ivy) have prepared for conference play by competing against tough nonIvy opponents. After losing six of their first seven games to start the season, the Bulldogs have settled in, winning four of their last seven to gain momentum going into league play. In the last two games, the team has an average of 80 points per game compared to a season average of 67.3. “We have improved in our ability to push the ball in transition and forcing turnovers,” center Zenab Keita ’14 said. “Doing those things as well as the other essentials, like rebounding and taking charges consistently, night in and night out, will ensure us the top spot in the Ivy League.” Point guard Sarah Halejian ’15 and guard Janna Graf ’14 have led the Bulldog offense so far, averaging 13.4 and 12.3 points per game,

respectively. The Elis have been a threat from beyond the arc all season, averaging 8.4 3-pointers per game. Graf leads the team with 33 3-pointers made, and five Bulldogs are shooting 40 percent or better from long range. This type of balanced attack has been a key for the Elis this season. Of the team’s 10 eligible players, eight have scored in double digits in at least one game so far this season. “Our depth is very important as we begin Ivy play because the entire Ivy season is one large conference tournament where every game matters,” guard Amanda Tyson ’14 said. “Every player on the team is always a threat because you can never be sure who will have the hot hand that night, and that’s huge to defending us.” The Elis are coming off a 78–65 win over Bryant on Wednesday, in which Tyson had a career night with 16 points. Halejian has had 15 points in each of the last two games for the Bulldogs, while Graf has contributed 26 total points of her own in the team’s last two wins. The Bulldogs split their two games against the Bears last season with a 75–65 win and 60–55 loss. Yale finished third, one spot above the Bears in the final league

standings last year. With the return of Brown’s leading scorer from last season, senior guard Sheila Dixon, the two teams will be competitive with each other once again.

We have been working on our game and our identity rather than focusing on a particular opponent. AMANDA TYSON ’14 Guard, women’s basketball Brown (6–8, 0–0 Ivy) also has momentum entering Saturday’s matchup after beating New Jersey Institute of Technology on Tuesday. “Over the last few weeks, we have been working on our game and our identity rather than focusing on a particular opponent, because we ultimately know that if we play our game, we will be successful,” Tyson said. The two teams will tip off at 4 p.m. in the John J. Lee Amphitheater. Contact SARAH ONORATO at .

Men’s basketball opens conference play M. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 an Ivy League championship in basketball since grabbing a share of the title in 2002, and the program has not won outright in over 50 years. Yet the Bulldogs, in facing Brown, appear to have a strong shot at opening their conference schedule with a victory. In a preseason poll, Ivy sportswriters projected the Bears to finish seventh in the conference, above only the abysmal Dartmouth. Furthermore, the Bulldogs defeated the Bears in the teams’ two matchups last year, with a 68–64 victory at home followed by a 73–60 win on the road.

Our bigs have to be willing passers if they don’t have a catch and score. ARMANI COTTON ’15 Guard, men’s basketball


The Elis, with the second-best offense in the Ivy League, will be challenged by a Brown defense that has held opponents to 42 percent shooting this year.

Still, Yale’s squad knows better than to look past the Bears. Martin noted that 6-foot-8-inch Brown junior forward Tucker Halpern will be a concern for the Bulldogs. Guard Armani Cotton ’15 said that Brown likes to clog the

paint on defense and that the Eli big men will have to be ready to pass out of pressure situations. “Our bigs have to be willing passers if they don’t have a catch and score,” he said. Cotton also emphasized that the Bulldog guards must be aware of their spacing and be ready to catch and shoot. But Martin did mention an area in which he believes the Elis have a clear advantage: depth. “Four of their five starters play 30 minutes a game. We can wear them down in waves,” Martin said. “I think we’ve got the best depth in the league. … We’ve got 10 or 11 guys who play.” With the beginning of league play, Bulldog players have begun to notice that not much time is left in the season. Martin, especially, has started to feel the urgency associated with conference play. “We’ve only got 30 practices left, so whatever your role is, we just need to work hard and we can do something special in the league,” he said. The game will tip off at 7 p.m. on Saturday in Providence. Contact ALEX EPPLER at .


NBA N.Y. Knicks 102 Detroit 87

NCAAB No. 5 Michigan 83 No. 9 Minnesota 75


IVY DIRECTOR REVAMPS NCAA PENALTIES CREATES PUNISHMENT MATRIX Along with 12 other university athletics officials, Ivy League Executive Director Robin Harris recently served on an NCAA working group that created a new matrix of penalities for NCAA violations. The table is meant to make the penalty process more transparent.

NCAAB No. 10 Florida 68 Texas A&M 47

AUS OPEN Federer 6 6 6 Davydenko 3 4 4


YALE COMMIT RANKED BY NHL SCOUTS SLATED AS SECOND-ROUND PICK Forward John Hayden, who is currently plays on the U.S. Under-18 Team and is committed to Yale, is ranked 59th in NHL Central Scouting’s midterm rankings released Tuesday. The delayed NHL season begins Saturday, and the 2013 NHL Draft will take place in June.

AUS OPEN Murray 6 6 6 Sousa 2 2 4


“We just need to work hard and we can do something special in the [Ivy] League.” SAM MARTIN ’13 CAPTAIN, MEN’S BASKETBALL YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2013 ·

Harvard, Dartmouth visit Elis BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER The men’s hockey team will face off tonight against the Crimson for the 237th time in the history of Yale hockey.

MEN’S HOCKEY Coming off a road sweep of St. Lawrence and Clarkson, the No. 12 Bulldogs (9–4–3, 5–3–1 ECAC) will take on Harvard tonight and No. 11 Dartmouth (9–5–2, 5–3–1 ECAC) Saturday night at Ingalls Rink at 7:30 and 7:00 p.m., respectively. The Elis jumped all over Harvard (5–8–1, 3–6 ECAC) in their first meeting this season with a season-high 49 shots on goal, but head coach Keith Allain expects the Crimson to put up a fight. “They have some really dangerous forwards and some defensemen that like to get involved in the attack,” Allain said. The Crimson’s top two scorers, forwards Alex Fallstrom and Tommy O’Regan, have each put up 10 points this season while senior defenseman and preliminary Hobey Baker contender Danny Biega has registered six points for the Crimson. Forwards Kenny Agostino ’14, Antoine Laganiere ’13 and captain Andrew Miller ’13, the Bulldogs’ own Hobey Baker candidates, have registered 21, 18 and 17 points, respectively, so far this year. The Elis have also recently found point production from forward Nico Weberg ’15, who has a goal and two assists in his last two games. “I think Nico has taken a huge SEE MEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 11


The men’s hockey team returns home to Ingalls Rink tonight to face Harvard for the first time since Dec. 28. The Bulldogs amassed a 2–1–1 record on their four-game road trip.

Bulldogs find victory at Ingalls

Yale opens conference play BY ALEX EPPLER STAFF REPORTER This winter break, the men’s basketball team faced challenges over the course of their seven games far exceeding those of their fellow Ivies. While the Elis finished the break with a record of 3–4, the team squared off against a number of nationally recognized powers, including No. 10 Florida. According to USA Today’s Jeff Sagarin, the Bulldogs have had the 27th toughest schedule in the nation; no other Ivy competitor is ranked in the top 80.



Forward Jamie Haddad’s’16 two second-period goals lifted the Bulldogs to a 3-2 victory over the Brown Bears at Ingalls Rink. BY GIOVANNI BACARELLA STAFF REPORTER When Brown’s Alena Polenska scored on a power play goal 9:37 into the first period, it seemed like yet another bad omen for the Bulldogs. However, the talk of Yale playing a complete game proved to be more

than just talk, and two secondperiod goals from forward Jamie Haddad ’16 lifted the Elis to a 3-2 victory over Brown at Ingalls Rink.

WOMEN’S HOCKEY “I think we came as close to playing a full 60 minutes [tonight] as we

have since I arrived,” goaltender Jaimie Leonoff ’15 said. In the first period, power plays were again Yale’s Achilles heel. The Bulldogs (3—14—1, 2—8—1 ECAC) came into the game second-to-last in the country in penalty killing, allowing goals on 21 of 70 opportunities. Brown (3—12—1, 2—9—0


ECAC) had the nation’s worst power play unit, but the first penalty on Yale proved to be costly when Polenska scored off a deflection. Then forward Stephanie Mock ’15 had a crucial game-tying goal just 6:06 later. SEE WOMEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 11

Yet as the Elis (6–11, 0–0 Ivy) return to campus, they ready themselves for a new challenge: conference play. That journey will begin Saturday night, as the team travels to Providence to take on the Brown Bears (6–8, 0–0) at the Pizzitola Sports Center. “I told the guys that this is my last year, and we haven’t won a title since I’ve been here,” team captain Sam Martin ’13 said. This contest in particular will hold increased significance for Martin, a Rhode Island native. The captain’s extended family plans to attend the game on Saturday. The Elis’ streak without a title extends much further back than Martin’s time with the program, however. Yale has not captured SEE MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 11

THE FRESHMAN WOMEN’S HOCKEY FORWARD SCORED TWICE FOR YALE IN THE BULLDOGS’ 3–2 WIN OVER BROWN. Both goals came in the second period and put Yale up for good. Haddad is tied for first in goals on the team with six on the year.

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