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CROSS CAMPUS We’re saved. Last year, the Yale College Council created a promotional website to ask students the all-important question: “What has the YCC done this year?” This year, we finally have an answer. After months of working with Yale Dining, the YCC has released its six-page comprehensive “YCC Salad Report,” which outlines specific research and recommendations regarding the salad dressing, croutons and romaine lettuce available in dining halls. Guys, #TheYCCIsOnIt. He’s back. New Haven’s favorite graffiti artist, Believe in People, has struck Elm City walls again, this time painting the words “SUPA-THUG” in large block letters on a wall facing State Street. But that’s not all. Believe in People also drew a young girl, wearing a pink dress and staring innocently at the block letters as a used paint roller stands beside her. But what does it all mean? May the force be with you.

Last night, students in Engl 130 “Epic” got a taste of what their course truly means. Gathered in LC, the lucky academics watched a screening of “Star Wars” — the film that made Luke Skywalker a household name.

And another one bites the dust. Yale College Council

Secretary Leandro Leviste ’15 will take the spring semester off to work on his mother’s re-election campaign in the Philippines, Leviste announced in a Thursday email to the YCC. Leviste’s departure marks the second time a YCC Executive Board member has left Yale in the past month. His replacement will be chosen by the YCC Executive Board, who will select among members of the YCC’s subsidiary bodies. Did you get your flu shot?





New Haven Police Department and city approach contract deal


No. 3 Bulldogs fall to No. 4 Trinity in matchup’s final game





Elicker seeks mayor’s office BY DIANA LI AND ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER STAFF REPORTERS Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 officially declared his candidacy for mayor to a crowd of over 100 people Thursday night. In an event held at Cafe Manjares on Whalley Avenue, Elicker laid out his vision for the Elm City and spoke about the need for education reform, greater fiscal responsibility and the development of neighborhoods beyond downtown. Elicker, whose opponents include 19-year Mayor John DeStefano Jr., emphasized that New Haven residents have expressed a desire for a “new direction” and a “two-way government that listens.” “I hear from people that they want their next mayor to be someone who hears them out, who respects their ideas and incorporates their input into the plans that they make — someone who brings new energy and excitement to their government,” Elicker said. “I will be that mayor.” As attendees passed around volunteer sign-up sheets, Elicker spoke about some of the initiatives he hopes to implement as mayor, such as participatory budgeting that would give individual neighborhoods more authority to determine their priorities in the allocation of city funding. He also stressed that additional education reform is necessary, adding that despite a $1.5 billion investment by the city in New Haven Public Schools over the last 20 years, more work remains to be done. Elicker cited three education SEE ELICKER PAGE 4



Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 announced that he will challenge Mayor John DeStefano Jr.’s bid for re-election at Cafe Manjares on Thursday.

SOM fundraising priorities broaden

Might want to consider that now. The number of flu deaths in the state has reached 17, according to the Connecticut’s Department of Public Health. All victims this season have been over 54 years old. Watch your health!


1977 The Yale Corporation decides to raise fees to $6,950, marking an 8 percent increase. Administrators say the increase is necessary to offset an anticipated 6 percent national inflation rate. Submit tips to Cross Campus


In a press conference on Capitol Hill Thursday morning, Connecticut Sens. Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73 and Chris Murphy joined California Sen. Dianne Feinstein as she introduced legislation to ban assault weapons in the wake of December’s mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. If passed, the legislation, titled the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013, will ban the sale, transfer, importation and manufacture of assault weapons while expanding the kinds of firearms categorized as assault weapons. The ban’s introduction comes just over one week after President Obama announced a series of executive actions and legislative initiatives, including an assault weapons ban, intended to curtail gun violence. But the proposed ban faces strong opposition from gun rights supporters and certain members of both houses of Congress. “It will be a tough, demanding debate,” Blumenthal told the News Thursday. “But I’m hopeful. No single measure can be a solution. There’s no panacea, but these are reasonable regulations.” The ban has already come up against fierce criticism from gun rights groups across the nation. The National Rifle Association, which counts over 4 million members, released a statement on Thursday stating that Feinstein “has been trying to ban guns from law-abiding citizens for decades.” “The American people know gun bans do not work, and we are confident Congress will reject Sen. Feinstein’s approach,”


The School of Management’s new campus is expected to open next January. BY ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA STAFF REPORTER Though the School of Management is roughly $25 million short of fully financing its new campus, slated to open in January 2014, administrators have broadened the school’s fundraising priorities under the leadership of SOM Dean Edward Snyder. The 2011 departure of Sharon Oster, Snyder’s predecessor, coincided with the end of a University-wide five-year campaign that raised money for Edward P. Evans Hall, the new campus, and Snyder said he has expanded the school’s fundraising objectives since the campaign ended. A proven fundraiser, Snyder — who brought in a $300 million donation, the largest in U.S. business school history, while dean of the Uni-

versity of Chicago Booth School of Business — has raised several gifts of over $1 million since his arrival at the SOM in July 2011. While he said he will continue to prioritize fundraising for the new campus, he added that the SOM is turning its sights to fundraising for other initiatives. “In addition to working together [with Dean Snyder] to secure funds for the new SOM campus, we’re also collaborating to raise funds for other SOM needs, including support of financial aid, research and teaching support and other priorities the dean identifies,” said University Vice President for Development Joan O’Neill in an email Thursday. “The fact that Dean Snyder has such strong previous experience in funSEE SOM PAGE 6



On academics. Last night,

the YCC also released a report on this year’s changes to the academic calendar, which discussed the introduction of fall break and shortened reading period. According to the report, the shortened reading period caused “unprecedented” amounts of stress and generally had a negative effect on students’ academic abilities. Still, 62 percent of students said they preferred having a fall break, even at the cost of a shorter reading period.

CT senators support weapons ban

When John Darnell agreed to a one-year suspension from the Yale faculty following numerous University policy violations, he left the Egyptology division of the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department without a chair and with just one full-time faculty member — associate professor Colleen Manassa ’01 GRD ’05, with whom he allegedly had the intimate relationship that led to his suspension. Darnell, the only tenured Egyptologist at the University, served as chair of the NELC Department prior to his suspension and advised all seven Egyptology graduate students. Eckart Frahm, acting NELC chair, said he and Graduate School Associate Dean Pamela Schirmeister are in the process of establishing a “committee structure” advising program for Egyptology’s seven graduate students, who he worries will suffer from the effects of Darnell’s suspension even after they graduate and advance in their careers. Frahm said it would be “naive” to suggest that Darnell’s resignation and suspension will not taint the reputation of the department in the field, calling his departure a “huge psychological blow” to NELC. “Clearly what we have to deal with right now is a rather major crisis that affects mostly the graduate students in Egyptology,” Frahm said. Darnell announced his resig-

nation as NELC chair in a Jan. 8 email to graduate students and faculty in the department, citing an intimate relationship with a student under his direct supervision and with a professor whom he reviewed as reasons for his departure. Since his suspension, multiple sources have told the News that the person involved in Darnell’s violations was Manassa, who allegedly began an affair with Darnell in 2000, according to divorce documents filed by Darnell’s wife before the Connecticut Superior Court on Nov. 5, 2012. Frahm said he is determined to minimize the effects of Darnell’s resignation and suspension, especially for the Egyptology graduate students. “Students shouldn’t be held responsible for anything outside their control,” Frahm said. Frahm said he plans to meet with Schirmeister in the next two weeks to finalize the official structure of the advising committee, in which each graduate student will be assigned one primary adviser, as well as at least two additional professors or professional Egyptologists to consult on drafts of their dissertations. While members of the NELC faculty said they are willing to step into advising roles, Frahm said he also has been in talks with potential advisers at other universities and met privately with each graduate student. Despite Frahm’s efforts, Egyptology students remain SEE DARNELL PAGE 6







Yale must restore 'Intro Art History' Nemerov’s departure is no excuse for the University to forgo the spirit and the substance that guided his introductory course: to make art history accessible for students from a broad swath of the University community; to expose students to a potential major; to help Yalies contextualize the iconic images they grew up glancing at in textbooks and postcards; and to teach students, as his syllabus wrote, “the power of looking at art.” Next year, we hope to see Yale offer a new introductory history of art course that provides the same broad survey of knowledge as Nemerov’s did, with a professor who can equal the former chair’s charisma and experience. Without Nemerov at the helm, it may not be as popular, but we have no doubt it can be as powerful.

For common-sense computer science Yale has fallen behind its peers in relevant introductory computer science education. Stanford, located in a hub of technological innovation, is known worldwide for its programs; at Harvard, an introductory computer science course provides students with programming knowledge that is also based in realworld applications. But at Yale, a focus on the theoretical has left non-computer science majors without a practical, modern and creative programming course. Classes that might give students a foundation to produce smartphone apps or websites are simply not offered. And while Yale’s extracurricular computer science opportunities — most notably, HackYale — are popular, they simply aren’t enough. These offerings aren’t just a testament to the growing entrepreneur-

ial spirit of Yalies. They’re signs that the administration isn’t doing enough on its own. Perhaps there is a concern that such a course would stray from Yale’s commitment to the liberal arts, but we believe these skills are essential to any graduating Yale student — regardless of his or her field of interest. The Computer Science Department must step out of the past by creating an intellectually rigorous yet accessible introductory class that teaches Yalies from all majors the practical skills needed to succeed in a society that so often pairs intellectual growth with technological tools. Yale administrators cannot sit passively by while students are forced to create the academic offerings they hope to see. We hope to see a course that reflects an active embrace of common-sense computer science.

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Zip your verbal fly


Just a year ago, on a cold January day, over 500 Yalies crammed into a single auditorium to shop the first lecture of HSAR 115, an introductory art history course taught by Alexander Nemerov GRD ’92, the chair of the department. The course, which covered works from the Renaissance to the present, was the definition of a classic Yale course. Nemerov inspired — carrying on the legacy of a class made famous by legendary Yale professor Vincent J. Scully ’40 GRD ’49. Under the guidance of these professors, generations of Yalies from every field of study gathered twice weekly to study Vermeer and Van Gogh, Pollock and Poussin. But last February, Nemerov announced that he would leave Yale for Stanford. This semester, Yale failed to offer HSAR 115.

“There's something wrong with commingling the admissions processes in any way and promoting

am not entirely sure when I first encountered the phrase “real talk.” I want to say that I heard it from Justin Bieber, but it’s hard to account for all the unfiltered wisdom that the Biebs has passed down to me over the years. Nevertheless, whatever the source, “real talk” was the defining crisis of the five hours I was awake over winter break. I was Neo discovering the Matrix. I was Septimus Smith standing at the window ledge. I was Holden Caulfield for the duration of “The Catcher in the Rye.” In short: I was an enlightened man trapped in a world of phonies. (In my fantasies, I am male in gender; I know you won’t relate to me otherwise.) And so I agonized: What have we come to? Where are we as a society if our only means of effective communication — our only moments of connection in this world of silence and white noise — come to us in interjections of “real talk” within an otherwise empty conversation? Have I really just wasted a lifetime of discourse on “fake talk”? How can I, like Justin Bieber, penetrate to something real? Like the majority of my unchecked musings, this was all nonsense. But my overreaction was, I think, a reflection of

the worldview implied by the notion of “real talk.” Even as a joke, “real talk” reveals a discursive criMICHELLE sis which our community TAYLOR — and if I may be so bold, Tell It Slant our generation at large — appears to be quietly, mistakenly suffering. It’s the obsession with sincerity LCD Soundsystem parodied back in 2005. “You want to make something real,” James Murphy realizes of the artist who is replacing his old electronic equipment with new, different electronic equipment. “You want to make a Yaz record.” The relevance of Yaz as a genre aside, I’ve had enough unpleasant conversations to know that there’s a place and a time for soul-baring and a place and a time to zip up our verbal pants. I’ve also had a few good conversations, which is how I know that it is an art form as real and as fulfilling for the soul as any “real talk” can be. I’m not denying that there are conversations that we have — the ones late at night, in our deserted common rooms or shivering alone

under the lamplight on Cross Campus — that feel more real than others, that offer us a deeper connection to the human being with whom we’re sharing our private selves. But there’s a sort of impersonal laziness that has pervaded our casual conversations of late. In defaulting to “real talk” — in falling back upon the thought unmediated, unconsidered, unfiltered — we place our own needs to express and to be known above the needs and the comfort of others. There are, unfortunately, times when people don’t really want to know exactly how your day went — when they’d rather be spared the knowledge that your afternoon seminar was ruined by an incautious extra serving of creamy corn casserole. But there’s a way — increasingly, it seems, lost on us — to say “it was okay,” or “seminar was … uncomfortable,” in such a tone that invites concern, should your auditor truly care. There’s a way to talk around, and to imply, the unpleasant details of your horrific night out without putting an acquaintance in the awkward situation of reacting to something so complicated and overpersonal that it seems both to demand and to preclude comment. There is a way to be a polite conversationalist.

I promise I’m not some stuffy Victorian. It’s not that I believe that some subjects are “taboo.” But I do believe that conversationalists should make their partners comfortable, and we should never presume that a person’s discomfort with a topic is the product of some reprehensible prudery. I’m as tempted as the next girl to respond to, “Hey, it’s nice to see you,” with “Yeah, I’d jump you too after a beer.” But there’s no escape from such impositions of self, and my TA would feel much more comfortable not having to explain to me why he finds me unattractive. No: For him, at least, I will try to be less selfish. I will notice what makes him uncomfortable, and I will speak in sentences that tell the truth subtly, in all its parts, without shoving it into his brain like he’s a baby and my words are an oncoming spoonful of mashed peas. We all deserve more subtlety than that. As a great poet once wrote: “Tell all the truth, but tell it slant.” I may be wrong, but I think that was also Justin Bieber. MICHELLE TAYLOR is a senior in Davenport College. Her column runs on Fridays. Contact her at .


Ban CT’s cruel factory farm practices A

n average mother pig raised in the pork industry weighs about 500 pounds. Yet it’s currently legal for farms in our state of Connecticut to confine her, day and night, for her entire life in a metal cage less than the width of this newspaper. In “gestation crates,” these pigs, among the most highly intelligent creatures on earth, are unable to turn around or fully extend their limbs. If they can lie down at all, they must push their legs, fragile from lack of use, through the bars into the neighboring crates. Veal calves, too, raised on Connecticut factory farms spend nearly their entire lives crammed into wooden crates so small they can hardly move. For their short 16-week lives, they are chained around the neck. Most of us flinch to hear this. Treating animals with basic decency is a widely accepted, common-sense value of our society. We know this cruel confinement is just plain wrong, and we’re repulsed by it. Yet the law as it stands does not reflect these values. These cages are inexcusable, but gestation crates and veal crates remain legal in the state of Connecticut.

With your help, this wrong could be righted in the coming month. Thanks to Bill 5838, introduced to the Connecticut Legislature yesterday, we as Connecticut residents have the opportunity to join the nine other states that have already banned these unnecessarily cruel confinement systems. If passed, the bill, introduced by seven state representatives, will simply require that mother pigs and veal calves in our state have enough room to lie down, turn around and fully extend their legs. In the process, we can become a leader in standing up for our nation’s treasured values of basic civility and respect. The science is clear that pigs are one of the smartest animals on earth, with a highly inquisitive nature, intricate social structures and the ability to learn complex tasks with ease. Pigs can quickly learn how mirrors work and use reflected images to survey the land and food sources around them; can learn how to play video games with joysticks; have radar-dish-like ears that make them one of the best localizers of sound among animals; and have snouts that can locate truffles a dozen feet below the

ground. In nature, they build communal nests and form strong social bonds, including special relationships between individuals who will join together to farrow, forage and sleep. Contrary to their reputation, they are very hygienic; they’ll go to great efforts to defecate far away from their nests. Cows, too, are regarded as very smart animals. According to animal behaviorists, cows develop strong friendships, will hold grudges against cows that treat them poorly and mourn the deaths of cows to which they were close. Mother cows are deeply bonded to their young, and will cry frantically in search of their babies that have been taken away to be sent to veal farms. It is beyond my comprehension to imagine what it must be like for such capable and feeling creatures to be confined to such cages, unable to express the most basic behaviors that come naturally to them. The closest analogy that I have come across is if we were forced to spend our entire lives strapped to an airplane seat, covered in our own feces. Gestation crates and veal crates are unnecessary. Today, cost-efficient group housing sys-

tems exist as more humane alternatives that better allow pigs to be pigs and veal calves to be baby cows. There is no justification for their continued legality. Even Randy Strauss, the CEO of Strauss Veal, the nation’s largest veal producer, called veal crates “inhumane and archaic” and said they “do nothing more than subject a calf to stress, fear, physical harm and pain.” Yale undergraduates and Yale Law School students have already expressed support for the passage of Bill 5838 and plan to testify at the upcoming hearing. I encourage you to express your support as well by calling state Sen. Edward Meyer, the head of Connecticut’s Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, and tell him that you want to see Bill 5838 passed. Call your state senator and representative and urge their support, too. We each now have a short window of opportunity to make a difference. Let’s ban this cruelty from our state now and forever more. VIVECA MORRIS is a sophomore in Ezra Stiles College. Contact her at .

Yale's white walls I

n the fall of 1980, several students at Yale Law School noticed something disturbing. There was something off about the portraits on the walls of their building. After careful examination, the students realized that they all depicted men. All of them. These students, now outraged, strongly urged the Law School to recognize the contributions of women by including portraits of accomplished females alongside the men. Eventually, with the support of the administration, they commissioned and unveiled a portrait of Ellen Ash Peters. Peters, who fled Nazi Germany at the age of 9 and went on to graduate cum laude from Yale Law School and then teach there, became the first female justice on the Connecticut Supreme Court. Her portrait hangs in a lecture hall to this day. One of those young students was my mother, then in her first year. I’d like to say that things have gotten better in the decades since my mother was in New Haven, and in many ways, they have. But when it comes to portraits on the walls, things remain nearly as unequal as they were more than 30 years ago. Since arriving as a freshman, I have become increasingly aware that nearly all the portraits on

the walls of dining halls and common rooms were of white men. The faces staring down at me as I ate or studied were remarkSCOTT ably homogeSTERN neous, looking a little A Stern too much like Persepective the all-male, basically allwhite Yale of yesteryear for my liking. So, since returning from winter break I have embarked on a survey of all of the dining hall and common room portraits (where the vast majority of portraits seem to reside). Nine of Yale’s 13 dining halls, including Commons, have at least one portrait on their walls. Four of the common rooms have portraits. Of the 89 portraits I saw, 79 depicted white men, eight white women and two black men. To put that another way, less than 10 percent of the portraits are women; hardly 2 percent are portraits of nonwhite people. No black women were pictured, nor were any Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans or other minorities (so far as I could tell).

In a Yale that claims to support and embrace diversity, the walls that surround us — the walls we call home — should reflect a more diverse Yale. In a Yale that is half female and 41 percent people of color, we need more than our stodgy, lily-white, antiquated portraits. I can attest to the fact that there is adequate room for more. Calhoun’s dining hall has plenty of room — it only has four portraits (all white men, including the noted racist and pro-slavery politician, John C. Calhoun). Timothy Dwight’s dining hall has plenty of room, despite the 10 white, male faces staring down from its walls — and these the only 10 faces there. The most diverse dining hall is Davenport’s — it has three white men, one black man and one white woman. Before Davenport feels too proud of itself, it should look at the portrait of its one woman: Anne Allen, a poor rendering of a severe old woman in a maid’s uniform. “Faithful and Beloved Servant,” the plaque reads. My own treasured Branford dining hall — where I eat, conservatively, 90 percent of my meals — is the most homogenous of them all. Fifteen portraits adorn its walls. Every one is of a white man.

When I bring up this homogeneity to friends, they invariably raise the argument: The portraits are probably depicting old masters and deans; we can’t help it if that’s just why they’re there. Yet I can say with authority that a huge number of merely outstanding graduates are pictured as well, including numerous members of the clergy or government. And let’s not forget the scores of “benefactors” and “philanthropists” who somehow merited a portrait. Furthermore, plenty of them are still living. Overall, portrait allotments seem remarkably arbitrary. Surely we can find an outstanding graduate who is not another white man — the names Hillary Clinton, Sonia Sotomayor, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Benjamin Carson, Meryl Streep and even Clarence Thomas (if he’ll accept) spring to mind. It’s time to change the portraits that surround us. What we put on the walls matters — it sends a message to the Yale community, as well as to the world at large. As Yale enters a new era of leadership under two white men, we have a chance to show our true commitment to a culture of diversity. SCOTT STERN is a sophomore in Branford College. Contact him at .




STEVE JOBS “My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to make them better.”


Winter has arrived at Yale


What she sees and what I forget M



Crisis and compromise

Asking the right questions in India


he events that unfolded in Israel this week should make Americans optimistic. Unfortunately, that’s something you don’t hear every day. But this past Tuesday, on Jan. 22, the results of the 2013 Israeli elections revealed that perhaps, in the midst of great fragmentation and extremism, there is place for moderation and compromise — in both Israel and the United States. Because of the coalition system in Israel, it’s still uncertain what the composition of the next government will be. The parties winning the most votes were Likud/Beiteinu with 31 mandates, Yesh Atid with 19 and Labor with 15. Likud is on the right, known for its stances on foreign policy and security, and it is also the party of current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Yesh Atid is a new centrist party focusing on social equality, and the left-wing Labor Party is looking to spearhead economic reforms. While the previous Israeli coalition included far-right parties and failed to provide the change that much of the Israeli public desires, there is hope that this new coalition can be built on compromise. This election provided an opportunity for a broader, more moderate and more productive representation of the Israeli people. At this point, there is strong likelihood that Netanyahu and Yesh Atid’s Yair Lapid will form a right-center government that will also include Hatnua, the new leftcenter party led by Tzipi Livni. As a result of Israeli electorate’s call for moderation, the numbers leave the possibility that this coalition will be free from extreme-right religious parties – a long-time woe for many Israelis. In the context of the changes this election may lead to, we should consider the United States. There should of course be hesitation before making overly general comparisons between two very different countries and political systems. But both Israel and the U.S. have a diverse population of immigrants, a fragmented political culture pulling on both the left and the right, and a fear that the legislature’s utter ineptitude will result in crisis both at home and abroad.

Twelve different Israeli political parties won seats in the next Knesset (Parliament); many more ran, but did not achieve the electoral threshold to gain representation. Israel’s political parties span the spectrum from left to right, secular to religious, economic-focused to foreign-policy gurus. In contrast, the United States has only two major parties. But these parties include a multitude of divergent opinions and preference sets within the parties themselves. Both Israelis and Americans are frustrated with their divided governments’ inability to solve many key national problems. In Israel, the focus is on economic stratification, lack of social egalitarianism and foreign policy, while in the U.S., the primary current issues are the economy and social welfare programs. And so the 2013 Israeli elections may yield a compromise coalition that could be a turning point in this political deadlock. But why now? It may be that the crises in Israel are coming to a head. Perhaps Israelis have decided that enough is enough – “dayenu!” as said at the Passover Seder. In America, we must look no further than our Congress’ 11th-hour handling of the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling crises to observe a political by-product of human nature: Only when things have come to a crisis point will compromise be reached. These Israeli elections should provide encouragement for the United States. In fact, Washington has it easier than Jerusalem — there are only two political parties to reconcile, not 12. Long before the State of Israel’s establishment in 1948, Theodore Herzl famously stated, “If you will it, it is not a dream.” American political pundits, journalists, workers and students have long lamented that even in their wildest dreams Congress could not pull itself together to pass laws that would truly address the nation’s problems. Perhaps the U.S., like Israel, has finally reached enough of a crisis point that compromise will no longer be a dream. DANIELLE BELLA ELLISON is a sophomore in Davenport College. Contact her at .


couple of days ago, this country marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a case that , despite all its constitutional controversy, remains a watershed moment in American politics, as well as a reference point for women’s rights movements across the world. The early 1970s, when the famous case was decided, was also when India, my home country, established an early law that gave women access to facilities for the medical termination of pregnancy. About 20 years later, however, India needed to criminalize prenatal tests that determined the sex of the fetus, a step that the government hoped would reduce the alarming rate of sex-selective abortion in the country. Today, both Indian laws represent pyrrhic victories at best — each law promised to create positive change in the way we discussed sexual equality, but both proved inadequate over time. The theory that economic growth augments social progressivism remains elusive in India. Part of the problem is that the conversation has always centered on trivialities, rather than substantive issues. Discourse is shaped by news media that is bankrupt in terms of ideas — one that is unwilling to drive the national conversation in the direction it should go. And the failures of the media have been especially noticeable as of late. After the incident on December 16 — when a young Indian woman was brutally gang raped on a bus — the culture of sexual inequality in India attracted national outcry and unprecedented international attention. Unfortunately, the questions asked and solutions debated in the aftermath of the tragedy were, and continue to be, the wrong ones. India’s major television channels and newspapers gave airtime and precious space to advocates of ludicrous proposals, like enforcing a mandatory death penalty for any convicted rapist, or encouraging every woman to carry a firearm with her at all times and in all places. In a country where the current justice system remains woefully inadequate at addressing sexual assault and rape cases, far too much time was lost bemoaning the situation or proposing unfeasible “Band-Aid” solutions. Far too little time was spent engaging constructively with the steps neces-

sary to correct the systemic issues that promote and propagate sexual violence. The issue, however, is that Indians are blind to the futility of the conversations they’ve been having. Goaded on by a media that satiates their visceral desires for short-term solutions and acts of brutal retribution, I worry that we’ve lost sight — as a people and as a populace — of the correct reference points for what we’re trying to achieve. Rallying the social movement for sexual equality around the fickle nature of the national media is also unsustainable. All it takes is another headline story — for India to win a major cricket series, a skirmish along the Line of Control or even just another election — and all the momentum and public mobility that has been built up over the last few weeks will be entirely lost as the public eye turns elsewhere. In fact, India is no stranger to this kind of collective amnesia. In 2011, Anna Hazare notably called for an independent ombudsman to check government corruption. Today, these efforts have mostly fallen by the wayside. How can we change this culture? The long-run solution eventually lies in ensuring that the desserts of Indian growth are more fairly allocated across the country. In the short-term, however, the onus lies on India’s large middle class to become more involved in the political process. Fortunately, the political apathy that the middle class was known for finally seems to be giving way. One need only look at the scores of college students and young professionals who protested, even at threat of arrest, across big Indian cities. Directing this energy of political engagement towards meaningful outcomes is the challenge, especially in a society with an admittedly chronic deficiency of good leadership. The answer, ultimately, lies in not satisfying ourselves with the pyrrhic victories of the past. We must continue to mobilize and fight for justice, even when the media switches to another flavorof-the-week issue, and when politicians dodge the hard questions. It will take effort, but I’m confident we can get there. ANIRUDH SIVARAM is a sophomore in Calhoun College. Contact him at

y grandmother has, from time to time, forgotten my name, age, college, hometown and mother, but she has never forgotten the words to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” I stumbled upon this lyrical archive by accident when I was living with her last year. The song was stuck in my head, I hummed it, and she hummed the tune back. Soon enough, we were singing the words together as she twirled me between her pill cabinet and mail covered kitchen table, spinning me by the Post-it and photograph-coated fridge. Since, we’ve danced to the tune in living rooms and parking lots. We have sung together about a land over the rainbow. Over break, when I arrived in Pittsburgh, snow was piling up on the ground and weighing down the pine boughs. I spent the day in my grandmother’s living room, knitting and reading and refilling a bowl with maple syrup and snow. Her back was to the window. Each time she turned to look outside, she gasped. Once in a while, she got up and walked toward the glass, the white from outside dancing in her milky grey-blue eyes. “It’s just amazing, isn’t it?” she asked. She has asked many times, “Isn’t it just amazing?” She is always pointing out the slope of the hills, the flow of the rivers. She loves the clouds. She leans forward in the car and points up through the windshield. “Can you believe it?” she asks. It’s as if the mix of sun and clouds is always utterly unlike any she has seen before.

APPRECIATE WHERE WE ARE AND STAY IN THE MOMENT I forget about the sky sometimes. I know it’s there, but it so easily slips away, passes by unnoticed as I watch sidewalk pass below my feet. I don’t gasp each time I’m reminded it’s there, either. I get carried away puzzling over myself, wondering where I’ll go, which street I’ll take, how long I’ll stay. I’ve usually been like my grandmother, too: easily distracted by rivers and clouds. In New Haven, though, my eyes often feel crusty or tired, having stared too long at a little screen in my hand or on my desk. I often forget the familiar refrain of clouds and light right here, made different by each passing moment. I forget to look up. I know what she’d say, if she were here, wandering around New Haven next to me, her eyes never stuck to a phone or the pavement. “Isn’t it just amazing, Diana?” Much of my grandmother’s amazement of the world is tied to her city. She still prays every Sunday at the same church where she was baptized and married, the church where she has buried two parents, a sister and a husband. After 86 years in Pittsburgh, my grandmother has never forgotten the words to its particular song: Each stoplight cues some story about her group of middle school friends or an old French teacher, her first post-marriage home or a particular year’s family feast. Soon, she may have to move, though. We have more family in Colorado. There is a small nursing home there. My grandmother’s short-term memory loops every three minutes. While I lived with her last year, I sometimes came home to find her limping with black bruises splattered across her skin and a swollen knee she couldn’t figure out how she got. For a while, I have been scared for her to leave Pittsburgh. I do not know if she will like the music of some other town. I am not sure she can learn new lyrics so late in the game. But when she was visiting Colorado recently, one of my cousins apparently drove her along a highway. Steep mountains and thick clouds blurred out the windows. He drove her up and down the same road several times, and she gasped the whole way, most likely asking him, “Isn’t it just amazing?” Hearing this story made me remember the obvious: wherever my grandmother is, she is under the sky. She is seeing what I often forget: the constant surprise of light and beauty moving around me, even right here, in New Haven, at this very moment. These days, my grandmother only has the present tense. I try to live like that too, sometimes trying, for moments on end, to untangle myself from the past and loosen my mind from the anxiety-inducing grip of the future. For her, I try to exist in the exact space where I am. I try to notice better what is in front of me and see it like she would — as some land over some rainbow where bluebirds might fly — because for my grandmother, that place is often right where her gaze happens to land. DIANA SAVERIN is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact her at .




“In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.” DOUGLAS MACARTHUR FIVESTAR ARMY GENERAL

Murphy, Blumenthal lead gun control efforts WEAPON BANS FROM PAGE 1 the statement said. Scott Wilson, president of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, a gun-rights organization with approximately 3,000 members, said he thinks the bill is unlikely to pass, adding that “House [of Representatives] Republicans will put up a pretty good fight.” Nevertheless, Feinstein, Blumenthal and Murphy said the importance of enacting gun control legislation outweighs staunch resistance both inside Washington and across the nation. Blumenthal said that despite the influence of the gun lobby, public opinion has shifted decisively in favor of gun control since the Newtown shooting, adding that “there has been a sea change in public consciousness, a seismic shift in public support.” “If assault weapons and high capacity magazines were not so readily available, including the weapon Adam Lanza used to take 26 lives last month, there would be more little boys and girls alive in Newtown today,” Murphy told the News. In addition to listing 157 specific firearms as assault weapons, the ban also defines any semiautomatic rifle, handgun or shotgun that can accept a detachable magazine and has at least one military characteristic as an assault weapon. Semi-automatic rifles and handguns with fixed magazines that accept more than 10 rounds fall under the proposed assault weapon definition as well. The new definition of assault weapons is significantly more expansive than previous iterations — the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which expired in 2004, defined assault weapons as those with detachable magazines and two or more military characteristics. The proposed legislation also bans all ammunition feeding devices, such as magazines, clips

and drums capable of holding more than ten rounds. The 1994 ban, which gun advocates claim was ineffective in stemming the tide of gun violence, has come under criticism from supporters of tighter regulation for allowing firearm manufacturers to circumvent the definition of an assault weapon easily. “The main lesson [of the 1994 ban] is that we should prevent an assault weapons ban that allows exceptions and exemptions,” Blumenthal said.

pated in a “hangout” on Google Plus on the topic of gun control. Tomorrow, Biden will travel to Richmond, Va., to campaign for the president’s proposals on gun control. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United States had

3.75 gun-induced homicides per 100,000 people in 2009, compared to 0.03 in the United Kingdom. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .

If assault weapons … were not so readily available … there would be more little boys and girls alive in Newtown today. CHRIS MURPHY U.S. Senator, Connecticut The fate of the legislation is likely to be decided by moderate senators, such as Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, both Democrats of Virginia. Many moderate legislators have yet to take a stance on the issuse formally. On Thursday, an aide to Sen. Kaine remained noncommittal on how the senator is likely to vote. “He supports a comprehensive approach to reducing gun violence,” Lily Adams, a press secretary for Kaine, said in a Thursday email to the News. “Sen. Kaine also believes we should adopt reasonable restrictions on super-size magazines and combat weapons, and looks forward to reviewing bills aimed at curbing gun violence.” Only hours after the announcement of the proposed legislation, Vice President Joe Biden, who led a task force that proposed federal actions to reduce gun violence, partici-


Connecticut Sens. Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73 joined California Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the introduction of an assault weapons ban.

Alderman calls for independent school board ELICKER FROM PAGE 1


As mayor, Elicker would aim to reform education and eliminate the politicization of development projects.


improvements that are ready to be implemented immediately: increased transparency and parental involvement in the school district, funding for early childhood education and a new focus on what Elicker described as “technology and life skills.” The mayoral candidate also stressed the need for an independent school board — as the entire board is currently appointed by the mayor under city charter — and criticized the politicization of development projects. “Developers need to feel that they don’t have to contribute to political campaigns to play ball in New Haven, and if I am mayor, I will end that practice,” Elicker said to applause. “If you are a developer, you need not give to the DeStefano campaign today because you won’t need to play ball after November of this year.” Also running for mayor are DeStefano, who after over 19 years in office is currently serving his 10th term, and Sundiata Keitazulu, a plumber and New Haven resident. State Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield said he plans on making a decision about whether to run at the end of this month, although he has previously suggested that he

will run. Elicker contrasted his community outreach efforts in the last few months — which i n c l u d e d a t te n d i n g t h e Newhallville toy drive, city park advocacy groups and Hill Community Management Team meetings — with what he said was minimal involvement on the part of the other two candidates. “Do you know who was not there 99 percent of the time? The two other guys who are talking about running for mayor,” Elicker said. Also present for Elicker’s mayoral announcement was Ward 7 Alderman Doug Hausladen ’04, who has said that he is officially supporting Elicker for mayor and that he is “proud of him” for using public financing, which limits the total amount of money that candidates can spend. After helping to create the system nearly a decade ago, DeStefano abandoned public financing in 2011 after criticizing the system for failing in its aims of generating new candidates and becoming subsumed in “bureaucratic nonsense.” After Elicker’s speech, Tim Holahan, a Westville education activist and friend of Elicker, asked supporters to make donations to the campaign. Because Elicker has opted to

use public financing, individual contributions may not exceed $375. Attendees interviewed said they hoped Elicker would use his experience as an alderman to stay in touch with neighborhood issues as mayor. Katha Cox, who has lived in New Haven all her life and volunteers at Fair Haven School, said Elicker was responsible for bringing the East Rock Park back to life. She added that she thinks Elicker has promoted fiscal responsibility on the Board of Aldermen. Many supporters said they were excited by the prospect of a fresh face in the mayor’s office after DeStefano’s twodecade tenure, a theme that Elicker riffed on in his speech. “DeStefano’s been in office for 20 years. I’m 37 years old, and I haven’t done anything for 20 years,” Elicker said. “The only thing I really want to do for 20 years straight is to be married to my wife.” DeStefano, who had said he will not rely on public financing, outspent his previous opponent by a 14-to-1 margin. Contact DIANA LI at Contact ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER at .




“Sometimes when people are under stress, they hate to think, and it’s the time when they most need to think.” BILL CLINTON 42ND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES


The article “State may get new charter schools” stated that Jo Lutz is the director of the Connecticut Charter School Network. That organization is currently in the process of merging with the New York chapter of the network into the Northeast Charter School Network.

NHPD union nears contract


Former NHPD Union President Louis Cavaliere Sr. led a protest at City Hall in February 2011 after 16 officers were laid off due to budget cuts. BY LORENZO LIGATO STAFF REPORTER After more than a year of negotiations, New Haven Police Department officers have reached a tentative fiveyear contract agreement with the city. A n n o u n c e d T h u rs d ay morning, the tentative agreement between the city and unionized NHPD officers represented by Local 530 includes a wage increase as well as long-term changes to pension and health benefits. The contract agreement is awaiting approval from the over 400 police officers in the NHPD who have been working without a contract since the previous contract expired on June 30, 2011. “This agreement is fair but competitive,” Mayor John DeStefano Jr. said in a statement following the announcement. “It will allow us to attract the best and the brightest to the New Haven Police Department by compensating them fairly, while saving the taxpayers of the city money.” The tentative agreement comes after months of uncertainty during which the police union seemed unable to settle on a contract with the city. Negotiations appeared to have hit a dead end, as the city pushed for pension and medical benefits concessions that police union President Louis Cavaliere Jr. described as “unfair” in August 2012. That same month, Cavaliere — who was appointed president of the union in June — told the News that if the dispute remained unresolved and reached state arbitrators, officers might leave the force.

It’s not a high-five contract, but it’s not the worst contract in the world. LOUIS CAVALIERE JR. President, NHPD union Upon reaching yesterday’s agreement, Cavaliere called the proposed contract “fair” and far better than what the union could have obtained if contract negotiation went to arbitration. “It’s not a high-five contract, but it’s not the worst contract in the world, especially considering the financial situation of the city,” Cavaliere said. “We’re definitely going in the right direction.” The proposed contract — which, if ratified, will begin retroactively on July 1, 2011 and will last until June 30, 2016 — would raise the pay of New Haven cops by 9 percent over five years while allowing the city certain long-term changes in health and pension benefits. Under the contract, officers’ pay would rise by 3 percent in the current fiscal

TIMELINE NHPD CONTRACT JUNE 30, 2011 NHPD union three-year contract expires JUNE 22, 2012 Arpad Tolnay steps down from his position as president of the NHPD union JUNE 27, 2012 Louis Cavaliere Jr. is appointed NHPD union president JANUARY 24, 2013 Union and city reach a tentative five-year contract agreement

year, 0 percent next year and 3 percent in the years 2015 and 2016, while monthly health premiums would rise for officers who retire after 2014: Instead of a flat $135 monthly health premium, all retirees would be required to pay the same premium they were paying at the time of retirement, with a 6 percent increase a year. Medical premiums would also increase by 7 percent for current officers. The new contract will also reduce the number of annual sick days from 15 to 12. However, current police officers will maintain their right to retire after only 20 years on the job, which was one of the major points of contention with the city. “We’re the only department in the state that has a 20-year finish line,” Cavaliere said. “Hartford, Bridgeport and Waterbury all have a 25-year finish line.” However, the 20-year retirement benefit will not hold true for new police officers, who would have to spend 25 years in service before retiring under the new contract. New hires and current cadets will also be denied some of the benefits enjoyed by current police officers, Cavaliere said. If ratified, the proposed contract could go into effect as early as February, Cavaliere said. Meanwhile, he said he is planning a “double meeting” next week with a union attorney and medical experts to explain the details of the medical package. The tentative agreement will then go before the union’s general membership for a ratification vote and then move to the Board of Aldermen for final approval. “I don’t know if [the contract] will be ratified,” Cavaliere said. “But I tell people, ‘If you want to vote no because you’re going to lose three sick days a year, that’s insane.’” New Haven experienced the first two homicides of the year on Wednesday, one day before the tentative agreement was reached. Contact LORENZO LIGATO at .

Sandy Hook commission meets BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER Six weeks after a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission met Thursday for the first time. The commission, charged with investigating the shooting and providing public policy recommendations “in the areas of public safety, with particular attention paid to school safety, mental health and gun violence prevention” by Gov. Dannel Malloy, is comprised of 16 members and chaired by Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson. Members of the commission include teachers, public safety officials and experts in the fields of gun violence, mental health and school security. “When this is done, we will have made our children and our entire state safer,” Malloy told the commission in his opening remarks. “The desire for changing our policies and our laws is increasing on a daily basis.” Beginning with a moment of silence for those killed in Newtown, the panel heard from Danbury State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky, who is leading the police investigation of the shooting. Sedensky updated the commission on what he

described as an ongoing investigation. After Sedensky, former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter spoke to the commission. Ritter served as district attorney in Denver and was a member of the Columbine Commission, which investigated the 1999 high school shooting in Littleton, Colo. that killed 13.

When this is done, we will have made our children and our entire state safer. DANNEL MALLOY Governor, Connecticut Rather than suggesting specific policy proposals, Ritter provided a blueprint of the work that lies ahead for the commission. Describing both Columbine and Newtown as “incidents we can look to where innocence is lost,” Ritter emphasized the importance of listening for the commission. “There’s no one-size-fits-all in how people grieve. You’ll find them along a spectrum,” Ritter said. “You as commissioners are really tasked just to listen.” After Ritter, the commission heard from University of Virginia professor Richard Bonnie. Bonnie, who chairs the Virginia Commission on Mental Health

Reform, served as a consultant to the Virginia Tech Review Panel. In 2007, a gunman on the Virginia Tech campus killed 32 and injured 17 in the deadliest shooting in American history. The commission, however, has already come under criticism from Connecticut gun advocates who feel that the group’s conclusions, and subsequent policy initiatives by Malloy, will be the same regardless of testimony. Ed Peruta, a director at Connecticut gun-rights group CT Carry, emphasized enforcing existing laws, longer sentences for those committing gun offenses, and an improvement in mental health care as better solutions than more regulation. “I don’t think the governor wants to know the facts. He wants an outcome,” Peruta said. “Connecticut does not have the intestinal fortitude nor the financial resources to solve all the problems.” Shortly after the commission’s meeting, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, along with a bipartisan coalition of senators, introduced the Mental Health First Aid Bill “to expand mental health first-aid training and increase the effectiveness of mental health care across America.” Mental health care has been widely recognized by parties on both sides of the gun control debate as an important factor in

preventing future mass shootings. In addition to the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, the state’s recently formed Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention and Children Safety will hold four working-group public hearings between Friday and next Wednesday on school safety, gun violence and mental health. Activists on both sides of the gun debate have encouraged their supporters to attend the hearings. The website of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action said, “It is important that pro-Second Amendment supporters show up to these hearings to voice their opposition to any reactionary anti-gun legislation.” State Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, who supports increased regulation, told the News that there has been a “public expression of interest in additional prohibitions,” and that he also expected many gun control advocates to attend the hearings. The final hearing, which is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, will take place at Newtown High School. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .

YCC proposes changes to finals BY KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG STAFF REPORTER Following the completion of a report evaluating Yale’s new academic calendar that debuted this year, the Yale College Council plans to work toward two final exam policy changes to alleviate the stress of the shortened reading period. The Academic Calendar Report includes data from a Jan. 10 survey asking undergraduates questions about fall break and the three-day reading period — two new additions to the calendar that began in the 2012– ’13 academic year — and recommends changes to the calendar and academic policies during finals. YCC President John Gonzalez ’14 said that after presenting their findings in the Academic Calendar Report to the Yale College Calendaring Committee on Wednesday, the YCC concluded that the Council will focus on implementing the academic policy changes — moving back the deadline for final papers and allowing flexibility in 7 p.m. exam time — during the spring semester because the significant calendar changes the YCC proposed are not feasible goals in the short term. “If any changes happen to the academic calendar, they will not happen during the next school year,” Gonzalez said. “In the interim, the YCC is examining what it can change in terms of academic policies. These academic policy proposals will try to alleviate the problems calendar changes have caused for students’ academic well-being.” The survey, to which 1,340 students responded, found that 75 percent of students think the shortened reading period had a negative influence on their academic performance, but that 62 percent of students supported keeping a fall break next year, even at the expense of the longer reading period. From the data, the YCC outlined four calendar recommendations — to schedule fall break one week earlier, to maintain the length of Thanksgiving break and to lengthen the reading and exam periods — and the two academic policy recommendations. John Meeske, dean of undergraduate organizations and physical resources and member of the Calendaring Committee, said the 2013–’14 provisional academic calendar is “relatively stable” and that “no radical change to the calendar for next year” is possible. Meeske added that the report’s recommendation to shorten winter break is “complicated and tricky” to implement. Extending reading and exam periods into winter break can conflict with the timing of Christmas in some years, and the Calendaring Committee has historically tried to

INFOGRAPHIC FINDINGS FROM THE ACADEMIC CALENDAR REPORT Shortened reading period has negative influence on academic abilities:

75 percent agree

25 percent disagree

The 7 p.m. exam time slot:

13 percent support

87 percent oppose

Keep fall break next year at the cost of a shorter reading period:

62 percent support

38 percent oppose

Shorten winter break by two to three days:

66 percent support ensure the length of winter break remains consistent, he said. YCC Vice President Danny Avraham ’15 said he plans to focus on implementing the report’s two academic policy recommendations before final exam period this spring. Avraham said he has already been in contact with administrators about both proposals, adding that he thinks they will help reduce students’ stress during finals period without changing the calendar itself. Avraham and Gonzalez said Spring Fling, which will take

34 percent oppose

place the Monday during reading period, will exacerbate the negative effects of the shortened reading and exam periods. Students interviewed said they are in favor of allowing students to petition moving a 7 p.m. exam, but that they do not think moving paper due dates to the end of finals period will alleviate stress associated with the shorter reading and exam periods. “This policy would enable procrastination. I don’t think it helps that much with planning,” Rachel Miller ’15 said. “The cur-

rent deadline delineates between essay-writing time and examstudying time, which I find very useful.” The Calendaring Committee will receive access to all written responses on the YCC’s survey, as well as a version of the report more detailed than the one sent out to students. Reading period this semester will begin on Friday, April 26. Contact KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG at .





Snyder brings fundraising experience to SOM SOM FROM PAGE 1 draising is an added benefit for Yale and for the school.” Since Snyder arrived, he has raised roughly $5 million toward the construction of Evans Hall, along with gifts of $4 million and $1 million, the largest since Snyder’s arrival, for two new SOM programs: the Leadership Development Program, which aims to educate SOM students about ethical leadership, and the Initiative on Leadership and Organizational Performance, a three-year project that will provide SOM faculty with funding for research starting in July 2013, as well as aid faculty recruitment, development and retention. Snyder said he cannot disclose specific information about his fundraising efforts or strategy because these efforts are currently under way. Though Snyder said the SOM has not received “what [he] would call large, really substantial gifts that would represent substantial portions of the fundraising process” for Evans Hall since

his arrival in July 2011, he said the school has continued to receive a steady flow of gifts for the campus, adding that construction efforts have also benefited from the timely payments of donations Oster solicited. He added that two of the most significant donations for Evans Hall raised prior to his arrival — the $50 million donation by Edward Evans ’64 and the $10 million donation by Wilbur Ross ’59 — have been paid in full, adding that an anonymous donor has paid 80 percent of his $25 million gift. Snyder and Joel Getz, senior associate dean for development and alumni relations, said they encourage donors who have pledged gifts to the school to pay their donations’ full amount as quickly as possible. “Evans Hall is one of several priorities rather than our sole priority,” Snyder said. “Dean Oster and [University President Richard Levin] were so successful and many people were so generous before I came that [the $25 million] shortfall is something we want to eliminate, but it’s in our

budget plan.” Snyder said the SOM expects to borrow the remaining funds from the University in two stages: The school will first request funding to complete construction once its current resources run out, and then request a second

sum once the SOM community moves into the new building. He said the second loan will resemble a mortgage and exceed $20 million. Both loans are within the parameters of the original budget plan for the school, he said. University Vice President for

Finance and Business Operations Shauna King said in a Jan. 16 email that the University has supported the SOM’s fundraising efforts “every step of the way,” adding that the school is raising all funds for Evans Hall as planned.


Snyder assumed office as the 10th dean of SOM on July 1, 2011. Contact ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA at .

Gift for Evans Hall from Edward Evans ’64. Gift for Evans Hall from Wilbur Ross ’59

Gift for the Leadership Development Program from two Yale College graduates Gift for the largest classroom in Evans Hall


The site of the Yale School of Management’s new campus, Edward P. Evans Hall, is located near Whitney Avenue.

NELC copes with loss of Darnell DARNELL FROM PAGE 1 concerned for their academic career prospects. One Egyptology graduate student, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to a reluctance to be associated with Darnell’s resignation, said the disciplinary action taken against Darnell has resulted in an “unfortunate situation” that affects all Egyptology students to varying degrees. The student added that the Egyptology students have been approached by Graduate School administrators, who expressed their intention to work with students for the betterment of the program as a whole, and have been assured by Frahm and Schirmeister that the graduate students are their first priority. Though another Egyptology graduate student said the program’s small size means that fewer classes will be offered to the students during their course-


work years following the suspension, Frahm said he does not anticipate that the department will struggle to provide teaching in Darnell’s absence.

We have to deal with … a rather major crisis that affects mostly the graduate students in Egyptology. ECKART FRAHM Acting chair, NELC Department Manassa, who serves as director of undergraduate studies for NELC, declined to comment on the effect of the department’s leadership transition on undergraduates. She is currently the only Egyptologist on the NELC


faculty. Frahm said he does not think Darnell’s resignation and suspension have had an “enormous impact” on the other two subdisciplines of NELC — Arabic Studies and Assyriology. NELC graduate students said the three NELC subfields operate essentially as three different departments, despite the fact that they share the same administration. Arabic professor Beatrice Gruendler said her students have not interacted extensively with Egyptology and were “not at all affected” by Darnell’s absence. Five graduate students in other NELC subdivisions said Darnell’s absence will not impact their research, adding that Frahm has fulfilled his duties as acting chair. The NELC Department has a total of 21 graduate students across its subdivisions. Contact NICOLE NAREA at





“I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance.” FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE GERMAN PHILOSOPHER

Malloy seeks gender pay gap solution BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER Gov. Dannel Malloy announced the creation of a commission to address the gender pay gap in Connecticut in a press conference Wednesday afternoon. The Department of Labor and the Department of Economic and Community Development — which together comprise the commission — have been charged with investigating the factors that contribute to gender wage disparity in Connecticut and recommending policies designed to eliminate it. Malloy has asked the commissioners to make recommendations to address the gender wage gap by October 2013. “While gender wage disparity impacts women first and foremost, the ramifications can affect entire families,” Malloy said in a Wednesday press release. “In many families, women are the breadwinners. In others, they are the only source of income. The disparity in Connecticut is unacceptably high, and while this is a complicated issue, that cannot be an excuse for inaction.” The governor’s office did not respond to requests for comment on the timing of the commission. While the press release said that women comprise 47 percent of Connecticut’s workforce, the typical woman working fulltime in Connecticut in 2011 was paid 78 percent of what her male counterpart was paid, ranking Connecticut 25th on a list of states with the lowest wage disparity according to the National Women’s Law Center. That disparity, however, translates to a gap of over $13,000 per year on

average. Katherine Gallagher Robbins, a senior policy analyst at the National Women’s Law Center, said that Connecticut politicians can address much of this gap by creating policies to address women’s tendency to accept lowerpaying jobs. Such initiatives, she said, include raising the minimum wage and creating training programs to prepare women to enter more lucrative professions. A 2006 Cornell study — which Malloy cited in the press release — found that much of the wage gap can be attributed to differences in education, experience, choice of occupation and industry. However, 41 percent of the variability in wages could not be attributed to any factor, and it is widely believed that the variability is caused by gender discrimination.

While this is a complicated issue, that cannot be an excuse for inaction DANNEL MALLOY Governor, Connecticut Still, Steven Lanza, a labor economist at the University of Connecticut, cautioned against making such an assumption. Many other factors, including having children, were not controlled for in this particular study. “In every social science study, there is always an unexplained portion of the analysis and 41 percent isn’t bad,” Lanza said. “Besides other secondary factors




that haven’t been controlled for, unexplained variation arises from measurement error and from the simple random variation that is a part of life.” Lanza added that Connecticut women differ from the national average in that they are generally more educated, so the factors that may lead to wage disparity in Connecticut might differ from those across the country.



Fred Carstensen, the head of the Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis at UConn, said that Connecticut faces a particularly formidable barrier in discerning such unique factors. The state’s system for storing administrative data, he said, is the 47th worst in the nation according to a study he commissioned. The lack of data will make research questions much more difficult to




answer, he added. “What I hope the commission will do is not only look at policies that might be implemented, but also address the more fundamental issue, which is creating the kind of data that will permit you to track [gender wage disparity] on a regular basis,” he said. “We’re famous for having these one-off commissions, but we almost never go back and revisit



the issues.” According to a October 2012 study by the American Association of University Women, fulltime working college graduate women on average make 82 percent of what their male counterparts earn. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .

Dancer vouches for art education BY LAURA PENG CONTRIBUTING REPORTER


Dancer and choreographer Jacques D’Amboise spoke at a Jonathan Edwards College Master’s Tea on Thursday.

Former principal dancer with the New York City Ballet Jacques D’Amboise loves to be on stage. D’Amboise, a dancer and choreographer, got back on stage on Thursday at a Master’s Tea in the Jonathan Edwards College Theater to discuss his nonprofit National Dance Institute and the importance of an education in art. At the talk, D’Amboise said he believes that ensuring art is included in education is essential because it offers students a more fluid perspective on learning than traditional education. “Music used to be in public schools — but these were gone, as if these are not important,” he said. “So I thought at least I could give that back to them and give them another way to learn.” D’Amboise said he founded the National Dance Institute, a nonprofit that offers music and dance classes to public school students, in 1976 based on his belief that promoting art education can motivate and empower children. Since he established the first National Dance Institute in New York City, the organization has expanded to 13 more cities throughout the country and opened a location in Shanghai last year. A distinction exists between learning and education, D’Amboise said, because people are continuously


learning, but education stops when a degree is given. “The most talented artists and poetry writers are children around 4 or 5. Then they start going to school to get an ‘education,’ and they’re told to draw straight lines,” he said. “So now they can’t draw those crazy rays of wire and convoluted lines.” D’Amboise said he learned to value an unstructured education from his mother, who insisted that he and his siblings learn a variety of skills such as public speaking and French. Due in part to his mother’s conviction, D’Amboise added, he read “anything and everything” all the time. At age 8, his mother sent him to the School of American Ballet to expand his arts education, and while there, he met George Balanchine, co-founder and choreographer of the New York City Ballet. D’Amboise said his career took off when he was 8 after Balanchine cast him as Puck in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and he left school to join the New York City Ballet by age 15. D’Amboise said he had tea with the queen of England before he turned 16, and had been on “The Ed Sullivan Show” three times by the time he was 35 years old. In his career, D’Amboise has received many awards including a MacArthur Fellowship, a Kennedy Center Honors Award and a National Medal of the Arts.

D’Amboise said that in his career he hopes the National Dance Institute will immortalize his goal of educating others. “I formed this nonprofit because I could hire other people, and then quit or die, and the place would continue,” he said. “It doesn’t depend on [me].” Megan Valentine ’16, who participated in a demonstration on stage where she was instructed to combine dance and science, said she felt that she better understood D’Amboise’s message about learning after participating in the demonstration. “[D’Amboise] decided to teach me how to be a molecule, which was pretty exciting because I’ve never learned to do that in school before,” she said. Amymarie Bartholomew ’13, president of the Yale Ballet Company, said she had been looking forward to meeting D’Amboise because he has made such a significant impact on the dancing community. “He has a lot of character,” she said. “People always have such interesting stories, especially about Balanchine because he’s such a canonical figure in American dance.” A documentary film made about D’Amboise called “He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin’” won an Academy Award for best documentary feature in 1983. Contact LAURA PENG at .









Partly cloudy skies in the morning, overcast in the afternoon. High of 27, low of 19.


High of 28, low of 15.

High of 29, low of 19.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 1:30 PM “Once Removed: Sculpture’s Changing Frame of Reference” Cathleen Chaffee, Horace W. Goldsmith assistant curator of modern and contemporary art, will give an exhibition tour. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.). 2:00 PM “Stage Combat” Students will learn some of the basics of hand-to-hand combat, partnering and the techniques needed to perform violence on stage safely. Applicable for actors, directors or stage managers. Free but register in advance with Open to students only. Broadway Rehearsal Lofts (294 Elm St.), Third-Floor Dance Studio.


SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 6:30 PM “The Manchurian Candidate” and “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” Directed by John Frankenheimer and George Roy Hill, respectively. Part of the Film Cultures Colloquium and Screening Series. Free and open to the general public. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Auditorium. 8:00 PM “Yale Schola Cantorum: Martin Mass” Yale Schola Cantorum, with members of the Yale Baroque Ensemble, will perform Frank Martin’s “Mass” and music of Henry Purcell under guest conductor David Hill. Free and open to the general public. Christ Church Episcopal (84 Broadway St.).

SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 5:00 PM DRAMATalk with Michael Cerveris and Kimberly Kaye Broadway actor, Michael Cerveris, and creative director of editorial for TheaterMania, Kimberly Kaye, will be discussing their experiences in the professional theater world, touching on everything from their creative processes to their interactions with the media. Open to all interested students. Theater Studies Ballroom (220 York St.).


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To visit us in person 202 York St. New Haven, Conn. (Opposite JE) FOR RELEASE JANUARY 25, 2013

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Fair share, maybe 5 Polite denial 11 Pro-__ 14 Arch type 15 Commensurate (with) 16 Soaked 17 Cry from a duped investor? 19 Brother 20 “I” strain? 21 Where to find Ducks and Penguins: Abbr. 22 Eyes 24 Cry just before dozing off? 28 Eschewed the backup group 31 Mrs. Gorbachev 32 Influence 33 Took in 37 Lab medium 38 Thinking out loud, in a way 40 Farm father 41 Anthem fortifications 43 Cupid’s boss 44 Free 45 Dog named for the bird it hunted, familiarly 46 Cry from a superfan? 50 Hose 51 Dig in 52 John, Paul and George, but not Ringo: Abbr. 55 Electees 56 Cry from a Jeddah native? 61 Iron __ 62 Troubled state 63 Vronsky’s lover, in Tolstoy 64 “Balderdash!” 65 Some aces 66 Kid DOWN 1 Clinton’s birthplace 2 Bug-eyed 3 Jay related to a peacock?

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By Kurt Krauss

4 Casbah headgear 5 Had a little something 6 Frère de la mère 7 Dent, say 8 Big lug 9 Travel org. since 1902 10 “Captain Kangaroo” character who told knock-knock jokes 11 Really bad 12 Haggard of country music 13 Flight part 18 Ocean-bay connector 23 Someone to admire 24 Grouch 25 Sung approval? 26 Prison area 27 Bring on board 28 Injury reminder 29 ’70s Olympics name 30 Good earth 34 Pixie dust leaver, to Peter 35 Deco designer

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

8 7 36 Beloved 38 Uffizi hangings 39 Hubbub 42 Pays to play 43 Into a state of decline 45 Ocean borders 46 Patch plant 47 Rock’s __ Boingo 48 Start 49 One may follow a casing


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NBA’s New Orleans Hornets become the New Orleans Pelicans After weeks of speculation, the New Orleans Hornets ownership group officially announced the team’s name change to the Pelicans, effective at the end of the 2012’13 NBA season. The change also includes a new color scheme for the franchise —blue is the primary color, with gold and red playing secondary roles. The new name, logo and jerseys are designed to better reflect Louisana heritage and Gulf Coast culture.

Bulldogs face Bears on road


Yale women’s basketball is looking for its first Ivy League title since 1979 and its first conference win this season. BY DINEE DORAME CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The women’s basketball team will continue conference play this weekend with a rematch against the Brown Bears, a team that bested them narrowly last Saturday night in John J. Lee Amphitheater. The Bulldogs (5–10, 0–1 Ivy) are looking for their first Ivy League title since 1979 and their first conference win this season. Yale fell to Brown (7–8, 1–0 Ivy) in their past two matchups,

including a close 68–67 loss last week. “We added a few new strategies to our game, mainly defensively. However, none of these changes are major because we know that we just had an extremely off night on Saturday,” guard Sarah Halejian ’15 said. “If we are able to play at the high level we are capable of playing at, we should definitely win.” The Elis hope to improve defensive efforts and free-throw shooting in the upcoming game

against the Bears. Last weekend, the Bulldogs shot 10–19 from the line — a 52.6 percent average — and suffered from Brown’s quick transition offense. “In the last game we struggled getting aggressive rotations on defense. We also fell into the trap of playing their slow halfcourt game when we need to push the ball,” team captain and guard Allie Messimer ’13 said. Messimer said she hopes that the Bulldogs can focus on taking care of the boards. Forward Meredith Boardman ’16 is

Yale’s leading rebounder with 5.1 rebounds per game, contributing to the team average of 35.9. Brown has a slight edge over the Bulldogs with 37.8 rebounds per game. “We know last weekend was a learning experience. We’re lucky to have a deep bench, so everyone is a key player,” guard Megan Vasquez ’13 said. The Bulldogs are currently ranked 11th in the nation for 3-point shooting, averaging 8.1 per game. They are also ranked third in the conference in scor-

ing with 67.3 points per game. Last week, guards Halejian and Janna Graf ’14, who both average over 12 points per game, were appointed to the Ivy League’s women’s basketball honor roll. Team members are optimistic about upcoming league play. “Although we would have liked to have started out 1–0, we aren’t discouraged. We’re still confident that we are one of the top teams in the Ivy League and can compete with anyone,” Halejian said. The Ivy League is the only

Division I conference lacking a postseason tournament. Yale’s 14-game Ivy series is the final stretch of regular season play and the determinant of which team earns a bid in the NCAA tournament. The Bulldogs will face both Harvard and Dartmouth in the coming week. The team will take on Brown tonight at 6 p.m. at the OlneyMargolies Athletic Center in Providence, R.I. Contact DINEE DORAME at .

Third ‘White Out’ pits Elis against Raiders WOMEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 Ciotti is another co-organizer of the event, along with Adlon Adams ’15. Fans are encouraged to wear white, and “White Out” T-shirts will be on sale today at Commons during lunch, as well as at both of the team’s games this weekend. Ciotti said that the goal of the “White Out” is to raise awareness in both the Yale and New Haven communities about bone marrow donations and how to get involved in the foundation. Decker said people can show support just by attending. “Many people are pledging per spectator, so just by showing up … you will be donating towards our cause,” she said. Saturday’s game has another sense of importance: The Bulldogs are looking to collect another league win against the Raiders, who they beat in October in the teams’ only other matchup.

Mandi’s story was larger than life, and she inspired us to continue her legacy as a means of helping others. ALECA HUGHES ’12 Founder, Mandi Schwartz Foundation “We need to put more shots on net and carry over the intensity and fire we brought to Brown to this weekend’s


The Elis are looking to collect another league win against Colgate, who they beat in October in the teams’ only other matchup. events,” forward Jamie Haddad ’16 said. Haddad was given ECAC Rookie of the Week honors for her pair of secondperiod goals that led to the Brown defeat last Thursday. “It definitely doesn’t change the way I think or play,” Haddad said. “I’m here to play hockey for myself and my teammates, not for any reward or recogni-

tion.” The Elis will compete tomorrow night against No. 4 Cornell at 7 p.m. at Ingalls Rink. Saturday’s game versus Colgate is at 4 p.m. Contact GRANT BRONSDON at .

Remembering Mandi COLUMN FROM PAGE 12 Sasketchewan with a population of 300. To this day, the town revolves around hockey. In Mandi’s time, there were two female hockey teams and 10 men’s teams. If you weren’t playing hockey, you were watching hockey. Every social event in Wilcox involved hockey. It’s what Mandi knew best and loved best, before coming to Yale. When Mandi first came to

Yale, she was scared. She really didn’t know whether she could handle the intellectual rigor and the academic demands that Yale would challenge her with. (Who does?) Yet, it was exactly because of this challenge that she decided to come to Yale. As it turned out, because Mandi was so resolute and driven and bright, she excelled in the classroom. But she also wanted to set an example for the other kids in Wilcox and throughout Sas-

katchewan. She was determined to show them that someone from a small town could be successful at a place like Yale. She carried this extra responsibility quietly — the way she did most everything — from day one. Mandi was a very good hockey player. She worked hard at conditioning, she strove to become the best she could be and she really knew the game. From the minute she dressed for her first practice, we knew she had pos-

itively changed the culture of Yale women’s hockey. It was her smile, her absolute joy at working at and playing hockey that set the tone for our team. Yet Mandi was no superstar, and this is what made her so special. It was her unique ability to put others ahead of herself that will always be her hallmark. Although she was respected on the team for her skills and her dedication, she was absolutely adored on the team for her self-

lessness and her rare ability to lift up everyone around her. She helped her teammates, her classmates and her friends grow and prosper in the way Dean Brodhead would have wanted. In the end, it really wasn’t that Yale had changed Mandi, it was that this shy girl from the middle of Saskatchewan had changed Yale. This is why I urge you to walk over to Ingalls this Saturday afternoon. Take a minute to salute one of your own. To rec-

ognize the possibility that anyone of you can be Mandi—that you all possess the capacity to be that special. Understand it and honor it. This is why Mandi matters now. This is why Mandi will matter always. HARRY ROSENHOLTZ is a former assistant coach for the Yale women’s hockey team. He recruited Mandi Schwartz.




“Either you are the most naïve person on the planet, or this is the saddest story ever written.” KATIE COURIC, INTERVIEWING MANTI TE’O ON GIRLFRIEND HOAX

Yale seeks revenge

Elis head to New York

BY ALEX EPPLER STAFF REPORTER Opening its conference slate in Providence last Saturday, the men’s basketball team learned firsthand the truth of its opponent’s reputation: the Brown Bears can shoot. While the Bears shot only 45.3 percent from the field overall, they drained eight 3-pointers and shot 40 percent from downtown. Brown’s strong shooting display, coupled with the Elis’ rough night on offense, carried the Bears (7–8, 1–0 Ivy) to a 65–51 win. The Bulldogs (6–12, 0–1 Ivy) will have an immediate chance for redemption, as the two teams square off again on Saturday. This time, however, the Elis will compete at home in John J. Lee Amphitheater in their home conference opener. “They shoot a lot of 3s, and when they make them, they win,” team captain Sam Martin ’13 said. “If we guard the 3-point line, we should be good.”

MEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 and Tyson Spink lead the attack for the Raiders. For Yale, forward Kenny Agostino ’14, Laganiere and Miller shoulder the bulk of the scoring effort.

They both play with a lot of speed and creativity so we must be sharp defensively. ANDREW MILLER ’13 Team captain, men’s hockey Playing on the road again after sweeping two Ivy rivals will be a challenge for the Bulldogs, and the two upstate New York teams’ similar up-tempo styles will test the Elis’ conditioning.

“They are both fast and strong teams,” Miller said. “They both play with a lot of speed and creativity, so we must be sharp defensively.” This is the first set of matchups in a two weekend series against Cornell and Colgate, with both the Big Red and the Raiders returning to Ingalls on March 1 and 2 for the final games of the Bulldogs’ season. Goaltender Jeff Malcolm ’13 earned ECAC Goaltender of the Week honors for the second time in a row this week, and Laganiere received the ECAC Player of the Week designation. Tonight’s game will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will be broadcasted live on NBC Sports. The puck will drop Saturday night at 7 p.m. at Starr Rink in Hamilton, N.Y. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .

They shoot a lot of 3s, and when they make them, they win. If we guard the 3-point line, we should be good. SAM MARTIN ’13 Captain, men’s basketball While the Bears put up solid offensive stats on Saturday, the Elis struggled with the ball in their hands. The team shot 32.8 percent from the floor overall, nearly 9 percentage points below its season average. Perhaps more frustrating was the squad’s dismal long-range performance, especially given its opponents’ success from beyond the arc. The Bulldogs converted four out of 22 attempted 3-point shots, a conversion rate of only 18.2 percent. Yet Martin noted a number of takeaways from last weekend’s game that the Elis will look to use to improve this weekend. The Elis will heighten their defensive focus on Bears guard Sean McGonagill, who used pick and rolls to open up the floor and create open shots for many of his teammates last weekend. McGonagill finished last weekend’s game with 20 points on 8–15 shooting and added four assists. “Everything really starts with him on their team, so if we can do a good job of containing him, guys won’t get open looks and hopefully he won’t go for as many points as he did last week,” Martin said. Offensively, head coach James Jones expressed frustration over the Elis’ lacking ball movement after last


The Bulldogs shot just 32.8 percent from the field and 18.2 percent from beyond the arc in last Saturday’s conference-opening loss to Brown. Saturday’s game

Men’s Basketball — movement that

led to a total of only four assists that day. Martin said that the Elis would often run plays but became stagnant on offense Brown when the play ended; typically, the team goes into its motion set if its initial play does not lead to a shot. Brown also challenged the Bulldogs on offensive inbounds plays, on which the Bears played man-to-man defensively. Most of Yale’s opponents this year have played zone defense on inbounds plays. Martin said that the team has been working on inbounding against manSaturday, 2 p.m. vs.

to-man defenses. He added that the coaches have stressed moving the ball on offense during practice. “We’ve been getting points in practice for ball reversals,” Martin said. “I think we’ll be better on Saturday moving the ball and getting guys moving a little bit.” Still, the Elis have spent the week adjusting in preparation for the quick rematch. “We’re gonna come out hungry on Saturday,” forward Greg Kelley ’14 said. “The Bulldogs are gonna eat.” The game will tip off at 2 p.m. at John J. Lee Amphitheater. ALLIE KRAUSE/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

Contact ALEX EPPLER at .

The Bulldogs boasts the sixth best power play conversion rate in the country at 23.08 percent. They scored two power play goals in two tries against Dartmouth last week.

Women’s squash falls to Bantams W. SQUASH FROM PAGE 12 No. 9 to record the first point for Yale with a convincing three-game win. After creating a new game plan with head coach Dave Talbott, Ballaine said her mental power helped her prevail and overcome Trinity’s wild crowd and homecourt advantage. “This match showed me that no matter where you are in the lineup or how old you are, every match counts just as much as the next. I really wanted to pull out a win,” Ballaine said.

It definitely gives us the motivation to get in some extra sessions and work hard before the weekend. ANNE HARRISON ’15 Women’s squash


Yale women’s squash remains undefeated in the Ivy League and will face No. 1 Princeton tomorrow at the Brady Squash Center.

Entering the second half of competition, the visiting Bulldogs saw Kim Hay ’15 lose in a well-fought four-game match at the No. 2 spot. Yale bounced back with three consecutive game wins started by Lilly Fast ’14 at the fifth position, who kept Yale’s hopes alive after a four-match win. Anne Harrison ’15 followed Fast’s victory and dug deep with skill and guile that paid off in a decisive four-game win of her own. “Before I went on to play, I

didn’t ask what the score was because I wanted to focus on my match and my opponent. I always knew it was going to be close [between us and Trinity], but I didn’t think that we’d be down two matches before I went on,” Harrison said. Her win, combined with Fast’s, brought the visiting Bulldogs even at 3–3. The thrilling night rolled on when Issey Norman-Ross ’15 soundly won her match in four games to secure a Yale lead of 4–3. Team captain Katie Ballaine ’13 suffered a hard-fought loss in her match, bringing the Bantam to an even score at 4–4. The dramatic competition closed with Trinity clinching the victory in the final match in a five-game nail-biter with Tomlinson. Team members said that lessons can be learned from adversity. Annie Ballaine and Harrison said the loss is, in a sense, a gain, as the Bulldogs now have something to prove. “Although it was tough losing to Trinity, I think it will really help us in the long run. It definitely gives us motivation to get in some extra sessions and work hard before the weekend [versus Princeton],” Harrison said. Heading back into league competition, Yale, still undefeated in Ivy play, will face No. 1 Princeton on Saturday, Feb. 2 at the Brady Squash Center at noon. Contact FRANCESCA COXE at .



NCAAB No. 2 Mich. 68 Purdue 53

NCAAB (F/OT) Richmond 86 No. 19 VCU 74

NHL Philadelphia 2 N.Y. Rangers 1

SPORTS EVA FABIAN ’16, WOMEN’S SWIMMING SLATED TO COMPETE IN BRAZIL After already breaking Yale long-distance records this season, the freshman is headed to Brazil for the first race of the FINA 10km Marathon Swimming World Cup on Sunday. Fabian was previously named the 2010 USA Swimming Open Water Swimmer of the Year.

19 FORMER IVY LEAGUERS ON NHL ROSTERS When the NHL returned to action last Saturday, 19 former Ivy players had made a team roster. Chris Higgins ’05, the only former Yale player on a squad, is a winger with the Vancouver Canucks. Higgins played at Yale for two seasons before he was chosen by the Montreal Canadiens in the 2002 NHL Draft.

NBA Toronto 97 Orlando 95


AUS OPEN SEM Djokovic 6 6 6 Ferrer 2 2 1


“We’re gonna come out hungry on Saturday. The Bulldogs are gonna eat.” GREG KELLEY ’14 FORWARD, M. BASKETBALL


Trinity rally topples women’s squash BY FRANCESCA COXE CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Despite multiple chances to close out No. 4 Trinity College, No. 3 Yale was handed its first loss of the season after falling in the final thriller of a match.

WOMEN’S SQUASH Tied at 4–4, the ultimate matchup came down to the No. 1 spot and Millie Tomlinson ’14, ranked second in the nation. She valiantly battled Trinity’s Kanzy El Defrawy, but could not prevail in extra points in the decisive fifth set. Tomlinson was relentless, losing the first game 9–11 only to rally back to win the second 11–8 and the third 13–11, to then falter 3–11 and 9–11 in the fourth and fifth games. Yale had not lost to Trinity (10–1) since 2010. From the start, the deep Yale (9–1, 2–0 Ivy) roster put on a show in a roller coaster ride of a matchup. Shihui Mao ’15 played in the third position and Gwen Tilghman ’14 at the sixth to open the contest for the Bulldogs, though Trinity took down both Mao and Tilghman after four close games. It took Anne Ballaine ’16 at SEE WOMEN’S SQUASH PAGE 11


Freshman Anne Ballaine ’16 at No. 9 recorded the first point for Yale with a convincing three-game win.

Saturday marks third ‘White Out’ BY GRANT BRONSDON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER On the ice, the Yale women’s hockey team has struggled, winning just three games so far this season. Off the ice, however, the team is making a big difference. This Saturday’s game against Colgate marks the third annual “White Out for Mandi,” honoring Mandi Schwartz ’10, who died in 2011 after a 28-month-long battle with acute myeloid leukemia. “As a freshman, it was clear on day one that Mandi was a very important part of our team,” said forward Paige Decker ’14, a co-organizer of the event. The goal of the “White Out” is to fundraise for the Mandi Schwartz Foundation. Founded by former team captain Aleca Hughes ’12, the foundation supports youth hockey players with life-threatening injuries, and last year’s “White Out” raised over $25,000.

“Donations were co n s ta n t ly co m Friday, 7:30 p.m. ing in,” Hughes said. vs. “[Forming] the foundation seemed like the next natural step. Mandi’s story was larger than life, and Cornell she inspired us to Saturday, 4 p.m. continue her legacy vs. as a means of helping others.” Hughes will also be presented with the Mandi Schwartz Colgate Award for 2011–’12 at the game, which honors the top student-athlete in the ECAC. The prize will be awarded by Carol and Rick Schwartz, Mandi’s parents. “Mandi’s legacy is [that of] an incredible person that you can learn so much from and [who can] inspire so many people,” Jenna Ciotti ’14 said.

W. Hockey


BY HARRY ROSENHOLTZ GUEST COLUMNIST This Saturday at 4 p.m., Yale women’s ice hockey will host the third-annual “White Out for Mandi” at Ingalls Rink. It’s been almost two years since Mandi Schwartz lost her courageous battle to cancer. And this year will be the fifth anniversary of when she was first diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Here’s why every student at Yale should pause for a moment and attend.


This Saturday’s game against Colgate honors Mandi Schwartz ’10.

Elis hit the road in search of six straight BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER The men’s hockey team is looking for its third-straight weekend sweep as it travels to upstate New York this weekend. The Bulldogs (11–4–3, 7–3–1 ECAC) will take to to the road to face the No. 18 Cornell Big Red and the Colgate Raiders on Friday and Saturday night, respectively. Yale hopes to continue its success on special teams, while the Big Red (8–7–2, 4–4–2 ECAC) will look to take advantage of its strong defensive play to shut down the Eli attack.

Men’s Hockey Friday, 7 p.m. at

Cornell Saturday, 4 p.m. at


“They are a very good defensive team,” top-scoring forward Antoine Laganiere ’13 said. “I think we can expect conservative play from them.” The Big Red has held opponents to a goal or less six times this season, but it will be challenged by Laganiere, who has put away seven goals in the past seven games, and the rest of the Eli


Why Mandi matters

offense. In the past four games, the Big Red has picked up one road win and dropped three other contests, while the Bulldogs have won two on the road and two at home. Though Cornell’s stifling defense will clash with an aggressive Bulldog attack that has found the net 16 times in the past four games, the Elis will have to manage a speedy and creative attack from the Big Red, team captain Andrew Miller ’13 said. The Bulldogs will also have to face a scoring threat on Saturday night when they face off against the Raid-


ers. Colgate (11–9–2, 3–6–1 ECAC) just had its five-game winning streak snapped with a pair of losses to Union last weekend, but the Raiders have put up an impressive 33 goals in their past seven contests. Against Colgate, the Elis will also contend with a power-play unit nearly as strong as their own; the Raiders are 13th in the nation with a 21.43 percent success rate, while the Elis are sixth at 23.08 percent. Senior forward Robbie Bourdon and freshmen twin forwards Tylor

Mandi was Yale. Former Yale College Dean Richard Brodhead once told me that the way he measured success at Yale was not necessarily by how much a student achieved while at Yale, or even the level of success he or she attained in later years, but by the distance that student was able to travel during their time here. How changed was that student, how much had that student grown and prospered? Surely, very few students come here from the kind of upbringing that Mandi had, raised in the town of Wilcox,



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