Today's Paper

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T H E O L D E ST C O L L E G E DA I LY · FO U N D E D 1 8 7 8





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CROSS CAMPUS We’re going retro! Sort of. Did

The 13th college? Not quite, but there’s a new housing structure coming to Yale. Griffin Collier’s ’13 project “The Treehouse at Yale” is quickly gaining steam and, if successful, would establish a treehouse in the Yale-Myers Forest. As of press time, the effort boasted 181 backers who pledged a total of $9,536 — a significant leap from Collier’s original goal of $5,000. Kickstarter funding for the project will end on Saturday.


Too much money in the bank.

Now that incumbent Mayor John DeStefano Jr. is not running for re-election, the long-term politician needs to decide where to place the nearly $70,000 he still has in his campaign fund, according to the New Haven Independent. DeStefano has a few options: He can donate the money to any nonprofit organization or return it to his contributors. He cannot, however, give the money to another political campaign before the election.

Weighing in. Yale Law professor Bruce Ackerman LAW ’67 penned an op-ed in The Huffington Post yesterday that discussed the Supreme Court’s “war on the twentieth century.” According to Ackerman, this is the dominant question raised by the Supreme Court’s recent series of decisions, including the health care ruling. It’s a digital world. Harvard

Law School debuted its first-ever online course on Monday, a 12-week class called “Copyright” that is taught by Harvard professor William Fisher III. The class, which accepted 500 students out of 4,100 applicants, is being offered through Harvard’s branch of the online learning platform edX.

Keeping count. The

Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness has teamed up with New Haven Public Schools to improve the city’s count of its homeless population, which typically numbers around 500, the New Haven Register reported.


1942 The Engineering School releases revisions to its curriculum to prepare students better for the war effort. Submit tips to Cross Campus




Ph.D. students in their sixth year hunt for University funding


Bulldogs face Ivy and cross-town rivals at Ingalls Rink






weekend kicks off Harry Potter Weekend at Yale, a magical adventure organized by the Sophomore Class Council and filled with Quidditch workshops, the Yule Ball, a Harry Potter movie marathon and a Horcrux scavenger hunt. For those of you still upset that you never received your letter from Hogwarts, now’s your chance. Seize the moment. Let your inner 11-year-old shine.


Yale’s return tops average

you like yesterday’s blackand-white issue? If so, you’ll love today’s paper. Again, #printerproblems.

Magic for Muggles. This


25 15 10


5 0 -5

Sexual misconduct complaints decrease

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010




cent endowment return in fiscal 2011, Jarvis said Yale’s performance last year was “actually quite respectable.” Schools with larger endowments can take more investing risks, said Matthew Spiegel, a finance professor at the Yale School of Management, because they can afford to “gamble a bit more” in the hopes of earning a higher return. While smaller endowments saw higher returns than larger endowments during the recession because they were less heavily invested in alternative assets, larger endowments have begun once again to outperform their smaller counterparts, the study said. Alternative assets as a group generated an average return of only 0.5

Forty complaints of sexual misconduct were brought to University officials during the last half of 2012, according to Yale’s third semiannual report of sexual misconduct complaints. The report, announced in a Universitywide email Thursday evening from Deputy Provost Stephanie Spangler, outlines all complaints and inquiries brought to the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct, Title IX Coordinators, the Yale Police Department and Human Resources between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2012. The newest report shows that the number of complaints brought to officials has decreased from the past two reports — 52 cases were reported in the in the second six months of 2011, and 49 in the first half of 2012. “One … trend that is worth commenting upon is the increasing amount of joint efforts and consultation between the UWC and the Title IX coordinators,” UWC Committee Chair Michael Della Rocca said in an email to the News. “These good working relationships allow for the kind of thoroughness and flexibility of response that we need in handling these cases.” Graduate School Associate Dean Pamela Schirmeister confirmed that a case involving Egyptology professor John Darnell — who violated University policy when he



Yale National Average


While Yale posted a 4.7 percent endowment return in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2012, most other colleges saw almost no change in the size of their endowments, according to the 2012 NACUBO-Commonfund Study of Endowments. Released today, the study indicates that Yale’s endowment fared well compared to other U.S. college and university endowments in the latest fiscal year. The 831 institutions represented in the study saw an average return of -0.3 percent in fiscal 2012 — a sharp drop from the 19.2 percent average return they reported in fiscal 2011. Experts interviewed attributed lower endowment returns largely

to lackluster financial markets last year, which they said suffered in part because of the debt crisis in Europe, but have already begun to rebound in fiscal 2013. “Many endowments are still in recovery mode from the credit crunch in 2008,” said Andrew Karolyi, a finance professor at Cornell University, adding that most asset classes, including Yale’s favored alternatives, “did not have a banner year.” Endowments valued at over $1 billion yielded an average return of 0.8 percent last year — a figure William Jarvis ’77, managing director of the Wilton, Conn., investment firm the Commonfund Institute, said helps set Yale’s performance in context. Though a return of 4.7 percent is significantly lower than Yale’s 21.9 per-

YCC faces board shakeup BY KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG STAFF REPORTER This weekend, the Yale College Council will elect a second replacement member of its executive board in the middle of an academic year for the first time in the Council’s history. YCC Vice President Debby Abramov ’14 and YCC Secretary Leandro Leviste ’15 announced this month that they would not return to Yale as students this semester, prompting the Council to find replacements among its current membership. The YCC elected Danny Avraham ’15 as its new vice president on Jan. 20, and this Sunday at 1:00 p.m., the Council will elect a replacement for Leviste. Leviste is still on campus, but he will head to his home country, the Philippines, next week to assist his mother, Loren Legarda, with her political campaign — a campaign he said he knew about when he ran for Secretary. “These two departures are really, really big. We are going on, but these were really important positions that voters chose candidates who they thought would remain at Yale for the entire year,” YCC President John Gonzalez ’14 said. “These were two special circumstances that do not come up all the time.” Current executive board and

YCC members said the departures were isolated incidents that did not involve the YCC’s activity last semester. But the rapid restructuring of the YCC may impact the Council beyond this semester. Current YCC members interviewed, including YCC Events Director Bryan Epps ’14, said they think the two departures will cause voters to press candidates harder about their personal future plans during this spring’s elections.

These two departures are really, really big.. JOHN GONZALEZ ’14 President, YCC Leviste suggested moving executive board elections to the fall, which he said will minimize unexpected departures. Students interviewed, however, said candidates are not incentivized to disclose that they might leave Yale regardless of the date. “I don’t think holding elections in the fall would make it any easier to anticipate having to leave Yale, because most students aren’t thinking all the way to spring semester when SEE YCC PAGE 4


Elicker first to qualify for public financing BY DIANA LI STAFF REPORTER Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 is officially the first mayoral candidate eligible for public financing through New Haven’s Democracy Fund. In a Thursday morning press release, Elicker’s campaign treasurer Melanie Quigley said that the campaign had reached the 200 contributions necessary to qualify for public financing on Wednesday night, making him eligible for a $19,000 grant and matching funds of up to $125,000 through the Fund. But the Democracy Fund does not yet have enough members to approve the funding formally, so Elicker will have to wait before receiving the money. As of Thursday morning, Elicker had received 235 contributions totaling $15,285, and the Democracy Fund will supplement those contributions resulting in a total of $43,685. Two years ago, when Jeffrey Kerekes ran against Mayor John DeStefano Jr., Kerekes raised $43,000 through the public financing system. DeStefano, who opted out of the system but helped create the program originally, raised roughly $700,000. Elicker told the News that Kerekes’ performance in the 2011 election, in which DeStefano won by his narrowest margin ever at 55–45, “showed that you don’t need a ton of money and you do not need a lot of additional connections with the business community or big ticket donors to run a viable campaign.” Community activist David Streever said he thinks Elicker’s ability to raise this money in such a short period of time is a sign of his ability to generate enthusiasm among constituents, as demonstrated by the crowd of over 100 that packed into Manjares on Whalley Avenue last Thursday at his announcement


Mayoral candidate Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 is eligible to receive public financing from New Haven’s Democracy Fund. of his mayoral candidacy. This November’s election may see all of its candidates make use of the public finance option, as two candidates who have said they are running — Elicker and Rep. Gary HolderWinfield — have committed to using the option. Holder-Winfield, who has said that he will officially file his papers to run for mayor today, told the News that public finance enables SEE PUBLIC FINANCE PAGE 6




.COMMENT “People, it is up to you to control and limit your government.”

Super Bowls and section L

ike most of us, I began blissfully unaware of what I’d become to my peers in section. Filling the room’s abundant silences with the expansive fog of my thoughts on Chaucer just felt right. In that long and tentative hour, there was so much space for words. And I had so many of them — words like “Virgil” and “decontextualized” and “symbolic economy of the poem.” They blossomed in the emptiness — like Japanese magnolias, or mushroom clouds. We all know what to call that kid in section — the one who, like me, can’t keep her trap shut. It’s a term that the News’ pages are too clean to print. Hold it in your mind now. If you haven’t before, go ahead: Associate it with me. There. You have now taken part in one of the rituals most essential to Yale’s academic culture: the branding of the section, uh, butthole. This mark of Cain, this invisible scar is one we academic pariahs cannot conceal, cannot destroy. No matter where we turn, our reputation always precedes us. And it’s not like we can stop being the pesky social learners that we are. Oh, we can temper our assertions with our genuine humility and doubt, or strain towards concision. We can reference the comments of our peers with praise. But such palliative means don’t change the simple fact that, by and large, our classmates hate us, and how frequently and how voluminously we talk. And so, having accepted my shame, I took new precautions this semester. To protect my friendships, I warned my peers against taking section with me. “I’m a bit of uh, well, you know,” I said hesitantly. “I’m a section —” “ — quarterback?” My friend interjected. “No, thank you,” I said, confused. “You can keep the change.” But, dear readers, did you know that a quarterback is a position in football, which is, apparently, the game they play every year at Yale-Harvard? I did not. However, this sport, this “football” — which the rest of America finds inexplicably riveting — can help us rethink our inherited academic prejudices. For these prejudices, I believe, are inherited. Did you know that, of all the schools in the Ivy League, Yale is the only undergraduate institution with a codified, derogatory term for the person who talks too much in section? I mean, I guess at Harvard the term is “student.” But at Brown? At Columbia? I’m sure they have such students also, in probably the same abundance as we have them at Yale. And yet, from the moment

we arrive on campus, we’re taught those two words, and told to apply them, liberMICHELLE ally, whenever we feel TAYLOR angry or frustrated. Tell It Slant So the terms of the disc o u r s e around section shape its narrative; the role exists, ergo, someone must fill it. Never mind the nature of the person’s comments or the kindness of his character: He will be pigeonholed. I am not denying that people exist who make section deeply unpleasant. But most of us are, at worst, just misguided social learners who are too eager to share our thoughts and explore those of others. Which is where we return to this mystifying American obsession with football, and the alluring idea of the “section quarterback.” The term “quarterback” embodies an ideal, not an actuality. Still, the comparison is useful. At his best, a quarterback is, my Louisiana education tells me, Drew Brees. He unites the class as a team, charging towards a touchdown on the field of the day’s text or a truth or an idea. He is central to the victorious teamwork that wins the game. At her worst, the section quarterback is standing in the middle of the field unprotected, holding the football high in the air, and shaking her hips provocatively. She’s a masochist, begging for the class to work together to tackle her ideas in pursuit, again, of some sort of victory for the team. To the spectator, she’s a loser. But she provokes the spectacle of the game. I’m okay with that. Certainly, I’d like it more than you hating me. Understanding the section quarterback is a matter of empathy. So, perhaps, as an exercise, try this: On Super Bowl Sunday, go to a frat house. Watch the brothers watching football; feel their fury as they revel and jeer. Then, watch the quarterback in his own struggles. Empathize with his passions — these are the passions of your section nemesis. Or: The next time you see that talkative nerd in section, imagine her, dressed in football gear, being tackled. One of these exercises should help.




The long hair is mine O

ver Thanksgiving, my godmother took a picture of me hanging from a tree branch and texted it to my sister and mother, calling for intervention. In the picture, my hair was exploding toward the ground in a wild mass of dry strands that looked more lion than human. I hadn’t cut my hair in 11 months. I had hardly brushed it for years. Growing up, I was more or less told how to be beautiful: Don’t try. Do nothing. In high school, gossip often circulated about the girls who wore makeup or altered their hair with heat, dyes or chemicals. You could hear the murmur of criticism in the cafeteria about their obvious insecurities and how “artificial” their apparent “beauty” was. “Real” or “natural” beauty could only happen by accident. It was like the student we all venerate who claims to have opened zero books and slept zero hours, yet manages to ace the exam. My hair may have been natural, but it was no A: It was unruly, knotted and brittle. My mother always tried to help. I would sit in the kitchen reading the paper or eating cereal, and she would stealthily approach with a brush or braiding fingers. I spent many mornings watching her watch herself in the mirror, shaking a hair dryer over her head before flicking mascara onto her eyelashes.

I never learned to do the same. I insisted that I wanted people to notice what was in my head, not on it. Mostly, I didn’t want to be told how to look. I have never had the gloss and shine of those women wrapped in hair in Pantene ads, or the bounce and spunk of Shakira’s curls. In doing close to nothing, I was hoping for that accidental, “real” beauty, and if that didn’t work out, at least I would feel real. Or, more probably, accidental.

YOU GET TO CHOOSE THE WAY THAT YOU CARE After the tree-climbing and lion-hair picture, my godmother and mother told me about a salon they used to go to in the ’80s. Within 24 hours, I had an appointment, and within 48, I was a disciple. George Michael’s hair salon, the self-appointed Long Hair Care Center of the World, has a booklet of rules about what is and is not advisable with hair care: no chemicals, no heat drying, no dyes, no rubber bands, no covered elastic bands, no metal barrettes, no angles, no layers, no middle parts. The section of the book-

let about the middle part notes: “There are only a very, very few people in the entire world who literally look good with a center part.” I was hooked. I’ve been brushing my hair at least once every day since, often more. For a week camping in the Grand Canyon, I resisted the temptation to pull my hair back with an elastic band. Not all of their rules, though, are for me. I still venture out in the cold with wet hair and doubt I will ever use Velcro curlers. I might even cut my hair short (potential heresy). But embracing this longhair-care doctrine helped me define my own doctrine of care, full of bristle brushes and orange shampoos and actual care. It isn’t the method of self-neglect high school gossip glorified. It’s not my mother’s hair care either, as my unruly, dark waves will never look like her smooth blond locks. It also won’t lead me to looking anything like a shampoo ad. Or Shakira. People predicted how I might care for other parts of myself, too. Advice for self-care often included formulas about sleep cycles, eating habits and study spots. Few guessed right, though. These days, I often need to run at midnight, turn off my phone on Tuesdays, eat almond butter (plain) for breakfast, lie in the middle of Cross Campus

and stand on my head in public places. Who could have known? Nobody, I think, but me. And who could have known, through the thickets of “how to” pages of preteen magazines and the motherly mix of wisdom and criticism, how to take care of my hair? I want to say nobody but me, but George Michael (now deceased) led me there first. Many tried to lead me astray before him. I resented feeling congratulated for not brushing my hair or not wearing makeup just as much as I have resented feeling like a failure in comparison to airbrushed faces on billboards. Glorification of nonchalance has struck me as just as annoying as the unattainable standards prescribed by pop culture, and by ourselves. I made my own standards at George Michael's. His booklet has a space for prescriptions on the back page for individualized recommendations. After 11 pages of imperatives in bold, capital letters, my prescriptive box was left blank. If I were to fill in it today, I would write: I will care or not care for my hair however I want to, and I won’t do it for anyone else; I will do it for me. DIANA SAVERIN is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact her at .


Our suite sense of self

MICHELLE TAYLOR is a senior in Davenport College. Her column runs on Fridays. Contact her at .

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ale can be your first shot of Dubra. It can be your first B+ from a published author. It can be faceoff on center ice, a source of pride, a place of stress — but whatever accolades or insecurities it may confer, Yale is also the place and the people you return to at the end of each day. It is too often easy for me to wonder how someone could not love being here. Sure, there are times when I’m restless, or achingly lonely, particularly when walking head down in the biting cold of winter, but the restlessness and loneliness are always short-lived. I used to attribute my happiness here to some inner fortitude or general spirit of optimism — but I’ve realized that has nothing to do with it. I have, at the most basic level, been happy every day since I arrived on campus because I have always had a safe space to look forward to each night, filled with the faces and farts of my ever-present suitemates. Not everyone, I’ve come to realize, does. I wish they did, because the living situation that Yale offers is truly unique, and an oppor-

tunity, above all, to understand yourself through the eyes of others. At Yale, we marvel at the composure and confidence of our talented peers and wonder how they manage to pull it all off. But there’s an entire side of each person that we don’t see — and rarely, I find, are we given the opportunity to see it. There are a delicate handful of occasions when the curtains of composure crumple and expose the backstage, when interactions are stripped to their most raw and unassuming state. Such occasions rarely emerge in section or at frat parties, at rehearsal or in the dining hall, even during the most intimate of dinner conversations. This year, by living with seven other people, I have come to understand myself from seven different perspectives, but only because I have exposed myself to a refreshing and irrevocable extent. Late at night in homely pajamas and retainers, we have all, at one point or another, shed our confidences, dropped our composures and laid ourselves out, as vulnerable as naked mole rats stranded on an ice floe. I’ve always found the whole

spiel about “learning to understand yourself” a bit trite. I don’t think you can learn to “know thyself” alone, no matter what interests you pursue or what far-off places you visit. I think, as other sayings go, it’s just as much about learning how others understand you as it is about learning how you understand yourself. Swept into Yale’s gyre of tests and papers, concerts and tournaments, we can get so caught up in the snarls of self-imposed stress and tangles of past and future anxieties that we become unable to see ourselves clearly. My own image of self after being observed, examined and scrutinized at my most vulnerable has emerged as that optical illusion that captures the features of both a rabbit and a duck. For two decades I saw in my reflection the ears of a rabbit, but over the past several months, my suitemates have traced the beak of a duck. Actually, each of the seven suities sees something a little different in me: a dog, a muskrat, a tapir, maybe a skink (hopefully not a skink — they’re these weird lizardy snake things). It takes a while to sink in that I’m

not entirely the rabbit I thought I was. My suitemates point out patterns in my behavior, mistakes I keep unwittingly repeating, shortcomings in my thinking and treatment of others — things I think I’m perspicacious enough, by now, to notice, but which every single day pass me by. And those increasingly informed and ever-evolving alternate perspectives offer me an invaluable, intangible gift bestowed in these twilight hours of college life. My suitemates have been, without question, the most important aspect of my time so far at Yale. They have turned my most horrible days into the most memorable nights. Don’t underestimate, or undervalue, their transformative powers — powers that might show you the duck where you saw the hare, and powers that bring a close group of someones together with open arms and open ears at the end of even the coldest and loneliest of winter nights. TAO TAO HOLMES is a junior in Branford College. Contact her at .




LYNDON B. JOHNSON “When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor.”


A stronger New Haven? S

ince Tuesday, when Mayor John DeStefano announced that he does not plan to seek an eleventh term this fall, New Haveners have been rapidly converging on some conventional wisdom about 2013. It’s only February, but their verdict on the year is already clear: One chapter in New Haven’s history — written mainly by DeStefano and President Levin — is concluding. Another, with characters we’ve yet to meet, will open in 2014. In some ways, it’s hard to argue with that judgment. The DeStefano administration has exercised enormous influence over political and economic events in New Haven for the last 20 years. Since DeStefano became mayor, the city’s economy has changed almost beyond recognition. Old factories, previously symbols of the death of the New England manufacturing industry, have been redeveloped into offices for technology and bioscience companies. A once-crumbling downtown has been refashioned as a zone for retail and upscale housing. Expansion of the Yale medical campus has transformed the landscape of the Hill neighborhood. DeStefano, a skilled politician, has been careful to assume the maximum

of credit and minimum of blame for the changes the city experienced under him. In a speech Tuesday announcing his retirement, he compared New Haven’s economic health today with that when he took office. Remembering the empty storefronts that lined Chapel Street in 1993, DeStefano declared that he and others had “changed the face of our city” over the last 20 years. I don’t doubt that the DeStefano administration’s relationships with developers and Yale were instrumental to the last two decades’ economic development. He deserves praise for his efforts to establish détente between the university and its workers, and to convince Yale to contribute more to the city’s needs. Yet the mayor’s version of history glosses over real problems in New Haven’s economy. The expansion of the knowledge economy in the city has had its benefits: increasing the property tax base and creating jobs for highskilled workers. But these benefits have mostly accrued to the people and neighborhoods who were already most prosperous. New Haveners without college or graduate degrees still often struggle to find work in a city glittering with new university,

hospital and science facilities. When they do find jobs, they are still likely to work in the service sector, to have minimal job security and, unless they work at Yale, to be paid less than a living wage. Redevelopment under DeStefano has also changed the face of the city in some ways profoundly harmful to its poor and working-class residents. Last year, New Haven had the lowest apartment vacancy rate of any major metropolitan area in the country. As science and technology-based businesses have come to the city, the demand for housing suited to the taste and income of professionals has grown rapidly. This demand has placed further stress on an already tight housing market, leading to gentrification downtown and driving up rents around the city. Subsidized housing is relatively abundant here compared to other cities. Yet it is still far too scarce to absorb the thousands of New Haveners who have been displaced from their home neighborhoods by foreclosure, redevelopment of affordable homes into upscale ones or the expansion of Yale’s medical campus. In a word, DeStefano and his administration governed New Haven

with prosperity as their organizing principle. They envisioned a prosperous city — one that had excellent schools, where all children could go to college, where high-paying and high-status jobs were abundant — and guided development with that vision in mind. DeStefano has taken some steps to acknowledge the distance between prosperity and reality in New Haven, creating programs like the Prison Re-entry Initiative and the city’s youth summer employment program. Yet over his career as mayor, DeStefano has focused far more on burnishing the image of prosperity — on constructing a city which can be home to the wealthy and successful — than on building a New Haven where people who have minimal resources can live with dignity. His reforms have created an illusion of opportunity without providing the wrap-around services necessary to deliver real opportunities for New Haven’s most vulnerable people. New Haven is much different than it was when he took office, but it may not be much better. AMALIA SKILTON is a senior in Calhoun College. Contact her at amalia. .



Buildings, buses and budgets S

ince Mayor John DeStefano Jr. announced his retirement, the narrative has been the same, be it in the News, the New Haven Register or the New Haven Independent. The city is better off than it was 20 years ago, thanks in large part to the mayor, notwithstanding incidents of corruption and mismanagement. And the universal hope expressed by all has been to build upon DeStefano’s successes — the improved relationship between town and gown, education reform and an eventual return to community policing — and to do away with the cronyism that undermined an otherwise progressive, forward-leaning two decades. Now is the time for all of us to articulate specifically how we can continue to see improvements in the Elm City. Regardless of who our next mayor is, he should stand strongly against bad landlords, improve our transportation network and reset our budget priorities. As Neena Satija ’11 documented well in a series for the Independent, New Haven suffers from an epidemic of malignant landlords who strategically foreclose and degrade prop-

erties for their own financial gain. The actions of these landlords make buildings unhealthy or even unsafe, and depress property values in poor neighborhoods. This blight, in turn, puts incredible tax pressure on middle-class neighborhoods, as they face higher taxes to compensate for the lost value elsewhere. The city ought to take more aggressive steps than it has previously to keep these landlords from abusing the system and deteriorating our city’s housing. Prison sentences, instead of small fines, for bad landlords have been implemented elsewhere and have strongly deterred this malicious behavior. Though the local bus system in New Haven is administered by the state, the new mayor should advocate strongly for a regional bus network that gets workers to jobs more efficiently. Today, many of the transit-dependent residents of New Haven work in suburban mall centers, but our transit system focuses on getting people from neighborhoods to the Green and offers limited service outside of the city limits. A quality transit system would

fix that disconnect, in part through better feeder service off of MetroNorth stations. Southern Connecticut has one of the greatest rail lines in the county, yet without better bus connections at stations, many people are unable to use it. With little question, the city faces significant budget woes in the future. An increasing percent of the city budget is spent on pensions and debt service, crowding out funding for teachers, community centers and other amenities that residents want and need. Much of the debt is due to the city’s school rebuilding program, which gave the district new, beautiful buildings and made New Haven the largest district in the state. Despite the costs, the city continues to support the construction of more schools — the Board of Aldermen approved two last year. Such investments are increasingly unsustainable, especially when many of the new schools have underutilized facilities, some libraries go unstaffed and Board of Education employees are laid off to cut costs. We need more money for programs, not buildings, both for the health of

our city and the health of its pocketbook. The new mayor should end new school construction and articulate a plan for lowering debt and using the savings over the long term for more impactful city services. By tackling the issue of slumlords, the new mayor would ensure higher-quality housing for poorer residents, while making it easier for middle-class homeowners to afford life in the Elm City. A better transportation network would ease our unemployment crisis, as workers would have more reliable, convenient connections to suburban job centers. And a moratorium on expensive capital projects that have drained our budget would keep us from diverting precious resources away from helping students. These three issues were neglected in the DeStefano administration. If the new mayor takes them on, we can be confident that we will see continued progress in this city. DREW MORRISON is a junior in Branford College. Contact him at drew. .


Old elms, new ideas International Dispatches


n the midst of New Haven’s heyday, 1912, City Hall released a little booklet with a long name: “The City Pocket Guide: A Compendium of Information in Reference to Where to Go and What to See.” The guide mixed sketches of sprawling New Haven mansions, depictions of Yale’s Gothic splendor and images of tree-lined boulevards, proudly proclaiming the city to be “A Great Community Workshop.” The guide projected the self-confidence and assurance that New Haven was a city of innovation with a grand vision for its future, boldly coining the slogan “Old Elms, New Ideas.” With the announcement that New Haven’s “Oldest Elm,” Mayor John DeStefano Jr., will complete his tenure at the year’s end, the city finds itself in search of new ideas to move forward. But new vision may actually come from reimagining century-old wisdom. By reembracing the community workshop spirit of social experimentation, the city has the opportunity to recast its trajectory and redefine its character. DeStefano’s legacy of high-visibility institutional improvements is commendable. But the New Haven that DeStefano will hand his successor will continue to confront a host of problems long ingrained in the city’s narrative. The economic void created by the decline of postwar manufacturing persists. The city’s demographic distribution affirms a de facto racial segregation and class divide that has existed since the Civil Rights movement. Violent crime spikes maintain the city’s position amongst the ranks of the country’s most dangerous. New Haven remains a city in search of identity. As the city’s new leadership frames that identity, they should revive the engaged communal workshop attitude that turned New Haven into a true social laboratory for urban development in the past. In writing the script for a new New Haven, incoming officials should turn community-built social programs and development ideas into the centerpiece of the administration. Less-heralded, small-scale but innovative projects under the DeStefano regime, like the Elm City Resident Card, a city ID that enables undocumented immigrants to access municipal services, and Project Storefronts, an initiative to turn vacant real estate into art galleries, are models for facilitating New Haven’s movement towards a progressive, imaginative and humane city. Last year, New Haven learned how effective incorporating past wisdom into contemporary city management could be, by successfully re-implementing a program of community policing that had disappeared in the early 1990s. Community policing encourages police to engage and empower city residents rather than control and command them. The same type of commitment to active resident engagement and community-tailored frameworks ought to underscore the new administration’s approach to all facets of New Haven life. At the moment, the city lacks a unified identity in part because resident voices have had little say in defining what that identity could ever be. Though novel programmatic initiatives were rolled out under DeStefano, most, like the Elm City Resident Card, were the result of commandeering leadership by the mayor himself. Ideas dreamed up by community groups and advocates have largely remained confined to their respective neighborhoods, regularly suffering rejection during aldermanic meetings. The new administration should take care to instill a culture — one that permeates through the entirety of City Hall — that recognizes community-designed policy and program proposals as the most important tools for building a thriving city. Other small cities, like Reading, Pa. — where community volunteers imagined and designed a now-thriving city entertainment district — and Lawrence, Mass. — where planners drew upon insights from weekly meetings with Latina women and youth for the city’s 15-year plan — provide compelling examples of the transformative success of community-sourced, creative policymaking. New Haven should similarly seek to rewrite its narrative with the pens of its own residents. Whoever enters the mayoral pulpit on Church Street next year should buck the machine politics and cult of personality that came to characterize the present administration. Instead, the city’s next executive should focus on expanding and championing unconventional innovation from wherever it comes — community groups, artists, municipal agencies, Yale — to reinvent the city around engaged, invigorated and proud resident stakeholders. When the new brass takes office next year, hopefully they will stumble upon that little booklet with the long name and realize that though the city’s elms are older, New Haven continues to be full of new ideas. ASEEM MEHTA is a junior in Branford College. This semester, he is working in Brussels, Belgium. Contact him at .




“Don’t find fault, find a remedy.”



YCC loses two executive board members YCC FROM PAGE 1 they arrive on campus in August,” Alex Shapiro ’14 said. “No candidate would reveal if they were thinking about taking time off from Yale, as that would throw the election. People will say whatever gets them elected.”

No candidate would reveal if they were thinking about taking time off from Yale, as that would throw the election. ALEX SHAPIRO ’14


Former YCC Vice President Debby Abramov ’14 announced that she will not return to Yale this semester.

This month’s two departures occurred in close succession. On Jan. 10, Abramov said in an email to the YCC that she would not return to Yale this semester, adding that she “ultimately felt leaving Yale for the semester was best.” All YCC members interviewed declined to comment on a specific reason for Abramov’s decision, though seven YCC members interviewed said they were surprised Abramov chose to take a semester off because she had been a dedicated member of the Council. Leviste said he thinks

Abramov’s decision to leave Yale was not made “on a whim” and not “what she wanted to do.” Twelve days later, Leviste announced his plans to campaign in the Philippine election on behalf of his mother. He said she needed a family member to represent her full-time on the campaign, and he will be giving speeches at rallies of over 20,000 people almost every day once he returns home. Leviste said he knew the details of the campaign when he decided to run for YCC secretary last spring, but chose not to advertise it to voters because he had not planned to take a semester off. Instead, Leviste said he thought he could arrange his schedule in a way that would allow him to contribute to the campaign remotely. “I planned to take an extremely light course load this spring, and maybe travel back to the Philippines a few weekends,” he said. “I only realized over the recent winter break that staying at Yale this semester would compromise both my work at YCC, and my work on the campaign in the Philippines.” The YCC will hold its elections this year on April 11 and 12. Contact KIRSTEN SCHNACKENBERG at .


YCC Secretary Leandro Leviste ’15 will be taking the spring semester off to assist his mother’s election campaign in the Philippines.

Larger endowments see higher returns ENDOWMENT FROM PAGE 1 percent in fiscal 2012, according to the study. Despite their tepid performance, universities nationwide allocated an average of 54 percent of their endowments toward alternative assets, up from 53 percent in fiscal 2011. International equities produced the lowest returns, at -11.8 percent in the latest fiscal period, while fixed income saw the highest returns with an average of 6.8 percent. Though larger endowments like Yale’s saw the highest results, fixed income is not an asset class favored by Yale’s endowment, which leans heavily toward more risky investments like private equity and hedge funds. Spiegel said that fixed income, which includes government bonds, generally sees lower returns than other asset classes on an average year because it is a low-risk investment. The higher returns from fixed income are not indicative of an underlying trend, and are merely the result of governments and federal banks distorting markets in an effort to “sustain the global economy,” Jarvis said. Experts said markets have looked more promising in fiscal 2013, which Jarvis said has been characterized so far by rebounding public equity performance and the “rotation out” of fixed income. Still, Jarvis noted that it is unclear whether Yale’s endowment will see better results this year since Yale has not heavily invested in either of those asset classes. Prior to the onset of the economic recession in 2008, Yale’s investment model propelled the endowment to returns of around or above 20 percent during the “boom years” of the mid2000s. Jarvis said it is possible that the era of exceptional endowment returns ended with the financial crisis, adding that universities could be entering a period of more “subdued returns.” He said more modest returns in recent years have proved challenging for many universities. “They’re absolutely struggling,” Jarvis said. “When you’ve got a flat year when the endowment does not increase and you’re still spending at 4 to 5 percent, that’s a real challenge.” But the trend toward alternative assets, pioneered by Yale’s Chief Investment Officer David Swensen as early as 1990, “has not peaked yet,” said Jarvis. Newly appointed Provost Benjamin Polak said Swensen’s investment strategies have become “the gold standard for how to manage endowments,” so much so that it has become harder to beat the market because so many managers are using the same methods. Over the long term, college endowments have still performed better than most market indexes, the study showed, citing an average return of 6.2 percent over the past 10 years for endowments compared to a 5.6 percent return for the S&P 500 index. Contact SOPHIE GOULD at .


Fiscal Year 2011 Fiscal Year 2012

25 20 15 10 5 0 -5

Domestic Equity

Fixed Income

Alternative Strategies

Private Equity Marketable alternative strategies Venture Capital Energy and natural resources



International Equities



1 year 5 years 10 years

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1

Alll Institutions

Over $1 Billion

$501 Million to $1 Billion

$101 Million to $1 Billion

$51 Million to $100 Million

$25 Million Under $25 Million to $50 Million




“Reviewing a government budget is much like going through the attic in an old home.” RICK SCOTT GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA


The article “Newtown searches for answers to gun violence” mistakenly stated that the Gun Violence and Children’s Safety Task Force was established by Gov. Dannel Malloy, when in fact it was established by the state Legislature. THURSDAY, JAN. 31

The article “History of science, medicine introduces pathways” quoted Paola Bertucci, director of undergraduate studies for the History of Science, Medicine and Public Health major, as saying the major “wanted to attract students not interested in sciences.” In fact, Bertucci explained that in addition to pre-medical students, the major wanted to attract students interested in the relationship between the sciences, arts and humanities.

GSA pushes Ph.D. funding BY JANE DARBY MENTON STAFF REPORTER The Graduate Student Assembly is lobbying the administration to provide more funding for Ph.D. students who need a sixth year to complete their dissertations. The formal Graduate School funding package finances five years of study for doctoral candidates, but many students spend an additional year to finish their research. Ksenia Sidorenko GRD ’15, who is leading the project for the GSA, said there has been a steady increase in sixth-year students seeking funding by teaching on campus rather than relying solely on external grants or fellowships, adding that the GSA has already approached the Yale Corporation about support for students beyond their allotted five years. But Pamela Schirmeister ’80 GRD ’88, associate dean of the Graduate School, said budgetary constraints and the wide range of circumstances that compel students to require extra time would make it difficult to effect change across departments. “There are a lot of complex factors that go into time to a degree. It’s not a cut-anddried simple issue of students who need more time or don’t need more time,” Schirmeister said. The Graduate School’s funding package provides students with three years of stipend support and two years of funded teaching time — which students usually complete as teaching fellows during their third and fourth years — during which period they are guaranteed a teaching position on Yale’s campus. Students seeking teaching positions after these “priority teaching years” must wait until all third- and fourth-year students have been assigned their teaching positions before they find out whether they will be able to work as TFs. Still, Schirmeister said the majority of sixth-years are able to receive non-Yale funding. For the few students who require additional funding to complete their degree and cannot secure money from Yale or elsewhere, Schirmeister said administrators might be more likely to consider establishing small-scale competitive sixthyear funding as a “safety net.” But she added that any major policy decisions will need to wait until the University’s upper administration transitions next year. Due to fluctuations in student course enrollment during shopping period, Sidorenko

said the number of TF positions each year remains uncertain until several weeks into the semester, which aversely affects students no longer on the funding package. “It seems that as it is, most people who do require sixthyear teaching manage to get it in some form,” Sidorenko said. “It’s just not very efficiently allocated and causes a lot of stress in terms of [planning for the] year ahead.” Many students who cannot find teaching positions at Yale look to neighboring institutions such as Southern Connecticut State University or Quinnipiac for teaching jobs, which Schirmeister said could make them more attractive candidates on the job market. But Jennifer Nelson GRD ’13 said many students have difficulty getting these off-campus jobs. Though Schirmeister said many students’ research requires at least six years to complete, she added that many Yale professors completed their dissertations within four years. The seven sixth-year graduate students interviewed each said they found grants or teaching positions to finance their sixth year of graduate work, but three said they know other students who have struggled to fund the completion of their research. “I definitely know people who are experiencing struggles to get a teaching assignment, and if you don’t get that, you’re pretty much hung up to dry,” said William Weber GRD ’13. Weber said the English Department, in which he is doing graduate work, has stable funding and teaching positions for students in their sixth year. Still, he added that these opportunities vary widely across departments. Nelson said she is frustrated by the “hole” in Yale’s funding program, as most students, especially in the humanities, cannot complete their dissertations without at least one more year of research, adding that she thinks sixth-year students should also be given priority for teaching assignments. “My favorite option is to have six years of funding, though I don’t think that’s possible,” Nelson said. “I think everyone knows that no one really finishes in five years.” The Graduate School funding package also includes stipendiary support for three summers. Contact JANE DARBY MENTON at .

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Report criticizes state spending BY RAYMOND NOONAN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Connecticut is spending too much, according to a report released by the state’s largest business lobby last week. The Connecticut Business and Industry Association’s report — entitled “Turning the Tide: Fiscal Policy Changes, Best Practices and Ideas That Work” — said that the state spends “beyond its means” and that there has been little effort by policymakers to make “tough” fiscal decisions in the short term. State spending has increased more than 153 percent since 1992, with spending for state employee retiree health services and pensions increasing 981 percent and 583 percent, respectively.

[The Governor] invested in education despite federal budget reductions. GIAN-CARL CASA Undersecretary of legislative affairs, Connecticut’s Office of Policy and Management Over the same time period, spending for debt service has grown 204 percent and Medicaid 180 percent, and spending for the state corrections system has increased 178 percent. While the report attributed much of the increase in spending to a greater need for social services caused by the weak economy, it also cited Connecticut’s aging population as a grow-

ing fiscal issue and warned that Connecticut’s substantial state employee retirement benefit plans lead to long-term financial promises the state cannot keep. The report added that the estimated $63.9 billion in long-term obligations the state owes might be less than the true cost due to a change in how the liability is calculated. Peter M. Gioia, vice president and economist of the Connecticut Business and Industry Association, said he is worried about the state’s economic future. “We are very concerned about the state fiscal picture, and our members are too,” he said. Connecticut’s debt plus unfunded pension liabilities constitute a fraction of its GDP greater than any other state’s, according to an article by Barron’s cited by the report. The report also criticized Connecticut for cutting spending in areas it states are necessary to Connecticut’s economy, such as education, health and human services. Since 1992, the CBIA’s report said, state spending for education has decreased by 21 percent, while spending for health and hospitals and human services has decreased by 11 percent and 7 percent over the same time period, respectively, according to the report. Gian-Carl Casa, undersecretary of legislative affairs of Connecticut’s Office of Policy and Management, said he does not think the report gives enough credit to Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy’s budget reforms. “The Governor’s first year in office, we cut spending by over a billion and a half dollars from

what statutes required,” Casa said in a statement about the report. “The Governor has made a significant and meaningful effort to reform education and invested in education despite federal budget reductions. He has invested in economic development and brought thousands of jobs to the state.” State Sen. and Chair of the Connecticut General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee Toni Harp, who hails from New Haven, said she does not think high spending has caused Connecticut’s fiscal woes. Instead, she blamed the weak economy for reducing tax revenue, explaining that the “spending problem” is actually a “revenue problem.” Among the policies the CBIA’s report suggests could help reduce state spending are privatizing certain state services such as inmate health care and motor

vehicle registration, encouraging the use of home-based longterm health care and increasing state cooperation with nonprofits. “None of our suggestions cost clients services,” Gioia said. “Streamlining government should improve the quality of services and responsiveness. Rebalancing long-term care will give clients the services they prefer and save costs.” Yet despite his calls for reform, Gioia said he is hopeful about Connecticut’s future. “I am an optimist, but fiscal solvency will require change which is always resisted by some,” he said. Malloy will present his budget to the Connecticut General Assembly on Feb. 6. Contact RAYMOND NOONAN at

BY THE NUMBERS STATE SPENDING 21 981 63.9 22 2,500

The percent state spending on education has decreased since 1992 The percent state spending on state employee retiree health services has increased since 1992 In billions, estimated dollars Connecticut owes in long-term obligations

Number of state agencies Malloy has eliminated or consolidated since 2011 Number of positions Connecticut’s executive branch eliminated in an 18-month period, according to the report

HackYale expands open workshops


Recently, there has been rising interest in computer science extracurriculars, such as HackYale and the Yale Hackathon (shown above). BY KAMELA ALQUBAISI CONTRIBUTING REPORTER After the success of its open workshop program last fall, HackYale has decided to expand to include a workshop series. The proposed six-workshop series, expected to begin later this semester, will be advertised to students currently signed up for the HackYale mailing list, said HackYale Director Zack ReneauWedeen ’14. He added that unlike HackYale’s flagship lecture courses, the workshop series will provide students with more options and greater flexibility — students seeking “greater general knowledge” could attend all the workshops, whereas students interested in a “specific subject” could attend only the workshops that appeal to them. HackYale also plans to increase the number of one-time workshops offered this spring. A student group founded in fall 2011 by Will Gaybrick LAW ’12 and Bay Gross ’13, HackYale first

introduced its open workshops last fall. Rafi Khan ’15, who taught one of the six workshops offered last semester, said the workshops allowed students to focus on specific topics without a semesterlong commitment.

The workshops are an interesting, lowcommitment alternative [to the lecture course]. ZIZI YU ’16 “The workshops were a great way for those who perhaps didn’t have enough time to commit to a full HackYale to learn a lot about one particular topic in an evening,” Khan said. “We try to choose topics that build on previous web development experience, in part so that people can gain exposure to the kinds of tools

available to developers.” The HackYale workshops allow students who were not admitted to this semester’s “Introduction to Web Development” course to gain skills on similar subjects to those taught in the course. Zizi Yu ’16, who was not admitted to the lecture, said she would still be interested in attending HackYale workshops. “While I am disappointed that I did not get into the course, I feel that the workshops are an interesting, low-commitment alternative, and I will try and attend them,” Yu said. The workshops offered last semester were taught by undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professionals involved in the tech industry. Daniel Doubrovkine, the head of engineering at, a New York City venture-backed startup, led the “0–60 in Startup Technology” workshop, which was a crash course in the technologies, infrastructure and planning involved in successfully building

a tech startup. Other workshops offered last fall included an Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator course and a Twitter Bootstrap course. Reneau-Wedeen said that while the workshops give students a one-time introduction to the tech world, participants are encouraged to continue developing the skills they’ve learned. “[Students can] stay in touch with workshop leaders, ask some questions, and they will provide resources,” Reneau-Wedeen said. “The workshops are meant to be much more economic than the full course, but doesn’t necessarily have to be less supportive.” He added that he hopes to introduce a workshop series focusing on various types of website frameworks. Last fall’s HackYale lecture course received 300 applications for 60 spots. Contact KAMELA ALQUBAISI at .




“I think I know a lot about campaigns.”



Darnell included in sexual misconduct report MISCONDUCT FROM PAGE 1 engaged in an alleged relationship with Egyptology professor Colleen Manassa ’01 GRD ’05 — appeared in the report. Darnell announced his resignation as chair of the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department in a Jan. 8 email in which he cited an intimate relationship with a student under his direct supervision and with a professor whom he reviewed as reasons for his departure. University Spokesman Tom Conroy told the News that Darnell agreed to a one-year suspension without pay, but further details concerning the process resulting in his discipline were not available. The report states that the complainant in one case was a staff member who “reported that a male faculty member engaged in a sexual relationship with a female student whom he supervised while she was both an undergraduate and a graduate and professional student, in violation of the Policy on Teacher-Student Consensual Relations. The respondent admitted a violation of the consensual relations policy and accepted a one-year suspension without pay.” Schirmeister declined to comment on what specific parts of the report involved Darnell due to the report’s confidential nature, but she added that as the case was adjudicated before the end of 2012, it should appear in the report. In the second half of 2012, the number of total complaints reported was the lowest since the first report was issued in 2011. The decline could reflect an improved sexual climate on campus because of increased awareness about sexual misconduct, Schirmeister said, but it could also result from other factors such as underreporting. The number of complaints in 2011 and early 2012 could also have been inflated due to complainants bringing up older cases for the first time after the restructuring of Yale’s sexual misconduct reporting system in 2011. Spangler said the report in part serves to increase awareness of issues of sexual misconduct on campus and that she has received positive feedback from the three

reports published so far. “I have been extremely encouraged by the number and thoughtfulness of the comments and suggestions I receive not only after the reports are published but on a regular basis,” she said. Della Rocca said one or more parties in a “large number of UWC cases” have been under the influence of alcohol, a statistic that is “striking.” Details about alcohol’s role in the sexual misconduct cases is not included in the report, but one respondent was referred to alcohol counseling by Title IX Coordinators. Many cases handled informally and formally by the UWC have involved instances of intimate partner violence, Della Rocca added, which he said was “noteworthy.” The report included two mentions of intimate partner violence in its description of formal complaints. One graduate or professional school student was given a two-semester suspension after an investigation by the UWC into allegations of intimate partner violence. Seven complainants declined to pursue their cases after being informed the options of formal and informal resolution. For the first time, the report included three accounts of requests for advice from the UWC. In these requests for advice, the UWC provides information about all formal and informal options for reviewing his or her complaint. All three accounts were cases of nonconsensual sex. Eight complaints were brought against faculty members, according to the report. Twenty-eight complaints were brought to Title IX Coordinators, five to the UWC, seven to Yale Police and none to Human Resources. The YPD made three arrests following complaints by staff about non-Yale respondents. Three previously reported cases were updated in the UWC’s most recent report.

GRAPH SEXUAL MISCONDUCT COMPLAINTS FILED Total number of complaints Sexual harassment complaints Sexual assault cases Other

60 50 40 30 20 10 0

July–Dec 2011

Jan–June 2012


July–Dec 2012 Sexual assault Sexual harassment Other

9 14

12 29

9 33




Julia Zorthian contributed reporting. Contact CYNTHIA HUA at .

July– Dec 2011

Jan – June 2012

July– Dec 2012

Mayoral candidates talk public financing PUBLIC FINANCE FROM PAGE 1 “average people” to enter politics and prevents political races from being among only “people with money.” He said that he thinks DeStefano chose to opt out of the system because he thought doing so would allow him to raise significantly more money. But Anna Mariotti, City Hall’s spokeswoman, said that DeStefano opted out of the system due to the Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission decision, a Supreme Court case that “allowed organizations to contribute unlimited money,” combined with his

sentiment that the Fund’s rules were “complicated and inconsistent.” The Democracy Fund currently does not have enough members to give Elicker the $19,000 grant and the money matching his current donations. Ken Krayeske, the administrator of the Democracy Fund, said that the Fund has had difficulty maintaining a quorum because service is voluntary and because Mariotti left the Democracy Fund to assume her current position. Her departure left the seven-person commission with only three people, which is one shy of the four

necessary for quorum.

Unless people demand that our representatives actually use [the Democracy Fund], it will definitely fall short. DAVID STREEVER Community activist The Board of Aldermen’s Alder-

manic Affairs Committee heard the nomination of attorney John DiManno on Monday, and the full Board of Aldermen will vote on his nomination. Krayeske said that if the board approves DiManno’s nomination, he will likely call a meeting of the Democracy Fund later that week to go ahead with the process of approving the grant and matching of funds for Elicker. Interviewed officials and Krayeske said that the Democracy Fund could be improved in a number of ways, with Krayeske saying he could list off “at least a dozen” potential improvements. Elicker said that the bureau-

cracy of the Fund sometimes made it difficult for him to navigate and serves as a deterrent for other candidates. In particular, he cited as an obstacle the rule that candidates have to spend all the funds they obtain during their exploring phase before they ultimately declare their candidacy. DeStefano’s decision not to use the fund two years ago also casts doubt over its true efficacy, as he outspent Kerekes by a 14–1 margin. “I think [the Democracy Fund] is definitely a good idea and it has the potential to help change politics in New Haven,” Streever said.

“But unless people demand that our representatives actually use it, it will definitely fall short.” Holder-Winfield said that the Democracy Fund may be able to avoid these problems in the future by increasing the amount that the Fund gives to candidates, though Elicker and Streever expressed doubts that New Haven politics needs more money in its politics than the Democracy Fund can offer. The Democracy Fund was launched in 2003. Contact DIANA LI at .


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A slight chance of snow showers. Partly sunny, with a high near 34, low of 18.


High of 32, low of 25.

High of 35, low of 21.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 12:30 PM Public Health Coalition Lunch Series Eat lunch with P. Sean Brotherton, assistant professor of anthropology, who will discuss “Socialist Humanitarianism in Post-Soviet Cuba.” Brotherton will address his interest in the intersection of state and body anthropology within the political economy of health. Silliman College (505 College St.), Dining Annex. 5:00 PM “Change and Continuity in Post-Rose Revolution Georgia” Lincoln Mitchell, Arnold A. Saltzman Professor of international affairs at Columbia University, will explore Georgia’s recent political history and the direction the new government is likely to take. He is an expert on U.S.-Georgia relations, political development in the former Soviet Union and the role of democracy promotion in American foreign policy. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Room 117.


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 10:00 PM Cantata Profana — “Eight Songs for a Mad King” Cantata Profana is a new ensemble made up of players and singers from the School of Music and the Institute of Sacred Music. Formed at Yale in 2013, the ensemble is committed to exploring the repertoire of vocal and instrumental chamber music through innovative, exciting programming. Their inaugural concert centers on “Eight Songs for a Mad King,” a monodrama by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies for baritone vocalist and ensemble. This wildly dramatic piece is a profound exploration of a monarch reduced to madness, based on the historically well-documented ravings of King George III. Dwight Hall (67 High St.), Chapel.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 3:00 PM “American Paintings and Sculpture: Creating a Collection” Helen A. Cooper, the Holcombe T. Green curator of American paintings and sculpture, will introduce visitors to the collection on display. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.).


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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 F. Scott’s spouse 6 Major NCAA 8-Down 9 Buff 14 Homer work 15 2014 World Cup final site 16 Home of the NCAA’s Black Bears 17 One keeping a beat? 19 Portsmouth pop 20 Narrow strip 21 British bathroom plant? 23 Center of attention 25 At that point 26 Medical office responses 29 Bass player’s tool 30 “Wheel of Fortune” buy 31 Wriggly swimmer 34 Review July 4th festivities? 38 Center of attention 39 Man on a mission: Abbr. 40 Disney duck princess 41 Headline about rudeness in the House of Lords? 46 Mucky place 47 Actress West 48 Tool for some summer Olympians 49 Barnyard beast 50 Home in the woods 52 Summer sunset hour 54 Academy for special operatives? 58 Kuala Lumpur locale 62 Long bones 63 Musician for whom New Orleans’s airport is named 65 Attack from all sides 66 Big name in casual wear 67 Thomas associate 68 Gave quite a shock?

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DOWN 1 Closes, in a way 2 Mideast carrier 3 Rocker Ford 4 The maximum score with three of them is 180 5 Fuss 6 Bank truck protector 7 “Bye!” 8 Sports div. 9 Show with a “Just Desserts” spin-off 10 Grandstand, say 11 Absolutely none 12 Steven Chu’s Cabinet dept. 13 Small craft 18 Andean creature 22 “... __ additional cost!” 24 Looseleaf divider feature 26 Pisces follower 27 Went after 28 They may have twists 30 Hubble, for one


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By Alex Bajcz

69 In support of 70 Weightless state, and a hint to 21-, 34-, 41- and 54Across

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2 6 4 9 3

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32 Maritime birds 33 Has followers 35 90-degree turn 36 Clothing catalog choice: Abbr. 37 Top-drawer dresser 42 “My aim was off” 43 Buster 44 Roller coaster guides 45 Spigoted vessel 51 Bit of wisdom


53 Baseball Hall of Famer Combs 54 Deteriorate, in a way 55 Et __ 56 Word seen twice on some dairy cartons 57 Dipped cookie 59 Évian evening 60 Excited by 61 Dumbfounded 64 Toon devil

1 2 4 5 7 3 4 2 9

6 1 2 2 9 5 3

3 4

1 5







“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” ALDOUS HUXLEY AUTHOR OF “BRAVE NEW WORLD”

Musicians launch large chamber music collective BY SARAH SWONG STAFF REPORTER On Saturday night, an unusually large chamber music collective will give its debut perfor-

mance. Cantata Profana, organized by Jacob Ashworth MUS ’13, brings together instrumentalists and vocalists from the School of Music, the Institute of Sacred

Music and Yale College. As an extracurricular student group, the ensemble provides School of Music and ISM students with the rare opportunity to perform outside of their curricular

music groups and to work on the underperformed pieces written for atypical combinations of instrumentalists and singers. But these unusual chamber groups — ensembles of


Cantata Profana features atypical combinations of instrumentalists and vocalists from the School of Music, Institute of Sacred Music and Yale College.

five to 15 players — are unusual despite their rich repertoire of 20th-century music, said Ashworth, who also conducts Cantata Profana. Since 1913, when Arnold Schoenberg premiered “Pierrot Lunaire,” a piece written for soprano narrator and a chamber group, classical music has exploded with compositions for large-sized chamber groups with vocalists, he explained. But since these works require a group size in between typical chamber ensembles and full-size orchestras, the music is rarely played, and few groups worldwide are dedicated to the repertoire’s performance. The ensemble also provides the extracurricular opportunity often missing from music students’ “transient” two years at Yale, Ashworth said. The musicians know each other from previous collaborations and wanted a way to maintain their relationships, he said. He added that his long-term goal is to establish a “core” of committed members who could continue the ensemble after graduation as a professional group with a unique focus on large-set chamber music, Ashworth said. The group’s first concert this weekend will feature selections from a 20th-century opera about the madness of King George III, “Eight Songs for a Mad King” by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, and baroque music by Monteverdi and Handel. Pianist and harpsichordist Daniel Schlosberg MUS ’13 said the program seeks to challenge conventional assumptions that the Institute of Sacred Music

focuses on older works and the School of Music deals with more contemporary selections. In choosing both baroque music and 20th-century music with baroque influence, the ensemble is highlighting the long-standing tradition of large chamber music ensembles with vocalists, Ashworth said. “They did not just come out of nowhere,” Ashworth said. “Eight Songs for a Mad King” is about a monarch who descends into madness, based on King George III’s documented wild rants. Ashworth said madness is rarely represented in classical music except in “stylized” ways, and the work seeks to provide an authentic display of the king’s mad bouts, which would include 58-hourlong monologues. The drama is scored for baritone voice, flute, piccolo, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and cello. The Monteverdi madrigal features five voices, two violins, a cello, a guitar and a harpsichord, while the Handel trio sonata features two violins, a cello and a harpsichord — all unusual combinations. The ensemble will give its second performance in early May, Ashworth said. A possible theme is “Paris and New Haven, 1913,” which would showcase musical dialogue between composers in both cities. Davies is currently the master of the queen’s music, the classical-music equivalent of the British poet laureate. Contact SARAH SWONG at .

Education superintendent pushes school reform BY JACOB WOLF-SOROKIN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Though a long way from the public schools he oversees in Baton Rouge, La., John White presented his vision for education reform in America. White, a former English teacher in Jersey City, N.J., and Louisiana’s superintendent of education, spoke to an audience of roughly 20 students in the Berkeley College Master’s House Thursday afternoon and presented a plan for reinvigorating education in America by “set[ting] schools free.” Describing education as a leadership activity, White called for governments to set standards for excellence and to invest in the talent of students and teachers. He said the poor design of educational programs at universities and the bureaucratic nature of the current public school system inhibits its ability to draw the most talented teachers.

The whole system actually disempowers people closest to the education of our kids. JOHN WHITE Superintendent of Education, Louisiana “The whole system actually disempowers people closest to the education of our kids,” White said. “You have to change the system first and the culture will follow.” White worked as executive director of Teach for America in

New Jersey and, in 2012, launched Louisiana Believes, a state initiative to promote college attendance or professional training among public school students. During the Master’s Tea, White delivered many critiques of the system to which he has dedicated his life. Conjuring images of floppy disks, the superintendent questioned the hiring structures in place in many public schools, which tend to value teaching experience over teaching ability in career promotion. He said people who were teachers in the early 1980s are now leading many schools and districts, a trend he said helps explain schools’ inability to adapt to modern technology. He added that the highestperforming students in the state were in districts with the most computers. “We have a real challenge just in terms of a basic commitment to technology,” White said. White said educational standards across states have varied widely in the past, which he said has contributed to differing expectations for students from different states. The Common Core State Standards Initiative, which sets uniform expectations for English and math education in the 45 states that are participating in the effort, ensures all students nationwide are learning the same level of material, White said. Adding to his litany of concerns, White criticized the teacher accreditation programs in place in many states. He said he would like licenses to be harder to get, which he added would make the teaching profession more competitive and consequently make teachers more effective.

Making the profession more lucrative, he said, will fix the disenchanted and discouraged mentality of many public school teachers. “Because of disempowerment, we have a culture [where] we

show up [and] do our job every day,” White said. “But we don’t have a leadership culture.” Students interviewed said they thought White was a powerful, passionate speaker. David Carel ’13 said he was

inspired by White’s talk, though he disagreed with some of his ideas. “All of the analogies to where we were 30 years ago versus now are spot-on,” Carel said. White led an overhaul of the

New Orleans school system prior to taking the top job in the Louisiana Department of Education. Contact JACOB WOLF-SOROKIN at .


In a Thursday Master’s Tea, Louisiana Superintendent of Education John White proposed strategies for national education reform.

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T Dow Jones 13,860.58, -0.36% NASDAQ 3,142.13, -0.01%


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Congress sends Obama debt bill BY DAVID ESPO ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Congress sent President Barack Obama drama-free legislation on Thursday raising the debt ceiling, averting a government default and putting off the next tax-and-spending clash between the White House and Republicans until later in the year. The measure cleared the Senate on a vote of 64–34 after winning House approval late last week. It permits the Treasury to borrow above the current $16.4 trillion debt limit through May 18. The White House has said Obama will sign it. “Failure to pass this bill will set off an unpredictable financial panic that would plunge not only the United States but much of the world back into recession,” Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., said before the vote. “Every single American would feel the economic impact.” But Republican leader Mitch McConnell said in remarks on the Senate floor that “government spending is completely out of control — and it’s projected to get much worse in years to come.” His office issued a statement shortly after the vote saying he had opposed the legislation after Democrats torpedoed several GOP attempts to rein in spending before final passage. The legislation reflects a switch in strategy by Republicans, whose insistence on deep spending cuts as a trade-off for a higher debt limit more than a year ago pushed the government to the brink of an unprecedented default. With polls showing their public support lagging, they now look ahead to a new season of potential showdowns, with a reshuffled batting order that moves the threat of a default to the back of a line that includes March 1 across-the-board spending



S&P 500 1,498.11, -0.26%

T 10-yr. Bond 1.98%, -0.02 T Euro $1.36, +0.20



Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, spoke to reporters after a long closed-door meeting on a strategy to deal with the potential debt crisis. cuts and the March 27 expiration of funding for most federal agencies.

Failure to pass this bill will set off an unpredictable financial panic. MAX BAUCUS Democratic senator, Montana The debt limit measure came with only one string attached by House Republicans, a provision that would temporarily withhold the pay of lawmakers in either house that failed to produce a budget this year.

That was designed as a prod to the Senate, where majority Democrats have failed to bring a budget to a vote in any of the past three years. This year, they say they will. Republicans say they are eager for a comparison of plans, rather than a long year spent defending one of their own. Already, the next conflict over budget priorities is taking shape, in an environment that includes a fresh report that the economy unexpectedly declined in the last quarter, and the emergence of a warning from the Pentagon’s top uniformed officers that pending defense cuts could lead to a “hollow force.” Without changes, “we will have to ground aircraft, return ships to port, and stop driving

combat vehicles in training,” members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wrote congressional leaders in a letter dated Jan. 14. Obama and Democrats say they are prepared for further deficit reduction compromise, although they stress they want increased tax revenue as part of any deal. Republicans want spending cuts only, after reluctantly swallowing $600 billion in higher taxes as part of a “fiscal cliff” compromise late last year. To further their goals, House Republicans intend to produce a budget that balances in a decade, and are expected to vote as early as next week to demand Obama do the same.

WASHINGTON — Republican senators hammered former GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel at his confirmation hearing Thursday on issues ranging from Israel and Iran to his support for a group that advocates the elimination of nuclear weapons. But with most Democrats in his corner, an unflustered Hagel seems headed for approval as defense secretary. Hagel, a former two-term senator from Nebraska, described his views as mainstream and closely aligned with those of President Barack Obama, the Democrat who nominated him. But several GOP members of the Armed Services Committee sought to portray him as radical and unsteady. Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., called his ideas “extreme” and “far to the left” of Obama. Hagel said he believes America “must engage — not retreat — in the world,” and insisted that his record is consistent on that point. He pointed to Iran and its nuclear ambitions as an example of an urgent national security threat that should be addressed first by attempting to establish dialogue with Iranian rulers, although he said he would not rule out using military force. “I think we’re always on higher ground in every way — international law, domestic law, people of the world, people of the region to be with us on this — if we have … gone through every possibility to resolve this in a responsible, peaceful way, rather than going to war,” he said. He pushed back on the notion — first raised by one of his harshest Republican critics, Sen. James

Inhofe of Oklahoma — that he favors a policy of appeasement. “I think engagement is clearly in our interest,” Hagel told Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., who denounced the idea of negotiating with a “terrorist state.” “That’s not negotiation,” Hagel said. “Engagement is not appeasement. Engagement is not surrender.” After the daylong hearing, committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., said the panel could vote as early as next Thursday if Hagel quickly provides additional material requested by some members.

Engagement is not appeasement. Engagement is not surrender. CHUCK HAGEL Former Republican senator, Nebraska The nominee’s fiercest exchange came with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a fellow Vietnam veteran, onetime close friend and a vote that could carry considerable sway. Politics and Hagel’s evolving opposition to the Iraq War caused a split between the two men that was on full display. McCain suggested that Hagel and his critics were not quibbling over small matters. “They are not reasonable people disagreeing; they are fundamental disagreements. Our concerns pertain to the quality of your professional judgment and your worldview on critical areas of national security,” he said.

US mulls action against cyberattacks BY LOLITA C. BALDOR ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is considering more assertive action against Beijing to combat a persistent cyber-espionage campaign it believes Chinese hackers are waging against U.S. companies and government agencies. As The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that their computer systems had been infiltrated by China-based hackers, cybersecurity experts said the U.S. government is eyeing more pointed diplomatic and trade measures. Two former U.S. officials said the administration is preparing a new National Intelligence Estimate that, when complete, is expected to detail the cyberthreat, particularly from China, as a growing economic problem. One official said it also will cite more directly a role by the Chinese government in such espionage. The official said the NIE, an assessment prepared by the National Intelligence Council, will underscore the administration’s concerns about the threat, and will put greater weight on plans for more aggressive action against the Chinese government. The official was not authorized to discuss the classified report and spoke only on condition of anonymity. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in an interview with reporters as she wound up her tenure, said the U.S. needs to send a strong message that it will respond to such incidents. “We have to begin making it clear to the Chinese — they’re not the only people hacking us or attempting to hack us — that the United States is going to have to take action to protect not only our government’s, but our private sec-

tor, from this kind of illegal intrusions. There’s a lot that we are working on that will be deployed in the event that we don’t get some kind of international effort under way,” she said. “Obviously this can become a very unwelcome and even dangerous tit-for-tat that could be a crescendo of consequences, here at home and around the world, that no one wants to see happen,” she said. Although the administration hasn’t yet decided what steps it may take, actions could include threats to cancel certain visas or put major purchases of Chinese goods through national security reviews. “The U.S. government has started to look seriously at more assertive measures and begun to engage the Chinese on senior levels,” said James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “They realize that this is a major problem in the bilateral relationship that threatens to destabilize U.S. relations with China.” To date, extensive discussions between Chinese officials and top U.S. leaders — including President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta — have had little impact on what government and cybersecurity experts say is escalating and technologically evolving espionage. The Chinese deny such espionage efforts. Internet search leader Google focused attention on the China threat three years ago by alleging that it had traced a series of hacking attacks to that country. The company said the breaches, which became known as “Operation Aurora,” appeared aimed at heisting some of its business secrets, as well as spying on Chinese human rights activists who relied on

Google’s Gmail service. As many as 20 other U.S. companies were also said to be targeted. A four-month long cyberattack against The New York Times is the latest in a long string of breaches said to be by China-based hackers into corporate and government computer systems across the United States. The Times attacks, routed through computers at U.S. universities, targeted staff members’ email accounts, the Times said, and were likely in retribution for the newspaper’s investigation into the wealth amassed by the family of a top Chinese leader. The Wall Street Journal on Thursday said that its computer systems, too, had been breached by China-based hackers in an effort to monitor the newspaper’s coverage of China issues.

This is a major problem … that threatens to destabilize U.S. relations with China. JAMES LEWIS Cybersecurity expert, Center for Strategic and International Studies Me d i a o rga n i za t i o n s with bureaus in China have believed for years that their computers, phones and conversations were likely monitored on a fairly regular basis by the Chinese. The Gmail account of an Associated Press staffer was broken into in China in 2010. Richard Bejtlich, the chief security officer at Mandiant, the firm hired by the Times to investigate the cyberattack, said the breach is consistent with what he routinely sees China-based hacking groups do. But, he said it had

a personal aspect to it that became apparent: The hackers got into 53 computers but largely looked at the emails of the reporters working on a particular story. The newspaper’s investigation delved into how the relatives and family of Premier Wen Jiabao built a fortune worth over $2 billion. “We’re starting to see more cases where there is a personal element,” Bejtlich said, adding that it gives companies another factor to consider. “It may not just be the institution, but, is there some aspect of your company that would cause someone on the other side to take personal interest in you?” Journalists are popular targets, particularly in efforts to determine what information reporters have and who may be talking to them. The Chinese foreign and defense ministries called the Times’ allegations baseless, and the Defense Ministry denied any involvement by the military. “Chinese law forbids hacking and any other actions that damage Internet security,” the Defense Ministry said. “The Chinese military has never supported any hacking activities. Cyberattacks are characterized by being crossnational and anonymous. To accuse the Chinese military of launching cyberattacks without firm evidence is not professional and also groundless.” In a report in November 2011, U.S. intelligence officials for the first time publicly accused China and Russia of systematically stealing American high-tech data for economic gain. And over the past several years, cybersecurity has been one of the key issues raised with allies as part of a broader U.S. effort to strengthen America’s defenses and encourage an international policy on accepted practices in cyberspace.


Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., questioned Chuck Hagel, President Obama’s choice for defense secretary, during his confirmation hearing.



SPORTS Bulldogs prep for Harvard M. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 rod ’15 said. Sherrod will suit up for this weekend’s games for the first time since Yale’s loss to Nevada over winter break, in which he suffered a hematoma. Captain Sam Martin ’13 also highlighted the importance of treating the game like any other, saying that when a team treats a certain game differently than other games, the team’s play often can falter. Still, Martin expects a rowdy environment on Friday. “There will probably be some more people [at the Harvard game], they’ll probably be saying some meaner things,” he said. “But other than that it’s just playing another basketball game.” Martin noted that the Elis have been preparing for the Crimson’s small-ball style of play, which relies on spreading the floor for its strong shooters and slashers. The captain also said that because of the Bulldogs’ size advantage, he hopes the team will be able to control the game in the paint. “We gotta do a good job of running them off of the 3-point line and sticking with shooters and hopefully [we can] beat them up on the inside and control the rebound battle,” Martin added. The Elis will have to be particularly wary of Harvard forward Wesley Saunders, who currently averages 16.3 points per game to lead the Ivy League. Guard Siyani Chambers has shot just over 44 percent from beyond the 3-point arc this season and also figures to pose a challenge to the Elis. In addition to controlling the

lane, the Bulldogs will Friday, 7 p.m. look to limit at the Crimson offense by playing strong team defense, Harvard Sherrod said. After comSaturday, 6 p.m. pleting its at game on Saturday, Yale will travel to New HampDartmouth shire to take on Dartmouth. While the Big Green have won only a single conference game over the past three seasons, the Elis cannot afford to take them lightly. Dartmouth nearly sprung a massive Ivy League upset last weekend against Harvard, leading the Crimson by 10 with three minutes left before collapsing down the stretch and dropping the contest in overtime. Martin said that the Elis have not prepared too much for the contest against the Big Green, and will begin to prepare intensely for that matchup late Friday night. “We’ll watch tape on Friday after the Harvard game,” he said. “Then we’ll start to [get] the scouting report for Dartmouth right after.” The Elis will tip off against Harvard at Lavietes Pavilion in Boston at 7 p.m. on Friday and against Dartmouth at Leede Arena in Hanover at the same time on Saturday.

Men’s Basketball

Contact ALEX EPPLER at .


Forward Justin Sears ’16 led the Bulldogs with 18 points in a 76–64 overtime win against Brown last week. The freshman is second on the team with 10.6 points per game.

Kareem Abdul Jabbar on the HBO series “Girls”: “The characters talk boldly about sex, but their actions are often shy and unsatisfying. The contrast of the generation that’s been taught that pretty much anything goes sexually trying to act cool while struggling with their vulnerabilities is generally fresh and original and insightful about this generation.”

Women’s hockey on the road BY GRANT BRONSDON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Coming off of a big win in the “White Out for Mandi” game last Saturday afternoon, the Yale women’s hockey team is looking to solidify its playoff position by picking up some points this weekend on the road against Princeton and Quinnipiac.

WOMEN’S HOCKEY The Elis (4–16–1, 3–10–1 ECAC) are currently tied with Colgate for the eighth and final playoff spot in the conference, but they stand just one point above Brown and Princeton (7–12–2, 2–10–2). “We’re sitting in a playoff spot right now, but so many teams are so close and we can’t get complacent at all,” captain Alyssa Zupon ’13 said after Saturday’s 2–0 shutout victory over Colgate. In order to maintain the Bulldogs’ perch, the team is looking to make a splash against the Tigers, against whom they have a three-game losing streak. Princeton is coming off of a two-week hiatus due to finals. The Tigers have a defense

great play, and what you’re seeing now is the maturation process coming full circle where he can maintain that level of play for a longer period of time,” head coach Keith Allain said. While the Quinnipiac team defense and penalty-killing are currently both ranked No. 2 in the country, the Bulldogs have the edge on team offense, ranked at the No. 15 spot above Quinnipiac at 23 and Princeton at 35. The Tigers will have an advantage on the power play, as they are 16-for-64 with a 25 percent conversion rate, compared to the Bulldogs’ 21.43 percent success rate. Princeton’s powerful offense and Yale’s strong defense will clash as they did in this year’s Ivy League shootout, where Yale toppled the Tigers with a last-

schedule, though, and the team is aware of it. “We still have a lot of games left, which means more points towards our playoff bid,” forward Jamie Haddad ’16 said after Saturday’s win. Her remarks were echoed by captain Zupon. “It will only get harder from here since so many other teams, like us, are fighting desperately to keep their season alive,” she said.

The team’s improvement over last season is clear. Yale managed to pick up only one win in the 2011–’12 season, finishing the year on a 21-game winless streak. This year, however, the Bulldogs have four wins, on top of six one-goal losses. Yale plays Friday at 7 p.m. at Princeton and Saturday at 4 p.m. against Quinnipiac. Contact GRANT BRONSDON at .


Defender Jamie Gray ’13 has recorded one goal and two assists for the Elis this season.

Epstein leads Elis in senior season BY J.R. REED STAFF REPORTER Building momentum from an impressive fall season, the women’s tennis team has gotten off to a quick start in its spring campaign, beating Delaware State 7–0 and Ole Miss 4–2 during the ITA Kick-Off Weekend in Mississippi on Jan. 27. A significant part of the Bulldogs’ success has been the play of team captain Elizabeth Epstein ’13, the No. 42 ranked singles player in the country. Last spring, the Elis enjoyed an incredibly successful season, making it to the second round of the NCAA tournament before falling to then-No. 5 Stanford. But Epstein said they could have pushed further. Currently ranked No. 24 in the nation, the Bulldogs hope to win a third consecutive Ivy League title and advance further in the NCAA tournament than last year. “Every season we try to push the program forward more and take it to new heights,” Epstein said. “This year, obviously, winning another Ivy League title is a big goal of ours. We’re also trying to make it to Sweet 16 in NCAAs and do something we’ve never done before.” Epstein said it’s important for the Bulldogs to build up their ranking now to get a good draw when the NCAA tournament begins in May. She added Princeton always competes well against Yale in the Ivy League, and Columbia has great talent this year as well. To help reach their team goals, Epstein said that practices have featured much higher intensity than in years past. “There’s a sense of urgency, and there’s a different sense

Yale faces Ivy rival, cross-town rival MEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12

that’s been fairly exploitFriday, 7 p.m. able, allowing at 3.72 goals per c o n fe re n c e game, which ranks last in the ECAC. Princeton Quinnipiac (14–9– Saturday, 4 p.m. 2, 8–5–1) is at comfortably ensconced in a playoff position, Quinnipiac currently holding the fifth seed. The Bobcats are riding a hot streak, having won eight of their past 10 games. They are led by forward Kelly Babstock, who is seventh in the country with 43 points this season — 31 more than Yale’s leading scorer, forward Janelle Ferrara ’16. Right now, however, the Elis feel good about their chances. “We are very optimistic towards the end of our season,” defenseman Tara Tomimoto ’14 said. “We always play our best hockey near the end of the year, and I have no doubt we can make playoffs.” Eight games still remain in the Bulldogs’ regular season

Women’s Hockey

minute goal in what Men’s Hockey Allain called a “deadFriday, 7 p.m. even game.” vs. Both of this weekend’s games are important for Yale’s conference standing and for the PairWise Princeton rankings in which the Elis are currently Saturday, 7 p.m. ranked fifth and the vs. Bobcats are ranked No. 1. After this weekend’s contests, the Quinnipiac Bulldogs will travel to Princeton and Quinnipiac on Feb. 22 and 23 for the second time this season. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .

when you step out on the court than in my previous years,” Epstein said. “I feel like, in contrast to other years, every practice has been good whereas it hasn’t been the case in past years.” During her freshman year, the Bulldogs did not make the NCAA tournament, but in the next two years they won back-to-back Ivy League titles. She added that the team looks to play more against top-10 teams, and the athletes recruited during her four years have continued to get better and better. Following a successful high school tennis career at the Parker School in Chicago, Ill., Epstein said she looked to Yale because of its great academics and athletics. “There aren’t many schools in

the country that excel at both,” Epstein said. “The team also definitely played a huge role in my decision to come here.” Coming in as a freshman, Epstein said she was unsure of what to expect, and adjusting to the level of fitness was a challenge. Epstein said that fitness was definitely the biggest difference she noticed in transitioning from high school to college tennis. “It took me a while to adjust to early-morning shuttle runs, as well as the weight workouts,” she said. “All the top collegiate players are fit and strong, so I have spent lots of time in the weight room getting stronger and more fit, and it has definitely paid off.” Madeleine Hamilton ’16, who plays No. 1 singles for the Bull-

dogs, praised Epstein’s leadership style and organization, saying that Epstein is very encouraging and motivating at practice, which can be really helpful if teammates are having trouble. “I think Elizabeth has done a really great job as captain,” head coach Danielle McNamara said. “She’s one of those people who is a pleasure to be around. She’s also always been such a great competitor and someone who is really clutch under pressure. That’s something that you can’t really teach.” The Bulldogs take on Florida International today at home and will face Arkansas on Sunday. Contact J.R. REED at .


Elizabeth Epstein ’13, the No. 42 player in the country, will lead the Elis against No. 37 Arkansas.

Elis take on Dartmouth defense WOMEN’S BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 Despite its strong overall outside shooting this season, Yale will have to rely heavily on its inside game this weekend after a disappointing performance from the 3-point line last week. The Bulldogs shot 2–15 from outside the arc against Brown and will be looking to increase their 39 percent season field goal average this weekend. Both Harvard and Dartmouth will pose a threat on the boards. The Crimson are second in the conference with 37.9 rebounds per game and the Big Green are in fourth with 36.8, while Yale has managed only 35.9 rebounds per game and sits in sixth place. The Bulldogs will look to their leading rebounders Meredith Boardman ’16 and Zenab Keita ’14, who each average over four rebounds per game. “Rebounding is not our greatest strength so that is something we are continually working on,” guard Nyasha Sarju ’16 said. “We have to be able

Women’s Basketball Friday, 7 p.m. vs.

Harvard Saturday, 7 p.m. vs.


to defend both the drive and the shot this weekend and so that has been another point of emphasis during practice.” Sarju said that the Elis have also focused on fast breaks in preparing for Harvard and Dartmouth. Last weekend against Brown, the Bulldogs managed only six fast break points, though they held the Bears to

eight. “We have been focusing on making sure we play our transition game and get out and run, both offensively and defensively,” Sarju said. Yale has seen consistency over the season on the offensive end from guard

Sarah Halejian ’15, who has scored in double figures in 15 of Yale’s last 16 games and leads the Bulldogs in scoring, averaging 13.9 points per game. Last weekend against Brown, Halejian recorded the first double-double of her career with 21 points and 10 rebounds. The Elis are hoping to take their second conference victory, only having fallen to Brown by one point earlier this month, before getting revenge against the Bears a week later. “We’ve been working on playing well under pressure,” Keita said. “Harvard just lost to Dartmouth, so they are fired up … with that type of intensity coming at us, we need to be able to handle them.” The Bulldogs will take on Harvard this Friday at 7 p.m. at John J. Lee Amphitheater. They will continue conference play against Dartmouth this Saturday at 6 p.m. Contact DINÉE DORAME at .



NHL Toronto 3 Washington 2

NHL New York 5 New Jersey 4

NHL St.Louis 4 Columbus 1

NHL Buffalo 7 Boston 4



SUPER BOWL QUARTERBACK’S FATHER WON IVY TITLE FOR PENN Steve Flacco Penn ’83, the father of Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco, appeared recently in a Philadelphia Daily News story about Penn’s 1982 upset conference victory over Harvard. The elder Flacco helped Penn drive for the game-winning field goal in a 23–21 win.

MEN’S HOCKEY GAMES TO BE AIRED ON WYBC WYBC Yale Radio announced Thursday that it will now broadcast all Yale home games and select road games on WYBC-AM 1340. The broadcasts will be available through, the TuneIn smartphone app and TuneIn. com, in addition to over the air.

NBA Oklahoma 106 Memphis 87


“There will probably be more people there, they’ll probably [say] some meaner things.” SAM MARTIN ’13 CAPTAIN, MEN’S BASKETBALL YALE DAILY NEWS · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2013 ·

Princeton, QPac come to Ingalls


The Ten Commandments, revisited



Captain Andrew Miller ’13 has 9–12–21 this season and a string of 10 straight games with a point. BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER Though the Bulldogs kept a fivegame winning streak alive with an overtime win over Cornell last weekend, the Colgate Raiders snapped the Elis’ momentum on the road. A revamped Yale men’s hockey squad will take the ice at Ingalls Rink tonight and tomorrow looking for its fourth sweep of the season. This evening at 7 p.m., the No. 14

Bulldogs (12–5–3, 8–4–1 ECAC) will face off against Ivy League rival Princeton before they suit up for Saturday’s matchup against cross-town opponent No. 2 Quinnipiac. The Tigers have gone undefeated in Ivy competition apart from a pair of losses to Yale and Brown at the Ivy League shootout during the preseason. The Bulldogs also defeated the Tigers in a best-of-three series in the ECAC playoffs last season. Quinnipiac (18–3–3, 11–0–1) is coming off a

Elis prepare for big road weekend

huge 17-game lossless stretch, but the squad has not touched the ice since Jan. 22. While the Yale power play went 0-for-7 over last weekend, team defense and special teams will be an integral part of this weekend’s matchups against the Tigers and the Bobcats. “We need to play sound defensively and hopefully that will turn into some good offense,” team captain and forward Andrew Miller ’13 said. Defense will be key against the Princeton (7–8–4, 5–4–3) attack

led by forward Andrew Calof, who is the 15th highest-scoring forward in the country and ECAC player of the month. Goaltending from Jeff Malcolm ’13 will help back the Bulldog defense. Malcolm is 11–4–3 in net for the Elis this season and has been selected as ECAC goalie of the week the past two weeks. “Jeff has always shown periods of

The list of Division I, Orthodox Jewish college basketball players is short — precisely three names long. The most recent addition to the club, 6-foot10-inch Aaron Liberman, is now a freshman at Northwestern, where he is a preferred walk-on. As he’s not following a well-trodden path, Liberman will certainly need spiritual guidance through his quest at Northwestern. Surely, he’ll be very grateful for the 10 amended commandments agreed upon by the God of Judaism and the God of Basketball: 1) Thou shalt have no other gods but us two. If Koufax stops by, he will of course be permitted as a temporary third. 2) You must not make for yourself an idol, unless he be Amar’e Stoudemire. 3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, nor shalt you mention him at more than 25 percent of postgame press conferences. 4) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: Eat kosher, don’t touch elevator buttons and cut backdoor. 5) Honor thy father (go to law school after you’re done throwing the ball at the hoop, mishugina) and thy mother (how many times do I have to tell you to comb your hair under your kippah?) 6) Thou shalt not kill a team by more than 20 points — be a mensch. 7) Thou shalt not commit adultery, because thou shalt not wish to. Matchmaking is our specialty. Who do you think told LeBron to go to the Heat? 8) This was a toughie. After serious conferring, we have determined that thou shalt be able to steal. Low-risk defense is for gentiles. 9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor: Take responsibility for your turnovers. 10) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor shalt thou declare that she tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios.


Yale looks to find shooting touch in Ivy play BY DINÉE DORAME CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Fresh off a win at Brown last weekend, the women’s basketball team (6–10, 1–1 Ivy) is hoping to improve its conference record this weekend.


BY ALEX EPPLER STAFF REPORTER After two weeks of conference play, the men’s basketball team finds itself directly in the middle of the standings early in the Ivy League season.

MEN’S BASKETBALL The Bulldogs dropped a contest in Providence two weeks ago against Brown before avenging the defeat with a rousing overtime victory last weekend, and now sit in third place in the league. This weekend, though, the Elis will go on the road to face two squads on opposite ends of the standings, including one of their biggest matchups of the year. The Bulldogs (7–12, 1–1 Ivy) will square off against archrival Harvard (10–6, 2–0), the current Ivy co-leader, on Friday before driving up to Hanover to face perennial conference cellar-dweller Dartmouth (4–12, 0–2) on Saturday. “Obviously we try to treat it as any other game, but Harvard is a big game regardless of what our records are,” forward Brandon SherSEE MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 11



Sarah Halejian ’15 earned her first career double-double with 21 points and 10 rebounds last week against Brown.


The Bulldogs will host both Harvard and Dartmouth as they continue the pursuit of their first Ivy League title since 1979. “Harvard definitely draws a bit more intensity and urgency out of us than a lot of the other games we play because of the ancient rivalry,” center Zenab Keita ’14 said. “We know they are another top contender for the number one spot.” As the Bulldogs prepare for their back-toback matchups, defensive efforts have been an area of focus. Junior Crimson guard Christine Clark, who is averaging 17.2 points per game, and teammate Victoria Lippert, who boasts an 89.2 percent free throw percentage, promise to test the Eli defense. Dartmouth (3–13, 1–1) is coming off a recent 58–45 upset win at Harvard and is shooting 34.5 percent from the field, several points below the Bulldogs’ 39.0 percent average. The Big Green held the sharpshooting Harvard offense to just 1–19 from beyond arc and is sure to challenge the Eli shooters, who currently trail only Harvard (10–6, 1–1) with a 34.3 3-point percentage. SEE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 11

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