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Climate & Energy Institute unveils new, non-major program


Bulldogs show signs of improvement, winning three in a row





Seeking leadership diversity

But actually though. Today is

chicken tenders day — at least according to the online menu provided by Yale Dining. Go crazy.

Legislature passes gun reform bill

Sweet serenade. Yalies

studying in Bass Café on Tuesday night got a brief dose of Yale cheer when roughly 10 underwear-clad students from the Yale Precision Marching Band marched through the café playing “Bulldog,” the Yale fight song, among the hordes of studying students.


percent of the top 100 staff positions — which include University officers and those who report directly to them — and 10 percent of the 10 University officers, comprised of the University president, provost and eight vice presidents, all of whom but one are white.

HARTFORD – With the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School still fresh in the minds of lawmakers, the Connecticut Senate and House voted Monday night to pass one of the most sweeping gun-control packages in the nation. Following several weeks of intense bipartisan negotiation, the Senate delivered its legislative response to the shooting with 20 of 22 Democrats and six of 14 Republicans voting in favor of the new legislation. And after over seven hours of debate, the House voted 105– 44 in favor of the bill as well, sending the legislation onward to Gov. Dannel Malloy, who is expected to sign the bill into law on Thursday. The vote came 110 days after gunman Adam Lanza opened fire on 20 children and six educators in Newtown, Conn., touching off a national conversation over the constitutionality and effectiveness of gun restrictions. The debate in Connecticut, a state that has historically rested at the heart of the nation’s gun manufacturing industry, grew particularly contentious, with proponents on both sides flocking to the Capitol earlier this year for a public hearing and rally on the issue. The final bill includes new bans on assault-



But the story continues.

A group of Yalies dove into Wednesday Night Toad’s at 12:30 a.m. decked out in Yale hockey jerseys and musical instruments to bring a bit of Yale pride to the popular dance club. The students, which dubbed themselves “Team U” for “Upset Toads,” played Yale’s Fight Song to a surprised audience as part of a broader effort to celebrate Yale’s first trip to the Frozen Four in over 60 years. Stressed from the power outage? The Freshman Class

Council will be holding the University’s inaugural “Day of Relaxation” today in what it hopes will become an annual event dedicated to tackling stress and promoting mental health awareness. Throughout the day, the FCC will hold seminars, activities and workshops — including massages for members of the class of 2016, coloring activities and a yoga workout — across campus. Competing for glory. Yale’s

all-cello rock group “Low Strung” is in the final running for ZipCar’s “Students With Drive” competition and could win $15,000 in addition to $10,000 for Yale’s scholarship fund. The group is currently in third place with 390 votes, trailing behind the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign’s “Camp Kesem,” which garnered 829 votes as of press time. Voting will end on Monday.

#InternetProblems. The website for The Daily Princetonian, the student-run newspaper at Princeton, was still down Wednesday night after the mother of a Princeton student published a viral and controversial column last Friday encouraging Princeton women to find their husbands before they graduate from the elite university. The column made waves on the Internet and inadvertently brought down the Princetonian’s website. In the interim, the Princetonian has been posting new content to a temporary WordPress site.


Of the University’s 10 officers, only Vice President Kimberly Goff-Crews, bottom right, identifies as an ethnic minority. BY JULIA ZORTHIAN STAFF REPORTER Upon first examination, the University staff is not significantly less diverse than the student body, with 28 percent of staff employees identifying as ethnic minorities. But the leadership of the Univer-

sity is a different story — during a year of administrative transition, the top two University positions, provost and president, will remain filled by white males. When the groups of staff are broken down by rank, the percentage identifying as ethnic minorities steadily decreases to 17 percent at the managerial and professional level, 12

Fund struggles to define role in city


look at Arizona’s public finance system, one of the first of its kind in the nation, sheds light on the issues faced by New Haven’s Democracy Fund. DIANA LI reports in the second of a three part series. PHOENIX — In 1991, seven Arizona legislators were indicted after being caught on camera

taking bribes from an undercover government agent, promising to support state legislation in favor

of legalizing gambling. The scandal sparked outrage across the state and pushed Arizona voters to pass the Citizens Clean Elections Act in 1998. The program, which offers public financing for all statewide offices, aims to fight the influence of money in politics and enable candidates with substantial support to access funding and run competitively against more

Campus faces power outage


DEMOCRACY FUND PART 2 OF 3 On the other side of the country and almost a decade later, New Haven held its first publicly financed mayoral election in 2007. According to then-Board of


The blackout lasted from about 6:25 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.. BY LORENZO LIGATO AND NICOLE NAREA STAFF REPORTER Though Yale has sustained power through both a record-breaking snowstorm and hurricane this school year, an 80-minute outage swept the University’s campus amid Wednesday evening’s clear weather. The unexpected blackout hit Yale’s cen-

tral campus at approximately 6:25 p.m. and lasted until about 7:45 p.m., leaving thousands of students without lights, electricity and Internet service. According to University Vice President Linda Lorimer, United Illuminating Company — a New Havenbased regional electric distribution comSEE BLACKOUT PAGE 5

Aldermen president Carl Goldfield, the city looked to other systems as models around the country when it established its own public finance program in 2006; Arizona’s was one such system. The Fund’s first participant was someone who had helped create the program itself: Mayor John DeStefano Jr. SEE DEMOCRACY FUND PAGE 4

Students decry grading changes BY JANE DARBY MENTON STAFF REPORTER


1978 New Haven Alderman Walter Brooks announces the creation of a minority program that will aim to improve the living situation of black and Hispanic Elm City residents. Brooks argued in his “State of the Black and Hispanic Community” that the current city administration was not doing enough to help minority communities.

heavily sponsored opponents.

As the faculty considers an overhaul of Yale’s current undergraduate grading system, students are beginning to voice opposition to the recommendations. At Thursday’s Yale College faculty meeting, professors will vote on the proposals of the Yale College Ad-Hoc Committee on Grading, which recommends that Yale adopt a 100-point grading scale and suggests a rubric of grade distributions. Since Yale College Dean Mary Miller released the committee’s preliminary report to undergraduates in February, students have been raising concerns over the implications of the proposed changes on academics and student life. The Yale College Council released an official response to the committee’s proposals on Sunday, calling for faculty to reject or vote to postpone the committee’s proposals, while an independent petition urging the faculty to reject the proposal has raised over 1,200 signatures since it was sent out Monday. And on Thursday, students will stage a protest outside Davies Auditorium, where the faculty meeting

will take place. ”These proposals would influence immediate lives of Yalies, but also the admissions process — instead of being a collaborative school, we would become much more competitive,” said Danny Avraham ’15, YCC vice president and chair of the YCC Academics Committee. “The obsession that might evolve to get that 100 might also take away from other extracurricular activities, which are for many a valuable part of the Yale experience.” Economics professor Ray Fair, who chaired the committee on grading, said the group considered student opinion while finalizing the report and will present student concerns at the meeting. Still, he added that any ultimate decision will fall on the faculty. The YCC response cites three principal causes for student concern: the lack of student representation on the grading committee, flaws in the committee’s composition and research objectives, and failure to address student concerns adequately. Avraham said that student opinion was not considered until after the report was already compiled. According to a survey conSEE GRADING PAGE 5




.COMMENT “The good professor does not acquit himself well”

Antisocial behaviors O

n Monday, the News ran a half-page ad undersigned by societies that are meant to be secret. It announced that “Tap Night” would fall on April 11, preceded by a week of revelries that would begin today. Tonight is pre-“Tap Night,” when juniors will learn whether they should block off every Thursday and Sunday next year. On my pre-Tap Night, I sat suited and dress-shoed in a Branford room with the other would-be members of Linonia, a debating society and my only sort-of pre-tap. There were scraps of paper on which to take notes, and there was wine on which to get drunk. (I didn’t take many notes.) Our debating was periodically interrupted by chants coming from assorted societies gathered in the courtyard. Theirs seemed to be the more typical pre-tap experience: capes, masks, silly costumes and carousing. Leaving Branford after the debate, I felt overdressed. Tap Night came and went. Linonia, I suppose, didn’t approve of my sub-par note taking and above-par imbibing. The tapping process sucks. I’ve heard folks defend societies writ large, but I’ve never heard anyone defend the protracted, untransparent and downright mean way societies select their members. Last year, my spring semester felt like one long application process that I didn’t remember entering and had no chance to opt out of. Through unexplained methods, the class of 2012 was appraising my life. My friends had invitations slipped under their doors and were attending interviews at the Study, and I fretted about not having invitations slipped under my door and not attending interviews at the Study. (In one fit of self-delusion, I wondered whether living in an apartment was disadvantaging me. How could seniors slip invitations under my door if they couldn’t enter my building?) I was told the tapping process was arbitrary, but I still came to think of it as a measure of my self-worth. One former member of Scroll and Key told me her society devised a complex system to rank the incoming class. But even the non-meritocratic societies were implicitly judging me. Was I cool enough to join them? Smart enough? Funny enough? Interesting enough? This year, the tapping process has left me tasting ashes. I’ve heard about objections raised against one junior because “he was awkward last night at Box.” I’ve heard about junior women being blackballed by senior women for no apparent reason. Admittedly, my understanding of this process is based on hearsay, but the picture that emerges

TEO SOARES Traduções

would be comical if it weren’t a w f u l . “There were voices raised, tears shed and hearts b r o k e n ,” said a friend about deliberations for her landed

society. Why does it matter? This is the question I ask when friends in societies complain about their seven-hour deliberations. The seniors picking the next tap class are graduating in little more than a month. When I’m told a junior has been barred from society because he was awkward at Box, two things come to mind. First, the senior doing the barring probably won’t be at Box next year. And second, are these really the grounds on which these decisions are made? One senior conceded the process’s insidiousness but not its irrelevance. When we talked, she was debating whether she should attend Tap Night next week or watch the Yale hockey team at the Frozen Four in Pittsburgh. This was an actual dilemma: She is close to the guys on the hockey team, and she’s close to her society. Whatever she does, she’ll be turning her back on one set of friends. When seniors say their society-mates are some of their closest friends, I believe them. But here’s the rub: The gossipy and untransparent tapping process does nothing to ensure that the incoming class will share a bond of friendship. If it did, I wouldn’t hear stories of seniors napping during other people’s bios. I wouldn’t hear secrets spilled from supposedly closed meetings. I wouldn’t hear people complaining about the time commitment. For every senior who is close to his or her societymates, there’s another senior, often in the same society, who doesn’t care. Societies rely on a broken model. Friendships can’t be preordained. They are forged at Wednesday night Toad’s and over roundtables at Viva’s. In a society, they will only emerge if members put in the effort. Which brings me back to the seniors who will be wearing capes and masks this week: They are powerless. They have no control over whether their taps will even like each other. Their interviews and sevenhour deliberations are not legitimate processes that keep the best interests of juniors in mind. They are bonfires of vanities, and everyone gets burned.


oday, the faculty will consider a proposal aimed at ending our alleged epidemic of grade inflation. Several have criticized the proposal — which 79 percent of students oppose, according to a Yale College Council poll, and fewer than 10 percent support — by challenging the premise that we have grade inflation or by arguing that nothing needs to be done about it. These are fair points — declining admissions rates suggest better students, and even an inflated system provides a relative measure of student achievement. But to those faculty members who don’t buy these arguments — who believe that we have real grade inflation and wish to change it — you should still vote no today. The preliminary report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Grading has failed spectacularly to research and justify its centerpiece proposal: the imposition of a 59–100 point grading system. It fails to acknowledge serious and obvious hurdles to implementation, and it ignores ways the new scale could exacerbate those very problems it purports to address. The committee’s main argument for a numerical grading system is best summed up by this sentence from its report: “Studies of hyperinflations have shown that two things are necessary to stop them: structural reforms and changing the units of


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the currency.” Apparently, then, we don’t just have grade inflation; we have hyperinflation. Hyperinflations — such HARRY as the one that LARSON destabilized the Weimer Nothing in Republic and set the stage for Particular Nazi Germany — often do require a redenomination of currency, because they involve such a rapid debasement that people cease to believe that their money has any real and reliable value. Yale students, on the other hand, still value their grades. Even if you think that the value of grading has been diluted, no one would argue that they have lost any and all value. Still, this comparison serves as the report’s primary justification for a numerical scale. They state, but do not support, the view that grade inflation is so severe that it must be curtailed with a new denomination that would signal a “new regime” and remove the symbolic difference between, say, a B-plus and an A-minus. Given Princeton’s much-publicized grade deflation, one might think that the report’s authors would have at least explained why deflation in the context of a letter-

grading system is impossible. They did not. Nor are the challenges of a point-grading system, especially for humanities classes, ever addressed. Perhaps because the makeup of the committee was so tilted towards the sciences and social sciences, its report never addresses the fact that while a B-plus and A-minus paper are usually distinguishable, an 88 or 89 paper may not be. Worst of all, it is likely that a point-grading system could make the very worst problems of grade inflation all the more pronounced. A student with whom I discussed this issue made the point that while the best students used to get A’s, the second-best students got B’s and the third-best students got C’s, those same groups now receive A’s, A-minuses and B-pluses, precisely because Yale moved to allow more grading variation. Under the new system, will these same students get 95s, 94s and 93s? 100s, 99s and 98s? If that sounds farfetched, consider the report’s assertion that grade inflation has been exacerbated by competition between departments for students; as departments that graded harder were put at a competitive disadvantage, more and more gradually gave in to the pressure to grade more leniently. It seems to me not just plausible but likely that while most pro-

fessors would initially give grades above, say, a 94 for only the most exceptional work, there will be at least one lecture where the best students get 99s and 98s. The following year, a few more lectures will give slightly higher grades, and soon enough whole departments will follow. True, the report proposes grade distribution guidelines, but those guidelines are meant to be nonbinding, without any enforcement teeth. To the extent that the problem of grade inflation is one of variation — some professors give into it while others don’t, penalizing students who take noninflated classes — a point system would dramatically enlarge the room for that variation. The same professor might not give the same work exactly the same point grade if he graded it on two different days; imagine how different grades will be between professors who disagree on grading standards. A numerical grading system, in short, seems a highly problematic solution to our supposed problem. To adopt one in the face of immense student opposition, without having addressed opponents’ most elementary criticisms, would be the height of hubris. I urge the faculty to vote no. HARRY LARSON is a junior in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at .


When the power goes out I

went home to New York City over Easter weekend to see my parents and to do what we do as a family only once a year — go to church. If you’re at Holy Cross Church of Armenia any other weekend, there are (maybe) 10 parishioners in the pews. But this weekend, the holiest of the Christian calendar, there’s hardly an empty seat in the building. Everyone looks at each other nervously for cues on when to stand and sit, since most haven’t been since the same time last year. Yet every year, they come back. I met a friend in the city later that day for dinner. As she and I perused the eclectic shops and restaurants, we came upon a façade that looked completely anachronistic. “St. Stanislaus Polish Catholic Church,” the display board read, adjacent to a huge bust of Pope John Paul II. We went in to have a look. She immediately crossed herself thrice — repeating the gesture as we left. “You know, I don’t really believe anything the church teaches,” she said. “But tonight, after I get drunk, I’m probably going to stumble over to Easter Vigil at 4 a.m.”

This entire episode shocked me almost as much as another here at Yale, when a friend — surely one of the most passionate, ardent atheists on campus freshman year — was caught (by me) at Slifka, with a kippah on his head. “I thought you hated this stuff!” “I’m keeping an open mind,” he replied, without a trace of the tenacity with which he defended and evangelized atheism freshman year. The metanarrative of the prodigal son spans millennia, taking on 20th century forms in the lives and works of Edith Stein, Evelyn Waugh, C.S. Lewis and Oscar Wilde. Lewis recalled his conversion to Christianity as an experience in which he was “kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance to escape.” In the end, he felt compelled to submit to what — whether he liked it or not — he deemed to be the truth. Leah Libresco ’11 converted to Catholicism from atheism after years of intense debates with friends from the Yale Political Union. Religion is lost on a great many Yale students, for whom religious practice is a childhood activity

one compartmentalizes in college, if not abandoning it completely. Few have the deep, serious discussions about how to live, partly because the implications of these discussions are way too real. We intensely hunger for truth but don’t know, don’t have the time or don’t have the bravery to start looking. Religion is powerful because of God. Social justice is a noble cause, and lifelong self-improvement should be in the back of everyone’s mind. But being part of a community center can do that for you. For those who think that this is all religion offers, you’re only getting the frosting on the cake. Tastes good, looks good, feels good — but it ain’t the cake. It is the externality of divinity from the meekness and banality of life that makes it powerful. It is this externality that reminds us, when we grow blind by routine, that good and evil are everywhere around and inside of us. When the power goes out, as it’s bound to do at some point in every individual’s life, the distractions with which we foolishly placate ourselves and justify the significance of our existence fade

away. Serenity is hard to come by, but religion isn’t just another balm. Some days you feel good, some days you don’t, but religion teaches you to take everyone as they come and to live authentically — because God is going nowhere. As another convert, English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, put it, He “plays in ten thousand places, / Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his.” So Yale, please start talking again. Talk long hours into the night. And sure, you’ll still do your homework, you’ll still run 10 clubs, you’ll still go to Toad’s — but do a little bit of forward thinking, too, so that you’re a little less scared when the lights go out. Ask yourself, when you go to church once a year, why you bother showing up at all. Are you selling yourself short? And finally, while you still can, look, as Hopkins says, just a little closer, “into the features of men’s faces.” Is there anything there? JOHN AROUTIOUNIAN is a sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at .


iPads in the emergency room?

YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400

EDITOR IN CHIEF Tapley Stephenson


Vote no on number grading

TEO SOARES is a senior in Silliman College. Contact him at .

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doctor’s treatment plan is supposed to guide you to health, but what happens when two doctors prescribe two different solutions, especially when these treatments are for our entire population? The American health care system is a minefield of such debates. However, a particular generational divide has informed one discussion: electronic medical records. In January, a panel at Yale on the Affordable Care Act demonstrated this gap. One panelist, an older practitioner, denounced medicine’s embrace of electronic medical records. Another panelist, a younger medical student, heralded the paper-free system. It’s easy to see where the disagreement lies. Electronic medical records may prevent misplacement of charts, illegible writing and the improper prescription of dangerous drug orders. The technology automatically reminds doctors to ask patients about allergies and graphs the progression of a patient’s health over time. Most importantly, electronic medical records may help integrate hospitals and doctors’ offices so that patient records can be more eas-

ily shared. This will shorten lag time between visits and offer lifesaving expediency in emergency rooms. Yet, electronic medical records are not perfect. While they may reduce costs in the long term, their short-term costs are mind-boggling — possibly over $20 billion to institutionalize them nationwide. Computers can become barriers between the patient and the physician, weakening the interpersonal interaction so key to establishing doctor-patient trust. Electronic medical records — with their one-click buttons and copypaste features — may prompt doctors to streamline physical exams and medical history. One review of electronic medical records revealed that a patient was on “day 2 of antibiotics” for five consecutive days — a clear misuse of “Apple-C.” Because of these reasons, the CDC reports that just less than 50 percent of American hospitals employ electronic medical records. We can see the debate over electronic medical records playing out today at Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNNH). EPIC, “a state of the art integrated information system

that combines all available patient information in a single database to improve all caregivers’ ability to review information and treat patients” was introduced to YNNH in 2011 according to their website. The system allows YNNH to integrate with its partner hospitals in Greenwich and Bridgeport. However, its implementation has not been easy — living up to its name — and has involved the training of 5,675 medical staff and ultimately affected 1,500,000 patients. Nurses, in particular, have strong opinions about the new online system. EPIC’s new functions and protocols for recording information require substantial adjustments to work habits. As a result, completion of an ordinary patient assessment often exceeds the available 10-minute interval. The nurses also exemplify the generational divide on technology. While older nurses find it difficult to enter measurements or observations — as EPIC’s sidebar of tabs are not straightforward — younger nurses overall seem more patient and optimistic that the transition will become easier with time. The generational problem may provide its own solution. Our gen-

eration is uniquely comfortable around technology. We grew up fiddling on iPads, ordering Starbucks coffee with our iPhones, and making reservations and appointments on the computer. Unlike our parents — who type with their two index fingers — we can type in the dark, blindfolded or with our eyes closed. In doing so, we’ve created a culture in which technology is normal, comfortable and ubiquitous. But technology should not support laziness. There is no high road to health. Just as DDT failed to kill all mosquitoes or penicillin failed to cure all infections, electronic medical records cannot exist as health care’s “magic bullet.” If electronic medical records are implemented nationally — and with the potential benefits, they should be — then stricter regulations are needed. Privacy and confidentiality need to be ensured, technological shortcuts prevented, and the doctorpatient relationship preserved and cherished. ISABEL BESHAR is a junior in Saybrook College. LINDSEY HIEBERT is a sophomore in Pierson College. Contact them at and .




“We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I’d say that’s how I feel at Yale.” MARINA KEEGAN ’12 FROM HER VIRAL ESSAY “THE OPPOSITE OF LONELINESS”

Marshall named senior fellow

The article “With ‘vibrator,’ an exploration of intimacy” mistakenly identified Jonathan Lian ’15 as one of the directors of “In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play).” In fact, Lian is the show’s producer. The article also misspelled the name of the Daldry couple, one of the two couples central to the play. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3

The article “Immigrant advocates blast DeLauro” stated that Josemaria Islas, a local undocumented worker facing deportation proceedings, has been deported four times before. In fact, Islas was not deported four times but caught and released by border patrol several times in attempting to enter the United States. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3

The article “Belly dancers combat hunger” misspelled the name of Kristen Windmuller-Luna ’08, a revered belly dancer and Middle Eastern scholar now known as Najla.

Yale unveils Energy Studies BY EMMA GOLDBERG STAFF REPORTER In an effort to create an academic track that caters to undergraduates interested in the scientific, economic and social impact of energy production, the Yale Climate & Energy Institute unveiled a new Energy Studies program this week. YCEI announced on Monday that it is accepting sophomore applications for the program, which will commence in fall 2013. YCEI Executive Director Michael Oristaglio GRD ’74 and Director Mark Pagani said the program aims to equip students with the skills necessary for leadership in energy-related fields. Energy Studies will not be a stand-alone major, and students will complete Energy Studies in conjunction with the requirements of a standard major in Yale College. Pagani said he expects 20 to 30 applicants for the first class of Energy Scholars. “We’re hoping to create a unified way of thinking about energy that integrates different disciplines,” Oristaglio said. Oristaglio said the program was designed to promote the interdisciplinary nature of YCEI. Students enrolled in the program must complete electives in at least two of the program’s three areas: energy, science, technology and systems; the environmental impact of energy; and energy policy, economics and social issues. Pagani said the YCEI faculty deliberately chose to make Energy Studies a program rather than a major in order to allow students to apply their studies in energy production to broader academic fields. “We have excellent majors in environmental engineering, environmental studies, geology and geophysics,” Yale College Dean Mary Miller said. “I think scholars and studies programs can be developed to help us take advantage of relations with other institutes like YCEI.” The proposal to create an Energy Studies program gained support from Yale administrators because it was heavily student-led, Oristaglio said, adding that students first met with YCEI faculty members to formulate plans for the Energy Studies program several years ago. After more meetings with students this fall, Pagani and Oristaglio submitted a proposal for their new program to the Yale Course of Study Committee in December. They also conducted a survey of Yale undergraduates to assess enthusiasm for the program and found that over 100 students expressed interest in one residential college alone. The program is in final

review by Yale College, Pagani said, and faculty will formally vote on the program at the May Yale College faculty meeting. Miller said she tasked an ad-hoc committee chaired by Dean of Undergraduate Education Joseph Gordon to evaluate the launch of scholars programs such as Energy Studies and Education Studies. Students enrolled in the Energy Studies program will be assigned a YCEI adviser and are expected to complete a capstone senior project, which can take the form of an essay, a research study, or a summer job or internship in an energyrelated field. Miller said the ad-hoc committee evaluating programs of study will focus particularly on features such as the Energy Studies capstone project that encourage experiential education and summer opportunities connected to students’ fields of study. Tess Maggio ’16, a YCEI u n d e rg ra d u a te a dv i s e r, said she is most attracted to the Energy Studies program because of its capstone requirement. “Through an internship or final project, students will become further connected to people in the field of energy and will have the opportunity to actually have an impact on the issue,” Maggio said. Oristaglio said he hopes the program will give undergraduates more opportunities to interact with YCEI, encouraging students to take advantage of the institute’s lectures and resources. He added that he hopes it will incentivize faculty to create new course offerings focusing on energy production. Geology and geophysics professor Brian Skinner said he thinks the Energy Studies program will allow students who do not have extensive science backgrounds to take classes that expose them to timely issues such as climate change and fossil fuel trends. “This new program is going to cater to a range of levels and interests,” Skinner said. “Yale already offers a course on wind energy, but only students with a heavy science background enroll. Now students from all different disciplines can study this important subject.” Members of the Undergraduate Energy Club provided YCEI faculty with feedback as the institute designed the program, UEC president Andrew Goldstein ’13 said, adding that UEC members promoted a multidisciplinary approach. Applications to the program are due May 15 and accepted students will be notified by June 28, according to the program’s website. Contact EMMA GOLDBERG at .

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Margaret Marshall LAW ’76, who was named the Yale Corporation senior fellow, will be the first female in the Corporation’s highest leadership position. BY JULIA ZORTHIAN STAFF REPORTER The University gained another new campus leader Tuesday when the Yale Corporation named former Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Margaret Marshall LAW ’76 as its next senior fellow. In a Wednesday morning press release, the University announced that Marshall — who is currently a fellow of the Yale Corporation — will succeed current senior fellow Edward Bass ’67 ARC ’72 in July, marking the first time the Yale Corporation has seen a female in its highest leadership position. The senior fellow of the 19-person governing board serves as the “first among equals among the trustees,” University President Richard Levin said, and is in charge of coordinating the Corporation agenda with the president, among other responsibilities. “[Marshall is] steady and reliable and extremely construc-

tive,” Levin said. “It will be a great help to the Corporation and [President-elect] Peter Salovey to have her as senior fellow.”

Through the years Margaret Marshall has been a pioneering and thoughtful jurist, and an outstanding citizen of Yale. PETER SALOVEY President-elect, Yale University Levin said Marshall was the “consensus choice” for senior fellow when members of the Trusteeship Committee on the Yale Corporation spoke with each trustee individually to hear his or her thoughts about who should serve as the new senior fellow. Though Salovey and Marshall

will both be new to their positions in July, Levin said he does not expect the new leadership roles to come as a challenge for the pair. Levin added that Marshall is well-acquainted with higher education after her time as vice president and general counsel at Harvard University, and she is currently in her second term as a member of the Yale Corporation. “Through the years Margaret Marshall has been a pioneering and thoughtful jurist, and an outstanding citizen of Yale. I look forward to working closely with her and drawing upon her wisdom,” Salovey said in the press release. Marshall became the first woman to serve as chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in 1999. Before she stepped down in 2010, Marshall penned over 300 opinions, including the case that legalized same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. A native of South Africa, Mar-

shall earned a master’s degree in education in 1969 at Harvard before receiving her degree from Yale Law School. According to the University press release, Marshall will be the first senior fellow both not to have been born in the United States and not to have attended Yale College. Bass, who has served as senior fellow for the past two years, said in the press release that “it is gratifying to know that such an able and effective individual will be at our new president’s side.” Marshall led Levin’s Advisory Committee on Campus Climate in 2011, a direct response to the Title IX allegations against Yale. She started her first term as an alumni fellow in 2004 before becoming a successor trustee in 2012. The Yale Corporation will convene on campus this weekend for its annual April meeting. Contact JULIA ZORTHIAN at .

Marina Keegan Award honors playwrights BY ANYA GRENIER STAFF REPORTER When Marina Keegan ’12 died just a few days after her graduation from Yale College, her parents, friends and professors soon began to wonder how her memory might best be kept alive at the school. This year marks the establishment of the Marina Keegan Award for Excellence in Playwriting, which will be open to any student in the senior class who has taken a playwriting course at Yale. The award, jointly sponsored by the English Department and Theater Studies program, aims to encourage young writers to express themselves through playwriting, and to keep Keegan’s spirit alive on the campus she loved so much, her mother Tracy Keegan said. “[Marina] would want to have something that would inspire people to try to continue to understand the world through their words and through performance,” Tracy Keegan said. The Marina Keegan Award will be the first prize for playwriting at Yale, or even for theater of any kind apart from an award that currently exists within the Theater Studies program to honor essay writing. The award is open to any major, and Charlie Polinger ’13, who is among the group of Marina’s friends that developed the award, said they plan for the award to honor the best playwright in the senior class rather than an individual work. The application requires the writer to submit at least one full-length play, and a second work which may be either shorter or fulllength. “It’s a fairly rigorous application,” Polinger said. “But Marina was rigorous — she wrote several full-length plays.” Donald Margulies, who has taught playwriting at Yale for over 20 years, said the genre historically has been one of the most underappreciated types of writing on campus in terms of official recognition. He explained that


A new playwriting prize for Yale College seniors has been established in memory of Marina Keegan ’12. many of his own past students have gone on to vastly successful careers as playwrights and screenwriters, but that until this year no distinction has existed to recognize them while still on campus, unlike with other forms of creative writing.

[Marina] would want to have something that would inspire people to try to continue to understand the world through their words and through performance. TRACY KEEGAN Mother of Marina Keegan ’12 Tracy Keegan said the family found it particularly important to establish something before this year’s graduation, when many of those who knew Marina would still be on campus. Creative writing professor Anne Fadiman said the award will be announced at a

public event including refreshments and reading from the winner’s plays. This year, the presentation will take place on April 26 in the Saybrook library, which Fadiman said was a very important place for Marina on campus. “[The public reception] makes it more celebratory, and I guess you could say more theatrical,” Fadiman said. “Plays are a very public genre. … Plays involve an audience.” Playwriting professor Deborah Margolin explained that the award also aims to honor a playwright who aspires to spread his or her passion through writing, as Marina did with her interest in the human struggle for justice. Margolin added that while Marina had sometimes questioned the purpose of the arts, she ultimately believed in their role as a tool to spread her concern for humanity. Kevin Keegan, Marina Keegan’s father, said theater and writing were defining aspects of his daughter’s experience at Yale, which was a perfect fit for her in part due to its strong English Department and opportunities to pursue undergraduate theater.

He added that while Marina wrote in genres spanning everything from fiction and personal essays to journalism and poetry, she “was really a theater person.” Fadiman said Keegan’s plays, including “Independents” and “Utility Monster,” have already and will continue to reach audiences far beyond Yale, making hers a particularly inspiring name to attach to a playwriting prize. “Independents” was staged at the New York Fringe Festival last summer, and Tracy Keegan said “Utility Monster” will go up professionally at the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater later this May. “Marina’s family, friends and teachers have spent nearly a year grieving for her, and we will all continue, but this will be a positive step,” Fadiman said. “This is a prize she would have loved to win. Had it been offered last year, she probably would have won it. We want this to be a joyful occasion.” Marina Keegan was in Saybrook College. Contact ANYA GRENIER at .




“I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over.” JIMMY CARTER 39TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER

Admins look to address lack of diversity DIVERSITY FROM PAGE 1 With a number of initiatives already under way to promote more diversity in the faculty and staff, President-elect Salovey said he plans to direct his hiring efforts toward ameliorating this racial imbalance within the senior administration. “We can be better,” Salovey said. “I’m going to work very, very hard as positions become open to see if we can increase diversity in the officers group and in the top 100 [staff members] throughout the management ranks at Yale.” Salovey said that when he becomes University president, there will be both natural turnover in top positions as well as possible reorganization — two situations that present opportunities to “search aggressively” for candidates that would add diversity to Yale. Michael Peel, vice president for human resources and administration, said the University has run into difficulty spreading diversity from the lower levels to the administration because preparing an internal candidate for top leadership roles can take years. The process has “fully matured” with women within the Yale staff — half of the University officers are women — but is still a work in progress from a racial diversity standpoint, he added. University President Richard Levin said he is also unsatisfied with the diversity at the administrative level, and administrators are currently working hard to increase those numbers through a diversity initiative launched in 2005 that involves targeted hiring and promotion — improvement Salovey said he plans to build upon, though he added progress has been “rather slow.” The percentage of minority staff members in Manager and Professional positions (M&P), which do not include senior administrators, has increased by roughly 1 percentage point each year since 2008. Peel said he attributes the steady gain to efforts such as requiring that 25 percent of external candidates be ethnic minorities, cutting the rate of turnover of

minority employees in M&P positions and aggressively seeking out more minority candidates during the hiring process. Diversity at top levels must reflect the makeup of the student body — 36 percent of which identify as minorities, according to the Office of Institutional Research — and nation as a whole in order to best represent the students taught by the University, administrators said. “A university where the leadership and the management, let alone the faculty and students, all come from similar backgrounds, is a university that is not especially intellectually stimulating,” Salovey said. University Secretary Kimberly Goff-Crews, who is AfricanAmerican and the University’s only minority officer, said she does not notice the diversity imbalance, perhaps because the officers work so closely with the Yale Corporation and the University Council, which are both more diverse groups of leaders. She added that while staff members on the whole have become more diverse, the diversity growth for top-level administrators may seem slower because many officers and their staff have long-standing tenures. Yale is not the only university facing low diversity statistics for its top officials — Renee Alexander, diversity expert and associate dean of student affairs at Cornell University, said Yale’s percentage of minorities in leadership positions falls in line with peer institutions, though the numbers may appear “stark.” Higher education as a whole, she said, faces an inevitable process of diversifying its leadership in the near future. She added that the low number of minority University administrators follows from the percentage of minority faculty members, since often administrators come from the ranks of the faculty. Minorities made up 17.6 percent of Yale’s faculty in 2012, according to data from the Office of Institutional Research.


9300 Total Employees

100 Officers & direct reports

10 Officers 1 minority

4300 Managers

11 minorities

Managerial & Professional Staff

17% minorities

Staff employees 28% minorities


United Illuminating cable malfunctions BLACKOUT FROM PAGE 1 pany — suffered a major power disruption that affected Yale’s Central Power Plant Wednesday afternoon. Representatives from United Illuminating confirmed that an underground cable, which runs throughout the city, had malfunctioned, affecting various streets throughout the New Haven area, including Broadway and York streets. As emergency dispatch from United Illuminating isolated the outage and restored service, campus security embarked on a visual inspection of central campus to ensure that alarm systems were online and well-functioning. Affected areas included Old Campus, the 12 residential colleges, Swing Space, the Yale Law School, the Yale School of Architecture, the Yale School of Art, Bass Library and Sterling Memorial Library, but not the Yale School of Medicine or the Yale-New Haven Hospital. The blackout also caused a failure in the Yale ITS servers, including the EliApps email portal, which did not recover until approximately 10 p.m.

“Luckily, facilities was able to restore all power, but unfortunately, there was collateral damage as a result of the surge that affected our network,” said Maria Bouffard, Yale director of emergency management, in an 11 p.m. email to the News. “About 60 percent of the traffic on the Internet is operating. Yale University ITS is replacing equipment and hoping that it will be restored tonight. The Yale Police Department increased patrols in the area to maintain the same level of safety.” As administrators hastened to restore power in the affected areas, several fire trucks were seen around 7 p.m. outside of the Yale Central Power Plant, located at the intersection of Ashmun, Grove and York streets. Doors to the power plant remained open throughout the evening, and police officers were stationed outside to secure the perimeter. Lorimer said she joined Yale Police Department Chief Ronnell Higgins in the police headquarters to ensure that systems were being restored according to emergency plans. Yale administrators issued a

campuswide alert at 7:45 p.m. informing faculty, staff and students of the outage and restoration efforts, as well as urging them to report outages that persisted after another hour. Power returned to the residential colleges, the libraries and most of the affected buildings around 7:30 p.m. — but not without any inconveniences. Hungry students were evacuated from the Trumbull College dining hall, as a failure in the fan system caused smoke to emanate from the kitchen. The Yale School of Architecture was slated to host a talk by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Wang Shu for 6:30 p.m. Due to the power outage, the talk was postponed to 9 p.m., leaving attendees waiting in the dark. Among other disruptions, Yale Security representatives said that keycard access to all buildings was impeded and personnel were still attempting to restore security systems as of 8:20 p.m. After power was restored in most of the buildings, extra security guards and YPD officers throughout campus were instructed to observe people


Several fire trucks were seen around 7 p.m. outside of the Yale Central Power Plant. entering the buildings and discourage them to use elevators in case of a second power outage, according to an officer stationed outside of the Hall of Graduate Studies. The outage appeared to have

only affected buildings powered by the Yale Central Power Plant. According to City Hall spokeswoman Anna Mariotti, New Haven residents and local businesses did not suffer from Wednesday’s power outage.


In advance of Thursday faculty meeting, students speak out GRADING FROM PAGE 1 ducted by the YCC and included in the council’s report, 79 percent of 1,760 respondents said they are opposed to the proposed grading changes and the same percentage feel the changes would negatively impact the University. Avraham also said the grading committee — which was made up of a representative from the Office of Institutional Research, five professors from science and social science departments, Dean of Academic Affairs Mark Schenker, a German professor, and an East

Asian languages and literatures professor — did not adequately represent the interests of different departments because it did not include representatives from large departments like Political Science and History. Avraham added that he feels the report focused too heavily on the superficial problems of grade compression without examining the causes for the trends. “We hoped to have seen a much more profound discussion on the philosophy of grading and grading differences within each department,” Avraham said.

The YCC report is not the only forum through which students have expressed opposition. Scott Stern ’15, a columnist for the News, is organizing a protest against the proposal. After the YCC released the preliminary results of its survey, Stern emailed the Yale community, encouraging students to voice their disagreement to their professors. Stern said he feels the proposed changes will change Yale’s atmosphere for the worse. “This would make Yale a stressful, cutthroat, competitive, gradegrubbing, number-driven envi-

ronment,” Stern said. “I think they are looking to fix a problem that does not exist.” On Monday evening, Josh Kalla ’14 and Baobao Zhang ’13, a former multimedia editor for the News, launched an online petition protesting the grading change, which has already attracted 1,287 signatures as of press time. Though faculty members interviewed expressed mixed views on the proposal, student response was largely negative. Eight of 10 students interviewed said they are opposed to the changes. Alexandra Torresquintero ’16

said she thinks a 100-point scale will force professors to quantify the academic merit of work that may be unquantifiable, adding that the difference between a 93 or a 94 on an essay would only make grading more arbitrary. Candice Gurbatri ’14 said the proposed changes would be particularly harmful for science students, because they would reduce science majors’ willingness to work collaboratively. “If you’re pitting students against each other with numerical grading policy, you’re not going to get the engagement and intel-

lectual curiosity and all of those things that really define Yale,” Gurbatri said. “The sciences are already very competitive, and I definitely think doing this would make it more competitive because now students will be grubbing for that one point.” According to the committee on grading’s preliminary report, 62 percent of grades awarded in Yale College last spring fell in the A-range. Contact JANE DARBY MENTON at .




“The world and the universe are far more wonderful if there’s not a puppet master.” DAVE MATTHEWS LEAD VOCALIST, SONGWRITER AND GUITARIST FOR THE DAVE MATTHEWS BAND

UCS, Dwight Hall build on their collaboration BY AMY WANG STAFF REPORTER After Undergraduate Career Services opened its satellite office in Dwight Hall last month, the two organizations have decided to join forces to bring a broad range of career-related services closer to students. The week before spring break saw the opening of UCS’s Friday afternoon office hours in Dwight Hall. Now, in a continuation of that partnership — which began with an alumni career panel that the groups co-sponsored last year — the two campus organizations are considering means of future collaboration to benefit students interested in public service and nonprofit careers. UCS is currently holding regular hours in the Dwight Hall library two days a week, and the groups will also partner to hold a career fair on April 11. Robyn Acampora, UCS associate director of employment programs and counselor for the nonprofit and public service fields, said UCS’s involvement with Dwight Hall this semester is hopefully “just the beginning” of something that will continue to grow. “I see this as a launching point for a number of initiatives to serve students who are committed to public service — both through the communities they currently serve and the career paths they are seeking to enter,” she said. UCS and Dwight Hall administrators began brainstorming ways to increase communication with students about nonprofit career opportunities several months ago, and Dwight Hall Interim Executive Director Jeannette Archer-Simons said the discussion expanded into the establishment of UCS office hours in Dwight Hall because of the building’s central campus location and student interest in broader service offerings at Dwight Hall.

According to Archer-Simons, there has been a “steady stream of students” to the UCS satellite hours in Dwight Hall so far. Additionally, Dwight Hall and UCS are sharing internship and career opportunities on each other’s websites. “It is a natural partnership,” she said. “It offers UCS a space to reach more students, and Dwight Hall students can connect to career opportunities.” Dwight Hall Co-Coordinator Leah Sarna ’14 said some students may think of UCS as a resource for students who are only interested in careers on Wall Street — a misconception that the partnership with Dwight Hall may change. Lately, UCS has been expanding its reach in other realms as well in order to ramp up its presence on campus. In addition to the Dwight Hall partnership, UCS has begun holding satellite office hours in the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design, which officially opened in February.

It is a natural partnership. It offers UCS a space to reach more students, and Dwight Hall students can connect to career opportunities. SAMANTHA GARDNER/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

JEANNETTE ARCHER-SIMONS Interim executive director, Dwight Hall In an effort to encourage students to pursue nonprofit and public service internships and jobs, UCS started offering a travel reimbursement this year for students who need to attend in-person interviews for public sector jobs and internships in Washington, D.C. UCS Director Jeanine Dames said the number of students who traveled to D.C. this

The growing partnership between UCS and Dwight Hall has led to initiatives such as weekly UCS office hours in Dwight Hall. year for interviews has more than doubled from last year, when the reimbursement option was not offered. “We certainly see more students coming to talk to us about public service [than before],” Dames said. Though statistics on student interest are unavailable for the current year, a Yale College study of postgraduation activ-

ities found that one year after graduation, 8 percent of the class of 2010 worked in government or public service, compared to 6 percent of the class of 2008. As the term is approaching its end, Dames said UCS will likely not launch any major events for the rest of the semester but is planning programs for the fall. UCS’s current level of involvement with Dwight Hall, she said,

‘Avenue Q’ on Elm Street

is “the tip of the iceberg.” Beginning on April 5, UCS will also start a partnership with Yale Printing and Publishing Services: From 2 to 4 p.m. on Fridays, a representative from YPPS will be present at the UCS satellite hours in the Dwight Hall library to take student orders for free resume printing services, as well as discounted business card printing. The April 11 event co-spon-


BY HELEN ROUNER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Yale’s stages have recently been home to singing pirates, vibrators and a 45-year-old Hollywood star as Hamlet. This week, it’s on to singing, dancing, cursing and lovemaking puppets. “Avenue Q ,” playing Thursday through Saturday at the Calhoun Cabaret, is a musical about a recent college graduate named Princeton, played by Christian Probst ’16, who finds himself moving to a sketchy neighborhood in New York in search of his life’s purpose. There, he befriends a host of characters of questionable morals, bearing such names as Lucy T. Slut (Mary Bolt ’14) and Mrs. Thistletwat (Chandler Rosenthal ’14). Most of the characters in the show, which won five Tony Awards including best musical when it opened on Broadway in 2004, are puppets. Anna Miller ’14, who plays Kate Monster, called the show “an X-rated spoof of ‘Sesame Street.’” “Avenue Q” features profanities, puppet sex and songs with names like “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist” and “The Internet Is for Porn.” Director Ian Miller ’15 said that while the show features adult content, it is thoughtfully and intelligently written, rather than gratu-

itously profane. Producer Samantha Pillsbury ’15 said “Avenue Q”’s adult humor is much of why the show is appealing to a college audience. Anna Miller said “Avenue Q” attracts audience members who are not otherwise interested in musical theater. The show’s plotline is also particularly relevant to Yale students, said Chris Camp ’16, who plays Rod and a Bad Idea Bear, citing the show’s opening number, “What Do You Do with a B.A. in English?”

We have to make the puppets express all different emotions with just their hands and mouths and body movements. CHRIS CAMP ’16 Rod and a Bad Idea Bear, “Avenue Q” But for all its appeal, Pillsbury said “Avenue Q” presents some unusual challenges, the biggest of which is working with puppets in addition to puppet-sized props and sets. Seven of the production’s 10 actors serve as puppeteers during the entire show, Ian Miller explained.

Camp said the puppets are actually the show’s main characters and that the actors’ job is primarily to make the puppets come alive. Anna Miller said she thinks the show’s success relies on how believable the puppets appear, adding that the puppet characters have to deliver the same type of energy as those on “The Muppets” or “Sesame Street.” “I’m moving and speaking and singing for him, but I’m part of the show only insofar as I make Rod move,” Camp said. At the beginning of the rehearsal process, cast members received six hours of training from a New Yorkbased professional puppeteer who trained the puppeteers on “Sesame Street,” Camp explained, adding that the original cast of “Avenue Q” underwent months of training. “We have to make the puppets express all different emotions with just their hands and mouths and body movements,” Camp said. Both Ian Miller and Pillsbury declined to comment on how the show was able to receive enough funding to use such elaborate sets and props. “Avenue Q” will play on Thursday at 8 p.m., Friday at 8 p.m., and Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Contact HELEN ROUNER at .

Contact AMY WANG at .

Stock rally bodes well for endowment BY SOPHIE GOULD STAFF REPORTER

Puppets are the main characters in “Avenue Q,” and seven of the production’s 10 actors serve as puppeteers.

sored by Dwight Hall and UCS — titled “Impact and Service at Home and Abroad” — will invite recruiters and alumni from organizations such as the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, City Year, Teach for America and Public Allies.

The strong performance of the U.S. stock market over the past nine months bodes well for endowment returns of colleges, including Yale, according to experts interviewed. The stock market index S&P 500 hit an all-time high Tuesday and is up about 15 percent since the beginning of fiscal year 2013, which started on June 30, 2012. Though three months remain in the 2013 fiscal year and colleges generally do not report their endowment returns until September, finance experts interviewed said they predict that colleges will report higher endowment returns this year than they did last year and that Yale will be no exception. “The odds of Yale’s return being better than last year are very high,” said Roger Ibbotson, a finance professor at the Yale School of Management. “It’s easy to forecast when you have nine months in of the 12 months [in the fiscal year].” Experts said the stock market will have less of an effect on Yale and other institutions with large endowments because they allocate a smaller portion of their assets toward public equities, which are traded on stock markets. Yale currently invests only 14 percent of its endowment, which was valued at $19.3 billion as of June 30, in public equities. “Yale does not invest much of its assets in [public] equities, so the returns are not very highly correlated to the market,” Provost Benjamin Polak said. Still, experts said the performance of the stock market will benefit Yale indirectly because of the University’s large private equity holdings. Yale allocates 35 percent of its endowment toward private equity. Scott Clemons, chief investment strategist of New York-based investment bank Brown Brothers Harriman, said the University will still see good returns this year because its large private equity holdings will probably perform as well as the stock market. Money invested in private equity is locked away until fund managers liquidate an investment, experts said. But in the meantime, they said, investors receive estimates of the current value of their investments based on the value

of comparable companies traded on the stock exchange. “To the extent that you see gains reflected in portfolios that have not been crystallized yet, those are based on estimates of comparable companies, and so there may be in fact an effect that is kind of a second-order effect coming from the stock market,” said William Jarvis ’77, managing director of the Wilton, Conn., investment firm the Commonfund Institute. “But it’s not clear how that would play out in the case of individual companies.”

The odds of Yale’s return being better than last year are very high. ROGER IBBOTSON Finance professor, Yale School of Management Though public and private equities are likely to do well, other asset classes, such as hedge funds, might see less success this year, experts said. Yale’s target allocation toward the “absolute return” asset class, which includes hedge funds, is 18 percent. “I would not expect a hedge fund to have kept up with the rally we’ve seen,” Clemons said. “I imagine that will be a weaker part of the portfolio, relatively speaking.” The recent success of the stock market will impact universities with smaller endowments the most, Jarvis said. Institutions with endowments valued at less than $100 million tend to allocate 30 to 40 percent of their assets to public equities, he said, adding that the performance of these equities will therefore have a “fairly substantial influence” on the endowment returns of these colleges. During fiscal year 2012, the average U.S. college endowment saw a return of -0.3 percent, according to the 2012 NACUBO-Commonfund Study of Endowments, which examined data from 831 institutions. Yale’s endowment return was 4.7 percent. Contact SOPHIE GOULD at .




“No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections.” WINSTON CHURCHILL BRITISH POLITICIAN, BEST KNOWN FOR HIS LEADERSHIP OF THE UNITED KINGDOM DURING WORLD WAR II

Connecticut bill bans assault weapons GUN BILL FROM PAGE 1 style semi-automatic weapons and ammunition magazines with more than 10 bullets, a universal background check system, a gun offender registry, and a requirement of a gun permit to purchase ammunition. It also contains provisions aimed at strengthening the state’s mental health care system — particularly for residents aged 16–25 — as well as new guidelines to bolster school security. “Keeping people safe, protecting our citizens is a core function of what we do, and that’s what we are trying to accomplish in the bill before us,” said Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, who represents Newtown. “I also hope the message we can send, if those outside the walls of Connecticut are listening, is to encourage them to do the same.” McKinney, who was wearing a green ribbon to commemorate the lives lost at Newtown, concluded his testimony on an emotional note, reading the names of the 26 people who died on that day. “I am their voice,” he said. In February, Democrats and Republicans on a bipartisan task force, which the Legislature established to develop policy recommendations in the wake of Newtown, released separate gun-

restriction proposals. The Democrats’ plan included the assault weapons ban, while the Republicans’ did not. The final compromise — which top Democratic and Republican lawmakers struck in a closeddoor meeting on Sunday night — disappointed many gun-control advocates, as it contained a “grandfather” clause that would allow current gun owners to keep newly banned weapons and magazines as long as they are registered. Legislators on both sides of the aisle acknowledged that the bill was an imperfect response to an extremely complicated issue. Many expressed frustration that they had not been given more time to work out details of the bill or hold a final public hearing. Still others criticized the bill for not moving far enough on mental health reform. State Sen. Toni Harp, a Democrat who co-chaired the bipartisan task force’s mental health subgroup, said that her group ultimately decided to leave many provisions out of the current law because of their cost. She added that the bill will establish a new mental health task force, consisting of both lawmakers and outside experts, to propose more comprehensive mental health proposals. At one point during House

negotiations, state Rep. Arthur O’Neill of Southington proposed a motion to divide the bill into two, which would allow the Legislature to vote on gun restrictions separately from the mental health care and school safety portions of the bill. The motion, which failed on a vote of 95–51, would have sent the bill back to the Senate if it had passed. State Sen. Andrew Maynard, one of two Democrats to vote “no” on the bill, said that he supported many portions of the bill but could not support provisions that would strip rights away from law-abiding gun carriers. He said that though the gun restrictions were designed to reduce crime, he feared they would ultimately do more harm than good by disarming potential victims. “Democrats typically pride themselves on getting at the underlying solutions to major public policy issues,” Maynard said. “We don’t generally go to black-and-white solutions like more prisons, tougher sentencing, more law enforcement. We generally say, look, urban violence is created by a whole set of socioeconomic issues. In this case, we did the typical, blackand-white, sort of conservative response, which is ‘Guns are bad, there should be fewer of them, and we’re gonna make sure that


The Connecticut House and Senate passed sweeping gun-control legislation on Monday night. happens.’” Still, during the six-hour-long debate that preceded the vote, the Senate chamber was unusually hushed, a stark contrast to the atmosphere of heckling that colored the public hearing on this same bill. Before debate

began, the presiding officer Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman instructed the Senate gallery — packed with gun-rights supporters — that “there is no booing. There is no cheering.” Largely respectful of her words, gun supporters sat on in surly silence as senator after

senator stood to declare their support. New Haven saw its fourth death by gun violence Wednesday. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .

Democracy Fund looks to long-term sustainability DEMOCRACY FUND FROM PAGE 1 As mayor, DeStefano is partially responsible for the program’s funding and maintenance. But, after abandoning public financing in 2011, he has been slow to fill vacancies on the Fund’s board, and some worry that the Fund will be rendered ineffective or may not be financially viable in the long run. With three of four declared mayoral candidates for this year’s election pledging to use the Fund and no incumbent running for the first time in almost 20 years, the Fund is being forced to consider a number of issues Arizona has been tackling ever since its public finance program took off about 15 years ago. City officials say this year’s election could either provide the impetus to institutionalize the program in the eyes of the Elm City’s residents or prove that the Fund is ultimately a flawed endeavor. “I think we’re going to see a good test of the Fund’s strengths and limitations this year, and we’re going to see a very good test of what it’s capable of,” said Ken Krayeske, the Fund’s administrator. “It’s acknowledged that the ordinance isn’t very well-written, and it’s acknowledged that it has holes. But if we want our chief elected official in New Haven to eventually rely on this, we should go into this election seeing what we can learn from it.”


The Clean Elections program in Arizona has funded over 600 candidates in the years since its public finance system was created. In New Haven, that number is just three — DeStefano in 2007 and 2009, and two of his 2011 challengers, Jeffrey Kerekes and Tony Dawson. By the end of this year, the total number of New Haven candidates that will have used the Democracy Fund may double. Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10, state Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield and plumber Sundiata Keitazulu have committed to using the program, and Hillhouse High School Principal Kermit Carolina, who announced the formation of an exploratory committee on Tuesday, has committed to using the Fund if he runs. Only candidate Henry Fernandez LAW ’94 has chosen to opt out, and the race may see even more people enter. With more candidates using the Fund this year, the total cost of the program, funded directly from New Haven’s already tight budget, is expected to increase dramatically. Candidates aiming to participate in the Democracy Fund are limited to contributions of $370 or less. Those who raise 200 qualifying donations of at least $10 from New Haven residents, participate in a contested election and meet other qualifications automatically receive a $19,000 grant from the Fund. The program also matches

double the first $25 of each eligible donation, meaning a $10 donation becomes a $30 donation, a $25 donation becomes $75, and $50 becomes $100. New Haven appropriated $400,000 in total in the years 2006 and 2007 for the Fund. In March, Krayeske reported that about $270,000 remained in early March, cautioning that heavy participation in the Fund this coming election cycle could quickly deplete the remaining funding. DeStefano allotted another $200,000 for the Democracy Fund in his proposed fiscal budget for 2013–’14, but future leaders may not be so generous, as debates about where money is best spent often change from year to year. “We were always worried about funding — this thing is only going to exist as long as it gets funded,” said former Alderman Joe Jolly, who along with Goldfield and former Alderman Elizabeth Addonizio helped create the Fund. “It’s extremely easy for this to just fall out of favor for a year, and I’ll tell you: Once the line item is gone from the budget, it’s really hard to get back. It’s gone.” Unlike New Haven, Arizona’s Clean Elections law does not rely on the Legislature passing yearly budgets. Instead, Arizona finances its program through surcharges on civil penalties, such as parking tickets, as well as with penalties for candidates who are found to misuse the public finance program. The program gives whatever leftover money it has at the end of each election cycle to the Arizona General Fund. To date, it has given over $74,000,000 to the General Fund, meaning the program is revenue-positive. “Public campaign finance programs need to be financially independent, because otherwise, legislatures could shut them down by just not funding them,” said Todd Lang, the executive director of Arizona’s Clean Elections Commission. “Independence is incredibly important.” But financial viability may not be enough to convince legislators and voters that the program is worthwhile. A bill in Arizona that has passed the state House and may move to the state Senate floor will ask voters to decide in November 2014 whether they want to transfer the funding currently used for Clean Elections to fund education instead. Rep. Paul Boyer, R-Ariz., the author of the bill, said he does not believe that Arizona should be using “public money to fund political campaigns” on a philosophical basis, but Lang called the bill “misleading.” Voters need to consider issues separately, he said, and forcing voters to choose between the two issues poses an unfair choice. “In other words, this bill asks voters, do you want Clean Elections or rainbows and unicorns?” he said Though there is currently sup-

port for the Democracy Fund in New Haven, Jolly said a simple majority of the Board of Aldermen could quickly repeal the program altogether. For Ward 7 Alderman Doug Hausladen ’04, the best way to give the Democracy Fund the chance it deserves is to include it in the New Haven charter, the city’s constitution, which is currently undergoing a once-a-decade revision process. A commission is now examining the constitution and considering changes to a number of issues, including establishing the Democracy Fund permanently in the city’s charter, which would make the program much more likely to survive in the long run in the Elm City.


While the Elicker campaign met the 200-contribution threshold to qualify for public financing just five days after Elicker filed paperwork to run for mayor, it had no idea when exactly it was going to receive the $28,400 expected from the program’s grant and matching funds. With only three of seven slots on the Democracy Fund’s board filled, there were not enough members to meet quorum for a meeting, and without a quorum, it was literally impossible for the board to meet and create a schedule of disbursements.

In other words, this bill asks voters, do you want Clean Elections or rainbows and unicorns? TODD LANG Executive director, Arizona’s Clean Elections Commission “We tried to meet monthly, but we couldn’t get quorum, so we kept rescheduling,” said Patricia Kane, board treasurer and member. “You can tell [Krayeske] comes in with great energy, optimism and enthusiasm, and not to have a quorum is just like hitting the gas pedal and the brake at the same time.” Elicker will finally be picking up his first check from City Hall tomorrow, Krayeske said, 64 days after he qualified for the program. “It can be difficult not to know the calendar for the schedule [of disbursements],” said Melanie Quigley, treasurer for the Elicker campaign. “If you’re depending on public financing because you’re not getting big-shot donors, you’re really depending on the [Democracy Fund] board.” Though the board originally had a full seven members, as members left, City Hall did not fill the open slots. The board lost quorum when Anna Mariotti, current spokeswoman for City Hall, left her position as chair of the board to work for the mayor in January. Kane’s

nomination and approval took months, and the process “dragged on interminably” and was “disappointing,” she said. It took a month after filing her application with City Hall to receive an interview and an extra two months to be approved by the Board of Aldermen before she could sit on the board. “With the mayor’s office, I truly don’t understand why [getting an interview] takes so long. He’s got paid people, and you expect them to move stuff,” Kane said. “Maybe they don’t feel the Democracy Fund is quite as important, as it’s an action for mayoral elections every two years, so maybe it’s not a priority.” Mariotti said that a month is “not actually a long time” for City Hall to follow up with someone who is interested in a board or commission. Caleb Kleppner, one of the board’s inaugural members who has finished his term, said that reaching quorum was a “big problem for several years” when he served on the board. He said he “beseeched” the mayor’s office to appoint more people and could not understand why there were not more appointments made.


Both Krayeske and Robert Wechsler, the previous administrator of the Fund, believe that the mayor should not have the power to appoint people to the Democracy Fund. The Fund disburses money for mayoral campaigns, and having the mayor appoint people to the board represents a conflict of interest, they said. “I think DeStefano did a good job, and the people on the board were not pro-DeStefano, so it’s not an issue of him stacking the board or anything,” Wechsler said. “But the issue is that it looks like [stacking the board] could happen and is happening, and when the board doesn’t even have enough people to meet and the mayor decides not to participate, it looks like he’s trying to undermine the program, and that is the worst thing you can do.” Wechsler said this was particularly problematic when the Fund discovered that DeStefano’s 2009 campaign had filed late reports to the Democracy Fund. In July 2011, the board had a controversial meeting in which they discussed whether to pursue an investigation regarding the late filings. Kleppner and Mariotti voted to pursue an investigation, while board members Steve Kovel and Richard Abbatiello voted not to continue with it, and the motion did not pass. Mariotti explained that her vote was a result of her simply following the rules. The details of the Democracy Fund dictate that if there is a question of whether a mistake was made, whether it was intentional or not, she felt the correct response was to pursue

an investigation to obtain more information. Kovel, however, said that the long debate about the past election seemed to be having “relatively little impact in the real world.” “It was long after the election, and it was long after the due date,” said Kovel, who added that he felt the late filing was not intentional and thus did not vote to pursue an investigation. “To some extent, it was really this battle over whether the DeStefano campaign had misbehaved, and it soured my taste a little bit.” John DiManno, a current member of the board, suggested that the Fund’s board could instead be appointed by community organizations and groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Bar Association and local management teams. Wechsler, Krayeske, and Kane all echoed similar sentiments about how to reform the board. Elicker and Tyrone McClain, a member of the Fund board, however, said they felt there was no conflict of interest: The Board of Aldermen still has to approve mayoral appointments, which should solve for any partiality, they said. Arizona’s answer to the question lies in the appointment process. When a vacancy on the commission opens up, the highest Republican statewide officeholder — which is usually Arizona’s governor — appoints someone to the commission. For fairness’ sake, the next time a vacancy opens, the highest Democratic statewide officeholder appoints a board member. The alternation allows for a balance of appointments. In both New Haven and Arizona, no political party is allowed a majority on the Fund — a requirement that can often prove difficult given that New Haven is overwhelmingly Democratic. Jennifer James ’08, who served on the Fund’s board and assisted with the creation of the program, said that requirements and the structure of the Fund were meant to make it impartial. “It’s hard in a city that is very

N E W H AV E N DEMOCRACY FUND Year established: 2006 1 position eligible for public financing: mayor 3 candidates have received money from the program to date $10 minimum contribution to qualify for financing Cost about $130,000 from its inception through the beginning of March

heavily dominated by one party to figure out a process that’s fair and allows a lot of voices to be heard,” James said. But while the Fund’s board may be impartial, the difficulty of filling the board may have an impact on this year’s race beyond a delay in fund disbursement. None of the board’s members — Kane, DiManno, McClain and Tiana Ocasio — have ever been through a full election cycle, with Ocasio being the only member who was on the board before 2012. Krayeske is also facing his first election as administrator, and the process has been as much of a learning process for him as it has been for the candidates. This year’s election may begin to answer questions about whether the board will continue to be viewed as impartial, how quick the Fund will manage to turn around the disbursement of funds and just how much money this program will cost the city. Krayeske and the board are still discussing how to improve the Fund as soon as the Elm City declares a new mayor, whether he used the system or not. For now, however, the present incarnation of the Democracy Fund — and the issues that it faces — remains. “Every time I have a conversation, there’s something else that has to be done.” Krayeske said. “But changing the ordinance is a process that’s going to take a couple of months, and you don’t want to change the rules in the middle of an election. So our window of change will be the end of the election until January 2014: That’s when we have to make improvements.” Contact DIANA LI at .

ARIZONA CLEAN ELECTIONS PROGRAM Year established: 1998 9 positions eligible for public funding: governor, secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer, corporation commissioner, mine inspector, superintendent, House representative, Senate representative 600 candidates have received money from the program to date Given about $74,000,000 in leftover funding to Arizona’s General Fund since its inception, making it revenue-positive




“Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.” BILL GATES FORMER CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND CURRENT CHAIRMAN OF MICROSOFT

Officials look to invest in real estate BY RAYMOND NOONAN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

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When thinking back on the construction of the 360 State St. apartment complex completed in 2010, Ward 7 Alderman Doug Hausladen ’04 said he had an “ah-ha! moment” for a new, progressive city investment strategy. After realizing that the new apartment complex was financed in part via a multiemployer pension fund, Hausladen said he had a vision that New Haven retirees’ pension funds — the largest of which are the Police and Fire Fund, or P&F, and City Employees Retirement Fund, or CERF — could invest in New Haven real estate. Hausladen said he believes this would expand the city’s tax base and thus allow it to lower property taxes, reducing the financial burden of households and luring business back to the city. Union officials voiced optimism for the plan but emphasized that the pension boards in control of the funds would need months of planning before any formal investment strategy could come to fruition. The P&F and the CERF both currently invest a total of around $25 million in real estate, including stakes in The New York Times Building, a JPMorgan Chase office in Tampa, supermarkets in Hungary and a Montana replacement auto parts store. But neither fund has funneled any of their money into the New Haven real estate market — a trend that Hausladen wants to change. James Kottage, chairperson of P&F and president of the New Haven Fire Union, said Hausladen’s proposal is a good idea. “Anytime you can invest in your own community, as long as you’re able to get return and avoid your risks and due diligence, it’s a positive way to get a return. New Haven’s a good place to invest,” he said. Kottage said that he has begun investigating the proposal and has spoken with Michael O’Neill, New Haven’s acting controller, who he said seemed interested in the idea. Kottage added that the proposal may come up at the P&F board’s April meeting. Jerome Sagnella, chairperson of CERF, said he is open to any investment strategy that could benefit the fund. He emphasized that any potential New Haven project would be evaluated just like the fund’s other investments. “We can’t just put something in to make people happy,” Sagnella said. Both Kottage and Sagnella said their boards may discuss Hausladen’s proposal in the coming months. The city’s vacancy rate in 2012 was 14.4 percent, according to a 2012 report by Colliers International, 1.6 points higher than it was in 2011 and the third straight year the rate had increased. The report cited AT&T’s divestment from New Haven last November,

Mundie talks future technology

including the company’s recent exit from a 77,000-square-feet office on Long Wharf Drive, as the major reason for the increase. Hausladen said that if the pension funds invested in New Haven real estate, it will jump-start the economy and provide enough revenue for the city to decrease property taxes, bringing back business and easing the burden on the neighborhood populations. “Once the pie gets bigger, there’s less pie that has to be divided to the neighborhoods to pay for,” Hausladen said. Joshua Humphreys, a fellow at the Tellus Institute and expert on socially responsible investing, said more than 15 years of research show socially conscious investments need not perform worse than other financial opportunities. Some studies, he said, have shown certain targeted socially-conscious investing, such as environmental efficiency, actually perform better than their counterparts.

Anytime you can invest in your own community … it’s a positive way to get a return. JAMES KOTTAGE Chairperson, Police and Fire Fund But Humphreys warned against what he called “economically targeted” investment — or funds that will only invest in their local communities — because pensions that pursued such strategies in the late 1980s and early 1990s faced mixed results. He said pensions that have chosen different strategies such as environmental targeting have enjoyed higher returns and that few still employ economic targeting. “In a way, it’s not really germane because we’re in a new world,” Humphreys said. Nevertheless, Mark Abraham ’04, the executive director of DataHaven, said that New Haven was very attractive for residential and commercial developers because of its extensive public transportation relative to neighboring towns. Abraham said real estate near public transportation often sells for around 42 percent more than their “transit-poor” counterparts. “Recent construction trends in Greater New Haven show that there’s more value to capture in centrally located areas with good transit access,” Abraham said. “Residents and employers are increasingly looking for greater accessibility and transportation options.” New Haven was home to over $6 billion of taxable property in 2012, according to Mayor John DeStefano Jr.’s 2013–’14 budget proposal. Contact RAYMOND NOONAN at .


Craig Mundie, a senior adviser at Microsoft, showcased cutting-edge Microsoft products in a talk held Wednesday afternoon. BY JOSEPH TISCH STAFF REPORTER Craig Mundie, a senior adviser to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, showed off the company’s upcoming products in a talk held Wednesday afternoon. Mundie, who addressed a full audience in Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona 114, was named a recipient of Yale’s 2012 Gordon Grand Fellowship, which aims to promote dialogue between business leaders and Yale students. In his lecture, titled “How Tomorrow’s Technologies Will Shape Your World,” Mundie discussed Microsoft’s efforts to make human-technology interaction more natural and productive, and gave examples of how the company is bringing such products to businesses and consumers. His speech was originally scheduled for November 2012 but was canceled due to Hurricane Sandy. Over the next few years, he said his company anticipates a shift from the current graphical user interface of “pointing and clicking and typing” to a “natural user interface” of “touch and other forms of human sense-like capabilities.” “We’d really like a computer to be more like us, and through that, we want many more people to get computing capability. … There’s no reason to believe that in the future that any person who’s buying a television or a cellphone won’t inherently be buying a computer,” he said. Throughout his lecture, Mundie offered demonstrations of products Microsoft expects to offer in the “rela-

tively near future.” He used a 55-inch touch-screen computer to show Microsoft’s upcoming apps, which have new capacities for analyzing and visually representing large sets of data. Mundie also emphasized the future potential of machine learning and showed a video of a Microsoft computer that can perform real-time language translation from voice recognition. In the video, a Microsoft executive was speaking in English to a crowd in China as the computer repeated his words in Chinese using an imitation of his voice.

We’d really like a computer to be more like us, and through that, we want many more people to get computing capability. CRAIG MUNDIE Senior adviser to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer Mundie said the new capability will enhance user productivity by making human interactions with computers via touch screens more intuitive — computers should be able to assist people’s work rather than inhibit it. “I ask myself, ‘How should a farmer in rural India be able to use these machine capabilities?’ He should be able to pick up his phone and ask, ‘When should I fertilize?’ and it would say, ‘Thursday,’” he added.

Mundie talked about uniting handheld devices with larger tablets via cloud computing. Xbox users, he said, can already control their consoles using their smartphones. Toward the end of his presentation, he and a colleague demonstrated the cloud computing abilities of a pair of desk lamps, each with a built-in camera and projector. The two users wrote on physical sheets of paper and the lamps projected the others’ writing onto both papers, effectively allowing the two users to collaborate on a single physical project in real time. Audience members interviewed said they were impressed by Mundie’s demonstrations. Kevin Abbott ’16 said he attended the talk because he has been a longtime Windows user. “I’ve always been interested in the technology they’re coming up with,” he added. Rafael Fernandez ’13 said he could envision how the technologies Mundie demonstrated “would save [him] great time and effort” in his biology research. After the presentation, Mundie raffled off two Windows Phones, three Microsoft Xboxes and three Microsoft Surface tablets to audience members, who had been handed free tickets upon entrance. Mundie was Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer until December, and he will continue in his role as senior adviser until he retires in 2014. Contact JOSEPH TISCH at .






“Gymnastics taught me everything — life lessons, responsibility and discipline and respect.” SHAWN JOHNSON 2008 OLYMPIC GOLD-MEDALIST AND 2007 ALL-AROUND WORLD CHAMPION IN GYMNASTICS


ince its inception in 1973, the Yale women’s gymnastics team captured 14 Ivy League titles under head coach Barbara Tonry. The Yale men’s gymnasts won three Ivy League titles in the years 1978–’80, but the team was dropped shortly later. Today, men can do gymnastics in a tumbling class offered by former Olympian Don Tonry, though some students are trying to re-establish men’s gymnastics as a club sport.




10 11




01: Don Tonry, the husband of the women’s gymnastics team head coach Barbara Tonry, coached the former men’s gymnastics team. He also competed in the Olympic Games in 1960. 02: Gabriel Greenspan ’14 takes part in the tumbling class taught by Don Tonry. 03: Barbara Tonry has coached the women’s team since its inception in 1973 and has made it one of the most successful teams in the history of Yale Athletics. 04: Since the first Ivy League meet in 1977, the Yale women’s gymnastics team has won 14 Ivy League titles. The men’s team won the Ivy League title for three consecutive years from 1978 to 1980. 05: These historical photos show the men’s gymnastics team around the turn of the last century. 06: A photo from 1979 when the men’s gymnastics team won the Ivy League championship.



11, 12: There currently is not a varsity men’s gymnastics team. However, some students hope to establish men’s gymnastics as a club sport. In the picture: Daniel Aeschliman.


07: The uneven bars are two bars of different height on which gymnasts perform skills by swinging and changing between both bars. In the picture: Nicole Tay ’14. 08: On vault, gymnast perform a single skill, jumping over a table, making vault the fastest of all events. In the picture: Tara Feld ’13. 09: On balance beam, which is only 4 inches in width, a lot of precision is required when performing skills. In the picture: Morgan Traina ’15. 10: On floor, artistic skills and dance are combined in choreography performed to music. In the picture: Stephanie Goldstein ’13.







“Gymnastics taught me everything — life lessons, responsibility and discipline and respect.” SHAWN JOHNSON 2008 OLYMPIC GOLD-MEDALIST AND 2007 ALL-AROUND WORLD CHAMPION IN GYMNASTICS


ince its inception in 1973, the Yale women’s gymnastics team captured 14 Ivy League titles under head coach Barbara Tonry. The Yale men’s gymnasts won three Ivy League titles in the years 1978–’80, but the team was dropped shortly later. Today, men can do gymnastics in a tumbling class offered by former Olympian Don Tonry, though some students are trying to re-establish men’s gymnastics as a club sport.




10 11




01: Don Tonry, the husband of the women’s gymnastics team head coach Barbara Tonry, coached the former men’s gymnastics team. He also competed in the Olympic Games in 1960. 02: Gabriel Greenspan ’14 takes part in the tumbling class taught by Don Tonry. 03: Barbara Tonry has coached the women’s team since its inception in 1973 and has made it one of the most successful teams in the history of Yale Athletics. 04: Since the first Ivy League meet in 1977, the Yale women’s gymnastics team has won 14 Ivy League titles. The men’s team won the Ivy League title for three consecutive years from 1978 to 1980. 05: These historical photos show the men’s gymnastics team around the turn of the last century. 06: A photo from 1979 when the men’s gymnastics team won the Ivy League championship.



11, 12: There currently is not a varsity men’s gymnastics team. However, some students hope to establish men’s gymnastics as a club sport. In the picture: Daniel Aeschliman.


07: The uneven bars are two bars of different height on which gymnasts perform skills by swinging and changing between both bars. In the picture: Nicole Tay ’14. 08: On vault, gymnast perform a single skill, jumping over a table, making vault the fastest of all events. In the picture: Tara Feld ’13. 09: On balance beam, which is only 4 inches in width, a lot of precision is required when performing skills. In the picture: Morgan Traina ’15. 10: On floor, artistic skills and dance are combined in choreography performed to music. In the picture: Stephanie Goldstein ’13.





T Dow Jones 14,550.35, -0.76% S S

US shield to counter N. Korea threat BY LOLITA C. BALDOR ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — The Pentagon said Wednesday it was deploying a missile defense shield to Guam to protect the U.S. and its allies in the region in response to increasingly hostile rhetoric from North Korea. The North renewed its threat to launch a nuclear attack on the United States. The threat issued by the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army capped a week of psychological warfare and military muscle moves by both sides that have rattled the region. On Wednesday, the Pentagon announced it will deploy a land-based, high-altitude missile defense system to Guam to strengthen the Asia-Pacific region’s protections against a possible attack. Pyongyang, for its part, said that America’s ever-escalating hostile policy toward North Korea “will be smashed” by the North’s nuclear strike and the “merciless operation” of its armed forces. “The U.S. had better ponder over the prevailing grave situation,” said the translated statement, which was issued before the Pentagon announced plans to send a missile defense shield to Guam. The Pentagon had no immediate reaction to the latest statement, but earlier Wednesday Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel labeled North Korea’s rhetoric as a real, clear danger and threat to the U.S. and its Asia-Pacific allies. And he said the U.S. is doing all it can to defuse the situation, echoing comments a day earlier by Secretary of State John Kerry. “Some of the actions they’ve taken over the last few weeks present a real and clear danger and threat to the interests, certainly of our allies, starting with South Korea and Japan and also the threats that the North Koreans have leveled directly at the United States regarding our base in Guam, threatened Hawaii, threatened the West Coast of the United States,” Hagel said. He said he believes that the U.S. has had a “measured, responsible, serious responses to those threats.” Deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System is the latest step the U.S.

has taken to bolster forces in the region in a farreaching show of force aimed at countering the North Korean threat. In recent months, North Korea has taken a series of actions Washington deemed provocative, including an underground nuclear test in February and a rocket launch in December that put a satellite into space and demonstrated mastery of some of the technologies needed to produce a long-range nuclear missile. Then, several weeks ago, the North threatened to preemptively attack the U.S. In response, the Pentagon announced it would enhance missile defenses based on the U.S. West Coast, and it highlighted the deployment of B-52 and B-2 bombers, as well as two F-22 stealth fighters, to South Korea as part of an annual military exercise. As the exchange of rhetoric grew, U.S. officials this week said the Navy would keep the USS Decatur, a destroyer armed with missile defense systems, near the Korean peninsula for an unspecified period of time. Another destroyer, the USS John S. McCain, was shifted to the waters off the southwest coast of the Korean peninsula. Tensions have flared many times in the six decades since a truce halted the 1950–’53 Korean War, but the stakes are higher now that a defiant North Korea appears to have moved closer to building a nuclear bomb that could not only threaten the South and other U.S. allies in Asia but possibly, one day, even reach U.S. territory. Even without nuclear arms, the communist North poses enough artillery within range of Seoul to devastate large parts of the capital before U.S. and South Korea could fully respond. The U.S. has about 28,500 troops in the South, and it could call on an array of air, ground and naval forces to reinforce the peninsula from elsewhere in Asia and the Pacific. U.S. officials have said that the Pentagon’s military response to Pyongyang’s threats has so far been aimed more at assuring South Korea and other allies in the region that America is committed to their security. U.S. military leaders also have said that despite the escalating rhetoric, they have seen nothing to suggest that North Korea is making any military moves to back up its threats.

Rutgers fires basketball coach


Former Rutgers men’s basketball coach Mike Rice, who was fired Wednesday, leaves his home in Little Silver, N.J. BY TOM CANAVAN ASSOCIATED PRESS PISCATAWAY, N.J. — Once the video went viral, Mike Rice’s coaching days at Rutgers were over. Now the question is whether anyone else will lose their jobs - including the athletic director who in December suspended and fined Rice for the abusive behavior, and the university president who signed off on it. Rice was fired Wednesday, one day after a video surfaced of him hitting, shoving and berating his players with anti-gay slurs. The taunts were especially troubling behavior at Rutgers, where freshman student Tyler Clementi killed himself in 2010 after his roommate used a webcam to spy on him kissing another man in his dorm. It also came at an especially embarrassing time for the NCAA, with the country focused on the Final Four basketball tournament this weekend. Rice, in his third season with the Scarlet Knights, apologized outside his home in Little Silver, N.J.

“I’ve let so many people down: my players, my administration, Rutgers University, the fans, my family, who’s sitting in their house just huddled around because of the fact their father was an embarrassment to them,” he said. “I want to tell everybody who’s believed in me that I’m deeply sorry for the pain and hardship that I’ve caused.” Athletic Director Tim Pernetti was given a copy of the tape by a former employee in November and, after an independent investigator was hired to review it, Rice was suspended for three games, fined $75,000 and ordered to attend anger management classes. University President Robert Barchi agreed to the penalty. Pernetti initially said Tuesday he and Barchi viewed the video in December. The president issued a statement Wednesday, saying he didn’t see it until Tuesday and then moved to fire the 44-yearold coach for repeated abusive conduct. Through a school spokesman, Pernetti backed up his president and said Barchi did not view the video until this week. “Yesterday, I personally reviewed the video evidence,

which shows a chronic and pervasive pattern of disturbing behavior,” Barchi said in a statement. “I have now reached the conclusion that Coach Rice cannot continue to serve effectively in a position that demands the highest levels of leadership, responsibility and public accountability. He cannot continue to coach at Rutgers University.” Later Wednesday, 13 faculty members posted a letter on the internet to the school’s trustees and Board of Governors demanding the resignation of Barchi. It says his handling of the “homophobic and misogynist abuse” was inexcusable. The video shows numerous clips of Rice at practice during his three years at the school firing basketballs at players, hitting them in the back, legs, feet and shoulders. It also shows him grabbing players by their jerseys and yanking them around the court. Rice can also be heard yelling obscenities and using gay slurs. Several college coaches said they had never seen anything like the Rutgers video and it broke a cardinal rule: Never put your hands on a player.


S&P 500 1,553.69, -1.05%

NASDAQ 3,218.60, -1.11%

T 10-yr. Bond 1.81%, -0.03

Oil $94.44, -0.01%

T Euro $1.28, -0.19%

Obama to return 5% of salary BY JOSH LEDERMAN ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Sharing a bit of budget pain, President Barack Obama will return 5 percent of his salary to the Treasury in a show of solidarity with federal workers smarting from government-wide spending cuts. Obama’s decision grew out of a desire to share in the sacrifice that government employees are making, a White House official said Wednesday. Hundreds of thousands of workers could be forced to take unpaid leave — known as furloughs — if Congress does not reach an agreement soon to undo the cuts. The president is demonstrating that he will be paying a price, too, as the White House warns of dire economic consequences from the $85 billion in cuts — called a sequester — that started to hit federal programs last month after Congress failed to stop them. In the weeks since, the administration has faced repeated questions about how the White House itself will be affected. The cancellation of White House tours in particular has drawn mixed reactions. A 5 percent cut from the president’s salary of $400,000 per year amounts to $20,000. Obama will return a full $20,000 to the Treasury even though only a few months remain in the fiscal year, which ends in September. He will cut his first check this month, said the White House official, who was not authorized to discuss the decision publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. The president and first lady Michelle Obama reported almost $790,000 in adjusted gross income in 2011, the most recent year for which their tax returns have been made public. That figure was down from the $1.7 million they brought in the year before and the $5.5 million they

reported in 2009. About half of the family’s income in 2011 came from Obama’s salary, with the rest coming from book sales. The Obamas reported more than $172,000 in charitable donations. “The salary for the president, as with members of Congress, is set by law and cannot be changed,” Obama spokesman Jay Carney said late Wednesday. “However, the president has decided that to share in the sacrifice being made by public servants across the federal government that are affected by the sequester, he will contribute a portion of his salary back to the Treasury.”

The president has decided to share in the sacrifice being made by public servants across the federal government. JAY CARNEY Press secretary, Obama administration Wednesday’s notice followed a similar move a day earlier by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, who committed to taking a salary cut equal to 14 days’ pay — the same level of cut that other Defense Department civilians are being forced to take. As many as 700,000 civilians will have to take one unpaid day off each week for up to 14 weeks in the coming months. Obama isn’t the first president to give up part of his paycheck. Herbert Hoover put his salary in a separate account, then divvied it up, giving part to charity and part to employees he felt were underpaid, according to an interview he gave in 1937. John F. Kennedy donated his presidential salary to various charities, according to

Stacey Chandler, an archivist at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. George Washington refused pay during the latter part of his military career, according to researchers at Mount Vernon. He tried to refuse a presidential salary, but Congress required that the position pay $25,000. Among lawmakers, Sen. Mark Begich, an Alaska Democrat, said Wednesday that he, too, would return part of his income to the Treasury, although he did not specify how much of his $174,000 salary he would give up. Begich said his office started furloughing staffers in mid-March and more than half of his staff will have their pay cut this year. “This won’t solve our spending problem on its own, but I hope it is a reminder to Alaskans that I am willing to make the tough cuts, wherever they may be, to get our spending under control,” Begich said. A number of lawmakers have from time to time taken steps to show they’re not immune as the federal government looks to tighten its belt. An aide to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said McConnell returns a substantial part of his salary to the Treasury every year. The Senate this month adopted by voice vote a symbolic amendment permitting — but not requiring — senators to give 20 percent of their salaries to the Treasury as part of the Democrats’ budget resolution. Also in March, as the spending cuts started bearing down, the GOP-controlled House imposed an 8.2 percent reduction on lawmakers’ personal office budgets. The White House, after declining for weeks to provide specifics for how the president’s own staff had been affected, said Monday that 480 workers on the budget staff had been notified they may have to take days off without pay.






Sunny, with a high near 50. Northwest wind 6 to 10 mph. Low of 32.

High of 55, low of 33.

SATURDAY High of 51, low of 37.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, APRIL 4 12:30 PM “Fads and Fallacies in Health Care” Join the Public Health Coalition over lunch in discussing American health care myths with Theodore Marmor, School of Management professor of political science, public policy and management. Silliman College (505 College St.), Dining Annex. 4:30 PM “Microphilanthropy: A New Way to Bring Positive Change to the World?” Erhardt Graeff, co-founder of the Awesome Foundation and graduate student at the MIT Media Lab, will present a talk entitled “Inspiration, Community and Happiness: Why Microphilanthropy Is Awesome.” As a philanthropy network, the Awesome Foundation brings together thousands of people worldwide to enact consistent, positive change in their communities. Organized by InspireYale and Yale Flourish. Free and open to the general public. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Room 207.


FRIDAY, APRIL 5 3:00 PM Global Village Global Village will feature free ethnic food, cultural performances and exciting internship opportunities. The event is organized by AIESEC Yale. Cross Campus. 5:00 PM College Night on Broadway The event will feature shopping discounts of up to 20 percent off, live music by the Kings of Harmony, free T-shirts, free jewelry, free caricatures, free henna tattoos, free Insomnia cookie samples, free Ashley’s ice cream, free kettle corn, the Cheese Truck and much more! Broadway Street.


SATURDAY, APRIL 6 2:00 PM “Richard III” Directed by Laurence Olivier (1955). Screened in conjunction with the Paul Mellon Lectures, which will be given by Robin Simon of University College London. Free and open to the general public. Yale Center for British Art (1080 Chapel St.), Lecture Hall.

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By Jeff Chen

4 Beatles song syllables 5 Delta rival: Abbr. 6 Freshly groomed 7 Diamond deception found in this grid nine times: eight in square four-letter clusters, the ninth formed by the clusters’ outline 8 Burt’s Bees product 9 Startup segment 10 Skedaddle 11 Actress Thurman 12 Stockholm flier 15 Hugo’s “Ruy __” 17 Nocturnal bear 21 Wallace of “E.T.” 23 In an arranged swap, she guesthosted “The Tonight Show” in 2003 on the same day Jay guest-hosted “The Today Show” 25 Tripart sandwich 26 Newcastle specialty 27 French designer’s inits.

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30 French door part 32 Nursing a grudge 33 Family nickname 34 Vacation spots 35 Prideful place? 36 Org. with towers 37 Two-bagger: Abbr. 38 Laurel & Hardy producer Roach 40 Accommodates 41 Guinness superlative

6 1 3 8 9 7 8 4 3 2 2 9 4 7 6 3


42 Syrup source 44 “Golly!” 45 Pb is its symbol 47 “(I’ve Got __ in) Kalamazoo” 50 With proficiency 51 “Red light!” 52 Nos. not on some restaurant menus 53 “Got it!” 54 His, in Honfleur 56 Rain-__: bubble gum brand






WORLD Syrian rebels look southward BY ZEINA KARAM ASSOCIATED PRESS BEIRUT — Syrian rebels captured a military base in the south on Wednesday and set their sights on seizing control of a strategically important region along the border with Jordan that would give them a critical gateway to attempt an attack on the capital, Damascus. With foreign aid and training of rebels in Jordan ramping up, the opposition fighters have regained momentum in their fight to topple President Bashar Assad. But while the fall of southern Syria would facilitate the rebel push for Damascus, it might also create dangerous complications, potentially drawing Syria’s neighbors into the two-year-old civil war. Besides abutting Jordan, the region includes territory that borders Syria’s side of the Golan Heights, along a sensitive frontier with Israel. “This is a very sensitive triangle we are talking about,” said Hisham Jaber, a retired Lebanese army general who heads the Middle East Center for Studies and Political Research in Beirut. “The fall of Daraa, if it happens, may usher in strategic changes in the area.” For the rebels, control of the south is key to their advance toward Damascus. Dozens of fighting brigades have carved up footholds in areas to the east and south of the capital, where they fire off mortar shells on the heavily guarded city. The significance of their gains in the south was on display Wednesday when the rebels stormed a military base after a five-day siege. “Damascus will be liberated from here, from Daraa, from the south,” declared an armed fighter, a rifle slung over his shoulder and a kaffiyeh tied around his face. Videos posted online by activists showed him and other unidentified rebels celebrating inside the Syrian army’s 49th battalion in the village of Alma, on the outskirts of Daraa. “We will march to the presidential palace from here,” said another fighter, amid bursts of “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is great.” The videos showed rebels from the Suqour Houran, or Eagles of Houran brigade, driving a Russianmade armored personnel carrier inside the base. “These missiles are now under our control,” said a fighter, standing before a missile loaded on a truck. Another video, posted by the Fajr alIslam brigade, showed the rebels walking around the base as the heavy thud of incoming artillery rounds fired by nearby regime forces was heard in the background. A destroyed rocket, army

trucks and radars were seen on the ground. The capture of the base is the latest advance by opposition fighters near the strategic border with Jordan. Last month, opposition fighters seized Dael, one of the province’s bigger towns, and overran another air defense base in the region. Opposition fighters battling Assad’s troops have been chipping away at the regime’s hold on the southern part of the country in recent weeks with the help of an influx of foreign-funded weapons. Their aim is to secure a corridor from the Jordanian border to Damascus in preparation for an eventual assault on the capital. And they have made major progress along the way. Activists say several towns and villages along the Daraa-Damascus route are now in rebel hands.

If Daraa falls, the rebels will come face to face with the Israeli army in the Golan. HILAL KHASHAN Political science professor, American University of Beirut A Western diplomat who monitors Syria from his base in Jordan said the fall of Daraa appeared imminent, possibly in the next few days or weeks. His assessment was based on classified intelligence information, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity in order not to hamper his intelligencegathering efforts. Daraa’s fall could unleash lawlessness on Jordan’s northern border and send jitters across the kingdom, a key U.S. ally which fears Islamic extremist groups on its doorstep. Also of grave concern are rebel advances in areas near the Israelioccupied Golan Heights. “If Daraa falls, the rebels will come face to face with the Israeli army in the Golan,” said Hilal Khashan, a political science professor at the American University of Beirut. Daraa province separates Damascus from the Golan Heights, which Israel captured in 1967 and annexed in 1981. In recent weeks, Israel has seen Syrian mortar rounds and bullets land in Israeli territory and tanks enter a demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights. Israeli security officials believe the incidents have been inadvertent but have threatened to retaliate.

“Christopher Columbus was the spearhead of the biggest invasion and genocide ever seen in the history of humanity.” HUGO CHAVEZ FORMER PRESIDENT OF VENEZUELA

Venezuela looks to April 14 vote BY CHRISTOPHER TOOTHAKER ASSOCIATED PRESS CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela’s presidential campaign on Wednesday veered between warnings of military meddling in the April 14 vote and opposition mirth at the acting president’s suggestion that the spirit of Hugo Chavez visited him as “a little bird” while he prayed. Opposition lawmaker Alfonso Marquina presented a complaint to Venezuela’s elections council, demanding it sanction officers who have publicly backed Nicolas Maduro, who has been acting president since President Hugo Chavez’s death on March 5. Marquina has alleged that Defense Minister Diego Molero and National Guard Gen. Antonio Benavides plan to use military resources to intimidate voters, especially those dependent on government services, to cast ballots for Maduro. Maduro’s campaign denies the allegations and there was no immediate comment from the council. But the controversy was almost overshadowed in the press and chatter in the street by Maduro’s latest move to draw an almost religious connection to Chavez, whom he served as foreign minister and vice president. Maduro declared on Tuesday that a “little bird” appeared as he was praying alone in a little wooden chapel shortly after Chavez’s death. “It sang, and I responded with a song and the bird took flight, circled around once and then flew away, and I felt the spirit and blessings of Commander Hugo Chavez for this battle,” said Maduro, who interspersed his remarks with sounds to simulate the flapping of the bird’s wings and its whistle. The message, delivered as he visited Chavez’s hometown of Sabaneta in southern Venezuela, was intended for a national audience of Chavistas that reveres the late leader. It also fell in line with an electoral strategy in which Maduro repeatedly emphasizes his close ties to Chavez, who tapped him as his chosen successor. But it prompted ridicule among many of his opponents. Many newspapers led their campaign stories Wednesday with Maduro’s bird remarks. The satirical website “El Chiguire Bipolar” said the statement was so strange that its own jokes could not compete: “If you laugh, it’s not because of us.” Images of birds with Chavez’s head circulated among government critics on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, prompting Maduro to defend himself. “Now the bourgeoisie and the


Venezuela’s interim President Nicolas Maduro greets supporters from his campaign bus in Barinas, Venezuela. right are talking about Maduro’s little bird. What do they think? That we’re ridiculous? Show some respect, gentlemen,” he said at a Tuesday rally in the western state of Zulia. Maduro also defended what he called revolutionary unity with the armed forces at a rally Wednesday in the western state of Tachira, even as the opposition was filing its complaint. “Civic-military unity is one of the greatest works that our supreme commander, Hugo Chavez, built,” Maduro said, according to the government news agency. Venezuela’s Constitution bans military officers from publicly promoting politicians or political parties. But in his 14 years in power, Chavez co-opted the armed forces’ leadership to ensure loyalty to his socialist government, especially after he was briefly ousted in a coup in 2002. Opposition candidate Henrique Capriles and his supporters have

lambasted top-ranking military officers, including Molero and Benavides, for publicly backing Maduro in the April 14 election. But just one day after Chavez died, Molero said the military would follow instructions left by Chavez. He did not elaborate. “The national armed forces will not fail Chavez,” Molero said, according to state television. “Once elections are organized, we will honor his wishes and we will give the fascists a tough blow.” On March 21, the defense minister tweeted: “From this day on, we join the battle of ideas the Supreme Commander of the Revolution pushed forward.” On Tuesday, Maduro accused the opposition of attempting to create splits within the military. He did not provide details. “They want to divide the armed forces,” he told supporters. “Everyone, be alert.”




Big East announces change to American Athletic Conference The conference formerly known as the Big East will be called the American Athletic Conference next season, commissioner Mike Aresco said in a statement. The conference must change its name because the seven Catholic schools that are leaving to form their own conference next year are retaining the Big East name.

Friars knocked out

Elis extend win streak BASEBALL FROM PAGE 14


The No. 16 Bulldogs took down the Providence Friars 13–6 in their first nonconference game since Ivy League competition began. MEN’S LACROSSE FROM PAGE 14 from the Friars in the second quarter and maintained a lead through the second half. The Elis began the second quarter with an untouchable 5–0 scoring run, eventually outscoring the Friars 7–2 in the second quarter alone. The Bulldogs’ pace was much too fast for Providence to keep up with in the second half as the Elis again outscored Providence in the third quarter 3–1, and again by 2–0 in the final quarter of play. This Saturday, Yale will take on a Dartmouth squad that has struggled on offense this year. In last week’s loss to Cornell, the Big Green put up five goals compared to Cornell’s 21. In comparison, the Elis were able to net twice as many opportunities against Cornell on March 16, for a total of 10 goals to the Big Red’s

12. Still, team members do not expect Dartmouth to go down without a fight.

Like any Ivy League game, Dartmouth will definitely be a grind. MIKE MCCORMACK ’13 Captain, men’s lacrosse “Like any Ivy League game, Dartmouth will definitely be a grind,” McCormack said. “We are looking to finish out the week with a few solid practices, and hopefully we can carry this momentum into our game on Saturday.” The Bulldogs have defeated the Big Green in the past three conference matchups, but the games have been close. Twice,

What we tolerate in sports COLUMN FROM PAGE 14 over, or even praised as a coaching technique. In no other profession is conduct like this tolerated. Mike Rice hasn’t just made a few mistakes. He is a violent, abusive bully holding a position intended for a mentor and educator. Yet more shocking still is that this man had a job until Wednesday. Facing the maelstrom of a horrified public, his firing was imminent. In my dreams, there would also be criminal charges. But he should have been fired back in December, when the school administration first learned of his misconduct. Instead, Rutgers Athletics Director Tim Pernetti merely chose to sidestep around the issue — somehow, he must have thought the problem was going to simply disappear. When a whistle-blower provided the tape to Pernetti back in December, Pernetti suspended Rice for a mere three games. Three games for a “first offense.” Are you kidding me? If Pernetti had been taped throwing basketballs at his staff at the Rutgers Athletics office, you can bet he would have been axed before rush hour. Instead, the AD chose to keep an abusive man as coach and fired the whistle-blower, former NBA player Eric Murdock, who is now suing Rutgers for wrongful termination. Pernetti and Rice represent the absolute worst side of college athletics. They have forgotten — or simply don’t care about — their job description and mission. By mere coincidence, Rice was Pernetti’s first big hire as AD. Firing the coach back in December would have reflected poorly on the program and Pernetti, and may have complicated Rutgers’ pending move to the Big Ten conference. This is what happens when money and reputational concerns get conflated with what college athletics is supposed to be about in the first place: the student-athletes. Instead, I hope Pernetti is happy with the firestorm that’s coming his way. Because after Rice’s firing (unfortunately, he’ll probably find another job with a school with low self-esteem and no morals), I guarantee the Rutgers administrators will come after Pernetti next. And if they don’t do so quickly, Rutgers President Robert Barchi could find himself in hot water as well — he saw the tape and approved Rice’s lenient punishment. Sure, this is no Penn State, but the actions of everyone involved here still fall under the category of “deplorable.” Considering these men supposedly work for students, they should probably start looking for a new line of employment. Contact EVAN FRONDORF at .

Yale won by two goals, and once, the Bulldogs gained a five-goal victory. “Against a tough Ivy team like Dartmouth, it’s important to focus on the process of getting all the little details right,” Zdrill said. The Dartmouth game will give the Elis a chance to even their conference record to .500 with two additional conference games to play after Saturday’s matchup. “We are still a work in progress,” head coach Andy Shay said. “We need guys who think they have secondary roles to fill primary ones in the moment.” The Ivy League opponents will face off at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday at Reese Stadium.

dered just two runs to pick up the first win of his career and even Yale’s record in the Ancient Eight at 2–2. Coleman, who pitched in only six games last season due to injury, said that earning the win was an important step in his long road to recovery. “Being unable to play last season due to injury was extremely frustrating and inspired me to work extra hard this off-season so that I would be able to come back at full strength,” the right-hander said. “It was nice to see the hard work finally pay off, and it felt great to help the team get an important win in the Ivy League.” The Elis handed Coleman a lead before he ever toed the rubber when second baseman David Toups ’15 scored on a passed ball by Big Red catcher Matt Hall. Then in the top of the third, a sacrifice fly from third baseman Brent Lawson ’16 and an RBI single by Campbell gave the Bulldogs a 3–0 cushion in the top of the third. Coleman was not the only pitcher to earn his first career win this week. Left-handed pitcher Chris Lanham ’16 notched his first win with a five-inning outing against Sacred Heart. Although Lanham gave up a two-run single to Pioneer catcher Derick Horn in the top of the

second, the Elis retook the lead for good with a four-run outburst in the bottom of the frame. Lanham said that playing with the lead allowed him to pitch to contact more. “With the lead, it is important to throw a lot of strikes and let the defense make the plays behind you,” Lanham said. “They did a great job that game.” After securing their first winning streak of the season, the Bulldogs did not rest on their laurels against the Huskies. Fueled by four RBIs from shortstop Tom O’Neill ’16, Yale put across four runs in the first inning and tagged on five more in the second. Campbell had three hits and three RBIs, and first baseman Jacob Hunter ’14 had four hits against the Huskies to lead six Elis who recorded at least two hits. “All of the hitters were dialed in today, it was like we were taking [batting practice] on our home turf,” Campbell said. “We just had the ashé going from one hitter to the next.” Southpaw David Hickey ’14 struck out three across two scoreless innings to earn the win. Yale stays at home this weekend to host Columbia (9–15, 2–2 Ivy) on Saturday and Penn (16–9, 3–1 Ivy) on Sunday.

Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .



The Yale offense has averaged 7.6 runs over its last five games this week.

Freshman receives ECAC all-rookie honor MEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 14 in this statistic and leads Yale freshmen with nine assists. Obuchowski is second in points for Yale defensemen with 12, behind only Tommy Fallen ’15 with 23. “It’s simple — he’s skilled offensively and difficult to play against defensively,” Yale assistant coach Red Gendron said. “He possesses a nice combination of skating ability, stick skills and grit. With skating and grit, you keep pucks out of your net. With skating and stick skills, you can put pucks in their net.” Obuchowski’s efforts have not gone unnoticed as he became the first Bulldog to receive the ECAC allrookie honor since former Hobey Baker finalist Brian O’Neill ’12 claimed the award during the 2008– ’09 season. Obuchowski started playing hockey in his hometown of West Bloomfield, just outside of Detroit, at 19 months old when his parents couldn’t stop him running onto the ice where his older brothers were practicing. He immediately took to the sport and continued advanc-

ing his career with youth hockey and then high school hockey. But Obuchowski did not seriously think about hockey as something he would do past high school. This changed sophomore year when he visited the locker room of the University of Miami’s hockey team. Despite thinking about a college career comparatively late for a hockey player, he performed especially well during his senior year, when he had a prolific season posting four goals and 23 assists in 30 games. He intended to go to one of the schools near his hometown until Lutsch reached out to Obuchowski with the prospect of playing junior hockey. Backed by his high school coach, the 17-year-old decided to pack his bags and relocate to Indianapolis, Ind., to further his career. Lutsch said that Ryan was kind of a diamond in the rough who had very good potential and a commitment to improving his game both on and off the ice. “I was fortunately able to secure him in the USHL draft that May [2011]. I think it was an eye-opener for Ryan that first month in the USHL

coming from high school hockey, and he learned quickly how much commitment off the ice was involved,” Lutsch said. “He surrounded himself with some other players with great work ethics, and for the two seasons we had together there weren’t many mornings he wasn’t doing extra workouts or working on his on-ice individual skills.” His success in Indiana led to his recruitment to Yale, despite his hesitation to leave the Midwest and travel all the way to New Haven. Entering the season as one of three freshman defensemen in a corps that included four returners, there was always going to be a battle for playing time. However, Obi started playing immediately and posted three assists and a +7 rating before the New Year rolled around. It was in January and onward when Yale’s No. 14 began truly to gain confidence and become comfortable with the ECAC’s faster style of play. “I have to give credit to my linemates this season,” he said. “I started with Colin Dueck ’13 who was really helpful on showing me how to improve defensively. Then in the sec-


Defenseman Ryan Obuchowski ’16 has recorded three goals and nine assists this season.

ond half of the season, Fallen was great in showing me how to play with speed and be able to join the rush. Confidence was a huge thing for me as I gained more opportunities; I gained confidence in myself.”

I have to give credit to my linemates this season. RYAN OBUCHOWSKI ‘16 Defenseman, men’s hockey Obuchowski scored his first goal in Yale’s first game of the New Year versus perennial powerhouse Boston College and posted a +2 rating. In the second half of the season, he recorded seven assists and two goals, one of which was a game-tying goal versus Princeton. Obuchowski has been stable in the power-play unit and has been a top four defenseman most of the season. In the Bulldogs’ last game against heavily favored North Dakota, he posted a +3 rating and tallied two shots in the team’s 4–1 victory that propelled it to the Frozen Four. “Our will to win was huge. Going against Minnesota and North Dakota, everyone wrote us off, and the will of the team was to really overcome that,” he said. “We never gave up, and we knew if we followed the process our coaches set up, the goals would come. But, the Frozen Four definitely comes as a surprise, I never thought I would be here, at Yale, my freshman year of college, when three years ago I was only concerned with winning high school state championships and I didn’t really know where I was going with hockey.” Yale has had an improbable run to the Frozen Four, becoming only the second fourth-ranked team to make it this far in the tournament since the NCAA went to a 16-team format in 2003. While Obuchowski is currently focused on the team’s tournament run, he hopes to sign a contract with an NHL or AHL team and become a professional hockey player after graduation. The Bulldogs will take on UMassLowell in the semifinals of the NCAA Division 1 championship on April 11 in Pittsburg, Penn. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at .


SOCCER Real Madrid 3 Galatasaray 0

NBA Toronto 88 Washington 78


PETER JOHNSON ’13 ELI NAMED CLASS AWARD FINALIST The men’s lacrosse defenseman was named one of 10 finalists in the country for the 2013 Senior CLASS Award, which is given annually to Division I student athletes who embody excellence in four categories: community, classroom, character and competition.

NBA N.Y. Knicks 95 Atlanta 82


NBA Boston 98 Detroit 93

NHL Philadelphia 5 Montreal 3


TOMMY AMAKER NAT’L AWARDS FOR HARVARD COACH The Crimson men’s basketball coach was named Coach of the Year in Division I by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association & Hall of Fame and the District 13 Co-Coach of the Year by the National Association of Basketball Coaches.

“It was nice to see that we were able to focus mentally and pull out a solid win. MIKE MCCORMACK ’13 CAPTAIN, MEN’S LACROSSE YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013 ·

Elis look to Dartmouth MEN’S LACROSSE

Rutgers abuse reveals corrupt culture

out a solid win.” The Elis once again dominated the Friars by outshooting 37–28 and picking up 37 out of 58 ground balls. Faceoff specialist Dylan Levings ’14 picked up a team-leading 12 ground balls and won 85 percent of his faceoffs, taking 17 of 20. While the first quarter was fairly even-matched, Yale burst away

I interrupt your regularly scheduled Frozen Four coverage for a public service announcement: Did you know that all state university jobs are required to accept applications from the public? You might have heard of people jokingly applying for coaching vacancies at big schools with cover letters describing their pertinent experiences as a peewee football coach or a season ticket holder. Well, as of yesterday, the men’s basketball coaching job at Rutgers is open for all you would-be Coach Ks or Shaka Smarts. Let’s take a step back. Until yesterday, Mike Rice was, inexplicably, still the head basketball coach at Rutgers. In a shocking exposé aired Tuesday on ESPN’s “Outside the Lines,” film obtained from team practices shows Rice verbally berating and physically abusing his players. It’s not just Rice dropping a few curse words or getting fired up during a passionate motivational speech. In the footage, Rice shoves his players, throws basketballs at their heads from close range, and screams homophobic slurs and creative obscenities. None of them are printable here, but type “Rutgers” into Google and you’ll find it. I’m sure the university loves searchengine optimization right now. Revelations like this make me irrationally angry considering I have no relation to any of the parties involved. But one of my biggest problems with the sporting world today is a coach who thinks he is invincible. I can’t stand when behavior like this is joked about, passed




The Bulldogs will face the Dartmouth Big Green on Saturday at Reese Stadium. BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER After a slow start on the scoreboard, the No. 16 men’s lacrosse team caught its stride in the second quarter, outscoring Providence by five goals en route to a 13–6 victory. On Tuesday night, Yale (5–3, 1–2 Ivy) defeated the Providence Friars (7-4, 1-2 Big East) 13–6 in its first nonconference game since Ivy

League competition began, following the Bulldogs’ 7–6 overtime win over Penn on Saturday. The Eli offense continued to click, with both attackman Conrad Oberbeck ’15 and forward Kirby Zdrill ’13 netting three goals apiece and Ivy League co-player of the week and Yale leading-scorer Brandon Mangan ’14 adding three assists. Though Tuesday matchups present a quick turnaround for the Elis,


captain Mike McCormack ’13 says he believes the Elis handled the short span between games effectively. “Midweek games are always difficult preparation-wise, and I think that the team did a great job doing the little things right,” McCormack said. “There was not much turnaround time from Penn on Saturday, and it was nice to see that we were able to focus mentally and pull

Obuchowski has Bulldog’s bite

Yale rounds the corner



With men’s hockey headed to the Frozen Four for the first time since 1952, one freshman has been at the center of the team’s action for the entire season. Known to his teammates as “Obi,” 6-foot-1-inch defenseman Ryan Obuchowski ’16 — a Michigan native and member of the ECAC all-rookie squad — has played in every game for the Bulldogs in his first year and leads the team in +/- with +12 on the season.

After the baseball team notched its first Ivy League win of the season at Princeton over the weekend, strong pitching and improved defense helped the Bulldogs extend that momentum into a three-game winning streak.

BASEBALL Yale won 4–2 over Cornell (15–7, 3–1 Ivy) in Ithaca on Monday morning and then returned home to defeat the Sacred Heart Pioneers (8–13, 5–3 Northeast) by a score of 5–3 the following day. Playing for the sixth time in five days Wednesday, the Elis (5–15, 2–2 Ivy) jumped

out to a nine-run lead by the second inning and blew out the University of Connecticut (16–11, 3–3 Big East) with a 15–5 victory. Centerfielder Green Campbell ’15 said that Yale’s pitching rotation has helped drive the Elis’ recent success. “When our starter goes out and gets two or three shutout innings to open a game, it really keeps our energy high, and I think this has allowed us to spark crucial big innings early in the game,” Campbell said. Playing on Monday morning after the second game of Sunday’s doubleheader was postponed because of rain, pitcher Michael Coleman ’14 scattered six hits over 7.2 innings and surrenSEE BASEBALL PAGE 13

MEN’S HOCKEY “To be honest, I’m really not surprised that he has worked his way up the depth chart and is playing the minutes he’s playing now,” said Brad Lutsch, former director of player personnel for the United States Hockey League Indiana Ice, who coached Obuchowski during the two years before he came to Yale. “When you get him on the ice, he has a warrior mentality and will do whatever it takes to win.” Obuchowski has become a vital part of the Bulldogs’ (20-123, 12-9-1 ECAC) playoff run and trip to the Frozen Four. In addition to leading the team in +/-, he is ranked ninth in the nation SEE MEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 13


Defenseman Ryan Obuchowski ’16 has been vital to the Elis’ qualification for the Frozen Four.


The Bulldogs have outscored opponents 24–10 during their three-game winning streak this week.



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