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Police plan to step up patrols in the downtown nightclub district


Bulldogs shut out by Fordham 2-0 in first match of the season





Town-gown at key juncture

Don’t forget. If you’re a member of the Class of 2017, your course schedules are due by 5 p.m. today. On the dot. Get those papers ready. Smile! You’re on TV. Eric Stern

’15 appeared on Fox News’ “The Hannity Show” on Friday to participate in Hannity’s “College Forum,” a special episode with seven college Republicans and Democrats from across the country. Stern, a member of the Yale Dems, discussed the Affordable Care Act, budget deficit and taxes with the other 13 guests as Hannity moderated — and occasionally cut short — the discussion. At one point, when Hannity mentioned a study by The Cato Institute, Stern rolled his eyes, prompting Hannity to respond, “It’s a libertarian think tank!”


to the education of its children,” Levin said. Then, staring across the sea of almost 3,000 people including students, U.S. senators and presidents of other universities, he continued: “But we must do more.”

With mere days to go before the Democratic primary election for mayor of New Haven, the four candidates transitioned over the weekend into the final, frenetic phase of the campaign: actually getting voters to the polls. After a long summer spent devising platforms and canvassing neighborhoods to identify support, the four mayoral hopefuls are all bearing down on Tuesday’s primary, intent on transferring campaign energy into a ground game that could decide, if not the race itself, the margins of support that will shape November’s general election. All three candidates except for Connecticut State Sen. Toni Harp ARC ’78 said they will run again as Independents in November should they lose the primary on Sept. 10. In a major show of force 72 hours before the polls open, Harp rallied nearly 80 supporters on Saturday outside of her campaign headquarters on Whalley Avenue. A day later, Henry Fernandez LAW ’94, former New Haven economic development administrator, took to his front porch to thank supporters and ready his campaign for Tuesday. Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 staged a rally for supporters last Thursday, and Hillhouse High School principal Kermit Carolina said he spent Sunday morning strategizing with his campaign staff for Election Day. With music, food and volunteer sign-up sheets, Harp’s supporters crowded onto the busy Dixwell sidewalk and pledged to deliver the election to the 21-year incumbent state senator. “There’s only a few days left to elect our next mayor, Senator Toni Harp,” Connecticut State Rep. Juan Candelaria told the crowd. He was joined by a delegation of Harp’s colleagues in Hartford, including State Sen. Martin Looney and State Rep. Toni Walker.



Around the country in 457 days. Yale alumnus Ethan

Rodriguez-Torrent ’13 completed his 4,000-mile cross-country bike trip on Friday, pedaling up to the Golden Gate Bridge and finishing a journey he started more than a year ago from Virginia Beach, Va. that took him to Aurora, Colo. in July 2012 for the Dark Knight Rises premiere. Rodriguez-Torrent, one of the survivors of the Aurora shooting, decided to finish the final leg of his bike trip where he left off: at the Century Aurora multiplex. Rodriguez-Torrent told the News that he rode for the dual purpose of completing the trip and raising money for victims with serious lifelong injuries. He plans to become a New Haven police officer.


Yale President Richard Levin and Mayor DeStefano led the city for two decades. Below, 2013 mayoral candidates debate.


etween this fall’s mayoral election and the appointment of Yale President Peter Salovey, the city-University relationship is in for a shake-up. With two new leaders, will the town-gown partnership remain as strong as it was under President Levin and Mayor DeStefano? MONICA DISARE reports.

Democracy in action.

On Oct. 2, 1993, Richard Levin was inaugurated as the president of Yale University. Though the News’ coverage focused on the celebratory nature of the day — “marked by medieval pomp, blue-

Tragedy in Milford. Thirteen

Yale sets sights on low-income outreach

Campaigning for Yale College Council and Class Council elections begin today at 5 p.m. Candidates interested in running for office are allowed to solicit votes and upload promotional material during this time period. Elections will be held online from Sept. 11-12.

children were injured in a carnival ride accident during the Norwalk Oyster Festival on Sunday. According to police reports, the swing ride lost power while children were airborne in the swings, and the machine continued to spin during the breakdown, dragging some chairs and their riders along the ground. Though all carnival rides during the festival were shut down after the accident, the three-day event remained open to the public.


1991 The University agrees to stop charging the government for a number of luxury items deemed inappropriate and unrelated to research activities, including hotel room expenses, flowers and salaries for fundraisers. The move comes after a federal audit of Stanford University found a number of fiscal abuses. Yale officials expect the University’s current 68 percent overhead reimbursement rate to be reduced significantly. Submit tips to Cross Campus


Candidates ready GOTV operations

BY AMY WANG STAFF REPORTER Last month, addressing hundreds of eager freshmen and their families, University President Peter Salovey gave a speech in which he criticized the troubling lack of access to higher education in the U.S. Fifty years ago, another Yale president stood in his place and declared almost the very same thing. In his 1964 inaugural address, former University President Kingman Brewster called for the “opening of the gates of the walled city.” Brewster was referring to the isolated nature of Yale at the time — its all-male student body, its strict adherence to tradition and its obvious lack of any kind of diversity on campus. As he kicked off his campaign to dramatically transform the University’s admissions policies, Brewster demanded an end to the “institutional chauvinism” that prevailed at universities nationwide and prevented most of America from obtaining access to education. Over the past 60 years, Brewster’s words have indeed been taken to heart. In the last two incoming classes, roughly 40 percent of American students have identified as students of color, and nearly 50 percent of undergraduates have qualified for University financial aid. Additionally, more than half of

grass and rock music, ice cream and bright sunlight” — Levin pointed to the struggling postindustrial city surrounding Yale’s campus in his inaugural address. “We must remember that we

the class of 2017 hails from public high schools. But despite these major achievements, a noticeable gap remains between Yale’s student body and the general American public: the income gap. In the last five years, Yale’s Admissions Office has redoubled its efforts to seek and recruit high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds, weaving together a strategic plan of coordinated outreach efforts and special recruitment programs. But while enthusiasm for low-income outreach is high, the actual effects of these efforts are yet to be seen.


Yale historian Gaddis Smith ’54 GRD ’61 recalls the straightforwardness of admissions practices in the 1950s, when he was admitted to Yale. “It was so easy,” Smith said, musing at how different the process was. “Private schools, prep schools, elite schools [like] Andover gave Yale an admissions list, and that was it, period. Those were the ones who were admitted.” While the University’s admissions policies have faced sweeping changes in the last 60 years — the most prominent being the acceptance of women and the gradual racial diversification of the student body — many SEE LOW INCOME PAGE 4

have important responsibilities here at home. We contribute much to the cultural life of New Haven, to the health of its citizens and


In filings, campaign strategies revealed BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER In a mayoral race based more on personalities than policies, one issue has come to define how the four candidates would alter the dynamics of city politics: where their campaigns’ money originates. Through filings released last week, the candidates detailed the names, addresses and amounts given for each of their donors. In doing so, they made calculable several data points that reveal their campaigns’ strategies over the past several months as they sought to sell Elm City residents on their candidacies. “It’s very exemplary of the different approaches to campaigns,” Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 said of the filings recently. “I question why so many people from outside New Haven would want to donate so much money to influence New Haven’s elections.” The data most significant to the outcome of Tuesday’s vote is the total raised by each candidate — $173,982 for State Sen. Toni Harp ARC ’78, $86,304 for Henry Fernandez LAW ’94, $29,254 for Elicker and $5,260 for Hillhouse High School Principal Kermit Carolina. With all but Harp vowing to fight on through potential primary defeats to the general election in November, the funds raised over the summer will shape the candidates’ efforts through at least the early fall. Although Harp far outraised her opponents in the latest filing period, she enters the next stage of the race with comparatively little money on hand. She spent $216,253 during the reporting period, which spokesman Patrick Scully attributed

to her late entry into the race. Beyond the simple totals, though, the candidates’ reliance on funding from outside New Haven has engendered the most discussion in the days since the filings’ releases. Harp raised 21.64 percent of her funds from inside New Haven while Fernandez brought in 22.81 percent of his funds from the Elm City. A significantly greater proportion, 79.11 percent, of Elicker’s contributions came from New Haven. Only a slightly smaller percentage of Carolina’s funds – 74.33 percent – originated in the Elm City.

I question why so many people from outside New Haven would want to donate so much money. JUSTIN ELICKER FES ‘10 SOM ‘10 Ward 10 Alderman Also included in the filings are the locations within New Haven of donors, providing rough maps of where in the city the candidates draw the most support. Of the four, Harp posted the most widespread contributions, with a relatively consistent number of donors in most of the city’s neighborhoods. Fernandez, whose contributions in the city are sparse, found most of his donors in East Rock. Only one individual donated from Fernandez’s Fair Haven neighborhood. Elicker, meanwhile, drew substantial SEE FUNDRAISING PAGE 6




.COMMENT “Put some socks on, guy.”

A time for choosing




A misguided candidacy


ood's campaign reflects the assumptions troubling our

New Haven relationship.

Ella Wood’s ’15 candidacy for Ward 7 alderman reflects a vital Yale tradition: student involvement in New Haven politics. That involvement, however, is perhaps the only commendable element of this rather strange story. Whether she intended to or not, Wood has nominated herself as an ambassador from Yale to the greater New Haven community. And as of now, she epitomizes the very things we hope to change about our towngown relationship. The Ezra Stiles junior announced her candidacy last month, just days after breaking her lease in Ward 2 and moving to the ward she now hopes to represent. Perhaps unsurprisingly, her campaign has focused on the importance of conversations, rather than the intricacies and issues of her new home — no doubt a symptom of her unfamiliarity with the ward. Through discourse with residents of Ward 7, she says she hopes to learn more about the problems affecting the community, as well as engage New Haven residents previously detached from the political process. Wood is clearly sincere in her desire to serve the people of Ward 7, but it is arrogance to believe that good intentions and a lastminute move make Wood a qualified candidate. And while Wood’s efforts are admirable — indeed, more Yalies should prioritize conversations with New Haven residents from across the city — they pale in comparison to the tested experience of Doug Hausladen '04, whose tenure as alderman has earned him strong support from his

constituents and a reputation as an effective leader. What we are witnessing, then, is a candidate looking for conversations pitted against a candidate who has already had many. Wood’s candidacy exacerbates the preexisting perception that Yale students believe they are inherently able, by virtue of their education, to solve the most pressing issues in New Haven, regardless of their location or relation to the University. It reinforces a stereotype of entitlement that keeps us isolated behind the walls of campus. We must question the culture that drives these attitudes, and ask ourselves how Yalies can continue to engage New Haven in a way that is respectful of the people who called this city home well before we arrived on campus. We can ill afford the perception that we, as Yale students, believe New Haven to be our playground for political office. We must look to the models of engagement offered by leaders like Hausladen, whose Yale degree is the foundation, not the license, for his career in politics. Wood’s campaign, by virtue of its hasty creation, suggests a larger, entrenched political machinery at work in New Haven seeking to challenge one of the few independent voices on the board. A more constructive campaign could have seen her running for alderman in Ward 2, where she previously lived, or in Ward 22, where her own residential college is located. Wood’s candidacy reflects on all of us. This is neither the representation that we, nor Ward 7, deserve.

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ou’ve arrived at Yale, and the ecstasy of opportunities at every turn — lifelong friendships, caffeinated upperclassmen offering you candy and begging you to join their club, a million combinations of possible majors and futures — probably hasn’t begun to wear off yet. It’s easy to get here and to buy the claim conveyed by the barrage of messages seeping from every nook and cranny between the cobblestones: “We’ve never had it so good” — as a former president once framed it in the speech that lifted him from relative obscurity in 1964. It’s easy to feel this way now. But circumstances can change rapidly in a few months, when you discover that not all paths lead to growth or fulfillment. Many activities at Yale are wastes of time — how else to describe hours spent in organizations compiling data, running errands or sitting through dull meetings? Certainly no activity is all pleasure, and immense amounts of hard work go into organizations about which students feel passionately. But if you detect tasks becoming chores akin to busywork — or that the best rationale for continuing is the hope that what you’re doing is a means to a higher position where you’ll be doing almost the same thing — it’s a sure sign to stop. If your


involvement is not bringing you closer to excellence — whether moral, physical, otherwise intellectual — it’s a waste of JOHN time. ActiviAROUTIties pursued as means to OUNIAN ends usually fall flat Johnny sophomore Come Lately by year. Back in the '60s, the Gipper’s address went on to challenge the Johnson administration’s narrative of progress. It’s a political tool that national contenders have frequently used to get the nation to reevaluate its standing. In between all the bright lights and dizzying signposts saying, “Do this!” or “Follow us!” it’s often difficult to find the time to ask: Where am I, and where are we, going? Neither entire countries nor single individuals fully know the answer. Hearts, minds and circumstances change. But this is why planning is important — so that an unexpected change does not knock you off your feet. It’s also because, contrary to the spirit of levity floating you might associate with early college life, almost every decision is significant. And many more

choices than we care to realize are really moral choices — full of dramatic consequences for what life at Yale and beyond will look like. The American university is supposed to be, in the words of Yale Professor Seyla Benhabib GRD ’77, a “collegium.” Originating from classical civilization, the collegium is a community of learning – driven by intellectual inquiry, not by profit. It’s an important model for governing boards to remember, but also for students. We are here to develop a moral system and an understanding of place. We are not simply here to reap profits and move on. It’s time to make decisions — or at least determine how we’ll make them — about what we believe and how we’ll live. Life will throw enough ambiguities at us later. These four years are a time for creativity, for developing our moral and civic characters. Some activities and commitments — and indeed, some people — lend themselves more to these goals than others. Music, sport, debate, community volunteering and religious devotion are all ways to bring us closer to a form of excellence. Sitting on councils and committees that serve an ill-defined purpose does not. You just got here. The time for intellectual experimentation is now. And it’s absurd to

know what you want to do or to expect loyalty of friends with whom trust hasn’t yet been established. It’s a process, and it should be. But it’s a plan you should start developing now, because your closest friends should help develop mutual excellence together. Will the friends you make here answer your 3 a.m. phone call in five or 10 years’ time? True friendship requires trust, trust requires authenticity, and authenticity requires effort – because man is too self-interested for this to really be an effortless process. No one leaves Yale a fully developed woman or man. We’re too comfortable here to have fully figured out how we are going to live. And growth is a lifelong process. But you need a plan. Living as a skeptic in a world that requires constant moral choices means you’ll be pushed into choices you didn’t want to make. To perpetuate putting off those choices, and to ignore the realities of the moral decisions surrounding us, will eventually turn you into an aimless bureaucrat at best — and, at worst, will leave you saddled with regrets for what life at Yale could have been. JOHN AROUTIOUNIAN is a junior in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at



Vote Elicker

Fernandez for One City

re we as proud of our city as we are of Yale? Too often, when friends who go to schools elsewhere ask us about New Haven, we scramble to find good things we can say about the city — or, worse, avoid the subject altogether. Between the crime, the lack of economic development and the less-than-impressive public schools, the Elm City’s problems stare us in the face every day. Moments when we possess the power to change this are rare. But a week from today, Yalies will be able to do just that. On Sept. 10, New Haven will vote for its first new mayor since before many current undergrads were even born. It’s a big moment in the history of New Haven. And what’s clear is that New Haven needs a mayor who will bring fresh ideas to a city that’s been dominated by the old pay-to-play party politics for far too long. That’s why, come Election Day, I’m voting for Alderman Justin Elicker. In a city where politicians avoid talking about real solutions to score cheap political points, Elicker is the only candidate willing to delve deep into the issues that matter. Under an Elicker administration, New Haven will take policies that have worked in other cities across the country, and bring them to the Elm City. On crime — a big issue for Yale students and locals alike — Justin will be a strong advocate for a “Big Data” police department. Using predictive technologies that can pinpoint crime “hotspots” throughout the city, the police force in an Elicker administration will be better at stopping crime before it happens by knowing in advance where it happens most. It’s a policy that’s worked for cities from Memphis to Kansas City, and it’s a policy that New Haven sorely needs. On education, Elicker will implement early-childhood school programs for all New Haven children. As alderman, he worked to

simplify the process by which city residents apply to public schools. As mayor, he’ll work to reduce the bureaucratic red tape that today makes it so hard for parents to find the forms they need to enroll their kids. With his “No Wrong Door” policy, parents will be able to access enrollment information at any school in the city.

JUSTIN ELICKER HAS MY VOTE THIS TUESDAY And on issues of development, Elicker is the strongest advocate for reducing New Haven’s dependence on cars and highways. A centerpiece of his campaign is pedestrian-friendly “complete streets,” with bike lanes, better sidewalks and shops without the huge parking lots that plague so much of the city. Another major initiative in an Elicker administration will be to reconnect New Haven with its historic waterfront — one of the city’s greatest assets but today sadly underused. As anyone who has been to New York City in recent years knows, these two policies can go a long way toward improving quality of life where it counts. None of these ideas are radical, and many Yalies have seen them in action in their own hometowns. But that’s exactly the point. For too long, New Haven has been a city with old ideas — and old fashioned politics to match. Justin Elicker is the only candidate committed to bringing to New Haven what’s worked in other cities across the country. With that kind of forwardthinking leadership, together we can make New Haven a city worth writing home about. DREW MORRISON is a senior in Branford College. Contact him at Jacob Anbinder, a senior in Ezra Stiles College, contributed to the writing of this column.


oon after Henry Fernandez LAW ’94 announced his candidacy, I had the opportunity to speak with him about his vision for the city. This conversation led me to believe that he was the right man for the job. When I asked Henry what he thought was the most important issue facing New Haven? He answered, “Crime.” This response is not as simple as it seems. Fernandez elaborated that to reduce crime, New Haven must not only deepen its commitment to community policing, but also foster a belief in the legitimacy of its police force through every interaction between an officer and a resident. Public safety is also created by ensuring that our youth attend good schools and always have a safe place to go after school and in the summer. And safer streets will attract businesses, and with them taxpayers, growing New Haven’s corporate tax base, while providing high paying jobs for residents of New Haven. This vision is One City. When one part of the city improves, we all improve, but when one part of the city fails, we all fail. In order for New Haven to improve, the next mayor will have to make improvements in every neighborhood. As One City, we must transcend living in different neighborhoods, the town/gown divide and the power held by special interest groups. For years, politicians in New Haven have pitted neighborhoods and neighbors against each other, to the detriment of us all. Fernandez instead sees the city as a unified whole that must band together to reach its full potential. Being a mayor is not only about vision. After I spent time researching Henry’s background, I decided to spend my summer working to elect him as our next Mayor. Henry has the experience as an effective, and progressive, leader on the issues that most affect New Haven. As a 22-year-old Yale Law School student, Henry cofounded the youth mentoring agency LEAP. He served as its executive director for its first 7 years, growing it to become the largest youth agency and employer of youth in New Haven. When the FBI raided City Hall in 1998, Henry was brought in to clean up the corruption plaguing the Livable City Initiative and Housing Department. Due to his success, Henry became the city’s Economic

Development Administrator. He led the city’s efforts to bring Ikea to Long Wharf and Gateway Community College to Downtown. In addition to bringing jobs and education to New Haven, Henry directed a program to build over 300 affordable homes for first time homebuyers in the city’s poorest neighborhoods. Because of Henry’s success as a progressive leader, he was asked to serve on the Obama-Biden transition team in 2008 to develop housing policy for the nation at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Additionally, he serves as a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, working extensively on policies relating to education, criminal justice and community development. Today, he lives in Fair Haven with his wife Kica Matos, Director of Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice at the Center for Community Change, and their son Henry, 8, who attends a New Haven public school. When he talks about the issues facing our school system, they are not abstract, but rather affect his family on a daily basis. Henry currently runs a small business, Fernandez Advisors, working with the NAACP to register voters, creating the strategy to abolish the death penalty in Maryland, and developing programs with school superintendents to improve public schools across the country. Over the past few years, I have spent many afternoons mentoring young men at James Hillhouse High School. I see the potential for these teenagers to make a difference in their communities and on the world; however, I also see that the barriers these young men face on a daily basis in their attempts to better their futures. In order for these young men to succeed it is imperative that we elect a mayor who can improve our entire city, and who can begin to do so on day one. On the campaign trail this summer, I have seen Henry’s inspiring commitment to New Haven and its residents in action. I believe in Henry as Mayor because Henry believes in the future of New Haven. I encourage you to join me as One City, and ensure that New Haven moves to fulfill its potential by voting on Sept. 10 for Henry Fernandez as your next Mayor. KADEEM YEARWOOD is a junior in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at .




“People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.” OTTO VON BISMARCK PRUSSIAN STATESMAN

Police up patrols around nightclubs BY LORENZO LIGATO STATUS LINE Club-hopping crowds of students and city residents will not be alone when they hit New Haven’s nightlife scene this fall. As students return to the Elm City for the new academic year, the New Haven Police Department will be “out en mass” to patrol the downtown nightclub district and enforce drinking regulations, department spokesman David Hartman said on Thursday. In response to the higher number of student patrons in the city’s nightclubs, an increased presence of police officers will patrol the downtown area Thursday through Saturday, in an attempt to crack down on underage drinking and disorderly conduct, Hartman said. “Our message is simple: welcome back, be safe and be quiet,” he said, promising zero tolerance for even minor infractions. As classes resume after summer vacation, Hartman explained, downtown nightclubs traditionally witness a spike in patronage, with students from Yale as well as other local schools — Southern Connecticut State University, Albertus Magnus College and Quinnipiac University — flooding into New Haven’s nightlife hotspots. “The first few weeks of school are historically the busiest for police,” Hartman said. “If during the summer we have an average of 4,000 people [hitting the nightlife scene] between Thursday and Saturday, the number can go up to 8,000 or 10,000 when classes are in session.” Hartman did not provide specific numbers for how many police officers will patrol the nightclub area during the weekend, as locations and assignments will vary from week to week based on expected patron turnout. In order to determine high-risk areas, Hartman explained, the department’s Intelligence Division works daily to monitor social media in search of events and parties that are likely to attract large crowds of attendees.

In addition to patrolling the nightclub district, NHPD officers will also start conducting regular inspections in local bars and clubs to curtail underage drinking. In past years, this task fell under the purview of liquor agents sent from the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. But starting this fall, the city’s police department will carry out inspections independently of the state’s Liquor Control Division, a change that will allow police officers to better enforce liquor laws. “We no longer have to wait for the involvement of liquor agents to go ahead and start these inspections,” Hartman said. The first NHPD liquor inspection took place last Thursday, when six students from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn. were arrested for underage drinking at Exhibit X, a nightclub located at 29 Center St. “The New Haven Police Department is planning more such inspections,” Hartman said, adding that the department will be expanding its duties “beyond the customary boundaries” to scrutinize patrons even at the smaller bars. The police department’s decision to increase police presence in the nightclub district has been favorably received by local bar and club owners. Bruce Bennett, manager at Oaxaca Kitchen, said more police officers in the area will not only help to mitigate underage drinking, but will also contribute to his own sense of safety. For John Ginetti, owner and mixologist at 116 Crown, police presence in the area surrounding the cocktail club has been “consistently good” over the years. “The more cops around, the better,” he said, applauding the NHPD’s efforts to keep students safe. Individuals must be at least 21 years old to purchase or consume alcohol in the state of Connecticut. Contact LORENZO LIGATO at .

Candidates make final pitches BY ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER STAFF REPORTER As part of their final canvassing efforts before Tuesday’s Democratic primary, two mayoral hopefuls — Hillhouse High School Principal Kermit Carolina and Henry Fernandez LAW ’94 — made weekend stops at Yale, taking the opportunity to envision a more perfect relationship between the University and its home city and encourage students to vote. Fernandez, former city economic development administrator, toured campus on Saturday with Kadeem Yearwood ’15, who leads the candidate’s Yale outreach efforts. Dropping in on an Old Campus barbecue sponsored by the Native American Cultural Center and the African-American Cultural House, Fernandez mingled with students and explained how the central issues facing the city intersect with the interests of the University, including job creation and crime prevention. Fernandez said he is uniquely situated to address town-gown relations because he stayed in New Haven after attending Yale Law School, which gave him a sense of “what it means to be a student and a resident.” During his time at the law school, Fernandez helped found LEAP — a youth agency in New Haven that works with children age six to 23 through mentoring, afterschool programs and other services — and served as its executive director for seven years. Fernandez retains strong ties to the University, he said, including as a fellow of Ezra Stiles college. He told students gathered at the barbecue that they could tip the balance in the Democratic primary, scheduled for Sept. 10. “This election is going to be close,” Fernandez said, asking Yale students to do their research and come out to vote. Yearwood said Fernandez has been “extremely well-received on campus,” as Yearwood alleged the candidate has visited Yale the most of any of the candidates. He said the candidate also spoke to a number of Calhoun dining hall workers on Saturday afternoon, one of whom — previously a Harp supporter — changed her mind and said she would be voting for Fernandez. Saturday’s canvass was the latest in a series of Yale appearances Fernandez has made in the past two weeks, his events on campus higher in profile than those of his three opponents: Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10, Connecticut State Sen. Toni Harp ARC ’78 and Hillhouse High School Principal Kermit Carolina. Fernandez appeared last week with actor and political activist Danny Glover, an event which drew over 100 students


Mayoral candidate Kermit Carolina spoke with students at Yale’s Af-Am House Friday night. and city residents to the Af-Am House and afforded Fernandez an opportunity to broaden his message to audience members, encouraging students to become activists in their communities and join movements for change. Fernandez appeared later that same week at an Ezra Stiles master’s tea. Carolina, who had previously made only scant appearances on campus, spoke to a crowd of about a dozen — Yale students and permanent residents both — at the Af-Am House on Friday night. Carolina said he is the candidate with the deepest roots in New Haven, having grown up in the Ashmun Street housing project in a single-parent household. He recalled working as a shoe salesman on Broadway Avenue and talking to Yale students, a group of whom encouraged him to enroll at Southern Connecticut State University. Like Fernandez, Carolina encouraged the student audience to become active in their communities and get involved in local politics. He said he was part of a coalition of college students who helped elect John C. Daniels, New Haven’s first black mayor. “What we did was change the culture of the city,” Carolina said. “That’s some-

thing each and every one of you can be part of. Yale students are future leaders of cities like New Haven. That’s why so many candidates are coming here to talk to you.” Carolina said Yale could do more to encourage its students to stay in New Haven after graduation — and, in particular, to take on leadership roles in the New Haven Public Schools system. He praised the Yale-New Haven Hospital Homebuyer Program, which provides assistance to hospital employees wishing to purchase homes in New Haven, and said such programs should be expanded. Kristin Horneffer ’14, who is volunteering for Carolina, said she first met the candidate when she attended a “stop the violence” meeting at Hillhouse. She said she appreciates that Carolina “sees the city from an on-the-ground level.” “They all seem to have pretty much the same policies, but I can see his dedication,” she said. Prior to serving as principal, Carolina was Hillhouse High School’s basketball coach. Contact ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER at .

2014 gubernatorial race gets underway BY MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTER Following two candidates’ entrance into the Republican primary late this summer, the contest to win the Connecticut governor’s mansion in 2014 has begun, and the race is wide open. Connecticut Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a veteran state official who played a key role in crafting gun control legislation last April, and Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton both announced their intentions to seek the Republican nomination for governor in 2014. McKinney officially announced his candidacy in late July, and Boughton followed suit in mid-August. The presumed frontrunner — 2010 Republican nominee and former ambassador to Ireland Tom Foley — has not officially declared his candidacy yet, though he has verbalized his plans to do so.

The economic conditions of the state put Malloy in a somewhat precarious situation. GARY ROSE Politics professor, Sacred Heart University The race, experts say, will likely serve as a referendum on the economic record of Gov. Dannel Malloy, a Democrat, who has seen a slow recovery from the economic recession under his tenure and an unemployment rate which, at 8.1 percent, hovers nearly a full percentage point above the national average. Malloy’s favorability ratings have stagnated in the 40s since the beginnings of his term, a number that has only briefly spiked in times of crisis. “The economic conditions of the state put Malloy in a somewhat precarious situation,” said Gary Rose, a politics professor at Sacred

Heart University and the author most recently of NO HOLDS BARRED : The 2012 Connecticut Senate Race. “The governor has quite a race ahead of him.” Many voters have turned against Malloy after his economic policies — primarily an income tax hike Malloy urged the state to pass in 2011 — failed to turn around the state’s economy. Connecticut is currently ranked last in the nation for economic growth by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. “In 2010 Tom Foley and Mark Boughton campaigned on a message of using commonsense reforms to cut state spending, keep the tax burden low and attract job growth to our state,” Zak Sanders, a spokesman for the state Republican Party, said in an email. “In the past two years, Dan Malloy has done exactly the opposite.” Ron Schurin, a political science professor at the University of Connecticut, said that Malloy’s economic policies have yet to bear fruit. According to Johnathan Harris, executive director of the state Democratic Party, Connecticut has added 50,000 private sector jobs under Malloy’s tenure — the fastest growth the state has seen since the late 90s. Earlier this month, State Comptroller Kevin Lembo also announced a budget surplus of $400 million for the fiscal year that ended in June. Others antagonize Malloy for his adherence to the Democratic party line in promoting hot-button liberal issues such as education reform, gay marriage and the legalization of medical marijuana. “There’s an element of his toughness that his admirers would point to,” Schurin said. “He’s compromised in terms of his education plan, but he definitely has a sense of where he wants to go.” But Malloy’s latest major achievement, the passage of a gun control package that many say comprises the toughest set of firearm restrictions in the country, won bipartisan backing in the legislature — making it an issue that


The favorability ratings of Gov. Dannel Malloy, right, have stagnated in the 40s since the beginning of his term. Republicans will likely be unable to use to their advantage, despite widespread conservative furor over the law. Sanders, the Republican party spokesman, did not mention McKinney — one of the architects of the legislation — as a Republican contender. Despite his lackluster economic performance, many who follow the governor say that Malloy has performed best in state emergencies — leading the Connecticut through two hurricanes, a massive winter storm and, most notably, a school shooting in Newtown that left 20 children and six adults

dead. “Malloy did very well in the several crises he faced as governor — generally, he got high marks for that,” Schurin said. “He’s not a warm and fuzzy type, but in the crises, particularly after Newtown, he was reassuring — he gave an image of confidence.” In a June Quinnipiac Poll of Connecticut voters, the latest poll to be conducted on the race, Foley led Malloy 43–40 percentage points, within the poll’s margin of error. But among independent voters, a key swing constituency, Foley led the sitting governor by 21

points. But Rose said that, since 2010 — when Malloy won by a narrow margin of 6,000 votes — the state’s political climate has only grown more hospitable to Democratic candidates due to a burgeoning Latino population. Rose added that McKinney is the most moderate of the candidates currently running for the Republican nomination, favoring conservative economic policies but endorsing many liberal social issues. If the Republicans put forward Foley or Boughton, he said, they will not easily be able to cast

either as moderate. “The context of the state itself is conducive to Malloy winning, even though the economy is an important issue in the minds of voters,” Rose said. “That’s not to say a Republican can’t win, but they really have their work cut out for them. In Connecticut, for a Republican to win, they need to really sound like a Democrat.” Before Malloy took office in January 2011, Republicans had held the governor’s office for 24 years. Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .




“An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it.” GEORGE BERNARD SHAW IRISH PLAYWRIGHT

In days before primary, campaigns get out the vote


New Haven residents identifying with their home areas pose with mayoral candidate Henry Fernandez LAW ‘94 during his final campaign pitch as the clock ticks down to Tuesday’s primary.

GOTV FROM PAGE 1 Connecticut State Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield and Sundiata Keitazulu — both erstwhile candidates for mayor — a collection of New Haven aldermen and representatives from SEIU and AFSCME locals were also there to show their support. “Because of all of you, I smell victory in the air,” Harp said, forcefully claiming the frontrunner position she has occupied leading into the primary. After thanking her supporters, she delivered brief remarks that focused on rebuilding struggling New Haven neighborhoods, continuing the work of reforming the city’s public schools and giving ordinary citizens the power to “define the direction this city goes.” Harp’s campaigning included a press conference last Thursday, where she said Elicker would close the Morris Cove fire station as mayor and cited an article in the New Haven Independent published last Wednesday as evidence. Elicker, however, said he never made such a comment. While he said he encouraged people to look into ways to improve service and reduce costs, he said he explicitly told people he would not close the Morris Cove fire station and that he repeated and clarified his stance

after Harp’s press conference. “I came back pretty strongly saying that’s a lie, and we found out today that [the Harp campaign] was dropping literature on people’s doors saying that Harp was the only candidate who promised not to close the fire station. They did a robocall [Sunday afternoon] … saying I was going to close the station,” Elicker said. “We responded with a robocall that went out a little bit before 8 p.m. [on Sunday] saying this is untrue.” On Sunday night, the Elicker campaign sent out a press release with the headline, “Harp repeats lies, plays politics with public safety,” in which Elicker again said he would not close the Morris Cove Fire Station. As part of their get out the vote strategy, Michael Harris ’15, field director for the Harp campaign, said the campaign has identified 11,000 supporters throughout the city, all of whom need to be “reconfirmed” and reminded to vote. Harp said over 400 people have volunteered for her campaign. Throughout the morning, volunteers circulated get out the vote sign-up sheets, asking supporters to sign up for four-hour-long shifts in between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. through Election Day. Harp’s three opponents

declined to disclose their own figures of identified supporters but all said they were confident in their chances of victory. Flanked by supporters with signs identifying themselves as residents of every neighborhood in the city, Fernandez put a personal touch on his final campaign pitch, expressing his gratitude to his family and supporters and pledging to “fight everyday for the people of this city.” He continued by dwelling on the theme of unity at the nub of his campaign pitch. “For too long this city has been divided — by neighborhood, by race, by class, by whether you’ve gone to college or not gone to college” Fernandez said, standing on the front porch of his Fair Haven home, with his wife and son — and dog, in a Fernandez for mayor shirt — on the lawn before him. “This campaign for us, as a family and as a community, has been about saying we’re all in this together, we’re one city.” Paul Wessel, an East Rock resident, said Fernandez “has the chops to do the job” amid the bureaucracy of City Hall. Fernandez said his supporters have faced “grief from people who need a paycheck from the politically powerful,” intimating that contractors and other groups with

an interest in the election have pressured residents not to support him. His remarks reiterated a common criticism of Harp, which alleges that she will be beholden as mayor to the many groups — including Yale’s Unite Here Locals 34 and 35 and a majority of city lawmakers on the Board of Aldermen — who have thrown their weight behind her. Harp received 70 contributions from lobbyists and city and state contractors in between July 1 and September 1, according to data compiled by Ben Berkowitz, CEO and founder of SeeClickFix, a nonprofit that seeks to foster communication between local government and its constituents. Fernandez received 19 such contributions during the same time period, according to the data. Elicker and Carolina are both participating in the Democracy Fund, the city’s public campaign finance system that disallows donations from interest groups. Elicker held a rally for his supporters at his headquarters on Whalley Avenue last Thursday and said he is now focused on going door to door, reminding people to vote. He said his campaign has identified a certain number of supporters — and will be reaching out to them specifically — but is also still talking to undecided vot-

ers. On Monday, he said he plans to visit every polling station in the city. His campaign will have neighborhood-based staging locations sending out volunteers throughout the day, he added. Elicker said he is “feeling confident and excited — but at the end of the day you never know.” He said he will “come in either first or second” on Tuesday, based on polling data his campaign conducted last month. “I would hope that the two candidates who come in third and fourth would drop out after the primary,” Elicker added, turning the general election into a twoway race less likely to splinter the electorate. Elicker, Fernandez and Carolina have collected enough signatures to appear on the general election ballot if they lose the primary election, and Elicker and Carolina have committed to continuing their use of the Democracy Fund if they run again in the general election. The Harp campaign, however, did not make an effort to get those signatures to appear on the general election ballot, and if Harp does not come in first on Tuesday, she will officially be out of the race to replace Mayor John DeStefano Jr. “We did not send any petitions out, so there’s no turning back,”

said Jason Bartlett, the Harp campaign manager. “If we lose, we’re done.” Carolina said his get out the vote strategy remains privileged campaign information but said he would have poll workers, vote pullers in each of the city’s 30 wards and drivers throughout the day. At a campaign stop at Yale’s African-American Cultural House on Friday, Carolina encouraged Yale students to vote but warned them that “Yale’s unions will pull up with vans and attempt to tell you who to vote for.” Locals 34 and 35 are recognized as a powerful vote-pulling operation in city politics, having propelled 14 out of 15 union-backed aldermanic candidates to victory in 2011. Local 34 President Laurie Kennington ’01 said a number of the local’s members would be taking the day off to participate in get out the vote efforts on behalf of the Harp campaign. She said the union will send members to specific neighborhoods and also help staff Harp campaign headquarters. Polls open Tuesday at 6 a.m. Contact DIANA LI at . Contact ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER at .

Salovey commits Yale to expanding low-income outreach LOW INCOME FROM PAGE 1 Americans still view Yale as an insular, exclusive institution. As a consequence, students from low-income backgrounds are put off by these perceptions and rarely think to apply. Joseph Zolner SOM ’84, senior director of the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, said he believes diversity is an issue that has only been seriously weighed in college admissions for the last three or four decades. “Before that, if you were to say to someone, ‘We want a very diverse class,’ a lot of people would have said, ‘What does that mean?’” Zolner said. “And now, I think it’s just such a given. Everybody aspires to that.” But universities are not focusing on diversity just to jump on the bandwagon. Jennifer Delahunty, dean of admissions at Kenyon College, said she sees the trend toward diversity in higher education as representative of a larger cultural shift in the country toward inclusivity. “Access to opportunities is a fundamental American value,” Delahunty said. “What’s happening right now with the focus in ethnic and socioeconomic diversity is really just a reflection of our larger society, which seeks to be more inclusive. Look at hiring practices — it’s part of a

larger right.” Delahunty also pointed to the SAT, a test that was originally introduced as a way for colleges to identify capable students who did not attend the private boarding schools from which universities traditionally admitted students. The “idea of identifying potential in underrepresented students goes way back,” Delahunty said. But increasing the socioeconomic diversity of the student body is easier said than done — though it has, in fact, been said many times. Although all college counselors, higher education experts and University administrators agreed on the importance of outreach, the specific ways of going about this outreach are more difficult to develop. Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jeremiah Quinlan said the Yale Admissions Office takes a multi-pronged approach to low-income outreach and recruitment. “We need to do several things,” Quinlan said. “We need to get these students to apply to institutions like ours. We need to do a better job of convincing them to come to Yale once they are admitted … and we need to do a better job of building up support systems at Yale, so they have a successful experience.”



In recent years, several programs have been launched at the Admissions Office with the sole purpose of recruiting students from low-income backgrounds. The Student Ambassador Program sends Yale students to lowincome high schools, and the flyin program provides hundreds of admitted students with a travel stipend each year to visit campus. Additionally, admissions officers mailed out a pamphlet this summer to 16,000 lowincome high school students informing them of the University’s financial aid program. Christopher Avery, a Harvard Kennedy School of Government public policy professor, said the lack of information available to low-income students makes selective college admissions seem to be a “discouraging landscape.” “There are a number of areas in which you need to be informed, and one of them is understanding the process of admissions and feeling comfortable applying,” Avery told the News. “Many of the students are in high schools where they stand out, and so there is no collective guidance. The research suggests that it’s just getting into the pool [that hinders them].” Along with Stanford professor Caroline Hoxby, Avery coauthored a study on low-income

students this year that made waves in the media for its striking statistics. The study found that only 34 percent of highachieving students in the bottom fourth of national income distribution attended one of the country’s 238 most selective colleges, compared to 78 percent of highachieving students in the highest income quartile. Other studies have confirmed these low numbers. A July 2013 report from Georgetown University found that each year, 111,000 high-scoring African American and Hispanic students either do not attend college or do not graduate, and that more than half of these students come from the bottom half of family income distribution. “People don’t like to think [these numbers are] a given, like, ‘Oh yeah, that’s just how it is,’ ” said Terry Kung, co-director of college counseling at Immaculate Heart High School and former assistant director of admissions at Columbia. “Most educators are working toward opportunities that would yield better results than what the reports indicate. But I think it’s yet another reminder that despite a lot of people’s good efforts, there are still a lot of roadblocks.” At Yale in particular, one of the major roadblocks to low-income outreach is the fight against its

negative perceptions. Quinlan said many students in the U.S. and internationally are unaware of the diversity of Yale’s student body. Quinlan added that the recent mailing to 16,000 high school students was modeled directly after the research conducted by Hoxby and Avery. To select the students, the Admissions Office purchased names of students who scored high on the SAT, PSAT or ACT and used a geodemographic system to look at postal sub-zip code numbers and figure out which students lived in traditionally low-income areas. But this type of targeted approach also draws its criticisms. While she said any efforts to broaden socioeconomic outreach should be applauded, Kung said she has seen some adverse effects, in that high-achieving low-income students who attend prestigious high schools or do not live in low-income neighborhoods are often neglected. “It seems like some of the pushback we’ve experienced is that schools like Yale think these kids have people to watch out for them,” Kung said. “It’s like saying, ‘We’ve found a deeper pocket of these students — you guys do something else with yours. We’ve found our new opportunity.’” With all the trials of tailoring low-income outreach to

be effective, including fighting against criticisms about drumming up application counts or ignoring certain populations in favor of others, Yale’s Admissions Office still strives to pursue students from low-income backgrounds by engaging with them on a personal level and increasing their access to information about applying. Before retiring from his position this summer, former University President Levin told the News that he believes Yale’s student body will continue to become more diverse in future years, though that diversity will not be able to be measured by “any particular, singular metric.” Stepping in as the new president last month, Salovey has reiterated Levin’s words. Though he said he does not know how best to counter the challenges associated with socioeconomic status and college admissions, he told the News in April that the University will be more aggressive with its outreach. “The research shows that there is this large cohort of students out there that are not applying — I think that’s really an eye-opener and a motivator,” Quinlan said. “It sets a challenge for us. I think we can really begin to change the student body.” Contact AMY WANG at .




“Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is.” ANITA RODDICK FOUNDER, THE BODY SHOP

Orientation looks forward up the report or any of the topics, such as the concerns in the report,” said Nicole Ng ’17, who had participated in Facebook discussions about the report in August. “The conversations that went on over the summer weren’t really brought up as much.”

BY CYNTHIA HUA STAFF REPORTER After Yale’s latest semiannual report on sexual misconduct generated controversy this summer, members of the class of 2017 took to the Internet to voice their opinions — but since coming to Yale, the students said their freshman orientation programs have not provided opportunities to continue their conversations from the summer. This year’s freshman orientation program included numerous components that addressed various aspects of Yale’s sexual climate and drinking culture. Freshmen participated in a workshop on sexuality taught by the Community Health Educators, a workshop on consent that was run by the Communication and Consent Educators and a presentation by Carole Goldberg, director of the Sexual Harassment and Assault Resource and Education Center, or SHARE. Although students said the alcohol and sexuality workshops were informative, some said they felt the orientation programs could have benefited from structured discussions of the recent controversy. Ten of 17 freshmen interviewed said they felt the workshops were more effective because they focused on educating students for their future four years rather than looking back on the University’s past problems, but several students were unable to answer questions about the details of recent Yale controversies surrounding sexual misconduct. “One thing that was interesting was we did have a lot of workshops about sex and consent but no one ever brought






I do think that the workshop could have benefited from discussing the current issues so it’s not some taboo. SHYAMALA RAMAKRISHNA ’17 Out of 24 students interviewed, 21 knew the function of the SHARE Center, but only one knew the role of the University’s Title IX coordinators and understood the purpose of the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct. Eighteen said they felt confident they knew where to report instances of misconduct. Four of the students correctly identified what the Title IX portion of the Education Amendment of 1972 was and one student knew the background on the Title IX complaint filed at Yale in 2011. “I do think that the workshop could have benefited from discussing the current issues so it’s not some taboo,” Shyamala Ramakrishna ’17 said. “What happens at a lot of schools is the university likes to put a blanket on things, but what’s important to erase rape culture is to make ourselves uncomfortable on purpose a little bit.”








Two freshmen said their freshman counselors held informal discussion with their groups of freshmen to fill them in on the background regarding the Title IX complaint filed at Yale in 2011 and the subsequent changes to Yale’s sexual misconduct reporting system. Kevin Vargas ’15, a CCE, said he felt freshmen who wanted to learn more about recent events related to sexual misconduct could learn about them outside of orientation. “Personally, I think the freshmen are already bombarded with so many things during orientation,” Vargas said. “I think if a freshman wanted to learn more about these things, they certainly can.” Some freshmen were surprised by the openness of the informal conversations they had over sexual misconduct issues at Yale. Maheen Zakaria ’17, an international student from Pakistan, said she was surprised to find sexual violence to be such a major issue at Yale. “In Pakistan it’s a very common, very huge problem, but people don’t generally talk about it because it’s taboo,” Zakaria said. “I thought what was different was that they had the problem here, but also they were openly dealing with it here.” Zakaria added that she was optimistic that so many of her classmates were informed about sexual misconduct issues before coming to Yale. The regularly scheduled CCE workshops took place on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. Contact CYNTHIA HUA at .









BERKELEY ATHLETICS After being rescheduled due to weather, Berkeley’s annual game of capture the flag took place Sunday afternoon. The upperclassmen soundly defeated the freshmen thundercocks on Cross Campus.



The Yale Entrepreneurial Institute is weeks away from launching a new advising system that will benefit students involved in its Venture Creation program. The VC program gives student teams of entrepreneurs a grant of up to $2,500, while also pairing each team with a mentor who has top-level experience at well known companies such as PepsiCo. According to the YEI website, the institute is hiring between four and six new advisers, all of whom will be Yale graduate or professional students. The adviser program will significantly lessen the burden on the YEI staff to monitor student ventures, especially as the program continues to expand. “[The VC adviser program will] let the SOM students act as venture capitalists themselves … helping the YEI review, select and advance the various student ventures,” said Wes Bray ’74, lead venture mentor at YEI. “Once the application is accepted, [the adviser] acts as a portfolio manager for the VC ventures.” Bray said the YEI decided to create the adviser program in order to help student teams manage their finances more effectively and make smart business decisions. Although the YEI originally intended for each adviser to oversee about seven student teams, Bray said the growing student demand may cause the number of teams to increase to about 10 to 15 per adviser. Last year, the YEI funded 30 out of 50 VC applications for projects ranging from lab equipment designed specifically for girls to yogurt-based natural snack foods. This year, demand is expected to increase significantly, perhaps even doubling the number of funded ventures, Bray said. Eventually, he said, he hopes to engage “as many Yale students as

are interested in entrepreneurship” with the VC program. “We’re getting a lot of excitement on campus,” said Simran Dua, who has been spearheading the VC Program for the last year. Dua said she hopes students will come to see their advisers as informal peer contacts. The students’ mentors — business professionals who hail from large companies — will serve as more formal advisory contacts, she said.

[The VC advisor program will] let the SOM students act as venture capitalists themselves. WES BRAY ’74 Lead venture mentor, Yale Entrepreneurial Institute With the adviser application deadline just a week away, Dua said the YEI has already received a strong pool of applications and looks forward to more as the Sept. 15 deadline approaches. Dua said she hopes some of the advisers will stay involved through December 2014 to maintain continuity in the program from year to year. Several students interviewed, who are not involved with the VC program, said they think the advisers will be strong assets to the program. Sunny Park ’14 said she thinks advisers will most benefit the student groups by providing financial guidance. The Institute will hold an open house on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the YEI offices at 55 Whitney Ave. Contact ELEANOR RUNDE at .




“The more I see of the representatives of the people, the more I admire my dogs.” ALPHONSE DE LAMARTINE FRENCH WRITER

Salovey, new mayor to shape New Haven’s future UPCLOSE FROM PAGE 1 The affluent center of Woosley Hall was a stark contrast to the city’s dilapidated buildings, symptomatic of the city’s slow descent, sitting blocks away. As cause or effect of this decline, or both, the relationship between town and gown was undoubtedly strained by 1993. Negotiations with Yale’s l a b o r u n i o n s f re q u e n t ly devolved into bitter strikes, while the Board of Aldermen refused to let the University build two new residential colleges in the early 1970s. The city’s crime rate had spiked to 3,991 violent crimes in 1990 — the largest number reported in the span from 1985 to the present — which spilled onto campus when Christian Prince ’93 was shot to death in 1991 on the steps of Hillhouse Avenue’s St. Mary’s Church. But if anyone knew how to bridge the gap between Yale, an institution nearly synonymous with wealth and privilege, and New Haven, considered a gritty and dangerous city outside the gated walls of Yale, it was Levin. At the same time he was welcomed as the president of Yale, with all the festivities that an elite university had to offer, Levin attended a quiet block party thrown by his New Haven neighbors. As a gift at the party, his hosts gave him a softball, said Charlie Pillsbury, his next door neighbor at the time and a former Democratic Party activist. The reason for the gift, Pillsbury said, was that his neighbors knew that Levin would play softball, not hardball, with New Haven. Levin implemented several initiatives over the next 20 years, from creating the Homebuyer Program to funding the New Haven Promise. The programs were heralded by some as the answer to the history of town-gown struggles and dismissed by others as not enough. Levin’s initiatives indirectly questioned whether it is possible to bridge the chasm between these two entities, or whether their inherent differences, combined with their storied history, have left the relationship too scarred to fix. Today, the city is on the verge of another change in leadership. The dual heads of city and University, Mayor John DeStefano Jr. and Levin, will no longer be the czars of the city by the end of the year, paving the way for a new era of town-gown relations for the first time in two decades. On Tuesday, four mayoral candidates will square off in the city’s Democratic primary, and the winner will be one step





Although they’ve been able to work together in areas like [New Haven Promise] there’s still more areas that we need to build upon. The most glaring issue is the issue of the climate of the city.”





I do think that there are important challenges that remain for the relationship between the city and the University. First is that the city’s financial position is quite weak, that it’s often going to the University seeking financial support.”

closer to occupying the head office at City Hall. Whoever emerges victorious will work with newly appointed University President Peter Salovey to usher in the next era of University-city relations.

The city’s national image and reputation was in tatters. Had you been 17 in 1990, your parents might well have encouraged you to go to Dartmouth. DOUGLAS RAE Professor, Yale School of Management But while the 20 years that president and CEO of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Will Ginsberg called the “DeStefano-Levin era” of city history were marked by increasing cooperation between the two entities, such a relationship is by no means guaranteed for the next set of leaders. Come Jan. 1, 2014, a new mayor will be sworn in — one who has the power to continue bridging the gap between Yale and New Haven or topple the work of the past two decades.


The history of Yale-New

I’d love to say yes, I will force Yale to give New Haven more money. But to be honest and realistic, I think we’re going to get more by finding areas of positive collaboration.”

Haven relations have always been somewhat of a Rorschach ink blot. Some see Yale as the premier institution in New Haven, which has added layers of culture and economic development to an otherwise average northeastern city. Others see Yale as a tax-exempt leech, preying on the poor city of New Haven which staggers along, year after year, outside of the University’s castle walls. Those who subscribe to the first narrative, which includes many members of the Yale administration, have much evidence to support their view. Judith Schiff writes in “New Haven, an Illustrated History,” that Yale saved New Haven from the brunt of economic depression during World War II thanks to the generous donation of William S. Harkness and the bequest of John William Sterling. Their money was used to build residential colleges, professional schools and Sterling Memorial Library, employing 1,200 New Haven men. During this time, football, baseball and crew stars at Yale were local heroes, and pregame festivities at the Yale Bowl became a worldwide model for tailgating. Many believe that the recent cooperative relationship is less uncharted territory and more a return to normalcy. “This was not a departure to something new, but a return to the fundamental truth of the place, a truth that was lost

What we’ve seen is a lack of investment in our neighborhoods. I actually think that the kind of support that we need is financial support.”

some when there was more town-gown conflict,” said Yale spokesman and former Ward 1 Alderman Mike Morand ’87 DIV ’93. “This is where we are. This is where we live.” But others hold that this rosy description of Yale-New Haven relations skims over lingering tensions that often boil to the surface and tell the true story of the University’s relationship with the city. Gang violence between students and New Haven residents resulted in a knife battle in 1812, Schiff wrote, and in 1854, a mob threw bricks at a group of students, who responded with gunshots. After World War I, Yalies barricaded themselves into Old Campus for three days while rocks smashed through their dorm room windows, the result of insults exchanged between New Haven residents and students about each group’s contribution to the war effort. And in 1959, during a St. Patrick’s Day parade, a struggle between Yalies and New Haven residents ensued that resulted in many injuries and 41 arrests. Beyond cultural differences and violence, city residents would clench their teeth in anger for many years whenever Yale acquired more property in New Haven, since academic buildings are exempt from taxes. “In the old days, Yale’s expansion was considered a bad thing for New Haven,” said Wil-

liam Ginsberg, president and CEO of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven. It was not until 1978 that the Connecticut passed a payment in lieu of taxes program, which partially reimburses municipalities for their tax-exempt properties. Then in 1990, the University and city began negotiations that created an annual voluntary contribution from Yale to New Haven for fire services. It’s unclear which narrative — that of Yale the savior or Yale the enemy — is more accurate throughout history. One of the few facts that achieves large consensus is that in the late 20th century, the relationship took a turn for the worse.


Between 1969 and 2009, failed Yale contract negotiations resulted in nine separate labor strikes with their two unions: Local 35, the union of maintenance and professional workers, and Local 34, which is comprised of clerical and technical employees. During early labor union battles, relations were so contentious that the University threatened to revoke student scholarships if they joined in a picket line with Yale workers, said Debbie Elkin GRD ’95, who wrote her history thesis on the history of Yale labor relations. In the 60s, relations were so bad that rumors spread that Yale would move out of New

Haven, said Jim Farnam, a New Haven lawyer who later worked in Mayor Biagio DeLieto’s administration in the 1980s. By the end of the decade, Yale had hired new personnel managers who instituted harsh work rules for University employees, including the denial of sick pay to any employee who was not home when management called his or her house. “The University came down on Local 35 like a ton of bricks,” Elkin said. The feud erupted in earnest in the early 1970s, with an event that many hold is the biggest town-gown failure in Yale’s 300-year history. When the University presented a plan in 1973 to build two new residential colleges, the proposal was turned down twice by a spiteful Board of Aldermen, which denied the city $16 million and scores of new students at a time when the city was struggling financially, just to frustrate Yale. The News described the episode as “possibly the biggest source of disappointment and embarrassment for both Yale and the City of New Haven.” That same year, Michael Knight explained in the New York Times that in the 18th century, New Haven outbid other towns for the “privilege” of housing the University. “But ever since,” Knight continSEE UPCLOSE PAGE 10

Harp sees lowest portion of donations from New Haven FUNDRAISING FROM PAGE 1 support from East Rock and Westville, two of the city’s more affluent neighborhoods. The East Rock alderman found few donors in other parts of the city. Carolina, on the other hand, received most of his contributions from Newhallville and Dixwell. Among the filings, further differences abide. Fernandez had the highest average donation — $321 – followed by Harp at $217 and Elicker and Carolina with $85 and $35, respectively. Within New Haven, Fernandez’s average was $298, while it was $328 outside of the city. Harp’s in and out-of-city averages stood at $131 and $330, respectively. Those averages, though, included some contributions made by political action committees and businesses, both inside and outside of the Elm City. Elicker’s average donations within and beyond the city stayed relatively consistent at $83 and $95. The difference in Carolina’s donations, however, was stark. Carolina’s 144 in-city donations averaged $27, while the five from beyond New Haven were for $270, on average. While all four have sought to turn the sources of their contributions to their advantage, Elicker and Carolina have been far more aggressive in discuss-

ing the locations of their donors. Both claim that their reliance on New Haven contributors reflects their commitments to acting in the interests of Elm City residents. Elicker and Carolina have attempted to make issue of Harp’s and Fernandez’s acceptance of contributions from political action committees, business entities, lobbyists and contractors. Thirteen percent of Harp’s contributions in July and August came from PACs and business entities, which included New Haven unions Local 34 and Local 35, Realtor’s PAC and Prosperity for Connecticut, among others.

A comparison of the two campaigns’ finance reports underscores exactly why public financing is important. JUSTIN ELICKER FES ’10 SOM ’10 Mayoral candidate and Ward 10 Alderman Neither Elicker nor Carolina is allowed to take money from PACs or businesses because of their participation in the Democracy Fund, New Haven’s public campaign financ-

ing system. Fernandez, who did not participate in the program, received all of his contributions from individuals during the last filing period. Before July 10, however, when the latest period began, Fernandez made extensive use of PACs and businesses to fund his campaign. In addition to organizational contributions, significant attention has been brought to individuals affiliated with groups or businesses that stand to benefit from an ally in City Hall. In a Sunday evening press release, the Elicker campaign criticized Harp’s acceptance of over $31,000 in contributions from individuals affiliated with five area businesses. “A comparison of the two campaigns’ finance reports underscores exactly why public financing is important,” Elicker said in the release. “My campaign has received nearly 80 percent of our contributions from New Haven residents, most of them small donations, while Harp’s major contributors are out-of-town executives from corporations that can directly benefit from decisions by the mayor.” On Saturday, New Haven blogger Ben Berkowitz posted on his blog the number of lobbyists and their spouses and dependents, city contractors and state contractors found to have donated to each campaign

— information made available through the filings. Harp took donations from 70 lobbyists and contractors, while Fernandez took funds from 19, according to Berkowitz’s post. Lobbyists and contractors were absent from both Elicker and Carolina’s donor rolls. Harp campaign manager Jason Bartlett said that the number of lobbyists donating to Harp’s campaign was no surprise. After spending 10 years as chair of the Appropriations Committee in the State Senate, Barlett said, Harp has developed extensive relationships with lobbyists and contractors. Bartlett also added that the other candidates’ attacks on Harp’s fundraising were a desperate push from challengers unable to raise as much as the state senator. “We don’t buy into the argument that Toni is somehow going to lose her moral compass because she accepted a lobbyist’s check,” Barlett said. “It’s pretty fool-hardy. It’s a typical challenger statement.” In the previous filing period, which ended on July 10, Fernandez led the pack with $179,056 raised, compared to $111,341 for Harp, $127,939 for Elicker and $33,435 for Carolina. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .


Total fundraising (in thousands)


Total fundraising within New Haven (in thousands)


5 4 Kermit Carolina


86 Henry Fernandez

38 Toni Harp 23 Justin Elicker





TODAY’S FORECAST Sunny, with a high near 73. North wind 5 to 9 mph becoming south in the afternoon.



High of 80, low of 70.

High of 86, low of 69.


ON CAMPUS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 2:00 PM Michael Sloan: Paintings of Hong Kong Street Markets The Yale-China Association presents a new exhibit featuring paintings of Hong Kong by acclaimed illustrator Michael Sloan. “Michael Sloan: Paintings of Hong Kong Street Markets” features 18 works that depict portraits, street markets, and scenes of social crossroads within the Hong Kong metropolis. Michael returns to New Haven after a year-long residence in Hong Kong. Yale-China Association (442 Temple St.), John C. Bierwirth Rm. 9:15 PM YUCS Rehearsal The Yale Undergraduate Choral Society (YUCS) has rehearsals every Monday from 9:15 - 10:30 in WLH 210. They are Yale’s only non-audition choir and welcome people of any singing ability. YUCS is a low time commitment singing opportunity. Refreshments will be provided. Contact Robert Pecoraro or Binh Hoang for questions. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Rm. 210.


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 8:30 PM Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project: Information Session Interested in becoming involved with the Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project? YHHAP is one of Yale’s highest-impact student service organizations. Fall service projects include: Elm City Echo (street newspaper written and sold by New Haven’s homeless community), Book Exchange (a discount pop-up textbook store to benefit YHHAP) and more. Linsly-Chittenden Hall (63 High St.), Rm. 211.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 6:30 PM Yale Entrepreneurial Institute Kickoff Whether you’re a techie, a budding venture capitalist or simply curious about the ins and outs of entrepreneurship, all Yalies are invited to attend to learn about YEI’s resources. Find out about YEI’s programs for early-stage ventures and the Summer Fellowship for ventures on the rise. Learn about YEI’s extensive mentor network, check out the Incubator space, meet the staff and successful alumni entrepreneurs and get connected with other innovative students on campus. Refreshments will be served. YEI Incubator (55 Whitney Ave.).


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CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 The Crimson Tide’s school, for short 5 Delayed, as in traffic 10 Boast 14 Fe on the periodic table 15 Latin bears 16 Bridle strap 17 Ditty 18 Lament over a loss 19 Light brown 20 Gentle leader’s quality 23 Cry of surrender 24 Practice for the LSAT, e.g. 25 Crescent component 28 Lou Grant portrayer 31 Tar pits locale 33 Cowboys and Indians, e.g. 36 Lab gel made from seaweed 37 Devout petitions kept to oneself 43 Doughnut’s middle 44 Gets really wet 45 Voices one’s view 48 401(k) alternative named for a Delaware sen. 53 Like cool cats 54 1986 Peace Nobelist Wiesel 57 “The __ Sanction”: Eastwood thriller set in the Alps 58 Behind-thescenes investor 62 NYC or London area 64 Bygone anesthetic 65 Bottom of a shoe 66 Be absolutely sure 67 April Fool’s antic 68 “Mila 18” author Leon 69 Jedi guru 70 ’90s White House cat 71 Confined, with “up”

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By Jack McInturff

DOWN 1 Shellfish soup 2 In the area 3 Tennis great Seles 4 Beings with halos 5 Kid’s math homework 6 Pace between a walk and a run 7 Seize, as power 8 Concerned person 9 Pet motel 10 One of TV’s Mavericks 11 Plug in, as a smartphone 12 What you breathe 13 African antelope 21 7:50, vis-à-vis 8:00 22 Dean’s list no. 26 Back 27 Valets park them 29 Comic strip shriek 30 Explorer John and comical Charlotte 32 Howl at the moon 34 Letters after L 35 Trade jabs 37 “Whoops” 38 “Nah!”

Saturday’s Puzzle Solved

39 Haphazard, as workmanship 40 Pig holder 41 Former MGM rival 42 Daisylike fall bloomer 46 Long, thin fish 47 Rains ice pellets 49 Asks boldly, as for a loan 50 Turn one’s back on

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51 Land with a rod 52 Slap the cuffs on 55 Emcee’s speech 56 Moral principle 59 Des Moines’s state 60 Quick kiss 61 Slow-moving vessels 62 Big __ Country 63 Sean’s mom Yoko

4 6 8 9 3 7 1

4 8 1 6 7 3 8 2 3 1 9 2 7 5 5 9 2

6 5 7 7 9 3 1 6 5 7 8 5 3 6 2 1 4 8






TUE SDAY SEP TEMBER 10 5 pm Prize Ceremony Sprague Hall 98 Wall Street

1:30 pm Booksigning Jeremy Scahill, Tom McCarthy, Jonny Steinberg, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Tarell Alvin McCraney Yale Bookstore 77 Broadway


4 pm Master’s Tea: Stephen Adly Guirgis Calhoun Master’s House 189 Elm Street

12 pm Adina Hoffman Talk: Rashomon in the Galilee: 1948 ISPS, Room A001 77 Prospect Street 12 pm Lunchtime Playwriting Conversation with Stephen Adly Guirgis, Tarell Alvin McCraney, and Naomi Wallace, moderated by Marc Robinson Theater Studies Building Room 101 220 York Street

4:15 pm Conversation 4:30 pm Tea Master’s Tea: James Salter Jonathan Edwards Master’s House 68 High Street



Tarell Alvin McCraney Naomi Wallace Stephen Adly Guirgis

4 pm Master’s Tea: Zoë Wicomb Branford Master’s House 80 High Street 4–6 pm Playwriting Master Class: Naomi Wallace Iseman Theater 1156 Chapel Street 4 pm Panel Discussion: Writing Out of the Archive with Jeremy Scahill, Adina Hoffman, and Jonny Steinberg, moderated by Kathryn James Beinecke Library 121 Wall Street 7 pm Prizewinners Reading Yale University Art Gallery Auditorium 1111 Chapel Street

THURSDAY SEP TEMBER 12 11:45 am Endeavors Series: A Conversation with Tarell Alvin McCraney Department of African American Studies Room 201 81 Wall Street 12 pm Writing after Apartheid: A Conversation with Jonny Steinberg and Zoë Wicomb, moderated by Daniel Magaziner Whitney Humanities Center, Room 108 53 Wall Street Brown Bag Lunch

1:30 pm Booksigning: James Salter, Adina Hoffman, Zoë Wicomb, Naomi Wallace Yale Bookstore 77 Broadway 4 pm Novelists and the Avant-Garde Tom McCarthy in conversation with Kevin Repp Beinecke Library 121 Wall Street 4 pm Master’s Tea: Adina Hoffman Pierson Master’s House 261 Park Street 4 pm Master’s Tea: Jeremy Scahill Ezra Stiles Master’s House 302 York Street

4 pm Master’s Tea: Naomi Wallace Saybrook Master’s House 242 Elm Street 4–6 pm Playwriting Master Class: Stephen Adly Guirgis Iseman Theater 1156 Chapel Street 4:30 pm Master’s Tea: Jonny Steinberg Morse Master’s House 304 York Street 6:30 pm Dean’s Tea: Tarell Alvin McCraney Afro-American Cultural Center 211 Park Street

7 pm Screening, Dirty Wars Introduced by Jeremy Scahill, Q & A afterwards Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street

FRIDAY SEP TEMBER 13 4–6 pm Playwriting Master Class: Tarell Alvin McCraney Iseman Theater 1156 Chapel Street


James Salter Tom McCarthy Zoë Wicomb NONFICTION

Adina Hoffman Jeremy Scahill Jonny Steinberg






TUE SDAY SEP TEMBER 10 5 pm Prize Ceremony Sprague Hall 98 Wall Street

1:30 pm Booksigning Jeremy Scahill, Tom McCarthy, Jonny Steinberg, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Tarell Alvin McCraney Yale Bookstore 77 Broadway


4 pm Master’s Tea: Stephen Adly Guirgis Calhoun Master’s House 189 Elm Street

12 pm Adina Hoffman Talk: Rashomon in the Galilee: 1948 ISPS, Room A001 77 Prospect Street 12 pm Lunchtime Playwriting Conversation with Stephen Adly Guirgis, Tarell Alvin McCraney, and Naomi Wallace, moderated by Marc Robinson Theater Studies Building Room 101 220 York Street

4:15 pm Conversation 4:30 pm Tea Master’s Tea: James Salter Jonathan Edwards Master’s House 68 High Street



Tarell Alvin McCraney Naomi Wallace Stephen Adly Guirgis

4 pm Master’s Tea: Zoë Wicomb Branford Master’s House 80 High Street 4–6 pm Playwriting Master Class: Naomi Wallace Iseman Theater 1156 Chapel Street 4 pm Panel Discussion: Writing Out of the Archive with Jeremy Scahill, Adina Hoffman, and Jonny Steinberg, moderated by Kathryn James Beinecke Library 121 Wall Street 7 pm Prizewinners Reading Yale University Art Gallery Auditorium 1111 Chapel Street

THURSDAY SEP TEMBER 12 11:45 am Endeavors Series: A Conversation with Tarell Alvin McCraney Department of African American Studies Room 201 81 Wall Street 12 pm Writing after Apartheid: A Conversation with Jonny Steinberg and Zoë Wicomb, moderated by Daniel Magaziner Whitney Humanities Center, Room 108 53 Wall Street Brown Bag Lunch

1:30 pm Booksigning: James Salter, Adina Hoffman, Zoë Wicomb, Naomi Wallace Yale Bookstore 77 Broadway 4 pm Novelists and the Avant-Garde Tom McCarthy in conversation with Kevin Repp Beinecke Library 121 Wall Street 4 pm Master’s Tea: Adina Hoffman Pierson Master’s House 261 Park Street 4 pm Master’s Tea: Jeremy Scahill Ezra Stiles Master’s House 302 York Street

4 pm Master’s Tea: Naomi Wallace Saybrook Master’s House 242 Elm Street 4–6 pm Playwriting Master Class: Stephen Adly Guirgis Iseman Theater 1156 Chapel Street 4:30 pm Master’s Tea: Jonny Steinberg Morse Master’s House 304 York Street 6:30 pm Dean’s Tea: Tarell Alvin McCraney Afro-American Cultural Center 211 Park Street

7 pm Screening, Dirty Wars Introduced by Jeremy Scahill, Q & A afterwards Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street

FRIDAY SEP TEMBER 13 4–6 pm Playwriting Master Class: Tarell Alvin McCraney Iseman Theater 1156 Chapel Street


James Salter Tom McCarthy Zoë Wicomb NONFICTION

Adina Hoffman Jeremy Scahill Jonny Steinberg



FROM THE FRONT With election, new start to town-gown relations UPCLOSE FROM PAGE 6 ued, “many of them have been unable to shake their terrible feeling that it was all a mistake and that invitation had turned into an imposition.” The Board’s rejection was a real wake up call for the University, Farnam said. Out of mutual necessity, he said, the then-mayor DiLieto and Yale’s then-president, Angelo Bartlett Giamatti, began to forge a relationship that put Yale and its city on a tentatively better track. But the two sides were still far from forging a robust partnership. “You had a president and a mayor who were friendly to each other,” Morand said, “but it was more cordial, diplomatic relations, rather than true neighborly working relations.” And in the early 90s, the frailty of the relationship began to show again. According to Yale School of Management Professor Douglas Rae, who was working for the city at the time, Yale offered to hold a concert in 1990 featuring Paul McCartney at the Yale Bowl and donate the proceeds to New Haven libraries, which were threatening to close branches in the midst of a budget crisis. But the event had to be approved by the Board of Aldermen, which attached 20 cumbersome conditions to the lease, including regulations on styrofoam cups and the decibel level at the concert. When Rae called McCartney’s management and told them about these conditions, there was a long pause followed by, “Mr. Rae, you must be kidding.” McCartney immediately canceled the performance. This town-gown failure preceded one of the worst tragedies in Yale-New Haven history. In 1991, Prince’s murder shocked Yale’s campus, awakening many to the deep divide that separated the two entities and started a movement to change the treacherous path. “The city’s national image and reputation was in tatters,” Rae said. “Had you been 17 in 1990, your parents might well have encouraged you to go to Dartmouth.”


A huge step forward in towngown relations, many would say, was when Levin was appointed president of Yale the same year DeStefano was elected mayor. Before ascending to the city’s highest office, DeStefano, a New Haven native, did not hold a positive image of Yale. Instead, he described it as a “much more insular place, both in terms of its architecture and in terms of its mission and purpose.” In some ways, DeStefano said, the opportunity to change the relationship presented itself with the tragedy of Prince’s death. The incident, he explained, “created a sense of urgency at the time.” But merging the two entities was not going to be easy. “There was basically no relationship,” said Jorge Perez, longtime president of the Board of Alderman. “There was very little interaction. The city and the university cooperated only when they seemed when there was no other choice.” Levin sought to change that and immediately began to work toward the promise he made in his inaugural address, spearheading an aggressive campaign to alter the relationship between the University and the city. In 1994, Levin created the Yale Homebuyer’s Program, which provides a financial incentive for Yale professors and faculty members to live in the city — more than 1,000 of whom have done so. Two years

later, he established Yale’s University Properties, providing a significant boost to New Haven’s tax base since, unlike academic buildings, the property owned by UP pays city taxes. The department now owns 85 retail tenants and 500 residential properties, forking over more than $4 million annually to city coffers. The organization was also crucial for the development of Broadway and Chapel street. Fifteen years ago, Broadway was full of “barber shops, liquor stores and vacancy,” said Bruce Alexander ’65, the vice president for New Haven and state affairs. Now, the street has been “revitalized” with restaurants and retail, said Derek Simpson, the owner of Derek Simpson Goldsmith on Chapel Street. “This place was boarded up when I came in 1970.” “It’s just a little miracle here,” the manager Jene Dostie added. Alexander’s appointment in itself was another step forward in town-gown relations. In 1998, Alexander was hired to serve as a constant voice for New Haven in Levin’s closest circle of advisors. While 2003 represented a low point in Yale labor relations — the University’s unions welcomed the class of 2007 with a massive strike on freshman move-in day that lasted for 22 days, complete with picket lines and arrests, said Local 34 president Laurie Kennington ’01 — the final contract promised to set the tone for a new era of labor relations. Before the 2003 labor contract, 90 percent of Yale workers were making less than $20 an hour, Kennington said, but after the contract was settled, over 90 percent of workers made more than $20 an hour. “That contract moved people from below the poverty line to above the poverty line,” Kennington said. The way that Levin and others in his administration handled subsequent contracts and negotiations impressed Kennington. During the strike of 2003, Levin was a target, she said. There were two-faced Levin signs and posters bemoaning Levin’s $42,000 pension when workers were not making that amount in their yearly salary. In 2004, following a round of budget cuts, an angry mob formed around the office of John Pepper ’60, then the vice president of finance and administration, ready to storm the workplace and demand fair treatment of workers if necessary. Much to their surprise, Pepper said he would be happy to talk to workers. The change in tone sparked a new era of contract negotiations in which both sides were willing to participate in civil discussions. In Morand’s office, two articles hang framed above his desk. One is a 1973 New York Times article titled “TownGown Struggle Intensifies in New Haven,” about the Board’s rejection of Yale’s residential colleges building plans. Hanging next to the 1973 article is one from the Hartford Courant in 2006 titled “Yale’s Plans Greeted Warmly.” In 2006, Yale’s plans to build two new residential colleges passed without a hitch. “Those are the bookends of one of the low points of towngown relations in the early 70s, and a manifestation of the strong partnership,” Alexander said.


Still, some believe the Yale administration’s story glosses over the ever-present resentment toward the University that many feel in New Haven — possibly fueled by the ever-growing



divide between the haves and have-nots. Some hold that the initiatives passed by Levin cast only a thin veil on what is still a very troubled relationship. “Everybody outside of the Yale community knows that the story that Yale tells about itself is a complete joke. The Yale community needs to wake up to this,” said Gregory Williams, DIV ’15. “Yale’s relationship with New Haven will never be fully human until we fix the underlying inequality.” The mid-career salary for a Yale graduate is $105,000, while the median household income of a person living in New Haven is $39,094. The city’s entire 2012-’13 fiscal year budget, perpetually facing million-dollar deficits, amounts to $486.8 million — a figure dwarfed by the value of Yale’s endowment, which totals $19.3 billion, and made approximately $4 billion in 2011. “Libraries have been cut back … 55 teachers were cut this year, and Yale gets away with not paying taxes on their property?” asked Megan Fountain ’07, an organizer for New Haven-based immigrant rights advocacy group Unidad Latina en Accion. Yale’s aggressive property expansion has raised some eyebrows in neighborhoods like the Hill, where Yale is expanding its medical campus. “Yale is the most powerful entity in New Haven. It railroads the city government regularly,” said Mark Colville, a member of the Hill’s Amistat Catholic Worker House. “If you walk through the Hill you will see that Yale is eating our neighborhood, literally eating our neighborhood.” As a result of Yale’s vast amounts of property, it has also amassed a lot of power. In 2002, Yale and the owners of New Haven restaurant Bespoke disagreed on who owned a small piece of land behind the restaurant. After a lengthy legal battle, Yale pushed the restaurant out of business. More recently, Yale chose not to renew the lease of Au Bon Pain at 1 Broadway. Yale gave 25 employees only four days notice that they would lose their jobs. “It’s out of the blue,” said Richard Gattison, a shift manager who had worked at Au Bon Pain for nine years told the News, “It’s a lot of people who are just going to be collecting unemployment for a while, including myself.” He added that he was not given any explanation for the store’s closure. Additionally, the sale of High and Wall Streets this summer drummed up traditional towngown tensions as some residents, including mayoral candidates, were horrified that Yale could purchase New Haven’s resources in a one-time lump sum deal. “If we were to sell the streets, we should have gotten much more than three million dollars,” said mayoral candidate Justin Elicker FES ‘10 SOM ‘10. “We shouldn’t be selling public assets.” These instances have led some residents to question whether Yale is still in the business of helping New Haven only when it is convenient. “They make donations when they feel like it,” Colville said. “It is almost like this benevolent dictatorship. You know when the relationship is good because the dictator threw us a few crumbs.” Without any type of change to the power dynamics in New Haven, some believe that towngown progress can only remain on the superficial level. “I think its important that the city always be able to stand up for itself,” said Henry Fernandez LAW ’94, one of the four remaining mayoral candidates.

Town-gown tension spikes over Yale’s plan to build two new residential colleges, which the Board of Aldermen rejects

1959 41 people are arrested at a town-gown battle on St. Patrick’s Day

“City government can never wind up in a position where it feels the need to have its hand out and ask for money.” Another challenge that Yale faces compared to colleges in other cities is that Yale does not accept a large proportion of students from New Haven Public Schools. For this reason, Yale may be considered a bastion of interlopers. “The young people, they dream of Yale,” Colville said. “I know my own kids have.” And Yale students, though many of them volunteer, recognize their separation from New Haven youth. “The image of Yale isn’t going to jive very well with New Haven,” Andre Morales ’14 said. “The image of Yale is a privileged institution. We are always going to be a privileged no matter what our financial aid situation looks like.” Morales continued, “Providing aid is important and part of our responsibility as residents of New Haven to do so, but I don’t think that any amount of aid is really going to change the perception.” The walled off gates, which surround a privileged institution that sits on money in a bank while New Haven’s budget limps along, are still symbolic of a selfish and insular University to some. “People perceive [Yale] as a fortress,” Fountain said.


Though both narratives of Yale’s role in New Haven are alive and will likely persist far into the future, the question remains whether Levin’s initiatives will permanently push the relationship in the right direction or whether the relationship will slip backwards revealing old wounds.

Yale’s relationship with New Haven will never be fully human until we fix the underlying inequality. GREGORY WILLIAMS DIV ‘15 Signs of a real change in the relationship are present at the small stores around campus. Yale graduates seem more likely to settle in the Elm City now than several years ago. When Johnny Scafidi ‘01 graduated from Yale a few years ago, not many students saw themselves staying in New Haven after graduation, he said. “Now there’s a much bigger young population in certain neighborhoods and downtown, a different life dynamic,” Scafidi said. “It is a much more exciting place to live as a recent grad.” The increase in recent grads mirrors a larger trend in the city. According to Abraham, New Haven was home to 11,000 adults age 25-34 with a Bachelor’s degree or higher in 2011 — a significant increase from the 8,600 adults in the same group that called the city home in 2000. This change has helped make the city safer, New Haven Police Department spokesman David Hartman said. While graduate students used to live exclusively in communities like East Rock, he said, more people living downtown in recent years has created a safer environment. “A city block where you see people walking back and forth is a much greater crime deterrent than seeing two police officers walking back and forth,” Hartman said. There has also been an increase in the number of Yalies volunteering in New Haven. In 2002 there were 60 member


Richard Levin becomes University president; John DeStefano Jr. becomes mayor

1991 Sophomore Christian Prince ’93 is murdered on Hillhouse Avenue

organizations in Dwight Hall compared to 90 in 2013, Scafidi said. He added that in 2001 there was an estimated 2,500 student volunteers, increasing to a total of about 3,500 in 2012. Over the course of Levin’s tenure, Yale’s assets increased substantially, and Ginsberg said that it is only natural under these circumstances that Yale would begin to fill a larger role in the city. Currently, the city has shifted from an industrial center to one whose two biggest employers in New Haven are Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Ginsberg said that Yale’s increased financial strength may have allowed it to financially assist the city more readily. Alexander said that though the tide of town-gown relations was turning before Levin’s appointment as president, Levin’s role was to keep that sentiment alive and execute a successful strategy. The shift in culture, though not necessarily caused by leadership, but encouraged by it, is how DeStefano sees the change in the relationship taking place. “What was breathtaking and risky and strange 10 years ago is a yawner now,” DeStefano said, “because it’s been part of the culture.” This culture can be seen in leadership throughout the city. The new superintendent of New Haven Public Schools is a Yale graduate, along with three of the four candidates running for mayor. The first mayoral debate was held at Yale University, and mayoral candidates have spent much time in the days leading up to the election on campus, courting the student vote. For relationship is to be maintained, it must transcend the leaders and become part of the new attitude of residents. Alexander, at least, said he believes that type of bond has developed in the Elm City. “What’s important is the whole range of partnerships that we’ve developed,” Alexander said. “There’s a virtuous cycle that takes place in cities, just as there is a vicious cycle down, there is a virtuous cycle up. We’ve reversed that, every time we add a piece of improvement to the city, helps build a stronger city.” Max Rolison ’15, the new membership coordinator at Dwight Hall, expressed a similar sentiment. “It isn’t about Yale helping New Haven,” Rolison said. “It’s about Yale being a part of New Haven.”


And now, the town-gown relationship is primed for a new process of transition. This summer, Peter Salovey moved his belongings into Woodbridge Hall, and DeStefano will soon vacate the city’s top spot. Though most people are confident that the new normal of town-gown relations will stick, the precarious relationship is only a few years away from disastrous struggles of the past. Those interviewed were not concerned about Salovey’s continued efforts in New Haven. Salovey has lived in New Haven for 30 years, and most believe he embodies the natural continuation of Levin’s town-gown policies. “I very much plan to continue [Levin’s] efforts in the coming years and also focus further attention on economic development and job creation,” he said the night DeStefano announced his retirement. Tomorrow, New Haven will face the choice between four different candidates in the city’s democratic primary. The future of Yale’s relationship with New Haven, to some extent, hangs in


University Properties is established

1994 Yale launches homebuyer program

the balance. Elicker’s philosophy is that when negotiating with Yale, the city will “get more with a carrot than a stick.” He proposes finding areas where both the city and the University can benefit, with his proposals including merging the Yale shuttle system with Connecticut Transit to allow for better transportation around the city and trying to keep Yale entrepreneurship and business in New Haven. “I’d love to say yes, I will force Yale to give New Haven more money,” Elicker said. “But to be honest and realistic, I think we’re going to get more by finding areas of positive collaboration.” Henry Fernandez LAW ’94 is another mayoral candidate who, like Elicker, opposed the sale of High and Wall streets to the University. He said that the best way New Haven and Yale can have an equal partnership is to strengthen the city financially, so that the town does not have to come to the gown, “hat in hand.” Fernandez said that he already spoke to Yale School of Management Dean Edward Snyder about creating a premier program at the SOM for school principals. The program would include clinical work in New Haven Public Schools, with the goal that some participants would remain in the Elm City, Fernandez said. Programs like this, he explained, will succeed because they do not treat New Haven as a charity case but rather bank on Yale’s investment in future leaders. Toni Harp ARC ’78 praised Yale’s relationship with New Haven when it came to programs like the Payment-inlieu-of-Taxes program and the New Haven Promise, but said that New Haven needs more support in its surrounding neighborhoods. She said that the city primarily needs financial support from Yale and that Yale’s “intellectual expertise” could help creates jobs in New Haven. The final mayoral candidate, Hillhouse High School principal Kermit Carolina, said that Yale can continue to support New Haven by helping youth in New Haven as mentors or with after school activities. He added that he would like to piggyback off of Yale’s Homebuyers Program and extend it to policemen, firefighters and educators in the city. In his opinion, Yale could “certainly” do a “lot more” for the city financially. Salovey declined to comment on the mayoral race, except to say the he is “looking forward to working closely with whomever the people of New Haven elect as their new mayor.” The city and University, he said, are “lucky” to have four “thoughtful and energetic” candidates in the race. The festivities may be just as revelrous as they were 20 years ago, but Salovey will face a remarkably changed Yale and New Haven when he is inaugurated this October. Like Levin, Salovey said he will speak to the University’s relationship with its city, but he will do so after a decades-long mending process. While reflecting on his efforts to improve relations with the city, Levin sat in a chair just a few feet from where he made his own opening speech pledging to bridge the gap between Yale and New Haven. He smiled when asked whether towngown relations improved the way he wanted. “Even better,” Levin said. “It turned out better than I would have hoped.” Contact MONICA DISARE at .


Massive labor strike erupts, lasting 22 days



Yale sues local restaurant Bespoke over property rights

Board of Aldermen approves two new residential colleges


New mayor will enter office




T Dow Jones 14,922.50, -0.10%

S S&P 500 1,655.17, +0.01%

S NASDAQ 3,660.01, +0.03%

T 10-yr. Bond 2.938, -1.38%

S Oil $109.52, +1.45%

T Euro $1.317, -0.0046%

US: Proven link of Assad to gas attack lacking BY PHILIP ELLIOTT ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — The White House asserted Sunday that a “common-sense test” dictates the Syrian government is responsible for a chemical weapons attack that President Barack Obama says demands a U.S. military response. But Obama’s top aide says the administration lacks “irrefutable, beyonda-reasonable-doubt evidence” that skeptical Americans, including lawmakers who will start voting on military action this week, are seeking. “This is not a court of law. And intelligence does not work that way,” White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said during his five-network public relations blitz Sunday to build support for limited strikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad. “The common-sense test says he is responsible for this. He should be held to account,” McDonough said of the Syrian leader who for two years has resisted calls from inside and outside his country to step down. Asked in another interview about doubt, McDonough was direct: “No question in my mind.” The U.S., citing intelligence reports, says the lethal nerve agent sarin was used in an Aug. 21 attack outside Damascus, and that 1,429 people died, including 426 children. The number is higher than that, said Khalid Saleh, head of the press office at the anti-Assad Syrian Coalition who was in Washington to lobby lawmakers to authorize the strikes. Some of those involved in the attacks later died in their homes and opposition leaders were weighing releasing a full list of names of the dead. But Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which collects information from a network of anti-government activists, says it has so far only been able to confirm 502 dead. The actual tally of those killed by chemical weapons is scant compared to the sum of all killed in the upheaval: more than 100,000, according to the United Nations. In an interview Sunday, Assad told U.S. journalist Charlie Rose there is not conclusive evidence about who is to blame for the chemical weapons attacks and

again suggested the rebels were responsible. From Beirut, Rose described his interview, which is to be released Monday on the CBS morning program that Rose hosts, with the full interview airing later in the day on Rose’s PBS program. Asked about Assad’s claims there is no evidence he used the weapons, Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters in London: “The evidence speaks for itself.” At the same time, Obama has planned his own public relations effort. He has scheduled six network interviews on Monday and then a primetime speech to the nation from the White House on Tuesday, the eve of the first votes in Congress. Obama faces a tough audience on Capitol Hill. A survey by The Associated Press shows that House members who are staking out positions are either opposed to or leaning against Obama’s plan for a military strike by more than a 6-1 margin. “Lobbing a few Tomahawk missiles will not restore our credibility overseas,” said Rep. Mike McCaul, the Texas Republican who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee. Added Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif.: “For the president to say that this is just a very quick thing and we’re out of there, that’s how long wars start.” Almost half of the 433 House members and a third of the 100-member Senate remain undecided, the AP survey found. Two seats in the 435-member House are vacant. “Just because Assad is a murderous tyrant doesn’t mean his opponents are any better,” said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

Lobbing a few Tomahawk missiles will not restore our credibility overseas. REP. MIKE MCCAUL Chair, House Homeland Security Committee But some of Assad’s opponents are pleading for aid. “The world is watching, and Syrians are wondering: When is the international community going to act and intervene to protect them?” said Saleh. On Saturday, a U.S. official released a DVD compilation of


The White House is making a push to rally members of Congress and the American public behind the president’s plan for a military strike against Syria. videos showing attack victims that the official said were shown to senators during Thursday’s classified briefing. The graphic images have become a rallying point for the administration. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, also posted videos on the committee’s website. But McDonough conceded the United States doesn’t have concrete evidence Assad was behind the chemical attacks. Recent opinion surveys show intense American skepticism about military intervention in Syria, even among those who believe Syria’s government used chemical weapons on its people. Congress, perhaps, is even more dubious. “It’s an uphill slog,” said Rep. Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who supports strikes on Assad. “I think it’s very clear he’s lost support in the last week,” Rogers added, speaking of the presi-

dent. Complicating the effort in the Senate is the possibility that 60 votes may be required to authorize a strike. Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said he would consider a filibuster, but noted the delay tactic was unlikely to permanently nix a vote. Paul would, however, insist his colleagues consider an amendment to the resolution that would bar Obama from launching strikes if Congress votes against the measure. Still, Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader, has predicted authorization and McDonough, too, on Sunday telegraphed optimism. “They do not dispute the intelligence when we speak with them,” McDonough said, of members of Congress. But while the public discussion lacks a direct link between Assad and weapons, the private briefs are no better, two lawmakers said. “The evidence is not as strong

13 kids injured in festival accident ASSOCIATED PRESS NORWALK, Conn. — Thirteen children were injured when a festival attraction that swings riders into the air lost power at a community fair in

Connecticut on Sunday afternoon but none of the injuries appeared to be lifethreatening, authorities said. Most of the children suffered minor injuries and were treated at the Oyster Festival in Norwalk, police said. Nor-


Thirteen children were injured when a festival attraction that swings riders into the air lost power at a community fair in Norwalk, Conn., on Sunday.

walk Police Chief Thomas Kulhawik said there were initial reports of serious injuries but preliminary indications are that the injuries were not as severe as first feared. One hospital reported three in stable condition and another reported three were being evaluated. Victims were also reportedly taken to a third hospital that did not immediately comment on the status of their injured. Kulhawik estimated that some children fell between 10 and 15 feet to the ground while some hit other riders and some hit the ride itself. One child was bleeding from a head injury, he said. The festival’s organizer, the nonprofit Norwalk Seaport Association, said it directed the ride’s operator, Stewart Amusement, to shut down the entire ride area until state inspectors completed a check. The other rides later reopened and the rest of the festival remained open on its third and final day. Stewart Amusement didn’t immediately return phone and email messages seeking comment. Its rides are inspected by its own staff every day, by state and local inspectors weekly and by engineers and insurance inspectors each year, the company’s website said. “Your safety is of critical importance to us,” the site says. “Not only do we have an obligation to provide our guests with the safest equipment and environment possible, but also our ultimate success depends on it.” Stewart Amusement says it has provided rides and other attractions since 1983 at events in Fairfield and New Haven counties in Connecticut and neighboring Westchester and Putnam counties in New York. Troopers with state police fire and explosion unit were investigating, department spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance said.

as the public statements that the president and the administration have been making,” said Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich. “There are some things that are being embellished in the public statements. ... The briefings have actually made me more skeptical about the situation.” Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif., said “they have evidence showing the regime has probably the responsibility for the attacks.” But that’s not enough to start military strikes. “They haven’t linked it directly to Assad, in my estimation,” said McKeon, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. McDonough, an Obama foreign policy adviser dating back to his 2008 presidential campaign, said the dots connect themselves. The material was delivered by “rockets which we know the Assad regime has and we have no indication that the opposition has.” Congress resumes work Mon-

day after its summer break, but a heated debate about Syria is already underway. Vice President Joe Biden planned to host a dinner Sunday night for a group of Senate Republicans. Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, plans to discuss Syria in a speech Monday at the New America Foundation and later meet with members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Bipartisan, classified briefings for Congress are set for Monday and Wednesday. McDonough plans to meet Tuesday with the House Democratic Caucus. Obama planned to address the nation on Tuesday ahead of Wednesday’s first showdown vote in the Senate over a resolution that would authorize the “limited and specified use” of U.S. armed forces against Syria for no more than 90 days and barring American ground troops from combat. A final vote is expected at week’s end.

9/11 responders seek compensation BY DAVID B. CARUSO ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — They weren’t exposed to anywhere near the same level of ash, grit and fumes, but emergency workers who rushed to the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania countryside on 9/11 are signing up for the same compensation and health benefits being given to New Yorkers who got sick after toiling for months in the toxic ruins of the World Trade Center. Federal officials say at least 91 people who were at those two crash sites have applied so far for payment from a multibillion-dollar fund for people with an illness related to the attacks. That includes 66 people who fought fires and cleaned up rubble at the Pentagon and 25 who responded to the wreckage of United Airlines Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Those numbers are minuscule compared with the more than 24,000 firefighters, police, construction workers and others who applied for compensation in New York after developing illnesses possibly linked to long hours spent in ground zero’s constant fires and drifts of pulverized concrete and glass. But the Pentagon or Shanksville applicants are notable because, to date, no medical study or environmental survey has suggested that people who responded to either site were exposed to similar health hazards. They were on the scene for days rather than months. And there have been no reports of a strange rash of illnesses. Responders at those sites were given eligibility by Congress mostly out of a sense of fairness, without any clear indication that anyone was sick. A separate program administered by the National Institute for Occu-

pational Safety and Health expects as many as 1,500 Virginia and Pennsylvania responders to apply for free health monitoring and treatment. So far, just 19 have applied. The trickle of people signing up for compensation includes Alexandria Fire Department Capt. Scott Quintana, who dug through feet of scorched rubble at the Pentagon to find bodies in 2001. He was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, a type of cancer, in 2010.

If they’re making an award, I’ll take it. If they don’t, I’m not going to cry about it. SCOTT QUINTANA Captain, Alexandria Fire Department

Research has suggested that the genetic mutation that causes his type of cancer might be triggered by some environmental toxins. But even Quintana acknowledged it’s unlikely his leukemia was caused solely by the few days he spent at the Pentagon. “It’s part of a long exposure to triggers that create this in your body,” Quintana said. “Could I absolutely tie it to 9/11? Absolutely not. Can I tie it to my career in the fire service? Yes.” What that means for his compensation claim isn’t entirely clear. “If they are making an award, I’ll take it. If they don’t, I’m not going to cry about it,” Quintana said, adding that his $8,000-per-month chemotherapy bill is already covered by insurance, thanks to a Virginia law that presumes that any firefighter diagnosed with cancer got it from an on-the-job exposure.







“Science never solves a problem without creating 10 more.” GEORGE BERNARD SHAW IRISH PLAYWRIGHT


U. initiative seeks to refine STEM curricula BY STEVEN MICHAEL STAFF WRITER University administrators and faculty members will overhaul introductory courses in STEM — science, technology, engineering and math — and focus on improving undergraduate education in STEM through an initiative partially funded by the Association of American Universities, according to a University press release. The three-year initiative will focus on implementing “evidence-based practices” — teaching methods proven effective through research, said David Targan ’78, associate dean of the college for science education. Brown was selected from 31 applicants to become one of eight institutions to pilot the project. The AAU and the University each will provide $500,000 in funding for the initiative over three years. Faculty members can apply for grants from the initiative to improve their classes, Targan said, and some of the funding will be used to hire graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants in STEM courses. “Why is it that people who spend their lives making decisions with data do not use data to improve their decisions about teaching?” said Dean of the College Katherine Bergeron. “That’s the AAU’s question.” Aiming to attract and retain students, administrators and faculty members will work to better integrate math into science and engineering classes, promote hands-on research and reform large lectures, Targan said. STEM fields have a high attrition rate — many students change their intended concentrations after the first year, Targan said. The trend is particularly pronounced in the physical sciences, he added. One common explanation for the high attrition rate is that stu-

dents feel disengaged in their large i n t ro d u c tory science lectures, he said. BROWN Research also suggests certain teaching methods may keep students more engaged. Students can be active learners in large classes by asking questions or at least writing them down, Targan said.

One of the truly Brown things about this endeavor is that professors will meet across disciplines.


The first phase of the initiative puts a greater emphasis on “mathematical competency” in STEM courses, Targan said. Students may have taken math “but don’t make the connection between the math class and the new context of a science subject matter,” he said. Science classes would review math basics in a format that could involve collaboration between departments, he said. Students may have “difficulty turning hard science problems into mathematical equations,” Takayama said.

CHEM 0100: “Introductory Chemistry” and ENGN 0030: “Introduction to Engineering” are among the first courses to be reviewed for added “mathematical competency,” Takayama said. “One of the truly Brown things about this endeavor is that professors will meet across disciplines to compare some of their approaches and share ways in which these approaches have been successful,” Takayama said. For instance, she said, some science faculty members from across disciplines have met together to discuss teaching techniques every other Friday for three years.

Takayama, Targan and Jim Valles, professor of physics and chair of the physics department, are the three principal investigators for the initiative. The resources provided by the initiative make it possible to make curricular changes for which there is already momentum, Valles said.


Each school selected for the project submitted a grant request detailing its plans for reforming its STEM courses and its progress in doing so thus far, she said. Brown’s strengths included a focus on “mathematical compe-

tency,” interdisciplinary teaching and hands-on research classes, said Emily Miller, project manager for the initiative. Miller cited strong support for the STEM initiative among Brown faculty members and administrators. Bergeron, who helped write the AAU grant proposal, recently announced plans to leave the University in December to become president of Connecticut College. But she said her departure will not affect the STEM initiative, given the number of other administrators and faculty members involved with the project.

KATHY TAKAYAMA Executive director, Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning Another strategy for engaging students involves changing the format of the lecture entirely. This semester, Associate Professor of Economics Pedro Dal Bo’s section of ECON 1110: “Intermediate Microeconomics” will feature two lectures and a problem session instead of three lectures, said Kathy Takayama, executive director of the Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning and adjunct professor of biology. This innovative approach is called a “blended classroom,” she said. Dal Bo will create 10-minute videos for students to watch prior to the problem session. During the session he will help groups of three students on practice problems, Takayama said. The creation of more “blended classrooms” may be part of the AAU initiative, Takayama said.


Leaders of the STEM overhaul said they plan to integrate math learning, reform lectures and increase hands-on research.



PennApps expands

New Mexican cuisine moves to Mass. Ave. BY ANNELI L. TOSTAR STAFF WRITER


Students competing in the PennApps Hackathon will code around the clock this weekend in hope of winning $10,000. BY JING RAN STAFF WRITER This year, PennApps Hackathon is going big. The competition is expecting over 1,000 participants — about 600 nonPenn students attending from those selected out of over 1,600 applications and over 600 Penn students. Last year, they had 500. “This will be the first student-run hackathon this big,” said Engineering junior Nick Meyer, PennApps’s director of sponsorship. The population undoubtedly presents a larger challenge, but PennApps has worked closely with campus facilities to accommodate it. The Engineering Quad will host the majority of the participants and is expected to fit 1,000 people. Additionally, Van Pelt Library is sponsoring the event by opening its recently renovated sixth floor to host 200 hackers as a quieter and more detached space. While hackers had to sleep on tables in past years, this year PennApps will use the Palestra as a dorm space for

participants to sleep in. They will also open Hutchinson Gymnasium during certain times over the weekend PENN for hackers to shower, with free towels provided. The director of PennApps, Engineering junior Brynn Claypoole, said the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has been very supportive in facility updates for more charging and WiFi capacity, in response to the power crisis during the last hackathon. PennApps has also partnered with Alpha Phi Omega, Penn’s community service fraternity, for volunteers for food distribution, so that participants can stay in their spot and have supplies delivered to them. Students will also get free food and massages. Other than logistics improvement, PennApps also improved their mentoring and newbie support. Over 100 mentors — knowledgeable and experienced engineers from

different companies such as Venmo — will be on call through Internet Relay Chat to provide guidance to the participants. “For example, if I am a student trying to write an iOS app and I don’t know what to download to write it on, I can send out a message to ask somebody to help me. Then maybe a Venmo engineer who works on iOS apps will come find me,” said Claypoole. “We’ve also been building a Wiki with the resources that we think are useful — what language to use for certain apps [and] links to tutorials.” “We are trying to emphasize the user experience — that’s such a computer scientist term, but that essentially means we want to give the people who are coming the best time they can have,” she added. While Penn students can sign up directly to participate in the hackathon, non-Penn participants went through an application process. “The evaluation was largely based on their experience,” said Claypoole. “We generally choose people who have competed before or people who have shown promising potentials.”

Jesus Sahagun began working in his uncle’s restaurant in Seattle at the age of 15. Starting as a dishwasher, Sahagun helped his family open multiple restaurants before eventually operating one location for 10 years. “After that, he decided to sell his business there, come over to a different city, and open up a new restaurant,” said his wife, Areli Sahagun. The new Mexican eatery Cancun Taqueria y Más, located a few blocks east of Harvard Yard at 1105 Mass. Ave, is the first restaurant that the couple has opened together. Started along with Areli Sahagun’s brother Felix Santana, the taqueria seats 60 and serves traditional Mexican plates, including fajitas, the most popular dish so far. Cancun Taqueria y Más, which has no relation to Taqueria Cancun in East Boston, joins a variety of existing Mexican offerings in Harvard Square. Yet

Areli Sahagun said the restaurant serves unique, authentic dishes that originated in and around Cuautla, Jalisco, Mexico, and were HARVARD perfected after more than 25 years of business in the American Northwest. “We’d been coming to Boston for two years back and forth, trying out the food and checking out the Mexican restaurants here,” Areli Sahagun said. “We thought our food could make an impact here, because we noticed that a lot of Mexican restaurants don’t have that authentic taste.” Areli Sahagun said the restaurant opened in August to test the menu and make any necessary alterations. Though the restaurant remains open, she added that they are waiting to get an officially licensed sign before hosting a grand opening that will feature free tacos.


The new Mexican eatery Cancun Taqueria y Más has opened at 1105 Massachusetts Ave.



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PEOPLE IN THE NEWS LAVONTE DAVID The Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker committed a 15-yard personal foul by shoving New York Jets quarterback Geno Smith as he was going out of bounds to move New York into field position for a game-winning 48-yard field goal.

Bulldogs sweep first weekend WOMEN’S SOCCER FROM PAGE 16


Yale will face No. 13 Georgetown on Friday and Towson on Sunday, hoping to improve upon its 2-0-0 mark.

the effort, especially considering the fact that Stony Brook had already been tested in earlier games this season. “We had to battle the entire time even when we got tired,” Meredith said. “We stuck to the game plan as much as we could. We fought hard.” To cap off the successful opening weekend, the Bulldogs defeated UMassLowell (0–4–0) in resounding fashion on Sunday. The Coxe-to-Gavin connection worked once more against the River Hawks, this time in the 77th minute, making it two assists on the season for Coxe and two goals on the season for Gavin. The goal broke a 1–1 tie and gave Yale a lead it would not surrender. But it was an unexpected source that sparked the Elis to victory on Sunday. Midfielder Geny Decker ’17 came off the bench to contribute the first two goals of her college career. The first broke a scoreless battle as Decker connected off an assist from Gavin in the 18th minute. Decker found the back of the net for the second time in the 86th minute to give the Bulldogs a comfortable two-goal lead. Decker, who was not at full strength due to a quad strain during the preseason, said she owed much of her success to her teammates. “The team has been so welcoming and that’s really eased my transition so I can help make an immediate impact,”

Decker said. In net, Elise Wilcox ’15 took over goalkeeping duties and made some key saves in the victory against UMass. The River Hawks’ lone goal was scored by forward Taylor Packwood in the 25th minute. The fine performances of both Yale goalies this weekend has left Meredith with a couple of well-deserving options for the starting job. He said he hopes to have a decision on a permanent starter before the start of the Ivy League portion of the schedule, which begins Sept. 28 at Princeton. Yale will seek to improve upon its 2–0–0 mark this weekend as the team takes to the road to face No. 13 Georgetown (6–0–0) on Friday and Towson (3–2–1) on Sunday. While the Bulldogs walked away from the weekend with two wins, there is much room for improvement in the eyes of Meredith. “We are going to have to work on our one-on-one defending, and on limiting our giveaways,” Meredith said. One thing to watch in particular this weekend will be the performance of midfielder Eliza Loring ’16, a transfer from Georgetown, as she takes on her former team. Loring played in five games for Georgetown last year, scoring one goal. She has started both games thus far for Yale. Contact JAMES BADAS at .

Signs of hope for men’s soccer in opening loss MEN’S SOCCER FROM PAGE 16 against the run of play and shocked the Bulldogs after their bright start. Yale’s best chance to tie the game during the half occurred in the 29th minute after a Fordham defender played a weak clearance into the path of midfielder Con-

ner Lachenbruch ’15, who volleyed the ball toward the net from 30 yards out and forced a fine save from the Fordham goalkeeper. Forward Peter Jacobsen ’14 forced the Fordham goalkeeper into making another save with another shot in the 39th minute, leaving Yale still down 1-0 going into halftime.

The Bulldogs again put pressure on Fordham shortly after the intermission with four consecutive corners in the span of just over a minute, but the team could not translate the pressure into a goal. Fordham countered with pressure of its own, forcing Yale goalkeeper Blake Brown ’15 to make

Volleyball opens season in form


The Bulldogs defeated the Seton Hall Pirates in their final match of the weekend.

VOLLEYBALL FROM PAGE 16 ’16, who also had nine kills. Middle blocker McHaney Carter ’14 and Johnson both had eight kills. While the Elis prevailed over the Seton Hall Pirates in their third and final match of the weekend, the victory did not come easily. After taking a commanding 2-0 lead in the match, the Elis looked to be on the way to another sweep. The Pirates, however, had other plans, rallying and winning back-toback sets by scores of 25-23. Johnson posted her own tripledouble, while Polan led the team with a phenomenal 45 assists, and Rogers joined with 17 kills. The team’s defense was, as always, a group effort, with Polan, Johnson and libero Maddie Rudnick ’15 each recording doubledigit digs. Rudnick led the team with 29 digs, one short of her career high. The key to regrouping after dropping two sets in a row, Johnson said, was a return to what got them there in the first place. “We just needed to stay calm and stay focused,” she said. “We tensed up a little bit after the third set. We didn’t play like ourselves. But Kendall is great at calming us down. I think we have a good mentality when we get into a rut like that.” Outside hitter Brittani Steinberg ’17,

who is third on the team in points and second in kills per set, and the rest of the freshman class contributed to the team’s stellar performance over the weekend. Steinberg and her classmates Lucy Tashman ’17, Tori Shepherd ’17 and Claire Feeley ’17 are poised to make an impact for the Bulldogs by helping replace the graduated Haley Wessels ’13, who served as captain of the team last year. The incoming players already have strong support from older members of the team like Johnson. “I was very impressed with the talent coming in,” she said. “They’ve molded well with the team and the environment and they’re just going to get better.” As for team goals, there really only is one thing on the mind of the undefeated team from last year: a repeat performance. “Our goal is to win the Ivy League,” Rogers said. “Right now, we’re just trying to figure out what our game is, since we’ve only been playing together for a few weeks, but I think we’re well on our way to that.” The Elis will travel to Washington, D.C. for the Pentagon Tournament on Friday. Contact DIONIS JAHJAGA at .

a save in the 68th minute. A Yale foul in the 71st minute set up a Fordham long free kick, which eluded all the Yale defenders and landed right on the foot of a Fordham player, who redirected the ball into the right-hand side of Yale’s net for a 2-0 Fordham lead. Fordham’s goal put the Bulldogs in a hole from which they

would not recover. Yale had two more corners and two shots during the last 15 minutes but could not mount a comeback. “Despite the negative result there were a lot of good things to pull from the game,” Brown said. “Moving forward, this team has a lot of potential that I believe will reveal itself in the games to

come.” Yale had nine shots in the game to go along with 10 corners, but the Bulldogs committed 14 fouls and ran into a stingy Ram defense. The Elis will next play at Sacred Heart Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at

Senior seeks Ivy crown ALERS FROM PAGE 16 bit more direct than we did last year, and we’re really focusing on giving our forwards better service — looking to find them earlier and looking to find them more often to give them every opportunity that they need to do their job and get goals. And on top of that I think we do have a couple of good additions to the squad. I think one freshman, Cameron Kirdzik ’17, has been really impressive so far and had a real promising start to his season last Friday. I think Henos Musie ’16, a guy from Sweden who’s coming in as a transfer, who’s a sophomore, can also provide us with a little bit of creativity. So I think just the combination of us focusing on providing our attacking players with more and better service, and the addition of a couple of new threats — we also welcome back Cody Wilkins ’14, a senior who’s been out the past two years with an injury … he and Cam kind of bring an element of athleticism to our attack that we’ve been missing in years past.


On the defensive side, the most obvious loss is Bobby Thalman ’13, your star goalkeeper who graduated last year. Is there anything that the team feels that it has to do differently without him back there to clean up any

lapses, or is the plan to stick to the same game plan as last year —a game plan which churned out the third best goals against average in the Ivy League?


I think we’re sticking to the same game plan. I think [starting goalkeeper Blake Brown ’15] has been doing a really good job and he’s more than capable of filling Bob’s shoes. I think one kind of different thing is actually Milan [Tica ‘13] graduating is a big — not a big issue, but he also provided a lot of physicality in our defense and we’re kind of adjusting to his loss too. I think we kind of have a little bit of a different look — we’re not as big defensively with someone like Milan no longer in the back line, so that’s definitely something that we’re still adjusting to. But I think with regards to the goalkeeping situation, I think Blake’s been doing a great job and definitely we’re looking for him to have a great year.

the season, you were named QBefore a candidate for the Senior CLASS award. It’s a big national honor — what does that mean to you?


It definitely was a pleasant surprise to start the year. I definitely put a lot of work both into soccer and my schoolwork, so it was nice to see

that recognized. But I’m definitely not one who’s big on individual honors, so I’m definitely going to play hard and continue to try to do well off the field, but I think the most important thing for me this upcoming year is finally getting an Ivy League Championship to close out my Yale soccer career. like you have your goal for QItthissounds year’s team already in mind, but do you have any other personal or team goals for the upcoming season?


Yeah, I think definitely Ivy League Championship and going to the NCAA tournament is the team’s goal that I think we’re all working to. On a personal note I think that I definitely want to make my presence felt this year in the Ivy League. I think that I kind of have been dealing with some injuries since I had a strong sophomore year, and I think having another year like that where I’m first team AllIvy and recognized as one of the better defenders in the Ivy League — I think getting back to that point is something that’s been motivating me ever since I kind of fell into a spell of injury troubles. Contact ALEX EPPLER at


Defender Nick Alers ’14 earned All-Ivy honors in each of his first three seasons.


NFL New England 23 Buffalo 21

NFL Chicago 24 Cincinnati 21



NFL San Francisco 34 Green Bay 28

MLB N.Y. Yankees 4 Boston 3

U.S. OPEN S. Williams 7 6 6 V. Azarenka 5 7 1


MEN’S GOLF TEAM WATCHES U.S. PREVAIL OVER U.K. AND IRELAND IN WALKER CUP The men’s golf team was on hand at National Golf Links in Southampton, N.Y., to watch the U.S. team claim an 8–4 victory in the biennial amateur competition against a team of players from the United Kingdom and Ireland.

“We had to battle the entire time even when we got tired … We fought hard.” RUDY MEREDITH HEAD COACH, W. SOCCER YALE DAILY NEWS · MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2013 ·

Ivy champs return with win VOLLEYBALL

Bulldogs get off on the right foot BY JAMES BADAS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The women’s soccer team’s 2013 campaign kicked off with a bang Friday night at home as the Bulldogs put together a 1–0 nail-biter of a victory over Stony Brook.



The Bulldogs posted a 2-1 record at the Yale Invitational over the weekend, falling to Missouri before beating Colgate and Seton Hall. BY DIONIS JAHJAGA STAFF REPORTER The defending Ivy League champion volleyball team started its season off with a bang at the Yale Invitational. Matching up against three strong volleyball schools, the Elis — who showcased a mix of offense and defense that led them to a perfect 14-0 record in the Ivy League last year — posted a 2-1 record against Missouri, Colgate and Seton Hall over the weekend. The first match was against the SEC’s Missouri, who managed to hold the Bulldogs off in three out of

four sets, despite an enthusiastic Yale home crowd. After dropping the first set 25-23, the Elis rallied back in the second to deliver a strong 25-15 win, the biggest margin of victory for either team in the match. In her usual versatile manner, setter Kelly Johnson ’16 produced a team high 26 assists to go along with 10 digs and eight kills. Her well rounded stat-line was matched by captain Kendall Polan ’14, who posted a 10 kill, 22 assist, 19 dig triple-double to start off the season. But it was Missouri who prevailed this time around, winning the next two sets by six and five points,

respectively. The match was competitive despite Missouri’s higher national ranking. Johnson said that playing stronger opponents will improve the team in the long run. “It really helps push us to become better players and a better team,” Johnson said. “That was one of the reasons we were so fired up.” Outside hitter Mollie Rogers ’15, who led the team with 15 kills, echoed Johnson’s sentiment. “We had nothing to lose,” Rogers said. “We did a good job going all out and being really aggressive.” The second day of the Yale Invitational gave the Bulldogs another

Alers ’14 aims for championship BY ALEX EPPLER STAFF REPORTER After a disappointing season last year that culminated in a sixth-place Ivy League finish, the men’s soccer team will try to rebound this year. One key piece for the team will be senior defenseman Nick Alers ’14, an All-Ivy performer in each of his first three seasons at Yale. During the offseason, Alers received a nomination for the Senior CLASS award, the NCAA’s most significant award given to graduating seniors. The award considers play on the field and contributions to the classroom and community off of it. The News spoke with Alers about the outlook on the Bulldogs’ season, the Senior CLASS award nomination and the team’s goals for the year.

lot of the chances that they had were the result of our mental lapses, and that’s kind of encouraging because those are things that we can fix. And at the same time, offensively, we had a lot of chances and we were very close to scoring on numerous occasions and that’s also encouraging because we didn’t see that as much last year. So it was really disappointing to come away with a loss, particularly because it was a game that we definitely were in and we controlled and felt that we should’ve won, but I think the good thing going forward is that we are creating chances and we’re continuing to create more chances than we did last year offensively.

chance at their first win of the season, as they made up for the loss against Missouri by defeating Colgate. The entire team contributed to a well-rounded attack responsible for routing Colgate in straight sets. With a focus on “playing Yale volleyball,” as Rogers put it, the Elis led by a margin of 12 and finished up the set 25-20. They never looked back, winning the next two competitive sets 25-20 and 25-19. Rogers once again led the team with nine kills, but this time she was joined by middle blocker Jesse Ebner SEE VOLLEYBALL PAGE 15

Despite controlling the field for much of the match, the men’s soccer team could not find the back of the net Saturday in its first match of the season against Fordham University (2-1, 0-0 Atlantic), and the Bulldogs succumbed to a 2–0 shutout.






The Elis avenged last year’s 2–1 loss to Stony Brook with a shutout victory at home to open their season on Friday night.



there any real takeaways from this game?


Rams slip by the Elis

I think a combination of the two. I think we’re looking to play a little

guys had your first game of this QYou season, a 2–0 loss to Fordham. Were

There were definitely points in the season last year when the team struggled to score. Are you guys doing anything different or is it just a matter of the guys getting another year of experience?

Yeah. [It is] very disappointing to begin the season with a loss, but I think that the way that we lost was somewhat encouraging. I thought that a


“I left the game disappointed but definitely still optimistic for how we will do this season” defender Nick Alers ’14 said. Yale (0-1, 0-0 Ivy) controlled the opening minutes of the first half with two shots and a corner within the first four minutes. Yale continued piling on the pressure in the fifth minute when forward Jenner Fox ’14 and team captain Max McKeirnan ’14 both had their shots blocked inside the Fordham 18-yard box in a mad scramble in front of the Rams’ net. The Rams counter-attacked and quickly tapped a goal into Yale’s far post. Fordham’s lead came much

mentioned that the offense is creQYou ating more chances than last year.

Forward Melissa Gavin ’15 picked up right where she left off last season, scoring what turned out to be the only goal of the game in the 17th minute off of an assist from midfielder Frannie Coxe ’15. Two days later, the Elis followed up their opening performance with a 3–1 victory at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell to improve to 2–0–0. A strong defensive effort on Friday held the Seawolves scoreless, and goalkeeper Rachel Ames ’16 recorded four saves to pick up the shutout. Stony Brook (4–1–1) nearly doubled Yale in shots, 15–8, but the teams were even with four shots on goal apiece. Coach Rudy Meredith was pleased with


The men’s soccer team fell 2-0 to Fordham in its first match of the season.

THE NUMBER OF GOALS THE FIELD HOCKEY TEAM SCORED AGAINST LOCAL RIVAL SACRED HEART SATURDAY. The Bulldogs took down the Pioneers 6-0, with six different players scoring a goal.

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