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Harries ’95 makes first stop on his listening tour in top NHPS position


Conn. government ramps up its outreach program on health insurance





TEAL room takes off


chicken tenders day. Yeah, that’s right. Chicken tenders, delicious and ready to be eaten.

Asking the right questions.

Never missing a beat in the pop culture world, members of the Yale Precision Marching Band uploaded their own version of the Norwegian band Ylvis’ viral hit “What Does The Fox Say?” to YouTube on Wednesday night. In the video, the YPMB sings the popular lyrics with a special twist, searching not for what the fox says, but instead for the answer to the age-old question: “What does the glock say?” The video features creative choreography and takes place in various locations across campus, including the courtyards of Branford and Davenport and the entrance to Morse College. As of Wednesday night, the video had garnered more than 300 views.

Fill in the blanks. A mysterious

sheet of paper attached by neon green tape has appeared on the construction site at Elm and York streets, entirely blank except for the words “I wish this was:” scrawled in all caps at the top, inviting passers-by to fill in the blanks with their thoughts. No telling how many people considered writing “Hogwarts” or “the Bahamas” in the empty space.

Celebrating culture. In collaboration with the Slifka Center and Chabad at Yale, several Yalies have set up tents called “sukkahs” in the Calhoun, Davenport and Branford courtyards. The tents — which offer a space for students to eat, hang out and shake a bundle of plants called a “lulav” — are meant to commemorate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. The sukkahs will be up until Wednesday evening, and will house study breaks on Sunday and Monday.


is teaching Physics 170 in the TEAL classroom this fall. “It’s tremendously flexible what’s possible in there, but along with flexibility comes complexity, and managing the technology is certainly something that we need to learn how to do.” Mochrie said he was initially nervous about the prospect of teaching in the TEAL format, but encouragement from representatives of the Yale Center for Scientific Teaching as well as the Yale Teaching Center convinced him to overcome his concerns. Jennifer Frederick, co-director of

Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10, who is running to replace Mayor John DeStefano Jr. this November, received the endorsement of a former opponent Wednesday afternoon. Hillhouse High School Principal Kermit Carolina endorsed Elicker over Connecticut State Sen. Toni Harp ARC ’78 on the steps of City Hall in a notable victory for Elicker, who has struggled to compete against Harp for the city’s black vote. Carolina and former city economic development director Henry Fernandez LAW ’94 dropped out of the race after they placed behind Harp and Elicker in last week’s Democratic primary, with Carolina having received 8 percent of the citywide vote. “Throughout our campaigns, we’ve shared similar thoughts and opinion on things, the most obvious being a clean and diverse government, one that is fiscally responsible, one that is transparent, and one that is inclusive and representative of all people,” Carolina said to an audience of his and Elicker’s supporters and other onlookers. Carolina said that after he dropped out of the race, he received phone calls from people asking him whether he would endorse Harp, since she is a “black woman.” He evoked Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech and said that Dr. King’s request that people judge others based on their character extended to all races — in this case, that the city’s black population not judge Elicker for being white. Elicker accepted Carolina’s endorse-




A Technology Enabled Active Learning classroom was installed January at 17 Hillhouse Ave. BY SOPHIE GOULD STAFF REPORTER For some professors, an innovative Technology Enabled Active Learning classroom may be replacing the lecture hall. Yale’s first TEAL classroom — decked out with 14 round tables, eight whiteboards, five projection screens, 14 flat screen displays and numerous microphones and video cameras — opened in January at 17 Hillhouse Ave. and is designed to facilitate more innovative teaching styles. Randi McCray, a member of Yale Information Technology Services who oversees the TEAL class-

room, said feedback from those who used the space last semester has been “extremely positive” and students and professors interviewed said the classroom has successfully fostered a seminar-like environment even for larger class sizes. Still, some professors interviewed said the prospect of teaching in the TEAL Classroom could be “intimidating” for some faculty members because of the complexity of the room’s technology and because the space requires professors to rework the way they teach a course. “It’s more of a theatrical production than a lecture is,” said physics professor Simon Mochrie, who

Salovey prioritizes communication

The Postal Service. In a Wednesday email to the Yale community, Associate Dean for Student Organizations and Physical Resources John Meeske updated students on new, temporary hours for the Yale Station post office. According to Meeske, the parcel window will be open until 6:30 p.m. every day this week to help accommodate the “unprecedented volume of packages” the office has received.

Ivies encourage lowincome applicants BY DAVID BLUMENTHAL AND AMY WANG CONTRIBUTING REPORTER AND STAFF REPORTER On a quest to raise the number of highachieving low-income students on selective college campuses, the Yale Admissions Office has partnered with the state of Delaware to increase the amount of college preparation resources available to students living there. Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jeremiah Quinlan, Delaware state officials and College Board president David Coleman announced a new initiative to improve college access for Delaware high school students on Wednesday morning. The project — which will be run by the state governor’s office in conjunction with College Board, the national


1942 Following Yale’s inaugural summer session, University administrators announce they will accept an additional 150 freshmen into the class of 1946. According to Yale College Dean William DeVane, the successful summer term encouraged the Admissions Department to extend acceptance offers to more students. On the flip side, the announcement prompted rumors that to offset the larger class size, administrators would also expel 200 current freshmen. Submit tips to Cross Campus


Carolina endorses Elicker


University President Peter Salovey has sought to foster transparency through his “Notes from Woodbridge Hall” emails to the Yale community. BY JULIA ZORTHIAN STAFF REPORTER As University President Peter Salovey charts an agenda for his first year in office, he is addressing internal communication with a series of relatively small-scale changes — like his email communications. After calling for a “more open” and “more accessible” Yale when he was named president last November, Salovey said he has started to imple-

ment changes to the ways in which his office traditionally communicates with students, staff and faculty. In particular, Salovey has emailed the entire Yale community every two weeks since he officially took office at the beginning of July in an email series titled “Notes from Woodbridge Hall,” which has been largely made up of Salovey’s personal musings about University and national SEE SALOVEY PAGE 6

SAT and AP testing service — will distribute information about applying to college to every high school student in the state. Quinlan assembled a group comprised of all eight Ivy League schools, MIT and Stanford to participate in the low-income outreach after he was approached by the Delaware governor’s office in May. The schools put together a letter signed by all 10 universities’ admissions deans that urges high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds — as identified by College Board — to apply to their schools. “It’s a particularly significant achievement — that’s a lot of signatures to get on a letter,” SEE COLLEGE PAGE 6

State dollars to fund city after-school programs BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER After-school programs at two New Haven high schools, ranging from band to robotics to a graffitti club, received a major boost this week with the announcement of a series of state grants. The grants, part of a state-wide effort to improve after-school programming, came out of funds in the budget passed by the General Assembly last spring. They will span 26 programs in 18 communities, totaling $8,490,000 in funding. New Haven’s Common Ground High School — a charter high school, urban farm and environmental education center — and the Cooperative

Arts and Humanities High School received grants of $161,338 and $376,502, respectively. The funds, which school leaders said will play a major role in the programs’ continuance, came to the city largely through the influence of mayoral candidate Toni Harp ARC ’78, who chairs the State Senate Appropriations Committee. “This funding lets us offer above-andbeyond supports to our students, outside of school hours, to build on their school day experiences,” Common Ground Development Director Joel Tolman said. “There is a huge amount we could not offer our SEE HARP PAGE 6




.COMMENT “Can't believe someone actually has the nerve to speak the truth”



Alieving in innovation S

tanding atop the Sears Tower’s Glass-Bottom Sky Deck, 103 stories above ground, it’s hard not to feel your stomach lurch. When you consider your position logically, you know you’re safe — but when you look downward, you instinctively feel afraid. By the same token, if someone were to give you a delicious smoothie prepared in a sterilized toilet bowl you’d probably cringe. In 2007 a well-known philosopher wrote about this phenomenon and labeled it alief: an automatic attitude that exists in opposition to a person’s rationally thoughtout beliefs. Beliefs are based on one’s observations and logical analysis, while aliefs are triggered subconsciously by one’s surroundings. Nonetheless, both play a potent role in shaping human behavior. That philosopher was Professor Tamar Gendler. In her influential paper coining the term alief, Gendler explained how our arbitrary preconceived notions sometimes guide behavior even more powerfully than our true belief systems. Even people who deeply believe in racial equality may instinctively brace themselves when meeting someone of a different race because of subconscious aliefs. Gendler was recently appointed Yale’s first deputy provost for the humanities and initiatives, which at first sounds a bit “Brave New World”-esque — a faculty bureaucrat in charge of administrating creative ideas. But Gendler’s new position also presents an opportunity to reevaluate how students and administrators conceive of change and innovation at Yale. And to do that, Gendler must confront our deeply ingrained aliefs about the University. Many of us believe that Yale is a progressive campus. We believe that the University adapts to contemporary times — that’s why we have genderneutral housing, the dining halls offer vegan options and Yale Health covers sex reassignment surgery. But I think our aliefs about Yale tell us something very different. From the moment we arrive on campus, we perceive the University as an old, storied school steeped in centuries of well-preserved tradition. We begin our Yale careers in a ceremony that feels archaic, waving handkerchiefs and singing a song written in 1881 that pledges our allegiance to “dear old Yale.” We walk down Elm Street passing gothic ivy-covered build-

ings, and we mark our years with traditions like toasting at Mory’s. Though we believe Yale is a progressive university, we alieve that this campus is deeply set in its ways. That alief can make it difficult for students to generate solutions to campus problems that break with Yale’s long-established practices. All too often, students rely on Yale College Council representatives to write up proposals in committees and publish reports such as last year’s infamous survey on salad. Up until now, there has been no real incentive for students to break with tradition and conceive of new initiatives or represent themselves. With no administrator focused on translating ideas into concrete programs and policies, students have often tolerated Yale’s status quo — long lines at the post office, the lack of food options on science hill, a lack of accommodations for transgender students. Gendler is uniquely positioned to confront aliefs about Yale’s traditionalism, and to encourage students to see themselves as able to effect change on campus. Last week Gendler met with Aaron Gertler ’15 who created “Yale Ideas,” a Facebook group used to brainstorm projects, programs and policies that would improve campus life. Meeting with random students may not seem like the most efficient way to bring change to the University, but it may be just the sort of creative chaos Yale needs. Gendler can make her new office into a think tank of sorts. But to do that, she can’t just assume her new position and trust that students will approach her with ideas. Most students don’t know that Gendler’s new position exists, let alone what it will mean for the University. Gendler should be proactively reaching out to students from all corners of campus and bringing their ideas to relevant faculty members and administrators. Gendler will only act as deputy provost for one year. But she has an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy. By empowering individual students and promoting their initiatives, she can combat the alief that Yale is fundamentally a traditional campus, where change is slow and happens only through preexisting structures. EMMA GOLDBERG is a sophomore in Saybrook College. Contact her at .

Putting alcohol safety first I

n the first days of my time at Yale, my dean made Yale’s attitude toward alcohol clear to me and my peers: at Yale, alcohol is treated as a safety issue, not a disciplinary issue. For many of us, this was a refreshing change from high school. Yale’s policy provided opportunities for first experiments with alcohol to take place in a safe environment, a place in which students took responsibility for the wellbeing of their fellow Yalies. As a freshman, I would never have thought twice about the disciplinary consequences for bringing a friend to Yale Health. Perhaps Yale’s policies have changed since then, or perhaps after three years my naïveté has simply worn away, but I am now confident that this promise rings hollow. Yale’s administration has made clear that consequences result from hospital visits, and that students should be wary of when and where they call for help. At the heart of this issue is the problematic way Yale approaches transports to Yale Health. The University encourages students to call for help any time they have an alcoholrelated concern. If the ultimate

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goal is safety, this is a policy that any sane person should support. Yet once a transport occurs, administrators shift tone. Rather than approaching the decision to seek medical help as one to be applauded, administrators treat transports as evidence for the cancelation of social events and opportunities for disciplinary action.

IT'S TIME TO STOP QUESTIONING STUDENTS AFTER TRANSPORTS Using Yale Health transports as justification to end a campuswide event, as was the case with last year’s Safety Dance, is frustrating. Yet the far more harmful manifestation of the University’s attitude is the aggressive use of Yale Health visits as opportunities to identify and discipline those who give alcohol to their underage friends. Many college deans insist on meeting with students after a Yale Health visit,

then use the discussion — which could otherwise be beneficial to the student — to interrogate underage students about their alcohol supplier. Deans then report their findings to the Executive Committee, Yale Police, or both. Yale’s message to underage drinkers seems to be, “You won’t face consequences, but we will use your name and your actions to punish your friends,” as if the latter isn’t simply a different flavor of the former. Yale students are not entitled to drink while underage or to serve alcohol to those underage, both of which are illegal. And University administrators certainly are within their rights in choosing to punish lawbreakers. Yet before acting upon that right, the University should ask whether this policy best serves its students and fosters a safe campus drinking culture. As Yale continues to shut down events and punish individuals because of transports to Yale Health and Yale-New Haven Hospital, calling for help has become as much a risk as a resource. Before calling Yale Health for a friend, Yale students are forced to weigh the right thing to do against consequences that Yale denies exist.

That’s why, as Yale makes changes to its alcohol policy this fall, its first change should be to reconsider its attitude towards voluntary visits to Yale Health. When a student seeks help because he or she feels a friend is in danger, that decision should be celebrated rather than disincentivized. If the University continues to open an investigation every time a student makes a Yale Health visit, it cannot reasonably expect its students to believe these visits are without disciplinary consequence. The University’s interrogation of students who have chosen to seek help needs to end. Maybe the Yale administration simply believes that if these consequences are severe enough, they will eradicate underage drinkers from campus completely. But if this is, in fact, the University’s attitude, then we should ask that our university be more honest with us, its students. Perhaps then next year, the deans will have a new message for their freshmen: safety second. MIKE WOLNER is a senior in Morse College. Contact him at .


O brother, how art thou? I

n preparation for my move to Yale last year, I pinned an adorable picture of a vintage, blue rotary phone under cutout letters reading “CALL YOUR FOLKS.” Living the Pinterest life, I turned out to be actually quite good at “calling my folks” — on Fridays before Shabbat, I would check in with my parents and my grandmothers and then pat myself on the back for living the pin-dream. Maybe this routine masked a fatal flaw: I never called my little brother. For some, escaping siblings is a college perk, but I happen to really like William. I argue — others would say I joke — that he is a better version of me by all objective measures. He is smarter and taller and funnier. My friends prefer him to me. We share tastes in music and Manchego. In my entire life, I’ve only bit him once. For whatever reason, however, the idea of calling him on a regular basis did not occur to me last year. I could blame our busy and misaligned schedules, or the convenience of texting


EDITOR IN CHIEF Tapley Stephenson


WRITE TO US All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission.

and Facebook messaging/stalking that in tandem made quality contact seem out of reach and less than essential. When summer arrived, I expected we would re-establish our routine of dinner table debates and drives to late-night movies. But our overlap at home wound up shorter than expected, and quality time proved hard to come by. We’d see each other in the kitchen, in the hallway, over dinners that happened less frequently than I’d remembered.

SPARE SOME MINUTES FOR YOUR SIBLINGS This close-but-not-closeenoughness, this just-missing, brought our absent lines of dialogue into focus. When I left Dallas for an internship, we finally picked up the phone. We stared out the windows across

In praise of classical dance Pierre Ortlieb’s recent article (“Bollywood invades South Asian dance,” Sept. 11) suggests that the decline of Anjali, Yale’s South Asian Classical dance troupe, was inevitable. His sources rightly point out that classical dance requires training, and the religious stories traditionally depicted are difficult for some audiences to understand. Yet their suggestion that these challenges justify the abandonment of the art in favor of dance forms that potentially require less skill and catchier music is worrisome. To me, this sentiment is akin to justifying the extinction of classical ballet in favor of Zumba. In 2009, I founded Anjali to increase awareness and appreciation of classical dance, an art that has been flourishing for more than 5,000 years. Indeed, there is no dearth of South Asian classical dancers at Yale. Through Anjali, we aimed to bridge cultures by choreographing classical steps to modern Western music, and showcase aspects of our culture beyond those that, according to Ortleib’s article, more easily appeal to Western audiences. This approach was by no means novel, but was borrowed from traditional dance teams at Duke, UNC, Johns Hopkins and Harvard. Today, as detailed in the New York Times, the movement to promote South Asian Classical dance on college campuses across the U.S. is burgeoning, with many traditional dance teams performing and competing on national stages. At Yale, my classmates with no exposure to South Asian Classical dance praised Anjali for its costumes, music,and footwork. We were invited to perform at count-

from kitchen tables across the country. We told stories and shared jokes and wondered why people didn’t get us like we got us. And I’m happy to report that we’ve continued to do so now that we’re back in school mode. Until now, we knew the bullet-point outline of each other’s lives — classes and friends and writing (me) and directing (him). Now, I know what William’s thinking, feeling and wondering about, and he knows the same for me. On nights when we both have too much work, we talk anyway. I read over his important emails, discuss how he’s going to ask a girl to homecoming and evaluate the level of cliché inherent to scenes of people running through fields (conclusion: so clichéd it could be its own genre, thus, not clichéd). I must do this, I’ve realized, because coming home does not mean returning to routine in the way I thought it meant, and summers are not inherently shared, and we may never truly live in the same city again. The future of our rela-

tionship does not depend on Thanksgiving or on June, but on making good on the promise of the favorites menu. So I encourage you to, yes, respect your elders and give them a ring every once in a while, but also to use your minutes on your siblings. They inhabit this moment with you in a way that parents just don’t, and the support they provide and require is in many ways more essential. Parents have some sort of inescapable hold, yet a sibling can slip away or end up on the other side of a chasm that grows as you turn the other way. Hold fast to the connections provided by a shared childhood; allow them to link you to shared segments of the future. You can’t pick your siblings, but you can pick up the phone. “Hello, William?” “It’s me. Do you have a minute?”

less charity and cultural shows. Through collaborations with such groups as A Different Drum and Konjo, we appreciated the excitement and eagerness with which non-South Asian dancers learned the traditional dance styles. These facts suggest that there is a place for South Asian Classical dance in modern contexts. Therefore, while I embrace the recent foundation of fusion and folk dance teams, I submit that the “new era of Yale’s South Asian dance scene” may rise alongside instead of from the “ashes” of traditional art forms.

As Sarah points out — indeed as I reminded her over the summer — the Yale Club of Singapore has its own constitution, can define its own membership, and does not need to follow the dictates of the AYA. I am not quite sure why she’s raising this issue in these pages, except to cause alarm about being swarmed by hordes at the gates. Granted, Yale has let a lot of misinformation stick, which the Office of Public Communications should address. Granted, too, involving NUS alumni in Yale’s day of service in Singapore is thoroughly loopy. But these are, in themselves, not reasons for her to warn us to “take heed.” Sarah criticizes Yale faculty for being unable to provide a metaphor for Yale-NUS when challenged. They might have wished to avoid a reductionist depiction of the relationship — but I recognize that this lack of clarity might be a bad sign, and like many, I await more direction from President Salovey’s administration. There certainly might be ramifications to Yale’s association with Singapore. But I do not see her piece articulating the ones worth worrying about.

POOJA YERRAMILLI Sept. 17 The author is a 2012 graduate of Ezra Stiles College.

Red herrings in Yale-NUS debate There are good reasons to question Yale’s involvement in Singapore. Sarah Ong does not provide any(“Failings and flaws at Yale-NUS,” Sept. 16). Instead, she reveals her motivations when she writes “the presence of Yale-NUS seems to be reducing the value of a Yale education in Singaporean public opinion.” At the heart of her complaint is a self-interested deconstruction of her Yale diploma as however many dollars’ worth of social capital.

CAROLINE SYDNEY is a sophomore in Silliman College. Contact her at .

RAYNER TEO Sept. 16 The author is a junior in Morse College.




“If I don’t have anything to do all day, I might not even put my pants on.” JENNIFER LAWRENCE ACTRESS

Harries begins Tivli increases offerings listening tour BY RAYMOND NOONAN STAFF REPORTER Garth Harries ’95 felt that to know him, his audience had to know what he believed in. “I believe that children want to rise,” said Harries, who was appointed superintendent of New Haven Public Schools this summer. “That’s what they do, that is what human instinct is — it’s to be better tomorrow than you are today, it’s to be better next year than you are right now, and that’s particularly true for children.” Harries addressed a crowd of almost 100 parents, educators and community members in Lincoln-Bassett School’s cafeteria Wednesday night for the debut of Superintendent’s Night Out, a listening tour during which he will travel to New Haven’s neighborhoods to gather input about the district. Harries, who oversees a district of 21,500 youth, emphasized the need for collaboration and transparency and encouraged the audience to suggest improvements to the school system. Afterward, parents said they enjoyed the event and had a good impression of Harries.

I feel like I’m a parent that tries to get involved with my child’s education, but I’m getting pushed away. DOMINIC DAWSON Lincoln-Bassett mother After laying out three ways he planned to improve New Haven schools — raising academic standards, inculcating good character in its students and hiring top teachers and staff — Harries asked parents in the audience to come up with some of the district’s strengths and weaknesses with others at their tables. Lincoln-Bassett staff helped facilitate discussion by joining audience members at their seats. Linda O’Brien, an assistant principal at Lincoln-Bassett, sat down with a group of parents and asked them whether there was anything about New Haven public schools that could use improving. Jim Elyasie, whose

third child is now attending the school, said that the buses regularly came 30 minutes late or sometimes not at all. Dominic Dawson, whose daughter is also at Lincoln-Bassett, added that he did not feel welcome to visit the school. “I don’t know if she’s learning,” Dawson said. “I feel like I’m a parent that tries to get involved with my child’s education, but I’m getting pushed away.” “I hear you, but you should let the teacher know,” O’Brien replied. When Harries asked the audience for some of the district’s weaknesses, Renee Scott said that her son, who has special needs, did not receive enough attention from his teacher because there were 25 other students in the class. Harries replied that “26 kids is a lot of kids” and outlined the issue of large class sizes for the district’s youngest. “Frankly, our biggest classes are our kindergarten and first grade in the districts,” Harries said. “Most people would say that’s when you should have the smallest class size, in the early grades, and we know that’s something that’s a big investment, that’s something we really have to look at, but I hear that concern. Thank you.” As the parents dispersed to meet with their children’s teachers and eat dinner, Harries bounced from table to table, chatting with parents and community members. He asked one group of parents to make sure they continue coming to these open houses as their children move up through the school. Kalimah Maurice, the mother of a third-grader at LincolnBassett, said that the open house held more parents than she had ever seen at the school. Deborah Salters, a New Haven resident who raised four children in New Haven schools, said the open house was the best she had ever been to. “I loved that they opened the participation not just to the students and the parents but to the entire community,” Salters said. “We want our children’s education to be not just statewide but global.” The next superintendent’s open house will be on Oct. 2 at John Daniels School. Contact RAYMOND NOONAN at .




BY DAN WEINER STAFF REPORTER After garnering broad interest from the Yale community last semester, Tivli is back with expanded offerings and functionality. During its inaugural semester last spring, more than half of eligible undergraduates used Tivli, an Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) service that allows students to stream live television from their laptops. Tivli now offers four new channels — Fox News, HLN, YES Network and NBC Sports Network — as well as 10 hours of DVR storage, said Director of ITS Network Services David Galassi. “I thought the program was successful,” Galassi said. “I haven’t personally heard any complaints, but we haven’t received a lot of thank-you’s either.” Over the semester, students watched 1.9 million minutes

of television through the service, and the most-viewed single events on campus included the presidential inauguration, the Super Bowl and the Oscars, according to Tivli. NBC, the CW and ESPN were the most popular channels, and “NBA Basketball,” “Family Guy” and “Friends” were the three most frequently watched shows. Tivli now offers 37 channels, though HBO GO, which the service promised to students when it initially launched at Yale, is still not offered. Galassi said HBO GO, a program that provides HBO shows on demand, is still “intended” for the future. Similarly, Galassi said Tivli intends to expand the service beyond laptops, with plans to make it available to tablets such as the iPad first and later mobile phones. Last January, the University started an 18-month pilot partnership with Tivli to bring IPTV to undergraduates living on campus. Next summer, Yale will decide

whether the pilot was successful and whether it should continue to receive IPTV from Tivli. While the University will possibly consider multiple potential providers of IPTV after the pilot ends, Galassi said, Tivli’s IPTV technology has proven to be successful over its first semester at Yale.

I thought [Tivli] was successful. I haven’t personally heard any complaints, but we haven’t received a lot of thankyou’s either. DAVID GALASSI Director, Yale ITS Network Services YCC President Danny Avraham ’15 said Tivli has contacted

the council to help promote the service to Yale students. While students interviewed about the service praised the convenience of watching live television on the computer, they said it sometimes did not work as well as they had hoped. “I like it for watching ESPN or sports games,” said Andrew Grass ’16, who watches Tivli about once a week. “Occasionally it is down, which is a little annoying. It would be stronger if it were more consistent.” Lisa Zhang ’14, who watches Tivli for news “once in a while,” said she wishes the service did not freeze as frequently as it does, though she added that she is unsure whether the disrupted service resulted from her own computer or Tivli. Tivli, a Harvard startup, first offered IPTV to Harvard in May 2011. Contact DAN WEINER at .



Garth Harries ’95, newly appointed superintendent of New Haven Public Schools, debuted his Superintendent’s Night Out on Wednesday.

This fall, over 65 MBA candidates around the world are tuning in to two selective online courses offered by the Yale School of Management. The courses, one on mobile banking and the other on antitrust law, are offered to schools within the Global Network for Advanced Management — a group of 23 international business schools that the SOM Dean Edward Snyder officially created in 2012, during his first year in office. The courses are run by the SOM professors, who teach in the SOM classrooms and stream their course sessions to students at the other schools. All students enrolled in the courses — both students from SOM and students from the other schools — will participate in the courses from their computers rather than in person, and students from different schools will work together on projects. Senior Associate Dean for Executive MBA and Global Programs David Bach ’98 said the SOM is blurring the academic boundaries between the Global

Network schools by offering the online courses, adding that professors try to maximize diversity within the groups that work together on class assignments. “The benefit for Yale students is that they get to work very closely with students in other parts of the world, and by working with them on various virtual projects, they learn about what is happening there,” Bach said. “Students learn to work across space and time zones in an organized way, and many recruiters tell us that they need young managers who can work in collaborative environments. Regardless of what they learn substantively about the topic, students taking these classes are acquiring useful skills.” In order to stream the courses internationally, Bach said that the schools decided to use an Internet software provided by IE Business School in Madrid, Spain — a Global Network member — because the school has a long track record of organizing online initiatives, and its software is “proven and robust.” Snyder, who is co-teaching the antitrust law course, said he is still getting used to teaching a group of students who attend class vir-

tually. Students who are participating in Snyder’s course and the other course also said they are learning to work within the new format.

You are taking classes with other business school students from around the world. BUKKY OLOWUDE SOM ’14 Student, SOM mobile banking course Bukky Olowude SOM ’14, who is enrolled in the mobile banking course, said she has occasionally found it challenging to remain focused throughout the class and avoiding succumbing to distractions — a challenge that is particularly pressing when students attend class online rather than in person. Olowude usually tunes in to the course from home and then walks over to SOM for her next class, she said. “What makes the class compelling is that you are taking classes with other business school

students from around the world — in my group, I have a guy who goes to school in Madrid and one who is in India, and even the SOM students have different backgrounds,” Olowude said. “When we are working on a case, we use many different perspectives and learning styles.” The antitrust law course, which Snyder teaches with the SOM professor Fiona Scott Morton, attracted over 50 applicants from students at Global Network schools, and 34 were selected to attend. For the mobile banking course, the IE Business School in Madrid and the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore preselected 10 candidates from their schools, and those students were then joined by seven students from the SOM. Bach and Snyder said they hope the initiative will grow, adding that they would like to see other Global Network schools offer online courses. The Global Network includes schools on every continent except Antarctica. Contact ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA at .




“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” ALBERT EINSTEIN THEORETICAL PHYSICIST

Elicker gains endorsement from former rival


Following his withdrawal from the mayoral election, Kermit Carolina endorsed Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 for mayor. ELICKER FROM PAGE 1 ment, explaining that Carolina “always kept [him] grounded” during debates and adding that choosing to endorse him was a “courageous” decision. Elicker stressed that while he and Carolina are “from different backgrounds,” both of them have believed in clean elections and expanding power beyond the hands of a few. Both candidates opted into the Democracy Fund, the city’s public finance system that prohibited money from special interests or political action committees, and limited donation sizes to $370. Harp and Fernandez, meanwhile, did not use the Fund — an argument that Elicker has raised against Harp in recent days, accusing her of

“pay-to-play” politics after her campaign accepted $9,000 from employees of a suburban business that lost a contract with the city two days prior.

I will do everything in my power to make sure that Justin is mayor of this city. KERMIT CAROLINA President, James Hillhouse High School “New Haven deserves a mayor who represents all of New Haven — not based on race, background, political connection or ability to write a check,” Elicker said. “Not based on politics, but

based on people.” While Elicker received less than half of the votes Harp did in the Democratic primary, he has long said he planned to run in the general election as an Independent to give the city’s nonDemocrats a voice in the election. Carolina explained that the four-way primary race split votes, and that his endorsement may help change the shape of the general election. With Fernandez and Carolina no longer in the race, Elicker has argued, it is possible for him to prove a potent challenge to Harp when Independent, Republican and unaffiliated voters vote. “I had a lot of support in the African-American community, Henry Fernandez had a lot of Hispanic support out there …

and he drew a lot of that group away. Senator Harp drew a lot of women away. And the only thing left at that point for poor Justin, who was reaching out to everyone, was mostly a lot of whites throughout the city,” Carolina said. “Now with the cards being reshuffled, with no Henry and with me out of the race, people are going to look a lot closer at the difference between Justin and Senator Harp.” Harp spokesman Patrick Scully said he does not think this endorsement “plays that much into the general election.” He pointed to the fact that Carolina only received 8 percent of the vote in the primary. “People who voted for Mr. Carolina are Democrats: It was a Democratic primary. There’s a

Yale joins Delaware initiative COLLEGE FROM PAGE 1 Quinlan said. “We’re basically telling students that we’re interested in them for their academic promise, particularly students who do not have the same opportunities as others.” Beyond that, the letter will also inform students of the schools’ generous financial aid policies. Since the 10 schools have a combined financial aid budget of over $1 billion, Quinlan said, students should know that these schools are within their reach financially as well as academically. Delaware’s efforts mark the first time a statewide initiative has been launched to specifically address lowincome students’ lack of access to selective universities. Though no other states have conducted formal talks with Yale yet about implementing a similar initiative, Quinlan said he would like to see the Delaware partnership between state government, College Board and higher education institutions become a model for other states in the future. Along with the letter, College Board will also send students materials tailored to their appropriate achievement levels and interests, including information on how to research colleges and how to submit applications for fee waivers. Harvard professor Christopher Avery, who co-authored a study released in July on high-achieving low-income students off of which the Delaware initiative is based, said in an interview with the News that the reason so few low-income students apply to selective colleges is due to a lack of information. High school administrators nationwide offered the new Delaware program varying degrees of praise. Bryan Glonchak, assistant principal at Whitney High School in Cerritos, Calif.,

said that while the program is not yet in California on a similar scope,“if [the College Board] is going to start a program, they’re going have to begin it on a manageable scale.” Tony Lee, a college counselor at Lowell High School in San Francisco, Calif., was enthusiastic about the Ivy League, Stanford and MIT taking a more proactive approach toward recruiting low-income students. “There has been promotional stuff,” he said. “But [the materials are] directed at anybody and not particularly for low-income students. [For] most of the low-income students, [college] is something out of their reach and they don’t ever bother to go to the sessions.” Glonchak also praised the presence of “name-brand” schools at the event, while cautioning that “the majority of those kids aren’t going to Harvard. They’re going to a lot of other schools that need to get on board too.” But others are less optimistic about the potential results. Roland Allen, director of college counseling at St. Margaret’s Episcopal School in Cali-

fornia and a former admissions officer at Stanford and MIT, said he thinks the new effort will be “uneven” because many students still lack high-quality college counseling. “I don’t anticipate a groundswell of opportunity through this effort,” Allen said. “However, some students who otherwise may not have considered one of these opportunities may be motivated to pursue admission. [This] is beneficial and important.” According to the findings of a Harvard research project released Wednesday at the announcement of the initiative, high-achieving low-income students are likely to apply to colleges below their demonstrated achievement level. Additionally, 27 percent of these students in Delaware, though identified as “college ready” by the SAT, do not enroll in college at all. Contact DAVID BLUMENTHAL at . Contact AMY WANG at .


Selective schools have signed a letter to high-achieving low-income high school students in Delaware encouraging them to apply

4,000 34

High school seniors in Delaware will receive college readiness and application materials tailored to their needs. Percent of high-achieving students in the bottom quartile of income distribution apply to the nation’s 238 selective colleges, according to Hoxby and Avery’s study.

good chance that they’re going to stick with the Democratic nominee,” Scully said. “I think that Mr. Carolina is just taking a shot at the person who’s on top, and that’s Toni Harp. That’s fine: It’s not going to stop us from getting our message out from talking to every voter humanly possible and contrasting the visions and levels of experience [of Harp and Elicker].” Yale for Elicker head Drew Morrison ’14 said that the endorsement did not come as a surprise because the two candidates agreed on many issues during the debates. Carolina’s endorsement, he added, demonstrates how Elicker is building a more diverse coalition following the primary and has helped to “engage people who otherwise

would not be engaged.” Clementine Salters, a member of Carolina’s campaign, echoed Morrison’s sentiment, explaining that she was not surprised by the endorsement either. She said that the unity between Carolina and Elicker will have a positive effect on the election. Even though he is out of the race, Carolina said he will continue to campaign for Elicker. “I will do everything in my power to make sure that Justin is mayor of this city,” he said. Fernandez has not endorsed a candidate in the general election. Contact SARAH BRULEY at . Contact DIANA LI at .

TEAL classroom receives mixed reviews TEAL FROM PAGE 1 the Yale Center for Scientific Teaching, said the TEAL classroom takes professors out of their comfort zone. They need to completely rethink how they use class time because the the classroom’s layout makes traditional lecturing impractical. “For some people that’s going to be a barrier or will at least slow them down,” she said. “I think over time it’s definitely going to catch on. The University has to be serious about providing some training and lowering the barrier for interest.” Only three courses are using the TEAL classroom this semester, but a series of workshops, sessions and special events will be held in space this fall, McCray said. She added that interest in utilizing TEAL “continues to increase each week.” Frederick, who teaches a graduate course in the classroom, said she can push a button that is connected to a video camera and the footage of what one table is working on will appear on all the screens. Though the TEAL classroom was designed primarily with scientific and mathematical courses in mind, Mark Turin, an anthropologist, is teaching a course on “Himalayan Collections at Yale” there this fall. Turin said the classroom has been “perfect” for his course because it has enabled Turin and his co-teachers, a team of librarians and instructional technology staff, to transition quickly between speakers and different types of digital media. One person can teach while another person is prepping the next presentation, he said. Physics professor Paul Tipton, who taught “Developments in Modern Physics” in the TEAL Classroom last spring, said he found the round table setup and multiple projection screens useful. But

he added that the course’s material did not lend itself to demonstrations or other hands-on activities. “If the TEAL Classroom were a car, it would certainly be a Porsche, but in our class, we drove it like a Ford Taurus — we made little use of the most exciting features,” Tipton said in a Tuesday email. Still, Tipton said the classroom enabled the students in the class to interact with each other more than they would have been able to elsewhere. He added that his goal for the next class he teaches in the TEAL classroom is to use more of the room’s technology, which he said would help him to “grow as an instructor.” Laura Cheng ’14, who is taking Mochrie’s course, said she has found the TEAL approach helpful when learning physics, because she was able to conduct experiments herself along with the rest of the class. Elizabeth Tokarz ’17, who is enrolled in Turin’s “Himalayan Collections” class this fall, said students find it easier to stay focused in the TEAL classroom because it is more immersive than a traditional lecture hall. But Mason Ji ’16 said he does not think the classroom has been publicized well enough to professors who might be interested in exploring new ways of using technology in the classroom. “I think a lot of professors just don’t know about it,” he said. ITS increased the seating capacity of the TEAL Classroom from 126 to 150 students in response to feedback from a focus group comprised of faculty members who had taught in the TEAL Classroom last spring. Contact SOPHIE GOULD at .




Number of years since the first Ford Model T.



The Model T, produced by Henry Ford’s Ford Motor Company, was considered to be the first affordable automobile. This allowed people from the middle class to purchase cars, opening up the possibility of driving to many more Americans, thus sparking the driving boom.



PROFESSOR BERCOVICI DRESSES IN FLORAL Natural Disasters (Geology & Geophysics 100) instructor David Bercovici looks out over his class in SSS 114. With 352 undergraduates enrolled, the course is one of Yale’s most popular science credits.

Biotech company relocates BY HAILEY WINSTON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER A medical research company’s new expansion into the greater Branford area has city and state officials pointing to biotechnology as a key economic driver for city’s economic future. Durata Therapeutic, Inc., a pharmaceutical company focused on the development of therapeutic solutions to treat infectious disease, received a $2.25 million award last year from the state government’s Bioscience Connecticut Initiative to renovate an 18,000-foot space in Branford. The renovation was completed this past month, and since then, the company has moved its research, clinical and regulatory operations into the new office. The company is currently entering the final steps for receiving approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a major drug to treat acute bacterial skin infections. If successful, Durata could provide up to 80 full-time jobs to residents of Branford and surrounding towns. State Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney said that Durata’s expansion “could be quite significant” in achieving the state’s goals for growing the bioscience sector of the economy. “I think bioscience is critical because Connecticut is looking to have a niche in research and high-tech manufacturing, so I think bioscience … is something we could maximize our role in,” he said. Allison Wey, vice president of Inves-

tor Relations and Public Affairs at Durata Therapeutics, said that Durata’s renovations and occupation of 322 E. Main St. brought life back into the building as well as into the Branford area surrounding it. She added that the company moved operations from New Jersey because Connecticut can provide the talent and the tax advantage that the company believes will maximize its success.

We knew that we could get the talent here, and there is certainly even more in the area. ALLISON WEY Vice President, Investor Relations and Public Affairs “We knew that we could get the talent here, and there is certainly even more in the area,” she said. “As we continue to grow, it’s a feeding ground.” Looney said he hopes to see additional biotechnology and medical science companies form out of the research taking place at the Yale School of Medicine and the University of Connecticut. The universities’ researchers and facilities could play a key role in facilitating even more extensive medical research and development in conjunction with corporate entities. The concentration on biosciences in the Elm City results largely from initia-

tives at Yale, which is one of the largest national recipients of institutional health funding, said Kelly Murphy, director of economic development in New Haven. The commercialization of discoveries made in University labs can lead to the development of new bioscience startups. One such company, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, founded in New Haven by Yale Medical School researchers in 1992, is now a global biopharmaceutical corporation with a market capitalization of over $22 billion. The company will return its headquarters to New Haven in 2015. After completing the move from Cheshire, Alexion is expected to bring 300 jobs to the New Haven area. Murphy said that medical researchers tend to cluster in specific cities, such as New Haven, because pharmaceutical companies have a high failure rate, and individuals benefit from the ability to flow between jobs. Companies based in and around New Haven also benefit from the ease of collaborating with other nearby bioscience operations. “Our goal is to create an environment that people want to invest in and bring their business to,” Murphy said. A 2013 report issued by the city’s Office of Economic Development stated that New Haven is home to the largest concentration of life science companies in Connecticut. Contact HAILEY WINSTON at .

The Connecticut state government is ramping up its outreach program to inform citizens how they can obtain health insurance when the state-based insurance exchange opens for enrollment on Oct. 1. While Access Health CT, the state’s health exchange plan, has spent the bulk of the $15 million it received from the federal government for outreach and education programs to advertise through traditional mediums such as radio and television, the state is also using a number of unorthodox tactics to raise public awareness. “The traditional approach of expecting people to go out of their way and sign up for complex products is flawed,” said Kate Gervais, manager of Navigator Assistor Outreach Programs for Access Health CT, adding that “face-to-face interaction is the most efficacious way of spreading the word.” Throughout the summer, Access Health CT’s outreach workers handed out health care literature at a variety of sites from state beaches and fairs to concerts by performers such as Lil Wayne and Miranda Lambert, according to Kathleen Tallarita, the Government Affairs and Outreach Manager for Access Health CT. “So many people are confused by the health laws, so many people think that the Affordable Care Act has been scrapped, that outreach is a critical part of what we’ll be doing over the next few months,” Tallarita said. The efforts first began in June, she said, and will escalate in the coming weeks with the intention of raising awareness about the new rules and options for Connecticut’s uninsured.

The outreach they’re doing isn’t targeted at poor Americans who are eligible for expanded Medicaid but rather for young people. ANGELA MATTIE SPH ‘89 Chairwoman, health management organizational leadership Angela Mattie SPH ’89, chairwoman of health management and organizational leadership at Quinnipiac University, said that although such outreach may seem “gimmicky,” efforts help target two demographics crucial to the success of the new health insurance exchange: young people and poor, uninsured Americans. “The outreach they’re doing [at the beaches or at a concert] isn’t targeted at poor Americans who are eligible for expanded Medicaid but rather for young people,” she explained, adding that insurance costs would only go down enough to become affordable for poor Americans if many young and healthy Americans enrolled in the new exchanges. Mattie likened Connecticut’s aggressive outreach program to that of a guerilla marketing campaign. While aggressive marketing is a pillar of case studies in public health academia, she said, it is too rarely implemented in reality. Mattie also praised the Access Health CT’s outreach campaign for its innovative creation

of storefronts in four of Connecticut’s poorer areas including New Haven. Kevin Counihan, CEO of Access Health CT, compared the storefronts to the user-friendly stores of Apple. Prospective enrollees will be able to walk into these stores and be advised by state-licensed brokers on insurance options and a “Genius Bar” where experts can suggest solutions to those with particularly complex problems. Tallarita added that the storefronts will be helpful for those without regular access to a computer because they can use the computers at the storefront and be guided through the entire process by experts. Most residents will be enrolled, however, not by Access Health CT but rather by local agencies and non-profits that have been certified by Access Health CT as “Assisters.” These assisters, who were selected on the basis of prior experience in registering and serving the medical needs of low-income residents, are under the supervision of one of six Navigators across the state. Assisters interviewed expressed optimism that Access Health CT’s decentralized enrollment strategy would work because those responsible for signing people up were the ones who most understood the community. Karen Gottlieb, executive director of AmeriCares Free Clinics, a Connecticut-based chain of clinics for poor uninsured people that has been certified as one of nearly 300 “Assisters” across the state, said that her clinics are well equipped to inform and register low-income patients because of their past work in enrolling citizens in Connecticut’s preexisting Medicaid/HUSKY program. “We know the community, we know their problems, and we know how to reach them,” Gottlieb said, adding that the mandatory training required to be licensed as an Assister was nevertheless beneficial for her employees. Maria Damiani, director of Maternal and Childcare Health at the New Haven Department of Public Health, agreed with Gottlieb’s assessment. The New Haven Department of Public Health is the Navigator responsible for New Haven County, and Damiani said that the close relationships and trust both the New Haven Department of Public Health and the 101 Assisters in New Haven — including medical clinics, non-profits or churches — have cultivated with their constituents will be critical to the outreach program’s success. Damiani aims to enroll up to 20,000 residents from the Elm City alone in the coming years, and said he agrees with Access Health CT’s philosophy of using non-conventional forms of outreach as an effective way to reach uninsured Elm City residents. “Just last week we were at Report Card Night in a local school with our own booth and literature,” she said, explaining that many of New Haven’s poorest citizens do not have regular access to the Internet or TV. “Those people won’t be reached by conventional mediums so you have to go out there and find them.” The open enrollment period for the first year of Access Health CT begins on Oct. 1 and ends March 31, 2014. Contact RISHABH BHANDARI at .

Report shows national decline in driving BY LILLIAN CHILDRESS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Fewer Americans are driving and more workers are looking for transportation alternatives, according to a report released last month. Released at the end of August by ConnPIRG, a Connecticut-based consumer group, the report revealed that fewer Americans drive to work and an increasing number of people prefer to work from home. Though the report states that the recent economic downturn is not a cause of the trend, it recommends that policymakers adapt policies to account for these trends, such as increasing transportation alternatives. “In Connecticut, driving miles are down, just as they are in almost every state — but less

[than other states],” Director of the ConnPIRG Education Fund Abe Scarr said in a press release. “It’s time for policymakers to recognize that the driving boom is over. We need to reconsider expensive highway expansions and focus on alternatives such as public transportation and biking.” The trends highlighted in the report have had implications for the number of people in Connecticut working at home. According to the Connecticut census, a higher percentage of those with jobs worked from home in 132 of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities from 2005’11 than they did in 2000. “Fifty years ago in New Haven, many residents could walk or take streetcars to work. But today, there is a mismatch between where jobs are located

and where workers live, which I think contributes to very high unemployment rates in some neighborhoods, particularly among younger adults,” said Mark Abraham, executive director of DataHaven, a datafocused non-profit research group in New Haven. According to Abraham, only 27 percent of jobs in the metropolitan area are accessible by a 90-minute rail commute. Abraham added that lack of access raises questions of fairness: According to the 2012 DataHaven Wellbeing Survey, only 77 percent of low-income families regularly had access to a car when they needed it, versus 98 percent of families making more than $50,000 per year. The 2012 Wellbeing Survey was the largest survey ever conducted in the Greater New Haven area,

according to Abraham. Amanda Kennedy, Connecticut director at the Regional Planning Association, said that fewer people driving will have a number of effects: long-distance commutes may increase, demand for office space may decline, regional connectivity may grow and improving rail service will become increasingly important. “We at [the Regional Planning Association] are keeping an eye on this trend and are thinking about its potential implications,” Kennedy said. “Anecdotally, we’re seeing examples where people work from home several days a week and then commute a rather long distance — even by plane — to a central office further away for a few days.” The report also highlights

that driving miles per person have decreased over time among the Millennial generation. The report describes the generation as becoming increasingly focused on transportation alternatives.

It’s time for policy makers to recognize that the driving boom is over. ABE SCARR Director, ConnPIRG Education Fund “Younger workers in particular are looking to spend less time driving in a car, and more time on their smartphones, or walking or biking to work, which is one of the reasons why

car ownership rates are falling,” Abraham said. He added that car ownership rates and vehicle miles traveled among young adults began to decline well before the recession hit in 2007, meaning the recession was not the cause of the trend. Abraham said that given these trends, cities like New Haven and its suburbs must enable workers to live close to their workplace. His suggestions included locating mixed-income housing in suburban areas, building more housing downtown and improving transportation services. Connecticut drivers have reduced their driving mileage by 3.45 percent since 2005, according to the report. Contact LILLIAN CHILDRESS at .





Number of Yale University presidents.

Peter Salovey is the 23rd president of Yale University. The Reverend Abraham Pierson became president of the Collegiate School in 1701. The school changed its name to Yale under the presidency of Reverend Timothy Cutler, the University’s third president.

Salovey clarifies leadership positions SALOVEY FROM PAGE 1 affairs. In the spirit of greater transparency, Salovey has also revised some opaque administrator titles to reflect the administrators’ roles more closely, in addition to creating a website intended to solicit feedback about his leadership. “Because he’s the president, because he has to be in meetings all day, traveling and away from campus, sometimes people wonder, ‘Where’s the president and what is he thinking about?’” said Chief Communications Officer Elizabeth Stauderman. Stauderman added that she works with Salovey to create a greater flow of information between the president’s office in Woodbridge Hall and the staff, faculty and students — an endeavor that has interested Salovey since his time as provost. Nine out of 12 students interviewed said they read his emails — of which he has sent five so far — and 10 out of 12 noticed that the president has signed at least one email “Peter.” In general, the students responded positively to Salovey’s emails, though some said they feel the emails are a superficial method of communicating with students, faculty and staff. “I find his ‘Notes from Woodbridge Hall’ to be very calculated, but perhaps that’s part of his ethos,” Janine Chow ’15 said. “Receiving them, literally none of them speak to me.” Administrators were more universally positive about Salovey’s emphasis on increased communication. School of Medicine Dean

Robert Alpern said Salovey’s focus on improving internal communications has led to more discussion between the deans and vice presidents, two cohorts that did not traditionally interact. Salovey formed the University Cabinet — a 25-person advisory board made up of the University officers and academic deans — to bring the different administrators together in meetings once a month. His goal to improve on-campus communication, Salovey said, has also caused him to put more emphasis on job titles that convey individuals’ primary responsibilities.

I no longer have to say ‘special assistant to the president’ on my business card. What does the special assistant actually do? ELIZABETH STAUDERMAN Chief Communications Officer, Yale University Salovey added the he decided to revise administrator titles when he heard from different constituents on campus last spring that faculty, staff and students found Yale’s leadership structure to be opaque — a reality that became problematic when individuals were unable to discern whom to contact to resolve specific problems. Stauderman added that Salovey changed her own title by removing the term “special


In his speech the day he was named University president last November, Peter Salovey called for a “more open” and “more accessible” Yale.. assistant to the president.” She said the role of CCO encompasses her advising Salovey on communications matters, so the additional title was unnecessarily “mysterious.” “I am delighted about this,” Stauderman added. “I no longer have to say ‘special assistant

to the president’ on my business card. What does the special assistant actually do?” Similarly, Linda Lorimer saw her position changed from “vice president,” and previously “secretary,” to the more specific “vice president for global and strategic initiatives.”

While Salovey added that the public’s confusion surrounding the actual role of a university provost has become a joke on many college campuses, the job name’s historic use in higher education means he does not plan to touch Benjamin Polak’s title.

Salovey said he came up with the idea of “Notes from Woodbridge Hall” from University Librarian Susan Gibbons’ weekly emails to the library staff. Contact JULIA ZORTHIAN at .

Harp links Hartford experience to new city grants HARP FROM PAGE 1 students if it were not for these grant programs.” At Common Ground High School, the funds will help support a wide array of programming in the after-school program Above and Beyond, in which a majority of the school’s 185 students participate, according to Ashton Killilea, who organizes the program. Students can participate in activities that span both the conventional and nontraditional, such as playing in a band, dancing and painting murals. Tobman, who wrote the school’s grant application, said that the funds, which the school has also received in the past, make up for a significant gap in funding. Common Ground, according to Tobman, needs to raise approximately $3,000 per student each year, in addition to municipal, state and federal funding, to provide “the level of education that we believe our students deserve.” Similarly, the Co-op After School program, part of the Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School, makes use of the funds to offer a similarly diverse set of programs, which this term number 37. CAS is a collaboration between Yale, Dwight Hall, the Shubert Theater and the high school, although Dwight Hall organizers wrote the grant that resulted in the funds. Individual programs seek the grants on an annual basis through a competitive application process, which is frequently helped along by state legislators from different communities. Killilea, who spent significant time in Hartford this year pushing for the grant to come to Common Ground, said that Harp played an integral role in delivering the funds.


Funds for after-school programs for two New Haven high schools have come largely through the influence of mayoral candidate Toni Harp ARC ’78. “I wrote many emails, pleading, ‘Please don’t take our funding from us,’” Killilea said. “She would always respond back and say she’s fighting for us.” Like every decision made by mayoral candidates Harp and Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10,

OPINION. Send submissions to


some discussion has already turned to the grants’ potential impact on the race. Harp has built her campaign on the foundation of her experience and personal ties in Hartford, which Harp communications director Patrick Scully emphasized

when he said that voters ought to take the grants as evidence of the potential of Harp’s connections. “You can be sure that any state grant that comes to New Haven has Sen. Harp’s fingerprints on it,” Scully said. “Voters should take a hard look at the fact that

into didn’t get

? T I M

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Sen. Harp … will have these personal relationships with people in Hartford.” Although municipalities across the state applied for the grants, urban communities received much of the funding. New Haven, Stamford, Bridge-

port and the greater Hartford area took in 9 of the 26 grants and 32 percent of the total funds. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .







Sunny, with a high near 74. West wind 3 to 7 mph.


High of 78, low of 59.

High of 77, low of 63.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 4:30 PM “The Philippines on the World Stage: A Talk With Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia Jr.” Kasama: The Filipino Club of Yale and the Yale International Relations Association are proud to welcome Philippine Ambassador to the United States, Jose L. Cuisia Jr., for a speaker’s event. He will discuss the relevance of the Philippines on the global stage and the future of the Philippines as Asia’s up-and-coming tiger economy. Linsly-Chittenden Hall (63 High St.), Room 101. 5:00 PM “What Matters to Me and Why: Jeffrey Brenzel” The purpose of the “What Matters to Me and Why” series is to create a space for Yale faculty and administrators to discuss matters of personal values, beliefs and motivations, in order to better understand the lives of the people who shape the University community. Jeffrey Brenzel is the master of Timothy Dwight College and former dean of Yale Undergraduate Admissions. Timothy Dwight College (63 Wall St.), Master’s House.


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 9:00 AM Yale Day of Data Yale Day of Data will be a daylong event that brings researchers together across the sciences and social sciences. This event will draw from the experiences of faculty to explore the common themes and intersections linking data-intensive science together — including challenges posed by the ever-increasing complexity of data, increased expectations from funders and heightened attention to data as a research product. Open to the Yale community. TEAL Classroom (17 Hillhouse Ave.).



6:00 PM Classical Indian Dance in Concert Performance will feature Madhavi Mudgal and Leela Samson. Sponsored by the South Asian Studies Council, MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale, and Whitney Humanities Center. Free and open to the general public. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Auditorium.

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By Gareth Bain

DOWN 1 Expos, since 2005 2 High wind 3 Pulitzer poet Van Duyn 4 Budget alternative 5 Ruled 6 Hoops score 7 London’s prov. 8 Shot in the dark 9 Fortresses 10 Find one’s voice 11 Stir 12 Eur. kingdom 13 Antlered bugler 19 Take out 21 “Charlie Wilson’s War” org. 24 Recipient of two New Testament epistles 26 Without a downside 27 Pet’s reward 28 Use the rink 29 After-dinner drink 30 Jekyll creator’s initials 31 Distillery vessel 32 Things 33 Chick of jazz

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved


4 2

(c)2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

37 Winchester wielders 38 Frequently, in verse 39 Hardy’s “__ From the Madding Crowd” 41 Freak out 42 Liturgical shout of praise 44 Was revolting? 45 Brought to mind 46 Place for a wide-screen TV


50 Fishing boat 52 In short order 53 Spreadsheet function 54 Liking quite a bit 55 Not hidden 56 Home shopping channel 57 Nasser’s confed. 58 Cry for a picador 59 Fashionable jeans feature


4 3 7 5 4 1 5 8 8 3 6 2 5 2 7 3 9 1 8 7 4 2 6 1





Dow Jones 15,676.94, +0.95%

S S&P 500 1,725.52, +1.22%

S NASDAQ 3,783.64, +1.01%

T 10-yr. Bond 2.71%, -0.15

S Oil $108.55, +0.49%

T Euro $1.35, -0.09%

Dodge default, defund Obamacare, GOP leaders say


Members of the House Republican Study Committee gather on Wednesday to announce the American Health Care Reform Act, the group’s legislation intended to replace President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. BY DAVID ESPO ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — House Republicans vowed Wednesday to pass legislation that would prevent a partial government shutdown and avoid a historic national default while simultaneously canceling out President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, inaugurating a new round of political brinkmanship as critical deadlines approach. Obama swiftly condemned the effort as attempted political extortion, and the Republicanfriendly Chamber of Commerce pointedly called on lawmakers to pass urgent spending and borrowing legislation — unencumbered by debate over “Obamacare.” The two-step strategy announced by House Speaker John Boehner marked a concession to his confrontational rank and file. At the same time, it represented a challenge to conservatives inside the Senate and out who have spent the summer seeking the votes needed to pull the president’s cherished health care law out by its roots. They now will be called on to deliver.

“The fight over here has been won. The House has voted 40 times to defund, change Obamacare, to repeal it. It’s time for the Senate to have this fight,” said Boehner, an Ohio Republican. As outlined by several officials, Boehner and the leadership intend to set a House vote for Friday on legislation to fund the government through Dec. 15 at existing levels while permanently defunding the health care law. The same bill will include a requirement for Treasury to give priority to Social Security and disability payments in the event the government reaches its borrowing limit and cannot pay all of its obligations. A second measure, to be brought to the floor as early as next week, would allow Treasury to borrow freely for one year. That same bill is also expected to be loaded with other requirements, including the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada to the United States, a project that environmentalists oppose and that the Obama administration has so far refused to approve. Other elements will reflect different

Republican budget priorities, including as-yet-undisclosed savings from health care and government benefit programs and steps to speed work on an overhaul of the tax code. Prospects for passage of the two bills are high in the House, where Republicans have a majority and leaders pronounced the rank and file united behind the strategy.

I don’t think that any reasonable person thinks there’s anything to be gained by a government shutdown. JOHN CORNYN U.S. senator, Texas But both measures are certain to be viewed as non-starters by majority Democrats in the Senate. Some Republicans appeared to concede during the day that the legislation that eventu-

ally reaches the White House will leave the health care law in effect. “I don’t think that any reasonable person thinks there’s anything to be gained by a government shutdown,” said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. “Rather than a shutdown of government, what we need is a Republican victory in 2014 so we can be in control. I’m not sure those are mutually compatible.” But a fellow Texas Republican, Sen. Ted Cruz said it was important to hold fast. He said Democrats appear at present to have the votes to restore funds for the health care law, adding, “At that point, House Republicans must stand firm, hold their ground and continue to listen to the American people.” Given the differences, it is unclear how long it will take Congress and the White House to clear the measures, and how close the government will come to a partial shutdown or a market-rattling default over the next three weeks. Separately, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said it was time to settle the fight over raising the ceiling on govern-

ment borrowing. “This is one of the risks we are looking at,” Bernanke said at a news conference, expressing concern that a lingering battle between Congress and the White House over the debt limit — and default — could slow the national economy. At the White House, the administration’s budget director, Sylvia Burwell, issued a memo to department heads that said, “Prudent management requires that agencies be prepared for the possibility of a lapse” in funding. Congressional Democrats competed to denounce the Republican move in the strongest possible terms. Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York said the GOP was pursuing an “insane plan.” Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota said, “A group of extremists is threatening to hold our government hostage.” Obama, speaking to CEOs at a meeting of the Business Roundtable, said, “You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt ceiling being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing

to do with the budget and have nothing to do with the debt.” He attributed the effort to a “small faction” within the Republican Party. R. Bruce Josten, executive vice president of the Chamber of Commerce for government affairs, urged the House in a letter to “act promptly to pass a [bill] to fund the government and to raise the debt ceiling,” and then to return to health care, tax reform and other issues. Whatever its ultimate impact on Republican lawmakers, the letter stands as a counter to an aggressive campaign by tea party-aligned groups including the Senate Conservatives Fund, Heritage Action and the Club for Growth in recent weeks to generate support for legislation to defund the administration’s health care overhaul. Also on Wednesday, a large group of House conservatives proposed the Republicans’ first comprehensive alternative to the health care overhaul. It would provide expanded tax breaks for consumers who purchase their own insurance and increase government funding for high-risk insurance pools.

Shootings shake sense of security BY RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI ASSOCIATED PRESS Armed guards stand at the gates. IDs are needed to pass through electronic barriers. And uniformed members of the American military — welltrained and battle-tested — are everywhere, smartly saluting as they come and go. And yet, twice in less than four years, a person with permission to be there passed through the layers of protection at a U.S. base and opened fire, destroying the sense of security at the installations that embody the most powerful military in the world. “It is earth-shattering. When military bases are no longer safe, where is safe?” said Col. Kathy Platoni, a reservist who keeps a gun under her desk after witnessing the shooting at Fort Hood in Texas in 2009, when Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan killed 13 people. In the wake of this week’s deadly rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the Pentagon to review security at all U.S. defense installations worldwide and examine the granting of security clearances that allow access to them. “We will find those gaps and we will fix those gaps,” Hagel vowed on Wednesday. After Fort Hood, the military tightened security at bases nationwide. Those measures included issuing security personnel long-barreled weapons, adding an insider-attack

scenario to their training, and strengthening ties to local law enforcement, said Peter Daly, a vice admiral who retired from the Navy in 2011. The military also joined an FBI intelligence-sharing program aimed at identifying terror threats. Then, on Monday, Aaron Alexis, a 34-year-old former Navy reservist who held a security clearance as an information technology employee at a defense company, used a valid pass to get into the Washington Navy Yard and killed 12 people before dying in a gun battle with police.

When military bases are no longer safe, where is safe? COL. KATHY PLATONI Witness to the 2009 Fort Hood shooting The attack has raised questions about the adequacy of the background checks done on government contractors who hold security clearances. Hagel acknowledged “a lot of red flags” may have been missed in the background of the gunman, who had a history of violent behavior and was said to be hearing voices recently. Many of the security improvements adopted after 9/11 and Fort Hood were created largely with terrorism in mind, not unstable individuals with no apparent political agenda. Those threats can be more difficult to detect.

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“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.” MISS PIGGY MUPPET CHARACTER

Syria army linked to attack

6 killed as Canada bus strikes train ASSOCIATED PRESS


A Syrian opposition fighter sits at the top of a mountain in the vicinity of a rebel camp in the Idlib province countryside. BY ZEINA KARAM AND EDITH M. LEDERER ASSOCIATED PRESS BEIRUT — The trajectory of the rockets that delivered the nerve agent sarin in last month’s deadly attack is among the key evidence linking elite Syrian troops based in the mountains overlooking Damascus to the strike that killed hundreds of people, diplomats and human rights officials said Wednesday. The Aug. 21 attack precipitated the crisis over Syria’s chemical weapons. The U.S. threatened a military strike against Syria, which led to a plan negotiated by Moscow and Washington under which the regime of President Bashar Assad is to abandon its chemical weapons stockpile. A U.N. report released Monday confirmed that chemical weapons were used in the attack but did not ascribe blame. The United States, Britain and France cited evidence in the report to declare Assad’s government responsible. Russia called the report “one-sided” and says it has “serious reason to suggest that this was a provocation” by the rebels fighting the Assad regime in Syria’s civil war. The report, however, provided data that suggested the chemicalloaded rockets that hit two Damascus suburbs were fired from the northwest, indicating they came from nearby mountains where the Syrian military is known to have major bases. Mount Qassioun, which overlooks Damascus, is home to one of Assad’s three residences and is widely used by elite forces to shell suburbs of the capital. The powerful Republican Guard and army’s Fourth Division, headed by Assad’s younger brother, Maher, has bases there. A senior U.N. diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity because some of this material was from private meetings, said: “It was 100 percent clear that the regime used chemical weapons.” The diplomat cited five key details, including the scale of the attack, the quality of the sarin, the type of rockets, the warheads used and the rockets’ trajectory.

A Human Rights Watch report also said the presumed flight path of the rockets cited by the U.N. inspectors’ report led back to a Republican Guard base in Mount Qassioun. “Connecting the dots provided by these numbers allows us to see for ourselves where the rockets were likely launched from and who was responsible,” said Josh Lyons, a satellite imagery analyst for the New York-based group. But, he added, the evidence was “not conclusive.” The HRW report matched what several experts concluded after reading the U.N. report. The U.N. inspectors were not instructed to assess which side was responsible for the attack. “While the U.N. stuck within its mandate, it has provided enough data to provide an overwhelming case that this had to be governmentsponsored,” said Anthony Cordesman, national security expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

[The U.N. report] has provided enough data to provide an overwhelming case that [the attack] had to be governmentsponsored. ANTHONY CORDESMAN National security expert, Center for Strategic and International Studies The inspectors described the rockets used to disperse the sarin as a variant of an M14 artillery rocket, with either an original or an improvised warhead, which the rebels are not known to have. There is no conceivable way to prove the rebels could not have gotten them, Cordesman said, but he added that the modification of the rockets pointed to the regime. The U.N. diplomat in New York pointed to citations in the U.N. report and a private briefing to the U.N. Security Council by chief inspector Ake Sellstrom that reveal

the scale of the attack: The seven rockets examined had a total payload of about 92 gallons of sarin, including sophisticated stabilizing elements that match those known to be in the Syrian stockpile. This makes it “virtually impossible” that it came from any source other than the Syrian government, the diplomat said, adding that there were likely other rockets used that the inspectors couldn’t get to. The diplomat added that the trajectory points directly at known Syrian military bases. “There isn’t a shred of evidence in the other direction,” he said. Syrian legislator Issam Khalil denied the Human Rights Watch report. “These rockets were fired by terrorists in order to draw a military act against Syria,” Khalil told The Associated Press in Damascus. “We believe that a fair, transparent and objective international investigation is the only way to specify that side responsible for firing these rockets.” Russia has been Syria’s main ally since the conflict began in March 2011, blocking proposed U.N. resolutions that would impose sanctions on Assad’s regime and opposing an attempt to authorize the use of force if Syria does not abide by the agreement struck Sept. 14 between Moscow and Washington to rid Damascus of its chemical weapons stockpile. According to a top Russian diplomat and a Syrian official, Damascus has turned over materials to Russia that aim to show the chemical weapons attack was carried out by the rebels. The ITAR-Tass news agency quoted Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying that Syria told Russian officials the material it handed over shows “rebels participating in the chemical attack,” but that Moscow has not yet drawn any conclusions. Ryabkov also told pro-Kremlin broadcaster Russia Today that Russia has submitted to the U.N. Security Council what Moscow called credible evidence that suggests the Syrian government did not fire the chemical weapons.

OTTAWA, Ontario — Passengers screamed “Stop! Stop!” seconds before their bus crashed through a crossing barrier and into a commuter train during morning rush hour in Canada’s capital on Wednesday, killing six people and injuring 34. “He smoked the train,” witness Mark Cogan said of the bus driver, who was among those killed. “He went through the guard rail and just hammered the train, and then it was just mayhem.” It was not immediately clear what caused the bus to smash through the lowered barrier at a crossing in suburban Ottawa. The front of the double-decker bus was ripped away by the impact, and the train’s locomotive and one passenger car derailed, though there were no reports of major injuries to train passengers or crew. Eight were still listed in critical condition late Wednesday. The crash brought trains on the national Via Rail’s Ottawa-Toronto route to a standstill. It was Canada’s second major rail accident in less than three months. A runaway oil train derailed and exploded in a Quebec town on July 6, killing 47 people in the country’s worst rail disaster in more than a century.

[The bus driver] smoked the train. He went through the guard rail and just hammered the train, and then it was just mayhem. MARK COGAN Witness to the accident Tanner Trepanier said he and other passengers could see the four-car train bearing down on them as the bus approached the crossing. “People started screaming, ‘Stop! Stop!’ because they could see the train coming down the track,” Trepanier said. But the driver didn’t slow down, said Rebecca Guilbeault, who was on the bus with her 1-year-old son. “I don’t know if the bus driver blacked out,” she said. “I’ve seen a few people dead, someone ripped in half.”

Another passenger, Gregory Mech, said the train crossing has about a 90-degree bend and he didn’t think the driver saw that the signals were flashing and the barrier was down. “The bus actually hit the train dead on,” Mech told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. “I could see that there were bodies on the train tracks. It was horrible.” Passenger Romi Gupta, a 40-yearold office worker headed to her job in downtown Ottawa, boarded what she called the “overfull” bus at its last stop before the crash. “The driver was OK. I got in a minute before and I said hello to him and he was fine,” said Gupta. Moments later, she looked out the window and saw the train headed straight for the bus. “The bus was too fast, he could not put the brakes on,” she said. “It was crazy. People were flying. I saw limbs.” Transit union president Craig Watson confirmed the driver was killed. He did not identify the driver but said he was in his early 40s and had been with the bus company for about 10 years. “It is a tragic morning in the nation’s capital,” Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement. The bus was on a dedicated transit line that runs parallel to a busy commuter artery just outside the suburban train station of Fallowfield. The Transportation Safety Board said the train was traveling at a reduced speed because it was nearing a station and because of the crossing. Via Rail crossings have long been a concern, according to the national Transportation Safety Board’s lead investigator, Glen Pilon, who said retrieving the black box recording was a priority to determine what went wrong. “Our team will take the time required to determine what happened. This could take several months,” said Jean Laporte, the Transit Safety Board’s chief operating officer. Canada has seen 257 accidents involving passenger trains colliding with vehicles at level crossings over the last decade, the safety board said Wednesday. Trains striking cars or trucks at rail crossings occur “with unfortunate frequency,” said Grady Cothen, a former senior safety official with the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration. Driver distraction or fatigue and poorly designed intersections all can be factors, he said.


Firefighters and paramedics transport a passenger to a waiting ambulance after a Via Rail train and city bus collided in Ottawa, Canada.

French senate says ‘non’ to mini-miss pageants BY ANGELA CHARLTON ASSOCIATED PRESS PARIS — Child beauty pageants may soon be banned in France, after a surprise vote in the French Senate that rattled the pageant industry and raised questions about how the French relate to girls’ sexuality. Such contests, and the madeup, dolled-up beauty queens they produce, have the power to both fascinate and repulse, and have drawn criticism in several countries. France, with its controlling traditions, appears to be out front in pushing an outright ban. French legislators stopped short of approving a measure banning anyone under 16 from modeling products meant for grown-ups — a sensitive subject in a country renowned for its fashion and cosmetics industries, and about to host Paris Fashion

Week. The proposed children’s pageant amendment sprouted from a debate on a women’s rights law. The legislation, approved by a vote of 197–146, must go to the lower house of parliament for further debate and another vote. Its language is brief but sweeping: “Organizing beauty competitions for children under 16 is banned.” Violators — who could include parents, or contest organizers, or anyone who “encourages or tolerates children’s access to these competitions” — would face up to two years in prison and 30,000 euros ($40,000) in fines. It doesn’t specify whether it would extend to things like online photo competitions or pretty baby contests. While child beauty pageants are not as common in France as in the U.S., girls get the message early on here that they are sex-

ual beings, from advertising and marketing campaigns — and even from department stores that sell lingerie for girls as young as 6. The U.S. has also seen controversy around child beauty pageants and reality shows like “Toddlers & Tiaras.” Such contests gripped the public imagination after the 1996 death of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey, as images of her splashed over national television and opened the eyes of many to the scope of the industry. “We are talking about children who are only being judged on their appearance, and that is totally contrary to the development of a child,” the French amendment’s author, Chantal Jouanno, told The Associated Press. “The question of the hypersexualization is deeper in the United States than in France, but the levees are starting to fall. Before

we are hit by the wave, the point is to say very clearly: ‘Not here.’”

We are talking about children who are only being judged on their appearance, and that is totally contrary to the development of a child. CHANTAL JOUANNO Author, children’s pageant amendment She insisted she isn’t attacking parents, saying that most moms don’t realize the deeper societal problems the contests represent. “When I asked an organizer why there were no mini-boy con-

tests, I heard him respond that boys would not lower themselves like that,” she said in the Senate debate. Michel Le Parmentier, who says he has been organizing “mini-miss” pageants in France since 1989, passionately defended his business Wednesday. He said that he has been in discussions with legislators about regulating such pageants, but wasn’t expecting an overall ban. He says his contests forbid makeup and high heels and corporate sponsors, and focus on princess dresses and “natural beauty” — and that he shouldn’t be lumped in with pedophiles or other contest organizers who capitalize on children for profit. “It’s just little girls playing princess,” he told the AP. Still, he acknowledged that appearances are important, and said there’s no point in pretend-

ing they’re not, at any age. “One day or another they will find themselves before this problem of physical appearance. … A woman who has a nice appearance will find a job more easily, a job interview. These things are done based on physical appearance” even if we like to think they aren’t, he said. He says that if the law is approved, he will focus his energies on children’s talent contests called “Mini-Stars” that he has already been conducting. Annabelle Betemps, a guest house operator from the Alps, has entered her daughter in multiple pageants and lamented the harshness of the new law. “We are hyper-disappointed,” she said, describing the joys and friendships she and her daughter Barbara, now 13, have experienced thanks to pageants.




“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” SYDNEY J. HARRIS AMERICAN JOURNALIST



Online ed looks for leader

Medical Center to launch insurance BY LAURA WEISS, STAFF WRITER


Dean of the College Katherine Bergeron, right, will leave Brown at the end of the semester. BY MICHAEL DUBIN STAFF WRITER Dean of the College Katherine Bergeron’s recent efforts to bolster the University’s online education presence leaves open the question of who will emerge as an advocate for online initiatives after she departs at the semester’s end. Various administrators said they were excited by online education’s potential, but few expressed eagerness to assume Bergeron’s mantle. Bergeron previously told The Herald the University’s experiments in online education are “supported at the provost level.”

Un ive rsity Librarian Harriette Hemmasi, who chaired the Committee for O n l i n e BROWN Te a c h i n g and Learning during President Christina Paxson’s strategic planning process, also said Provost Mark Schlissel would ultimately decide how the University proceeds with online education. “It really is in the provost’s hands to decide how he wants to direct the future,” Hemmasi said.

The Office of the Provost provides much of the funding for online education initiatives, Schlissel said, adding that he attends meetings about the projects and discusses the subject with colleagues at other institutions. “This is a real hot topic in the academy right now, and that’s actually a wonderful thing because there’s more discussions about the nature of teaching and how we can improve the quality of our teaching, how we can innovate, than any time that I can remember in the past,” Schlissel said. “I think it’s being driven by people experimenting and wanting to explore the potential of online content.”

r e c y c l e recycler e c y c l e recycle




Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center announced a partnership with nonprofit groups Elliot Health System and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care last week that will offer a new insurance policy with lower costs within its southern New Hampshire network. The policy, ElevateHealth, is the first of its kind in the state and seeks to provide both employers and employees with a high standard of care at a lowered premium cost, according to a DHMC press release. The policy, which takes effect Dec. 1, offers savings of at least 10 percent compared with other plans offered by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. “We decided that one of our goals is to be able to provide high-quality care at lower cost,” Stephen LeBlanc, DHMC executive vice president for strategic and network relations, said. “Employers are struggling with the cost of health care, so we figured that working together we could come up with an insurance product that would be lower cost and comparable.” The policy will cover a network of over 400 primary care doctors and 2,600 specialists. These health care professionals offer services at DHMC and its community group practices, Elliot Health System and other providers including those in Derry, Keene, Nashua and New London. ElevateHealth’s creators hope it will be an innovative insurance option and provide more coordinated care for patients covered by the various providers, LeBlanc said. “Provider and insurer [are] coming together to be able to offer something and design something that best meets the needs of employers and their employees — our patients,” he said. The policy is unique in the areas of care coordination for patients, LeBlanc said. The policy gives nurses the roles of both patient advocate and clinical liaison. Because of the new partnership involved in the policy, the insurance and health care

providers have joint responsibility for quality and cost of care. This will provide accountability if costs are higher than expected, LeBlanc said. While not the partDARTMOUTH n e rs h i p ’s p r i m a r y objective, the organizations may work toward improving the value of care in southern New Hampshire in the future, according to the press release. The program may also grow to serve larger employers and will look to expand to more health systems in the future, LeBlanc said.

Employers are struggling with the cost of health care, so we figured that working together we could come up with an insurance product that would be lower cost. STEPHEN LEBLANC Executive vice president, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center The network for ElevateHealth was intentionally defined by geography and the partnership creators’ desire to effectively coordinate care. “DHMC and Elliot have had a common goal around this kind of a product, so it was logical for us to work together, and we wanted to start it fairly small to be able to provide that care coordination,” LeBlanc said. “We think it’ll probably be more focused on marketing in the southern part of the state.” LeBlanc noted that though ElevateHealth will not be available to everyone because of the network’s geographic limitations, it provides another option for consumers.




“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don’t do things right once in a while — you do them right all the time.” VINCE LOMBARDI HALL OF FAME NFL COACH

Coxe ’15 assists on both goals

Elis look to bounce back

x x

Defensive End Beau Palin ’14


The women’s soccer team came away with a clean 2–0 victory over the visiting Hartford Hawks WOMEN’S SOCCER FROM PAGE 12 son as well. For Coxe, the two assists on the night pushed her total for the year to five. The headers came as a pleasant surprise to head coach Rudy Meredith. “There have been seasons that we’ve gone without scoring two head goals all season,” Meredith said. “I probably had an afro the last time we scored two goals in the air.” Defensively, Yale had a strong performance which was good enough for its second shutout of the season, with the openinggame win against Stony Brook being the only other. The shutout was especially pleasing to Meredith after the Bulldogs allowed 11 goals over two games this past weekend. “I was a little worried defensively after the goals we gave up this past weekend,” Mere-

dith said. “Being able to get a shutout here was a good step in the right direction for us.” Goalkeeping duties were once again split as Elise Wilcox ’15 made two saves in the first half before relenting her position to Rachel Ames ’16 to start the second half. Ames faced little pressure, not having to make a single save, as each Hartford threat was thwarted by the Elis’ defense. Yale has a chance to continue its hot start to the season this weekend with a pair of instate matchups. The Bulldogs host Sacred Heart (2–5–0, 0–0 NEC) at Reese Stadium on Friday at 7 p.m. and will then make the short trip to Fairfield (3–3–0, 0–0 MAAC) to play Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Contact JAMES BADAS at .

Bulldogs aim for NCAAs MEN’S GOLF FROM PAGE 12

think they might be able to drive a green.

now and I’d say we have eight or nine guys who are really battling it out for the five starting spots. … Jon got off to a great start. He finished third in his first tournament, so that was really good to see as well.

team goals have you set for the seaQWhat son?

other golfers on the team have been QWhat playing particularly well?

A Joe had his first college win, and it doesn’t sound like a big deal to have his first college win, but in golf, the way it works is that anytime you win something individually, it’s a pretty monumental accomplishment. … Sean [Gaudette ’14] and Will [Davenport ’15] also started for us this week, and they’ve done really well. We also have Thomas Greenhalgh ’15, who’s traveling with us to Notre Dame next week. I think depth is definitely something we have working for us this year.

The Yale captain switched from tight end to defensive end last season and started every game for the Bulldogs. He finished with five sacks, good for second on the team, and was second among players returning this year with 43 total tackles.

x x x

x x x x x x o o o o o o o o o o o Running Back Tyler Varga ’15

Varga was the Elis’ only first-team All-Ivy selection last season, and led the Ancient Eight with 116.9 rushing yards per game, more than 15 yards more than the second-highest player. His continued success will be key to take the pressure off of the Bulldogs’ passing game.


One goal is that we obviously want to win the Ivy League each year. Another thing that I’ve personally set as a goal for the team, really throughout my four years, is to be in the running for the NCAA at large bid. Part of that means that we’ve spent a lot of time working with our coach to try to improve our strength of schedule and play better teams more consistently over the course of the year. We’re going to Notre Dame this week, and that’ll go a long way. It’s very tough for a Northeast school to make the NCAA tournament consistently without winning your league each year, but it’s good being in contention, to have something else to work towards besides the make-or-break league championship.

Wide Receiver Cameron Sandquist ’14

Sandquist was the favorite target for Yale’s quarterbacks last season, leading the team with 54 receptions and 569 receiving yards. With wide receiver Chris Smith ‘14 returning after a year away from school, Sandquist will receive less defensive attention and should play a major role in the Bulldog offense.

is a very individual sport, but what What Ivy League teams do you think will be QGolf sort of teamwork do you employ on the Qespecially strong this year? course? A During the practice rounds we play together, and then we have meetings before each round to discuss the course and strategy. You can attack that part of the game as a team, but in terms of individual execution, that’s kind of on each player. Strategy, how you approach the golf course, where you tend to miss if you do miss — certain kind of thought process stuff like that. There are a few people on the team I feel like I can lean towards and say ‘Hey, do you mind looking at my swing,’ you know, ‘What’s up, I can’t really figure it out on my own.’

on in the season, how do you think QEarly this team compares to last year’s team, which placed second in the Ivy League Championship? A We’re deeper than last year’s team. We lost one starter, Brad [Kushner ’13], who’s a really good player. We might not see too much of a drop off in the starting lineup, because we have three good recruits, so depth is going to be big for us. People are now going to be working hard not only to do well but also just to make it into tournaments and be in the starting lineup … which pushes everyone to work harder and get the most out of their game. I think that’s a really cool aspect that we have this year that we really haven’t had since my freshman year.


Princeton won last year, so you obviously can’t count them out. One of their players won the Ivy League championship individually last year. Harvard played well this weekend and came in second, and they have three talented freshmen … Throughout the league, everybody has really stocked up and gotten a few good recruits. But especially in golf, where you can’t match up well, you just have to go play. It’s so easy to scoreboard watch, because there’s so much stuff that you can look at, and I’m as guilty as anyone in following live scoring, but I think it’s really important for us to just focus on what we’re doing and trying to get the most out of our own game.

than the Ivy League ChampionQOther ship, what tournaments are you especially excited about?


has been your leadership strategy in QWhat the beginning of the season?

Two of them. There’s this weekend going to Notre Dame, which will be a lot of fun with really good teams. It’ll be a chance to play against teams we don’t usually get to see. Then we’re going down to Georgia in March to play against a lot SEC schools in the Linger Longer Invitational. That’ll be really tough for us because we’ll be coming off of winter break and they’re going to be practicing all winter, and we’ll basically have been playing for two weeks. So that’ll be really big challenge for us but also a really good chance to enhance our resume for the NCAA bid.


are your expectations for the Notre QWhat Dame Invitational next week?

Again, golf’s an individual sport, so there’s not too much you can do in terms of team leadership. I think of myself as an extremely hard worker, and in each tournament, even when things get off to a bad start, I always try to battle through things and get the most out of my round even if my scores not that great. So I think that’s hopefully an example that I set for people. And I also help with strategic things, like I said, when we go to the meetings before a round. Everyone on the team has played in tons of golf tournaments, so you don’t have to babysit anybody, but you can tell people at a certain time when it might be advisable to lay up on a hole, even if they

FOOTBALL FROM PAGE 12 ting to Cal. When he de-committed, Reno was in position to pounce on the stud athlete. At quarterback — a position where the Elis were plagued by injuries and struggled to find consistency last year — the team added Clemson transfer Morgan Roberts ’15, who will add even more talent to the position. “The coaches put together a great recruiting class from top to bottom this year. Victor has been put in a lot of places to make plays so far this season and has responded well,” wide receiver Cameron Sandquist ’14 said. “Morgan has been a leader since he showed up last year and has meshed seamlessly with the guys.” Yale had a revolving door under center last year, with five players taking snaps as the signal caller for the Elis. Eric Williams ’16 started the season as Yale’s first string, but was sidelined by injury. Derek Russell ’13, Logan Scott ’16, Tyler Varga ’15 and Hank Furman ’14 all played quarterback for the Bulldogs last year. Three of those players were

not even listed as quarterbacks on the roster. Varga started at tailback for most of the season, but was pressed into action at quarterback for several games, while Russell and Furman started the year listed as wide receivers before taking over as signal callers.

The coaches put together a great recruiting class from top to bottom this year. CAMERON SANDQUIST ’14 Wide receiver, football Yale’s quarterbacks combined to average 170.2 yards per game through the air last season, but they led the Ancient Eight with 16 interceptions thrown. “Coach hasn’t made an official announcement yet, but I do know the competition has groomed several qualified guys for the job,” Sandquist said when asked about the quarterback situation. Varga returns to the gridiron

for the Elis after a stellar first campaign. The tailback averaged 116.9 yards per game on the ground last year and scored nine total touchdowns. In his first season after transferring from the University of Western Ontario, Varga was named firstteam All-Ivy as a running back and earned a spot on the secondteam as a kick returner. The Bulldogs also return two All-Ivy honorable mention offensive linemen in left tackle Wes Gavin ’14 and center John Oppenheimer ’14. Their success will be crucial to the performance of whichever Eli quarterback emerges as the starter this season. The football team will kick off its season at Colgate this Saturday at 1 p.m. The 130th iteration of the Harvard–Yale game will take place on Nov. 23 at the Yale Bowl. Ashton Wackym contributed reporting. Contact ALEX EPPLER at Contact CHARLES CONDRO at .


I, if anyone, am the biggest golf loser on the team. I’ll look at all the different schools and what they’ve been doing early on in the season and try to figure out where exactly we fit into that. Based on this field, I really do feel like we can win, especially given the strength of our team. Certainly there are some really strong teams playing, and a topthree finish would be really good for us. Contact GREG CAMERON at .




SOCCER Arsenal 2 Marseille 1

SOCCER FC Basel 2 Chelsea 1


SOCCER Schalke 04 3 Steaua 0


SOCCER Barcelona 4 Ajax 0


GEORGIA HOLLAND ’14 BULLDOG SPOTLIGHT OF THE WEEK Holland tallied two goals and an assist in Yale’s nail-biting 4–3 overtime loss to Hofstra on Sunday. The senior currently leads the team with eight points and was recognized for her success this season and over her career as the Total Mortgage Bulldog Spotlight of the Week.

JESSE EBNER ’16 ELI NAMED TO IVY HONOR ROLL The Yale middle blocker scored 17 kills on an impressive .680 killing percentage in Yale’s 3–1 win over Army last Saturday. The sophomore is averaging 2.27 kills per set and a .436 hitting percentage this season.

SOCCER Milan 2 Celtic 0

“We plan to … play fast, play physical and have a blast. We’re chomping at the bit to get started.” BEAU PALIN ’14 CAPTAIN, FOOTBALL


New additions bring Yale hope FOOTBALL


Tyler Varga ’15 picked up the mantle as the Bulldogs’ go-to running back in his first campaign after transferring from Western Ontario last year. Varga’s first-team All-Ivy performance was a rare bright spot in a difficult season. BY ALEX EPPLER AND CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTERS Last season did not go the way the Yale football team had planned. Almost from the outset, the Bulldogs caught the injury

bug in debilitating fashion, and in its first season under a new head coach, the squad struggled to a 2–8 overall record. Yet despite last year’s troubles, Yale fans have reason for hope when the Elis take the field

to begin the season this Saturday. A stellar recruiting class, the return of all-league veterans and another year under the tutelage of head coach Tony Reno all contribute to the excitement coming out of the Bulldog camp during

the preseason. “We have come a long way since Day One of off-season training, but our mentality remains the same,” captain Beau Palin ’14 said. “We plan to keep it simple, play fast, play physical

Bulldogs topple Hawks BY JAMES BADAS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER On Wednesday night at Reese Stadium, the women’s soccer team came away with a clean, well-played 2–0 victory over the visiting Hartford Hawks.


Yale will host Sacred Heart at Reese Stadium on Friday at 7 p.m. “As a center back, you don’t really get that many opportunities on offense,” McSweeney said. “It really showed how everyone is doing their absolute best all over the field, no matter their position.” Goal number two was eerily similar as


a corner kick from Coxe once again led to a Bulldog header. This time it was midfielder Muriel Battaglia ’15 who connected, scoring her first goal of the seaSEE WOMEN’S SOCCER PAGE 11

topped by two especially prominent additions. Victor Egu ’17, a linebacker from Concord, Calif., attracted looks from Oregon and UCLA before eventually commitSEE FOOTBALL PAGE 11

Bernstein optimistic about Eli depth BY GREG CAMERON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

WOMEN’S SOCCER Yale improved its record to 4–1–0 (0–0 Ivy), marking the best five-game start to a season for the Elis since 2004. Hartford, meanwhile, fell to 3–2–3 (0–0 AEC), losing for the first time in its past four games. The Hawks came into the game riding the hot hands of goalkeeper Jessica Jurg, last week’s America East Co-Rookie of the Week. Jurg had not allowed a goal in the past three games since taking over in net. After an uneventful first half, the Bulldogs broke through and put an end to Jurg’s scoreless streak. In the 58th minute, captain and defender Shannon McSweeney ’14 drove home a header off a corner kick from midfielder Frannie Coxe ’15. For the captain, it was the first goal of her career.

and have a blast. We’re chomping at the bit to get started.” Much of the buzz around this year’s team started before the school year even began. Reno brought in a noteworthy recruiting class for the 2013 squad,

The men’s golf team started off its season with a bang last weekend, emerging on top of a 14-team field that included three Ivy League schools at the Doc Gimmler Tournament in New York. Captain Sam Bernstein ’14 finished the tournament tied for seventh place with a 2-under 208 across three rounds. Bernstein sat down with the News to discuss his outlook on the rest of the season and the team’s ultimate goal of winning an Ivy League championship in May. you expect to be so domiQDid nant in the first tournament of the year?


I’m not sure you’d ever expect a great performance like that. I think certainly you believe in

yourself and your teammates and we’ve definitely been putting up good scores in practice. … I wouldn’t say we were surprised but I wouldn’t say we were expecting it either. … A lot of the credit goes to Joe [Willis ’16], who played some really incredible golf. He got his first college victory and really led the team. It’s really great to see that, for sure, and it shows how deep we really are. have the new freshmen on QHow the team been doing?


They’ve been doing really well. Jon [Lai ’17] is the only one starting, and he’s been playing great. I’d say for the other two recruits, Li Wang ’17 and James Park ’17, it’s less so them playing poorly and more that we just have a really strong starting five right SEE MEN’S GOLF PAGE 11

THE NUMBER OF GOALS THE WOMEN’S SOCCER TEAM SCORED AGAINST HARTFORD. On Wednesday night, the Bulldogs defeated the Hartford Hawks with a 2–0 shutout at home. Junior midfielder Frannie Coxe ’15 assisted both goals.

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