Today's Paper

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Yale student arrested for civil disobedience in deportation protest





A differential diagnosis

YCC’s Last Stand. The outgoing members of the Yale College Council hosted a study break last night at Chocolat Maya on High Street. Students were treated to desserts and drinks, including wine and beer. The evening also featured student performances from Tommy Bazarian ’15 and Thomas Aviles ’16 among others. Oo la la. Nobel prize-winning professor James Rothman ’71, the Wallace Professor of Biomedical Sciences, has been awarded the insignia of “Officer” in the French Legion of Honor. The honor was presented to him by François Delattre, French Ambassador to the United States earlier this month. The award was given for impressive achievements in cellular biology as well as his close collaboration with French laboratories. The Legion of Honor was originally created by Napoleon Bonaparte. The Egypt Game. Yesterday evening, the New Haven Museum joined together with the Friends of Grove Street Cemetery to host a lecture on “Egypt in Connecticut” from professor Colleen Manassa ’01 GRD ’05. The talk probed the imagery and hidden meanings of the ominous Grove Street Cemetery Gate, designed in the 19th century by Henry Austin, as well as the Egyptian Revival movement in New Haven. Connecticut boasts some of the most significant Egyptian-influenced architecture in the northeast. Step-by-step instructions.

The McDougal Graduate Student Center hosted an event this week entitled, “How to Get the Sex You Want.” The discussion was led by a sex therapist from the SHARE Center and covered negotiating sexual relationships, boundaries and desire.

Let them eat code. Assistant professor of computer science Ruzica Piskac has received one of the 2014 Microsoft Research Awards, a grant that supports projects in software engineering and related research. The project that will be funded is called “Script Synthesis through Examples.” Trophy case. Following a performance at Harvard’s Yardfest, Grammynominated musician Janelle Monáe was awarded the inaugural 2014 Award for Achievement in Arts and Media by the Harvard College Women’s Center. She was also named the Woman of the Year for 2014 by the Black Men’s Forum at their 20th annual Celebration of Black Women Gala. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1962 The Admissions Office accepts 1,370 incoming students for the class of 1966. There were 4,163 candidates total. Submit tips to Cross Campus


BASEBALL Team still in a tight battle for playoff spot as season draws to a close PAGE 12 SPORTS

Beinecke gears up for closure BY AMANDA BUCKINGHAM STAFF REPORTER

Students interviewed identified very different problems with Yale Health than administrators — so it is unsurprising that the two have also arrived at different solutions. When seeking treatment at Student Health and specialty departments, students find themselves glued to waiting-room chairs, sitting longer than they think is reasonable. But Yale Health administrators inter-

Preparations are fully underway for a major renovation of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library — a venture that will cost $70 million and require the library to close from May 2015 to September 2016. The scope of the renovation is broad. It includes the replacement of the building’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, upgrades to fire suppression and detection utilities and the addition of new classrooms. In preparation for the construction work, all of the Beinecke’s books must be moved to secure locations — a process that has already begun, with the first of 18 bulk collections of material shipped this week to Yale’s library shelving facility in Hamden, Conn. Meanwhile, designs for the new classrooms, as well as for a staff office space at Science Park, are in the midst of being finalized. “The entire planning effort has representatives from every area of the Beinecke, from curatorial to the folks who help bring in the books,” said Timothy Young, curator of modern books and manuscripts and member of several committees involved with the renovation. Young said the most daunting part of the preparations is coordinating the movement of the books and archives to secure locations. Beinecke Director E.C. Schroeder said the library’s entire six-story tower must be cleared before renovations begin. The Hamden shelving facility will house




n recent months, mental health services at Yale Health have received a series of scathing student reviews. HANNAH SCHWARZ reports on whether Yale Health as a whole deserves the same reputation, and why students are not getting the service they expect. HENRY EHRENBERG/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR

There are few events shared among the majority of Yale’s undergraduate students. Most will dance around Old Campus next Saturday for Spring Fling. Many will make their way to Toad’s, if only once. And during their time at Yale, most will visit Yale Health.

UPCLOSE Yale Health’s Mental Health & Counseling services have long been

at the center of campus dialogue. But of Yale Health’s 132 staff and affiliated physicians, 107 do not treat the mental health needs of the Yale community, and instead serve students in the institution’s over 35 other medical departments. Conversations with nearly three dozen students and administrators, as well as an online survey of 368 undergraduates reveal significantly lower satisfaction with MH&C than with other departments.

Conference considers energy future BY TASNIM ELBOUTE STAFF REPORTER According to experts gathered on Thursday at the Yale Climate and Energy Institute’s fifth annual conference, the state of global energy in 2030 remains uncertain. The conference honored Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 Nobel laureate and founding director

of YCEI, whose appointment at Yale will end this summer. The morning panelists discussed challenges and uncertainties of the future of energy, keeping in mind key nations and industries. The afternoon panelists discussed potential policies and technologies that might throw off projections of future energy use. This year’s conference was the first to be organized primarily by undergraduates, including Yale Energy Studies Scholars

Online efforts greet new admits

and students from fields ranging from biophysics to political science. “What’s so exciting about having the undergraduate community involved in planning this is that it’s so relevant to every single one of us,” said Wendy De Wolf ’14, the lead undergraduate organizer. “And to have the opportunity to engage with energy experts from around the world is a wonderful opportunity for people studying here. I

University President Peter Salovey thanked Pachauri for his contributions both to Yale and the global discussion about climate change. Salovey presented Pachauri with a signed hockey stick, whose sloping blade mirrors the increase in global temperature. Speakers at the conference included both Yale professors and representatives from energy SEE CLIMATE PAGE 4

YDC overhauls constitution BY ERIC XIAO STAFF REPORTER

After the Yale Undergraduate Admissions Office distributed decisions to over 30,000 applicants at 5 p.m. on March 27, the officers gathered for a celebratory dinner. But the next day, they were back in the office, focused on ensuring that the newly admitted students will want to come to Yale. In the lead up to Bulldog Days — Yale’s signature three-day program to welcome newly admitted students, which will take place April 22–25 — the office is continuing to expand and develop new online initiatives to reach out to prospective students. Still, both admissions officers and college counselors interviewed said universities are only beginning to tap into the Internet’s potential. “We think really strategically with regards to our outreach,” said Mark Dunn, senior assistant director of Yale’s Admissions Office. He added that the University carefully considers not only when to contact students but also what types of messages will be most effective for which demographics.

The Yale Drama Coalition plans to have a new website and a new constitution by the end of this academic year. The YDC is currently in the midst of enacting several reforms that aim to make the organization’s resources more accessible and its electoral process more democratic. The overhaul of the organization’s website — scheduled to be launched in early May — will include changes to the process of reserving tickets for shows as well as the options for categorizing various types of productions, among other updates. The new constitution, which is being ratified this week, will allow any student who has attended at least two YDC board meetings to participate in the annual electoral process of selecting members of the YDC executive board. “We have reached a point where we are representing a large part of the undergraduate student body to the administration,” YDC Vice President Skyler Ross ’16 said. “In order to truly say that we are representative of this community, we needed a new election process.”




think that the fellows have been amazing and incredibly dedicated to putting together an impressive conference.” Pachauri delivered the keynote address discussing the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. In the report, Pachauri described climate projections and the future of renewable energy. Pachauri also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work at Yale. At the end of Pachauri’s talk,


The Yale Drama Coalition will overhaul its constitution to make its elections more democratic and transparent.




.COMMENT “People try on many identities during life.”


Yale is digging in F

ood cannot be something we only think about at Yale when we step into a dining hall or swipe through Durfee’s. The act of eating has deep social, political and environmental implications, and discussions about our food need to move out of the dining halls and into Yale’s classrooms. Whether it be discourse about agriculture policy, nutritional science, food justice issues, land management strategy or agricultural science, food must have a place at the academic table. You don’t need us to remind you that Yale excels in countless fields. But what is less well known is that this university is one of the only institutions around the nation that is taking food seriously from multiple angles; whether it’s what Yale Dining is doing in the realm of sustainable procurement or the Yale Sustainable Food Project’s unprecedented approach to educating food literate leaders, our school doesn’t treat food as simply something to munch on. What’s going on in our dining halls is pretty exceptional, although most students don’t even realize it. Whether it’s the dining hall’s plant-based proteins, catch of the day or the local and sustainable ingredients used in every one of the 14,000 meals per day that is served on campus, Yale Dining is doing its best to ensure that the food you scoop onto your plate is the best it can be for the community, planet and your body. Yale Dining is also working hard outside the dining halls to promote a sustainable, resilient food network in New England. Yale Dining is leading an initiative to leverage institutional buying power to increase the amount of local and sustainable food in university dining halls, schools and hospitals all over New England — a project that will have ramifications for what’s served for lunch in New Haven public schools and at schools all over the region. As a student research assistant for Yale Dining, Alice is constantly surprised by how little students seem to know about the ripples Yale Dining is making in the world of sustainable agriculture. There typically aren’t a lot of conversations between students and Yale Dining beyond a general appeal for more chicken tenders — but there is incredible potential to work with students in the coming year to increase access to socially, ecologically and economically viable food far beyond the walls of Yale. Less than a mile from the

Yale Dining offices on Church Street, the Yale Sustainable Food Project is doing work in the food world that deserves major attention. When the YSFP initially formed just over ten years ago, it did so in response to student demand for more sustainably- and ecologically-sound options in the college dining halls. A dedicated group of students got together and laid the groundwork for what would eventually become an organization leading the conversation surrounding sustainable food and agriculture at Yale and beyond. As a student farm manager, Rafi has seen first-hand the innovative work the YSFP is doing, ones that go far beyond the one-acre plot of land on Edwards Street. A few weeks ago, the YSFP hosted its 10-year anniversary celebration and brought alumni back to campus that have been involved in the project over the last decade. Leaders from every corner of the food and agriculture world — policymakers working on sustainable agriculture issues within the Farm Bill, Peabodywinning documentary filmmakers and food scientists working on nutrition policy — all in one room, united by their ties to the YSFP and commitment to a future of sustainable food. The YSFP is producing food literate leaders, from farmers to policy makers, chefs to community activists, ready to tackle challenging issues within our food system. It’s almost the end of another school year and, in just a couple of weeks, folks will be out of New Haven and onto summer adventures. But when we return to campus next fall, it’s critical to keep this dialogue going. Yale isn’t an “ag school,” but it is holding its own as an institution committed to taking food seriously. There is much work to be done: It’s vital that we promote an interdisciplinary food concentration in order to provide students with a formal academic track to guide their studies in this area. And logically, this is the next step that Yale must take to further its already strong commitment to this field. Yale has shown up to the table in a major way. But what’s even more exciting is that we’re just starting to dig in. ALICE BUCKLEY is a junior in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact her at RAFI BILDNER is a sophomore in Davenport College. Contact him at .

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Investigate George Chen T

he majority of the Yale community does not speak Chinese, and therefore, has been unable to see thousands of netizens protest against Yale’s decision to accept George Chen as an incoming World Fellow. On Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, disappointment over Yale’s decision has been so widespread. A group of opinion leaders, including Yale alumni based in Hong Kong, is currently organizing a public campaign to raise further awareness on Chen’s disqualification for such a prestigious fellowship. Concern over Yale’s selection of Chen comes from three primary reasons. First of all, it is widely believed that Chen is providing fraudulent and misleading information on his résumé, which is available under his Yale profile. George Chen claimed that he was awarded the “Asia 21 Young Leader” by the Asia Society in 2008. However, his name is not shown on Asia Society's website as a young leader, nor does his name appear in any website associated with the Asia Society. A further investigation has revealed that Chen attended the three-day Asia 21 Young Lead-

ers Summit held by the Asia Society in Tokyo, Japan in November 2008. According to the brochure of that particular summit, George Chen is merely one of the 200 delegates, rather than a member of the 21-member “core group of Asia 21 Young Leaders Fellows.” In addition, Chen stated on his LinkedIn profile that he was awarded the U.S. Journalism “30 under 30” Award in 2007. Unfortunately, the award was never called the U.S. Journalism Award; the precise title of this award is NewsBios 30 Under 30, offered by TJFR Group/NewsBios. Chen’s tactics in both of these cases take advantage of the instinctual trust and the lack of verification from his audience, possibly including the Yale World Fellows admissions committee. Secondly, Chen, an alumnus of the University of Hong Kong, has a record of mobilizing university resources to serve his personal interests. He founded the International Relations Council of the University of Hong Kong and publicly stated that “IRC is proud to be supported by the Master of International and Public Affairs program at the University of Hong Kong.” A letter from the HKU,

however, confirmed that “IRC HKU was not set up or initiated by HKU or the PPA department. It was set up by Mr. Chen (and possibly his fellow graduates) as an alumni association.” The letter also clarified that “the name of ‘IRC HKU’ went beyond serving HKU alumni and did not appear to follow the University’s guidelines on the setting up of alumni organizations.” It is within reasonable speculation that Mr. Chen might practice a similar trick to take advantage of Yale’s resources in the future. Thirdly, Chen has demonstrated numerous times his lack of humanistic concerns to society. For example, in response to the article “Investment banker jumps to death from J.P. Morgan’s headquarters in Central,” published on Feb. 18, 2014, Chen posted derogatory and offensive comments about the decedent on Weibo. The so-called “sources” Chen claimed in the article were unverified. Chen commented, “the person who chose to jump off the building in Central to end his life today was a junior level employee at J.P. Morgan. He was only 33 years old, named Li (Name on passport was Li, not Lee), and he was only an associate. His main role was to

do supporting works for different department and projects within the bank. I don’t understand why an associate would have such large stress, and end life in such a way.” The comment has generated substantial concern over Chen’s lack of sympathy as an individual and his lack of professionalism as a journalist. The evidence mentioned above is only part of Chen’s controversy, and already present significant concerns with Yale’s decision to admit him as an incoming World Fellow. As a Yale student, a former Lindsay fellow and a soon-to-be alum, I expect the Yale World Fellows committee to stand with the entire Yale community in order to defend the reputation and resources of our University. Therefore, I, along with thousands of concerned individuals and groups in the Greater China Area, urge the committee to initiate an investigation into Chen’s application and present a public explanation to the entire Yale community. ERDONG CHEN is a second-year student in the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. Contact him at .


Spring in the air


Debt and the Yale student F

or me, the term “student debt” is a bit like the terms “April Job Reports” or “Higgs Boson.” While each of these things is arguably important to my life, their complexity and psychological distance from my day-to-day make them basically inscrutable. The appearance of any one of these terms in a news article is correlated with a high probability that I skip over it in the morning paper. The way in which student debt is presented in the national conversation further distances the issue: it is associated with the University of Phoenix, the United States’ declining economic vigor or some kind of newfangled White House initiative. The average student loan in the United States last year was around $30,000, and the typical Yale student is not the kind of kid linked to concerns over this growing figure. But I hope to change that. To the question, “What does student debt look like at Yale?” I propose the following answer: It looks a lot like me. I’m a FroCo in Pierson. I buy a lot of Blue State coffee. I own an iPhone and Lululemon running tights. As a senior, my time is fast winding down in New Haven, and while I’m not yet sure where I will be next fall, I do know the following: When I graduate from Yale in a few weeks, I will be in debt to the tune of $75,000 in student

loans. I find the radio silence on the issue of student debt among Yale students and administrators to be fascinating. Yalies are eager to analyze the details of minor issues — from society tap to Yale College Council elections — hemming and hawing over their possible impact on the “Yale student experience.” Yet as a campus, we are both unwilling, and often times unequipped, to have serious conversations about an issue that could place major strains on a student’s past, present and far future mental health, relationships and life choices. The University makes us sit through numerous workshops on alcohol and physical safety, yet we get no mandatory trainings about financial planning. Phrases like “need-based financial aid” and “no undue financial hardship” are tossed around at Yale information sessions to prospective students, but students rarely hear much about managing finances after that. Freshman counselors are taught strategies to sidestep awkward conversations about money with their freshmen, and friend groups simply don’t talk about it. Typically, I keep no secrets from my best friends at Yale — we laugh over Snapchats sent from the bathroom, and I cried to them when my grandfather passed away in November.

Yet when student debt recently came up in conversation, and I volunteered the size of my own loans, the information was met by stunned silence. We are eager to judge people for choosing finance or consulting, accusing them of selling out, yet we are profoundly uncomfortable talking about financial realities. At least in my experience, I find that even conversations about sexual assault policies are easier to have at Yale. A Yale education is supposed to be like a jet pack, propelling you up to higher and better things. At least in my family, education has always been the means of chasing the American Dream. My paternal grandparents, first generation Korean immigrants, lived on 8 Mile (the same place that produced Eminem) in Detroit, and at one point they owned a convenience store. My maternal grandmother, a single mom, raised my own mom and my aunt in a tiny apartment in Queens, N.Y. My parents worked hard and went to MIT; my mom worked for many years as a software engineer and my dad is a physician. My parents’ sacrifices for their children have been immense, and while I am grateful for their support, sometimes I wonder whether it was worth it. My parents currently have three college-age children, and two more still at home. Is it possible for the costs

of education to spell ruin? It may be the case that I am an anomaly, but as an aside, how indebted is the average Yale student actually? Despite neat figure quotes on the Yale Financial Aid website, I feel like I don’t actually know, as the College counts “loans” as aid “awards.” In one sense, I hope this serves as a call for greater dialogue, particularly for prospective members of the class of 2018. To these potential Bulldogs, I recommend sitting down with your parents — and if you’re able, financial aid officers — and asking them to have a frank conversation about finances and feasibility. I have deeply loved my time at Yale, but hope that for future generations of Yalies the same experience will not, in the words of Shakepeare's Shylock, come at the price of a pound of flesh. I am discouraged when I think about my loans, which were incurred with a decision I made when I was 17, the decision to enroll at my dream school. My decision to come to Yale will influence how I decide subsequent steps in life, from going to grad school to taking a new job and deciding to start a family. But hopefully, that won’t be just because of my debt. EMILY HONG is a senior in Pierson College. Contact her at




GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ “What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it.”



We deserve something special W





Dwight Hall’s muchneeded dialogue L

ast year, the Dwight Hall leadership decided to invite Choose Life at Yale (CLAY) to apply for provisional membership status. As Co-Coordinator of the Student Executive Committee (ExComm), I was deeply involved in the decision and strongly supported inviting them. To be clear, I support a woman’s right to choose; I have donated to pro-choice organizations and led one, Yale’s undergraduate American Civil Liberates Union. As my term at Dwight Hall ended in December, I was not involved with and cannot comment on the procedure of Wednesday night’s vote except to say that I trust my successors followed the bylaws of the hall. Nor was I able to vote on CLAY’s membership. Indeed, even if I had the opportunity, I am still unsure of how I would have voted. Yet the conversations that this campus has had over the past few weeks have reaffirmed our decision to invite CLAY to apply to Dwight Hall. On Wednesday afternoon, I overheard two of my classmates talking about the upcoming vote. They were not debating abortion rights; they were both decidedly pro-choice. Instead, they were arguing about whether CLAY had a right to be in Dwight Hall at all. One took the position that any restriction of reproductive rights was counter to social justice. His friend then challenged him, saying that it was unfair of him to unilaterally decide what counted as social justice. She observed that according to their values, CLAY members’ work was advocacy and service. Her friend pushed back that regardless of their beliefs, their actions were oppressive and should not be condoned by Dwight Hall. No agreement could be reached before the professor started class. I’ve been hearing and seeing similar conversations everywhere these past few weeks: in classrooms, in suites, on Facebook, across blogs and in the pages of newspapers, including this one. These conversations would have never happened without CLAY’s decision to apply for membership in Dwight Hall. Regardless of the vote’s outcome, we as a community needed to have this discussion about our definitions of service and social justice. Pundits have long remarked that our generation’s involvement in community service is unprecedented. At Dwight Hall alone, 3,500 Yale student volunteers contribute more than 150,000 hours of service a year. Many of us plan to continue serving our communities after we leave Yale. Yet, despite our commitment to the public service and social justice that Dwight Hall stands for, we at Yale have not reached a consensus on what those terms mean.

I have always felt that Dwight Hall’s ExComm and professional staff cannot be the sole ones responsible for defining service. Nor will I be so bold as to offer a definition here. It is a matter best left to Cabinet, the assembly of Dwight Hall group representatives. Cabinet is after all the largest assembly of community service groups on campus. If anyone is qualified to grapple the question of what service means, it should be them. Indeed, it was Cabinet who ultimately rejected CLAY on Wednesday. Dwight Hall’s mission is, “to foster civic-minded student leaders and to promote service and activism in New Haven and around the world.” The Hall does not exist simply as a conduit for service, but also to support student leaders by creating a space for dialogue about social justice and community service. That discourse is vital. The conversations are undoubtedly complicated, but by having this discussion, we will be better leaders, better voters and better volunteers. We may not reach consensus, particularly on emotionally charged issues such as abortion. Nonetheless, we are better for trying. We live in an increasingly polarized country. It is often far too easy to condemn those on the opposite side of the aisle as callous, naïve, intolerant or selfish. Yet, when we talk about service, we are forced to recognize our adversary’s values. At the very least, we need to concede that everyone is trying to improve the world, even if we disagree about what that means. I have very strong beliefs about social justice, but I am willing to concede I may be wrong. We are all fallible. We benefit from having conversations with those of different views than us. After all, these are our peers, classmates, and friends. I want to encourage everyone to continue these conversations about our perspective on service. Wednesday’s vote may have served as a litmus test for the social justice and service community, but it certainly does not signal an end to the conversation. We must continue to grapple with these issues. I also want to commend CLAY. They have been exemplary throughout the process, completing all the requirements of provisional membership status. They were warned that the process might end in failure, but they decided to move forward anyway. I disagree with their work, but their commitment to it is certainly admirable. I hope that CLAY will consider continuing a dialogue with Dwight Hall. WILL REDDEN is a senior in Davenport College. Contact him at .

Justice for all? O

ne year ago, when members from the Executive Committee of Dwight Hall, Yale College’s umbrella service organization, approached Choose Life at Yale asking if we would be interested in beginning the process for official membership, we were appreciative and excited. The opportunity, we hoped, would provide a way for us to dialogue with a broader campus audience and to support other organizations within Dwight Hall. Over the year that followed, our relationship grew stronger. Dwight Hall leadership was gracious in affording us space to advertise along with all the other groups during their bazaar, and we learned about the resources that would become available to us as full members. The leadership of CLAY dutifully attended all the regular meetings, got assurances from several board members that all was going smoothly and even raised money for Dwight Hall through their phone-a-thon. Until the week of the vote, the CLAY president was assured that there were no members on the Executive Committee or member organizations who were adamantly opposed to incorporating CLAY.

DWIGHT HALL'S TREATMENT OF THE PROCESS WAS INAPPROPRIATE However, as we were soon to find out, this was blatantly untrue. Unlike the average Dwight Hall cabinet meeting, the week prior to this one featured an intensive whisper campaign — evidenced in an opinion piece in the News this Tuesday which accused CLAY of tactics we have never used and beliefs we have never espoused — in order to convince Dwight Hall constituent groups to vote down CLAY’s membership. Some groups took the issue to their individual members for a vote, but many did not. Not one group approached CLAY at any point in the process for a clarification regarding our mission or how we work to advance the welfare of women and their children, nor was time allotted by Dwight Hall for such questions to be asked. Though groups are only typically allowed one-minute to present, in our case it did not account for the unprecedented nature of the situation. During the proceedings, there was confusion and disagreement about whether some members could vote at all. But far more disrespectful and damaging to Dwight Hall’s reputation is the fact that one of the co-coordinators played a role in

the whisper campaign in the days before the vote, convincing students in and out of Dwight Hall that CLAY’s petition was illegitimate. Indeed, the inability of the organization’s leadership to be impartial was most clear in the abrupt way that CLAY leaders in attendance were unacknowledged after the vote. No one stepped forward to tell us how to proceed, or to even recognize the yearlong relationship we had been forming between our organizations. Had we not approached the co-coordinators afterward, no one would have said a word. We thought it would at least be a sign of respect towards our organization and its efforts to have a follow up after the announcement of the first failed vote in 10 years. Dwight Hall’s treatment of CLAY is unprecedented in its history — no other group in recent memory has ever been rejected. Because of the sensitivity surrounding the issues CLAY deals with, it was incumbent upon Dwight Hall to both foresee these issues and discuss them up front during the provisional membership process. With due clarity, Dwight Hall could have encouraged us to hold an open discussion where we could answer all constituent groups’ questions and concerns. Members of the Dwight Hall Executive Committee have been dishonest from the start, in a matter in which clarity may have resulted in a different outcome. Barring this hurdle, we continue to see no reason why CLAY was barred from joining. What we hope is apparent to people on both sides of the abortion issue is that Dwight Hall leadership did not allow us the opportunity to approach groups in a reasonable, formal way to find an operational middle ground. Had we known a campaign against us was underway, we would have met with Dwight Hall’s member groups ourselves. This free and fair discussion, it seems, is precisely what Dwight Hall’s leadership fought tooth and nail to avoid. We are all obviously disappointed and frustrated with this decision, especially after having gone through this year-long provisional process. Our primary goal at this point is to proceed forward with next year and to demonstrate and continue our commitment to actively advocating social justice. We hope that given the opposition to our entrance, we as a campus can actually use this opportunity to have a legitimate conversation about the definition of social justice. This is a question that concerns us all, and we hope that the inquiry will not stop. We are willing to take this in stride for a true campus dialogue about social justice. Are you? COURTNEY MCEACHON is a junior in Pierson College. Contact her at .

e think we deserve something special. We knock on the door of the universe with our empty bowls and empty baskets, our empty hands. We are waiting for the universe to give us something good. Something beautiful. We are waiting, waiting for the world to change — for our lives to change, for something extraordinary to happen. We are waiting to win. I think about the meaning of my life a lot. Yes, I am a bit of an existentialist, although I I’ve only read a little bit of Sartre and Camus. But I think about who I am a lot, and who I will become. My mind floats away to the future, picturing what is the best way to live, what path will be the fullest and most meaningful. I think I’ve scratched out money as a motivator; I don’t think I need that much money to be happy. I just need enough. I see myself living in some quaint village in coastal California, in a lovely stucco home with ocean décor and smooth wood floors, painted mugs and shelves stocked with tea. I hope my home will be full of love and sentiment, a place where I can invite my parents and siblings. We will laugh and cook. I think I spend so much time trying to reconcile who I will become because deep down, I don’t agree with the standards of life and success Yale has tried to establish in me over the last four years. Deep down, I don’t agree with the idea that money and power are everything. I don’t agree with the fact that if I don’t become a tenured professor somewhere, I have failed. I don’t agree with that.

LET'S PURSUE SOMETHING OTHER THAN MONEY AND POWER; THEY DON'T FULFILL US I think somewhere, inside ourselves, we are hoping the universe will say it’s OK for us to define our own success the way we want to define it. We are waiting to exhale sighs of relief and for the pressure to fade. Yale’s culture makes it difficult to define success outside of academic and professional goals. Yale teaches us how to network, work hard, write killer papers, argue logically and eloquently. But it doesn’t always teach us how to strive towards fulfillment outside of the professional molds that have been set up for us. Who are we, if we are not future bankers and doctors and lawyers and professors? Once, I told a close friend I was considering taking a year off from Yale. I told her I was hesitant about taking the year off because I was afraid I wouldn’t be doing anything that would be productive towards my professional goals. “There are ways to be productive in just taking care of you,” she said. Other than its immense pressure, Yale has been a dream come true. There’s nothing like traipsing about gorgeous gothic buildings days on end, sailing through amazing classes and engaging in fabulous extracurriculars. Yale made this happen. That is the beautiful part about this place — somehow, in the midst of all the pressure, Yale fills us up. Yale fills us up with incredible intellectual treasures given by brilliant professors. Yale fills us up with tremendous experiences: laughing with friends in suites, singing in a cappella groups, acting in plays, dancing at parties like the world will never end. When we set aside the pressure, Yale fills us up in a way that nothing else can fill us. Sometimes, from Yale, we receive a glimmer of hope in understanding ourselves, in finding meaningful ways to live — sitting down with our suitemates and letting them cry on our shoulders, engaging with religious groups (or not), writing papers on topics we truly care about, sitting on cross campus and just watching the world. The small, and sometimes unseen, things that fill us up but have nothing to do with our careers. After Yale, I hope I can find a permanent way to set aside academic and professional pressures and find success in small but meaningful things. I hope I can dream about my house in California without having to worry about the salary I need to earn, the professional status I need to achieve, the networking I need to do. We deserve something special from this world. Yale has taught us how to find something special in ourselves and we need to capitalize on that. To live fully, we don’t need to just live as bankers and doctors and lawyers and professors, but to live as people who have defined success differently. It’s OK to define success today as just simply reading that book you’ve always wanted to read, even though it’s not for a class. It’s OK to define success today as just taking a nap. We deserve something special. We are artists, entrepreneurs, thinkers, lovers, friends. We should live this way. ERINMA KALU is a senior in Branford College. Contact her at .




“O day of days when we can read! The reader and the book — either without the other is naught.” RAPLH WALDO EMERSON AMERICAN PHILOSOPHER

Beinecke prepares for major renovation BEINECKE FROM PAGE 1 approximately 120,000 books from the Beinecke. Schroeder said shipments will be delivered to the facility every two weeks until the end of 2014. An additional collection of books will be stored in the Beinecke’s basement stacks. According to Schroeder, a temporary HVAC system will be installed in the basement in December to ensure a suitable storage environment for the books. Due to the relocation of the Beinecke’s holdings, access to certain collections will be limited for six to eight weeks. After they are moved, 24 to 48 hours will be required to retrieve cetain books for a student or researcher. “Some of these books might be the only copy in the world, so we have to make sure that once it goes out to the secondary place we know exactly where it is on the shelf,” Young explained. Schroeder said staff members are making an effort to reduce the inconvenience to researchers by providing advance notice as to when collections will be unavailable. Additionally, he said, the Beinecke is working with graduate students who have received Bei-

necke fellowships to ensure that they will be able to access the collections they need for their dissertations. Young said one of the main aims of the renovation is to improve experiences for students and professors who use the library’s classrooms. Renovation committees are currently finalizing floor plans for two new classrooms to be developed in spaces that were previously used as offices. According to Schroeder, one classroom will be a teaching laboratory where students can work with the “material culture of things,” such as ink and parchment. Young said the new classrooms, as well as the four existing ones, will be equipped with stateof-the-art technology — some of which could be useful for online teaching initiatives. The other major part of the Beinecke’s project currently in development is the Winchester Avenue office space located at Science Park. Young said the University has designated some “raw space” in its complex of buildings — which was formerly a rifle factory before it was purchased by Yale several years ago — for the Beinecke to construct new offices. All employees currently in the

Beinecke will have move to other locations next year, shortly before the start of the major renovations. Young said the majority of staff members will temporarily utilize the Science Park office space, while about a quarter will move to Sterling Library. The library’s technical services department, however, will move permanently to the Science Park offices. “The Beinecke has over one hundred staff,” Schroeder said. “If had the space I would keep everyone on-site, but the building was not designed with that many staff in mind.” Schroeder said the move has its benefits, as it will consolidate staff currently working in four locations — the Beinecke, the library shelving facility, Sterling Library and a satellite office on Whitney Avenue — in one location. The office space at Science Park will also be custom-designed, Young said, adding that the construction for these offices will begin in June 2014. Preservation Coordination Librarian and Registrar Rebecca Hatcher, who will be one of the librarians permanently moving to Science Park, said the new location will allow for greater flexibility and space. She added that the


The Beinecke staff hopes renovations will provide an optimal environment for preserving books. renovation planning efforts have been stressful for Beinecke staff, who still must carry out their daily jobs as well. To reduce the strain on Beinecke employees, acquisitions will be halted for one year starting in July. Young said the funds that would have been allotted to acquisitions next year will be frozen,

Students organize climate conference

possibly to be used in the coming years for larger acquisitions or projects. Schroeder said he is confident that the labor-intensive planning efforts would ultimately pay off. “One of the big-picture goals of the renovation is to ensure that we have the right environment for preserving the books and man-


CLIMATE FROM PAGE 1 corporations and government officials. Dan Esty, a Yale professor at the Yale School for Forestry and Environmental Studies and Yale Law School and former commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, sat on a panel about the causes of energy uncertainty. Political scientist and economist Karen Hussey from Australian National University also sat on the panel. “These scenarios [predicting future energy mixtures] come out every year,” she said. “It’s very useful to bring experts together to say let’s unpack that a little bit. For the students I think it’s tremendously valuable to have access to international perspectives.

For us as invited speakers, I’ve found it enormously valuable to meet my colleagues, often who’ve been names on papers.” Hussey called the undergraduate role in planning the conference “extraordinary.” Student organizers Matt Goldklang ’16 and Jared Katzman ’16 emphasized the importance of putting young leaders and policy experts in conversation with each other. “What’s most exciting is in the preparation of the conference, we made a specific effort to bring people that weren’t thinking the same things,” Katzman said. “Each one has their own specific expertise, and its really interesting that the these panels are going to put them in discussion with each other to see what new ideas can come

out of it.” Yale students in attendance said the conference was engaging and informative. Deepa Subramanian, a postdoctoral student of chemical and environmental engineering said she appreciated the panelists’ diverse perspectives. Mitchel Waldon ’17 said the conference was insightful and exposed him to aspects of the energy conversation that he had not previously considered, such as the economic barriers that exist in implementing renewable technologies. More than 200 students, faculty, and YCEI members attended the conference. Contact TASNIM ELBOUTE at .


YDC aims for inclusivity DRAMA FROM PAGE 1

The Yale Climate and Energy Institute held its fifth annual conference on Thursday.

uscripts that are at the Beinecke while making the collections more widely available,” he said. The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library was originally gifted to the University in 1963.

Under the new constitution, Ross said, five out of the 14 board members — the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and publicity chair — will be elected by the previous board and members of the community who have met the requirements for board meeting attendance. YDC Secretary Eli Block ’16 explained that the previous electoral process involved a nomination system in which students on the YDC mailing panlist, which currently numbers over 900 students, were given the opportunity to nominate themselves or others for YDC board positions. The existing board would then consider the nominations and elect the new board without direct participation from the wider community, Block said. He added that the current board, as well as previous boards, felt that this process was not sufficiently transparent or democratic. Eliza Robertson ’17, YDC special events coordinator, said the election reforms are part of the YDC’s broader aim to involve the entire performing arts community in its decisions. Block noted that the YDC currently receives much of its feedback indirectly — through informal conversations between individual students and their friends who are involved with the YDC. The organization’s website, which was last redesigned in early 2013, is also undergoing several key changes. Block said the YDC is currently working with the Yale College Dean’s Office as well as with the web development group Common Media to

build a new site that will improve the way information about productions is shared among members of the performing arts community and with the general public. One new feature will allow producers to send reminders to those who have reserved tickets to a particular show, Ross said. Block explained that in the past, some would reserve tickets weeks in advance and then forget to cancel their reservations after discovering that they were unable to attend a performance. Another new website feature will allow students involved with performances to categorize their shows using a variety of labels for different forms of performing arts, such as ‘comedy’ and ‘dance.’ Block explained that since Fall 2013, the YDC has allowed all performance groups, including ones that do not specialize in theater — such as improv and dance groups — to advertise their shows on the YDC website. This feature will allow the YDC to further centralize information about all types of performing arts productions on campus into one website and help users to quickly find the types of shows they are interested in attending, Block said. While these options will be available, Block noted, their use will not be mandatory. “There is so much diversity in the performing arts community that we did not want to force people into specific categories,” Block said. The Yale Drama Coalition was founded in 1999. Contact ERIC XIAO at .

Yale woos students through the web BULLDOG DAYS FROM PAGE 1 Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jeremiah Quinlan said Yale’s outreach efforts have been drastically revamped in the last two years under Dunn’s leadership. In prior years, Yale routinely sent one broad email with a comprehensive summary of the University’s extracurricular and academic life. But the office decided to scrap that model, he said, because the emails were often too lengthy and failed to capture prospective students’ attention. Last year was the first time that admissions officers sent admitted students tailored emails based on parts of their application such as their answers to the famous “Why Yale” question or the interests expressed in their personal essays. As an example, Quinlan said a student who expressed interest in the Brady-Johnson Grand Strategy program in his “Why Yale” question might have received a condensed email with more information about the class and its

associated opportunities. This year, to streamline the process, admitted students were asked to fill out a survey when they first logged into the accepted student website. According to Dunn, the newly accepted students had to list four parts of Yale that they wanted to learn more about from a selection of 22 options. By the end of April, each accepted student who filled out the survey will have received four emails that comprehensively explain each of these subjects, he said. Dunn said Yale’s outreach efforts to accepted students differ from the information that is available to all applicants. Although most of the information in the emails is public information, the admissions office wants admitted students to feel like the outreach effort is an insider’s guide to Yale, he added. “Whereas if a prospective student asks about [Directed Studies], we would probably give them the basic layout and the syllabus, with admitted stu-

dents we’ll give them exposure to actual students,” Dunn said. “The crucial goal is to get the admitted student to start imagining himself as a part of our community.” In addition to the email program, Quinlan said the office is uploading more content on digital platforms such as Facebook or YouTube each year. This year, for the first time, the University launched a series of recorded Google Hangouts. The first Google Hangout, in which admitted students could see their questions answered in real time, took place in February, hosted by the Admissions Office in conjunction with a number of faculty who answered student questions about research opportunities and academic programs at Yale. “We wanted to highlight Yale’s commitment to excellence in undergraduate education with this Hangout,” Dunn said. He added that the office brought professors from a wide array of disciplines to the Hang-

out to underscore the University’s intellectual diversity. Still, both Quinlan and Dunn said the bulk of the school’s recruitment efforts are intentionally driven by Yale undergraduates because admitted students appreciate the passion and sincerity of current students. In addition to February’s Google Hangout with the faculty, Dunn said the office is hosting a Google Hangout every Sunday in the month of April, during which current students employed by the office answer admitted students’ questions on different themes. The Hangouts are recorded and uploaded on both the admitted students’ website and the admitted students’ Facebook page. This year is also the first year that students have produced videos to help admitted students envision their lives in New Haven. The four videos, like the emails and Hangouts, are being posted weekly throughout the month to ensure that content continues to be uploaded regularly, Dunn said.

Quinlan said these new initiatives reflect how the Internet’s evolving landscape changes the channels through which colleges can connect with students. “When I was in charge of outreach, the big thing was Internet chat rooms,” he said, adding that the University scrapped these chat rooms in the past few years because of declining participation by students. Still, both college counselors and admissions officers interviewed said it is unclear what role outreach efforts play in persuading students where to matriculate. David Petersam, president of Virginia-based higher education consulting group AdmissionsConsultants, said even though Harvard had to cancel Visitas — its equivalent of Bulldog Days — last year in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing, the college still recorded its highest yield numbers in recent memory. “I’m often in two minds about this,” Dunn said, adding that although he thinks the initia-

tives his office implements do matter, he does not expect Yale’s yield rate to jump significantly, as changes are often developed incrementally from year-to-year. Two admitted students said Yale’s online presence and outreach is significantly better than the other selective schools. “My friend group included students who got into not only Yale but also Princeton and Harvard and Stanford,” said prospective student Malina SimardHaim, adding that she and her friends agree that Yale has been the most enthusiastic and frequent in contacting accepted students. Kaysie Gonzalez, another prospective student, said Yale’s frequent outreach demonstrates the University’s commitment to a friendly and accessible environment for undergraduate students. Yale’s yield rate for the class of 2017 was 68.3 percent. Contact RISHABH BHANDARI at .




“You can’t undo a deportation.” JONATHAN SHAPIRO CARTOONIST

Deportation protests end in arrests

NCAA proposes unlimited meals BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER Residential colleges currently have a structured, three mealper-day plan that is served between certain hours, rather than around the clock. But at Yale, as well as all other NCAA governed schools, that may change for student-athletes. On Tuesday, the NCAA legislative council passed a proposal that allows the expansion of the meal plan for athletes to include unlimited meals and snacks. The plan would extend to all athletes, including walk-ons. After months of debate, the committee passed the proposal for all schools, regardless of whether or not they offer scholarships — meaning the measure would affect Ivies.

I’m very happy that the NCAA is accommodating the athletes for whom [the current meal plan is not sufficient.] BRIAN HOGAN ‘16 Member, swim team “As written, the new NCAA legislation on providing meals and snacks incidental to participation would also apply to Ivy League student-athletes,” said Ivy League Executive Director Robin Harris. “However, as we do with many NCAA proposals that get adopted, we will be presenting this proposal and its ramifications to the Ivy League athletics directors in May. They may decide to allow the rule to apply as written, or they may decide to make modifications.” The previous standards permitted an allowance of three meals per day to be covered for scholarship athletes, but excluded walk-ons and nonscholarship athletes such as those at Yale and other Ivies.

While this was a policy that previously had no effect on Yale — as the mandates only applied to scholarship students — its extension to walk-ons and nonscholarship athletes would force the Ivies to make change. While the current meal plan system does not accommodate everyone, for some studentathletes at Yale, the current meal plan is sufficient. “The way our practice schedule is set up on the swim team allows three meals to be sufficient,” Brian Hogan ’16 said. “But I’m very happy that the NCAA is accommodating the athletes for whom [the current meal plan is not sufficient].” The modified meal plan was not the only measure proposed by the legislative committee on Tuesday. The committee also passed proposals that would require football players to take at least a three-hour break between practices as well as requiring a staff member who is certified in First Aid, CPR and defibrillation to be present at all athletic contests. “My personal opinion regarding all of the discussion surrounding these topics is that it is time for the NCAA and thus the Ivy League to review carefully many of the rules, regulations and policies associated with college athletics,” said Director of Athletics Tom Beckett. The committee also agreed to propose a change to the positive drug test policy. Instead of athletes being suspended for an entire season for a positive street drug test during an NCAA championship event, the punishment would be reduced to just half a season — if it is the student-athlete’s first positive test. The NCAA Board of Directors must pass the proposals on April 24 before they can be implemented. If passed, they will take effect Aug. 1. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .


Nineteen activists were arrested Thursday afternoon in Boston while protesting deportation policies. BY SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC STAFF REPORTER Nineteen activists, including one Yale student, were arrested Thursday afternoon in Boston while protesting deportation policies. The demonstration, coordinated by the national antideportation campaign Not One More, attracted 150–200 activists from across New England who called for President Barack Obama to use executive powers to halt deportations and grant undocumented immigrants deferred action, which would allow them to stay in the country indefinitely. Demonstrators picketed, sang and marched in front of the Suffolk County House of Correction, which holds hundreds of immigrant detainees slated for deportation alongside other incarcerated people. The detention center was the site of a hunger strike last October, and is currently embroiled in lawsuits alleging poor conditions and indefinite detention. The activists who were arrested, among them Gregory Williams DIV ’15, had planned the act of civil disobedience in order to put more pressure on lawmakers, said Bliss Requa-Trautz, an organizer for

Comunidades Justas, an immigrant advocacy group based in Springfiield, Mass. “We came together from across New England to send a message to Obama that we want not one more deportation,” Requa-Trautz said. “Not only is our immigration system broken, but it’s also inhumane because families are torn apart and suffering.” Over half of the 500 immigrants deported from Massachusetts were detained and deported under minor charges like traffic violations, she said. After warning the 19 activists who were blocking the door of the prison three times over the course of an hour, police outfitted in riot gear began handcuffing and physically removing them. The men and women were moved to separate vans and taken to a police station in the city for processing at 1:30 p.m. Williams said that once protestors got to the police station, authorities threatened to hold them until Tuesday, but they eventually released them around 10 p.m. “The purpose of civil disobedience is to expose injustice and violence already taking place by forcing authorities to practice that violence out in the

open,” Williams said. “The way we took control of the situation in jail was an exercise in community solidarity and resistance from within.” Police were respectful and non-violent during the arrests, said New London immigration activist Sylvia Masson. After hauling away the protestors, about 60 officers from ICE, local forces, and the sheriff’s department formed a blockade around the detention center. “We fully respect people’s rights to free speech and peaceful protest, but when that protest infringes upon the safe and secure operation of our facility, we are obliged to take appropriate action,” Peter Van Delft, a spokesman for the sheriff’s office, told the Boston Globe. Another goal of the demonstration was to pressure Massachusetts to follow Connecticut and California in passing the Trust Act, which bars Immigration and Customs Enforcement from using local and state law enforcement data to identify and detain undocumented immigrants. Activists hope Massachusettes will become the third state to reel in Secure Communities, a farreaching federal enforcement

policy that has resulted in the highest number of deportations in American history. Since Connecticut passed the Trust Act, deportations in the state have decreased, and immigrants are more likely to call local police if they are witnesses to or victims of a crime, Requa-Trautz said. “The dragnet of deportation is as wide and overreaching as ever,” said B. Loewe, spokesperson for the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. “The Trust Act is saving so many people who would be getting separated from their families by needless and unjust deportations.” Organizers held the protest at the detention center not only to send a message to politicians, but also to send a message to the hundreds of detainees inside, Masson said “People in the detention center were watching us, and displaying ‘Not One More’ signs in their windows,” she said. “We wanted to show them that they were not alone — that we are here.” According to ICE, 368,644 people were deported in 2013. Contact SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC at sebastain.medina-tayac .

Salovey pushes Yale involvement in CT BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS AND POOJA SALHOTRA STAFF REPORTERS In his first year in office, University President Peter Salovey has made efforts to ensure that town-gown relations extend beyond New Haven alone. Over the course of the year, Salovey and Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy have met a number of times to discuss collaboration between the University and the state. Salovey has met with Malloy, along with New Haven Mayor Toni Harp ARC ’78, to encourage economic development in the city and the surrounding region. In the academic sphere, Salovey has encouraged faculty from both Yale and the public University of Connecticut to work together. “There’s a lot of alignment of interest between Yale, the mayor and the governor. It’s a good moment,” Salovey said. “We’re figuring out where the common ground is.” Cooperation between Yale and Connecticut has emerged, in part, from a goal Salovey articulated when he took office last year: encouraging entrepreneurship. Connecticut Innovations, an organization that provides financing and support for upstart Connecticut companies, partnered with Yale last fall to create a $2.5 million Yale Entrepreneurship Institute Innovation Fund to support YEI projects. The money will provide up to $100,000 to selected companies to support their growth. Malloy — whose office could not be reached for comment this week — has a vested interest in keeping startup companies in New Haven, as they provide tax

revenue and keep residents in the state. The CI partnership does just that, said University Vice President for New Haven and State Affairs Bruce Alexander ’65. He added that the partnership also creates jobs in the city of New Haven. Salovey said Yale can work with nearby colleges and universities — such as the University of Connecticut, Southern Connecticut State University and Gateway Community College — to build a strong regional workforce.

I still dream someday of a train that takes less than an hour [to get to New York]. PETER SALOVEY President, Yale University “Perhaps we can experiment with some regional partnerships that will develop jobs for people in our communities,” Harp suggested. Maintaining a functioning transportation infrastructure is another way of helping to keep residents in New Haven and Connecticut, city officials and University administrators said. Both Salovey and Malloy have thrown their support behind improving service on the Metro-North railroad. “I still dream someday of a train that takes less than an hour [to get to New York],” Salovey said. Alexander said that though the University is playing no formal role in efforts to improve MetroNorth, Yale would like to

see the state increase service between New Haven and New York. In early February, Malloy announced a $10 million investment into augmenting the electrical capacity on Metro-North’s New Haven line. Recently, collaborations between Yale and the University of Connecticut have begun to take shape as well. Salovey said he has met multiple times with both Malloy and UConn President Susan Herbst. High-performance computing and research on biomedical devices are particularly promising areas for collaboration, Salovey said. Two Yale faculty members, Mark Saltzman and Peter Schulam, created the Center for Biomedical and Interventional Technology at Yale, a new center for medical device development. Saltzman and Schulam said they have reached out to faculty at UConn to bring together teams of collaborators from both universities. Thus far, the group has held a workshop for CBIT that brought together stakeholders from both Yale and the University of Connecticut. There are “synergies between the two campuses and the opportunity for shared resources,” Shulam said. Saltzman added that there has been “terrific enthusiasm” from both universities regarding the project. Malloy has served as governor since January 2011. Salovey and Harp stepped into their roles in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at matthew.lloyd-thomas and POOJA SALHOTRA at .


Peter Salovey, Gov. Dannel Malloy and Mayor Toni Harp are working to encourage entrepreneurship in the city.




“Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.” ADAM ANT ENGLISH MUSICIAN

Different evaluations of Yale Health viewed are unaware of these complaints. When students seek MH&C services, they bemoan the time spent between seeking treatment and walking into their first therapy session, a period significantly longer than in other departments. They report longer waiting times than administrators’ data reveal. And while they think MH&C needs more physicians, administrators are less convinced. Though recently published grievances against Yale Health have centered on quality of care, based on interviews with 34 students, these incidents appear more the exception than the rule. Indeed, quality of care seems less an issue than getting care at all. When asked about Yale’s progress on mental health issues, University President Peter Salovey said gathering data will be central to driving future efforts. “I’d very much like to move beyond anecdotal and impressionistic understandings, and toward understandings of the challenges and the solutions and toward ones that are rooted in some kind of empirical evidence. ”


Kim Huang ’17 was less than thrilled. First, she had fallen on ice and hurt her knee. Then, she had made her way to Yale Health’s Acute Care department only to wait for an hour before being seen. This was on a Friday. When she finally crossed the threshold of the doctor’s office, she was informed that the earliest available X-ray appointment was the following Tuesday. It would only take 30 minutes, the staff said, but because they forgot to submit an X-ray request on Friday, Huang ended up waiting four hours. Only a small portion of students interviewed and surveyed recounted experiences with nonmental health services as extreme as Huang’s. However, many expressed frustration with how long they waited before seeing a physician. It is not that it is difficult to secure an appointment with Student Health. In fact, 79 percent of students surveyed said they felt the length of time they waited between scheduling and walking into their appointment was “reasonable.” But many students interviewed said the time they spent sitting in waiting-room chairs before hearing their names called was simply too long. Colleen McCormack ’17 is one of those students. She had spent the morning vomiting, and assumed she would be treated immediately. When she waited for two hours, McCormack said she was beyond frustrated. Andrea Villena ’15 had a similar experience. For two hours in the waiting room, Villena watched as doctors passed her and headed to lunch. She left with a poor impression of the department. According to students interviewed, the wait problem is especially prevalent in Acute Care. After jumping off a few stairs and hitting his heel, Peter Nguyen ’15 needed an X-ray. He heard his name called three hours after arriving at the department. Other students interviewed recounted unreasonably long wait times in the Acute Care Department. Of Yale’s roughly 5,400 undergraduates, approximately 700 are assigned to one doctor, John James, assistant chief of student health and athletic medicine. Most athletes interviewed appreciated having a doctor who understands their medical history. But five of ten athletes interviewed also said that hiring a single physician for 700 athletes, many of whom need more frequent treatment than the average student, is nonsensical. “It’s absolutely outrageous that out of every single [doctor] at Yale, we’re only allowed to see one,” said Matt Nussbaum ’15, a runner on the Men’s Track & Field team. “There’s a real feeling among athletes that Yale Health is entirely inadequate.” James Shirvell ’14, another member of the track and field team, echoed Nussbaum’s sentiment. James is knowledgeable and helpful, he said, but he is completely overworked. “No matter how qualified a person is, that’s just a lot of people to treat without getting burnt out,” said Liana Epstein ’14, a member of the Women’s Cross Country Team. Rigsby said it is not true that their Yale Health resources are limited to James, contrary to some

athletes’ beliefs. If an athlete has a sports-related injury, James is the first stop. But for a sore throat, they can just walk into Student Health like any other Yale student. Still, if an athlete needs to see a specialist, he or she must first get a referral from James, Genecin added. While undergraduates are not wholly satisfied with their Student Health and specialty department experiences, the data collected by the administration paints a different picture. Yale Health’s internal patient survey data show high satisfaction rates that consistently fall in the 80s and 90s on a 100-point scale, Rigsby said. In a News survey asking students about their experiences with Yale Health that was sent out to 1,600 students and answered by 368, student satisfaction across departments fell within the mediocre mid-4 to mid-6 range on a 10-point scale. When asked about the negative experiences of students like McCormack and Villena, Rigsby was surprised. “Waiting two hours after an appointment time would be an extremely unusual circumstance,” he said. “I’d like to hear from people who have experienced this, so we can see what went wrong.”

YALE HEALTH SERVICES ACCORDING TO STUDENTS On a scale of 1–10, students rated: ENT Pharmacy

Overall satisfaction with each department

Ophthalmology Mental Health Nutrition



4 Mental Health


In December 2012, Robert Peck ’15 was optimistic about beginning therapy at Yale Health. After his preliminary MH&C assessment, he picked up the phone and called the receptionist desk to schedule his first therapy appointment. The receptionist said she would make sure to get him an appointment within two weeks to catch him before he left for winter break. The promised appointment never came, said Peck, a former staffer for the News. When he followed up after break, MH&C staff said they did not have an opening for the next three to four months. Peck never began therapy. Another student, who requested anonymity out of a desire to keep her mental health issues private, said that MH&C had yet to assign her a psychiatrist five weeks after intake. She called






Nutrition ENT

Ease of scheduling an appointment

Physical Therapy


According to Yale Health administrators, the issues facing student health are few and far between. But according to students, the unreasonable time spent in waiting room chairs points to a need for more staff. “The phrase ‘understaffed’ comes up in every [conversation about Yale Health],” Simone Policano ’16 said. And the majority of students interviewed who gave suggestions about how to improve services recommended hiring more physicians. To them, it is mostly a numbers game. Athletes in particular think that Yale Health needs more physicians. “Think about it — there’s one doctor for every single athlete at Yale,” Nussbaum said. ”Do you really think we don’t have the money to get additional doctors?” To Genecin and Rigsby, it is not money that matters — in both Student Health and Athletic Medicine, they simply do not see understaffing as an urgent problem. Though Genecin said in an email that Yale Health is “recruiting in Student Medicine and [anticipates] some growth in other areas based on increasing demand,” he emphasized that students’ perceptions of staffing problems are incomplete. Rigsby added that access and wait time are more complicated than staffing levels. “They’re generally one part of that puzzle,” he said. “In student health, we’re pretty comfortable with what our staffing levels are currently.” When asked what patient concerns Student Health had recently addressed, Risgby spoke about rolling out lower barrier STI testing and extended clinic hours. Just last week, Yale Health held its first rapid STI testing clinic, providing patients with test results in 20 minutes. Student Health now holds extended evening hours throughout much of the academic year. Paradoxically, they are underattended, he said. But of the 34 students interviewed, none mentioned reducing barriers to STI testing as a pressing issue at Yale Health, and only one said she would like to see longer clinic hours.

Physical Therapy Student Health

Student Health


Ophthalmology the desk to follow up, and the receptionist said she would leave a message with her intake doctor. The student waited another five days before she heard from the psychiatrist. Students surveyed reported significantly lower satisfaction with mental health than other departments. Sixty-five percent of respondents said they felt they had waited an unreasonable length of time between calling in to schedule an appointment and walking in for intake, compared to an average of 34 percent across other departments surveyed. In contrast to non-mental health departments, where students and administrators are talking past each other, the two groups have started to engage in meaningful dialogue on mental health. Salovey said the University Cabinet had a “substantial discussion” about the topic on its last retreat, and that although the Yale Corporation’s deliberations are confidential, it has also been involved in the discussion. Chief Psychiatrist at Yale Health Lorraine Siggins did not respond to multiple requests for comment. On March 31, Genecin reached out to the undergraduate student body, announcing three initiatives to improve dialogue with the Yale Health administration. This month, four residential colleges are hosting “listening sessions” for undergraduates to share their MH&C concerns with administrators. Genecin also announced the creation of a student advisory committee that will serve as liaison between students and administrators. MH&C will also improve its website to make resources more accessible. Genecin knows that though there may now be more communication between students and administrators on mental health, the two groups still fail to see eye to eye. He understands that students are frustrated with the length of time they have to wait between scheduling and walking into an appointment, and he is trying to understand the underlying reason. “For many years, we’ve rightly prided ourselves on our mental health services,” Genecin said. “We’ve been validated by visiting committees and corporations. When we look at [our mental health services], and when students look at [them], we see different things. So why is that?” It may be that, listening tours and meetings with the newly created Mental Health Student Advisory Committee aside, some of the most important issues facing students — how long they are waiting between scheduling and intake, and between intake and initial therapy appointment — are not perceived to be as severe or pressing as students feel they are. According to Genecin, a student will wait on average a few days between scheduling an intake appointment and walking into the appointment. The aver-

Do you think there was a reasonable wait time for this department?

Mental Health 35 Ear, Nose, Throat Nutrition 20 Physical Therapy

Percentage of students who answered“yes”




age wait between intake and first therapy appointment is around one to two weeks, he said. Students surveyed told a different story. In their experience, the average wait time between scheduling and intake is much longer —around two and a half weeks. While some students surveyed waited only four to five days, others waited a month. The discrepancy in data suggests why students and administrators are proposing different solutions: they are simply not seeing the same problem. Still, even when students’ concerns are clearly communicated, the challenge does not end. “It doesn’t matter if they’re talking about their course work, the accessibility of faculty, whether courses are easy or hard to get into — everyone in higher [education] does struggle with how do you get information from students that’s actionable,” Genecin said. “We don’t think the waiting time [before intake] is too excessive. We think that students don’t come in with a good set of expectations based on what we’re providing.”


Students interviewed said they believed improving MH&C services largely hinges on hiring more physicians — larger numbers means quicker care, they said. But Genecin is quick to push back against this belief. “There’s a perception of a staffing issue being the be-all, endall,” Genecin said in late March, soon after announcing his three mental health initiatives. “It’s more complicated [than that].” Answering his own question about why students and administrators have drastically different perceptions of MH&C services, Genecin offered two ideas. First, the process of access-

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Student Health Ophthalmology OB/GYN Pharmacy


50 39 89 40


ing services is opaque. Many students are unaware that their first appointment is an intake appointment — the therapist or social worker is not there to help them address their problems, but simply to figure out what they are. And the wait between intake and the first therapy appointment, even if only two weeks, can feel like an eternity in a 13-week semester, especially when unexpected, Genecin said. Second, many students believe their mental health challenges will be solved immediately, without any personal effort. “You find out in therapy that the person who does the work is you,” Genecin said. “There isn’t really anybody you can go to [at Yale Health] who actually will be a life coach to tell you what to do about your roommate or how to deal with the fact that you didn’t get this or that that you wanted.” Genecin thinks the solution to these issues lies in better management of expectations, an approach that universities have historically not considered. Yale Health needs to follow the lead of more sophisticated companies that successfully manage expectations, he said, offering a hallmark corporation as an example. At Disney World, customers are told to expect waiting a few hours in line. When customers end up waiting only an hour, they are elated, Genecin explained. Ernest Baskin GRD ’16, the Chair of the Yale Health Member Advisory Committee and one of its three student members, echoed Genecin’s statements. He added that while students may be frustrated with mental health wait times, it is important to keep in mind that those at Yale are significantly better than those at other institutions. Echoing Salovey’s call for empirical evidence, Vice President for Student Life Kimberly



Goff-Crews ’83 LAW ’86 said in an email that success going forward hinges on having the right information. “The largest challenge ahead is one currently faced by all institutions of higher education — we do not yet have enough evidence to support and denote which practices are most effective at improving student mental health,” she wrote. To Genecin, who will hold his final mental health listening session on April 24, gathering the necessary information and bridging the divide in understanding will be a collaborative process. “There’s a big communication gap,” Genecin said. “We need a lot of help with that from our students.”


In Student Health and specialty departments, students and administrators are not talking over, but rather past each other. And in MH&C, where administrators have at least heard students’ concerns, neither can agree on the severity and extent of the problems facing patients. Students i n te r v i e we d expressed concern with wait times, both in the waiting room and between scheduling and walking into their appointment. But most said that once they crossed the threshold of the doctor’s office, their sagas of frustration ended. Epstein said she worries that these barriers to entry could keep students from seeking care. “It’s really discouraging because [Yale Health offers a] beneficial service, but if people think they’re going to have to wait a really long time, they’re not going to go,” she said. “That’s the real shame.” Contact HANNAH SCHWARZ at .




“Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves.” TIM BERNERS-LEE BRITISH COMPUTER SCIENTIST

“City Youth Stat” to help fight violence BY ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER STAFF REPORTER In the wake of a string of youth gun deaths since January, Mayor Toni Harp promised a “peaceful retaliation” on Thursday. Data will be the city’s weapon of choice in the war against gun violence. Flanked by prominent city officials at an afternoon press conference at City Hall, Harp unveiled a new initiative designed to mobilize statistics to identify and assist at-risk children. Regular briefings will allow City Hall, the Board of Education, the police and fire departments and other agencies to share data about truancy, school suspensions, arrests and probation violations. Termed “City Youth Stat,” the program is modeled on the CompStat system, which was first employed by the New York City Police Department. The system uses technology to help map crime and plan solutions. “This information will help save lives,” Harp said. She added that planning for the initiative began as soon as she took office in January and marks an attempt to ensure results-based accountability in the operation of city government. The briefings, weekly at first but subject to change, will kick off Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. at the Co-op High School. By tracking categories of at-risk behavior, the city will be in a better position to reach the needs of individual students, said New Haven Public Schools Superintendent Garth Harries ’95. Harries said the death of 16-year-old Torrence Gamble Jr., who was shot in the head at the beginning of April, was a call to arms to improve safety for teenagers. He recalled an email he received from Gamble’s eighth-grade teacher soon after her student was shot. It described how she had hoped to attend Gamble’s graduation in a few years, not visit him in jail. “We know these kids. We know who they are,” Harries said, adding that records of truancy and transfers among

schools are often helpful indicators of troubled behavior. “Our job is to reach the next Torrence before violence happens.” Harp said the data program will provide a means for various stakeholders — from police and fire to community advocacy groups — to collaborate. The Department of Children and Families will no longer work in isolation from the city’s Youth Services Department. New Haven Police Chief Dean Esserman and Fire Chief Allyn Wright also threw their weight behind the “City Youth Stat” initiative. Wright, who has been on the job for just over two weeks, dwelled on two anecdotes from last week’s neighborhood canvass, which aimed to engage with families about problems associated with gun violence. He said he encountered two children in particular — in the Hill neighborhood and in Newhallville — who were eager to make a better future for themselves. Individual agencies cannot always solve problems by themselves, said Youth Services Director Jason Bartlett. In implementing the data sharing plan, he added, the city must strike a delicate balance between tracking student behavior and ensuring privacy. The data briefings mark the latest step in the city’s multifaceted attempt to curb gun violence. 50 people have already signed up as mentors with My Brother’s Keeper, a program that will pair police officers and educators with at-risk youth. The city also kept six schools open during this week’s spring recess to provide a safe haven for children. Rachel Heerema, executive director of the Citywide Youth Coalition, said the city is doing a good job of “drilling down to reach individual young people.” Still, she said realistic goals are critical: If promises of safety to children and families fall through, that only exacerbates the strain. CompStat was first introduced in New York City in 1994. Contact ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER at .


The city will use data to identify at-risk children in an effort to reduce gun violence.

$308 million biotech investment unveiled



BioMed Realty has agreed to invest $308 million in two prominent sites for life science research-bsaed businesses. BY J.R. REED STAFF REPORTER In the most recent boost to the Elm City’s burgeoning biotech industry, BioMed Realty has agreed to invest $308 million in two prominent sites for life science researchbased businesses. The two buildings — 300 George St. and 100 College St. — were both built to grow the life science research community adjacent to the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven. The property at 300 George St. houses a nine-story complex boasting 519,000 square feet of laboratory and office space, which includes significant long term leases to Yale and the Yale-New Haven Hospital. The second property at 100 College St., which will feature 508,000 square feet of lab and office space, will serve as the new international headquarters for the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company Alexion when it returns to New Haven in June 2015. Winstanley Enterprises LLC, a real estate development company that has worked in New Haven

for 15 years, became partners with BioMed, a publicly traded company based in San Diego to fund the project. BioMed owns properties in Boston, San Francisco, San Diego, North Carolina and the United Kingdom. The company revealed in a press release that, through a continuing partnership with Winstanley, they will continue to provide construction and property management services for the project. “This opportunity allows BioMed Realty and Wexford [a subsidiary of BioMed specializing in facilities for university-related research parks] to work with and build upon the established relationships with worldrenowned tenants like Yale University, Yale-New Haven Hospital and Alexion.” President of BioMed Realty Kent Griffin said in a statement. “We look forward to utilizing our expertise in the well-established life science community in New Haven.” Carter Winstanley, a principal of the firm, said the company plans to continue to provide day-to-day services at both buildings during the construction period. He said that the firm will also still interface with

alders as hiring contracts regarding hiring continue to be negotiated and sorted. BioMed administrators said the company became interested in investing in the Elm City based on the Yale School of Medicine’s close proximity, and the school’s and Yale-New Haven Hospital’s longterm involvement at 300 George St. Mahir Rahman ’16, who works in a lab at 300 George St. as a research assistant, said he thinks this investment is critical to start attracting more people interested in biotech to New Haven. “I think a lot of students here are interested in pursuing a career in biotech or research-related businesses, but right now there are some other areas that are more attractive [than New Haven],” Rahman said. “This is a step in the right direction.” BioMed has invested significant dollars in Kendall Square in Boston, where they own 3.3 million square feet of life science offices and lab space. Contact J.R. REED at .

Connecticut is fighting for its share of Sandy relief funds for public transit. Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Department of Transportation Commissioner James P. Redeker recently requested $603 million from the federal government for three projects restoring the New Haven railway line after Superstorm Sandy. The money is part of a total $3 billion allocated by the Federal Transit Association in October 2012 for restoring transit systems in the 11 states affected by the hurricane. The projects — revamping the line’s communications systems, reconstructing the Norwalk River Railroad Bridge and updating the New Haven Rail Yard’s power transmission system — are expected to cost an approximate total of $800 million, according to a press release from the Governor’s office last week. “We learned some tough lessons during Superstorm Sandy, but one of the most important was that several aspects of our transportation infrastructure are in dire need of hardening measures,” Malloy said in a statement. “The New Haven Line is the busiest single commuter rail system in America and the backbone of our economy, and its failure due to a weather-related event would have a catastrophic ripple effect throughout the region and the nation.” Malloy added that Hurricane Sandy has increased the urgency with which the state must invest in transportation. The state will take a central role in the project, funding approximately $82 million of the $346 million communications revamping project, $116 million of the $465 million Norwalk bridge project and $3 million of the $12 million New Haven rail yard project. John Hartwell, vice chair of the Connecticut Commuter Rail Council, said the success of the state at procuring federal funds hinge on the Governor and Commissioner Redeker’s previous engagement with federal officials. Connecticut will find out whether it received the FTA money in the fall, according to the press release. Connecticut DOT officials are optimistic that the state will receive the requested funding. DOT spokesman Kevin Nursick said in an email that the state has made “a very competitive and compelling request” for the $603 million,

and he trusts the federal government will recognize the crucial role MetroNorth’s New Haven Line plays in Connecticut’s economy, given that it is the country’s busiest rail commuter line. “We are optimistic that our federal partners will view the request favorably,” Nursick said. “If weather shuts down the New Haven Line, it is essentially shutting down an important part of the state’s economy.” On Oct. 29–30, the Metro-North Railroad was forced to shut down in the face of Superstorm Sandy but was able to resume service within 48 hours. Nursick said the currently proposed projects would yield long-term benefits, and that though the construction could cause delays, any delays are a necessary part of track improvements. On-time performance on the New Haven line fell from 95 percent to 80 percent in February, and a report from the Regional Plan Association estimated that full maintenance repairs needed on the line was $3.6 billion. Hartwell said that out of the three projects, he will prioritize revamping of the New Haven line’s communications system. He said that a revamp would only cause minor delays during construction and that a new signals system would improve train performance. “It would vastly increase the reliability and the ability to respond when there’s a problem,” he said. “That’s what we’re lacking right now. We don’t have great flexibility to respond to [habitual weather delays].” Hartwell added that a project such as the Norwalk Bridge reconstruction would be a more substantial project, requiring massive upheaval and delays since parts of the rail system would only be able to run on two tracks instead of the normal four. The RPA study found the New Haven line in need of $2.8 billion to repair the line’s four most dilapidated bridges, of which the Norwalk Bridge is one. Terry Borjeson, a member of the Connecticut Commuter Rail Council, said the council will meet with Transportation Committee Chairman Rep. Antonio Guerrera and officials from the Connecticut Department of Transportation next Thursday. The line makes 125,000 passenger trips per day, or 38 million a year. Contact ABIGAIL BESSLER at and DAVID BLUMENTHAL at .




T Dow Jones 16,408.54, -0.10% S NASDAQ 4,095.52, +0.23% S Oil $104.59, +0.80%

S S&P 500 1,864.85, +0.14% T T

10-yr. Bond 2.72, +3.19% Euro $1.38, +0.01%

8 million signed up for health care


Eight million people have signed up for health care, offering new hope to Democrats who are defending the law ahead of the midterm elections. are still plenty of unknowns. Officials haven’t released a tally of how many enrollees were previously uninsured and are thus gaining health care thanks to the law. It’s also unclear how many enrollees sealed the deal by paying their first month’s premium to the insurance companies. Republicans seized on those uncertainties to argue that Obama is hyping figures that obscure the real damage the law is inflicting — like higher premiums, smaller provider networks and canceled

policies, according to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. “It’s long past time for Washington Democrats to work with us to remedy the mess they created — and that means repealing this law and replacing it with real reforms that actually lower costs,” McConnell said. As Obama’s health law begins to look more viable, Democrats have been seeking to change the political debate from one about repeal to one about fixing linger-

ing issues with the law. Obama said it’s “absolutely possible” to make improvements, but that it would require a change of attitude from Republicans. But election-year posturing and the GOP’s reluctance to be seen as embracing “Obamacare” make than an unlikely proposition. The president’s upbeat assessment came shortly after he and top aides had separate meetings with leading insurance executives and state insurance commissioners.

“I think that’s a pretty good number in terms of trying to make sure we have a healthy pool,” Montana’s insurance commissioner, Monica Lindeen, said of the surge in younger enrollees. In other positive news for Obama’s health care law, California’s state-run insurance exchange reported Thursday that nearly 1.4 million Californians had enrolled by the end of open enrollment, besting original projections by almost 100,000 people.

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WASHINGTON — Eight million people have signed up for health care through new insurance exchanges and the proportion of younger applicants has increased, President Barack Obama said Thursday. The enrollments exceeded expectations and offered new hope to Democrats who are defending the law ahead of the midterm elections. An impromptu appearance in the White House briefing room offered the president an opportunity to trumpet the new figures, which beat initial projections by 1 million. With an eye toward November, Obama castigated Republicans for continuing to seek out every opportunity to thwart the Affordable Care Act. “This thing is working,” Obama said of his signature domestic achievement. Touting modest progress on another front, Obama said 35 percent of enrollees are under 35 years old, suggesting that in the final weeks of enrollment, the administration managed to sign up higher numbers of younger, healthier people who are critical to the law’s viability. The most coveted age group comprises those between 18 and 34 years old. White House officials said that for the 36 states where the federal government is taking the lead, 28 percent are in that age group - a step in the right direction from March, when the administration said just 25 percent were 18 to 34. In a sharp rebuke to his political opponents, Obama called out states that have refused to embrace an expansion of Medicaid under “Obamacare,” arguing that their opposition was rooted in nothing more than sheer ideology and political spite. “That’s wrong. It should stop,”

he said. “Those folks should be able to get health insurance like everybody else.” Although the first year’s open enrollment season for the exchanges closed on March 31, the administration is still tallying the number of total enrollees. States managing their own exchanges have been slower to report data, and some Americans who started applications before the deadline were given extra time to complete their enrollment. The demographic figures also give Democrats an opportunity to blunt the pessimism of Republicans, some of whom have accused the White House of “cooking the books” by announcing large overall enrollment numbers that tell only part of the story. “They still can’t bring themselves to admit that the Affordable Care Act is working,” Obama said. “The longer we see the law benefiting millions of people, the more we see accusations that the law is hurting people being completely debunked.” Democrats have been hoping that better-than-expected results could help their candidates reclaim the political high ground on “Obamacare” before Election Day. Seven months out, Democrats are seeking to turn the page on the law’s disastrous debut in October, when was virtually unusable. Obama seemed to affirm that strategy last week when he announced that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who became the face of the rollout failure, was stepping down. Polling shows the law remains unpopular in much of the country, but Democrats plan to argue that by trying to repeal the law, Republicans are actively working to take health care away from 8 million Americans. Although the new figures provide some clarity about how well the exchanges performed, there



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Areas of frost before 9am. Otherwise, partly sunny, with a high near 51. Northeast wind around 9 mph.


High of 62, low of 35.

High of 55, low of 38.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, APRIL 18 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Worship. The Luther House at Yale, Episcopal Church at Yale and University Church in Yale are celebrating Good Friday with a reading of the Passion according to St. John; Adoration of the Cross and traditional Good Friday prayer. Dwight Hall (67 High St.), Chapel. 7:00 p.m. John Hubley Centennial. A traveling program of films by animators John and Faith Hubley, all in new 35mm prints, celebrating John Hubley’s 100th birthday. Films include: “Adventures of an *” (1956), “Moonbird” (1959) and “Windy Day” (1968). Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Aud.

SATURDAY, APRIL 19 1:00 p.m. Exhibition Tour: “Fame and Friendship: Pope, Roubiliac, and the Portrait Bust in Eighteenth-Century Britain.” A tour of the special exhibition led by docent. Meet at the Information Desk. Yale Center for British Art (1080 Chapel St.).


7:00 p.m. Film Screening: “Wild Strawberries” (1957). Traveling to accept an honorary degree, Professor Isak Borg — played by veteran director Victor Sjostrom — is forced to face his past, come to terms with his faults, and make peace with the inevitability of his approaching death. Through flashbacks and fantasies, dreams and nightmares, “Wild Strawberries” dramatizes one man’s remarkable voyage of self-discovery. Directed by Ingmar Bergman Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.) Aud.

SUNDAY, APRIL 20 1:00 p.m. Open Forum with Peer Mentors: Highlighting Costumes. Ever wondered how to make a costume stand out on stage or how to test gels? Come check out gel and fabric swatch books and see how the two can be used to make an impact on stage. Broadway Rehearsal Lofts (294 Elm St.), UP Office. 6:00 p.m. German Kaffeeklatsch (Coffee Hour). If you want to polish your German a little or just want to get some practice, meet us in the lounge at WLH for an hour of entertaining conversation. All levels of German welcome! William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Lounge (at the mailboxes).


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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

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By Peter Koetters

DOWN 1 Mineral found in sheets 2 Basic matter 3 Vengeful sorceress of myth 4 Appomattox bicentennial year 5 Faulkner’s “__ Lay Dying” 6 Did lawn work 7 Proofer’s find 8 Thai native 9 Last words in a drink recipe, perhaps 10 “Total patient” treatment 11 Like one expected to deliver? 12 Fabric fold 13 Slants 18 Revolting 23 __ Rico 25 Angled ltrs. 26 Not misled by 29 Where to get wraps and scrubs 30 “Are you going?” response 31 French and Italian flags 32 Disputed Balkan republic 33 Vice principle

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved


3 1 3

4 1 6

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35 Hunky-dory 36 __-cone 38 Taurus birthstones, perhaps 39 Florida’s __ Beach 40 Out of a jamb? 45 Pious 46 They’re often on a slippery slope 47 MIT grad, often 48 Construction girder


49 Understandable 50 Underground worker 51 Sun Tzu’s “The Art __” 52 Longest river in France 53 Gets knocked off 57 Old Fords 60 Gilbert and Sullivan princess 61 Part of an inning

5 9 3 3 6 2 7 1 8 2

9 4 6 1 5 9 5 2 7 7 8 3 1







“I don’t just think regular season. I think playoffs. World Series. That’s how I think.” MARIANO RIVERA FORMER MLB RELIEVER

Elis head to Michigan


The No. 11 men’s lacrosse team will face Michigan for the first time in program history on Saturday. MEN’S LACROSSE FROM PAGE 12 (28), respectively. Second year starter Eric Natale ’15 has also been crucial to this season’s success. A member of last year’s All-Ivy tournament team, the goaltender has put up the best goals against average in the Ivy League and recorded the second most saves in the conference. He has also posted double-digit saves in eight games. “The defense is playing really well right now but we got to keep working on killing possessions throughout the game especially towards the end,” Craft said. “We are a really balanced team I think, and it’s nice to know that offense can bail us out in some games.” On the offensive side of the ball, the Bulldogs have a threatening attack duo and a deep unit of midfield scorers to call on. Tewaaraton Award watch list nominees Brandon Mangan ’14 and Conrad Oberbeck ’15 lead the team in assists and goals, respectively. The Ivy League’s sixth highest scorer, Oberbeck, has not been shutout in a game this season and has 23 goals. Mangan, who was held without a point last Friday for the first time in two years, has been the target of every team’s number one defenseman this season but has still produced 27 points, including a five-goal, sevenpoint performance against No. 14 Princeton. Shane Thornton ’15, second on the team with 11 assists, has put up an impressive eight points in his last three games, including a hat trick against Dartmouth, for a season total of 18 points. A second-team All-Ivy selection last season, Flaherty has scored in two straight games and leads the midfield unit with 10 goals. Sophomore speedster Bonacci also has goals in the last two contests for a season haul of 12 points. Mark Glicini ’16 and Eric Scott ’17 each have six goals. “Last year we had a really young group of middies and we only lost one within the first two lines at the end of last season,” Bonacci said. “I think overall our middies have meshed well and let the ball move. We don’t need to

make home run plays and we are learning that the simple plays will be successful.” Despite a slow start to the season, faceoff specialist Dylan Levings ’14 has again proven himself among the nation’s best from the X. Ranked 18th in the nation with a 0.581 winning percentage, Levings, one of Yale’s three Tewaaraton Award watch list nominees, has been crucial to the offence’s success all four of his years in New Haven. In a nonconference game this weekend, the Bulldogs will hope to improve their shooting accuracy. Second to last in the Ivy League in shots on goal with a 56.1 percentage and 27.5 scoring percentage, the Elis can improve against an opponent that is averaging 12.67 goals against this season. Michigan, which was a club level program only three years ago, has continued to develop this season. The Wolverines have equaled their program’s four wins this season despite playing six nationally ranked opponents. Despite five straight losses, the Wolverines will not roll over easily. They took No. 12 Cornell to overtime in a 15–14 loss back on March 1 and lost to No. 15 Fairfield, a team that beat Yale, by just one goal two weeks ago. The highest shooting offense in the ECAC has averaged 9.69 goals per game and is headlined by freshman attackman Ian King with 25 goals. Midfielders Kyle Jackson and Thomas Paras have 23 and 22 points, respectively. Michigan’s man-up unit has been solid with 17 goals for a 37 percent conversion rate. The defensive unit of Chase Brown, Chris Walker and Mack Gembis has caused a frightening 35 turnovers this season along with collecting 61 ground balls. As a team, the Wolverines have the most groundballs and caused turnovers in the ECAC. Goaltender Robbie Zonino leads the conference. The Bulldogs face off against Michigan in the Big House this Saturday at 4 p.m. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at .

Unbeaten Harvard comes to DeWitt SOFTBALL FROM PAGE 12 through the teams’ first game due to inclement weather. The games were replayed this past Thursday, April 17, and Harvard swept Princeton. The Crimson took the first game against Penn 8–3, but the two teams battled it out to a draw in the second game. The coaches decided that it was too dark to begin another inning and the second game was suspended at 8–8 after six innings. Harvard has also swept Columbia in a doubleheader and Brown in a four-game series. In 34 games, Harvard has scored 150 runs while batting 0.280 with an on-base percentage of 0.353. The team has three players in its starting lineup batting higher than 0.300, led by third baseman Kasey Lange who is hitting 0.375 on the season. Lange also leads the Crimson with six home runs, good for 40 percent of the team’s home runs this season.


Yale will look to end Harvard’s unbeaten 9–0 record in the Ancient Eight.

Harvard boasts a strong pitching staff that currently has an earned run average of 2.00. The Bulldogs are likely to face pitcher Laura Ricciardone, who is the staff workhorse with 114.1 innings pitched. Ricciardone leads the Crimson with 17 games started and 13 wins, as well as an earned run average of 1.71. Over the course of the series, the Elis will also take swings against pitcher Taylor Cabe, who has started 11 games and has seven wins on the season. In 81.2 innings pitched, Cabe has an earned run average of 2.31. Yale has hit well in recent games, improving its team’s batting average to 0.216. But the team still struggles to score runs, with 67 runs scored over the course of the season. “To compete with Harvard, and anyone for that matter, we’re really going have to start scoring runs,” said third baseman Hannah Brennan ’15. “We hit well [Wednesday], but didn’t string them together like we needed to in order to score runs. Ten hits don’t do us any good if they’re scattered throughout the game.” Captain and center fielder Tori Balta continues to lead the Bulldogs, hitting .372 with an on-base percentage of 0.417, also a team-high. Onorato and Brennan have hit well as of late, improving their batting averages to .265 and .253, respectively. First baseman Lauren Delgadillo ’16 is also crushing the ball at the plate. She hit her team-leading third home run of the season against Darmouth last weekend. In the circle, the Elis have shared the workload, with four pitchers seeing significant innings on the bump. Pitcher Lindsay Efflandt ’17 leads the staff with a 3.08 earned run average in 77.1 innings pitched. Pitchers Chelsey Dunham ’14 and Kristen Leung ’14 both made appearances against Dartmouth and have earned run averages of 4.42 and 4.28, respectively. The two teams will battle it out this weekend in New Haven, with doubleheaders on Saturday and Sunday, both beginning at 12:30 p.m. Contact ASHLEY WU at .

Baseball hosts Harvard BASEBALL FROM PAGE 12 No pitcher better exemplifies this recipe for success than ace pitcher Chris Lanham ’16, who has led the team to three Ivy League victories by giving up a combined one run in 20.1 innings pitched. He is scheduled to pitch the first game on Sunday. After his shutout of Dartmouth last weekend, Lanham was named Ivy League Pitcher of the Week for the second time this year. The two Yale pitchers slated for Saturday, meanwhile, will be looking to recover from losses at Dartmouth last week. Starter Chasen Ford ’17 allowed seven earned runs in five innings pitched, and Michael Coleman ’14 followed with four innings and five earned runs in the second game. But Campbell and Hanson both stressed the confidence they have had in their pitchers all season. “Michael Coleman had a tough day, but I fully expect him to come out against Harvard and have a lights-out performance,” Campbell said. “He’s a veteran, he’s been there.” Southpaw David Hickey ’14 will start the second game on Sunday to cap off the weekend. Campbell said the historic rivalry between Yale and Harvard always heightens the level of intensity. Though it did not happen every year in the beginning, a HarvardYale baseball rivalry has existed since 1868, seven years before the legendary football rivalry began, according to the Harvard Crimson. “Baseball wise, Dartmouth is traditionally our biggest rival,


The baseball team hosts Harvard for four games this weekend. but Harvard’s a close second,” Campbell said. “It makes you feel a little different when you play against a rival [such as] Harvard versus a midweek game. Everyone’s a little more tuned up, and the juices get flowing more.”

Saturday’s doubleheader at Yale Field will began at 1 p.m., while Sunday’s twin bill will kick off at noon. Contact GREG CAMERON at .

Tommy John and radar guns COLUMN FROM PAGE 12 and the rotator cuff — a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder — but the most vulnerable part of a pitcher’s arm is the elbow’s ulnar collateral ligament. By conducting research on cadavers, Dr. Fleisig has found that the amount of force needed to throw a baseball upwards of 100 mph is greater than the amount of force the UCL can withstand before tearing. Human beings have become so effective at throwing baseballs that we are actually exceeding the physical limits of our unique anatomy. The rising trend in fastball velocity is being mirrored by the rising frequency of arm injuries, most notably injures to the UCL. The procedure to repair a torn UCL was first performed in 1974 by Dr. Frank Jobe on Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Tommy John. The procedure now referred to as Tommy John surgery involves replacing the torn ligament with a tendon from elsewhere in the body. A report published last month in The American Journal of Sports Medicine looked at 216 major league pitchers who had the surgery between 1986-2012 and found that 83 percent of the pitchers returned to the major leagues. At the beginning of the 2013 season, of the 360 pitchers who started the season, 124 shared the same scar on their elbows. Elbow injuries have always been common in baseball, and MLB teams have taken many steps to help alleviate the stress put on their pitchers. Every MLB team has their pitchers do various strengthening exercise to help build up the small muscles in the shoulder, and there

has been intense scrutiny regarding the number of pitches a pitcher throws each outing and the number of days between each outing. Until the 1970s, MLB teams would use a four-man pitching rotation in which every starter would make between 35-40 starts per season. Since then, every team has switched to a five-man rotation where each starting pitcher starts about 30 games.

BY THE TIME A PITCHER REACHES THE BIG LEAGUES, HOWEVER, THE PROBLEM MAY ALREADY BE OUT OF THEIR CONTROL Despite the adjusted rotations, strengthening programs and extreme monitoring and caution of pitchers, UCL injuries are occurring at a higher rate this year than any other. By this date last year, eight pitchers at either the major or minor league level had undergone Tommy John surgery, and by this date in 2012, 12 pitchers had received the surgery. So far this season, 21 pitchers at the major or minor league level have had the operation, and four of the 21 had the surgery for the second time. By the time a pitcher reaches the big leagues, however, the problem may already be out of their control.

Of the 21 pitchers who have undergone Tommy John surgery this season, only one — Bruce Rondon of Venezuela — came from Latin America despite 24.2 percent of players on the Opening Day rosters of MLB teams hailing from Latin America. This has led people to call into question the American specialization of sports, and American youth baseball in particular. The top high school pitchers routinely pitch year round, giving their arms no time to recover. And since the single most important metric in scouting an amateur pitcher is the velocity of their fastball, these hurlers spend almost every weekend throwing as hard as they can to improve their recruiting and draft prospects. In Latin America, however, the top prospects are usually signed as a 16-year old, allowing the players to grow into their velocity rather than throwing their arms out trying to impress scouts for a longer period of time. These players are being signed almost entirely on their potential to develop under the club’s tutelage, but American prospects are drafted more based on their present ability. While the model for signing prospects that Major League teams use in Latin America is not possible in the United States due to the school system, we must find a more sustainable method to promote and develop our youth talent. Endless youth tournaments and increased emphasis on radar gun readings will only diminish the chances of having an injury free professional baseball career. BEN JOSEPH is a junior in Silliman College. Contact him at .


vs. Dartmouth

1 p.m.

M. Tennis

vs. Dartmouth

1 p.m.

W. Tennis

@ Dartmouth

2 p.m.

Lightweight Crew

vs. Dartmouth

9 a.m.


vs. Harvard

12:30 p.m.

Yale All-Access


vs. Harvard

1 p.m.

Yale All-Access


vs. Harvard

12 p.m.

Yale All-Access


vs. Harvard

12:30 p.m.

Yale All-Access

M. Tennis

@ Harvard

2 p.m.

W. Tennis

vs. Harvard

2 p.m.





MLB Atlanta 1 Philadelphia 0

MLB Detroit 7 Cleveland 5

MLB Minnesota 7 Toronto 0


MLB L.A. Dodgers 2 San Francisco 1


NEARLY 700 NEW REGISTRANTS MARROW REGISTRATION DRIVE The sixth annual Mandi Schwartz Marrow Donor Registration Drive, held yesterday at Commons, registered 686 people to the Be The Match Registry. The drive at Yale is held in honor of Schwartz, who died in April 2011 of acute myeloid leukemia.

BLUE -WHITE GAME FOOTBALL The football team’s annual Spring game will be held this Saturday at the Yale Bowl beginning at 2 p.m. The game features intrasquad competition between Yale players, who have participated in 11 practices thus far this season.

MLB Texas 8 Seattle 6


“I’m very happy that the NCAA is accommodating the athletes for whom [the current meal plan is not sufficient].” BRIAN HOGAN ’16 SWIMMING


Playoff implications in rivalry matchup BASEBALL

’Dogs head to the Big House BY FREDERICK FRANK STAFF REPORTER Coming off of a three game win streak, the No. 11 men’s lacrosse team heads west this weekend to take on Michigan in the fabled Big House for the first matchup between the two schools.


Bailey has led the Crimson offensively with a .317 batting average and 13 RBI. Despite Harvard’s success in bringing runners home this season, Bailey is the team’s only hitter batting above the .300 mark. On paper, the matchup predicts high-scoring games, as Yale and Harvard lay claim to the last two spots in the Ivy League for conference ERA at 4.74 and 4.95, respectively. But Yale will be hoping for the exact opposite to occur. In each of its six conference wins this season, the Eli pitching staff has given up no more than two runs.

The Saturday game marks the beginning of a stretch in which the Bulldogs (7–3, 4–2 Ivy) will play their last two nonconference games before finishing the regular season on April 26 against Harvard. The Wolverines (4–9, 1–3 ECAC) are only in their third season as a Division One lacrosse program and have lost five straight games. “Obviously going to Michigan isn’t the easiest road trip so we are going to try to keep our focus on our opponent,” midfielder Colin Flaherty ’15. “We just want to keep improving just like any other game.” Last time out, the Elis needed overtime to put away Ivy rival Brown. Yale led 6–1 in the first quarter but the Bears came all the way back, scoring four goals in the fourth quarter to reach a tie before midfielder Michael Bonacci ’15 scored, one minute and 11 seconds into the extra session. The Bulldogs have been on a roll recently with a season high three-game win streak. Defense has again been key to head coach Andy Shay’s success this year. The Elis have conceded the fewest goals in the Ivy League and have the ninth best scoring defense in the nation with an 8.1 goals against average. Yale has given up double-digit goals just four times all season and have held opponents under six goals in three of the last four. Defensemen Michael Quinn ’16 and Jimmy Craft ’15, the captain, have been integral to the Elis’ success this season. The duo leads the unit in caused turnovers (15) and groundballs




The baseball team holds a slim one-game lead over Dartmouth in the Red Rolfe division. BY GREG CAMERON STAFF REPORTER Each weekend is more important than the last for the Yale baseball team as the Bulldogs approach the end of their regular season. This weekend is no exception, as the Bulldogs will not only continue their tight battle for a playoff spot but will get a chance to play rival Harvard in front of a home crowd for a four-game series. After a 1–3 performance at Dartmouth narrowed the Bulldogs’ lead over the Big Green to a single game, every contest in Yale’s final two series will be vital. “We’re going to assume, worst-

case scenario, that Dartmouth is going to win all eight,” said captain and shortstop Cale Hanson ’14. “And that means that we have to win all eight … We want to win as many games as we can so that we can control our own destiny going into the playoffs.” While the Bulldogs play at home, Dartmouth will hunt for wins at Brown, whose only two wins came against Harvard last week. The following weekend, the two teams will switch opponents, with Yale playing Brown in a home-and-home series and Dartmouth doing the same with Harvard. Though the Crimson’s 4–8 conference record is second worst in the

Ivy League, the “Call Me Maybe” cover artists are near the top of the league in offense with a .276 conference batting average and 4.92 runs per game in conference. The only squads with better numbers in those two categories are Penn and Columbia, who hold the two best records in the Ivy League and are currently battling for the top spot in the Lou Gehrig division. “We’re expecting a good team,” said center fielder Green Campbell ’15. “They got all the guys back who were suspended last year for the cheating scandal, and that’s brought a lot of veterans back to the squad. They’re going to compete.” Harvard leadoff hitter Carlton

Softball to host the Crimson


Increase in velocity, injuries Human beings are unique in their ability to throw an object overhand with speed and accuracy. In a report for Harvard Medical School, Neil Roach explained that humans have developed their unique ability to throw objects overhand from a series of anatomical changes that were needed for humans to hunt and reach the top of the food chain. Our closest relative, the chimpanzee, typically throws underhand, but in the rare occasion they throw overhand, their speed and accuracy is no more powerful than that of an average Little League pitcher. The lowering and widening of the shoulders and the twisting of the humerus are the two notable anatomical changes that have enabled humans to use their shoulders like slingshots, hurling an object with great speed and accuracy. The greatest display of this innate human ability to throw overhand is found on the baseball diamond. When watching a Major League Baseball game this season, tune into the radar gun that is displayed on the scoreboard. In 2013, the average fastball in the major leagues was 91.8 miles per hour. This figure has been

trending upwards in the past decade due to increased emphasis on strengthening and conditioning programs amongst professional athletes. The average fastball might be just under 92 mph, but many big leaguers routinely throw fastballs that can hit triple digits on the radar gun. According to Dr. Glenn Fleisig, who studies the biomechanics of pitching at the American Sports Medicine Institute in Birmingham, Ala., the shoulder rotation in baseball pitching is the fastest motion of any joint in any athlete. At its peak speed, a major league pitcher’s arm rotates upwards of 8500 degrees per second. This means if that single instant of speed could be maintained, a pitcher’s arm would spin around 24 times in a second. Although the human body has evolved to enable such a throwing motion, it simply cannot withstand the extreme torque necessary to throw a baseball at such tremendous speeds. Much of the stress is centered in the shoulder labrum — cartilage in the center of the shoulder joint— SEE COLUMN PAGE 11



The softball team will host Harvard for a four-game series this weekend. BY ASHLEY WU STAFF REPORTER The softball team will host Harvard, which remains undefeated in Ivy League play, for a four-game series this weekend at the DeWitt Family Field.

SOFTBALL Yale (5–28, 1–11 Ivy) will look to hand the Crimson (23–11, 9–0–1) its first loss in conference play this year.

The Bulldogs hope to improve on last year’s results when the Elis were swept 7–4, 4–2, 12–3 in five innings, and 5–3 in Cambridge, Mass. “Against Harvard, we need to bear down and really get our jobs done at the plate with runners in scoring position to either move them over or hit them in,” catcher Sarah Onorato ’15 said. “Pitchers and defense will need to continue playing strong, and hopefully the runs will come.” Last season, Harvard finished sec-

ond to Dartmouth in the North Division of the Ancient Eight and tied with Princeton for third place overall. The Crimson ended its season with a record of 12–8 in the Ivy League and 22–22 overall. This season, the Crimson has gotten off to a hot start in conference play with a 9–0 record. Harvard opened Ivy play with a series against Princeton, which was suspended midway SEE SOFTBALL PAGE 11

SCORELESS INNINGS THROWN BY RELIEVER CRAIG BRESLOW ’02 FOR THE BOSTON RED SOX ON WEDNESDAY. Breslow held the Chicago White Sox to just one hit while striking out two in relief as Boston triumphed 6–4 at U.S. Cellular Field.

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