Today's Paper

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First annual science olympiad competition held at Yale





Min. wage law impacts NH


Brooks just picked his students for the GLBL 345 “Humility” course and said in an email to accepted applicants: “It violates the spirit of the course to say, Congratulations, but I can say I’m excited about this group and what lies ahead.” Successful applicants include one Rhodes scholar, one former YCC president and other members of the campus’ most “humble.” “Congratulations.” And I can’t change, even if I tried, even if I wanted to.

Long Wharf Theater is a play called “The Consultant” about a young consultant at the firm Sutton, Feingold and McGrath. The production takes an “intimate look at how money and work shape the human heart.”

Cujo? According to NBC

Connecticut, two graduate students were attacked this weekend by an injured dog they had tried to help. The dog had been struck by a car near campus on Saturday afternoon. Students were left with minor injuries.

‘Kingdom of ice-olation’

could describe Arendelle as well as Yale in the winter. A recent post by the Yale Alumni Magazine pointed out that the Oscar contender “Let It Go” from Disney’s Frozen was written by a Yalie, Robert Lopez ’97, and his wife. Fitting, as “cold never bothered me anyway” was probably his mantra as a Yale student. Science vs. Magic: Round Infinite. The proportion of

Americans who do not believe in global warming has risen to 23 percent in the past year, according to researchers at the Yale Project on Climate Change Communications. If Al Gore were dead, he would be rolling over in his grave.


1879 Students begin a laundry room prank war involving raiding and messing up each other’s locker contents. The crew team is close to threatening physical violence against perpetrators. Submit tips to Cross Campus




Twenty-Four Most Humble Students on Campus. David

Does a consultant have a soul? Currently showing at the

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service brings students to community

Accounts clash in SigEp suit

A splash of orange. Davenport held their annual Sean Fenton ’04 Memorial Orange Juice Festival this Sunday. Students enjoyed fresh-squeezed orange juice and brunch as part of the annual event commemorating Fenton, a Florida native who died in a car accident with three other students in 2003. As a Yale student, Fenton had ordered a crate of his favorite oranges from Florida to be shipped to campus for friends to enjoy.

Brooks also asked students to sign up for office hours ahead of time: “I will say that the highest demand for attendance last year was during the Macklemore concert. I don’t judge; I only observe.”




n June 2013, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy signed into law one of the nation’s highest minimum wages, increasing the state’s wage floor from $8.25 per hour to $9.00 by Jan. 1, 2015. This three-part series looks at the impact this law will have on workers, local businesses and politicians. SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC, ISAAC STANLEYBECKER and J.R. REED report.

Free speech examined

A week after details surrounding lawsuits against 86 Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity members revolving around the 2011 Harvard-Yale tailgate crash emerged, the national fraternity has declared that it is in the process of procuring insurance coverage for the defendants. Conflicting accounts of events over the two-year timeline have surfaced, with the national SigEp organization maintaining that it began making efforts to secure coverage for its fraternity members immediately following the accident in 2011. However, the plaintiffs’ lawyers claim that the national fraternity disavowed responsibility — by way of its insurance policy — for the injury of Sarah Short SOM ’13 and death of Nancy Barry at the tailgate, leading the plaintiffs to file suit against the 86 individual members, in addition to the national organization. Central to the differing accounts of events around the multiple lawsuits is the question of whether the national fraternity’s insurance policy will cover the actions of the local chapter and its members. “The [insurance] policy clearly states that chapter members and the chapter are covered in the policy,” Brian Warren, national Sigma Phi Epsilon chief executive officer, told the News Monday. Warren echoed a Thursday press release from SigEp, asserting that the national fraternity will work to provide insurance SEE SIGEP LAWSUIT PAGE 6


REPORT FINDS YALE HAS “RELATIVELY HIGH” LEVEL OF FREE SPEECH BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER According to a recent national report, Yale’s student body enjoys a relatively high level of free speech — though the issue is complicated by vague wording in University policies. In its annual report this month, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), an organization dedicated to defending freedom of speech on college campuses, suggested that the University generally encourages free speech but nevertheless maintains some policies that could be used to infringe upon students’ freedom of expression. However, the University compares favorably with many of its peers, as Harvard and Columbia — along with 59 percent of the 427 surveyed campuses — were found to have policies that seem to substantially violate freedom of speech on campus. “While we think Yale could do better, and we would love to work with students to work for greater free speech rights on campus, they are ahead of the curve already,” said FIRE Director of Policy Research Samantha Harris. The FIRE report comes at the heels of recent controversy surrounding the administration’s blocking of Yale Bluebook+, a student-generated course catalogue that used University material to rank courses by numerical ratings and was shut down

due to administrators’ concerns about improper usage of licensed material. Harris said FIRE has been closely following the developments around the issue. University spokesman Tom Conroy, in a statement to the News, rebuffed the report’s suggestion that the University places any impositions on free speech or expression, saying that he “would disagree with any critique of Yale that claimed the University had anything but the fullest protection of free speech.” University Vice President and General Counsel Dorothy Robinson echoed a similar sentiment, describing Yale’s respect for free expression as “deep-seated and robust.” The methodology of the FIRE report is based on publicly available written policy, Harris said. In the case of Yale, the organization relied heavily upon information contained in the Yale Undergraduate Regulations. After reviewing its regulations, FIRE gave Yale a “yellow light” ranking out of a possible red, yellow or green. Harris said the “yellow light” rating results from several University regulations that either constitute a restriction of free speech or could be applied to restrict speech by way of their vagueness. Specifically, Harris pointed to the general conduct and discipline portion of the Yale College Undergraduate Regulations, SEE FREE SPEECH PAGE 6

Yale Harvard $39.2m $33.7m


$31.0m The others


$1.8m BY ADRIAN RODRIGUES STAFF REPORTER Faced with increasing financial pressure, half of the Ivy League was in the red last year. Yale University, Harvard University, Dartmouth College and Cornell University all posted budget deficits for the fiscal year that ended Jun. 30. Yale had the highest gap between revenue and operating costs at $39.2 million, compared to Harvard’s $33.7 million deficit, Cornell’s $31 million and Dartmouth’s $1.8 million. According to financial experts interviewed, some of the world’s wealthiest universities faced budgetary gaps during fiscal 2013 because of rising operating costs, cuts to federal

research funding and ambitious financial aid programs. “I don’t think we’re about to see the clouds part — I think a lot of these issues are structural,” said David Strauss, a principal at Art and Science Group LLC, a firm that advises colleges and nonprofits. “Are there going to be some tight times? I don’t think that’s a one year phenomenon, I think it’s a multi-year phenomenon.” Eighty percent of colleges ran deficits last year, according to Richard Hesel, another principal at Art and Science Group LLC. Though schools are faring better than they did in the immediate aftermath of the 2008-’09 financial crisis, many are still struggling to cover costs.


After the financial downturn reduced the size of the Yale endowment by 25 percent, the University faced a projected $350 million deficit in 2009. Since then, Yale has worked to reduce the deficit and has covered the gap each year using reserve funds. But a deficit of $39.2 million still remained in fiscal 2013. Harvard’s deficit grew from $7.9 million in fiscal 2012 to nearly $34 million in fiscal 2013. Even some schools that posted budget surpluses for fiscal 2013, such as Brown University, had faced deficits for the year before they closed the gap with reserve funds. According to Bloomberg SEE BUDGET DEFICIT PAGE 6




.COMMENT “Having a balanced courseload is important for our education as well as


The dream co-opted L

ast Friday, the Yale Office of New Haven and State Affairs sent out an email with suggested ways to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Parts of it offered readers opportunities for meaningful ways to commemorate the day, advertising events such as a program on environmental and social justice at the Peabody Museum and a talk by Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. ’73. But the second section of the email, in a troubling reference to King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, asks the reader to use the holiday to “Visit local shops and restaurants, all offering great deals to make your dreams come true,” listing sales opportunities at Raggs, J. Crew, Jack Wills, Maison Mathis and other shops. Reading the juxtaposition of commemorative events and sales at high-end boutiques, I wondered whether the email was sent as a joke. I had never before seen Martin Luther King Jr. Day exploited for the sake of consumerism. Apparently this is not a unique case. In Michigan, one club advertised “Freedom 2 Twerk Martin Luther King Day Weekend Party” and Hennessy’s publicity firm circulated a list entitled “Drinks MLK Jr. Would Be Proud Of.” Growing up just outside Philadelphia, I was taught that the purpose of MLK day was to commemorate the Civil Rights Movement and to continue civil rights leaders’ fight for a more just society. Phrases such as “Make it a day on, not a day off” or “MLK 365” were frequently used to describe the holiday. Each year, I spent the day volunteering in the Philadelphia MLK Day of Service and listening to community leaders and fellow students speak on how the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. has affected them. In his “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King Jr. lamented that 100 years after emancipation “the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.” Dr. King’s dream was not just for racial equality, but also economic equity, a fact that is often ignored, as acknowledging the evils of racism is more socially acceptable than acknowledging the evils of poverty. Employing Martin Luther King’s dream for commercial purposes is wrong not only because it makes light of the battle for racial justice in our country, but also because it ignores the intolerable levels of poverty that still exist. Over

150 years after emancipation, communities of color continue to suffer from discrimination and bear a disproportionate share of poverty. In 2010, 27.4 percent of black people and 26.6 percent of Hispanics fell below the poverty line, compared to 9.9 percent of non-Hispanic whites. In this context, offering discounts to expensive boutiques that millions of Americans could never even dream to patronize is at odds with the message behind MLK Day. Flippantly using language from the “I Have a Dream” speech feeds into the postracial myth that the Civil Rights Movement abolished racism and economic inequity. According to this dangerous mentality, now that we have conquered these societal evils, the dream has lost its meaning. We can even co-opt its language to speak about consumer goods, such as a pair of $90 skinny jeans from a store like Jack Wills that advertises itself as the “Outfitter to the Gentry.” Yet as Martin Luther King Jr. argued in his “I Have a Dream” speech, “1963 is not an end but a beginning.” Over 50 years later, our country still has a long way to go in the fight for racial and economic justice. With recent events such as the murder of Trayvon Martin and the affluenza of Ethan Couch, Dr. King’s dream is just as important and relevant today as it was in 1963. Contrary to the University email’s assumption, my dream isn’t to get 40 percent off at J. Crew or to go to FroyoWorld. My dream is for an America where all have equitable access to the resources needed to reach their full potential, regardless of race, religion, class, gender or sexual identity. I am proud of Yale University for honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a time for service and reflection on social justice, and I appreciate the efforts of the Yale Office of New Haven and State Affairs to revitalize our city. Yet the legacy of civil rights activists and their dream for a more equitable America are too important to our country to be sullied by consumerism. Let us remember the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. and carry it throughout the year, dedicating this holiday to social justice, not shopping. MICHAEL PALISANO is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact him at michael.palisano@ .


our physical and mental health.”


Don’t forget G-Heav

kind of acceptance around Gourmet Heaven has settled in amongst students. The stores’ unfair labor practices come up much less in conversation and only small numbers are continuing to boycott. But we should not allow ourselves to forget that GHeav is continuing to treat its workers abysmally, and we should continue to exercise our power to voice our discontent through a boycott. When the Department of Labor issued GHeav a stop work order last August, the business was accused of failing to pay minimum wage or overtime, illegally classifying workers as “independent contractors” and failing to maintain payroll records. Further investigations concluded that workers were being paid between four and six dollars per hour, far under the Connecticut minimum wage of $8.25. Six employees were being housed in a small room in owner Chung Cho’s basement where they were paying $50 a week in rent. The first weekly student picket outside of the Broadway GHeav location took place on freshman move-in day, and the protests have continued on Friday afternoons over the last several months. Approximately 25 to 40 students have shown up to each protest, a small number when compared to the entire student body, but still significant. On Nov. 14, a settlement was

reached with GHeav in which the business agreed to pay $140,000 in back pay as well as a $10,200 penDIANA alty. Due to ROSEN bad record keeping, it is Looking Left unclear if that $140,000 legitimately covers all of the money GHeav employees are owed. Additionally, the back pay only extends back two years, meaning that employees who have worked at the establishment for over two years are not being compensated for their earlier work. To make matters worse, this month it was discovered that GHeav fired four workers after they testified for the Department of Labor that they were being paid under minimum wage. A manager told the workers that the owner was on to them and that they would be punished for their actions. On Jan. 3, they were fired. Needless to say, Connecticut law explicitly prohibits this type of employer retaliation. The weekly protests have continued, but the attitude of the general student body has appeared to grow more and more apathetic. While the prospect of boycotting for a few weeks at the start of the year seemed reasonable to

many, at this point, few seem to be actively participating. This past weekend, large numbers of students lined up to make late-night food purchases. A general consensus seems to have arisen that although GHeav’s labor violations are a problem, the bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches are impossible to resist. A New Haven Independent article last week revealed just how apathetic students have become. A Yale junior explained his rationale behind crossing the picket line and purchasing a sandwich: “I’m doing me. The Department of Labor will do them.” He told the Independent that GHeav’s labor violations would “probably get fixed up soon,” a strange belief given that the business has continued violating Connecticut labor laws since the initial investigation. Some students have chosen not to boycott out of a concern for the workers, operating under the belief that reduced business will only lead to more employees getting fired. But a week after the settlement, workers told the News that they would like to see more students boycotting, as it sends a powerful message to management. They also said that they could not discuss this with students who asked questions at the store, as they were being closely monitored with surveillance cameras. Given GHeav’s continued mistreatment of its employees, stu-

dents should actively choose to boycott both locations until the business is operating within Connecticut labor regulations. Not shopping at GHeav is by no means as difficult as many make it out to be — there are numerous food stores on the same block, as well as more than a dozen Yale dining halls within walking distance. Beyond boycotting GHeav, as students we should be sure to exert pressure on another key player in the situation: Yale. University Properties issued a statement last October saying that Yale would not renew the lease of any tenant that did not comply with state labor laws. Last week, Yale issued another statement, saying, “We do not condone unfair labor practices, and as Gourmet Heaven’s landlord, our recourse is not to renew their lease unless Gourmet Heaven is in compliance with the state’s requirements.” The fact that GHeav’s issues with the Department of Labor have gone on for several months now should not be reason for students to forget what has happened. Instead, our reaction should be to hold the University accountable for its statements on the GHeav lease and to boycott the establishment that has mistreated its workers for years on end. DIANA ROSEN is a sophomore in Pierson College. Her columns run on Mondays. Contact her at diana.rosen@ .

Beyond the window-dressing S

omething I’ve been thinking about lately — and which Martin Luther King Jr. Day has helped bring into focus — is my own tendency towards status-quo bias. This is the tendency to accept things as — if not exactly good — inevitable and unavoidable just because they exist now. Dr. King was one of the most eloquently powerful critics of this bias, famously declaring from a Birmingham jail cell that “the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens’ Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate.” He knew all too well that too many so-called white moderates were “more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice”: that even while many white citizens (some in the White House) might nominally declare their support for equal civil rights, they weren’t all that fussed about how or when those rights would come. Dr. King knew that Bull Connor, the brutal Birmingham sheriff willing to employ all sorts of violence in order to enforce segregation, was ultimately less of a threat to civil rights than the soft-spoken, gentlemanly statesrights proponent Georgia Senator Richard Russell — or the Northern senators who would willingly trade progress on civil rights for action on other priorities, content

to defer justice until some unspecified later date. It’s a point so often made that it’s become almost HENRY trite, but I still LARSON find it hard to grasp. There Nothing in was nothing inevitable Particular about the Civil Rights Movement. Progress was the result not of a historical trend, but of individuals’ conscious and provocative challenges to a morally bankrupt status quo. Indeed, more powerful than any trend toward justice, the trend towards perpetuating the present is what made Jim Crow last so long. Now, not all causes demand the same degree of radical urgency as others. I get frustrated when my peers lament our lack of our parents’ proclivity for protest, as if their generation possessed a moral vigor that they somehow failed to transmit to their children. The fact is that they had a very specific reason to protest: fear of being drafted and sent halfway around the world to die in an unjust war. Indeed, their apathy toward current problems — we don’t see many baby boomers taking to the streets to rally for employment and gay

rights — suggests that the problems that they (and we) currently face are less severe and proximate than those of the 1960s. But that very lack of proximity may serve to deaden us to very real problems that do exist. For the entirety of my class’ college tenure — and for a good part of high school too — the employment picture in the United States has been abysmal. But the political will to fight unemployment has gotten steadily weaker, in part, I think, because the economy isn’t so bad for business and policy elites who have seen their stock portfolios recover. Nor is it for their children at elite universities like Yale who still have a high chance of landing a lucrative job. I (and many others) have advocated in these pages for increased Yale outreach to disadvantaged communities, as well as for other steps — a larger student body, for instance — that might make a Yale education more broadly accessible. But in totality, such proposals are mainly window dressing; they aim to help a few students rather than change the landscape. Indeed, I’ve never questioned the status quo that most Yale students would come from a relatively welloff, highly educated subset of the population. That seemed like the inevitable by-product of a society where family resources and early

educational opportunities for children remain so unequal. Maybe it is. Certainly, Yale would help no one by admitting students who totally lack the preparation to succeed here — and that preparation might inevitably, if only partially, stratify along socioeconomic lines. Still, has anyone actually done the legwork to know whether a truly muscular economic affirmative action shift — one that would mean only one percent of Yale students come from the top one percent of America — would result in classes unprepared to succeed here? This column is not meant as a holier-than-thou exercise in vague indictments of the status quo. God knows I’ve been happy to benefit from the thousands of advantages life has thrown my way, and I don’t believe that every instance of uneven privilege and want has or necessarily deserves a solution. Still, it’s worth taking some time every now and then to consider “the way things are” — whether at Yale, within America, or, perhaps most importantly in the 21st century, around the world. They might not have to be that way. HARRY LARSON is a senior in Jonathan Edwards College. His columns run on alternate Tuesdays. Contact him at .

Finding solace in lost baggage YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400 Editorial: (203) 432-2418 Business: (203) 432-2424

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All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Emma Goldberg and Geng Ngarmboonanant Opinion Editors Yale Daily News



ast week I inadvertently bore witness to a quasi-psychological study involving baggage claim representatives and volatile customers. Let me start off with some background. Over winter break, my family took a two-week trip to Asia. My brothers and I, all college students, packed our bags with almost everything we brought home for break. When we arrived in Hong Kong, two airline representatives were waiting for us at the gate to deliver the news that three of our six bags did not make it onto the aircraft. They sincerely apologized, gave us $400 of compensation and told us the exact time the following day that the bags would be delivered to our hotel. The way in which the representatives handled it — with courtesy and a calm attitude — ameliorated any frustrations we might have had, and instead left us appreciative of their efforts. My experience coming back to the U.S. could not have been more different. We arrived in Baltimore on a Saturday night and I was eager to get my bags home, hoping to do my laundry before I returned to Yale the following day. After my luggage failed to appear on the baggage carousel, I waited

in a long line to speak to an airline representative. With an unnecessarily rude tone, the representative told me ALLY my bag was DANIELS still in Chicago, where we Taking the had connected between Tokyo Back Ally and Baltimore. Though I was told it would be put on the final flight to Baltimore that night, it didn’t leave Chicago until late in the afternoon the next day. I had to have the bag shipped to New Haven and I didn’t receive it until 11 p.m. that Monday. I was given no explanation, no apology and no reimbursement. Therein lies my study and, as a prospective psych major, I couldn’t possibly pass up an opportunity to (very rudimentarily) analyze this. Both on the way out and on the way back our bags were lost. But, on the way out we were wholly pacified and on the way back we were incredibly frustrated. The ways in which the airlines handled the mishap framed the experiences for us, either pos-

itively or negatively. It was fascinating to see how much power those around us hold in creating the lens through which we view our everyday experiences. This reminded me of an adage that used to play every morning on my elementary school PA system: “Treat all people as you would like to be treated, with respect, courtesy and consideration.” It is a simple cliché that is often forgotten and makes a world of difference in frustrating situations. This lesson is made especially relevant during shopping period. We are thrown into a week of indecision and confusion, begging professors for spots in seminars and capped lectures while simultaneously trying to find backup classes that meet at the same time. We can’t even shop those backup classes without risking losing potential spots in our first-choice courses. Amidst the throes of the twoweek period, we seek compassion from professors and are often given very little. I’ve received countless one-sentence notes from professors in response to my three paragraph emails to them, singing their praises and imploring them for a highly coveted spot

in their class. It’s not that I can’t handle the rejection; I can and have prepared myself for not getting into their classes. But I would come away from the experience much more positively if the professor tried to soften the blow a little bit, thanking me for my interest and wishing me luck with the rest of my classes. Professors are under no obligation to craft courteous responses — I assume they receive hundreds of these pleading emails daily — but the extra effort would go a long way in soothing the exasperating pandemonium that is shopping period. The takeaway from this overly simplistic analysis of my pseudocase is obvious, and one that is instilled in us from a very young age. But, in the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, it’s never a bad idea to be reminded of the basics. We’ve all been that person whose baggage was lost, or whose spot in a coveted seminar was denied. Just like the polite airline representative, we too have the capacity to frame even negative moments with kind words and an upbeat attitude. ALLY DANIELS is a sophomore in Berkeley College. Contact her at .




“Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.” LAO TZU CHINESE PHILOSOPHER

J. Press to be demolished


A previous version of the article “86 Sig Ep members sued over 2011 tailgate” stated that the national fraternity’s insurance — Liberty Mutual of Boston — does not cover actions by the local chapter. In fact, the insurance does not cover actions by the chapter that are not in compliance with the national fraternity’s policies.



J. Press’ former home, 262 York St., suffered structural damage in snowstorm Nemo and is slated for demolition later this month. BY POOJA SALHOTRA STAFF REPORTER The New Haven Preservation Trust is continuing to advocate saving 262 York St., a building that is scheduled for demolition and renovation this month. Last February, snowstorm Nemo caused severe structural damage to the J. Press, Inc. site, and afterwards city officials declared the building unsafe. J. Press relocated to Chapel Street temporarily and moved again in November to its current location in Yale University Properties at 260 College St. As of Wednesday, J. Press has not come forward with a demolition schedule or renovation plan, leaving the New Haven Preservation Trust concerned about whether the building’s historic architecture will be preserved in the process. “It’s one of those buildings that New Haven has lived with for many, many years,” preservation services officer John Herzan said. “We are advocating that some elements be preserved because once you alter those original architectural features you really take away from

the historic identity of the building.” Constructed in 1860, the building originally housed a wealthy merchant named Cornelius Pierpont, who ran a shop on Broadway. According to Herzan, the building is a “rare example” of a 19thcentury townhouse. The site is also listed in New Haven’s Historic Resource Inventory for its French-style architecture. According to a December statement from the trust, the group’s goal is to preserve “as much of the building’s historic fabric as possible.” Herzan said that he has not been allowed inside of the building to assess its structural integrity, but even if the building is too severely damaged to remain standing, some of the architectural elements could still be preserved in the demolition process. Herzan said the statement from last month along with inquiries about the demolition were sent to project manager Jay Cohen of the architecture firm Environetics in New York, but to date, Herzan has not received a response. When J. Press relocated to College Street in November, store owner Jim Fitzgerald told the News that J. Press had

hoped to avoid demolition if at all possible. But because three different structural engineers stated that the building had to be razed, they did not have a choice. Fitzgerald added the new building would be similar to the old building, but would take better advantage of the space. Although the building is not owned by the University, Fitzgerald said J. Press has been working with Yale on the demolition project. “They own the buildings next to it and we want to be a good neighbor,” he said. Associate Director of New Haven and State Affairs Lauren Zucker said that Yale officials met with J. Press’s contractors as well as city officials to discuss the demolition before winter break. She added that Yale is waiting for J. Press to come forward with their demolition plan. Fitzgerald declined to comment about a specific demolition date. J. Press Company was founded in 1902 in New Haven. Contact POOJA SALHOTRA at .

Collaborative efforts between the New Haven Police Department, various city offices and the local community helped lead to the swift arrest of the student suspected of shooting a 14 year-old at Hillhouse High School last week. At around 8 p.m. on Jan. 13, gunshots rang out in front of the school’s Sherman Pkwy. athletic facility, scattering the 2,000-plus spectators filing out after a basketball game. The nine NHPD officers who were already on-hand from the game called for support before finding a discarded handgun and arresting two adults near the scene. They were then directed several blocks away from the school to the intersection of Dixwell Ave. and Munson St., where a gunshot victim was found with non-life-threatening bullet wounds to his leg and hand. Three days later, a 17 year-old Dixwell New Light High School student turned himself into police for the crime. The suspect, whose name was not released, faces assault and weapons charges. NHPD Chief Dean Esserman cited the cooperative nature of the investigation as a crucial factor in its success. “The swift apprehension of the responsible individual would not have been possible without the community’s involvement,” Esserman said in a statement released on Wednesday. “It was this collaboration that provided us with the necessary information to make the arrest.” The arrest signals a major triumph for Esserman’s community policing model — the system features a network analysis component to track criminals through their social relationships. It was through this approach that police investigators were able to find the suspect. Among those contributing to the arrest were the School Resource and Patrol officers staffed by the New Haven Public School District. Both Esserman and NHPS Superintendent Garth Harries ‘95 offered their praise for the officers’ work during this case. “Our most important responsibility as a school district is to ensure the safety of our 22,000

students, as well as staff, in our schools,” Harries said in a statement. “I thank Police Chief Esserman... I also thank our own security and school staff for doing all the right things to keep kids safe in school.” The incident comes just under a month after Hillhouse High was placed on lockdown in response to a phone call, in which a nameless man threatened to shoot one of the school’s teachers. Ultimately, no attacks unfolded, and investigators are still looking for the caller and his potential connection to a similar call that forced the University into lockdown on Nov. 25. Mayor Toni Harp commended the active role taken by the Hillhouse community last week and said she was “grateful” for the relationships formed with police as a result. This marks apparent progress since November, when Harp said that too few civilians were engaged in the community policing model employed by the NHPD. Andrew Papachristos, an associate professor of sociology who specializes in the connection between social networks and crime, agreed that the approach taken by the police in this case was a smart one. “Leveraging and working with community networks absolutely helps to solve such cases and ensure public safety,” Papachristos said. With this case seemingly closed, Harries said that his attention turns towards the future and efforts to prevent other, potentially more serious incidents. Harries added that an important step in doing so will be to ensure that NHPS students remain on track at school. “The complexity of the issue of youth gun violence in our community runs deep, but we fail if we do not do everything in our power to confront the problem and change the culture,” Harries said. “Our students deserve nothing less than the chance to work hard, rise up and achieve success in life.” Former New Haven mayoral candidate Kermit Carolina is the principal of Hillhouse High School. Contact MAREK RAMILO at marek. .

Yale hosts first Science Olympiad BY STEPHANIE ROGERS STAFF REPORTER The room in Linsly-Chittenden Hall was silent as audience members watched the small wooden structure engineered by two high school students groan under an increasing load of sand bags. After nearly 30 pounds, the structure snapped and the sand bag crashed to the ground with a resounding boom. The audience erupted into applause, and the engineering competition called Boomilever was underway. Boomilever was just one of the 21 events at Yale’s first Undergrad Science Olympiad, the first ever designed and hosted by a University. On Saturday, roughly 700 high school students from five states and 25 different schools flooded Yale’s campus to participate in the competition, which offered students a unique chance to experience areas of science not normally taught in the classroom. Events ranged from tests on Anatomy and Geologic Mapping to hands-on events like Circuit Lab and Magnetic Levitation. At the end of competition, the students from Ward Melville High School from Long Island, New York won first place out of 43 teams, with victories in Boomilever, Dynamic Planet, Geologic Mapping, and Scrambler.

“The Science Olympiad program is really important because it inspires kids to seek different subjects in science that may be more interesting to them than the typical bio, chem, physics sequences which can have the potential to alienate kids,” said Ike Lee ’15, the director of YUSO. “Science can tend to get exponentially harder as you reach a college level and that often discourages kids unless you instill in them that sense of curiosity at a young age.” Science Olympiads have been mainstays of high school curriculums for the past three decades and currently run in all but one state, Lee said. While universities in the past allowed high schools to use their facilities for the event, until this past weekend, no university had ever designed and orchestrated its own. The idea to host a science Olympiad at Yale began 10 months ago, when Lee and associated directors Xiyu Wang ’15 and Nicholas Billmeyer ’16 volunteered at the Connecticut State championships for Science Olympiad. All three had participated in Olympiads during high school in New York — a state with one of the largest competition circuits in the country. At the Connecticut Championship last March, they noticed that Connecticut’s circuit was rela-

tively weak and struggled at the national level, Billmeyer said. Many of the competitions emphasize working in teams in order to simulate the skills necessary for careers in scientific study and research. In “Write it, Do it”, one team member described the specific orientations of small structures needed to build a larger device, while the other team member listened to the instructions only to recreate the original as quickly and accurately as possible. First place went to South Windsor, for reconstructing a device made out of forks, a straw, a paper cup, two rubber bands and three matches. Maxine Faass, a junior from Conestoga High School in Pennsylvania, noted that the science Olympiad displayed none of the gender bias so often present in the sciences: While some of the building and engineering events had more male than female participants, at least half of all competitors present for the YUSO were female, Faass said. The Olympiad attracted dozens of volunteers in the form of Yale undergraduates, many of whom had participated in similar competitions in high school. The team of Yale organizers plans to bring the invitational back next year and has already received emails from other universities asking for help and


700 high school students from five states arrived on Jan. 18 to compete in the inaugural university-hosted Science Olympiad tournament. advice on how to run a competition. “MIT, Harvard and Columbia have already sent us multiple questions about how we orchestrated the event and proposed

different possibilities for collaboration in coming years,” Wang said. “It’s heartening to have such an overwhelmingly positive response.” Apart from Connecticut, stu-

dents in the competition hailed from New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Contact STEPHANIE ROGERS at .





hough Connecticut’s minimum wage ranks among the top five in the nation, employees, business owners and lawmakers question whether a boost in wages will prove a boon to individual employees and the economy as a whole. This series of articles examines the effect of the wage increase on the people who earn the minimum wage, the employers who are bound to it and the politicians whose political terrain is being shaped by the issue.

“No person can maximize the American Dream on the minimum wage.” BENJAMIN TODD JEALOUS FORMER PRESIDENT AND CEO OF THE NAACP

Workers call for higher wages BY SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC STAFF REPORTER Amidst ambitious union efforts to raise fast food workers’ minimum wage to $15 an hour and President Obama’s endorsement of a bill to raise the national minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, Connecticut workers and labor advocates are not satisfied with the relatively small raise they received from the state at the beginning of the year.

LABOR Workers said the raise, amounting to $18 extra at the end of a fulltime workweek, is still not enough to cover basic expenses. “I didn’t even notice the increase. I got basically the same check,” said Darin Johnson, who has been an employee at A-1 Pizzeria on Broadway for two years. “For my bills and rent, $8.70 is not good enough; I have to work a lot of hours.” Freddy Zepeda, another employee at A-1, added, “It was the same to me, after taxes and expenses. It’s a tiny help but not

enough.” The living wage in New Haven is $10.90 an hour for an independent adult, $2.20 over the current minimum wage, based on calculations by MIT researchers using government and survey data. For workers supporting a family of more than two, the current minimum wage falls below the living wage according to the study. Mark Colville, a founder of the community service organization Amistad Catholic Worker, said many of the people who rely on the meals they provide twice a day have minimum wage jobs and are working full time, but still do not have enough money to feed themselves. “From time to time we get a tiny bone thrown to the working person, but it’s hardly keeping up with the needs of the workers,” he said. “So many working people might as well not be working. They’re eating in soup kitchens and living in shelters.” The boost, however, makes the state’s new minimum wage the third-highest in the country, behind only Vermont and Wash-

ington. When the rate goes up one more increment to $9 next January, it will surpass Vermont for second place. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, which is in effect in 29 states. “On one hand we have to recognize we’re doing better than the rest of the country,” said John Lugo, a member of the New Haven Workers’ Association. “At the same time, you know you cannot survive with only nine bucks an hour, especially in Connecticut, which is a very expensive state.” He added that the raised wage comes in tandem with heightened costs housing, transportation and food, so the increase is not high enough and it is rising too slowly. Lugo said the lobbying efforts that pressured the state to raise the minimum wage, which he was involved in, were opposed by large business lobbyists who claimed that such an increase would hurt the economy and raise prices. But the manager of Tomatillo on Broadway, Sherif Farouk, said the exact opposite has proved to be true. Workers at the popular

taco joint have always made above minimum wage. “The more we pay, the more they spend, the better the economy gets. It’s never going to harm a business to pay workers good wages,” he said. “Connecticut is an expensive state and raising the minimum wage was a good idea for the economy of the state.” Farouk added that if the minimum wage goes up to the level labor advocates call for, $14-15 an hour, business owners would have to start covering for lost profits by raising prices. Zepeda said that jobs that pay over the minimum wage in the service industry are scarce — because of the recession, it is currently an employers’ market. “The economy is bad so it’s impossible to find a job where you can make more,” he said. This year, the minimum wages of New York and New Jersey went up to $8 and $8.25 an hour respectively. Contact SEBASTIAN MEDINATAYAC at .

Connecticut a model for Dems’ wage push BY ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER STAFF REPORTER

LEGISLATING POVERTY CT MINIMUM WAGE LAW FEB 28, 2013 Labor and Public Employees Committee passes initial minimum wage bill 7-4

MAY 24, 2013

MAY 30, 2013 The Connecticut House approves the bill 89-53

JAN 1, 2014 Minimum wage rises from $8.35 an hour to $8.70 an hour

The Connecticut Senate approves a modified version of the bill 21-15

JUNE 6, 2013 Governor Dannel Malloy signs the minimum wage bill into law

JAN 1, 2015 Minimum wage rises from $8.70 an hour to $9 an hour

As Democrats nationwide make maximizing the minimum wage a focal point of the party’s 2014 strategy, 13 states have already revealed the political stakes of that debate in statewide wage hikes that took effect Jan. 1.

LEGISLATION Connecticut has emerged as a leader in state-level, incremental wage increases; at the same time, its legislative advances have been along stark partisan lines. No Republicans in either chamber of the Connecticut General Assembly voted for the bill, which passed last summer by a vote of 89-53 in the state House and 21-15 in the Senate. In a handful of states facing contested congressional elections this year, Democrats are seeking to put minimum wage hikes to referenda, including in Alaska, where advocacy groups have already collected thousands of signatures in support of putting the issue on the ballot. Connecticut lawmakers say further increases in Connecticut’s minimum wage are unlikely, at least until the full 75-cent increase takes effect next year. Martin Looney, the Senate majority leader, said the Democratic caucus sees the minimum wage as a question of “equity and fairness,” not as a strategy designed to catch Republicans in an unpopular position. Two out of three Americans say the minimum wage should increase,

according to a December 2013 Washington Post-ABC News poll. The average suggested minimum was $9.41 per hour. Looney said the ultimate goal is moving toward a figure that more closely resembles a living wage, “a salary that hardworking people can actually use to support themselves.” He said $12 per hour would align more closely with that ideal. Pat O’Neal, spokesman for the Connecticut House Republicans, said living wage calculations can be as steep as $23 an hour, an impossibly high minimum to enforce. He said most residents working minimum wage jobs are working parttime; they are often students or retirees who are not supporting families, he added. Roughly 70 percent of Conn. residents with minimum wage jobs work more than 20 hours per week, according to Raise the Minimum Wage, a project of the national Employment Law Project. Further increases in the minimum wage would “nickel and dime people who actually create jobs and provide income to people,” O’Neal said. For that reason, he added, state Republicans are virtually unanimously opposed to raising the wage floor. He said forcing businesses to pay higher salaries would lead to lay-offs that end up harming economic competitiveness as well as the state’s workforce. O’Neal added that Democrats have latched onto minimum wage as a diversion from the Affordable Care Act, an issue he said threatens their electoral

prospects. “The Democrats certainly want to make this a wedge issue because they’d rather talk about anything but Obamacare,” he said. “This is the issue they want to talk about for the next 11 months: ‘Oh, once again, Republicans are siding with the wealthy and don’t want to help people at the bottom.” Connecticut’s minimum wage is high compared to minimums in most states and to the national standard, which has remained at $7.25 per hour since 2009. President Barack Obama last November backed the idea of a national $10.10 minimum, a goal Connecticut State Rep. Roland Lemar said the state should seek to meet on its own. Still, Connecticut trails a handful of states and municipalities, including Washington State at $9.32 per hour. Entirely ahead of the pack is the city of SeaTac, Washington, which increased its minimum wage by referendum last fall to $15 per hour, the steepest required wage in the country. The referendum passed by 50.64 percent — and aspects of it are still being challenged in court, including its application to employees of the Seattle Airport. Kathryn Campbell, a member of the SeaTac city council, estimated that 1,600 SeaTac residents are taking home more money this month as a result of the wage bump. Even in the heavily Democratic Seattle suburb, she said, the ballot measure was fervently opposed by corporate groups, which are still fight-

ing its provisions in court. “It’s not an issue of Republican versus Democrat,” Campbell said, adding that positions on the city council are nonpartisan. “It’s more of an issue of people who see the benefit of people having enough to feed their families and get by without public assistance.” But Connecticut State Rep. Gail Lavielle GRD ’81, a Republican representing the 143rd district in far Southwest Connecticut, said Connecticut’s legislation comes at the wrong time — that the General Assembly failed to take measures to jumpstart the economy before burdening business owners with a wage hike. In his State of the State address last week, Washington Governor Jay Inslee offered an economic defense of raising wage floors, saying improving wages redounds to the good of the business community. “There is ample evidence that a raise in that range does not kill jobs. An increase in minimum wage means more money being spent in our economy,” Inslee said. “It won’t be a number that remedies 50 years of income inequality. But I believe that an increase in the range of $1.50 to $2.50 an hour is a step toward closing the widening economic gap.” 21 states have wage floors higher than the national minimum. Contact ISAAC STANLEYBECKER at .

Businesses ambivalent about rising min. wage BY J.R. REED STAFF REPORTER As Connecticut’s minimum wage increases from $8.25 to $8.70 this year, most business owners in New Haven have not expressed concerns over how to pay their workers.

EMPLOYERS While an estimated 70,000 to 90,000 workers out of Connecticut’s total workforce of 1.7 million earn the minimum wage, the workers at 15 New Haven businesses interviewed are compensated above the $8.70 value. Claire’s Corner Copia Owner Claire Criscuolo said that the restaurant has always paid its employees above the minimum wage, adding that she makes her own judgements about what her workers should be paid as opposed to picking wages based on government standards. Dishwashers at Claire’s are paid more than almost all other staff members. Criscuolo declined to reveal the wages of workers at Claire’s.

“In our opinion, you either do the right thing or you don’t,” Criscuolo said. “We’re able to pay our workers what we do, because our customers support us and we couldn’t do that if they weren’t willing to pay the prices. Everyone is in this together.” Out of 20 business managers or owners interviewed, 18 said that the change will not affect any of their workers’ compensation, including restaurants, clothing stores and other retail shops. A few of the establishments interviewed included Denali and J. Press. The majority of managers and workers did not comment further than to say that the wages of their workers would not change under the new law. Many legislators at the state and national level have supported the bill, not only because they believe it will positively affect local families, but also business and local economic development. “Raising the minimum wage isn’t just good for workers — it’s good for business too,” Connecticut House

Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz said in a statement. “A higher minimum wage would inject dollars into our economy as folks spend increased earnings at local businesses.” However, the Study’s Director of Operations Anthony Moir said that the hotel’s restaurant, Heirloom, would be slightly affected by the shift in minimum wage. Servers and certain staff members who work in the hotel’s restaurant will see an increase in their salary. He added, however that their base salary does not reflect tips, which form a major part of their compensation. Nevertheless, the majority of the hotel’s staff is paid above minimum wage and will not be impacted by the new law. Under the prior rate of $8.25 an hour, an employee working 40 hours per week earned $17,160 per year. As of January 1, 2014, a Connecticut resident working full time at minimum wage will make $18,096 per year. Contact J.R. REED at .


CONNECTICUT Under the prior rate of $8.25 an hour in Connecticut, an employee in Connecticut working 40 hours a week earns $17,160 per year.

70,000 to 90,000

estimated workers out of Connecticut’s total workforce of 1.7 million earn the minimum wage.

UNITED STATES Under the current federal rate of $7.25 an hour, employees working 40 hours a week earn $15,080 per year. Minimum wage has increased as of Jan. 1 2014 Minimum wage hasn’t increased as of Jan. 1 2014

With the change taking effect on Jan. 1, 21 states have set wages higher than the federal level of $7.25 per hour.




“Life’s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER

Yalies study impact on NH BY NICOLE NG STAFF REPORTER Over the course of this year, Yale’s chapter of the Roosevelt Institute, a national progressive think tank for students, will begin researching and evaluating the University’s impact on the New Haven community. Last week, the Roosevelt Institute launched “Rethinking Communities,” a nationwide initiative to analyze and rate how colleges affect their local communities. Students at various Roosevelt Institute chapters will evaluate schools based on their involvement in local economic development, community-building and education, as well as health, safety and environmental standards. Twentyone of the Roosevelt Institute’s 115 chapters across the country, including chapters at Columbia University and Cornell University, are participating in the project. “The goal of the project is to look at anchor institutions and their effect on the community, what steps have been taken to improve the community and come up with a ranking that allows us to compare institutions,” said Rachel Miller ’15, who is co-president of the Yale chapter of the Roosevelt Institute. The Yale chapter hopes to complete its initial findings by March, begin brainstorming policy recommendations for improvement shortly after and finalize data by May. Andre Manuel ’16, the other co-president of the Yale chapter, said the chapter will then meet with Yale administrators to promote concrete solutions and steps, which may include areas for further investment. By collecting information on Yale’s role in New Haven, the Yale chapter, in conjunction with

other participating chapters, will also help the national Roosevelt Institute develop a scale with which to compare other institutions. Though the scale’s design depends on the data that each chapter ultimately collects, Associate Director of Networked Initiatives at the Roosevelt Institute Alan Smith said it will be similar to the LEED scale, a national certification system designed to encourage the construction of energy-efficient buildings. However, Smith said there will be less of an emphasis on a point system and more on comparisons with other schools. For example, though Yale and Ohio State would not be expected to spend the same amount on their local communities, Smith said the scale could help determine a percentage of a school’s budget or an amount per student that would be reasonable. He added that institutions with a better impact on their communities could be used to put cultural pressure on other institutions that may not be doing as well. Project leaders Akash Salam ’17 and JR Reed ’16, both of whom are staff reporters for the News, have yet to finalize the exact criteria for evaluating Yale. Still, Manuel said the project will look at the vendors that Yale hires for events — whether vendors take into account fair hiring practices, pay fair wages or are minority-owned businesses. “It’s important to reinforce that this is not meant to be a criticism of Yale — it’s supposed to fit into the larger national project,” Manuel said. “We do anticipate to see that Yale does great things for community … Ultimately we think Yale could benefit a lot in this project.” The project may also look at whether Yale invests capital in

the community through small businesses and home ownership programs. Miller said she expects to find positive results in this area, as Yale has implemented New Haven Promise, a program that supplies scholarships to New Haven students, and has also encouraged staff and faculty to buy homes in the city through the New Haven Homebuyer program. One potential area for improvement is Yale’s development of its property in the Broadway area, Miller said, as some New Haven residents are not able to afford to shop at the businesses Yale has put in place. In order to gather data, Miller said that project leaders will initially rely on collaboration with the University. Boris Sigal SOM ’14, who studies anchor institutions and economic development and has been in contact with Roosevelt project organizers, said many offices, including the Office of Procurement and the Yale Office of State and New Haven Affairs, keep extensive records of the University’s community engagement. The chapter may also collect qualitative feedback from local businesses and those who have been involved with Yale’s programs. Sigal said he is excited to create document summarizing what Yale does for New Haven that can be distributed across campus. “It can get us all on the same page in understanding what Yale does, but also help us understand where there may be opportunities to do more,” he said. By December 2014, Rethinking Communities projects are all expected to have positive motion and start taking action in their communities, Smith said. The Roosevelt Institute was founded in 2004. Contact NICOLE NG at .

Students serve city


Approximately 140 Yale students went out into the city on Monday to participate in Dwight Hall’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. BY SARAH BRULEY STAFF REPORTER On Monday morning, approximately 140 service-minded Yale students dispersed around New Haven to volunteer as part of Dwight Hall’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. The volunteers spent the day at one of 16 service sites around the Elm City, including the Peabody Museum, New Haven Home Recovery and Walgreens. This year’s day of service focused on reaching out to graduate students. Whereas in the past volunteers have been overwhelmingly undergraduate, this year 25 percent of the students participating were graduate students, said Patricia Okonta MC ’15, Dwight Hall’s institutional service coordinator. Before heading out to their sites, Peter Crumlish, executive director of Dwight Hall, encouraged volunteers to use the day of service as an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “You’ve heard of King’s famous language about interconnectivity [and] mutuality. In order for us to all be who we ought to be and for you to be who you ought to be, we all have to support each other,” Crumlish said. One of the goals for the day of service was reach people who do not usually engage in community service, Crumlish said. The large proportion of graduate students was an unusual, but welcome turnout, said Sterling Johnson SY ’15, Dwight Hall co-coordinator. In addition to attracting more volunteers, Dwight Hall’s student executive committee has also incorporated a number of new service programs, including the Wexler-Grant School MLK Celebration, CitySeed and Christ Church Community Soup Kitchen, said Johnson.

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This year, instead of holding their own day of service for Dr. King, members of Yale’s Black Graduate Network joined Dwight Hall’s day of service, said Musleehat Hamadu, student consulting group president at Yale HealthCORE and second year graduate student in the School of Public Health. In CitySeed — an organization that promotes sustainable agriculture in Connecticut — five volunteers helped with data analysis, communications mailing to farmers and information distribution, said Patille Nargozian, CitySeed’s market manager. “We would definitely be interested in working with Dwight Hall again if we have more opportunities,” said Nargozian. In addition to the new service programs, several volunteers helped facilitate the many programs offered by the Peabody Museum specifically for Martin Luther King Day. Because the Peabody saw approximately 6,000 visitors, volunteers were much needed to work at the retail table, answer questions and count attendance, said Mary Anderson, volunteer coordinator for the Peabody. “To see 10 fresh young faces with loads of energy walk through the doors — it’s fantastic,” Anderson said. Some of the programs run through the Peabody were New Haven Healthy City Healthy Climate Challenge, which raised awareness about the connection between air pollution and public health, and the New Haven People’s Center, which supervised children as they drew pictures of what they wanted to see Mayor Toni Harp change in New Haven. Dwight Hall held its first Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in 2002. Contact SARAH BRULEY at .




“Great perils have this beauty, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.” VICTOR HUGO FRENCH WRITER

Disagreement over SigEp lawsuit continues SIG EP LAWSUIT FROM PAGE 1 through Liberty Surplus Insurance Corporation, for the 86 members targeted in the suits. But Warren declined to discuss why the plaintiffs chose to sue the 86 members, rather than continuing a previous suit filed earlier in 2013 against the national fraternity. The attorneys of Short and the Barry estate — Joel Faxon and Paul Edwards, respectively — claim that the suits were filed against the 86 individuals because the national fraternity’s insurance contains an exclusion for rented motor vehicles and actions in violation of national fraternity policy. Faxon said that Harold Friedman, a lawyer representing the national fraternity but compensated by Liberty Mutual, “took the position that the use of bulk quantities of alcohol [at the tailgate] was in violation of [SigEp national] policy” in a deposition of then-SigEp President Patrick Dolan ’13. Faxon pointed to a Dec. 23, 2013 letter obtained by the News to national Sigma Phi Epsilon Director of Risk Management Kathy Johnston describing the fraternity’s insurance policy with Liberty Surplus. In it, Copernicus Gaza — a lawyer for the insurance firm — stated that defendants are only insured if “they were both acting within the scope of their duties as fraternity members and in compliance with SigEp National’s risk

management guidelines at the time of the accident.” “To the extent any individual defendant was acting outside the scope of his duties as a fraternity member, or was acting not in compliance with SigEp National’s risk management guidelines, no coverage would be available,” Gaza wrote. The national fraternity also lists its risk management guidelines online in a 20-page document stating that “the purchase and/or use of a bulk quantity of alcoholic beverages (i.e. kegs or case(s) or beer/wine) is prohibited.” At the time of the accident, Brendan Ross ’13 was transporting kegs in the U-Haul truck that struck Short and Barry. This fact, Faxon alleged, allowed the national fraternity to claim that it was not responsible for the local chapter and that its insurance would not cover damages stemming from the tailgate accident. As a result, Short and the Barry estate were left to sue the local chapter, their attorneys said. But the local chapter, in turn, can only be sued by way of its members because of a law defining it as a voluntary association, according to both Faxon and Edwards. When asked about the above events, Warren said that the national organization has “already secured insurance coverage for many of the individuals” and that he believed it inappropriate to go into further detail. The Dec. 23 letter from Gaza fur-

ther states that the coverage provided to the fraternity and its members is “excess” over “any of the other insurance” held by the members, including any form of homeowner’s or automobile insurance — meaning that the national fraternity’s insurance would only pay damages after the defendants’ insurance companies had already paid. Thomas Cooper, an employee at Liberty International Underwriters to whom the 86 members were told to forward documents about any insurance policies held by them or their parents, declined to comment. In the Dec. 23 letter, Johnston was instructed by Liberty Surplus to forward an affidavit to the 86 members acknowledging that they were named as defendants in the case because of their membership in the fraternity, and that the fraternity had sought liability insurance on their behalf. Furthermore, the members were asked to acknowledge that the insurance company sought information regarding their home insurance situations. In addition to working to procure insurance for the 86, Liberty Surplus also retained a lawyer, Jeremy Platek, to represent the members in court. According to documents filed with the Connecticut Judicial Branch early last week, Platek — who could not be reached for comment — is currently representing 84 of the 86. On Monday, Faxon said the

Ivy deficits remain high BUDGET DEFICIT FROM PAGE 1 News, Harvard is trying to slow growth in employee benefits and improve IT systems to save money. In a November 2013 memo, Yale Provost Benjamin Polak and University President Peter Salovey said they would distribute three and five-year budget targets to units across the University to deal with the deficit. Without any action, Yale’s reserve funds could only cover the gap between revenue and expenses for three more years, they said. “If we don’t deal with the deficit, we won’t be able to do the things we need to do to move forward,” Polak told the News in November. With four of the eight Ivy League schools witnessing a reduction in net assets from operating activities, experts are blaming increasing financial pressures and commitments. “My understanding is that it reflects a commitment to financial aid, combined with a reluctance to really jack up tuition to meet the rising costs of providing a college education,” Michael McDonald, a financial reporter for Bloomberg, said in an email. “Ivy League schools could charge a lot more but they are committed to attracting a diverse student body.” Both Strauss and Hesel said the need-blind financial aid policies of many Ivy League schools are a primary cause for the gap between expenses and revenue. Strauss added

that the cost of providing a college education is rising faster than the family incomes of prospective students. As applicants face financial pressures at home, they need more money for aid and universities are forced to direct a greater proportion of their budget toward student aid, Hesel said. Like other large universities, Yale relies heavily on government grants to fund much of its research. While the University received $562 million in federal grants in the 2012 fiscal year, that figure declined to $535 million in the 2013 fiscal year, largely because of the sequester. Government cuts to research funding have impacted universities across the nation. Going forward, Strauss said universities will have to find ways to reduce cost, dip into reserves or somehow increase their revenue streams. Schools may need to consider tuition increases or reductions in financial aid, Strauss said. Though schools made severe cuts to their expenses in the wake of the 2008-’09 recession, McDonald said he is unsure whether institutions have made adequate changes. “They’re not fully protected from seeing these things again in the future,” Hesel added. Princeton University, Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania all posted budgetary surpluses for the 2013 fiscal year. Contact ADRIAN RODRIGUES at .


The national fraternity’s insurance will not cover rented motor vehicles or actions that violate national policy. vast majority of the 86 defendants hold pre-existing applicable insurance policies, either individually or through their parents. Including the most recent lawsuits, Short and the Barry estate

have collectively sued four times since the 2011 incident, naming Ross, the fraternity, all members of the local chapter at the time, the University, the city of New Haven and U-Haul as defendants.


Yale gets “yellow” for speech FREE SPEECH FROM PAGE 1 which states that the Executive Committee may take action against a student for an action that “may imperil the integrity and values of the Yale community or the well-being of its members.” “That’s very broad,” Harris said. “It doesn’t necessarily apply to speech, but it could.” Harris said that Yale’s policy on students’ appropriate use of technology resources also could be better designed to ensure freedom of expression. In particular, Harris said that under the current policy, content of a sexual nature used for research could be deemed a violation of policy by the University. In a Monday letter to the Yale community, Yale College Dean Mary Miller rejected claims that the shutdown of the Yale Bluebook+ site was an infringement of free speech. The shutdown of the site, she said, happened because the site’s developers — brothers Peter Xu ’14 and Harry Yu ’14 — violated Yale’s Appropriate Use Policy and encouraged students to select courses based on incomplete information. “To claim that Yale’s efforts

to ensure that students received complete information somehow violated freedom of expression turns that principle on its head,” Miller said. Of 15 students interviewed, though, seven students said they considered the shutdown an infringement upon freedom of expression at the University. Four said it was not an infringement and four had no opinion.

I don’t see any ways [administrators] hinder our freedom of speech. MARY FARMER ’16 “It was a violation,” Harrison Miller ’16 said, disagreeing with Miller. “Yale administrators didn’t explicitly limit the use of course rating comparisons, and in that respect, were not more explicit about policies of freedom of speech.” According to the Undergraduate Regulations, the University’s current policy on freedom of

expression emerged from a report by the Committee on Freedom of Expression at Yale published in January 1975. Most students interviewed said they were generally pleased with the state of freedom of expression at Yale, saying that they found no reason to doubt the University’s commitment to freedom of speech. “I don’t see any ways [administrators] hinder our freedom of speech,” Mary Farmer ’16 said. “There are always ways in which we could have more freedom, but I don’t personally feel individually large weight taking away my freedom. I can say what I feel.” Still, some students noted that there might be some instances in which the University’s policies are, as Leanne Motylenski ’16 noted, “blurry.” In last year’s FIRE report, Yale received the same “yellow light” rating for its level of tolerance for free speech. Larry Milstein contributed reporting. Contact MATTHEW LLOYDTHOMAS at .







Anchors aweigh! Next stop: Sochi The United States Navy will have as many as two warships on standby in the waters near the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics after concerns have been raised about the safety of American athletes due to terrorist threats. Aircraft will also be on standby in Europe to help with the evacuation of American athletes should a terrorist strike occur.

Elis tie at home

Brown comeback falls short MEN’S BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 action that pitted Yale’s balanced attack against Brown (8–7, 0–1) and the Ivy League’s top scorer, guard Sean McGonagill. Four Bulldogs reached double figures, led by the exceptional all-around play of guard Armani Cotton ’15, who set season highs with 19 points and nine rebounds. Forward Justin Sears ’16 added a game-high 20 points along with six rebounds, forward Brandon Sherrod ’15 chipped in 10 and point guard Javier Duren ’15 registered 16 points in addition to five steals. The X factor in the Yale victory, though, was the battle-tested Cotton. Having played limited minutes in recent games and struggling to recover from injuries, Cotton was one of few bright spots for the Bulldogs in the first half. “It’s been a long nonconference first half of the season for me with ups and downs,” Cotton said. “Coach always talks about peaking at the right time … I’m ready now and my health is going in the right direction, so I’m just excited for the Ivy League right now.” Yale shot just 32.1 percent in the first half and was out-rebounded 22–17 by the Bears, yet the Bulldogs entered the locker room with a 33–31 advantage. The lead was in large part due to Cotton’s 12 points and six rebounds. Duren also added 12 first-half points. The second half saw improved play from the Elis, led by Sears and Sherrod, and it appeared as if the Bulldogs were on the verge of blowing the game wide open. A made free throw by guard Isaiah Salafia ’14 with 6:50 remaining capped a 22–11 run that put Yale up by 11, good for the largest lead of the game. That run was highlighted by an emphatic one-handed tomahawk jam by Sherrod that shook the John J. Lee Amphitheater. The stars were aligned for a Yale victory, but the Bulldogs suddenly suffered what had the potential to be a catastrophic disaster. Duren turned his ankle under the Brown basket and limped off the court at a pivotal moment

in the game. With Yale’s floor general off the court, the Bears pounced with a 13–4 run that cut the Yale lead to one at 66–65 with 2:21 left to play. That would be as close as Brown would get to completing its comeback. Sherrod knocked down two free throws to extend the lead to three before Duren, still limping noticeably, returned to the court. Yale ended the game on an 8–2 run, as the Bears misfired on three threepoint attempts in the final minute and a half. As for the Bulldogs, they sealed the game at the free-throw line by converting eight of 10 attempts in the game’s waning moments. Sears took the majority of the clutch attempts, hitting five of six attempts over the final minute and 14 seconds to give him 20 points for a team-leading fourth time this season. “In high school, one of my teammates said whenever you have to shoot a tough free throw, think of something that relaxes you,” Sears said. “So I always think that I’m watching Entourage.” Sears’ performance earned him his second Ivy League Player of the Week award this season, though Sears said that he felt Cotton was more deserving of the honor. Free throws turned out to play a large role in Yale’s victory. Yale scored 27 points from the line over the course of the game, as opposed to just 14 points from the charity stripe for Brown. The aggressiveness was a pleasant sight for Jones, though he said he believes that there is still room for growth. “That’s some of the things we talked about, like not settling,” Jones said. “I thought we could have taken a few more free throws actually … We feel that our post guys are as good as anybody’s in the league and if we get deep, we want them to go up strong and try to finish.” The Bears will have a chance for redemption when they host the Bulldogs this Saturday at 4 p.m.


The women’s hockey team fought to two draws at home this weekend, tying both Clarkson and St. Lawrence. WOMEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 intermission, the Golden Knights were outshooting the Bulldogs 38–13 and were up by just one goal. Forward Gretchen Tarrant ’17 evened the score early in the third period with her first career goal. Tarrant got the puck just inside the blue line and put it in through the five hole. The Golden Knights again responded quickly, taking the lead back just a minute later. But Staenz refused to let Clarkson put Yale away, and tallied her 15th goal of the year with 10 minutes remaining in the game. Tomimoto shot the puck off the goalie’s pads, allowing Staenz to grab the rebound, skate past a defender to the left side and snipe the puck top right while diving to the ice. “I didn’t see it go behind the goalie, I just saw the red light go on and knew that it went in,” Staenz said. In the final minutes of regulation and five minutes of overtime play, both teams pushed hard to put the game away, but neither could come out with a goal. Goaltender Jaimie Leonoff ’15 made a diving save in front of the net and a clutch glove save three minutes later to keep Clarkson from scoring. Leonoff finished the game with 52 saves, her most this season.

Contact JAMES BADAS at .

“She stood on her head,” Tomimoto said. “She saved 50-plus shots and only let in three goals, so she was absolutely terrific for us. She’s definitely one of the best goaltenders in the league.” Yale had an opportunity to score in the final minute of overtime, when a checking penalty gave the team a power play for the remainder of play. The Bulldogs were able to keep the puck in Clarkson’s zone and get two shots on Howe, but the clock ran out before they could put one in. The next day against St. Lawrence, Yale dug itself into a hole midway through the first period by committing two successive penalties, giving the Saints a 5-on-3 power play for 60 seconds early on. The Bulldogs held off the Saints until both penalties expired, but just as Staenz was coming out of the penalty box, St. Lawrence forward Rylee Smith scored on a redirected shot. Yale could not tie the game up in the first two periods despite outshooting St. Lawrence 25–12 in that time frame. The equalizer came in the third period, when a scrum in front of the St. Lawrence net caused goalie Carmen MacDonald to lose her stick. Staenz passed the puck out to defenseman Taylor Marchin ’17 just inside the blue line, and Marchin easily

Bulldogs slay bears

ripped the shot into the net. The referees reviewed the play to check for goalie interference, but the ruling was upheld. Yale maintained control of the puck for much of the end of regulation but could not get another shot past MacDonald. The teams went back and forth multiple times during the overtime period, and the Saints allowed the Bulldogs just two shots in the five minutes. After a major Yale opportunity in front of the net in the final seconds, a St. Lawrence forward took the puck all the way down the ice to try one more shot, but Leonoff made a glove save to end the game. “The game against St. Lawrence didn’t have to be [a tie],” Staenz said. “We could have won, and it would have been better if we did win, but gaining at least one point out of a game always feels good.” Yale outshot St. Lawrence 34–31 in the game, marking just the fourth time this season that the Bulldogs have outshot their opponents. The Bulldogs will host Brown on Friday in the “White Out for Mandi” event in honor of Mandi Schwartz ’10.

Hayden leads Elis MEN’S HOCEKY FROM PAGE 12


The women’s basketball team defeated Brown 70–53 on the road this weekend, winning its Ivy opener. W. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 The Elis shuffled their starting lineup for the contest, inserting forward Katie Werner ’17, who was making her first career start, and guard Lena Munzer ’17, who was making her second career start.

Yale’s bench was a factor as well, outscoring Brown’s bench 33–16. “We just want the players on the floor who are proving they can help our team win games,” Gobrecht said. Guard Lauren Clarke, who scored 16 points for the Bears, led Brown’s offense

alongside guard Jordin Alexander, who scored 10 points. Yale faces Brown again on Friday in the John J. Lee Amphitheater at 7:00 p.m. Contact ASHLEY WU at .

Contact GREG CAMERON at .

John Hayden ’17 redirected a shot from Root into the net to stretch the Bulldogs’ lead to three goals with 4:41 left in the first frame. After allowing three goals on 17 shots, the Saints switched goaltenders to start the second period. But just 21 seconds into Tyler Parks’ time on the ice, Yale struck again, with forward Kenny Agostino ’14 finding Hayden for his second goal of the game. “We honestly had something to prove after the Clarkson game,” Hayden said. “Against St. Lawrence, we came out, stuck to our system and worked hard.” Lyon credited the fast start with helping to give him confidence for the rest of the night. The Eli defense did a great job neutralizing Saints stars Matt and Greg Carey. Both came into the game in the top-5 in the conference in points, with older brother Greg standing second

in the country with 40 points. Against Yale, however, St. Lawrence failed to score until the third period, and Greg could not find the back of the net at all. Though the offense played a big role in picking up two points against St. Lawrence, Lyon was a central figure in that game as well as in the Clarkson match. “Alex has been awesome in net,” O’Gara said. “He makes big saves when we need them and allows us to be in every game we play in. It’s definitely a confidence boost as a defenseman having someone behind you more than capable of bailing you out every now and then.” Yale hopes to avenge an early season loss against Brown this week, traveling to Providence on Friday and hosting the Bears at Ingalls Rink on Saturday. Both games start at 7:00 p.m. Contact GRANT BRONSDON at .

Big 5 autonomy considered IVY ADS FROM PAGE 12 said. “Those five are interested in being able in certain areas of the rules to be able to control their own destiny. For example, they would like to decide if scholarships would cover the cost of attendance.” “Cost of attendance” is defined typically as a stipend given to players to pay for what would still be required to attend college, but not necessarily covered under a full-ride athletic scholarship. Various academic scholarships, on the other hand, may cover these expenses, such as a required laptop.

In unofficial polls from the conference, only 30 percent of respondents “strongly opposed” or “opposed” the idea of giving the five “power conferences” more autonomy, while 27 percent “strongly supported” the idea, 31 percent “supported” it and 12 percent remained “neutral.” Harris expressed her support for the legislative change, guided by the NCAA steering committee that will next meet in April and likely vote over the summer. “I think from our perspective in the Ivy League we are fine with allowing them autonomy,” Harris said. “We would like to see

the rules continued to the same academic and athletic standards. We are concerned with a more holistic view of the issue.” In a second unofficial poll, respondents voted on giving full voting representation to student-athletes that sit on NCAA committees. A clear majority, 67 percent, of the constituents voted in support of voting rights for student-athletes. Currently, student-athletes are permitted to sit in on various committees and provide direction and input, but are not allowed to vote. “Right now, students are nonvoting members and I think giv-

ing them a voting opportunity makes sense,” Harris said. “I think student-athletes were already convincing because the administrators take into account student-athlete feedback prior to voting and I don’t know how much voting power would change that. However, it says something when you are part of a group and are actually a voting member of the group.” Harris added that she believes athletes should be given voting power but noted that currently, cabinets and committees are receptive to student-athlete feedback and their opinions can often sway votes.

However, some NCAA student-athletes are not certain that the minor proposed changes to give student-athletes panelvoting power will have much of an impact. “I believe NCAA administrators are in panic mode because the future of the current NCAA system is in question,” swimmer Danny Clarke ’14 said. “The NCAA has neglected the rights of athletes for decades. The new student voting system is progress, but I am not convinced much will change.” Harris said that there are growing numbers of members of the NCAA that believe the NCAA

needs to “be more strategic,” and as a result they are contemplating a smaller Board of Directors, as well as the proposal of Athletic Directors growing their role to have more sway than university presidents. University President Peter Salovey said he was unable to comment due to insufficient knowledge of the situation. The NCAA Board of Directors plans to prepare a proposal for its April meeting regarding the restructuring of the “Power Five” conferences. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .






Snow likely, mainly after 3pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 22. North wind 8 to 14 mph.


High of 18, low of 6.

High of 24, low of 5.


ON CAMPUS TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 12:30 p.m. Art in Context: “The Wandering I: Art and the Alphabet.” This gallery talk will be given by Robin Hoffman, a postdoctoral research associate at the Yale Center for British Art. Hoffman joined the center in 2012, after completing a dissertation entitled “‘Doubtful Characters’: Alphabet Books and Battles over Literacy in Nineteenth-Century British Print Culture.” Yale Center for British Art (1080 Chapel St.). 7:00 p.m. “Remembrance, Reflection, Renewal: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.” Yale’s Afro-American Cultural Center will host this reception and photography exhibit sponsored by the Black Student Alliance at Yale. Afro-American Cultural Center (211 Park St.).



4:00 p.m. “The 3D Reconstruction Pipeline: from Acquisition to Printing.” Professor Ruggero Pintus will give an overview of the standard 3D reconstruction pipeline, from data capture to data processing, visualization and printing, and show more state-ofthe-art works in the field. Kline Biology Tower (219 Prospect St.), CSSSI 24/7 Study Room.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 4:00 p.m. “From Lab to Market: How to Translate Your Research Into Commercial Success.” Erika Smith of the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute will lead a talk on how to evaluate innovations for market potential, the first steps to take when considering forming a startup, and ways to access the funding and resources available at YEI. Free, but register in advance. Yale Entrepreneurial Institute (55 Whitney Ave.), 2nd Floor.


6:30 p.m. Performance: Audrey Flack and the History of Art Band. A bluegrass concert with music by artist Audrey Flack and the History of Art Band. Preceded by a talk by Flack. Presented in conjunction with the exhibition: “Still Life: 1970s Photorealism.” Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.).

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To visit us in person 202 York St. New Haven, Conn. (Opposite JE) FOR RELEASE JANUARY 21, 2014


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Speeder’s undoing 6 TiVo ancestor 9 Wherewithal 14 Erie Canal city 15 Letters for debtors 16 Big name in computer chips 17 Sighting in the Scottish Highlands 20 Accident scene fig. 21 Gallop or canter 22 “By Jove!” 23 Cream of the crop 24 Like plugs vis-à-vis outlets 25 Using only ones and zeros 28 __-cheap: for a song 29 Recipe amt. 32 Air freshener targets 33 Sighting in Douglas, Wyoming 35 Belgrade citizen 36 Singer Horne and actress Olin 37 Continental coin 38 Sighting in the Pacific Northwest 40 Grammy winner Carpenter 41 Pub brew 42 Christie’s “Death on the __” 43 Large crowds 44 Mani’s salon gowith 45 Uncovered 46 Find a new table for 49 Gaucho’s weapon 50 “__ the season ...” 53 One studying this puzzle’s sightings 56 “Je __, donc je suis”: Descartes 57 Corn unit 58 Shade of green from Ireland 59 Promotional ploy 60 Skid row affliction 61 Lauder of cosmetics

2007 SUZUKI HAYABUSA GSX1300RZZ GSX-R Sport Bike It is in excellent condition with no dents or dings, 100% mechanically okay. If interested, please contact me for pictures. I bought the Motorcycle for my grandson as his birthday gift last year August, and am giving it out to a good home. Contact me at

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By David Poole

DOWN 1 Run the kingdom 2 Electron home 3 Webster’s, e.g.: Abbr. 4 Essen exclamation 5 Madison Square Garden hockey team 6 Drop in on 7 What you pay 8 Piña colada liquor 9 Konica __: Japanese conglomerate 10 Happen next 11 Business letter abbr. 12 On a __-to-know basis 13 Camera types, for short 18 “A snap!” 19 Missouri range 23 Potato chip flavor, briefly 24 Prophet whose name sounds like a mineral 25 __ nova: Brazilian music genre 26 Exemplary 27 Viking language 28 Hula or hora


Monday’s Puzzle Solved


4 2 7 2 (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

29 Travels with the band 30 Binge 31 Lowly laborers 33 Beijing-born martial arts actor 34 Apartment contract 36 Stopped the ship, in nautical lingo 39 Still on the plate 40 Bar sing-along 43 Expanse near the Capitol, with “the”


44 Coke competitor 45 Churlish types 46 Sales slip: Abbr. 47 “... __ saw Elba” 48 “Auld Lang __” 49 Tub toy 50 Pinball foul 51 __ of Wight 52 Eye sore 54 Last letter, in Leeds 55 Some refrigerators

5 5 4 9 8 5 1 1 7 4 9 3

7 6 1 1 9 5 4 3 4 7 5 2 1 6 5 6



SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Altruism tainted by profit BY BEN FAIT CONTRIBUTING REPORTER New research from the Yale School of Management suggests that charitable giving may harm a company’s image. Inspired by a company that raised money for charity while still bringing in a profit, the research found that participants viewed selfish actions that benefited society as less moral than selfish actions that had no benefit to society — an effect dubbed “tainted altruism.” The finding suggest that companies should reevaluate how they advertise charitable giving, said George Newman, a professor of organizational behavior at the Yale School of Management and coauthor of the study. “When you hear about someone who is doing good but also earning a profit, you think, well, why can’t they be all-the-way good,” Newman said. “Why did they have to take something for themselves? But when somebody is only self-interested, you don’t spontaneously think, could they be doing some good?” Newman said the study was inspired by the fate of Daniel Pallotta, whose company — Pallotta Teamworks — organized major fund-raising drives for charitable causes including AIDS and breast cancer research. Despite raising more than $305 million for charity over 9 years, the company collapsed when it was revealed that it was a forprofit organization. To investigate just what was behind Pallotta’s downfall, participants were asked to rate the morality of scenarios in which fictional characters acted selfishly both with and without benefit to others. For example, a man attempting to impress a girl would volunteer at a homeless shelter with her in one scenario and take a job at a coffee


shop with her in another. When viewed separately, the participants believed volunteering at the homeless shelter was less moral than working at the coffee shop. To explore the mechanism behind this effect, the researchers reminded participants of each scenario’s alternatives, where the person benefiting themselves and others could have only benefited others, and the person only benefiting themselves could have also benefited others. After going through such explanations, participants perceived the purely selfish actions as less moral than the selfish actions that also ben-

efited others. This, Nelson said, shows that the participants were intuitively thinking about how people who benefited both themselves and others could have benefited others more, but seemingly not considering how someone only benefiting themselves could have been more altruistic. “I think we tend to think that if we do nice things we are going to get credit for doing nice things,” said Michael Norton, a professor of Business Administration at the Harvard School of Business who was not involved with the study. “I think the study is so interesting because it suggests that sometimes doing a

little bit of a nice thing is worse than not doing a nice thing at all.” The findings have implications for how corporations should go about donating to charity, said Clayton Crither, a professor of marketing at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. Crither added it was possible that businesses could start to be less charitable if they begin applying the conclusions of this study to their marketing. “What this suggests is that at least when it’s pointed out that companies aren’t giving all of their profits away to charity, they might take a penalty for the good

works they do,” Critcher said. While the problem of tainted altruism is a serious barrier to charity, there do appear to be solutions. According to Newman, it appears that organizations can learn to be charitable in a more nuanced way. Just as introducing alternatives to study participants manipulated perceptions of altruism, Newman said companies could become more conscious of how they frame charitable actions. “More broadly, I think [the findings] not only shed light on the existence of this bias, but also suggests that it seems to be pretty malleable,” Newman said.

“Presenting pretty subtle information could lead to pretty drastic differences in [response].” Newman said he plans to continue to research the intersection of selfishness and selflessness. He cited his own work showing that gifts in exchange for donations to charity lower donations, and said he would like to continue to investigate how mixing social and market concerns influences behavior. The study was coauthored by Daylian Cain, another professor of organizational behavior at Yale’s School of Management. Contact BEN FAIT at .

Risky driving identified by balloon pumps BY STEPHANIE ROGERS STAFF REPORTER A simple computer game where people inflate balloons may someday predict an individual’s likelihood of being in a car accident, report researchers at the Yale School of Medicine. The Balloon Analog Risk Task (BART) is a common assessment of behavioral risktaking that has been previously shown to correlate with a range of dangerous behaviors. In response to a sharp increase in accident rates among teen drivers over the last few years, the Yale research team explored whether performance on the BART correlated with selfreported answers to a series of questions about driving behavior. As expected, the team reports a correlation between the two measures, a result that provides clinicians with an easy way to identify individuals at increased risk for unsafe driving behavior, said Federico Vaca, a professor of emergency medicine in the Child Study Center and study co-author. “The BART is a promising tool because it provides objective data that can help identify youth and teenagers who have a propensity for risk taking,” said Antonio Riera, a professor of pediatrics at the Yale School of Medicine and study co-author. “It is relatively easy to implement and can be employed in busy clinical settings, like emergency departments. We know that targeted interventions, at the prevention stage, can have [a] profound impact on clinical outcomes.” In the BART — created in 2002 by researchers at the University of Maryland — Yale researchers ask subjects to decide how many pumps to give a balloon. While more pumps translated to greater reward in the study, each pump carries the risk that the balloon will pop and all reward will be lost. To compare performance on the BART with risky driving behavior, the Yale research team tested over 100 adolescents on a series of ques-


The Balloon Analog Risk Task assessment helps identify individuals prone to taking risks. A new study finds a correlation between performance on the BART and driving behavior. tions about their risky driving behaviors, including whether they wear seatbelts, text while driving, or drink and drive. The researchers found a positive association between those adolescents who showed more risky behavior on the BART by pumping balloons more and self-reported risky behavior on the questionnaire. “A combination of several factors makes teenage years the ‘perfect storm’ including

developmental, environmental, psychosocial, and cognitive changes,” said Sheryl Ryan, a professor of pediatrics and nursing at the Yale School of Medicine and study co-author. “They are trying to establish autonomy, become independent from parents and socialize more with peers and thus they are taking risks experimenting in behaviors we prefer they do not try.” Crowley said the research

team is planning on replicating the study with more subjects. If the follow-up confirms this initial finding, the team can try to roll out the BART in emergency rooms to identify highrisk youths. The ability to better identify adolescents with high risktaking propensities should help clinicians optimize their time spent on anticipatory guidance, education, and prevention measures, Riera said.

“Our goal is to develop a prediction model of risk taking in traffic safety and other contexts, but you can imagine that with some level of prediction you can use this information to intervene,” Crowley said. “We can teach adolescents decision-making skills and also possibly mindfulness skills, such as paying attention in the present moment, which may help them to make measured decisions and avoid risks.”

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States. In 2010, about 2,700 teens aged 16–19 were killed and almost 282,000 were treated by emergency departments for injuries suffered in automobile accidents. Contact STEPHANIE ROGERS at .



“Altruism is the curse of the world and as long as we go on screaming “service” and “selfsacrifice” louder than the New Deal we will never have a chance.” AYN RAND AMERICAN NOVELIST

Insulin key in aging neurons



BY ELEANOR RUNDE STAFF REPORTER Age may not cause our nervous system to deteriorate, according to new research from the Yale School of Medicine. Axons, or nerve fibers, tend to grow and repair themselves more slowly as they age, and Yale researchers have discovered that insulin pathways, already known for regulating life span, also regulate neurons’ ability to regenerate. Their findings, published Thursday in the journal Neuron, show that the brain’s regulation of neuronal health span is independent of its regulation of life span. The findings have implications for developing more effective treatments for neurological injuries, said Alexandra Byrne, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral fellow in genetics at the Yale School of Medicine.

“An aged neuron’s inability to regenerate [is] not simply a secondary consequence of a decrepit animal,” she said. “Instead, the insulin pathway is actively inhibiting regeneration in the neurons of aged animals.” The researchers observed neurons in the tiny worm C. elegans, an ideal organism for study since it shares many genes with mammals, Byrne said. By manipulating insulin pathways, the researchers were able to create two types of worms: one set whose axons regenerated more easily and had normal life spans, and another set whose minds deteriorated normally but lived longer lives. The insulin pathway’s regulation of axon regeneration, the study shows, is independent of the process to regulate life span. “Our finding that insulin regulates motor neuron regeneration adds to

our understanding of the regeneration response,” Byrne said. The discovery could have major implications, Byrne said, in cases of spinal cord injury and other instances of nerve damage. Neurons’ inability to regenerate is also characteristic of neurodegenerative conditions, including stroke and glaucoma. Valerie Reinke, co-author of the study and professor of genetics at the Yale School of Medicine, said in an email to the News Sunday that her interest in the study originated from the issue of understanding how neurons grow and divide. About 200,000 people are currently living with spinal cord injury in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Contact ELEANOR RUNDE at .

A new Yale study may lead to a cure for lupus. Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine identified a genetic mutation that causes lupus, an autoimmune disease without a known cure. The gene typically repairs errors in DNA sequences, and the researchers observed symptoms of lupus in mice when the gene became mutated. While the finding opens new avenues of research, the study — published in Cell Reports on Jan. 16 — did not name the precise mechanism linking the mutation to the disease. “For a long time people thought that mutations in DNA repair genes could be linked to lupus, and this is actually one of the first demonstrations that a mutation in a DNA repair gene is actually linked to lupus,” said Joann Sweasy, study senior author and professor of therapeutic radiology and genetics at the Yale School of Medicine. The researchers did not set out to investigate the genetics of lupus — instead, they first tried to identify how a DNA repair mechanism distinguishes between correct and incorrect DNA bases. To answer this question, the research team mutated the DNA repair gene POLB in mice, thinking that the mice would exhibit symptoms of cancer. But instead cancer, the researchers began to see symptoms of lupus. Most conspicuously, they noticed that the mice had elevated levels of antinuclear antibodies, a classic marker of lupus. According to Sweasy, the reason for this elevation might be that the mutated POLB gene was cre-

ating antibodies that attacked the animals’ own cells, leading to lupus. The finding holds promise for helping physicians diagnose lupus and researchers develop treatments, said Alireza Senejani, study lead author and a research scientist in therapeutic radiology at the Yale School of Medicine. “I think that the contribution to the science community is going to be high because [lupus] is a very complex disease and there is a lot to be learned,” he said. “What we found in this study was how important DNA pathways are.” According to Betty Diamond, head of the Center of Autoimmune and Musculoskeletal Diseases at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in New York who was not involved with the study, nanotechnology may hold the key to locating the source of the antinuclear antibodies the study researchers observed. Pinpointing the origin of the antibodies will enable researchers to develop minimally toxic treatments, she said. But for Eric Meffre, a professor of immunobiology at the Yale School of Medicine, the correlational nature of the study leaves much in question. “I think that one of the major questions that remains to be addressed is that despite some of the observations that are recorded in this manuscript, it really does not explain why the mice developed lupus,” he said. According to the Lupus Research Institute, the disease currently affects more than 1.5 million Americans. Contact PHOEBE KIMMELMAN at .

Thornton talks “Bath Salts” and synthetic drugs BY LILLIAN CHILDRESS STAFF REPORTER In the January edition of the journal Pediatric Emergency Care, doctors at the Yale School of Medicine Matthew Thornton and Carl Baum coauthored an article on the legal status of synthetic drugs, including synthetic cathinones — commonly known as “bath salts,” although they have no relationship to the salts in the bathtub — which have gained popularity in recent years. The News sat down with Thornton to discuss the history of the drugs, dangers for users and future legal status. you talk a bit about the QCan history of bath salts and synthetic drugs similar to them?


Essentially, bath salts are actually called synthetic cathinones. Cathinones are a class of drugs that have been known since ancient times in the Middle East and northern Africa for many different things and are still actually very common in countries like Yemen and Djibouti. Synthetic cathinones started coming out as early as the 1920s, and a lot of derivatives were actually initially trying to get us to use it for medical use, but were unsuccessful because they had pretty bad side effect profiles. They have been tinkering with them for decades but never really [found] enough effective medical uses. It’s kind of unclear exactly when synthetic cathinones first gained popularity, but they dated back as far as 2007, on Internet forums, where recreational drug users have mentioned them — primarily in the U.K. and the rest of Europe, not so much in America. [They] came to America in late 2009, and what we saw was a peak in the synthetic cathinone use in 2010, and then really 2011 was the year that we saw the most. Poison control got over 6,000 calls in 2011 about synthetic cathenones and similar substances. Then, in 2012, it dwindled to almost 2,700, and in the year 2013, it [was] just about 1,000. We think that the peak has actually kind of passed.

has the legal status of QHow synthetic drugs like bath salts and salvia changed since they were first introduced into America?


What [the government] started to do at the beginning was that they made certain bath salts into [Drug Enforcement Administration] drugs of abuse. Essentially what that means is they were determined to have no accepted medical uses in the U.S. and a very high potential for abuse. What the scientists behind the drugs themselves realized is all they had to do was change minor formulas to make completely different drugs. They kind of circumvented that legislation by saying, “Well, fine, I’ll add a little extra amino acid or some different element here or there, and it will make a whole new drug with basically the same effects.” In the summer of 2012, President Obama signed a law that was called the Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act. Essentially what that did is amend the verbiage, [and] basically by changing the wording of the law, they were able to say that this whole class of drugs and any minor changes, they’re all illegal whether it’s specifically mephederone or another drug like that or any kind of small variations that you could put onto it.

article mentions that QYour drugs like cocaine, ecstasy

and marijuana have become less pure in recent years. What is the reason for that, and what implications does that have for the demand for synthetic drugs?


The people who sell these drugs realize that they can essentially lace drugs with different materials, and make it much more cheaply. By so doing they have kind of realized that they can sell the same products to different people, but do it a lot, and for a lot less money. So it’s not all what the consumers thought it was. Some recreational drug users were worried that the reports that were coming out about these really bad side effects. So actually, peo-


Synthetic cathinones, or “bath salts,” came to the United States in late 2009 and peaked in use here in 2011. ple who had been using these drugs for years and years were all of a sudden getting these side effects that were actually more the effects of whatever it was being laced with than the drug itself. There was this kind of thought among the general population that the synthetic drugs might actually be safer because they’re not being laced with these potentially dangerous other things. synthetic drugs QIsmoretaking dangerous than taking them in their pure forms?


I wouldn’t say that any of these drugs are safe to use, certainly. I think they have the

same potential to be dangerous. The main factors are kind of how much you’re taking, how quickly you’re taking it, what the period of time you’re taking it over is, that tends to have the most detrimental effects. Ordinarily, people report using very small doses, and still ending up very sick. That’s kind of one of the main things — I don’t think you can really say one is different from the other because the truth is that the potential for abuse is really high among all these drugs, so really I think you’re not really safe taking a bet on either one. you think the popularQDo ity of synthetic drugs will

increase in the future?


That’s an interesting question. I don’t think that you’re going to see the bath salt craze continue to peak. I think that bath salts are kind of running out, but I think that the question you raise is a good one because we now see that the molecular makeup of drugs is something that’s very easy for people to manipulate. I think you’ll see the next class is probably going to be something that we don’t even know yet. I think that we will continue to see synthetic drugs in one form or another kind of popping up all over the place. My hope is that the word spreads quickly enough so that we can

help these people who are coming in with overdoses. And on the legislative side they’re going to have to figure out the kind of best way to crack down on the manufacturing of these drugs as well, and of course the selling of them. For instance, bath salts that two to three years ago you could pick up in a gas station, a head shop, or anything like that, now you’d have to buy them illegally. They were pretty good about this and really getting on it quickly and stopping it from progressing any further. I think that it’ll be our job to kind of keep these things at bay as much as possible. Contact LILLIAN CHILDRESS at .


NBA Washington 107 Philadelphia 99

NBA Brooklyn 103 New York 80


NBA Atlanta 121 Miami 114


NHL NYI 4 (SO) Philadelphia 3


JANNA GRAF ’14 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Graf, who hails from Mission Woods, KS, was named the Ivy League player of the week this past week for her efforts in Yale’s victory at Brown on Friday. The senior guard nailed three of her five threes en route to 16 points to help Yale to a 70-53 win in its Ivy opener.

JUSTIN SEARS ’16 MEN’S BASKETBALL The Plainfield, NJ native earned Ivy League co-player of the week honors for his performance in the Elis’ victory over Brown, sharing the honor with Columbia forward Alex Rosenberg. Sears scored 20 points, including 12 made free throws, in Yale’s 70-53 win.

NHL Boston 3 Los Angeles 2

“I didn’t see it go behind the goalie, I just saw the red light go on and knew that it went in.” PHOEBE STAENZ ’17



Fast start saves two

NCAA tackles autonomy


BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER The NCAA is changing — slowly. Starting last Thursday, Jan. 16, and running through part of the weekend, over 800 individuals from around the nation, including Division I athletic administrators, met in San Diego for the annual NCAA convention. They discussed a variety of issues ranging from student-athlete voice on NCAA subcommittees to the restructuring of the NCAA’s current model. In several sessions, lasting up to seven hours, officials of varying titles and from various conferences sat at round tables of eight to 10 people, discussing and voting on issues facing the NCAA. Participants were encouraged to converse with officials they did not work with regularly or were not familiar with in order to encourage open debate, according to Executive Director of the Ivy League Robin Harris. Facilitators of discussion took notes at each table into the NCAA at the end of the proceedings. The proposal to give the SEC, ACC, Big 10, Big 12 and Pac-12 conferences autonomy in how they decided to spend their colossal comparative budgets was the largest issue of discussion. “There are five conferences that devote substantially more financial resources toward their Athletic Department,” Harris SEE IVY ADS PAGE 8


The men’s hockey team split its results on the road this weekend, falling to Clarkson but topping St. Lawrence. BY GRANT BRONSDON STAFF REPORTER A disappointing 3–2 loss on Friday against Clarkson was quickly discarded by the Yale men’s ice hockey team, which scored three first period goals en route to a 4–2 victory over St. Lawrence on Saturday. With the win, the Bulldogs salvaged two points for the weekend, crucial if the Elis (9–4–4, 4–3–3 ECAC) wish to remain in the confer-

ence title hunt. Archrival Quinnipiac (18–4–5, 8–2–3) leads the league with 19 points, but the Bulldogs are within striking distance at 11 points, having played three fewer conference games. “After losing like that, we were definitely more prepared for the next night,” goaltender Alex Lyon ’17 said. “It fueled the fire a little bit.” The Bulldogs beat No. 14 Clarkson (15–7–2, 8–2–0) in their first matchup of the season back on Nov.

Yale beats Brown BY JAMES BADAS STAFF REPORTER The Ivy League season got off to an adventurous start for the Yale men’s basketball team on Saturday. When the final buzzer sounded, the hosting Bulldogs had outlasted the Brown Bears 74–67.

from that in our second contest, and it showed,” defenseman Rob O’Gara ’16 said in an email to the News. That slow start against Clarkson was all but wiped away the following night against St. Lawrence (8–12–2, 2–6–2), as the Bulldogs jumped out to an early 3–0 lead. A pair of power play goals courtesy of defenseman Matt Killian ’15 and captain Jesse Root ’14 set the tone, and forward

The women’s basketball team had a dominant effort against Brown on the front end of a home-and-home to defeat the Bears for its first Ivy win of the year in the teams’ conference opener.

Yale (7–8. 1–0 Ivy) has now defeated Brown in nine of their last 11 meetings. Most importantly, however, the Bulldogs were able to jump out to a quick start in conference play. “That’s the best we’ve played in quite some time,” head coach James Jones said. “When we struggle, it’s when we don’t get something from a second and third guy, and we got that tonight.” Those in attendance were treated to a tightly-contested 40 minutes of



The men’s basketball team won its Ivy League opener this weekend, beating Brown at home.

Two Bulldog ties show improvement BY GREG CAMERON STAFF REPORTER Earlier this season, the Yale women’s hockey team fell to No. 6 Clarkson and St. Lawrence by a combined margin of 10 goals. This past weekend told a different story.

WOMEN’S HOCKEY The Bulldogs (6–10–3, 4–5–3 ECAC)

tied both ECAC opponents at home, 3–3 against Clarkson (17–4–3, 8–2–2) and 1–1 against St. Lawrence (6–14–2, 5–2– 2). In the Elis’ last three games, they have played opponents above them in the ECAC standings and have earned at least a point each time. “I thought we played really well,” captain and defenseman Tara Tomimoto ’14 said. “We definitely came out hard each game, so I was really proud of our effort the entire weekend.”


The Elis drew first blood on Friday with a shorthanded goal by forward Jamie Haddad ’16. Forward Phoebe Staenz ’17 won a faceoff in Yale’s zone and passed it to Haddad, who skated all the way to the other end of the ice and sniped it past Clarkson goalie Erica Howe. Clarkson would respond to tie the game a minute later and took a 2–1 lead near the end of the second period. By the second SEE WOMEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 8


Elis triumph in Ivy opener BY ASHLEY WU STAFF REPORTER



2. In that game, Yale jumped out to a 4–1 lead and withstood two late goals by the Golden Knights to win 6–3. But the Elis failed to match that offensive outburst this past Friday, registering a season-low 19 shots and scoring just twice. Lyon made 32 saves, but a disallowed goal in the third period for the Bulldogs proved consequential. “We came out ready to play the first game [in November] and far

Yale (7–8, 1–0 Ivy) traveled to Providence this past Friday, and a strong team effort helped the Elis pull away in the second half en route to a 70–53 victory over Brown (6–9, 0–1). The teams will square off in New Haven this coming Friday night. “Each player who came into the game had a positive impact,” guard Sarah Halejian ’15 said. “It was an all-around team win with a lot of great contributions from multiple people. Our post players all played really well and we will need that for the rest of the season.” The first half was a highly contested battle with multiple lead changes that ended with the Bulldogs up by four heading into the locker room. Throughout the second half, the Elis started to build their lead with strong scoring from inside the paint, outscoring the Bears 42–30 in that facet of the game. The Bulldogs also had command of the boards all night, out-rebounding Brown 46–28. Strong defense from the Bulldogs held Brown scoreless for

over six minutes to start the second half, then held the Bears without a field goal for three and a half minutes later in the period as Yale took a 44–37 lead. Brown was able to creep back to within four points, but a 13–3 run by the Elis propelled the lead to double figures with less than five minutes to play. Yale closed out the end of the game by hitting nine of 10 from the free throw line in the last 2:02. The Bulldogs had their largest lead with 51 seconds left, 70–51, before Brown scored at the buzzer to give the final score. Center Emmy Allen ’16 had a standout game for the Elis, posting her first career double-double with 12 points and 11 rebounds. Head coach Chris Gobrecht said that Allen stepped up for the Bulldogs against Brown. “I was very aggressive offensively and defensively and tried to implement what the coaches have asked us to do,” Allen said. Neither of the two teams, two of the best three-point shooting teams in the Ivy League, was able to match its season average from behind the arc. Yale shot 21.4 percent from downtown while Brown was able to manage only 8 percent. A number of Bulldog players contributed to the win, as nine different players scored. Captain and guard Janna Graf ’14 led the team in scoring with 16 points, and Halejian added 12 points. SEE W. BASKETBALL PAGE 8


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