Today's Paper

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New entrepreneurial curriculum to be added to offerings





Navigating a funding tempest

Star-studded Service Day. Four of Yale’s most

distinguished alumni from two of America’s most prominent political families will be honorary chairs for the upcoming Yale Day of Service, scheduled this year for May 10: former U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush ’48, George W. Bush ’68 and Bill Clinton LAW ’73 as well as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton LAW ’73. Yale Day of Service hosted 232 service sites last year where over 3,500 Yale alumni and their families and friends participated across 16 countries.

Bad apples. On Monday,

during the Apple-Samsung patent-infringement trial that has been taking place in San José, Calif., Yale professor Judith Chevalier testified for Samsung as an expert witness. Chevalier said the Apple patents in dispute are worth $38 million in contrast to the billions in damages sought by Apple for 37 million infringed devices. All work, no play. Yale Law Women, a group at Yale Law School, has released its ninth annual Top Ten Family Friendly Firms list, which surveys YLS alumni working at Vault 100 firms about factors relevant to a law firm’s family friendliness. The two most important categories this year were part-time or flexible time options and the billable hours requirement. Other indicators were parental leave policies and childcare availability. The worst of times. Yahoo

News recently spoke with Economics Professor Robert Shiller about a measurement called CAPE — the cyclicallyadjusted price/earnings ratio — which has been used to argue that stocks are too expensive. Shiller told Yahoo News that even though CAPE is currently high, stocks should be part of the portfolio: “We’re just not living in the best of times … There’s no easy way to win in this market, so I’m thinking you have diversify and probably keep something in stocks.”

Last hurrah! A preliminary

Senior Week schedule has been released by the Senior Class Council and it includes seven full days of drinking. Highlights include Erotica at Toad’s Place, a Senior Darty in Swing Space, a Boola Bash at Payne Whitney Gymnasium and more partying at Toad’s. Senior Week runs from May 11 to May 18.

Playing hooky. The Brown Daily Herald recently ran an article headlined “Busy schedules, boring lectures drive students to skip classes: Free curriculum, academic ambitions ensure half of students cut less than once a month.” The conclusions were based on a poll conducted by The Daily Herald in March. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1965 Yale’s first poetry competition is held.

Submit tips to Cross Campus


HOMELESSNESS Local agencies form partnership to fight homelessness PAGE 5 CITY


ent climate. Government funding remains science researchers’ primary source of support, and those who lack it may find their labs in jeopardy. Increasingly, researchers are looking for supplementary financial support from private foundations and corporate sponsors, many of which will underwrite research that investigates a specific disease or drug. Yet some worry this shift will leave basic science research, traditionally underwritten by public sources, by the wayside. For all its impact on researchers, the greatest casualty of the funding climate may be the next generation of scientists. “I feel that if we really want to keep an edge on creativity, we need to make it easier for people to enter the system and fund it at a greater

The lineup for this year’s Spring Fling underwent an unexpected shake-up on Tuesday. Chance The Rapper, one of the lead acts for Saturday’s annual campus-wide music festival held on Old Campus, canceled his act on campus yesterday due to health concerns. The Chicago-based artist, whose real name is Chancelor Bennett, was hospitalized after falling ill Friday night, according to his Twitter account. “I have confirmation from his agent that he will not be able, due to health reasons, to perform at this year’s Spring Fling,” said Yale College Council events director Eli Rivkin ’15. According to Spring Fling organizers, Bennett has also cancelled several of his other scheduled performances at colleges. Erica Leh ’15, the chair of the Spring Fling Committee, said Bennett was ordered by his doctors not to perform. According to a statement on his Facebook page, Chance The Rapper’s hospitalization was caused by a combination of the flu virus and tonsillitis. Although Rivkin said Tuesday that he expected a replacement for Bennett to be found by that evening, no replacement act had been secured as of late last night, according to Leh. Finding a replacement in time for Saturday’s performance has proved challenging, Leh added. “We are dealing with a fairly low budget because we booked Chance in early October for reasonably cheap,” she said. “Our options are also heavily restricted due to availability.” Leh said the Spring Fling Committee extended an offer to an artist and “should know by [Wednesday] whether that artist will perform on Saturday.” Students interviewed expressed mixed reactions to Bennett’s cancellation, ranging from dismay to apathy. “I’m really disappointed that somebody I was really invested in couldn’t come to Spring Fling,” said Denzil Bernard ’15, who has been a fan of Chance The Rapper for over a year. Caroline Shavel ’15, meanwhile, said that though she was somewhat disappointed, she




national crisis in biomedical research funding has left Yale scientists searching for ways to stay afloat. As researchers increasingly turn to private foundations and corporations for complementary sources of support, many are questioning what the implications will be for their research, and for the generations of scientists to follow.JENNIFER GERSTEN reports.

As a graduate student at Harvard Medical School in the 1990s, Robert Means had his name on 18 publications. Currently, Means is a professor of pathology at the Yale School of Medicine, as well as director of graduate admissions for the microbiology program. He has spent two decades in science. Now, Means said, he is leaving not only Yale, but science altogether. At the end of June, Means’ contract with Yale will be up, largely because he was unable to bring in additional sources of funding to run his lab. “I’ve still got projects going on that every day get me excited about science, but the rest of it — the managerial side of applying for grants that basically means life or death for your career — I have become so sullied by,” he said. “I’m going in a different direction

because it doesn’t feel like, in this climate, that I can be intellectually free and still make a viable career out of it.” What happened to Means at Yale is symptomatic of a national crisis in science funding, he said, particularly in biomedical research. The National Institute of Health doubled its budget between 1998 and 2003, wrote graduate school dean Thomas Pollard in an article for Cell, leaving funding for biomedical research seeming relatively secure. But a combination of inflation since 2003 and a 5 percent cut in all NIH grant funding during the budget sequester of 2013 has left the current outlook for funding in the United States “grim.” Yale has mechanisms in place to help support faculty struggling to secure research, but the University’s funds alone cannot insulate its researchers from the pres-

New Haven’s regional fix? BY ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER STAFF REPORTER When Karin Render and Thach Pham are in the dining room of their home at 140 Edgehill Rd., they are in Hamden. But when they move into their living room, they have crossed municipal lines into New Haven. New Haven picks up their trash, but Hamden delivers their mail. Hamden Police turn up at the doorstep of their five-bedroom, two-and-a-quarter story Italianate-style home, but fire and ambulance service comes from the Whitney Avenue station in New Haven. Municipal boundaries mean little for the everyday comings and goings of Render and Pham, director of strategic planning for the Yale Medical Group and a retired entrepreneur, respectively. Some argue that the same can be said for large-scale economic and social patterns in Connecticut, patterns that New Haven’s ongoing budget process has brought to the fore. The provision of services and the levying of taxes should reflect regional ways of life, these urban advocates argue, holding up the Edgehill Road home as an example of the need for metropolitan government. Amid debates over the proper property tax rate in New Haven, lawmakers and others are asking larger questions about the structure of taxation,

and implicitly, the structure of government itself. Currently Render and Pham split their property taxes — 60 percent to 40 percent — between New Haven and Hamden; what if instead they were to pay into a larger pot and, in turn, receive services from a government whose authority was broader in scope? “The region’s economic and social reality is metropolitan. Over half of all residents of every town work and sleep in two different towns,” said Michael Morand ’87 DIV ’93, Yale’s deputy chief communications officer and a former city alder. “We sink or swim together.” Morand pointed to additional examples: East Rock Park spans New Haven and Hamden, while TweedNew Haven Airport sits in both New Haven and East Haven. Once, these structures were under the authority of New Haven County, which, since the elimination of county government in Connecticut in 1960, represents simply a cluster of towns on a map. New Haven, just 20 square miles in area, is autonomous from the slew of similarly small towns it abuts: West Haven, Orange, Woodbridge, Hamden, North Haven and East Haven.


The layout of Connecticut towns is a legacy of church districts dating SEE REGIONALISM PAGE 4

Declining enrollment spurs DS to action BY PHOEBE KIMMELMAN AND YUVAL BEN-DAVID STAFF REPORTERS The Directed Studies program is taking advantage of Bulldog Days for recruitment. At a panel today, the Directed Studies program — a freshman year survey course on the classics of Western Civilization — will feature former and current students alongside Timothy Dwight Master and DS professor Jeffrey Brenzel ’75 to pitch the program to potential Yale students. The panel is a first for the program, according to DS Director of Undergraduate Studies Kathryn Slanski, who said the effort comes in response to declining enrollment. “As far as I know, our numbers have been decreasing a little bit over the last five years,” Slanski said. Slanski added that, in light of the economic recession, declining enrollment speaks more broadly to students being less eager to pursue the humanities while facing a shaky job market. This trend has also been seen across humanities departments at Harvard and Stanford, Slanski said. Looking forward, Slanski said that the focus of the Directed Studies faculty is not on reforming the program internally but on changing the way it is presented. “We have thought about how to

make our point clear that if you study the humanities, you know how to read and analyze difficult texts, and you know how to write persuasively and participate in discussions in a positive and persuasive manner,” Slanski said. “We haven’t thought about how to make it clear to people who are concerned about their futures that these are precisely the tools you want to have.” Classics and humanities professor Joshua Billings, who teaches literature in the DS program, said that a potential reason for the decline in enrollment is the program’s reputation as a major time commitment that prevents participants from studying topics beyond the humanities. David Goldman, a postdoctoral fellow in philosophy who also teaches in the program, said DS consumes “a tremendous amount of time” and is in competition with many other opportunities for freshmen. Political science professor Steven Smith, who teaches a DS section of History and Politics in the fall, said fewer freshmen are committing to Directed Studies because they are discouraged by older students. Smith said that before students arrive on campus they are exposed to a “concerted propaganda effort,” largely initiated by those who did not take SEE DS PAGE 4




.COMMENT “There is no such thing as a perfect Yalie”

Dear prefrosh H

i! I’m Scott, it’s nice to meet you. I know you don’t need to have another one of those conversations — you know, the ones halfway between first date banter and the introduction at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting — but, in case you’re interested, I’m from Pittsburgh; I’m majoring in American Studies; and Yale is totally my first choice. Let’s get something out of the way: Yale is the best school in the world. Absolutely. Bar none. It combines the resources of a large research university with the intimacy of a small liberal arts college, and all that jazz. I cannot imagine being happier at any other college. Bulldog Days is such an unusual experience, and while it can be fun for many, I fear that it does not adequately represent Yale. And — while I wholeheartedly believe what I said above — it’s worth considering a couple caveats. The following are things I wish I had considered when I was at Bulldog Days (and a way for me to feel all wise and what not). First, I know Yale was the right place for me, but it is not the right place for everyone. Some of you might be happier at an engineering-centric place like MIT; some of you might want the small-school feel of a Williams or a Swarthmore. For some, a Southeastern Conference school or somewhere like Pitt or WVU — with top-notch athletics — might be a must. Do you want to be in a more urban environment — such as NYU — or on a more isolated campus — such as Cornell? How close (or far) do you want to be from your family? These things are pretty obvious, but they are still important to consider — all the more so as you’re here, caught up in the impressive aura of this place. Second, you might hate Bulldog Days and still love Yale, or vice versa. Personally, I wasn’t crazy about Bulldog Days. I was in a room with several strange engineering majors, and my host made it very plain that he didn’t want us there. I knew absolutely no one — except my twin brother, and he and I had agreed to try to have separate experiences — so I was somewhat lonely and isolated. And I didn’t mesh with a number of the groups I had liked in high school (i.e. mock trial). Still, I knew Yale was my kind of place. On the other hand, I remember meeting one kid at Bulldog Days who was having an absolute blast, and now she’s at Stanford, which is probably the right place for a person as techy and entrepreneurial as I vaguely remember she was. Bulldog Days has an agenda. It wants to suck you in, to persuade you that you couldn’t

possibly be happy without Mama Yale. Every group wants to convince you to come here — in part, SCOTT because STERN they genuinely adore A Stern Yale, and in Perspective part because they want to ensure their own continuity. Real life at Yale is not so simultaneously hectic and isolating; you’ll have considerably less free time and the relationships you form once you’re actually a student will be so much deeper. Third — and even though I love Yale — it has some serious problems that you should consider head on. Yale continues to be a bastion for the wealthy and privileged; you’ve probably already seen enough salmon shorts and boat shoes to fill a J. Crew catalogue. If you’ll be on financial aid and need to secure a work-study job, you might justifiably feel invisible. Such is life, and, certainly, such is Yale. This profusion of wealth and privilege translates into an unsettling combination of fiscal conservatism and entitlement. In spite of what Yale tells you, there are countless students here who have taken out some serious loans. (On the other hand, I know one private-schooled kid who told me that he feels wealth at Yale is stigmatized, so there’s always that.) Beyond socioeconomics, you may encounter a Yale administration that has very limited respect for the student voice. Yale is governed by something called the Yale Corporation, which is an absurd body, unelected by students, staff or faculty, largely composed of CEOs who are utterly unconnected to Yale (except that they graduated 30 years ago). This structure allows Yale to make major decisions without any outside check and to ignore students when they agitate for, say, divestment from fossil fuels or better financial aid policies. I’m not trying to diminish, in any way, your love for Yale. True love must be informed by reason. Love Yale, and come to Yale, but come here for what it is, not for what your dream college might be. For what it’s worth, the problems mentioned above are often considerably worse at many of the other schools you might be considering. Be sure to make an informed decision. SCOTT STERN is a junior in Branford College. His columns run on Wednesdays. Contact him at .

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A letter to my freshmen A

round this time last year, I wrote an email to the freshmen I worked with as a FroCo. As commencement approaches and the year comes to a close, I thought it might be of use to begin asking some of the difficult questions … To my freshmen: As your freshman counselor, I was humbled by the trust that you showed in me this year. You asked me many of the same questions that I remember asking my freshman counselor, questions related to every area of Yale life: academic advice, majors, fellowships, summer opportunities, relationship advice, family concerns. But none of you asked me the main question that I’ll be thinking about as I sit on Old Campus during commencement on May 20: “What is this all about?” And to be clear, I’m not talking about college. I’m talking about life. As Yalies, we are very adept at hiding from this question — and justifying this evasion to ourselves by throwing ourselves at our classes, entrenching ourselves in extracurricular activities, drinking too much and doing what we think we should be doing to “set ourselves up” for when we leave Yale. No matter how compelling it may seem to barricade yourself from the existen-

tial question from time-to-time, that won’t make the question go away. It will be waiting for you on Monday morning and during each shopping period and at commencement. And it will only become more salient as you look for the “right” answers to your other questions in the coming years.

DEAR FRESHMEN: ASK YOURSELF THE TOUGH QUESTION If you have a sophomore slump next year, it will not be caused by any difficulties you have settling on a major, or being the middle child in your residential college, or beginning to see certain elements of the Yale extracurricular and party scene become stale, even though these may seem like the immediate challenges. Instead, it will be caused by your first true blinding contact with the direct question “What is this all about?” This same question applies to my senior friends who are about to embark on their first steps postcollege. Regardless of whether my

friends have opportunities lined up for next year or are still undecided about next steps, I find that they most often discuss broader visions and desires of what their ideal future would look like. All of these discussions are fundamentally informed by how one responds to and engages with the question, “What is this all about?” As is the case with any 22-yearold, I don’t pretend to have a great answer to this existential question yet, but I also don’t believe that ignoring it is the appropriate response. I too find comfort in putting my head down and plowing forward with day-today necessities, yet I often stop and think, “If I don’t know why my specific goals are worthwhile, then how will I know if I’ll be happy when I achieve them?” I challenge each of you to surround yourself with and learn from people who answer the question “What is this all about?” differently than you do. Talk to your deans, masters, relatives, professors, friends, the Elm Street Kettle Corn guy. Challenge them to defend their answers and be open to changing yours. What does that random person in the next entryway think? Go find out. In the process, you might just learn more about yourself.

I may be your freshman counselor but that doesn’t mean that I’m terribly different from each of you. Sure, I may have different interests and I’ve had unique experiences in my life that have shaped my thinking, but nonetheless many of the challenges I have faced here at the Yale are the same as your own. I too struggled academically freshman year, found it daunting to choose a major, wrestled with family issues and had difficulty forming close bonds with my peers initially. But I made it through Yale and so will you. No matter how dark the day — regardless of housing draw friction, embarrassing moments last weekend, the draining allnighter, final exams — always remember that you are going to make it through Yale. And as I can attest, your last semester at Yale will come sooner than you could imagine. My only hope is that you will begin to discover your purpose somewhere along the way. And if you ever find a great answer to “What is it all about?” by all means, give me a call. ANDREW GOLDSTEIN is a 2013 graduate of Jonathan Edwards College. He originally shared this letter with his freshmen while a freshman counselor. Contact him at


Young Money, and its limits



hould I think about working in investment banking? Even as tech outpaces finance as the hottest postgrad job for the Ivy League-educated, that’s still a question most Yale students ask themselves at some point during their junior year. It’s as if Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe flip a switch triggering a magnetic field to attract us, or at least get us to consider, embarking on the path from Woolsey to Wall Street, well trodden by so many creative and ambitious Yalies before us. The comfort of a structured internship program, an early recruiting cycle and a secure salary seems like a potential antidote to the malaise that accompanies the jarring realization that being a junior means we’ll soon be leaving our castles and entering The Real World. If you, like me, felt this strange pull toward the mystical title of “financial analyst” or found yourself amidst a pack of suitclad bulldogs sniffing each other out and sizing each other up at a Goldman Sachs recruiting session without any idea how you got there, Kevin Roose’s new book is a must-read. In “Young Money: Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street’s Post-Crash Recruits,” Roose, a 26-year-old former reporter for The New York Times, shadows eight young college graduates who are starting jobs at major

investment banking firms. Roose follows their paths from recruiting events to internships to the first two years working on Wall Street. "Young Money" isn’t a judgmental book about the evils of working in finance. On the contrary, it’s a surprisingly sympathetic portrait of what life is like for young bankers (read: what our own lives could be like if we end up there on purpose or by default). Roose dedicated the book to the memory of Marina Keegan ’12, who provided him with a glimpse into Yale’s campus recruiting culture after Occupy Wall Street. Roose describes his subjects’ trajectory from the first glamorous recruiting events, to the personal impacts of living with cutthroat competition, to games of “misery poker” as first-year analysts try to one-up their peers with tales of working to complete exhaustion, missing family events, ruining relationships and damaging their health. “They make pitch-books for clients who will never read them, and get yelled at for improperly aligning cells in Excel, all in hopes of a year-end bonus number,” Roose writes. There’s no way to say this gently. Life as a young investment banker on Wall Street, as portrayed by Roose’s subjects, is hell. By every measure, if the experiences Roose portrays are fair,

working as a young banker on Wall Street is a very unhappy way to spend your early 20s. This is really sad. As Keegan so eloquently wrote, we’re only early-20-somethings once. These are the years when we need to figure out who we will become, not only professionally, but also personally. What values will we live by? What problems will we try to solve? What will we create? Who and what will we commit to? The young analysts that Roose follows are bright, deeply human, scared of failing and filled to varying degrees with twinges of existential dread. But while working what one recruit calls the “i-banker’s 9-to-5” (9 a.m. until 5 a.m. the next day) in a culture that many find odious, they don’t have time to ponder these questions. When asked about morality or ethics, they say they’re just doing their best not to screw up.

WE MUST THINK BEFORE WE LEAP INTO FINANCE What is most useful about "Young Money" is its ability to weaken the magnetic pull of Wall Street and to provide at least a temporary force shield that

allows Yale students to think — before we jump on to the hedonic treadmill of achievement — about what we want in our careers. "Young Money" makes the case that we need to spend the time — purposefully, thoughtfully — to define wealth for ourselves. The philosopher Alain de Botton suggests that “wealth is having what we long for.” “We should focus in on our ideas and make sure that we own them, that we are truly the authors of our own ambitions,” he writes. “Because it’s bad enough, not getting what you want, but it’s even worse to have an idea of what it is you want and find out at the end of a journey, that it isn’t, in fact, what you wanted all along.” By revealing how insecure and dispirited some graduates who won among the highest-paying jobs in the nation feel, Young Money may help the rest of us feel less anxious about our own futures. If the most coveted path to riches brings so much misery, then that’s all the more motivation to be courageous and to go after what will make our lives truly rich. Perhaps it is knowing that most important kind of veritas — the truth about what matters to us — that is the key to becoming a true Master of the Universe. VIVECA MORRIS is a junior in Ezra Stiles College. Contact her at .




“The truth is that entrepreneurship is more like a roller coaster ride than a cruise.” VIVEK WADHWA TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEUR

Woodward addresses politics, privacy BY LARRY MILSTEIN STAFF REPORTER The role of the journalist is to provide information to the public and let the voters decide, according to Bob Woodward ’65. On Tuesday, The Yale Political Union hosted Woodward — a famous for his reporting on the Watergate scandal — for its annual Bulldog Days event in SheffieldSterling-Strathcona Hall. Woodward, who is the associate editor of The Washington Post and is currently teaching a journalism seminar at Yale, gave the opening speech for a debate centered on the resolution, “Resolved: The Media Should Ignore Politicians’ Private Lives.” Before an audience of over 200 current and prospective students, Woodward argued that journalists have an obligation to disclose relevant facts to the public, even if those facts concern private matters. “Our job is to go through and get information, verify it and publish it,” Woodward said. Woodward prefaced his speech by saying he would not address the topic in an orthodox manner. Rather, he would ask for engage-

ment from the audience, as “participation” is a theme he believes is important to Yale culture. He began by presenting an ethical dilemma he faced while at the Washington Post in the 1980s when he had to decide whether to publish a story concerning a public figure and his habit of cheating in golf. Although the story was ultimately not run in the paper, partially due to the editorial staff’s concern about the newspaper’s reputation, Woodward said he felt that decision was ultimately a mistake. “My conclusion is that we failed,” Woodward said. He added that since this individual could have been elected to higher office, the public deserved to know as much information as possible to make an informed decision when voting. Woodward also shared his experience interviewing former president George W. Bush ’68 following the Iraq war. He recounted Bush’s response to a question about how history would remember him. “He replied, ‘History? We won’t know — we’ll all be dead,’”

Woodward said. “It is true; we won’t know how all these things will be judged by history.” After a student asked whether it was possible for a newspaper to entirely remove political biases, Woodward replied by saying that as human beings, there will always be some personal influence in reporting. However, he said it is necessary for reporters to keep those attitudes in “their back pocket” to preserve the integrity of their journalism. “We live in the era of impatience, speed and Internet. Anyone can say anything about anyone, whether it is true or not,” Woodward said. “But the truth emerges — sometimes it just takes a long time.” Fo l l ow i n g Wo o dwa rd ’s address, students from across the political spectrum supported and rebutted the resolution. Richard Lizardo ’15, a member of the Conservative Party and the first student speaker, argued that in entering the public sphere, politicians are inherently forfeiting a degree of privacy. He added that extramarital affairs by politicians often reflect

SOM builds new curriculum


SOM’s new Entrepreneurship Program will create more courses for starting businesses. BY LAVINIA BORZI STAFF REPORTER The School of Management is setting its sights on teaching entrepreneurship starting next fall. The SOM is launching a formal Entrepreneurship Program, which will expand the current course offerings in the field of entrepreneurship. The program will be structured and designed by its newly appointed director, Kyle Jensen, a mentor at the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute. Jensen said he plans for the courses to be open to the entire Yale community. “When you look at the current economy it is rare that our students will go on to work at [a single company] for 50 years,” he said. “They will likely have to be entrepreneurs, change jobs a couple of times, even start their own activity.” The Entrepreneurship Program at SOM will ideally comprise eight to 10 courses in a variety of subjects, Jensen said. Examples include courses on medical ventures, entrepreneurial finance and communications for entrepreneurs, which includes business plans, pitching and social media strategies. SOM Associate Dean Anjani Jain said that although the school has offered some classes related to starting businesses, they lack a comprehensive program aimed at preparing students for all aspects of entrepreneurship. The new offerings will build upon the solid foundation provided by the MBA integrated core curriculum, he said. Startup companies have the potential for global expansion, so these new courses coincide with SOM’s mission to be a global business school, Jensen said. Furthermore, because entrepreneurship draws on interdisciplinary skills, the new courses will help integrate SOM with the rest of Yale, he added. SOM Dean Edward Snyder added that attracting students from other parts of the University is a chief aim of the program. “One of our hopes is to have these classes be open to the students in the sister professional schools and really draw people into Evans Hall,” he said.

The school has raised seven million dollars for the program, but that they are still working towards their goal of 12 million, Snyder said. SOM will also be hiring new faculty for the program, he added. Jensen said that teaching entrepreneurship successfully requires experiential-based, practical leaning, so the program may bring back Yale graduates who are successful entrepreneurs to teach classes part-time. SOM professor Barry Nalebuff, who founded Honest Tea, said that learning entrepreneurial skills is important for postgraduate careers. “The difference is that at Yale you can get nine out of 10 things rights and get an A, but in entrepreneurship the one thing that you get wrong can kill you,” Nalebuff said. “All of this can be taught — you can go out and do it and lose a lot of money and time and wish you had learnt it ahead of time.” The Yale Entrepreneurial Institute will have an advisory role in developing the program, in addition to providing non-curricular resources to complement the SOM’s strong curricular basis, Jensen said. James Boyle, Managing Director of the YEI, said the institute has gone from a couple dozen teams of aspiring entrepreneurs to over 80 in only three years. “It’s really high time that students have a robust curriculum before they start their own ventures,” Boyle said. David Spett ’14, who serves as academic chair of the SOM student government, said that some students requested more support for entrepreneurship and more coursework on innovation. However, he said this program is not a toppriority issue for SOM students. “While it certainly seems like a good idea at face value, we don’t believe it was at the top of the list of most students’ academic concerns,” he said. The Yale School of Management is located at 165 Whitney Ave. Contact LAVINIA BORZI at .

a lack of self-control, stupidity, deceptiveness and willingness to break oaths — all characteristics he said are relevant to serving office. Julie Aust ’14, a member of the Party of the Left, spoke on the negative side, stating that politicians are not role models. Rather, they are individuals who are elected for having the most compelling agendas. She added that in publishing personal information, journalists force individuals to “be on a pedestal … a very dangerous place for anyone to be, especially a politician.” Although Yale students and admitted students interviewed said Woodward’s remarks did not entirely address the stated topic for debate, they were largely positive about his speech. Tyler Carlisle ’15, vice president of Operations for the YPU, said it was great to have Woodward come speak at the Union and to be able to interact with a journalist of his caliber. “I was really excited when I saw he was on the schedule,” said Josh Hochman, an admitted student from New Jersey.


During a Yale Political Union debate Tuesday, journalist Bob Woodward ’65 addressed the separation between a politician’s public and private life. He added he had read some of Woodward’s work and appreciated the opportunity to hear him speak in person. Max Bloom, an admitted student from New Haven, said although he found the discussion interesting, it did not have direct relevance to the proposed resolution.

Farheen Maqbool ’17 disagreed, adding that she enjoyed Woodward’s approach to the resolution. Woodward’s seminar, entitled “Journalism,” is being offered through the English department. Contact LARRY MILSTEIN at .

Pride Ball draws crowd BY HAILEY WINSTON STAFF REPORTER Over 100 graduate and professional students filled 116 Crown to capacity last Thursday night for drinks, dancing and dinner at Yale’s first Annual Pride Ball. The Yale Office of LGBTQ Resources organized the ball as part of an effort to promote a thriving LGBTQ community among members of Yale’s graduate and professional schools. The dance comes as a culmination to a yearlong series of weekday activities dedicated to creating this culture. “I think this was a great model of partnering between the graduate schools to really create a broader community so that people don’t feel isolated within their [graduate or professional] school,” said Maria Trumpler, director of the Office of LGBTQ Resources. Most guests stayed until the final minutes of the event, said Andrew Dowe ’08 GRD ’16, the assistant director of the Office of LGBTQ Resources. Students felt free to express themselves and bring their partners to socialize and dance, Dowe added. Even after organizing graduate student LGBTQ events for almost three years, Dowe said he met students at the Pride Ball whom he had never encountered before.

“I was overwhelmed by the number of people who came up to me and said they were having a wonderful time, that it was the best event of the year,” said Olivia Kelada, the graduate and professional programs coordinator for the Office of LGBTQ Resources. Trumpler said plans to expand opportunities for LGBTQ graduate and professional students began with discussions last spring. At the end of the summer, the office hired Kelada to focus specifically on programming for graduate and professional students. “There was a drive to develop the graduate community because it did not exist in the way that the undergraduate community does,” Kelada said. Since the fall, the office has been hosting events for graduate students every weekday from 5-7 p.m. such as socials and workshops, Kelada said. The events are intended to provide students with the chance to meet one another in a low-pressure environment on a regular basis, Dowe added. Prior to this year, Trumpler said she wanted to reach the graduate and professional student community, but little programming existed other than monthly gay dance parties, and other programming was “hit or miss.” She noted that the monthly Friday night gay dance parties

continue to be held at Gryphon’s pub in addition to the new weekday events. “It’s been neat to provide people a chance to find out what kind of community they want to form around themselves and what works best for them,” Dowe said. Kelada said weekday events provide students with the chance to escape their specific “bubble” within graduate and professional school programs. She added that weekday events such as Monday night relationship workshops and Wednesday night affinity groups allow LGQBTQ students to explore their identities further. “Students may not feel comfortable being out in a more professional setting, and they’d rather keep it among their peers,” Kelada said. LGBTQ students and allies who wish to foster relationships and friendships without feeling pressured to discuss sexual identity can attend events such as Thursday movie nights for example, Kelada added. In addition to attending specific events, students can drop by the Office of LGBTQ Resources Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7-10 p.m. and Sunday from 1-4 p.m. to speak to peer counselors about any LGBTQrelated questions. Contact HAILEY WINSTON at .


Yale’s first Annual Pride Ball was the culmination of a year of connecting the graduate LGBTQ community.



FROM THE FRONT Spring Fling Committee scrambles for new act

“The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.” WILL ROGERS AMERICAN HUMORIST

DS strives to rebrand


The Spring Fling Committee is currently searching for a replacement for Chance The Rapper. SPRING FLING FROM PAGE 1 does not think the cancellation is a major setback to the Spring Fling festivities. Spring Fling will “be a good time” regardless of who performs, Harrison White ’17 said. Leh and Rivkin echoed White’s sentiment, saying they are confident the festival will turn out well. Students interviewed said that because the time frame for the Spring Fling Committee to find a new act is extremely short, they do not have many expectations for the replacement act. “I know that [the Spring Fling Committee] is very crunched and under time, so filling the

act is the most important part,” Bernard said. “I’m not looking for anything in particular, just something that will please the Yale crowd.” According to the statement on his Facebook page, Chance The Rapper has returned to his home in Los Angeles, Calif., to recover. The other acts that will perform at Spring Fling this year are Diplo and Betty Who. Chance The Rapper was scheduled to perform at 7:30 p.m. Spring Fling begins on Saturday with a student performance at 3 p.m. and ends with Diplo’s performance at 9 p.m. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .


Through a Bulldog Days panel, DS hopes to increase enrollment in the program. Stephen Smith (above) is among the prominent professors involved in the program. DS FROM PAGE 1 Directed Studies, who claim that the program puts a strain on student social life — an opinion Smith said he vehemently disagrees with, pointing to the strong alumni base of DS. “The fact that there are people out there with a deliberate effort to undermine the program indicates a shameful ignorance of an important piece of Yale history,” Smith said. In addition to the Bulldog Days panel discussion, DS is also launching an “ambassador”

program, where DS alumni can answer questions from prospective students. The ambassadors will host a brief meet-and-greet during Bulldog Days. Reed Morgan ’17, who left the DS program after one semester, said he decided to branch out in order to take courses more specifically focused in contrast to DS’s broad survey format. But Marianna Gailus ’17, a current DS student, said she appreciates having DS map her classes out for her, saving her the hassle of shopping for classes and figuring out her schedule.

Another current DS student, Russell Cohen ’17, said the social aspect of Directed Studies is underplayed, adding that he has made a great group of friends from his participation in the program. For prospective students interested in DS who will not be able to attend Bulldog Days, the informational panel will be filmed and made available online. Contact PHOEBE KIMMELMAN at and YUVAL BEN-DAVID at .

Municipal boundary in question REGIONALISM FROM PAGE 1 back to centuries ago, said Mark Abraham ’04, executive director of the number-crunching nonprofit DataHaven. Small towns were placed roughly three or four miles apart so people were within walking distance of their church. Richard Pomp, a professor of tax law and policy at the University of Connecticut School of Law, called that arrangement a “historical anachronism.” He said the proliferation of small taxing jurisdictions and duplicative municipal services is wasteful; regional government would create economies of scale, decreasing cost per unit of output. Other metropolitan areas have taken advantage of consolidation, Morand said, pointing to domains as diverse as New York City, which unites five boroughs, and Louisville, Kentucky, which merged with the surrounding Jefferson County in 2003. The problem, Pomp acknowledged, is political will: convincing the residents of Orange, Connecticut to fuse their police force with New Haven’s, for example. Suburban residents will “go to war if you start talking about metropolitan government,” said Yale School of Management Professor Doug Rae. At the very least, New Haven Mayor Toni Harp said, “Connecticut needs to begin to think of itself as a sort of county,” and take on more of the costs facing municipalities. Cities are engines of economic growth for the state, Harp said, and should be given the resources to flourish. As the president of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch has been a leading voice for that view. Bridgeport serves as a regional center for medical care and other social services. Similarly, Yale-New Haven Hospital serves patients across the region, but its tax-exempt status afflicts New Haven’s fiscal health alone. The Payment in Lieu of Taxes

statute seeks to address that inequity by compensating towns and cities for revenue lost to nontaxable land, but some say deeper reforms are needed, especially when state payments have fallen drastically short of meeting local need. “The only way this can be fixed is at the state level,” said Brett Broesder, Finch’s spokesman.


State leaders have made modest strides toward regional solutions. Last year, Connecticut House Speaker Brendan Sharkey convened a commission on municipal opportunities and regional efficiencies, tasked with considering how local governments can cooperate on a regional level. Though disavowing forced consolidation, Sharkey called the existence of 169 independent taxing jurisdictions in the state “dysfunctional.” Some services are already regional in scope, including water and sewer control in Greater New Haven, comprising the inner city and a handful of surrounding towns, including Hamden, East Haven and Woodbridge. Two thousand suburban students currently attend New Haven’s interdistrict magnet school, another example of creeping regionalism. Last year’s state budget bill included a provision mandating regional school calendars, a requirement that, according to State Rep. Gail Lavielle GRD ’81, caused school districts in Fairfield County to “hit the ceiling.” Weather can differ drastically within the region, Lavielle said, which makes it impossible to schedule snow days uniformly. Different communities spaced geographically within the region might celebrate different holidays, requiring local planning. Connecticut municipalities already have the ability to opt to share resources regionally, she said; to enforce further consolidation would violate home rule

and, in creating additional levels of government, duplicate the tax burden on residents. Lavielle also said distinct public sector collective bargaining units complicate a potential merger of government services, even if lawmakers and residents in the suburban towns could be convinced to do so. “Either way, it’s nobody’s business outside of Orange and Milford to convince people there to change the way they relate to their government,” Lavielle said. “I think it’s up to them.” But Morand said people do not have a choice; they are already implicitly endorsing regional structures of government simply by turning on a faucet or flushing a toilet. Life at the most basic level defeats arbitrary municipal boundaries, he said. Further, Harp said, New Haven is poised to be a regional hub of growth. If adapting the layout of governmental authority furthers the city’s growth, it is a boon to surrounding towns. “The reason [Governor Dannel Malloy] can see Jackson Laboratories as something that builds synergy in biotechnology is because we have such a strong biotechnology center here in New Haven,” Harp said. “We’ll grow the nuclear part of the region here, but we’ll also grow in the towns that abut us.” Cliff Atkin, a field appraiser for the city of New Haven, estimated that there are five or six properties in addition to the home Edgehill Road that cross municipal lines. Though the blueprint of his own home forces him to live regionally, Pham expressed skepticism about the prospect of greater municipal consolidation. Small towns enable local knowledge, which is at the heart of neighborhood-based commitments such as New Haven’s community policing effort. Contact ISAAC STANLEYBECKER at .




“We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.” WINSTON CHURCHILL BRITISH POLITICIAN

Science Park granted new funds



The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and the state government will provide $3.8 million to 21 New Haven communities. BY J.R. REED STAFF REPORTER The state of Connecticut agreed to award a total of $3.8 million to 21 communities last week, including New Haven’s Science Park. In coordination with the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and the state government will provide this money to redevelop brownfield sites — lands previously used for industrial or commercial purposes. The DECD will contribute $200,000 to New Haven, to be used to improve 3.5 acres as part of the next phase of development in Science Park, which used to house the Winchester Repeating Arms Factory. In the 1950s, New Haven’s economy was concentrated almost exclusively within the manufacturing industry. Today, while manufacturing remains an important component of the regional economy, the focus has shifted to sectors

like education, health care and financial services. “As Connecticut’s economy continues to grow, more and more of our legacy manufacturing and other brownfield sites are becoming ripe for redevelopment and reuse,” Malloy said in a statement. “21 communities will be able to prepare key sites that are in many cases vacant and blighted for a return to productive uses that will grow jobs and improve quality of life across the state.” The project, administered through the state’s Municipal Brownfields Assessment and Inventory Grant Program, will allow agencies to investigate 310 acres across 48 sites total in Connecticut. Under this program, applicants are eligible to receive grants of up to $200,000 to get the projects started. DECD Commissioner Catherine Smith SOM ’83 said that projects selected for funding represent the strongest applications whose goals are in line with Gov. Malloy’s priori-

ties. She said the department was looking for sites devoted to affordable housing development and transit-oriented development. Science Park was established in 1982 as a collaboration between Yale and New Haven and sits on 80 acres of land between Yale’s Science Hill and New Haven’s Newhallville neighborhood. Now home to research labs, tech startups and biotech companies, the park could soon add residential and retail spaces to reshape the space into a 24-hour community through initiatives spearheaded Yale’s University Properties and Forest City Enterprises. In September, Malloy and city economic development officials broke ground on the Winchester Lofts, a $60 million project that will bring 158 loft-style residential units to the park and is slated to be completed this summer. Carter Winstanley, a principal of the real estate company, Winstanley Enterprises LCC, said that developing Science

Park is key to furthering entrepreneurship in New Haven and attracting businesses to the city. “The development of Science Park is just one more piece to the puzzle in providing real estate solutions to science based tenants,” Winstanley said. “To grow the Science Park area even more, we need to continue to invest in companies who innovate.” He pointed to Alexion as one company that got its start in Science Park and is now returning to New Haven. He said that for Science Park and greater New Haven to be successful, the Elm City must help foster as many of these companies as possible. Prior to redevelopment of a brownfield or suspected contaminated site, environmental assessments are often required to provide more information to potential redevelopers about the site’s environmental conditions.

This past winter, the New Haven Police Department brought scores of homeless New Haven residents off frigid streets and into city-operated shelters. Separately, charities and churches across the city distributed blankets, supplies and food, and government agencies and social services helped address their other needs. Starting last week, these organizations have broken down their institutional walls to mobilize under the banner of the 100 Day Campaign, New Haven’s largest coordinated push to reduce chronic homelessness. Coordinated by Rapid Results Institute, a Stamford-based nonprofit consulting agency, the campaign will pool resources and coordinate actions among groups already serving the homeless. “Rapid Results wants us to be thinking ambitiously,” said the Director of Housing & Homeless Services Steve DiLella, one of the leaders of the new partnership. “If agencies break down barriers and galvanize behind the same model and goals, we can have a dramatic effect on housing a significant portion of chronically homeless people.” The initiative kicked off last week at a two-day “boot camp,” where organizations convened to draw a blueprint for the 100-day program. Led by Leigh ShieldsChurch of the Connecticut Mental Health Center, a team of providers created a comprehensive plan to identify, document, house and support New Haven’s chronically homeless population. A leadership council within the campaign, composed of stakeholders and executives, will oversee and help implement the initiatives. Their goal is to house 75 percent of New Haven’s estimated 140 chronically homeless people in the next 100 days or by July 30. In coming week, teams will identify and register homeless individuals in and around New Haven, ranking their risk level. Individuals deemed “chronically” homeless — having spent either a year on the street or three years with unstable housing — will receive the highest priority for housing. “We want to create a system that people can access easily,” Shields-Church said. “People are receiving services from multiple sources. We want to provide them with quality and cost effective services.”

Though the initiative will have a lasting impact on homeless people and the services that support them, it will require very little outside funding, ShieldsChurch said. Rather, the organizations and agencies will pool together their existing money and resources in order to work more efficiently. The investment will have a great social and economic return as well, DiLella said. The expenditures associated with providing homeless people with supportive housing will be outweighed by savings on shelters, criminal justice, social services and healthcare, he said. “It’s a win-win all around,” he said. “The cost of having someone homeless for a day is astronomical.” According to a 2007 study on supportive housing in New York City, “each unit of permanent supportive housing saved $16,282 per year in public costs for shelter, health care, mental health and criminal justice. The savings alone offset nearly all of the $17,277 cost of the supportive housing.” As for the city’s role, municipal administration will help identify prospective housing for homeless people and provide administrative support, said City Hall spokesman Laurence Grotheer. City Hall Chief of Staff Tomás Reyes serves on the leadership council. “The mayor is hopeful the spirit of cooperation and collaboration that characterized the recent two-day workshop will yield practical solutions for those struggling to find a place to call home,” Grotheer said. The coordinating organization, Rapid Results Institute, is known for its 100-day campaigns abroad, coordinating charities and NGOs in developing countries to provide drinking water and reduce environmental impacts. Recently, Rapid Results has applied its strategy to tackle homelessness in cities across the U.S., in the wake of federal legislation that pushes states to reduce homelessness. In Rapid Results’ 100-day initiative in Los Angeles in 2013, providers secured leases for 35 chronically homeless people within the first nine days of the program’s start. Approximately 430 sheltered homeless people live in New Haven as of Jan. 30. Contact SEBASTIAN MEDINATAYAC at .

Contact J.R. REED at .

Mahan discusses art, trauma therapy BY STEFFINA YULI CONTRIBUTING REPORTER While traveling in Istanbul, Margaret Mahan accepted a ride back to her studio — only to be attacked by the man inside. Two years later, the 25 year old is taking a stand against sexual and domestic violence, through “Panty Pulping,” an artistic form of trauma therapy. Mahan, whose latest art portfolio was recently purchased by the Haas Family Arts Library, spoke to a group of 15 members of the Yale community at a Saybrook College Master’s Tea on Tuesday. The young artist-activist talked about her journey in papermaking and shared her passion for using this art form as a way to help people deal with their personal struggles. “Especially if [a] fabric has personal significance, [there’s] something about cutting it and forming something new out of it,” Mahan said. “It’s really empowering … and it can be really emotionally intense for some people as well.” Mahan said her latest project is traveling to colleges to teach students what she calls “Panty Pulping.”

As the name suggests, these workshops involve creating paper out of cut up pieces of underwear. At the workshops, Mahan said she aims to promote a “consent culture” on college campuses, talking about healthy relationship practices and how to break cycles of abuse in creative ways. “The idea is that they’re standing in solidarity against sexual and domestic violence,” Mahan said. Mahan said she came up with the idea after being attacked during a work trip to Istanbul. Though Mahan said she felt relieved once the municipality had apprehended her attacker she still had trouble getting over the incident. “After two days of people giving me gifts and trying to help me feel better … it felt like they all went back to normal,” she said, “But it was really hard for me to get back to normal.” While walking through Istanbul and noticing the juxtaposition between women in burqas and multiple shops selling “kinky lingerie,” she decided to take matters into her own hands by buying the

lingerie and turning it into what she thought was most beautiful: paper.

The idea is that they’re standing in solidarity against sexual and domestic violence. MARGARET MAHAN Artist “People were starting to think I was going crazy,” she said, “But I put it all up in the beader … and really quickly it all just disappeared. It just turned into pulp.” Mahan said the process was cathartic, and tears came to her eyes as she recounted the experience. She said one of her favorite parts of papermaking is the way the fibers are separated and reformed into something new and resilient. Mahan has also held papermaking workshops on topics other than sexual and domestic violence. Over the past few years, she has worked in locations such as juvenile correc-

tion facilities, homeless shelters and cancer hospitals. “Patients will actually pull out their hospital gowns and make paper out of them,” Mahan said. “What we try to do is get people to use fibres they have a connection with.” Attendees said they were moved by Mahan’s passion and stories. Saybrook Master Paul Hudak said the way Mahan used her own experiences to create an art form was “incredibly moving” and powerful, especially because Mahan has been able to help others deal with their own hardships. “I enjoyed the passion in her eyes,” Jessica Pancer ’17 said. “It’s an art form … the way she tells her stories.” Jae Rossman, assistant director of special collections at the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library and a Saybrook College fellow, said the library is currently in conversation with Mahan to hold a papermaking workshop at Yale. The Haas Family Arts Library is located at 180 York St. Contact STEFFINA YULI at .


Leaders of the campaign expect the costs of the project to be outweighed by the economic benefits of reducing homelessness in the city.




“Radical innovation is difficult to fund. It seems scary. And the really radical things seem even more scary.” NOLAN BUSHNELL AMERICAN ENGINEER

RESEARCH FROM PAGE 1 level than we are right now,” said genetics professor Arthur Horwich. “We’re scaring people away.”



In researchers’ times of need, the University has made efforts to step in. Forscher was able to maintain his lab through Yale’s bridge funding — money allocated to support researchers who are in between sources of funding until they are able to secure more. Pathology professor Means said he also received generous bridge funding from his department after he lost grants that paid for his salary and one graduate student at a reduced salary. Still, Means said he was unable to secure the necessary government support to keep his lab running. Deputy provost for science and technology Steven Girvin said the provost’s office has received more requests for bridge funding as of late. But because the University’s ability to provide for bridge funding is limited, and the University is still in the process of balancing its budget, the office can only fund so many requests, he said. Support is still ample for incoming junior faculty members, who praised Yale’s start-up package for new hires in the sciences. The package, which varies by department, gives researchers seed money to jumpstart their research, buy equipment and hire lab personnel. To attract the sought-after researchers in the country, Girvin said, Yale must offer rates competitive with its peer institutions. Horwich said departments are aware that substantial start-up packages are critical for attracting new hires, particularly in today’s funding climate. He added that because it may take even the most talented budding researchers years for their labs become competitive when applying for grants, the University recognizes a need to support them as they open their labs and start acquiring results. Despite increased competition in the grant application process, Horwich said researchers at Yale have remained committed to helping their peers succeed. A month before they submit any major proposal, junior faculty in the genetics department first submit their applications to their other department members, who will review the proposal as if they were reviewing it for a grant. “I think it’s a very supportive and collaborative atmosphere, where we really make sure everyone’s able to make the grade,” Horwich said. “I think the tenor of most departments is, if we’re bringing someone in, we really want to see them succeed, and we’ll extend a helping hand at every level.” Within their labs, Greco said, researchers are coming up with creative approaches to cope with a lack of funds. She has designed cost-effective projects that allow personnel to share equipment and other supplies. Sharing at Yale also happens on a broader scale. The University is home to a number of core facilities, like the Center for Genome Analysis on West Campus, that faculty share to save themselves the full cost of buying expensive equipment on their own. Occasionally, a researcher challenged for funds will need to downsize. Downsizing might not necessarily be a bad thing, Forscher said, because fewer lab personnel means that there will be more of the primary investigator’s attention to go around. Smaller labs, he added, might also have the potential to result in more forward-thinking research ventures. But, Greco said, creativity can only last a researcher so long. “When you don’t have a lot of money, it can allow you to focus and be more productive,” she said. “But the level [of funding] now is inhibiting great scientists from performing as they could.”


With federal funding on the decline, and Yale unable to bear the brunt of its researchers’ full financial needs, researchers are expanding their search for alter-








18% Applicatons reviewed Success rate


Success rate

The funding climate has left all researchers, even the most well-established, feeling its effects. “Everyone is in the same life raft, and they all have little holes in them, and they’re sinking,” said Richard Sutton, a professor of medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. Of the 20 grants neurobiology professor Amy Arnsten wrote in the past two years, just two were funded. Arnsten said she sometimes made it to the finals of an application round, only to be turned down after months of work. Arnsten said the NIH Pioneer Award of $2.5 million over five years that she won in 2013, although prestigious, provides less financial support than she would have received from the NIH Program Grant her lab was recently unable to renew. Faced with a decrease in funding, Arnsten said her lab has had to downsize. In 2012, the number of applications filed for an NIH RO1 Equivalent grant, the oldest and most common type of research award, was 29,626 — the highest in nearly 30 years. The success rate for that grant was 30.7 percent 10 years prior; in 2012, it was 18.3 percent. Last year, the rate fell to an all-time low of 17.5 percent. Faculty at the Yale School of Medicine said they have experienced changes in the funding climate more acutely than their peers at Yale College. At the College, faculty receive nine months of their salary from the University, and are expected to raise their remaining three months of salary through grants. In contrast, most researchers at the Yale Medical School need to raise a majority of their salary through grants. Yale biology professor Paul Forscher called his recent search for funding a “harrowing” experience. He said he felt lucky that he was able to resolve his lab’s funding challenges and noted that a number of his colleagues had been much less fortunate despite their research qualifications. According to bioengineering professor Stuart Campbell, for a grant application to stand a chance in competition today, it has to be “basically perfect” — as much a product of good ideas as of how well those ideas are articulated. Even excellent grants have no guarantee of receiving an award, said Richard Sutton, an internal medicine professor at the Yale School of Medicine. When so many researchers of comparable prowess are applying for grants, he said the selection process has assumed a degree of arbitrariness: Receiving funding for one grant over another can come down to something merely “nitpicky.” “Some people will say it’s turned into a lottery, and ask ‘Why do we bother?’” Campbell said. “But I guess I’m an incurable optimist. It’s pretty amazing that our society will support scientists and invest in research. To be able to spend a couple months writing a document, doing some preliminary experiments, and then receive 100,000 dollars in return seems like a pretty good return on your investment.” But Campbell, along with other faculty members interviewed, acknowledged that the funding climate has left him under significant stress. Increased competition for grants means more time spent writing and refining grant applications and less time doing research, said Valentina Greco, a genetics and dermatology professor at the Yale School of Medicine. She and other researchers interviewed noted that pressure to find funding has left them struggling to balance keeping their labs financially afloat with training and mentoring their lab personnel. Campbell, who arrived at Yale a year and a half ago, said he often hears his older colleagues talking about “the good old days” of NIH funding. Horwich, who opened his lab in the 1980s, recalled a past when things were easier.

“I had NIH support within a few months of submitting my first grant, and think it’s very unlikely that anybody would have that luxury,” he said. “I think few people would even think to submit an NIH grant in their first month or two. We’re in a completely different era now.”

Applications reviewed

Researchers adjust to a new funding era

14% 0%

0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 native sources of support. “Everyone is worried,” Sutton said. “You apply for grants that you wouldn’t even think about applying for. You apply all over the map. If you throw something at the wall, something is bound to stick.” Increasingly, private foundations are gaining prominence as a source of research funding. Even in the 1990s, private agencies already played an important role in filling the funding gap between the postdoctoral fellowship and beginning faculty salary, said Flora Vaccarino, a neurobiology professor at the medical school. As a postdoc, Vaccarino received funding from the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, which allowed her to hire a graduate student and buy supplies for her investigations. Foundations tend to fund riskier research than will the government, she said, and to focus less on the technical details of the application and more on the applicant’s aspirations and goals for their studies. Private grants, she added, also provide trainees with a independence to fund research outside the terms of their mentor’s grant. Over the years, Vaccarino said, more researchers, herself included, have begun applying their research to areas that are more likely to receive funding from private organizations, with autism as a prime example. As autism rates have climbed, so has the number of organizations interested in supporting neuroscientists addressing autism’s causes and possible therapies, she said. In search of funds, Greco said she has applied her interest in cancer pathology towards researching cancer treatment, where foundation support is also on the uptick. “I think it’s very important to study cancer, but my heart is passionate about how it just works,” she said. “If I had the money, I would probably only do that. I don’t regret [my research], but if I could just follow my passion, that would be better.” Private funding is more a complement than a substitute for federal funding, as foundations tend to not only provide less money but also fund fewer researchers overall, according to professor of biomedical engineering Tarek Fahmy. At Yale, Arthur Horwich is one of 19 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigators, who receive long-term private funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Foundation to cover their research, personnel and equipment costs for fiveyear terms. Compared with the over 300,000 researchers who receive NIH funding, however, the current 332 HHMI Investigators number relatively few. The HHMI application process is also highly selective — in 2013, only 27 Investigators were selected from an application pool of 1,155, an acceptance rate of just over two percent. Arnsten receives private funding from the Kavli Foundation, which under the late Fred Kavli established the Kavli Insti-

tute for Neuroscience at the Yale School of Medicine in 2004. Although she is grateful for the support, she said, the money only amounts to a “safety net.” “Private funding is absolutely not the answer,” Arnsten said. “It’s a truly symbolic drop in the bucket.”


Patricia Pedersen, director of the Office of University Corporate and Foundation Relations, said her office’s role in attracting and managing corporate investment for science research has expanded with the 10-year decline in federal funding. “The great news is, our faculty are brilliant and talented, but even they are not immune,” Pedersen said. “You can’t do science on your own. They’re letting us know on a daily basis that we need to raise support.” One way that researchers have found funding is by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to research and develop new drugs, said biomedical engineering professor Tarek Fahmy. Part of Fahmy’s lab is funded through Pfizer, and many of his colleagues have lately interacted with companies to fund their own research for disease therapies. Yale has formed two significant corporate partnerships in recent years. In 2011, the Yale School of Medicine began a collaboration with biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, Inc., which will give the University $40 million towards research on novel cancer therapies. Last year, the medical school began a research partnership with global pharmaceutical company Abbvie, which will award $14.5 million total in funding to School of Medicine faculty in the Department of Immunobiology. Girvin said the success of these two partnerships suggests Yale will have other opportunities for corporate sponsorship in the future. The University’s relationship with corporate sponsors came under fire in 2010 when the university accepted funding from PepsiCo for a $250,000 graduate fellowship in nutritional science at the School of Medicine. Yale alumni interviewed in the New York Times expressed suspicion that the partnership would lead to corporate interference in the course of research. In an interview with Yale Alumni Magazine, however, Levin stated that the company had no influence over the candidates chosen to receive the fellowship. Pedersen said that the donation was no more than “outright philanthropy,” adding that her office is extremely sensitive to concerns about corporate investment driving academic agenda. The University also convenes faculty committees to ensure they have the final say on how corporate money is used. “For any interaction involving an outside company, all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted,” Fahmy said. “There’s nothing that would present a liability.” Researchers interviewed said the growing presence of private

foundation and corporate funding is not legally problematic, but might carry negative implications still. Many researchers expressed concern that research that translates into practical benefits like disease therapies, or translational research, is beginning to take precedence over basic research, which aims to improve scientific understanding without an end goal in mind. Private foundations often support research on certain diseases with which the foundation’s family members have been afflicted, Arnsten said. And even the NIH, which has a history of providing funds for basic science, seems to be feeling pressure to shift their funding in the direction of translational research, Horwich said. In 2012, the NIH opened the multi-million dollar National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences to further research in drug development. Asked by a House of Representatives panel if the center would draw funds away from basic research, NIH director Frances Collins said he did not expect the present level of basic science funding to change. But the center’s development prompted concern from biomedical researchers across the country in Forbes and Science Magazine about what the decision signifies for the future of basic science support. “Sure, you can start off working right smack on the disease, and sometimes you’ll make an advance,” said Joel Rosenbaum, a professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology. “But most of our medical benefits have come from advances in science where the scientist had no idea that his research would lead in that direction.”

life sciences consulting, before beginning the next phase of their education. An MB&B major with plans with plans for graduate school, Victor Kang ’14 said he will work for a biopharmaceutical consulting firm upon graduation. Kang said graduate schools are looking for students who are not only scientifically skilled, but also demonstrate leadership and team-building skills that he hopes to develop by working in business. MB&B major Megan Jenkins ’14, who will be in China for the next two years on a fellowship teaching English, said she is still unsure about whether she will head to medical school or graduate school in the future. “Working in a lab has given me the opportunity to see the unglamorous side of research, like finding funding and the dark side of job prospects,” Jenkins said. “Right now I’m trying to evaluate whether it’s worth it for me to go down that road.” Jenkins said that many students new to research may be unaware of how difficult the scientific process can sometimes be, adding that she would encourage interested students to join labs early on to determine if research truly lies within their interests. Elisa Visher ’14 said she also plans to take time off before enrolling in graduate school. Of 25 senior biology majors contacted, only Visher said she wants to pursue a career in academia. “I don’t think it’s going to be a stable career, [and] I think it’s a precarious situation,” she said. “But somebody’s got to do it, and I might as well try. Life isn’t risk-averse, and sometimes you have to take the risk.”



“I advise my students not to stay in the United States.” Such was the counsel of Yale professor James Rothman, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Medicine, to prospective biomedical researchers at a panel discussion about declining federal funds for science research in Washington, D.C. last year. Like many senior biology majors interviewed, Shivani Bhatt ’13 MED ’21 said she had not considered her future chances at grant funding when thinking about postgraduate applications. She added that she applied to Yale’s M.D./ Ph.D. program, undecided about which career path, researcher or doctor, she wanted to pursue. “But when I heard my postdoc friends who are getting straight Ph.D.s talking about how competitive [funding] is, I started thinking it’s maybe not so bad that I’ll have the extra degree,” she said. Linda Zhou ’14, a molecular biophysics and biochemistry major who will enroll in an M.D./Ph.D. program next year, also noted the security that the “MD” portion of the program affords. She added that she has observed her peers thinking more critically about whether or not to attend graduate school directly after college and looking to explore other fields, like

Science research is no stranger to funding challenges, Girvin said. “I’ve seen worse times,” he said. “These things do go in circles. Which is bad, because you can’t turn the research spigot on and off and hope people will appear every time there’s more money. You need a steady, predictable budget for this.” Forscher and other researchers speculated that it might be years or decades before funding levels return to where they once were. He added that the paradigm of how science is conducted in academia could be about to shift. With NIH funding on the decline, he said, the balance between public and private funding may be tipping towards private. “Perhaps, right now, we’re in a moment in history where the paradigm of how science is done in academia is changing,” Forscher said. “It’s possible that we’re just going to have to get used to a more restricted funding environment.” Campbell, for one, said he is counting on things to improve. “I guess I’m not big into hand wringing,” he said. “I’m just trying to do the best I can.” Contact JENNIFER GERSTEN at .



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“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” JOHN WOODEN HALL OF FAME BASKETBALL COACH

M. lax wins five straight MEN’S LACROSSE FROM PAGE 12 assist and two goals on the day. The Bobcats came out firing on all cylinders after the half. Although the Elis followed the period-opening Quinnipiac goal with two of their own, the Bobcats then rattled off three straight goals, one each from Keenan, Nate Nibbelink and Matt Kycia. Kycia’s goal brought Quinnipiac to within one, 10–9, with 8:24 remaining in the third. “After the first quarter, we got sucked into playing crazy and highpaced, which isn’t really our game,” midfielder Colin Flaherty ’15 said. “In the fourth, we were able to set the tone again and play patient and intelligent lacrosse.” A Mangan goal at the end of the third extended Yale’s lead to two, and the Bobcats were never able to close the gap further. Midfielders Eric Scott ’17 and Michael Bonacci ’16 each scored a goal in the fourth to bring the Elis’ total to 14. Keenan led the Quinnipiac offense, tallying six goals and an assist. “We weren’t great tonight,” captain Jimmy Craft ’14 said of the defense’s performance. “I think we were just a step slow reacting to their offense, and it put us on our heels. However, we buckled down late and got the kills we needed to secure the game.” The Bulldogs went 2–3 on the man-up advantage last night, including a firecracker by Scott in the fourth quarter. Yale goaltender Eric Natale ’15 picked up his ninth win of the season and made three saves. The men’s lacrosse team will conclude its season this Saturday at home against Harvard. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at .

Thanking Yale, and sports COLUMN FROM PAGE 12


The men’s lacrosse team will conclude its season on Saturday at home against Harvard.

wagon in the heat of Linsanity (and have since retracted my fandom) while rooting for the Bearcats. I braced myself for yet another Bengals playoff loss while I followed Yale hockey. Despite my early misgivings, new links, new interests and new friends didn’t crowd out my foundation and my old sense of self — they only improved and strengthened it. And they’ve allowed me to enjoy everything that Yale has to offer, with sports playing a major role in the highlights. I’ve had the opportunity to see the Bulldogs win a hockey national championship and get right back to discussing political journalism in seminar the following Monday. Yale’s generosity allowed me to study economics in London in 2012 — and just happen to watch Michael Phelps become the winningest Olympian of all time in person. It’s unbelievable to think that I once had my doubts about what this Yale experience would hold. My time at Yale has also confirmed that sports are a relevant allegory for life and an important barometer of social progress. Over the last four years, we’ve witnessed the brave actions and increasing acceptance of LGBTQ athletes from Jason Collins to Michael Sam. As we celebrate Monday’s emotional running of the Boston Marathon, we’ve once again been prompted to recall the

power of sport to unite us and help us cope with unthinkable tragedy. The course of international geopolitics and athletics intersected in Sochi, and now, debates over labor rights and big business are centered on the unionization efforts of the Northwestern football team. The significance and weight of sports are unlikely to wane anytime soon. It seems fitting that my Yale career began right after one World Cup ended, and will conclude right as another is about to begin. In Brazil, the world will once again come together in a place of great growth and promise for a summer of fantastic competition. It will once again be a milestone: a frame for me as I look ahead to what life holds next. Like all recent world sporting events, it will arrive with anticipation clouded by controversy and anxiety. On a far smaller scale, the same could be said for our post-Yale lives. But with four formative years under my belt, the world is no longer so scary or overwhelmingly big. I am not the same person who dumbfoundedly admired Donovan in that hometown lab. I am four years better — maybe four years less naïve, but also four years more excited about where my roots can take hold next. For that, I thank Yale, and I thank sports. EVAN FRONDORF is a senior in Silliman College. Contact him at .

Bulldogs head to Ivy League Championships GOLF FROM PAGE 12 ment that leads to success at the Ivy Championships. Though the tournament takes place over just three days of an otherwise yearlong season, golfers diffuse the pressure of preparation across the entire season as opposed to concentrating it on the days leading up to the final contest. “The biggest difference between Ivies and the rest of the year is the heightened pressure,” Will Davenport ’15 said. “This is by far the most important weekend of the year, so knowing that but preparing the same way you do for any other event is key. It’s all about process. You win Ivies throughout the year, not just on the three days of the tournament.” While the men’s team has played through windy, sunny, rainy and various other difficult conditions this spring, it has not played on a course as challenging as Baltusrol. The shift in difficulty, regardless of climate, will test the Bulldogs. “This is a new tournament, on a vastly different golf course than

what we saw the last two weeks, so we are preparing specifically for that,” Sean Gaudette ’14 said. While the men’s team has competed each of the past three weekends, the women’s program has not teed off in formal completion since April 6. So far this season, the women’s team has finished first in three tournaments, second in three and third in one. The Elis have not finished any lower than third this season. In order to ensure they are prepared to outperform their third place finishes at Ivies the last two years, the Bulldogs used their previous meets to prepare for Ivies. “We are practicing mindfully,” said women’s team captain Sun Park ’14. “We went to different courses to prepare for the different conditions we will face at the tournament course.” In 2005, Baltusrol hosted the 87th PGA Championship and it has been selected to host the 98th annual PGA Championship in 2016. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .


Both the men’s and women’s Ivy League Championships will be held at Baltusrol Golf Club in New Jersey.

Sailing finishes strong; coed to compete at semis SAILING FROM PAGE 12 Fauer skippered the women’s B division boat with crew Eugenia Custo Greig ’14. Yale’s A division boat was skippered by Morgan Kiss ’15 with crew member Amanda Salvesen ’14. Kiss and Amanda Salvesen ’14 had 11 top three finishes in the weekend’s races, while Fauer and Greig had nine. According to Fauer, the team was excited about the weekend’s performances and looks to continue to race well. The coed sailing team fought hard at the Boston Dinghy Cup, placing fourth, first and second in the A, B and C divisions, respectively, and finishing third overall. “Despite the tough conditions, the team was able to stay levelheaded and sail to its best abilities,” Ian Barrows ’17 said. The Bulldogs faced rough sailing conditions on the Charles River over the weekend. Barrows skippered the winning B division boat with crew Meredith Megarry ’17. Captain and skipper Chris Segerblom ’14 and crew Charlotte Belling ’16 sailed

the A division, while skipper Max Nickbarg ’14 took the C with crew members Sarah Smith ’15 and Natalya Doris ’17. The coed team sent younger crews to race at Fordham’s Greater New York Open. Skipper Mitchell Kiss ’17 sailed the A division with crew members Emily Johnson ’16 and Chandler Gregoire ’17. “[Kiss] and I began sailing when there wasn’t very much wind,” Gregoire said. “We were working on getting a good start and having good boat speed.” Gregoire said Johnson took over for her when the wind picked up because she and Kiss sailed as a light wind combo, while Johnson and Kiss sailed in heavier wind. Kiss and Johnson were able to sail well in the strong winds, Gregoire added. The coed sailing team will host the New England Dinghy Championship at Yale this weekend. The Eli women await the ICSA Semifinal Championship, which will begin on May 29. Contact ERICA PANDEY at .


The coed sailing team will host the New England Dinghy Championship this coming weekend.






A slight chance of showers. Partly sunny, with a high near 57.


High of 59, low of 35.

High of 62, low of 44.


ON CAMPUS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 12:30 p.m. Gallery Talk: “Five West Coast Artists.” Gallery Director Jock Reynolds earned his M.F.A. degree from UC Davis, where he studied with Manuel Neri and Wayne Thiebaud. Reynolds will discuss the work of these artists and his experiences studying with them. Reynolds will also explore works by Elmer Bischoff, Richard Diebenkorn, and David Park — similarly significant teachers who influenced generations of artists in San Francisco’s Bay Area. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.). 5:00 p.m. Music Haven Photo Exhibit Reception. Photographer Kathleen Cei has taken photos of Music Haven musicians. Join Music Haven for an opening night reception with live music from students. The exhibit will run through May 3. New Haven Lawn Club (193 Whitney Ave.).


THURSDAY, APRIL 24 12:15 p.m. “Solitary Confinement in U.S. Prisons, Jails, and Other Places of Detention.” David C. Fathi, director of the ACLU National Prison Project, will deliver this talk. The ACLU National Prison Project challenges conditions of confinement in detention facilities, and works to end the policies that have given the United States the highest incarceration rate in the world. Sterling Law Buildings (127 Wall St.), Rm. 129.

FRIDAY, APRIL 25 4:30 p.m. CEAS & Yale ThiNK — “Five Myths About North Korea.” The Kim Koo-Korea Foundation Professor in Korean Studies at The Fletcher School of Tufts University, Sung-Yoon Lee, will be speaking on this misunderstood country. Free to general public. Hall of Graduate Studies (320 York St.), Rm. 217A.

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Questions or comments about the fairness or accuracy of stories should be directed to Editor in Chief Julia Zorthian at (203) 4322418. Bulletin Board is a free service provided to groups of the Yale community for events. Listings should be submitted online at submit. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit listings.



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By Matt Skoczen

66 Winans of gospel 67 Calf-roping loop 68 Sign 69 You might steer one with your feet DOWN 1 Behind, or hit from behind 2 Christian chant 3 Inspects 4 “Kid-tested” cereal 5 Pasta or potato, e.g. 6 More slippery 7 Nut-bearing tree 8 Big name in ice cream 9 Wall St. deal 10 Subordinate to 11 Athletic brand founded by Adolf Dassler 12 Backslide 13 Birthplace of Bergman and Garbo 18 Accumulation 25 “Eso Beso” singer 26 Picnic worry 27 Turned green, say 33 Bethesda-based medical org. 34 Resistance unit 35 Devious

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved



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5 7 1 4 7 1 9 3 8 1 5 4 5 2 7 4

9 7 2 6


6 5 7 1 9 4 1 5



ARTS & CULTURE New Rep show explores family, freedom


The play approaches the issues that faced African-American women in 19th-century society by focusing on the lives of three women in the wake of a tragedy. BY ERIC XIAO STAFF REPORTER For its last show of the 2013’14 season, the Yale Repertory Theatre is staging a new play exploring the importance of family and the cost of freedom. “The House that will not Stand” by Marcus Gardley opens tomorrow night at the Rep. The play centers on a group of women in New Orleans and the tensions that arise between them after the death of the family patriarch. Gardley said he was inspired by various sources, including the work of Spanish playwright Federico Garcia Lorca, 19th-century American history and his own family’s stories. “I would argue that all plays somehow draw upon the playwright’s life,” Gardley said. “I noticed that the sibling rivalry here is very similar to my own

relationship with my siblings.” The play is subtitled “A drama about the free women of color in New Orleans, 1836,” and Gardley noted that his mother’s side of the family is originally from New Orleans. Gardley said he wanted to expose a little-known period of New Orleans history in which many African-American women who had been extremely wealthy before the territory was sold to the United States lost all of their property under the American racial laws of the period. Gardley added that the use of poetic language in the play was inspired by one of his favorite playwrights, Garcia Lorca, famous for a similar writing style. The story line focuses on the central character Beartrice, her three daughters and their servant in the aftermath of the death of Beartrice’s husband. While two of the daughters yearn to find a

partner, Beartrice prevents them from leaving the house to attend social events because she feels that no man in the city is worthy of their hands in marriage. Lizan Mitchell, who plays Beartrice, described the character as a “product of her time,” noting that Beartrice’s overbearing parenting style originates from a strong desire to see her children prosper. Patricia McGregor, the show’s director, said that Gardley chose “Beartrice” rather than more conventional spellings of the name, such as “Beatrice,” to evoke the image of a bear, an animal known to be protective of its offspring. “The particular animal [Beartrice] resonates to is the bear, so you should imagine a mother bear in a beautiful costume,” Mitchell said. McGregor and Mitchell said the play’s script contains highly

detailed and specific stage directions, which are meant to ensure that the production accurately depicts the culture of New Orleans in the early 19th century. McGregor explained that the city is a combination of vastly different cultures, noting that some parts of it resemble Greek revival architecture while others appear similar to Senegalese tropical landscapes. During the rehearsal process several features of the play’s set, even objects not significant to the plot, were replaced in favor of more elaborate props in order to better portray the elegance of the characters’ household, she added. Harriett D. Foy, who plays Makeda, the family servant, said the characters themselves are also designed to reflect the New Orleans culture. She said that her character is based on the ancient Queen of Sheba and

explained that she must appear regal even though she is only a servant. McGregor explained that the play is set during a time when the French-influenced “plaçage” system — a system in which black women played the role of wives to European men but were not legally married to them — was in place. As a result, McGregor noted, young women such as Beartrice’s daughters had to always present themselves elegantly in order to impress potential suitors, wearing restrictive clothing such as corsets. McGregor added that the production will feature elaborate lighting and sound effects during scenes in which supernatural forces are involved, such as when the family house appears to move on its own and when characters invoke religious deities. She said that while films may use

techniques such as computergenerated imagery to create the appearance of magic, depicting magical elements on stage requires actors to convince the audience that such spirits exist through their behavior. Mitchell noted that for her, these spiritual scenes are not only about portraying a character in a play, but also about paying homage to her ancestors. “In terms of African culture, this is the spirituality that is indigenous to the people,” Mitchell said. “It may be foreign to Europeans but to people of African descent, you have an intuitive feeling for this spirituality.” Performances of “The House that will not Stand” will run through May 10. Contact ERIC XIAO at .

Play mixes musical theater and sitcom plot BY DAVID KURKOVSKIY STAFF REPORTER Six funny young adults attempt to discover themselves and find true love in New York City. This conventional sitcom plot inspired the new student musical “I Love You Because.” The musical, which first premiered in New York in 2006, features a story written by Ryan Cunningham and music by Joshua Salzman. It premieres on Wednesday night in the Saybrook Underbrook Theater. Director Zina Ellis ’15 and producer Skyler Ross ’16 said they decided to stage the play because of its fun atmosphere, light humor and enjoyable contemporary musical theater soundtrack. “[The musical has] a pretty collegiate sense of humor,” Ellis said, comparing the show’s humor to the one of a typical sitcom featuring young adults. She added that the way the characters are represented in the musical resembles the way adults are usually portrayed in sitcoms and romantic comedies. Caroline Powers ’17, who plays the character Diana, also emphasized the element of humor as central to the show and compared its plot to TV shows

such as “Friends” or “How I Met Your Mother.” “I think there are elements of awkwardness that are really relevant to our lives and are really prevalent in today’s dating world,” Powers said. Ellis and Ross also said they think that the play’s New York setting will be relatable to Yale students because many are either from New York or will end up working there eventually. But Powers added that the play’s setting is not as important as the general theme of finding love in a big city. Ross said he thinks that one of the most interesting aspects of the plot is the fact that it follows a six-person cast in a city of more than 10 million people. Members of the cast and crew explained that the Saybrook Underbrook’s small size initially posed a challenge to creating the appearance of a large city on set, but explained that set designer Jae Shin ’17 captured New York through a depiction of its distinctive skyline and Jackson Pollock-inspired splatter paintings reminiscent of the city’s constant movement. Powers added that the Underbrook’s intimate ambience fits well with the spirit of intimacy fostered by the show.


“I Love You Because” is the only full theater production that will be performed during Bulldog Days. “I Love You Because” is the only production that will have a show during Bulldog Days, and the production held an open dress rehearsal for prefrosh on

Tuesday night. Ellis said the show will allow visiting high school students to survey the Yale theater scene by watching an actual production.

“It’s exciting to have the potential to show them a final product and to potentially give them a little glimpse to what the process is like,” Ellis said.

“I Love You Because” will run through Friday. Contact DAVID KURKOVSKIY at .



“During human progress, every science is evolved out of its corresponding art.” HERBERT SPENCER ENGLISH PHILOSOPHER

“Assembly” showcases various media


The Green Hall gallery is hosting a variety of senior art projects that showcase many physical mediums. BY SARA JONES STAFF REPORTER Scattered among the School of Art’s Green Hall gallery are black and white photographs by Gabriela Margarita de Jesús ’14, including a curly-headed toddler with cat-eye sunglasses and a close-up of a chandelier made of crystals and chrome. Seventeen seniors have created projects now on display at the gallery, completing the final component of the undergraduate art major. The exhibit, titled “Assembly,” showcases work

in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, printmaking, performance, photography, installation and digital pieces. Participants said that the show allowed them to engage with art in an intimate setting and use their talents to depict personal interests in a visually appealing manner. The show features an area dedicated to the sculptures, both free-standing and wallmounted, of Johanna Flato ’14, in which she mixed AstroTurf, scrap metal, burlap, cardboard and cement.

“To me, one of the most incredible parts of this process was just the deep studio engagement,” said Flato said. “It was truly special to have a personal space I could go to everyday, all day, make mine, be inspired, and plug away at a project that was the culmination of my time here.” In the adjacent space, photographic prints by Jen Mulrow ’14 present a haunted, dream-like vision of suburbia — a dollhouse nestled among metallic building insulation; a figure crouched underneath a covering of deli-

cate white lace; an empty twilight streetscape below a crisscross of telephone wires. Just across from Mulrow’s photographs are paintings by Larissa Pham ’14, which, according to the artist’s statement, “stem from photographs that were taken with [her] phone.” One of the vertical canvases features fields of pink and purple punctuated by rich bursts of salmon-white paint. A smaller canvas, flecked with glitter and no bigger than a sheet of printer paper, features thick, deeply pigmented

swirls. Dividing the small and large pieces is bright plastic lettering that spells the phrase “the hot mouth of your sleep,” and a sofa-size cushion topped with a trio of clementines sits on the floor below. Yinan Song ’14, another participant, explained that her project was inspired by her experience double-majoring in art and political science. She added that she was influenced by projects she has already completed in both disciplines, including her senior essay on international travel restrictions on Chi-

nese citizens as well as a graphic design project on a similar topic. “I made an interactive, web piece to condense my research findings and hoped to introduce the issue to the rest of the world in a more engaging way,” Song noted. Ryan Cavataro ’14, another contributor, said he was glad to see many attendees at the opening reception on April 12. “Assembly” is on view at 1156 Chapel St. through April 23. Contact SARA JONES at .

Slifka exhibit mixes art and science BY EMMA PLATOFF STAFF REPORTER A new exhibit at the Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale aims to explore the inner beauty of a woman. “Only in a Woman” features approximately 20 enlarged microscopic images of tissues found only in the female body. The images have been edited by Harvey Kliman, M.D., Ph.D., who works in the Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences Department at the Yale School of Medicine. The exhibit, which opened in the center’s Sylvia Slifka Chapel on Tuesday, includes images from the uterus and placenta, explained Lucy Partman ’14, the Slifka Arts Curator. “Sometimes the images are so captivating that they become something other than the scientific data,” Partman said. “And that’s where the art comes in.” Kliman explained that each print in the exhibit was previously a stained scientific image used for clinical or research purposes, adding that when an image particularly struck him, he transformed it into a piece of art by using Photoshop to change colors and add filters. Kliman also noted that he chose images based on their aesthetic appeal as opposed to their medical significance. The exhibit’s purpose ventures beyond aesthetics, explained Partman, a double major in biology and history of art. She added that she thinks some viewers may see the images as purely scientific and others may experience them only as works of art. This show is Slifka’s first to display scientific work, and in exploring the intersection between art and the natural sciences, the exhibit may attract a new type of audience, she said. “There aren’t many exhibits on campus that have this [scientific] element, and I really want scientists to feel they have

a place in the visual arts,” Partman said. Given that many of the images present tissues that are crucial to pregnancy, Partman said that the show may present an interesting lens through which to explore female identity and the role of women and mothers.

Rabbi Leah Cohen, Slifka’s executive director and senior Jewish chaplain, said that she thinks the exhibit highlights the careful mechanics of the human body and shows the details of how we function — something that many take for granted. She noted that “Only in a Woman”

explores religion in addition to the overlap of art and science. “Part of religion is inquiry, and this is an exhibition of inquiry,” she said. “Once you start inquiring, you’re in the land of science, but you’re also in the land of religion. And here the answers are coming through

art. There’s an incredible beauty and artistry in the creation of humanity.” This exhibit will be Slifka’s last this semester, before the beginning of the alumni reunion shows, Partman noted. Rabbi Cohen said she considers the exhibit an excellent way to end

the arts revival that has happened at Slifka over the past year. “Only in a Woman” will remain on display through the summer. Contact EMMA PLATOFF at .


The Slifka exhibit blurs the lines between science and art with its reinterpretations of what were originally images intended for scientific publications.


MLB LA Angels 7 Washington 2

MLB Toronto 9 Baltimore 3


CHRIS LANHAM ’16 BASEBALL The sophomore from Houston, TX won his third Ivy League Pitcher of the Week award, becoming the first Bulldog to ever collect the honor three times in a season. Lanham shut out Harvard with a complete game two-hitter in the first game of a doubleheader on Sunday.

MLB NY Yankees 9 Boston 3

MLB Miami 1 Atlanta 0


ADAMS ’16, BROWN ’17 & SLENKER ’17 BASEBALL The three Bulldog underclassmen were all named to the Ivy League honor roll for their performances in the Bulldogs’ four wins in five games last week. Adams, Brown and Slenker batted .455, .400 and .400, respectively.

NBA Indiana 101 Atlanta 85


“The biggest difference between Ivies and the rest of the year is the heightened pressure.” WILL DAVENPORT ’15 GOLF YALE DAILY NEWS · WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 ·

Bulldogs top Qpac

Yale women win N.E. ’ship



The men’s lacrosse team topped Quinnipiac last night at Reese Stadium.

The women’s sailing team won the Women’s New England Championship this weekend. BY ERICA PANDEY CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The Yale women’s sailing team brought home the New England Championship title, while the coed sailing team finished its regular season with regattas at MIT and Fordham this weekend.

SAILING The No. 1 women won both the A and B divisions at the New England Championship, beating out No. 6 Boston College


for the title. The win earns the Bulldogs a spot in the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association’s Semifinal Championship. The No. 2 coed team sent crews to the Boston Dinghy Cup at MIT, where they placed third, and to the Greater New York Open at Fordham, where they placed seventh. “Winning both divisions showed how we were able to perform under pressure and against so many good teams,” Marlena Fauer ’14 said. “It really gives us confidence heading into the postseason and nationals.”

During its four-game winning streak, which began on the first of the month, the men’s lacrosse team has made a habit of getting ahead of its opponents early, scoring the first goal in three of those four contests. The squad looked like it had no intention of ending that trend last night. The Bulldogs (9–3, 3–2 Ivy) scored the first four goals of their game against cross-town rival Quinnipiac (5–8, 3–3 MAAC) last night and never looked back, pulling out their fifth


Golf ready to tee off at Ivies BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER On Saturday, the men and women’s golf teams will compete in the most important event of their seasons — the Ivy League Championships.



The men’s and women’s golf teams will compete at their respective Ivy League Championships.


After second place finishes for both the men and women’s golf teams in their most recent contests, the two squads will head to Springfield, N.J., to compete at the Ivy League Championship, hosted at Baltusrol Golf Club. Members of the men’s team said that they will have to remain patient and play consistently throughout the challenging course and keep their minds off the rival Crimson team, which has claimed the top spot just above the Bulldogs in each of the last two meets this season. “I think that patience will be key. It’s a long tournament and the course will be playing tough so it’s going to be really important to stay patient and take things one hole at a time,” Joe Willis ’16 said. “I’d say the shots around the greens will also be a challenge and a key.” While several close contests with the Crimson have increased the pressure on the men’s team, Bulldog golfers said that these meets contribute to developSEE GOLF PAGE 8

straight win. Although the Bobcats closed to within one goal in the third quarter, the Elis gritted out a 14–11 victory in front of their home crowd at Reese Stadium. “Like I have said all year, we need to play for all 60 minutes,” attackman Brandon Mangan ’14 said. “We show flashes of brilliance and then play bonehead lacrosse for a few minutes to let teams back in it.” Mangan and attackman Conrad Oberbeck ’15 led the charge for the Bulldogs, notching three goals apiece. Oberbeck scored the first goal of the contest at 14:01 in the opening frame

and added two more in the period. Quinnipiac’s Ryan Keenan scored the lone goal for the Bobcats in the stanza, and the Bobcats trailed 7–1 after the first. Quinnipiac began closing the gap during the second, outscoring Yale 4–1 to enter the break down three goals, 8–5. Keenan scored two more goals for the Bobcats, while Yale midfielder Sean Shakespeare ’15 scored Yale’s only goal of the frame. Shakespeare was assisted by attackman Jeff Cimbalista ’17, who added one other SEE MEN’S LACROSSE PAGE 8


A sense of place through sports Two months before I left for Yale to begin my freshman year, I sat in a biomedical research lab in Cincinnati on an unassuming Wednesday morning and watched as Landon Donovan snuck an extra-time goal past Algeria in the greatest moment in U.S. National Team history. In the seconds that followed, chill-inducing cheers erupted around the medical complex — the U.S. had just advanced out of the group stage in the 2010 World Cup. With Yale just weeks away and the world united in football fever, everything felt overwhelmingly, optimistically alive. Four years later, I’ve traded in my misguided biology aspirations for an economics degree, and I’ve realized how sports have framed my Yale journey along the way. In October of freshman year, I wanted nothing more than to attend the Reds’ first playoff appearance in 15 years. Homesick and stressed, I boarded a plane at Tweed and flew home for Game Three of the National League Division Series, much to the confusion of my Spanish pro-

fessor and my new Yale companions. I had been away for only six weeks, but, as I’m sure many would agree, it felt like an eternity without my family and my friends. Yet as my high school friends and I watched the Reds get blanked from the upper deck, it became frighteningly clear that everyone was already moving in different directions. Something was off from the many carefree summer evenings we spent in the nosebleeds. The world was no longer optimistically big but uncontrollably monstrous, going out of its way to destroy my sense of home and belonging in the process. I was uprooted from one place but not settled in the next. Over time, I’ve been able to file away that period as part of the natural coming-of-age crisis experienced by all freshmen (and it does happen to everyone, even if they say it doesn’t). Sports have remained my link to home and a clear reminder that it is possible to have roots in more than one place at once. I jumped on the Knicks bandSEE COLUMN PAGE 8


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