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President travels to Switzerland to meet with university leaders





Rudd Center continues fight against obesity

Everybody’s favorite competitive high school extracurricular is back on campus today with the start of the 40th Yale Model United Nations conference. Around 1,700 high school students with all their position papers and ambitions will be packed into WLH all weekend as a reminder to students of who they were and where they come from.

Outside, looking in. The

only thing worse than being snowed in is being snowed out. Unfortunately, ID card readers across campus have been experiencing technical problems, barring students from courtyards and entryways.

How could you say no to Harvard? “Thanks to the

summer internship process, even Harvard students are no strangers to rejection,” read an opinion piece in the Harvard Crimson this week. At least, “these letters don’t carry the permanency of college rejection letters,” the author continued. Oh Harvard ...

Soldiers = stockbrokers?

A Duke student wrote a Huffington Post column this week called “Hey Ivy League— You Banned R.O.T.C., So Why Not Wall Street?” comparing ROTC recruiting to finance recruiting. Nothing to joke about. Two

Yale Law School students went on an episode of The Daily Show on Tuesday for a segment about veterans discharged due to PTSD. The piece, featuring Jason Jones, discussed how the failure to recognize PTSD as a diagnosis until 1980 left many Vietnam era veterans dishonorably discharged and without disability payments.


1914 A list of all undergraduates compiled by the News shows that Andover leads in contributing students to Yale. The next best feeder schools are New Haven High School, Hotchkiss, Hill, Exeter and Taft. Submit tips to Cross Campus



BY RISHABH BHANDARI AND MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTERS When university presidents — including University President Peter Salovey — left the White House last Thursday after a conference on access to higher education, they spoke positively about the prospects of low-income students seeking a college education.

The secret. As if Yalies don’t already sharpen the edges of their competitive knives enough, a YCC panel called “Gaining a Competitive Edge: A Panel on Performance Psychology” was held Wednesday evening. The talk covered tactics in mind control, backstabbing and court intrigue. A hundred attendees entered but only a dozen or so came out … Shopped ’til you dropped. The Chaplain’s Office held fingerpainting Tuesday and dancing Wednesday to allow students to de-stress. Moreover, these activities were held in a place called “Breathing Space.”

New Haven Public Schools discuss safety measures

Salovey looks to accessibility


Throwback Thursday.


The important message to convey to prospective applicants is that once you’re admitted, you’ll be taken care of financially. CAESAR STORLAZZI Director, Student Financial Serves


pproximately a year after the departure of its founding director, the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity continues its policy-oriented research. While it is relatively unknown among the undergraduate population, the Center is an increasingly important voice in the national conversation about government food programs and unhealthy food advertising to children. HANNAH SCHWARZ reports.

Undergrad fellowship offers policy research

Almost a year after Kelly Brownell, the founder and eightyear director of the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, departed his brainchild research and advocacy center to take a post as director of Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy, the Rudd Center is

President Obama had invited the leaders to the White House on the condition that they make specific commitments to expand access to their institutions for high achieving, lowincome students. Though Yale administrators — along with experts and several of the college leaders from the 109 universities in attendance — said they were pleased with the commitments made at the White House, some added that the commitments tended to be vague and may not be enough to alter the landscape of higher education. “I’m generally of the view that we should work toward the strategies that have the best chances of really working,” Salovey told the News last week.




Parties push on post election

BY HAILEY WINSTON STAFF REPORTER Josh Eisenstat ’15 conducts research on family relationships in New Haven and wants to explore how family laws can help separated fathers stay involved in the lives of their children. And a new fellowship for Yale College students at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) will provide Eisenstat with the resources to do just that.

The Director’s Fellowship is the first step in what I hope will be a long movement for making ISPS a center for public policy at Yale. JACOB HACKER GRD ’00 Director, Institution for Social and Policy Studies Beginning this semester, the ISPS — an organization that conducts research on the intersection of politics, policy and social science — will provide 16 undergraduates with policy training and work experience to help them bridge the gap between theory and practice in U.S. domestic policy-making. Through the new Director’s Fellows program, students will attend seminars throughout the semester with policy experts and journalists to learn about policy research and presentation skills. They will apply their skills during summer policy internships and build on these experiences during the fall by conducting a related research project. “I don’t have much experience in policy analysis, so I’m excited,” said Eisenstat, adding that his ethics, politics and economics major provided a solid theoretical understanding of policy-making, but not a real-world application of it. ISPS Director Jacob Hacker GRD ’00 said the new fellowship program will fill the vacuum of a domestic policy program for Yale College students. It will also proSEE FELLOWS PAGE 4


Yale’s political groups are staying busy in the off-season by working on local and state-level advocacy. BY LILLIAN CHILDRESS STAFF REPORTER Now that the hard work of canvassing and campaigning for November’s election has passed, political groups on campus are looking to to capture interest during the political “off-season.” Members of the Yale College Democrats and the Yale College Republicans said that, without the drama of election season, it can be difficult to get their fellow students passionate about local politics. Still, leaders of both organizations have planned a busy calendar of events for the semester, includ-

ing local advocacy, lobbying on the state level and issue-specific debates on campus.

What’s the point of electing all these great candidates if you’re not going to help them out in their agenda? JACOB WASSERMAN ’16 Legislative coodinator, Yale College Democrats

“What’s the point of electing all these great candidates if you’re not going to help them out in their agenda?” said Jacob Wasserman ’16, legislative coordinator for the Dems. Wassermann added that he foresees a lot of campus excitement over the issues that the Democratic Party will be tackling in the spring, including education and juvenile justice, budget and labor issues, healthcare and voting reform. Within each of these areas, the party has specific plans for how they can take action on either a state or a local level, SEE POLITICS PAGE 6




.COMMENT “The best applicant, regardless of race/gender/socioeconomic status

should be accepted.”



Past the YBB+ debate


n her first open letter to the Yale community addressing the recent shutdown of Yale Bluebook Plus, Dean Mary Miller wrote that “its developers, although acting with good intentions, used university resources without permission.” I think the Yale administration, although acting with good intentions, has demonstrated a lack of understanding of modern trends in tech culture and open data access. As a Computer Science student who also had my own bluebooking website shut down last week, I have some thoughts for the community to keep in mind as this complicated debate continues. 1. It’s not just about evaluations. Dean Miller’s latest open letter took a step forward by admitting that the University “could have been more patient” in dealing with the shutdown. But the letter also focused too narrowly on faculty evaluations, and in doing so, ignored some key issues. I know that this controversy involves more than just evaluations because of the shutdown of a course shopping website I built, Yale Classroulette. I created Classroulette in the summer of 2012 as a way for students to flip through randomly selected grids of classes with just a press of a button. It was intended to help students broaden their horizons by finding classes they wouldn’t have actively searched for. Over the next 18 months, the site became quite popular. By the beginning of this year, 8,500 people had viewed over 1.2 million courses on Classroulette. Last week, the administration abruptly forced me to take down Yale Classroulette, citing the exact same policy violations it invoked in the Yale Bluebook Plus case. However, my site only showed basic course information like titles, descriptions, and meeting times; it used no sensitive data like evaluations or ratings. All of the information on Classroulette was publicly available to any Internet user at Yale’s OCI website. Why would Yale be so eager to take down a freely available resource that helped undergraduates shop for courses, and didn’t use any sensitive data like evaluations? There seems to be a larger pattern in play; the administration wants to strictly control how any course data — even just course titles — is used for shopping. 2. Yale’s tech culture is falling behind. Yale’s conduct over the past week is just one symptom of a larger systemic problem: an outdated and conservative attitude towards technology that endangers the relevance of our university in the modern world. If you’re skeptical that a uni-


versity carrying the burdens of history and bureaucracy can progressively encourage innovation, just take a look at our rival to the north. Harvard has developed an introductory computer science class, CS50, which enrolls nearly 700 Harvard students, employs a staff of 100, and has developed a worldwide brand. That class offers an API for course data, actively encouraging students to experiment with displaying the data in innovative ways. Meanwhile, Yale has failed to develop anything remotely resembling CS50, and instead has been featured in national news media and bashed on the front page of Reddit for forcibly shutting down creative student-made websites. As a high school student interested in technology, which school would you choose? 3. Less openness is not the answer. Dean Miller’s most recent letter was also disappointing because, while it tasked a committee with taking up “the question of how to respond to these developments,” it made no commitment to actually providing more open access to data. I fear that this committee will choose to largely preserve the status quo, or even worse, restrict data access as a reaction to the recent controversy. Over the weekend, senior Sean Haufler cleverly developed the Banned Bluebook browser extension, which adds YBB+ functionality to Yale Bluebook without storing evaluation data on a server. By circumventing Yale’s data policies, the extension showed that attempts to restrict data usage are futile. Universities and governments around the world are increasingly providing transparent data access to help people make better decisions. Yale should concretely commit to providing students with even more data about courses, to better inform our decisions about how we spend our tuition money. 4. Yale can do better. If we thought of Yale as just another bureaucracy focused on enforcing obscure rules, the administration’s actions over the past week might not seem out of character. But I think we can and should expect more of our university. Yale College’s mission statement states that it seeks to develop its students “creative capacities to the fullest.” That means helping, not fighting, students who take the initiative to be creative — even when that creativity is expressed outside of the classroom.

Why protest? T

he week before students arrived back on campus, four workers were terminated from employment at Gourmet Heaven in retaliation for cooperating with the Department of Labor. These firings are the latest development in a case of wage and hour violations opened by the Department of Labor against Chung Cho — owner of Gourmet Heaven — in July. Over the past several months, weekly protests have been organized to appeal to Cho to end labor violations now. If you had told me freshman year that I would be leading a protest with a megaphone every week for a semester, I would have probably never believed you. My personality is more reserved, and I didn’t think that public demonstrations were the place for me. I freeze up when I have to speak in front of large groups. To a certain extent, I still do. But due in large part to my stint as Community Action Chair for MEChA, a social justice group on campus that largely focuses on issues affecting the Latino community, my willingness to speak out publicly has evolved over the past year. I spent hours listening to the stories of individuals who became victims of a broken economic and political system — a system that, for one reason or

another, frequently does not provide equal treatment for all. Specifically, during the last several months, I’ve spent week after week listening to the stories of individuals within our community who have found themselves powerless in the face of abusive employer treatment. Many students have already heard the stories of these community members, the workers of Gourmet Heaven. Many students have also watched as these workers prepared sandwiches for them during their late night food runs or replenished the food bar for the post-Toads rush. At all hours of the day and night, customers can find someone ready to fill their grumbling stomachs. Unsurprisingly, Gourmet Heaven workers expect their labor to be adequately compensated. However, Cho has for years cheated his workers out of their hard-earned wages. The recent events have demonstrated to me the urgent need for student solidarity and continued pressure. We all have come to a point in our lives when we must recognize our individual social responsibility and understand the implications of our everyday choices. Boycotting Gourmet Heaven sends an active message that consumers will not support a business that does not treat its

workers with dignity and respect. A dwindling customer base will send a message that Cho cannot afford to ignore. In particular, Yale students, as the largest customer base of Gourmet Heaven, can vote with their dollars to change the outcome of the current situation. Additionally, University Properties, as the landlord, has the capacity to take strict actions against the continued labor violations. Exploitation does not have to be the reality of workplaces in New Haven, and our individual actions can be a much-needed agent for change. Moreover, our involvement in this campaign is part of a larger movement for worker justice. Our conscious choice today to stand in solidarity with Gourmet Heaven workers empowers other workers to advocate for their rights. Wage theft is a national epidemic. Low-wage workers nationwide are struggling to earn a living wage. Currently, many workers, like those employed by Gourmet Heaven, are paid wages that force them below the poverty line. A collective demand for a livable wage has the potential to change the economic disparity that has become all too ingrained in our society. The benefit this country receives from the labor of lowwage workers does not have to

come at the price of the lives of those laborers. We have the ability — no, the responsibility — to speak out against this practice and work towards fair wages and worker justice. This boycott is one way for us to speak out for what is right. Another way to raise our voices is by participating in the weekly picket line. I know that to some who walk along Broadway on Friday evenings, these protests may seem irritating or excessive, but I ask you to take a moment to understand the importance of these protests within the larger picture. I ask you to view these weekly protests not as an inconvenience but as the manifestation of a community’s agency. It reflects our power to speak out against injustice, and it also empowers workers to advocate for their rights. In light of the recent firings, it is necessary that we continue this weekly show of solidarity and unity. In emails that I send to MEChA, I typically sign off with “La lucha sigue” — in English, “the fight continues.” And the fight on Broadway will continue, and it’s a fight we should face together. EVELYN NUÑEZ is a junior in Saybrook College and the moderator for MEChA. Contact her at .


Polar weather

GEOFFREY LITT is a senior in Silliman College and the founder of Classroulette. Contact him at . ANNELISA LEINBACH/ILLUSTRATIONS EDITOR


For Israeli academic freedom

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All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Emma Goldberg and Geng Ngarmboonanant Opinion Editors Yale Daily News



ale professors and students, like those at all universities, ideally engage openly and freely with the most difficult and charged issues — including the geopolitics of the Middle East. In the past few weeks, two scholarly organizations engaged the frustrating quagmire of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The American Studies Association (ASA) endorsed a boycott of Israeli academic institutions due to Israeli policies including alleged restrictions on West Bank Palestinians’ academic freedom, and the Modern Language Association (MLA) censured Israel for allegedly denying academics entry to West Bank universities. The actions of the ASA and MLA reflect the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. At Yale, we are taught that problem solving and progress come from the free exchange of ideas and opinions. By supporting a boycott, academic leaders ironically are sacrificing the fun-

damental principle of academic freedom that enables intellectual debate and the exchange of diverse views without censorship or sanction. One would expect academic leaders to be at the forefront of defending this principle and championing the possibility that discourse can help resolve the world’s most intractable issues. As students we look towards our teachers to lead by example. Instead, in the actions of the ASA and MLA, we see attempts to divide thinkers and educators based on location and nationality. We see efforts to single out and personally penalize professors and academic institutions for the policies of the nation in which they are based. Neither Israeli academics nor Israeli universities are the perpetrators of “the conflict” or “the occupation.” Indeed, the Israeli academic community is pivotal in assessing and critiquing its government’s policies. Why forbid scholarly interaction with the very academics who could foster criti-

cal discussions to promote IsraeliPalestinian compromise? Both the Association of American Universities (AAU) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) issued statements opposing boycotts as irreconcilable with academic freedom. Yale University President Peter Salovey’s statement opposing the boycott as contrary to academic freedom made clear that he does not agree with the ASA’s move. He also articulated that individual academics have the right to express their views. There are other methods by which we can criticize Israeli policies and alleged practices. Boycotts isolate and delegitimize Israel and violate the academic freedom that their supporters claim to value. Boycotts are counterproductive and have been rejected by many prominent leaders, including President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Moreover, whatever criticisms are made of Israel — which,

as any nation, is not perfect — it is a democracy that does not discriminate based on race, religion, sex or sexual preference. It has free elections, a free press and the academic freedom forbidden in many Middle East nations. It is also in an increasingly chaotic, violent and dangerous region where all would benefit from stability and peace. Instead of condemning and polarizing, let’s be constructive and cooperative — those who are vehemently opposed to “the occupation” of the West Bank, those who are passionate defenders of the policies of the current Israeli administration and everyone in between. Ultimately it is respectful discussion and open debate that can produce policy solutions and finally lead to resolution of the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict. DANIELLE BELLA ELLISON is a junior in Davenport College. Contact her at .




“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” LAO TZU CHINESE PHILOSOPHER

Schools talk gun violence BY ERICA PANDEY STAFF REPORTER Two recent incidents involving gun possession on or near school property has fuelled an ongoing debate in New Haven over how to curb gun violence, especially around children. On Jan. 13, a 14-year-old boy was shot twice outside Hillhouse High School after a sporting event. Just two days later, a former student at New Horizons High School was discovered by security guards to be in possession of a revolver on his way to visit the school principal’s office. Though neither event proved fatal and no evidence could be found linking the former New Horizons student to planned violence, both raised questions about mechanisms existing in the city to prevent gun violence on or near school grounds. “With two gun incidents in the past week, we are reminded of the need for urgency in coming together as a school district and a community to engage our youth and keep them firmly on the path toward graduation and college success and away from gun violence,” New Haven Public Schools Superintendent Garth

Harries ’95 said in a press conference last week. David Hartman, spokesman for the New Haven Police Department, said it is important to regard these two incidents as examples of street violence invading schools, rather than school-specific acts of violence. This past April, the State Legislature passed a comprehensive package of gun restrictions to tighten access to weapons and ammunition. Though the package was passed largely in response to the Newtown school shootings, lawmakers from urban areas included several provisions — such as one requiring those convicted of gun violence on parole to regularly check in with police — specifically targeted at urban street violence. The bill also included enhanced provisions for school safety with terms of eligibility for schools to apply for additional grants. According to Connecticut Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, the proposal within the bill that requires those convicted of violent gun crimes to check in regularly with the police was drafted with New Haven specifically in mind. “We’re confident that this sort


Recent acts of gun violence around schools have contributed to a consistently growing conversation about how to prevent gun violence in New Haven. of follow-up and law enforcement by the police will fight gun violence,” Looney said. “These issues tend to have their roots in gang violence or poverty, and sometimes they can come through the doors of schools.”

City Hall Spokesman Laurence Grotheer said the mayor’s office is also working very closely with the NHPD to reduce acts of gun violence. “The mayor has a great deal of confidence in the community

policing efforts of the department,” Grotheer said. “But she feels that there are too many guns on New Haven streets and will continue to work to reduce that number.” Police arrested a student in

response to the Hillhouse shooting on Jan 16. The suspect is not part of the Hillhouse student body. Contact ERICA PANDEY at .

Maison Mathis opens strong Salovey travels globe BY LARRY MILSTEIN STAFF REPORTER After four months of operation, Maison Mathis, a Belgian Bakery and Coffee Shop on Elm Street, appears to be thriving among the city’s broad selection of coffee establishments. Yale students and New Haven residents have praised the coffee shop, which opened its doors in September, for its artisanal fare and inviting atmosphere. Although manager Kelly Festo declined to reveal any details about the store’s financial health, students and local residents interviewed said it often appears crowded and that the menu continually adds new items. “The upscale environment and the aesthetic is drastically different than what New Haven has seen in a long time,” Festo said. “We really appreciate the support we have received from Yale students and the community.” The restaurant is co-owned by Skel Islamaj and Omer Ipek, who also own Rudy’s in New Haven. Festo said that the owners, who are both Belgian, created Maison Mathis to share a piece of European life with the community. Ryan Davis DRA ’14 said he frequents the Belgian bakery because he enjoys the variety that the menu offers. He said that every time he visits Maison Mathis, it always seems crowded.

Although Davis said the restaurant’s choice of New Haven as a location is a sign of economic growth in the city, he said he fears that the higher costs “could price out New Haven.” Still, Festo argued that the fare is affordable considering the quality of products. Nearly all of the ingredients are organic, everything is made in-house, and some items are even imported from Belgium, she said. New Haven resident Mai Hoang said that although she does not visit Maison Mathis often, she feels the food is decent and the prices are reasonable. Some students noted that although the bakery may have had some initial issues since it first opened its doors, it has continued to improve its service and food quality over time. “I went the week it first opened and wasn’t impressed with my latte,” Jessenia Khalyat ’17 said. However, she added that she has seen an improvement in the food’s quality, describing the Belgian waffles as “heaven.” Maison Mathis’s apparent success does not also seem to be impacting the business of nearby coffee shops. Drew Ruben ’11, owner of Blue State Coffee, said he believes Maison Mathis is not a competitor since Blue State has retained its loyal customer base. “New Haven is by no means saturated [with coffee shops],”

Ruben said. “There are a lot of highly caffeinated students, professors, and administrators in the area.” Ruben said that, on the contrary, having more retailers is a positive development, as it brings people and activity to the city. Shaina Hotchkiss, the manager of Koffee on Audubon, similarly said that her business does not rely on setting the cheapest prices or other hyper-competitive practices. She attributed Koffee’s success to its location and comfortable environment, which attract a wide range of students and residents. She added she does not see the opening of Maison Mathis as detrimental to business because the two establishments attract different clientele based on location and taste. “We are not fancy like that,” Hotchkiss said. “We are more mom and pop.” Khalyat noted that although she has recently supported Maison Mathis, she stills plans to frequent other area coffee shops such as Blue State and Starbucks. They each serve a different purpose, she said. Maison Mathis is one of three locations worldwide; the other two are located in Atlanta, Ga., and Dubai. Contact LARRY MILSTEIN at .


Belgian bakery and coffee shop Maison Mathis appears to have good business after four months in the Elm City.


Salovey’s January destinations have included Washington D.C., London and Davos, Switzerland for the Global University Leaders Forum, which focused on rising income inequality. BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER University President Peter Salovey recently bought a pair of spikes to affix to his shoes called crampons, which are typically used by mountain climbers. There is over a foot of snow on the ground in the alpine resort town of Davos, Switzerland, where Salovey and thousands of corporate chief executives, policy-makers and other leaders have gathered for the annual World Economic Forum. Salovey traveled to Davos for the Global University Leaders Forum, a subset of the wider forum meant to bring together presidents of prominent universities to discuss issues surrounding research and higher education. The education-focused forum, like the World Economic Forum as a whole, is meant to provide a space for noncompetitive discussion between leaders about a range of concerns. The theme of the Davos conference this year is rising income inequality, and Salovey, who attended a White House conference on higher education accessibility to low-income students only last week, said affordability will be a central topic of discussion for university leaders. “The challenge is that a college education costs a lot,” Salovey said in a Wednesday interview with the Huffington Post. Salovey added that he was concerned about the fact that, for a middle-income student, attending Yale is less expensive than attending a local state institution, because this suggests that the United States is not investing enough in higher education. Higher education, Salovey said, is the best investment taxpayers can make to ensure the country’s future. In addition to affordability, Salovey said the university lead-

ers planned to discuss massive open online courses, commonly referred to as MOOCs. Until this year, the Global University Leaders Forum was led by former University President Richard Levin. This week, National University of Singapore President Tan Chorh Chuan was appointed the chair of the forum. Economics professor and Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller is also representing Yale at Davos and will give a talk on Friday entitled “A Journey of Discovery.”

I would much rather him spend the five minutes talking to me talking to a $5 million donor. TYLER BLACKMON ’16 Salovey’s week in Davos has already made for a busy travel schedule for the Yale president in January, during which he has spent seven days on the road. Last week, Salovey traveled to Washington, D.C. for a summit of university, government and philanthropy leaders to discuss access to higher education for low-income students. Between Washington and Davos, Salovey spent a brief amount of time in London with donors, alumni and other supporters of the University. Throughout the month, Salovey also kept up a busy fundraising schedule as the University continues toward its $500 million goal for the two new residential colleges. “President Salovey [has] been keeping a busy schedule of development travel similar to what President Levin had done in the past,” University Vice President

for Development Joan O’Neill said. O’Neill added that Salovey has been “very focused” on raising the funds for the new residential colleges during his development travel, which typically centers on individual meetings with donors considering major gifts to Yale. Thus far, Salovey has had “some very good success,” O’Neill said, adding that she is optimistic the full $500 million for the project will be raised by the end of the year. In several interviews, both Salovey and his advisors said that being on campus is one of the president’s top priorities, but that balancing his roles as a figure at Yale and as an educational leader on the national and global stage can often make scheduling difficult. Of eight students interviewed, only two were aware that Salovey was away from campus in Switzerland. However, the president’s extensive travel through January bothered none of them. “I would much rather him spend the five minutes talking to me talking to a $5 million donor,” said Tyler Blackmon ’16, who is a staff columnist for the News. Andrew Grass ’16 said that he thinks Salovey has made a significant effort to remain visible on campus and has been more connected to the student body at Yale than his predecessor, Richard Levin. After the week in Davos, Salovey will return to campus for the rest of the month and will meet with the University Council, a large group of alumni charged with making recommendations to the University president about campus life. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .





The percent of all kids’ meals combinations that meet recommended nutrition standards The Rudd Center also noted in its report that this percent was unchanged from 2010 to 2013.

Fellows program teaches domestic policy FELLOWS FROM PAGE 1 vide a setting for undergraduates to conduct public policy research that is relevant to today’s political decision-making.

It’s nice to take this first step to becoming committed to including Yale College students. RAPH GRAYBILL LAW ’15 “The Director’s Fellowship is the first step in what I hope will be a long movement for making ISPS a center for public policy at Yale,” Hacker said. “I think this is something Yale really needs, and this is just one element of a larger strategy to create endowed fellowships for undergraduates to do research with professors.” The new program, which began accepting applications last fall, was modeled on an existing fellowship for graduate students. Under the guidance of Hacker, three graduate students — Rakim Brooks LAW ’16, Raph Graybill LAW ’15 and Michael Sierra-Arevalo GRD ’18 — will coordinate the undergraduate program and advise fellows. Brooks said he hopes for the undergraduate fellows to learn to communicate policy research in a way that resonates with the public — an essential skill for those who wish to influence policy. ISPS will provide fellows with the high-end research technology, labs and mentors necessary to take their interests to the next level, said Sierra-Arevalo. He added that the program will serve as a breeding ground for further undergraduate public policy work. Graybill said he looks forward to watching the fellows grow as


Yale’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies, directed by Jacob Hacker GRD ’00, is providing fellowships for 16 undergraduates to conduct public policy research. researchers and connect their interests to impact politics locally and nationally. “This is a really decisive step for public policy at Yale,” he said. “ISPS is one of the premier research institutions in the world, and it’s nice to take this first step to becoming committed to including Yale College students in what we do. We’re really

excited for them to be part of it.” The program’s new undergraduate fellows said they are eager to begin pursuing their respective interests. In his application to the program, Rahul Kini ’15 wrote a mock policy memo that proposed a high school financial literacy requirement. As an economics and mathematics major,

he said, his studies have been primarily method-based, and he hopes to put his ideas into practice as a Director’s Fellow. “I know ISPS tries to address really relevant questions that are best approached in an interdisciplinary way,” he said. Viveca Morris ’15 said she hopes to pursue research related to food and farming policy,

which impacts issues such as global warming, public health and worker’s rights. Morris added that she is a big fan of Jacob Hacker and his team, and hopes to learn the skills necessary to impact agriculture policy from them. “I want to have a tangible impact on the issues I care about,” she said, “To do that,

I need to understand who makes important policy decisions, based on what criteria, and under whose influence — in other words, what actually happens.” The 16 fellows will attend their first seminar on Jan. 29. Contact HAILEY WINSTON at .

Yale researchers take on food policy RUDD FROM PAGE 1 continuing to crusade against the obesity epidemic. Located in a stately house just past Science Hill, the center is on the periphery of most undergraduates’ standard daily radius, and its mission and work remain largely unknown to the undergraduate community. Of 32 students interviewed, only five had heard of the Rudd Center. Yet the center is one of the leading food policy research institutes in the country. “Their impact is extraordinary,” said Tracy Orleans, senior scientist at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funds some research at the Rudd Center. “They’re the only group in the country doing work that’s documenting the extent of unhealthy food marketing to children in several domains of the food industry.”

They’re the only group in the country doing work that’s documenting the extent of unhealthy food marketing to children TRACY ORLEANS Senior scientist, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The center’s mission is to reduce weight stigma and change the world’s diet by creating healthy food environments, and it approaches its mission in a unique way. According to Director Marlene Schwartz, research for the sake of research is foreign to the center. Rather, all of the research conducted by the center explores strategies for crafting the most effective food policies. It’s an approach Schwartz calls “strategic science.” Initiatives have included investigating the effect of unhealthy food advertising on children and how


changes in welfare food policy impact recipients’ purchases. “We’re really good at studies that look at more concrete and immediate effects of policy,” she said. And since Brownell’s departure, Orleans has seen the same quality of strategic work and research as before. Citing the leadership of Schwartz, who received her Ph.D. at Yale in 1996 under Brownell, Orleans said she believes the center continues to pursue the same research agenda that it has over the past eight years.


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) was created in 1972 under the Nixon Administration. For years, WIC struggled to provide high-quality, healthy food to its participants. Acco rd i n g to Ta t i a n a Andreyeva, director of Economic Initiatives at the Rudd Center, because of the program’s narrow offerings, participants often used the vouchers to buy milk, juice and cereals — fruits, vegetables and whole wheat bread were not part of the package. The Institute of Medicine released a report in 2005 on the limited package’s effects, and the need for change became apparent. The research showed participants were deficient in vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables, and ingested an unhealthy excess of saturated fats and sodium. Also alarming was the fact that, due to the age demographics of the program, children and infants were beginning life with an unhealthy diet. Four years later in 2009, Congress passed and the president signed a bill aligning the food package with the USDA’s 2005 food guidelines, adding healthier items and scrapping unhealthy ones. The center’s research following the change, comparing availability of healthy food in WICauthorized stores before and after 2009, was encouraging. WIC-


authorized stores increased the availability and variety of healthy foods, and, notably, the change was most pronounced in lowincome areas. Furthermore, surrounding stores that did not serve WIC recipients also increased their healthy food offerings. The study concluded by noting that by increasing demand for healthy food, government programs could indirectly increase availability and access to it. But changing WIC is easier than changing other supplemental nutrition programs, Andreyeva said. Because WIC involves infants and children, incentivizing healthier choices and disincentivizing unhealthy ones feels less “paternalistic.” We tell children what to do all the time — to an extent, it feels natural for the government to join in, she said. But telling adults how to decide — what to buy and what not to buy in the grocery store — is an uphill battle. About one in seven American rely on SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program colloquially known as food stamps, to help put food on the table. Despite the reach of the program, SNAP policies were not updated to align with the 2005 USDA guidelines. Andreyeva said SNAP is less likely to see changes than WIC. Instead, Andreyeva said advocates may have to look beyond government food programs to encourage healthy food choices. In the 1990s, the federal government placed a substantial tax on cigarettes. First, in 1990, the tax on cigarettes increased by 8 cents per pack. Then, in 1997, an additional 30 cents per pack was lobbed on. Smoking levels dropped substantially, and especially important in the eyes of public health officials, fewer teens picked up smoking. Andreyeva sees the effectiveness of the cigarette taxes as a lesson to the food policy community. “If you increase the prices of certain foods, like soda, people will definitely buy less,” she said. Because soda consumption is a

predictor of many negative health outcomes, Schwartz said, policy makers looking to find some of the most effective food policies should target decreasing consumption of sugary beverages. This time, however, food and public health policy makers should look for help less from the federal government and more from the states, she said. Still, Andreyeva said the political controversy surrounding a federal soda tax makes passing one unlikely; no state yet has been able to pass a soda tax. Cities have taken up the issue in their stead — with New York City the bestknown example.




The center also emphasizes the importance of creating a healthy food environment from childhood. Jennifer Harris, the center’s director of Marketing Initiatives, researches the way advertising companies target young children. Most of the foods advertised to children are processed foods high in sugar and fat, Harris said. In fact, the foods advertised to children tend to be less healthy than those advertised to adults, she added. The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative, a program designed to encourage advertising healthier choices to children, aims to address this problem, and, to a certain extent, regulates what can be advertised to children. But the initiative is run by the television companies themselves, which have little incentive to participate, she said. Harris said First Amendment issues make regulating advertising a challenge, so the Rudd Center is approaching the issue in a different way. Instead of going through regulatory channels, the center is bee-lining to the companies themselves. Harris describes it as “shining a spotlight” on specific companies. For instance, she said calling out specific companies on their advertising practices to children is more effective in spurring change, as blame

cannot be spread throughout the industry.

We’re really good at studies that look at more concrete and immediate effects of policy. MARLENE SCHWARTZ Director, Rudd Center And that spotlight extends to the TV channels responsible for featuring the advertisements. After a 2010 Rudd Center study found that a quarter of all unhealthy food ads targeted at kids aired on Nickelodeon, and a 2012 study conducted by the center for Science in the Public Interest found that 69 percent of foods advertised on Nickelodeon are unhealthy, Harris paired up with U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73 to hold a news conference focused on the effects of advertising unhealthy foods to children. In the conference, Blumenthal announced he would write to Nickelodeon to urge the company — which is not a member of the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative — to drop junk food ads. The center has also set up information sites to inform parents of exactly what type of

dietary choices their TV-watching children are being encouraged to make. Sites like,, and are all part of a larger Rudd project called f.a.c.t.s — Food Advertising to Children and Teens Score, which aims to educate parents about the marketing environment in which their kids are growing up. The Rudd Center is also trying to reform advertising at the source of the obesity epidemic. Harris said marketing in schools exposes young children to unhealthy foods — vending machines with Pepsi logos, scoreboards with CocaCola logos, lunchroom coolers plastered with Gatorade branding, and Ronald McDonald school visits for anti-bullying programs. Rudd Center is producing fact sheets for parents and others to push back against this marketing, as well as working with national organizations including the YMCA and the National Parent Teacher Association to pursue the issue. The Rudd Center’s next report, slated for release this January, focuses on the relationship between student health and academic achievement. Jennifer Gersten contributed reporting. Contact HANNAH SCHWARZ at .

BY THE NUMBERS AMERICAN OBESITY 53% 1/3 46 69 Infants in the US receive benefits from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) U.S. adults are obese

Millions of people who receive food stamp benefits

Millions of customers McDonald’s receives each day






“I went to the public schools myself. And they were great for me.” CHARLES SCHUMER UNITED STATES SENATOR

NHPS tackles poor college readiness BY ABIGAIL BESSLER STAFF REPORTER A state law aimed at increasing college graduation rates will put over 500 New Haven high school seniors in remedial classes this spring. The 2012 law, which prohibits colleges and universities from offering non-credit remedial courses, requires high schools to offer remedial help in high school for students who score under 400 in math or 410 in reading on the SATs. As part of a way to supplement the new law, any student who passes the new remedial course in New Haven will be automatically admitted to Gateway Community College. Only 23 percent of New Haven high school graduates finish college within six years, according to a 2012 report published by National Student Clearinghouse. By eliminating remediation classes, the legislature hopes

to heighten graduation rates by giving students remedial help in college, as opposed to in college where they must pay for classes, said the director of student affairs at Gateway Community College, Matthew Long. “Far too many kids are graduating from high school without requisite skills for college,” said Dr. Dolores GarciaBlocker, director of college and career pathways for New Haven Public Schools. “Which means too many high school teachers don’t know what college readiness looks like. This is an intervention plan.” In 2011, 89 percent of New Haven high school graduates needed remedial help in English or math freshman year, according to the state’s P-20 Council, which is part of the Board of Regents for higher education in Connecticut. Nationally, that number is around 40 percent. At the end of December, principals from all nine of New Hav-

en’s public high schools submitted plans for complying with the law, choosing from a variety of options based on their resources and the number of students who needed remedial help, GarciaBlocker said. Seven schools are making the remedial course a class students can take during the school day. Judy Puglisi, principal of Metropolitan Business Academy, decided to integrate the remedial curriculum into all seniorlevel English classes and two math classes. She said faculty responses to the changes have been positive, particularly since the curriculum has a greater emphasis on college-level writing. “Next year, the curriculum will hopefully be integrated into every single English class,” she said. “It’s going to take a lot of collaboration over a long period, but I’m excited that it aligns with our whole literacy initiative.”

Metropolitan Business Academy had already been looking into offering college credit-bearing courses senior year before the law passed, and Puglisi said teachers from the school will work with writing professors from the University of Connecticut this summer to discuss training students to write at the college level. Gateway Community College spokeswoman Evelyn Gard, who described faculty response to the change as a “mixed bag,” said she hopes the law will prompt a more efficient success rate by lessening the time it students take to graduate. The average age of a student at Gateway is 27, but Gard said there have been an increasing number of younger students coming straight from high school as the economy improves. “We’ve been involved for so long in helping people become college ready, and this has changed the way we do business,”

Gard said. “But the opportunity to take college level remediation in high school can give students a leg-up, and we’re in favor of whatever is going to help the population we serve.” In 2011, 85.6 percent of entering public high school graduates were recommended for remedial classes at Gateway. Last year, only 6 percent of new students at Gateway were found fit for college-level courses. Gateway started a 3-week free intensive boot camp program last summer to replace the canceled remedial courses, Long said. The program, which comprises a 45-hour refresher course on math and writing skills, will be expanded to winter and spring semesters in the future. Students who need extra help can also still take one semester of developmental courses under the law. Long said all students who have completed the boot camp improved their skills by one

course level. Both Puglisi and GarciaBlocker said they are looking to expand collaboration between K-12 schools and universities, hoping to work closely with Southern Connecticut State University and University of Connecticut in addition to Gateway. Both also expressed concerns that a remedial class during the spring semester of senior year might be coming too late. “This is step one. We’re going to continue to work with Gateway to see how we can plan backwards, making sure there’s focus on ninth, tenth, and eleventh [grades],” Puglisi said. “Obviously you can’t get a child ready for college in one year.” Gateway Community College is the most popular post-graduation college for New Haven Public School students. Contact ABIGAIL BESSLER at .



88 193







730 631 459

199 = 5 students

Students with college level placement

Students with embedded class placement College level courses with support instruction

209 142



373 Students with intensive class placement One course of developmental math or English to complete before entering college level courses

Students with boot camp placement

Free 3-week intensive program reviewing math or writing

Shop-dine-park unveiled in New Haven BY AMANDA BUCKINGHAM STAFF REPORTER City officials have unveiled a special new gift card that is only usable in New Haven — and the first of its kind. Unveiled Jan. 6, the ShopDine-Park card is accepted at any business in the Elm City that takes Discover. Michael Mohler, deputy director of the Transportation, Traffic and Parking Department said that the program is an improved replacement of the defunct Parcxmart card, which could be used to pay at parking meters and as a debit card. Shop-Dine-Park, the

“brainchild” of former Transportation Director Jim Travers, was created through a partnership between the Town Green Special Services District and the Transportation Department, Mohler added. “This card would be a really nice way to say, ‘I want to pay for you to have an experience in New Haven,” Mohler said. “You can use this to park, you can use it to shop, and you can use it to dine.’” Currently, the card is for onetime use only and is exclusively available for purchase at Info New Haven for a fee of $3.95. At the moment, over 200 merchants are accepting the card.

Later on, the card will be reloadable and available for purchase online, said Win Davis, the executive director of Town Green Special Services. The Shop-Dine-Park program will also eventually allow merchants to offer cash back and have a special opt-in feature that texts users advertisements based on their proximity to stores, Davis said. The next set of major changes to the card program will likely launch in March, he said. Similar to Parcxmart, ShopDine-Park will benefit employers by allowing them to give their workers payment for parking without the liability of cash or a

credit card, Mohler said. Using the card, employers will be able to easily track charges, Davis said. College students are also a target group for the program, he added, as a planned feature will allow parents to reload the card and track purchases. All businesses in the Town Green district that accept Discover are currently covered, Davis said, but the program is still gathering information about businesses in other districts. While Davis said that sales are currently slow, Town Green has yet to do extensive marketing for the card since it only launched recently. “We’re encouraging as many

organizations as possible to start advertising that it’s here, it’s available, and it would be a good way to give the gift of New Haven,” Davis said. Town Green has gone through multiple setbacks during the card’s two-year development process because of federal requirements that make setting up debit cards with minimal personal information difficult, Davis said. However after going through multiple vendors, city officials were able to work with a provider to create a card that requires only basic information, such as a name and address, he added.

City officials have praised the fact that the card keeps money local. “It’s great that we get a chance to brand … [so] people understand that we have it all here — you don’t have to go out of town to get your shopping needs met,” Ward 7 Alder Doug Hausladen ’04 said. Businesses that are currently not on the Town Green’s roster can fill out an application on to be included in the program. Contact AMANDA BUCKINGHAM at .




“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS IRISH POET

Yale commits to college accessibility WHITE HOUSE FROM PAGE 1 While the broader theme at the White House conference was college affordability, for Yale and its peer schools, the focus is accessibility — ensuring that students from low-income families apply to Ivy League schools and are prepared for them once they arrive. Designed by Salovey in consultation with a number of other administrative figures — including Yale College Dean Mary Miller and Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Jeremiah Quinlan — Yale’s commitments included the continuation of several longstanding University policies such as requiring no tuition from students whose families earn less than $65,000 per year. “The important message to convey to prospective applicants is that once you’re admitted, you’ll be taken care of financially,” Director of Student Financial Services Caesar Storlazzi said. But the document also describes a previously unreported proposal to develop precalculus course modules that can be made available online to incoming students. Professor Craig Wright, who is leading the University’s online education efforts, described the modules as “more education, free, online, entirely voluntary … [and] designed to provide a level playing field for all students when they arrive on campus as freshmen.” Yale will also look to increase the number of QuestBridge finalists enrolled at the University by 50 percent, from approximately 50 to 60 students to around 75 to 80 students. QuestBridge is a program that seeks to link high-achieving low-income high school students with selective American colleges and has “demonstrated an extraordinary capability for identifying highachieving, low-income students,” according to Quinlan. Starting next fall, Yale will join a pre-existing partnership between Harvard, Princeton and the University of Virginia for a set of joint admissions outreach trips, focusing on areas of the country that have traditionally been underrepresented in these schools’ recent application cycles. In comparison to those of its peers, Yale’s commitments emerging from the White House conference were highly detailed. Even a cursory examination of the word counts of each college’s commitments reveals a stark difference: 449 for Yale compared to an average of 104 for the other five


Last Thursday’s White House conference set university leaders into action to make higher education more accessible to high-achieving, low-income students. participating members of the Ivy League. In contrast to Yale, most of the University’s peer schools did not include exact figures in their commitments on how many additional resources they will allocate toward these efforts. “It may be that some of the colleges will decide to give out more detail, but what we asked was for a fairly concise description that would make clear that in one of the four areas we were discussing, they were making new and additional commitments,” National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling said last week. College presidents and leaders in higher education alike said although the commitments represented useful steps forward, those steps were not enough to address the overarching issue. “There are so many good things happening, but it’s 5,000

[students] here, or a campus there,” State University of New York Chancellor Nancy Zimpher said at the White House last week, adding that the real challenge will be working together on finding a few highly effective strategies to increase access and reduce inequality.

Individual institutions care, … but they’re not really moving the needle on an individual basis. JEREMIAH QUINLAN Dean, Undergraduate Admissions Quinlan told the News that he is excited about the potential for Yale’s collaborative efforts with


other institutions to make an impact. “Research shows that individual institutions care; they’re devoting a lot of resources to it, but they’re not really moving the needle on an individual basis,” Quinlan said. Focusing on a few major policy initiatives, Salovey said, would still leave room for “tailoring and fine-tuning programs to the culture of [each] campus.” Still, in a recent article in the Yale Alumni Magazine, Quinlan said government funding is a major obstacle to solving the problem of accessibility. “[There’s a] lack of appetite on the part of elected officials — at both the state and national level — to fund higher education,” he said. Salovey said research on highachieving low-income students should be carefully considered

Political groups remain engaged according to Rebecca Ellison ’15, the President of the Yale Dems. One of the Democratic Party’s main initiatives will be to provide support for a juvenile justice bill, which came close to passing in Connecticut last year, but didn’t make it through the state senate. Representatives from the Dems plan to travel to Hartford during the semester to help support this bill, as well as other state-wide issues that affect new Haven, such as protection of state tuition grants. On a local level, the Dems plan to work with the board of alderman to support the upcoming Q House project — championed by Ward 1 Alder Sarah Eidelson ’12, chair of the board’s youth services committee — as well as

Contact RISHABH BHANDARI and MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at and matthew.lloyd-thomas .

the College Republicans. Beyond on-campus activity, the Republicans will start working with gubernatorial and congressional campaigns within the state this spring in preparation for the 2014 elections next fall.

Yale students have the perception that what happens outside of Yale doesn’t really affect them. FRANCISCO DIEZ ’14 Chair, Liberal Party Leaders from both parties said that an ongoing challenge has been maintaining high levels

October 2013 Freshman Scholars Program created

April 2013 Yale announces joint venture with Harvard, Princeton and UVA to recruit low-income students

February 2011 Yale waives family contributions for students whose families make less than $65,000 a year

promote the implementation of the affordable care act through panels to raise awareness, door to door visits to help New Haven residents register for healthcare and educating Yale students about the law. The Yale College Republicans, who have traditionally not been as widely represented on campus, plan to expand their campus presence this semester through debate and discussion events. The events will be held in a similar style to the “Economics of Immigration” debate they hosted last semester with MEChA de Yale, a campus organization for Yale students of Chicano descent. “I think it might be encouraging to see people get interested in politics in a nonelection year,” said Austin Schaefer ’15, chair of

genuine interest in opening their doors to academically deserving students of all incomes, no one institution has made significant progress in this regard. He added that he hopes more collaborative initiatives, such as Yale’s decision to join Princeton and Harvard in traveling across the country, will yield more progress in raising students’ awareness. Sperling asked each of the universities present at the conference to follow up with the administration. He added that the administration hopes to host a second conference to assess what progress has been made in expanding access in the coming year.

Jan. 16, 2013 Yale announces it will increase the number of QuestBridge finalists on campus by 50 percent and create precalculus course modules for incoming freshmen

April 2005 Yale creates Student Ambassadors Program


when designing any policy, either on a school-wide or national level, aimed at increasing access. He and Quinlan both pointed to research conducted by Caroline Hoxby of Stanford and Christopher Avery of the Harvard Kennedy School, which demonstrates that most high-achieving lowincome students do not apply to top colleges like Yale. “[Yale’s] problem is paradoxically its strength: Its reputation and prestige not only attracts applications but actually deters some students from applying who think it’s going to cost too much or isn’t somewhere where they belong,” David Petersam, president of Virginia-based higher education consulting group AdmissionsConsultants, told the News in November. Quinlan said the Hoxby-Avery research demonstrates that although top universities have a

of campus interest in local politics, particularly during the offseason. “One of the biggest problems I find is that Yale students have the perception that what happens outside of Yale doesn’t really affect them,” said Francisco Diez ’14, chair of the Liberal Party. Diez added that what may seem like the two separate communities of Yale and New Haven are actually a single community that must be aware of how connected it is. “Overall, we want to engage as many people as possible in politics, and give people an avenue through which they can engage in local politics,” Ellison said. Contact LILLIAN CHILDRESS at .

If your bothered by this, we understand.

Meet your people.





“If carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be messed-up.” MITCH HEDBERG AMERICAN COMEDIAN

Former Cowboys star convicted BY NOMAAN MERCHANT ASSOCIATED PRESS DALLAS — Former Dallas Cowboys player Josh Brent was convicted of intoxication manslaughter Wednesday for a fiery wreck that killed his teammate and close friend, Jerry Brown. He faces up to 20 years in prison for a December 2012 wreck after a night of partying with fellow Cowboys players. He could also get probation. Jurors took about nine hours over two days to convict Brent, who was led from the courtroom in handcuffs as family members sitting in the front row of the gallery sobbed. Among those sitting with Brent’s family was Stacey Jackson, Brown’s mother. Jackson did not respond to questions as she left the courtroom Wednesday with Brent’s family, but she has said in interviews that she’s forgiven Brent and could testify in support of a lighter sentence for him when that phase of the trial begins Thursday. Attorneys from both sides remain under a gag order that prevented them from commenting after the proceedings. Prosecutors say Brent, a defensive tackle, was drunk when he crashed his Mercedes on a suburban Dallas highway in December 2012, killing Brown, a linebacker on the Cowboys practice squad who had also been Brent’s teammate at the University of Illinois. Officers who arrived on scene saw Brent trying to pull Brown’s body from the wreckage. Police say Brent’s blood alcohol level was tested shortly after the crash at 0.18 percent, more than twice the legal limit for drivers in Texas. Prosecutors last week argued that the burly, 320-pound defensive tackle had as many as 17 drinks the night of the crash.

Brent’s attorneys argued the blood tests used by police were faulty and that Brent could not have drank nearly that much. Attorney George Milner said his client was “guilty of being stupid behind the wheel of a car,” not drinking beforehand. Brent retired from the NFL last year, but his ties to the Cowboys were prominent at trial. Two current players, Barry Church and Danny McCray, testified about hanging out with Brent and Brown, first playing video games, then having dinner and going to Privae, a Dallas nightclub. Sean Lee, a Cowboys linebacker, attended part of the trial to show support for Brent, and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said this week that he was closely watching for a verdict. “Certainly it’s tragic. We’ve all, to some degree, have been a part of this,” Jones said on Tuesday, according to the Cowboys’ website. “We support Josh. This has been just a terrible experience for the families who lost a loved one and for Josh who loved Jerry as well.” Jurors saw video of Brent appearing to hold bottles of Champagne in each hand and credit-card receipts that showed Brent had purchased three bottles. They also saw police dash cam footage of Brent losing his balance during field sobriety tests and occasionally stumbling over his words while talking to officers. It was, in the words of prosecutors Jason Hermus and Heath Harris, a textbook case of intoxication manslaughter. The prosecutors told jurors in their closing argument that they should send a message about the danger posed by drunken drivers. Hermus stood in front of Brent, hit the table and shouted: “They shouldn’t be driving, no exceptions, no excuses!”


Former Dallas Cowboy Josh Brent departs from the court room following the fifth day of his trial.

Slain transit officer knew dangers of police work BY TERRY COLLINS AND CHANNING JOSEPH ASSOCIATED PRESS


Bay Area Rapid Transit police chief Kenton Rainey pauses at the podium while answering questions about the shooting of a BART officer who was

OAKLAND, Calif. — A veteran San Francisco Bay Area transit police sergeant who was fatally shot by another officer during a search knew the dangers of the profession and once remarked that it was fortunate that no agency officers had been killed on the job, colleagues said Wednesday. Bay Area Rapid Transit police Sgt. Tom Smith was also described as a respected, sincere, passionate and sometimes opinionated person who always looked out for others. “Tom knew that law enforcement was incredibly dangerous,” BART Police Lt. Lance Haight said. “I do remember him once commenting that BART had never had an officer die in the line of duty and how fortunate that had never taken place.” An emotional BART Police Chief Kenton Rainey said the

department was in shock over Tuesday’s death of Smith, a 23-year veteran and the first BART officer killed in the line of duty in its 42-year history. “We’re numb. Please give us some time to grieve,” Rainey told reporters at a news conference in Oakland.

We’re in shock. Please give us some time to grieve. KENTON RAINEY Police chief, Bay Area Rapid Transit Smith was shot while authorities searched an apartment in Dublin for a smartphone, laptop bag and related items stolen during a recent armed holdup at a train station in Oakland. Police believe the suspect — identified as John Henry Lee, 20 — committed several robberies on BART property. BART Police said in a statement

Wednesday that the San Leandro Police Department arrested Lee on Jan. 16 after an automobile burglary and subsequent chase, which ended when the suspect lost control of his vehicle and collided with a tree. The previous morning, Lee allegedly stole a number of items at gunpoint while in the Fruitvale Station parking garage. Rainey declined to disclose any further details about how Smith was shot, deferring those questions to the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, which is investigating the shooting. Authorities were trying to determine whether an officer’s weapon discharged accidentally, or if Smith was mistaken for someone else, Alameda County sheriff’s Sgt. J.D. Nelson said. Either way, it was an accident, he added. Rainey said seven BART officers and a sheriff’s deputy were at the scene when the shooting occurred. Five of the BART officers were detectives in plain-

clothes, including Smith, and the officers knew a suspect already was in custody, he said, noting the officers were following agency policies and training. Rainey declined to name the officer who shot Smith but said he was “extremely upset.” “We want to give him and his family a chance to come to grips with what’s going on and what’s happening,” he said. Wearing bulletproof vests, the officers began the search by knocking twice on the door of the apartment, Nelson said. The knocks went unanswered, but the door was unlocked, so four BART officers — including Smith — stepped inside with their guns drawn, Nelson added. “If your door is unlocked, it usually means that somebody’s there, so I’m sure that was in their mind that somebody was in the apartment at the time,” he said. Nelson declined to elaborate on the shooting but said an officer fired at least one shot.





Dow Jones 16,373.34, -0.25%

S NASDAQ 4,243.00, +0.41% S Oil $1,234.70, -0.31%

Mayor defends snow effort

S S&P 500 1,844.86, +0.06% T T

10-yr. Bond 2.86, -0.21% Euro $1.35, +0.01%

Conflicting views of Ind. shooting suspect emerge BY CHARLES D. WILSON AND AMANDA LEE MYERS ASSOCIATED PRESS


A pair of brown bears play in the fresh snow at the Bronx Zoo in New York on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014 in New York. BY JONATHAN LEMIRE AND JENNIFER PELTZ ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — Northeasterners scraped and shoveled Wednesday after a snowstorm grounded flights, shuttered schools and buried roads with a surprising amount of snow, leaving biting cold in its wake. The atmosphere was particularly frosty in New York, where the new mayor acknowledged flaws in the cleanup and some residents complained that schools remained open while children elsewhere in the region stayed home. The storm stretched from Kentucky to New England but hit hardest along the heavily populated Interstate 95 corridor between Philadelphia and Boston. As much as 14 inches of snow fell in Philadelphia, with New York City seeing almost as much, and parts of Massachusetts were socked with as many as 18 inches. Temperatures were in the single digits or the teens in many places Wednesday. In New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio, facing one of the first flashpoints of his weeks-old tenure, initially defended what he called a “coordinated, intense, citywide response” to a storm he said caused a worse-thanexpected headache when it ramped up at rush hour. And de Blasio, who

campaigned on closing gaps between rich and poor city residents, at first rebuffed complaints that the effort had lagged on Manhattan’s posh Upper East Side, saying “no one was treated differently.” But he backtracked Wednesday evening, saying he’d determined “more could have been done to serve the Upper East Side.” Thirty more vehicles and nearly 40 more sanitation workers were sent to the area to finish the cleanup, de Blasio said in a statement that noted he still felt the citywide response, overall, “was well-executed.” In a city where snow removal has proven a political hot potato, the flap was almost a mirror image of complaints about how de Blasio’s predecessor, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, handled a 2010 blizzard. Bloomberg, who lives on the Upper East Side, faced criticism that outer boroughs had gotten short shift from plows. Brooklyn-dwelling de Blasio, then the city’s public advocate, was among the critics. This time, de Blasio found himself being asked why some Upper East Side avenues still were covered in snow when a Brooklyn thoroughfare was plowed clear to the pavement. Pamela Murphy Jennings’ two children navigated snowy sections of

tony Madison and Park avenues to get to their public schools on the Upper East Side, she said in an interview. “Children have to walk to city bus stops and cross these streets to get here,” she said. “Cars are sliding on roads. If there was any day to close schools, this was the day.” De Blasio said officials made the right call in anticipating that streets would be passable enough for students to get to school safely, adding that his own teenage son had gone, if grouchily. Traffic and the storm’s timetable complicated the cleanup, he and Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said. The storm arrived earlier than expected Tuesday and intensified right around the evening rush, making it difficult to plow and spread salt, Doherty said. Citywide, 100 percent of primary streets were plowed by 6 a.m. Wednesday, along with 90 percent or more of other streets, Doherty said. Some residents were understanding. Upper East Sider Lou Riccio agreed cleanup was a problem in his neighborhood, but he didn’t see it as the mayor’s fault. “It was just the problem of a bad snowstorm coming at a bad time of the day,” said Riccio, who teaches public affairs at Columbia University.

INDIANAPOLIS — A Purdue University engineering student who police say fatally shot another student in a basement classroom prepared to face a judge as those who knew both men struggled to make sense of the violence Wednesday. Cody Cousins, 23, was scheduled to make an initial court appearance Thursday afternoon in a small courtroom at the Tippecanoe County Jail, Deputy Prosecutor Kristen McVey said in a statement. Cousins, who has addresses in Warsaw, Ind., and Centerville, Ohio, is being held without bond on a preliminary charge of murder in Tuesday’s shooting death of 21-year-old Andrew Boldt of West Bend, Wis. Police have said Cousins targeted Boldt but they haven’t disclosed why or how the two might have known each other. Conflicting portraits are emerging of Cousins. Former high school classmates and teachers say he excelled academically. But some at Purdue say he could be rude and disliked being told he was wrong. Police have said both Cousins and Boldt were seniors, and they identified Boldt as a teaching assistant. However, documents posted on the engineering school’s website also listed Cousins as a teaching assistant. Both he and Boldt worked under Professor David Meyer for separate classes, according to the documents. Purdue spokeswoman Liz Evans would not comment on Cousins’ status. A woman who answered the phone at Meyer’s home said the professor would not comment. Cousins graduated from Springboro High School in southwestern Ohio, about an hour outside of Cincinnati, school district spokeswoman Karen DeRosa said. “We know he excelled academically and was very strong in technology and computer science,” DeRosa said. Greg Adams, who graduated from Springboro with Cousins, said the two weren’t close friends but that Cousins seemed friendly. “From what I saw he was very outgoing,” said Adams, 24, who still lives in Springboro. “He had a girlfriend. After school I’d see him in the computer labs and he’d be talking to his friends and girlfriend.” Former high school classmate Matt Herman, who works for WDTN-TV in Dayton, Ohio, told the station that Cousins was on an academic team and part of the skiing and snowboarding club in high school.

“We were all really shocked to hear this,” Herman said of the allegations against Cousins. But Cousins may not have fared as well at Purdue. Ashley Eidsmore, a teaching assistant in the engineering school, told The Associated Press that Cousins was an undergraduate member of her research team working through the Vertically Integrated Projects course. She said some of her lab mates who worked closely with Cousins complained that he was a “just all-around rude individual.”

We know [Cody Cousins] excelled academically and was very strong in technology and computer science. KAREN DEROSA Spokeswoman, Springboro High School Purdue Professor Thomas Talavage, who worked with Cousins, said he was intense and aggressive about his projects. “He didn’t like to be told he was wrong,” Talavage said. “He tended to be more aggressive in his debating and tended to be more convinced he was right.” Talavage said the electrical engineering students are under tremendous pressure and many don’t graduate from the program even though they were top students before coming to Purdue. Eidsmore, who was down the hall when the shooting occurred, said Boldt was a “brilliant student” who “wrote emails with exclamations of excitement and wore shorts all year long.” “No one can comprehend why this terrible event occurred. I am just glad I was able to tell him all the good things I had heard about him from the teaching staff,” she told the AP in an email. The moods on the Purdue campus in West Lafayette — about 60 miles northwest of Indianapolis — and in Boldt’s hometown in Wisconsin remained subdued Wednesday. Purdue reopened most of the electrical engineering building where the shooting occurred, but students weren’t scheduled to return to class until Thursday. A billboard that appeared Wednesday along Interstate 65 south simply featured the word “Prayers” — the “P” from the Purdue logo.





TODAY’S FORECAST Partly cloudy skies. Cold. High 22F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.



High of 18, low of 15.

High of 31, low of 8.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 4:00 p.m. “From Lab to Market: How to Translate Your Research Into Commercial Success.” Erika Smith of the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute will lead a talk on how to evaluate innovations for market potential, the first steps to take when considering forming a startup, and ways to access the funding and resources available at YEI. Free, but register in advance. Yale Entrepreneurial Institute (55 Whitney Ave.), 2nd Floor. 6:30 p.m. Performance: Audrey Flack and the History of Art Band. A bluegrass concert with music by artist Audrey Flack and the History of Art Band. Preceded by a talk by Flack. Presented in conjunction with the exhibition: “Still Life: 1970s Photorealism.” Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.).


FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 3:00 p.m. Edward P. Evans Hall Open House for the Yale Community. The Yale School of Management invites members of the Yale community to an open house for its new campus, Edward P. Evans Hall. The building was designed by Foster + Partners, which is chaired by Lord Norman Foster ’62 M.Arch. Edward P. Evans Hall (165 Whitney Ave.). 3:00 p.m. NHL’s St. Louis Blues Practice at Yale as Part of “White Out for Mandi” Day. The NHL’s St. Louis Blues will hold a practice open to the general public as part of their visit for the annual “White Out for Mandi” game that night in honor of Mandi Schwartz ’10 (1988–2011). Mandi’s brother Jaden plays for the Blues. Ingalls Rink (73 Sachem St.).

SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 6:00 p.m. “Moving Toward A More Perfect Union: A Conversation with Henry Louis Gates Jr.” In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., the Afro-American Cultural Center is sponsoring a talk with Henry Louis Gates Jr. ’73 and a screening of “A More Perfect Union (1968-2013),” the final episode of his documentary series, “The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross.” Sterling Law Buildings (127 Wall St.), Aud.

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DOWN 1 Enola Gay payload 2 Lake bordering the Silver and Golden states 3 “Sesame Street” segment with Dorothy the goldfish 4 Combat with one survivor 5 Actress Merkel 6 Pre-Christian Celtic priests 7 Go deeply (into) 8 Citrusy drink 9 Input for a personnel interviewer 10 Carried on 11 “The very __!” 12 “__ la vie!” 13 Figs. 21 Oft-checked item 23 Use as a terminus 27 “I know! Pick me!” 29 Città on the Po 31 “Dolphin Tale” costar

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“It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf.” THOMAS FULLER ENGLISH CHURCHMAN AND HISTORIAN

Syrian peace talks stagnate BY LORI HINNANT AND MATTHEW LEE ASSOCIATED PRESS MONTREUX, Switzerland — Furiously divided from the start, representatives of Syrian President Bashar Assad and the rebellion against him threatened Wednesday to collapse a peace conference intended to lead them out of civil war. Assad’s future in the country devastated by three years of bloodshed was at the heart of the sparring, which took place against a pristine Alpine backdrop as Syrian forces and rebel fighters clashed across a wide area from Aleppo and Idlib in the north to Daraa in the south.

There will be no transfer of power, and President Bashar Assad is staying. OMRAN AL-ZOUBI Information minister, Syria U.S. and U.N. officials said merely getting the two sides in the same room was something of a victory, but U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon’s claim that the discussions were “harmonious and constructive” was at odds with the testy exchange when he tried to get the podium from Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem. “You live in New York. I live in Syria,” Moallem angrily told Ban. “I have the right to give the Syrian version here in this forum. After three years of suffering, this is my right.” With little common ground, the two sides were to meet separately Thursday with a U.N. negotiator, Lakhdar Brahimi, who said he still did not know if they were ready to sit at the same table when talks begin in earnest Friday. But, Brahimi said, both sides had shown some willingness to bend on local cease-fires and delivery of humanitarian


Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar Ja’afari, speaks during a press conference during the Syrian peace talks in Montreux, Switzerland, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014. aid, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said they were also working on possible terms for a prisoner exchange. The Western-backed opposition said Assad’s departure was their starting point, echoing the position laid out by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. “The resolution cannot be about one man’s — or one family’s — insistence on clinging to power,” Kerry said.

The response from the government delegation was firm and blunt. “There will be no transfer of power, and President Bashar Assad is staying,” Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi told reporters. The two sides seemed impossibly far apart in opening statements in the Swiss city of Montreux, famed for its stunning mountain views and mellow

Argentine pres. breaks silence BY DEBORA REY ASSOCIATED PRESS BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — President Cristina Fernandez spoke publicly for the first time in more than 40 days Wednesday, ending a long silence that had Argentines speculating about her health following head surgery. In a nationally televised address, an energetic Fernandez announced the creation of a program to encourage young, unemployed Argentines to attend public school with an $80 subsidy. She also criticized those who speculated about her condition during her absence. “It’s true that I’ve had some difficulties, but I’d like to see how others would fare if they had to deal with the things that I’ve gone through. I’d like to see them running this country,” Fernandez told hundreds of supporters who filled the main patio at the Pink House presidential palace. The 60-year-old president underwent surgery to remove a blood clot Oct. 8. She returned

to work Nov. 18. The normally loquacious leader with a love of Twitter last spoke publicly on Dec. 10 and last tweeted on Dec. 13. The uncharacteristic silence fed speculation in Argentina about her health, and some opponents even questioned who was really running the country.

I’d like to see how others would fare if they had to deal with the things that I’ve gone through. CRISTINA FERNANDEZ President, Argentina Fernandez’s Cabinet members have repeatedly said she is fully in command. But neither they nor Fernandez on Wednesday explained the reason behind the public silence at a time when Argentina is grappling with double-digit inflation, lower economic growth and a fall in foreign currency reserves.

Underscoring Argentina’s economic issues, the peso plunged 3.5 percent against the U.S. dollar Wednesday, and the Central Bank didn’t even try to spend more of its precious reserves to slow the devaluation. Economic analysts expect inflation to hit 30 percent this year, heating up what already has been the second highest rate in Latin America after Venezuela. Questions of who was governing are pertinent in Argentina, where Fernandez has the power to rule by decree over many areas of Argentina’s economic and social life. She nationalized private pension funds, renationalized the country’s flagship airline and led Argentina’s uncompensated seizure of the Spanish company Repsol’s controlling, $10 billion stake in the state YPF oil company. These measures have been popular with many Argentines who blame the privatizations of the 1990s and other free-market policies for the country’s economic crisis and debt default in 2001-2002.

jazz festival. The waterfront road was barricaded by roadblocks and hundreds of security forces, with boats patrolling the shores of Lake Geneva day and night. The small-town venue was chosen in haste when a watchmakers’ convention left Geneva hotels booked. That made for some potentially awkward encounters — some of the opposition were staying in the same hotel as the Syrian government

delegates, as were the Americans. Complicating m a t te rs, Assad’s delegates and the Western-backed opposition Syrian National Coalition both claimed to speak for the Syrian people. But the coalition has little sway with rebel brigades, who largely oppose talks with the government. And the government, Kerry said, has no legitimacy or loyalty among people devastated by war. Overshadowing the confer-

ence was Ban’s last-minute decision to invite — and then disinvite — Iran, which has funneled billions of dollars and Shiite fighters to Assad. Syria’s civil war has become a proxy battle for regional dominance between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which funds many of the Islamist rebel movements and which Assad accuses of supporting al-Qaida-inspired militants streaming into Syria.

Ukraine opposition issues ultimatum


Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar Ja’afari, speaks during a press conference during the Syrian peace talks in Montreux, Switzerland, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014. BY YURAS KARMANAU AND MARIA DANILOVA ASSOCIATED PRESS KIEV, Ukraine — Ukrainian opposition leaders issued a stark ultimatum to President Viktor Yanukovych on Wednesday to call early elections within 24 hours or face more popular rage, after at least two protesters were killed in confrontations with police in a grim escalation of a two-monthlong political crisis. The protesters’ deaths, the first since the largely peaceful protests started in November, fueled fears that the daily demonstrations aimed at bringing down the government over its decision to shun the European Union for closer ties to Moscow and over human rights violations could turn more violent. With a central Kiev street ablaze and covered with thick black smoke from burning tires and several thousand protesters continuing to clash with riot police, opposition leaders urged tens of thousands of demonstrators in a nearby square to refrain from violence and remain in the main protest camp for the next 24 hours. They demanded that Yanukovych dismiss the government, call early elections and scrap harsh anti-protest legislation. It

was last week’s passage of the laws cracking down on protests that set off the violent clashes. “You, Mr. President, have the opportunity to resolve this issue. Early elections will change the situation without bloodshed and we will do everything to achieve that,” opposition leader Vitali Klitschko told some 40,000 people who braved freezing temperatures on Kiev’s Independence Square late Wednesday. If Yanukovych does not concede, “tomorrow we will go forward together. And if it’s a bullet in the forehead, then it’s a bullet in the forehead, but in an honest, fair and brave way,” declared another opposition leader, Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Yanukovych has showed little willingness to compromise, however. A three-hour meeting with opposition leaders accomplished “nothing,” said Oleh Tyahbnybok, who attended the session. Meanwhile, the government handed security forces extra powers, including closing off streets and firing water cannon against protesters despite the freezing temperatures. Police have already used water cannon but insisted it was only to put out fires. The government also deployed an armored personnel carrier at the site of the clashes.




“Everything negative — pressure, challenges — is all an opportunity for me to rise.” KOBE BRYANT BASKETBALL PLAYER

Gymnasts spring into ’14

Asking too much of athletes COLUMN FROM PAGE 12


The gymnastics team opened the 2014 season at the New Hampshire Invitational, finishing in fourth place. BY PHOEBE KIMMELMAN STAFF REPORTER While most Yale students neglected their fitness routines over the holidays, Yale’s gymnastics team was busy gearing up for its 2014 season.

GYMNASTICS The team opened the season this past Sunday at the New Hampshire Invitational. The Bulldogs competed against the University of Minnesota, the University of New Hampshire and Brown, finishing fourth with a final score of 187.500. Though the team still has room for improvement, the competition showcased some of the gymnasts’ solid routines. All six Yale competi-

tors successfully made their vaults, Morgan Traina ’15 and Brianna Chrisman ’15 scored a 9.75 and a 9.65, respectively, on the bars and Camilla Opperman ’16 and Traina both scored a 9.7 on their floor routines. Team captain Ashley O’Connor ’14 said she is optimistic about the season to come, especially because of the team’s supportive yet disciplined group dynamic. “There is a great attitude from everyone in the gym going in every day and giving it their all because they know that for this team to succeed everyone has to completely devote themselves,” she said. “That’s our team’s strategy and that’s what gives us the desire to compete.” The competition marked

the collegiate debut of freshmen Anella Anderson ’17 and Tatiana Winkelman ’17, as well as for sophomore Camilla Opperman ’16, who did not compete last year due to an injury. Winkelman said that while this first competition highlighted where the team needs to improve, she is confident that the Elis will reach their goals for the season. “The meet went well especially for the first competition of the year,” she said. “The point was to get back into the swing of competition.” One of the areas in which the Elis will need to improve is in their floor routines. The Bulldogs turned in their lowest team score in any of the four events, posting a 46.375. Minnesota, on the other hand,

scored a 49.375 to seal its victory in the meet. Opperman agreed that although the meet was a promising start to the season, it also outlined what skills the team needs to continue to practice. “Our meet this weekend was a good starting point for us, but there’s definitely a ton of room for improvement,” she wrote in a Wednesday email to the News. “There is a lot of amazing potential on this team, and I think that with continued hard work, great things can happen for Yale gymnastics this season!” The team will next compete at home against Penn Jan. 25. Contact PHOEBE KIMMELMAN at .

uation, and we slammed him for it. Conventional wisdom dictates that Sherman should have said the following: “This was a total team effort. The 49ers are a great team, but we simply executed better tonight and came up with the big plays when it mattered the most.” High-profile athletes spew trite clichés such as this one after almost every game, and after hearing them so many times, fans have adopted a distorted perception of sports and how athletes should behave. Ms. Onorato spoke of the need for athletes to uphold a graceful image to serve as role models. While athletes should absolutely be emulated for their athletic achievements, they should not serve as our moral compass. We like our athletes bland and devoid of individuality so that we can impose our views and our personality on them and live vicariously through them. This belief in the heroic idol affirms our image of athletes as role models. But their job is not to be role models. Their job is to entertain. Shouldn’t entertainers be allowed to have some creative freedom over how they behave? Of course, this freedom shouldn’t excuse athletes from engaging in childish, offensive and criminal behaviors. Sherman’s behaviors on Sunday don’t fall within any of those categories. Unlike the vast majority of his compatriots, Sherman let people know how he truly felt about the role he plays to entertain the audience. And because what Sherman said clashed with our perception of how athletes should behave, some people thought it was appropriate to direct virulent hate at him. We always talk of being passionate about what we do, but when athletes show passions beyond some vague standards, their behaviors are deemed socially unacceptable. Worst of all, when we put ath-

letes on pedestals and inflate their importance in our values and norms, we ignore evidence of their incompatibility with our moral compass until it’s too late. People dismissed doping allegations against Lance Armstrong because the narrative of a cancer survivor triumphing in the Tour de France was simply too good to pass up. Treating athletes as heroes and role models dehumanizes them as we try to ignore anything that casts a negative light on them. We dismiss their poor behaviors with a variety of reasons and justifications — so we can maintain our interpretation of what their accomplishments means —v until they can no longer be excused. And when that point is reached, the athletes become sacrificial lambs to be cast aside so that we can maintain a clean conscience. Both fans and the media are complicit in fostering a system that encourages misbehavior by athletes. We give millions to young men without giving them the guidance necessary to use their newfound wealth wisely. By equating athletic accomplishments with the idea of a transcendental hero, we plant in the mind of successful athletes the idea that they are somehow beyond the rules that bind the behaviors of other people. A better approach is to recognize that athletes are people too, capable of a wide range of human emotions and behaviors beyond the platitudes perpetuated by the sports media. In constructing our own narrative of the supposed higher meaning of sports, we sometimes forget that athletes are fallible creatures too. Because we remove the human element from our evaluation of athletes and treat them as some sort of caricature of our expectations, we open the door for hatred towards these athletes. JIMIN HE is a senior in Pierson College. Contact him at .

Trinity squashes Yale Habits and head games SQUASH FROM PAGE 12 the Yale men and women rallied behind their teammates in the two deciding matches. Millie Tomlinson ’14, first on the ladder, lost against her opponent, 3–1, and Charlie Wyatt ’14, seventh on the men’s ladder, lost 3–0 in his match. Zach Leman ’16 described the Trinity teams as well coached and focused. “I battled hard. I was diving all over the place,” said Leman, who lost at the third spot. Kah Wah Cheong ’17 agreed with Leman and added that the Trinity athletes were well rounded and experienced.

Cheong won at the fifth spot, also forcing a tight fifth game in which he defended several match points.

I battled hard. I was diving all over the place. ZACH LEMAN Men’s squash team Cheong said his opponent was able to pick up on his weaknesses and push at them — a sign of a good player, according to him. “Our own strength is that we

strike a good balance between fitness and skill,” Cheong said. “We can last long on the courts and play good squash, too.” According to Tilghman, the Trinity squad was very talented and made “some amazing shots.” She added that the women’s team also had the conditioning to keep playing with intensity on the courts. The respective Yale teams met immediately in the team room after their matches to regroup. Both men and women will play St. Lawrence this Friday, and the women will also play Stanford. Contact ERICA PANDEY at .

Track runs first scored meet TRACK FROM PAGE 12 9.05, respectively. “In the weeks leading up to the season, the team focuses on endurance by putting in hours and meters on the track,” Mathews said in an email. “This built up endurance carries into the season and enables us to run harder for longer.”

In the weeks leading up to the season, the team focuses on endurance by putting in hours and meters on the track. MACKENZIE MATHEWS ’16 Hurdles, Women’s track and field team McDonnell, who works under middle-distance coach Amy Gosztyla, added that the majority of the team’s hardest training takes place early in the season with high mileage workouts. As the team

approaches the championship season, however, workouts become less intense so that the runners feel more fresh. The men’s team also yielded some stellar performances Saturday. Brendan Sullivan ’16 secured the fifth–best Yale pole vault in the school’s history, finishing second in the meet, and Dana Lindberg ’16 took first place in the long jump, clearing 6.91 meters. Yale also excelled in the sprinting events. Marc-André Alexandre ’17 captured two first-place finishes, with 6.95 seconds in the 60-meter sprint and 22.10 seconds in the 200meter sprint. In the 60 meters, Alexandre was immediately followed by fellow teammates Daniel Jones ’14 in 7.04 seconds and Dana Lindberg in 7.05 seconds, securing the top three spots of that event for Yale. According to the freshman Alexandre, the adjustment to being a student-athlete has been challenging, yet rewarding. “I’m still adjusting to being [both] a freshman and a varsity athlete,” he explained in an

PSYCH FROM PAGE 12 experience of the coach comes into play in pushing their athletes’ buttons at the right times. “I think you get to know your players and build trust with your players and you gain a sense for when a player needs to be given a pat on the back or talked to sternly,” Allain said. Once the floor was opened up to student questions, the topic of sustained focus, or maintaining focus for an extended period of time despite stressful conditions, was brought up almost instantly. Chun, Allain and Grant all cited the most important way to avoid boredom as doing something boring — sleeping. Chun said that lack of ability to concentrate might be more related to sleep deprivation than to an individual’s short attention span. Furthermore, Chun stressed the elimination of

attention hogging distractions when trying to focus such as phones, Facebook and email. Master Bradley closed the panel by asking all three panelists what advice they would give students in any situation to increase their performance and achieve their goals. Allain told students to take a deep breath to clear their heads. One Yale swimmer, Kendrick McDonald ’16 said that he was particularly inspired by Allain’s suggestion of how to obtain peak performance when players feel they are in a rut. “I thought what coach Allain said was really insightful,” McDonald said. “Think about your last good performance about the environment you were in when you succeeded. It applies to me in my sport with swimming when you have a very long season and sometimes your peaks are so far apart that it’s hard to remember.”

Chun advised students to follow their teachers and coaches, citing their experience as a way to bring the best out of their students and players. Grant listed what he said were three key traits to success: talent, passion and the mental strength to properly interpret good days, bad days and average days. Grant spent the most time discussing passion and its importance in driving competitors toward success. “If you want to make money, you have to be thinking about money day and night,” Grant said. “If you want to win a championship, you have to be thinking about championships day and night.” Last night’s panel took place in front of a near-capacity crowd at the Yale Law School Auditorium. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .

email. “I sincerely think that my teammates and all the people around me … [have] helped ease the transition. It is a sudden freedom that you have when you go from high school to college … [and] requires a lot of time management.” Alexandre considers lifts, healthy habits, competition and visualization as important contributions to his performance. He added that he pays special attention to his routine in the days leading up to a meet. “One or two days before each meet, I try to stay hydrated and sleep a little earlier than usual, so my body is fully charged at the day of the meet. I also visualize a lot before meets. I try to imagine myself in the race … For me, the key is to stay relaxed and reduce the stress as much as possible.” This coming Saturday the Bulldogs will travel to Boston University to compete in the Terrier Invitational. Contact RHYDIAN GLASS at .


The Yale College Council hosted a panel on performance psychology in the Law School Auditorium last night.


NBA Boston 113 (OT) Washington 111

NBA Chicago 98 Cleveland 87


NBA Atlanta 112 Orlando 109


NBA Charlotte 95 L.A. Clippers 91


USCHO BRACKETOLOGY MEN’S HOCKEY Senior writer Jayson Moy claims to be the only hockey writer to have perfectly forecasted the “exact bracket” for the NCAA men’s hockey tournament this past three years. Yesterday, he projected Yale to meet Quinnipiac in the first round to rematch last year’s championship.

SEASON OPENER MEN’S TENNIS The men’s tennis team opened its regular season on the road this past weekend, topping Davidson on Saturday before being swept by Virginia Tech on Sunday. The women’s team hosted the Yale Classic this weekend in preseason action.

NCAAM Michigan 75 Iowa 67

“I always think of sport and athleticism as one of the highest levels of intelligence that the brain is capable of.” MARVIN CHUN



Squash drops close contests SQUASH

also able to force a fifth game in her match, but lost. “We all fought really hard and kept our matches going,” Tilghman, said. “We had the stamina to keep going.” Both the men’s and women’s matches were tied 4–4, and SEE SQUASH PAGE 11



The Yale men’s and women’s squash teams lost narrowly in their matchups against Trinity College last night at the Brady Squash Center in Payne Whitney. Both the men’s and women’s teams for Yale and Trinity brought

undefeated records to the courts last night, and the matches were close, often advancing to fifth games. Trinity left with 5–4 wins against both Yale teams. “This is easily the best team out there,” said women’s third Shihui Mao ’15. “Even though we lost it was the most competitive match we played. Every single match could

have gone either way.” Mao won her match, coming back from a two-game deficit. She was able to win by playing to her opponent’s weakness, her height, and hitting higher. The highlight for Gwen Tilghman ’14 was watching Mao’s comeback. Tilghman, who holds the seventh spot on the ladder, was

Experts discuss performance, pressure BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER A level head and near perfect reflex habits are among the most important traits to achieving peak performance in the classroom, on the field, or in the office. Last night in the Yale Law School auditorium, successful competitive minds joined with talented public health and psychology professors for a panel on performance psychology titled “Gaining A Competitive Edge.” Members of the panel included Israeli soccer manager Avram Grant, who led Chelsea FC to the 2008 UEFA Champions League Final, 2013 National Champion and head hockey coach of Yale Keith Allain ’80 and professor of Psychology and Master of Berkeley College Marvin Chun. Professor of Public Health and Master of Branford College Elizabeth Bradley moderated the panel. The discussion centered on the issues essential to performance — the optimal

level of anxiety and the benefits of a habitual process. All panelists agreed that the brain must operate at its highest level to succeed in athletics. “I always think of sport and athleticism as one of the highest levels of intelligence that the brain is capable of,” Chun said. “You take rapid information and process it very quickly.” As a result of this quick turnaround between intense sensory input and reaction, Chun emphasized the importance of the two information-processing systems: the decision-making system and the habitual system. Panelists discussed how athletes who rely more heavily on the habitual system are prone to success while those that often question their performance may be too critical of themselves and rely too heavily on their decision-making processes. Allain reinforced the importance of habitual action. He used the example of his team’s practice habits to demonstrate the benefits of

habitual action. “The way to get consistent results is to have consistent behavior,” Allain said. “We don’t see any one game as any different from another. When we played in the regional final, that mentality helped us because I think our guys had a big game mentality for 30 games before that.” In addition to talking about the benefits of performance psychology to the individual, Allain and Grant spoke about the psychology behind managing players to maximize the performance they see from their entire team. Chun referenced the Yerkes-Dodson curve, which demonstrates maximum performance at some intermediate level of excitement where competitors are not too excited and not too relaxed. Grant and Allain noted that this optimal level of anxiety is different for every member of the team. In order to extract their athletes’ peak performance, the SEE PSYCH PAGE 11


Athletes are not role models Yesterday, my colleague Sarah Onorato ’15 published a column titled “Being a good sport,” addressing the antics of Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman after the closely contested NFC Championship game. Setting aside the issue of sportsmanship for a moment, I think it’s only appropriate to address how the Sherman incident took an incredibly ugly turn after the game thanks to the power of the Internet. Almost immediately following the end of the game, numerous Twitter users called out Sherman for being a bully and an ungraceful winner. The criticisms became more venomous when some began hurling racial insults against Sherman, ranging from “jungle monkey,” to “ignorant ape” to the “N-word.” It seemed highly ironic that this game took place the night before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, when we celebrate the progress we have made trying to overcome the shadow of racial hatred. Regardless of what you think of Sherman’s behavior during and after the game, Sherman does not deserve the hate from people who only see his public persona. Some people are aghast at Sherman’s post-play interactions with 49ers players, most prominently Michael Crabtree and Colin Kaepernick. They believe that his behavior crossed one of the most sacred, but also one of the most vague and restrictive lines in athletic competition: sportsmanship. As spectators, we expect our athletes to show grace whether they win or lose, forgetting that the athletes have put a lifetime of work, and often their physical and mental health, on the line for our amusement. Sherman behaved exactly as any human being would after triumphing in a high-pressure sit-

The men’s and women’s squash teams both fell to Trinity College last night in 5–4 decisions. BY ERICA PANDEY CONTRIBUTING REPORTER


Individuals impress in Hanover


The men’s track and field team finished third this weekend, while the women finished second in their meet. BY RHYDIAN GLASS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER In their first officially scored meet of the spring season on Saturday, Yale’s men and women’s track and field teams competed in their annual tri-meet against Dartmouth and Columbia, this year hosted by the Big Green in Hanover, New Hampshire.


Although there were some very strong individual performances, both teams placed in third overall. The women’s squad captured four first-place finishes, three in the field and one on the track. These top performers included Emily Urciuoli ’14, who cleared 3.66 meters in the pole vault, Alisha Jordan ’15, who leapt 11.49 meters in the triple jump and Karleh Wilson ’16, who covered 16.53 meters in

the weighted throw. Kira Garry ’15 secured a 9:49.79 first-place finish in the longest track event, the 3,000 meter. Other strong performances and personal bests came from Shannon McDonnell ’16, who placed second with 2:15.83 in the 800 meters, and Mackenzie Mathews ’16, who took second place in both the 60 meters and 60-meter hurdles in 8.21 and SEE TRACK PAGE 11


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