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New teashop opens on Chapel St., offers tea, snacks and tradition





Biotech tower on track

Worst prom photo ever. The

New York Times published a profile of the “Tiger Couple,” law school professors Amy Chua and her husband Jeb Rubenfeld, titled “Confessions of a Tiger Couple.” Highlights include Chua referring to her husband as a “bad boy” and flashback to her childhood where she was whacked with chopsticks by her parents for misbehaving. An added cherry on top is the accompaniment of a chilling black and white photo of the couple taken from two different angles at the same moment.

anticipation of the Super Bowl, Caseus has set aside a special regional cheese for each team. Fans of the Seahawks can enjoy a Seattle cheese — Yule Kase from Beecher’s — and Broncos supporters will appreciate Chile Jack from Haystack Mountain in Longmont, Colo.

“Free pound of coffee.” Today

Second chances. Those who

have already broken their New Year’s resolutions get another chance with Chinese New Year celebrations this weekend. The New Haven Museum will be hosting a daylong Lunarfest on Saturday themed around the Year of the Horse. Participants can look forward to wushu training and ancient Chinese court dances.

Reforming Wikipedia.

Recognition is hosting a “Wikipedia Feminist Edit-AThon” this Saturday as part of a global movement where feminists gather to correct gender inequalities “as well as racial/colonial disparities” on Wikipedia pages. (Bonus points for fixing typos as well)

One small rock fragment, one large step for mankind.

A recent Peabody exhibit features the first fragment from the planet Mercury to be identified in human history: a chunk of rock blasted into space after an impact at Mercury’s surface. Prep school poor. Students at

the elite prep school Phillips Academy Exeter seem to have finally had a mental breakdown. A recent article from The Exonian reports that students have been “dumpster diving” to retrieve chocolates thrown out by the local Lindt outlet and to a lesser degree other items such as speakers and old license plates. Lindt has even written a statement to remind students that the practice is unsafe.


1907 A number of freshmen receive invites to the Corinthian Yacht Club. Not surprisingly, the club is one of Yale College’s most popular institutions. Submit tips to Cross Campus


Data Haven leaders advocate policy based on numbers PAGE 3 CITY


(Super) Bowl of Cheese. In

is the last day of the HarvardYale Blood Drive. According to Yale College Dean Mary Miller’s email, every donor receives “a free pound of coffee!” so there’s that.



The new building will be partially rented by a biotech company and will also contain facilities for the School of Medicine. BY HANNAH SCHWARZ STAFF REPORTER As the School of Medicine expands its faculty, the School of Public Health consolidates office space and the city’s biotech industry continues to grow, a new tower that promises to accommodate all three is on track for a June 2015 completion. The space, located at 100 College Street and straddling the Route 34 Bridge, has been in construction for the past eight months. The 14-story building will house Alexion Pharmaceuticals, a producer of medications for extremely rare diseases, as well as the two Yale

schools. The building is also one of the cornerstones of the Downtown Crossing project, an initiative that aims to connect downtown New Haven and the medical district while increasing commercial development. The space will facilitate, collaboration, interdisciplinary research at the Yale School of Medicine and School of Public Health, said Paul Cleary, dean of the School of Public Health. The two floors of Yale space will not be turned into labs but rather will serve as an incubator for innovative research. Cleary said population-based research might be a potential area of inquiry, combining mathematical modeling

Fossil Free Yale mulls next step

In the coming weeks, University President Peter Salovey will weigh the possibility of the most significant change in University faculty governance in decades. On Monday, members of the faculty of arts and sciences (FAS) released a report recommending the creation of a new dean position: the Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, an administrator that would oversee faculty in Yale College and the Graduate School, 43 percent of the University’s 1,023 tenured faculty. Compiled over the last two months, the report closely examined Yale’s current administrative structure as well as those of 10 peer institutions. It concluded that — due to excessive responsibilities for the University’s senior leadership, opaque lines of communication and the lack of a centralized, long-term vision for the FAS — a fundamental restructuring of governance in the faculty of arts and sciences is necessary, in the form of the creation of a new dean position.

Although the current [administrative] structure has many desirable features, it also presents […] challenges and missed opportunities.

and knowledge of infectious diseases. Because recent growth in the two schools has scattered personnel around the city, both are eager to consolidate faculty, said Robert Alpern, dean of the School of Medicine. “The idea is that we could use the space to bring all these people together in one building,” he said. Most of the building will house Alexion, which was founded by Yale researchers in Science Park in 1992. In 2000, the company relocated to Cheshire, Conn., because New Haven did not offer enough

The Yale College and Graduate School Deans would see their responsibilities altered to focus more on student and curricular concerns. The examination of the current admin-




Admins outline dean search process

BY ADRIAN RODRIGUES STAFF REPORTER At the annual open meeting of the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility Thursday afternoon, approximately 30 student activists affiliated with Fossil Free Yale gathered to discuss fossil fuel divestment with the committee. The ACIR — a committee of eight professors, students and alumni that evaluates ethical issues surrounding the University’s investments — is responsible for making a recommendation to the Yale Corporation this semester on whether the University should stop investing its endowment in fossil fuel companies. In the coming weeks, Gabe Rissman ’16 — a member of the student group Fossil Free Yale — said the ACIR will send letters to the 100 companies with the largest coal reserves and the 100 companies with the largest oil and gas reserves to ask them to make their carbon emissions public. “I’m optimistic,” said Johnathan Landau SOM ’15, a member of Fossil Free Yale. “I think we’ve made great strides.” Jonathan Macey, a law professor and chair of the ACIR, said Fossil Free Yale and the ACIR will work together to send letters to companies involved in manufacturing fossil fuels and ask them to disclose the environmental impact of their activities. The idea is to engage with these companies, he said. Members of Fossil Free Yale will ask companies to disclose the emissions they generate relative to their energy production — a metric designed by the Carbon Disclosure Project, a nonprofit organization that publishes data on companies’ carbon emissions. Knowledge of this figure could give Yale an empirical estimate of each company’s impact on the climate, members of SEE INVESTMENT PAGE 6


The University has created an advisory committee to undertake the search for and recommendation of two new deans. BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS AND ADRIAN RODRIGUES STAFF REPORTERS A week after Yale College Dean Mary Miller and Graduate School Dean Thomas Pollard announced their decisions to step down at the end of the year,

administrators are in the process of planning the search for their successors. Within the next few weeks, University President Peter Salovey said he will name an advisory committee to provide recommendations, after seeking input from the broader Yale

community, on individuals to fill Miller and Pollard’s shoes. Salovey — whose two recommendations to the Yale Corporation will effectively decide who fills the roles — expects to be able to make an announceSEE DEAN SEARCH PAGE 4




.COMMENT “Many problems in the workplace are because of systematic

Getting schooled O

n Monday nights in the depths of winter, the Yale women’s club soccer team drives to Oakwood Sports Center to get bulldozed by girls still bedazzled in braces. The soccer attire I wear as a wizened college senior would have my brace-faced self appalled and refusing to acknowledge our clear biological relationship. Back then I felt that combining soccer socks with sneakers was akin to pairing spots with stripes, except infinitely worse. Now a doddering 22-year-old, I just don’t care. This Monday, I sported fat, five-dollar sneakers and briefly experimented with my Absalom, Absalom! paperback as a makeshift shin guard, but I decided I really couldn’t do that to William Faulkner, and besides, it turns out that books make rather clumsy soccer gear. As usual, stepping onto the artificial turf and seeing our spritely adolescent opponents for the first time all winter reminded us of what we looked like when we too had barely passed through puberty and when every meal we ate wasn’t an all-you-can-eat buffet. Lining up against a local U-16 team is like looking back at our high school varsity selves — sleek, strong, skilled. Now we are slow, stodgy and slightly plump. Putting these innate inferiorities aside, the odds at Oakwood are stacked blatantly against us. It’s like training at sea level to go compete in the Himalayas: These U-college prepubescent teams practice every day of the week and develop a keen sense for the stealth strategies of indoor play. They’ve also got the advantage of a menacing coach and a consistent lineup, whereas our team arrives with a different batch of players each Monday, fumbling around with positions and trying to get a hang of each other’s playing styles on the fly. What has continuously baffled me over my four years on this team is our steadfast commitment to self-obliteration, the frosty Monday nights we drag ourselves from our bedrooms to get crushed by Shirley Temple and friends. What we’re doing is almost completely antithetical to the typical hardwiring of a Yale student’s psyche: We are willingly going out of our way to lose to less charming versions of our former selves. In the mental calculus of day-to-day Yale that seeks to maximize achievement and to glorify everything from the mundane to the even more mundane, our Monday night games are a true anomaly. Pause and think about the stereotypical Yalie. She sometimes appears a caricature of herself, glorifying everything she does out of insecurity that she isn’t as glorious as everyone around her — glorifying applications, glorifying exclusivity, glorifying stress, glorifying fatigue and glorifying the state of being perpetually busy. But as for our Mon-

day nights at Oa k wo o d ? There is nothing there to glorify. In fact, we are voluntarily deglorifying ourselves — losing someTAO TAO times by HOLMES double digits to girls barely Taoisms out of the womb. So why do we even bother? A year or two ago, I’m not sure I could have told you. Our inevitable Oakwood losses felt like a huge imposition on Monday nights when I could have been sitting in bed cleaning out my email inbox. But in my last indoor season with the club soccer girls, I think I’ve finally realized what it’s about, and now it seems so simple: It’s about commitment. As a Yalie, I obviously spend most of my time trying to scrupulously sculpt myself into an ideal human specimen. But when I’m with the club soccer team, my attention is drawn away from myself and into the group. Two or three times a week, I drop everything Yale and exist in this suspended, completely deglorified state of being. I don’t know anyone’s course schedule, or where they did or didn’t do their summer internships. I have almost no sense of my teammates’ extracurriculars or whether they’re in relationships. What I do know is whether they have a decent left foot, how they communicate on the field and how they play in the last five minutes of a tied game. Even then, there’s nothing real at stake. We’re not a varsity team, everyone gets equal playing time and ultimately, the only thing on the line is a sense of individual and team integrity. But maybe there is something real at stake — commitment to a larger, greater entity than ourselves: the team. Many Yalies I know tend to commit partially, selectively and capriciously. They choose what is best and most convenient, whether it’s a class, a relationship or an extracurricular, spending time on things they can tag on Facebook or tack onto their resume. This pseudocommitment has been pervasive during my time at Yale, and it has always unsettled me — above all when I know I’m doing it myself. Monday nights at Oakwood detract from my schoolwork, my suite and my sleep. They showcase the extent to which my fitness and foot skills have degenerated since high school, and I usually come home with a sore ankle and large patches of rug burn. But I also come home with the satisfaction of having fully committed to something.

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Unfulfilled at Yale S

ometime toward the end of my sophomore year, in the brief lull between the last week of classes and the hellon-earth that is finals week, I had a conversation with one of my dearest friends at Yale. We don’t really see each other often, but when we do, we spend long stretches of time doing nothing together in various places. While eating lunch, we came to critique our day-to-day interactions, and he said something that struck me and has stuck with me to this day: all too often, he said, he felt like he was having the exact same conversations with different people, to the point where he could approximate the other person’s response with fair accuracy, and determine precisely when the conversation would end. Fast forward to this fall late into the semester. Bleary-eyed after a few hours of reading, I see an email pop into my inbox and open it. Despite the fact that I was nowhere near a good place with my work, I stopped whatever I was doing, sat down and read the whole thing. The email was essentially a rough outline of

where my dining hall conversation went. It spoke to Yale’s existence as an institution that pushes people into marketable, professional molds, causing our personal lives and relationships to suffer. The sentiment that the writer expressed was uncomfortably real, despite its packaging as an outwardly incoherent rant. Indeed, Yale could be seen as a community of individuals. That is to say, we are a community that not only fosters individualism but also discourages the creation and maintenance of interpersonal linkages with depth if they interfere with our personal productivity. It is a school that values, above most things, the ability of a student to function and perform as efficiently as possible, as frequently as possible. It is an institution that expects — demands, even — those who occupy its space to exist in such a way that, in order for them to feel valid, they must be pushing the limits of their personal comfort to produce the highest possible outlet. We unknowingly adopt the value system of Yale because the favored types of achievements and

symbols of status exist tangibly. Fellowships, jobs, board positions and societies position themselves as the sole measures of a good life. The problem is, the value of a good friendship or meaningful interaction does not typically have a material measure — and its value is felt more in its absence than its presence. This type of thinking — in terms of net costs and benefits — extends itself beyond just simple achievements and performance, and I’d argue that it pervades how we view our relationships. Friendships can begin and exist solely because they provide some other quality outside of the company of the other person. We may grasp for fleeting intimacy in the embrace of a brief hook-up, without really exposing ourselves to the other person, never tarnishing our perfectly packaged, Yalegroomed image. Why do the content and quality of our interactions leave us so unfulfilled, and what should we do to combat this sinking feeling? I believe part of it involves selfreflection. It involves simultaneously acknowledging our tacit or

active participation in this kind of interaction and attempting to change it when we can. Personally, I know that I’d be lying to myself if I said that I never found myself in encounters that made me feel empty and manufactured. Of course, it is unrealistic to look for a deep connection with every single person. But it is not too absurd to decide to be more explicit and personal with those you want to become close to. It’s not too much to ask to actively try to keep yourself from unnecessarily asking the same questions, using neutral topics like work or the weather as crutches when you don’t know what to say, especially with those people with whom you desire more emotional connection. I’ve tried to extend my interactions beyond a conversational “safe-zone." It hasn’t succeeded all of the time; not every person has been receptive. But I do feel like because of this change, I feel human in a way that I previously did not. AJUA DUKER is a junior in Pierson College. Contact her at .


Friday ritual


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TAO TAO HOLMES is a senior in Branford College. Her columns run on alternate Fridays. Contact her at .

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All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Emma Goldberg and Geng Ngarmboonanant Opinion Editors Yale Daily News


The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission.

A failure on mental health Shocking as Rachel Williams' account of her journey through Yale's mental health system is (“We just can’t have you here,” Jan. 24), what shocked me more was how many people who read it seemed unsurprised. Dismayed, perhaps; surprised, no. All too many could recall similar stories, at Yale or at other universities. In short, we assume that the routine mistreatment of students with serious mental health problems is unfortunate but just the way things are. But it needn't be that way. Perfunctory examinations, burdensome readmission procedures and putting other factors above students' safety — the characteristics of the system Ms. Williams describes — must change. Just as Title IX gives students the right to have the sexual assault epidemic taken seriously, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act protects students with serious medical conditions, physical or mental. Federal law proclaims students' right to reasonable accommodations; involuntary leaves of absence are a last resort. Yale has recently seen other efforts to impress upon the University the importance of students' civil rights and to change the institutional culture. What began at Yale as an isolated protest against sexual assault on campus has now become a nationwide movement and a White House

Task Force. Standing up for students' rights here can have impacts far beyond this small corner of Connecticut. I hope I never have to face the struggles that Ms. Williams faced. But if I do, I want to be at an institution that respects students' rights and takes mental health seriously. Today, Yale is not such an institution. JOSEPH M. SANDERSON Jan. 25 The author is a second-year student at Yale Law School.

Improving our schools Regarding the recent article (“NHPS tackles poor college readiness,” Jan. 23, 2014), the collective efforts of New Haven’s public high schools to enhance college readiness is a positive step toward providing students with the highquality education they deserve. Our public schools play a critical role in ensuring that students are prepared to face the demands of college and careers. Although progress is being made, there is still much work

to be done. Currently, fewer than one in three third graders in New Haven are reading at grade level. Students deserve better, and voters agree that we need to improve the public education system to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed. The results of a recent Global Strategy Group survey show that Mayor Harp and other leaders have public opinion on their side to continue and accelerate efforts to improve education for all kids. As Mayor Harp takes office and becomes an integral part of the city’s Board of Education, we look to her leadership to accelerate the city’s school improvement efforts and ensure all children have access to a high-quality education. Every child in New Haven should have access to the great teachers, principals and public schools they deserve. We cannot allow success to be limited just to families that can afford it. JENNIFER ALEXANDER Jan. 28 The author is the chief executive officer of the Connecticut Coalition for Achievement Now.




WILLIAM PENN “I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now.”


An AIDS-free State of the Union Y

ale students are a famously politically engaged community, even going so far as hosting viewing parties for President Obama’s State of the Union address. Yet on one key topic, Yale students and President Obama alike have disappointingly fallen silent. In November 2011, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proclaimed the ambitious and admirable goal of an “AIDS-Free Generation.” Last year in his State of the Union address, President Obama reiterated this promise. But in his most recent address on Tuesday night, President Obama failed to even mention HIV/AIDS. How has his commitment faded away, buried in a stack of papers and left to collect dust, after so much fervor just a year ago? Some may ask why we should be so staunchly concerned about eliminating a disease that seems relevant only in Zambia or Malawi, countries that many of us would have trouble even pointing to on a map. But AIDS is a not just a pressing issue in developing countries — it is also sadly a growing issue on college campuses like our own. A few groups are bearing the burden of the sharpest spikes in new HIV infections. Of the estimated 12,200 new HIV infections that occurred in 2010 in Americans aged 13 to 24,

72 percent were in young men who have sex with men (MSM) and 57 percent occurred in black Americans, according to the CDC. Also concerning is the fact that many young people who are infected are not even aware of their infection status, and as a result, may unknowingly pass the infection to others. Among those MSM aged 18 to 24 years, only 49 percent knew of their infection status.

WHERE WAS HIV/ AIDS IN OBAMA'S ANNUAL ADDRESS TO CONGRESS? Compounding the problem, homophobia, stigma and discrimination may place gay men and other minority groups at risk for multiple physical and mental health problems, affecting whether they seek and are able to obtain high-quality health services. Beyond New Haven and U.S. borders, gays and other minority populations face even steeper discrimination, exacerbating already difficult barriers to

treatment. The good news in the fight against HIV/AIDS is that today we have numerous prevention and treatment technologies available. Regimens such as pre-exposure prophylaxis, postexposure prophylaxis and antiretroviral drugs are powerful ways of preventing and treating HIV infection. Thankfully, these drugs are available to many Americans. However, for those HIV-positive people and their partners living in developing countries worldwide, life-saving antiretroviral drugs are often out of reach. The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, a bipartisan program, has successfully put over 6 million people on antiretroviral therapy, and every year prevents over 200,000 infants from contracting HIV from their mothers during birth. Even in these tough budgetary times, Congress and President Obama must recognize that global health is a wise investment with great returns in terms of economic growth, international diplomacy and security, and most importantly in human health and happiness. Likewise, we as members of the Yale community must see that the fight against HIV and AIDS is a worthwhile investment of our limited time, energy and passion.

Creating an AIDS-Free Generation concerns us all, and thus requires effort from all of us. Starting with simply being aware of the most practical and effective ways to prevent the spread of HIV is a fantastic first move, showing that we care about building a generation that never suffers from AIDS. As a next step, we can hold our politicians accountable, reaching out to members of Congress in Connecticut and in our home states, asking that domestic and international AIDS programs receive the funding necessary to treat and care for all those affected. Our dialogue and advocacy starting here within our residential colleges can have effects spreading out into New Haven, down to Washington, D.C. and even across the ocean to South Africa and Tanzania. Forty members of Congress have already signed a letter asking for the administration to put 12 million people on antiretroviral treatment by 2016. We must join them in urging Secretary Kerry and President Obama to meet this goal and fulfill their promise of an AIDS-Free Generation. EMILY BRISKIN is a junior in Pierson College and the former president of the Yale Global Health and AIDS Coalition. Contact her at .


Celebrating the Lunar New Year


The danger in a bomb threat S

everal weeks ago, the media went into a frenzy when a Harvard student escaped a final exam by feeding school administrators a fake bomb threat. Disrupting an entire community to avoid an exam is clearly going too far for the sake of one’s GPA. But this incident was just one symptom of a much wider trend. It is part of a trend that concerns Yalies as well, as much as we’d like to dismiss the bomb hoax as yet another Harvard flaw. Coming to Yale, I was shocked at the ruthlessly competitive attitude many of my peers had regarding academics. Discussing grades was taboo. Sharing notes was not common courtesy. My friends from some private schools said they couldn’t even celebrate when they got into Yale, because so many of their peers had bitter feelings. At my public school in the ex-hippie town of Berkeley, California, my friends threw me parties when I got in. And enter the Ivy League finals week — a novel experience for me. Friends of mine who had gone through similar exam periods at their boarding schools appeared to have finals-induced PTSD. Some kids became chronic drug seekers, sending mass texts looking for study meds. Certain friends become reserved and cold, refusing to study with me for the same class and the same material. Everyone had a dose of stress. And yes, the human stress response is a useful thing. But only in moderation and in context. And in some situations, that human stress response can even be dangerous — just as worrying as a bomb threat. That’s particularly true at elite universities, where our entitlement complexes can make us feel that we’re at the center of the universe. At Yale that manifests itself in borderline sociopathic isolation and Adderall binges. At Harvard, that manifests itself in the now-notorious bomb threat, a hoax that disrupted an entire city for an extra day studying. It should be noted that the hoax comes on the heels of a similarly disruptive cheating scandal. In today’s Yale and Harvard cultures, students forget to distinguish between deserved and undeserved success, using any means available for an A-grade. They succumb to stress and place the marks of achievement above ethics. And they go on to internalize these values in their careers. These school scandals are precursors to corruption and financial crises that do much more damage than a simple hoax.




hen I was back home in China for winter break, I was surprised that the first question many friends raised was not “How is Yale?” but rather “Will you be home for Spring Festival?” Spring Festival, or Lunar New Year, is the most important holiday in China. Celebrated on Jan. 31 this year, it is one of only a few holidays that Chinese people formally celebrate. The holiday is meant to be a celebration of family and cultural values. When I was back in China, my parents and I used to celebrate every year by joining in the Spring Festival migration, the largest annual human migration on the planet, traveling from Beijing to Northeastern China. We would either vie for train tickets and ride in an unventilated cabin or drive for 10 hours through smog and snow from Beijing to a small city in frigid northeastern China, where my paternal grandparents live. The northeastern city is known for its low temperatures, dirty streets and excessive air pollution, but the presence of fam-

ily there was more than enough to attract me. Like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Spring Festival was always a good time. I could forget schoolwork, enjoy good food without worrying about exercise and, most importantly, spend time with family. I could converse and laugh with loved ones — pure bliss. Now, away from home, it is impossible to replace the presence of family. But what really bothers me is that the other exciting parts of the holiday — cultural values and traditions — are becoming increasingly shallow. And that makes it hard to feel excited about the upcoming Lunar New Year. The most staggering symbol of this cultural decline is the Spring Festival Gala staged by China Central Television (CCTV) every year on the eve of Lunar New Year. Strangely enough, on American college campuses various Chinese organizations emulate this gala. And it’s troubling to me that now when people think of Spring Festival, one of the first things that comes to mind

is the gala. The CCTV gala is subject to crafty propagandistic designs. This year CCTV banned Cui Jian, the godfather of Chinese rock, from singing his famous hit "Nothing to My Name," the unofficial anthem of past student protests. Instead, performances will likely feature themes such as ethnic harmony and the “Chinese dream.” Citizens have ridiculed the gala’s cliché messages and protested the censorship, but no other Chinese TV station can offer a better alternative. Many other Spring Festival traditions are similarly tainted by propaganda or drowned out by the increasingly materialistic and consumerist culture. On the holiday, people light firecrackers for fun, feast for good taste, go to temples and pray to random gods for better fortune, but culture is more than just rituals. The real meaning behind our cultural values is gradually eroding. People forget the real meaning of our cultural values in part because the Chinese education sys-

tem refuses to emphasize traditions deemed incompatible with modern society by the authorities. Family values are hit hardest because the longstanding one-child policy largely reshaped family structure. As for cultural legacies, many children learn calligraphy or traditional Chinese instruments because of the resume-padding awards handed out in these fields, but not necessarily because students are genuinely interested. Thus, the art forms that aren’t rewarded in schools are ignored. An increasing number of Chinese students, even those in top universities, have never been offered the opportunity to fully appreciate the wonders of our culture. My first Spring Festival away from home has been lonely. But more importantly, as I try to explain to my friends at Yale the true meaning of this holiday, I’m reminded of all the cultural values that we’ve lost. YIFU DONG is a freshman in Branford College. Contact him at .

In fact, sometimes the connection between school and financial scandals is very direct. Matthew Martoma, an ex-SAC Capital trader currently on trial for federal insider-trading charges, was expelled from Harvard Law School for forging his transcript. These sorts of school scandals cannot be overlooked — they are indicative of a snowballing problem, one that grows more serious with time. Classroom stress develops into an unethical culture, creating larger crises down the line. I’m sure you’ve seen the type of person at Yale who wants to be the next “Wolf of Wall Street,” who thinks that drugs and manipulation are acceptable. I know I have. Sometimes we think that the way to avoid stress or escape an exam is to pop another pill — or to even fake a bomb threat. But it really comes down to humility, understanding that we’re not entitled to disrupt others simply to ensure our own achievements. That’s an especially important lesson to remember around this time of year, as recruiters from J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs descend on campus, and as applications for selective seminars go out. But the ethics that we practice now will shape our future careers. If we want to end the populist clamor that demonizes elite institutions like Yale and Harvard alongside hedge funds like SAC, the first step is to stop exhibiting the megalomaniacal behavior that drives their critiques. ALBORZ YAZDI is a freshman in Saybrook College. Contact him at .




“A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.” MILTON BERLE AMERICAN COMEDIAN

Committee to advise Salovey on deans’ search DEAN SEARCH FROM PAGE 1 ment about the deans before the end of the academic term. “The members of the advisory committee are likely to be individuals with broad perspective on the University, strong academic connections and an appreciation of the complexity of the role for the deans in the present and near future,” said Senior Advisor to the President Martha Highsmith. Highsmith said although the size and membership of the faculty committee is yet to be determined, it is likely to be between 10 and 12 members.

Salovey said that he hopes there will be a “great deal” of student input during the search process. However, administrators have not confirmed whether there will be students on the committee itself. “I expect the faculty members on the committee to consult broadly with students,” Salovey said. “They will search for individuals who are committed to students and have an ear for student concerns.” Students will be invited to suggest potential candidates for the committee’s consideration, as will faculty and other members of

the Yale community, Highsmith said. She added that the committee’s deliberations will not be public.

Perhaps it would be a goodwill gesture for Yale to at least send out a survey to its students. GABE REYNOSO-PALLEY ’16 Students gave mixed responses

to the current framework for selecting the new deans. Harry Shamansky ’16 said that although he would like to see students have more input in the decision, interest in attending public forums may be limited. Gabe Reynoso-Pellay ’16 voiced doubt that the administration would seriously value the opinions of students in the search, undergraduate or graduate, compared to members of the faculty, other members of the administration and the Yale Corporation. “Perhaps it would be a goodwill gesture for Yale to at least send out a survey to its students,”

Reynoso-Pellay said. “Perception is very important in these cases and as the Yale Bluebook Plus incident showed, sometimes Yale College administrators seem oblivious to how their actions are received by the students and how disconnected they occasionally seem.” The committee’s deliberations could be complicated by the introduction of a third deanship — a dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences — that was proposed in a report on administrative structures released to the faculty earlier this week. Highsmith said that if Salovey

decides to create the new dean position, which would oversee faculty in Yale College and the Graduate School, the advisory committee will also make a recommendation for that position. Miller and Pollard stepped into their dean’s roles in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Rishabh Bhandari contributed reporting. Contact MATTHEW LLOYDTHOMAS at and ADRIAN RODRIGUES at .

Report recommends new dean position THIRD DEAN FROM PAGE 1 istrative structure comes at an optimal moment, with both Yale College Dean Mary Miller and Graduate School Dean Thomas Pollard departing their posts at the end of the academic year. The administrative turnover will result in a clean slate for the future governance of the FAS “Although the current [administrative] structure has many desirable features, it also presents a number of challenges and missed opportunities,” the report said. “The challenges to Yale’s decanal structure involve forces that strain the capacity of those in senior administrative positions to perform their duties with optimal effectiveness” Although faculty will be able to voice their opinions on the report in the coming weeks, the ultimate decision on whether to implement any of its proposals lies with Salovey. The committee that authored the report — comprised of professors Dirk Bergemann, Jack Dovidio, Emily Greenwood, Scott Miller, Linda Peterson and Ramamurti Shankar — met nine times to examine possible restructures that ranged from retaining the status quo to “radically reshaping” the current administrative structure of faculty. The resulting report is the first major formal examination of the University’s governance structure since a 1992 report that examined similar issues but did not result in fundamental administrative restructuring. The committee proposed four models for reorganization of faculty governance. All models, in some capacity, reduce the current responsibilities of the University provost, Dean of Yale College and Dean of the Graduate School while adding at least one new administrative position. The first model, which is the one preferred by the committee, would introduce a Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences reporting directly to the University provost, said Dovidio. Between three and five additional deans responsible for various academic areas would report to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The Yale College and Graduate School deans would still report directly to the provost. The second model is a variation of the first, in which the Yale College and Graduate School deans report directly to the new Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The third model would produce more incremental changes, reducing some responsibilities from the Yale College and Graduate School deans by shifting them to other offices. This model also


includes a vice president or vice provost for faculty, who would assume some of the financial and budgetary duties of the provost. The final model would create three new positions — a Dean of Humanities, Dean of Social Sciences and Dean of Sciences, with the possibility of adding two further roles — reporting to the provost in addition to the Yale College and Graduate School deans. Though the first model is preferred, Dovidio said, all four are “serious and viable.” He added that retaining faculty members in administrative positions and maintaining the historical importance of the Yale College Dean position are primary concerns of the committee. Several major weaknesses in the current administrative structure were identified by the report — a lack of dedication to longterm planning, a lack of clear lines of authority, limited opportunities for faculty involvement in leadership, limited independent voices for faculty and the unmanageable scope of the Yale College and University Provost positions.

Two of the current administrative positions at Yale are too overwhelming for any human being to undertake. TAMAR GENDLER Deputy provost for humanities and initiatives “I think there’s a recognition that two of the current administrative positions at Yale are too overwhelming for any human being to undertake,” said Tamar Gendler, philosophy professor and deputy provost for humanities and initiatives. “And one of those positions will become more overwhelming with the addition of two new residential colleges.” University Vice President for Strategic and Global Affairs Linda Lorimer said that in 30 years, Yale’s budget and complexity have more than quadrupled without any major change in its administrative structure. Since the 1993-’94 academic year, the expense budget for FAS grew by 370 percent, from $133 million to $491 million. “There’s just much more to Yale than there was,” Lorimer said. “And there hasn’t necessarily been any evolution in the organization of the academic enterprise.” While not explicitly endorsing the report’s findings, Lorimer

said the proposed models could allow University governance to evolve in ways that will support the institution when it is much broader. Special Assistant to the President Penelope Laurans expressed a similar sentiment, describing the University as having expanded tremendously in the past several decades. Laurans said the current administrative setup was designed for a dramatically smaller and simpler University. “The services for Yale students have expanded as the student body has shifted [away] from an all-male, relatively homogenous group of students,” Laurans said, adding that she expects the faculty to seriously consider the report’s findings. The report also emphasized the lack of clear lines of authority in the current administrative structure. The administration of the FAS is essentially a cooperative between the two deans and the provost, with much of the budgetary management embedded in the provost’s office, said Professor Thomas Appelquist. The report also found an inherent conflict of interest in the provost’s current role. Although the provost effectively oversees the FAS budget, he or she is also required to give impartial attention to the budgetary concerns of the entire University — acting as both the “sole solicitor of funds for the FAS and the sole party responsible for disbursement of those funds,” according to the report. Regardless of whether a major change occurs in the roles of the deans, the report noted, the University would also be well-served by a review of the deputy, associate and assistant provost and dean positions to increase efficiency. Over the next week, FAS members will have multiple venues to discuss the report, including next Thursday’s faculty meeting. “The committee was aware that the Dean of Yale College and the Dean of the Graduate School would be completing their terms in the near future,” said Senior Advisor to the President Martha Highsmith. “[They] were able to look at those role and their increasing duties and responsibilities as they considered various models for the FAS.” Approximately 70 percent of the University’s students, a total of 8,269, are enrolled in either the College or the Graduate School. Contact MATTHEW LLOYDTHOMAS at and ADRIAN RODRIGUES at .

r e c y c l e r e c y c l e



The University is considering adding a new Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences..




“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” C.S. LEWIS IRISH AUTHOR

‘Data in Action’ convenes community leaders BY SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC STAFF REPORTER Standing by a large window overlooking the sun setting over Elm City and East Rock, data and policy analysts presented data to state legislators, non-profit leaders and community members revealing striking disparities in wellbeing that are affecting the children and families of Greater New Haven. The event, called Data for Action, hosted by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven on Thursday afternoon, was organized to promote data-driven policymaking and to provide local nonprofits with information to guide their advocacy and community service efforts. The event was led by data hub DataHaven’s Executive Director Mark Abraham ’04, New Haven Health Department epidemiologist Amanda Durante SPH ’01 and Connecticut Voices for Children policy fellows Edie Joseph ’12 and Orlando Rodriguez. When distributed along the proper channels, Abraham said, data has tremendous power to better the lives of the people from which it was collected. “Generally the issues that get talked about more, the ones with the most studies and highest quality data, are the ones that see the most immediate change and action on the legislative level,” he said. “These issues can’t wait 5-10 years for a resolution, they are ballooning right now.” The presenters focused mostly on issues faced by children living in low-income New Haven neighborhoods, including literacy, health and financial stability. According to the presentation by CT Voices for Children, one in three children in New Haven are living in poverty, giving the city the second-highest child poverty rate in the state. 43 percent of singleparent families in New Haven are also living in poverty. Ellen Shemitz ’83, executive director of CT Voices for Children, addressing the room after the presentations, said that investing in early education and children’s futures is not only moral — it is the only sustainable course of action for Connecticut’s aging population, which will one day require a robust workforce and strong economy to support them in their retirement.


The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven provides information to nonprofits to focus their advocacy and community service efforts. “Sharing our knowledge and speaking out makes a huge difference,” she said. “We’ve got this young population, which is a tremendous resource. By investing in their education and helping their working families make ends meet, we are going to benefit in our lifetimes, too.” Most of the data cited came from DataHaven’s 2013 Community Index, a groundbreaking report that combined census and hospital records with their hyper-local survey data on New Haven neighborhoods and surrounding towns, revealing major disparities in wellbeing between races and income levels. “Access to high-quality, accessible, actionable data is a dream we have had for a long time,” said William Ginsberg, president and CEO

of the Foundation. “The Community Index is a major milestone in this long path to understanding and supporting our community.” The presentation concluded with general and specific policy recommendations designed to reduce child poverty, including the restoration of the state Earned Income Tax Credit, a program that allows low-income families to apply for relatively small tax credits for working which was reduced last year. New Haven and East Haven State Representative Roland Lamar who was present at the meeting said that data clearly shows that the restoration of the EITC program should be a priority, as its benefits to families and eventually the workforce and economy far outweigh the initial investment.

Yazji talks Syrian medical relief BY ZUNAIRA ARSHAD STAFF REPORTER Relief efforts in Syria involve everything from spreading awareness about the conflict to providing hands-on medical services, according to Monzer Yazji. As president of the Syrian offices of the Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organizations, Yazji spoke to approximately 40 members of the Yale community in the Branford Common Room Thursday afternoon about the status of relief efforts in Syria. Founded in 2011, UOSSM is a coalition of 13 non-governmental organizations that provide humanitarian and medical relief to people in Syria, as well as refugees. According to Yazji, UOSSM is currently in discussions with the United Nations on how to expand its support programs. A native of Syria and graduate of the University of Damascus, Yazji moved to America to practice medicine. After the events of the Arab Spring, however, Yazji helped found UOSSM with the belief that everyone, regardless of race, religion or political ideology, should have access to free health services. When Yazji is not providing health care throughout Syria and in Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, he tends to patients at his medical practices in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. Though it is difficult to get medical supplies into Syria, Yazji said UOSSM has managed to provide 65 percent of the medical supplies in North Syria and about 85 percent of the supplies in the Damascus suburbs. But Yazji said that providing medical aid is far from easy, citing the opposition of Syrian government officials as a major obstacle. “It has been a continuous struggle,” Yazji said. Yazji recounted the story of Dr. Abbas Khan, a 32-year-old orthopedic surgeon from South London who worked with UOSSM providing aid to Syrians in Aleppo last year. Khan was detained in a

Syrian prison and died before his slated release date, Yazji said. Though Yazji said his daughter, Sarah Yazji ’16, has accompanied him on his travels to Syria multiple times, he added that many people involved in relief efforts fear that their children may be attacked by government officials. “They come for our families,” he said. “They don’t want us helping.” Yazji urged students to get involved. As UOSSM grows, he said there is a great deal of work to be done, not only in the medical field but also in politics and in the media. Yazji said he has worked with young people in Syria to try and promote more accurate media coverage of the atrocities. UOSSM has begun providing cameras and computers to citizen journalists to report the truth, he said. At a dinner with Branford students after his talk, Yazji spoke of a young Syrian reporter who was targeted by officials for using a camera provided by Yazji and fellow relief activists. The boy was killed in front of his mother, Yazji said. After the talk, many students stayed behind to ask Yazji more about how they could get involved on an individual level. Moustafa Moustafa MED ’14, who has worked with Yazji on getting containers into Syria, said he found the talk inspirational because it reminded him of the courage he saw on the SyrianTurkish border. Moustafa added that he plans to travel back to a Syrian refugee camp in Kilis, Turkey with two Yale undergraduates over spring break. Eric Musonza ’16, who plans to work with Doctors Without Borders after he graduates, said Yazji’s words had a strong impact on him. “[I’m] realizing that there’s far more to what I’ve dreamt of than I had expected,” Musonza said. UOSSM is currently headquartered in Paris. Contact ZUNAIRA ARSHAD at zunaira. .

“When guided by this data, small investments and good policies can yield long term benefits,” he said. Following the presentations, attendees and presenters mingled over coffee as the sky darkened, comparing plans and experiences and exchanging contact information. Another goal of the event, Ginsburg said, was to promote synergy and cooperation among groups who might not otherwise work together but whose causes are intimately interconnected. For example, in Abraham’s presentation, he pointed to the disparities between third graders’ reading levels across income levels. While 50 percent of total third graders in the Greater New Haven region are at or above reading pro-

ficiency goals, only 21 percent of third graders in New Haven’s medium-income neighborhoods are at this goal. Meanwhile, 58 percent of high-income students are at or above reading level, and only 17 percent of low-income students are. Third graders who are not considered at or above reading proficiency are four times less likely to graduate from high school. Abraham said that while improving the quality of schools is important, cross-sector collaboration is necessary to address environmental factors like health and financial stability, which affect student achievement as much or more than quality of schools. CT Voices for Children took a more direct approach by urging legislators to push bills that would

impact the lives of children and families, including one that would decrease the number of student arrests, which have been proven to degrade achievement and trust in schools. “Community providers working with families every day see the problems, but can now put numbers to the personal stories, which allows them to better advocate for certain issues,” said Joseph , a policy fellow. “These events spark conversations and bring people together into collaborations.” New Haven has the highest percentage of chronically absent third graders in the region at 15.5 percent. Contact SEBASTIAN MEDINATAYAC at .

Teashop ready to boil BY AMANDA BUCKINGHAM STAFF REPORTER This winter, Yalies craving a hot beverage to ward off the chill will now have a new option available to them: a shop that specializes in tea. Known as the Green Teahouse, the shop opened its doors on Friday at 1008 Chapel Street — neighboring Basta Trattoria. The New Haven location is the second for the teashop — the first, in West Hartford, was opened in 2009 by sister-andbrother-duo Ting Chaponis and Wei Luo. The shop will sell a medley of freshly brewed loose leaf teas, sweet and savory accompaniments and various tea accessories, such as pots and strainers. “We saw how much benefit tea can bring to someone’s life, such as harmony and peace,” co-owner Chaponis said. “Of course in China, we have our tea houses which are doing very well, but we wanted to have American people benefit.” The New Haven location will feature about 50 kinds of tea, including loose leaf and powdered varieties. The store will also distribute free tea samples directly outside. Inside the shop, customers can sample several varieties of tea before deciding on what to buy. “It’s like wine tasting,” Chaponis said. The Green Teahouse, however, does not only sell tea. Customers will also be treated to a homemade tea cookie with every order. They will also have the option of ordering traditional Asian snack foods, such as noodles, rice, tofu and edamame. Chaponis said that the store is to

be health-conscious and will try to serve vegan and gluten free foods and organic tea blends. Customers can sample the tea styles from a variety of cultures: Chinese, Japanese and even English tea, which is served with finger sandwiches coupled with scones, jam, and cream. For those interested in exploring the Chinese tea culture, appointments with a maximum of five in the party can be made to experience a tea ceremony at the shop.

Of course in China, we have our tea houses which are doing very well, but we wanted to have American people benefit. TING CHAPONIS Co-owner, Green Teahouse “This is so we can have people really learn about how Chinese people appreciate tea … and about the philosophy of the tea that brings you a very peaceful life,” Chaponis said. The West Hartford location also provides tea ceremonies, but focuses more on retail, offering more than 100 varieties of tea. Chaponis said that the shop, which received the Hartford Advocate’s Best of Hartford award for Best Tea House in 2013, is very popular. Due to the success of the first

shop, the owners decided to expand to New Haven. “We found that New Haven has a really rich culture,” Chaponis said. “We wanted to be able to offer good quality tea especially for the Yale students who are very well-educated and more into a healthy lifestyle.” Additionally, the New Haven location will provide plenty of seating — something the West Hartford store lacked. Chaponis said she hopes the seating will provide a suitable studying environment for students. Four students interviewed said they are excited about the new addition to New Haven’s café scene. “I would say that there’s a few big names, but I think it will be nice to have something on Chapel Street that isn’t Starbucks,” said Stephanie Tomasson ’16, a staff columnist for the News. There are several other cafes on Chapel St., said Sophia Yoo ’14 — but, she added, the store’s focus on tea might attract a different clientele. Chaponis said she is not too concerned about the competition with other shops. “I think we are offering a very unique environment,” she said. “The coffee shop is very traditional around the United States, and we don’t offer coffee at all.” The Green Teahouse plans to be open from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday. Contact AMANDA BUCKINGHAM at .








“A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.” GROUCHO MARX AMERICAN COMEDIAN

Downtown Crossing tower to be completed in 2015 DOWNTOWN FROM PAGE 1 laboratory space, said Irving Adler, Executive Director of Corporate Communications at Alexion. The company has continued to grow — entering the S&P 500 in May 2012 — and just over one year ago, it signed a 12-year lease for the 100 College Street space, said Carter Winstanley, a New Haven developer who has worked with the pharmaceutical company for the past 15 years. The building will allow the company to consolidate employees who are currently dispersed across multiple Cheshire buildings, Adler said. Plans for the building itself began around seven years ago, said Bruce Alexander ’65, Vice President for State Affairs and New Haven and Campus Development. Alexander said Winstanley and Yale agreed to a 10-year lease for the space. Alexion will occupy all but two of the building’s 14 floors, sharing the first floor with Yale, said Dan Caron, Vice President of Site Operations and Engineering at Alexion. Of the approximately 500,000 square feet in the building, Alexion will occupy about 400,000 square feet of laboratory and office space, he added. Winstanley, the building’s developer, said the project promises to invigorate the local economy with thousands of new jobs, adding that it will also foster more indirect employment for nearby businesses. Although Bloomberg News reported in July 2013 that Alexion might be bought by another pharmaceutical company, thereby abandoning the lease or only occupying the building for a short time, Adler said the company is here for the long haul and will honor its lease. Alexion has more than 1,800 employees worldwide. Contact HANNAH SCHWARZ at hannah. .


The tower has been in construction for eight months and is on track to be finished in June 2015. Plans for the building began around seven years ago.

ACIR meeting talks divestment INVESTMENT FROM PAGE 1 Fossil Free Yale said. Of the 200 largest coal and oil and gas companies, only 10 percent already report the metric. Rissman said Fossil Free Yale is currently drafting the letters to be sent to companies. The drafts will finalized by the ACIR and sent out by early February, he said. In the event that companies do not comply with disclosure requests, the group hopes the University will decide to divest from those companies, Gabe Levine ’14, policy coordinator for Fossil Free Yale, told the News last week. Though students at the meeting acknowledged that one argument against divestment asserts that Yale should use its status as a shareholder to push for companies to curb their carbon emissions, they emphasized that this method can be inefficient. Macey said he feels that University President Peter Salovey and members of the Yale Corporation Committee on Investor Responsibility realize divestment is one of the most serious issues on campus. “I think this meeting showed just how different Yale’s approach to divestment is,” Landau said. “It’s process-ori-

ented.” At one point in the meeting, Landau asked audience members to stand up to show members of the ACIR the level of student support for the issue. Macey applauded the students’ work, adding that Fossil Free Yale members “should recognize what [they’ve] accomplished.” Landau added that despite the overwhelming student support for divestment during the referendum held by the Yale College Council in November, support from alumni and the Yale community at large is still critical. The Yale College Council, which wrote an open letter to the Yale administration after the referendum, is currently engaging senior members of the Yale administration in discussions about divestment. In the coming month, the ACIR will present its official recommendation to the Yale Corporation committee. The three members of that committee will then have final authority on the issue of divestment. Forty-three percent of the undergraduate population voted in support of divestment in the YCC referendum. Contact ADRIAN RODRIGUES at .


Activists with Fossil Free Yale gathered to discuss fossil fuel divestment with the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility.




“What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.” ANGELA DAVIS POLITICAL ACTIVIST

Employment rate inches up Fifty-year-old New Haven resident Weldon McKoy said he has the skills necessary to perform jobs in areas ranging from general technician work to plumbing to auto-body to painting, and he also builds museum-quality models by trade. Still, he remains among the state’s unemployed — in spite of recent signs of hope. Connecticut’s unemployment rate fell from 7.6 percent to 7.4 percent this past December, its lowest point in five years. But despite a slight improvement, many Connecticut and New Haven residents are still struggling with the effects of the recession, according to the latest information from the Connecticut Department of Labor.

Objective analysis of Conn.’s job picture indicates significant underperformance. DONALD KLEPPER-SMITH Director of Research, DataCore Partners Since December 2012, the rate has declined 0.8 percent, marking the fourth straight month the figure has decreased. Despite the fall in unemployment, Connecticut’s economy lost a total of 3,900 jobs in December, offsetting the 3,800 jobs the state gained in November. 3,800 of the total jobs lost were in the private sector, according to state labor officials, and the professional business services sector took the biggest hit, losing 2,600 jobs. Despite the drop in unemployment, Chief Economist and Director of Research for New Haven-based DataCore Partners Donald Klepper-Smith said he still believes the state’s economy is underperforming. “The aggregate data is simply saying that Connecticut’s job market is coming back inch by inch as opposed to yard by yard,” Klepper-Smith said. “The local politicians can spin it whatever way they want to, but any objective analysis of

Connecticut’s job picture indicates ‘significant underperformance’ relative to historical norms.” Andy Condon, the state’s labor department’s director of the office of research, suggested in a statement that poor winter weather conditions during the week employers were surveyed about payroll jobs may have impacted the final numbers, as bus drivers, for example, may not have been working that week due to school closures. Nevertheless, in a December report by the Center for Economic Analysis, it was reported that 65,000 working-age adults simply stopped looking for employment during the last three years. Some New Haven residents, like McKoy, are not among those who have given up looking for work. McKoy has been unemployed for the past two years, and said he has not held a steady job for 10 years. However, he continues to apply for up to 17 different jobs a day in hope of finding employment. A resident of Legion Wood Section 8 Housing in New Haven, McKoy said his number one hurdle in his search has been his criminal background, which include misdemeanors from 10-15 years ago. “Even though they’re not felonies, they still send a red flag to employers,” McKoy said. “I’ve been doing work on the side for the past two years, and it’s not that I’m unemployable — I’m just unemployable on paper. People do change, and I’m definitely one of them. I’m ready to commit to work every day, but I just need a chance to show it.” In 2013, Connecticut ushered in 11,500 new jobs overall and now has recovered 49 percent of the 121,200 jobs lost in the state during the 20082010 economic recession. Connecticut added 900 jobs to the service sector and 300 in the financial activities sector in December, spurring optimism in one of the hardest-hit sectors of Connecticut’s economy. Many economists have predicted that the state will fully recover from the recession by 2016. The state’s unemployment rate peaked at 9.4 percent in August 2010 and remained at that level until January 2011.



Nonfarm employmnet (thousands of employees)




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Contact J.R REED at .

Malloy increases mental health funds BY ABIGAIL BESSLER STAFF REPORTER Governor Dannel Malloy plans to propose a $4.25 million increase to the state’s mental health funding to the legislature next week. The proposal, which Malloy will formally present at the year’s first legislative session on Feb. 5, will complement increases in mental health funding after the Sandy Hook shooting. The proposed funding would go toward supportive housing for “underserved populations,” like New Haven’s youth and homeless residents. The proposal also allocates $250,000 to fund a mental health anti-stigma campaign and expand a police program that trains officers in handling mental illness, according to Samaia Hernandez, a spokesperson for the governor. “Right now, Connecticut does a very good job trying to create a responsive mental health system with the funds we have,” said Louise Pyers, founder of the Connecticut Alliance to Benefit Law Enforcement. “But more funds would allow the state to serve a lot of people who are slipping through the cracks.” The proposal adds 110 rental assistance vouchers to an existing 790 housing slots, allowing more people with mental illness to benefit from affordable supportive housing, said Mary Mason, spokeswoman for the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. The “underserved” populations mentioned in the proposal will likely emphasize the 16-25 age group, since that is the age when many serious illnesses first manifest themselves, said health care policy consultant and advocate Sheila Amdur. The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services will also be working with law enforcement agencies to expand the Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) program, a 40-hour series of classes available on a volunteerbasis for all police departments in the state. Approximately 10 percent of calls to police departments across the state involve a mental health crisis, according to Pyers, who runs the CIT course in Connecticut. The program, which teaches de-escalation techniques for


Governor Malloy plans to propose an increase to the state’s mental health funding to the legislature next week. responding to situations involving mental illness, is expense-free for police departments. The city pays departments up to $1,500 per trained officer to help cover overtime costs, and police stations are recommended to have at least a quarter of the patrol force trained so at least one CIT-trained officer can be available on any shift, Pyers said. “Having gone through the program myself, I know it’s excellent,” said Sergeant Rose Turney, the CIT liaison for the New Haven Police Department. “You learn how to talk to people with mental illnesses. This program

teaches officers that there’s a lot of patience involved, and it gives them techniques to calm down a situation.” Around 17,000 officers in the state have participated in CIT since its creation in 2003, including 17 current Yale Police Department officers, said YPD Assistant Chief Steven Woznyk. The New Haven Police Department currently has 70 officers trained in the program, Turney said. She added that she hopes the new funding will increase the number of available spots in the CIT program, estimating that each of New Haven’s 10 police

districts gets upwards of five or six mental illness-related calls within each 8-hour shift. “It’s not only beneficial to people in the community, but also to law enforcement,” Pyers said, citing a Memphis study that showed officer injuries went down 85 percent after implementation of CIT. Some health care advocates, however, worry that the proposal will not solve deeper funding gaps in the Connecticut mental health system. Morna Murray, president of Connecticut Community Providers Association, an advocacy group that represents local men-

tal health providers, said the 110 rental assistance vouchers would not be nearly enough. “I think it’s encouraging that the governor is focusing on improving the mental health care system in Connecticut,” she said. “But we need more. We need community providers fully funded so they can treat everyone who needs help.” Since 2008, $4.5 billion has been cut from mental health care funding nationwide. Connecticut residents are not immune to the cuts, finding it hard to get treatment across the state, Amdur said. Murray said despite her con-

cerns, she is excited for more conversation about mental health issues, particularly through the proposed multi-media antistigma campaign. “We need to treat mental health like we treat any other kind of health,” she said. “Mental illness is not a sentence. It’s an illness, and people can recover. And we need to focus on that.” Last fiscal year, the appropriation for the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services was $693 million. Contact ABIGAIL BESSLER at .



NATION GOP debates next move on immigration BY ASSOCIATED PRESS CAMBRIDGE, Md. — House Republicans wrestled inconclusively with the outlines of immigration legislation Thursday night, sharply divided over the contentious issue itself and the political wisdom of acting on it in an election year. At a two-day retreat on the frozen banks of the Choptank River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, GOP leaders circulated an outline that would guide the drafting of any House Republican legislation on the subject — a document that Speaker John Boehner told the rank and file was as far as the party was willing to go. It includes a proposed pathway to legal status for millions of adults who live in the U.S. unlawfully — after they pay back taxes and fines — but no special route to citizenship for them. Many younger Americans brought to the country illegally by their parents would be eligible for citizenship. “For those who meet certain eligibility standards, and serve honorably in our military or attain a college degrees, we will do just that,” the statement said. The principles also include steps to increase security at the nation’s borders and workplaces, declaring those a prerequisite for any of the other changes. Conservatives reacted negatively during the closed-door session in which rank and file debated the issue. “This is really a suicide mission for the Republican Party,” Rep. John Fleming, R-La., said. “While we’re winning in the polls, while ‘Obamacare’ is really dismantling, big government concepts of Democrats and Obama disintegrating, why in the world do we want to go out and change the subject and revive the patient?” Underscoring the complex political situation, some Democrats reacted hopefully to the principles, even though the proposal for legal status falls short of the full citizenship that was included in a bipartisan measure that cleared the Senate last year with the support of President Barack Obama. “We have gone from the Republicans saying ‘self-deportation’ and ‘veto the DREAM Act,’ to saying we need bipartisan solutions,” said Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who has long advocated an overhaul of existing laws. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who was involved in drafting the bill that passed the Senate, added, “While these standards are certainly not everything we would agree with, they leave a real possibility that Democrats and Republicans, in both the House and Senate, can in some way come together and pass immigration reform that both

sides can accept. “ The entire subject remains intensely controversial, particularly among conservatives in both houses. Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., who heads the Republican Study Conference, a group of conservative lawmakers, repeatedly declined to say on Thursday whether there are any circumstances under which he would be able to support legislation that bestowed legal status on adults currently living in the country illegally. Another Republican, Rep. Jason Smith of Missouri, told reporters that his constituents “definitely have big concerns about legalization.” The drive to overhaul immigration laws flagged after the Senate acted, as House conservatives dug in. The House Judiciary Committee has approved four bills, but none has reached the House floor as conservatives have expressed concern about being drawn into an eventual compromise with the White House. One of those bills would toughen enforcement of immigration laws, including a provision that would permit local police officers to enforce them as part of an attempt to raise the number of deportations. It also would encourage immigrants in the United States illegally to depart voluntarily, an echo of Mitt Romney’s call for “selfdeportation” in the 2012 presidential race. Other measures would create a new system for requiring employees to verify the legal status of their workers, establish a new temporary program for farm workers and expand the number of visas for employees in technology industries. The political drive for immigration legislation among Republicans stems from the party’s abysmal showing in recent elections among Hispanic voters. Yet many conservative House members are from congressional districts with relatively few Hispanic residents, and they have more to fear politically from a challenge from the right. Additionally, current polls suggest Republicans are well positioned to retain control of the House and perhaps gain a Senate majority as well, so some strategists see even less reason for compromise on the issue than before. As the House Republicans gathered, a prominent opponent of the Senate bill, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala, circulated a detailed point-by-point rebuttal to the proposal that Boehner and the leadership have prepared. Congress “must end lawlessness, not surrender to it,” he said. Boehner is moving carefully after failing a year ago to persuade the Republican rank and file to support an overhaul.


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Texas jail confronts inmate safety


Tyniehsa Stephens visits with cellmates in a new unit in the Harris County Jail for gay, bisexual and transgender prisoners in Houston. BY RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI ASSOCIATED PRESS HOUSTON — Black eyeliner rings Tyniesha Stephens’ large brown eyes. Her long, dark hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and she excitedly shares pictures of herself in the blonde wig and skirts she dons when she’s not in orange jail garb. Yet Stephens lives among men in a Texas jail where she is serving a sentence for prostitution. And she knows she is nothing like them. “I am feminine, a feminine person, a transgender woman, and some guys look at me, you know, with that eye,” Stephens, 28, said. “I feel very uncomfortable.” Stephens, whose legal first name is Marques, has been taking hormones for 10 years and is partly transformed into a woman. She’s hopeful that soon, she can serve out her time in a women’s jail. But how soon — or if — that can happen is in question. The Harris County Jail in Houston, the third largest in the country which processes some 125,000 inmates annually, is one of many nationwide implementing changes to the way it treats its gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender population. The changes stem from a law passed by Congress under former President George W. Bush that requires federal, state and local lockups to eliminate rape in part by adjusting regulations about how the population lives behind bars. It’s not easy. As jails sort out how to put the law into place,

conflicts are arising between existing state laws and the federal rules, making the implementation process slow and difficult. Housing is one of the most difficult questions. Until now, gays, lesbians and transgender inmates were often housed separately, but based on their biological gender. Stephens lives with gay men. The new rules say it is discriminatory, as well as potentially unsafe, to house people based on sexual orientation and gender, and so now they hope to house inmates based on where they will be safest, and consider gender identity when making that decision. “Transgender women have to be eligible for women’s housing. That is where they will be safest,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the Washington-based National Center for Transgender Equality. “These are women who are psychologically women.” For someone like Stephens, even something seemingly as simple as whether she should be considered a man or a woman while in jail is complicated. The federal law, called the Prison Rape Elimination Act, says it should be up to the inmate. But Texas law requires a person to be housed according to their biological gender, said Brandon Wood, executive director of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards. Commission officials testified before a Texas statehouse committee during the recent legislative session and explained the new federal rules, including the pos-

sible funding implications for prisons that could lose grant dollars if they fail to comply, Wood said. However, the Legislature chose not to tackle the law. “Female inmates do not want someone who identifies as a woman, but isn’t, in their housing,” Wood said. “The potential for something very bad to go wrong does exist.” Stephens has been in and out of jail 18 times on various prostitution and drug-related charges. She said she was once assaulted by another inmate. And there are some guards who call her derogatory names or insist on addressing her as Mister no matter how many times she tells them she is not a man, she says. Statistics show why resolving the conflicts between state and federal law are necessary. Often, rape cases are difficult to prove, and few are prosecuted. In a 2011 survey, the Department of Justice found a high rate of inmate-on-inmate sexual victimization in one of the Harris County Jail’s four buildings in downtown Houston. With a rate of more than 6 percent, it was nearly double the national average of 3.2 percent. National studies also show that overall, more gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender inmates report being raped than straight inmates. Maj. Debra Schmidt, who oversees inmate classification, booking and release for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, acknowledges that making the changes is diffi-

cult. A system that uses the type of crime, arrest record and gender to assign inmates has to be revamped. Staff needs to be retrained, and a culture among staff that may have allowed some to air their prejudices and go unpunished must change, she said. “This is going to be a real challenge for law enforcement agencies,” Schmidt said. Housing isn’t the only challenge. Jails also have to confront staffing levels to reduce rape, said Robert Goerlitz, president of the Harris County Deputies Organization, a group that represents more than 1,600 law enforcement officers, including jail guards. “It’s awful dangerous for both sides of this thing, not only for the prisoners, but for the guards,” Goerlitz said, noting that each guard is responsible for monitoring 48 inmates. The new rules will not reduce rape if staffing is insufficient, he said. The jail is also confronting things that are a part of everyday life behind bars, like strip searches. Houston’s new policy allows an inmate to choose the gender of the person who does a search, which conflicts with state law that requires inmates to be searched by someone of the same sex. Recently, one transgender inmate, who — similar to Stephens — had only had a partial sex transformation, was searched from the waist up by a woman and from the waist down by a man in order to comply with state law, said Lt. Walter Bailey, supervisor of inmate classification.

After snow, mayor and gov. play blame game BY JAY REEVES ASSOCIATED PRESS


Abandoned cars sit idle along Northside Parkway in Atlanta.

When the snow started falling Tuesday and cars lined up on the highways, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed were at an awards luncheon, smiling and back-slapping each other as the Republican governor introduced the Democratic mayor, who was named a local magazine’s “Georgian of the Year.” Just 40 minutes earlier, the mayor declared via Twitter: “Atlanta, we are ready for the snow.” Within hours, the metropolitan area was in gridlock with tens of thousands of people, including some children on school buses, stranded on icy, wreckstrewn roads. Two days later, the ice was thawing, the children were home and abandoned vehicles were being reclaimed, yet Deal and Reed have scrambled to explain how it all happened after the National Weather Service despite the governor’s claims to the contrary - clearly warned of a dangerous scenario. Both men have played the blame game delicately, perhaps

knowing political futures are sometimes made or squashed by storm preparations and response, and that the city that has a long and painful past of being ill-prepared for nasty winter weather. Reed, who recently began his second term, holds ambition for a statewide run, possibly for governor. Deal is running for re-election this year, and Democrats believe he is vulnerable. On Thursday, the governor offered his clearest apology yet. He acknowledged he was sleeping in wee hours of Tuesday morning when the National Weather Service upgraded its warning for the entire metro area, and he said his administration didn’t prepare well enough. “Certainly things could have been done earlier,” he said, pledging a full review of the state’s emergency planning. “We will be more aggressive. We will take those weather warnings more seriously.” Since the storm, Deal and Reed have mostly alternated between qualified apologies and defensive explanations about what they do and don’t control, each of them carefully avoiding explicitly pointing the finger at the other,

a reflection of their odd-couple political alliance on projects like a new downtown stadium and deepening a key port in Savannah. The governor offered perhaps the most bald-faced excuse, at one point referring to “an unexpected winter storm” and saying that “national forecasters” were wrong. The mayor has said it was a mistake for schools, business and government to close arouwnd the same time Tuesday, forcing several million people into a frenzied commute around the region before salt-and-sand crews had treated roadways. Once people were stuck, they became nearly impossible to treat or plow. Reed has also noted the city was not directly responsible for the interstates, and many of the wrecks and scenes of gridlock on national television were outside the city altogether. Both men insisted they don’t “control” the decisions over whether to cancel school. Deal explained the preparations were based on earlier National Weather Service forecasts that predicted the worst of the storm passing between the metro area and Macon, in the center of the state.






Mostly cloudy, with a high near 37. West wind 3 to 8 mph.


High of 41, low of 35.

High of 44, low of 29.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 12:30 p.m. Furniture Study Tour. Go behind the scenes of the American Decorative Arts Furniture Study, the gallery’s working library of American furniture and objects. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.). 3:30 p.m. “Swimming & Diving at Yale — Highlights from Manuscripts & Archives.� There will be an open house featuring highlights from the collection of swimming and diving material at Yale. Open to the general public. Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St.), Manuscripts & Archives.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 2:00 p.m. “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare.� Come to a film screening of this 2012 U.S. documentary on the broken health care system followed by a panel discussion with Ather Ali, Joseph Ross and Naomi Rogers. Involved organizations include Integrative Medicine at Yale, Yale Medical Professions Outreach, Roosevelt Institute, Public Health Coalition, Yale Stress Center and Whitney Humanities Center. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Aud.



SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 10:00 a.m. Run for Refugees. Super Bowl Sunday starts early and active with the 7th annual 5K hosted by the Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services. It’s not too late to register online! Packet pick-up begins at 8:00 a.m. Wilbur Cross High School (181 Mitchell Ave.). 6:30 p.m. NFL Super Bowl XLVIII. Pick a side as top offensive team Denver Broncos (13–3) faces off against top defensive team Seattle Seahawks (13–3). BeyoncÊ may not be playing the half-time show, but Bruno Mars and Red Hot Chili Peppers will be headlining. Grab some friends and some food, and attend one of the many viewing parties around campus. MetLife Studium, East Rutherford, N.J.



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By Julian Lim

4 Ballpark rallying cry based on a 1950s hit 5 “Twin Peaksâ€? actor Tamblyn 6 Barbecue buttinsky 7 Commerce gp. headed by Roberto AzevĂ?do 8 Girdle material 9 Letters on some faces 10 Capital west of Dubai 11 Big name in cloud storage 12 “Well, now ...â€? 13 “Turn to Stoneâ€? band 18 Exiled Cambodian Lon __ 19 Critical 23 One-named Milanese model 24 Protein producer 26 Mule kin 28 Arizona landscape features 29 Sporting, with “inâ€? 30 Desolate 31 Symbolic ring 33 Put in storage

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7 4



5 8 2 4

9 4








PEOPLE IN THE NEWS DWIGHT HOWARD The center for the Houston Rockets was selected to his eighth AllStar Game as a reserve. The center had finished fourth in the voting for forwards in the Western Conference behind the Thunder’s Kevin Durant, the Timberwolves’ Kevin Love and the Clippers’ Blake Griffin.

Heart of a Lyon: goalie uncaged

W. Hockey rides unbeaten streak W. HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 behind Quinnipiac in fourth but only one point ahead of the eight and ninth-place teams. The top eight teams make the conference playoffs in late February. “Our goal is to finish within the top four of the ECAC,” captain Tara Tomimoto ’14 said. “I think this is very achievable and would put us in a good position for playoffs.” Although the Big Red are ranked in the NCAA and shut out the Bulldogs earlier in the season, they have struggled in their past three games, with losses to Harvard and Clarkson and a tie at St. Lawrence. Led by forwards Jillian Saulnier and Emily Fulton, Cornell’s offense is third in the nation with 3.57 goals per game. If Yale hopes to win in this rematch, it will most likely need more offensive production against

Cornell’s 11th-ranked defense. In the shutout earlier this year, the Bulldogs managed to put just 16 shots on net in the entire game, their second-lowest tally all season. “We weren’t as prepared the first time we played Cornell,” Haddad said. “That was early in our season, and we’re a different team now.” The game against Cornell will also serve as the second annual “Do It For Daron” event at Lynah Rink. Daron Richardson, the younger sister of Big Red defenseman Morgan Richardson, took her own life at the age of 14 four years ago, and the “Do It For Daron” organization was founded in her memory to increase conversations about youth mental issues and prevent teenage suicide, according to Cornell’s website. The expectations are higher for

Yale in its matchup at Colgate, the last-ranked team in the ECAC. Though Yale came out on top 6–4 against the Raiders earlier this month, the Bulldogs have had an issue playing low-ranking teams this season. “I think it’s more about not playing with intensity for the entire game against weaker teams,” Tomimoto said. “We’ve changed up our warm-ups to help us get more ready to play with intensity from the drop of the puck. I think we just have to approach every game with the same mentality.” The puck will drop at Cornell at 7:00 p.m. tonight, and the next day’s contest at Colgate will begin at 4:05 p.m. Contact GREG CAMERON at greg. .


Goaltender Alex Lyon ’17 has started 16 games for Yale between the pipes this season. BY FREDERICK FRANK STAFF REPORTER While Yale’s goaltending situation stood unresolved at the beginning of the season, the No. 13 men’s hockey team has found its starter in Alex Lyon ’17.

MEN’S HOCKEY The Baudette, Minn., native has featured in 16 games for the Bulldogs and has been red hot as of late. In the Elis’ most recent game, a contest against Brown on Jan. 25, Lyon showed his claws, stopping all 28 shots he faced for his first collegiate shutout. “I know it’s cliché, but it is really about wins more than anything,” Lyon said. “If we win, that’s the main goal. Obviously it feels good, but I think being a mature athlete means taking it all in stride and moving on to the next game. Obviously, some games I play better than others. Some games I play poorly, and some games I play great. I like to have a short memory.” At the beginning of the season, many questioned whether Yale’s inexperienced goaltenders, including Lyon, classmate Patrick Spano ’17 and veteran Connor Wilson ’15, would be able to step up and perform in the national spotlight. Joining a team on the back of a national championship run is a tough adjustment for anyone, let alone a goaltender trying to replace Jeff Malclom ’13 in net. Malcolm, who proved crucial in the Elis’ championship run, was named to the 2013 Frozen Four AllTournament team and left a huge hole to fill after his graduation. Rather than feeling apprehensive about the job at hand, Lyon was encouraged by the prospect of being able to help make an instant impact on the team. Lyon said that he had hoped to bring stability to the program, just like any other goaltender would. In addition, he was buoyed by the positive reputation of goalkeeping coach Josh Siembida, to whom many attribute Malcom’s success in 2012-2013. “That’s what appealed to me about Yale was to try and give stability,” Lyon said. “Yale was a huge transition, especially coming out of two years with no school. It is just one of those things: You go to Yale, and you have to expect to put in the time in the classroom as well as in athletics. I had already been away from home for two years, so I think that helped me make

the transition a little bit easier.” At the beginning of the season, head coach Keith Allain ’80 rotated Lyon and Spano in net. Lyon looked shaky when the season opened, failing to win any of his first three games and conceding 10 goals. His classmate, on the other hand, led Yale to three victories, including one against nationally ranked Clarkson on Nov. 2. Despite his early troubles, Alex fell back on his USHL experience and mental toughness. Lyon mentioned the biggest difference at Yale stemmed from the coaching staff, who have demanded constant discipline and refused to accept complacency. It was after a solid performance in the Bulldogs’ 3-3 overtime tie to Quinnipiac that Lyon began to take the reins of the starting job. Lyon stopped a career high 48 shots in that game and was praised by Allain for his poise under pressure. “He comes to practice every day, he prepares, so he earns the right to play,” Allain said. “And he plays well, so he earns the right to play again.” The next weekend he started both games, winning both, and never looked back. Lyon has played the second most minutes of any freshman goaltender in NCAA division I, featuring in 16 contests so far. The rookie has excelled since returning from the December break. Lyon has posted a .938 save percentage and a 1.84 goals against average in all seven of Yale’s non-exhibition games since Christmas. “I think that I have become more comfortable,” Lyon said. “Off the ice is a pretty big factor as well. Socially and with my school work, I have felt more at place. Every day, I try to get better, and that’s all I can do.” Yale (10-5-4, 5-4-3 ECAC) currently sits two places outside the top 16 teams in the PairWise rankings at no. 18. The Bulldogs will need a strong second half surge to vault into the playoffs. The Elis will have a chance in the coming weeks to improve their PairWise and ECAC positions, as the team faces off against teams ranked ahead of them in three of the next four games. With Lyon looking untamable at the moment, the Elis are primed for a late push for an NCAA tournament berth. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at frederick. .

Basketball to face Columbia, Cornell MEN’S BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 and will enter the game having won their last six games, including two against Cornell. Jones said that although Columbia’s schedule has been relatively weak, the squad has still shown solid play early in the season. “They’ve beaten people that they should beat, they’ve won some games that you raise your eyebrows at, and they’ve won against some teams that you wouldn’t have suspected they would play as well against,” Jones said. “So they’re a very dangerous team.” The Lions will be a particularly challenging opponent for Yale, as they currently lead the Ivy League in three point percentage with a lofty 40.1 percent. The Elis will rely on a collective effort to guard Columbia’s shooters. Another issue for Yale so far this season has been the team’s rebounding. The Elis were a great rebounding team last year, with a rebounding differential of +4.0 per game and +5.0 against Ivy League competition. This season, the figure is down to +1.1 overall, and in the two games against Brown, the Bulldogs were a combined –16 in rebounds. “It’s tough,” said forward Brandon Sherrod ’15. “We got a lot of offensive rebounds last year, and we didn’t lose a lot of length at all. We should definitely be getting more rebounds. I think it’s just a matter of chasing the ball.”

The Elis lost guards Austin Morgan ’13, Michael Grace ’13 and Sam Martin ’13 to graduation after last season. But with the exception of center Jeremiah Kreisberg ’14, who is out for this season with a back injury, the Elis’ frontcourt was left entirely intact. Their rebounding struggles will pose a significant hurdle this season as they aim to improve on last year’s third place Ivy finish. Cornell (1–15, 0–2) has labored through a tough non-conference schedule and will enter the weekend after losing a pair of games against the red-hot Lions. However, Jones was quick to mention that the Big Red have competed hard and been in almost every game they have played in. On paper, this is a game the Elis would appear to have all but secured. But guard Javier Duren ’15 noted the importance of staying focused, no matter the apparent strength of the opponent. “There’s always a tendency to overlook a team, especially when they don’t look as good on paper,” Duren said. “But we have to come out and start strong and not take anyone for granted. I think if we play our game, we will have the results we are seeking.” The Elis tip off against Columbia tonight at 7 p.m. Contact DIONIS JAHJAGA at dionis.jahjaga@ .


The women’s hockey team is unbeaten in its last five contests, 2–0–3.

Colgate, Cornell come to the Whale MEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 couple of games,” defenseman Matt Killian ’15 said. “I think we can keep more pucks out of our net, and obviously that’s a collective effort, but I feel good about where we’re at. Hopefully we’ll keep improving moving forward.” Yale’s task this weekend will not be easy: Both the Big Red and Raiders are on sevengame unbeaten streaks, the longest current streaks in the conference. Colgate also boasts the most goals of any team in ECAC play. But the great play from those teams does not change how the Bulldogs prepare, according to defenseman Ryan Obuchowski ’16. “We try and come out the same every game,” Obuchowski said. “The fact [that] they’re on hot streaks is good for them, and it’s a testament to their hard work, and we need to beat them bottom line. It’d be nice to end their streaks.” The Bulldogs are currently looking up at both of this weekend’s opponents in the standings. Cornell has 16 points compared to Yale’s 13, though the Big Red have played one more conference game than the Elis. Colgate, meanwhile, is a single point out of first place, tied for second with Quinnipiac at 19 points. With the rest of Yale’s schedule consisting of conference opponents, every game will be crucial to the Bulldogs’ hopes for making the NCAA Tournament. Yale currently sits 18th out of 59 teams in the PairWise rankings, and only the top 16 qualify. “Every game [is] a battle, especially in the ECAC,” Killian said. The parity is unmatched in any other conference across the country. We have to go into every game prepared and ready to go to work because anybody can beat anybody in the ECAC.” Both games start at 7 p.m. at Ingalls Rink. Contact GRANT BRONSDON at .


This weekend, the Bulldogs, with 13 points, will take on Cornell, who has 16 points and Colgate who has 19.

SCHEDULE M. Swimming and Diving

vs. Harvard-Princeton

6 p.m.

M. Ice Hockey

vs. Cornell

7 p.m.

Yale All-Access

M. Basketball

vs. Columbia

7 p.m.

Yale All-Access


vs. Bulldog Invitational

1 p.m.

M. Ice Hockey

vs. Colgate

7 p.m.

Yale All-Access

M. Basketball

vs. Cornell

7 p.m.

Yale All-Access

W. Swimming and Diving

vs. Harvard-Princeton

12 p.m.

Swimming Session 2

M. Tennis

vs. East Tennessee State

10 a.m.

W. Squash

@ Princeton

12 p.m.

M. Squash

@ Princeton

12 p.m.



NBA Phoenix 102 Indiana 94

NCAAM No. 3 Florida 62 Mississippi St. 51

NCAAM No.13 Cincinnati 69 No. 12 Louisville 66

SPORTS MATT TOWNSEND ’15 MEN’S BASKETBALL The College Sports Information Directors of America named Townsend, who hails from Chappaqua, NY, to the Capital One Academic All-District® first team in District 1. The junior forward was elected to Phi Beta Kappa earlier this year.

SENIOR NIGHT SWIMMING AND DIVING TEAMS In their last home meet of the season — and the seniors’ last home meet of their Yale careers — the men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams will host Harvard and Princeton at the Kiphuth Exhibition Pool on Saturday and Sunday.

NHL Ottawa 5 Tampa Bay 3



“We have to come out and start strong and not take anyone for granted.” JAVIER DUREN ’15



Elis look to rough up Raiders, Red W. basketball MEN’S HOCKEY

BY GRANT BRONSDON STAFF REPORTER Following a weekend that saw both the ugly and the beautiful of the Yale men’s hockey team, the Bulldogs will strive for consistency against two ranked conference foes, No. 11 Cornell and No. 18 Colgate. No. 13 Yale (10–5–4, 5–4–3 ECAC) played these two squads back in November. A 19–4 shot advantage led to two first-period goals en route to a 5–2 victory over Colgate (13–9–3, 9–3–1) on Friday, but Cornell (10–4–5, 6–3– 4) ended Yale’s seven game unbeaten streak the next night on the strength of 30 saves by Andy Iles. But the Bulldogs have changed since those games. Forwards Mike Doherty ’17 and Carson Cooper ’16, who combined for four points in the win over Colgate, will likely miss this weekend’s action, according to head coach Keith Allain ’80. The Bulldogs started off last weekend’s home-and-home set against Brown on the wrong skate, losing on Friday night 3–1 after allowing two third-period goals. But Saturday was a completely different story. In a penaltyfilled game that saw the Bears spend 48 minutes in the sin bin, the Elis set the tone early and often, netting four goals in the first 13:46 and winning 6–0. “I don’t know if I’d use the word ‘aggressive’ or ‘dirty,’” Allain said when asked about Brown’s aggressive tactics. “I can’t speak for the other team, but I don’t think you gameplan to have one of your players knocked out of the game in the second shift of the game and a five-minute power play right off the bat.” Saturday’s game marked the first career shutout for rookie goaltender Alex Lyon ’17. It was Yale’s first shutout since last year’s 4–0 thumping of Quinnipiac in the national championship game. It came, however, on the heels of allowing three goals on Friday. “We’ve been a little inconsistent the last SEE MEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 11


The women’s basketball team is 2–0 against Ivy League opponents so far this season. BY ASHLEY WU STAFF REPORTER The women’s basketball team, trying to stay undefeated in the Ivy League this season, will head to New York this weekend for back-to-back games.



The No. 13 men’s hockey team hosts No. 11 Cornell and No. 18 Colgate this weekend.

Yale set for doubleheader BY DIONIS JAHJAGA STAFF REPORTER After a disappointing loss in Providence last Saturday, the men’s basketball team will attempt to regroup at home this weekend against Columbia and Cornell.

MEN’S BASKETBALL The Elis (7–9, 1–1 Ivy) got the better of Brown in the conference opener two weeks ago but collapsed against the Bears’ formidable shooting last weekend. Brown shot 9–18 from distance with leading scorer Sean McGonagill going 7–9 from the arc for 29 points. The Bulldogs only shot 36.2 percent from the floor and missed 19 free throws on the way to a 17 point loss. “[Perimeter defense] is certainly a concern,” said head coach

hits the road


The men’s basketball team is 7–9 on the season heading into this weekend’s games with Columbia and Cornell. James Jones. “We’ve done a poor job most of the year at guarding the arc, and it seems like we’ve almost been snake-bit. When that

happens, guys sometimes try to do a little too much.” The Elis’ first test of the weekend will come tonight against

Columbia. The Lions (12–6, 2–0) have impressed so far this season SEE MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 11

Yale (8–8, 2–0 Ivy) will play against Columbia (4–12, 1–1) and Cornell (9–7, 1–1), which split a home-and-home series over the past two weekends. The Bulldogs swept the season series against Brown with two impressive wins, 70–53 and 73–52. The Elis had a dominant shooting performance last week at home against the Bears, shooting a season-high 51.7 percent from the field. Guards Sarah Halejian ’15 and Lena Munzer ’17 led the team with 14 points apiece. Munzer said that the team played a complete game, finishing off Brown in the second half after a great first half. She added that the team took to heart the need to play a full 40 minutes. The Bulldogs will have to replicate that performance against Columbia and Cornell this weekend. Yale will face Columbia on Friday night. Both teams come into the game with similar statistics, but the Elis have a slight edge. The Bulldogs are scoring 66.9 points per game on the year compared to the Lions, who are scoring 61.4 points per game. The Elis are also making a higher percentage of their field goals and three-point shots, 38.3 percent and 33.2 percent compared to 35.6 percent and 31.6 percent, respectively. Yale has been dominant in the paint as well this year, averaging 39.3 rebounds per game compared to Columbia, which is averaging 37.1 boards a game. Neither team holds a

clear advantage in the number of turnovers committed per game, with the Bulldogs averaging 16.6 turnovers per game and the Lions averaging 16.4. The Elis will have to look out for guard Carolyn Binder, who is averaging a team-high 10.3 points per game for Columbia. Yale will then face a quick turnaround, as the team will compete against Cornell Saturday night. The Bulldogs have outpaced the Big Red on offense this year, as Cornell is averaging 63.4 points per game. Although Cornell has a higher shooting percentage from the field at 39.2 percent, the Elis are the stronger team from beyond the arc as the Big Red manages only 27.1 percent from downtown. The Bulldogs will look to control the key against Cornell, which is averaging 35.4 rebounds a game. Both teams are also turning the ball over at a rate of over 16.5 turnovers per game, with the Big Red averaging a slightly higher 16.9 per game. The Elis will need to watch for forwards Allyson DiMagno and Nia Marshall, who are both averaging double figures, scoring 13.8 and 12.6 points per game, respectively. The team will play its first back-to-back series of the season this weekend. Following the game last week against Brown, head coach Chris Gobrecht said that the team would be heading back to the gym for practice the next day to prepare for the weekend. “We have to get ready for the back-to-back,” Gobrecht said. “We’ve only played four games the entire month of January so far … we have to get our bodies ready for it.” The team travels to Columbia for a 7 p.m. game on Friday night and then to Cornell for a 6 p.m. game on Saturday night. Contact ASHLEY WU at .

Bulldogs look to keep streak alive BY GREG CAMERON STAFF REPORTER The Yale women’s hockey team will look to continue its climb up the ECAC standings this weekend when it travels to No. 6 Cornell and Colgate.

WOMEN’S ICE HOCKEY The Bulldogs (7–10–4, 5–5–4

ECAC) will enter the weekend riding a five-game unbeaten streak for the first time since the 2005– 06 season. “I’m excited that we’re playing more competitively now, but we’ve still been riddled with some inconsistencies throughout our current streak,” forward Jamie Haddad ’16 said in an email to the News. “I’m definitely excited to see that we’ve improved this sea-

son, but there’s always more work to be done.” A year earlier, in the 2004–05 season, was the last year that the Elis posted a record of 0.500 or better in the ECAC, a feat they can accomplish this year if they win more games than they lose in their final eight games. The Bulldogs also played Cornell and Colgate on the same weekend earlier this month. That


weekend, the Bulldogs beat the Raiders 6–4, but fell 3–0 to the Big Red the next day. They were without top-scoring forward Phoebe Staenz ’17 for those two games and will be without her again this weekend. Staenz, who currently leads the Bulldogs with nine goals and 14 assists — despite playing in just 17 of Yale’s 21 games — will miss the rest of the regular season to repre-

sent Switzerland at the Olympics in Sochi. Staenz has been ECAC Rookie of the Week four times, ECAC Rookie of the Month one time and ECAC Player of the Week once in her freshman campaign. “Phoebe is our biggest offensive contributor, and it’s disappointing that she won’t be in the lineup,” Haddad said. “We’re just going to have to work harder to get more shots off and make up for

her absence. It won’t be easy, but we’re a team, and we’re not made up of just one person.” Haddad herself as emerged as a new high scorer in recent games. She has netted four goals in the past six games and held a +3 plusminus rating in that span. Yale currently stands in seventh place in the ECAC, four points SEE W. HOCKEY PAGE 11

SHOTS STOPPED BY MEN’S ICE HOCKEY GOALTENDER ALEX LYON ’17 LAST SATURDAY AGAINST BROWN, HIS FIRST COLLEGIATE SHUTOUT. In Yale’s seven official games since Christmas, Lyon has recorded a 0.938 save percentage and a 1.84 goals against average.

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