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discuss problems

to tech startups

Women’s team prepares for Bulldog Invitational




Illustrious Yale alumni

Students provide access


New Rabbi leads Slifka

Mixing money and politics.

The next mayor of New York City may be funding his campaign with contributions from Yale alumni. Frontrunner Bill de Blasio was spotted at the Yale Club Wednesday at a morning fundraiser, part of a number of large-donor events he has held recently. It remains to be seen whether any generous alum will be so kind as to offer him a $250 million donation.


she will spend her first six months learning more about how the Jewish community works at Yale. “[I want] to see where there are areas of strength to lift up and ask what are some things that we are not doing that we could be doing or doing better,” Cohen said. Cohen said her plans for the center include fundraising, increasing the number of programs offered and “promoting experiences outside [Slifka’s] four walls.” She cited possible initiatives such as hosting seders in college dining halls, building a sukkah — a tent-like structure — at a residential college, holding Master’s Teas and planning study breaks featuring latkes. Cohen was initially attracted to the

Liana Epstein ’14, an environmental studies major, has recently been in touch with a contact at the Environmental Protection Agency to discuss career possibilities in the fields of water quality and land management. The correspondence came to an abrupt end Tuesday, when Epstein got the following message via email: “I am out of the office for the duration of the government shutdown.” The EPA was forced to furlough 94 percent of its employees, and as the government shutdown enters its second day, universities and students continue to experience its impact. At Yale, the disruptions came in many forms. Students who rely on government databases for research could no longer access them as of Tuesday, and students applying for government jobs were promptly cut off from recruiters. Still, at federally-operated military academies, disruptions were more severe. Candice Gurbatri ’14, a senior biomedical engineering major, needs to access databases from the National Institutes of Health and But since the government shut down, her access has been cut off. “It would be frustrating if the assignment were due soon, and it will be frustrating if, when the assignments are due, it’s still shut down,” she said. Elsewhere at Yale, chemistry students trying to access important databases provided by NASA and the National Institutes of Standards and Technology found the websites shut down. The Library of Congress website also shuttered Tuesday, preventing history students from accessing any documents. Baobao Zhang ’13 GRD ’18, a graduate stu-



Froyo fever.

There appears to be no end to the number of frozen yogurt stores the local economy can support — a second Froyoworld has opened up in East Haven at 320 Main Street. Flavors offered at this new East Haven counterpart include “strawberrylicious tart,” “pumpkin pie,” “apple pie a la mode” and “pomegranate razzle sorbet.” Crisis averted?

Around two dozen students simulated the recent crisis over chemical weapons in Syria during the “Religion, Middle East Politics, and Conflict Resolution” course taught by Sallama Shaker at the Divinity School. Students took the roles of various countries with stakes in the Syrian civil war and attempted to create a resolution agreement. Regrettably, however, even a classroom of Yale students was unable come to a solution — the class ran out of time before passing a draft of a resolution. Healing hearts.

Something wonderful has taken hold at the Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital. With support from music and art therapists, and under the guidance of award-wining poet-playwright Aaron Jafferis, pediatric patients are taking to the creative mediums to express their emotions. This year marks the decade anniversary of the Arts for Healing festival, which runs from Oct. 2 to Oct. 6. Along with classes and exhibits, one of the performance programs is an award-winning hip-hop play called “How to Break” about a teenage breakdancer diagnosed with leukemia. Opera is the New Black.

Black and orange balloons scattered all around campus carried this pithy slogan. The balloons were placed in dining halls and residential colleges by the Met Opera at Yale to advertise their new season, which begins this Saturday. Slated for this coming year are Tchaikovsky, Mozart and Puccini; tickets are free for those with a Yale ID and a penchant for classical art forms. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1980. One in four, maybe more? The Yale Admissions Office released figures revealing that one in four students admitted were legacies. Critics questioned whether the move was part of a ploy to increase alumni donations.

Submit tips to Cross Campus


Universities feel shutdown pains


The Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale will be led by Rabbi Leah Cohen, its first female director. BY LARRY MILSTEIN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Rabbi Leah Cohen has assumed leadership of the Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale. As Slifka’s new executive director and senior chaplain, Cohen succeeds Rabbi James Ponet ’68, who has served as a chaplain at Yale since 1981. Though Cohen, who is Slifka’s first female director, began her duties in July, Ponet said the center will remain in a leadership transition stage until the summer of 2015. Slifka’s Board of Trustees selected Cohen from among five finalists after taking into consideration a series of written applications, virtual and in-person interviews and writing samples, as well

as input from student and community leaders. “[Cohen can] combine both [religious and secular] worlds with her rabbinic experience and her business experience,” Ponet said.

[I want to] ask what are some things that we are not doing that we could be doing or doing better. RABBI LEAH COHEN Executive director and senior chaplain, Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale As executive director, Cohen said

NIH grants two profs millions


For two Yale professors, Monday brought great news: The National Institutes of Health announced it would award millions of dollars to the investigators to support their innovative biomedical research. Amy Arnsten, professor of neurobiology and psychology, and Jason Crawford, professor of chemistry and microbial pathogenesis, won two of the 78 awards given by the NIH “High-Risk, High-Reward” program this year. These grants are awarded to researchers who have either made a cutting-edge contribution to their field in the past, or who show promise of making a breakthrough in the future. The awards are especially meaningful because organizations like the NIH are usually hesitant to fund high-risk research, said Yale School of Medicine Dean Robert Alpern. “We encourage scientists to do high-risk research, but at the same time researchers have great difficulty in securing grants for this,” Alpern said. “[NIH] is most certainly careful in selecting good research to support, and it’s terrific that our investigators have received these grants for what could be high-reward research.” Arnsten received one of 12 Pioneer Awards, which she said is a particular honor because such awards are typically given to investigators with a history of research that advances their field. She said the award will amount to more than four million dollars over the next five years. Arnsten’s lab has already identified a treatment for human cognitive disorders that is

Up at Sterling Memorial Quadrangle, a job search is underway. Berkeley Divinity School, Yale Divinity School’s Episcopal affiliate, is currently fielding candidates to replace outgoing President and Dean Reverend Joseph Britton. Britton — who first arrived at the school in 2003 — is currently the longest-serving president in the school’s history since it first merged with Yale Divinity School in 1971. This fall, he announced that he would leave his post at the end of the academic year. “When [Britton] first entered his role, the relationship [between the schools] was strained somewhat,” said Greg Sterling, dean of Yale Divinity School. “I think Joe’s done a good job of helping to bridge that gap.” In his time leading Berkeley Divinity School, Britton has faced the unique challenge of managing a denominational institution that is affiliated with another school, yet maintains its nominal independence. Britton himself is an example of this balance. While serving as president of the school, he also served as the associate dean for Anglican studies and associate professor of pastoral theology. In an interview with the News, Britton mentioned five initiatives during his tenure as his greatest points of pride. In New Haven, he promoted the Educational Leadership and Ministry Program and the Urban Ministry Program — programs that train students to be school chaplains and engage





Reverend Joseph Britton, president and dean of the Berkeley Divinity School, will step down from his position after 11 years of service.




.COMMENT “Oh dear God, give it a rest.”



Laboring candidates F

or some Yalies, there is no greater political candidate than one in a labor union. That label alone is enough to earn their support, regardless of platform or experience. For others, a politician’s union affiliation is an excuse to write off her candidacy. This mentality has been exemplified across city elections, from the controversial Ward 7 aldermanic race to the mayoral contest. But Yalies should not be judging candidates for local office by their labels — politicians must be evaluated holistically. While such a point might seem too obvious to warrant emphasis, campus discourse over the past month suggests otherwise. Over the past two years, a coalition of city legislators backed by unions has accomplished much more than politics as usual. Instead of aldermen acting as 30 clashing players, the union coalition has used its clout to push the Board to act on issues previously stagnant: community policing, youth spaces and new jobs. At the start of their term in January 2012, all 30 aldermen signed a joint legislative agenda, an unprecedented development in the history of city politics. Delphine Clyburn, a unionbacked politician, is one alderwoman who has actively pushed for the joint legislative agenda, advocating for the development of spaces like Dixwell’s Q House and the Goffe Street Armory for use by city youth. But Clyburn is also someone Newhallville residents can turn to when they need something as small as fighting an unfair electricity bill or getting a ride to a doctor’s appointment, as Ward 20 resident Shirley J. Lawrence told me this summer. “During the winter, she makes sure people are OK — she knocks on doors,” Lawrence added. This might seem like it takes a lot of effort, and that’s because it does. Clyburn is known as a “ward worker,” spending a few days every week going door to door in Newhallville, checking in on residents and conveying essential information about the neighborhood. Let’s look at another example of a “ward worker”: Doug Hausladen ’04, also elected two years ago to represent Ward 7. He’s woken up at 5 a.m. to deal with a garbage truck making too much noise on Pleasant Street, met with the Lincoln-Bradley Neighborhood Association to find solutions to neighborhood safety issues and dealt with tweets about noise

complaints at 2 a.m. After the heavy snowstorm this year, Kevin Casini, a Ward 7 resident, began introducing Hausladen as “the aldermen who shovels you out.” Beyond the routines of his ward, Hausladen has also been a leader in street safety. He coordinated the New Haven Safe Streets coalition, chaired the Downtown-Wooster Square Community Management Team and heads Elm City Cycling. He’s also been one of the few legislators who prioritized budgetary matters, suggesting over $20 million in sensible budget cuts over his brief tenure. Of course, their records have not been perfect. Hausladen’s creation of Take Back New Haven was, at very best, a misguided message, while some of the deliberations between Clyburn and Achievement First were enough to raise eyebrows. But on the whole, few can argue that both alders have served their constituents well. Here’s the kicker: Clyburn is heavily supported by union forces in the city, while Hausladen is perhaps the closest you can get to “anti-union” in labor-friendly New Haven. With so much of the city’s political rhetoric focusing on labor’s role in the election, we must not forget that union affiliation does not make or break a candidate. Don’t get me wrong, some truly mediocre candidates have been supported by the unions in the past two elections — from Ward 14’s Gabriel Santiago, who stopped attending Board meetings after six months and resigned earlier this year, to the more recent case of Ella Wood ’15 in Ward 7. But candidates like Clyburn and Hausladen are clear examples that being supported by Locals 34 and 35 is often not the most important factor when considering a candidate. Instead, candidates for local office — be it for alderman, mayor or even city clerk — should be judged on their merits. Students often walk into the voting booth primed purely by buzzwords like “pro-labor” and “anti-union.” Yes, there is something to be said for being part of a “team” working to change politics for the better, just as one could argue for the value of an independent voice. But this is just one part of the equation. To vote solely on this affiliation would be foolish. NICK DEFIESTA is a senior in Berkeley College and a former city editor for the News. Contact him at .

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Nearly condom queen I

n the span of my first three weeks at Yale, I was politely but decidedly rejected from two a cappella ensembles, one folk group and the Jonathan Edwards buttery staff. But none hit as hard as the demoralizing email I got last week. I had failed in my bid for JE Condom Monarch. Two weeks ago, I got an email about paid positions hired by the JE College Council to maintain the college’s facilities. I scrolled down. There, spelled out in Gmail typeset, was my destiny: “Condom Monarch.” The job’s duties were extensively described. First, get bags of condoms from Yale Health. Then, distribute said condoms to JE and McClellan entryways. The email cautioned to “refill often.” There were two spots, each paying $150 per semester. I decided to apply. It wasn’t just the money; it was the title. I wouldn’t just be a condom carrier — I’d be a queen. I imagined for myself a glistening crown and a regal velvet robe. My loyal subjects would kneel humbly at my feet. My nation would be sovereign, mighty and 100 percent STDfree. All I needed was a fellow monarch — after all, carrying around a bunch of condoms every week with a total stranger

didn’t sound like much fun. The email suggested one monarch be a Community Health Educator, so I immediately thought of my suitemate Joyce, who had just gotten into the program. When I read her the job description, she immediately burst out laughing. I don’t know how I managed to inveigle Joyce into joining my quest for the throne, but we hatched a plan to apply as a team. The email asked applicants to give a “vision” for the position, so naturally we drafted two replies with the gravity of a formal internship application. I wrote about my passion for community service. Joyce may or may not have mentioned “checking for air bubbles” in the condoms. A week later, the word came back from JECC: there were an unprecedented number of “qualified applicants” so the council would narrow us down based on our emailed statements to determine who would get an interview. We would find out in a week. Welcome to Yale. I struggled to imagine qualifications other than functioning hands and legs. We waited anxiously. We cornered JECC freshman at lunch to make our case (though adhering to campaign ethics, we never resorted to bribery). Our freshman counselor heard us obsessing about it so much that she

sent a letter of recommendation to the JECC president, titled “Condomz.” Twice that week, I introduced myself to someone in JE and was referred to as “that condom girl.” Then, on Sept. 21, a small victory: an email saying we’d made it to the final round. We’d each be required to give a two-minute presentation on our qualifications and goals for the position in front of the JECC, followed by a Q&A period. As Joyce and I prepared our talking points, we realized the most daunting task of all wouldn’t be the presentations themselves. It’d be making sure we could say “Condom Monarch” without dissolving into laughter. As we walked over to JE for the interviews, we repeated the phrase over and over until it lost all meaning. When my turn arrived, I walked nervously into the master’s house and was greeted by the amused expressions of 20 JECC members. I made my speech, mentioning how I wanted to get involved in JE as a freshman since I could already tell it’d be a huge part of my college experience. When I finished, one girl raised her hand. “So … just to clarify,” she said, “You think JE will be a big part of your college experience? Or condoms?” I struggled to find a response as

the JECC let out a collective giggle. That night, our plans came crashing down. A jovial Facebook post alerted freshmen that JECC members had decided after the interviews to just save $600 and refill the condoms themselves. In a word: heartbreak. Joyce and I had already planned our reign. We’d joked with other freshmen about putting “Condom Monarch” on our Facebook profiles. We’d imagined our future employers scanning our resumes, only to find the title listed under the “job experience” section. And against all odds, we’d actually begun to care about the position. But JE had risen up against its monarch and had stolen the throne. I suddenly felt a deep compassion for King Louis XVI. If this was democracy, I wanted nothing of it. I’ve recovered since that night (faring considerably better than Louis XVI). And maybe to the relief of my parents and future employers, my extracurriculars won’t revolve around Yalies’ post-Toads tomfoolery. I won’t be Condom Monarch, but I haven’t given up hope. I’ll find another kingdom to conquer. ABIGAIL BESSLER is a freshman in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact her at .


A nonexistent legislature N

obody knows what a perfect legislature looks like. Tackling the question in the Politics, Aristotle prefaces it with the caveat, “Well, that’s a toughie, isn’t it?” You could take Directed Studies a thousand times, do all the reading, and watch CNN between seminars, but you still wouldn’t have an answer. Nobody ever will. But we do know one thing: it sure as hell looks nothing like this. Nothing like what’s happening in Washington right now, and nothing like what’s happening here in New Haven as a result. I’m not particularly qualified to write about this. I’m just a citizen and a voter who takes himself too seriously. But in shutting down the government rather than compromising, and in pursuing political gain at the expense of popular consent, Congress screwed us all. Anyone could write this column. Perhaps you haven’t heard, but as of Tuesday, we don’t have a government. It’s been shut down indefinitely while Congress foams at the mouth over the Affordable Care Act, which depending on who you ask is either largely OK or basically Nazism. The Republican House refused to fund the government without also defunding Obamacare, to which the Democratic Majority Leader literally replied, “Grow up.” With neither side willing to budge and the federal government out of cash, at


WRITE TO US All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission.

12:01 on Tuesday morning, Washington, D.C., and federal agencies around the country closed their doors until further notice. We get it: people disagree. This is an inevitable and important feature of government and a society. No party system that isn’t roughly evenly matched could survive. People have literally been beaten on the floor of the Senate before. But as a U.S. congressman, even if you take issue with the nation’s trajectory, even if you have the votes in Congress to make your demands heard, there are better ways to go about expressing that than making American people suffer to prove a point. You wouldn’t crash your car because you didn’t like your passengers’ music selection. There are alternatives to uncompromising militancy, but opponents of the ACA (read: ultraconservative Republicans) don’t seem to care. Why do we expect our representatives not to crash the car if they don’t like the music? Because we require and assume a modicum of common decency and empathy, a refusal to sacrifice the country in a disingenuous attempt to better it. For those not living on Capitol Hill, this isn’t a game of political chicken. Shutting down the government isn’t just a news item for Connecticut’s roughly 9,000 now-furloughed federal employ-

A diverse ROTC

Yesterday’s article (“An unjust ROTC,” Oct. 2) argued that ROTC’s exclusion of transgender individuals should be a reason to remove military training from campus. It could not have been more wrong. Having a military presence on campus adds a commitment to diversity that is distinct from the rest of Yale. President Peter Salovey, in his freshman address, encouraged new Yalies to have “uncomfortable conversations” about their differences in socioeconomic standing. The truth is, Salovey cannot force suitemates to have uncomfortable conversations. ROTC requires them. It is almost certain that every midshipman and cadet will, during their military careers, encounter superiors and subordinates with different backgrounds. Their job is to figure out how to bridge divides in order to create an effective force. It does not much matter if a superior officer has a vastly different perspective than his or her subordinate — the officer is duty-bound to treat subordinates fairly, and subordinates are required to follow supe-

ees. It doesn’t seem much to ask that even if a representative thinks mainly of his electorate, he keep some corner of his conscience reserved for the other, say, 299 million people living in America. Just because they aren’t voting for him doesn’t mean a Congressman from Arizona should entirely ignore the needs of New Haven’s 36,210 food stamp recipients, whose benefits might begin to waver if the shutdown persists. Connecticut’s slow economic recovery, having gained back half of the 120,000 jobs lost, is jeopardized as well. The consequences of this political staring contest are real, and dire, and you don’t have to look far to see them. New Haven, the state of Connecticut and the country at large are innocent bystanders, but all the more vulnerable for it. The most damning episode of this whole sorry saga is one that’s been surprisingly underplayed. The Senate, before the shutdown, sent the House a temporary spending bill that would have kept the government running while the debate over the ACA continued. But Speaker John Boehner didn’t even let it go to a vote — he tabled it because it was almost certain to pass with support from Democrats and moderate Republicans. This isn’t gridlock; it’s manipulation. This isn’t the American electorate split down the middle;

riors’ orders. Finding some common ground is necessary. Removing ROTC from Yale — committing the same mistake made during the Vietnam era — would be counter-productive to the stated goal of encouraging diversity. When liberalminded Yalies say they want to see the military allow transgender servicemembers, what they really mean is that they want to see a military that more accurately reflects their values and the values of the University. If they want more members of the military to share their opinions, they should look in the mirror. ROTC — and the eventual officer corps — is as diverse as the students who elect to sign up. Join ROTC, become officers and affect policy. Change comes from within, not without. Diversity is not a buzzword for the military. A full third of active duty personnel identify as racial minorities. Almost all officers have college degrees, while many enlisted personnel do not. And none of these statistics take into account servicemembers’ greatly varying political outlooks and personalities. If Yale wants to shift a national con-

it’s a cadre of lawmakers using the technicalities of their positions to subvert the popular will. It’s politics before people. Nobody benefits from a government shutdown, not even the constituents of the congressmen behind the whole escapade. Nobody wants a shutdown, either: an overwhelming majority of Americans want politicians to give ground rather than dig in. Obviously, concern for the nation’s welfare hasn’t been the flavor of the week in Washington, because if it were, we would have a government right now. Instead, we have John Boehner and Ted Cruz invoking “the American people” while refusing to listen to them. By taking the country hostage in pursuit of a political pipedream while preventing a decisive vote, Congress has shown its true colors. And so even as Congress continues to get paid to not do its job, over a million “essential” federal employees are legally required to report to work — without pay. Callous thoughtlessness and hypocrisy like this from the people running our country almost defies words. But with a Congress that cares more about staying in power than using it well, that’s par for the course. DAVID WHIPPLE is a sophomore in Pierson College. Contact him at .


versation about diversity or influence the military to change its policies, it should do so by showing the nation how the University is able to engage with a diverse military — and through engagement, perhaps change it. SAM COHEN The author is a junior in Calhoun College. This letter expresses the author's personal views only and not the views of Yale NROTC, the Department of Defense or any other entity.





HackYale is a student initiative that provides student-run lectures in web development, introductory programming and design. All classes and workshops are free to students.

HackYale features start-ups BY LILLIAN CHILDRESS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Yale students interested in technology now have a new way to search for jobs. Last month, HackYale — an organization that provides student-run lectures on web development, design and programming to Yale students — launched a new service that allows students to find job opportunities and internships at technology companies. Known as HackYale Jobs, the new website primarily features small startup companies handpicked by members of HackYale.

Smaller companies...don’t necessarily have the resources to send people here and recruit. ZACK RENEAU-WEDEEN ’14 co-director of HackYale “The goal is to give students as much information as possible when trying to decide which job or internship to pursue, and to give companies as much of a voice as possible when trying to recruit students,” said Zack ReneauWedeen ’14, a co-director of HackYale. The website currently displays brief descriptions for 10 technology companies, along with contact information and details about job openings. A representative of HackYale has spoken personally with each company and can say with confidence that the jobs being offered are quality opportunities, said Rafi Khan ’16, the other codirector of HackYale. Reneau-Wedeen said he came up with the idea for HackYale Jobs during the spring of his junior year, when he began thinking about finding a job after graduation. “It seems like the default move [for Yale students] is to look toward recruitment on campus,” he said. “One area that’s really left out [is] smaller companies because they don’t necessarily have the resources to send people here and recruit.” Khan said HackYale Jobs helps students because it draws attention to opportunities at small companies. This emphasis differentiates HackYale Jobs from services provided by Under-

graduate Career Services, said Aayush Upadhyay ’14, a member of HackYale and Yale Bootup, an organization that hosts annual hackathons for Yale students. The registration process for employers recruiting through UCS often requires that a company prove it is a verified employer and provide other credentials, Upadhyay said. “It would happen [frequently] that a startup or a small tech company has five, maybe 10 people, no [human resources] department, and they just don’t want to go through all the bureaucracy,” Upadhyay said. “So it’s easier to have this website where you can put up all this information.” Reneau-Wedeen said HackYale Jobs does not intend to compete with UCS and will not set up any interviews or be actively involved in the hiring process. Instead, the new service will feature opportunities that students might not discover otherwise and provide a starting-off point for students seeking jobs, he said. The website has already garnered thousands of hits within a couple weeks of opening, Reneau-Wedeen said, adding that about 10 new companies have already reached out to HackYale asking for their names to be put on the list. Though Michael Wu ’15, a computer science major, said the service will be a great way for sophomores and juniors to get in touch with startups, he added that “most computer science majors will probably still go through UCS.” Still, Wu said he appreciated how the website includes some personal contacts at companies. When students apply to jobs at larger firms through UCS it can take weeks for them to hear back, and the process can feel less personal, he said. Not all the jobs posted on the website are software engineering jobs, Khan said. There are also some product management jobs and positions for those with a background in economics. “We’re kind of just acting as that middleman service that makes each party aware of the other because that infrastructure isn’t really in place at Yale,” Reneau-Wedeen said. The site will likely add around five to 10 new companies by the end of the semester, he said. Contact LILLIAN CHILDRESS at .

Ishmael points to social change


Tokunboh Ishmael, one of Yale’s 2013 World Fellows, spoke at a Davenport Master’s Tea on Tuesday afternoon. BY TASNIM ELBOUTE CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Tokunboh Ishmael, one of Yale’s 2013 World Fellows and the cofounder of impact investment group Alitheia Capital, spoke to a small group of students Tuesday afternoon about how investments can create positive social change. At a Davenport Master’s Tea attended by roughly 15 students, Ishmael shared the story of how her career began in computer science and eventually meandered toward the founding of an investment firm based and focused in Lagos, Nigeria. In college, she studied computer science and business, intending to pursue a job in technology or finance. But after college, during her time working on mergers and acquisitions for a finance firm in Nigeria, Ishmael realized that she wished to make more of a social difference as well as a financial one. “I don’t want to invest for investment’s sake. I want them to be meaningful,” Ishmael said. The founding of Alitheia Capital — an investment management and advisory firm that channels investments into businesses and providing access to finance, energy and housing for low-income families — grew out of Ishmael’s ambition to establish a finance institution that could also benefit individuals on a micro level. The company connects corporations in urban areas to people in villages who

are in need of that corporation’s products. Ishmael went on to discuss specific issues that Alitheia has tried to tackle so far, such as indoor pollution caused by firewood used for cooking. The smoke generated from burning firewood for cooking can be so dangerous that it leads to infant deaths, she said — but the solution to a problem like this could lie in increasing access to cooking gas for Nigerian mothers who live in villages. Alitheia has worked with a corporation that sells cylinders of cooking gas to re-engineer its product and make it accessible to lowincome villagers, Ishmael said. “We are for-profit,” she said. “[But we’re] using the traditional investment practice to make a difference.” Another entrepreneurial endeavor that Alitheia has financed is an enterprise that increases access to banks for Nigerian villagers. This effort takes advantage of the increasing international trend of owning personal cell phones in order to increase bank access — since many village populations have cell phones, but not bank access, Alitheia helped finance an effort to create mobile platforms for banks so that villagers could use their phones as a medium to make transactions. Under this system, Ishmael said, financial security will be less of an issue and people will no longer have to store their money under a mattress. The Alitheia team members see themselves “not just as financiers, but

change agents,” Ishmael said. “We are using our investments to solve a social problem,” she said. Ishmael said that Alitheia is able to link people who have limited access to a product that will better their livelihood, such as cooking gas, and connect them with other corporations who are looking to increase their profit — thus creating a mutually beneficial relationship between the two, and also turning a traditionally excluded group into a marketable population. Students and community members who attended the talk voiced their appreciation of Ishmael’s efforts to create a significant, positive social impact, particularly in a field that often receives a bad reputation. Aaron Lewis ’16 agreed with the idea behind social enterprise — making money for a social purpose — and appreciated hearing from someone who is not “moving money around for the sake of moving money around.” Yanique Joseph ’00, a New Haven resident who has been active in the social enterprise world, applauded the fact that social impact was being made on a for-profit model. Another student, Talia Katz ’17, said she was glad that Yale was able to bring a speaker that is part of the social enterprise world. There are currently 16 Yale World Fellows. Contact TASNIM ELBOUTE at .

Community leaders talk Q house BY ISABELLE TAFT CONTRIBUTING REPORTER A group of community leaders met on Wednesday evening to discuss options for reopening the Q House, a community center on Dixwell Avenue that has been closed since 2003. From 1924 to 2003, the community center offered classes, enrichment programs and communal space for New Haven residents “ages zero to 100,” said Ward 22 Alderwoman Jeanette Morrison, who organized the meeting at the Wexler-Grant School to discuss the Q House’s future. The committee of three alderwomen, business leaders, clergymen and high school students unveiled a plan to construct a new building on the site of the old that would house both the Q House and the Stetson Library, currently located across the street from the shuttered Q House building. Because the state allocates funding for library construction in “distressed communities,” the plan would enable New Haven to secure state funding to construct the building, according to city architect Bill McMullen. The project is estimated to cost between $9 and $10 million. Under the plan, the state would cover about half of the total, with the source of the remaining funds still unknown. The committee proposed that leasing space in the building would cover some of the costs of operating the community center. “The first thing we have to do is get the building up,” Morrison said. “We need a building. We need an actual space.” In December 2011, Morrison organized a meeting of various groups that had been involved in discussions about the future of the Q House. In 2012, this group obtained city funds to conduct a study of the existing Q House


The Q House on Dixwell Avenue provided a welcoming community space from 1924 to 2003. A group of alderwomen and New Haven residents have begun talks to revive the center. building and develop options for reopening the center. Those options were presented at the meeting Wednesday evening. Architect Regina Winters showed a series of pictures of the inside of the Q House building and explained some of the major problems: broken windows, warped doors, poor ventilation, lack of conformity to modern accessibility code and mold throughout the building. One photograph showed green sludge

spreading across a counter in the Q House. “We’re not quite sure what that green stuff is but it’s not supposed to be there,” Winters said. “And it’s growing.” The study found it would cost between $5 and $7 million to bring the building up to code. Morrison said that led the committee to conclude constructing a new building would be preferable. The 40 audience members asked questions about the pro-

grams the new Q House would offer and how all the necessary funds would be procured. Morrison acknowledged that the committee didn’t have all the answers, since the plan was only recently developed. One questioner stressed the importance of community ownership and asked whether the plan would turn the Q House into a tenant of the library; Morrison said no, but she pointed to the financial impossibility of reopen-

ing the Q House without creative thinking to secure funds. “Right now as a community we don’t have the resources to be able to own the Q House,” Morrison said, “We the people are the Q House. That is just a building. What we need now is a safe haven, a community for our children, and a place for the community at large.” Audience member Louise Pierce, who has lived in New Haven for her entire life, said she

remembered spending afternoons and weekends at the Q House as a child in the 1950s. “I would like to see the Q House rebuilt, to open up again so that children can have some place to go just like I did,” she said. The old Q House building was constructed in 1969 and purchased by the city after the Q House closed. Contact ISABELLE TAFT at .




“Science does not know its debt to imagination.” RALPH WALDO EMERSON AMERICAN ESSAYIST

Breakthrough research nets two profs millions NIH FROM PAGE 1 now in widespread use — guanfacine, a drug that has been shown to strengthen function of the prefrontal cortex. Arnsten said this is an area of the brain critical for higher-order thinking. She added that she attributes winning the Pioneer Award to her success in identifying guanfacine as a neurological treatment. “This feels very huge because it’s [a] recognition of what we’ve accomplished, that we’ve broken through boundaries,” Arnsten said. “It’s also about [NIH’s] trust in us and what we will continue to do and I’m very moved by that.” Crawford was one of 41 sci-

entists to win a New Innovator Award, a prize that funds young researchers with potential to conduct novel research. He said he was thrilled and honored by the award, which totals nearly $2.5 million. This NIH grant money will be used to investigate the dual function of bacteria in the human gut, Crawford said. The same bacteria that sometimes treat inflammation in human intestines can drive colon cancer in a different situation, he said. Crawford added that only in the last five years have microbiologists begun to investigate the change in function of bacteria. Arnsten also said the research she will be conducting with the

NIH grant money is new for her field. With the grant, Arnsten will work to distinguish neurons found in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, an association area, from those found in most sensory areas. For many years, experts believed association and sensory cortices were fundamentally the same, but now Arnsten’s research has shown that neurons in the prefrontal cortex can disconnect and reconnect from their neighboring cells, while neurons in sensory areas cannot. The Pioneer Award will allow Arnsten to further this research and to see whether the “flexible” neurons in the prefrontal cortex are related to the brain degener-

ation that occurs in Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. “Hopefully understanding the unique vulnerability of association areas in the brain will lead to more informed strategies for preventing and treating these disorders,” Arnsten said. Arnsten said she is proud to be a part of NIH’s “High-Risk, High-Reward” program, because she thinks it is important to support innovation in biomedical research so scientists can continue to “break barriers.” NIH awarded 81 “High-Risk, High-Reward” grants in 2012. Contact PAYAL MARATHE at .

Award Distribution by Instituition University of California System Harvard MIT Yale


7 6



Professors Amy Arnsten and Jason Crawford (bottom) both received top grants from the National Institutes of Health.

Britton leaves Berkeley


Britton’s accomplishments include organizing an exchange program with a seminary in Ghana. DIVINITY SCHOOL FROM PAGE 1 students with social services around New Haven, respectively. Internationally, Britton built an exchange program between the Berkeley Divinity School and a seminary in Cape Coast, Ghana, in addition to strengthening Yale’s ties with the Diocese of El Salvador and leading annual trips to Anglican holy sites in Canterbury and Coventry, U.K. Reverend Steven Carlsen, the Berkeley Divinity School trustee heading the search committee to find a replacement, said that Britton’s departure was “not really” a surprise, as Britton has been in his role for an almost unprecedented length of time. While Carlsen had no word on Britton’s potential replacement — the Oct. 31 application submission deadline remains far off — he did say that Berkeley has been “getting a lot of interest” from “really wonderful people”

for the position’s first opening in 10 years. Shortly after Britton announced his departure, the school set up an email address to which potential candidates could send inquiries and applications. Still, colleagues said they are not yet ready to say goodbye. According to Sterling, Britton’s legacy as president and associate dean — a position he held prior to assuming the presidency — was his ability to integrate the school into one of the world’s largest research universities while also allowing it to retain its own distinct identity. “Whenever you merge two institutions, you’re going to have some rough edges,” he said. Among the approwvximately 90 students enrolled in the school, those interviewed said that Britton will be remembered for his ability to help them look beyond Sterling Memorial Quadrangle and towards New Haven and the world.

Britton’s departure will be a sad loss, said Cecil Tengatenga DIV ’17, recounting how Britton’s global initiatives for the school influenced his decision to remain at Yale Divinity School rather than leave for another program. “You think, ‘What am I getting myself into,’ and he sort of contextualizes that within the global Anglican community,” Tengatenga said. He added that this international emphasis has deeply impacted his understanding of major issues that the Episcopal Church will have to face in the 21st century — for example, he said, a leader who thinks internationally can have a large role in controversial church debates, such as whether or not to ordain gay priests. Britton’s successor will officially assume his or her new post on June 1. Contact DAVID BLUMENTHAL at .




“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” MARK TWAIN AMERICAN WRITER

Alumni panel discusses education BY WESLEY YIIN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER An education panel of all-star Yale alums gathered at Dwight Hall last night to share their career experiences and thoughts about how to fix the most pressing issues in the field. The event was the first in exCHANGE, a planned series of forums on critical issues surrounding education moderated by professor Elizabeth Carroll, director of education studies. Over 50 students, educators, experts in education and members of the Yale community participated in this first installment of the program. The event brought together a panel of experts from many different backgrounds to speak, including Melissa Bailey ’04, managing editor and education reporter for The New Haven Independent, Josh Griggs ’03, chief administrative officer of Teach for America (TFA), Katya Levitan-Reiner SOM ’08, director of field impact for Student Achievement Partners in New York and Garth Harries ’95, the superintendent of New Haven Public Schools.

A lot of what can be done now in our society has to be done at the city level. CARLOS TORRE President, New Haven Board of Education At the end of the panel, participants broke out into groups and continued the discussion amongst themselves. “This is a different style of panel,” said Peter Crumlish, executive director of Dwight Hall. “What we’re going to do today is really about creating

conversations and helping to bring as many voices into the conversation as possible.” Each panelist gave a brief introduction to their experiences in New Haven and at Yale, which they said were catalysts for their careers. While taking sociology courses at Yale, Griggs said he came to realize that race, class and privilege govern issues in education and also in many other fields. Griggs said he took this awareness to TFA in 2003 after he graduated from Yale. Harries agreed that his experience at Yale pushed him towards community involvement. Harries said New Haven helped him make the decision to come to Yale because he thought the university was more invested in the community than some of its peers. Each of the panelists was then asked by Carroll their beliefs about the most significant challenges in education today. The “trauma” felt by students in low-income households is what Bailey said she believes is the most pressing issue in education today. She added that its negative effects are lasting and hard to erase. Griggs responded that the main problem the field faces is lack of attention from the public. “Until we get to a place where the average middle-class person sitting around [his] dinner table feels like education is one of our most pressing problems to solve in this country, we will continue to have a problem,” Griggs said. After hearing from the experts, participants were then given a chance to discuss in groups their responses to the panelists’ views and their own solutions for how to fix the broken system of education. Many were in agreement with the speakers and also discussed society’s negative perception of


Yale alums shared their career experiences and thoughts about how to fix the most pressing issues in education at a panel talk on Wednesday. teachers. The event concluded with a question-and-answer period, which allowed audience members to engage directly with the panelists. During the question-and-answer session, Carlos Torre, the president of New Haven’s Board of Education,

took the opportunity to address the audience. He encouraged participants to be more involved in city politics. “A lot of what can be done now in our society has to be done at the city level,” Torre said. Another audience member asked how to stay involved and

informed in public education, to which Griggs answered that she attend local school board meetings. Participants said they were impressed by the speakers and by the format of the panel. Cathy Huang ’14 said that she didn’t think there were many

opportunities at Yale to “hear people talk candidly” as they did at the exCHANGE forum. Harries was appointed as the superintendent of New Haven Public Schools in July. Contact WESLEY YIIN at .




“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” MARK TWAIN AMERICAN AUTHOR AND HUMORIST

Jewish life center transitions leadership SLIFKA FROM PAGE 1 position because she saw it as an opportunity to influence Jewish life at Yale, which she said has reached a pivotal moment. Ponet said he is stepping aside after 32 years of involvement with Jewish life at Yale. He added that he is looking forward to spending more time in the library catching up on writing and reading. He said his proudest achievement has been overseeing the creation of one of the “most beautiful, effective and well-endowed buildings on campus to support Jewish life.”

[Cohen can] combine both [religious and secular] worlds with her rabbinic experience and her business experience Rabbi James Ponet ’68


Rabbi Leah Cohen will succeed Rabbi James Ponet ’68 as senior director and chaplain of the Slifka Center.

Shutdown impacts scholars SHUTDOWN FROM PAGE 1 dent in the Political Science Department and a former multimedia editor for the News, relies largely on government data sets to conduct her research on American politics. “It’s really frustrating when you study the government, and the government is trying to prevent you from studying the government,” she said. For students aspiring to work in government next year, the shutdown could not have come at a worse time. Undergraduate students interested in joining the Central Intelligence Agency were informed via email yesterday that an Oct. 8 information session on campus had been cancelled. Seniors seeking to apply for federal government jobs had to put the process on hold. Yale, like many major universities, relies on the federal government for massive amounts of research funding. The National Institutes of Health is the biggest supplier of research funds at universities across the country, and the next round of grant applications is due Oct. 5. Still, since those grants are not supposed to be distributed until December or January, a major disruption to research funds is unlikely. Universities that are more reliant on federal funding found themselves in an even more precarious position. Johns Hopkins University, located in Maryland, is the biggest recipient of federal research money; it takes in about $1.88 billion in federal grant money. Some of its projects that involve collaboration with federal researchers came to an abrupt halt on Tuesday. H o p k i n s, wh e re m o re than one in four workers are employed by the federal government, sent out a campuswide email on Tuesday, stating, “many within our community

may have family or friends who are federal employees who could experience negative ramifications.” “The longer this goes on, the more of an impact there will be,” Hopkins spokesman Dennis O’Shea told the News on Wednesday. In New London, CT, less than 50 miles from New Haven, 142 out of 244 civilian employees at the Coast Guard Academy were furloughed. This includes much of the library and athletic staff. When asked about the academy’s plans were the shutdown to continue, Spokesman Lt. Paul Rhynard demurred. “Your guess is ultimately as good as anybody else’s,” he said. At the United States Military Academy in West Point, disruptions were especially severe. All civilian professors were furloughed, the campus supermarket was closed, books could no longer be checked out of the library, maintenance staff was sent home and varsity athletic teams had to suspend travel plans. “If this continues for more than a few days, we’re gonna have a pretty drastic lifestyle change,” a West Point senior told the News on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak with the media. A junior at West Point, three of whose professors were sent home on Tuesday, expressed disdain for Congress. He said the shutdown demonstrated “complete disregard for people who do a lot for this country.” Negotiations at the White House have so far produced little in the way of a resolution to the shutdown. The federal government last shut down in the winter of 19951996. Contact MATTHEW NUSSBAUM at .

Ponet said he fully supports Cohen’s vision for Slifka and commended her for her combination of business skills and religious commitment. Cohen previously worked in

both the US and international healthcare field, and was later ordained at Hebrew Union College in 2000. Of the five students interviewed, all said that the Slifka Center is largely successful in engaging with students and hosting events. Jessica Saldinger ’15, co-president of the Young Israel House at Yale, said Ponet has been a very visible presence in the center. “He spends a lot of time talking to students and acting as a spiritual and life mentor,” she said. Saldinger said that Rabbi Cohen is “a wonderful person” and added that she expects Cohen will be a good leader for the community. Ezriel Gelbfish ’16 said he hopes that Cohen will continue to host lectures at Slifka similar to one he attended recently, which was given by Dr. Gabriel Citron, a postdoctoral fellow in Judaic Studies at Yale. The Slifka Center formally opened in 1995, bringing together Hillel, the Kosher Kitchen, and Young Israel House. Contact LARRY MILSTEIN at .





Dow Jones 12,345.67, +89.01

S NASDAQ 12,345.67, +89.01 S Oil 12,345.67, +89.01

NSA chief admits to tracking BY KIMBERLY DOZIER AND STEPHEN BRAUN ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — National Security Agency Chief General Keith Alexander revealed Wednesday that his spy agency once tested whether it could track Americans’ cellphone locations, in addition to its practice of sweeping broad information about calls made. Alexander and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on proposed reforms to the NSA’s surveillance of phone and internet usage around the world, exposed in June by former NSA analyst Edward Snowden. But neither spy chief discussed proposed reforms; instead they were questioned about new potential abuses that have come to light since then. Alexander denied a New York Times report published Saturday that said NSA searched social networks of Americans searching for foreign terror connections, and detailed 12 previously revealed cases of abuse by NSA employees who used the network for unsanctioned missions like spying on a spouse. He said all employees were caught and most were disciplined. Alexander and Clapper also told lawmakers that the government shutdown that began Tuesday over a budget impasse is seriously damaging the intelligence community’s ability to guard against threats. They said they’re keeping counterterrorism staff at work as well as those providing intelligence to troops in Afghanistan, but that some 70 percent of the civilian workforce has been furloughed. Any details on the jobs held by the furloughed employees are classified. Congress is mulling changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that some believe allows the NSA too much freedom in gathering U.S. data as part of spying on targets overseas. Alexander told the committee that his agency once tested, in 2010 and 2011, whether it could track Americans’ cellphone locations, but he says the NSA does not use that capability, leaving that to the FBI to build a criminal or foreign intelligence case against a suspect and track him. “This may be something that is a future requirement for the country but it is not right now because when we identify a

S S&P 500 12,345.67, +89.01 T T

10-yr. Bond 12,345.67, 9.01 Euro $1.75, +0.01

Pressure mounts to fix health insurance


The page asking visitors to stay on during the log in process of the Health Care Marketplace website Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013. BY JULIET WILLIAMS AND RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR ASSOCIATED PRESS


National Security Agency Director Gen. Keith Alexander pauses while testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013. number, we give it to the FBI,” Alexander said. “When they get their probable cause, they can get the locational data.” He said if the NSA thought it needed to track someone that way, it would go back to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court — the secret court that authorizes its spying missions — for approval. He added that his agency reported the tests to both House and Senate intelligence committees, and that the data was never used for intelligence analysis. Only last week, Alexander refused to answer questions from Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., about whether his agency had ever collected or planned to collect such “cell-site” data, as it is called, saying it was classified, but the general said the NSA released the information in letters to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees ahead of the Judiciary Committee

meeting Wednesday. Wyden was not satisfied with Alexander’s answer. “After years of stonewalling on whether the government has ever tracked or planned to track the location of law abiding Americans through their cellphones, once again, the intelligence leadership has decided to leave most of the real story secret — even when the truth would not compromise national security,” he said. Alexander acknowledged his agency collects data from social networks and other commercial databases to hunt foreign terror suspects but is not using the information to build private files on Americans. He said the operations are only used in pursuing foreign agents and sweeping up information on Americans if they are connected to those suspects by phone calls or other data.

The pressure is on for the federal government and states running their own health insurance exchanges to get the systems up and running after overloaded websites and jammed phone lines frustrated consumers for a second day as they tried to sign up for coverage using the new marketplaces. In some ways, the delays that persisted Wednesday were good news for President Barack Obama and supporters of his signature domestic policy achievement because the holdups showed what appeared to be exceptionally high interest in the overhauled insurance system. But if the glitches aren’t fixed quickly, they could dampen enthusiasm for the law at the same time Republicans are using it as a rallying cry to keep most of the federal government closed. “It was worse today than it was yesterday,” Denise Rathman of Des Moines said after she

tried for a second day to log onto the Iowa site. Rathman has insurance through Dec. 31 but said she is eager to sign up for a policy because of her psoriatic arthritis, which has caused her to be denied insurance in the past. David Berge, a pastor with two young children in Shoreview, Minn., tried unsuccessfully at least 10 times to create an online account on the state-run site MNsure. His high-deductible plan expires at the end of the year. “I’m anxious to see what the insurance is going to look like for my family at the beginning of the year,” Berge said. “That’s a big unknown right now. I want to figure that out as soon as possible so we can begin planning.” In California, home to 15 percent of the nation’s uninsured, officials pulled the enrollment portion of the Covered California site down overnight for emergency upgrades. It was restored midmorning Wednesday, and 7,770 people had started applications by then, spokesman Roy Kennedy said.









Mostly sunny, with a high near 76. Light and variable wind becoming north around 6 mph in the morning.


High of 77, low of 58.

High of 77, low of 59.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 5:00 PM “Why We Should All Be Feminists” — TedTalk by Chimamanda Adichie. Hosted by the Yale Undergraduate Association for African Peace and Development, the talk explores the issues that women across the world are facing and dismantles the idea that feminism is “un-African.” How might we all - including men - strive towards gender equality and re-think our conception of gender roles? Silliman College (505 College St.), Silliflix. 8:00 PM New Music New Haven. The Yale School of Music features the exciting music of Aaron Jay Kernis and Hannah Lash alongside new works by graduate students in the school’s composition program. Free admission. Sprague Memorial Hall (470 College St.), Morse Recital Hall.



7:00 PM Homegrown on Common Ground: Duke Ellington Jazz Series. The concert features international musicians performing jazz, blues and art songs from the James Weldon Johnson collection housed at Yale’s Beinecke rare book Library. All the performers are “homegrown,” for each received part of their musical education in local institutions including the Neighborhood Music School, Educational Center for the Arts, and the Yale School of Music. The concert is part of the Beinecke Library’s 50th anniversary celebration. Sprague Memorial Hall (470 College St.), Morse Recital Hall. 8:00 PM “The Most Beautiful Thing in the World.” One of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers is coming to the Yale Cabaret for three nights only. Come and discover the power of the YOUniverse! Part self-help seminar, part clown show, “The Most Beautiful Thing in the World” will open your mind, explode your heart, and change your life in 60 minutes, tops. Yale Cabaret (217 Park St.).

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 2:00 PM Jazz at the Underbrook. Free performance by Department of Jazz. Saybrook College (242 Elm St.), Underbrook Theatre.


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“The uglier a man’s legs are,the better he plays golf — it’s almost a law.” H. G. WELLS ENGLISH WRITER

Randall thrives on offense you feel about tying Q:theHowYaledorecord with your three receiving touchdowns and one rushing touchdown?

have a finite time to play football. Once you realize that, you really try to take advantage of all of the opportunities that you have to play. It’s allowed me to come back stronger and as a better player.


are your personal goals Q:forWhat the season?


: It’s awesome. Anytime you can break a record or even tie a record, I think it’s a huge accomplishment. But, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the receivers blocking for me and everyone else who contributed to that.

What has been the toughest Q:challenge you have faced in your football career?


: I would say it was my injury from last year. It was real tough to sit out last year especially when we went 2-8, and I couldn’t contribute to the team. I think that was really tough for me because I feel like playing football has given me a sense of identity. It’s given me a broader purpose. I like being on a team where we work towards a common goal, and being part of a brotherhood. So, not playing last year… was definitely an obstacle.

How has coming back from Q:your injury been for you so far?

Has your football mentality or style of play changed at all because of the injury?


: It’s definitely made me hungrier to play football. You kind of redevelop a hunger for the game. The time you sit out, you miss it — you understand why you have a passion for the game and that’s what happened. I appreciate being on the field more. You realize that you only


: Well, first of all, I want to win. I think everyone wants to win, and we definitely want to beat Harvard. As far as personal goals, I want to continue to break records, and potentially be an All-American. That doesn’t just happen at the end of the season — it happens by working hard each game.


Over the last year, the football Q:team has changed significantly

with the introduction of a new quarterback, a new head coach, and a new offense. What are your thoughts on these changes and how have you been adapting to them?


: I like them. I like the new coach: Coach Reno does a tremendous job getting his players prepared and ready for games. Hank Furman ’14 came in as a quarterback, and I think he’s done a tremendous job working hard to assume his position as quarterback and facilitate our offense. And I like the new offense because it accommodates a lot of our players—it gets a lot of our players out in open space with the opportunity to make a lot of plays one on one against the defense. I think it’s a great offensive system that we’re able to make plays in.


Deon Randall ’15 earned Offensive Ivy League Player of the Week honors for his effort against Cornell. What do you find most exciting we continue to do well Q:about the Ivy League. I think we this year’s football team? A:inI hope


: We have a lot of playmakers. We have a lot of guys who are dangerous on the perimeter and on the inside. But I also think we have a lot of leadership, which is awesome to see within a football team because, [although] you have leadership from the coaches, having leadership within your football team also helps allow for a certain order of discipline.

forward to the rest of Q:theLooking season, what are your hopes and goals for the team?

have enough athletes to give ourselves the opportunity to win — we just have to compete hard. We can be as good as we want to be. But it also depends on how we prepare and how we play each game. The thing is, there’s so much parity in the Ivy League that any game could be taken or taken away. So, we have to work hard and take everything play by play. I think the outcome of the season will be big–the little things will take care of the big things.

our first tournament of the year and hosting it on our home courts,” Hamilton said. “We’re playing three good teams that we didn’t face last year, and we’re really excited to showcase how hard we’ve been working and get some good wins under our belt.” The Elis will host ranked opponents Purdue and Penn State this weekend. Though Yale trounced Purdue 7–0 when they last met in 2011, the Boilermakers ended last season ranked No. 27, nine places ahead of No. 36 Yale. Purdue may pose the stiffest challenge to the

Elis throughout the coming tournament. Yale will also face another top 50 squad: No. 47 Penn State. The Nittany Lions will look to upset the Bulldogs at home and make a jump in the NCAA rankings. Ree Ree Li ’16 said that playing these opponents at home was a great opportunity for the team. “As a team we’re really excited to start the season with home matches,” Li said. “We’ve been working hard and cannot wait to be back on the court competing together.” Last season, Yale tennis dominated Ivies Brown and Dartmouth, winning 6–1 and 5–2 respectively,

Furman steady at quarterback FOOTBALL FROM PAGE 12 ing yards and 540 rushing yards on the season through just two games. The Yale offense has been successful on the ground and through the air because of its ability to control the tempo of play with the no-huddle offense. Furman said he likes the versatility of the Eli’s attack and that he does not have a preference between running and passing the ball. “Our most basic offensive play has three options: handoff to Tyler Varga ’15, quick pass to Deon Randall or a quarterback keep,” Furman said. “The defense can’t possibly guard against all three. If there’s an opportunity to pass downfield, Chris Smith ’14, Cameron Sandquist, Keith Coty ’14 and Grant Wallace ’15 do a great job of finding open windows.” When there are so many options on a given play, it takes an intelligent, versatile and composed quarterback to make the right decision. Receivers need to trust their quarterback and have confidence in their decision-making. Randall noted these characteristics, as what he thinks are the most important traits of a quarterback. “What is important to me in a quarterback is how he responds when something bad happens,” Randall said. “I think it’s important for a quarterback to be a tremendous leader who stays positive, but also keeps his cool when the game isn’t going as planned. It’s football, things happen.” Sandquist identified Furman as

a natural born leader who knows how to make good decisions as the head of the offense. He added that Furman plays well under pressure and understands the team dynamic. According to Sandquist, chemistry is something that takes work to develop. He and Furman believe the Bulldogs’ chemistry levels are at an all-time high. “This season has been extremely different than my first three years at Yale,” Furman said. “There’s a continuity, a brotherhood that’s been missing in years past. I’ve never had so much fun on the football field.” Between a pace-setting offense, a quarterback homecoming and a team that is tighter than ever before, the Bulldogs put themselves in a position to achieve their season goals as a cohesive unit. Several of the Bulldogs said that while the team has long-term goals, the team’s focus is always on the short term. This week, the attention of the 2013 Bulldog football program is centered on their first-ever contest against Cal Poly on the west coast on Saturday. “They’ve never played an Ivy League team and apparently the game is sold out,” Furman said. “Ivy football is often called slow and boring; we can’t wait to prove them wrong.” Furman is a Portland, Ore. native and is an English major in Trumbull College. Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .

while tearing through most of their seven conference opponents. Yale has also had success in recent years against Boston College. Yale swept the Eagles 7–0 en route to an Eastern College Athletic Conference indoor tennis championship in 2012. With two freshmen, Caroline Lynch ’17 and Sherri Li ’17, on the roster, Yale should have an infusion of young talent, coupled with six returning players from their Ivy Championship squad. It will be up to four-time Ivy League Championship-winning coach, Danielle McNamara, to find a way to successfully utilize her two newest weap-

and beat some of the best teams in the nation, so we won’t back down from this opportunity to defend our title against the nation’s finest.” The tournament will be played at The Course at Yale, which has been voted the nation’s finest collegiate golf course by Golfweek for the past three years. “Playing at home is definitely an advantage in that we will know the course better than any other team,” Will Davenport ’15 said. “I hope that inside knowledge of the subtleties of the course will give us a tiny edge. That being said, the team that plays the best golf will win this week.”

I hope that inside knowledge of the subtleties of the course will give us a tiny edge. WILL DAVENPORT ’15 member of the golf team

ons and carve a path toward a third straight Ivy crown. “I’m super pumped for my first ever college tournament,” Li said in a message to the News. “I think it’s really nice that my first time competing in the YWT uniform will be right here at home. I know this is going to be an awesome experience, especially for Caroline and me!” The Bulldog Invitational will be held from Friday, Oct. 4 to Sunday, Oct. 6, as the Bulldogs embark upon their 2013-’14 Ivy League campaign.

The Course at Yale was designed in the 1920s by Charles B. MacDonald, a renowned golf course architect and USGA co-founder. Known for its tricky greens and fairways, the course will challenge all of the teams playing this weekend. With that in mind, the Elis know fully well how important home-course advantage will be. As two-time defending tournament champions, the Elis will have targets on their backs as opposing teams seek to claim the title for their own. Still, the Elis remain motivated, fueled by their goal to be among the top collegiate golf programs. When asked if competing for a third consecutive victory added any additional pressure, Joe Willis ’16 responded that trying to accomplish the feat may provide an advantage instead. “Having won the past two years gives us more momentum and confidence rather than adding pressure in my mind,” he said. “We know we can play well on our home course, so we just have to keep that positive mentality.” As runners-up in last year’s Ivy League championship, the Elis aim to maintain Yale’s tradition of athletic success. With several returning veterans and plenty of new talent this year, the Elis are more determined than ever to reach the top. The Macdonald Cup tees off at the Course at Yale on Saturday and will run through the afternoon on Sunday.

Contact MARC CUGNON at .

Contact KEVIN CHEN at

Contact JONATHAN YU at .

Tennis hosts tournament TENNIS FROM PAGE 12

Elis tee off at home


NHL Maple Leafs 3 Flyers 1

NHL Red Wings 2 Sabres 1


FIELD HOCKEY Providence 5 Brown 1


VOLLEYBALL Rhode Island 3 Brown 2


BLUE LEADERSHIP BALL YALE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT On November 22, five former Yale athletes will receive the George H.W. Bush ’48 Lifetime of Leadership Award. Rear Admiral Richard Lyon ’45, Patricia Melton ’83, Bruce Alexander ’65, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn ’56 and Jerome Kenney ’63 are the honorees.

PAULA HAGOPIAN ’16 WOMEN’S SOCCER Days after being named the Ivy League Player of the Week, the awards keep rolling in for the sophomore striker. honored Hagopian this week, deeming her a Week 6 Prime Time Performer. She had a goal and two assists last Saturday.

MLB Rays 4 Indians 0

“Ivy football is often called slow and boring; we can’t wait to prove them wrong.” HANK FURMAN ’14 FOOTBALL YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2013 ·

Furman ripe for the job FOOTBALL

BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER When back in the pocket, it helps a quarterback to know exactly what his receivers are thinking. After spending most of his junior season at wide receiver, quarterback Hank Furman ’14 has the extra experience it takes to lead the Bulldogs down the field every drive. Two games into the season, Furman has run in four touchdowns and completed 75.5-percent of his passes for 482 yards and three touchdowns. Furman had one start at quarterback last season against Princeton, where he went 18-for-28, but his ability as a quarterback blossomed in a late comeback against Harvard. Furman completed 13 of 20 passes in The Game, including a 46-yard bomb to wide receiver Cameron Sandquist ’14 that led to a touchdown.

BY JONATHAN YU CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Wide receiver Deon Randall ‘15 burst onto the scene on Saturday in a win against Cornell, hauling in a Yale record-tying three touchdown receptions. The San Diego native led the football team in 2011 in receptions with 48 catches en route to All-Ivy honors. But a shoulder injury forced him to miss the entire 2012 football season. After taking a semester off last year to help rehab, Randall has quickly emerged this season as one of Yale’s top offensive threats.


There’s a continuity, a brotherhood that’s been missing in years past. I’ve never had so much fun on the football field. HANK FURMAN ’14 QUARTERBACK Sandquist spent hours with Furman and ran many of the same plays as him when they were both part of the receiving corps. “Him experiencing [being a receiver] and then switching back to quarterback makes it that much eas-

Deon’s breakout game on Saturday, which also included a rushing touchdown, earned him Ivy League Offensive Player of the Week honors. The News talked with Deon about his record-tying performance, his comeback from injury and the team’s goals for the season.


Furman has been efficient under center, completing 75.5-percent of his passes for three touchdowns and no interceptions. ier to communicate,” Sandquist said. “He understands how to move the ball better and he’s able to translate things from his quarterback knowledge into a way that receivers understand.” Teammates are excited to see Furman back under center for the Bull-

dogs, especially wide receiver Deon Randall ’15. Randall tied a Yale receiving touchdown record last weekend with three receptions against Cornell; all three passes came from Furman. “It’s great to see Hank back at the position he was recruited at,” Randall

Yale aims for three-peat BY KEVIN CHEN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The men’s golf team is no stranger to the Macdonald Cup, and this weekend the Elis seek to earn their third straight title in three years.

MEN’S GOLF The twelve teams competing this weekend make for a tough playing field. Among them are Ivy League rivals Cornell, Penn, Darmouth and Brown, as well as Illinois, who placed fifth at last

Randall talks return

said. “He’s really worked hard to be the quarterback he is and he’s doing a tremendous job.” By the numbers, the Bulldogs have a balanced attack, with 563 total pass-

on your win last SaturQ:dayCongratulations over Cornell. What are your thoughts on the game?


: I thought it was a fun game to play in. It’s always fun the first game out—being able to play in front of the student body and all of our Yale football fans. I’m just glad we got to pull off our first Ivy League win. It’s always a plus.



Bulldogs host Invitational

year’s NCAA championships. Coming off a strong 16-stroke victory at the Doc Gimmler tournment two weeks ago and a third place finish at the Fighting Irish Gridiron Golf Classic last weekend, the Elis enter the weekend feeling ready to compete with the top. “We definitely have confidence and momentum to draw on from the past few weeks, where we have found great success as a program,” Davenport said. “We know that we can compete with SEE GOLF PAGE 11


Captain Annie Sullivan ’14 is the ITA’s 88th-ranked women’s college tennis player. BY MARC CUGNON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Coming on the heels of an Ivy League title-winning season, the Yale women’s tennis team opens up Ancient Eight play this Friday with the Bulldog Invitational.


The Bulldogs have won the Macdonald Cup the past two years.


The home tournament will feature opponents from across the country, with

Dartmouth, Brown, Penn State, Virginia Tech, Iowa, Purdue and Boston College all traveling to the Elm City. Last year, Yale posted an astonishing 17–4 record, winning the Ivy League title with a near-perfect 6–1 conference record. Furthermore, Yale’s tennis squad demonstrated remarkable consistency on its home court, winning all 11 of its matches at the CullmanHeyman Tennis Center. With two Intercollegiate Tennis Association All-Americans on the roster,

Annie Sullivan ’14 and Madeleine Hamilton ’16, Yale is poised to repeat last year’s success. Sullivan, who is both team captain and the ITA’s 88th-ranked player, led the team in wins last season with a 19–1 record. Both All-Americans will be seeking to firmly establish themselves among the Ivy League’s elite this season, beginning at the Bulldog Invitational. “We’re really excited about having SEE TENNIS PAGE 11

NUMBER OF ALL PURPOSE YARDS THAT TAILBACK TYLER VARGA ’15 IS AVERAGING FOR THE FOOTBALL TEAM. Varga leads the Ivy League in that category through two games in 2013. He has earned most of those yards with his legs, as all but three of those yards have come on the ground.

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