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Third bedbug sighting at James Hillhouse High School draws ire
Storlazzi meets with Students Unite Now
Big day, Big Apple. Voters in New York will head to the polls to cast ballots for both the Republican and Democratic primaries today. Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich will appear on the GOP ballot, and Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 and Sen. Bernie Sanders will appear on the Democratic ticket. Trump and Clinton are both New Yorkers. In one week, Connecticut residents will vote in the state’s primary.
Fly the Coop(er). Journalist
Anderson Cooper ’89 has been selected as the recipient of the 2016 Yale Undergraduates’ Lifetime Achievement Award, Yale College Council President Joe English ’17 announced yesterday. While at Yale, Cooper was a political science major and men’s lightweight crew coxswain. He is currently the host of Anderson Cooper 360° on CNN. Cooper will accept the award in Battell Chapel on Friday.
You are now watching the Chairs. The Dean of Student
Affairs’ office announced the class of 2017 Class Day chairs yesterday. Larry Milstein ’17, an opinion editor for the News, and Joana Andoh ’17 will select next year’s speaker and serve as masters of ceremonies for Class Day exercises. Past speakers have included former President George H. W. Bush ’68, John Kerry ’66 and Vice President Joe Biden.
“M.” Thousands of members of
the student body were annoyed last night when they were added to the email panlist, “Atweek2010-plan.” Within hours, students had sent over 250 messages to the panlist, replying-all to the original email. The News congratulates the individuals who invaded the email inboxes of the Yale student body last night.
Matters in our own hands.
Mind Matters, a student organization committed to promoting mental health awareness and advocacy, will host a student panel titled “Faces of Mental Illness.” Five students will share their experiences with mental illness and mental health resources at Yale. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY
1983 Class Day chairs announce that feminist author Betty Friedan, who wrote “The Feminine Mystique,” will be the Class Day speaker. Friedan was the co-founder and first president of the National Organization for Women. Follow along for the News’ latest.
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Cultural literature showcase to go up in Bass Library PAGE 5 UNIVERSITY
For second year, Spanish draws no grad students BY VICTOR WANG STAFF REPORTER
on Monday. “Parents and students contribute based on sound needsanalysis principles; the University makes up the difference. These are universal principles adopted by all schools with need-based programs.” The administration has been criticized by students in the past for defending the student effort based on the need for what has been described by students and administrators as “skin in the game” — the idea that requiring students on financial aid to work to afford Yale makes them more invested in their educations. Students have maintained in the past that the policy
For the second year in a row, the Spanish and Portuguese Department will welcome zero new graduate students, as all six candidates to whom the department extended offers have declined to join the program next fall. In light of the news, no graduate courses will be offered in the coming academic year, temporary external Director of Graduate Studies Edward Kamens ’74 GRD ’82 told department faculty in a Sunday night email. Each ladder faculty member now “needs to reconsider” his or her teaching plans, Kamens wrote, as professors will only teach undergraduate courses in the coming year. Spanish and Portuguese graduate students only take courses in their first two years. The department has found itself entangled in controversy over the past year, after accusations surfaced in March 2015 of abuse of power and sexual harassment by some senior faculty members. An administrative review of the department last year found a climate of “fear and intimidation” but did not propose disciplinary action against any faculty members, leading some professors and graduate students to criticize the response as insufficient. The department’s failure to attract graduate student candidates over the past two years comes largely due to these controversies, which have been well-publicized. There were only 19 applications to the graduate program this year — less than half the usual number — and faculty members have also said that the pool of candidates was of lower quality than in previous years. Graduate students and faculty members interviewed said that while the enrollment result is unsurprising, it highlights the disastrous state of the department and the uncertainty of its future. “[The lack of incoming graduate students] is a disaster and would bring the long and distin-
Eyes on the prize. The
2016 Pulitzer Prizes were announced yesterday. Among the honorees is Elizabeth Alexander ’84, who was a finalist in the biography or autobiography category for her book, “The Light of the World: A Memoir,” which was published last year. Alexander taught English and African American Studies at Yale for several years before leaving the University to teach at Columbia this academic year.
The meeting was held at Student Financial Services. BY JON VICTOR STAFF REPORTER On Friday, representatives from the campus activist group Students Unite Now met with Director of Financial Aid Caesar Storlazzi in an effort to persuade him to endorse the group’s stance on eliminating the student effort. At the meeting, Storlazzi defended the existence of the student effort and refused SUN’s requests to advocate to other administrators on behalf of the group, according to SUN members present. The meeting, which roughly 25 members of SUN attended at Student Financial Services, was a fol-
low-up to a speak-out held by the group outside the same building on March 10. Three days earlier, SUN launched a website called that called for the elimination of the student effort and shared emotionally charged stories of student struggles with the expectation, as well as endorsements from 12 campus groups. In the meeting, Storlazzi doubled down on his claim that financial aid should take the form of a partnership between students, their parents and the University, according to SUN members who attended. “The partnership idea is fundamental to a need-based financial aid program,” Storlazzi told the News
F&ES leads carbon charge program BY FINNEGAN SCHICK STAFF REPORTER At the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, collective action from students, faculty and staff is making Yale’s pilot Carbon Charge Project more collaborative and educational. After University President Peter Salovey announced the pilot program — which charges 20 campus buildings at different levels depending on their energy use — in December 2015, the F&ES community has stepped into a leadership role among all participating buildings, departments and schools. Kroon Hall’s formerly high levels of energy consumption were reduced after F&ES students and faculty worked with Yale Facilities staff to discuss how the building could be made more energy-efficient. James Ball FES ’16, a master’s student specializing in sustainable building, penned an April 13 article on the F&ES website that demonstrates how the school is heading the reduction of energy use across all campus buildings participating in the Carbon Charge Project. Ball told the News that he wrote the article in part because the Carbon Charge Project initially appeared too focused on simply reducing energy use across campus and was neglecting the program’s broader educational potential. In the past four months, Kroon Hall’s energy use has been reduced by 7 percent relative to the building’s 2015 consumption — a decrease Ball hopes other campus buildings will learn to emulate. “You can reduce energy and still learn valuable lessons, or you can reduce energy and not learning anything from it. But in an academic institution, the learning has to be front and SEE FORESTRY PAGE 6
Caucus delivers State of the City address BY NOAH DAPONTE-SMITH STAFF REPORTER The Board of Alders’ Black and Hispanic Caucus used its annual State of the City address Monday evening to highlight three critical issues facing the city: jobs, housing and youth services. Much progress has been made since the caucus’ last State of the City address, in which Hill Alder Dolores Colon ’91 and Newhallville Alder Delphine Clyburn demanded that Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital hire more New Haveners to solve the city’s “jobs crisis.” In December, Colon noted Monday, Yale has pledged to hire 1,000 more New Haven residents over the next three years, with 500 coming from “neighborhoods of need.” Still, Colon said, more work
remains to be done, and she called for Yale-New Haven Hospital to contribute to the battle against joblessness. “The caucus will be in constant communication with Yale University … as they take actions to meet their hiring goals,” she said. “We thank Yale for stepping up to the plate on this issue. Now, Yale-New Haven Hospital, you need to step up to the plate and make a commitment to put New Haven residents back to work.” Jose Soto, a New Haven resident who joined Colon and Clyburn last year to describe his plight after being laid off from his pharmaceutical job in 2009, joined the alders again this year to attest to the benefits of permanent employment. Since he last spoke, he said, New Haven Works — an agency designed
to connect residents with jobs in the city — found him on-the-job training and a position at Yale. Now, Soto said, he has secured full-time employment with the city of New Haven, and his family has begun to repair their lives. Alders also addressed the status of low-income housing in the city, as well as the availability of youth services. Amity Alder Richard Furlow spoke at length about the need for all New Haven residents to have access to safe, affordable housing — an issue that has come to the fore after the discovery of hazardous chemicals and unsafe conditions at Church Street South, a housing project south of Downtown. “Good quality housing is a key SEE CAUCUS PAGE 6
Furlow praised Mayor Toni Harp at the address Monday night.