Today's Paper

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Mandi Schwarz Marrow Registry Drive expands to Old Campus today





Church St. South families to move out

Live from New York. Hillary

Clinton LAW ’73 and Donald Trump came away with big wins in the New York primary yesterday. On the Republican side, Trump took 60 percent of the vote, beating runner-up former Ohio Gov. John Kasich by 35 points. In the Democratic election, Clinton got 58 percent of the vote, defeating opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders by 16 points. The next primary election will be held in Connecticut on Tuesday.

Countdown. Ahead of next week’s election, several presidential candidates are campaigning across Connecticut. Sanders’ campaign has inquired about a Sunday evening rally on the New Haven Green. Clinton’s campaign will make a stop in Hartford on Thursday. Both Trump and Kasich have already visited the Constitution State but will return closer to Election Day. When you’re ready, Carne(get) it. Two Yale professors are

among 33 scholars who were named 2016 Andrew Carnegie Fellows. Sterling Professor of Economics William Nordhaus ’63 GRD ’73 will use the fellowship to fund research about the modeling of climate change, while Vesla Weaver, associate professor of political science and African American studies, will pursue a project examining the relationship between poor communities and the government. (Tsui)thearts. YouTube

sensation and former Duke’s Men member Sam Tsui ’11 came out as gay in a video blog post. In his video, Tsui also revealed his relationship with fellow YouTube musician Casey Breves. Shortly after the video was posted, Tsui and Breves shared photos from their recent wedding ceremony on Instagram.

I’m a celebrity, get me out of here. Take a break from

the stress of looming finals and play with some of Yale’s celebrity dogs on Cross Campus at 3 p.m. Sasha Pup and Handsome Dan will be there along with several other puppies. There will also be free cookies. The event will be hosted by Sigma Chi as part of the fraternity’s fundraising effort for the New Haven Animal Shelter.

Eat like a pig. Oink, a pop-up restaurant serving sustainable food, will make its next stop at Junzi Kitchen from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight. The chefs will be serving burgers, fries and fried chicken, among other items, for under $10. Oink’s last pop-up location was at Ordinary in February. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1992 The Black Student Alliance at Yale proposes that the University build a memorial to free speech and political activism in Beinecke Plaza. The memorial will replace an anti-apartheid wall that has stood in the plaza since 1988. Follow along for the News’ latest.

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CANNABUSINESS Yale alumni to launch marketing network for the marijuana industry PAGE 5 CITY

Faculty discuss shortening tenure clock BY VICTOR WANG STAFF REPORTER

by the end of September, according to regional HUD spokeswoman Rhonda Siciliano. “Once residents go through the certification process, they will be issued a voucher,” Siciliano said. “That process has already begun. The housing authority is working directly with the residents to get the vouchers into the tenants’ hands as soon as possible.” Siciliano added that of the 273

Yale may soon bring its unusually long tenure review process — which some have said leads to serious attrition of junior faculty — in line with that of other schools. For the first time since the current Faculty of Arts and Sciences tenure system, known as FASTAP, was put into place in 2007, a faculty committee led by FAS Dean Tamar Gendler is examining the ways in which the system can be improved and modernized. In March, after 14 months of work, the committee released draft recommendations to the FAS ladder faculty proposing several key changes that would bring Yale’s tenure review system closer to almost every other research institution in the nation. FAS ladder faculty members held a town hall about the recommendations on March 31, and a revised copy of the proposals will be circulated to FAS ladder faculty next week. They will vote on a final set of recommendations in the fall. The recommendations propose three major changes, the most significant of which is to cut the tenure clock — the period before a professor must be evaluated for tenure — from nine years to eight. All the other Ivy League schools either have seven- or eight-year tenure clocks. In the past, some faculty members have expressed concerns about the adverse effect Yale’s unusually long tenure clock has on the University’s ability to recruit and retain talented




Demolition began on Church Street South in March 2016. BY JIAHUI HU STAFF REPORTER Roughly 210 of Church Street South’s 273 families will begin to receive their golden tickets out of the condemned complex — federally funded housing vouchers — in the upcoming weeks. City officials, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and Northland, the private developer that owns the complex, called two meetings last week with

First law Ph.D.s set to graduate BY QI XU STAFF REPORTER Three students from the inaugural class of Yale Law School’s Ph.D. in Law program — the first of its kind in the nation — will graduate this semester, signaling much promise for a program that faced controversy at its outset. Amid national scrutiny, Yale Law School launched the nation’s first Ph.D. in Law degree program in 2012. Today, the institution is still the only top law school to offer a Ph.D. degree in law. The program chose five Ph.D. candidates out of 82 applicants for its inaugural class in fall 2013, and an additional five and three students for its subsequent two cohorts, respectively. Two students from the inaugural class deferred their graduation by one year. Of the three members graduating this semester — Maureen Brady LAW ’11 LAW ’16, Rebecca Crootof LAW ’11 LAW ’16 and Rory Van Loo LAW ’16 — two will begin tenure-track positions at law schools, and the third will serve as the executive director of a major law school research center — an appointment yet to be publicly announced. “The program aims to prepare students to make particularly important contributions in the field of legal study, and we are doing very well in that respect. We have produced strong students with excellent publication records,” said Gordon Silverstein, the Law School’s assistant dean for graduate programs. When the Law School first announced its three-year Ph.D. degree in 2012, legal scholars nationwide cast doubt on the relevance of the program. They questioned how the program, open only to those with a law degree, differs from the already existing dual degree that consists of a J.D. conSEE LAW SCHOOL PAGE 6

Church Street South residents to outline the process of voucher distribution. Of the 273 families to be relocated, 213 elected earlier this year to receive portable housing vouchers — federal funding to offset the cost of rent at any new home the residents can find. In the following weeks, the Housing Authority of New Haven will formally approve those 213 families to receive federal housing aid, with vouchers to be issued on May 18, 19 and 20. Families should all be moved out

YCC VP candidates prep for runoff BY RACHEL TREISMAN AND JOEY YE STAFF REPORTERS The height of the Yale College Council elections has passed, but two candidates are still vying for the vicepresidential position. In a close general election Friday evening, vice-presidential candidates Christopher Bowman ’18 and Kevin Sullivan ’18 garnered 33.21 and 28.49 percent of the vote, respectively. Although Bowman led by about 5 percent, the YCC constitution states that candidates can only win with less than 40 percent of the vote if they have at least a 10 percent lead over the next closest candidate. Because Bowman was only ahead by 5 percent, the vice-presidential election has proceeded into a runoff that opened Tuesday at 9 a.m. and will close at 9 p.m. tonight. As the runoff draws to a close, some former candidates have rallied behind each of the remaining competitors.

“We’re just trying to get every vote because every vote is important. Last time [the general election] was pretty tight, so I assume the runoff will be pretty tight as well,” Bowman said. “We’re trying to mobilize as many communities as we can get on this runoff, especially since it is not as much on the radar.”

S i n ce t h e r u n o f f ’s announcement, both vicepresidential hopefuls have received endorsements from former candidates. Former YCC presidential candidate Josh Hochman ’18 said he has chosen to endorse Bowman, highlighting his past experience working with him on YCC projects such as the

sophomore seminars project. Bowman worked with Hochman, who is this year’s YCC academics director, to push for expanded seminar access for sophomores, who do not currently have seminars earmarked especially for them. Bowman’s platform has simSEE RUNOFF PAGE 6


Christopher Bowman ’18 and Kevin Sullivan ’18 are competing in the YCC’s vice-presidential runoff.

UConn sexual assault rates below national avg. BY MAYA SWEEDLER STAFF REPORTER Rates of sexual violence at the University of Connecticut are lower than the most widely cited national average, according to the results of an independent survey released last week. The survey, conducted by the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium in November of 2015, asked more than 6,000 randomly selected undergraduate and graduate students at UConn up to 47 questions about the school’s general sexual climate, experiences of unwanted sexual con-

tact, bystander behavior and assault reporting procedure. UConn has 31,624 students and 1,499 responded to the survey. 5.5 percent of respondents to questions about sexual assault reported that they had experienced a completed sexual assault, with 6.5 percent reporting that they had experienced an attempted sexual assault. Additionally, 2.6 percent of respondents said they suspected, but were not sure, that they were sexually assaulted. The National Institute of Justice’s most recent Campus Sexual Assault Survey — the source of the oft-cited “1-in-

5” figure — reported in 2007 that 19.8 percent of college women experience either an attempted or completed sexual assault while enrolled at college. Despite the markedly lower rates of assault, UConn administrators maintain that there is no cause for complacency. “While our UConn results depict fewer incidents here than the national figures that are often reported, we must continue to do all we can to eliminate every single sexual assault and to increase awareness of sexual violence on our campuses,” UConn President Susan Herbst

wrote to the campus on April 11. UConn’s report listed types of unwanted verbal and physical interactions — such as unwelcome sexual advances and groping — as examples of behaviors that constitute sexual assault. At UConn, 82 percent of respondents said they felt safe on campus and 57 percent said they believed fellow UConn students would intervene if they witnessed a sexual assault. The results, Herbst wrote, “provide an important view into our students’ expeSEE UCONN PAGE 6

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