Today's Paper

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SOM not expanding class size despite increasing pool of applicants





ULA leader arrested at Atticus protest

Day one. Whether you’re on

the waiting list for the most sought-after seminar or trying to find a seat in the upstairs balcony of SSS 114, the News wishes you the best of luck on the first day of fall semester classes. Enjoy shopping period while it lasts.

If Howard Dean’s seminar doesn’t work out. By contrast,

many seminars seem quite lonely as of this morning. Elementary Classical Tibetan has one shopper. A Judaic studies seminar about revelation at Sinai has one shopper as well. This course lists reading fluency in ancient Hebrew as a prerequisite.

Other firsts. If you make it

through the first day of classes, there’s reason to celebrate at the first Woads of the year. For the class of 2020: Woads is the storied Wednesday night Yaleonly dance party at Toad’s Place. For Yale students over 21, penny drinks are served at 11 p.m.

Election 2016. According to Public Policy Polling, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 has a five-point national lead over her Republican opponent. GOP hopeful Donald Trump is polling at 37 percent, while Clinton has 42. Third-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have the rest of the vote. For your next happy hour. The Elm City’s newly reopened Anchor Bar got a shoutout in The New York Times Style Magazine yesterday. The review praises the bar’s “new cocktails, old vibe,” and points to the “Yale Beets Harvard” as a particularly enticing cocktail offering. The reason J. Crew has nothing good left. If you

see several smartly dressed Yale students making their way to The Study or Omni hotels, you can follow them to snatch some free refreshments. Consulting firms and investment banks will soon arrive on campus for recruitment. Bain & Company will make a presentation to interested juniors and seniors on Sept. 13 at the Omni.


2012 Just a day after University President Richard Levin announced plans to step down at the end of this academic year, Yale Corporation Senior Fellow Edward Bass ’67 ARC ’72 rolls out the Corporation’s plans for picking a successor. Follow along for the News’ latest.

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Old tennis coach Daniella McNamara returns to Yale for ninth season PAGE 12 SPORTS

10 grad depts file for union elections BY FINNEGAN SCHICK AND VICTOR WANG STAFF REPORTER

the warrant was issued. Lugo spent a night in jail before ULA raised $5,000 for his bail. Lugo said a warrant went out for his arrest after he did not appear at a court hearing for charges of civil disobedience following a July protest in Hartford. The protest, which took place outside Hartford’s U.S. Immi-

Several hundred Yale graduate students in 10 departments filed petitions Monday with the National Labor Relations Board requesting an election that would certify Local 33 UNITE HERE as a union, following the NLRB’s Aug. 23 ruling that graduate students at private universities have the right to unionize. Last week’s NLRB decision overturned a 2004 ruling by the board that stated that graduate students at Brown University were students, not employees. The latest ruling, which was 3–1 in favor of unionization, opens a path toward unionization for Local 33, a decades-old Yale graduate student group formerly known as the Graduate Employees and Students Organization that has long pushed for unionization. Since the ruling, Local 33 organizers have shifted their strategy, requesting union elections by department. Graduate students in 10 different departments are testing this tactic, becoming the first groups of graduate students at Yale to file for a unionization election. “We are really excited to file in 10 departments that have a very strong desire to unionize,” Local 33 Chair Aaron Greenberg GRD ’18 said. “We are



Long shots. With the new

preliminary course schedule deadline, students can browse course demand statistics online, and the chances of getting into some seminars seem slim. For example, former Governor of Vermont Howard Dean’s ’71 “The Politics of Foreign Policy” has 81 shoppers. And as expected, the most popular class is Intro to Microeconomics with 468 students currently signed up.



ULA organizer John Lugo was arrested at a protest Saturday. BY SARA TABIN STAFF REPORTER A workers’ rights protest conducted by Unidad Latina en Acción was halted Saturday evening after ULA organizer John Lugo was arrested by the New Haven Police Department. The protest, held outside of Atticus Bookstore and Cafe, was in response

to claims that former employee Basilio Santiago was unfairly dismissed without sufficient compensation last November. Lugo was arrested less than an hour into the protest by four NHPD officers. The officers on scene said Lugo’s arrest was unrelated to his behavior at Saturday’s protest. Instead, they said NHPD had an outstanding warrant for Lugo, but declined to comment further on why

Salovey delivers freshman address

M A X R I T VO 1 9 9 0 - 2 0 1 6

Talented poet, beloved friend dies at 25 BY MONICA WANG STAFF REPORTER “My genes are in mice, and not in the banal way that Man’s old genes are in the Beasts.

BY DAVID SHIMER AND VICTOR WANG STAFF REPORTERS Welcoming the class of 2020 against the backdrop of unceasing campus debate on inclusivity, discrimination and free speech, University President Peter Salovey encouraged freshmen to engage with ideas that differ from their own. At his annual freshman address in Woolsey Hall Saturday morning, Salovey told hundreds of students and their families that “false narratives” — like the notion that a university has to set aside free speech in order to foster a welcoming community — can be incredibly damaging. “I have a thick shelf of contemporary books assuring me that students at elite universities are merely excellent sheep … that students these days are fragile hothouse flowers, that it is not possible to achieve an inclusive campus culture without giving up on free speech and that our colleges and universities are cut off from reality,” Salovey said, citing a long list of false narratives about higher education. “You are now embarking on an ambitious and hopeful effort to understand the world, your place in it and what you can contribute to forward progress. How can you address the seductive power of false narratives, especially in a time when grave mistrust on many sides seems to be fueling ever more of them?” Salovey said Yale is a place for students to engage with differing viewpoints. “It is also a place to learn why it takes extraordinary discipline, courage and persistence — often over a lifetime — to construct new foundations for tackling the most intractable and challenging questions of our time,” he said. The president and Yale College dean have traditionally used the annual freshman address as an opportunity to launch campus conversations on some of the biggest topics in higher education. In past years, Salovey has spoken on the importance of freedom of expression and socioeconomic mobility. Last year, the president used the occasion to tackle the contentious campus debate on the naming of Calhoun College, challenging the class of 2019 to join in the discussion. Neither Salovey nor Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway made reference to continuing controversy surrounding the namesake of Calhoun College, fervent slavery advocate and Yale alum John C. Calhoun, SEE SALOVEY PAGE 4

My doctors split my tumors up and scattered them into the bones of twelve mice. We give the mice poisons I might, in the future, want for myself. We watch each mouse like a crystal ball.”


Max Ritvo ’13, an English major in JE, died last week of cancer.

So begins “Poem to My Litter,” a work about living with cancer by Max Ritvo ’13 that appeared in a June 2016 issue of The New Yorker. An English major in Jonathan Edwards College, Ritvo died of cancer on Aug. 23 at his home in Los Angeles. Family members and friends interviewed by the News lamented the loss of a gifted poet who had made a profound mark on American literature despite his youth, as well as a cherished friend, a loving son and a devoted husband. Ritvo was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, an extremely rare form of cancer, when he was 16. He spent one year during high school at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, where his cancer eventually went into remission. Ritvo became a member of the Yale College class of 2013 and soon walked through the gates of Phelps Hall as an excited freshman who impressed those around him with his poetic muse and sharp insights. His cancer, however, resurfaced in 2012, during his senior year, but he went on to graduate from Yale, complete an MFA program at Columbia University and marry his wife, Victoria Ritvo, last August. “Max’s distinction at first lay in his extraordinary critical intelligence; his was a voice quickest to pay homage,” said Louise Glück, an award-winning American poet and Yale English professor who taught Ritvo when he took her introductory poetry course and who later became his senior project adviser. “He was as hungry, as determined, as passionate a student SEE RITVO PAGE 4

2020 by the numbers: beliefs, experiences BY MICHELLE LIU AND MAYA SWEEDLER STAFF REPORTERS This is the second in a four-part series on the class of 2020. In the past few days, freshmen have milled about — in dining halls, in courtyards, across Old Campus and Cross Campus — repeating the same introductions: name, hometown, residential college.

While these initial meet-andgreet moments only skim the surface of who the class of 2020 really is, these freshmen, who hail from all 50 states and 50 different countries, who play competitive sports and who have excelled in academic and artistic fields alike, have begun to build the connections that will follow them through their next four years. And through late-night buttery trips

and bluebooking parties, Yale’s newest undergraduate cohort will begin to uncover what renders the class multifaceted: their backgrounds and experiences. A News survey distributed to the class of 2020 earlier this summer sheds light on these personalities. Nine hundred and forty-two memSEE SURVEY PAGE 6

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