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New Lesula species discovered in Democratic Republic of Congo


Elis improve on past performances in national tournament





Admins, security clash Alcohol

An empty wooden chair was spotted on Cross Campus late Wednesday night with a sign that read “The Empty Seat of Student Representation in the Presidential Search Committee.” Keeping up with politics.

Yalies gathered in droves Wednesday night to watch the first presidential debate between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The second debate will take place Oct. 16 and will include issues of foreign and domestic policy. Motivating the masses. A

group of Yalies have launched an online petition demanding greater transparency and student involvement in the ongoing search for Yale’s next president. Addressed to the Yale Corporation, the petition asks that a student representative be present at each committee meeting and that the minutes of each meeting be released to the public. It had garnered 354 signatures as of Wednesday afternoon.

Travel made easier. The New Haven Parking Authority and Connecticut Department of Transportation have teamed up to offer commuters valet parking at Union Station. The joint effort will also allow travelers returning to Union Station to text ahead of time and to ensure their cars are ready by the time they arrive. City debates redistricting.

Several Elm City aldermen have requested that some city streets be relocated to different wards after the redistricting map reportedly did not match the voter list. The Board of Aldermen voted last May on new ward lines to meet residents’ requests, but some are saying the new adjustments do not entirely make sense. Money in the bank. New

Haven’s Common Ground High School was awarded $105,890 from AT&T’s Aspire program, a grant that aims to improve academic success and graduation rates. Last year, more than 96 percent of the high school’s graduates were accepted to college.

Senior politics. Chris Murphy,

Democratic candidate for Connecticut’s open Senate seat, stopped by a senior center in Fair Haven on Wednesday. He reportedly delivered his message as the senior citizens played Pinochle, a card game.


1913 University administrators officially adopt the “Bowl” as the name for Yale’s football field, arguing that the term “amphitheatre” or “arena” do not quite convey the nature of the structure. In addition, they maintain that the word “bowl” appropriately describes the “concave vessel” and has the additional advantage of being short and memorable. Submit tips to Cross Campus


policy shifts


Where’s Clint Eastwood?


Yale security officers will be increasingly replacing police officers on patrol around campus.

Amid continued concerns over crime surrounding the University’s campus, the Yale Police Benevolent Association, or YPBA, the labor union representing the Yale Police Department, condemned new administrative policy on police and security deployment, which they said jeopardizes student safety. Tensions between Yale’s police force and the University administration, two parties who have had a tumultuous relationship for more than a decade, were apparent in a YPBA statement released Sunday that criticized changes in the way Yale’s police and security staff are assigned to patrol dangerous areas around campus. Since Sept. 9, Yale has reassigned security officers, who traditionally are posted inside university facilities, to street patrol roles in areas including Howe Street and Lynwood Place. That duty has typically been assigned to Yale’s police officers, who are professionally trained to patrol these “line beats” and carry firearms. Janet Lindner, the associate vice president for administration who oversees Yale police and security, said the change resulted from tightened budget conditions and will not threaten student safety. The police union, however, claims that replacing trained officers with unarmed security officers who cannot make arrests is misleading and endangers student safety. “The choice for Yale is clear: protect the lives of its students by deploying trained, professional law enforcement officers or be

As of Oct. 1, 2012, underage drinkers can get Connecticut property owners charged with a misdemeanor offense. Under a new law passed this June, any Connecticut property owner who permits underage drinking in his or her household “recklessly or with criminal negligence” could face a minimum of $500 in fines or one year in prison for first-time offenses. Serious offenders can now face charges of a class A misdemeanor — only one step below a felony — which calls for a fine of up to $2,000 as well as a possible one-year prison stint. State legislators — led by State Representative John Frey, Ridgefield First Selectman Rudy Marconi and Ridgefield Police Chief John Roche — approved Public Act 12-199, a revision of the milder Social Host Law, earlier this year. The new legislation, which came into effect Monday, strengthened the Social Host Law; the earlier law did not penalize property owners for underage drinking that occurred on their property without their knowledge and did not implement the misdemeanor for offenders. “People are still not automatically in violation if a minor is drinking on their property, but the person need not have actual knowledge to be in violation,” said Marconi. The stricter measures were enacted in response to the deaths of two Ridgefield, Conn. teens. In August 2011, high school student Jacqueline Brice crashed into a tree and a rock with a recorded blood-alcohol content of 0.19, more than twice the adult




CCEs talk sexual climate creatively ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA STAFF REPORTER “Tequila ginger ale,” Chloe Drimal ’13 said. “Or just tequila.” Three other seniors seated around Drimal at a long table in the back room of Viva Zapata Bar agreed with a laugh, as more students in the room shouted out the names of their favorite alcoholic beverages. But unlike a typical group of friends chatting over nachos at

Viva’s, the seniors were gathered for “SWUGLIFE: A Colloquium,” an informal panel discussion on issues seniors tackle in their final year on campus. The event was organized by the Communication and Consent Educators program, which Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Melanie Boyd ’89 said was launched last fall in part to foster organic, informal discussions about Yale’s sexual culture.

Through a mix of unconventional activities and more traditional workshops, the group has begun a flurry of initiatives early this year and are building on student feedback, Boyd said, adding that the 40 undergraduate CCEs interacted with 3,610 undergraduates in the program’s first year. All three students interviewed at the panel in Viva’s said they enjoyed the event. “I like the fact that they did

this in a bar, where people can be casual and talk about things that matter,” Hanna Morikami ’13 said. “It wasn’t a boring discussion in WLH — it was different.” Boyd said CCEs aim to start campus dialogue and create a “shared language” rather than prescribe policies to students. Because sexual misconduct is a constantly evolving issue, CCE Emily Hong ’13 said the group must continually adjust its

efforts to meet immediate student needs and tackle issues as they arise. As freshmen prepared for their first Safety Dance last week, CCE Kevin Vargas ’15 said the Pierson CCEs offered upperclassmen a ticket to a Shake Shack gift card lottery for providing advice to freshmen on their first college-wide party. The Davenport CCEs held SEE CCES PAGE 4

School redistricting considered Veteran support expands

BY ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER New Haven parents will soon find out whether they will have an easier time getting their children enrolled in neighborhood public schools. At the Wednesday night meeting of the New Haven Board of Education’s school redistricting committee, the 11 members present motioned to pass along 24 recommendations to the school board for a final vote. The recommendations — outlined in the committee’s 67-page report — advise expanding and reallocating the city’s current capacity for K-8 education and are intended to yield more enrollment openings at local schools. Redistricting consultant and former Education Board Director of Magnet Schools Ed Linehan SEE NHPS PAGE 6



The New Haven Board of Education’s school redistricting committee discussed strategies to boost school enrollment in grades K-8.

T h re e Ya l e s t u d e n ts launched an initiative this summer intended to help address the University’s underwhelming outreach to veterans and ease their transitions back to college campuses. Last year, Jesse Reising ’11, Nick Rugoff ’11 and Christopher Howell ’13 developed the Warrior-Scholars program, an initiative of their nonprofit Operation Opportunity that supports military members looking to enroll in college following their tours of duty. Lasting for one week in June, the program — which is designed to improve reading and writing skills — takes

place on Yale’s campus, though it accepts veterans planning to attend any university. Nine veterans, all of whom had served between four and 30 years in the military, attended the program this summer, Reising said. “Our goal is to properly welcome our nation’s veterans home by helping them make the best use of their hardearned G.I. Bill benefits,” Reising said. “Most veterans have the potential not only to succeed in college, but to be leaders in the classroom. We seek to unlock that potential.” In classes taught by prestigious Yale faculty members — including John Gaddis, Donald Kagan, Norma Thompson and SEE YELLOW RIBBON PAGE 6




.COMMENT “Dance your cares away without a trip to DUH or Yale-New Haven.”

Rebels without a cause “I

t’s the principle of the thing!” This is the last defense of the person who insists on feeling aggrieved even though he knows no one has done him any harm. It is the cry of the petulant child who has been given the bigger portion of the candy bar but resents that he was not able to hold the knife. When a person complains about process but has nothing to say of substance, it is probably time to start ignoring her. These sorts of procedural complaints are precisely what seem to animate the students upset over the Yale presidential search. But in focusing on procedure, these students reveal a sad truth about our generation’s lack of direction. This past Monday, the presidential search committee held an open forum in Battell Chapel and attempted to hear from undergraduates what students were looking for in Yale’s next president. Instead of providing actual views or meaningful suggestions, would-be student activists used the forum as a platform to prove how activ-

PROCEDURAL COMPLAINTS MISS THE POINT. ist they are. It makes perfect sense for students to want to influence the selection of Yale’s next president — but only if they have concrete ideas about what candidates ought to look like. Indeed, allowing for this influence was the point of the forum. Sadly, most of the students making noise over the selection procedure ideas are utterly lacking in concrete ideas. That’s a shame; I’m sure that thoughtful students could actually contribute useful perspectives to members of the search committee, but we don’t seem to be hearing those voices. I can only imagine the frustration the search committee must feel when it turns to students to ask for their input, and then only receives input about how to better receive input. When student activists proudly explain to the News that they deliberately avoided offering “any sort of substantive suggestion” and that “what was important was not allowing the forum to go the way [the committee] wanted,” we should not take them seriously. There is a time and place for

complaints about procedure. Students have zero reason to believe that the search committee is YISHAI some nefargroup SCHWARTZ ious seeking to undermine Dissentary their interests. Let’s not forget that people get onto the Yale Corporation by donating massive amounts of time, talent and treasure to the university. So why are students up in arms? The truth is sad: a small number of students look wistfully at the confrontational campuses of the Vietnam era and wish they too could stand for something. But they lack concrete ideas of what to stand for and can’t seem to find worthy avenues to express their righteous indignation. Failing to find substantive issues for which to advocate, they fight for procedural reform. The efforts of Students Unite Now are the symptom of a generational problem. Our generation hungers for meaning, but lacks actual aims. We look longingly at King and Churchill and wish to emulate their heroism, but we forget that their oratory and advocacy is not what made them great: It was the importance of their causes. I have too many friends who are aspiring politicians and legislators, but who don’t have a clue what they want to legislate. Our peers try causes on like hats, searching for one that fits and feels right. We are trained to write neat narratives for our lives — to describe how sometime in middle school we happened upon injustice and became enraged and decided our life’s work. But far more often than not, these narratives are forced and trite. In pursuit of meaning, we abandon authenticity. We were not all meant to fight great fights. Only some of us, and only occasionally, were meant to fall into them. We should live our lives as decently as possible, raising families and doing good, open to inspiration but never forcing its hand. For if we push too hard, we are no different than the child crying over his candy. YISHAI SCHWARTZ is a senior in Branford College.His column runs on alternate Thursdays Contact him at



Romney’s big first step L

ast night, Governor Mitt Romney introduced himself to the American people as he would want us to know him. He exhibited a kind of passion we have not yet seen from him. The personal offense he seemed to take at the president’s policies was palpable; he seemed mostly to speak directly to President Obama rather than his audience. Regardless of the direction of his gaze, Mitt Romney showed up ready to play — and to, as he said himself, “fact check” — at last night’s debate. And Romney did something conservatives always struggle to do: he became a protagonist. Whether he had first or second word on a variety of issues, Romney controlled the discussion. President Obama’s performance was unusual for him. While it still contained the same irritability and professorial affect we’re used to — as well as his signature “Look’s” at the beginning of sentences — it was undeniably defensive. Perhaps his defensiveness came from his slowly dawning realization that while Americans have become ever more desperate during his administration, his talking points still haven’t changed. Obama still expounds the hollow promises of fair shares, investment in the future, economic patriotism and balanced approaches. Meanwhile, his veneer has worn away, and what’s left seems empty. Though Obama’s administration saw the continued fall of mid-

dle class incomes and more small businesses shut down for good, the ghost of George Bush’s administration still was invoked to accept the blame. Obama’s tired-2008 style came up against Romney’s barrage of policy specifics, his ability to connect to real American stories and good-old-fashioned logic. And 2008 Obama did not fare well. One of Governor Romney’s biggest breakthroughs of the debate was his willingness to finally enter into a territory conservatives have long avoided. He drew the obvious parallels between the trickledown economics straw-man Obama claims to fight against, and the so-called “trickle-down government” approach that the president zealously supports. As Romney implies in this phrase, a huge edifice of one-size-fitsall federal power cannot understand the extraordinary diversity of problems that plague our economy, healthcare system or everyday lives, let alone regulate them prudently. The task of regulation taken on by the administration was not only badly conceived, but also impossible. Obama’s first term, as Romney pointed out, is rife with examples of this failed approach. Take, for example, Obama’s claim that mandating $700 billion less in Medicare payments from the top down will somehow reduce medical costs. It will actually only mean, as Romney articulated, that while the cuts may help the government meet the Affordable Care

Act’s huge bottom line, the breadth of care Medicare can provide will, by necessity, fall. Just as deftly, Romney turned around Obama’s claim that government healthcare policy should emulate private sector, results-oriented models like that of the Cleveland Clinic. If healthcare can be done so well with a profit motive in the private sector, what’s the point of publicly mandating those innovations? Good ideas, especially in an insurance industry where profit is hard to come by, tend to spread without the hand of government intervention.

LAST NIGHT MARKED NEW GROUND FOR MITT. Another major Romney victory was his ability to provide a clear articulation of why growthoriented, deficit-cutting policy works. President Obama’s message has long touted a so-called balanced approach to deficit reduction. Governor Romney confronted Obama with the unassailable fact that wealth is organic. Left to their own devices, individuals tend to invest wealth to create more. While widening the tax base and getting more capital in the economy allows for more tax revenue, each added tax (be it on

the wealthy, middle class, poor or businesses) turns a living dollar to a dead one. President Obama’s classist rhetoric of “paying your fair share” ran into a concrete wall of economic reality. And for once, a conservative articulated this concept in a decidedly non-wonky, non-elitist tone. If Romney manages these themes well for the rest of the campaign, it will pay off for him. Were there some bright spots for Obama? Sure. For one, some of his worst political stances seem to be changing. For example, he headlined his plan to reduce the corporate tax rate in order to preempt Romney from bringing it up! On the whole, though, Obama came across as far more of a nonentity than his supporters might have hoped. Romney, despite staring incredulously at Obama the whole time, came across as anchored in the realities of the administration and American life. And, as I’m sure made many liberal Yalies squirm, Romney made powerful inroads into the intellectual foundation of President Obama’s thought, revealing the President’s deeply inverted sense of economic reality. Perhaps over the coming weeks, Romney will lead more Americans to understand that economic recovery starts locally, not in Washington. For tonight, he can savor his hard-earned success. JOHN MASKO is a junior in Saybrook College. Contact him at .


Move the debate forward L

ast night, former Governor Mitt Romney told us he “loves” Big Bird. He also likes green energy and PBS. But when it comes to his policies, Romney supports none of these things. His performance was a desperate attempt to pander to potential swing voters. But it lacks the support of nuanced policy proposals. Going into last night’s debate, President Barack Obama clearly held an advantage over Romney. Romney campaign strategists sought to dramatically lower expectations, as poll numbers slipped in key swing states. Republican candidates for Congressional races tried to distance themselves from the man at the top of the GOP ticket. After tonight’s debate, those same Republicans may be singing a different tune. In the minutes after the debate, the media declared that Mitt Romney is back in the race and will experience a resurgence in the polls.

But we cannot get lost in hyperbole and rhetoric. We must remember that these words could ultimately translate into policy proposals and affect reality for Americans across the country. We as the viewing public have the responsibility to analyze the candidates’ stances, and demand more from them. We know simply criticizing the President’s policies will not win the support of the public. Romney cannot say he supports investing in education while simultaneously supporting cuts to the Pell Grant program, which provides federal financial aid for lowincome students. Romney cannot say he supports repealing and replacing Obamacare while failing to put together a comprehensive plan for health care reform. In fact, Romney’s own health care reform plan is merely 382 words on his campaign website, and leaves Americans who have struggled to maintain their health insurance without coverage for their preexisting conditions.

Most importantly, Romney cannot say he believes in the right of the American people to pursue their own happiness while denying them that right when considering gay marriage. Governor Romney, where is the connection between your style and your substance? In the midst of the debate, Romney was sometimes able to gain the upper hand on a rather calm and deferential President Obama. But, as Governor Romney sought to detail his plans to restore the American economy, he got caught up in trying to win battles that have already been fought. Though he tried to move forward, Obama got caught up with Romney in old debates that the American people can no longer bear. But Obama reminded us that we have opportunity to build on the progress he has made over the past four years. By remaining presidential, Obama was able to withstand Romney’s debate techniques and

reminded us to join him in the work that still must be done. In the next debate, President Obama must channel the passion and emotion that he has shown on the campaign trail, at the Democratic National Convention last month and that we have seen from him on the issues he has championed. When Obama said he supported improving his education initiative, “Race to the Top,” viewers understood that he meant it. When he pointed out the irony in the similarities between Obamacare and Romneycare, the president demonstrated that his policies have broad support — even from his own opponent. This debate was unfortunately too focused on the divisive issues of the past to have the room to move “forward” on ensuring the success of everyone. NIA HOLSTON is a junior in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact her at .


Think before you puff

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he first time I ever encountered weed was when I came to Yale. I was pregaming in an Old Campus suite when I detected an odd smell coming from a strange-looking water pipe. “What hookah flavor is that?” I asked. One of the smokers chuckled. “Hookah?” he said. “This is not hookah. It’s weed!” His answer struck me as a complete surprise. I expected weed to be in the form of a joint, rolled up and small like the ones in the movies, but never in the form of something as sophisticated as a water pipe — a vaporizer, as someone would later correct me. My host proceeded to explain the benefits of using vaporizers compared to smoking joints, even pulling a joint from his room to show me how to assemble it. But back in my bed, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. The ubiquity of marijuana on campus still makes me uncomfortable. More importantly, it disappoints me. Widespread and uncritical acceptance of weed overshadows the reality of how much

violence the drug trade causes on the other side of the border. For the past several years, Mexico has experienced unprecedented levels of violence stemming from the drug trade. I know this from the newspaper articles that I read back home, describing mass murders, mutilated bodies and the constant threat of drug cartels. I know this from personal stories of relatives being kidnapped and of family friends being murdered. I know this from the fear that my family experiences every day as the cartels’ attacks become increasingly random and gruesome. The numbers don’t lie. According to Mexico’s Secretariat of Public Security, over 50,000 people have been killed because of drug-related violence over the past six years — that’s more than the casualties of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Ciudad Juarez, known worldwide as a symbol of the harrowing consequences of the drug trade, is one of the least safe cities in the world. To many Americans, these facts are just statistics. But the painful realities of the drug war have

become embedded in the Mexican consciousness: We must carry them everywhere we go. With stakes this high, no one can afford to be ignorant. Unfortunately, many Yalies still are. And that’s why Yale students need to consider one last fact before taking their next puff. According to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, U.S. consumers account for the majority of marijuana exports from Mexico. Their actions, regardless of intent, fuel the violence that has empowered drug cartels, ravaged my country and harmed its national spirit. For a school that prides itself on its commitment to global volunteerism, the fact that so many students consume and condone a substance that’s violently destroying a nation shocks me. At first, I tried to tolerate weed, to pretend that it didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. But I can’t anymore. I’m not ashamed of walking out of parties where people are smoking. When they ask why I don’t smoke, I tell them about Mexico’s dire situation.

I’m not going to lie: Smoking has been very tempting. Weed is everywhere. But thinking of the violence that I experience back home is enough to make me say “No.” We need to briefly consider the great damage that consuming weed perpetrates. I know that being sympathetic is difficult. Most students have never been to Mexico (and will probably not go anytime soon after reading this). Yet Mexico is not “the rest of the world,” as the history department categorizes it. Its problems affect all of us. If we are willing to put the time and effort to build health clinics in Peru and to feed hungry children in Africa, I hope we can be sensitive enough to care for the people living next to the country we live in now. If we truly are caring citizens of the world, as Yale prepares us to be, we should have no problem putting down a joint and knowing that we’ll help to end the violence by doing so. MURAT DAGLI is a junior in Pierson College. Contact him at .




“Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.” H.L. MENCKEN AMERICAN JOURNALIST, ESSAYIST AND CRITIC


The article “Street outreach program requests grant money” did not make clear that the City of New Haven, Community Services Administration is the official applicant organization for a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven

Rep play adapts to East Coast


The article “JE’s Farley named Yale-NUS dean” misspelled the name of Yale-NUS Dean of International and Professional Experience Anastasia Vrachnos. THURSDAY, OCT. 3

The page 4 attic misspelled the name of Marcus Garvey.

Benhabib talks corporatization YALE REPERTORY THEATER

Richard Montoya’s “American Night: The Ballad of Juan Jose” explores American history through the eyes of a Mexican immigrant. BY CARLEE JENSEN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER


Political science professor Seyla Benhabib GRD ’77 participated in the YPU debate, “Resolved: Yale should be run as a business coproation.” BY DIANA ROSEN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER At a Yale Political Union debate Wednesday night, Seyla Benhabib GRD ’77 discussed the failings of applying a corporate model to a university setting. Speaking to roughly 75 students and several faculty members at the organization’s fifth debate of the year, “Resolved: Yale should be run as a business corporation,” philosophy and political science professor Benhabib said the corporate model, which focuses on profit maximization, does not fit with Yale’s mission as an institution focused on teaching students. Last spring, Benhabib voiced opposition to YaleNUS and authored a successful faculty resolution requesting consideration of nondiscrimination and civil liberties at the new Singaporean college — though she refrained from discussing the school in Wednesday’s speech.

There is something driving this venture into Singapore outside of the liberal arts model. SEYLA BENHABIB Professor, Yale University “Students are not our customers,” Benhabib said. “The administration is not here to direct what we [as faculty] do best but to facilitate what we do with you.” She defined Yale as a “collegium,” an institution based on a community of learning, rather than one driven by profit. Benhabib said that when universities operate using corporate models, faculty voice declines and administrative power rises. Benhabib added that she thinks the Yale Corporation cannot set the needs of the university alone; instead, the faculty should

have a voice in deciding those needs. In addition, she added, higher education has become more customer-oriented. Parents invest in their children’s careers and expect “returns on their investments.” “Our universities’ presidents have become chief fundraisers,” she said. “We have to cultivate loyalty and commitment, but we also have to draw a line when money comes with strings attached.” Benhabib said that in her experience, many Yale students choose to start careers in nonprofit work in developing countries rather than heading to jobs on Wall Street. She added that these decisions show Yale students straying from the corporate path. Conservative Party member Nick Geiser ’13 said he thinks Yale can be run as a corporation. He said most opponents have a false conception of the definition of a corporation — according to him, a business exists to produce a good or service. At Yale, he said, that service is education. YPU President Ben Wilson ’14 said he had hoped that more of the debate would have centered around Yale-NUS. “We toyed with phrasing the resolution around Yale-NUS but ultimately decided not to,” he said. “I wish Professor Benhabib had spoken more about it.” Following the debate, Benhabib reiterated her concerns regarding Yale-NUS, particularly that Yale’s decision to expand in Singapore stems from motives other than the spread of the liberal arts education. “In principle, I am not opposed to expanding the liberal arts model,” Benhabib said. “But there is a sense that there is something driving this venture into Singapore outside of the liberal arts model.” The next YPU debate will take place on Oct. 9 with guest David Bossie, president and chairman of Citizens United. Contact DIANA ROSEN at .

It’s almost like an announcement audiences have heard dozens of times before: silence all cell phones, refrain from texting during the performance — and, in case of an emergency, “Anglo patrons should exit the building first.” So begins Richard Montoya’s “American Night: The Ballad of Juan Jose,” the story of one Mexican immigrant’s dream-voyage through U.S. history on the night before his citizenship test. Since its first performance in 2010 at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, “American Night” has travelled to cities across the western United States, finally making its East Coast debut on Sept. 21 as the first play in the Yale Repertory Theatre’s 2012-2013 season. But to adapt to its new context, the play has faced a new range of challenges and possibilities, said Montoya, who revised the work in conjunction with the production’s East Coast cast and Director Shana Cooper. In its movement to the East Coast, Montoya, Cooper and the cast “fine-tuned” the humor in “American Night,” intending to make it more accessible to its new

audience, Lauren Dubowski DRA ’14 explained. “A Northern California or La Jolla joke doesn’t work [on the East Coast],” Montoya said. Dubowski added that the Yale Rep’s production of “American Night” features one new character, a young Muslim woman, and a revised script that caters more closely to regional jokes and prejudices. These changes explain the threat at the end of the show’s opening announcements to deport all cellphone users to East Haven, she said. Montoya also described a change — perhaps unintentional — in the tone of the East Coast performances, which he said stems from the different experiences of East Coast audiences with race and immigration issues and the way the cast interacts with such an audience. Audiences at the Yale Rep, he explained, are accustomed to a certain kind of “politeness” in discussions of immigration issues. These audiences relate to the play’s aggressive humor differently than audiences in western states, where the social and political problems of immigration are a central part of public discourse, he added. “It can be a harder issue to

tackle because you have this austere feeling of a New England audience,” Montoya said. “It may not have permeated our Little Leagues and our PTAs the way it has in Southern California, but it’s there in the gardens [and] in the people who are cleaning your pool.” The complexities of this interaction are manifest in the relationship between “American Night” and the Yale Rep itself — a daring, political play about marginalization juxtaposed with an institution that represents privilege, Dubowski said. “The Yale Rep is a gutsy place to raise these issues — to put Emmett Till on a stage with a Klan dude,” Dubowski said. “It’s a bold statement to make with the opening play of a season, and I have a lot of respect for the decisions that brought this play to the Rep.” James Bundy, dean of the Yale School of Drama and artistic director of the Yale Rep, said that the issues raised by these regional differences are secondary in importance to the central themes of “American Night” and the humanizing mission of the play that resonates with audiences of all regions and backgrounds. He added that while audi-

ences in Western states may have more familiarity with the topic of immigration, most audience members here still identify with the core narrative of immigrants’ stories and understand enough of the context surrounding the issue to appreciate the work. “One of the advantages of satire is that the artists can continue to improvise, connecting to audiences freshly in each performance,” Bundy said. The play has prompted a range of audience reactions, actor Austin Durant DRA ’10 said, though he believes that the play “is not a left-leaning liberal tirade” but an honest treatment of immigration’s effect on Americans of all classes and colors. He said he has seen some audience members walk out mid-performance; Dubowski reported seeing other spectators gasp at moments in the play that recall horrific events from their childhoods. Montoya too has been asked in post-show discussions why Armenians, Jamaicans and Jewish people are exempt from the play’s biting satire. “American Night” will play at the Rep until Oct. 13. Contact CARLEE JENSEN at .

New species of monkey found BY ALINA SIDOROVA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER A new species of African monkey has been discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Commonly known as Lesula, the new species of monkey — which feeds on fruit and vegetation — has a hairless face, muzzle and long, blond mane, according to a Sept. 12 journal article detailing the discovery. The articles are based on data collected by researchers affiliated with the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. The seven Lesula specimens examined by the researchers are currently housed at the Peabody Museum, said study coauthor Eric Sargis, Yale professor of anthropology and Curator of Mammalogy at the Peabody. “It’s a great addition to the Peabody’s collection, because these [monkeys] are obviously very rare,” Sargis added. First spotted by researchers in 2007, the Lesula inhabits the remote Lomami forest basin in central Democratic Republic of Congo. Research team leaders John and Terese Hart, senior scientists with the Wildlife Conservation Society, have been conducting research in Congo since the mid 1970s. The first Lesula spotted by their team belonged to a local girl named Georgette, who adopted the monkey after bushmeat hunters killed its mother, said co-author Chris Gilbert, anthropology professor at Hunter College-CUNY. Data gathered for this study came from seven Lesula specimens — including Georgette’s — which the team obtained from hunters or found killed by predators in the wild. Field researchers said the Lesula is difficult to examine because of its shyness. Despite its evasive nature,

the Lesula is an animal well known to local hunters. Georgette’s monkey’s story is not unique — young Lesulas frequently end up as pets after their mothers end up as dinner, Gilbert said. The Lesula has since been identified as a new species and given a taxonomic name — Cercopithecus lomamiensis. On their website, the Harts said that they as well as locals of the Lomami River Basin still prefer to use its local name. Now that the monkey has officially been named as a unique species, the Harts said they plan to use the discovery to draw attention to this poorly known part of Africa and ignite a more aggressive conservation effort to save the Lesula and other species inhabiting the Lomami river basin. “You’ll hear [conservationist groups] say that if a species doesn’t have a name, you can’t save it,” said James Hanken, zoology and biology professor at Harvard University. While animals are usually endangered by habitat destruction, the Lesula is under threat of bushmeat hunting. Gilbert said that a shortage of local meat sources causes hunters to use every available animal as a food source. Though the Lesula resides in a mostly intact forest, uncontrolled hunting puts pressure on animal populations in these areas, he added. The criteria for identifying a mammal as a new species are very stringent — it took about three years to establish that this species was previously undocumented. To determine the Lesula’s uniqueness, Sargis said, genetic and morophological studies were done by researchers at New York University and the Peabody Museum, respectively. Sargis said he compared the Lesula speci-


Kristof Zyskowski, collections manager at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, examines a new species of monkey. mens to its closest relative, the owl-faced monkey, “We have documentation of anatomical differences, genetic differences, vocalization, behavioral differences — it’s a really nice, comprehensive study to document that this population is indeed distinct,” Gilbert said. Though the discovery of the Lesula is noteworthy, Hanken said several thousands of new species of organisms are discovered each year. He referenced a report from Arizona State University’s International Institute for Species

Exploration which said that nearly 20,000 new species — 41 of them mammals — were discovered in 2011 alone. “This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Sargis said. “There’s probably a lot of new species in this region that haven’t been discovered yet.” The Lesula is the second African monkey species to be discovered since the 1980s. Contact ALINA SIDOROVA at .




“Do you really think I wouldn’t recognize my college futon with its trademark absence of sex stains? This is the stupidest idea you’ve ever had.” LIZ LEMON “30 ROCK” CHARACTER

Yale police criticize security deployment SECURITY FROM PAGE 1 cheap and try to do the job with unarmed security officers who possess little training and cannot make arrests,” the union statement said. “Indeed, security officers may well be victimized along with the Yale students and employees they are tasked with protecting.” Lindner said she asked the security department to review its deployment strategy earlier in the year, and it concluded a “more visible” presence would make better use of resources. She added students have expressed that they feel safer and appreciate seeing more security personnel. But the union said this appearance is misrepresentative: While security guards wear officer uniforms with conspicuous fluorescent shirts, they are not sworn police officers. “I think the University is trying to create the perception that there are more cops outside than there are,” Officer Elias Roman, vice president of the YPBA said. “I’m sure students might see them and believe they are cops.” According to the University’s website, Yale Security guards are responsible for the physical security of campus buildings, providing safe escorts, assisting with lockouts and supporting the activities of the Yale Police department. Lindner said security officers have been able to provide key assistance to police since being posted outside in the last month, adding that security guards have enabled several “significant” arrests recently. As a result of increased external deployment, the union said

many campus buildings and facilities, including the Amistad Garage, the Pierson-Sage Garage, the Prospect-Sachem Garage and six parking lots now lack security guards. Roman said police officers are unhappy with the change because rising crime around campus has made police presence all the more crucial. In addition, he said officers have seen a cut in their paychecks, as many of the “line-beats” were previously conducted off-duty. Roman said the union plans to file an unfair labor practices complaint against the University. “It should be us patrolling the streets,” Roman said. “The University is trying to push us out of our duties.” Yale Police Chief Ronnell Higgins could not be reached for comment. Student reaction to the press release was mixed: seven students interviewed said they were not too concerned by the news, but five students expressed reservations over the long-term implications the changes could have on campus safety. While Gerard Kuenning ’14 said he did not feel this change would affect his personal sense of security, he added that the redeployment did not seem to be well thought out. “It seems risky,” he said. “I don’t know much about how tight the budget it, but safety seems like the last thing you’d want to pull money from.” Jaya Robillard ’15 said she has never felt a “particularly strong presence or absence” of police officers on campus. Robillard added that she is not concerned

Drinking law goes into effect CT DRINKING FROM PAGE 1 legal limit of 0.08 and far above the accepted limit of 0.02 for minors. Brice was driving home from two house parties, one in which James Werner, a 20-year-old from Tarrytown, N.Y., supplied alcohol that was purchased with a fake identification card. Her death, along with three other teenage drunk driving deaths that year, caused legislators to recognize the need for a stricter law. “Simply stated, the previous [Social Host Law] as written made it difficult for police to actually make an arrest of parents at a party where alcohol was being served to minors under 21,” Marconi said. “The parents claimed that they had no knowledge that alcohol was present.” Isabella Huffington ’14, a Davenport junior who rented a house directly across the street from the Sigma Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity houses, said she thinks the law is “ridiculous.” “You can’t be held responsible for what other people do in your house,” Huffington said. “We’re old enough to be responsible for our own decisions.” Huffington also worried the law could supercede what she perceived as Yale’s “open policy,” in which students can feel safe and confidential about taking their over-intoxicated friends to the hospital. “Now, [because of the law], people are afraid to help their friends because they’ll get in

PRESS RELEASE YALE POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, SEPT. 30, 2012 Bottom line: Students will see lots of highly visible fluorescent-green shirted uniforms walking the streets, but make no mistake, the people in those fluorescentgreen shirts are not cops! The end result is the security officer will radio for the police while he or she watches a Yale student being mugged. Unbelievably, Yale has even reduced the hours a security officer is stationed in the Amistad building, where the Annie Le tragedy occurred not so long ago.


Officers from the Yale University Police Department, unlike Yale security officers, are tasked with patrolling “line beats” and carry firearms. about the “subtle” distinction between security officers and Yale police. “If you find a Yale security officer, they’re going to call a Yale police officer anyway,” she said.

The Yale Police Force has 87 sworn officers. Contact JANE DARBY MENTION at and JULIA ZORTHIAN at

Security officers are unarmed, have no arrest powers and no authority to detain suspects, in other words, they cannot protect anyone. Yale police officers, on the other hand, are State of Connecticut-certified, armed law enforcement officers who have extensive training and experience in protecting life and property.

Students work with CCEs

trouble,” she said. Some Connecticut residents oppose Public Act 12-199, including Laura James, the mother of two teenage boys, who said she disagreed with the act.

Kids should be allowed to drink before they get their license. LAURA JAMES Mother “I think that kids should be held responsible for their actions,” James says. “When parents are unaware, they shouldn’t be penalized. If they are [aware], they should be.” James said she hosted a “supervised” party at her house last New Year’s Eve, but only after calling the parents of the attendees and requesting their permission to serve their children alcohol. “Kids should be allowed to drink before they get their license,” James said. “It’s important for kids to learn how to drink responsibly and function quite well. It would also help our kids if they learned their limits before they’re behind the wheel of a car.” In 2010, 57 cases of under-18 year olds driving under the influence were reported. Contact ROSA NGUYEN at .


At Viva’s, students participate in CCE-led discussion about issues that seniors face in their final year at Yale.. CCES FROM PAGE 1 a “falafel focus group” for the same purpose, and the CCEs placed table tents displaying the best answers in the Pierson and Davenport dining halls.

You can’t deny that providing a space for students to talk [about issues of sexual misconduct] has some merit. EAMON RONAN ’15

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Vargas said the CCEs intend to replicate the process for Trolley Night, which is set to take place in Calhoun College this Friday. “Though some upperclassmen in Davenport might have initially been drawn by the free falafel, students ended up having a great and meaningful discussion,” Hong ’14 said. Since campus-wide parties and social activities are usually affiliated with student groups, Boyd said the CCEs are striving to work with organizations to make events safer for students. Hong added that such cooperation will likely take the form of interactive workshops and discussions.

Boyd said the program has continued to implement initiatives that received largely positive feedback last year, such as the sexual consent workshops for freshmen. During the workshops, which freshman counselor groups attend individually, freshmen learn how to navigate seemingly harmless situations that could lead to sexual misconduct by observing a role-play scenario in which a student is pressured to get froyo as an example. Eleven of 20 freshmen interviewed said they benefited from the sexual consent workshop. Jessica Leao ’16 said the workshop “was run very maturely, but in a fun, accessible way.” Gina Starfield ’16 called the workshop “silly,” and said that it made no real impact on her or her friends. “The workshop turned the idea of con-

senting into more of a joke than a real issue on campus,” she said. “I now laugh when a friend of mine asks me to get froyo.” Out of 30 students interviewed who have taken part in one or more CCE initiative, 22 said they think the program has positively influenced their college experience. “Even if you don’t agree with every aspect of the program, you can’t deny that providing a space for students to talk [about issues of sexual misconduct] has some merit,” Eamon Ronan ’15 said. The CCE program is run by the Yale College Dean’s Office. Contact ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA at .

BY THE NUMBERS CCE PROGRAM 9 workshops offered a total of 148 times Informal conversations with 369 students 3610 undergraduates reached




“Woohoo! I’m a college man! I won’t need my high school diploma anymore. I am so smart! I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-R-T!” HOMER SIMPSON “THE SIMPSONS” CHARACTER

Spielman wins ‘genius grant’ Aldermen consider infrastructure



Computer science professor Daniel Spielman ’92 was one of four Yale alumni awarded a MacArthur Foundation grant this year. BY NICOLE NAREA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Daniel Spielman ’92, a Yale computer science professor, remembers his first PC — a 1977 Commodore PET with a primitive eight kilobytes of memory that he bought secondhand from an engineer in the fifth grade. After the purchase, he said he devoured books about computing, discovering a passion that would result in his life’s work and, most recently, a MacArthur Foundation grant amounting to $500,000. The 42-year-old from Guilford, Conn. was one of 23 visionaries nationwide awarded what is popularly referred to as a MacArthur “genius grant,” which will be distributed over the next five years. The fellows, who were announced Tuesday, also include life scientist Elissa Hallem GRD ’01 PHD ’05, photographer An-My Le GRD ’93 and legal historian Dylan Penningroth ’93. They were selected for their “creativity,” “originality” and “ability to make impor-

tant contributions to the future” across all disciplines, according to a Tuesday release from the organization. “What [MacArthur fellows] are known for is not for solving the big scientific problems of the age, but the problems that no one else had thought to work on,” Spielman said. Spielman’s colleague Holly Rushmeier said his work is admired for the “elegance and beauty” of its theoretical mathematics in addition to its “tremendous practical impact.” Spielman focuses on the efficacy of data transmission, which can be used to refine current computer systems. His research in error-correcting codes allows simple computer hardware to decode complicated codes, improving technologies like cellphone reception and satellite TV. His study of linear programming improves the efficiency of industry operations ranging from the compilation of airline schedules to the way in which Walmart distributes its goods, colleague Steven Zucker said.


Yale alumni awarded MacArthur grants Years over which the grant will be distributed Recipients awarded a MacArthur grant on Tuesday Dollars in a MacArthur genius grant

Samer Sabri ’13, who is currently taking Spielman’s spectral graph theory class, said Spielman often addresses his new research during lectures, finding simple ways to solve problems that have existed for long time. Spielman said he hopes the publicity from the grant will attract more students to his classes and Yale’s computer science department. “Being able to experience the cutting edge through him is very exciting,” Sabri said. Though his research as a theorist is not money-driven, Spielman said the grant money will give him more time to “sit and think” innovatively about his next projects. Hallem, on the other hand, said she hopes to use her grant to pursue projects that are too preliminary or risky for traditional avenues of funding, such as an examination of the evolution of neural circuits in different species. A professor of neuroscience at UCLA, Hallem has studied the implications of human parasites like roundworms for the spread of human and animal disease, as well as economic losses in agriculture — an interest she developed during her lab work at Yale, she said. MacArthur money does not solely go towards scientific projects — Northwestern University history professor Dylan Penningroth’s prize money will further his study of African-American socio-legal history and civil rights through county court records. The genius grants will help recipients pursue artistic endeavors as well. Le, a photography professor at Bard Col-

lege, said she plans to use her MacArthur grant to fund a longterm project profiling the military using a 19th-centurystyle camera. The project was inspired by her childhood experiences amid the Vietnam War, she said. “I’m a bit of a tomboy and I grew up with a bunch of boys, so I find all of the military fascinating,” Le said. “In another life I would have been a combat photographer.” The Yale MacArthur fellows said they reacted to news of the grant with similar surprise. Candidates are nominated without their knowledge and do not even know they are being considered until they are named fellows. When Spielman received a congratulatory phone call from Daniel Socolow, director of the MacArthur Fellows Program, Spielman said he expected the caller to “ask me for my bank account number to defraud me.” While Spielman reacted with shock at the grant’s announcement, his student and advisee Cyril Zhang ’15 said he was not at all surprised given his experience with Spielman in class. “He is a quirky thinker of the highest caliber and a brilliant communicator with insight and artistry,” Zhang said. “That is exactly what science needs.” In the past two years, Spielman was also awarded a place in the first class of Simons Investigators, receiving a $660,000 research grant over five years, as well as the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize, one of the highest honors in mathematics. Contact NICOLE NAREA at .

New Haven’s Board of Aldermen held its biweekly meeting on Wednesday night in the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall, authorizing several new initiatives for the city’s infrastructure and social programs. The agenda included the approval of a grant proposal for the Street Worker Outreach Program, first introduced to the Board last month. The Board also approved a resolution calling for the repair of four New Haven bridges that were reported to be in unsatisfactory condition by recent inspections. SWOP aims to connect its employeees — who have some history with violence — with youth in the city in order to reduce youth gun violence. The resolution granted $200,000 to SWOP for the years of 20122015. SWOP outreach workers have established their credibility on the topic of violence, Chief Administrative Officer Robert Smuts ’01 said after the meeting. He said that the workers’ experiences with violence range from having engaged in it in the past to having lived in violent neighborhoods, adding that he supported the approval of the grant. Melissa Mason GRD ’08, the legislative liaison for Unite Here at Yale, called the initiative a “good step forward” toward improving the city’s public safety. The Board also turned its attention to the status of city bridges, which Smuts said are in need of repair. He said that there has been a high amount of “deferred maintenance” on these bridges and that the city had recently started repair operations on several New Haven bridges that were not in good condition. The city plans to pay over two-thirds of the necessary design, inspection and construction costs on three of the four bridges, Smuts said, while that number is lowered to

20 percent for the fourth bridge. During the pre-meeting Public Caucus, several aldermen raised questions concerning the bridges including Board President and Ward 5 Alderman Jorge Perez, who asked Smuts to clarify the time frame of the repair operations. Smuts responded that official construction will begin in fall 2013. Other topics discussed in the meeting included several motions to recognize the achievements of past members of the New Haven community. Ward 8 Alderman Michael Smart said a resolution to amend the name of Salvatore Consiglio Corner on Wooster Street and Olive Street to “Salvatore and Flora Consiglio Corner” was “fitting and proper.” Flora Consiglio, who died last month, was the owner of New Haven-based Sally’s Apizza.

The Board of Aldermen has been working pretty diligently on … their legislative agenda. MELISSA MASON GRD ’08 Legislative Liaison, Unite Here at Yale The Board consists of a slate of new aldermen who were elected last November. Once their terms began in January, they passed a resolution to focus on certain issues including the creation of a “jobs pipeline” and stronger city youth services, both of which have seen significant progress in recent months. “The Board of Aldermen has been working pretty diligently on the issues they put forward on their legislative agenda in January,” Mason said. The Board of Aldermen meets on the first and third Monday of every month. Contact ERIC XIAO at .


New Haven’s Board of Aldermen authorized several new initiatives for the city’s infrastructure and social programs Wednesday night.

Buckley criticizes expanding role of government BY COLLEEN FLYNN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Nearly 70 years after graduating from Yale, James L. Buckley ’44 LAW ’49 returned to campus as the only living person to have held a high office in each of the three branches of the United States government. Buckley reflected on the balance between state and federal power and its origins in the Constitution at a Wednesday afternoon Pierson College Master’s Tea, which drew a diverse audience of over 50 undergraduates, graduates students and members of the New Haven community. Buckley — who has served as a U.S. senator from New York, undersecretary of state for security assistance under President Ronald Reagan and a judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit — spoke on the expansion of the national government’s role in the past century and the dangers of straying too far from the Founding Fathers’ intents. “I believe that at the national level we are losing our ability for effective government,” he said. “We must

reduce the scope of federal responsibilities to a manageable size.” Buckley said his close study of the Constitution at Yale sparked his devotion to its founding principles. At the tea — co-sponsored by the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program — Buckley told the story of his 1976 senatorial campaign when his opponent claimed that Buckley was “stuck in the 18th century.” Buckley later acknowledged this claim as true, adding that a more appropriate question is whether 18th century values are still relevant today. Buckley cited the “virtual abandonment” of the principles of federalism — defined as a political system with a central government distinct from that of the states — as the source of the federal government’s inability to manage a society as complex as that of the United States. Buckley said President Barack Obama’s recently passed health care legislation is one example of “everything that has gone wrong in Congress in the past 100 years,” saying it will yield an “unending stream of jaw-dropping, unintended consequences.” He said he blames the

courts in part for this departure from federalism because the courts find almost every extension of the national government’s powers as constitutional.

I believe that, at the national level, we are losing our ability for effective government. JAMES L. BUCKLEY ’44 LAW ’49 Former U.S. senator

But Buckley said he does not only blame Democrats for ignoring the principles of federalism, though he ran for senator as a Conservative Party member. He also criticized former President George W. Bush ’68 for going “haywire in expanding the power of federal government, even more than some of his Democratic predecessors.” Buckley said the United States can inhibit its rapidly expanding federal government by finding ways to limit

the power of Congress, but did not discuss specifics. Buckley also said he was saddened by the loss of civility in today’s Congress, adding that the atmosphere of respect present during his time in the Senate has “completely disappeared.” While he disagrees with Buckley’s stance on federalism in modern politics, Andre Manuel ’16 said he appreciates his concern about the lack of cooperation in Congress. Pierson College Master Harvey Goldblatt said he was “really delighted” that so many questions about today’s political climate were raised by someone who has been a part of “so many walks of life.” Goldblatt said he would like to see similar conversations about federalism be a focus of future political discussions on campus. As an undergraduate at Yale, Buckley was a member of Timothy Dwight College. Contact COLLEEN FLYNN at .


James L. Buckley ’44 LAW ’49 has held a high office in all three branches of the United States government.



FROM THE FRONT Yellow ribbon program grows YELLOW RIBBON FROM PAGE 1 Charles Hill — students spent several hours each day preparing assignments on topics such as global affairs and democracy, which relate to veterans’ experiences while on duty, Reising said. He added that students also received instruction on subjects such as college-level critical reading techniques and the undergraduate admissions process. Howell, who served nine years in the Australian military, said he was inspired to begin WarriorScholars by his brother David’s efforts to help him reintegrate into student life at Australia’s Sydney University after returning from service. Howell later transferred to Yale through the Eli Whitney Students program, which allows non-traditional students to apply to Yale. Reising said the program employs a curriculum based on Howell’s brother’s efforts and designed by Yale faculty. “Having such a big life change like that is very difficult,” Howell said. “I didn’t do very well in high school so my brother David took time to teach me the basics of being a student.” In past years, Yale has attracted fewer veterans than other Ivy League schools — only 13 were enrolled at Yale in the 2011-2012 school year, compared to Harvard’s 250 and Columbia’s 45 — but organizers of both the Warrior-Scholars program and Yale’s Yellow Ribbon Program said they are looking to expand. The Yellow Ribbon Program, a national initiative that came to Yale in 2009, helps bring veterans to the University by providing them with funds to cover their tuition, supplementing those available through the G.I. Bill — a national law that offers benefits to veterans planning to go to college. Previously, the University had only 50 spots in the program available across Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and all 12 professional schools, said Josh Ray ’13, vice president of the Yale Veterans Association.

“No, no. I know what home school is, I’m not retarded. So, you’ve actually never been to a real school before? Shut up. Shut up!” REGINA GEORGE “MEAN GIRLS” CHARACTER


“When vets were looking at what schools to go to, Yale was lagging behind some of the other peer institutions,” he said, adding that the 50-person cap only served as a way to make Yale’s program seem more competitive. Robert Peter Cuthbert Jr. LAW ‘12, a U.S. army veteran and a participant of the Yellow Ribbon program, said the program has expanded its funding significantly: it now accepts an unlimited number of students from Yale College, the Graduate School, the Law School, the School of Management and the School of Medicine; five in the School of Architecture and School of Nursing; three students in the Divinity School and School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; and two in the School of Public Health. He said the Yellow Ribbon funding is now “some of the most generous in the Ivy League.”

Ross/Woodward Interdistrict Magnet Beecher Interdistrict Magnet Davis Street Interdistrict Magnet Clinton Avenue John Daniels Interdistrict Magnet Barnard Interdistrict Magnet Truman Lincoln-Basset Nathan Hale Bishop Woods Fair Haven Mauro-Sheridan Interdistrict Magnet

Our goal is to properly welcome our nation’s veterans home.

Hill Central East Rock Magnet King/Robinson Interdistrict Magnet

JESSE REISING ‘11 Co-founder, Warrior-Scholars Both programs hope to continue growing in the future. Reising, now a student at Harvard Law School, said his group wants to hold a Warrior-Scholars program on Harvard’s campus by 2014, and expand to four to six more schools within five years. Additionally, he said Yale’s program will allow 24 students to enroll in a two-week program next summer. Participants of this year’s Warrior Scholars program lived in Saybrook College, ate their meals at the Pierson College dining hall and attended classes at the School of Architecture. Ashton Wackym contributed reporting. Contact ROBERT PECK at .


Yale College, Graduate School, Law School, School of Management, School of Medicine School of Architecture, School of Music, School of Drama, School of Art, School of Nursing Divinity School, School of Forestry School of Public Health

DESIGN We’re the best-looking desk at the YDN.

We see you.

Troup John S. Martinez Magnet Edgewood Magnet Wexler/Grant Worthington Hooker Brennan -Rogers Interdistrict Magnet

-600 NHPS FROM PAGE 1 chairs the 15-member committee, which also includes aldermen, district administrators, school board members, teachers and parents. “I think there’s a very good chance the Board will move on many of these recommendations,” Linehan said after the meeting. “Some are short-term, such as the establishment of four city-wide zones, that will give students priority to attend schools within their designated quadrant. Others are more long-term, such as the suggestions for expanding and potentially building three new schools.” The committee’s report is the product of a six-month-long process that started in April after Mayor John DeStefano Jr. and Superintendent of Schools Reginald Mayo proposed the formation of an advisory group tasked with studying “school attendance zone and enrollment issues that have emerged as a result of the district’s transition to a predominantly K-8 school organization,” according to the committee’s mission statement. Linehan said the central problem is a shortage of classroom space on the city’s east side. “That’s where we really need to expand capacity. The days of kids being able to walk to the only school they’re eligible to go to are over. The draw of magnet and suburban schools now means that families have a lot more choice, but

0 it also means that enrollment is outstripping capacity in certain parts of town,” Linehan said. “What we’ve done is suggest a number of steps to create districting zones in areas that don’t currently have them and to give families multiple options if the neighborhood school closest to them is over-enrolled.” According to Board Chief Operating Officer Will Clark, the prospect of new school construction has raised red flags among the public about further school change. “I’ve been stopped on the street about references to construction,” Clark said at the meeting. “There’s a perception out there that we’re spending more money. I hate for the recommendations to be lost in this idea of: ‘There they go again, asking for more money.’” Clark underscored the advisory role of the committee, asking Linehan to make the document more explicit about the committee’s authority, which is only to recommend planning guidelines for the Board, not to make decisions for the school district. Linehan agreed, adding that he would include additional language in the document’s introduction clarifying the Board’s ultimate jurisdiction over all policy decisions. Linehan told the committee members and guests present that after incorporating input from the meeting, he will pass the report along to the Board within three weeks. The Board will then consider the


committee’s recommendations, but its timeline for adoption and implementation is uncertain. Michele Bonanno, a committee member and teacher at the Ross Woodward Classical Studies School, stressed the importance of students having the option to attend schools close to home. With 1021 children eligible to enroll and a maximum student capacity of 421, Ross Woodward has the largest gap between enrollment eligibility and availability of all New Haven K-8 schools. “What the recommendations will hopefully accomplish is to give every kid the opportunity to attend a school nearby. Walkability is a major issue that this committee heard about from parents at the open hearing last week,” Bonanno said. “By redrawing certain zoning lines and giving students priority not just for their neighborhood school but for a set of schools within their zone, we can help ease the enrollment issues that make kids have to travel across town for school when there’s a closer school down the block or a few minutes away.” Upcoming Oct. 1 New Haven Public Schools enrollment figures will provide the Board of Education with updated school capacity data as it considers the redistricting committee’s recommendations. Contact ISAAC STANLEY-BECKER at .






Areas of drizzle before 10am, then a chance of showers between 10am and 3pm.


High of 77, low of 57.

High of 71, low of 48.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 12:00 PM Council of East Asian Studies: “Japan in the Age of Ouchi Dominion.” Join the Japan Colloquium Series and learn about the Ouchi, a warrior family claiming to be descended from Korean kings. The Muromachi age was a time of exciting, gratuitous force and less-exciting cultural imperialism. The speaker, Thomas Conlan, is a professor of history and Asian studies from Bowdoin College. There will be refreshments. Sterling Memorial Library (120 High St.), Rm. 218. 5:00 PM Yale Program for the Study of Anti-Semitism: “Ambivalence or Betrayal? Israel, The Jews, and the Left.” The YPSA speaker, Robert Wistrich, is a professor from Hebrew University. Come learn about the relationship between Hebrew University, Israel and the Jews. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.), Rm. 208.


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 12:00 PM Free Yoga. Free yoga! What more could you want? There will be yoga — provided by Battell Chapel and the Chaplain’s Office – and the yoga that is provided will be free of charge. That is, the yoga that is provided will be “on the house.” Battell Chapel (Corner of Elm St. and College St.). 4:00 PM A Discussion with Richard Montoya: “Deconstructing the American Dream.” The title should appeal to those Derrida fans out there. Playwright Richard Montoya is one of the founding members of Culture Clash — yes, that Culture Clash — and author of “American Night,” which is playing right now! Office of International Students and Scholars, (421 Temple St.).


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 7:30 PM Underbrook Coffeehouse featuring Michael Blume and Anthony Da Costa. Unwind after a long week with live music and a cup of coffee. Completely free! Saybrook College (242 Elm St.), Saybrook Underbrook.


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T NASDAQ 2,518.21, -1.46% T Oil $23.92, -3.78%

Obama, Romney spar in first debate

T S&P 500 1,199.21, -1.18% 10-yr. Bond 2.77%, +3.36%



T Dow Jones 11,192.58, -0.80%



Euro $1.37, +0.40%

PA voter ID issue unresolved BY MARC LEVY ASSOCIATED PRESS HARRISBURG, Pa. — Just because opponents of Pennsylvania’s new law requiring voters to show photo identification won a preliminary injunction in court doesn’t mean the issue or the court case is going away. The law itself has not cleared the constitutional challenges before it, and indications from the state Supreme Court are that the law still faces significant legal problems. Meanwhile, the hubbub over the divisive law has awakened new Democratic Party volunteers and prompted the formation of the 175-group Voter ID Coalition. The Democratic Party and the coalition both said Wednesday they will shift their education campaigns to reflect a judge’s day-old decision that voters will not, after all, be required to show photo ID at their polling place. “The issue remains, the law remains,” said Joe Grace, a Philadelphia-based spokesman for the Voter ID Coalition. “It will have to be dealt with after Election Day, but it is simply not a factor when people go to the polls on Nov. 6 unless there’s confusion.”

This fight isn’t over. We won this round, but we’re still going. JOE GRACE Spokesman, Voter ID Coalition


Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, left, shakes hands with President Barack Obama at the debate at the University of Denver, Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012. BY DAVID ESPO AND JULIE PACE ASSOCIATED PRESS DENVER — In a showdown at close quarters, an aggressive Mitt Romney sparred with President Barack Obama in their first campaign debate Wednesday night over taxes, deficits and strong steps needed to create jobs in a sputtering national economy. “The status quo is not going to cut it,” declared the Republican challenger. Democrat Obama in turn accused his rival of seeking to “double down” on economic policies that actually led to the devastating national downturn four years ago — and of evasiveness when it came to prescriptions for tax changes, health care, Wall Street regulation and more. With early voting already under way in dozens of states, Romney was particularly assertive in the 90-minute event that drew a television audience likely to be counted in the tens of millions — like a man intent on shaking up the campaign with a little less than five weeks to run. He seemed at ease in debate with the man who has been in the White House for four years. “It’s fun, isn’t

it?” Romney said. The former Massachusetts governor virtually lectured Obama at one point after the president accused him of seeking to cut education funds. “Mr. President, you’re entitled to your own airplane and your own house, but not your own facts,” he said.

I don’t think that any single factor ends up making a big difference. BARACK OBAMA President, the United States of America The economy dominated the evening, as it has the race for the White House all year. Pre-debate opinion polls showed Obama with a slight advantage in key battleground states and nationally. Romney said he had plans to fix the economy, overhaul the tax code, repeal Obama’s health care plan and replace with a better alternative,

remake Medicare, pass a substitute for the legislation designed to prevent another financial crash and reduce deficits — but he provided no new specifics despite Obama’s prodding. Said Obama: “At some point the American people have to ask themselves: Is the reason Governor Romney is keeping all these plans secret, is it because they’re going to be too good? Because middle class families benefit too much? No.” The two men debate twice more this month, but they were first going their separate ways on Thursday. Obama had campaign stops in Colorado and then Madison, Wis., while Romney was booked into Virginia. All three states are among the nine battlegrounds likely to settle the race. At times the debate turned into rapid-fire charges and retorts that drew on dense facts and figures that were difficult to follow. The men argued over oil industry subsidies, federal spending as a percentage of the GDP, Medicare cuts, taxes and small businesses and the size of the federal deficit and how it grew. Obama sometimes seemed somewhat professorial. Romney was more

assertive and didn’t hesitate to interrupt the president or moderator Jim Lehrer, who seemed to struggle to maintain control. The wonky tone of the debate was a stark contrast to the harsh, broadbrush and sometimes personal attacks the two men make in person and in multimillion-dollar television advertising. At the same time, Romney managed to make some points by personalizing his comments with recollections of people he said he had met on the campaign trail. In another folksy reference, Romney told Lehrer, a veteran of the Public Broadcasting Service, that he would stop the federal subsidy to PBS even though “I love Big Bird.” Generally polite but pointed, the two men agreed about little if anything. Obama said his opponent’s plan to reduce all tax rates by 20 percent would cost $5 trillion and benefit the wealthy at the expense of middle income taxpayers. Shot back Romney: “Virtually everything he just said about my tax plan is inaccurate.”

The 6-month-old law, among the nation’s toughest, sparked a debate over voting rights ahead of the presidential election, in which Pennsylvania’s electoral votes could play a central role in deciding the victor. Critics of the law requiring voters to show ID had argued that it would disenfranchise minorities and the poor, groups that tend to vote Democratic. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson halted the law Tuesday, saying voter disenfranchisement could happen because the state hadn’t made it possible for voters to easily get IDs before the election. It turns out that the Democratic Party might benefit from a law it furiously opposes. It recruited several thousand new volunteers through its opposition, an eye-popping tally for a single issue in such a short period of time, said Elena Cross, a staff member who coordinates the state party’s political operation. It also reached out to party members who do not have proper photo ID by making hundreds of thousands of calls to registered Democrats on a state Department of Transportation list of people without a stateissued ID card. The party shows no signs of letting it go as a political issue after the Nov. 6 election. “This fight isn’t over,” Cross said. “We won this round, but we’re still going.” Should courts ultimately uphold the law, the Voter ID Coalition could continue working for a couple more years to make sure voters understand the requirement and how to comply with it, said Zack Stalberg, president and CEO of the Committee of Seventy, a Philadelphia-based group that organized the Voter ID Coalition.

Oregon pot measure struggles BY JONATHAN COOPER ASSOCIATED PRESS PORTLAND, Ore. — As marijuana legalization efforts in Colorado and Washington pick up steam, a similar push in Oregon seems to be going up in smoke. More than $4 million has flowed to Washington and close to a million in Colorado. Yet in Oregon — a state with one of the nation’s highest rates of pot use and a reputation for pushing the boundaries on marijuana laws — organizers are looking at a bank account with just $1,800. Marijuana activists who have ploughed big bucks into campaigns in the other two states complain the Oregon measure is poorly written and doesn’t poll well. It didn’t qualify for the ballot until July, severely limiting the time available to sway voters. They also don’t care for the man with a blemished record who’s pushing Oregon’s measure. “That’s just the hard, cold reality,” said Allen St. Pierre, director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. “They simply do not trust and will not work with the locals there.” Paul Stanford, the 51-year-old chief petitioner behind the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, dismissed criticism and said the Legislature can

clean up any issues with the law after it passes. As for funding questions, he said it’s an advantage that the Oregon measure isn’t being pushed by distant interests.

Colorado and Wasington did an excellent job in how they set up their measures in a way that does appeal to mainstream voters. SAM CHAPMAN Co-founder of Oregonians for Law Reform Oregon has been on the leading edge of the decades-long push to loosen marijuana laws. It was the first state to decriminalize smallscale marijuana possession in 1973 and was also among the first to allow medicinal use of marijuana. The state ranked seventh in the nation for marijuana use among people 12 and older, according to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Colorado ranked third and Washington 11th. In both those states, lawyers writing the initiatives took pains to incorporate lessons from ear-

lier failures at the ballot box. Based on the results of polling and focus groups, the measures were carefully written to close down criticism that resonates with voters — both have a tough standard for stoned driving, for example, that’s unpopular with some activists. Both measures include limits on the amount of marijuana a person can have. “I really think Colorado and Washington did an excellent job in how they set up their measures in a way that does appeal to mainstream voters,” said Sam Chapman, the co-founder of Oregonians for Law Reform. Oregon voters will be deciding on a far more aggressive change. The state would license growers and buy their weed, which would be sold exclusively through a network of state-run stores. The whole operation would be overseen by a seven-member board, five of whom would be appointed by marijuana growers and processors. There would be no limit on the amount of pot a person could have. Stanford says he spent $5,000 each on polls in 2008 and 2010 that helped shape his measure, but didn’t have the advantage of the sophisticated political research operations that advocates used in Colorado and Washington.


Paul Stanford, the chief petitioner behind an initiative that would legalize marijuana in Oregon, poses for a photo.





Iran tightens grip

The number of hours that Marcello De Finizio stood protesting atop the the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Protester gives up St. Peter’s protest BY PAOLO SANTALUCIA ASSOCIATED PRESS


Police threatened merchants who closed shops in Tehran’s main bazaar and launched crackdowns on money changers. BY ALI AKBAR DAREINI AND BRIAN MURPHY ASSOCIATED PRESS TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian authorities used aggressive measures Wednesday in an attempt to halt the nosedive of the country’s currency, making arrests, vowing to stamp out sidewalk money changers and warning merchants against fueling the mounting public anger over the economy. There were unconfirmed reports of sporadic violence. Associated Press photos showed riot police blocking a street with the charred hulks of a garbage can and a motorcycle that had been set on fire. Smoke was rising from the area in central Tehran near the main bazaar. The sweeping responses to the freefall of the rial — which has lost more than a third of its value in a week — underscored the worries for Iranian leaders after months of dis-

missing the West’s economic squeeze seeking to rein in Tehran’s nuclear program. A declining currency causes shifts in an economy such as making imported goods more expensive. Although the currency crisis is blamed on a combination of factors — including internal government policies — the rush to dump rials appears to reflect an underlying perception that international sanctions have deepened problems such as runaway inflation and soaring prices for imports and that the only safe hedge is to grab dollars or euros. If the economic turmoil intensifies, it could boost pressure on the ruling system before elections next June to pick President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s successor. That has the potential to hinder nuclear talks with the West until after the elections. One of Ahmadinejad’s main critics, parliament speaker Ali Larijani,

has led the calls to blame the currency crisis mostly on allegedly misguided government monetary policies. In reply, Ahmadinejad warned that he could consider resigning if his government is put under too much pressure. “Now is not the time for anybody to settle accounts,” Ahmadinejad said Tuesday as the rial hit a record low. “If my presence is a burden on you, (the solution is for me to) write one line to say goodbye.” Tuesday’s rate of 35,500 rials against the U.S. dollar compared with 24,000 a week ago on the unofficial street trading rate, which is widely followed in Iran. It was close to 10,000 rials for $1 as recently as early 2011. Exchange houses were closed Wednesday, and currency websites were blocked from providing updates on the latest rates.

VATICAN CITY — An Italian man gave up his protest atop St. Peter’s Basilica on Wednesday evening, after more than 24 hours perched on the 426-foothigh dome to demonstrate against government reforms. Two firefighters helped pull Marcello De Finizio inside the basilica a full day after he had eluded Vatican security to scale the dome and unfurl a banner reading: “Help! Enough Monti!” — referring to President Mario Monti, the architect of Italy’s economic reforms. De Finizio was taken directly to the Rome police station, but told The Associated Press by cellphone that it was a “formality” and he did not expect to face any charges. It was the second time in three months that De Finizio had scaled the dome. His previous protest at St. Peter’s in July lasted only four hours, he said, and nothing came of it.

He also spent three nights on a 230-foot-tall metal structure in Trieste earlier this year and said a judge cleared him of charges of causing an alarm. De Finizio said he did not suffer any particular discomfort during the latest protest, which he ended after Tourism Minister Piero Gnudi agreed to meet with a delegation of beach concession owners to discuss new rules governing the sector. At issue are government reforms that will force an open bidding process for existing establishments and limit the length of the licenses. The government passed the measures in accord with EU norms to try to make the sector more competitive by preventing licenses from being passed from generation to generation. But the concession owners say they make considerable investments in the properties, including mortgages, that they stand to lose — and that they are unable to get loans for new investments while the changes are pending.


Businessman Marcello di Finizio eluded Vatican security Tuesday and scaled the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica to protest Italian government and European Union policies.





The total number of sororities and fraternities at Harvard College.



Crimson sees new sorority

Registrar pursues online projects

BY MELANIE A. GUZMAN STAFF WRITER Concluding a yearlong search for the newest addition to Harvard Greek life, the Cambridge-Area Panhellenic Council announced Monday that the Alpha Phi sorority will begin recruitment next spring. Alpha Phi will join Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gamma and Kappa Alpha Theta as Harvard’s fourth sorority. Harvard is also home to three male fraternities — Alpha Epsilon Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Sigma Chi. Last April, The Crimson first reported that the three present sororities were in the process of choosing a new sorority to join their ranks after more than 10 percent of Harvard’s female freshmen, sophomores, and juniors chose to rush sororities for the past two years. In 2011, a record-high 268 women

rushed, the largest rush class in the College’s history. This spring, the number dipped slightly to 250. Alpha Phi International Fraternity HARVARD Executive Director Linda Kahangi said that the organization submitted a written proposal last year to join the Cambridge-Area Panhellenic Council. Last fall, Kahangi said, the sorority was invited to campus to participate in the final round along with two other sororities. Kahangi said that the organization is thrilled to join the Harvard women’s social scene. “We have wanted to be there since the Greek system expanded at Harvard,” Kahangi said. Since there are no current Alpha Phi

members on campus, the recruitment and rush process this spring for the new sorority will be different than the one for the other three sororities. Kahangi said that this fall Alpha Phi will use focus groups to connect to undergraduate women and get to know the campus. In January, it will move two full time consultants to campus and conduct a marketing campaign for several weeks to reach out to the student body and interested groups. Alpha Phi will also hold a series of events designed to introduce interested women to Alpha Phi and to one another, according to Kahangi. “What we are really trying to do is get women who blend well together,” she said. “We will be watching the group gel together and creating a really good group that is the core of the new chapter.”


Students partner with U.S. govt BY EMMA COURT STAFF WRITER As a result of a partnership between the University and the U.S. Department of Commerce, CornellNYC Tech students will have access to federal resources to support entrepreneurship, according to an announcement made by President David Skorton on Tuesday. As part of the partnership, USPTO staff member Sue Purvis will support technology entrepreneurship both at the tech campus and in the greater New York region. She will help tech campus students start businesses by helping them navigate the patent process and work with the commerce department, according to Dan Huttenlocher, dean of the tech campus. “[The partnership is] to assist people in

getting connected to the right resources in the federal government [and] to assist commercialization in navigating the patent process, small business loans CORNELL and grants, trademark types of issues — essentially all the resources the commerce department has for people starting businesses,” Huttenlocher said. The partnership is the first of its kind that the commerce department has made, according to the press release. Through the partnership, the department will be able to obtain feedback about the role it should be playing in the quickly growing field of technology, according to Huttenlocher.

“It will start a dialogue between the commerce department and the tech campus so the government can learn more about tech innovation and be more informed as it creates programs,” Huttenlocher said. Huttenlocher said the partnership between the tech campus and the Commerce Department will work as a “twoway street.” “One example is we plan to convene a symposium looking at software patents, which is a very controversial area,” Huttenlocher said. “This is exactly what an academic campus should be doing: getting together experts on controversial issues, having discussions about different viewpoints [and] helping educate and expose people in relevant agencies in government as to what the issues are.”

BY SASHA DUDDING STAFF WRITER New technological initiatives from the Office of the Registrar will facilitate online learning for students and professors and eliminate long lines and thousands of pages of paperwork over the course of the year, according to College Registrar Meredith Braz. As a result of the changes, students will be able to request digital transcripts, professors will be able to gain course approval online and the Class of 2015 will become the first class whose members will declare majors electronically. The Registrar is debuting eight new projects this year, with the goal of updating the College’s online systems and gaining recognition for its technology in the field of higher education, Braz said. The initiative is also connected to a larger sustainability effort to reduce paper use across the College. “I came here six years ago and there was a need to bring a lot of systems up to speed,” Braz said. “One of the things I think people might not realize is how technical the Registrar’s Office is.” Prior technology initiatives gave students the ability to access enrollment verification, change their Dartmouth Plan, complete a degree audit via DegreeWorks and update addresses online. The Registrar also implemented a new website this year, now the only means of accessing the Organizations, Regulations and Courses manual, which is no longer distributed in print. “Anytime we can streamline a paper process and put it online, that’s something we try to do,” Associate Registrar for Technology Kristin McAdams said.

The newest initiative will be an online major declaration system available DARTMOUTH on BannerStudent to members of the Class of 2015 beginning Winter term, according to McAdams, who served as the project’s leader. The system will replace the previous process of having to file three paper cards in order to declare or change a major, with one card each for the department, the Registrar and the student.

One of the things I think people might not realize is how technical the Registrar’s Office is. MEREDITH BRAZ Dartmouth College Registrar “It’s good to have anything that’s easier, that you can do with a laptop you already have, instead of walking to three different offices,” Callista Womick ’13 said. “Environmentally speaking, that’s a pretty huge impact.” Despite the elimination of paper forms, students will still need to meet with a major advisor and obtain approval for any changes to a major. However, students will not need to meet with an advisor to obtain a signature on paper, a change which may reduce personal interaction, according to Womick.





The Oakland A’s chance to make the MLB playoffs as of June 15, 2012

With a win last night, the Oakland’s A’s captured the AL West title with a 94–68 record. On June 15, the A’s had a 30-35 record and had only a 1 percent chance of making the playoffs, according to Baseball Prospectus.

Gogel returns from back injury Q&A FROM PAGE 12 opportunity for us. It’s been really fun. Everyone’s happy to play and we have a really great group and we have a really great senior class. Our leadership is strong with [captain] Maddy Sharp ’13 and the other three seniors, so I feel lucky.

that was December and QAnd January of your freshman year?


Yes, of my freshman year.


Did you know immediately that you would be out for such a long period of time?

did you make your No, initially I thought I’d QWhen debut with the team since Abe back by the next fall, your injury?


I came in as a freshman, played freshman season and then I got hurt, so I was out basically from January up until three or four weeks ago. The first game I played in was the Harvard game. I started playing earlier that week, so it was kind of a last minute decision.

me about how that injury QTell happened.


I herniated a disk in my back, L4-L5. I think I did over a gradual kind of time period, probably some time between December and January, and then by mid to end of January, it was obvious that I had a serious injury and I got a couple of MRIs and had a disk herniation.

because I got hurt in January. I knew I had a herniated disk by the end of January, so I had all the way until August to get better. I thought that was plenty of time and started improving a lot. Then I went to a training camp in the summer and within 45 minutes, it herniated more, so I don’t know why that happened, but at that point I had to start over from square one again and was just in constant pain every day, so I couldn’t play. I started getting better, but I didn’t think my back was going to be strong enough to play again.

you expect never to be QDid able to play again, or just not this year?


I thought I’d never be able to play again. My back had been hurt for so long, it was about a year and ten months since I had done anything super

physical. I had worked out, but it was not intense enough. was the rehab proQSocesswhat like?


I got two epidurals. They really hurt but they’re supposed to take some of the pain away because a lot of the pain I had was nerve pain, and epidurals were supposed to help with that. But that didn’t really help, and I did physical therapy from January to November. I was out for a year and ten months with my back injury. I had worked out and done physical therapy, but it was nothing like playing a varsity sport. I did basically 11 months worth of physical therapy with both Yale physical therapists and trainers back home.

stayed on with the team QYou as manager last year. What was that experience like?


It was good. I was really grateful to be able to be a part of the team even though I wasn’t playing. It was kind of the best case scenario I could have imagined without actually being able to play. It was really hard to watch the team play and not be able to contribute and not get on the field. I was happy I served as the team’s manager because it

Elis fall at national tournament


captino askjaowejn akhf shfka dfahfoiah afehwoCN AWOEFH AKENF MEN’S TENNIS FROM PAGE 12 Chaplin, 6–4, 6–2. The following day, the two Bulldogs played in their singles qualifying consolation matches against players from the No. 12 University of Florida. Both players struggled to keep a lead in the close matchand ended falling to the Gators. “Our second-round consolation matches went a bit better,” Huang said. “Even though we both lost again unfortunately, we both felt like we played tough and had a lot if opportunities to win.” As a doubles pair, the senior duo came across two skilled opponents. The Elis defeated a doubles pair from San Diego State, 8–3. Their next opponents, who came into the tournament with the No. 12 seed,

narrowly defeated Hoffman and Huang, 9–7. “It was great to get such high quality match exposure where everyone is talented and playing well,” Huang said. “Our doubles was also a lot of fun. We haven’t played together since freshmen year so it was nice to rekindle that.” The tournament featured over 400 collegiate tennis players from around the nation. “The trip was fun,” Hoffman said. “It was a good gauge as to where me and Huang are as players and the improvements that we can make to move forward this season.” The Bulldogs will host Army and St Bonaventure at the Yale Shootout this weekend. Contact ADLON ADAMS at .


Brooke Gogel ’14 served as manager of the field hockey team during her sophomore year. allowed me to remain part of the team and stay friends with all the players who I’m so close with.


What are your goals for the rest of the season — your

goals and the goals for the team?


Personally, not to get hurt again, protect my back — and I just want to contribute as much to the team as possible. I

think we look really good and I’m excited for the rest of the season. Contact ALEX EPPLER at .

Tennis competes at ITA WOMEN’S TENNIS FROM PAGE 12 that Epstein faced her least formidable test in the next round against pre-qualifier Ema Burgic of Baylor. With a win, Epstein would have booked a place in the tournament’s main draw of 32 players. But at a tournament of this caliber, no win is certain, and on Wednesday, Burgic defeated Epstein, 6–4, 6–2. Yu also sought a place in the main draw of the tournament, though she had a significantly longer road to get there. Until recently, it was not even clear whether Yu would participate in the All-American Championships. She was originally listed as an alternate, meaning she made the tournament because of other players’ withdrawals. If, for Yu, there was an element of entering this tournament through its back door, she firmly planted herself in its living room through her strong play. It took Yu three sets to win each of her three pre-qualifying matches, but in the qualifiers she breezed through her first two opponents in straight sets. In the first round of the qualifying stage, Yu took down No. 75 Anna Depenau of the University of San Diego, 6–2, 6–3. Next up was No. 38 Nazari Urbina of Texas A&M, but Yu made quick work of her, too, winning 6–4, 6–2. Yu said she was pleased with the way she played, noting that her quick wins allowed her to avoid fatigue. But her third opponent in qualifiers, No. 89 Aleksandra Josifoska

of UNLV, proved too much, beating Yu 6–3, 6–1. While acknowledging that she was outplayed in her final match, Yu viewed her experience at the tournament in a very positive light. “It was a really great experience because I didn’t know that I was coming to this tournament until a couple days before,” Yu said. “It was really nice to win a few matches in pre-qualies and almost make it into the main draw.”

We beat a ton of topranked schools. I think it just solidifies how good we’re going to be this year and helps get our name out there.. ELIZABETH EPSTEIN ’13 Seideman was the third Eli entered in singles play and she, too, came through pre-qualifiers to make the qualifying draw. During pre-qualifiers, Seideman was in blistering form and won all three of her matches in straight sets. She won three of those sets 6–0. Seideman won a total of 36 games and lost just eight. Seideman’s form carried into the first round of qualifiers, where she overcame UCLA’s Skylar Morton, ranked No. 70 in

the country, 3–6, 7–5, 6–0. But Seideman’s next match would prove her last as she stumbled against Julia Elbaba of Virginia, a freshman who was among the top 15 national recruits. Despite falling short of her ultimate goal of making it through to the qualifying rounds, Seideman said the trip was a huge success for Yale women’s tennis. “A lot of the [other] coaches are kind of talking about Yale,” Seideman said. “There’s no other Ivy school here doing things like we are. It’s a confidence builder for us and for our program coming here and doing well, winning against other excellent programs.” In doubles, the Bulldogs enjoyed slightly less success than in singles. Yu and Seideman joined forces in pre-qualifiers, but fell in their first match against an Auburn pair, 9–7. The duo of Epstein and Annie Sullivan ’14, No. 40 in the ITA pre-season rankings, entered this tournament with a career record of 21–1. The pair went straight into the qualifying bracket, based on their national doubles ranking. After winning their first match against the No. 20 team in the country from Miami, the pair suffered its second collegiate loss against a team from DePaul, by a score of 8–3. The Bulldogs will next compete in the ITA Regional Championships in West Point, NY, beginning on Oct. 19. Contact JOSEPH ROSENBERG at .

The end of an era: Old refs return COLUMN FROM PAGE 12 ing that this call or that call lost the game for their team of choice. Referees have always been (and will continue to be) the classic scapegoat for dejected fans. For the first few weeks of the 2012 NFL season, these blame-shifters just had more ammo. Your grandfather argued, “The Cowboys lost because of those gosh-darn scabs,” and blogs had a field day compiling every single mistake by the replacement refs. At the time, I wholeheartedly believed that the “real” crews made just as many mistakes — the replacements were just under such extreme scrutiny that each and every single flaw was revealed. They became the target of analysis and criticism usually reserved for the players on the field. I didn’t think it was fair to the “scabs,” who were people just

like your neighbor or uncle: a high school coach, a hometown fan or a former college player. The anger should have been directed at the NFL, not the men (and woman) filling in. So I didn’t think too much about the replacement refs for the first few weeks — much better to focus on the teams themselves. But, as it always seems to go, the problem had to boil over before I realized the refs were hampering the game. A shoe left in the hallway isn’t a problem until you trip over it; a glitch in the latest Call of Duty game doesn’t matter until people start to exploit it. In this case, the replacement refs were a non-issue until an error decided a nationally televised game on the very last play. I am, of course, talking about last Monday’s Packers-Seahawks fiasco, where Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate was judged to have caught a

Hail Mary pass in the end zone to win the game for Seattle. Media and fans around the country cried foul, claiming that Packers safety M.D. Jennings had intercepted the throw, which would have clinched the win for Green Bay. I won’t belabor this well-trodden event any further, but it was the perfect storm — America was watching on Monday night, the game hinged on the final play and the judgment was made inefficiently and without unanimity. The defining image of the replacement officials’ tenure will always be that final moment of the Green Bay-Seattle game, with one judge signaling touchback and the other signaling touchdown as players scuffled for the ball. (Don’t believe me? Just Google “replacement refs” and it’s the very first image.) Okay, so there was a refereeing problem. The stats back it up:

according to TicketCity, a ticket resale website, coaches called 20 more challenges in the first three weeks this year than they did in the first three weeks of the 2011 season. And once the entire country became keenly aware of the issue, the NFL quickly resolved the problem in time to bring back the trained crews for last week’s Thursday night game. There is a silver lining from the prolonged strike: America finally gained some appreciation for its oft-attacked referees. Usually the most-disliked and leastrespected employees in sports, the “real” refs were suddenly the biggest rock stars on the field. We began to realize that working a complex game under the lights and in front of millions is pretty difficult after all — and most of the time, they get things right. Referees weren’t just nameless men in stripes but guys with sto-

ries and names. Ed Hochuli and Gene Steratore became semihousehold names, at least in the sports world. They aren’t middleclass workers by most stretches of the imagination — they were making an average of $149,000 a season before the lockout and will make $173,000 by 2013 as a result of their new contract. But it’s a demanding job, and they’re certainly not on the same pay scale as professional athletes. Upon the officials’ return, the Baltimore crowd at M&T Bank Stadium gave a standing ovation to the crew working the game. Refs got high fives from fans as they came out of the tunnel. And CBS felt the need to introduce the crew for last Sunday’s Cincinnati-Jacksonville matchup with the classic “state your name and university” video used for players in big games. It was a little weird, but a nice gesture nonetheless.

(Although I am disappointed that Ed Hochuli didn’t attend Terrell Suggs’ alma mater, “Ball So Hard University.”) It was a fleeting moment of appreciation. By the end of the first half of the 1:00 p.m. games, the honeymoon was over. Fans jeered calls and commentators went back to complaining about unnecessary penalties. And a few of the three pass interference calls during the last drive of Sunday’s Giants-Eagles game were a little dubious. At least the calls were “dubious” and not blatantly incorrect. Score one for being right most of the time. So we’ll remember you, replacement refs, for your valiant effort and unintentional humor, but “don’t let your life pass you by” waiting for a callback. Contact EVAN FRONDORF at .


MLB N.Y.Yankees 14 Boston 2

MLB Oakland 12 Texas 5


MLB Tampa Bay 4 Baltimore 1


SOCCER Arsenal 3 Olympiakos 1


TYLER VARGA ’16 FRESHMAN RACKS UP ACCOLADES After rushing for 125 yards and returning three kicks for 119 more against Colgate last Saturday, Tyler Varga ’16 received an honorable mention from in their “All-Purpose Performer of the Week” category.

WOMEN’S FIELD HOCKEY FOUR TOP TEAMS ON SCHEDULE When the women’s field hockey team takes on No. 5 Virginia this weekend, the Bulldogs will face their fourth topfive opponent in their last six games. So far, the team has already played No. 1 Syracuse, No. 3 Connecticut and No. 4 Princeton.


“A lot of the [other] coaches are kind of talking about Yale. There’s no other Ivy school here doing things like we are. BLAIR SEIDEMAN ’14 WOMEN’S TENNIS YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2012 ·


Goodbye, replacement refs “I will remember you. Will you remember me?” said no one about the NFL replacement referees, as the league finally made a deal last week to bring the professional crews back on the field. Considering a popular YouTube “in memoriam” video set highlights of the replacements’ greatest bloopers against the weepy Sarah McLachlan song of ASPCA fame, maybe we actually will remember the three weeks of scabdom for a quite a while — just not in the same way McLachlan wants us to feel about those unloved puppies. We’ll remember the phantom flags, the potential for corruption (one ref was on the Seahawks payroll and then worked a Seattle game), the incredulous coaches and, of course, the game-changing debacles. As a lover of this kind of made-for-TV spectacle, I enjoyed the chaos while it lasted. But it’s good to have everything back to normal, both for the hardworking referees who were on strike and for the integrity of the rest of the season. Admittedly, when the whole saga began, I didn’t think having replacement refs was a big deal. Sure, there were insignificant moments of incompetence here and there, but the games were still being played and the outcomes generally seemed fair. In fact, I thought the fill-ins got way too much flak from the media and football fans. Every week during the regular season, even with regular referees, some fan base gets riled up about one call or another, allegSEE COLUMN PAGE 11

Bulldogs strong at All-Americans WOMEN’S TENNIS


The women’s tennis team went 11–3 in ITA All-American Championships qualifying matches this week in Pacific Palisades, Calif. BY JOSEPH ROSENBERG STAFF REPORTER What a difference a year can make. Last year, the women’s tennis team sent two players to the prestigious ITA All-American Championships and came up empty-handed, winning no matches. This year, four Bulldogs traveled to the same tournament in Pacific Palisades, Calif., and returned with quite different results. The tetrad won a total of 12

matches over the weekend. Team captain Elizabeth Epstein ’13 led the charge for the Elis. Based on her No. 85 national ranking, Epstein earned a bid straight into the qualifying rounds of the tournament and avoided having to play the three extra pre-qualifying matches that her teammates Blair Seideman ’14 and Hanna Yu ’15 did. In her first match, Epstein took down University of Tennessee’s Kata Szekely, the No. 28 player in the


country, 3–6, 7–6(3), 6–4. Epstein thought that her win over Szekely, coupled with her teammates’ victories, went a long way toward establishing the Bulldogs as one of this year’s teams to beat. “I definitely wanted to come out here and show everyone how good we were going to be this year,” Epstein said. “That win really helped make a statement. In general this weekend, we beat a ton of top-ranked schools. I think it just solidifies how good

we’re going to be this year and helps get our name out there.” Things didn’t get any easier in the second round of qualifying, as Epstein’s next matchup was with USC’s Kaitlyn Christian, the No. 54 player in the country. But Epstein made quick work of Christian as well, winning in straight sets, 6–3, 6–2. After beating two players with such lofty rankings, it would seem SEE WOMEN’S TENNIS PAGE 11

Gogel’s return energizes the field

Two nationally ranked members of the Yale men’s tennis team competed in hard-fought qualifying matches at the Intercollegiate Tennis Associations’s Men’s All-American Championships in Oklahoma on Tuesday.

MEN’S TENNIS Team captain Daniel Hoffman ’13 and John Huang ’13 both competed in the national championships at the University of Tulsa, which started Monday. They each lost two singles matches the first day and were unable to pull off a win as a doubles pair on Tuesday. “It was definitely tough coming out here and playing the nation’s elite,” Huang said. “We don’t usually get to play many players outside of the Northeast so this was a special opportunity for us to play some really high caliber players.” Hoffman, who is ranked No. 114 in the country, said both he and Huang faced very challenging first-round opponents. Hoffman was defeated by the nationally ranked No. 87 Rok Bonin of Minnesota in the first round of qualifying matches, 6–2, 6–3. In another tight match, Huang, ranked No. 113 nationally, was defeated by Tennessee’s Jarryd BLAIR SEIDEMAN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

John Huang ’13 and doubles partner Daniel Hoffman ’13 went 1–1 in qualifying.




Brooke Gogel ’14 returns to the field hockey team after a back injury BY ALEX EPPLER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Soon after completing her freshman season on the Yale field hockey team, forward Brooke Gogel ’14 realizeed she was developing a back injury. She was diagnosed with a herniated disk later that year and was unsure whether she would play field hockey again. After serving as the team’s manager during her sophomore year, Gogel debuted for the Bulldogs in this season’s 2-1 over-

time win against Harvard Sept. 15. The News sat down with Gogel to discuss the team’s season, her injury and her goals for the year.

QHow is the season going so far?


It’s good. We’ve gotten to play against a lot of really incredible teams and it’s been a really great SEE Q&A PAGE 11


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