Ethnic Relations in the Baltic Reconsidered Conference Program

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SEPTEMBER 16-17, S2022 EPTEMBER 16-17, 2022 A Two-Day AConference Two-Day Conference



“The Origins of the State: Tartu University Legal Historian Gustav von Ewers “and The Origins of the State: Tartu University Legal Historian Gustav von Ewers and Russian RHistoriography” ussian Historiography”



Bradley Woodworth, University of New Haven / Yale BUniversity radley Woodworth, University of New Haven / Yale University

Friday, September F16 riday, September 16

9:00 9AM :00 AM


Chair: Darius Staliūnas, Lithuanian Institute of CHistory hair: Darius Staliūnas, Lithuanian Institute of History

Jörg Hackmann, University of JSzczecin örg Hackmann, University of Szczecin

10:00 112:00 0:00-12:00

“Voluntary Associations as Accelerator or Inhibitor of Inter Ethnic relations “in Voluntary Associations as Accelerator or Inhibitor of Inter Ethnic relations in theBaltic tRegion?” heBaltic Region?”

Irina Paert, University of ITartu rina Paert, University of Tartu

“‘Neither Jew, Nor Gentile?’ The Russian Orthodox Clergy in the Baltic “Provinces ‘Neither Jew, Nor Gentile?’ The Russian Orthodox Clergy in the Baltic Provinces in the Service of the iEmpire” n the Service of the Empire”

112:00-1:00 2:00 1:00 LUNCH LBREAK UNCH BREAK

Ethnic Relations in the Baltic Reconsidered

K Keynote Address eby ynote Address by Toivo Raun, Indiana TUniversity oivo Raun, Indiana University

“Anti-Jewish Violence in the Interwar Lithuania: Preconditions of the “Holocaust?” Anti Jewish Violence in the Interwar Lithuania: Preconditions of the Holocaust?”

Friday, September F16 riday, September 16


“Spring Flowers and Border Guards: Estonian Narratives of Soviet Military “and Spring Flowers and Border Guards: Estonian Narratives of Soviet Military and Border BTroops” order Troops”

3:00 35:00 :00 5:00

Stanislovas Stasiulis, Lithuanian Institute of SHistory tanislovas Stasiulis, Lithuanian Institute of History

Epp Annus, The Ohio State University / Tallinn EUniversity pp Annus, The Ohio State University / Tallinn University

11:00-2:20 :00 2:20 MEMORY MEMORY

Violeta Davoliūtė, Lithuanian Institute of VHistory ioleta Davoliūtė, Lithuanian Institute of History

“The Image of the ‘New Lithuania’ in Propaganda of the Lithuanian Activist “Front” The Image of the ‘New Lithuania’ in Propaganda of the Lithuanian Activist Front”

“Dividing Society: The Impact of Border Making between Lithuania and “Poland, Dividing Society: The Impact of Border Making between Lithuania and Poland, 1920 11940” 920 1940”

Darius Staliūnas, Lithuanian Institute of DHistory arius Staliūnas, Lithuanian Institute of History


Tomas Balkelis, Lithuanian Institute of THistory omas Balkelis, Lithuanian Institute of History

“The Habitus of Holocaust Remembrance during the Thaw in Soviet “Lithuania” The Habitus of Holocaust Remembrance during the Thaw in Soviet Lithuania”

Chair: Mārtiņš Kaprāns, University of CLatvia hair: Mārtiņš Kaprāns, University of Latvia

2:20 23:00 :20-3:00 COFFEE CBREAK OFFEE BREAK

Chair: Andres Kasekamp, University of CToronto hair: Andres Kasekamp, University of Toronto

“Crossing Symbolic Boundaries: Can Precarity Bring Latvians and “Russophones Crossing Symbolic Boundaries: Can Precarity Bring Latvians and Russophones Closer CTogether?” loser Together?”

Karsten Brüggemann, University of KTallinn arsten Brüggemann, University of Tallinn


“Konstantin Päts and Ethnic Minorities: The Political Trajectory of an “Estonian Konstantin Päts and Ethnic Minorities: The Political Trajectory of an Estonian Nationalist Authoritarian NLeader” ationalist Authoritarian Leader”

“Ways Out of the Interwar Slump: Imagined Historical Trajectories and “StateWays Out of the Interwar Slump: Imagined Historical Trajectories and State Minority Relations in the MBaltics” inority Relations in the Baltics”

Chair: Bradley Woodworth, University of New Haven / Yale CUniversity hair: Bradley Woodworth, University of New Haven / Yale University

112:30-2:30 2:30 2:30

Andres Kasekamp, University of AToronto ndres Kasekamp, University of Toronto

Chair: Tomas Balkelis, Lithuanian Institute of CHistory hair: Tomas Balkelis, Lithuanian Institute of History

Vello Pettai, European Centre for Minority VIssues ello Pettai, European Centre for Minority Issues


111:30-12:30 1:30-12:30 LUNCH LBREAK UNCH BREAK

Saturday, September S17 aturday, September 17

“On the Interplay of Soviet Internationalism and Estonian Nationalism in the “ESSR” On the Interplay of Soviet Internationalism and Estonian Nationalism in the ESSR”

Ammon Cheskin, University of AGlasgow mmon Cheskin, University of Glasgow


“New Categories of Analysis and Avenues of Research in Inter Ethnic Relations “in New Categories of Analysis and Avenues of Research in Inter Ethnic Relations in the tBaltic” he Baltic”

Klaus Richter, University of KBirmingham laus Richter, University of Birmingham

Mārtiņš Kaprāns, University of MLatvia ārtiņš Kaprāns, University of Latvia

“Minorities and E “Governance” Minorities and E Governance”


3:00-5:00 3:00-5:00


Saturday, September S17 aturday, September 17

by Ronald Suny, University of Michigan band y Ronald Suny, University of Michigan and Kevin Platt, University of KPennsylvania evin Platt, University of Pennsylvania


Ohio State University / Tallinn OUniversity hio State University / Tallinn University

Epp Annus is associate professor with Tallinn EUniversity, pp Annus is associate professor with Tallinn University, Institute of Humanities and lecturer at the Department Iof nstitute of Humanities and lecturer at the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures, Ohio SState lavic and East European Languages and Cultures, Ohio State University. Her recent books include Soviet UPostcolonial niversity. Her recent books include Soviet Postcolonial Studies: A View from the Western Borderlands S(Routledge, tudies: A View from the Western Borderlands (Routledge, 2018) and Coloniality, Nationality, Modernity: A 2Postcolonial 018) and Coloniality, Nationality, Modernity: A Postcolonial View on Baltic Cultures under Soviet Rule, ed. by Epp VAnnus iew on Baltic Cultures under Soviet Rule, ed. by Epp Annus (Routledge, (2018). Routledge, 2018).

Her research interests include Soviet and post Soviet HBaltic er research interests include Soviet and post Soviet Baltic cultures, postcolonial studies, environmental studies cand ultures, postcolonial studies, environmental studies and phenomenology of everyday life. She is the author of ptwo henomenology of everyday life. She is the author of two novels. novels.

Dr. Tomas Balkelis is a senior research fellow at Dthe r. Tomas Balkelis is a senior research fellow at the Lithuanian Institute of History in Vilnius. He received Lhis ithuanian Institute of History in Vilnius. He received his Ph D in History at the University of Toronto in 2004 PAfter h.D. in History at the University of Toronto in 2004. After graduation he worked at the Universities of Manchester gand raduation he worked at the Universities of Manchester and Nottingham. In 2009 2013, he was a European NResearch ottingham. In 2009 2013, he was a European Research Council Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University CCollege ouncil Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University College Dublin. He also led a Lithuanian Research Council Dfunded ublin. He also led a Lithuanian Research Council funded team of historians based at Vilnius University working ton eam of historians based at Vilnius University working on the population displacement in Lithuania in the 20th. tIn he population displacement in Lithuania in the 20th. In 2015 2016 he was a visiting fellow at Stanford University. 2He 015 2016 he was a visiting fellow at Stanford University. He is the author of The Making of Modern Lithuania i(Routledge, s the author of The Making of Modern Lithuania (Routledge, 2009) and War, Revolution and Nation Making 2in 009) and War, Revolution and Nation Making in Lithuania(Oxford, 2018). His articles have been published Lby ithuania(Oxford, 2018). His articles have been published by Past and Present and Contemporary European History. PHis ast and Present and Contemporary European History. His research fields include nation building, rnational esearch fields include nation building, national mythmaking, forced migrations, population mdisplacement ythmaking, forced migrations, population displacement and paramilitary aviolence. nd paramilitary violence.

Lithuanian Institute of LHistory ithuanian Institute of History





Violeta Davoliūtė is Senior Researcher at the VLithuanian ioleta Davoliūtė is Senior Researcher at the Lithuanian Institute of History, Professor at the Institute of IInternational nstitute of History, Professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, and RProject elations and Political Science, Vilnius University, and Project Leader of Facing the Past: Public History for a Stronger LEurope eader of Facing the Past: Public History for a Stronger Europe (Horizon Europe, 2022 2025). In recent years, she been a (visiting Horizon Europe, 2022 2025). In recent years, she been a visiting scholar at Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena, Yale University, EHESS, sand cholar at Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena, Yale University, EHESS, and Upsalla University, and from October 2022 will be a USenior psalla University, and from October 2022 will be a Senior Fellow at the Wiener Wiesenthal Institute. A graduate of FVilnius ellow at the Wiener Wiesenthal Institute. A graduate of Vilnius University, she completed her M.A. and Ph.D. at the UUniversity niversity, she completed her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Toronto. A specialist in cultural memory and social otrauma, f Toronto. A specialist in cultural memory and social trauma, she has published extensively on these topics with a focus son he has published extensively on these topics with a focus on the Baltic States and East Central tEurope. he Baltic States and East Central Europe.

Lithuanian Institute of History


Karsten Brüggemann is the Professor of Estonian and KGeneral arsten Brüggemann is the Professor of Estonian and General History at the School of Humanities of Tallinn University. HHe istory at the School of Humanities of Tallinn University. He received his PhD in history from the University of Hamburg rin eceived his PhD in history from the University of Hamburg in 1999 with a study of the Russian Civil War in the Baltic 1region: 999 with a study of the Russian Civil War in the Baltic region: Die Gründung der Republik Estland und das Ende des D‚Einen ie Gründung der Republik Estland und das Ende des ‚Einen und Unteilbaren Rußland‘ (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002). uIn nd Unteilbaren Rußland‘ (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002). In 2013, he defended his habilitation at the University of 2Gießen 013, he defended his habilitation at the University of Gießen with a study on the perception of the Baltic provinces win ith a study on the perception of the Baltic provinces in Russian imperial Rculture. ussian imperial culture.


Dr Cheskin is a lecturer in Central and East DEuropean r Cheskin is a lecturer in Central and East European Studies at the University of Glasgow. His current Sresearch tudies at the University of Glasgow. His current research investigates the identity positions of Russians and iRussian nvestigates the identity positions of Russians and Russian speakers outside of Russia with a particular focus on sLatvia peakers outside of Russia with a particular focus on Latvia and aUkraine. nd Ukraine. His work investigates the cultural, political, Hand is work investigates the cultural, political, and economic attachments that Russians/Russian speakers ehave conomic attachments that Russians/Russian speakers have towards Russia and towards their state of residence. tCentral owards Russia and towards their state of residence. Central themes of his research are collective memory, Russian tsoft hemes of his research are collective memory, Russian soft power, and the discursive construction of pidentity. ower, and the discursive construction of identity.

Tallinn TUniversity allinn University

University of UGlasgow niversity of Glasgow


Jörg Hackmann is Alfred Döblin Professor at Jthe örg Hackmann is Alfred Döblin Professor at the Department of History, University of Szczecin, Poland, Dand epartment of History, University of Szczecin, Poland, and since 2021 Director of the International Center sfor ince 2021 Director of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Szczecin. IHe nterdisciplinary Studies at the University of Szczecin. He is also associated with the University of iGreifswald, s also associated with the University of Greifswald, Germany, and serves as Vice President of the GJohann ermany, and serves as Vice President of the Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council (Germany) and Gas ottfried Herder Research Council (Germany) and as President Elect of the Association for the Advancement Pof resident Elect of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Jörg Hackmann holds a PhD from the BFree altic Studies. Jörg Hackmann holds a PhD from the Free University Berlin and received his habilitation at Uthe niversity Berlin and received his habilitation at the University of Greifswald. He has been a visiting scholar Uat niversity of Greifswald. He has been a visiting scholar at many universities in the Baltic Sea region as well as min any universities in the Baltic Sea region as well as in Chicago. Publications focus on the history of CNorth hicago Publications focus on the history of North Eastern and East Central Europe, in particular Eon astern and East Central Europe, in particular on historiography, memory cultures, civil society hand istoriography, memory cultures, civil society and regionalisms with a focus on transnational rentanglements egionalisms with a focus on transnational entanglements



University of Szczecin

Mārtiņš Kaprāns is a senior researcher at the Institute Mof ārtiņš Kaprāns is a senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia. PHe hilosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia. He received PhD in communication science from rUniversity eceived PhD in communication science from University of Latvia in 2012. Over the previous decade, he has obeen f Latvia in 2012. Over the previous decade, he has been involved in several large scale research projects on iBaltic nvolved in several large scale research projects on Baltic labor migrants, Russian speaking communities in lthe abor migrants, Russian speaking communities in the Baltic states, ideological polarization in Baltic Bsocieties, altic states, ideological polarization in Baltic societies, ethnic stereotypes and prejudices in Latvia, and ehistorical thnic stereotypes and prejudices in Latvia, and historical politics in Baltic countries and Central Europe. pCurrently, olitics in Baltic countries and Central Europe. Currently, Kaprāns is the head of Latvian state research Kprogram aprāns is the head of Latvian state research program

“The archaeology of independence: Towards a new“The archaeology of independence: Towards a new conceptual perspective on national resistance in cLatvia”. onceptual perspective on national resistance in Latvia”.

University of Latvia



Irina Paert is Senior Researcher at the School of ITheology rina Paert is Senior Researcher at the School of Theology and Religious Studies, Univesity of Tartu. She obtained aher nd Religious Studies, Univesity of Tartu. She obtained her PhD in Social History from Essex University P(UK). hD in Social History from Essex University (UK).

Originating from the Altai Mountains, she is a graduate Oof riginating from the Altai Mountains, she is a graduate of Ural State University in Yekaterinburg (BA in USocial ral State University in Yekaterinburg (BA in Social Science and History, 1992) and Central SEuropean cience and History, 1992) and Central European University in Budapest, Hungary (MA in Central UEuropean niversity in Budapest, Hungary (MA in Central European History, H1994). istory, 1994). Paert specializes in Russian Preligious aert specializes in Russian religious studies, focusing particularly on the history and culture sof tudies, focusing particularly on the history and culture of Old Believers and the Russian Orthodox OChurch. ld Believers and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Dr. Andres Kasekamp is a professor in the Department Dof r Andres Kasekamp is a professor in the Department of History and chair of Estonian Studies at University Hof istory and chair of Estonian Studies at University of Toronto. Before returning to U of T, Andres Kasekamp Twas oronto. Before returning to U of T, Andres Kasekamp was Professor of Baltic Politics at the University of Tartu Pin rofessor of Baltic Politics at the University of Tartu in Estonia and Director of the Estonian Foreign EPolicy stonia and Director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute. He has also been a visiting professor Iat nstitute. He has also been a visiting professor at Humboldt University Berlin. His first book was HThe umboldt University Berlin. His first book was The Radical Right in Interwar Estonia (Palgrave 2000). RHis adical Right in Interwar Estonia (Palgrave 2000). His second book, A History of the Baltic States (Palgrave s2010), econd book, A History of the Baltic States (Palgrave 2010), has been translated into nine languages. His hresearch as been translated into nine languages. His research interests include populist radical right parties, imemory nterests include populist radical right parties, memory politics, European foreign and security policy, pand olitics, European foreign and security policy, and cooperation and conflict in the Baltic Sea region. He chas ooperation and conflict in the Baltic Sea region. He has served as the editor of the Journal of Baltic Studies, and sis erved as the editor of the Journal of Baltic Studies, and is currently the President Elect of the Association for cthe urrently the President Elect of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic AStudies. dvancement of Baltic Studies.




European Centre for Minority Issues (Germany)

Vello Pettai is Director of the European Centre Vfor ello Pettai is Director of the European Centre for Minority Issues since March 2020. Prior to that he Mwas inority Issues since March 2020. Prior to that he was Professor of Comparative Politics at the University Pof rofessor of Comparative Politics at the University of Tartu, where he worked on topics ranging from Tethnic artu, where he worked on topics ranging from ethnic politics to democratization to transitional justice. pHis olitics to democratization to transitional justice. His research has appeared in a range of rinternational esearch has appeared in a range of international academic journals including Nations and Nationalism, aEast cademic journals including Nations and Nationalism, East European Politics and Societies, Nationalities Papers Eand uropean Politics and Societies, Nationalities Papers and Europa Ethnica. He has also published five books, Emost uropa Ethnica. He has also published five books, most recently co authoring the monograph Transitional rand ecently co authoring the monograph Transitional and Retrospective Justice in the Baltic States, R(Cambridge etrospective Justice in the Baltic States, (Cambridge University Press, U2015). niversity Press, 2015).

KEVIN KPLATT EVIN PLATT University of Pennsylvania

Kevin M. F. Platt is Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn KTerm evin M. F. Platt is Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor in the Humanities at the University Pof rofessor in the Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania. His scholarly work focuses on Russian Pand ennsylvania. His scholarly work focuses on Russian and East European poetry, culture, literature, and history. EHis ast European poetry, culture, literature, and history. His translations of Russian poetry have appeared in tWorld ranslations of Russian poetry have appeared in World Literature Today, Jacket2, Fence, and other journals. He Lis iterature Today, Jacket2, Fence, and other journals. He is the founder and organizer of the poetry ttranslation he founder and organizer of the poetry translation symposium Your Language My Ear, and author or editor of sa ymposium Your Language My Ear, and author or editor of a number of scholarly books, including Terror and nGreatness: umber of scholarly books, including Terror and Greatness: Ivan and Peter as Russian Myths (Cornell, 2011) and IGlobal van and Peter as Russian Myths (Cornell, 2011) and Global Russian Cultures (Wisconsin, 2019). His latest book, RBorder ussian Cultures (Wisconsin, 2019). His latest book, Border Conditions: Russian Latvians Between World Orders Cis onditions: Russian Latvians Between World Orders is forthcoming from Cornell/Northern Illinois University fPress. orthcoming from Cornell/Northern Illinois University Press.

TOIVO TRAUN OIVO RAUN Indiana University

Dr. Toivo Raun is a professor of history at DIndiana r. Toivo Raun is a professor of history at Indiana University Bloomington in the department of UCentral niversity Bloomington in the department of Central Eurasian Studies. He earned his Ph.D. from EPrinceton urasian Studies. He earned his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1969. His main research interests are Umodern niversity in 1969. His main research interests are modern Baltic and Finnish Bhistory. altic and Finnish history.

Dr. Darius Staliūnas is Research Fellow at Dthe r. Darius Staliūnas is Research Fellow at the Lithuanian Institute of History and teaches at LVilnius ithuanian Institute of History and teaches at Vilnius University. University.


KLAUS KRICHTER LAUS RICHTER University of Birmingham


Lithuanian Institute of History

Dr. Klaus Richter is the Director of the Institute Dfor r. Klaus Richter is the Director of the Institute for German and European Studies (IGES) at the University Gof erman and European Studies (IGES) at the University of Birmingham and also a Reader in Eastern BEuropean irmingham and also a Reader in Eastern European history. He studied history and English at the University hof istory. He studied history and English at the University of Cologne before he moved to the Centre for Research Con ologne before he moved to the Centre for Research on Anti Semitism in Berlin to write his PhD thesis. ADr. nti Semitism in Berlin to write his PhD thesis. Dr. Richter is historian of Eastern Europe with a Rspecific ichter is historian of Eastern Europe with a specific interest in those regions located between Russia iand nterest in those regions located between Russia and Germany, i.e. especially modern day Poland, the GBaltics, ermany, i.e. especially modern day Poland, the Baltics, Belarus and BUkraine. elarus and Ukraine.


Lithuanian Institute of History

Yale University / University of New Haven

Dr. Bradley D. Woodworth is Manager of Baltic Studies Dat r. Bradley D. Woodworth is Manager of Baltic Studies at Yale University and Assistant Professor of History at Ythe ale University and Assistant Professor of History at the University of New UHaven. niversity of New Haven.

University of Michigan



Dr. Dr.Stanislovas Stasiulis is Head of Paneriai Memorial Sat tanislovas Stasiulis is Head of Paneriai Memorial at Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, where he works Vas ilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, where he works as project coordinator of the reconstruction and renewal pof roject coordinator of the reconstruction and renewal of this Memorial site. His research focuses on tthe his Memorial site. His research focuses on the historiography of the Holocaust in Lithuania, as well has istoriography of the Holocaust in Lithuania, as well as historical memory and the culture of remembrance. hHe istorical memory and the culture of remembrance. He received his Ph.D. in History from Vilnius University rin eceived his Ph.D. in History from Vilnius University in 2018, where he also completed an M.A. degree in 2History. 018, where he also completed an M.A. degree in History.


Dr. Ronald Suny is the William H. Sewell Jr. DDistinguished r. Ronald Suny is the William H. Sewell Jr. Distinguished University Professor of History and Professor of UPolitical niversity Professor of History and Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan and SEmeritus cience at the University of Michigan and Emeritus Professor of Political Science and History at the PUniversity rofessor of Political Science and History at the University of Chicago. He taught at Oberlin College (1968 1981), oas f Chicago. He taught at Oberlin College (1968 1981), as visiting professor of history at the University of vCalifornia, isiting professor of history at the University of California, Irvine (1987), and Stanford University (1995 1996). He Ialso rvine (1987), and Stanford University (1995 1996). He also served as Senior Researcher at the National sResearch erved as Senior Researcher at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Saint UPetersburg niversity, Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg (2014 (2016). 2014 2016).

Featuredartwork: Featuredartwork: ((coverandinside) coverandinside)Jū Jū 30. tiegadi. Papīrs,guaša,tuša.©LatvijasNacionālaismākslasmuzejakrājums Papīrs,guaša,tuša.©LatvijasNacionālaismākslasmuzejakrājums ((insideandbackcover)JūlijsMadernieks.Audumaraksts.Līdz insideandbackcover)JūlijsMadernieks.Audumaraksts.Līdz 11930.gadam.Papīrs,akvarelis,tuša.LNMM 930.gadam.Papīrs,akvarelis,tuša.LNMM

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