Yale ESC Year in Review 2021-2022

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EuropeanStudiesCouncil EuropeanStudiesCouncil

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Joseph P Kazickas Associate Research Scholar in JBaltic oseph P Kazickas Associate Research Scholar in Baltic Studies, Dr Bradley Woodworth, Program Manager of SYale tudies, Dr Bradley Program Manager of Yale Baltic Studies Program, Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of BWarsaw, altic Studies Program, Rafał Mayor of Warsaw, andMaksimasMilta,E&RSMAstudent aYale ndMaksimasMilta,E&RSMAstudent Yale

Above Above:: Women, Take Part in the Soviet WElections! omen, Take Part in the Soviet Elections! (1926 (1927) 1926 1927) Unknown Artist, Lithograph, State Archive of the URussian nknown Artist, Lithograph, State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), Moscow FFrom ederation (GARF), Moscow From the colloquium in tthe he colloquium in the EmergingVoicesinREEESseriesbyMollieArbuthnot,Junior EmergingVoicesinREEESseriesbyMollieArbuthnot,Junior ResearchFellowatJesusCollege,UniversityofCambridge ResearchFellowatJesusCollege,UniversityofCambridge

Table of TContents able of Contents European Studies ECouncil uropean Studies Council (ESC) (Team ESC) Team Edyta EBojanowska dyta Bojanowska Chair and CProfessor hair and Professor Asia ANeupane sia Neupane Director, Programs and DInstitutional irector, Programs and Institutional Partnerships Partnerships Joshua JMentanko oshua Mentanko Assistant Program ADirector ssistant Program Director Christina CAndriotis hristina Andriotis Programs Coordinator & PRegistrar rograms Coordinator & Registrar 3 3 LetterfromtheChair LetterfromtheChair 4 4 LetterfromtheDirectorofGraduateStudies LetterfromtheDirectorofGraduateStudies 5 5 M.A.inEuropean&RussianStudies M.A.inEuropean&RussianStudies 6 6 LibraryReport LibraryReport 7 7 StudentGrants&Research StudentGrants&Research 9 9 StudentFellowsNetworks StudentFellowsNetworks 14 14 VisitingScholars VisitingScholars 15 15 EventHighlights EventHighlights 17 17 FacultyPublications FacultyPublications 19 19 BytheNumbers BytheNumbers Cover CPhoto over Photo: :( (from left to fright) rom left to right) Kristina Jõekalda, Juris KPadegs ristina Jõekalda, Juris Padegs Postdoctoral Associate in Baltic Studies, Jogilė PUlinskaitė, ostdoctoral Associate in Baltic Studies, Jogilė Ulinskaitė,

Letter from the LChair etter from the Chair

Webeganthisyearbelievingthatwesawthelightattheendofthe Webeganthisyearbelievingthatwesawthelightattheendofthe tunnelasourcommunityreturntoinpersonevents.Whilewekeptour tunnelasourcommunityreturntoinpersonevents.Whilewekeptour globalaudienceintheloopbymakingmanyofoureventshybrid,we could have never anticipated just how necessary our ccommunity’s ould have never just how necessary our community’s expertisewouldbebeyondouruniversity.Russia’sinvasionofUkraine expertisewouldbebeyondouruniversity Russia’sinvasionofUkraine onFebruary24,2022affectedmanyofusnotjustasresearchersand onFebruary24,2022affectedmanyofusnotjustasresearchersand students,butasfriends,family,andcolleagues.Astheworldsoughtto students,butasfriends,family,andcolleagues.Astheworldsoughtto make sense of what was happening, our students, alumni, mand ake sense of was our students, alumni, and professorsbroughttovariouspublicstheinsightthattheiryearsof professorsbroughttovariouspublicstheinsightthattheiryearsof traininginthelanguages,cultures,andhistoryofEuropehadprepared themtodo. themtodo.

The program in Russian, East European, and Eurasian TStudies he program in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (REEES)exemplifiedsomeofthebestpublicprogrammingonEurope atYale.TheHumanityDialogues,moderatedbyMartaKuzmaand atYale TheHumanityDialogues,moderatedbyMartaKuzmaand MollyBrunson,engagedartists,activities,andresearchersfromEastern MollyBrunson,engagedartists,activities,andresearchersfromEastern Europe in conversations on topics ranging from energy, Efinancial urope conversations on topics ranging from energy, financial blockades,andartisticresistancetotheinvasionofUkraine blockades,andartisticresistancetotheinvasionofUkraine.Thenewly Thenewly relaunchedREEESfilmseriesbroughtclassicworksofSlavicscience relaunchedREEESfilmseriesbroughtclassicworksofSlavicscience fictioncinematotheYalecommunity.TheEmergingVoicesinREEES fictioncinematotheYalecommunity TheEmergingVoicesinREEES series showcased pathbreaking work by scholars from svarious eries showcased pathbreaking work by scholars from various iinternationaluniversitiesandresearchcenters. nternationaluniversitiesandresearchcenters.

AmongtheeventsorganizedbytheCouncilwastheApril28visitby MayorofWarsawRafałTrzaskowski.TheMayor’stalkon“Warin MayorofWarsawRafałTrzaskowski TheMayor’stalkon“Warin UkraineandaNewTransatlanticAgenda”highlightedtheneedfor UkraineandaNewTransatlanticAgenda”highlightedtheneedfor moresupportofrefugeesbeingdirecteddirectlytothemunicipalities moresupportofrefugeesbeingdirecteddirectlytothemunicipalities hostingthem hAttheFall2022conference,“ReckoningwithEmpire: ostingthem.AttheFall2022conference,“ReckoningwithEmpire: The Right to SelfDetermination in Historical View,” our TCouncil he Right to SelfDetermination in Historical View,” our Council helpedcontextualizeEurope’spastandpresentinaglobalframe,much llikemanyoftheeventsoftheModernEuropeColloquiumseriesdid ikemanyoftheeventsoftheModernEuropeColloquiumseriesdid throughouttheyear throughouttheyear.

AlsoworthnotingisourgraduatingMAstudents’researchtoward understandingourcurrentmoment.Topicslikedemocraticbacksliding understandingourcurrentmoment.Topicslikedemocraticbacksliding iinHungaryandUkraineChinarelationsarecrucialtograspingthe nHungaryandUkraineChinarelationsarecrucialtograspingthe complexdynamicsoftheregionIlookforwardtowelcomingourthree complexdynamicsoftheregion.Ilookforwardtowelcomingourthree incoming MA students this Fall 2022. They will join a ivibrant ncoming students this 2022. They will join a vibrant community formed by the MA cohorts and members of cour ommunity formed by the MA cohorts and members of our Undergraduate and Graduate Student Networks. The third Uannual ndergraduate and Graduate Student Networks. The third annual iinternationalconferenceoftheEuropeanStudiesGraduateFellows, nternationalconferenceoftheEuropeanStudiesGraduateFellows, “EuropeataCrossroadsofthePastandFuture,”heldMay1314 “EuropeataCrossroadsofthePastandFuture,”heldMay1314 highlighted the breadth and rigor of the academic community hof ighlighted breadth and rigor of the academic community of graduatestudentsinEuropeanStudiesatYale.Asyoucanseeonthe graduatestudentsinEuropeanStudiesatYale Asyoucanseeonthe studentresearchpageofthisreport,theirsummerjourneystolearn studentresearchpageofthisreport,theirsummerjourneystolearn llanguageandconductresearchacrossthecontinentarekeytoourcore anguageandconductresearchacrossthecontinentarekeytoourcore missionofresearchandteaching missionofresearchandteaching.

Tocarryoutsuchabroadarrayofprogramsandeventswhilealso creating a community for our students and visiting fellows cand reating a community for students and visiting fellows and postdoctoralscholarsrequiresdedicationandskill.Iwanttothankour postdoctoralscholarsrequiresdedicationandskill.Iwanttothankour EuropeanStudiesCouncilstaffandstudentsforplayingkeyrolesin bringingtogetherourcommunityatYaleandbringingittotherestof theworld. theworld

ThankyouforyourcommitmenttoEuropeanStudies. ThankyouforyourcommitmenttoEuropeanStudies.

Bestwishes, Bestwishes, Edyta Edyta

3 3
Edyta EBojanowska dyta Bojanowska

Letter from the LDGS etter from the DGS

TheRussiansinvasionofUkraineonFebruary24,2022,thefirstlargescale TheRussiansinvasionofUkraineonFebruary24,2022,thefirstlargescale llandinvasionsincetheSecondWorldWar,hasbroughtadecisiveendtoa andinvasionsincetheSecondWorldWar,hasbroughtadecisiveendtoa postcommunistnarrativearc.Weretherestillanydoubts,wenowknowthat postcommunistnarrativearc.Weretherestillanydoubts,wenowknowthat thereisnosuchthingas“theEndofHistory.”Europe’spostwarorder twith hereisnosuchthingas“theEndofHistory.”Europe’spostwarorder with itscallof“Neveragain” ihasfallen,togetherwithpostColdWardelusions tscallof“Neveragain” hasfallen,togetherwithpostColdWardelusions ofaliberalteleologyofprogress.Thepastmonthshaveraisedurgent ofaliberalteleologyofprogress.Thepastmonthshaveraisedurgent questionsinallrealmsofEuropeanstudies:Whatistherelationshipbetween questionsinallrealmsofEuropeanstudies:Whatistherelationshipbetween liberalism, democracy, and the free market? What role can the lUnited iberalism, democracy, and the free market? What role can the United Nationsplaywhenithassofewcoercivemechanismsatitsdisposal?How Nationsplaywhenithassofewcoercivemechanismsatitsdisposal?How has the transparency made possible by the internet affected hthe as the transparency made possible by the internet affected the documentationofwarcrimes?WhatrolecantheInternationalCriminal documentationofwarcrimes?WhatrolecantheInternationalCriminal Courtplay?Whatdoessovereigntymeaninanageofglobalization?Howis Courtplay?Whatdoessovereigntymeaninanageofglobalization?Howis theEuropeanUnionfacingthethreatofathirdworldwar?Whatarethe theEuropeanUnionfacingthethreatofathirdworldwar?Whatarethe strengthsandweaknessesofatransatlanticalliance?Havescholarsfailedto strengthsandweaknessesofatransatlanticalliance?Havescholarsfailedto graspthe21stcenturycontinuitiesofalonghistoryofRussianimperialism? graspthe21stcenturycontinuitiesofalonghistoryofRussianimperialism? Whatistherelationshipbetweenepicnovelsandcolonizingambitions?How Whatistherelationshipbetweenepicnovelsandcolonizingambitions?How hasVergangenheitsbewältigung “grapplingwiththepast” hfailed?What asVergangenheitsbewältigung “grapplingwiththepast” failed?What are the uses and limitations of historical categories like afascism, re the uses and limitations of historical categories like fascism, totalitarianismandgenocide?Whatdoestotalitarianismmeaninanageof totalitarianismandgenocide?Whatdoestotalitarianismmeaninanageof posttruth?Thepresentmomentisareminderthattheuniversityhasarole posttruth?Thepresentmomentisareminderthattheuniversityhasarole iinmodelingapursuitoftruthandthemostrigorousthinking.TheEuropean nmodelingapursuitoftruthandthemostrigorousthinkingTheEuropean StudiesCouncilanditsMAprograminEuropean&RussianStudies StudiesCouncilanditsMAprograminEuropean&RussianStudies iis s committedtothehighestlevelofinterdisciplinaryresearch;toprovidinga committedtothehighestlevelofinterdisciplinaryresearch;toprovidinga forum for understanding Europe’s past, present and future; and fto orum for understanding Europe’s present and future; and to mobilizingstudentsandfacultyalikeonbehalfofaworldwhereallhuman mobilizingstudentsandfacultyalikeonbehalfofaworldwhereallhuman beingsaretreatedwithdignity. beingsaretreatedwithdignity.

Marci MShore arci Shore

Director of Graduate Studies for Dthe irector of Graduate Studies for the European & Russian Studies MA EProgram uropean & Russian Studies MA Program

Leftphoto: Leftphoto:welcome welcome gatheringofE&RS gatheringofE&RS students,European Studies Studies undergraduateand undergraduateand graduateFellows, graduateFellows, andvisitingscholars oftheESC oftheESC

Rightphoto Rightphoto::E&RS E&RS studentspresenting studentspresenting theirthesistopicsat theirthesistopicsat acommunitylunch workshop workshop

Bottom BRow ottom Row: gathering of faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students from Ukraine or interested in Ukraine :with gathering of faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students from Ukraine or interested in Ukraine with Oleksiy Goncharenko, Member of Parliament of Ukraine after his public Olecture. leksiy Member of Parliament of Ukraine after his public lecture

BackRow BackRow::( (ffromleftto romleftto right) right) AliSalmenbayev, AliSalmenbayev, PeterChen,andZachary PeterChen,andZachary Cho. Cho FrontRow: FrontRow: ( (ffromleft romleft toright toright)StevenWilkinson, )StevenWilkinson, DirectoroftheYale DirectoroftheYale MacMillanCenter,and MacMillanCenter,and NilekaniProfessorofIndia NilekaniProfessorofIndia &SouthAsianStudies, &SouthAsianStudies, GiorgiBuzaladze,Marci GiorgiBuzaladze,Marci Shore,Directorof Shore,Directorof GraduateStudies,and GraduateStudies,and MeaganFord MeaganFord.

M.A. in European &
MStudies .A. in European &
5 5 E&RS M.A. ETheses &RS M.A. Theses Congratulations to the class of 2022!Congratulations to the class of 2022! May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Russian Studies
GiorgiBuzaladze GiorgiBuzaladze ThesisAdvisor:MilanSvolik ThesisAdvisor:MilanSvolik PeterChen PeterChen ThesisAdvisor:JinyiChu ThesisAdvisor:JinyiChu ZacharyCho ZacharyCho ThesisAdvisor:CarlosEire ThesisAdvisor:CarlosEire MeaganFord MeaganFord GoingBeyondtheFamine:theSecret GoingBeyondtheFamine:theSecret PoliceinSovietKazakhstan,1925 PoliceinSovietKazakhstan,1925 1939 1939 GabrielRom GabrielRom ThesisAdvisor:BryanGarsten ThesisAdvisor:BryanGarsten AliSalmenbayev AliSalmenbayev ThesisAdvisors:DavidCameron ThesisAdvisors:DavidCameron andThomasGraham andThomasGraham

Library LReport ibrary Report

The Russian and Eastern European Tcollections he Russian and Eastern European collections continue to grow, most cnotably ontinue grow, most notably through a continuing pilot program to acquire Russian scholarly tmonographs hrough a continuing pilot program to acquire Russian scholarly monographs in electronic format, which Yale is participating in alongside partners iat n electronic format, which Yale is participating in alongside partners at Columbia, Cornell, New York Public Library, NYU, Princeton, and CHarvard olumbia, Cornell, New York Public Library, NYU, Princeton, and Harvard Yale is also a participant in an Ivy+ Web Archiving initiative to document Ythe ale also an Ivy+ Web Archiving initiative to document the war in Ukraine and archive important Ukrainian websites In the fall of w2022, ar in and important Ukrainian websites. In the fall of 2022, an exhibit highlighting the history of Yale’s Slavic collections will contribute ato n exhibit highlighting the history of Yale’s Slavic will contribute to a larger commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Department of aSlavic larger commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. The exhibit is co curated by Anna Arays, LLibrarian anguages and Literatures The exhibit is co-curated by Anna Arays, Librarian for Slavic and East European Studies, and Liliya Dashevski, a PhD candidate fin or Slavic and East European Studies, and Liliya Dashevski, a PhD candidate in the Department of Slavic Languages and tLiteratures he Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

The library also maintained its strong support for Western European Tstudies he library also its support Western European studies this year, collecting print and electronic serials and monographs from tour his year, collecting print and electronic serials and monographs from our major vendors in Germany, Italy and France as well as materials from the mUK ajor vendors in Germany, Italy and France as well as materials from the UK and North America. A particular focus has been the history of colonialism; atwo nd North America A particular focus has been the history of colonialism; two notable database acquisitions in this area nare otable database acquisitions in this area are Colonial Caribbean: CColonial olonial Caribbean: Colonial Office files from the National Archives (UK) O1624-1832 ffice files from the National Archives (UK) 1624 1832 and athe nd the digitized digitized archives of the Royal Geographical aSociety rchives of Society Michael Printy taught a First .Year Michael Printy taught a First Year Seminar on the history of information from the origins of writing to the Sdigital eminar on the history of information from the origins of writing the digital age mobilizing Yale’s collections and curators starting with aBabylonian ge mobilizing Yale’s collections and curators starting with Babylonian cuneiform tablets and papyri in the Beinecke to the Digital cPreservation uneiform tablets and papyri in the Beinecke to the Digital Preservation Laboratory (and everything in Lbetween). aboratory (and everything in between)

HighlightfromtheCollections HighlightfromtheCollections TheAguiarMapfrom1492 TheAguiarMapfrom1492

The 1492 Aguiar map, the oldest Tdated he 1492 Aguiar map, the oldest dated Portuguese portolan chart in Pexistence, ortuguese portolan chart existence, dramatically demonstrates the world das ramatically demonstrates the world as Christopher Columbus and his Ccrew hristopher Columbus and his crew wouldhaveseenitontheirfirstvoyagein wouldhaveseenitontheirfirstvoyagein 1492 Along with the world map 1of 492. Along with world map of Henricus Martellus, these maps Hindicate enricus Martellus, these maps indicate the real dangers Columbus faced tand he real Columbus faced and answer fundamental questions about ahis nswer fundamental questions about his first voyage. This map is featured in fthe irst voyage This is featured in the 2022 book by Alida C 2Metcalf, 022 book by Alida Metcalf, Mapping Mapping anAtlanticWorld,c a1500 nAtlanticWorld,c.1500.

Beinecke Rare Book and BManuscript einecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New LHaven, ibrary, Yale University, Haven, Connecticut. Connecticut

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Michael MPrinty ichael Printy, Librarian ,for for Western European WHumanities estern European Humanities Anna Arays, Librarian Afor nna Arays, Librarian for Slavic & East European SStudies lavic & East European Studies

Student Grants & SResearch tudent Grants & Research

7 7
TheNetherlands ATheNetherlands AmyTai myTai
Student Grants &
tudent Grants & Research
9 9 KnarAbrahamyan KnarAbrahamyan Music Music ElenaAdashevaKlein ElenaAdasheva-Klein Anthropology Anthropology
MateiAlexianu Law LSchool aw School WiktorBabinski History HamzahBaig HamzahBaig History History HenryBalme HenryBalme Music AlexanderBatson AlexanderBatson History History BarboraBartunkova History of HArt istory of Art AmyBasu AmyBasu Political PScience olitical Science GiacomoBerchi GiacomoBerchi Italian Italian MarcoBiagi MarcoBiagi Political PScience olitical Science MouradBoumlik European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies LianaBattsaligova LianaBattsaligova Slavic Languages Sand lavic and Literatures Literatures OrelBeilinson OrelBeilinson History History FionaBell FionaBell Slavic Languages Sand lavic and Literatures Literatures ZacharyCho ZacharyCho European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies AyseCicekUnal AyseCicekUnal History History LeightonCook LeightonCook Law LSchool aw School DanBromberg DanBromberg School of Public SHealth chool of Health GiorgiBuzaladze GiorgiBuzaladze European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies PeterChen PeterChen European & ERussian uropean Russian Studies Studies EmilyCox EmilyCox History of HArt istory of Art LaurenCrawford LaurenCrawford History History EstebanCrespo EstebanCrespo Jaramillo Jaramillo Spanish & Portuguese Sand panish & Portuguese and Renaissance RStudies enaissance Studies
Fellow SNetworks tudent Fellow Networks European Studies Graduate Student EFellows uropean Studies Graduate Student Fellows
10 10 TheodoreDelwiche History arolineDunbar arolineDunbar uropean & uRussian ropean Russian udies udies
History History RachelFarell RachelFarell Anthropology Anthropology AlanaFelton AlanaFelton Slavic Languages Sand lavic Languages and Literatures Literatures AbigailFields French French MeaganFord MeaganFord European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies AnabelleGambert AnabelleGambertArt Art SarahGanty Law LSchool aw School PhilippeHalbert PhilippeHalbert History of HArt istory of Art ris ris & &Russian Russian LorenzHegel LorenzHegel Germanic Languages G& ermanic & Literatures; Film Land iteratures; Film and Media MStudies edia Studies EugenioGarcía EugenioGarcía Huidobro Huidobro Law LSchool aw School JacquelineGeorgis JacquelineGeorgis Music Music SoffiaGunnarsdottir History of HArt istory of Art Hyun Hyun harlotteKiechel harlotteKiechel History History CynthiaKok CynthiaKok History of HArt istory of Art SophiaHelverson SophiaHelverson French YelsyHernandez YelsyHernandez Zamora Zamora Spanish and SPortuguese, panish Portuguese, and Renaissance aStudies nd Renaissance Studies JasonHong JasonHong French French William WilliamKwok Kwok Political PScience olitical Science JosephLee JosephLee Religious RStudies eligious Studies XavierLee XavierLee Comparative CLiterature omparative Literature Student Fellow SNetworks tudent Fellow Networks Europe duate Student EFellows urope duate Student Fellows LiliyaDashevski LiliyaDashevski Slavic Languages Sand lavic and Literatures Literatures SophiaDeLeonibus SophiaDeLeonibus History History AntoineDeSpiegeleir AntoineDeSpiegeleir Law LSchool aw School
Edwards Edwards
11 11 IdoLewit IdoLewit Germanic Languages Gand ermanic Languages and Literatures and Film Land iteratures and Film and Media MStudies edia Studies MichaelLoPiano MichaelLoPiano History and HRenaissance istory and Renaissance Studies Studies VanessaMaderova VanessaMaderova European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies CamilaMarcone CamilaMarcone Medieval MStudies edieval Studies KatherineMcNally KatherineMcNally Anthropology MatthewMendez Music Music AdiMeyerovitch AdiMeyerovitch School of SArchitecture chool of Architecture MaksimasMilta MaksimasMilta European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies ZheniaMonastyrskyi ZheniaMonastyrskyi European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies ValeriiaMutc ValeriiaMutc Slavic Languages San lavic an Literatures DarrenNah DarrenNah Political PScience olitical Science MeredithNoorda MeredithNoorda Divinity DSchool ivinity School izabethMundell Perkins Perkins English English SreyaPinnamaneni Law LSchool aw School ElijahPlyat ElijahPlyat European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies GregorQuack GregorQuack History of HArt istory of Art LenaRiemer LenaRiemer Law LSchool aw School GabrielRom GabrielRom European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies EllenNye EllenNye History History CleoO'BrienUdry CleoO'Brien-Udry Political PScience olitical Science CraigOsterbrock CraigOsterbrock Spanish and SPortuguese panish and Portuguese ChloePapadopoulos ChloePapadopoulos Slavic Languages Sand lavic and Literatures TheodorePark TheodorePark Anthropology Hsin-YuanPeng HsinYuanPeng Comparative CLiterature, omparative Literature, and Film and Media aStudies nd and Media Studies
Fellow SNetworks tudent Fellow Networks European Studies Graduate Student EFellows uropean Studies Graduate Student Fellows RafaelLemos RafaelLemos Spanish and SPortuguese panish Portuguese FrancescaLeonardi FrancescaLeonardi Italian Italian StefanLessmann StefanLessmann Comparative CLiterature omparative Literature
ttaSovinsky ttaSovinsky Germanic Languages Gand ermanic Languages and Literatures and Film Land iteratures and Film and Media MStudies edia Studies
HanaStankova Slavic Languages Sand lavic Languages and Literatures Literatures Stapleton Stapleton y of yArt of Art LindsayStern LindsayStern Comparative CLiterature omparative Literature ZacharyStewart ZacharyStewart Music JenniferStrtak JenniferStrtak History and HRenaissance istory Renaissance ArielTang ArielTang Political PScience olitical Science AlexandraThomas AlexandraThomas African American AStudies frican American Studies and History of aArt nd History of Art MaryTate MaryTate School of Public SHealth chool of Public Health kolausGrafVitzthum kolausGrafVitzthum tory JohnWebley Slavic Languages Sand lavic Languages and Literatures Literatures KatherineWerwie KatherineWerwie History of HArt istory of Art NebojsaTodorovic NebojsaTodorovic Comparative CLiterature omparative Literature ChihiroTsukamoto ChihiroTsukamoto Medieval MStudies edieval Studies MiklósVeszprémi MiklósVeszprémi Music Music SarahWeston SarahWeston English and History of EArt nglish and History Art AlecWood AlecWood Music AllenXu AllenXu School of SManagement chool of Management MarikoRooks MarikoRooks School of Public SHealth chool Public Health AliSalmenbayev AliSalmenbayev European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies
CaseySmith European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies KostasZivas KostasZivas History History 12 12
European Studies Graduate Student EFellows uropean Studies Graduate Student Fellows CaryBeehler CaryBeehler European & ERussian uropean & Russian Studies Studies ThomasSantaMaria ThomasSantaMaria History History
Student Fellow
tudent Fellow Networks
JordanAkers Comparative CLiterature omparative Literature
OleksiiAntoniuk Antoniuk Global GAffairs lobal Affairs
ErkinAsci Ethics, Politics E& thics, Politics & Economics Economics
BlakeBridge Global Affairs and GEthics, lobal Affairs Ethics, Politics, & PEconomics olitics, & Economics TylerBrown Political Science Pand olitical and Comparative CLiterature omparative Literature YilinChen YilinChen Global Affairs Gand lobal Affairs and Economics JesseGodine JesseGodine Comparative CLiterature omparative Literature KathrynHemmer Political PScience olitical Science JuliaHontarukLevko JuliaHontarukLevko Political Science Pand olitical Science and Sociology Sociology AniseMurseli AniseMurseli Ethics, EPolitics, thics, Politics, Economics Economics CamilloPadulli ElifSimsek ElifSimsek Economics Economics EthanLevinbook EthanLevinbook French French JackLeydiker Global Affairs and GRussian lobal Russian & East European &Studies East European Studies DanielaMulet DanielaMulet History and HPolitical istory and Political Science Science 13 13
European Studies Undergraduate Student EFellows uropean Studies
DavidJiaLungTsai DavidJia-LungTsai East Asian EStudies ast Asian Studies DogaUnlu DogaUnlu Global Affairs Gand lobal Affairs and Cognitive CScience ognitive Science
Economics; Russian Eand conomics; and East European EStudies ast Studies
KathrynYeager Psychology; Russian
Russian and East
European Studies
Student Fellow SNetworks
Fellow Networks
Undergraduate Student Fellows
AnnaZheng AnnaZheng
Pand sychology;
European EStudies ast

Visiting VScholars isiting Scholars

14 14
Rayhan Rayhan Asat 2021 World 2Fellow 021 Fellow Sasha Sasha Brown Brown 2021 World 2Fellow 021 World Fellow Thomas Thomas Graham Graham Senior Lecturer in Russian and European SStudies enior Lecturer in Russian and European Studies Sylwia Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram Gregorczyk-Abram 2021 World 2Fellow 021 World Fellow Kristina Kristina Jõekalda Jõekalda Juris Padegs Postdoctoral JAssociate uris Padegs Postdoctoral Associate Elinda Elinda Labropoulou Labropoulou 2021 World 2Fellow 021 World Fellow Timo Timo McGregor Henry Hart Rice Visiting Postdoctoral HFellow enry Hart Rice Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow Renata Renata Mustafina Mustafina Postgraduate PAssociate ostgraduate Associate Aniko Aniko Szucs Postdoctoral Associate and PLecturer ostdoctoral and Lecturer Jogilė Jogilė Ulinskaitė Ulinskaitė Joseph P Kazickas Associate Research JScholar oseph P Kazickas Associate Research Scholar Lauren Lauren Woodard Postdoctoral Associate and PLecturer ostdoctoral Lecturer

Event EHighlights vent Highlights

15 15

Event EHighlights vent Highlights

16 16

Faculty FPublications aculty Publications

17 17

Faculty FPublications aculty Publications

18 18
By Bthe y the Numbers Numbers Online/socialmedia platforms Email Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube Subscribers/Followers 1,418 707 1,018 888 370 TypeofEvent Total Conference/Workshop 13 Seminar/Colloquium 27 Panel/Roundtable 23 Lecture 15 Film 8 ReceptionorOther 5 Co-SponsoredEvents 28 Total 119 TotalAmountofFunding $523,455 19 19

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