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BULLBLOG BLACKLIST Now that the election, the presidential search, snow, and Halloween costumes are all firmly off the table.

Please, no, PLEASE, do not put those photos on Facebook.

Holiday season? More like happy lamp season.


bus groups

It’s not ironic because it’s HarvardYale. That actually makes it worse.


Do I have to carry all the dirty laundry I was going to bring home to Cambridge first?

Stop being so right.

Smalltalk anxiety Genuinely offensive Game T-shirts

People who chose not to go to The Game because “tickets are overpriced, it’s going to be cold and no fun, and we’re definitely going to lose”


The fact that the sun sets at 4:33 p.m.

Finding people to stay with for The Game

Who at Harvard do I dislike the least?


The idea of working over Thanksgiving break

“Uncle Alan’s stuffing”

Also, the knowledge that I won’t work over Thanksgiving break.

Why is our stuffing green, dog? At least Yale Dining served it with a side of Uncle Alan’s ass sweat.

The Yale Herald (Nov. 15, 2012)


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