Y'all Magazine – May 2007

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Southern Governors’ Association


he 2007 Southern Governors’ Associations annual meeting will take place at the Beau Rivage Casino Resort in Biloxi, Miss and will be chaired by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour who believes this opportunity will allow people from all over the South and the country to see first hand the tremendous progress that’s been made on the Coast. “This will let people see the rebuilding and the renewal on the Coast. It will allow people to see how bright our future is by seeing how much progress we will have made in the two years since the storm.” Trying to find a positive in the worst natural disaster in American history is not easy task. But Governor Barbour feels that the with the increased coverage from the worldwide media that the world got introduced to Mississippi—and they liked what they saw, “They saw people who weren’t looking for anyone to blame. They weren’t into victim hood. Instead, Mississippians who got knocked down got back up, picked up their britches and got back to work. They went to work helping themselves and helping their neighbors.” In August, governors from fifteen states and two territories will ascend upon the Mississippi Coast to participate in the annual conference and Y’all Magazine will be heavily involved with the activities.

Each year the host governor selects an initiative and theme for the conference. Last year for example, Governor Sonny Purdue of Georgia choose to create a music and heritage website for the South, www.soulofthesouth.com, which promotes Southern music festivals and venues. This year Governor Barbour has chose cultural and heritage tourism to be theme of his chairmanship. Y’all Magazine is pleased to begin a multi-pieced series that will allow each Governor of each Southern state the opportunity to share with Y’all readers the culture and heritage that makes their state unique. In this issue we are proud to feature the culture and heritage of the State of Mississippi as brought to you by Governor Barbour as well as having Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia share with us the big plans for the 400th anniversary of the founding at Jamestown among other events and attractions from the Commonwealth.


south APRIL/MAY 2007 • Y’ALL

A message from

Gov. Haley Barbour about visiting Mississippi:

We’ve had a long history of cultural and heritage tourism in Mississippi, civil war tourism in particular. The battlefield at Vicksburg is a great example that draws a large number of tourists. We think of our coast as an entertainment Mecca, and it is. But also, it’s very historical; Ocean Springs, Miss. is older than New Orleans. The brothers that founded New Orleans came to Fort Maurepas, as they called it, in 1699. They didn’t found New Orleans for more than 15 years later. But, the best example of Mississippi heritage and culture is the Delta Blues. The Blues was created in the Mississippi Delta, there’s no question about that. We just don’t promote it enough so we’ve starting doing some things to make it more attractive for people to visit. Over the period of a couple of years, we will establish 108 Mississippi Blues Trail sites. They are historical markers, each one with a story about a person or a place. The first will be dedicated to Charlie Patton, the father of the blues, where he is buried in Sunflower County. By the end of the development, every one of those blues markers will be equipped so that you can drive up in your car, tune into the radio, and by GPS your car will be able to hear the story of that blues marker and music through your car radio system. We think people will thoroughly enjoy it and follow the Blues Trail, at the same time enjoying things like the Blues Museum in Indianola, and cities like Greenville, Tunica and Vicksburg where they can visit entertainment venues, casinos and historical landmarks like the Vicksburg Battlefield. We hope the development of the Blues Trail can help bring our attractions together. You think about Morgan Freeman, and his nightclub and his restaurant in Clarksdale. Wonderful places, both of them. If they can become a place where you can go after you have been around the Blues Trail and

maybe seen 10 or 15 of the artists or events, see where highway 49 and highway 61 cross, where Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil to learn how to play the guitar, then we can really create something great for the visitor. Mississippi is the birthplace of American music. We talk about the Blues Trail, and nobody takes exception to the fact that the Delta Blues, the Blues, was created in the Mississippi Delta, but also Jimmie Rodgers, the father of Country music, the singing brakeman, was from Meridian. And Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll was from Tupelo. If you look at the American Music that is of our own genre that is indigenous to the United States, almost all of it has roots in Mississippi. Hundreds of thousands of people have visited the battlefields of Vicksburg. We also have Brice’s Crossroads near Corinth where Nathan Bedford Forrest defeated an army 10 times the size of his. We have Corinth, Brice’s Crossroads and Vicksburg among other Civil War sites. I believe in time, and not too long from now, that Civil War tourism will be matched by Civil Rights tourism, and Mississippi is in the process of developing a national civil rights museum to highlight Mississippi’s role in that movement. So far we have raised over $500,000 dollars in private funds to assist with the initial investment. We hope to have one central location for the museum and use the

…when I was a kid one of the biggest tourist attractions of the state was Ft. Massachusetts on Ship Island, where you took the ferry out from Gulfport and saw the Fort that sat out there.



most modern technology to link the museum with historically significant sites throughout Mississippi. Just as we have strived for nearly 150 years to keep people aware of the history of the American Civil War or American Revolution, we also need for young people who wouldn’t know about this to learn about the Civil Rights struggle. Of course, the coast is the oldest cultural part of the state. It was the first that was populated by Europeans in 1699, and when I was a kid one of the biggest tourist attractions of the state was Ft. Massachusetts on Ship Island, where you took the ferry out from Gulfport and saw the Fort that sat out there. So, the history of the French is still embedded in Pass Christian, Bay of St. Louis. There is a huge cultural history in the Mississippi Gulf Coast, but the coast has such strong competing attractions, like yearround golf, the entertainment and restaurant industry, the beaches, the Gulf and now, for the past 15 years, the casino industry. With all of the entertainment activities it’s easy for the rich cultural and heritage of the coast to get over-looked. The Pascagoula River is one of the longest untouched rivers left in the United States. You can leave Casino Row in Biloxi and in 30 minutes be on a river that is as it was 1,000 years ago. You can be so far removed from civilization that it’s hard to describe and people enjoy that, for the peace of mind and change of pace, but also for the species they get to see in terms of birds, flowers and animals. Bird-watching is a big sport, you know, although those of us who grew up shooting at them rather than watching them have a hard time understanding why. One thing that is important to our plans for tourism in Mississippi is to increase the awareness of our outdoor recreation. A lot of states have done a pretty good job in taking hunting and fishing and turning them into tourist attractions. We have a history in Mississippi, like many states that border an ocean, that deep-sea fishing is an economic entity. In Arkansas, duck hunting is; if you go to Stuttgart, Ark., people come there, stay in hotels, pay money, and eat in restaurants, all to go duck hunting. We’ve got ducks in Mississippi, too. I would like to see people coming to Mississippi from



all over to enjoy our natural resources. One event that Mississippi has that is truly unique is the Neshoba County Fair. It’s not like a traditional county fair; it’s just so different. For about 10 days in the summer, hundreds and hundreds of families have their family reunion in the same place and they’re nice enough to invite a few thousand other people to come join them. The fairgrounds at Neshoba County have hundreds of cabins - some you would recognize as cabins, and some that have had so much money invested in them that it’s pretty high on the hog living. Those families go there every year, sometimes to the same cabin (and some families have more than one cabin). But you’ll have family members from California, the Midwest, and Florida along with maybe some that are left in Mississippi. Sometimes there won’t be a single member of the family that lives in Mississippi and they still come back at that fair. It has a little carnival for the children, horse racing, and political speaking, but the biggest thing it’s got is the atmosphere of a big house party. During the day people spend time together cooking and eating. In the evening, the atmosphere changes - same people, same place, but they have concerts out on the horse track. It is a delightful family experience that turns into an extended family of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. Marsha and I have been going to the Neshoba County Fair on and off for 25 years and we always end up seeing a lot of the same people who have become like family to us, and I guess more importantly treat us like family. That’s the rule at the Neshoba County Fai; it’s just remarkable. Hurricane Katrina has proved one thing: That we have some of the best people in the world living in Mississippi. After people on the Coast


A message from the Honorable

Governor Tim Kaine of the Virginia Commonwealth

A message from the Honorable Governor Tim Kaine of the Virginia Commonwealth In Virginia, our cultural and heritage tourist sites go from A-Z. We have wonderful arts venues, museums, and spectacular performing arts. We’ve got a great tradition of music a great tradition of crafts, but most importantly, we’ve got history. This is a big year for us. 2007 is the 400th anniversary of America’s birthday. The English settlers arrived in Jamestown in May of 1607. This year we will mark that event a series of ceremonies, one in May at Jamestown that will be highlighted by a visit from the Queen of England and another this summer at the Smithsonian where for two weeks they will be exhibiting the roots or Virginia culture. It will a way to show how English, native American and African roots came together to make modern Virginia. The anniversary celebration will not be just for the historic triangle (Jamestown, Williamsburg, Yorktown). One of the nice things about Jamestown 2007 is that many communities around the state have taken on the task putting on there own 2007 event. A concert or project in the community that will be kind of their 2007 project so it gives us a really good opportunity for every community to shine this year. When I was first inaugurated Governor the capital in Richmond was under renovation, so we took the inauguration on the road. I was the first Governor since Jefferson in 1779 to be inaugurated in Williamsburg. It was a really powerful experience and then we did this year’s opening day session of legislature in Jamestown, which hasn’t happened since the 1600s. Everyone is really enjoying this opportunity. The renovated state capital will open up shortly before the Queen’s visit in May. We are trying to really show our best face to America and the world this year. As we dedicate this year to the anniversary at Jamestown it is important not to overlook other rich


parts of Virginia’s heritage. With the farmers, oystermen on the Eastern shore, the historic sites around the nations capital and in Northern Virginia, we are very culture-rich state with a lot of interesting periods of history. I was the mayor of Richmond and Richmond’s history is just one epic event after another. From Revolutionary times thru the Civil War thru the Civil Rights Movement, to understand the history of Richmond alone helps you understand the history of America. But I like to point out to people history is really important but it is not just history cause there is also a lot of things that are current and future- music and arts traditions that have lasted and continue to really excite people. In Bristol, Virginia the Carter family became the first recorded country music artist in America. I have recently preformed (Governor Kaine is an accomplished harmonica player) at a tourism event with a bluegrass band as we rolling out our Crooked Road project that will link all of our musical heritage sites to one another. When you try to ask who was the most influential Virginia musician you have a hard time answering that question. Was it Patsey Cline, The Carter family, Ralph Stanley, even modern musicians like Missy Elliot and Dave Matthews. So weather it is The Statler Brothers or Mother Maybelle Carter, we have a tremendous amount of music heritage in Virginia and the Crooked Road project will link a lot of those heritage sites together. Not to take attention away from the celebration at Jamestown, but we are around the corner from the anniversary of the Civil War. Growing up in the Midwest I always really loved Civil War battle sites


and went to them as a kid. To move to Virginia and have all the ones I read about within an hour or an hour and a half is a really powerful thing. There is already a planning committee at work to promote the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. Again, it gives us the oppertunity to tell the story of Virginia and tell it in a different way from the way it was told fifty years ago, and that’s a good thing. Certainly with respect to Jamestown, we know

so much more because in the last ten years we found the outlines of the original Jamestown settlement fort which had been thought to have washed into the James River but no, it’s still there and by excavation within those outlines they recovered millions of artifacts to tell us a lot about the early settlers including some things we didn’t even know and even debunking some things we thought we knew about their lives. For people that are outdoor enthusiast we have the natural beauty of two mountain ranges, The Blue Ridge on the east and the Alleghenies on the west and The Shenandoah Valley sits right there. You’ve got beautiful communities like Harrisonburg, Stanton, Lexington, Roanoke and Winchester. All these communities are very his-



toric and unique to the region. We have some wonderful communities, great agricultural tradition, the mountain ranges are both just acres and acres of national forest. Virginia has some of the most national forest east of the Mississippi and in the Shenandoah Valley area you have basically national forests or national parks on both sides of you. It welcomes people looking for great canoeing and fishing along the north and south fork of the Shenandoah River. That is something my family and I really like to do. There is just a lot to do over there if you like the outdoors and I think that part of Virginia is really second to none. Thomas Jefferson did begin wine plantings here after his tours in France and Italy, but then through the years it was not a very vibrant part of Virginia and after he got it started there were diseases, then prohibition, and other things that made it not that big of a deal. But, starting in the late 1970s as the American wine industry started to really grow, people started to realize that Virginia for a climate standpoint made for great production and we have seen a

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growth in wineries. One of the things I love about Virginia wine production is that it’s a great combination of various industries. It is history because of the history of Virginia wine, Its tourism because people like to go to wineries, its agriculture, wineries give people the ability to make money living on smaller acreages which tends to be tough for farmers and it also preserves our natural beauty…its preserving open space. There is not a lot of ways to use land that is prettier than vineyards. And so, you can do all those things at once if you have a vibrant wine industry and… we do. We are committed to promoting it and keeping it strong. Probably one of the best music festivals in the world is The Fiddlers’ Convention is Galax. It’s a tradition that goes back 60 or 70 years. Usually the first week in August, people gather from all over the United States and all over the world usually in RV’s or tents for about a week. There are competitions, like the youth dobro competition or the adult band competition. The most fun thing to do though is after everybody sets up their tents and campers is just to walk around and everybody is doing jam sessions together and other people meeting friends from all over the country and playing together. It’s a great musical festival. We have a great political festival once a year called the “Shad Planking.” It’s a political festival down in the town of Wakefield that goes back into the early days of the Byrd administration of the 1930s and they catch “shad,” which is an extremely boney, saltwater fish, nail the shad to planks, then smoke it over a fire, which has a way of kind of almost melting the bones and even with all that it doesn’t taste any good! But you gather and prepare the shad and everyone stands around


and you usually here a couple of speeches from politicians…it’s kind of a real throw back event to the days when politicians stood on flat bed trucks or backs of pick-ups to give stump speeches with a big crowd…that’s a great thing. And we have a lot of great seafood festivals also. So with food, music, and political festivals we have a great number of opportunities for people to get together and have a great time in Virginia. And one of the biggest rolling parties of all has roots here in Virginia, NASCAR. Events are held in Richmond twice a year, twice a year in Martinsville, and then the Bristol track is just over the line in TN, but you end up with an awful lot of Virginians there too… so those are maybe the biggest festivals we have and we invite everyone to come to Virginia and experience some the most challenging tracks the NASCAR circuit has to offer. So I give an open invitation for all to come and visit Virginia. Again, this year marks the 400th anniversary of the founding at Jamestown and virtually from that time till now people have been making history here and we have a lot of stories to tell.


Governors’ Association

2007 Initiative: Heritage and cultural tourism

A message from the

Honorable Gov. Joe Manchin III

about visiting West Virginia

West Virginia has one of the country’s most interesting histories, and it’s a story that remains largely untold. West Virginia also is unique in how it became a state. President Abraham Lincoln signed West Virginia into statehood – the only state that became one by presidential proclamation. If you look at the steps on the front of our state capitol, there’s a statue called “Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight,” which depicts the president contemplating whether to sign West Virginia into statehood, as the story goes. His aids gave him the proclamation late at night and they did not know if he would sign it because the country was really divided over the war. Ultimately, President Lincoln signed the proclamation and his footprints and handprints remain across West Virginia. There’s not another state with borders as unusual as West Virginia’s – that’s all because of the war. Our Eastern Panhandle was carved out for the strategic location of the arsenal and the railroad at changed hands many times during the Civil Harpers Ferry. The first War. land battle of the Civil Visitors to the Mountain State today can Gov. Manchin and First Lady Gayle Conelly Manchin War was in Philippi, relive history at those sites by watching or W.Va., in 1861. The land joining in battle re-enactments and strollthat is now West Virginia separated the North from ing through beautiful historical state parks. The the South, so strategic locations within the state nation’s oldest Civil War drama, “Honey in the

West Virginia has been called “Almost Heaven,” and I think all of us carry a little of that “Wild and Wonderful” in us when we look at the mountains. 22

West Virginia


Rock,” retells the story of West Virginia’s tumultuous and unusual birth during the Civil War. The outdoor drama takes place throughout each summer at the Cliffside Amphitheater on the rim of the New River Gorge National River. While West Virginia’s origin is deeply rooted in the Civil War, our heritage is just as tied to the state’s rugged mountains and its residents’ desire for independence. In the years leading up to our statehood in 1863, the people on the western side of the mountains of Virginia were unhappy about unfair taxation from the state government, which is one of the reasons the western counties failed to follow the commonwealth into secession. West Virginia has been called “Almost Heaven,” and I think all of us carry a little of that “Wild and Wonderful” in us when we look at the mountains. When you consider the adversity that faced the people who settled this land, when they started moving westward and how they endured and how they continued to succeed – they had an unbelievable spirit. That continues today in the Wild and Wonderful spirit that is in each and every West Virginian. John Denver sang appropriately about West Virginia in “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” We have a lot of country roads in West Virginia and people always have a familiar place they think of when they travel, and that song



evokes such memories of West Virginia. West Virginia is a coal-mining state and much of our heritage is tied in to mining. My grandfather came here from Italy in 1900, and he worked in the coal mines. People came to the West

New River Gorge Bridge (above), Glade Creek Mill (left)

Virginia mines back then for good wages and they were trained on the job. Today, coal mining is a hightech job that requires great skill and no longer just human strength. Coal-mining heritage comes alive in West Virginia attractions, such as the Exhibition Coal Mine in



Virginians would adapt to their own family gatherings or local social gatherings and have their own kind of musical heritage from the rugged mountains in which they lived. Like much of the south, West Virginians have a rich tradition of hunting and fishing in the

Beckley and the national Coal Heritage Trail, which wanders nearly 100 miles past old coal company towns, tipples, railroads and mines. The history and heritage of this state has shaped the music and the musicians that come from here. Our musical heritage ranges from piano and blues great Johnnie Johnson, who was born in Fairmont, W.Va., near my hometown, to current country music superstar Brad Paisley, who is from the Northern Panhandle. There’s a strong tie here to country music, or “mountain music,” that comes from stringed instruments such as the fiddle or the dulcimer. People who worked and lived the tough life in the hills and hollows enjoyed that music and dancing, such as mountain clogging, to relax after work. West

extensive woods that surround them. In addition to riding my motorcycle on our country roads, one of my favorite diversions is hunting in the millions of acres of forests and fishing in the thousands of miles of streams. Visitors love the outdoors here, too, as West Virginia has one of the highest rates of out-of-state hunting and fishing license sales. EXPLORING OUR HERITAGE AS YOU VISIT WEST VIRGINIA’S TRAVEL REGIONS Each part of West Virginia has a unique culture and distinctive attractions. Here are some of my favorites for each of the state’s nine travel regions.

The history and heritage of this state has shaped the music and the musicians that come from here. Our musical heritage ranges from piano and blues to current country music. 24

West Virginia




Mountaineer Country – This is where I grew up, and it’s all about the importance of family. Anna Marie Jarvis founded Mother’s Day in Grafton and there’s an international shrine there in her honor. Arguably, the first Father’s Day was at Christ Church in Fairmont, which is just a short drive from Grafton. So you can see that family is extremely important to all of us. Eastern Panhandle – As far as history and heritage, on a state and national scale, it doesn’t get any richer or more interesting than that of Harpers Ferry and Shepherdstown. Harpers Ferry was the site of John Brown’s ill-fated 1859 raid on the national armory and what many consider to be the spark that started the Civil War. James Rumsey successfully launched his steamboat in 1787 in Shepherdstown, preceding the Robert Fulton’s famous 1807 steamboat run.

Northern Panhandle – In the Northern Panhandle, the Historic National Road (U.S. Route 40) was the nation’s first fedPotomac Highlands Stonewall Jackson Monument on Capitol grounds (top), Harpers Ferry (bottom) erally funded inter– There are so many state highway, which opened the west and became outdoor recreation opportunities in the Potomac a corridor for the movement of goods and people. Highlands, it’s difficult to list them. This truly is Wheeling also is home of West Virginia Indepena four-season getaway with mountain biking, hikdence Hall, which is a National Historic landmark ing, camping, fishing and skiing. It’s where you’ll and a museum that reveals how we were the only find a number of our greatest natural attractions state born out of the Civil War. including Seneca Rocks, the East’s premiere rock-



southern West Virginia. The Hatfield-McCoy Trail system is open to ATVs, bicycles, horses and hiking, and is bringing visitors from across the country to this region.

climbing spot, and Blackwater Falls, the state’s largest waterfall. Mountain Lakes – This is where you’ll find Stonewall Jackson’s boyhood home, huge lakes and superb fishing and hunting opportunities. It’s also the most central part of West Virginia and a favorite stopping point for those traveling to the north along Interstate 79.

Metro Valley – Huntington and Charleston maintain their smalltown charm and friendliness, but metropolitan feel. Huntington is a college town and home to Marshall University, while Charleston is the seat of state government. Both offer their own distinctive cultures and activities, including fine dining, museums, symphony orchestras and college sports. The great thing about this region is that you can work in the city with all its advantages and conveniences, but still feel

New River/Greenbrier Valley- This region is for the adventurer from America’s best whitewater rafting on the New and Gauley rivers to horseback riding along the Greenbrier River. The country’s second-highest bridge and one of the most-spectacular engineering achievements in the country spans the New River Gorge in Fayetteville. Beckley is home to Tamarack, West Virginia’s artisan showplace, while White Sulphur Springs’Greenbrier Resort stands alone as one of the world’s greatest hotels. Hatfield-McCoy Governor’s Mansion in Charleston, W.Va. Mountains – The name is synonymous with the famous feud but nowadays it’s more about the massive recreational trail system that covers more than 500 miles in


like you live in the countryside when you go home after work. Mid-Ohio Valley – The Mid-Ohio Valley includes a number of Ohio River towns and interesting sites in between. One of the region’s favorite attractions is the beautiful Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park. Take a sternwheeler ride down the Ohio from Parkersburg to the island, where costumed

West Virginia


interpreters retell the saga of Harman and Margaret Blennerhassett, a wealthy Irish couple who fled to America in the late 1700s and settled on this island that now bears their name. COME VISIT THE MOUNTAIN STATE A visit to West Virginia is about enjoying the beautiful mountains that surround us. Our state

park system is second-to-none, and our small towns offer distinctive shopping and traditional festivals that celebrate our Appalachian heritage. West Virginia is easy to reach, and within a day’s drive of most of the U.S. population. We of-



fer a wonderful blend of city culture and country charm, and lodging that suits any visitor’s need, from wilderness camping to five-diamond resorts. Once you’ve been here, you’ll recognize that our country roads, just as in the John Denver tune, will make you feel like you’re coming home to West Virginia.

Downtown Charleston, W.Va.

A visit to West Virginia is about enjoying the beautiful mountains that surround us. Our state park system is second-to-none, and our small towns offer distinctive shopping and traditional festivals that celebrate our Appalachian heritage. JUNE/JULY 2007 • Y’ALL


by Margaret E. Bracey

Truman Capote

southern literary showcase


Truman Streckfus Persons, whom later became known as Truman Capote, spent a short lifetime as a novelist, short-story writer, playwright and international socialite.


is rise to fame is most attributed to his unique lyrical style and eccentric persona. Southern states such as Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama became the setting of much of Capote’s fiction. Born in New Orleans as the son of salesman “Arch” Persons and his 16-year-old wife, former Lillie Mae Faulk, young and lonely Capote taught himself to read and write and a very young age, and could be seen with a dictionary and notepad in hand as young as five. At the age of four, he went to live in Monroeville, Ala., with his mother’s relatives as a result of his parent’s divorce. At 11, Capote moved to New York to live with his mother and her second husband, Joseph Capote, who quickly adopted the young writer and renamed him Truman Joseph Capote. Capote attended the Trinity School in New York City before moving to Greenwich, Conn., where he attended Greenwich High School and wrote for both the school’s literary journal and the school newspaper, The Green Witch. Ultimately moving back to New York in 1942, Capote attended the Upper West Side private school, Dwight School, where an annual award is now bestowed in his name. Landing a job at The New Yorker, 17-year-old Capote avoided college and began writing short fictional stories that were also published in well-known magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar and Mademoiselle. “I was determined to never set a studious foot inside a college classroom. I felt that either one was or wasn’t a writer, and no combination of professors could influence the outcome. I still think I was correct, at least in my own case,” Capote once said addressing why he chose not to attend college.

biographical portrayal of Capote’s childhood in the South. The huge success of Other Voices, Other Rooms threw the 5’2’’Capote into the world of fame, and his flamboyant personality thrived. In 2006, Deborah Davis’ Party of The Century told the story of the famous masked ball Capote threw in November 1966, titled the Black and White Ball. Known to international high society and celebrities alike as the social event of the season, the party epitomized Capote’s eclectic taste and public status. Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1958) features the character “Holly Golightly,” who captured the hearts of many with her simplicity and fairy-like nature. The somewhat controversial novel In Cold Blood described the actual murder of a family known as the Clutters, in rural Holcomb, Kansas. Capote was inspired by an article that ran in the New York Times on November 16, 1959, becoming fascinated with the news story and visiting the scene of the massacre with his childhood friend Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird. Over the next few years, he became familiar with every detail of the investigation. Lee helped Capote gain friendships with members of the community he wanted to interview. Published in 1966, this “non-fiction” novel, as Capote called it, was an international bestseller and brought him much literary praise. Following the success of In Cold Blood, Capote published many more works including The Dogs Bark and One Christmas. Things took a downward turn, however, and by the end of his life, he battled a drug addiction and many failed contracts, becoming quite reclusive. Suffering from liver disease which was complicated by multiple drug intoxication, Capote died August 25, 1984, at the age of 59. Using his jet-setting lifestyle as a front of sorts, Ca-

Writing stopped being fun when I discovered the difference between good writing and bad and, even more terrifying, the difference between it and true art. And after that, the whip came down. —Truman Capote In 1945, Miriam, an O. Henry Award-winning short story by Capote, resulted in a book contract with Random House. Capote soon began writing the novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms, back in Monroeville, N.C., and New Orleans. Capote described this novel as, “a poetic explosion in highly suppressed emotion.” It sold over 26,000 copies and stayed on the New York Times best-seller list for nine weeks. It later became known as a semi-auto-

pote spent many years researching and writing his tell-all book, Answered Prayers, intended to be an exposé of the wealthy and the elite. Due to the writer’s untimely death, it was only published posthumously; many unfinished chapters ran in Esquire magazine as fictional short stories.


cranky yankee Gone Hog Wild by Laurie Stieber

by Ronda Rich

Laurie Stieber is an Atlantabased entertainment attorney and freelance columnist. The New York City native can be reached at yankee@yall.com 68

My husband, Doc, the original Bredneck*, does not want me to write about his having been circumcised by an 85year-old pediatrician with Parkinson’s disease, so I won’t. But, he’d be honored if I told you about his recent hog hunting trip with best buddy, Cabin Glen. Doc popped and dropped a 300-pounder – enough pork barbecue to cater every formal wedding buffet that all the folding bridge tables in East Dublin, Ga., can handle. Cabin Glen was very proud of Doc, which is saying a lot more than you can imagine if you haven’t seen what Glen can do with a pocketknife in under one minute flat. I can understand the phenomena of how a mother can single-handedly lift the weight of a car in order to free her child trapped beneath it. An enormous rush of adrenalin, combined with the fierce maternal instinct to protect her young, can temporarily give a woman supernatural strength. It has been documented time and time again. What I can’t understand is how Doc, with the help of little more than a golf cart painted in camouflage motif, could have dragged a 300-pound wild hog back to Cabin Glen’s cabin, all by himself. On weekends during football and baseball season – pretty much all year round – Doc doesn’t lift anything heavier than a beer bottle. He’s afraid his heart might give out. But hog hunting season? Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator and Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky, combined, would be no match for Doc, the Romanian Hercules of Atlanta. Somewhere around the year 450 B.C., Plato said, “Death is not the worst that can happen to men.” He was right. After a Jewish man named Doc drags 300 pounds worth of non-kosher sin back to camp, only to shockingly realize that he drove his darling little red and white BMW Mini-Cooper – and not the forest green, monstrosity of an Avalanche truck - to his hunting trip at Cabin Glen’s cabin, death may rightfully feel merciful. Having to tell your disgruntled, Yankee wife from New York City, who has never gotten over the shock of her own by having to live in the South, where her beloved Bloomingdale’s Department Store carries Christmas sweaters with clown hemorrhoids pretending to be orna-


ments dangling from the yarn … death is a really, really plausible alternative. But, in our family history, B.C. has been replaced in historical significance by whatever happened B. H.: “Before Hunting.” And I don’t mean Good Will Hunting. Such a thing does not exist. A.D., “Anno Domini,” defines an epoch based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus. A.H., “After Hunting,” defines an epoch based upon the most unreasonable year on the face of the Earth, when Doc took up whacking wild-life. Give some people a finger, they’ll take a hand. Give some people a hand, and they’ll manipulate it into the Constitutional right to bear arms. If only Doc’s fingers would have completely closed the freezer door in our garage. Then, we might not have needed a few brave hands from the sanitation department. The right to bear arms does not give a hog-popping Hercules the right to insist, “Something stinks in here. The cats must have brought a chipmunk into the house.” The inadvertent and unknowing defrosting of rotten hog, wild turkey and duck, a trio that smells like the colonoscopy ward at the Veterinary Hospital for Zoo Animals with Dysentery, makes the scent of decomposing chipmunk give Chanel No. 5 a run for its money. I wish Doc would have let me tell you about the Parkinson’s-plagued pediatrician with a penchant for circumcision. It might not have impressed Cabin Glen as much as popping, dropping and dragging a 300 pound slab of non-kosher, wouldbe pork barbecue, but it would definitely have been more amusing than waiting in the buffet line at an itchy, starchy, formal, Redneck wedding. (Without exception, Rednecks live in tank-tops. They would never suffer in the stuffed shirt territory of Brednecks without having a burp and a Budweiser Light to go home to). Shalom, “Y’all!” *Bredneck: A well-bred Redneck

on the money We are Opposites When It Comes to Money, Too by Dave Ramsey

by Ronda Rich

Dave Ramsey is a financial counselor, host of the popular syndicated radio show “The Dave Ramsey Show,” and author of the New York Times best-seller The Total Money Makeover. His columns appear regularly in Y’all. 68

My wife, Sharon, and I read and attend seminars on marriage to constantly work at making our marriage better. We went to one seminar where the teacher did a wonderful job until he suggested that the men should express their love for their wives by shopping with them as a way of spending quality time together. I don’t know what planet he was from, but that is a crummy idea! I can do a six-hour seminar on my feet and not have my feet hurt but about six minutes into a “shopping trip,” my feet hurt to my neck. Marriage counselor and author Gary Smalley describes a lame attempt like mine when he says men just don’t get the shopping thing. We get out of the car at the mall and say, “Identify the target, we will map out the shortest distance through the mall to the store, grab the item and find the fastest-moving or shortest checkout line. We will then kill the item and drag it to the car with maximum efficiency; let’s synchronize our watches.” The ladies are saying, “What are you talking about? You have to go to every store, touch everything in the store, and then learn about the clerk’s family problems. We try on most everything, buy a lot of it, and then bring most of that back. This is an experience, a journey; not an assembly line.” Being the dutiful husband that I am, I decided to “improve my marriage” by going shopping with Sharon. Within 20 minutes I was outside on the little benches with all the other bald guys who must have gone to the same seminar; it didn’t work. Women get their deals by hunting, shopping, and shopping, and shopping. They will look until they find the perfect deal; time and effort don’t enter into the equation because they enjoy the process. Men get good deals by negotiating: the warrior draws the sword, does battle over price and terms, and wins the victory. This process of the battle runs against a woman’s nature of community and everyone being agreeable. The shopping trip runs against the man’s nature of being task-oriented. Neither is right or wrong, they are just different. We have learned to use these natural differences to win. Sharon hunts the deal down, comes home and tells me where it is, and I go kill it.


Not only do men and women shop differently, but when it comes to money, spenders attract savers. Most couples contain one spender and one saver and when they first wake up and realize they married “one of those,” they freak out. The saver decides they will live on macaroni and cheese purchased, of course, with a coupon on double-coupon Thursday. The saver continues to lay down the law as to how they will save, save, save paper clips, coupons, and even lint. They will live in a cave and never come out because that is the cheap thing to do. The spender does not hear the word “fun” anywhere here and begins to freak out: “I work hard and I deserve to live while I’m still alive.” “My grandfather saved and didn’t enjoy life, not me!” Of course this kind of speech confirms the saver’s worst fear that he or she has married someone who is totally irresponsible. As a result the saver immediately demands separate checkbooks and declares, “When we are old and you have spend all your money I might take care of you.” The spender thinks separate checkbooks and finances are a great idea since this stranger he or she married is apparently allergic to fun. The spender will say something like, “Fine you save, but when I am booking that seven-day cruise I’ll see if there is room for you.” They have that “discussion” and separate their finances and begin to financially operate like roommates instead of a married couple. Although men and women are different and opposites attract, common sense and a success mentality tell us we have to work together. Two horses pulling a wagon can pull a huge load up a hill if they work together; pulling apart will simply turn the wagon into firewood. You need each other. The differences that attracted you in the first place are there because you have different strengths and weaknesses. You spenders need a saver or you will retire eating Alpo. You savers need a spender in your life, so you have a life. Working together is the only way to survive bad times and prosper in good ones. This means that when it comes to marriage, you are no longer two individuals, but one couple. Having separate bills,

debts, incomes, and lives is not a marriage. The preacher said, “And now you are one.” He didn’t say, “And now you are a Joint Venture.”


The Dixie Dog Diner Southern Cooking for Man’s Best Friend


hen her home economics teacher asked the class to choose a major for college, Paula Dabbs thought nutrition would be a good major, since she really enjoyed baking. A few pies later, Dabbs is putting her home-ec training to good use as the proprietor of the Dixie Dog Diner, which offers good ole Southern cooking for man’s best friend. When Dabbs was expecting her first child, she enrolled in a cake decorating course so she could bake and decorate all the cakes and cookies for birthdays and special occasions. After her son, Jason, and daughter, Meredith, were born, she made a lot of their baby food from fresh vegetables grown on the family farm near Amory, Miss. As a young wife and mother teaching piano in the public school system, Paula had the chance to use both her talent and her love of cooking for her family. When her husband was offered a promotion and the family moved to Jackson, Miss., then to Olive Branch, Miss., and finally to Trussville, Ala., Paula was able to continue with both. The children were in college by this time, so cooking wasn’t quite as important. She really only

baked when they were coming home. Then almost five years ago at Easter, she decided to make her Maltese granddog, “Cameron,” and Himalayan-Persian grandcat, “Sunny,” some special treats. She continued to have goodies for them when they visited since they really seemed to enjoy all of the fresh treats she made. One morning in early 2006 she casually mentioned to her husband, Mickey, that she had thought about making pet treats and creating an online Web site to share her treats with other hungry pups all across the country. He encouraged her to “go for it.” Her daughter offered even more encouragement and volunteered to help with the computer work. Her son gave his approval, and she began to research dogs and their nutritional needs. By this time, Paula had two little Maltese girls of her own, “Chloe” and “C.C.,” who volunteered to be her initial taste testers. It was then that the Dixie Dog Diner came into existence. Never one to do things halfway, Paula checked out books from the library, searched the Web, and made numerous phone calls to be sure she was not only meeting the nutritional needs, APRIL/MAY 2007 • Y’ALL

but the FDA requirements as well. She now has a license from the USDA and FDA, a Homeland Security number, and licenses from both the State of Alabama and the city of Trussville. The slogan for the diner is “Southern Cooking for Man’s Best Friend.” The menu for the Diner is based on the theme of Southern home cooking and features some of the staples of the Southern dinner table such as Chicken Lickin’ Drumsticks, Meatloaf, and Pecan Pawlines. Each of the Taste-Testers has a place of honor by having their favorite treat named for them: Cameron’s favorite was the ‘Nannercammerdoodles (a dessert made from peanut butter, bananas and honey); “Chloe’s” sweet tooth loves ChloeO’s (a blend of oat flour, applesauce, carob powder and yogurt); “C.C.” dances on her back legs for her Carob Chippers (wheat flour, honey and carob chips); and of course Sunny the cat’s favorite is Salmon Croquettes (made with salmon and yummy seasonings cats and dogs love). Each batch is baked to order with fresh ingredients, no added salt or preservatives, and lots of love; then packaged and shipped directly from the Diner via USPS priority mail or 2nd Day Air to ensure freshness when they arrive. Paula (known at the Diner as

Mommadog) even enlisted Mickey (aka Dad-O) to help make the turkey for Jazzy Jerky. He smokes the turkey breast, then he and Paula slice it and after marinating in homemade teriyaki sauce, and finally, it is dehydrated to make jerky no one refuses…even him. All of the treats are made from humangrade ingredients and Mommadog and the girls sample everything that goes out of the Diner to ensure the quality. Birthday cakes and pupcakes, wedding cakes, baby cakes and cookies are all available for those special occasions in a pet’s life. There are always seasonable items for whatever holiday is near. Valentine cookies include “conversation hearts,” L-O-V-E, XO, and heart-shaped pupcakes. The Easter Bunny will be dropping off goodies that are healthy and tasty and decorated with just enough yogurt and carob to be eye candy for Mom and yummy to the tummy of your favorite pet. When she thought nutrition would be a good subject for study, Paula never dreamed that studying about dog’s nutrition would be included. When she took that class on cake decorating, she never dreamed that she would use it years later for decorating dog treats. When you are born and bred Southern, you learn to take the simplest things and incorporate them into your everyday life and make new possibilities and dreams come true. Several veterinarians and pet boutiques, as well as health food stores in the Birmingham area now carry Dixie Dog Diner treats. Be sure to check out the Web site and try some Southern Cooking for Man’s Best Friend. www.dixiedogdiner.com or email Paula at mommadog@dixiedogdiner.com


wine down south Red Wine and Good Health By Doc Lawrence

by Ronda Rich

Doc Lawrence writes about wine and Southern cuisine from his homes in Atlanta and Fort Lauderdale. Doc is 2005 Chairman, Food and Beverage Section, Public Relations Society of America and welcomes comments: doc@yall.com. 68

“On Saturday afternoon, this is the best place in America to have a heart attack.” Jim Sanders, Atlanta wine importer and educator The rear room of Sanders Wines, the fabled Atlanta retail wine store, was filled with chairs and tables for guests to drop in for conversation and stirring debates, eat traditional Southern and French-inspired food and enjoy fine French wine. Jim Sanders, who held a Master’s degree in English from Emory University, was considered one of the most influential figures in wine in the South since Thomas Jefferson. His creations, 179 personally formulated wines produced in France by Labourie-Roi, are exceptional and rare. You won’t find them in Paris or New York City. Only in Atlanta. Sanders’ clientele included the rich and famous. No bottles of Yellow Tail were on his shelves. The store also served as a classroom where for two decades challenging wine courses akin to Vanderbilt graduate level classes were taught. He lectured in full academic form while lucky students sipped liquids with names like Bordeaux, Burgundy, Chardonnay and Pinot Gris. Each class began with a flute of exquisite Champagne. Sanders was big and tough, sometimes given to bullying and easily provoked by bad manners. Like some other crusty war veterans (Sanders was severely wounded five times in the World War II Pacific Campaign), he didn’t suffer fools. But his advanced intellectual gifts were respected and his knowledge of wine particularly endeared him to members of the medical profession who, though they could not save him from lung cancer, flocked to his store to drink and dine in what Sanders called “poor Jim’s soup kitchen.” While the wines were always French, the ambience was as Southern as a creek baptism or grits and red eye gravy. Sanders, who grew up in rural Georgia, trained to be a chef during his post-war days in Paris. He served up a rich variety of food that ranged from Cajun chicken and barbeque pork loin to Coq au Vin, Shrimp Louisianne and Peach Melba, all perfectly paired with his wines. He


confided to me that his prize-winning Brunswick Stew contained a substantial amount of red wine from France’s Rhone Valley, confirming again that Southern cuisine fits comfortably with wines of the world. Between glasses of wine, Saturday discussions often addressed the health benefits of red wine. Sanders claimed that his vascular system was as clear and smooth “as titanium tubes.” The physicians included some of the country’s top cardiologists and they maintained that the health benefits from drinking red wine were undisputed. Such welcome news was customarily celebrated by refilling glasses. TV shows like “60 Minutes” validated everything Sanders and his physician friends said about red wine and good health. However, Sanders, no friend of moderation, scoffed at the idea of one glass per day and invoked the empty bottle rule: wine once opened must be fully emptied into glasses and drank. The exciting Southern wine festivals are held during the spring, highlighted by South Beach in Miami, the second annual Charleston Wine and Food Festival, Atlanta’s High Museum of Art Wine Auction and the venerable New Orleans Wine and Food Experience. Because Southern food and beverage taste preferences are my measuring sticks, there was no better opportunity to learn whether publicized health benefits are adding to wine’s overall popularity here. Not too many years ago, wine festival programs never discussed anything regarding health. Everything was focused on taste, production and pairing with food. Even the popular topic of organic wine and food is still a rare topic. With this in mind, I expected to find nonchalance about wine and health. I was wrong. The times have truly changed. In today’s South, wine is part of joie de vievre, which embraces healthy lifestyles. Any reduction of the likelihood of cancer and heart disease that can comes from moderate red wine consumption merits praise. Jim Sanders endured his last illness in the same Atlanta hospital where I was born. His convalescence wasn’t sad or dreary. Doctors and nurses became

regular social visitors, sharing stories and jokes. Young nurses occasionally flirted. Big Jim loved it. The chatter and laughter camouflaged pain and suffering. Later, I learned one of the reasons why the old warrior received such extraordinary attention: he was supplying his medical entourage with bottles of his best French wine. A stranger could think this was to curry favor, but I knew better. Graciousness and generosity come natural to most sons of the South. And giving away great wine? Jim Sanders would say you can’t take it with you.

rednecks are everywhere Rednecks Are the Backbone of this country By Jeff Foxworthy

by Ronda Rich

Someone once told me, “You’re just talking about the lowest common denominator,” and I was like, “No, I’m not. This is the most common denominator.” This is who gets up and goes to work and goes to war and everything else here – that’s what this country is made out of. I think the fact that I’m doing this [redneck humor] 20 years later proves that there’s more out there than just my family. I think for a long time, people didn’t acknowledge them. Or they acknowledged them in a way that offended them. I think it’s finally cool that you’ve got three or four guys who are like, “Hey, that’s me!” When we were in New York for the network to announce the second season of Blue Collar TV, I’m sitting there looking around and there’s like 40 pretty boys who are all 18 years old with that gel or whatever in their scruffy hair and their cool clothes, and I’m sitting there in my blue jeans and cowboy boots going “Oh gosh, which one of these things does not belong?” It was funny because John Schneider walked over to me and said “Hey, ‘Fox,’ I know how you feel, I was on The Dukes of Hazzard. They didn’t really know what to do with us either back in those days.” That cracked me up because I think he

you got ‘em. And we’re so relieved when we see each other. You’re like, “Thank God there’s some more like me!” I get tickled that NASCAR wants to distance itself from rednecks. I’m like, “Who do you think is paying your bills?” It’s the people that went to those races that are still fans that still buy your stuff and watch every single week. I think they’ve done a real disservice to their lifelong fans, all in the interest of some more money. NASCAR is an enterprise. There is nobody who couldn’t create his own circuit. And a lot of the tracks are getting left out in the cold. They could have their own races. They’re burning out the drivers. The season is so long, and so spread out, crisscrossing the country now. The season goes from February to November. No other sport goes that long, and I think they’re going to end up killing the golden goose. I wish someone would have the fortitude to start saying how it really is. I think they’re all scared. It is a monopoly. I think if you said anything about it, they’d squish you. There’s no other big group that runs their own deal the way these guys do. Regardless, I’m a NASCAR supporter. I was a huge Dale Earnhardt fan, and

We grow rednecks down here in the South, and we ship them out to other places. We’re a distribution point. But, they grow them in other places too.

Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy star in Blue Collar TV, airing Sundays at 9:00/8:00 Central on The WB. 68

knew in that moment he could see me kind of looking around. And he was like, “I’ve been there and done that!” We grow rednecks down here in the South, and we ship them out to other places. We’re a distribution point. But, they grow them in other places too. This whole “You Might Be A Redneck If ” craze started in Michigan. And you get 20 minutes outside of Los Angeles, and


now I’m a Dale Jr. fan. He’s killing me in my little pool this year, but I’m still a fan. But I look at things that go on in it and I’m like, “I don’t know if this is good or not.” When your main motivation is money – and all of us like making a buck – but when that’s the main motivation, usually good stuff don’t come out of that.


Southern Hospitality, Hollywood Style

“One-Hour Bonding” by Joe LoCicero

by Ronda Rich

Family lifestyle expert Joe LoCicero pursued his career as a Hollywood writer while simultaneously establishing himself as an entertaining guru. The Georgia native’s credits include writing series for NBC, Telemundo, and Fox, and his next book is Cake Decorating for Dummies, out this April. You can reach him at joe@practicalwhimsy.com 68

I have a theory. In an increasingly chaotic world, I’ve got a recipe for support, nurturing, and comfort. If we all took one hour each night to have supper with our families — whomever you consider your “family” to be — I believe the world would be a better place. Call me an idealist, but studies back me up: when kids have meals with their families five times a week, they make better grades, and are less likely to become involved in drugs and alcohol. And while those statistics would be reason enough, how about the insights everyone at the table would gain, the memories you share, and the rituals you initiate. In other words, near-term impact is obviously one admirable attribute for shared family meals… but when you consider a generational impact, you start to realize how a simple family supper, observed often and knowingly, can make a difference. If five nights a week seems overwhelming, start with one… and let your practice grow. As you might have surmised, my wife and I have become so tied to this idea, we’re on a mission. And, in talking with families, couples, singles, workaholics, and domestic goddesses alike, in one-onone conversations, and speaking to larger groups, we’ve chipped away at some of the notions that crop up that stop families from participating. So, in that spirit, I offer up our suggestions for beginning this nightly practice, and outwitting the obstacles that might impede you. To begin, you will need a bit of organization. I’ll start with our motto: “Don’t be weak; plan for the week.” In other words, take a half-hour over the weekend to figure out your meals for Monday through Friday. That alone will save you the time, frustration, and conversation among family members to contend with the answer to that niggling nightly question (that actually begins getting asked in the afternoon), “What’s for dinner tonight?” The suppers I’m suggesting are big on variety, small on prep, and eager for familial participation. And, once they’re cooked, not only do you enjoy them together, you also talk while doing so. So what could possibly be stopping you? Read on: I’ve tried to anticipate your culinary block.


It’s Not Very Hip Be a trendsetter. First off, food is always in style. But beyond that, some of Hollywood’s hippest are starting (and continuing) their families. So, eating in will soon be in. Just last year, Adam Sandler, Brooke Shields, Oscar nominee Mark Wahlberg, Emmy Award winner Mariska Hargitay, “Project Runway”’s Heidi Klum and her husband Seal, Matt Damon, and the Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl all welcomed little ones. Soon enough, they’ll all be transitioning from the bottle to the table and, when they do, you’ll be ahead of the game. And, with the runaway success of the Food Network’s Giada De Laurentiis new book, “Giada’s Family Dinners,” gathering around the table is looking, feeling, and tasting more stylish than ever. I Don’t Have the Time My favorite suggestions for family meals are those that call on everyone to join in (at the appropriate age) to make supper. If cooking is intimidating, keep it simple. We often recommend communal, “build-your own” suppers where you lay out a variety of accoutrements for tacos, burritos, salads, sandwiches, or baked potatoes. Simple in their form and function, they also encourage creativity, and foster interaction. You can also check out practicalwhimsy.com for a host of simple make-ahead and make-together recipes to flesh out your recipe repertoire. Plus, you don’t not have the time. If you’re kids aren’t spending time with you having dinner, who are they spending it with, and what are they doing instead? We’ll Have Nothing to Talk About Family supper has this marvelous way of — pun intended — feeding on itself. Once you start getting together on a regular basis, conversations start on their own, pick up from the night before, and even instill a lingering sensation. That’s right, sometimes, because everyone is enjoying everyone else’s company, they don’t want to get up from the table. If this idea sounds too idealistic for you, check out tabletopics.com, which offers decks of easy-and-fun to discuss conversation starters, tailored to families, couples, and even teens.

So, there it is: my hope for you and yours: cook a meal, create a bond, connect for life. C’mon. It’ll only take an hour. ###

inner VIEW

Attorney To The Stars:

Joel A.Katz

by Laurie Stieber


egawatt Atlanta attorney, Joel A. Katz, is arguably the most powerful presence in the sports and entertainment industries worldwide. Many Fortune 500 companies seek and employ his council, while many others have, and will continue, to offer him a Chair on the Corporate Board as well. Commanding and in demand, he is the kind of man who gives the rest of us lawyers a … great name. Borrowing from the L’Oreal commercial, “Don’t hate him because he’s powerful.” Joel, as he prefers to be called, is also deeply compassionate, empathetic, witty, wise and profoundly generous - financially and emotionally. A voracious reader and avid listener, and the 62-year-old would be just as comfortable holding court with King David, as he would be on the tennis court with Larry David of Curb Your Enthusiasm fame. But mere minutes into meeting him for the first time, I am certain he is incapable of curbing his enthusiasm. He loves life too much, and his hard earned, phenomenal success is proof that life loves him in return. Shortly after this year’s 2006 Country Music Awards, Joel and I met in his office for this interview. As I took in the sights and sounds of the palatial Law Offices of Greenberg Traurig in Atlanta, where he is the co-managing shareholder and Global Entertainment Practice Chairman, it soon became irrefutably apparent that even in the world according to Joel, all that glitters is not gold; it’s platinum. As in platinum records given to Joel by the talented artists he represents, who want him to know how much he is appreciated for the important role he has played in helping them to realize their dreams. Over the years, gifts from many of his clients in the music and entertainment industry would grow to become the Joel Katz Gold and Platinum Records Award Collection. In September 2001, Joel, in turn, gave the collection to his alma mater, the University of Tennessee College of Law, for the important role it played in helping him to realize his dreams. Y’all: What is the difference between what you do as an enter-

tainment attorney and the work a talent scout does? A lot of people want to come here to audition for you. They want to intern for you in a musical capacity. Are they in the right place? Katz: Well, we’re not theoretically involved in the creative elements of any form of entertainment. We’re involved in the business side of entertainment such as negotiating a particular contract, or determining the best economic structure to use. However, we give access to individuals, too. Entertainment institutions such as record companies, film companies, book companies … because of the business relationships we have had for years with these enterprises, we are attentive to them. Y’all: But no in-house auditions? Katz: Doing a musical interpretation in my office for me (Joel and I laugh quietly at the thought of his having to watch it), is not something I spend a lot of time doing because it’s a waste time for both the artist and myself. Y’all: Atlanta is a big music city. I always wonder how much of your day is spent fielding calls from young people, talented people, who want to meet you. Katz: Very little, to be honest, because it’s not what we do. We are really very busy. Every day is a 12-15 hour day, so I can’t just sit here in the office, which has substantial overhead, and field talent calls from individuals who want to get into show business. Y’all: What happens when it is a hot, up and coming performer who wants to meet with you? Katz: Firstly what happens is someone has a “buzz,” for lack of a better term, about them. And they usually will call and say, “Look, this record company, that book company, that film company has interest in me.” So we say come and in and let’s talk about that interest. We will call someone at the executive level of the company – we call, not the subject, but we will make the APRIL/MAY 2007 • Y’ALL

inner VIEW phone call to someone we deal with quite a bit to find out what the gauge of interest in reality really is, because sometimes the reality quotient is not necessarily what the particular artist is thinking the reality is, and this happens all the time. But if there is reality to making a transaction between that entertainment company and that particular artist, writer, performer, actor … we do it. It’s as simple as that. Y’all: OK, we’re starting to get how the business works. Now let’s skip to getting a glimpse of Joel Katz’s personality - your quick wit and wisdom. Here’s the scenario: In court, the judge appoints you to be the legal guardian of Whitney Houston and Courtney Love from this point on. (It’s hard to keep a straight face and I am already giggling.) Katz: (Jumping on it with lightning speed) Well, the court wouldn’t appoint me to do that first of all … Y’all: I know, but … Katz: …because I am not qualified in those areas to be appointed, and would inform the court that I am not skilled in the law that is necessary for one to really understand to do what is needed for those two subjects. Y’all: What I was really trying to box you into answering – with no success – is what you do when you know you have a wonderful talent … Katz: You know it immediately! You know immediately when you have a wonderful talent. Y’all: …but that wonderful talent comes to you with drugs attached. Katz: Sadly, drugs, alcohol, abuse of all sorts, are products of this business. Only maturation and discipline take people from it because it is very prevalent throughout the business because one is dealing with enormous pressure. If you’re writing hits, you know you have to write more hits. And each time you make a recording, you have to do a better job, theoretically, than the last one to gauge more sales so that you can make a living or be asked to go out on the road to perform to make more of a living. Whenever there is pressure in life, people look for easy ways to help themselves emotionally and psychologically to beat the pressure, and drugs and alcohol are always, whether you are a an entertainer, a writer, a lawyer, a recording artist, an accountant, a business man, a CEO … they’re there for the use. And you can afford them. So unless you have real discipline, unless you have faith or real religious convictions as to why you should not be doing this, and truly understand the bigger picture, then you can very easily fall prey to a very unhealthy life-style. Y’all: Would you rather have you child become an attorney who works with you, or one of the superstar recording artists you represent? Katz: I have two daughters, both quite grown up, quite married and both very professional. The advice I gave them when they were very young, was do whatever you want to do as a profession, but be the best person you can be at that profession, and you will never be hungry. You will always be important, and you will always do important work, whether you are an engineer, a


lawyer, a doctor, an airplane pilot, a plumber, a house builder … if you are the best at what you do, you will be extraordinarily successful. Y’all: Joel, who makes you laugh the most? Katz: My wife, Kane. Y’all: Cain is the Hebrew word for “yes.” Katz: When she was born, her father thought she was sweet as sugar cane. So he named her Kane. K-A-N-E. Y’all: Ah, now I’m going to cry. (Joel starts laughing) But she makes you laugh the most? Katz: Oh yeah, it’s great. She’s my best friend. She puts up with everything. She will always be my best friend. Y’all: Does she worry about you traveling so much? Katz: Yes! Y’all: Where were you last month? Katz: I was in Helsinki last month. I was in New York twice, L.A. twice, Paris once … Y’all: And what did you do the next day? Katz: I was in Munich once. As of The Country Music Awards last week, I went to Nashville and New York. I’ve taken 40 trips, not flights, trips this year so far, and the year’s not over yet. Y’all: I love the song “It’s Five O’clock Somewhere,” with Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett. I think that Joel Katz is also somewhere at five o’clock, at five o’clock somewhere! Katz: You’re always somewhere at 5 o’clock! And speaking of Alan and Jimmy, they are both good and gracious clients of our firm. Y’all: It must be a thrill for you when they are recognized and honored, as so many of your clients are. And that’s not counting the Fortune 500 companies. Katz: Well, I was just in Nashville and we won nine out of the 12 of the awards. There were 12 awards given, our clients won nine and George Strait went into the Country Music Hall of Fame. So it was a big week. We enjoyed watching that. I went to a party late that night at Tony Brown’s house where George Strait, Kenny Chesney, the Heart Sisters, Sheryl Crown, Brooks and Dunn … all were together and they were singing together around the piano when Tony Brown was playing. It was just an incredible evening. It went on, I understand - I left at about 4:00 – but it went on until about 7:00 in the morning. I had to go to NY the next morning, so I went home at 4:00. Y’all: Oh! You went home at 4:00! Wouldn’t want to miss the action over in NY, huh? Katz: Well I left for NY at 10:00. (I’m laughing) You know it wasn’t that bad. I got four hours sleep. Really, it wasn’t bad. It’s fun to be in those kinds of environments and you wouldn’t be in them if you weren’t in this business and relationships with people. Ironically enough, it is 4:45 pm and Joel’s got to run. “We

did a lot,’ he says, as he grabs his jacket, ‘We did a lot.” “We sure did,” I said, knowing that soon it would be 5:00 in Atlanta, but he was making a mad dash to catch his plane … to Helsinki? Prague? Paris? Los Angeles? As long as it’s the entertainment industry calling, its 5:00 somewhere, and Joel A. Katz is urgently needed. * To learn more about this fascinating, megawatt entertainment attorney, please visit his office website at www.gtlaw.com

the Spartanburg Way Dianne Smith Fergusson


n Dickey’s famous poem, the farmers bring in hogs to control the kudzu and sit shivering in dread as they await the coming of cold to kill the “long living vines.” Spartanburg County, S.C.’s approach is perhaps less poetic, but is proving to be equally as effective. In the mid-30s, eight kudzu plants were brought into Spartanburg County to help control erosion. This was a standard practice in the South back then, and kudzu was hailed as the savior of Southern farm land. Fast-forward to 2007, and kudzu has spread all over the county— and all over the South—and is seen not as a savior but as a threat to farm land urban areas alike. Enter the Kudzu Coalition, a grassroots organization formed to control and eradicate kudzu in the urban environment. In the three years since it was formed, this dynamic group has attacked kudzu at crown level and made a ma-

jor impact on the appearance of Spartanburg. Formed by Newt Hardie, a retired engineer, as part of his Master Gardener community service requirement, the Coalition is a passionate and dedicated group that has made the eradication of kudzu by non-chemical means its controlling purpose. The loosely organized group sponsors “kudzu parties,” where groups of volunteers work with hatchets, saws and a skid steer to remove the vines and kill the crowns and rescue trees and roadsides that have been enveloped with kudzu. “Kill it when and where we find it,” a comment made once by board member Lou Adams, a retired scientist, is the unofficial motto of the Kudzu Coalition. And, as anyone familiar with the South knows, they find it everywhere—along street banks, cascading over the sidewalk behind the town’s famous Beacon restaurant, inching APRIL/MAY 2007 • Y’ALL

“Far Eastern vines…prospered until rooted out.” —James Dickey, “Kudzu”

Rooting out Kudzu

At night to keep it out of the house.”

“… you must close your windows

into a lake built by the WPA in the 1930s, wrapped around trees in residential neighborhoods, climbing over abandoned buildings and creeping into parks and nature preserves throughout the city and county. The group has experimented with a variety of non-chemical means of killing kudzu and maintains a study site behind the YMCA in downtown Spartanburg. Methods include cutting out the crowns, sheeting with clear and black plastic, smothering with grass clippings, using a patented device to keep it from climbing utility poles, and using green mesh fencing to keep it from invading cleared spaces. Studies are on-going as to the most effective method. All around Spartanburg one can see the results of the Coalition’s work marked with little plastic flags, each representing a kudzu crown that has been killed. Killing kudzu without chemicals is a highly labor-intensive activity, and the Coalition has recently reached out to local high schools to bolster their volunteer corps. Several area high schools have joined the effort, with groups of students from JROTC classes, honors organizations, and student councils gaining community service hours for future college applications and just having a good time helping the environment as they work. Most of these are weekend sessions, but some special education teachers have been quick to see the attractions of the kudzu parties for their students as well. In one local high school, the Coalition works with classes during the school day, and the special education students have the responsibility of placing the flags as each crown is killed. All of the high school students will come together in a celebration planned for late April in Spartanburg. The first annual “Kudzu Kapers” will feature kudzu-killing demonstrations, competitions and the awarding of prizes for kudzu art and literature. These monetary prizes are being sponsored by Juanitta Baldwin, a Tennessee writer who has a particular interest in kudzu. Ms. Baldwin’s books include Kudzu Cuisine - a fun cookbook on how to use this plentiful legume for everything from tea to pasta salad - and “Kudzu In America,” which discusses the history of kudzu and what can be done in the future. Says Ms. Baldwin, “About twenty years ago I became aware of the serious problem kudzu is causing to our environment, so I made a thorough study of the vine. I was pleasantly astonished to learn that in the Orients, kudzu is prized as a source of food, medicine and useful consumer products such as fabric and wallpaper.” Nancy Basket, a South Carolina artisan whose kudzu baskets have

won awards, will be on hand to demonstrate her craft. In addition to celebrating the work of the high school students, Kudzu Kapers hopes to attract some new volunteers from the community and will offer participants the opportunity to get into the patch and kill some kudzu. The Coalition’s scope is about to get bigger as they make plans to take their efforts statewide. A training course for teachers who would like to provide a meaningful service learning project for their students should be ready to go this summer. The Coalition has a “swat team” that goes on the road to other communities to provide training and assistance in setting up their own version of Spartanburg’s project. The purpose of the Kudzu Coalition is to inform and educate individuals and organizations that are interested in confronting the threat that kudzu presents to their community beautification investments. But what draws people to the work of killing kudzu, a feat that some say can’t ever really be done? Dealing with a plant that can grow up to 90 feet in one season is a daunting task, but board member Barbara Daniels isn’t intimidated. “Working alongside Newt and the volunteers is a gift I give myself,” she says. “I am healthier and happier participating in Coalition endeavors. Kudzu Control draws bright, like-minded people together; each volunteer brings a talent, a gift or an inspiration. We learn from each other and we teach each other.” Barbara is typical of the volunteers who keep this project alive in Spartanburg County. “We always quit before they’re ready to stop,” Newt says of the kudzu parties. “That way we don’t wear anyone out and we don’t get discouraged about the scope of the project.” Attacking kudzu with the purpose of eliminating it from the urban landscape is a different kind of gardening, as Lou Adams points out. “When you think of gardening work, you think of adding plants as part of a beautification activity. The Coalition is engaged in removing plants as part of a beautification activity. This seems backwards somehow, but there it is.” Going into its fourth year, the Coalition, like the kudzu it works to control, is getting stronger with each day. A vibrant and “living” Web site—www.kokudzu.com-- keeps everyone informed of the Coalition’s progress and plans. Thanks to their continuing efforts, the residents of Spartanburg don’t have to fear that old Georgia legend in Dickey’s poem: “… you must close your windows At night to keep it out of the house.”

…groups of volunteers work with hatchets, saws and a skid steer to remove the vines and kill the crowns and rescue trees and roadsides that have been enveloped with kudzu.


max’d out Sports and Life

My involvement in the sporting world becomes much more casual this time of the year. Most of the college and high school spring sports are over for this year. Yes, we have pro baseball and the College World Series coming up, and, probably best of all, the pre-season foot-

on, most real sports fans will grab their pre-season football magazine and begin to look ahead to the opening day of college football. September 1st is just around the corner, and the Southeastern Conference looks to be well-represented in most of the pre-season polls.

By Max Howell

…the pre-season football magazines are popping up on every shelf in your favorite bookstore; however, for those of us living on the beautiful Emerald Coast (Destin, Fla.), we turn our leisure time to deep water fishing and boating.

MAX’d OUT can be heard on many radio stations across the South and on www.maxhowell. com, HookedonDestin.com, and Kickoffzone.com. The show is streamed live daily M-F, 9-12 Noon CT 68

ball magazines are popping up on every shelf in your favorite bookstore; however, for those of us living on the beautiful Emerald Coast (Destin, Fla.), we turn our leisure time to deep water fishing and boating. A late spring or early summer weekend at Crab Island will make one think of heaven. Crab Island is a shallow water dock under the Destin Bridge where hundreds of boats park each and every day throughout the summer months. From the 10-foot rowboat to the 50-foot yacht, all are welcome to sun, swim and enjoy the hospitality of the beautiful Emerald Coast Waters of the Gulf. For the professional boater to the casual party-goer, Crab Island is one of our best summer sporting events in Destin. As the longer days of summer roll


Questions abound: Can Florida repeat as the SEC and/or National Champions? Will FSU or Miami be back in the hunt for a chance to play in a BCS Bowl? Where will Texas be when the season is over? One major point of commonality that all fans find solace in is that their team still has a chance to start the season well in September. In my next column for Y’all Magazine, we’ll be talking football, tailgating and travel locations. In the meantime, you might want to visit my Web site, www.maxhowell.com, to listen to MAX’d OUT, daily 9-12 noon, CT a fast-moving, guest-driven sports talk show heard in over 70 markets on radio and the World Wide Web. Until next time! Max

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Clemens•Brad Allen Clemmons•Nathan Bradley Clemons•Thomas Wade Clemons•Ross Aaron Clevenger•Richard Chad Clifton•Donald John Cline Jr•Christopher Ronald Cobb•Benny Gray Cockerham III•Kyle Wain Codner•Christopher Dupont Coffin•Walter Francis Cohee III•Michael Ryan Cohen•Gavin James Colburn•Jeremiah Scott Cole•Bradli Nathaniel Coleman•Gary Brent Coleman•Dominic Rashad Coles•Benjamin Joseph Colgan•Jay T Collado•Russell Lee Collier•David Samuel Collins•Gary Lamar Collins•Jonathan William Collins•Randy Duane Collins•Clifford R Collinsworth•Kyle Arnold Colnot•Lawrence Shane Colton•Zeferino Eusebio Colunga•Robert Eugene Colvill Jr•Kurt Joseph Comeaux•Anthony Steven Cometa•Chase Johnson Comley•Matthew Allen Commons•Adam C Conboy•Kenneth Jr Conde•Matthew D Conley•Brian Renato Conner•Timothy Michael Conneway•David Scott Connolly•Steven Daniel Conover•Matthew Gale Conte•Aaron Joseph Contreras•Andres Jonathan Contreras•Pedro Contreras•Jason Chesley Cook•Robert James Cook•Eric Francis Cooke•Sean Michael Cooley•James Curtis Coons•Charles Steven Cooper Jr•John Edward Cooper•Travis Sentell Cooper•Troy Dale Cooper•Jeffery Wilbur Corban•Jason Jarrard Corbett•Sean Mitchell Corlew•Todd Ryan Cornell•Lance Scott Cornett•Marcelino Ronald Corniel•Bernard Paul Corpuz•Dennis Anthony Corral•Victor Manuel Cortes III•Christophe B Cosgrove III•James Francis Costello III•Budd M Cote•Derrick J Cothran•David J Coullard•Alexander Scott Coulter•Nicholas Real Cournoyer•Kelley Lance Courtney•Matthew S Coutu•Leonard Mallonee Cowherd III•Gregory Alan Cox•Ryan Robert Cox•Simon Timothy Cox Jr•Daniel Brian Crabtree•Alexander Bailey Crackel•Brian Thomas Craig•Heathe Nathanniel Craig•Richard Michael Crane•Casey J Crate•Johnny Keith Craver•Timothy Ryan Creager•Tyler Loren Creamean•Matthew Wallace Creed•Shawn Ross Creighton•Michael Russell Creighton-Weldon•Ricardo Antonio Crocker•Michael Tyron Crockett•Ricky Leon Crockett•David Nicholas Crombie•Brud Joseph Cronkrite•Bradley Stephen Crose•Kenneth Michael Cross•Terrence K Crowe•Kyle Duanne Crowley•Adam Johnson Crumpler•Michael Jacob Crutchfield•Joseph Cruz•Sirlou Ciacho Cuaresma•Clinton Wayne Cubert•Rey David Cuervo•Daniel Michael Cuka•Russell Grant Culbertson III•Kevin Alexander Cuming•Branden Charles Cummings•Ryan J Cummings•Daniel Francis Cunningham Jr•Darren James Cunningham•Jason Decastro Cunningham•Carl Francis Curran II•Michael Edward Curtin•Christopher Eric Cutchall•Brian Kenneth Cutter•Edgar Potayre Daclan Jr•Anthony Domenic Dagostino•Mark Jennings Daily•Ernest Wayne Dallas Jr•Nathan Stephen Dalley•Joel Preston Dameron•Patrick Daniel Damon•Grant Allen Dampier•Corey Alan Dan•Andrew Steven Dang•Jason Brent Daniel•Danny Bruce Daniels II•Torey Jonteal Dantzler•Paul John Darga•Norman Darling•Eric Bruce Das•Andrew Patrick Daul•James Ray Davenport•Seamus Maclean Davey•Wesley Graham Davids•Shawn Michael Davies•Jessie Davila•Anthony Jerome Davis Jr•Brandon Lee Davis•Bryant Leroy Davis•Craig Davis•Daryl Anthony Davis•David Joseph Davis•Donald Neal Davis•Edward G Davis III•Gloria Dean Davis•Jefferson Donald Davis•Justin Ray Davis•Kevin Dewayne Davis•Raphael Saptian Davis•Robert Gene Davis•Wilbert Davis•Zachariah Scott Davis•David Fredrick Day•Jeffrey Francis Dayton•Edwin Herbert Dazachacon•Lee Hamilton Deal•John Wilson Dearing•Michael Lee Deason•Darren Alan Deblanc•Germaine Lamont Debro•Kurt E Dechen•Matthew Lynn Deckard•Roger Wayne Deeds•Michael Shawn Deem•Joshua Deese•Robert William Defazio•Jason Garth Defrenn•Bernard Lee Deghand•Jason Lee Deibler•Marc Andrew Delgado•Felix Mario Delgreco Jr•Jacob Henry Demand•Kevin John Dempsey•Jason Charles Denfrund•Tenzin Dengkhim•Mike Ashman Dennie•Jerod Rhoton Dennis•John Ryan Dennison•Darryl Thomas Dent•Cory Ramsey Depew•Jeremy Edward Depottey•Leon B Deraps•Robert Valerian Derenda•Dustin Alan Derga•Brian Keith Derks•Gabriel Glenn Deroo•Andrew Joseph Derrick•Ervin Dervishi•Daniel Alan Desens Jr•Travis Reid Desiato•Douglas Christopher Desjardins•Nathaniel Edward Detample•Michael Robin Deuel•Michael John Deutsch•Israel Devora-Garcia•Brandon C Dewey•Daniel N Deyarmin Jr•Carlos Juan Diaz•Isaac Edward Diaz•Sergio Rafael Diaz-Varela•Douglas Andrew Dicenzo•Tyler Joe Dickens•Christopher Mason Dickerson•Joshua Wayne Dickinson•Michael Anthony Dickinson II•Christopher Wayne Dickison•Nicholas James Dieruf•Trevor John Diesing•David Eugene Dietrich•Danny Phillip Dietz Jr•Jeremiah Joseph Digiovanni•Christopher William Dill•James Robert Dillon Jr•Matthew Vincent Dillon•Catalin Dan Dima•Jeremy Macanip Dimaranan•Joshua Paul Dingler•Michael Anthony Diraimondo•Jason A Disney•Duane William Dively•Anthony Joseph Dixon•Christopher Robert Dixon•Philip Allan Dodson Jr•Thomas Karl Doerflinger•Daniel George Dolan•John Glen Doles•Ryan Edward Doltz•Carlos Dominguez•Jose Santos Marin Dominguez Jr•Christopher Brian Donaldson•Jacob Dan Dones•Dustin Ross Donica•Mark Harold Dooley•Michael Eugene Dooley•Patrick Douglas Dorff•Richwell Arzadon Doria•Nathanael James Doring•James Paul Dorrity•Trace William Dossett•Shawn Christopher Dostie•Thomas John Dostie•Scott Eugene Dougherty•Robert John Dowdy•Michael Andrew Downey•Stephen Paul Downing II•William Brian Downs•Jeremy Wade Doyle•Chad Hayden Drake•George Ray Draughn Jr•Robert Eugene Drawl Jr•Duane Joseph Dreasky•Justin Wesley Dreese•Jeremy Lee Drexler•Charles Allen Drier•Brandon Ryan Dronet•Kasper Alan Camacho Dudkiewicz•Joseph Jonathan Duenas•Amy Alisha Duerksen•Christopher Michael Duffy•Joseph Claude Dumas Jr•Jason Lee Dunham•Joe Larry Dunigan Jr•Brent William Dunkleberger•Brian Enrique Dunlap•Jeannette Thomas Dunn•Terrence Dolice Dunn•Arnold Ii Duplantier•Jerry Micheal Durbin Jr•Russell Meade Durgin•Brian Keith Van Dusen•William David Dusenbery•Seth Jeremy Dvorin•Jason Bosley Dwelley•Christopher Jenkins Dyer•Scott William Dyer•Scott Douglas Dykman•Donald Wayne Eacho•Carl Allen Eason•Richard Selden Eaton Jr•James Henry Ebbers•Blain Matthew Ebert•Christopher Stephen Ebert•Thomas Paine Echols•Gary Andrew Eckert Jr•Robert Franklin Eckfield Jr•Christopher Michael Eckhardt•William Cody Eckhart•William Anthony Edens•James Courtney Edge•Marshall Lane Edgerton•Kevin Finch Edgin•Benjamin Charles Edinger•Jonn Joseph Edmunds•Phillip Charles Edmundson•Amos Collins Edwards Jr•Chase Austin Edwards•Mark Oscar Edwards•Michael Ignatius Edwards•Shawn Christopher Edwards•Michael Egan•Daniel William Eggers•Kyle Andrew Eggers•Jody Lynn Egnor•Jeremy Wayne Ehle•Robert William Ehney•Andrew Christopher Ehrlich•Wyatt Dale Eisenhauer•Aaron Cutler Elandt•Elias George Elias•Emigdio Efrain Elizarraras•Kevin James Ellenburg•Terry J Elliott•James Darren Ellis•Joseph John Ellis•Justin Mark Ellsworth•Nathan Ross Elrod•William River Emanuel•IV•Adam Quitugua Emul•Mark Eugene Engel•Christian Philip Engeldrum•John William Engeman•Shawn Levi English•Peter Gerald Enos•Nicholas Brandon Erdy•Brian Anwar Escalante•Christopher Edwin Esckelson•Sergio Hernandez Escobar•Pedro Ignacio Espaillat•Analaura Esparza-Gutierrez•Allanmark Cundangan Espiritu•Michael John Esposito Jr•Phillip Thomas Esposito•Adam Wayne Estep•James Earl Estep•Rodriguez Yull Estrada•Michael Anthony Estrella•Ruben Estrella-Soto•Jonathan Edward Etterling•David Jr Evans•Kermit Orville Evans•Michael Scott Evans II•William Lee Evans•Christopher Lee Everett•Jason Matthew Evey•Mark Asher Evnin•Forrest Pinkerton Ewens•Jeremy Ricardo Ewing•Justin Lynn Eyerly•Troy Shane Ezernack•Bradley Michael Faircloth•Nathan Paul Fairlie•Jonathan Ioakimo Falaniko•Adam Robert Fales•Christopher Matthew Falkel•Shawn P Falter•Adam Joseph Fargo•Donald Bernard Farmer•Colby Mace Farnan•Clay Patrick Farr•Andrew Kevin Farrar Jr•Billy Brent Farris•Jefferey Jerome Farrow•Michael John Fasnacht•Huey Pierce Long Fassbender III•Steven Wayne Faulkenburg•James Daniel Faulkner•Raymond Joseph Faulstich Jr•Brian Richard Faunce•Jason Allen Fegler•Curtis Donald Feistner•Arthur Lejohn Felder•Tyanna Sharay Felder•Gutierrez Kelvin Edgar Feliciano•Robin Vincent Fell•Paul Michael Felsberg•Thomas Holt Felts•Sr•Shelby James Feniello•Sean Patrick Fennerty•Matthew John Fenton•Joseph James Fenty Jr•Dennis James Ferderer Jr•Rian Christopher Ferguson•Richard Lee Ferguson•George Andrew Fernandez•Kyle Ka Eo Fernandez•William Valentin Fernandez•Clint Daniel Ferrin•Gregory John Fester•Jon Paul Fettig•Tyler Richard Fey•Damien Thai Ficek•Nathan Robert Field•Eric Andrew Fifer•Luis Alberto Figueroa•Michael Wayne Finke Jr•Paul John Finken•Jeremy James Fischer•Keith Emerson Fiscus•Michael Todd Fiscus•David Michael Fisher•Donald Eugene Fisher II•Dustin Cole Fisher•Paul Francis Fisher•Joseph Earl Fite•Almar Laron Fitzgerald•Dustin Robert Fitzgerald•Dennis James Flanagan•William Timothy Flanigan•Jacob Rudeloff Fleischer•Jacob Samuel Fletcher•Marion Jr Flint•Jonathan Ruben Flores•Omar Demetrio Flores•Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia•Alkaila Tonee Floyd•Clarence Lavon Floyd Jr•John Michael Flynn•Thomas Arthur Foley III•Tommy Ike Folks Jr•Timothy Shane Folmar•Jesus Fonseca•Jacques Jules Fontan•Elia Paietta Fontecchio•Ryan Dane Foraker•Aaron Matthew Forbes•David Harrison Ford•IV•Jason Christopher Ford•Joshua Andrew Ford•Michael Louis Ford•Philip Cody Ford•Travis Allen Ford•James Floyd Fordyce•Wesley Charles Fortenberry•Maurice Keith Fortune•Jeremy Dale Foshee•Bradley Charles Fox•Travis Allen Fox•Kraig David Foyteck•Dale Edwin Fracker Jr•David Maurice Fraise•John Thomas Fralish•Gregory Michael Frampton•Jason Franco•Craig Stuart Frank•Phillip Edward Frank•Stephen William Frank•Benny Shantell Franklin•Bobby Charles Franklin•Michael William Franklin•Lucas Allen Frantz•Matthew Curtis Frantz•Robert Lewis Frantz•David Michael Fraser•Grant Bruce Fraser•Vincent Michael Frassetto•Jacob Lee Frazier•Joshua J Frazier•Kendell Kioma Frederick•Benjamin Lee Freeman•Brian Lee Freeman•Brian Scott Freeman•Bryan Lee Freeman Jr•Daniel Jason Freeman•Carrie Lee French•Jeremy Jeff Fresques•Steven William Freund•David Keith Fribley•Armand L Frickey•David Travis Friedrich•Nathan Joseph Frigo•Luke Peirce Frist•Kerry Wayne Frith•Jacob Noal Fritz•Adam Dalrymple Froehlich•Kurt Russell Frosheiser•John David Fry•Jason Lee Frye•Nichole Marie Frye•Joseph Frederick Fuerst III•Michael Tauae Fuga•Ray Michael Fuhrmann II•Timothy Adam Fulkerson•William Bradley Fulks•Alexander Henry Fuller•Carl Ray Fuller•Chad Edward Fuller•Travis John Fuller•Kane Michael Funke•James Alexander Funkhouser Jr•Donald Devon Furman•Marcus Shawn Futrell•Marilyn Lea Gabbard•Dan Henry Gabrielson•Clifford Valentino Gadsden•Jonathan Earl Gadsden•Joseph Alan Gage•Justin Joseph Galewski•Patrick J Gallagher•Denis Javier Gallardo•Daniel Lee Galvan•Jose Aureliano Galvan•Adam Anthony Galvez•Jerry Lewis Ganey Jr•Richard John Gannon II•Ryan Clark Garbs•Seth Kristian Garceau•Tomas Garces•Anthony Ricardo Garcia•Arana Juan De Dios Garcia•J Adan Garcia•Javier Jesus Garcia•Justin Rivero Garcia•Leon Lauro De Garcia Jr•Ruel Mamaril Garcia•Villareal Felipe Jose Garcia•Derek Lloyd Gardner•James Wilkerson Gardner•Jose Angel Garibay•Joseph Martin Garmback Jr•Mickel Davied Garrigus•Landis Wayne Garrison•Justin Wrisley Garvey•Edward Marcell Garvin•Joseph Paul Garyantes•Damian James Garza•Israel Garza•Joe Jesus Garza•Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr•Rogelio Rolando Garza Jr•Cari Anne Gasiewicz•Anthony Alexander Gaunky•Jay Ryan Gauthreaux•Dimitrios Gavriel•Alva Lamare Gaylord•Ronald Wayne Gebur•George Raymond Geer•Christopher Patrick Geiger•Mark Christopher Gelina•Christopher David Gelineau•Lewis Jay Gentry•Phillip Carson George•Orville Gerena•Scott Nelson Germosen•Clinton Ross Gertson•Albert Pasquale Gettings•Cory Ryan Geurin•David Lawrence Giaimo•Peter John Giannopoulos•Devon James Gibbons•Thomas Joseph Gibbons•Mathew Vincent Gibbs•Nicholas Ray Gibbs•Todd Clayton Gibbs•Brennan Chriss Gibson•Christopher Alan Gibson•Timothy Mark Gibson•Richard Brian Gienau•Alan Nye Gifford•Jonathan Lee Gifford•Micah Stephen Gifford•Carlos Javier Gil•Kyle Charles Gilbert•Richard Alan Gilbert Jr•Thomas Michael Gilbert•Troy Lee Gilbert•Landon Scott Giles•Steven Patrick Gill•Charles Crum Gillican III•Benjamin Lewis Gilman•Cornell Winston Gilmore•I•Ronald Albert Ginther•Daniel Robert Gionet•Milton Anthony Gist Jr•Nathaniel Allen Given•Jesse Alan Givens•Steven Ray Givens•Michael Todd Gleason•Marcus Stephen Glimpse•Michael Dennis Glover•Shamus Otto Goare•Lee Myles Godbolt•Todd Justin Godwin•James Michael Goins•Christopher Allen Golby•David Jonathan Goldberg•Nicholes Darwin Golding•Shane Lee Goldman•Cliff Krzystofer Golla•Billy Gomez•Jose Gomez•Chad Ayron Gonsalves•Cordova Ramon Ernesto Gonzales•Armando Ariel Gonzalez•Benjamin Rigoberto Gonzalez•Carlos Michael Gonzalez•Jesus Angel Gonzalez•Jorge Alonso Gonzalez•Mario Daniel Gonzalez•Rodriguez Jose Franci Gonzalez•Victor Avila Gonzalez•Rodrigo Gonzalez-Garza•Alecia Sabrina Good•Bernard George Gooden•Dakotah Lee Gooding•Nathan Joel Goodiron•Corey James Goodnature•Gregory Ronald Goodrich•Joseph Patrick Goodrich•Anthony Lee Goodwin•Robert Stacey Goodwin•Brandon Drew Gordon•David Wayne Gordon•Lyle L Gordon•Richard Steven Gottfried•Gregson Glenn Gourley•Richard Allen Goward•James Randolph Graham III•Jeffrey Carl Graham•Lance Tanner Graham•Shawn Alexander Graham•David J Gramessanchez•Cesar Adrian Granados•Brian Keith Grant•Jonathan Walter Grant•Sandra Stephanie Grant•Joseph Anthony Graves•Jamie Alan Gray•Michael Jason Gray•Tommy Lee Gray•Torrey Louis Gray•Jeffrey George Green•Toccara Renee Green•David Scott Greene•Satieon Vinard Greenlee•Nicholas James Greer•Devin James Grella•Daniel Gene Gresham•Jourdan Lin Grez•Kyle Andrew Griffin•Patrick Lee Griffin Jr•Donald Delbert Griffith Jr•John Cripe Griffith•Travis Jay Grigg•James Travis Grijalva•Sean Richard Grilley•Kyle Jason Grimes•Sean Patrick Grimes•Matthew Tyler Grimm•Aaron Matthew Griner•Travis Wayne Grogan•Daniel Frank Guastaferro•Sergio Gudino•Jose Rodriguez Guereca Jr•Ernesto Rodolfo Guerra•Joseph Robert Guerrera•Salvador Guerrero•Hans Nicholas Gukeisen•Hannah Leah Gunterman•James Matthew Gurbisz•Christian Daniel Gurtner•Jose Gutierrez•Marshall Angelo Gutierrez•Robert Allen Guy•Shakere Taffari Guy•Chase Armstrong Haag•Richard William Hafer•Jonathon Christopher Haggin•Guy Stanley Hagy Jr•Peter James Hahn•Charles Guyn Haight•Kenneth Walter Haines•Michael James Halal•John Edward Hale•Blake Wade Hall•David Eugene Hall•Robert Eugene Hall Jr•Deryk Lyell Hallal•Roger Woods Haller•Jesse Marinus Halling•Santiago Mashawn Halsel•Andrew Jason Halverson•Eric Anders Halvorsen•Jason Richard Hamill•Nathaniel Thomas Hammond•Kimberly Nicole Hampton•Michael Scott Hancock•Michael Wayne Hanks•Fernando Baxter Hannon•Jeffrey John Hansen•Warren Scott Hansen•Charles Allen Hanson Jr•Jason Hanson•Joshua Robert Hanson•Brandon M Hardy•Richard Allen Hardy•James William Harlan•Darren Prattis Harmon•Sr•Atanacio Haromarin•Bradley Jared Harper•Gary Ray Harper Jr•William Merrill Harrell•Stanley Lorn Harriman•Foster Lee Harrington•Adam Joseph Harris•Dustin James Harris•Jennifer Jean Harris•Kenneth Wayne Harris Jr•Noah Harris•Shane Patrick Harris•Torry Devon Harris•Leroy Harris-Kelly•George Daniel Harrison•John Daniel Hart•Nathaniel Jr Hart•Adam James Harting•Ralph John Harting III•Jared Douglas Hartley•David Alan Hartman•Jennifer Marie Hartman•John Leroy Hartman Jr•Jonathan Nicholas Hartman•Michael Lee Hartwick Jr•Jason Daniel Hasenauer•Donald Jay Hasse•Stephen Clarence Hattamer•Ryan Eugene Haupt•Eagle Sheldon Ray Hawk•Gene Anthony Hawkins•Omer Thomas Hawkins II•Asbury Fred Hawn II•Dennis Patrick Hay•Erik Wayne Hayes•James Frederick Hayes•Michael Ray Hayes•William Stephen Hayes III•Schuyler Bontecou Haynes•Nathan Paul Hays•Timothy Lawrence Hayslett•Brian David Hazelgrove•Daniel Richard Healy•David Michael Heath•Justin William Hebert•William Freder Hecker III•Christopher Todd Heflin•Damian Laquasha Heidelberg•Raheen Tyson Heighter•Jeremy Michael Heines•Erik Ryan Heldt•Brian Richard Hellerman•Paul Martin Heltzel•Kyle Matthew Hemauer•Terry Wayne Hemingway•Ashley Laine Henderson•John Mckenzie Henderson Jr•Matthew Charles Henderson•Miles Parker Henderson•Robert Lewis Henderson II•Kenneth Wayne Hendrickson•Robert Taylor Hendrickson•Jason Russell Hendrix•Richard Joseph Henkes II•Jack Taft Hennessy•Chassan Sandu Henry•Joshua Justice Henry•Raymond Lamar Henry•Clayton Welch Henson•Jeffrey Stewart Henthorn•Joseph Javier Heredia•Bryant Anthony Herlem•Michael Layne Hermanson•Armando Hernandez•Emmanuel Hernandez•Frank Bustamante Hernandez•Irving Jr Hernandez•Robert Hernandez•Tony Leigh Hernandez•Joseph Franklin Herndon II•Richard John Herrema•David Lee Herrera•Evenor Christopher Herrera•Edward James Herrgott•Patrick William Herried•Jacob Robert Herring•Brett Michael Hershey•Eric William Herzberg•Edward Ralph Heselton•Jordan William Hess•Kenneth Dale Hess•Thomas James Hewett•Cory Michael Hewitt•Julie Rochelle Hickey•Gregory Brian Hicks•Jason Carlyle Hicks•David Michael Hierholzer•Michael Thomas Hiester•Anton Jesean Hiett•James Willard Higgins Jr•Stephen Correll High•Chad Robert Hildebrandt•Seth Aaron Hildreth•Christopher Kenneth Hill•Joshua Lee Hill•Raymond Dwayne Hill II•Ryan Jeffery Hill•Tarryl Benidict Hill•Eric Dean Hillenburg•Stephen Dustin Hiller•Derek Steven Hines•Joshua Michael Hines•Keicia Melia Hines•Timothy James Hines Jr•Dominic Joseph Hinton•Kelly Curtis Hinz•James Daniel Hirlston•Melissa Jennifer Hobart•Brian Scott Hobbs•Jeremy Michael Hodge•Erick James Hodges•Michael Paul Hodshire•Nicolas Michael Hodson•Nainoa Kealiihokuhelelani Hoe•Benjamin David Hoeffner•James Thomas Hoffman•Justin Fenton Hoffman•Theodore Samuel Holder II•Manuel Joaquin Holguin•Christopher James Holland•Daniel Edward Holland•Robert Lee Hollar Jr•Luke B Holler•Matthew John Holley•Aaron Nathaniel Holleyman•Lincoln Daniel Hollinsaid•Matthew Wayne Holloway•John M Holmason•James Jay Holmes•Jeffery Scott Holmes•Jeremiah John Holmes•Terry Holmes•Antoine Jermaine Holt•Paul Carroll Holter III•James Joseph Holtom•Brian Chase Hopper•Sean Lee Horn•Kelly Lewis Hornbeck•Manny Hornedo•Robert Mark Horrigan•Jeremy Richard Horton•Christopher Lee Hoskins•David Burton Houck•Andrew Ryan Houghton•Jessica Marie Housby•John Daniel House•Thomas Eugene Houser•Curtis Tyrone Howard II•John Ryan Howard•Merideth Leigh Howard•Walter B Howard II•Casey Elwin Howe•Darren Dean Howe•Christopher Thomas Howick•Gregory Christopher Howman•Bert Edwards Hoyer•Robert William Hoyt•Hai Ming Hsia•Jared Patrick Hubbard•Tavon Lee Hubbard•Cory Allen Hubbell•Aaron Mark Hudson•Christopher Edwin Hudson•Sean Patrick Huey•Sam Williams Huff•Jason Isac Huffman•Doyle Maurice Hufstedler•Jamie Lee Huggins•Jonathan Adam Hughes•David A Huhn•Eric Raymond Hull•Thomas Carlton Hull•Joshua Ut Humble•Barton Russell Humlhanz•Isaiah Robert Hunt•Joseph Daniel Hunt•Justin Thomas Hunt•Kenneth E Hunt Jr•Simeon Hunte•Matthew David Hunter•Joshua Charles Hurley•James Benton Huston Jr•Seth Ryan Huston•Nolen Ryan Hutchings•Ray Joseph Hutchinson•Gregory Paul Huxley Jr•Joshua Michael Hyland•Nicholas Ryan Idalski•Michael June Idanan•Thor Harrison Ingraham•Henry Edison Irizarry•Benjamin Warren Isenberg•Daniel Isshak•Craig Steven Ivory•Kendall Howard Ivy II•Edward Donald Iwan•Derence Weilbacher Jack•Edward Eugene Jack•Kyle Edward Jackson•Leslie Denise Jackson•Mark Wayne Jackson•Marlon Phillip Jackson•Wakkuna Almira Jackson•William Samuel Jackson II•Jeriad Paul Jacobs•Morgen Nathaniel Jacobs•William Waddoups Jacobsen Jr•Elizabeth Nicole Jacobson•Kip Allen Jacoby•Jaime Suzanne Jaenke•Saeed Jr Jafarkhani-Torshizi•Aaron Donald Jagger•Jesse Jaime•Michael Jamel Jakes Jr•Grzegorz Jakoniuk•Dennis Jr Jallah•Scott Jamar•Evan Tyler James•Leon Gifford James II•Lindsey Thomas James•Luke Samuel James•Richard Zachary James•William Clepper James•Tricia Lynn Jameson•Benjamin Donald Jansky•Justin Robert Jarrett•Allen Brenton Jaynes•Moises Jazmin•Brahim Jamal Jeffcoat•Joseph Allen Jeffries•William Andrew Jeffries•Kenneth Andrew Jenkins•Robert Boyd Jenkins•Troy David Jenkins•Darius Tomel Jennings•Ryan Michael Jerabek•Ivica Jerak•Kevin Paul Jessen•Linda Carol Jimenez•Oscar Jimenez•Romulo Jose Jimenez II•Andrew Ryan Jodon•Jon Bailey St John II•Adam Robert Johnson•Alan Ricardo Johnson•Allen Cornelius Johnson•Benjamin Alan Johnson•Carl William Johnson II•Christopher Branden Johnson•David Wayne Johnson•Howard Ii Johnson•Jeremiah Jewel Johnson•John Paul Johnson•Joshua Allen Johnson•Justin Weaver Johnson•Lavena Lynn Johnson•Leon Montiel Johnson•Markus James Johnson•Maurice Jerome Johnson•Michael Vann Johnson Jr•Nathaniel Henry Johnson•Paul Joseph Johnson•Philip Alexander Johnson•Philip Andrew Johnson Jr•Rayshawn Shamell Johnson•Robert Scott Johnson•Robert Thomas Johnson•Stephen Franklin Johnson•Stephen Patrick Johnson•Ty John Johnson•Gary Scott Johnston•Jude Ralph Jonaus•Anthony Glenn Jones•Charles Jason Jones•Charles Stacey Jones•Darrell Ray Jones Jr•David Randall Jones•Sr•Derek William Jones•Devon Dimilo Jones•Gussie Mae Jones•Jeremy Scott Jones•Joshua Darrell Jones•Kevin Mccray Jones•Raymond Edison Jones Jr•Rickey Edward Jones•Robert Leon Jones•Rodney Aaron Jones•Kylan Alexander Jones-Huffman•Ryan David Jopek•Brian Keith Joplin•Alexander Jordan•Curt Edward Jordan Jr•Jason David Jordan•Michael Anthony Jordan•Phillip Andrew Jordan•Forest Joseph Jostes•Kevin Boyd Joyce•Dillon M Jutras•Matthew Ronald Kading•Henry Kanehunamok Kahalewai Jr•Adam W Kaiser•Anthony Nelson Kalladeen•Alain Louis Kamolvathin•Joseph Michael Kane•Brian Christopher Karim•Spencer Timothy Karol•Edward Karolasz•Paul Daniel Karpowich•Michael Greg Karr Jr•Mark Joseph Kasecky•Michael Mclaren Kashkoush•Douglas Edward Kashmer•Robert Paul Kassin•Hatim Siraj Kathiria•Christopher M Katzenberger•Charles Anthony Kaufman•Eric Matthew Kavanagh•Jeffrey Joseph Kaylor•James Charles Kearney III•Ben David Keating•Thomas O Keeling•Chad Lynn Keith•Quinn Archie Keith•Michael Jason Kelley•Bryan Patrick Kelly•Dale James Kelly•Paul Michael Kelly•Sean Patrick Kelly•Andrew Joseph Kemple•Dustin Lee Kendall•Courtland Anshun Kennard•Brian Matthew Kennedy•Kyran Edward Kennedy•Stephen Curtis Kennedy•Morgan Dashawn Kennon•Christopher James Kenny•Patrick B Kenny•Aaron Antrim Kent•Chadwick Thomas Kenyon•Rex Christopher Kenyon•Jonathan Roy Kephart•Dallas Lee Kerns•William Jo Kerwood•James Clifford Kesinger•Erik Clayton Kesterson•Humayun Saqib Muazzam Khan•Mark David Kidd•Ricky Allan Kieffer•James Michael Kiehl•Shane Edward Kielion•Christopher Reed Kilpatrick•Andrew Jacob Kilpela•In Chul Kim•Jang Ho Kim•Jeungjin Kim•Kun Young Kim•Minhee Kim•Dexter Seteman Kimble•Paul Wayne Kimbrough•Matthew Alan Kimmell•Kevin Christopher Kimmerly•Kenneth Ellsworth Kincaid•IV•Jerimiah Colt Kinchen•Levi Bond Kinchen•Charles Monroe King•Eric Dean King•Jeremy Edward King•Paul Nicholas King•Jonathan Paul Cunard Kingman•James Ondra Kinlow•Lester Ormond Kinney II•Adam Gareth Kinser•Anthony David Kinslow•William Scott Kinzer Jr•David Michael Kirchhoff•Jeffrey Lynn Kirk•Nicholas Cain Kirven•Charles Anthony Kiser•Timothy Craig Kiser•Daniel Leon Kisling Jr•Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker•Allan Klein•Chris K Kleinwachter•John Kevin Klinesmith Jr•Joshua P Klinger•Tony Lee Knier•Timothy Allen Knight•Floyd George Knighten Jr•Allen James Knop•Eric Lyle Knott•Joseph Labian Knott•Joshua Lincoln Knowles•Adam Lon Knox•Rene Jr Knox•Brent William Koch•Matthew Alan Koch•Gary Allen Koehler•Shane Marion Koele•Lance Jacob Koenig•Allen Dale Kokesh Jr•Alexander James Kolasa•Obediah



James Kolath•Zachary Alan Kolda•Kevin Thomas Kolm•Charles Victor Komppa•Martin Wilson Kondor•William Craig Koprince Jr•Patrick William Kordsmeier•Edward Jason Korn•Bradley Steven Korthaus•Edward Austin Koth•Ryan Joseph Kovacicek•Jakub Henryk Kowalik•Elmer Charles Krause•Travis Cabot Krege•Dustin Levi Kreider•Jared Jason Kremm•David Kenneth John Kreuter•Nathan Michael Krissoff•Erik Samsel Kristensen•Bradley Gordon Kritzer•Kurt Eric Krout•Eric John Kruger•Kevin Michael Kryst•Jared William Kubasak•Brian James Kubik•Larry Robert Kuhns Jr•John Kulick•John Frederick Kurth•Russell Andrew Kurtz•Joshua Jacob Kynoch•William Wallace Labadie Jr•Joshua Shane Ladd•Anthony Santos Lagman•Dustin Daniel Laird•Chad William Lake•Floyd Everett Lake•Sr•Michael Vernon Lalush•Alan Dinh Lam•Jeffrey Lam•Charles Robert Lamb•Randall Lynn Lamberson•James Irving Lambert II•James Peter Lambert•Jonathan Wyatt Lambert•Andrew David Lamont•Jared Michael-Vincent Landaker•Kevin C Landeck•Sean Gregory Landrus•Mitchell Arthur Lane•Shawn Allen Lane•Victor Manuel Langarica•Moises Albert Langhorst•Sean Michael Langley•Steven Michael Langmack•Jane Elizabeth Lanham•Denise Adelle Lannaman•Jose Antonio Lanzarin•Stanley James Lapinski•Christopher Jack Lapka•Tracy Lee Laramore•Bryan William Large•Samuel Wayne Large Jr•Cole William Larsen•Nicholas David Larson•Scott Quentin Larson Jr•Matthew Carl Laskowski•Michael Howard Lasky•Shawn Thomas Lasswell Jr•William Travis Latham•Aaron Priest Latimer•Karina Sotelo Lau•Timothy Joseph Lauer•Casey Michael Laware•Jeffrey David Lawrence•Isaac Shawn Lawson•Mark Anthony Lawton•Travis James Layfield•Benjamin Joseph Laymon•Binh Ngoc Le•Patrick Daniel Leach•Jeff Lebrun•Rene Ledesma•Michael Craig Ledsome•Ryan David Leduc•Bum Rok Lee•Carl Wayne Lee•James Shawn Lee•Marc Alan Lee•Qixing Lee•Samuel Sungjune Lee•Terrance Delan Lee•Sr•Emmanuel Laderas Legaspi•Michael Robert Lehmiller•Jason Allen Lehto•Hector Leija•Ken Willy Leisten•Jerome Lemon•Cedric Lamont Lennon•Christopher David Leon•Jesus Antonio Leon-Perez•Brian S Letendre•Farao Kevin Letufuga•William Jay Leusink•Donnie Leo Ford Levens•Bryan Anthony Lewis•Dwayne Peter Ryan Lewis•Lee Arthur Lewis Jr•Timothy Dale Lewis•Jesse Marvin Lhotka•Dustin James Libby•Michael Lucian Licalzi•Wilgene Tudela Lieto•Victoir Patric Lieurance•Robbie Glen Light•Daniel Russell Lightner Jr•Henry William Linck•Michael Brent Lindemuth•Justin Wayne Linden•Troy Carlin Linden•Nathaniel Bradley Lindsey•Roger Getung Ling•Karl Richard Linn•Terry Michael Lisk•Josph Leroy Lister•Jason Thomas Little•Tommy Seary Little•Nino Dugue Livaudais•Dale Thomas Lloyd•Michael Chadwick Lloyd•Jeffrey Sifoa Loa•Velton Iii Locklear•Elizabeth Ann Loncki•Daniel Jesus Londono•Jon-Erik Loney•Bunny Long•Jeremy Zeus Long•Ryan Patrick Long•William Alfred Long•Zachariah Wesley Long•John Matthew Longoria•Duane Edward Longstreth•Christian Longsworth•Jonathan Edward Lootens•Edgar Edelberto Lopez•Edwardo Junior Lopez•Hilario F Lopez•Juan Lopez•Manuel Iii Lopez•William Lopez-Feliciano•Hugo Razziel Lopezlopez•Jason Lopez-Reyes•Richard Murle Lord•Raymond Losano•Christopher E Loudon•Matthew Scott Lourey•Joseph Isiaiah Love•Robert Lee Love Jr•Scott Mcclean Love•Jeremy Michael Loveless•David Leroy Loyd•Angelo Luis Lozada Jr•Victor Ronald Lu•Jason Allen Lucas•Jeffrey Alan Lucas•Joseph Alan Lucas•Kevin Adam Lucas•John Anthony Lucente•Joshua Elijah Lucero•Robert Lawrence Lucero•Ramirez Angel De Jesus Lucio•Bryan Christian Luckey•Jason Courtenay Ludlam•Eric Robert Lueken•Caleb Andrew Lufkin•Jacob Raul Lugo•John Lukac•Kevin Michael Luna•Scott Blanchard Lundell•Brett Lee Lundstrom•Audrey Daron Lunsford•Joe Fenton Lusk II•Derrick Joseph Lutters•George Anthony Lutz II•Wai Phyo Lwin•Patrick Lee Lybert•Sean Edward Lyerly•Jason Nathaniel Lynch•Matthew Devin Lynch•Christopher P Lyons•James Nathaniel Lyons•Christopher Dale Mabry•Gregory Edward Macdonald•Cesar Fabricio Machado-Olmos•Fred Lee Maciel•Brian Anthony Mack•Vorn Jimmy Mack•Tyler Ryan Mackenzie•Michael John Mackinnon•Robert Douglas Macrum•Nicholas Alexander Madaras•Joshua Barrett Madden•Ronnie Gene Madore Jr•Blake Antonio Magaoay•Joseph Basil Maglione•Shane Reichert Martin Mahaffee•Marcus Mahdee•Jarrod Lee Maher•Sean Patrick Maher•William Joseph Maher III•David Paul Mahlenbrock•Thomas Donald Maholic•Mark Allen Maida•Russell Michael Makowski•Dan Thomas Malcom Jr•Toby Wayne Mallet•John William Maloney•Adam Michael Malson•Michael Harry Maltz•Curtis Mancini•Nicholas Jan Manoukian•Ian Desmond Manuel•William Francis Manuel•Pablo Manzano•Myla Lumayag Maravillosa•Matthieu Marcellus•Howard Sylvester March Jr•Joshua Samuel Marcum•Lyndon Anson Marcus Jr•Paul Charles Mardis Jr•Douglas Jose Marencoreyes•Giovanny Maria•Jude Cruz Mariano•Robbie Matthew Mariano•Javier Jr Marin•Kristen Keola Marino•Christopher Lee Marion•Keith Randall Mariotti•Gentian Marku•Chad Eugene Marsh•James Edward Marshall•John Winston Marshall•Robert Nathaniel Martens•David Jeffrey Martin•Ryan Abern Martin•Stephen Glen Martin•Francisco Gregorio Martinez•Francisco Martinez•Jesse Jack Martinez•Joseph Larry Martinez•Michael Anthony Martinez•Michael Ray Martinez•Misael Martinez•Oscar Amilcar Martinez•Rene Martinez•Robert Alexander Martinez•Salazar Roberto Luis Martinez•Victor Alejandro Martinez•Francisco Abraham Martinezflores•Trinidad Rodrigo Martinez-Luis•Philip John Martini•Michael David Martino•Jacob David Martir•Justin Robert Martone•Michael Adam Marzano•Christopher Edward Mason•Collin Tyree Mason•Johnnie Vell Mason•Nicholas Conan Mason•Arthur Stacey Mastrapa•Johnny Villareal Mata•Ramon Mateo•Charles E Matheny•IV•Randy Jay Matheny•Colon Edwin Antonio Matos•John James Mattek Jr•James Charles Matteson•Clint Richard Matthews•Matthew Charles Mattingly•Matthew Edward Matula•Andrew Gary Matus•Jamie Odell Maugans•Donald Charles May Jr•Joseph Patrick Mayek•Ryan Lee Mayhan•Chad Bryant Maynard•Pablo Vinicio Mayorga•Alec Frank Mazur•Anthony M Mazzarella•Brian Patrick Mcanulty•Patrick Ryan Mccaffrey•Sr•Hershel Daniel Mccants Jr•Joseph Christopher Mccarthy•Ryan Thomas Mccaughn•Ryan Michael Mccauley•Randy Donald Mccaulley•Charles John Mcclain•Daniel Bradley Mcclenney•Joseph Trane Mccloud•Megan Malia Mcclung•Jonathan Eric Mccolley•Daniel Gardner Mccollum•Daniel James Mcconnell•Brad Preston Mccormick•Clinton Tyler Mccormick•Gregory William Guy Mccoy•Christopher M Mccrackin•Erik Scott Mccrae•Donald Roy Mccune II•Ryan Stanley Mccurdy•William Louis Mcdaniel II•Bryan Thomas Mcdonough•Brian Mcelroy•Anthony Thomas Mcelveen•Dwayne James Mcfarlane Jr•Dustin Knight Mcgaugh•John Edward Mcgee•Robert Keith Mcgee•Holly Jeanne Mcgeogh•Arthur Raymond Mcgill•Brian Daniel Mcginnis•Ricky Lee Mcginnis•Ross Andrew Mcginnis•Michael Anthony Mcglothin•Donald Ryan Mcglothlin•Stephen Michael Mcgowan•Michael Martin Mcgreevy Jr•Jeremy Wayne Mchalffey•Scott Ronald Mchugh•Eric Alan Mcintosh•Joshua Dwayne Mcintosh•David Matthew Mckeever•John James Mckenna•IV•Eric Scott Mckinley•Robert Leon Mckinley•Antoine Jay Mckinzie•Michael Erich Mclaughlin•Scott Paul Mclaughlin•Justin Daniel Mcleese•Jeffrey Allen Mclochlin•Don Steven Mcmahan•Michael Jerome Mcmahon•Jacob Gerald Mcmillan•Heath Allyn Mcmillin•Michael Joseph Mcmullen•Robert Allen Mcnail•Robbie Dean Mcnary•James Dennis Mcnaughton•Spence Alexander Mcneil•Phillip David Mcneill•Michael Louis Mcnulty•Alan Eugene Mcpeek•Brian Michael Mcphillips•Clarence Douglas Mcswain•Otie Joseph Mcvey•Daniel M Mcvicker•Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin•Brian Anthony Medina•Irving Medina•William Benjamin Meeuwsen•Curtis Robert Mehrer•Tobias Corbin Meister•Benjamin Enrique Mejia•Bobby Ii Mejia•Mark William Melcher•Luis Manuel Melendez-Sanchez•Anthony Charles Melia•Casey Lee Mellen•Julian S Melo•Jacob Eugene Melson•Kenneth Alan Melton•Jaygee Meluat•Tracy Lee Melvin•Kristian Menchaca•Bobby Mendez•Sanchez Antonio Mendez•Fernando Alejandro Mendezaceves•David A Mendezruiz•Antonio Mendoza•Ramon Juan Mendoza Jr•Steven Paul Mennemeyer•Joseph Menusa•Eddie Eugene Menyweather•Gil Mercado•Raul Mercado•Velazquez Angel David Mercado•Saez Sergio Antonio Mercedes•Chad Michael Mercer•Christopher Scott Merchant•Dennis Paul Merck•Michael Matthew Merila•Jason Lynn Merrill•Christopher Andrew Merville•Christopher Paul Messer•Scott Anthony Messer•Nicolas Edward Messmer•Daniel Keith Methvin•Michael Charles Mettille•Harrison James Meyer•Jason Michael Meyer•Barry Kenneth Meza•Seth Robert Michaud•Joseph Paul Micks•Eliu A Miersandoval•Michael George Mihalakis•Matthew Gregory Milczark•Jason David Mileo•Sean Henry Miles•Anthony Scott Miller•Bruce Jr Miller•Clinton Jon Miller•Daniel Brian Miller Jr•Dennis James Miller Jr•Frederick Louis Miller Jr•Harley D R Miller•James Hoyt Miller•IV•John Wayne Miller•Kyle Randall Miller•Lowell Thomas Miller II•Marco Laven Miller•Marvin Lee Miller•Nicholas Andrew Miller•Ryan A Miller•Ryan Edwin Miller•William Lewis Miller•Johnathon Miles Millican•Jerry Wayne Mills Jr•Lea R Mills•Timmy James Millsap•Robert Thomas Mininger•Gilbert Jr Minjares•Brian Lee Mintzlaff•Joseph Ii Minucci•Troy Leon Miranda•Gordon Foster Misner II•Jody Wayne Missildine•Curtis Anthony Mitchell•George Arthur Mitchell Jr•Keman Lavor Mitchell•Michael William Mitchell•Raymond Neal Mitchell III•Sean Robert Mitchell•David Anthony Mitts•Jesse Douglas Mizener•Willsun Marcus Mock•Scott T Modeen•Timothy Wayne Moehling•Robert Joseph Mogensen•Yari Mokri•Jorge Alberto Molinabautista•Anthony William Monroe•Christopher Taylor Monroe•Michael Anthony Monsoor•Jesus Manuel Montalvo•Jason Wayne Montefering•Luis A Montes•Brian P Montgomery•Ryan Jay Montgomery•Jared Christopher Monti•Damien Michael Montoya•Alberto Dasilveira Montrond•Milton Manuel Monzon Jr•Jae Sik Moon•Adam Garber Mooney•Horst Gerhard Moore•James Lee Moore•Jason William Moore•Keith Jesse Moore•Nathaniel Kention Moore•Stuart Westley Moore•Joseph David De Moors•Travis Aaron Moothart•Brian Michael Moquin Jr•Arthur Anthony Mora Jr•Jose Luis Mora Jr•Melvin Yamil Mora•Michael Angelo Mora•Orlando Morales•Joshua Michael Morberg•Kevin Neil Morehead•Brent Lee Morel•David John Moreno•Fabricio Alexander Moreno•Gerardo Moreno•Jaime Moreno•Luis Antonio Moreno•Reece David Moreno•Carl James Morgain•Dennis Bryan Morgan•Dwight Jason Morgan•Richard Lynn Morgan Jr•Steve Jr Morin•Christopher Randolph Morningstar•Allan Andrew Morr•Brian Lee Morris•Daniel Marshall Morris•Daniel Todd Morris•Darrel James Morris•Eric Wayne Morris•Geoffrey Stephen Morris•Kelly Scott

stand with the families who grieve, and we share in their great sorrow and great pride. There will be no homecoming on this earth for those lost in battle, but we know this reunion will one day come.

President George W. Bush

Morris•Ricky Ardel Morris Jr•Stephen Lloyd Morris•Lawrence Emerson Morrison•Nicholas Bradley Morrison•Shawna Marie Morrison•Jason William Daniel Morrow•Marty Garth Mortenson•Benjamin Charles Morton•John David Morton•Robert Louis Moscillo•Timothy J Moshier•Jason Lyle Moski•Keelan Lamont Moss•Walter Mark Moss Jr•Allen Mosteiro•Christopher Oneill Moudry•James Shawn Moudy•Clifton Blake Mounce•James Douglas Mowris•Clifford Leonard Moxley Jr•Cory Ryan Mracek•James Patrick Muldoon•Jeremy William Mulhair•Sr•Scott James Mullen•Michael Lewis Mundell•Joshua James Munger•Charles Earl Munier•Pedro Antonio Munoz•Marcus Vinicio Muralles•Edward John Murphy•Michael Patrick Murphy•Shawn Matthew Murphy•Warren Anthony Murphy•Adam Russell Murray•David Joseph Murray•Jeremy Enlow Murray•Robert Westley Murray Jr•Rodney Alan Murray•James Paul Musack•Dimitri Muscat•Mitchell Thomas Mutz•Veashna Muy•Edward Lee Myers•Krisna Nachampassak•Russell Housein Nahvi•Paul Tokuzo Nakamura•Nathan William Nakis•Kenneth Allen Nalley•Roger Alan Napper Jr•Richard Junior De Gracia Naputi•Joe Anthony Narvaez•Christopher Gregg Nason•Ryan John Nass•Peter Joseph Navarro•Juana Navarroarellano•Kevin Gerard Nave•Rafael Luis Navea•Jacob Huron Neal•Troy Douglas Nealey•Robb Gordon Needham•Charles Larrew Neeley•Paul Michael Neff II•Julio Enrique Negron•Gavin Lee Neighbor•Regilio Eric Nelom•Albert Markee Nelson•Andrew Henning Nelson•Craig Lewis Nelson•Lex S Nelson•Mario Nelson•Travis Lynn Nelson•Marcques Jose Nettles•Paul Christian Neubauer•Joshua Martin Neusche•William Robert Newgard•Clinton Thomas Newman•Randy Lee Newman•Long Ngoc Nguyen•Tung Manh Nguyen•Joseph Lee Nice•Dominique Jean Nicolas•Louis Edward Niedermeier•Isaac Michael Nieves•Scott Evan Nisely•Patrick Ray Nixon•Travis Wayne Nixon•Allen Duane Nolan•Joseph Michael Nolan•Marcos Omar Nolasco•Kyle Anthony Nolen•Nicholas S Nolte•William Joseph Normandy•Joseph Carl Norquist•Curtis Lee Norris•Jason Lynn Norton•Justin Dean Norton•Byron Wayne Norwood•Leif E Nott•Shaun Allen Novak•Andrew Walter Nowacki•Justin Lee Noyes•Todd Edward Nunes•Joseph Charles Nurre•David Terrell Nutt•Mick Ray Nygardbekowsky•Nathaniel John Nyren•Donald Samuel Oaks Jr•Francis Chinomso Obaji•Branden Frederick Oberleitner•Pena Javier Obleas-Prado•George Robert Obourn Jr•Alex Oceguera•James Scott Ochsner•Patrick Terence Oday•Robert Daniel Odell•Shane Keegan Odonnell•Justin Lee Odonohoe•Charles Edward Odums II•John Banks Ogburn III•Ramon Candelario Ojeda•Tony Bruce Olaes•Brian Oliveira•Nicholas Joseph Olivier•Toby Richard Olsen•John Thomas Olson•Todd Donald Olson•Evan William Oneill•Michael Christopher Oneill•Robert Charles Oneto-Sikorski•Justin Bialiolisa Onwordi•Bryan James Opskar•Michael Kevin Oremus•Richard Paul Orengo•Kim Salvatore Orlando•Eric James Orlowski•Adrian Noe Orosco•Osbaldo Orozco•Cody Joalan Orr•Elijah Matthew Ortega•Billy Joe Orton•Timothy Ryndale Osbey•Pamela Geraldine Osbourne•Mark Steven Osteen•Ryan Scott Ostrom•Deshon Elisco Otey•Kevin Charles Ott•Michael Christopher Ottolini•Brian Joseph Ouellette•Tyler Ray Overstreet•Michael Glenn Owen•Anthony Chad Owens•Bartt Derek Owens•David Edward Owens Jr•Paul Singh Pabla•Geovani Rafael Padillaaleman•Fernando Padilla-Ramirez•Rex Arthur Page•Shawn David Pahnke•Mark Christopher Paine•Gabriel Tremino Palacios•Rivera Eric Giovani Palacios•Eric Thomas Paliwoda•Jacob Christopher Palmatier•Christopher Lloyd Palmer•Cory L Palmer•Joshua Douglas Palmer•Joshua Michael Palmer•Nicklas James Palmer•Jason T Palmerton•Eric Anthony Palmisano•Dale Aldon Panchot•Larry Wayne Pankey Jr•Jennifer Marie Parcell•Bradley Lee Parker•Daniel Ray Parker•Elisha Richard Parker•Evan Seam Parker•James David Parker•Kenya Akwan Parker•Kristian Eirik Parker•Saburant Parker•Tommy Lynn Parker Jr•Vincent E Parker•Harvey Emmett Parkerson III•David S Parr•Brian Patrick Parrello•Lawrence Lee Parrish•Michael Calvin Parrott•David Bryan Parson•Lonnie James Parson•Willard Todd Partridge•Christopher Todd Pate•Matthew Paul Pathenos•Justin Travis Paton•Travis Lyle Sallee Patriquin•Andrew G Patten•Esau George Patterson Jr•Jayton Daniel Patterson•Shane Eric Patton•Henry Paul•Robert Joseph Paul•Ronald Lee Paulsen•Bradford Howard Payne•Rocky Dennis Payne•Ronald Raymond Payne Jr•William Lee Payne•Dylan Ryan Paytas•George Jitendra Payton•Joshua Michael Pearce•Eric Paul Pearrow•Michael Francis Pedersen•Gennaro Jr Pellegrini•Roger Pina Pena Jr•Abraham Javier Penamedina•Jorge Luis Penaromero•Pedro Lazaro Pena-Suarez•Brian Hamilton Penisten•Ross Alan Pennanen•Gregory Vaughn Pennington•Johnny Joe Peralez Jr•Rafael Peraltaguzman•Andres Hilario Perez•Christopher Shawn Perez•Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez•Geoffrey Perez•Hector Rene Perez•Joel Perez•Jose Amancio Perez III•Jose Roberto Perez•Luis Alberto Perez•Nicholas Samuel Perez•Richard Anthony Perez Jr•Stephen Joseph Perez•Wilfredo Jr Perez•Michael Joseph Pernaselli•Carlos Eugene Pernell•Theodore Louis Perreault•David Scott Perry•Joseph Walter Perry•Charles Clayton Persing•Dustin Wayne Peters•Alyssa Renee Peterson•Justin Dale Peterson•Daniel Henery Petithory•Brett James Petriken•Neil David Petsche•James Lee Pettaway Jr•Christopher Paul Petty•Erickson Heath Petty•Jerrick Mcken Petty•Jonathan Richard Pfender•Jacob Matthew Pfister•Travis Dwight Pfister•Joseph Edgar Phaneuf II•Mark Patrick Phelan•Chance Russell Phelps•Christopher Wade Phelps•Gladimir Philippe•Lawrence Robert Philippon•James Ronald Phillips•John Paul Phillips•Steven Lee Phillips•Ivory Lee Phipps•Pierre Esprit Piche•Joshua Daniel Pickard•Aaron Clayton Pickering•Jordan Christopher Pierson•Lori Ann Piestewa•Paul Jared Pillen•Carlos Pineda•Foster Pinkston•Amanda Nicole Pinson•Dennis Lloyd Pintor•Christopher Neal Piper•James Heath Pirtle•Jason Thomas Plite•Raymond James Plouhar•Derek James Plowman•Steven Plumhoff•Adam Jay Plumondore•Eric James Poelman•Jason Towner Poindexter•Frederick Eben Pokorney Jr•Andrew Robert Pokorny•Justin William Pollard•Larry Earl Polley Jr•Vincent James Pomante III•Ruiz Lorenzo Ponce•James Williams Ponder III•Jerry Oreall Pope II•Robert Christopher Pope II•Ralph Nicholas Porras•Robert Gene Posivio III•Kenneth B Pospisil•Michael Vincent Postal•Christopher M Poston•Michael Joseph Potocki•Darrin Keith Potter•David Louis Potter•Christopher Scott Potts•Lynn Robert Poulin•Sr•Chad W Powell•James Edward Powell•Kyle Wesley Powell•Caleb John Powers•Joshua Francis Powers•Clint Jeffrey Prather•Daniel Joseph Pratt•Dean Paul Pratt•Taylor B Prazynski•Brian Robert Prening•Michael Brandon Presley•Aaron Lee Preston•James Edward Prevete•Kelley Stephen Prewitt•Tyler Dee Prewitt•Bruce Edward Price•James William Price•Jonathan Kyle Price•Timothy Evan Price•Tina Marie Priest•James Dennis Priestap•John Richard Priestner•Kevin William Prince•Neil Armstrong Prince•Michael Stuart Probst•Mark James Procopio•Scott Jonathan Procopio•Joseph Eugene Proctor•Jason Allen Profitt•Brian Cody Prosser•Mathew Davis Puckett•Jaror Cristobal Puello-Coronado•Kenneth Irving Pugh•Robert Shane Pugh•George Anthony Pugliese•Richard Thomas Pummill•Christopher Michael Pusateri•Louis Wayne Qualls•Marquees Antwon Quick•Richard O Quill III•John Andrew Quinlan•Michael Brian Quinn•Bryan Lynn Quinton•Stephen James Raderstorf•Christopher Conrad Rafferty•Mourad Ragimov•Joseph Andrew Rahaim•Carl Lex Raines II•Rhonald Dain Rairdan•Branden Paul Ramey•Richard Patrick Ramey•Benito Antonio Ramirez•Christopher Ramirez•Eric Ulysses Ramirez•Gene Ramirez•Gonzalez Aleina Ramirez•Ignacio Ramirez•Reyes Ramirez•William Cavinta Ramirez•Julian Alberto Ramon•Christopher Ramos•Hector Ramos•Tamarra Joharidelonda Ramos•Vargas Miguel Angel Ramos•Brandon Ramsey•Carson James Ramsey•Christopher James Ramsey•David Joseph Ramsey•Joshua Adam Ramsey•Jason Carroll Ramseyer•Edmond Lee Randle Jr•Cleston Conan Raney•Jose Carlos Rangel•Ray Rangel•Nicholas Paul Rapavi•Patrick Marc Manuel Rapicault•Gregory Alm Ratzlaff•Rel Allen Ravago•IV•Joseph Randall Ray•Jared John Raymond•Pierre Antoine Raymond•Omead Hossein Razani•Brandon Michael Read•Regina Christina Reali•William Joshua Rechenmacher•Jason Charles Redifer•Aaron Howard Reed•Christopher John Reed•Jonathan Ray Reed•Ryan Eugene Reed•Tatjana Reed•Edward Thomas Reeder•Aaron Todd Reese•Gary Lee Reese Jr•James John Regan•Jeremy Francis Regnier•Randall Scott Rehn•Stephen Charles Reich•Gavin Bradley Reinke•Brendon Curtis Reiss•Kyle Joseph Renehan•George Scott Rentschler•Justin Daniel Reppuhn•Mark T Resh•Thomas Eugene Retzer•Luis Ricardo Reyes•Mario Alberto Reyes•Torres Ramon Reyes•Seferino Jose Reyna•Edward Charles Reynolds Jr•Sean Christopher Reynolds•Steven Charles Reynolds•Rafael Reynosasuarez•Yadir Gumercindo Reynoso•David Lee Rice•Demetrius Lamont Rice•Bryan James Richardson•William Dean Richardson•William Douglas Richardson•Ariel Rico•Kenneth Levi Ridgley•Jeremy Leon Ridlen•Juan Miguel Ridout•Andrew Gerald Riedel•James Daniel Riekena•David George Ries•Wesley Robert Riggs•Garrywesley Tan Rimes•Diego Fernando Rincon•Steven Arnold Rintamaki•Duane Roy Rios•Hernando Rios•Russell Brian Rippetoe•Henry Cecil Risner•Jose Antonio Rivera•Jose Antonio Riveraserrano•Milton Rivera-Vargas•John Travis Rivero•Frank Kevin Rivers Jr•Christopher Thomas Riviere•Timothy James Roark•Thomas Douglas Robbins•Todd James Robbins•William Terry Robbins•Jeffrey Gordon Roberson•Anthony Paul Roberts•Bob William Roberts•Neil Christopher Roberts•Robert Duane Roberts•Michael Tremain Robertson•Charles Daniel Robinson•Christopher Lee Robinson•Fernando Daniel Robinson•Jeremiah Wayne Robinson•Thomas Lewis Robinson•Lizbeth Robles•Joseph Edwin Robsky Jr•Moses Daniel Rocha•Nathaniel S Rock•Marlin Tyrone Rockhold•Ricky William Rockholt Jr•David Sean Roddy•John David Rode•Joseph Edward Rodriguez•Robert Marcus Rodriguez•Velasco Juan Rodrigo Rodriguez•George Ronald Roehl Jr•Alan Lee Rogers•Gregory Scott Rogers•Jeffry Alan Rogers•Nicholas Keith Rogers•Philip Gerard Rogers•Jonathan Rojas•Kenny Dwayne Rojas•Cruz Alexis Roman•Daniel Aaron Romero•Ramon Romero•Brian Matthew Romines•Edwin William Roodhouse•Robert Edward Rooney•Timothy David Roos•Randal Kent Rosacker•Benjamin Salgado Rosales•Victor Angel Rosaleslomeli•Jose Emanuel Rosario•Richard Homero Rosas•Christopher David Rose•Scott Christopher Rose•Thomas Chad Rosenbaum•Randy Scott Rosenberg•Eric Shea Ross•Kenneth Grant Ross•Marco Damian Ross•Lawrence Arthur Roukey•David Lawrence Roustum•Gary Thomas Rovinski•Alan Blake Rowe•Brandon Jacob Rowe•Michael David Rowe•Roger Dale Rowe•Jonathan David Rozier•Charles Robert Rubado•Isela Rubalcava•David Alan Ruhren•Jose Luis Ruiz•Manuel Antonio Ruiz•Gregory Paul Rund•Bruce Alan Rushforth Jr•Aaron James Rusin•Blake H Russell•John Wayne Russell•Michael Lynn Russell•Andrew David Russoli•Monta Shevauz Ruth•Marc Tyler Ryan•Timothy Louis Ryan•Lyle Wyman Rymer II•Yevgeniy Ryndych•Corey John Rystad•Thomas Edward Saba•Scott Arlo Saboe•Dominic Joseph Sacco•Carlos Noe Saenz•Lance Sharreef Sage•Rasheed Sahib•Gael Saintvil•Steve Makoto Sakoda•Ricky Jr Salas•Rudy Salas•William Isac Salazar•Rudy Augustine Salcido•Adriana Nicole Salem•David James Salie•Richard Matthew Salter•Edward Matthew Saltz•Jesse Monroe Samek•Benjamin Wilson Sammis•Sonny Gene Sampler•Dennis Kenneth Samson Jr•Alberto Virrueta Sanchez•Efrain Jr Sanchez•Emilian Damian Sanchez•Enrique Carlos Sanchez•Ian Thomas Sanchez•Oscar Sanchez•Paul Timothy Sanchez•Charles Ray Sanders Jr•Gregory Paul Sanders•Ronnie Lee Sanders•Ryan Travis Sanders•Leroy Jr Sandoval•Felipe Dejesus Sandovalflores•Matthew Joseph Sandri•Monroe Jeremy Scott Sandvick•Barry Sr Sanford•Robert L Du Sang•Neil Anthony Santoriello•Isaias Enrique Santos•Jeremiah Soham Santos•Jonathan Jose Santos•Luis Daniel Santos•Brandon Robert Sapp•Charles Otto Sare•Cameron Bryan Sarno•Scott Douglas Sather•Jeremiah Edward Savage•Stephen Patrick Saxton•Phillip Nicholas Sayles•Paul Anthony Saylor•Michael Philip Scarborough•Michael Wayne Schafer•Kenneth John Schall•Kurt Daniel Schamberg•Robert Charles Scheetz Jr•Daniel Ronald Scheile•Jens Eduard Schelbert•Chris Jon Scherkenbach•Jason Drew Scheuerman•Nickolas David Schiavoni•Richard Lee Schild•Jonathan Eric Schiller•Rhett W Schiller•John Taylor Schmidt III•Justin Bryan Schmidt•Joshua Mark Schmitz•Jeremiah WesleySchmunk•Matthew Evan Schneider•Sean Michael Schneider•Collin Ryan Schockmel•Richard Phillip Schoener•Brian James Schoff•Michael David Scholl•Christopher James Schornak•Dustin Howard Schrage•Mathew Earl Schram•Brian Keith Schramm•Edward August Schroeder II•Nathan Alan Schubert•Brandon Scott Schuck•Christian Christopher Schulz•Darrell James Schumann•Benjamin Chandler Schuster•Michael Anthony Schwarz•David Allen Scott•Joshua Adam Scott•Joshua Michael Scott•Justin Andrew Scott•Kerry David Scott•Rickey Scott•Stephen Michael Scott•Aaron Lee Seal•Stephen Albert Seale•Timothy James Seamans•Myles Cody Sebastien•Robert Michael Secher•Michael Todd Seeley•Aaron N Seesan•Juan Estevan Segura•Leroy Jr Segura•Robert Augustine Seidel III•Marc Scott Seiden•Christopher Scott Seifert•Anthony Phillip Seig•Carl Leonard Seigart•Danton Kyle Seitsinger•Dustin Michael Sekula•Dennis Lee Sellen Jr•Bernard Leon Sembly II•Matthew Kenneth Serio•Juan Manuel Serrano•Nazario Serrano•Adam Peter Servais•Daniel Laverne Sesker•Darin Thomas Settle•Robert Jason Settle•Devon P Seymour•Michael Bear Shackelford•Edward William Shaffer•Jeffrey Paul Shaffer•Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger III•Jeremy Reed Shank•Michael A Shank•Stephen Daniel Shannon•Jeffrey Ross Shaver•Alan Wayne Shaw•Kevin Michael Shea•Timothy Magnus Shea•Casey Sheehan•Kevin Francis Sheehan•Ronnie Lee Shelley•Sr•Jimmy Lee Shelton•Steven Earl Shephard•Adam Roger Shepherd•Daniel Michael Shepherd•Kristopher Linwood Shepherd•Joshua Dean Sheppard•Alan David Sherman•Anthony Lee Sherman•Stephen Richard Sherman•Anissa Ann Shero•James Alexander Sherrill•Andrew Carl Shields•Jonathan Bernard Shields•Bradley Nolan Shilling•Darrell Wayne Shipp•Jeremy Scott Shock•Jared Matthew Shoemaker•Harry Nelson Shondee Jr•Brad Sangjin Shuder•James Allen Shull•Dustin Michael Shumney•Kenneth Lee Sickels•Dustin Lee Sides•Todd Michael Siebert•Eric Rudolf Sieger•Thomas Christian Siekert•William Mason Sigua•Alfred Barton Siler•Alfredo Barajas Silva•Erik Hernandez Silva•Marco Antonio Silva•Sean Anthony Silva•Leonard Dale Simmons•Windell Jeryd Simmons•Chad Jerome Simon•Aaron W Simons•Abraham Simpson•Jacob Mark Simpson•Jonathan James Simpson•Charles Marques Sims•John Thomas Sims Jr•Justin Derand Sims•Sean Patrick Sims•Isiah Joseph Sinclair•Uday Singh•Channing Garrett Singletary•Steven Frederick Sirko•Aaron James Sissel•Christopher Aaron Sisson•David Leonard Sisung•Christopher Franklin Sitton•Garth Douglas Sizemore•Nicholas Maloy Skinner•Benjamin James Slaven•Brian Donatus Slavenas•Russell L Slay•Eric Wentworth Slebodnik•Antonio James Sledd•Brandon Ulysses Sloan•Douglas Emory Sloan•Richard Patrick Slocum•Thomas Jonathan Slocum•Andrew Richard Small•Corey Lee Small•Albert Eugene Smart•Keith Lee Smette•Aaron Amponsah Smith•Antoine Demetrius Smith•Benedict Joseph Smith•Benjamin Alexander Smith•Benjamin Kent Smith•Brandon Clinton Smith•Brian

Names accurate as of January 28, 2006 MARCH/APRIL 2006 • Y’ALL 63

Robinson•Thomas Lewis Robinson•Lizbeth Robles•Joseph Edwin Robsky Jr•Moses Daniel Rocha•Nathaniel S Rock•Marlin Tyrone Rockhold•Ricky William Rockholt Jr•David Sean Roddy•John David Rode•Joseph Edward Rodriguez•Robert Marcus Rodriguez•Velasco Juan Rodrigo Rodriguez•George Ronald Roehl Jr•Alan Lee Rogers•Gregory Scott Rogers•Jeffry Alan Rogers•Nicholas Keith Rogers•Philip Gerard Rogers•Jonathan Rojas•Kenny Dwayne Rojas•Cruz Alexis Roman•Daniel Aaron Romero•Ramon Romero•Brian Matthew Romines•Edwin William Roodhouse•Robert Edward Rooney•Timothy David Roos•Randal Kent Rosacker•Benjamin Salgado Rosales•Victor Angel Rosaleslomeli•Jose Emanuel Rosario•Richard Homero Rosas•Christopher David Rose•Scott Christopher Rose•Thomas Chad Rosenbaum•Randy Scott Rosenberg•Eric Shea Ross•Kenneth Grant Ross•Marco Damian Ross•Lawrence Arthur Roukey•David Lawrence Roustum•Gary Thomas Rovinski•Alan Blake Rowe•Brandon Jacob Rowe•Michael David Rowe•Roger Dale Rowe•Jonathan David Rozier•Charles Robert Rubado•Isela Rubalcava•David Alan Ruhren•Jose Luis Ruiz•Manuel Antonio Ruiz•Gregory Paul Rund•Bruce Alan Rushforth Jr•Aaron James Rusin•Blake H Russell•John Wayne Russell•Michael Lynn Russell•Andrew David Russoli•Monta Shevauz Ruth•Marc Tyler Ryan•Timothy Louis Ryan•Lyle Wyman Rymer II•Yevgeniy Ryndych•Corey John Rystad•Thomas Edward Saba•Scott Arlo Saboe•Dominic Joseph Sacco•Carlos Noe Saenz•Lance Sharreef Sage•Rasheed Sahib•Gael Saintvil•Steve Makoto Sakoda•Ricky Jr Salas•Rudy Salas•William Isac Salazar•Rudy Augustine Salcido•Adriana Nicole Salem•David James Salie•Richard Matthew Salter•Edward Matthew Saltz•Jesse Monroe Samek•Benjamin Wilson Sammis•Sonny Gene Sampler•Dennis Kenneth Samson Jr•Alberto Virrueta Sanchez•Efrain Jr Sanchez•Emilian Damian Sanchez•Enrique Carlos Sanchez•Ian Thomas Sanchez•Oscar Sanchez•Paul Timothy Sanchez•Charles Ray Sanders Jr•Gregory Paul Sanders•Ronnie Lee Sanders•Ryan Travis Sanders•Leroy Jr Sandoval•Felipe Dejesus Sandovalflores•Matthew Joseph Sandri•Monroe Jeremy Scott Sandvick•Barry Sr Sanford•Robert L Du Sang•Neil Anthony Santoriello•Isaias Enrique Santos•Jeremiah Soham Santos•Jonathan Jose Santos•Luis Daniel Santos•Brandon Robert Sapp•Charles Otto Sare•Cameron Bryan Sarno•Scott Douglas Sather•Jeremiah Edward Savage•Stephen Patrick Saxton•Phillip Nicholas Sayles•Paul Anthony Saylor•Michael Philip Scarborough•Michael Wayne Schafer•Kenneth John Schall•Kurt Daniel Schamberg•Robert Charles Scheetz Jr•Daniel Ronald Scheile•Jens Eduard Schelbert•Chris Jon Scherkenbach•Jason Drew Scheuerman•Nickolas David Schiavoni•Richard Lee Schild•Jonathan Eric Schiller•Rhett W Schiller•John Taylor Schmidt III•Justin Bryan Schmidt•Joshua Mark Schmitz•Jeremiah Wesley Schmunk•Matthew Evan Schneider•Sean Michael Schneider•Collin Ryan Schockmel•Richard Phillip Schoener•Brian James Schoff•Michael David Scholl•Christopher James Schornak•Dustin Howard Schrage•Mathew Earl Schram•Brian Keith Schramm•Edward August Schroeder II•Nathan Alan Schubert•Brandon Scott Schuck•Christian Christopher Schulz•Darrell James Schumann•Benjamin Chandler Schuster•Michael Anthony Schwarz•David Allen Scott•Joshua Adam Scott•Joshua Michael Scott•Justin Andrew Scott•Kerry David Scott•Rickey Scott•Stephen Michael Scott•Aaron Lee Seal•Stephen Albert Seale•Timothy James Seamans•Myles Cody Sebastien•Robert Michael Secher•Michael Todd Seeley•Aaron N Seesan•Juan Estevan Segura•Leroy Jr Segura•Robert Augustine Seidel III•Marc Scott Seiden•Christopher Scott Seifert•Anthony Phillip Seig•Carl Leonard Seigart•Danton Kyle Seitsinger•Dustin Michael Sekula•Dennis Lee Sellen Jr•Bernard Leon Sembly II•Matthew Kenneth Serio•Juan Manuel Serrano•Nazario Serrano•Adam Peter Servais•Daniel Laverne Sesker•Darin Thomas Settle•Robert Jason Settle•Devon P Seymour•Michael Bear Shackelford•Edward William Shaffer•Jeffrey Paul Shaffer•Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger III•Jeremy Reed Shank•Michael A Shank•Stephen Daniel Shannon•Jeffrey Ross Shaver•Alan Wayne Shaw•Kevin 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what southern women know The Southern Art of Homekeeping By Ronda Rich

by Ronda Rich

Ronda Rich is the best-selling author of What Southern Women Know (That Every Woman Should) and The Town That Came A-Courtin’. 68

My friend Stevie and I were discussing our new fancy front-load washers and how many clothes will fit into the enormous drums. “My wash day is Tuesday but I always find on Mondays that I need to wash a few things like underwear and towels,” she said. “I just hate using that much room for such a little load. It’s so wasteful.” “Your wash day is Tuesday?” I asked, ignoring her main complaint. “You have a day set aside for washing?” This floored me. I just wash when I need to and know I have enough underwear, sheets and towels to last a good month between washings. I remember when I was growing up that women did tend to have specific wash days, usually Mondays, and that it was always a big deal to hang clothes out on the line. People, you see, judged you by the kind of wash you had and how well you hung it out. “Hanging your clothes out on the line is the same as parading around the town square in your birthday suit,” Aunt Marabelle used to say. “Folks’ll know you for exactly what you are.” “You can always tell a family by the kind of wash they hang,” Mama would say, and many times she would step away from her own clothes line and say with great satisfaction, “Now, that’s a pretty wash.” That got me to thinking how differently my generation of Southern women keep house from that of the women before me. In LaGrange, Ga., Miriam Lukken came up to me during a speaking engagement and gave me a copy of a charming book she wrote. Mrs. Dunwoody’s Excellent Instructions for Homekeeping is a book of old-fashioned notions, some of which, such as washing a feather bed, we’ll never, thankfully, need again. But there are other things in it that will never grow unfashionable such as Mrs. Dunwoody’s commandment that the hostess should always stand at the door and wave until her company has driven out of sight. Over the years, I have watched Southerners do that repeatedly and have always enjoyed it tremendously. I practice it myself with my own company. Best of all, is that Mrs. Dunwoody (a fictional character with factual lists) calls it “homekeeping,” not “housekeeping.”


Isn’t that wonderful? It sounds so much warmer and inviting that the alternative term. I tracked Miriam down and asked her how she came up with these instructions and guidelines. She explained that in days long gone by, women kept “receipt books” in which they recorded useful information and discoveries that they deemed would be helpful to the next generation and should be handed down. When her grandmother died in 1979, she passed her writings to Miriam. “During my research for our Junior Service League cookbook, Southern Born and Bread, I came across the wonderful old ‘receipt’ books from several different authors and they reminded me of my grandmother’s wisdom,” she explained. Thus, she created the fictional Mrs. Dunwoody and compiled those notes into a lovely reminder of the past generations of women who lovingly laid the foundation of our famed Southern hospitality. Since homekeeping begins in the houses we buy, build or inherit, I am compelled to share another wonderful book that has recently crossed my sights. A House In The South (Old-Fashioned Graciousness for New-Fashioned Times) by Frances Schultz and Paula S. Wallace is one of the prettiest and practical books I’ve ever seen. It firmly reminds us that while American interior design is ever-changing, Southern style continues to be a stable classic. In this book, the authors pay particular homage to porches and declare that they should be incorporated as an essential room of the house. I agree. That’s the way it is at my house. Except for the winter, my back porch, which runs the back length of my house then swings to the right, is my office, my hospitality area and, at the end of the day, my peaceful respite. One day last summer, a friend stopped by for a mid-day visit, and we sat under the gently rotating fans and conversed about nothing important. Mama, a bit later, showed up for a visit, toting homemade biscuits filled with sausage. The three of us sat there nibbling biscuits, drinking sweet tea and enjoying the company. It was old-fashioned graciousness during a new-fashioned time. And, it felt just right.


of fame

Sam Walton Sam Walton’s business plan was simple - drive down costs in all areas, thus driving down prices for customers. This philosophy never left him as Walton opened one retail store after another and

Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer.

eventually founded


Samuel Moore Walton was born March 29, 1918 in Kingfisher, Okla. Walton’s parents, Thomas Gibson and Nancy Lee, moved the family, including Walton’s little brother, James, to Missouri in 1923. In grade school Walton began his


first of countless personal achievements, becoming the youngest boy in Missouri’s history to be named an Eagle Scout. Walton’s competitive spirit was nurtured at a young age under the guise of high school sports. At Hickman High School in Co-

When he was discharged from the war, he decided he wanted to open his own discount store, and thus began the legacy for which he is best known.

lumbia, he played basketball and football, serving as starting quarterback for the team and leading them to the state championship in 1935. He also served as President of the student body and graduated as an honors student. Growing up during the Great Depression, he also generated income for his family by milking the family cow, bottling the milk and delivering the surplus to customers and

by holding a paper route. Walton attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in economics, and continued to work a mix of jobs to support himself through college. He graduated in 1940 and was voted the permanent president of his class. Three days after graduation, he worked as a management trainee at the J. C. Penney Co., but he resigned in 1942, awaiting to

be inducted into the military service for World War II. While waiting he took a job in a Du Pont munitions plant near Tulsa, Okla. While living near Tulsa, Walton met his future wife, Helen Robson. They were married on Valentine’s Day in 1943. They later had four children: Samuel Robson in 1944, John Thomas in 1946, James Carr in 1948 and Alice in 1949. Soon after they were married, Walton served in the US Army Intelligence Corps in the United States. When he was discharged from the war, he decided he wanted to open his own discount store, and thus began the legacy for which he is best known. His first retail store was a Ben Franklin variety store, a franchise of the Butler Brothers. His store, located in Newport, led in sales and profits in the six-state region. However, Walton moved on to other stores when his landlord would not renew his lease on the property. In 1950 he purchased a store in Bentonville, Ark. and called it Walton’s 5 & 10. The family settled into the town, and Walton became heavily involved with civic and charitable organizations in the community. In time Walton opened many more discount stores, including the first Wal-Mart in Rogers, Ark. in 1962. He valued hometown identity, and every Wal-Mart store now provides charitable contributions to the community in which it resides. In 1992 Walton received the Medal of Freedom from President George H. W. Bush. In 1998 he was included in Time Magazine’s list of 100 most influential people in the 20th century. If alive today, he would be the world’s wealthiest person, twice as rich as Bill Gates. Walton died April 5, 1992 of a type of cancer called multiple myeloma, leaving his ownership in Wal-Mart to his wife and children.






experience highs, lows, and a few growing pains.

• “Lun Lun,” “Yang Yang” and six-month-old cub “Mei Lan” live at Zoo Atlanta



Rare animal births, sleep-overs and hurricane evacuation…Dixie zoos

There are only 14 Giant Pandas living in the United States, and eight are right here in the South!


• “Mei Xiang,” “Tian Tian” and “Tai Shan” (pictured) live at the Smithsonian Institute’s National Zoological Park in Washington, D.C. • “Ya Ya” and “Le Le” live at the Memphis Zoo

It’s 6:30 p.m. The gates are other two storms pushed the shut and locked. Now the fun reopening date back about six ally begins. weeks.” For visitors to the Memphis A follow-up special, which Zoo, a visit usually ends when aired in February, showed the the park closes. For some, howcontinued process of reopenever, a visit truly begins when ing the zoo. During the prothe park closes. The Memgram, Clyde Weir, a local busiphis Zoo’s overnight program, nessman, donated 25 acres to called Zoo Snooze, allows visithe zoo. The land, located furtors to spend the night with the ther inland, allows the zoo to wildlife. continue to grow. Zoo Snooze participants have Another zoo that has had The Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo, which is continual growth in the past the chance to go on a moonlit tour of the facility, help feed the located just one mile from the Gulf of couple of years is the Smithanimals, and meet the animals Mexico, was completely devastated by sonian National Zoological up close and personal. AccordPark in Washington, D.C. three separate hurricanes—Ivan, ing to Lori Dulcey, director of The National Zoo is one of public programs and docent ser- Dennis, and of course, Katrina. only four zoos in the United vices, znoozers explore the zoo at States that has a pair of giant night, meet some of the animal ambassadors up-close and par- panda bears. The pair is on loan from China for 10 years. ticipate in fun activities before settling in their sleeping bags for The giant panda pair welcomed a new cub on July 9, 2005. the night. The next day, after breakfast, Snoozers have the rest The world had the opportunity to watch the cub grow and deof the day to explore the Zoo on their own, comparing their velop via his own Web cam. The nation also had the opportunighttime experience with what they encounter throughout the nity to name the cub via a Web poll. day. This program was recently featured on the Today Show as According to Chinese tradition, a cub cannot be named unone of the hottest and trendiest new activities for children and til his 100th day. Five traditional Chinese names were given as teens. options. Tai Shan, or “peaceful mountain,” was the chosen “We were honored to be included in the Today Show, espe- winner with 44 percent of the votes. cially in the company of zoos like San Diego. The Memphis Zoo The Atlanta Zoo has also been infected with panda fever has some very unique educational programs like Zoo Snoozes, and has a new bundle of panda joy. The Zoo welcomed Mei and we are always glad to let people know about them,” Dul- Lan, or “Atlanta Beauty,” on September 6, 2006. cey said. Recently, Zoo Atlanta announced that patrons of the zoo The Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo was also recently featured on could sponsor Mei Lan in their “Rare Care” Campaign. Partelevision. The zoo has been the subject of the Animal Planet ticipants will receive a special promotional panda “Cub To-Go” series The Little Zoo that Could. box containing a stuffed panda, a certificate of sponsorship, a The zoo, which is located just one mile from the Gulf of giant panda fact sheet, a timeline of Mei Lan’s growth and mileMexico, was completely devastated by three separate hurri- stones, and a collectable photograph of Mei Lan. canes—Ivan, Dennis, and of course, Katrina. Before each one Another new addition to a zoo is a giant anteater born Sepmade landfall, the zoo staff had to completely evacuate more tember 28, 2006. The Dallas Zoo opened a contest for the pubthan 260 animals to Zoo director Patti Hall’s house. lic to name the baby. Sniffy was the winning name chosen for “When my husband and I bought 10 acres in the county, we the giant anteater. Fifty-six-year-old Juanita Peredisabofa subjoked about the fact that it was just us. We joked that we could mitted the winning moniker. bring the zoo to our land. We didn’t know we would be taken “We are delighted that so many people participated in the up on our generous offer,” Hall said. “We brought the staff and contest,” said Michael L. Meadows, president and chief executheir families and their personal pets, as well as the zoo animals. tive officer of Dallas Zoological Society. “It was a fun way to All together, we had 28 people, 11 domestic dogs, 9 domestic share our happy news with the public and let them play a role cats and 292 zoo animals.” in naming our new anteater.” The staff of the zoo then spent 14 months remodeling, renoThe public certainly has taken an active role when it comes vating and rebuilding to make the zoo better than it was before. to zoos. Whether it be spending the night at the zoo, watching Early in 2006, Animal Planet filmed on location the ongoing ef- the pandacam, or naming a new baby, there are plenty of activiforts of the zoo staff. The series featured 13 one-hour episodes. ties that zoos offer to the public. “Ivan was the storm that shut us down. We weren’t even open For more information on zoos worldwide, visit www.zoosto the public when the other two storms hit,” Hall said. “The worldwide.de APRIL/MAY 2007 • Y’ALL

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