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Yaminomusuko Dakara
angler, writer, website director. not much else matters now. ナチュラルに歯並びが凄い綺麗だからセクシイなスマイルの持ち主。ちょっとぷっくり唇。My smile is like crack or heroin. addictive as hell but makes you feel good while you are intoxicated by it. dark but friendly, highly intelligent, very intuitive, at least that's how friends describe me. oh and I'm a typical virgo. artistic, dreamer, people person, a bit of a romantic, but very picky and you better win me over with great personality and intelligence because , I don't want to waste my time with you if you're not. 闇から生まれた光のごとくこの世の中に輝きを...釣り!!!、バイク、酒、葉巻、友達、家族が生甲斐。 面食い、ド助平、馬鹿嫌い、料理好き、心理学。とにかく人と絆を作るのが大好き。 女にはうるさい!以下の条件に当てはまらない女は友達申し込むな。ま、リアル女友達でも下記2~5個