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DeVry HIM 404 All Assignments-Latest 2017 November
DeVry HIM404 Week 2 Practicum Site Organizational Research Latest 2017 November A key part of having an effective practicum is for students to understand the organization that they will be associated with for their 60 hours. This week, students are required to conduct research from professional, state, federal, and accrediting organizations to develop a comprehensive summation of their practicum site. In a Microsoft Word document utilizing APA formatting (including title and reference pages, headings, bullets, etc.), the following content must be included in the body of the paper that is a minimum of 1 page in length (double spaced). If you are unable to locate specific information, please annotate n/a or not available.
The introduction should provide an opportunity to capture the reader’s attention and present an overview of the presentation.
Practicum Site Description
Type of facility (hospital, LTC, for-profit, non-profit, part of healthcare system, is it a research facility [if so, describe], etc.)
Ownership and history of facility
Accreditation, awards and achievements, quality of care initiatives, and so forth.
Geographical area served, including region, population, and demographics
Organizational Authority
Governance (board of trustees, executive leadership, etc.)
Mission, vision, goals, objectives, and so forth.
Organizational structure and leadership (including an organizational chart with key executive leadership positions and departments—be sure to include the HIM department). No personal names, please, just position titles.
Strategic and operational plan overviews
HIM organizational structure and leadership (including an organizational chart with key executive leadership positions and departments—be sure to include the HIM department). No personal names, please, just position titles.
Financial and Statistical Data and Facts
Revenues, assets, contributions or charity gifts, governmental funding, expenditures, and so forth.
Distribution in sources of funding (private pay, Medicare, Medicaid, third party, etc.)
Number of employee (physicians, residents, nurses, technicians, professional, administrative, support, volunteers, etc.)
Patient care data (number of beds, admissions, outpatient visits, infection rates, readmissions, etc.)
Data quality, core measures, performance improvement, and so forth, data and initiatives
Services and Levels of Care
Specialties and services provided by healthcare organization. If possible, include any statistical data or information.
Organizational structure and leadership (including an organizational chart with key positions and areas—no personal names, please, just position titles).
The conclusion should synthesize, rather than introduce new material or repeat the main ideas verbatim unless a rephrasing of the thesis.
If you need guidance on how to format an APA paper, please see the Course Resources page under Introduction & Resources.
Practicum Activity and CO Log Complete your report for each day of your practicum, making sure that you keep detailed notes of your activities and the COs met. Include items such as problems identified, methods that work well, interaction among staff, and so forth. Use the format provided in the Files section.
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DeVry HIM404 Week 3 Practicum Site Managerial Project Approval Latest 2017 November Submit the proposed practicum site managerial project for instructor approval based on a conversation with your onsite practicum director. At minimum, you must include the title of the project.
an overview of the project;
specific course COs;
how it meets management activities;
desired outcomes, including methods to measure, if applicable; and
a conclusion.
NOTE: Due to variability in practicum schedules, if you have not started the practicum (verifiable by DeVry Practicum Coordinator), you MUST send the instructor an e-mail by the end of academic Week 3 to propose a date of completion for consideration, or risk a zero for the assignment.
Practicum Activity and CO Log Complete your report for each day of your practicum making sure that you keep detailed notes of your activities and the COs met. Include items such as problems identified, methods that work well, interaction among staff, and so forth. Use the format provided in the Files section.
DeVry HIM404 Week 4 Professional Development Latest 2017 November A key part of being an HIM professional is professional development and understanding the occupation. This week, you will research the following elements, and include, in an APAformatted paper, the following bullets as headings and both the AHIMA and state AHIMA website as resources. In a Microsoft Word document utilizing APA formatting (including title and reference pages, headings, etc.), the following content must be included in the body of the paper as APA headings for each bullet below and is a minimum of 1 page in length (double spaced) and no more than 2 pages.
Overview of HIM profession
HIM career path options
Overview state association
RHIA national exam o
Dates of national exam
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When student anticipates taking the exam
Exam administrator
Steps for applying for the exam
Student plan to meet RHIA certification
If you need guidance on how to format an APA paper, please see the Course Resources page under Introduction & Resources.
Practicum Activity and CO Log Complete your report for each day of your practicum, making sure that you keep detailed notes of your activities and the COs met. Include items such as problems identified, methods that work well, interaction among staff, and so forth. Use the format provided in the Files section.
DeVry HIM404 Week 5 HIM Employment Statistics Latest 2017 November Last week, students researched the HIM profession and pathway to the RHIA certification. This week, you will research HIM employment statistics, opportunities, and career opportunities in an APA formatted paper utilizing the following bullets as headings and using a minimum of one professional resource from AHIMA. In a Microsoft Word document utilizing APA formatting (including title and reference pages, headings, etc.), the following content must be included in the body of the paper as APA headings for each bullet below and is a minimum of 1 page in length (double spaced) and no more than 2 pages.
Overview of HIM profession from an employment perspective
Types of organizational settings who employ HIM professionals
National, state, and local employment statistics (current, available, etc.)
Salary presentation and review at national, state, and local level
Value of having an RHIA certification versus not having certification
Analysis of statistics for employability in student’s geographical area
Student professional plan to achieve RHIA certification and employability
If you need guidance on how to format an APA paper, please see the Course Resources page under Introduction & Resources.
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DeVry HIM404 Week 7 Oral Presentation Latest 2017 November
Guidelines and Criteria To complement your practicum experience, an oral presentation will consist of a PowerPoint (PPT) (or other approved software) with audio, which represents an overview of your practicum experience in your own words.The presentation should summarize the key points or highlights of the experience, include the required content and COs, and be formatted in APA style. The premise is not to read the script; however, present a unique and creative overview or summation of your experiences in your own words which will also help you develop your presentation development and oral speaking skills. A draft presentation will be submitted to the Week 7 (by Day 3) Discussions (Practicum discussion) and the Final Oral Presentation is due in Week 7 (see schedule for due date). If the student is still completing his or her practicum hours in Week 7, a draft is still required to the discussions with what content can be accomplished.
Format Requirements
Must be saved and uploaded as a .PPS or .PPSX document (.PPT or .PPTX are not acceptable) (or other approved software)
Pictures, tables, and graphs on at least 50% of the slides with no more than two graphics/slide
Apply the one content item or topic/slide requirement with a logical progression throughout the presentation
Must be in APA, including reference page and citations within the slide presentation of your sources and statements, whether directly or paraphrased for originality in your presentation
Use bullets to convey main ideas (rather than long paragraphs) utilizing no more than 8 words/bullet. The spoken word will expand on the main content identified in the bullets
Use of graphics should support the topic rather than overwhelm. Photos must not be copyrighted and source(s) annotated in APA
Animations should add value to slide and content rather than distraction
Use Sans Serif fonts such as Arial, Franklin Gothic, Gills Sans, or Helvetica font
Use font size of about 24 to 36 points
Use italic fonts sparingly--they can be difficult to see
Use colors that complement one another. Light colors on dark backgrounds are easiest for audiences to see
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Content Requirements The presentation must contain the following slides as content and title heading – one topic/slide. Students are welcome to include additional slides as they believe appropriate to a comprehensive presentation of their practicum. However, you must include the following and not exceed the maximum time allowed.
Title o
Practicum Site Overview o
Include content from Week 3 Assignment. Must include detailed description, applicable COs discussed, outcomes desired and achieved, and how it benefited practicum site and/or HIM Department, and so forth.
Professional Development. o
Include all COs and applicable activities summarized and embedded in to one or two slides taken from Week 7 Assignment content in either table or bullet format embedded in applicable slides(s).Annotate if “not applicable’ for a CO.
Managerial Project o
Include desired student outcomes, student career, and/or educational goals.
CO Activities o
Include Week 2 Assignment content
Practicum Objectives o
Include student name, course name and number, instructor, practicum site and practicum dates.
Utilize Weeks 4 & 5 Assignment content as well as any meetings or conferences attended. If none attended, indicate in presentation.
Philosophy and Relevance of the RHIA Credential o
Present overview of personal viewpoint of the RHIA profession.
Establish significance of the RHIA national certification and your plan for achieving this credential.
Retrospective Analysis o
Retrospective analysis (including summary and numeric of both evaluations) as well as student contributions, challenges, and so forth for a successful practicum experience.
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Conclusion o
Discuss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities provided, and challenges.
Bring closure to your HIM program and practicum experience by synthesizing (rather than introducing new material) content and experience.
APA Reference page
Length Requirements
15-20 minutes with an average of 1 slide every 2 minutes. There is a lot of content to cover in the time allotted; be mindful of your topics and synthesize your words carefully.
Points will be deducted for not meeting or exceeding this allotted time
Voice Requirements
Your voice should be calm, clear, and at an appropriate rate.
The content should be richly developed with high-quality content that is succinct and easily understood.
Stop talking when you move from slide to slide; otherwise, you will have audio gaps between your voice and slide.
General Content Requirements
Write a script so the oral part of the presentation has a beginning, middle, and end incorporating the required content. Remember, there is a lot of content to be covered; choose your subtopics and words prudently.
A general guideline is to use no more than six bullets or lines per slide (no paragraphs).
Appropriate slide titles (see above requirements)
Check spelling, punctuation, and meaning of simple sentences.
When using graphs and charts, use text sparingly and do not forget to label according to APA.
Images, Tables, and Graphs
Do not use copyrighted or unapproved images.
All images, tables, graphs, and so forth must include proper description and citation according to APA requirements.
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Content must meet DeVry requirements for academic integrity and originality.
APA formatting is required for all direct or paraphrased content, tables, and graphs.
DeVry HIM404 Week 7 managerial project Latest 2017 November
Paper Guidelines A paper describing your managerial project is due in Week 7 (60 points). The project is determined in consultation with the onsite practicum director, this a required assignment for the course. All students will design a project that will be from the HIM management perspective that specifically meets one or more of the course COs and benefits the practicum site (see the topic examples shown below). This paper should include pertinent details about the project, how the project relates to 1-2 of the COs for this course and what were the outcomes or improvements made through the project. A summary of this information should be incorporated into the Oral Presentation also due in Week 7. The paper should be 1-3 pages, excluding the cover page and the reference page.
Cover Page—include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
Follow the suggested outline presented above—use headers on your paper (which can be consistent with the items in the outline above). This will help with the organization of the information and make it easier to read and identify items as completed.
References—use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.
Follow the APA Guidelines and make use of the APA template provided in the Files section.
Here are several topic examples for managerial project 1. Create a plan for ICD-10 implementation for the health information department from now through current date of required implementation. Create new quality indicators for the file area, and the methodology to implement them. 2. Perform audits of the chart locator reports to determine if any charts are delinquent. Identify the criteria, perform the audit, summarize the findings, and make recommendations. 3. Perform a data collection for a state-mandated reporting requirement. This could mean collecting data by diagnosis or by lab result, summarizing per-state requirements, and submitting results appropriately. 4. Utilize a database for searching and summarizing the results of a clinical review and present findings at a regional or state HIMA meeting. 5. Assist in the coordination of an external audit: identify and pull the records needed, coordinate the copying, and track each document through the process of submitting the
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audit, providing a spreadsheet of data elements to allow tracking as audit results are returned. 6. Work with one of the state representatives of MyPHR, and design and perform the teaching to a specified group in conjunction with the representative. 7. Perform an audit of the productivity of a specified functional area: files, coding, record completion, and the like.Research benchmark standards for use in comparison. Summarize and make recommendations. This would also be a good project for one school program to do in multiple facilities, sharing the findings among the participating HIM programs. The project could also involve the creation of a local benchmark. 8. In an EHR clinic setting, create a multidisciplinary documentation format that can also be used in paper form during downtime. 9. Research and report on found protocols to support secondary data uses in the areas of: research, quality reporting, and public health. Compare the facility's protocols to other available protocols. What is missing and what could be modified? 10. In a long-term care facility, develop the functional requirements for data retrieval and analysis and create a simple computer-based data collection application using Microsoft Access or another applicable database. 11. In a hospice facility, develop, maintain, and operate a patient identity management program, and train hospice staff in maintaining the system. 12. In a Risk Management Department, design and implement business continuity, information integrity, and risk management plans for the HIM functions. 13. In a Research Department, perform HIM research. Suggested topics can be found on the AHIMA Foundation Grants website. 14. In a multi-site healthcare system, identify and graphically present the information architecture across EHR/PHR/HIT systems, with a focus on finding gaps. 15. In a physician practice, influence decision-making for the adoption of information technology by identifying benefits of moving to an EHR practice to the practice staff and physician. Utilize current literature reviews and local interviews in your research. 16. In a DHHS Medicare fraud office, advocate on behalf of the individual to access and be engaged in the review and awareness of the patient's health record, and the value of maintaining a PHR. Train DHHS staff on the proper release of information when contacting vendors, therapists, and other service providers in regards to a fraud complaint.
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