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DeVry HIM 404 All Discussions-Latest 2017 November
Question DeVry HIM404 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 1: PRACTICUM DISCUSSION FORM 1111 unread replies.4040 replies. The practicum requires a minimum of 60 hours at the DeVry-approved site. Please tell the class about your approved practicum site, the dates to meet these required hours, and how you plan to adjust your professional and personal calendars to meet the 60-hour requirement. Finally, how do you plan to prepare for this experience? dq 2 WEEK 1: HIM PROGRAM AND CO REVIEW 1010 unread replies.3636 replies. Writing an annotated bibliography is useful to summarize, analyze, and assess a professional or academic source more carefully for applicability and relevance. For this discussion, conduct professional research at either the AHIMA or HIMSS website for a journal article that pertains to this week’s TCOs that you find relevant to your particular practicum site. You will present your journal article in an annotated bibliography format:
APA citation to the source
2 paragraphs (minimum 6 sentences/paragraph): The first paragraph will summarize the article with the main points and detailed substance. The second paragraph will analyze and reflect how it applies it to your practicum site and HIM profession.
DeVry HIM404 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 2: PRACTICUM DISCUSSION FORUM 77 unread replies.3030 replies.
Tell us about your practicum experiences this week. What specific management experiences have you had to address TCOs 1-4? As you look forward to the remaining TCOs, what major activities do you want to incorporate into your hours and why? If you have not started your practicum yet, evaluate TCOs 1-4 and discuss how you plan to meet each of them with activity requirements. dq 2 WEEK 2: HIM PROGRAM AND CO REVIEW 1111 unread replies.3030 replies. Management of coding personnel is a likely responsibility you will have at one point or another in your HIM career.With the evolution of the electronic medical record (EMR), computer assisted coding (CAC), and implementation of ICD-10-CM, these changes will shape your future roles directly, specifically with managing and integrating them into the healthcare delivery system, regardless of the type of facility you are in. There are two parts of this question for you to compile a response. First, present a comprehensive overview of how you would specifically assess your coding department, personnel, and workflow to meet these requirements as the HIM Director of a hospital. At minimum, the following areas should be include in your response: examination of personnel, processes, technology, and training. Secondly, what types of data and reports should be used to support your analysis and ongoing monitoring of the HIM Department (be specific)? Please use at least one HIMSS or AHIMA journal article to support your departmental assessment and provide your source (in APA) at the end of the content. DeVry HIM404 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 3: PRACTICUM DISCUSSION FORUM 11 unread reply.3131 replies. Tell us about your practicum experiences this week. What specific management experiences have you had to address COs 1-4? As you look forward to the remaining COs, what major activities do you want to incorporate into your hours and why? If you have not started your practicum yet, evaluate COs 1-4 and discuss how you plan to meet the each of them with activity requirements.
dq 2 WEEK 3: HIM PROGRAM AND CO REVIEW 1111 unread replies.3333 replies. HIM professionals will be required to assess data for known relationships, describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations, and/or test a hypothesis in an attempt to answer a question with data.
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Using the Internet, locate your own state’s hospital association website. Specifically, search for hospital data and/or statistics that may be used to monitor utilization and/or quality of care at either the state or local level. In your response, identify your state and include an APA citation to the site you used. Secondly, select 2 specific statistics that are used by your home state and answer the following on each statistic selected: Who generates the data and how they are calculated; what do the results/outcomes show; who are the users; primary or secondary data; and speculate how this statistic might important to measure for a healthcare organization? Finally, present your initial thoughts on the website you selected, the state data and statistics available, and might this be a website you would utilize in the future as an HIM manager? DeVry HIM404 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 4: PRACTICUM DISCUSSION FORUM 1111 unread replies.3030 replies. Tell us about your practicum experiences this week. What specific management experiences have you had to address TCOs 1-8? As you look forward to the remaining TCOs, what major activities do you want to incorporate into your hours and why? If you have not started your practicum yet, evaluate TCOs 1-4 and discuss how you plan to meet the each of them with activity requirements. dq 2 WEEK 4: HIM PROGRAM AND TCO REVIEW 88 unread replies.2828 replies. This week's COs pertain to quality, process improvement, accreditation, and regulations. Let's have some fun researching! There are three parts to this discussion question that must be answered in your initial post: First, conduct an Internet search to find out how a "real world" healthcare organization addresses accreditation, clinical quality and process improvement utilizing data posted on their website, outcomes measurements ors, benchmarking, patient safety information, and so forthetc. on their website. You can check one of the hospitals in your local area, or state or go to one of the renowned organizations such as The Mayo Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic, or Johns Hopkins Hospital, and so forth. Second, go to the Joint Commission's website ( http://www.jointcommission.org/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ) and research that same hospital for their Quality Check and certifications for specific diseases and staffing. Any specific data and/or statistics used? and Oryx components. Present an overview of your findings. Finally, present an overview of the organization, your findings from each of the sites, and your professional assessment of what you discovered. Specifically, how might you, as the HIM Director of that organization, utilize this information?discuss, specifically, how you would utilize this information in the HIM department to support accreditation and quality of care. DeVry HIM404 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
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dq 1 WEEK 5: PRACTICUM DISCUSSION FORUM 1616 unread replies.3232 replies. Tell us about your practicum experiences this week. What specific management experiences have you had to address COs 9-10? As you look forward to the remaining COs, what major activities do you want to incorporate into your hours and why? If you have not started your practicum yet, evaluate COs 1-10 and discuss how you plan to meet the each of them with activity requirements. dq 2 WEEK 5: HIM PROGRAM AND CO REVIEW 1717 unread replies.2828 replies. Select a specific setting (hospital, ambulatory surgery center, LTC facility, etc.) and prepare an brief presentation for an in-service program for the health information management staff to address the organization’s technical policies and procedures on data security, data storage and data retrieval. The presentation should include the following, at minimum. You are welcome to add other topics you feel are necessary:
Terms used as you would explain to your staff
Methods of storage, encryption, and retrieval
Security and security threats
Key elements of a security policy
If any outside resources are used, please provide APA citation at the end of your outline DeVry HIM404 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 6: PRACTICUM DISCUSSION FORUM 99 unread replies.3030 replies. Tell us about your practicum experiences this week. What specific management experiences have you had to address COs 11-12? As you look forward to the remaining COs, what major activities do you want to incorporate into your hours and why? If you have not started your practicum yet, evaluate COs 1-12 and discuss how you plan to meet the each of them with activity requirements. dq 2 WEEK 6: HIM PROGRAM AND CO REVIEW 99 unread replies.3131 replies.
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You are the HIM Director of a large trauma center and were assigned by the Chief of the Medical Staff to evaluate the preventative services of the Internal Medicine department to examine if they are complying with Medicare's Preventative Visit under the recent Affordable Care Act. You conduct a retrospective analysis of the medical records for the past six months using the hospital's electronic medical record (EMR). Your findings, although startling, were indicative of what the Chief of the Medical Staff speculated--a large percentage of the patients were not receiving current screening preventative recommendation. The following data stood out: two physicians, who saw about 45 percent of all the patients, had 60% of their patients lacking in bone density measurements; colonoscopies were only done 34% of the time; and 13% of the patient population received the pneumococcal vaccine. You are asked to present your findings at the monthly Internal Medicine departmental meeting. In the middle of your data presentation, two physicians begin to argue the results integrity and reliability of the data. Furthermore, they alluded to your being inept in your data analysis. Specifically, how would you handle this situation? What preparation might you have done in advance to help prevent a situation like this? What conflict management or leadership expertise would you need to successfully defend your findings? DeVry HIM404 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 7: MANAGERIAL PROJECT: PEER REVIEW 1111 unread replies.2929 replies. Using VoiceThread, submit a 5 minute summary of your managerial project. You are then required to view 2 summaries, other than your own, and provide positive and constructive feedback. Remember, they must still be quality posts.? Simply stating, "Nice job, I agree" is not sufficient.? Examples of quality posts include: ??
providing additional information to the discussion;??
elaborating on previous comments from others;??
presenting explanations of concepts or methods to help fellow students,??
presenting reasons for or against a topic in a persuasive fashion,??
sharing your own personal experiences that relate to the topic, and??
providing a URL and explanation for an area you researched on the Internet.
dq 2 WEEK 7: HIM PROGRAM AND CO REVIEW 66 unread replies.2626 replies.
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Conduct an Internet search for a "real world" hospital or healthcare delivery system's strategic plan. Assess it, including the HIM component, and at a minimum, include the following 5 required content elements in your analysis to your classmates for discussion.
Organizational name and type of organization (hospital, acute care facility, ambulatory surgery center, hospital system, etc.)?
Organizational mission, vision, goals, and/or objectives. When was it developed and how long was it? Do they have any updates if it was developed over one year ago? Anything outstanding to you?
What key elements are included in their strategic plan? Do they use any type of balanced scorecard or mechanism to track and monitor these elements? Are the elements measurable and systematic?
Is there an HIM component of the strategic plan? If so, explain and if not, what are your thoughts? How it is connected or aligned with the organizational mission, vision, goals and/or objectives?
What specific HIM initiatives are included? Given your practicum and program learning, would you feel comfortable carrying them out as an HIM Director?
Don't forget to put the APA citation at the end of your post for the organizational site since we may all want to visit it.
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