Mktg 425 all discussions latest 2017 november

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MKTG 425 All Discussions-Latest 2017 November

Question MKTG425 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November DQ1 - THE EVOLUTION OF PROFESSIONAL SELLING What is meant by the term marketing concept? How has this concept been extended into the professional selling models discussed this week? DQ2 - THE IMPORTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL SALESPEOPLE Everyone is a salesperson. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer briefly. MKTG425 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November DQ1 - COMMUNICATING AND ADAPTING Take the Communication Style Assessment located in the Files folder. What did this assessment classify your communication style as? Which area(s) do you agree with and which do you feel the assessment was incorrect about? Did anything in particular stand out to you from the assessment? DQ2 - BUILDING VALUE THROUGH EXPERTISE In what areas does a professional sales person need to create expertise? How do each of these areas relate to building trust and relationships? MKTG425 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November DQ1 - ETHICS IN PROFESSIONAL SELLING AND MARKETING Figure 3.5 in your textbook contains the code of ethics for members of the American Marketing Association. Is this code adequate to cover professional sales people as well or should sales professionals have their own governing code of ethics? Explain your answer. DQ2 – VALUE OF PARTNERSHIPS Why is partnering described in our textbook as the highest-quality selling relationship? What aspects of today's information economy have influenced the importance of building partnerships? MKTG425 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November DQ1 - THE BUYING PROCESS

Think of a large or significant purchase you made recently. Was it a personal or business purchase? Describe the process and/or steps you went through using the typical buying process model in Figure 8.3. DQ2 - IDENTIFYING POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS What is the difference between a suspect, a prospect, and a customer? MKTG425 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 5: PRESENTATIONS THAT ADD VALUE 3232 unread replies.3535 replies. Describe the Six-Step Presentation Plan. Which step do you think is the most important and why? dq 2 WEEK 5: NEEDS DISCOVERY QUESTIONS 2222 unread replies.2727 replies. Chapter 11's Selling In Action presents a number of techniques for uncovering customers’ needs. Which one do you consider the most effective? Explain your answer briefly. MKTG425 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 6: NEGOTIATING THROUGH CONCERNS 4949 unread replies.7171 replies.In Chapter 13's Selling In Action, Chester Karass is quoted as saying "In business, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate." Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? dq 2 WEEK 6: CLOSING THE SALE 4646 unread replies.6565 replies. Which steps of the Six-Step Presentation Plan do you think make closing the sale easier if done well? Which stages make closing unlikely if not done well? MKTG425 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 7: CONTINUAL GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES 3434 unread replies.7272 replies. Review each of the four dimension of opportunity management discussed in Chapter 16. Which of these dimensions do you feel you need to work on first? If you improved in the dimension(s) selected, what would the affect be? dq 2 WEEK 7: MAINTAINING THE PARTNERSHIP 5151 unread replies.7474 replies.

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Are customer complaints something a sales person should fear or is there something to be gained from embracing the complaints?

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