lighting and architecture portfolio

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vol. 3

Light and Architecture record the study journey 2019-2020 XIA YANGAN



Yangan Xia PROFILE A lighting lover during architectural study and always attract by gorgeous lighting effect. EDUCATION 2017-2019 BEng Architecture XI’AN JIAOTONG Liverpool University, China 2019-2021 Architecture BA (Hos) University of Liverpool, United Kingdom




2019-2020 “Organ Factory in Everton” 2019-2020 Fashion stage and light, Temporary design in St luke’s bombed out church

LANGUAGE English (IELTs band 7) Mandarin (native) Japanese (N1 level)

Aug - Sep 2020 Undergraduate Research Scheme, Research: city nightscape June 2020 DESIGN THE CRAFT OF VALUE, ASIAN DESIGN AWARD: daylight and night light in a patient room, Award of Excellence

SOFTWARE Photoshop

Feb -March 2021,


formerly learn Light Basic


course output: a poster format of Gallery lighting analysis

Rhino grasshopper AutoCAD



CONTENT 01 Improvement of patient room lighting design 'A Natrual Lie' in Patient Room


02 Organ factory daylight-lit workshop


03 Temporary design in st luke’s bombed out church fashionshow light

04 City nightscape dark sky matter




The use of project has been premitted by another team member, orgianl design scheme in Chinese, English text writen by Yangan X.

01 'A Natrual Lie' in Patient Room Exploration in improving lighting envronment in medical space


Yangan X, Zhijian, S.

During coronavirus pandemic outbreak, interior design in patient room has already benefited from recent advances in sustainable technology. However, psychological needs of patients have not received enough attention in medical space. As impact of lighting on mental health has enormous potential, it is vital to pay more consideration on humanistic lighting in hospital. This project will firstly start from case study in patient views to analyse possible problems in a cased medical space. Then from psychological needs to improve the interior design with natural and electric lighting, which is aimed to improve visual comfort and mental experience in patient space.

Introduction During coronavirus pandemic outbreak, interior design in patient room has already benefited from recent advances in sustainable technology. For instance, the innovation in ventilation technology has ensured the clean air ventilation in less risk of virus transmission and keep the hygiene of inwards. Such kind of negative pressure technology has been widely applied in temporary patient room during coronavirus outbreak in China. However, besides using emerging technology to improve the design of patient room, what other issues should we focus on and emphasize in our design? To answer this question, we started from conflict between doctor and patient to research the clue. The diagrams come from 2019 Year report the behind facts of 295 injured events related to doctor-patient disagreements during last decade in China. The diagrams in the left show the number of injured event and


Figure 1a. Satistics: the number of body-injured confilct between doctor and patient Patients believe they received Low-quality healthcare service Patients are not satisfied with therapy effectiveness Disagreement between patients and doctors The family was emotional because patients died Drunk events One or two sides of has mental disease. Figure 1b. psychological reasons leads to confilict

attribution of data in different region in China. Overall, the highest occurrence of injured events is located in the South east of China, which is the region with most dense population and possible tension between medical resource and patients. The diagrams on the right show the emotion of dissatisfaction trigger the conflict between doctor and patient that leads to failure of communication between doctors and patients. The advanced technology might not be effective ways to tackle such issues while the emotional impact from lighting environment could be another gate to find the helpful solution. Thereby, it is noteworthy to explore solution to on psychological needs of patients. The medical lighting mainly served as task lighting has been a historic issue while impact of lighting on mental health has enormous potential to improve the situation. As high colour temperature, low CRI index lighting sources are still widely used in Asian hospitals in decades, most of medical centres ignore the welfare to staff and patients in high-qualitied lighting1. The patient cannot truly receive comfortable services in a bad-lit hospital. Despite the birth of electronic ballast has resolved issues of energy saving and flicker, using LED lights sources to merely improve basic needs in light quality is not enough. As the development of hospital in past decades prioritize the treatment and healthcare technology, it is vital to pay more consideration on humanistic lighting in hospital. This project will firstly start from case study in patient views to analyse possible problems in a cased medical space. Then from psychological needs to improve the interior design with natural and electric lighting, which is aimed to improve visual comfort and mental experience in patient space.


Targeted space sample analysis

Figure 2a. cased patient room, Shanghai

Figure 2b. contrasting case, Sydney

The left figure show the typical views in negative pressure wards in Wuhan, China during coronavirus outbreak. The right figure is a contrasting case in Sydney. The most noticeable difference between two case is the use of window and artificial lighting has created a different atmosphere. Although both cases have common weakness in using white LED sources, the case in the right has a comparatively comfortable and bright interior visually. The left case has triple windows and plane LED on the ceilings. However, the anxious and atmosphere of isolation still exist in this patient room cases. There are three issues existed that might have negative psychological impact on patients: Firstly, the LED top lights merely provide monotone ambient lighting and task lights. The lighting devices should take further consideration in comforting patients. As patient room is a comparatively enclosed space in small area compare with outside, patients are easier to feel boring, isolated and anxious. In this case, patients tend to become more sensitive, dependent on other’s care and possible to have negative experience in emotion. Secondly, the glare from top lights still have risk to harm patient’s health. As patients usually spend long time to lie on the bed in patient room, the luminaries and light sources should be further considered to avoid the possible glare, such as diffused reflection of light beams or dimmed light sources. Thirdly, the access to outside view from windows are limited visually as the patients are limited in their action. Daylight and natural view could benefit patients to recover from illness. Especially in urban area, most of patient rooms cannot access to the natural landscape. Therefore, how to utilize daylight and find access to natural element in enclosed patient room is also necessary.

Figure 3 8

LED top light

possible glare

limited access to nature

In summary, the light in patient room should benefit the patients in healing and comforting their mind and body and maximizing therapeutic welfare, safety and access to¬ natural landscape. Based on the issues, we started from utilizing daylight and natural landscape to explore how to create an indoors relax atmosphere.

Design inspiration A: biophlic space analysis

Figure 4 biophilic design

During the research on biophilic design in landscape design, the biophilic theory gave inspiration on how to create a relaxing atmosphere inside patient room. Biophilic design integrated the greens into building environment to increase users’ relation to natural environment, therefore appease the anxiety to nature and benefit occupants in health and well-being. However, Patient room is a special type of indoor space located in high-rise buildings in China. In face to limited construction area, it could be difficult to generate an amount of green landscape to achieve the biophilic design. So if it possible to let user feel the natural landscape inside patient room without true vegetation? To continue deepen this idea, three real cases using biophilic design to create natural shadow were analysed and the common characteristics are summed below: 1. When the natural pattern of shape fell on the interior, the dense overlay of natural lighting spot cause the illusion of being in natural environment. 2. Shadows bring the feelings of cool and relax. The direct sunlight exposure is controlled by the plants which is surrounding to the outside façade of buildings. 3. The clarity of shadow also influences the perception of observers. In real natural environment, the different location of vegetation could create a combination of vague and clear shadow. In this case, the observer would believe the surrounding environment is justified to be real. From the description aforementioned, bring shadow of plants into interior could be the key to increase the psychological impact on patient, which might be achievable via biophilic pattern in the room.

Design inspiration B: biophilic shadow and Visual illusion As the shadow of plant is most noticeable in sunny sky, we collected sample pictures under sunny sky to helps us to find the desirable shadowy effect in patient room . As mentioned before, the shadow of ‘natural lie’ is to let patient feel the natural environment in the indoor space while do not know that there is no real 9

natural vegetation outside. In the following images, figure I and III show a clear outline of the plant raises the patient's suspicion - is there really such a plant outside the window? Shadow in clear shape of plant might not the best choice to achieve the effect of light and shadow design. What the project needs is the plant shadow that is not easily recognizable but inadvertently surrounded by nature. Figure II is closest to the real light and shadow that patients can be perceived from the window. Its light and shadow effect provide several hints about how to imitate natural shadow from plants. : 1. Fuzziness. The edges of shadow are blurred and seems to look like the cluster of leaves. 2. Randomness. As the leaves are grow naturally along the branch, the arrangement of artificial pattern needs to avoid rigid rhythm of layout and composition. 3. Dynamic. The leaves tend to dance dynamically when blows the wind in natural environment. Similarly, the swaying shadow could be more realistic and bring visual relaxaion. I





Figure 5 Shadow collections

The design inspiration C: how to achieve Fuzziness, Randomness and Dynamic In fact of healthcare standards and reduce impact on normal functions, the main space going to be changed is the space near to the window and the ceiling. 1. Because of limited daylighting area in cased patient room, it is necessary to maximize available daylight and using overlapped laser cut glass to introduce daylight into the room. 2. To imitate the natural plants shadow, the designed patterns create vague shadow in sunlight, which consist of ramdomly arrange¬d brackets support and soft, pattern to imitate leaves. 3. In order to make the patterns less noticeable, a soft screen made by textile block patients’ view to the artificial patterns while the shadow could go through to the ground. 4. The ventilation inside passive pressure patient room is supposed to create swaying shadow. The fresh air move from corridor to patient room as the air movement from room in higher to lower air pressure. When the air arrives to separated daylighting space, the air heated by the sunlight and rise up. Meanwhile, the artificial pattern and shadow swing in the air movement to imitate the natural shadow. 5. The slope space as extension of supported bracket remain space for artificial lighting.

Advising reading in facing pages 10

support brackets wind-sensitive resistance soft pattern

OLED plane source Figure 6. sketches section, plan air movement

Figure 7 Detailed drawing : 1. laser cut glass

2. artifical pattern

3. textile screen


7:00 a.m.


17:00 p.m.

24:00 a.m.

Design visualization The natural path of sunlight were reflected from the change of shadow and changes so as to let patients to percept the nature. The laser cut glass filter different color light during different period in the day. In the morning session, the blue light is slightly more to transmit by glass, which inhibits the brain secreting melatonin and makes the patient wake up energetically. During the following daytime ,the wards are pale pink. Pale pink atmosphere can comfort the loneliness when the patient are alone. While at the moment doctors and family members come to visit, the glass through more red light, this change in color temperature could lit interior space and vault up the atmosphere of people getting together.During the patient's rest in the evening, a moderate orange light accompanies the patient through the glass to read, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere. 12

At night nature's starry effect is added as an amendment achieved using bionic lights, which use mesh structures and flutter with the wind, simulate the system of sensors to feel changes in the outside wind. The wind-sensitive resistance in the centre of the devices controls the intensity changes of OLED light points, making it achieve the effect of simulating the starry sky.

Reference list Figure 1a. Satistics: the number of body-injured confilct between doctor and patient: Figure 1b. psychological reasons leads to confilict, Accessed online accessed date: 24th March Figure 2a. cased patient room, Shanghai, photo by Zhijian Shan, June 15th 2020 Figure 2b. contrasting case, Sydney, Figure 3, LED lights, possible glare and limited access to nature, photo by Zhijian Shan, June 15th 2020 Figure 4. biophilic design , "the economics of biophilia why designing with nature in mind makes financial sense", P. 15, accessed online: https://www.terrapinbrightgreen. com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Economics-of-Biophilia_Terrapin_2015e.pdf Figure 5 Shadow collections, plants cast shadows accessed online , pin/35747390775801327/




EVERTON ORGAN WORK NEW ORGAN FACTORY FOR HENRY WILLIS AND SONS ORGAN BUILDERS The Henry Willis and Sons Organ builder in Everton is one of most famous companys producing some best pipes organs in the world. However, the old working environment for those creative craftman in present factory are not so satisfying. The main workshop is a box enclosed by heavy brick walls while multiple stages of making different parts are in the same room, which might be not corresponding to creative works here.


A More Transparent Form of Organ Factory When beginning with a cluster of pipes, it had trys to cut pipes in different angles and directions the volume. And finally cutting by site boundary was taken to give a uniform appearance similar to arrangement of pipe organ. It is a simple cut in vertical and horizonital direction but give the building a strong edge in visual experience both from outside and inside, which is also corresponding to the surrounding environment.



Location London latitude 51.3 N, longtitude 0.5 W Time June at 12:00 unentation 1.2 CW Sky condition CIE overcast sky calculated height 1500mm Target value range 2.0 < DF < 5.0

original layout

reduce the size of skylight 18

reduce the number of skylight

scatter the skylight

Fill the workshop with light In previous assemble workshop with limited area of window, there are more potential needs to have access to daylight in John Henry Builder. The assemble area in organ factory is the space need large amount of sunlight to satisfy the visual needs during making organs pipes. The long and thin organ pipes with reflective mental surface reminded me of sunnel tunnel. inspired by form of organ pipes, daylight can be introduced into interior through roof light and large transparent light tunnel and reflect the light down to workshop. According to the light forms of pipes, the roof will mainly composed by ETFE cushion. With 85% G value and can tranmit most of daylight, it is suitable to bring more sunlight into the space. As metioned before, the inital idea is aimed to maximize the daylight to satisfy the visual comfort. However, rectangular array in skylight could lead overexposure of direct sunlight and adversely harms the staff health due to the disppointing glare. Therefore, the original layout of roof light need the adjustment, including the changes in the dimension and layout of skylight. During processing of test, the daylight factor is recorded to assess the results. Compared to Figure 1, Figure 4 in the corner has avoided large area of plan exposed in extreme values of daylight, thus reduce the possible direct sunlight to the workshop



1 2

5 6 7




9 12




Fill the workshop with light With openable ETFE cushion as roof, lightweight sunlight tunnel introduce daylight into the interior space below. If you look through translucent tunnel into the workshop below, you can apprecite how those creative hand-making process is carrying on. The curved curtain wall are in polycarbonate panel for visual experience as well, which is visually connected with outside community. And there are more consideration for ventilation. The upper cushion in the roof are designed movable which make it possible to turn sunlight tunnel easily into chinemy for natural ventilation by utilizing slope of floor and stack effect. There are also undergroud ventilation design are involved to let natural air flow enter the space. So the whole factory is not a enclosed glass box.



TEMPORARY DESIGN IN ST LUKE’S BOMED OUT CHURCH Recap: St Luke’s story The church originally acted as a place

of worship, but also formed an architectural landmark at the top of Bold Street. It was targeted during Second World War bombing in 1941 and partially destroyed. The original elevations all remain intact, however, the original interior has largely disappeared. During the time when it was a church, it played a vital role in its community. Not only because it was a significant architectural building in the city, including the first ever metal bell frame in the world which is still in situ, but also as it included commemorations for many people from its community, including dedicated windows and furniture. Many Liverpudlians’ experienced a variety of personal events in the church, including baptisms, marriages and funerals. It also hosted several celebrations, such as a musical festival in 1830. After it’s partial destruction, the surviving structure continues to play a role in its community. Annual events including Remembrance Sunday and the Chinese New Year are held within the church vicinity, in addition to being a unique venue for weekend markets and other community based activities. As a memorial landmark and a significant node, St Luke’s church faces many challenges to remain sustainable, for example by actively participating in the everyday life of its community and engaging with other key buildings and areas in Liverpool, particularly the World Heritage Site.

Sketches Remaining facade of St luke's church 22

The Runway: Public amenity or Fashion’s Night In order to memorize the bombed out church in World War II, the Runway is also an important part of temporary design inside church. It consists of colorful glazing facade, lightng system for catwalk and wooden chair. In the daytime, it’s a public open space for local residents outside the studios and showing room. During the fashion show, the colorful facade of church and elegent models show their beauty under the light at the same time. It bring vitailty for church in some point.




04 City nightscape working projects

Light pollution levels




partical section edited citynightscape

Nowadays it is rare to see the dark sky as it used to be. Backwards the recessed darkness the outdoor lights have been undergoing rapid changes in increase of using white light sources(International Dark-Sky Association, 2010). The wide use of outdoor light sources has caused a series of environmental, healthy and mental issues, which one phenomenon behind is the light pollution in city nightscape. This research will start from collecting sample images from eight megacities around the world. And then edit and compare the images in different light pollution levels groups. Finally, in order to collect people’s views about visual comfort in nightscape, the photos were made into questionnaires were and conduct online survey to collect ideas.


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