PEEC Visitor Activity Centre
The Forest EcoCentre It is universally advocated that human beings have come to a crucial turning point of our development, with
our future unsecured due to the unprecedented defuturing situation of unsustainability. With the extravagant consumption of energies and resources all around the world, it is not hard to one to realise that we are demanding more than the earth is able to provide. Therefore, it is high time that architects and designers should contemplate over how to design futuring, retarding the process of our defuturing development.
The design of Forest Ecocentre has boldly challenged the traditional type of office buildings. Not only has it
achieved its unique spatial quality and aesthetic value, but has minimised its environmental impact as well. First of all, according to the client’s requirement, the architects have made use of a completely locally grown and treated Pinus Radiata, which is sustainable and recyclable, reducing the potential carbon footprint and extra cost incurred during the transportation. Moreover, the buildling has been orientated towards the north to optimise the solar gain during winters and large banks of louvres have been integrated with the facade to maximise the natural ventilation. This will help to conserve energy in everyday usage. Also, the out layer of the building not only diminishes the boundary between the interior and the exterior, but also acts as a container to trap the heat in the buildling during winters, so that the amount of energy consumed for heating system can be reduced. Hence, being eco-friendly, the design explores how to save energy and conserve the finite resource in the long term without compromising the aesthetic value, the spatial quality and the limited budget, which is of paramount value to the future design.
What is notable about the design is the whole design process and its mission of environmental education. During the initial design stage, it was evaluated that the design would not impact the surrounding environment negatively. Also, the use of local and recycled materials has been maximised to curtail the embodied energy, with implementations that takes advantage of natural and renewable resource to cut down the everyday energy expenditure. Moreover, the construction methods and durable materials used ensure that future maintenance of the building is minimised, reducing further energy consumption. And the building itself has become a demonstration of how people can conserve energy and how people can be more independent with nature. Therefore, by the term sustainable design, it means that the whole design process is also to be designed and the design outcome is actually something that will go on designing.