Typical! Just as you get round to adding your website to Google Places, Google is at it again and changes everything by introducing Google+Local. But fear not, all is explained in this month’s issue.
We show how the new Google Plus and Google Plus Local are going to revolutionise your online business and bring lots of new customers to your website.
Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook continue to grow at a phenomenal rate and yet amazingly, some businesses and companies are choosing to bury their heads in the sand and pretend they don’t exist. Hopefully, if you are one of those businesses we can convince you to bite the bullet and get involved. Once you see how effective it is for your business you will wish that you did it years ago.
If you’d like to discuss this further you can call me on WhatsApp +44 (0) 7873 809 779 or Skype ID seo.content.writing.services or simply write to this email, emmanuel.yankson@yanksonlocal.cu.cc