anarchy - hot potato?!

Page 1

Educating Who About What? The Gircled A and its Parasites --c-:L lq.ssrlE

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i- ^, ^- qrrvlrre! trr sr vrr --^!L^-

^-4-;^a eryer-a-iii


ir^ ^,.,ral ijtrii

La--B - ^^*^lli-_ H;ti<;iiit.s!;iigiiiiiig

^- -^.^^L^I., Oi caiiilGtcc,



something or somebody else for existence or support wilhout making a useful or adeguate retum Ninety percent of the anarchist movement is a joke.

Anarchism has come to be used to describe anything but anarchism. !i..--Ll^* nllqlull-rtlr


q ltlwrvltlstlt


!6 D-i.-iflr urlrqtrt,

l- :,.^. qwqi r. Jqor -L-,!r

-^-^.jr^-. irvrEiaiSa€iii.

i---^h;^r^ iiirqrurrce

h-.,^ lrs!E

-^ i-5!,^s^^..,L-.-^^.,^-r..irhirtv rrr!rustrrE vtiiriisri=riii



working ciass, alihough we see anarchisl principies a urork ali ihe iime throughout our ciass. The best parts of our iives normally exist outside of anybodt's control. Human nature b good; the conditions most of us grow up in are bad. "Anarchists" get a buzz out of feeling part of scme anarcftist tradition. They romantically look to Spain as proof that anarcnlst soqery ts worKaoie aRo ocsrraEie Dy a niiass oi peopie. Yei lof some straRge rcason ihese peopie appear fo 'oe ccnrpleteii' Cetacl^€a fcm the mess +f -peaple whc'ar+-'ki rne-ke e+erchrsln s reslity. Me;,be it is Eer cf being pueheC cui +f the way by real people. making real change that lteeos the supposed anarchists to their weid little worlds. Jealous of their specialized subiect being taken fror* *ilen+ by ths€s ifs f€ery frc{T'r and for. Peonle ennear rrnrarilllno to -face uo lo the rea!ilias nf orrr aresenlr co.iefu inelaad ln in !:rriJr, emnlw rrr-;rt:ru rri-.==.'r hr rrtlrru lhamcplvac t:r -u!r=Err wichinn rhetoric and totally empty and useless supposed anarcirist organizations that struggle like fuck to sustain themselves. Anarchist groups today appear to be social clubs for socieVs misfits, where all kinds of weirdos discuss matters lhey have no conneciion to. in ihe granci name of anarciw. University educated politicos, with absolutely no valid experience of a wor.king class existence, talk empiily about cepitaiisiri ai'id ciass ficrri a posiiiorr of priv'it€ge'l detaG?i-'G-rt and every oir'rer- ioad of bi;iishii imaggir'iabie excepi foi ailyul[tg ut Ya,ug, Suurr 4s...

1. The middle class's invofuemerd in politics. ils contradictions, and the damage done by wevolutionaries erld wedicefE, their heine+$... ? Hnw enme lhe anar-hisl f?\ nrorrns uuho nrrrfecs to have rinhl linee have aven*hinn hr* memhers? Are people thick or is lheir riJffroa it*orkirig wrong? (now ime yery little strikes

a chord in people?)


Peanl. .ln nni wrni in innk ,l ihr r:hqt2.lec ihaf ncFd c^nciritrrinn Trr lrlnk ,l qanielv and lo rcalize lhF rerlit\/ nf thF -ir,,-rl-sltudLlull

a!-r,..tlldt wu


!- !- --4-!!l-lll 15 51Jlllttl

t-- 4--{ lUl IllusL

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^.,--^^-J SUPPUsEU

lr^^r ^.,--^--J lVlUSL 5UppUSUU

--^--L:^r^ dIlalUIl15l,5.

L-.-^-rr ilavtil

^-^--L:-r^ dlldrLill5(5

rL^ t rilg

bottle or desire. Until discussion begins that privileged idiots and boring politicos do not hinder, we haven't a hopc in hetl of neiiinn eaar'i,erc \A/o irnarrr in rn:rnhicl

noli{inc lh.l

m^cl nannla nirra rrn al lha firet hrrrdla nrrt nf fnrclralinn

anrl dafancirranacc

Daanla din

themseives inio a corner - staying put in their road to nowhere: groups producing crao paoers no one seems to want to buy

or read. Mosr oo,iricai snii rnai oets oroouceci bears no reiaiion to oeooie's iives, Most of whai is oroduceci assumes rhe reaoer is a nalitiaol hara rrrith nlan}rr nf lznntrrladna nf iralarranl

and nalhalin

nnliiinel lanar raaa half af rrrhinh namac frnm an^+h6r

classes' view of things. The middle class is very inarticulate; they try to hide this by their use of words. When we .,-l^--r--J urruErsrarru

1L-.-,^-Jrrrs wuruS

rL^ -^^J^*i^^ rrrE awgsrrlra


rL^ C.,-t-^-^ Urg tuungts

L^.,^ ttavg

Lif:--^ ttv tlrullu


7L^,. I ttgv

L--,^ rrays


r^ ---rv say

--J attu



tu rtv

to sav anvihino 'oolitical' The academics (bored people who sit on the sidelines of any class conflict), who profess to be revoluiionaries, have main priorities which seem to be making almost, but not quite, stimulating books and magazines for very unstimulating people kinci of iike pseucio inreiiequai shir ro have on vour con'ee iabie io imoress imoressionabie tbois with anci io heio the nr rrnlracar

{a faal

+h.+ *harr


ennnarnina vv'lvglll'Ilvlgqll,(llg,qv1ggl|}












an+r ralh.

comfort in such'politics'for some people. 7.,--:----I1r.....:[ - Lt:-J ^,,^ r- ,,-^i-Lrt.. --r lutllllluovrllrugvg19grrJlvrlal)rfgorlYwrflllvlluI(llglollarulll5llllllatlvltal,



:- ---..,,-,.

TL--^--L:^r rlIqgrtdrLllotE

:-:--^t^..--t -.-i^r^ totDIIIlglgvatr(urvggooSo

shreld to proteet them from reatity. lt's avoidanee of aeeepting that they're ignored and powedess... and realistieally, up to nothing of any value. ls it Trumpton we live in, or England? One anarchisi (?i from ihe Soiiqariiv Feeieraiion said ai a reeeRi meeiing of the i.iorihern Anarchisi irieiwork. "i'm sick of haarina

ahor rl the middle alacs - lhare qre nnlrr irncscc

enr{ rrrnrkere


ln tha narlnnn rerarlrl af }ric arnrnizalinn

lhic ic i- marrha i.isrsu

the case. A very simple and romanticized view of things. A very, very inadequate view of society, outdated by maybe 70 or' on ,.^^-^ vv vggtJ

^- Jg, ^^ vt

tir^ I.-^.., vYg Nltvvl

rLi^ ,,i^.,, rrrrJ

:^ rL^


^a q, ^!r grtqtgt[Jt ^-^-^h!^r vr

a-^..-^ grvggJ

i^14 ^,.1 vr ^3 vqtg - gsl

t^g '..;-^ rglt cy[lg

-'.LLi^L tgggtgrr.

Everyone else knows societv has chanoed End does chanoe. but not the politicos. Concrele realities that clash with their views they choose to ignore. Millions of us are on the dole and don't have bosses as such, yet we do have middle class people affecting out lives, 'oreaihing eiown our nexi, heiei uB io us as suceessfui peopie and roie moeieis. Our manaqers anci coniroiiers - bui noi naaacearihr


ar rr hnccae vs, vveJvJ.

What world do some people inhabil in order to come up wilh such a line? Some people's vision of society is basically -JJl^JL,,rL^:-:-,.^1,.^---r:-r-^t:rl^^l auulgu uY tllgrl llrvu!vglllErlt



fL^-Jr:^-ll^-1.^t I llg 9Illrkr


^t^^^---t,,^:^rL-r-..:^r^...:1L:-^..--^^^J-t-^^--t;t:-^^-^Lt^^ vl 9raJo alrarv5rJ rrror E IJIJ vyrttlltt JuuuvSgu




ex-public schoolbovs and all other shades of liberals to stand alono side working class revolutioneries without it seeming peculiar. Questions are not asked. which spares the impostors embarrassment and creates a very weak and bastardized movemenl We rlon't snaak rrn'cruse rrsrrallv wc don't want in make fools of ihese clowns who are srrnnosedlv on ollr

side. This should end, though. Politeness is the art of nor--:or.nmunication.

TalkingaboutfightingO""f.ioOr,isliketalkingaboutrope lthehouseof

ahanged-"' -rarkS"lire'"':'le;ul


- evervihino ihey iouch iurns io shii.

Ir,4iddleclasspecpleelbov,,theirv;'s'c:m.Theirbehaviot'isselflsi'!3us'Ii'e33::e''1-tji?:i:" giveafucktomover*ryto!ook-for.somethingmor'erea! li;,'ou'resickofthebastardsv,'h:c!a'ti-:?:z-s:asa'iass' in ihe same i3;es - :: : -;-::-â‚Ź' :: :-:s:: and,,oi.i ii-,, io do someihii,g aboi;i;i r'oi.i end ijp finding i;-,c :asiai'ds exisi it's nc 'r'eo"a' 3e33 e -''''e a'"?3!' p;lit;= - c6ntrolling and doirinant frrtiOOte class behavior in colitics is disgusting and anc :a' -s-e :i sJss oJl sense common with from it. Their involvement is an embarrassmeni. our class rs Dlessed bullshitters a mile of and stay away as a result' uo io gei aiieniion whiie other oeooie join bancis Some oeooie siari fires o,


,,The rcvolutionary and social goals of anarehism are suffering and far'reaching to a poini vrhere of the coming century the word anarctiy-witt b,ecome part of the chic bourgeois vocabulary r-raug hiy, rebei i io iis, bi;i de i ic i oi'ls i y safe' "


l*urr# Bookehin, ',soeiai




tifesi;"ie A.narehism"

status. Anarchism has (s succulture figureheads' For some anarchy is about social change, for others it is about social rock'n' roli, and ihe srair's n glves them to pop idiots hierarchy, that them on who tell us from stages and with lights shining

iswr6nnlrwhrtneealsinhe s:i6sfrnrlthal?\ Thavqinnthrnrric*ifnennleinvnlverlincinrnrcJ'irtrn2inat' -b""rrru what they are and what they,\'i ould lixe us io believe they themselves

comfortable and well-maintained distance isn't meani to discuss oi- see that 3ii Go on you've are are two entirely different things. lt is only that the audience anci embarrassing and pretenc il's somehow reiaieci io achieveci your iive seconcis to say something pretentious, siupicl ^^^-^L;^di ldl ui ii-i i i. people's endeavors. hoping rt Il put a b|t of credibilit-v their way' chumbawamba ride on the courage and strengths of other iuch parasitis behavror geis appiaucjed - but then look at how funny radica[ lt's They need a liberal auoienc" to 'A'narth)/ "ip"r, at. a Ch'-rmf' 4!!?Fi? 3!g - rt was on therr who :ppla,-rds it, a-nd it d?es t\ot -Ij].rt. Son''!e pllpfe dr'1 a honkst:i! anarchy' give for a fuck didn't but on shirts "anarchy" tour. The stall took 5 quid (or thereabouts). rue.yo;" had the do in pulp, in their song ',co**!n peopie,'deai with iass politics in more depth than our rlght-on heroes Chumbawamba maybe 7 aibums.

is i00% a'ootti ciass' Chumbawamba are 1A0a/o about bullshii'




peopie ape other people,s experience and language when they know their own as ho vaiue n'4urnboiLrr-nDo l',leinhot',* - chic graphic cesign frcm un-cnic tiopstars ris he's "close ia ihe edga"' ciose io ''tii,al edge? Chi;mhauiaii.iha,s white iainIei.Gi-and llasta r ii.nabhaadi He iap< io

ilnumbawamba are_p!,nce+wno rfles ro nce on me pacK oI young DIacK rappers -ureoll I o I ne Nailon". lT ureqn I o ] ne Nation were white, Chumbaryamba would have ignored them. Hey lo*k our support band is black that means we're cool. Chumbawamba hoped to qei some mileaoe out of other people's skin eolor. Ebonv and ivory living together in perfect harmony. People's need to be on strange end in the lirnalight all the time seems to suggest deep underlying personal problems rathei" than an'ything eise. insecuriii, gone mad. As ihe pcak oi iheii'success siowiy disappeai's these individuals ai'e ieft r- -rdihilitr; la<ina ninr ind nn a lnt v--.-....r, +ua! tu, sur i4! ! lulMg lLrl- r; 'rf frnnie Anarcny tor wnom'iJne patnaic and cultureless ohsppng ot wnrte moote oass Dores. unumoâ‚ŹMamoa sponge oi anarchism and anarchists. lF we'rc going to talk about anarchy, let's get it right, because petiy childish rebellion is sne thing. anarchism is another. Some members of Chumbawamba ctaim to be confused about their sexuali$ (apparently it's hip to be in some circtes). To us Chumbawemba appear to be confused about everything. Too much coke maybe. Chumbawamba praise the word anai'chy. it has sei-ved them weii. ii heips ihem gei iheii- dicks siicked and iheii'asses iicked by aii kinds of iibei'ai clowns. Tii-ir ,,ea af hein5 iiissl be the cenier +f aitention in a worid and soejal seene buiit cn insecuriiy anc! hierarehy. iiey, er sa ra_,nr.d srvrq ire'r I'm an anarchlst, baby, sucl( my dlcl( Homophobia is the worsl diseas, *cordirrg tothat sriperstreei-wise anarcl*st band Chtn*bawarnba. (Poverty and starvalion are better?) " 'l'-Portraits of Anarchists" by band membefs girlfriend Casey Orr (the Linda McCartney of the anarchist movement) should be called "Portrails Of OurWankey Mates And People We'd Like To Be Respected Bt''. The intro to this book is serious sad sirit. The book is preter-riious rubbish. Chui-i-rbawamba's bi-ed of "anarehisrn" is about iegiiimizing iheii- own pcsiiian. Y{hai we r-eaiiy see is seif=cb+ession anci preieniious inciuigeni shit by pecple *ee<!i*g io iind a way of dealing with and justifyrng a lifes$e and behavior thats in conflic{ with an idea they daim to o}d dear. 'l' (as and individua}) Poriraits of Anarchists was published by One Little lrx*ian {One Litt}e Ricft Kid} ex-flux o{ pink lndians - ncn;v rnil}ionaire hrrsinessmen. brrt old mate of lhe anarchisl strnerdrolrn Annarenllv Chumhawamha are hlameless and above crilieism Blameless? 0r clueless?

"Thus they end up not onlyr proclaiming the worst authoritarian lies abor* anarchism {that it consists of unbridled egoism and rcjection of organization), but they also end up adopting the phiiosorhieal fountiaiion cf the capiiaiist soeiety iirey rrofess io hate so mueh..." -Fhqr


rfa rrlE.gisr icfan




What Chumbawamba participate in is hierarctrieal youth subc.ultufe - a tfting based on fasftiofi, rflofiey, and a lot of r,_-_.L -, .--rd. iilsgcuniy. iitey are ,fflo lllglE anarcnisrs titari tIiEy alE it ulEulule llluy uat l----L,.


A a:--:-t.

Pictures of circle$.A.'s help sell dull recards.


Margaret Thatcher wouid be proud of this 'individualism' ihat Chumbawamba try to tell us is anarchist. Margaret Thatcher called it Conservatism. Chumbawamba have staried takirrg cirugs and ihev're qonna iei ihe worid know aboui ii. Fetching iheir iame poiities inio thic lnn

Thar/rro r',lnna a laaflal nlaiminn

relaiionshin to lhe .lflrn-fakinn .-._-.-..-...r-9._.....u-'...'.9-.---__.


a ,

a^c+acv ra^rac6.rc v vvrrvv,


- marrha {ar tha middla alacc

rerhn hac lnlallrr diffaranf

lhen mr)ct nf the wnrkinn cl:qq do'

Drugs as a bohemian ti'ip. tn,',-^ tt\ttrt

as d wav

(rt ^a tst-d(fit ^^^^ai^^

r LJllr rrlil rtrs ttt tlrr ^,.*^,,-!i-^^

Chumbawamba are irresoonsible idiots. Ooening their little mouths all the time on subjecrts they don't even have the decency to look into in any depth. We hope Chumbawamba's drug;taking takes them to the place it's taken some of our

mrtAs Educating Who About What?

This is not an attempt to offeryet another inadequate ai:alysis of society. This is highlighting the rubbish and this is a criiicism oi t[e oeopie who ati.ach themseives rc anarchism ior ihe wrong feasons - their own i-eascns. And nci for ihe ^i ^^^^i^ ^^^; vr Yvuu PsvPic. By understanding class we understand the nature of the state. The state is the machinery necessary to keep nch people's society running smooihly. lts schools gear us towards obetjience. we own nothing but our bodies and they're boughi from r-!s fo!" f'-lck all {A joi-' renter has j',rs! got awa;, wlth ?n,l h?d rep!ies for a jo!:, ofe!'rng â‚Ź1 48 and hoLrr-,) The back page of Class War's paper (Sept/Oct issue 69) has got an article about the theft of land off the working class. The adiele was about golf courses! Where is it that the worklng class owR land? Mars, Jupiter, the Moon? Some peopie are so ciivoi"cec from ihe reai worid anci irs rvorkings iis aimosi iike ihey're sioned. The supposeci poiiiicai ,-i:-!^ rr-'.:i'i- i+ +h- F,.-h;-F uil9rgursyrrrl^irrr-irivus-iitgiiilviiiaiir-.


i.,i!-rir ..-L^,..-+._hriisyrgp(rrsvuilJrrrluPilrgqgtlglttgl

i+ :-aal,

-E-,++;--- -^---'+ -^.+r-.. -.- rqr -^+L^. ,lqllilrYEqLiruarrErvrr(,rEveuAi

we're at the forefr'ont of !'adieat politics, we're really something." The Diversionary Politics of lrrelevance \A/han lharrrrra had annr rah af lha nama nlarrina {harr iiint lihcralc lond {n r{icannaar r'-f "'Jt''-t'-'


rranrral inln _- -1_-' ^^^Arlrrniliaclr "''_-

iiL-^,. rrgy,

inhe fallina " 9 /---,'-

back on the privileged education that they told us didn't account for much at last week's boring political meeting. ''Equal opportunities" for who? Working class is about deniai of opportunity. How many middle class bastards do you get in pi'isons? Poi;tics for a iot of peopie, setu-es the purpose oi sociaiizing and iaoder ciimoing (as in hiei'archy). Tne ciownside <---- 1q,-,----. :.- 1l--^4 tL ---------1--. iui (iiiisc PCUiiie i5 iiiai i.iii, PUiitiCS siue Ui lt Ui=Uuiiits <i iiiriii iii Liiit a55. iiic PUiitiiJiii iiGivit)r i5 (jiUPiiiiU wa,sii (iiitii Ptisuiiiii goals are met. Alt good ideas used by the middle class are stolen, begged and borrowed as a result of lack of cuiture, insight and avnarianaa

We applaud the excessive use of drugs in some quarters of the anarchist movement. We are not interested or coneerned with any aspect of middle class people's lives. We're sick and tired of them in our faces patronzing us when they aie nottrying io sL.ick.L+" to us. | !:=t:1:--!r TL: : = aL = :: :_ -:=!i =L= =l:r =:l:! -==.== -1 i ne poiilicai scene is ine wufra ir-r miiliarure, ii:a i5 a maaveious piace ro vrew apsurcitiy, siuptoiry, elc. -::::1,.=:_


anarcfuist morren=nt


rdests society, ihe priviiegeci

EtiiE piaying poyref g6r-rr€s.'!

There are sotrie oeoolewip, wttih denouncing societ-v. eti., would hate to be without a cozy place at the top of the ghetto's ktdBr. They Iike the sound ofth*ir oriin voices - they need their audien'ce as therE's no place for them as an 'ordintrt' Decitrt - ftis ffir*i flmisil ihsn atr Tire bosses neeci ihe $rori(ers - tiie rop stars and eeiebriiy anarehisis need

*ho lrrclr anrl nrrllihla qalrniarc Alrcanm /lf Qimritrr i t^. J -^^-l^ L-ll^i-- ;-..-1.--'^J i- -rlilie ^rvrurlrevPreqrsfiryv,rw{'t#...Jwrvrursrrv*rrsgeiivqi. time again, wtrerc a lot of time is tmded as

^.r.- --^si-^

TL:i^ rL- -^J ^3aL^ ^^-q;! .,a ^^-i-^. aiii:iiSiiiEPciatiaiiiiqiliiiiqi,eCCmeijpagain5ii;ffieana



lhese agendas are revealed. You can waste a lot of time and energy having to

listen to some fruitcakg's ridir:ulous opinions. For those who attech themsetues io anarchism without actualty being anarchist, just what is it they are about? you,re a iuekin' pain in tire ass. and we're nci a charilv wiih iire iime or d€sire io gd io ihe root oi your prsbiems. People's ccmmcn sense cen becaEns dulleC'rvhen they associate rrith pclitical knobheaCs. Scme peep!'cs dis*mfort wif! *t!:er p*ople'e tzee, colcr, ff sexdati4i cemes cut in blzane ant!-racist pr+-gey ph+ny l:-^--.i--

L,,[^L:4 ur, wtrt|Jgt ^-s---^r^-. t*aq,

III,OVT VrVg Vqlrar


Universitv Challenged Of a.scene I know ihere's only a few of us who've never been io polytechnics or universities. Half the bastards who have been'denounce il, and at the same lime are stuck with its cabbaged outlook. These people, to my mind, have severe ieamins difficuiiies. .EducaiionaF esiabiishmeris seem to manage io sirip peopie of inieiliqence. The lar" of this vrcrld is !c shcw nc emotions, just lcgic. (Do they possess emoiion?) It is an apprcach passed on into p+!i!ics fc*-: t!':e irftuene: cf their be+kgraunds; !r+m r-heir h*me=, form t!-':e 'edtic€lion' they raceived a! uniye;3ity. l! ca$ be i- qr t l--r*-^J,.^fL-., L4..^ ^^^t-,.-J ^--4. lL^ ..-:,.---i&. --J ^Li! rLqrru -^t! --lI:^-! -t--trr -ll tL^ --J -ure ijniveisiit urE s:rIPlJr wru or1[ -serr urE rrilevre ^-r uq5) vaivig ---i vms paoqijce. i a'ie, iiave iOVeO -aia -iJJt^ leilu€r aijn polyt-eehnies - the sad bastards stit! wrsh they were there. Their- bullshit rrvritings are proof of this r.ubbish. Thefve gor. nothing to say, that's why they use words that dont mean anything. ln the same way. some anarehists denounce MaxistLeninist shit, but still talk d it and.adopt the same empty, cold and invalid approach to 'politics': the bastardization of poiiiics by midciie ciass friiir. Denouncinq somethinq on sne hand suppsriing and coniinuing ii on ihe oiher. A.cademics are the ones with the genuine learning difficulties. ,a.s enarchist vre need tc potice our movement and to be hoslila and uncempromislng i:'l dealing with the idiols slra attech lhemselyes lo it. .


l-..-Ll lLl^ aL^ *---l.-.L^ l---3..^ l:1.ltrL^ ^L..-'.r^ -L:J cs I s arwqyt -t--^...--r- 'v-ran.r3 !^ rqqgr r( tu pg r-:^^ rlE ts u re }/qvprE wr rv u €-! g5 ial(€ -xii, -^-lJL..1^ - vra.Jrscr -l-^-t-^^ ii i.g uiuvie Cia;iO COr ru rsurs !w q -:Jitsoeiety, ho-w eome they don't'go home and take the maJter up wrth their own kind. lnstead the;r c_ome into areas alien to


them and to a culture alien to them, trying to educate peonle who they believe have everything to gain from their enlightened vision. What bullshit. -t o aii animai rioiriers urho ennsirlnrihemseives anarchisis' Yorr're so wrono votltre an emharrassmeni you irv io aiiech

o )

. .,:{i

yourseives to anarchism to lend some credibility to your i ery weak and unthoughout ideas. You're reformist idiots and in il(J WCy irilcr(;ril5r,5. vegaril

Lcpil.iiltsilt- ilu u!4illl\5.

it's shockinq io see peopie wiih such a minuie oruciqe aqainsi capiiaiism. vei ai ihe same ilme ciaiminq io be anarchisi.

Tha*tc dofinilahr nnl rinhl The ct rhnr rllr Ira af :narrhlcm IL^.,1.,^ !llgy vs

^-.-:-^-*^-l grlYrrultlllElla

a hizarra an\rir^n mo..

afaalac a--llvllr,

^--^ gvrtl9

?L-..I^^I. r llgy





'l\laririaa nlaee anarahiclc Lj==: irqJL

-^ at

-^t rlvt

I..-:^-t (yPtgar

=:i=itri:i:if rL^i^^ av !rrgr

caar =_=ii: a--ll:-lqLrlosJ

a.c l,/ +^ lha ri: fA.AA+ itriUL_i:iL_ ===:,i --^-r. a!srL

rL^ l rrLs

-^^-l^ yowptv

rL^f Lrra(

...^ vvg

would one day want to be alongside lhem as fellow anarchists When people forget their own backgrounds this is when we fail. We need io be reaiistic when we look at society and take it upon ourselves to try and change it. AS was saicj in Mersevsicie Anarchist. "if vou wani to chanoe rne worici you have io see h how ii ;s. . wnnour iiiusions,' Scme anarchists are so coated in the shit of left,,^;ing politlcs that they feel they're only credible es 'polilics'when their ir!-o! !ns ,dont -^^-l^ ysvylE




aomn2lth!.a :rlr

-l-^^ vlaJJ


cnrl ctrnna trr^ l(J

-^l:r:^^ PUrltrw.

^^.^:--l 99lllrgql

rL-1 rrrq!

J[qq4 ^^s^ tvlrrg

ncnn!a qrc irliale -^^-t^ Hgvprs

^^lt gql!

I qrL af a19qq 464fiianaa

tL^-^^t,,^^ LlrErlrJslv9J

-----Lt^r qrrql9lilJr

-.^1 ys(

L^!l lrvrq

ailnirrc middla rlaec NErr


authot-itarlan, positions in organizations, beeoming dominant fioures. R-athe!'thanforencou!'aging anarehisrn, this seemsto be against it. lYe've all seen the comedy sketch were one person plays loads of different roles by just pLtting on different hats and moustaches. eic. Professionai revoiuiionaries act out inat one aii the iime. The skeich in rne Diace rs a reaiiy poor joke. hrr +an Fnr qnmq nlrlcr anarlhiale thary'r| ha cr rrrar rnz{arl nn u,,w anr{ lhary'ra ac a nin ;a chii Dnrrrar ic vv v, rv, nr ea hannarc ,u"\,vrJ vr, ri'w, 'u hannrr "suf-, uJ a y y il. r, ri. i uitsi iannaalina 16 th^ca rrrha rlanrl naccacc i{ 9 -rF --_" 4.,^-, Lvsryrrllrlv YU9ry -.,^-rLi-!

There should be no elass mixing Politicos more often than not exist as a totaiiy seoarate entity. They need to create a 'poliiical scene'to vaiidate their own rubbish. They exist purposefully outside of reality. Their inability to relate to peopie outside of politics is a hilarious iiiusiraiion of ihe erisis - ihe bankrupicy of iheir ciass. !frevolutionafies. Irrelevance is best kept irrelevant - an audience that v.rould show it up would embail-ess the foois behind it. Politiccs are the leasl'polltical' pecple Li-.,e'ye had the misforlune la ccme ac!'oss. Thelr lack cf lndefrtandlng le:ves ls ^-^^^Lt^^^ rsJr, JPsser

E.,il ^a ^-^^t r uil vt Yt gsr

,.,^-J^gr vvvt

L..r sst


^t JqJJ. ^,,^^ rvl st r vut t9s vt

It's upsetting when you see working class people swallowino academic political dogshit, listening to fools as if they've something credible to sav. We've done that ourselves. when you feel your experience and view of things is of no value you'll listen poliiely to all kinds of clowns, A ioi of peopie are seareci oif as a resuii oi aiienaiing ian-euaoe in supposeci radieai poiiiies. Language is useei io eieier ihe hainnrY cnrr r{!niuad hrr lha nlacc }harr inrralrremcnl nf rrardinanr nannlarr Tha nalilinac faar ahrrarrc hom rvs' yvil ii rs, siii-rr t,-. P nn vr rhnr rl Qn l}rarr mgke grrre enorrt:h ie nrr{ in thc rrycrr la Laan vtarLinn nl.ace ncnnlo .!!!t .^.! lik-a-minr{ar^l "noliliniz-ad?" imhenilec in I r-a-J,.--I-1,.:r--r^-J...L-rr:*^r^..^-1 -,LLr^L if^.^:--r^! ^- vttgt ^tt^- qa ^^ -^-^-J^ -lr^--^ri..^t-^- qvrrilrra(su vrrrvl(ulIqlEly lll L,lvlqrlu vvlrqao vtt lgggluJ a^ -^J:--r tqurgqr qrfsrrra(rvE rJ rrltuurs urqJ0 rlEr9yerlr ruuurJri. -iJJt^

The things that work against our class are enormous, The middle cless pick up their'politics' form the inadequate iiiile ounch lines in inadequate little oapers and ihen think they're fit to comment on the state of things. P;'esent anarchjsi polrtics are woefully inadequate in 1996. Anarchism (as in revolutionary elass pblitics) should nat be an open house for every casuaitv anci iciiot. Thev shouici be kickeo out.

lf tha rala nf tlra anamhie,l amr rn ie la ahcnrh .n^6r than il daoc ilc iah rrrall A c ruarlzinn alace anarnhiclc rera char rlal wv.,. ^l.ce 're Jvv n^{ ahar rl rerilhin lihoral airnlac I lnlace ilrc la naor{ ram ^iac rL-r rL^-^r- --rLl-i- L^^l-^ :..1-:-ta ...-,.1f -----L,. - t^r ^!.-&-r -..-L ...-lt ---J :l:^r^ ^-^ ^L4..r ^t ..^1..^ r- L- l-.,-l rrwvqtqqPPvqt ura(arrsrsJrrvulirrYvrvqrusrvssrvqrrqlrrw99RJJuqg[rggrqrvrvrwtlg(tuetlvygu_rsaqlqrvttqrgqvvql,

'Politics' is a sancluarv for some orelfu bodno oeoole. The oart of it that does anvthino for us comes form lhose Deoole fresh from reality, estates, and dole queues. As kids you go into schools to have the impurities knocked out of you. You should say the same about politics. You go in tiresh and come out exhausieci. batiiing againsi such eiqwns and iired and ineievani ideas. The ahemative isn'i an al*amatirra Tran I t-F. n-rr19qo

t\la+ rrrhan i* naccaacac all +ha cama arhhich ac +ha chit rrarrta aaaine+ Dali+iac ac i+ a*andc l\t,vJJvJJ9JYvllgJll, lfc { a oariarrc diclraalian lA Laah rrraelzina nlace naanla fram fiahlina h+lr r!v,,r:,,u rilrE-u *'trs iJ'--r'* 'L :- lL^ lrr^ Ll--la^-rL-al^ ^-^ r-l-^^ rL-4 ---r1.. qrs -^i^..-1" ^^J^,.^1,. -..r1^^l--^ t:,.i-rgq[y IYrrrv Ir (rs -^^r vrEa[ sguvv^ rvr lalsara. arv vlas r@gt rrr9rrr osrrvugr)r, PqoL rrt q- rsrrvqory

ic litza a \/anrrc aL--'.-L ^-J qrrw ulrgqvrt



eyes, people aren't cspable of creating anything better. That's bleak Red bosses! Some people are in a bad way to be reduced lo pursuing this as a goal and as supposedly revolutionary oolitics. The lefi has deterred more people away from "politics" than it has encsuraged. And the idiots who altach themselves to anarehism.couieiR'i ile worse adveris.ior ihe eredibiifu of anarehism. Qafnramnm6h+ maarr anarahic{a ttr-tii -t!-t.Jtl r ^4 A3 16rL^r6 Lgtt vt YYtaqf t

narrarminr{aharr{lharinhlhainnalhroal rerhqtahnrrlthalafi9 lll,llrvvl|lt,,rglll\v,Fvll$vvl,vv},'v.|9r ennializa rrrhh anel faal ara r*lrzett,rr, enmahmrr lafl rvrr lharr ,*rtr.r r!!!; *ty



Academics' poliiics have the seme reletionship io ihe working class as pimps do to prostiiutes- One is e parasile to the other, just like bosses but without the power. Gne working class anarchist is warth 500 middle class people when it comes to class and agitaling, One eneourages, the other deters. The situation sf 'anarchism" in Britain is in need of serious aiiefliion. Bui how rrlany peopiâ‚Ź have gci iile eourage and convieiion io pui aside prâ‚Źsefit buiishit in fayor of iooking ai the ahc{aalac l^ fraar{nm in ar rr naalr nf lha reranr{c9 ^l.ce {anarahic+tr a^an6 and aamhar{ ar r{ tha c{r^te liharalc .:tr.4 lf rrar r rrrara +^ {a[ra a namh llrrar rah l]ra anr{ {haca ::-:.r .!rrr-u!! Ltr.r -rtltxrrt/ lLE.r.ttrr-t *rtivj lha :r uttt* rrrha rzrt* aninrr .tt* ,Err^t^^l- ^-J )^--^Jt riii^r -^-l^si-^,..L^ YOrrv L;r^ t;l-^ ^if^ a9 srlergrrJrrrr ^i-.^L:-^-rL^ ^..r.-^ --J valr9ro, ^.,. ;^rL^-- ,,^,,...^.,tJ Irrss vu. urvsn 9rrs sq\rvgr arsg 9r arr9 rgtv! qwugrrrrw Ir l,rsqla lrl9 n;,,^-i^urYErJrvI srrv ygq rtvqrv be left with a smell minoriry, This is ihe anarchisi movement of value to Anarchisrn in England loday. We're part of it.

We should never allow ourselves to be suckered by the middle class. lt's no surprise sorne individuals consider themselves red rather than anarchids, lt would seem as though the reds are more concemed with wholehearted adoption of middle eiass shii ihan wiih vrroiidnq eiass freedom. Thara ara cnma mir{dla alacc iadirrir{r rale rrrha hqrra lha rlinnil r la r rndarclanr{ lhair nlacc mci{innc rv oad {ha nnmnlavi{rr a{ ev, , ,y,v^,l, vr i/ve,rrvr qaA lar }rafirraan Tharr r{a aal caaialrr anr{ ae a raer rH ahaaca ralarranl anrl rralirl ira6E 16 tuark ia Thaca naanla ara f* ,.-a^J,.--lrL^,. --- ?Lr- L^ --,JL:-l- L^ -t..^r--4 ^rL^-rL^-...L^ --- lr:-^-1:-.,----l^-J (lrqrl vrrrv rL^.. gvtt(!rgst urgy qrv. rr ra qlrrvr(qrlgr9 rrtqy qrE prstgrrq lv v9 allyuilrlv vutgr a rrulrvrrlJ. l.rg tr!*rwatt, lv vs vrqslgJt -|-^jr. --:-*,

fuckino idiots. with bio mouths and small brains" Middle class politics - a refuge for guilt-ridden idiots. There are people who are anarchiss and people who want to be anarchists,

The snarchisi movernerri hes henn hieri rirv hv narasiies ihai fhink ffs chic anri t'rroi io eali *rnlr:seif an nnerchisi W'hv rirm'i


some people cali themselves knobheads instead - it is more arcurate. A good percentage of the people in politics are basically a form of tourist - only around for a short time and they're only to use, raiher ihan coniribuie. Thora an ocnan{ rmanihr thal lirrac rrrarr anrr ani qr'u eamnlalalrr i iic.- ic ErirEw. nf ui hr rrutii-iii., irs, harranr{ wsrv,rv slJ vw,rri,r-.-r, nr rlcir{a af aannnmiac anrl alacc i- Eit a areet nammlnicl'r tima thc othnr niahf Hn.-^r agn .-rolr , etrle of heina u+arfr2 .! h=r'l "liharlar'irn .,!=1!=aa=,i :I!U:rr.l :Palitinnc ar'a flaked .--- = *1:li,,,tli Vt*-. L^,,^ L^[tl- l^^li- n-I^:,-.L-. AtlL^..-L L-,,^ L^^---[,. lgqfiy

---l^-i - vytry prgrsrrq

ilt^ ^-,. t(o arry

-rL^-...-..6uyay r nr(rtvugrr s(trsr




rrlqugr -^t^

^----L:-r^ arrqlvlrll(5


rrt urlfarll

-^ llu


fv IvuN

-l et

realil)i and seem even incapeble of addressing the sad bullshit that exists within their own, divorced-from-reality bullshit ghetto" So don't be exoecting too much irom most anarchists. They couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery. There's No Rebellion ln Adhering To The Past Peopie irv to fii vesieryears anaivsis io iociays situaiion,

rrrhinhi.-ic fair rnh rerhan rrnr rlra ano hr rndrar{ milae and ona iEii annr -iiwuv

Qa cr rnnaearl qliqiWiii-iJ anarnhie*c Vnaalz UU manrr iiiqii, -q'PirV--g r\iivv^.ii-tho lrich nclinnalicle

nlrqqau-,ar.rfromlhem Samcaflhaacehalec'r-,hoknncklhcsir',.rt:oleinlr'-ol.andaresuchinnoc,entllher=ls.-nel+.ina-alle9:gC *|-rr *a2,: i

t--lL---..-.-tJ^----rL-^Llt-,.r^alL^lvl tltcltl vyvulu ouatg




-^,,---r-f lltulu tlgvsl

vl ttlgllt,

--,,^1L^-c^-*-l-i-aTL^:-a-^-ll:-^i^:-rL^l^L^r:-*-^^-^^l qrly urrlsr rvItlI vr Ylrgt. I Ir9ll lt9tt(rlllg

19 lIl (llg




univefsities. Never mind how things should be, what about how things are? Politicos can dream up any smart theory they want. Most liberal politicos are out and out boring bastards. No wonder no one will listen to their sad unpalatable shit. Britain is Britain. it's not Germanlrwith its autonomrsrs. ir's nol Spain with its CiriT. it's not France in i968. Tha i iiC nali+inal Puiiiiugi

ai+r ra+ian Oi(Uqiivii

in ili Eaalanal Liiviqiiq

ic i- harrl iiqiUr

L-,.^-r' I tqv9r

L-r--J r ( r rsrPqu

anr{ qiiU

mlnh iiiuuii

ihat vr ^( iii-!

h.c ii-J

*a iw da uv rrri{h iriaii

nannla PswHiv

hainn ve'ItV

tiraal llrvv

nf r{anai+

in ol{arna{irraq

1o tha

hnn nf avnorianne rrc micinrslftrl of hirir'ien =aendzt. 2nd mrinc-lreqm ,A.CF eln Tot=[ e.-,niniem - nconlc - I-1ercL iir=,ti=4,==iti r':r-t'-jt i:-:::i::---:1. 'i,^-Fx!!'J!r!'J !Hallnnc r=lr';rr'i, ii':':lt': -: -!:=t'. rL^f L^l-uEll


,.^^J qJgu,

lL^ ft lE

--^-^L:^r^ al rar vl loro

u ret.

Yet how eome people want to ehange a eountry to fi polities rather than shange views to fit the eountry? "oh you just romanticize the working class." Who's romanticizing the workino class? ACF. CW. DAM ior whatever ihey're calied now). The Anarchist Workers Group - where are they now? You smelt it here first. The AWG were 20 or so political idiots who were piatformisis. Thev wore biq shoes, foiiowecj Siacie anci ihe Giii"ier tsanci. Vveii, ihe vVSivi tworrers Soiiciariiy l\rtnrramanl\ iii rnh cama aradil ln {hom lharr fcrrar a mndqel l! in^h eta^k in lhc A\-A1G|c, 6 in iigiaiiu lralanrl qiv oro nl:l{nrmiclc lan iiiwYgiiiEiiil ivu /allhar Piqiiviiiii-i-r \qiLiiuuYii Jviiis ui9vi( iw aiiEiii, .iis, Ther-, ineh\ \-A/hrl r-r-ri!! [s166'-a of them - a differ"ent shade of ,lh.-a q-am. shit? llerll ceo char rt that 2DDe2l en'']b2113s!ed 1.:i -i;i:-:-l rt ' ^^*^..,a^r..,L^-


.L^;^^l;ri^^ rr lgrr t/vlrtlw


rL^ A\Ar (I IE nvYv.

^-^I aL^ ql al Ig


I read their oaoer and couldn't fault it - that was ceuse they'd put fuck all of their crap to it, just written good critical articles. SWP do the same thing in their oiece of shit - get oeoole interested (lay the bait) then reveal the hidden sicie of it all later (reel 'em in, or at least attempt to). Some "anarchists" are in awe oi ihe trois anei copy ine irois approaeh eveR in ihe way ihe iinv iiiiie iroi ciowns spiii. Shades of +.he same left wing shit. I Inqoeef r!=r' Tirnaq =er lAr^r.,^ 1L- ^1r..^r:^-:^r^ -^r r(rrs Jr(uquglilJao YV9 Vg YVt rV rltErluulr -^4r:--

^ir:-:-:-^ - 9rr({9t4Ilv

^^-:-r', Jvgrg(y

;- rLrrt rlrs


^! --:":l^-^ vl PllvllEgg.

la.---.'ll-rr lL Yvvulull

*^a^t llIollst

it ddd/ Il Jslo

^a vl

situationists were wiped out by AIDS tomorrow. lf it wasn't for Larry Law, no one would have a clue what situationism is (althouoh who does now, really). He had to be the only situationist who attempted to try and make some interesting ideas accessible, probably because he cared about people and wanted tc.spread ideas rather than be an irrelevant idiot Jlcr


szi nn rianqni iria=c


iricas zrc rrrnrih cnrcariinn



in iha tufrnn,

nf i

i zw l'i zrru

I a'v ,^r.^+a iho .o.ioo



A+=denic shi'l -q!ch 2s Lrele and rllL-: -L-.--1^ --^-^JLrugYrs,rrrrsrPoJJcJaJa:lar

:l'e ta


rlar Timacr, - c.raitahla ^.tla.{ "qna^+aar I'Jow ts en 2tlemp! !a cr-erte a feeling cf



well belng to the =c=Cemlc set safely L..r lnnnl E-\ir-

,---:--l^-.,-r^ -----L:-fvllrJLPvuLlwJEslrrovst)rltiqugquo(g...9u(rvvluqugyua(glvlJvtrls.vvgvqtt(gq!LE99ll9v9 -^l:1:^^ -J^-..-r^



a'r.^/e)r fl'Dm L-ti-,.-


nd:viduals wro appear hagpy with the state of things. lt just seems more p!'oof sf the idea that politrea! invslvement is




-.\rhrn^ 6,.I.. '.V.


E,'eryore .,fi'ir ar.



a!erca e,.'ery,sx. pretending they haven't got one. r'rewe'-r-ptcScl:'arci ioshowsomesoiiciariiyattneaitempieci eviciionof asquarreci unempiovecicenier.we

ii ^. r.F'l 11 r ra arnl i,A:'ha1 '1-,q na+ f herF it '-r-,ic f! !!! nf nr rnkc rnr{ dn roniec \r1le rrroro omharraccad riamn ha {hara ui I i9qa i qJt-u *n aw uE ai iEi g. Tho i i i9 uEi i iu *n iu c.lan iha e', raJ!a. Innked raro l1!44 2 qnq6o frnm a hinnr: feqfi.yet !AJ5 r;-rs;'3 cmhqrracccd ln hc eaen in'-,olrrcr! rryilh ihic 'tlrihart vl


l^l---^ uvuY9ll,

T. l--l-^l r( lvvNqu

rrrvrs ----

lil.^ lrNs



rL^ --^^-t.,-^^:L^(r19qPvgqryP-s




1^ (9

-:,,^ ytvg

-^^-t^ PsvPtg

a-:rl tatrtl




somethino imoorfant To our knowledge, walking rouncj looking like a bonfire does not fetch about social chanoe. The greens and the road protesters are the peace movement of the nineties. The peace movement achieved nothing. We've still got nuclear weapoRS. There's loo manv eiiversions promoieei by micieiie ciass ieiiois wantinq someihinq io gei upsei aboui: roaejs, nelveq tha traac 1-Fi'^'c fnni ar{dilirrac oin a{a atn aln a{a oln 6+^ 6+^ atn ain nrailalicm rn qr .c imrnr. rcac *}ra vsyilslirl t I rrrill thrnrrr IuP i iqi i, nar vqu-EJ ii iq A. ..^r ra lhic i-lnrrr lihor-ale anr'! mirtdtc et:ee rrril! aane! rma \i/a ara nn! maanl + crrcc +hic manrr lJt af rrc harra ,a==11haorrl *iaf tri .J= ii=!r::::= i: i:=i it-;ri aii=iai -: U*= ^t^ ^ ^;^ *a

Green Anarchist has recently reviewed a fascist publication. An-v old "mentally ill idiot" is able to use their publication to air their paranoid rubbish. We nooe the Green Anarchist mud people are practicing nienty of unsafe sex, but it would seem unlikely anyone would want to shag the care in the community wing of anarchism (no disrespect to people with mental heaiih probiemsj. For qivinq a oiarform io fascisis Green Anarchisi, you iwisieei ieiiois; waieh your baeks you fuekiRq space caCets. \1./e

can't l':l.rme

ne onl'-a

lrr^ ^,.1r^ ^r^,.rLi^,..^., rtqy tlllJ YYay. lt J Yqlrs


^ieonrrniinn l:l-^1.,;, ^ rr^qr, -^.,^-^-r

anarahiem ae il e!rn!.{c I !ntil a fcrr: mara of r*=rc e,t=nd r rn lnr! I^^^ r vvgJ

^-^,..^^^:-^ vrvvv J99rrrv

it^^ll rrJgrr

^^ qr

=a*4,1J'rr^..1^-^.^^.,^/-^,,^t..r!^-^-.^-^-^Li^a qsrvrrvrrrvugrrgvvrsrrvrrqry

it rrrill lqa c^ma nriaf Eii=i1 ti litti

=ta.r L=I== ^.! qrtsrvr[Jt,

=riiii= irr^ t:t-^t,.t^ ,rJ ltr\sry rv

have fuck all to do with the enarchist groups snd et the moment that ain't e bad thing. When we see black politics run by whites we know it's bullshit. Liberal cio-gooders. The middle class, regardless of sex or race, always continues its shitty roles in "radical" politics as they do anywhere. lt's a habii ihey eion'i eirop and unioriunaieiy ii's eiqwn to us io stop ri. Hie,lnnz c-hnrrrc hnrrr '!hc liherr! ruil! ha!n dilrttc ond dic*ranl mAr/am6nic

ehenr:-o The rniriri!a r:!eqs cei f1;1!ai4r gr-r*a1-a3-;[.a;"s -''-..9-.-.---9-' 6r^-l:-gtqlrqlalv

,.- J^-.,^..qP lvl yvul

^l-^^ ulqto,

.,^,. yvq


L^ --^.,-^l ws q9uuJqu

^t -----r:^:-:-vl rvIrtarlugl4llIY

thot har;a la hrinn ohnr r{ roeliaal caaial iisvg Pvagiiaiqi ^A+anli.l iv giiiiY -vugi iqvivqi -vgi-i

rL^ ..,^-t-:-(rrg YvvrNrrv


TL-r Ma(

:^ -^-:^-t...L^lt gvrrrrgql vvllElt

ir gvlrlgJ t( -^-^^


rL_ ttrg

mouths of those with some fairy tale and simplistic views of class polilics and revolution. The last thing we hold is a rose tinied view of anvthinq. The oniy thing we romanticize is violence. when it is used appropriately. It's funny how people who talk of the class war do their utmost to calm down class conflict at political meetings. "Keep it

iheoreiicai. comracie.



You can't Dretend to unclerstand class tf you're notworkrn-c class. l-here are more than enough DeoDle within anarchistwho are the offspring of the privileged. There's a rough area neai where I've lived over 8 years. I watch all the liberals rough it for a whiie ihere, ihen fuck ofi io somewhere safer, evenrL=r,v buving houses. The song 'Common Peopie' ov Puip is spoi \^/a ca6 iiini qi nn in r{actrihinn iha kind nf anrrn}riet wt ncnnla iqr v, irJi vr. ?.-J. twEvpts lts rEv I rnhi hizarra I t!'ier{ tn ar{dracc rrrhat cilr relinn, E fhar uJcc . .:^^rl rn lhal rrrae nr6rin m;n.nt!!r r_.i=nn \A/ar rrtte! , ltt.J.rar,1 .t=i a !i.=:i= _":: !r.=t arar Yit:tif ii i=i !!== li=ttiiiiit.=.t,-.i = =ti-=ittiti. tr^^l ...--l-i-^l^-^ glaDJ


-^^-l^ PgwPlg

L-l rlau

l^al rL^ lctf tltv


--J arlu


.,- r-.1-^ up \rrirlV

r^ -^I ^-.--,L^-^ rv gsrarryvvrrgrE

:- rL^r llr Ulqt

mir{r,tlo .t i:!ui= l- -^^-^-^^:^ rll tsJpvtlJs

--.-:----^-r grrylvrllllgllr,

nlacc Li=i=. (u +!. riiy

observalion, I was told by a member of the group that there are "doers in this world and knockers" and that I was knocker someone who crillclzed. twhat a poor term.J Obvlously thls cerson dldnl tnrnk there was anylhrnq io be addressec, or more correctly didn't want anything to be addressed. What can you say when you come up against such vision as that? Point biank reiusai to iook ai ciass poiiiics at piav bv someone wno iakes rhemseives seriousiv as beinq supposediv inro ciass nalilincl Prtnkronknr':litiaqcr''r.-,

.'.:aL -.^".-:--ir^r:-vvltl I yvul lI I l(qlll


\rYerlerehnr:ina-2ni.6timoFefnrqrrnr rramain vor a},:.|'.'.:it j.J- rurarLinnnlqcehrelard ':.-||||= i.i L^:-..- J^ -^a r^t-l-i-11,. r- L-..:-rL^i-J^ll^... L..ll-L:!^-^r -l^., -1 -1.,^l rv Pray or ugu rg grqsu-qP uv r rv! (qNs Arr lqly rv l lqvll ty rr tgtr t9ilvyv vuilJr lr(!9lJ


n-^-l-.,.L^ ^L-^-,-rl^-^ tg gvlEl Ya(rvr rJ. r EUPrs


[ypoeritieal actions being pointed out to them by those not professing to be professional revolutionanes. the mlddle class moves the goalposts when ft sufts them, especlally when they wani to rnclude themselves as 'workers'. Controllers more like. You get tired of being dismissed by middle class idiots who want to be all nicey-nicey and civil. And who cion'i wani iheir hobbv that is poiiiics io be cjisturoeci bv angry fuckers. intoierant of bu,ishir. h-ln middla Rler:k





,rran{ rrsrrr.w !n airro uiYs anarchiet oriqonore-t r ii:riL,rr.rrr

ic- :n

^a qllllllqr --l--l vl

-:^Ll^ lrgrrrJ

--ri..:^I^ qglrylJag

nlace naci{inn Thia ie qJ ruy rn firi-ii hair uis-J ac qvivgi arrirlan{ ii iii in nali{iac ac iir+ q] i iiiJ iJ Pw-irivii. Pviiiiw aaimal rinhlc nonnla .ra c! lnndd dr6! !n Val t!;i:**!tii -, ltn\^1 i:-ii '-1iiit= F=:-ii.ji= ^Ama =ti,it,=i:ruiit= =::r^ I l-...1^-^.,-:ll ..,- -1.,- --^J:L:Ilr.. r^ ^-l--l ^a--^Li^-4 (v qlral9rrrJrrlr r rvvy lvl rg vvrrr vvE grvg !rsqlvlrrly rv arlirltor

Tha ific anrarrhara Jiiritiigig. iiiu,-ri A narahia+ idiut iill +hair hnal,c2 \/\/hef ic tha !ri i: ^n i-!1^-^! ^.,--^-^l -----Li-t llgrr{srJ JuppvJsq airqrgtrril

polities? The shit that animal people eome out with know.s no bounds. '-ights Anarchtsts seem to take any otd rdrois rn. Anarcnlsts are a son touch too otten. Workrng ctass peopte have an understanding of class that is way beyond any imagined bullshit in politics. lt may noi have the favored language of the poiiiicai ieiiois bui ii's a ihousanci iimes more reai. Poiiiicos are unabie is see the ievei of "decencv" wiihin ihe working r'-l=ce- not haect tce il rlaaenrt eviel hr rl herar rqa nalitinal i.liA+c !ra dalanhad hlind anrl clr rnir{ Qnma rrrar rld lrana{i{ uui i i- naanla Puiiiiv-i iwiwi- qi E uuaqgi ivu, uiii iq qi iu -auPiu, PEUiri- tiuuiu uui iviii the errll-lik-a siirrelion af nr'r!ities

frnrn life

\irL^r aL^ -^l;r;^^^ t^ ^^,, .^ -^^-l^ -^^11., L-,,^ ^..r^ii^ YUrlqr,rsqllrrllqvstrlsyvlrrrwoavoqlrvysuP'svqlJrvgvrrrrsililrsrsyq,rtJvutql

^3 rL^:s



^t.,L^a 9tu9J;

rrL^,, ,,^..r-^ L^:-^ rl9J,,rvut9w9[tvwyyt9rJ9vi ^---^^^^lI,

T^ ,v

think we can stend alongside the middle class and on the same side, fight a common enemy is ridiculous. I innocently thoughi f someone was an anarchrst. that's cool. I clrctn't unclerstand peopfe's reErsons for saylng they were. would respect their integrity and sincerity. Someone's read a lot of books, oh yeah, they're clever and I should listen to ihem. This is whai our eiass is taushi aii our iives. You can oniy iisten io buiishii for so iong, ancj ihen ii normaiiy reveais i{ealf


ia h^+ - arima

hr rl innaaanna

ic nn{ rrrhal

{}ra haaafi! nf thc It'e t r nat I rL't lhaf rt tlr airrinn 'art I tt t'6 middla 'j:1i= ^l6oc ^Ali+i^^o iiaJra/,*al= f, i* *-, i-ilL ii, !r,= !

^^-r-iL,.r^^ --rL:-9Vllallvq(gollulrllrlYpq(Ianc






\rra .16V gyqii aaaincl i-a !1ara. ii= qi

r{nr rht chnr r!r.l *i a+r.! t1*:i!i llJEiti , _ - it shnUld ne';ar =i ri-^ ri-^t:^Lt ^! -^..,-_ ^r -^^iti^_^ rrrtrgq(rrtsEltllg0,tlltgilgltrpvoratvrrJvrpvwstrrsJpEUL(ltsyuvt -^-r:--^

have lreor rn The mlrJdle e}=ss. lL-.-



Thev take enerov. demand attention. elbow theirwav in. shout their moulhs off end then fuck off The middle class is full - to

tneorrmwrtncJnrroence: it;;stnewron-qpeopr"rn;r;""ty;n"nr".*0""*"or,.;in"r.w.;";"eafned out confidence - it was not given to us - we make no apologies, Some peopie are tireci of beinq poor- some peopie piav ai being ooor anci ciisacivantaqed.


Af r rc r^r^r rl/l larra ln t.t a lha ac^rna

rar rlac +ha



harra fi rnlzar{ in thair hanlz nnalza+c Tharr nlarr a+ |l,vvr\v.s. i i r-, Pi-t -. ^Ali*i^c harlz inla lha rernrlr{ lhary'ra frnm - rrrilh tha ar rr{anil r ta

haiat annraeeed for ac ldnd rq ilte aafrfnr{rhla +^ ha lhan lhorr claa l.;|'|i.i-iri:|.;!-r|J'|i-Jl!!!-:::,*:,*-lE_t!-!lrii=il/iir=i=.=f-=r4:.:.lLr rL:-l-rL^.....^-J---rL-:-L:r TL-.,-:JL--t-t^-ti-^..lrL^-^-lrL^rrL^,.1.,^ qlsr9 qrlq !rrrrrN ursy rvqrE gql urqt urErr Ys qvltg utgu vlt, r rasy Drr gas


L^ w Ug gyrI9gr -.-i--i..,L-- {vlr9rt


-^^[,.tL^..r..-t l99ly urgy


don'f' fuck all other than take from somethins erealins cvnicism in the proeess. Thev use their past involvements like a lifile medat to orn on therr chests. Our cuituie wili nevei be i.heirs. Where wâ‚Ź come from, people try se hard tc get out. lt's an insult when you get all those goons irying to "gei in". pretendin-o io be foolv fans. etc.. how saci are ihey? I i{{la Elnrrcr Ean{aeiac Llt(tugv,Jl!v,lvvlgvlll.lvvvll

I irrar.l /-1r r{ lA/han




rah Dnli+iaa

lnfillfafn!-C,eniee, nninntrnr{rrrnnrrarlAAy^Acar{aclarrllrraninacaa *!:ur .v 'r^itu)* *;rE*r *-*r-t.rt, uL.!!lur


L-:--J^ vrrgqqg,

fL^ --^-l^ r rlE l/99lJr9


^i^ qrg

^4-4J-i qlLrggtgv

r- rL^ -t+-lJ---^--J lv urg vrvg^-qlrq_uagYsr

Fnir{Rlrrfnnrernrrlrlhanrnrrr{nf cametrflhc!elneL-enr!rJi 1!t= *raJ=r-.-=ii'i-.14*t.4 r* ii!t** !zt!!!t -r +-rri= ^^-^J aoP*a

^l qltqrglflrarr ----^L:-.^ wr

^-^ alg

til-^ ^LilJ--lrNs urlturvrt,

TL-,.t,.^ y9 I rlgy

p!'obably npver done a.naughqi thing in theif life. lt's romantie rubblsh. Some people want to believe they're a threat when the reatitir Is they're a tirckfn; joke, What does 'ac{ive' inean? That hcw busy I look rflay convince someone of n'ty radical credibility? People :,t'ho live by conspirae-v ihesrv... Paranoid peopie ereaiinq paranoia io inirigue innoeen8. Creaiins amusement for us. There was a hlalra reraarina in ana arnr rn - rerhal a vlvl\v t'vg| ll lv a Tha Ananr Elriaarla rrrae aand I lnfa#rraalalrr "'-. "'c'r ^^^l gr ^-l rv ..,^^^-l^ a^r-:^^ ^Ji^-^ tJ vq! ^,.a gVVr wv L-..^ r tqYs ygv}/rs rg^rr rY qvllvr

alanernl Nlar rahl nannla \Ar \A/ lhair maecana rerac nrrarchar{arrrael hrr lha adianc

/aL^3 lL^ ^alL^ ^i1.,^ri-- r {u v! ar rs -^-a^..a wr ras^! vr rr t9 orluqlrvr t5 -^t;l:^^l }rg[ukt

Tha maacaaa rrraa frralzint ^11-^r^ (l t9 ^-i rv rL^ 9[l I rqrs ^alL^ vr rr rs t;-^\ rtr r r9,, qr

olamorizalion of the action. ralher lhen resoec{ino the reason for the aclion. cio peopie Frave an obsession wiih tnd past;hen tire present is what mstters? Feopie who exst rn the reatwortct ceuld never aliow them3eiv$ to get inio ali the academic shit. lf it can't be said, uftai ihe fuek is it about? lf your reference io aeacjemia isn't reai life anci ihe improvemeni of ii, ii's wsrih qivins up preiending r*u qive a iuek, anri ii's worih aceepiinq the love of academia over pecple end thelr .$Jell being. Be v,,hat you are - dcn't boie us pretenCing it's abcut ret olution


rrrhan 116r r moka a ialro ahar rl lha irlao anrl naecihilihr af nhqnaa TL!^ :- rL^ ^---^Li^l F^.,-{^-4 --.4^J'. -r^-^^ qir,rvgrf r !rro '.'^^-tr..'-ill^ursJlr ! Ytrrl(slr a^ rs rrgqos rlr tlls grrsrulrr-l ,rlvv9rlr9rl1.

lll^ -^i-ll^^rro yvilrrrgJJ



..,;rL -{ wrrrr rL^ frrs s-i^,:A, rrrsrvrtry vr

enarchists- We've spent years trying end watching as ihe oh-so-correct OrouDs disinteoraie, At a sad-as-fuck meetrng oitire fuoiirern nnarciiilt ilietrarork isummer â‚Ź5i one guy = abstact comedians ibrieratron; wanted to organize a demc tc reclaim the skirt to challenge opinions about gender. The meeting stuiined rns as people who'd been arounci i0 -vears or more sai bv anei listeneci io ihis rubbish. The i.iortiem Anarchisi Neirsork is iike the iisuse


n{ I nrdc

l{re fr rll af hnrinn haq*ardc rrrhn aninrr lha irlaa lhorrrra ror rl thara

manr frarr{-namrinn wiiriiiv


Paql ia-qi radinalc iqviuqa-. Tha i irv

fact is a good numher cf them are ani4hing b,;t raCice! - lhreatened hy opinicns that go furlher $an y",here lhe light\./eight=e .--^J l^l-:-- -- 4L- --.,---..--r i--^ r^ qarq ts uEaq. rl-..^taEvsl rrrrtrg lgNrrY vrl lrl9 YvYgrllrrgtlr' -:-f


:J--^ A-^-B IL^-L---J --- JgqlEu ^----J -a L-l-i--l--l^ -^--larg vl raNrrv vtaswqru 9{atPlg rvgat, roErr r rrls FEvHrg

"enarchisls" brave? This ts an attempi to get thlngs on course and to step up and create the necessary host$e anarchrst movement so ail the idiois, posers, aiid acadeinic pricks fusk off afld play sorne other game. The "anarehisi" ffiovernent should be hostiie to the irrriishii ihai's nnw ei ihe heari nf nnarchism in Rriiain Feonie r:en oo inio noiiiics as innoreni as ehiiciren oninn inin schooi


comlng out regurgltatlng someone else's shrt and rqnorance. t(nowtng no ber(er, ot course. lt's onry health that oeople question things. Be prepared to deal with the defense mechanisms of some sad idiots if you do that. lr ioi of incjiviciuais are ihreaieneci bv criiicism. Thev are threaieneei so much ihai ihey ejeveiop a conciiiion caiieci seieciive rrrherc nn!.r nartc rnh ar vr rrrhatrc hainn caid rlill ha haerriu. \A/a iiw laarnl ivqiiia af vi thic iiiiJ nnnditinn uviigiiiuai lhrar iiiiuqvii uuirr r{aalinnc uvEiiiiuJ rrrith iiiaii tha iiIHerrJ nf r-r-r-qaf f6 ha seen aq anprnhieie

hearinn 'rvsrrirvr

nrr,cina'! idioiq,r-lha Il tl

rL^ tllg

^--^-:--l vIYqIll4gq

--^-^L:^4 qltqlutrror

----^^^L aPPlvqgll

r^ tv

:^ r-

-^t:11-^ Pvlt(gJ

i-Lr lrvrlrr

^^ J9

...L-1 YTllqL

lL^ (llE


L---^-^l LappErrsu

1^ (v


I t^... I lv{v

tltaaagJr --^^^^^

---^ gvtttg

a!^ (19

rttqo099 --^^^-

have ignored so much enlightenment? Where are all vour members? People clrng to polltrcs out ol clesperatron. 'Polrtics' tor some ls baslcally another crutch. All conversatton amongst pollttcos helps them to ignore their irrelevance. As long as they're bumming each other nothing matters to them. acaciemia - ihe iast hicjev-hoie ior ihe hopeiess. Poirr-sconnq iqioi acaciemics oiaving at giving a fuck when evervthing nnintc tn lhc farl thrl enanl qiiruiivJi .m^.^c+ {ha anaralric{ ma\ramahl tha lacc nradihla anr{ ralarron{ (rrsr lharr (rre, dnntl Tha losc lima l'rra rp-iii iii- giiqrert c-A6 it ea hainn Thara arq e lal af ii= nnncir{ar Ar r.calr/4c "rnarnhiclel r rc rrrhn rerha rrcahra< nn llra rlcir{a nf t---ta=at=: t:ni-=iu-= rt'r:! *,= rr,t'j zrtr.i find itri.j nr iii= ar **i=ir;= *i rrr}rafle Ylii=i> -ii-ittiit=i= ',it, =,LJi*t il^----L:^rll +-,--+^-r lAr^ L^


L,.r rL^.,,^-l --^-^Ll^rrllvvslltsrr(,YY9rrlqj.vsqlrqr9rllcrsuqr(rr9vvvrqvEgvrrtgJqrvAE. --.,



TL--^--L:-r rrlssrtarvrlrJrlrruvErrlElrrrJJv -^..----t



t- ^-

way off the mark and eontarns all the -,ugly aspesls oi th-. lefl lhat people elaim to despise We helleve anarchrsm rs vallcl and desrrable bui tnat s nol the case wth "the movement". Ten days that amused the bosses. Ten days that massaged the egos of the sad fucks that crawl out of the woodwork to try to preiencj ihev're the oicj guarcj of anarchism in tsrirain n .restviists' conveniion. Tn




ic nnmiacl



- n^c+



lha rr rE tima irr,rE

F^J.,-^r^1.,.-,4----^lrL^^^-i-l:--l--,.-r^^..L---^J^---^Li^r^.,L-,,1r,.-^t^-^.,--^^J-:!^-ril.. qIE (lrg I vttullq(gl, vvs rrv( ogglqr IlqusYuqrsc


-I-ha ;t rhhich i *ha{ awictc rL 6aane i i i--i i- inn{hinn i uvui-i ivai iii iY. i i as a Li i-L vii-i-

Fnrcaraaf Yyriu


in aaarnhiam ea ii i qi ieiui ia-ii i,-ic Jw

rrc i|ecnrinct^a-a\-,t^henrrtnacl'-ar-r-riffiilfl'1s=n=r-ehiet qrlqt!rtro(ouwvqr(qrs





^^.-..-t cE^uar



we are anarchEts:

rt's not a clebate. lhere's no pornt rn entenng tnto any cllalogue wlth 90% ot the Deopte attracted to anarchism, though, because they are not anarchists. There is no bridge and there never should be between those who uneiersianei aRareiiism anei eiesire ii as a resuii of our ciass anci ihe peopie who eirop eiown inio our worid from piaces of rina ahanaa Ana hand and viutii,a nlarrrnc rrrilh rnhi lima nri,-rileoa Genr rinc ncanlc lanLinn far rvr aonr iri.i i {nn .uu mr i i iuui iai i iv nn thair hanr.le nn lha vwi rs.' rv v' is. 've ^n ather l-l1/hr,, chnrrld r,rre he nalile t^ idi^te? Ara rrra mrrne? Tq^ I1,9

gi!il^ llllggrs



^ q

l^L lvL

^A.^1,-:-^ 9r rqr^firv.

TL^ r rrs

..,^-l-:^^ YYvtniltY

^'^-^ vraJJ

l^^^ uvE0

^ q

l^. rvl

^a vr

li^r^-:-^ ilDtsrrrtv.


ll rL^ rr,9^!;r pvrrJ,ilL

^----L:^r^ qrlqlvr


.,.L^ vytlv,gqw -^^i

^ll qil

rL^ Ut9

bullshit anarchist historv act horrified when we are oDenlv hostile to leftv idiots, Liberals ionore ihe -.uthoritarian Dolitics of the lelt along wtth all the dtrty tnct(s ancl the cltstlluston they create. A lot of the supposed anarchists' politics mean absolutely nothing in real life. The one or two of us who put our money where our mouths are end up sianciino oui iike sore ihumbs and patronizeci for having boiiie. The boiiie we see mosi of rn t^.r^hic+

nnliiinal airnlac halnnnc +^ fh6 niechaaic anrl alaahaiiae t,r!r. i=-er irralarranl ola hnrrr nnma ali +ha a^.r^hic{c tf th.a lef, ic en inrralirt ncnrt ha lilra {ham :::!:*r-::r'=a':.,it*r-.;-'irar=-rtiat==ii=it:iii=a=1:=iti*=lir..=iii=ti,=ailit-ijlr, rL-r q^llt! r^ qrlal9lrlJIllln^!ir:^^^.,,:1L ^- o - ---^^ir^ --^--L:--.,---1L:^^t:(lrq( -.-i^r^ qJ -----L:-r f9 t vllll99o Ygrul alrqrgrllJr JyrrlPeuugt t! q- -^-^ ttlvtg Palqoltg

who make




\A/a chnr rld ho hnctila tl==llllil!=ii!=ii,=lti=ii .,.-.. !^^^-:Lt-tL^ ^! vyqjr 9! qsJurrurrrv urs

ln all -^^-tHqvprs

the mejority of the enarchists. l've met enarehists who sa!, the fascists eren't a threat and thal antifescism is as valld as hunt sabotage'/ lhev aDpregate the sDace created by the removal ot fasasts and thetr ablltty to organlze, and uD

then say fascists aren't a threat. For now

ii rinesn'i maiier

ii vnt t'rc snrrnhn-<rrnriirriisi-;


nnmmr rnisiT rn.rn-ii

nnmmr rniei';


Ear narer noiiliac ie cn haclar{i76.{

hidd-a^ 2a-an.l2q 2nai aiah'il'-,aa Snaiiliqan 0 -,'-


t-^r.L-J rq9l L!1qr -^--lPgvPr9


r--J:-l--r;--:val lrviPe!ul9

hv mi.l.l16


-^[1:-^l 'rr Pvrarl9J



infl! r66^a .n.{^a

r-r-r.4s.4.![/(!'q nen,-a!'!is-r"n Frnnn

t--tt-^--rul plAalr9


--f-" ---'-' -L^.,.^:r-^tt.-,L^-.,^-. !rlvYvJ rLJslr vvlrsrl


nr rr .lrcc

ic mic+rr

rc+fr rl


Bevond ie urhat it nnl ncl!cr.{ -"--t --1 Ys(

-,.--^-^J JuPPvagq

^-^--L:^r^:^:-:-_ qtlql9tltJtJJv[trrIv

Tre't grou,os end T!'ots ioining anarehi-.l groups (yes, it does happen). Ho\H ds sueh situatlons eome about? People svr'ac9tnQ ogcoslnc l/'tews I ne AlryG 'anarchrsts(l)' (wsM's couslns) are now RoP - trom anarchrst to state communlstl Class \Atar is sofi'rinared 5y ihe middle class with the occasional working class lapdog who comes to their sick defense. C

ass slrucrrre oen'ec1;v in:aci anci unquesiioneci bv those who'ci iike us ro thinK rhai rnev re on the baii anci susseci aboui

"When the middle class follow the working class, it is because they think their own ideas are eIIIgt!r: altu LIIEV te rtuilt. e-t^r9 94!!!9!!s /lt^-^L^^1^-^-L-^^ -E! \ryrq!!urrE>!Er

t t-1,-^-

A-4: E^^^:-lt u!!!v=!5!!)t:a,. H!!!!-ra>LrrL,l

Some peoole are in denial of their class backgrounds. Unfortunately we see this from working class suoposed A's too. We reckon they shoulci be fucking asharned of themselves. Those of us who cannot ignore the reality of our working class eyneriance shnrrld qlen aqide frnm lha frnkin' idinls who are nlavinn at it:nd qwamn noliiics, and ln qlnnd cen:rala =nd outside this face. What passes as anarchism is a disgusting travesty. Fcu;ric iearrr irurrr iireir vxperierrue. Our exprurienue iras bcerr. yuu uarr'[ irave wurkirrg,;iass arrci rricidie uiass iuguiirvr irr poiiiics. Two ciifiereni experiences ihai iransiaie pooriy as regarcis cohereni class poiitics - ihey don'i gei iogeiher at aii. a.^ 9V iiluuii -..^L.i-^ iiiiiC


^^i diiU


i^ ^..,^,i^,.,^i,.^ i3 -ndiiUiCu

i:^.^^;^^ UP IlSiCailtli,

i^ i;L^-^i^r lV ltugiqiS

^-;^;^^^ VPiiiivilS

^^i dliU

*iiii^ liiiUUiU

^i^^^ qid93

i-i.,^i UilV-i.

E,,^-, LYCiJ,

i^^iii.,.i^^ iiigiiaUiivii

^i Uql ^..Vi

the church. the family. the state oh, and boring political knobheads see in every beautiful, strong, uncompromising

individual a deadly enemy The rnidd!e class is in the !:,Lrs!ness of controll!ng thlngs, so


thelr ch!!d!^en who inyoh./e thenselves in other people's

business. reaiiy someihing speciai." They can finci ihemseives a iiiiie piace in its iiitie worici. They can sheiter from ihe experiences oi ..-.-!;+..,+h-+4j--_--!.._.-.+h_-..L,,'r-L.r,-.---rL:-iE.iiii, iiici( qii,suivc iiisii suii5iiii iiiiu iivliiiiig. exist in.

T--.,--r.--rL^:--, (iicii ,J^-r^rL--^r^ suPPUsGu i(j(iaiI U !iuu-i,uil iiiisAisla:,

iiie â‚ŹiiviirJiiiitt

lia tiicy wdiii, lU

The Emper"o/s New Clothes The lnfluen.e is !ike the er' neyl clethes. -a.c:dernics think they st?nC cllthed'.,/hen in reallty they =caden:!c's haven't a stitch on - they possess not once ounce of suss. Nothing can cover up their nakedness, only their reliance on the naiveie of orher peopie noi io noiice iheir compiere srupici irreievance. vVe're mugs, rhose of us who are working ciass who take the idiots rn poirtics senousiy. i u iiiiiiuizg auauciliia 15 liUt tU Uisiiii55 iliUUgili. ailU aiiaiy5iij - it i5 lU Ulirw a iiiii' aa St'li-iliuuigi,lil Fruii(iir5 ijiaaiiit aiiU clecadent outnorrrinas ancl lo trv and nrri , ston to the incredihle amorrnl of hrrllshit thal allemnls to nass iiself off as

revolutronary. At grouncl level, most polttlcos haven't got e c.l!e. Some people adhere to strains of past anai'chist organizai on. Clinging onto a fading reality for dear life, The cjefensiveness of some peopie regarcjing iheir views is cornicai oecause for mosi peopie ii is aii they are - ieieas anei nalhinn alca Chnmekrr hac enmo fair annrrah rrianrre hrr{ ha ic ahcnlrr}ohr qarainalizar{ r^rl^rq(rlsl


--,.^lr t9vvt(.


TL^ t trg

L^,,^l pvyJ

^1.,L 9tuw,

-i,--1^ plrvarg

^-1., vtlty

ltlgtrrsqtJ ---L^-

anr{ annaarc ln irrct lonrl arar.lihiliirr ia anar{amia

^^^J^-i^^ - qwusrttrw

--^ qrs

daiJ wvlo


lll^l^^^ trrstsJJ

Iil^r^ rqlvro.

We have nothing ageinst intelligence. We possess enough of jt to see the lack of it coming from the oh-so-educeted racllcals rn the name ot rt. we aren't aoarnst the use ot bratns - we are agatnst peoDle hrdrng benlnd acâ‚Źdemrc rubblsn. being absolute dicks in the guise of being revolutionaries. What's ciever about being irreievant-l is ihere something we ve misseci about that one?-a'a [-4:,-rhc enme nqnnle nrnrlrrna lradamin !-QComm*anf! -l-^^ 9lqJo

L^,.^ llaYs

-^^-^ vuvl19





t^ qr(9r1119 rL^:Lv -lL--i^rrlgil

-l-n nriliaiza rrrhat awiclc hara rrra g^iJai v ui iaiwiaiii iqi i ivi iig

rel 1n anmfnrl nna rV haln i i-iP vi i9 annlhar iuii i-,.


: re=d .;;h=irc rruritlcn herc Vnr rtll i}3ver


t---..--^ rqrrYuqYE


knor-^-, r,r-r[6

r- L-tLv lrclP

rlrar^ --^t.



na.l *.-;t-J.hcei.le sf r..--.J-4

^t^^^:J^-r:r,. grqtJ rsqlr!r(y.

in anrrhict



nir'niae :q a lnt middla .:t iiratjlai= i1:i of -::,i:!-r == = r^ --^:^-! lL^..r-^ Lrrqy rs ^^-^lL:-rv prs(slru nvrrrsurilly

other than whai thev are Full lrme Actrvlsts / Part tlme Revoluttonanes. Yawn, It's A Polltlco. When people set themselves up as fuil-iime activists, they seem to discourage participation. They become a bad acjvenisemeni of whai being invoiveo is about. Thev become caricaiures. Viz comic wouicj have a iteio oay if ihev met ihe knahhe="lc

{hef are flnalinn

Anlirricte mnan lilza frralz 4..--..L-..--^lit:^^lulrrry rrgtv FvIrugvJ

ah^! '{ Nl^ rrranr.lar naanla ctarr arrrarr lharr'ra caarad af rrrhal +harlll t/gvt/lvJ(q,grrqJ,


rm in+a

r_r-r[a;1 the'r nhnnSg in lake 6n r_r_r43la Ir_4:r.1,_,r.r.lnr.n '!f ! flO r"nOr.e i! r_r_,i!! 11.41ap rne anna_a J^-^..-^^ rL-r qrE -^t:-:^-...L^-1L^----rt:t-^rL-..,^-^rt-i^) ^-^.,-f ^t -^t:-:^..^ ugllvqll99 lg[glvrr vvlrsrl rlrEy au( lrnE rrlG vyul9r N[tq vr tgilglvvJ rrur(srJ lrrqL ^-^ qr9urlq.


We hooe Homseult has a very "positive" eff.ed on some individuals. A.rt ean never mean anything to the middle elass, as they have nothrng to express. Mtclclle class art ts lame. tnclulgent shtt. so ts most. lf not all ol wnat the mtcldle class ts and stands for.

This is Ciass vvar? Tha Elnctardizotinn

Af (-lacc Dnlitinc Rrr l\Iirlrlla t"lncc trilth

One individla! !n Leeds Clas.s War graup beg?n z

i"y! iab.l'le is fr+m a middle 4 / ,..^-1.^ a^-^-^s^-t

lr^- L^i^- i- aLi- ^^,.,,..^-l-^l^^^ ^L:*^ r^ (v L:.. Jtrrr19 rlltrI. nrLsr wgrrrY trr LrrrJ rrgw vvvr^Prsus a^- ^-^..-l

clas.: h2ckgfound. I'l2nagem.e?.!-t-r.:u".2

^^^^,,---^) r- vvsg^J! rrrsrrsvsrrrsrrL errevsrsvss

Li-^ <^--^-^ri^rrrrr t^ !v vu rvr ^o yrvlrrvrrvrr.

He went for the job and he got lhe job, This asshole ,oot the promotion ahead of workers who went for the same jobs and had been there uD to three years, and thev hacl way more expenence and were well capable ot clorng the lob. lhe people who didn't get the job were stunned and angry as were other on looking workers when they found out who got the job. The siiuaiion was rieiieuious anci ereaieei some serious irusiraiion amongsi ihe workers. if came io our aitention oniv when cnmcan4

rarac lar rnhinn al lha ir,laa nf nloec nnli{ine

cinh{inn {hic nr rrr .c .h av.m^la



=rtion iia'c nmrr ahnrrc lhaca ho rrrani tinr iha iah rrrith i



+--. "-f, ^-:1:.l^-ng 5- ailgurrq agaril)t uIfllurs,tts

-g tD iigdiiiig

-t rJr

-------. rilarllagqtilt,trr ct wotn ,rregr'irgs.

PcvPic ianc riiai diau aoiiiiig aaieDg uiiiidit

tiiD i,ieviii-

au wuiA iidiugi.

rnnnead rar{ical nlccc nnli}inc in


H4 iah

. t-

hac qrvsvs tr4!!4a{ lhqi aar4 i^h a!lic rrqJ .lve eurr laccae rrrarrld ofrfaat lha lanrrac{

srr naid


rsrrr \rraFa trgrs

nA^accah, rrEw-sir,

Lnarrrina (iaviriiiY

r{omn qsaiiii

rrrall iivit

hic jvu iah rrrac iiilvq-

caarrra Jgvuig

anu{ qiiu


He has neverspoken out againsiihe managemeni. rf- J---...-J. L^ J^--.,L-iJ^ -tL:^llll LUllllaul -^-r--JrL-r^L^..rJ rIE UuEl WUIR Uul}luti ul tllat Dlluulu Ug UUIIE L^^^ri^;^l aa h;-^^lJ .L^ L^a^^^ (u r[rrrsEil ^^l ^^. ^.L^^^^^r^l^ uerrsrrular ^-l ertq !!!E vg>]qp 6ttq 91!!E! pEw]lrE uqr-

L..^--r^iJ^ -^--t^ UV UutSiU.j Ut,Uarie L^^L^ ..> vqljt] -up.

t)i4^---L iUlliE,E,lI

r^--J---r^\ UEUantIleilIS,i.

?L:-.---i ilis W-ES

Given his position. people are over a barel in having a go back. People around him at work think he's a fucking prick and the class war bullshit cracks them uo. A few of us eventually found out what was going on. Then, a letter was written to the Class War orolro in ollestion afler lhe silrralion was looked in lo by talkino lo those direcJlv invalved lo make sure whal was being said against this bloke was true. We did our homelvork. Our first letter briefly outlined the situation. Their reply to our tll !t liittgt




"Got your ieiier. The gniy part we thoughi was poiiiicai was conrerning the aEcusaiion of Aian siding wiih managemeni... ,'r . f-, aaraarn^ai -F rrrnrra ,-r- iEi siig iv wiiiFlliw

aa q qJ YivuPr

r.,a ianri ..raa+ tiv uvll I ri6ii

an.ihiaa qltriiiiitU

ia ia tV vv

,.#h iL^ i^t^^^i w-iul uiE iilisitE


h i^^i ,-rlqii.., sr

iir^ ii-

i^-!. i^i;^.,^ UUii i WiiEVE

Alan is up management's arse." We wrote again. This is frorn their second reply, November 9. 1995: "To 'or,!!'g!'or,rp' yqr-1 5,4r-1;1d !ik-e a pt ry1g who's making a scapegoat of A,laa, b,-{ pets"c'-rting an ind!tr!c!'-!al is no sr-thstit'-lte fof political activity... Trying to hang potitics onto this situation is ridiculous." Tirsir ;iupiri rep,iies wstc tttsani iu deai wiiir uur aiiegaiiunsi Wirai wurir"i ,,iu >qare idiuiu iive irr arrri wirai kirrrj ui peuprie aru ihey meani io ciismiss wiih shii iike ihis? These quoies are ihe crux oi ihe ieiier and have not been taken oui of contexi io L^i-.^vurSiei c-.-.^^twgcn diguiiiEiir

uii uui PdiL

These quotes weie from the second lefter Class War sent- Their first one ceme on headed notepaper with "class pride and class unifu" on it. When we wroie again we asked them, "Whose class were you refening to"? We've made no secret to Thlq tilaec lA/ar tro,to o!' anlrona elSe !ha! rarc harrc nr rr eharnlw lr-ained eve ^n lha heelr1d -.thlS CIaSS \_A/ar in OryeSlrOn a----.--.. -'c---r group has attempted to ignore this situation no doubt because it embarasses the fuck out of them. Tirey are a very ciear and disgusiirrg exatrrpie oi peopie's irrvoiverrterrt in t:iass p<.riiiiui havirrg rro corrrreuiiorr io ciass poiitics whaisoever. Their personai neecis are mei piaying iheir patheiic game of poiiiics whiie coniribuiing to other paspie's ciespaii-. Workino _ - -__"__9 class oeoole rn Class and other o!^oanizations shor.rld take a look at their class mlxino and see where it's getting them and their suppo-sed polities. elass War is a fueking joke. We wsuld like the-se sad bastard-s to be aware naanla ararrnr{ lham c6a lham ac hainn nnlhina

I ]



hrrl cmharraccinn

irlia}c Thc indhrir{rr+t ia arrac{ianrc hoharrinr ,hac anaa ,vr nal , rr. JU; i=

unnoticed. rrelng ln an enYrronmem wnere you go agaln$ me grarn as a resull oT your crass ls exnau$lng. I nls nappens ro worKlng ciass peopie in politics. lt becomes easier to shut your moutn than to taKe on e room fuii oi iciiots who taik shit. rvfl(;uie uass PizuPri' iuuuisir wilar iiurilels liririi'riguS an(I ulsriliss ulE uevEi iuei{ei's wiio upsel Ine apple f,ai-i afiu Io(;K tne hoat Middla cless nolilicns hatn lhose of r rs wilh hrains - nr rr nresencn is a haqtarr{ ln fhem in nnlities and ir rst q



bastarcl to them generally. we are an unwanted presence that threatens tnem ancl thelr bullshtt completely. The "political" environments will always be uncomfortable environments for people who seek a better society. Working ciass inieiiigence is ieareci. iriiciciie ciass inieiiiqence is a mvih. The miciciie ciass siancjs by ihe ierm ruiing ciass, no eiqubi to avoid their class' cozy deel receiving any attention. Pecpie who apcloglze for the middle cless !n politics are bad ne,+rs. -Fharr lnr ln Laan flra naaaa Inar rca llrarr \^rahl lA ha in hnth namnc ....,-.J__----..-'..-..',',9 rr^^---ulJaYrEg

irr- :,,-r - lLJJq0r

rL^1 tltqt

rr^^-^ Jvtllv

:-l:,.if.,-l^ IlutYtgqalJ

L-,,^ lravE

*,.^L -^ llruurl 5v

^r-r-^ -r JtaNs al

-Fhic hoc nalhina tn da rerith rrrhalhar lharr anraa nr :- --r:r:^^ ilr Pv|ugJ,

^^-i-[., -vgrefi)r]

^-J qltv

rL-r:^ rL^ ulqt tJ !tlg

rLi-1. ttnltN

tL^.....^-t. (rrgy vyvrN

L^ tv

defiend at a!! costg". I here's a neecl lor hostrllty, and need tor encouragement lor all ot us who gtve enough ol a tuck to step away trom the

irrelevanee that masquerades as anarchism. Halting the middle elass is not about us being petty, uneducated or ignorant: it is about uncierstanciinq iheir roie in our coniroi ano qovemment. Tha rlanlh a{ nlacc ic nf na

la lhaca rrrhnca minimcl



.ra fta+ hrr thoir inrrnlrraman{ in nalilinc




mysett most ot tne thrngs drscussed rn thrs hooKtet. tt's att too accurate."

-lrate Press "A thom in the sicie of ihose ihat piav at ir. Weii oone. maie. -P. V ata Qharnlarr rr\A/haa rrra nlaaco

I ihranr r


J^ rL ^, . gqil -, ..- r .^i* vvvr r l t[ tqo tt rqy ^-lr


/hacinolhr ,^ ^-^-. , rr q0 9l q4y.

fi{ thair



rr,6 ..6




nf lha


hr rt tha

minr r{o rrra cnaalz

ar rr


"ll anarchtsm ls to have anv relevance to the tuture

tn tnls country and others. these are

lhe lssues and thrs rs a senous

part of the debate."

-R,4. rrVnr rrrra hi{ tha


nn tha



+hic nna


an rror I'

-Dobbc rlA L...r-I n wlqtat

--i qltu



^a aItat9tlIJ(J -----Ll^1r9l

*-l-..---^ lElgtaltug

--J allu

-^l^ri-^ lElotlvtl

1^ ^-^f,:Lt^ (v 9lgulglg

^t-^^ gla-J

-^I:ri-^ ygll(Iw"

I cli

ll -! 1-ugL vI lEll-

=Black Econornv Books MCR

Thanks to aii ihose who reaci ihe draii oi ihis (aii 'i 5 of them), Homocuii for iheir artwork ancj inspiraiion. and aii ihose ihai .Li^ (i ii-

i^^i...,^^ PVVh taii

..,;..^^ iai iirEi,


Objections to Anarchism I


The Principles of Anarchism are Timeless Truths By Michael E. Coughlin

be obtained from the Summer 1977 andSummer l9'lg.Backissues of this small magazine can The following was originally published in serial form in the dandelionbetween publisher:

Michael E. Coughlin 1985 SelbY Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104

From time to time we


giving both the criticisms and our answers' Neither critique nor answer can be deal with some of the more cofirmon objections to anarchism,

and answers.

OBJECTION #1: to bring order out oJ neighbors. Gwernment wasJormed to combat this destructive tendettcy' In a state af nature man lived in ruthless and uncontrolled competition with his chaos, to proilde the minirnum order requiredfor social stability'

life and political life. Some have pictured the ancient condition of man ANSWER: philosophers have long speculated on the origins of human social

Both theories are based on benevolent views or should be todaY.

go""*"; ;d

they iorm the basis roi


as one of

total chaos where

govemment p"ople's idea of what government is today, or at least what they think

was advanced by Franz and nature of govemment. A third and much more promising theory Neither theory however, ofibrs an historically realistic appraisal of the origin from conquest' Oppenheimer, who argued that the state is formed

Sincewecanknowlittle Itis,however,diffrculttodeterminehowmenactuallylivedin',astateofnature"becausewehavefewrecordsofhowsociallifewasthenorganized we see him every day around us' of ttre primevA teginnings oi,h" hu-* .u.e, it is be;t that we look at man as policemenship,-as many political scientists would like us to believe' but

of benevolent It takes little discemment to realize that all modern govemments are the result not gain advantage over others through the creation ofthe state' conquest, of intrigue -o po*"i.t*ggf.s, and of a i'esire to


are the result of revolutlons wnlcn merely one remotely resembling Rousseau's ideal. Rather' some of them Modem governments were not formed by a social contract, not even passed down the lordship they gained centuries ago through conquest have gou.**"ni."t1,ut ofancient children the are exchanged one set ofrulers toi unotrr.r.*t ile others from one generation ofpolitical class to another'

Man could not possibly live

as a social animal

by our knowledge tlat most people most of the time if he lived in a world of universal antagonism. Social life is made possible and there \ilould be no agency or organization of any a standstill to come would life all social

o.rt tt ut are not going to hurt each other or steal from each other. wn HnA tha:t coutd bring peace and order out ofsuch a situation'


not some supposed magical power of peageful relalions with his neighbors. It is in this fact of nature, and Man is a social animal and fbr the most part he will live in cooperative, doesn't bring them Govemmr:nt other' p"lpi. each with along nature.get uv tt.ii ingredient for und.irt*oi"g ro"ia stability. govemment, that we discover the create order out of chaos' The order of social life is already d&sn't Govemment so. to do "rr"ndul advantage people to-their it is because lives live social together or keep them together. here.


reach a settlement of them' need someane to arbitrate those disputes mtd peacefully andiustly will always be dispttes between people. This is the nature of man. we

sefile peacefully themselves' This is disagreements which will be impossible for the disputants to ANSWER: In every age and among all people there will arise some deny' person will nature which no anirchist or any other reasonable

a fact


that most social relationships will be of this nature' some people, we must not make the mistake of assuming Though recognizing that there will be disputes and conflict between and peacefully by the parties actually involved in the satisfactorily resolved genJly are conflict some involve Most dealings betw.een people are peaceful and those that parties' Oirugt .*dt. Only a few such conflicts must be arbitrated by outside

of both parties invohes a conflict which will not be settled to the complete satisfaction Any dispute that goes to the point of outside arbitration or settlement right to the same thing it is quite obvious that to Anarchism: 'Ifthere aro two persons who want the exclusive As George Barrett explained it in his classic pamphlet objections possibly satis$ that position'" you cannot you sugges! society of system what least the in matter there is no satisfactory solution to the problem- It does not govemmentally imposed verdict get involved in conflict. To assume, as the objection does, that as is the reality that some people will sometimes and no standing in experience' The only &irg nature in no fact ha" It ,Just,' ,m*arrentJ is ao ,,peaceful', and a one acceptable to both partiei involved, be a

This is


as much a fact

of nature


of "justice" the state knows and can administer' It


through this system of

power over the people' ,Justice, that every state has used its power to favor its aiends and to punish its enemies and, in every case, to increase its

very much better settled without the interlerence of authority'" As anarchists, we say with George Barrett, "such disputes are


But if it is argued thd leaving disputes to be settled vohmtarily and without the interference of some uhimde and powerful authority will lead to the evental dominmion of the strong over the weak, we answer that today this precisely what you have. The govemmenfs strength insmes that its or not.

Pertrys the most soeially destructive md &r reachiag infuecce ttis

systfi of Justice via the ctub"


will will

lim in what it

be dcne, wheth€r the ends

does to people &emselves.

oftruejustice are served

It accustoms thern to violent

to Iook to porrer for a settlernent of all tkeir difcrdties and uhirnately to eonfse real jrxtice with justice brought by the club. It teads in the end to more confict as people grapple for the reigns of power in order to irnpo*e their desires on tlreir neighbors. A lu$t for power is ffeded md rewardsd- The natural tendency of pmple to peaceflrlly aad voluntarily settle their problerns is replaced by a system thd neither hc*ors Bor rcspectsnortaloates ourrcighbus.

At tlre heart of our answer to the second objectiofl are two obserrations marclrists have long made:



ae disputes thd arise bctween peoples vrhen thry are rulsd by govemments.

2) that free people, though far ftonn perfec! stde's povrrto intervene ia all disputes.


be more likely to find reasonable atrdjust solutioas to kuman problerns than

will ever be fou*d througk the exercise ofthe

'onrECT'IoN*3: The use offorce, even retaliatoryforce, eennat be left to the tlen at arry ,rronent.



indivi&tals. Peaceful ca-*istene is impa*ible

f pe<>ple have to wolry

constantb aboat their

neig$bars ctubbi*g

ANSWER: There are several implied fallacies in this objection:


wa of all against all- (See Objection #4.)

reldionships. 3) Leaving retalidory force in the govemment's hands

will iasure &at it will

be used only as retalidory force, and when

tmi* dl

it is administered, it will be dorr



As anarchists, we say with Benjmin Tucker: 'the Stde takes advdage sf its mrysly of defece to irrasion instead cfprateetim-" Becaxe we rigffiy fer pwer thn ry€ctitrg tft* gwermmt rat to &rse itls power- H it's anyone's handE *e reeognize the foolhrdiress of establishi4g a govament witfo a mmopoly of powr dmgerous to allow individuals to protect themselves, how muchmore dagtrrous it isto giverhdpoumtogovemm€nt




rrbrrr.t r rrrir H: Anarchism must ulttmdtely lead to yiolence, to d wdr of dll against all. l{rthout some institution to derne the rules of social life and enforce those

rles, there will

be chaos.

a basic but alwals rerurring fallacy - the notion that msn ars by natxre mti-social and anti-cooperafive. And just as wrongly- it proposes government as the solution to man's supposed inclination to destroy or injure all of his fellow humans. This is a positively absurd concâ‚Źpt of m.m's nature and rs topped onty by the even more absurd faith government preachers have in an assumed benevolent nature ofgovemment.

ANSWER: This objection rests upotr

Government does not spring from some fancied weakness in human nafure thal demands it exist to protect us liom each other. Rather, it is created by conquest and is a tool used by a ruling clique to rule and exploit others. The idea that govemment springs from man's wickedness, yet itself somehow remaining immune to that wickedness. has been rumbling around in the heads of government apologists for centuries. Bu! how can imperfect men be given power over their fellow men and be expected to use the power in any but an imperlect way? The mystique olthe stats apparently makes that question unnecessary for government believers to answer. Imperfect men driven by imperfect motives somehow, by the theory of govemment apologists, create perfect or near perlect mechaoisms for settling the most pressing problems that afflict men. Ifthere is any theory that qualifies for the land ofmake-believe, it is this faith in the wisdom, justice, and benevolence of govornment. We can" and as anarchists, we do recognize that some people, regardless of the social system inyolved, wi1[ take advantage of others. We deny that this exploitation will be widespread and we can point to solid social evidence to prove our position. What violence there is will be sporadic and short-lived and will have no relation to the bogeyman "war ofall against all" preached by anti-anarchists. Though disputes will not be widespread ornumerous, they will, however, occur.


We must find ways to protect ourselves ftom predators. But we suggest that lfte way to do thd is not to give people naturally bent toward predation (politicians and other power seekers) a sanctioned means to control us.

and statists there is a fundamental difference in their approach to dealing with human problems. It was outlined well by Fred Woodworth in his interesting pamphlet on "Anarchisrn" when he wrote:

throughout society, true chaos would result - wery civilized relationship would give way to the gun or knife; force, not penuasion. We have o*ly the principle of Anarchy operating - the principle ofno compulsion - to thank for the fact that the present social condition is not as faulty m it might be. Numerous social interactions even today still

neighbors, mcst of the timg and woud think a person ruclc, insulting and vi+lcnt who hr*aved privately ac goverfim$fils dei publirly-



Without govemment and the power govemment has to deliver a regimented 'Justice," people would have no efective or sustained means of dominating their neighbors. Without govemment they would have to deal with each other as equals and use persuasion and compromise as the basic tools of their social relationships. But with government, they can short-circuit all the natural social bonds people create to peacefully settle problems. They don't need to persuade; they can club you into submission. They don't need to deal with you directly, they can manipulate a third party to do their bullying for them. Neighbors are driven apart by govemment. When there is force involved the ties developed by natural society are crushed.

Left to themselves, people will develop their own rules ofsocial life. These rules need not be uniform in all places, and there need be no one special method of enforcing them. People will naturally find their own solutions to problems and their own ways ofestablishing and defining the rules oftheir social life. As anarchists we do not dictate what social institutions will be used to deal with crime. People will have to discover them for themselves. It's not anarchism that breeds chaos. To govemment belongs that responsibility. It is not the anarchists who are the violent members of society - it's the govemment rulers that hold that distinction.

OB.IECTION #5: Ifyou propose private protection and defense agencies, as some libertanaw do, then whot is to keep themJron becoming coercite grmernments themselves? " ANSWER: I don't propose any system ofsocial organization. Whether people would establish agencies for defense purposes or would keep that responsibility for themselves, makes no difference. So long as they did it without coercion, whatever form it took, it would be anarchistic. Anarchist philosophy doesn't dictate what system ofprotection would be best; that is

a practical problem that must be solved again and again by people everywhere.

If tomorrow all police functions were tumed over to private police forces, we would have no libertarian society. We would just exchange one set of masters for another. Private police forces ate no guarantee of a libertarian society, only the people are. And the people will do it only when they are properly disposed to creating a truly free world. Benjamin Tucker explained it thus: 'The moment one abandons the idea that he was bom to discover n&at is right and enforce it upon the rest ofthe world he begins to feel an enough people feel this way, we


Anarchism is a social revolution that

have an marchist society.

will occur only from the bottom up, never from

and there is, likewise, no way of knowing what shapes social ins,titutions here to design blueprints for society, We are proposing no utopia


llhol will

we do wilh criminals in an anarchist world?

the top down. It must be a people's movement, not a leaders' movement.

will take in a libertarian socieff. The future

must be free to make its own arrangements. We are not

ANSWER: Most 'crirninals, in our government-controlled rvorld are victims of the law. They are criminals not because they have injured someone else, hut because they have violated some government commandment. They have broken some victimless crime law or some edict the state proclaimed to promote its own welfare, e-g., the draft law or income tax law. Abolish the state and these people will no longer be criminalsThere are some individuals who are genuine criminals - the robber, rapis! murderer - who will have to be dealt with. Whether we protect oursehres individually from these ruffians, or by organizing private defense agencies; whether we try them in courts or at the scene of the crime; whether we imprison them or make them pay restitution to their victims, are all issues that must be ssttlsd by anarchist societies when they are faced with the problems. Free people will find ways to secure protection andjustice for t}remselves. The point to tre undsrstood is that they will do it for themselves when the need arises. It's not for us to program how they must do it.

has this advantage over

all other criminals; he is also the law-maker and


judge of his laws- He is the govemment.

has been the world's gratest criminal. [n the name of patriotism or national deftnse or maaifest destiny or just piain greed, he has slaughtered more people, stolen more money, and terrorized more individuals than have all the criminals throughout all the centuries of human history- It is goYemment that wages war, operales

It is goyernment itself that

is chaotic and full of conflict - ifs the one in which the state exists. And it's because ofthe state, not in spite of


What do we do with criminals ifl ao anarchist world? We get rid of the biggest one and try to deal with the rest

as best

htat we have all thess. we can.

OBJECTION #7: grant that govemment has grmm too big and wrth that growth hos came admitted problems. But the answer lies in limiting the scope of the gaverrunent, nat eliminating itlf/e must make it our servant, not our masterWe


is the

plaintive cry of the "limited government" preachers. To this Benjamin Tucker replied: "If limited govemment is good, the perfection of government is no

govemment." Somehow, somewhere, given a properly intelligent, some say, "bbjective" populace, the limited govemment buffsuggests that it will be possible to create a machinery of government that will be controllable. Some ofthese little-governrnent people may even go so far as to tell you how they will do it. But for most it is pure dream and hope out which they baild their plans for a utopitrl government-


a limited govemment has no relationship and none oftlrc essential characteristics, ofany govemment thal has ever existed. Generally, these model states have no power to tax and no absolute jurisdiction over a given territory. Without these essential powers there can be no govemment-

In many instances this thing they want to create and call

Govemment grows; that ls its nature. Govemment is a power broker and an instrument for creating privilege. It must continually take on new functions in order to survive.

Not even the most holy Ayn Rand, followed govâ‚Źmment.

as she might be

with an army of the most objective of objectivists. can change this. It is


fac! it is history. It is the very natwe of

Regardless of the lessons of history, these limited govemmentalists assure us that call ing anarchists "dreamers" and "utopians. "

it is wittrin their power to create


limited govemment. And these are people who insist on

OBJECTION #8r Ycu anarchists are utopians. You don't really understand the nature of man. You put too muchJaith and trust in him to do good. Your dreams are fine, given perfect men, but in a real world they just won't work.

ANSWER: It's not the anarchist who doesn't understand the nature of man. It's not the anarchist who refuses to learn the lessons history has repeatedly taught. It's not the anarchist who continually puts his hopes in new promises of some nirvana ruled by a "limited" govemment. The anarchist cannot be blamed for the world's chaos and terror - for fu wars and prison camps and execution chambers, for its surveillance ofcitizens, for the confiscations people's property and for the ever-present threat ofworld-wide nuclear annihilation.


Because we give man credit for being a social animal, we are willing to trust him to deal peaceably with his neighbors - at least most of the time. But we are also wise enough to if we don't want msn to abuse power, then rMâ‚Ź must not give them power. We are realists who recognize man has a social nature, and realists who also know that marl whâ‚Źn tsmpted by power, will be corrupted by it- We say, Iet man's social nature be the bond that ties men to each other. Yet we warn at the same time that it is because of man's imperfect nature that we must not create govgmment and then trust him to use it peacefully. realiz-e that

Anarchists live in the real world undeluded by dreams ofperfect goyemments, and by hopes that govemment can reduce crime and eliminate war. We gave up those illusions years ago.



be pushing daisies


a cemetdry somewhere.

When I had polic my folks were too por lo afford all af the nedicol biils without assistance from the government- Tle oryratiaw I had in later years, my educatian, my rehabililation. and nry cwrent emplayment are all the resak o;f gwernmentfinancing. I believe the U.S. g*ernment hcs been exemplary in provdmg assistarzce to tlre

underprivile ged, the dow n-snd-aut.

True. the current U"S. government hcsn't done all of the aboementiarad tasks all tlwt well, but at least there is a vehicle which tlu gwernment csn work with to solve the generalities. Try toking a specfc exomple af some kind ofprt;blem and then state in specifc terms how d

liberaian socte\, ct

least would attempt ta came to grips with tt, e-g-.

helping victims of c polia epidemic who were swble ta heb themsetves.

far as { knotv, no cieilization has surtivedtor any appreciable amount of lime in an anarchist state. I think oJ the old west and what a mess it was with bandits robbing trains and gan duels in the street and so on. Set up a societylrom its roots and project how you see it would be in 100 years under anarchy.


govemmental wrot g"

carrption ond mjustices as much as ycru da, bat I jast doa't thifk librtarianism



righl woy la go. I think it's o step in the wrong direction -

ANSWER: This objecticn typifes sorne pe*ple's fsars that anarchisf socirtie.s will not wark- [n time wc will take

each of the ideas inherent in

180 degrees

yorr ahjeetion, ]ay tf]em out

cannot bc relied upon to treat with merry and generosity and fairness those who are weaker or who have fallen on r.rnfortunate circumstances.

would be cast into a hopoless abyss ofbandils and gun duels.

In sum, theq your objection assumes that: 1) pcople

lefi to themselves will not take care ofttreir unfortunate noighbors- People will not freely help anyone, particularly those rvho can in no way retum the favor. Their iryhole ofnatural human society is rooted in the reality that only the strong will survive.

oltly concern is themsclves and the

in the humao fanily" 3) govemment has a moral claim nobody else has that authorizes it to coercively redistribde wealth &om those who produce it to those who cannot take cae of themselves. The it.

Deserve Discussion Each oftlrese premises, to say fhe least, is highly quesfonahle, hut because they are imfll;eit in your ohjectic* they deserve to be discusscd.

Apparcntly you havc grorvn up in

a much

different world than I havc because all around me I meet people helping other people and not asking anlthing in retum. And this is in

answer to your assumption that only govemment can and will help the disadvantaged. ln addition to the many formal institutions of charity, there are an untold number private acts of charity that escape public attention altogether but which, nevertheless, add a most humanizing element to social life.


OnIy by ignoring altogether the multitude ofnon-coercive acts ofcharity that exist all around us can you begin to believe your assumption that the government was the only institution that would have helped You and your folks through your severe health problem. Admittedly, the government did come to your help, but that doesn't prove no one else would have- All it demonstrates for sure is that no one else needed to.

Your second assumption springs quite naturally from your first. Ifpeople will not voluntarily assist their neighbors, then the only way to get them to do so is to force them into it.

Who is to do the forcing? If all people are naturally uncaring and selfish then we cannot hope to find anyone possessing the qualities of mercy and generosi{ needed to care the unfortunate. Any who step forward for the task must immediately be suspect for their true motives.

ifyou now deny your first proposition and allow that there indeed are people possessed questions that need be asked.



ofthe qualities needed to unselfishly aid their brothers, then there are two

1) Why is a coercive power needed to force people to pay for this charity ifthere are people who will voluntarily shoulder the burden oftheir less fortunate neighbors? answer tbat it is because there aren't enough ofthese people around with enough money to adequately take care ofthe needs ofthe disadvantaged, then:


2) Where do those who use govornment to force others to pay the bill for this coerced "charity" get the privilege of playing Robin Hood? Were do they get the right to take the products of one persons labor and forcibly redistribute it to someone else who has not earned it? You are iporing the one person in this highwayman's game who is always a victim - the taxpayâ‚Źr. When you tax him you have admitted that he wouldn't freely have given you his money, so where do you get the right to reach into his pocket to take what you want &om him? You may try to excuse this act ofthefta as being necessary for a noble purpose, but don't hide its nature as an act ofplunder. Who is there that will protect the producer from the ravishing raids of the politically powerful who have set upofl their course ofplunder wrapped behind a cloak ofhumanitarianism? No Divine Right

Long ago we should have grven up tk notion thd there is som kind of divr-ae right among rulery thd these political masters are cut ftom a different cloth than dre resf, of hummkind. This fairy tale just doesn't wash. The presence of such jewels as Richard Nixon and Co. should cause even the most believing of todals believers to question the

servers 'w,ho thirst for power and privilege and who have found in govemment the perfect vehicle to achieve their purpose. They are not the noble denizens

ofthis earth that you

picture them to beYou have suggested thal an anarchist world would be one full of bandits and $m duels- But ttre truth is quite conlrary'. It's a world in which stdes exist thal is full of baaditry and grm duels- Governnsrts are virnmlly rm&le to check t}le acts af individual violence that abound in this cenrrtry and in marr cases are direcfy and indirectly involved in garrsing them. Throw in a hopelessly outdafed court system that doesnt dispensejustice and hardly ever gets around to dispensing the law, and you have a s.vstsm *lal fails miseratrly to operate the one service govemment defenders always claim government aloae is capable ofproviding. But beyond that tlrere is one fact thd govâ‚Źnxnent defenders often choose to ignore. That is: The biggest and mostaggrossive badits and murderers are the governments

themselves. Whatever violence there woutd be in anarchist sooieties could onty pate in comparison to the violence governments through wars and persecutions have brought to human history.

The legalized murder and plunder that go under the name ot war are the creations ofyour beloved govemment. AII the broken lives, destroyed homes, mained individuals and slaughtered peoples that war leavâ‚Źs in its wake are *re children ofttlat state that you so unhesitatingly tum to to be the defender of the downhodden and helpless. For everyone like you who has benefitted fiom the state's system of organized thell, there are dozens whose lives have been ruined or destroyed by that same state. Govemment busines - and never


what I have written so far has largely been a negative response to your remarks. I-et me for a hit approach this subject from the positive aspect ofanarchism. Anarchism is not a dead or negative philosophy as you sqgest - it is very much alive witlr a positive message for humankind. Far fiom being solely bent ofi tryirg to tear down govemment, condemn govemment every opportunity we get because we recognize it


the single greatcsl threat there is to human peace and wcll being. But ()ur attacks on thc statc are

free people, and, conversely, that only free people can create a climate s'here true society can flourish.

lndividuals Responsible

FreedorL authoritanans place their faith in the repressive state while anarchists put their trust in smial man. Paraphrasing David T. Wieck" Reichert writes: "Anarchism is not opposed to organization that depends upon the authoritarian principle eifcommand and compulsion ft)r its essential for a truly free society. "

anarchist societies olthe luture


be organized and

will solve the problems that con&ont tlem-

You challenge me to "set up a society from its roots ard project how you


it would be in I 00 years under anarchy. " In elaing

so you approach anarchist

politioal philoscphy

program how people would exist in that sort ol world. Statists have been trying to do that tbr centuries and they've always failed. We don't view people as clay to bc shaped and moulded according to our schemes and we have no desire to create models fo. the future. lfs not beoause our imaginations lack

will do so in er orderly

and peaceful marmer.

We're no afflictecl hy the urge to creale graad designs and then pretcnd somehor.v lhat these visions hear any relationship to what is or oould he.

In sum, then, the question is not whether anarchist societies will take care of those who are unable to provide for themselves- but rdher whether the aid some few have received from the govemment isnt greatly overbalanced by the misery, destruction and chaos that govemments have always wreaked on the human comrnunity.


you can do all sorts of domdge as well as intolerable annoyance without any physical aggression whatever. Suppose my neighbor didn't enjoy having me for a neighbor so he held meelings outside my door making as much noise as possible at all hours of the day and night. In this case there is na phstsical agyession, an so I assume that ifi a libertarian xxieg I wauld have lo 1rul up with the atmoyance. Or strpo* c ymmg lady is appraaehed a man who persistently desires to engage in sexual adventures with lrer, hut she hcs no interest in such daings. He has a ight tofree speech ard he keeps pestering hâ‚Źr with his salicitotions, much to her clispleasure.


Where would you

dran the line? [then does

one persan's behavior, which in

noderation may be offensite, become something you can reasonably defend yourselffram?

William J. Boyer

ANSWER: You are right, ofcourse, There me all sorts of"aggressions' such

as you suggest in your objection.

One of the homes ir my neighborhood, for example, is peopled by coliege kids who on occilsion anjoy sharing their music with ever,vone wiilin a 100-mile radius. Again, the other day when riding the bus to work one womafl got on who was proudly displaying a grossly pcmographic $agazifie. Some of us whose sexual interestc donl lie in s*ch directions could have been oft-ended by the picture.

In the first case, where does the pleasure these college students get from being deafened by their music end afld my love for tranquility tregin? In the secotrd, where does the pleasure in pt.rrnography end before it begins inkinging on my desire not to look at such material?


be helpful to


a second

recopize a couple points"


?) Since these problems use coercion-

will always exist, how

are they to be handled? Herein lies the difference between the anarchist approach and the approach taken by those who choose to

every i*aginable hypottetical exrnple thrown

d w. If we are

unabls to do so - to tfieir cornplete

satisfuiofl - then our ryproach towad dealing with social problcms is

Certainly f}eir system has flaws, they answer, but ils better than somelfring thal hasnk been tricd, isn't it they ask rhct<x'ically. It's not without roason thBt statists have loog employed this line of argument. By so doing they can put their position beyond dispute and throw the whole weight on the shouldsrs oftheir opponents.

suggest as ways to approach handling sucb problems


ofthe argument

be vchemently critieized m "irnprrctical" afid discard€d as "idealistic..

coercicn is a rxeful *rethod f,or settling social probterrrs.

tlrt $tatg mechanigrn :io;ii'. 'il:i:r





li,r,,5 rti:iill,:'i

*i:i: iu

ir: i.:r,ri; br:lir,::lt l:cft:in lios

Lhs rsril canccr

of the;r sysiem- The struggle for power, for the opportunity

social ills we face today.

p€r"irorre ilalure in oheck. Without gov$rumeflt we would

tirem and provides

all {all on each oth€r in an orgy of theft, slaughtq and mayhem, or, at afiy rate, so their litany goes.

a'Jxtification" ftr them.

dealings with nthers, i.s recognized tbr what he is. There is no moraljustification ibr conscientr atroul resisting a bully's aggressica.

history, people traditionally have been trained to support these claims, Rudolf Rocker describes


process in Nalionalism and



bully's acts and, given the opportunity, no one would have the slightest qualm of

Thus gradually a separate class evolved whose occupation was war and rulership over others. But no power can in the long nm rely on brute force alone. Brutal force may be ihe immediate means for the subjugation of men, but alone it is incapable of maintaining the rule of the individual or of a special caste over whole groups of humanity" For that more is needed; the belief of man in tlle inevitability of such powel the belief in its divinety willed mission. ["We're on a mission from Gad!" - Elwood Blues.] Such a belief is rooted deeply in man's religious feelings and gains power with Eadition, tbr above the traditional hovers the radiance ofreligious concepts and mystical obligationOver the centuries the rationale for this legitimacy has changed, but fs there nonetheless. From being the will ofthe gods, to being something sanctioned by divine right, form an expression of democracy to the product of an historical dialectig govefirments have grasped onto whatever fashionable political theology was current to excuse and defend their existence. Particular governments might fall, tlut govemment itself as an institution stood bedrock-solid.

Anarchists,however,challengethe wholestructureofgovemmertitsclf,rccognizinginitthecbiefcauseoftheprincipalillsfacinghumansocies social discord, not to find perfect humans who



be immune to the tempting spell power casts over people.

force. Whether the wielder ofthe force be the individuals immediately involved in the dispute or whether it be the government (through its police), the nature of force remains the same and eventually the outcome of its use is disastrous.

While coercion, no matter who uses i! is destrctive, there is a crucial distinction betweeo the private use of coercion as it is wielded by th6 stat6. To illustrate this fact let's retum briefly to one ofthe examples cited earlier. Suppose that my patience with the loud musie coming from a neighbor's hsne has reached its end and I physically reskain tfiern liom playing the music. Whetier my other neighbors agree with what I did or no! they would recognize my action simply as a violent reprisal for which I am accountable, The rightness or llrongness ofmy action will be _judged on the merits of the case itselfSuppose, instead, that I call on a policeman to do the coercing for me, Once the uniformed coercer intervenes, the public will no longerjudge the issue solely on its merits. Rather, it now becomes a question of 'was the law broken?' As a r6sutt, people bâ‚Źcomâ‚Ź more interested in controlling the lawmaking anrl interpreting machinery than they are with establishing systems forjustly setding their conflicts.

Law relieves people of the need to find ways for peacefully negotiating solutions to their problems. It gives thern a club with which they crush &eir neigfbor into submission, and having the ctub, they use it. In the name of the "law" govemment can do all sorts of legally attrocious things and with confidence proclainl "we had a right to do what we

did' Because govemment exists. my college-age neighbors and i car struggle to dominate each other behind the shield of the policeman. We can deal with each other violently and righteously and that's a fuct that has far broader implications than statists wish to recopize.

Among those ignored consequences ofstde-administsred coercion are these: 1) By using the policeman we can remain anonymous in our acts of violence against our neighbors. No one ever need know who "complained" to the police and, consequently, all the neighbors become suspect in the eyes ofthe one accused ofviolating the law. Ifs hardly a way to foster strong community bonds.

B-v resorting tc the govsrnment we ma-sk the nature oi coercion behind a shield of respecta.bility. We have hidden lrom ourselves the genuine brutality of the act ignore the essential nature ofthe ac! uncritically excusing it as something lhe governrnent has a right to do simply because it is the govenrment


itself We

3) We give to the political machine apo,wer and "right" to act under a set ofmoral guidelines quite rmlike any thal me applicable to the rest of the human ecmmunity. W-llere


from my neighbors is wrong. Without exception I couldn't find a ne ighbor who would disagree with me on that. But if I "authorize" a third party (the tax collector) to do my rr;bbing fur me, my ncighbors beoome confused about their right to de fend themselves from the thiwery- This whole mental subseryience makes us perfect targets for most an1'thirrg lhe governmect waats to do to us.

In conclusion, then, I argue that coercion, and in particular institutionalized coereion dministercd by thc stde, is challenge the idea that legislated violsrce is a timetested means for achieving peace rnong petple.

a socially destnrctive way

ofhandling disputes, I also

But having mgued thad, the original questian still reraains unanswered: "in anarohist s*ci*tits ea* pectple pr*tect themii*lves I?onr *fcnsir.c hchaviqr'r?" I-et me anslyer this irr hvo ways. First, by referring you to m article that appeared in Liberry, an American anarchist joumal pubtished by Benjamin R. Tucker. The article appears at the [at this localion]. The article is an exchange between Wordsworth Donisthorpe and Tucker. It covers the same issue we are discussing here and in outline form {rresents Tucker's answer to this otrjectioa.

frustrated, having exhausted every peaceful msans we could, and, we frnaly resort to coercion, we must recognize it as a collapse of a better way of dealing with problems and as it is today, as something we have a "right" to do.


When there really is no socially sanctioned alternd.ive - when people can no longer rely on the police to do their bidding - then people penonally and peacefully.

will begin dealing with problems

oiher, non-violent fiean$ of handling the situation. t could have suggested to their landlord that he ask them to tum their music down, or i could have bought some earplugs and shut the noise out to{aly. There are other things that could have bâ‚Źen done before I ever tumed to coâ‚Źrcion. prcrErferns.

When violence does flare up I suggest &at one means of trying to hmdle such situations would be through community juries. Such jtnies would have a fuIl range of responsibility for dealing not only with whethsr the parties to the confl-ict werejustifred in resorting to violence, but also what ifany ptmishment should be inflicted for a wrongful use of force. Lysander Spooner detailed the powers and responsibilities suchjuries might have, so I refer you to his An Essay on the Trial By Jury for further reading.

But community juries are only one possibility. Free people have treen ingenious in hnding ways for overcoming their problems - and they will be equally ingenious in this area of administrative justice. It would be firolish fbr us to define and limit those possibilities now. The future must be free to make itself. There is no single way for handling all


solve the problem ond they don't want to. They are dreaners. not doers. What prompts these remarks is the preposterous alticle ifi your Spring, I 978 issue. Ron Classen challenges you there to be specifc and concrete, and you respond with some generol and vtgue retsons for being genercl and vtgu.e" Good grief

This is not an overnight project, but it coil be accomplished gradually ond it is the onltfeasible apprtmch there is.

I don't really expect romantic anarchists lo accept this approach. Giten their utopian ottitudes it is certainly no wrprisâ‚Ź that theyfqil to see the importance oJ consumer soyereignty- Etery practical man howeyer knows the power ofthe pursestri*g yet this realily seems ta have escapedanarchisls. Whieh leads me to prediel lhat afiarchkm, when it comes, will not he achieved by anarchists, or at least nat b1t rom*tic andrchisls-

industry. Atrtrst glance you'd suppose that everybody who took Economis 101 wouldJully understand tlu problem.

needs and eteryone is happy. No problem.

But when any in&rstryfmds itself able to edjay supplier savereignty (vqpher sanereigngt is the ability of the supplier lo conrol iB rwn tatal revem*) it g@s anstable and engaged in supplying certain kinds oJ products (sweeping streets, killing crooks, pushing papers).

noworse, which is tfu impofiafi thing.

which each cilizen is liable. lt's that simple. He who controls the pursestrifigs holds thefinal reins ofpower.

official, armual election process - MECJ

upon all elected and appomted oficers of gwermrent. At which paint palitical govennent will lwve been exterminatedConsumer swereigrty is a necessary conditionfor any irduslry to be effective, efrcient, and sable. But supplier sovereignty is a safficient condititmfor any indastry to be destructive, predatory, and unstable. Political government con be desaoyed aJew lercent Wr year. year by year. It's lhe onlyJeasible approach there is. - J.G.


ANSWER: Because of space limilations I had to condense considerably Mr. Krol's argument, but I hope I have sufficienfly preserved the llavor and content of his objection. Trustiag that I have done so, I proceed with aa answer-

Mi. Krol

makes the fundamental mistake of assumingthat govemmeflt misinterprets $ossly the thrust olthe anarchist attack on govsrnment.

pusheil p*p:rs *r killcd



j&st another industry providi*garange of servi6â‚Źs. IIe couldn't be more wrong, aad in his error

{t's f'undarnental chararteristic has been the means it has used to exist, not the things it has done.

gaveffient govemme*t.

IfMr. Krol

doesn't accept this detinition, then let him show why the anarohist definition ofgovemment is inadequate. Let him show us that coercion is not the distinguishing

was raised with the idea

thd government is a necessary part ofsocial life" He hasn-t been able to break the bonds ofthd indoctrination. He Lnows that coercion is evil, so he

[ "[

and we will have found the secret to non-violent governrnent. /vote trow much they want to be taxed and horr they want their tax money spent

Any notion tiat govemment will let ia victims (that is, the general populace) determine how much tax money will be taken and how tlle tax money will be spent is folly. By that govfrment isn't going to allow any such thing to happen- Alter al! what would be the purpose of governing if you couldn't govem? Without control of the pursestrings, as Mr. Krol so well poiflts out, you cannot rule. And ruling is the business of government.

Mr. Krot argues that we can hal"e government (a cmrcive i*stitutiur) by "consurnrr soyer€ignty' (that is, through voluntary consurt). He has constructed institution thd has no relationship to ary govemment thd has ever existed cr ever can-

a dream-world

He refrrses to rmderstand the true nature ofthe enemy the anarchists are really fighting.

By its natws goyemment td<es what it wants - it doesn't mk for


The monies rla pay inlo its eoffers aren't free

will offerings any more than ths draft

was voluntary service.

nconsumer make slayes ofpeople ou6ide the organizdion Those inside the organization will not adversely feel the theft or slavery. They could enjoy 100 percent just As mush arplaitdim. it's still &s fer &€ er#oited is vrmrking svercignty" government it to)Fs them (the what tley want does exactly "emstmer sov$reiglty* Mr. Krol might tike to ingnore "cursrsner swereigrtS{ is Iio potectim from tfte eri}s gicvernmert forever

ed 6





The mafia and other ,criminal" gmgs ae eriminal not becanse of what frey do (because whd thsy do really ist't mueh different

Ao* wftd fte gsrern*rent


hrt beeatse a


wid& its prw rMicalty Oy eotdiq the ptrrver of rrc), u ristmdiealty c@(dgtrrekes rig!E), itrdes becase ithl&tkhalrc of coercivepwer,

Whether a gcvernrnent rule), orbysiryle

Mr. Krol mggests t&at mrchists se


oErE w€Est cil€mies-

lEe ae

risionrim md ifulists

wfre harre

(by as$ming

ed ffie

ae befier &m

c&rs md


otght te

ro soda{t wifh mlity, Im says-

Perhaps to some exted he is right.

c a tee trorld is k@ &om beirg beanxe of a grorp of governmeat rMdle*s, tlen it must rmin onty a dreao- So long as some choose to coerce ottrcrs, fren to that w {rill M heve ao msc&jst soridy. An*chists are not iaterested tap*9r*zxrgagtt]€ ugly scars cre*ed by govanmant iaterference inrhenafrxal life of society. We

So ftxrg



eat fu



pasec*km rud terrc govermrert far ccntrries


plqmd usr*ith. WebEtiese in asacial cderbnilt mhrrur coqcr*ior edmrdrrd





irl hri&iicg

*516as th*t

ry*ms *rd fffir m*ing

arise behreen us.



info lfuwr. We


,h*t whe Ieft fo









for deding wit& eeh aSH std

lv{r. Krol seems annoyed that

i won't draw out plans lor how

a frer society


be organized. But in doing so he tbils to understand the very roots of anarchism. We are not

Ws dont want to organize socielv, we want scciety to organize itself. Becausâ‚Ź

ofthe Iorgth ofthis Objecti{n to Anachism and the several points raised here, I ielt it was neeessary to divide the objection ixlo pafis I* respo*ding to the abjection these numlrcri+ wiil tre used as reibrence points.

of which has been


msigrred a nurnber. the editor

O&IECTION: Enclosed is a pgefrom the Chicago Trihwe in which Jolm Gordner eryresses that his new enemy




This, of course, is a symptom af wkat

yo*were ta[king obout

just thot they dott't wish to octiyely ifiWse lheir idea of sacial justice onto others and wish that athers would lewe ther* ctbne."

Ifa GodJob

openedup, mnny ofus (mefrst) woutd apply. Most people, howeyer. ore like the guy seilt to dtain the *ramp. At the end ofthe doy, u,e'te been so busyfighting

busy watching oulJor lheir own hides &ar we de


ksp a societ.r* tvilhout

world sof iors.

2) l$hich leads me to the philosophy of hnited g@ernment- With big govenrment we hove o system that prmits and even encaurages the etistence af a class of people with

have the time or resources to erycrrd lheir influznce-

TheJlaw in my coflcep!, o!course, is keeping the government "limited." I haven't reallyfigured out how that might be done.

do not need to defentl their concept that the slale has proved i$el:{ to be an evil and that those who oppose it do not need to say what

3a) First, 3b)



-whot is the "state"?

lfwe scy thct ruj man ean




the vacaum.

mtst define the lerrn.


on another, thenwhat do we do with a situetion,

which ignores them is utopian ond not defendoble.

for extmple, vhen

one man, through sheerfarce of will

paaer, is able to

first mon could not sleep. Does nol thertr$ man have the right to use reasonable will on the second? In doing so, does he nat becane, in a limitedway, the stcte?

4) Suppose there was a rnan whose neighbor was a nuisonce; e-g-, played his stereo so loud the

force to stop the bad neighbor? Wan't he do so anywcy? If he does, im't it impasing


4a) Is it OK {he enlists several ofhis neighbors to do so? Ifone man d*ns1 hove the right to do sq hovv can several individuals acquire that nght? Frederie Bastiat builds a good case Jor the ar.gument that if or doesn't haw lhe right (e.g., to set up tarifs) then the many do nat either. A corollar: if the one person does have the right, then the many also do have a rigltt, collectively, to do so. W connot two peaple (or 100,000) who have the right individually also have the right to pool their resources to do what they want as a group? seems to be that ifore person imposes, byforce, hiswill ot anotler, then he is a despal--"Ifenoagh do it, so mary that tlwre is no powel strong enough to stop them, then tlrcy beeomE unaccountable (ad wcontrollable) atd hecone "the state-"

5i Your view

evil and that the "state" is OK when the group only does what they, as individuals, have the right to do.




course, is identdying what is OK dnd what isn't.

not have the tight to den and to know what willf ll the lacaum. OK, but then yu tell me what am I to do when the Russians land their troops and take over? I do not choase to be a martyr. I will not vohmtarib submit to the Russiarrs. Yet, as an individual I don't think I cat stap lhem,

In essence, I da not believe in the inheref gaod will ofmyJelkns man. The Russions tlemselves connat oyercome their police state. How ean t (we?) when they land? theywon't come nerely beccuse we donlwant them, then go corwi*ee Czechoslovakkms thot they arefree!



ANSWER: 1) You are most correat. 'l'here are always going to be volunteers for the God Job. But more than tha! lrr are also going to find people who want to creat God Jobs where there rir'er& non6 before- These are pâ‚Źople we have to bâ‚Ź every bit as watchful for as for those who vie for already existing power positions.

more impo(antly, because they just dont have an interest in doing so-



shr.)r1{l i:r-. ai:d

will tre ln a freo society.

but we will have nothing to do with them nmning our lives.

any right to prey upon the rest of us.

A timitsd government is the same old social poisan, packaged oaly in a smaller container - a container of which it itself determines the bomdaries. Govemmcnts would like us to believe otherwise- For centuries tfrey have fcd people many excusm frx their existence imd try sa doieg have duperl people into submissive

flarncs art cxtinguished. Being a reasonable pcrson you know the thing to do is to fight the fire and save what you can ofyour home.



trug may n*t

tre perfect, but at lea"st to t!.re cxtent

&at thc evils aro climin*kd,

lift wi!]

[:c betlc:r,

is, as anarchisls we do not propose how people will organize the day to day activities of,their lives- To do so would be to attempt to program the fuhre, to dictate how people in our ha.sic principle


thai is, people must

Anrchists, *ghffEy, have suggested

be free to live their own lives as they ctrcose to live them.

tl-rat there

ae many peacefl, no*coercivc


of organizing our eccnomic acd social lives. lYhile sm*e have gonc inta grcd detail

blueprings for tlrat iLhrre.

for whal is "mins" and "thing" - ard the noninitiation afcocrcioa. Founded on these and some root principles, societies could

individuals, assurning to act as representativâ‚ŹE or matâ‚ŹEs of the ertire people within a giver area" 3b) This issue was disc-rnsed briefiy in (Hrjeetion



i i.l;trc,c.


fi (sec Vol.

2,N*.7, *f



be organized

in a multitude ofways.

Of course, we must examine all our social relationships, not merely our political ones. We should be keenly aware that all to often there is only


fine line separding aperson's

those relationships.

But don't confse violence and coercion with moral authority. And individual or an organization exercising mere moral persuasion, that is, the ability to peacefully convince others to a particular course ofaction, does not act as a govemment or a state in so persuading another. People and organizations, indeed, can and do influence others, but as long as there is not coercion or threat of coercion there is no goveming. You say that domination is "natural." Sure it is, if you mean by 'natural" that h aaually does happen So is murder and so ae theft and child beating and vandalism. That dmsnt mean, therefore, that we should condone them or that there aren't betterways peoplE can deal wift each other. All it means is thd occasionally people resort to violencsRegardless, our goal should be to roct out violence and coercion. It may not always be possible, but as marchists we argue thd it is a goal to work for so that all our "natural" relationships can also be peaceful ones.

4) For

a more detailed discussion


see Objection #10

in Vot. 2, No. 7, of the dandelion.

do with the issue. I beleive that Bastiat in The Law makes a most powerful case for this position. But, again, dont confuse a voluntary organizatiorr with a govemment. One is formed by mutual need, lfie other is based on coercion and exploitation" Their origins and natures are fimdamentaly differenl- You imply here that the voluntary group yo*r describe has some relationship to government when in kt it doesnt- Individuals don't have a claim to sleal just as groups of individuals have nc claim to the legal thievery of taxation. We cannot multiply our prerogatives merely by banding together.

if it uses non{etbnsive violence it would be acting "iegitimized." then the institution holding that power becomes the state.

and powcr structure. A nlob may tre unstoppable, unaccountable and uncontrollable and a slirlr:. When power rs fbrmaliz.ed and

as a govemment.

But it would not be

6) I cannot agree with you on this issue at aI- The rightness or wrongness ofan action doesnt depend merely on what is done" but also on how it is done. They very nature ofthe state is not principally determined by \rLat it does but ralher by how it does what it does. This is most important.

financed by state ta\ation. Wc don't oppose the goal of having people educated, but we ob]ect to the means used to achieve it. 7) Individuallly. you sa)', you ciu't defend yoursellkom the Russianhordes thatyou believe will swarmoverthe world if theUnited States becomes an anarchistsociety- You rurlr:rst lhat voluntitrr- mcirns rtf providing l'or self rlefense are not feasible.

Russims do? By spying on our people to discover the "traitors" in our midst - like the Russians do? By eneouraging people to hatc sclec'ted fore'igrexs - lihe thc Russians do? No thmksl If being free of ioreign clominalianmcrmt bcoffiirlg slar'es


rl+meqfic mitricrs,

rl'hif havir



Thc Russian state, a monstrous wart on the Rtssian people, has becsae € eo*y€aient bogeyman fur the American state. My imnrdiate concenq however, is with the domestic monster Brat har groxn r:p in our midst- Rememtr€r, it's a ccnturies old and proven tactic of ths state to ust foreigrr "enemies" as excus,€s for domination and reasons for haven't done so?

to grow- It would multiply geometrica{ly if the state cxtended its trolders to the Am€rican continent. It would be an empire doomed to dissolution as popular resistance movements would tame, hamess and finally rid the laad of its masters. trn a frei;


si;ciety therc is no way of prograraming what social r:rganiz-adons

t *rgh"ot


arise to deal with problems - one of those problems being the need for self defense from

t istory in al} parts oftbe wosld- Setf-defense associatons raised to meet €rises and then dishanded are not uncommon occ*rrcnces throughout history.

An Exchange BEtdesn Wordsworth Donisthorpe ard Benjamin R Tucker



l1,l r1c;rri



iill lh,' lllf ili:t'l lo parrtt

it1 tlte sa:;le

linte and lvilh the s3fte tiilts...

me, sir," said I, "but that is not fair; you are bribing that man to give you an undue share of attention" I presume you also tip porters at a railway statiorg and perhaps customhouse of icers" "Of course I do; what's that to you? Mind your own business," was the reply I received. I had evidently made myself rmpopular with these gentlemen, One of them was chewing a quid and spitting about the floor. One was walking up and down the room in a pair of creaking boots, and taking snuff the while; and third was voraciously tackling a stealg and removing lumps ofgristle from his mouth to his plate in the palm of his hand. After each gulp ofportel he seemed to take a positive pride in yielding to the inf'luences offlatulence in a series ofreports which might have raised Lazarus. My own rations appeared at last, and I congratulated myselfthat, by the delay, I had been spared the torhue of fseding in company with Aeolus, who was already busy with the toothpiclq when to my dismay he produced a small black clay pipe and proceeded to stuff it with black shag. "There is, I believe, a smoking-room in the house," I remarked depreciatingly; "otherwise I would not ask you to allow me to flnish my chop before lighting your

good for the like ofyou, you'd betterwalk on to the Star and Gartsr-" And, awaiting my reply with an expression ofmingled conternpt and defiance, he proceeded tn emphasize coughed over. To all practical purposes, rny lunch \ryas one - stolen.

I looked round for sympathy, but the lecling ofthe company was clcarly againsf me. Tho gcnllcrran in thc

proper, and ifthey has, they should go where their lbelings is usual and propcr, thal's me," was the reply; and it is not withoul philosophy. The same idca had already dirnly

morning," said the farmer, *ffering his haud, and "(kxrcl riddance," added lhe gontl*man with lho to*tkpick^..

I reached hsnre at last, and the events of the day battled with one another for precedence in my dreams. Freedom, order; order, fieedom. Which is it to be? When I arose in the

Wordsworth Donisthorpe London, England

Tuckels reply in thr samt isstre ciLiherly:

I Ic

knows as


ll a; I ds thal 'liberty is tot lhe daughler, bat the rnothe{ of ardar."

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