ffiD cAc[H*
The Voice of:
::: ,'... ::: --, . : :ufilmcd up b] :,1: :.,. '..-_- -.BLAIR, HUSSAI\. -c.\ -..- , : .r'.1 :) - OI- THE INTER,r-A ; lf .r i - .. - ' CL,ISS!" And thar applrr: :. :-. -:' - ::-:' Basrcaltythe'leaders' corF,:.---.--::: . ': : :-i anJ rve (the working class, ri;:.: ,-: -. ilhat Dadd-r s;::,::-
i:. : --
slaughtered in them, whe*rer b1 ber:.or be killed on the battlefield, or Floor 1::- .lraqi thmilies trying to escape the bonrb'. ,::-'-=: '. W. Bush really does seem like the most Ln.:,-.:. ..r megalomaniac America has ever had as rt's president (Who would have thought that possibie after living through Ronald Reagan?). And who's gonna stop him? Who can stop him?? The guy's like a fucking Terminator on auto, destroying i1 anything that gets in his (and the American way's) way. Let'sjust hope someone manages to tly an (empty) plane into the Whitehouse next tiLnel I-ike I sard, there's not much else I can
S;:'; :;.
people *hc book, also ;.: 80's. lt has a read, a gooc
-:-r '...:. ' -:: .condescencr:,g . -:.: -: ', by basicallr -, details on ta; : -.-:
Flag1ie nor::..
Check out MAXIMLIM ROCK'N'ROLL # 235 cos it's a ther-ne issue with loads of columns about the current, scary situation. And to make light of it (sometimes it's the best way to cope) here's a crap, topicaljoke:
.,rmags to
-irng my -.. :s1 tbrm
S" V
-,nal, the
-r.ing Free ' : - :n the late -- :i an0rchisl ',::- and Black
: - ir : -i - :---
IrlA\,{5 -dniia.JlE FIC + t .l:,,e.
Deekei :{-S\li
:-.C,. .r -1. .l:Le & Trer (ACTI\'E SLAUGHTER.;, \lan .{r erae: (For unknowrngly letting me use ),our arnclell, Srer
(ATTITUDE PROBLEM) & Rache I Chrp (I{EADWOUND) for inspiratron. a,rr one rr ho sends stuffto review (even the shit sruil, and
that's it really, cos there's no conrnbutiors thrs issue, just my shite to bore 1,ou sluprd ri-rrh. Love and sloppiness to Debs and Skre course
This issue I have been mostl.!, listening to: BUG
Kids" Lp, (-Canadian)
I forgot to put the address in with the NEWTOWN CRLINTS CD review, so here it is: P.O,tsox 14469, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 4YA,
and no
lr rics about girlsl
*:ll:*d ffi,q., DIRECT ACTION #24
j- -: -r -' ::.: use of rape as a military r - -.-.-.. lrf War", how employers are : .-:s been perusing it's : - -: 3!i\ ofpolitical books,etc and , - .. i-. in the futue (it reeks and : - -. , P,O.Box 29, South West
Anarchist mag \uth some informative and imponantly, easy to re:: , weapon throughthe ages, rvhy,tlre 10'century will be remembi:.. gettlug away rvrth murder (literallyl As in the case of Simon Jernc: . :- .. r-: political agenda under the guise of "The War Against Terror", and r,i..:: look out for the governments o1-the rvorld using the 'stink bomb' to i:.:=-_,. sends signals to your brain that make i,ou panic an<i run.. scary stuJf-' PDO, Manchester. Ml5 5HW
Tell us the Active Slaughter story' Why form a band? What on earth have you got to offer the punk world that we haventt seen a thousand times 1.
offer is good looks, great music and glam rock star images. Ok, ok, maybe we think we've got them on offer but nobody else doesl Seriously though, what we've got to offer is raising awareness and mcney. We do it all the time at every gig and even behind the scenes. We must have raised a few grand for animal rights and also helped raise money for other benetlts such as Rape Crisis and anti
JJ: Wlrat we have to
fascist groups. We raise awareness not oniy in our music, but also on stalls and by helping other AR organisations. \Vhat we like to do now days at gigs is bnng enough stuffto do a stall. And no, I'm not talking about loads ofActive Slaughter Gshirts and records and stuff. I'm talking about tons ofanimal rights leaflets, t-shirts, videos, stickers. All to raise money and awareness. Us playing music on stage is
probably only about 4070 of Active Slaughter. The other 60% is doing other stuff, This is what we have io offer. .iake: I always rvanted to get a band sorted and I'd rather play punk music than going for Indic or Techno. I think for the type of )1'rics we're doing, punk's the only musical styte properly suited to it' Maybe we don't have much to say that hasn't been said before, but the faot is I can't think of many other bands around in the UK now, apart from Bug Central and Kismet HC, who are giving it the Anarcho mcssage. There arc loads ofpunk bands that want to get up and play and sing about bcer and sex ' fair enough - but that's also all been done before- As Punk nEver died there are always new kids who might lrke or not like what we have to say. Punk rock is a good out let for dealing with depression. OK hou"s that? Trer,: Musically and lvrically rve 've got absolutely nothing to offer that hasn't been done or said a thousand times before The crucial pornt is though, horv many bands are doing it now? Not nearl)' enough, that's
,lake: You cheeky fuck, I guess at 28 I'm not that young, but I'm still not legally old enough to be the dad of any of Indicator (a decent band from up your way) and I'm young enough to be Charlie Harpers gmndson still, thank you. As for the vinyl qucstion hare you got a few hundred quid to sparc coz I would have loved to r€lesse it on vinyl. We are well up for doing a vinyl releasc but *'e don't have much money so CD was by far the cheapest option oPen-to us. Wi are gonna record our slbum very soon and I will give it rny best efforis to see this album is released on Vinyl, CD and oh 1:es, tape. 'Irev: I'm all for vinl'1. In fact I'm ali forevery medium there is and I'd ha','e loved for tlie ep to come out on all of them, but as has been said, sirnple ec.onomics prevented us from doing so. I did contemplati pouring some liquid vinyl intolhe cd bumer on my comPuler to see if I couki make some novelty 5" singles, but then I realised i rvas just being a cunt. I guess it must be my age,
3" Tell us about London, In "Heatlwound" Jake said the scenc was pretty apolitical. Why do you think this is? Is Lnndon just too big for everlone
to get together and organise properly? Could the planned "EMMAZ" centre help? Are any of y<tu involved in this? (What's the latest?) Jake: Well I stand by that, yes London is pretty apathetic especiaily when I think ofthe tinres punks have called me "too heavy" for rnentioning the latesi atrocity ofwar or whatever. That said, there are quite a lot of people doing good stufffor the D.I.Y sce ne stitl but flot as many as there should be. It"'s common that people wiil complain that not enough's going on but don'i seek to do any'thing about it. People need ter set involved in more than just being therc, and Instead organize something' a gig, vegan cafe, dernc' whatever. We've taken part in a benefit gig for Emmaz so I hope that already involves us. We'd like to do more, I think Emmaz offers potential as long as it's something EVERYONE can get involved in, something like that is much needed in London' 4. Most europ€an capitals have a good squat tn scene. Is there much in the waY of
ho*' nanr'.
so i assume vinyl featurer promineDtly la your music collectlon$ So why rcleale,'out "Smtlh EISil ep oo cd only? JJ: Noi young? I're only just tumd24l Although what is young aBd $tet is old? Age is just a numbcr' Tho rcason \r€ Eicascd it otr our own cds is coz urc didn't have eno,.g.a +one1'to release it on vinyl or proper cds las r.iar'e,j io cdr) it's as simple as that
2. You're not a v0ung band
London these days? Or have receut laws made it too hard for a successfill squat scene/movement to flou rish? Jake: Well you've said
Over recentyears changes
like those seen under the 94 Criminal .lustice Act, have dampened things a lot for the squat scene in London. That's not to say people aren,t stili squatilng but squtted social centres seem to be bccomrng a thing of the past. 5, \ ou encourage direct action against anirnal abusers. but isn't it a fact that those who shout the rrru!I d0 the least? So ifall the punks are shouting ebuur ir. rrho's actually doing it? ': ,r: i;tcourage direct action. Direct action . ::::--. :.:}:.;:i ih:nis though, lt don't always mean
- ::-
:-.rir ,-
.r -ilarl,\!
:,eaking into places etc, Direct .a,!r J:se and doing stuffrather ..r.: - -: . :.,:-q tl::e =.r,:: ltOut it And if We dO ;o dri<::;:: oil t:'! iai it\; !\: could actually talk :,Ci'': .'::: ,\a \ i qarl Up tO. eSlCCtallr in a SOng Or la:;la:. .s :;r it a)3: s3emihLr.tJt rx3I in the animal n jis :;;:e ihs drr:ct aciron pa:.l s.l ri ner er reallv ;:s ar., :---ris inrolred But'then ac::n. rrho can tell \\nL) l:: l:lr tfC tiLC atI!'
::; -:, COillil--__ :: lrLs
rn the law,
:a:.,-:. i .;.:,:._i
[::- -i
s-:1 :- :' ':__ _
.l:*a , iitrrl,l re ri,::rneLl ro alrei;rcept i col'i sae tr,rt n:n., pur,Is rhoi::rnr lor :nrinal rights tn rhl. countn I thrnl *e haie done a great deal benreen us all in the band. I ivas sabbing a good ferv years ago and me and JJ were going to loads of AR demos and actions before we even started the band, A since
the band has got offthe ground we've raised a good bit of money for various animal rights groups that most bands would happilyjust go and spend on cocaine, We never said we are the rnost active bunch oi anarchos, but we will support any campaign using direct action in a nurnber ofways, and I think t'und raising is as iraportant a part as any when it comes to animal nghts Who knows what \\,e might do next? 6. ln "Headwound" JJ says I'Personally i couldn't give a flying fuck if Tony Blair was trl,ing to break through a police line at HLS to get over the gates to burn that place down! I'd be helping him overrr So tlo you not have any qualms about who you'll work alongside as long as animal liberation is their objective? What about Nazis? Would you lvork alongside the BNP if they were holding a demo outside HLS? Trev: Ooohhh Andy mate, you're getting dangerously close to becoming a bit ofa Sun hack with that particular question Isn't it amazing what can be constructed when something is taken completely out of context, When JJ ansrvered that question in Headrvound he rvas talkrng specifically about a class issue and his Tony Blarr analogy was used to demonstrate that. He was NOT talking about political leanings. Ifhe were, I klow full well he would've said something along the lrnes of how
Iâ&#x201A;Ź8SOL .-:-:,:
_. -. ]ri!r liii. Srill.il . , _ ---.S anri thai tle : J neler cvetl -_ -: -..:,1- lbf ANy
JJ:Thel:- :-
_ ..-j:-Jof,.tonguein
-. :,,, -; :_-. pun_[:,middle i ]: :.;:. $orking class alcoholic.lunr:: : ::. :-: - .:-i . :Litde thâ&#x201A;Ź Eates ol' HLS I won't b< :: :.: :..- -: :-:i oil But that was way too boring so . _- : : .:d a bit of humour, somethingthat is la:i :- - -:: r:lincal punk scene! don'tcarei;r:-
l::-:- : .
Irefuseto answerd:; ),=- --.::ron cozit's such a bad question and I thri< . .:,-,. .,:. rvill knoiv what the answer is!
rtr.: : lLrt of rrme lor some (most are cool enough) of cce :::r-:onsrarors I,ve met on HLS protests, Yes thei do s=en: ren stngle issued and I'm not coming from rhar point of riew, I see animal rights as part of a bigger smrggle and I don't think it's an1, less or more important than an). other strug-qJe \o 1 am not impressed by,the riervs of some rn the AR mo\emenr I don't see the life of a tbr as more impona.rt ihan L\e racist murder of S.e rien Lart13:;' tcr exampLe When I rvas in Briilcn LB R.tsrr On1 a let rears back and i:ri ol,,:i r:r ,rke Sabbing I heard from someone thar a rerr -r:i=rs previousli rhe NF had written to the AR group a:rC :-:ked if the5 ri ould like to join them on a dEmo alarnst Halal butchers lt,s sad that some were like Oh O:{. but reassunng to know the majority of rhe goup shunned lheir complete ignorance. I don'r like Halal butchers any more or less than any other kind of outlet for the mass mwder of anirnals, but I would never join the NF or invite them over to anv animal nghts protest. I can only say ifpeople who go to AR demos have a racist bigoted Jake: Personally I don'r.
to be at HLS
ilmxnglldry.rrT ryii,:f;L #.;;,,[#.ji:iS.ll"i;i;:"m *i1,,;,iiiii#";"iiffiih*
rr. norey i*orv.d (r,tr\ lhc drigi indu,tr) rh" rree;i yi, j^t r.ytog ro t(e€p it in rhe puh shre/sD;djsni? JI I can'r see vivi*ction endrns in rhe UK i; my'titerime tjur rr wiit so one dav anac ,;, liiJ;; :;;"* ,, sraris rr's.sott, sran somewhere. soneo* . 806 ra) rle bu,rarg ur"ir,1i" J,i. ril,i.il; iilH " qe q bcc!u!. of
for the toi.l.nd ofvivh€crion no.. ot a."
@y oey both be gone, but thq qltat\%ys be ihere rf p6pte don.r $fi som.wh Dre: uoyo!!trnuchar@poBendjnginlouirme" Doyouseepotrceoppe,srorendrncinvourn6e,
4 *e rle.ttectsot csrFEtturor B berng rete^rbter. tr.sone olrhoseouesrrons r co.rion.or" &sw,e5orroIrhint(srrhstrrh*el\rnsvou.r,cedupagain,r,verypo*";rt,"a"i,p.,ililr"*., but you la!. (o tr, and do smdh, iE wheihr; thar ,s B,s, ns your vo,ce n Eroresr \mash, no u nd.w nDer.nn8 alrmars,laking upamsorhandrngout t€{ItcN llyoua$u r trrr.n roln. tki-ir.<-,.iu, .. *r $. ior ollv raltrns lbour rhe cruetry,o anrmats bur !tso irc r"" t,i,r,"." pj"*.'l,lv /She,l, you
co-rpoffi,on\ Bayer. Ss,rhxtina B.cch.m) irc rhe bcnefic,ades ofrher;EscaEh ";,;ffi;;,;" I,i;.;;;;;;iii' HLs.d.no,rus, abourucmjmah. dd rhcy de a bir cn@.. uliiJ" ano numan nghis4 it does wir,\.nrhah tte whote thing ",,i,,ii s one brg s a\te of time ad resor.",
r"i";ii,j"":;il#L fl"ri"* ",1"*;;;;;;il;""
pomphlet orMdeo is ever going ro conuncc nre trat anvrtrrng rr,"y ai, r,". t"*ri,"a ruchng rich iuds.I eoutdobvrousl) tovero se. vrvisctioD end rn my lfe trmeand ir coutdarrend so sr (red arMlr round scr.nce bonns bur qh) E ir ih6r road;oJ :T:I"::",:"1_"4"-lli!TJ:"i (rertsb aE nows!hc thar vNuectron B unnece$a4 bee*" t"**t"Cy h,, no ron8.r need !o tesr on aninars, rhe scienr,$s emptoy"a t1 )er un-o u,g say,rc lomerhrrc qu e diffeEnr. fl.e sad rhine ,. . tor ot orhetuise qune dghr oi pcopte-rend io be laten in b, $e lr.rs I al.o qutd .ay rh,r y.. ,,,* ab;ur ,i;.qecdo;, kep rlr. nop rl was nNer nlive enough to ber,e! e Lahou Mutd ""a,"nesj b.n q,isecuon. r can o"i, r,"* ' wirhin rte rieirfi. commutoN rhar oppo.es vivisectim is hee; ior@ncemcd wherh., $e] ,E p<rccivea c sExv in oemedia. a ao oeer pan or *rn€d ror.on.emd wfi wherher rhe rorrosins rhere erery do,n8 lomahiis fte ta.r is a to! h,s been dore urd€r,r," sir'irc *ri"'liil,oi1' 'ct*rry drd.r rhe vivBecroas btade,n HLS eirhalh$ ftard@snl aher rhe facI "ianina r"r,s
p.;.,*j ;;;;;" co,"_.*ti *;;;;"4;
,";;;;;;;; ; ;;;.;,;:_" it,i;;.i;HidJ;il:j,;:i:;.
". "-iro
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ho,".;;i;.i;-..*^ i,,.l"" billion rorrhe rvesto*orHts. potrcbrtk up and doq;";;;",,];;;;;;;;;ff;fifJ""iiii;?-' pmr€srs: rheyaEia*rn8rhria3 tfiMi.lhe\ de rrDnsonrng peopre ard do,rse;ryjhrns rr,.v*,".ra* n.da,;,e,..".;i""pii;ii"#";;l.ii;;il' lp,.-r^":i,.:TIS:,::,!l,trntheprorsiso€son. se,h,son.rh,ough ranrcnuulopim:sric:rreo,*ffii."d;;"";;;;L:;;?;;;;,:'i,,;i;:i'::tj
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,:-^ ,-.1 Hf, F",*,*'."***n";"-tq,...nl-,o,n,",,'* 11.":iHl"'#fl "f"r ;Hr"r;iil:";';ffi:lll"i;:T:{"};:l:.:Jj[,ix'i":i!,,;##"
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p",a. *v -a rhe nucls Ind! .r ltt Elv rhcn n nusr be me ,i *,d rc,;nrsr
Iactuallr,haveacousinwith.suchaseverephysical disabrl;:..3-4;:i_,::: (:_ ..].: . :eobasically saling rhey courd herp, so rhis red to a recture :: := :-!. :i -'"_ ,. It's hard rrying ro .*jluin to..tr year ota ,, . -- _='. ,= say can help them is goingto do.more to herp the firit u"r.n.o i: :-: : ed rn exploitation of the 3rd wola didn't bother ro *yiiiir r" my ceLr::- : .c- _- :_-tualry r_._ I agreed that the benefirs wourd amglnl to very rittre. r nrm berieter:i:a: .=-=: -: z:rmars in the rab isn't reriabre to human biorogy "mi =--:_-:-; o'k .- _. ::J a human painkiller it might utooul, titt srve a cat trt"r. rrr. i, oni -,o biologist but I knorv that a cat's heart rate is difrerent to a human,s. I don,t everrac.,..r= .l -.-.,.:: on Nonce,s but that *'ould actualry teil you more than ir does to see a cat compraerl. c r: :: r =*- . ,i- :-. rrs out the latest form of paracetamol. =.-.
_-: .:!{: ".ry;;l',&;, whll;G;d;;;;,r' : :-r*U:*Ht -.:=-, ,r,ji . j: ;h.;;h;;;. il.;;,;,.; :, i"iT"Lry =- - .. .,... -
9.DoesitmakeyourbtoodboilnowtheCountrysideAlliancemarcb road!") and we see the Rear c.ounrryside rfiance (EaD them! what ihe fuck,s loini onr
lno *r,"t
-_ ii:, r,,getorf moi : r :, i jn rand? I mean, =
u. ,i=
,*,. e a, to sabotage
'l'l']eahridoespissusoffalot, Idon'tthinkwecanreallytalkaboutthebest\\::,, j:_:-:qethemorrvhat js rs
goinr ro happen rr. rh
christran socret-r'grour that day
ranzine though ... ,.,.we have are all afrllated *ithl contact us personally "re
if youwanr ";. iu r--
;i;. i*;i"""o' .,,,
of anr,plans lor
Jake: No PASARAN- r+rll be the banner u'hen these rnbred fucking pieces of shrt come :o Londo;: I krorv of people who were basically forced onlo ttre ceA oemos on pain of losing theirlobs until i came back to London in 99 I lived in Bumpkin land Kemow, rlyou know *r,.r" tiri iir. ir'ioia NVe coz rhe Dole made me and ended up doing animal care, rvhich forit "n college of all . u"rt pl.r *., rura ." places That's. a long storl'. b1t-l rvls one of2 veggies "gi.ulture out of i8 or so aoing "i ,nir.i."r.. oh and rve rvere also lhe only people firmly' against fo.x hunting. Mosttthem were big suppor;rs of the cAA so it,s probably not surprisine that the bi-egesr penod of rnactivitv in ml life rvas when I found ml.self amongst animal abusing tw'als on an antmal care course, R'hrch led to a feelrne of total despair sui Lik"i". oidlhrs ls a tong srofi and I don't wanna go an-v further for norv except to siy I had dealings tri. o-f these idiots at a time when I had turned my back-on political protests ano iijust "nl me served to-make feelvery alienated about the world we live tn' one of their argumenti is "lorvnics" ion't understa;Jth" il;;;ide, *.hen it,s them fucks who don't understand the countryside. Most of Britain;s natural counq,side h;;il;, losr because of farming methods' cow shitactually contributes to the $een house efrect, rh. d;";il;!it"r".r. more cows rhan there is the demand fior and so many trees havi been chopped down to .ut. *uy'ro, farm land as well as the co2 in the shit' I understand your ways.you cAA trvats,you are greedy, stuck in the past and just not with this world' The way lhey have abused lhe countryside uiitt.r" yJ"rs t i"Jrii'il." irrpi.g ro dig our grave. Anolhe-r thing they always moan about is money and compensaiion. wtreL *as trre compensation for the miners?
I reckon in terms of stopping them we have to tum up en mass and te[ ihem they aren,t welcome, they are just another set of bigots, etc. perhaps we courd lry and do whar Neil dia i;ih;l;;g ones and drive a \ egetanan sausage (as opposed to a steak) through their heart. l0' Tell us about your time at Faslaneleace c-amp Jake, and
how did 1,ou end up there? Do you think you achieved much and have you any funny tales'of mischief y,ou corttl geir*.r, *itl, telling us? Jake: I think thar Faslane and other p"i." camps achieved rnor. ihun cND For Nucrear Disarmament) ever did. I wish the aition had been more lrke the German anti movement as seen at Goreleben during the 90's. But maybe at times they were. not everv action ltut urnt on rvas one someone waited to get anested for if y.ou get.my meaning. They are by far the best, it's ne. ei *.orth gefting arrested no matter what an "experienced" activist says Sometimes they are gooa u *uv to a brr of publicity like occupying the oflice of Scottish Nuclear's office on the anniversa-ry of urt I haven,r seen any changes' The nuclear threat continues. Trident was supposed to be the las of ts:rLn's nukes but Blair has revealed a new generation of nuctear weapons. tndia,'pikistan and fuck ko..r.-. oho else could threaten a nuclear exchange, so it's a very different picture these days. Faslane lvas a long time ago rvhen I rvas more naive with no prospâ&#x201A;Źc.rr :+i rnuch has changed). It,s the last
(c;;;;g, xri.
*,i cil*.i\:
offerand that's why we haven't done a benefit forthem. I haven'r ..- .r,i to nrrian. in ages forvarious reasons and whilst I think it's $eat they are still there to remind Fecoie !':.:,r n,r: ar.remmenl have signed our lives away with their nuclear weapons. I just don't see the point in rhe- ::.:l !,r,much rvith CND. I was
involvedinanti nukestuffforlongenoughtobuild-lrpapictureofC\D:..r-]:'ibesurprisedifsomeone
stars/egos" surely it tloesn't matter who plays rvhen..,all bands are equal, no hierarchies and all that. That's one thing i'll applaude Conflict for (mind you, it didn't stop thâ&#x201A;Źm headlining!) What do you
think? Trev: Solet'ssee.,,peoplecould'vewalkedaw,ayfromthatgigperhapsrevellinginrvondermentatthe courage, commitment and passion ofpeople like Barrl,Horne and others- Or perhaps pondering on the
Orindeed,arvholehostof .conomi.,sociat andhumanitarianquestionssunoundingtheissueofvivisection, interestingandimportantquestionsandissues, Butno,insteadthey(orsomeatleast)cameawayaskingrvhy it was that we went on in-between the Subhumans and Conflict, F'or fuck's sakel l can assure you there's actually many good reasons why we played *,hen we did but there's really no point mentioning them lrecause good causes and as such the bands that .that gig was solely about raising funds and awareness for some very played essentially become inelevant. And the order in which they played, even more so, lf our placing on the bill really is an issue with anyone then all I can say is WAKE UP, YOU'VE MISSED THE POINTI JJ: peopleaieatwaysgoingtobejealous That'srightthereshouldbenoegos. Infactthoughonthatdayall the bands were not equal..... We worked our arses offsellingtickets for it to raise money for the fund (which raised over 5 grand ifanyone didn't know, And that's not including a couple ofgrand id say the stalls made individually). Some of the big name bands on the line up didn't do fuck all, so we deserved the place we got. Conflict deserved their place too as they sold more tickets than anyone. That was the rule fbr the bands playing. It was agreed rvhen the bands were asked to play. The more tickets a band sold the higher up on the irne-up they went. I think it rvas a great idea which should be used more often, Too many times at benefit grgs bands ask for too much and ask to go really high up on the bill, but are not prepared to help out with the
organisation ofthe gig what so ever. ttatch out for a gig we're putting on at chats palace, Hacknel, on 26th October. lt's a benefit for the east and north London hunt sabs. 6 bands are playing, including..., Riot'clone, Active Slaughter, Kismet HC and Oi Polloi (tbc). AIso, to commemorate a year since Barry Horne died, myself, Rob (from arkangel) and Colin Jenvood are tntng to organise another grg like Apnl 7th at the Astoria. It's either gonna be a halfdayer or an all dayer like the lasione. It won't bi at the same venue as it cost too much to hire out and the beer was too expensive. The door price will be cheaper for this gig. Jake: Yeah well atl I can say is we worked hard to get rvhere we did at the Barry Home gig. The fact is me and JJ had talked about doing a gig in memory of Barry Home almost since the day we heard of his death and Conflict were informed and it was taken from there. We did sell loads of tickets for this gig . I've had mainll good fed back but some shit after our appearance at 9pm on Sunday April 7th at the Astoria. I was even iatir accused ofspreading IRA propaganda during our set, when in actual fact a speech by Paddy Hill an imocent man who was framed as part of the Birmingham 6 - after we played lead to a some confusion and a bit of a scene. Some people were there to rememtrer Barry Home and raise funds for the AR movement rvhilst others were there to see Conflict and the Subhumans and probably got a big Mac after the gig. It's sad that Anarcho punk doesn't mean much other than Conflict and Subhumans to a lot ofpeople, All bands are equal. . . yeah right. I rvish. I could see the hatred in the eyes of one or two people rvhen we played that gig
andif"nythingitkeptmegoing Sotothoseofyoulsawandheardstagingusoffthattirne.., you.iustkept
r first gig' who / what but nothing too direction, the right going in interset their keep to out check would the recommend they heavy, it might scare them off. it yourself. How's that? Jake:" bon't-wait for someone to make the scene/world better do iJ, ff Vo, eat animals, stop it or you could end up dying a horrible dgfi.fr".' 9J? "l I murder. How's that? also cruel sick
Fi?:l wordr, firvourltc cockney rhymiog rhr3
nor$erg eirb s il -rErn thatwearegoingtoreoordan.LPverysoonsorratch&bF-Er l-3,.. Jat(e: Well I'm not a truo cockney or a true
to a town_near you soon. Thank you and good night Trev: Being the drumrner in a ti-ght_or\ pt Uu"O of stereotypingNorthcrners...- miinlybecauset" some Northemcrc who AREN'T {a-l-c+ yeanng; bi$s all knoril just ign't tuc' so iPT4 I'm bffto ,,il.r, ,y;atoa cds, dub with the rest of my shandy drinking, poncy JJ: Trev of corrso mearut not ieal eels u--rt'r.ggie or r"e"n oro fi that in anothsr interview after reading thfu Our wcbsite address is: and post address is Fo BoX 3jel3, LojltoN;Nrz sr+.
i\,{r, itrral worris ar* bnag i,re slaughterhouse
*'r-d.ior ,:re ro engage in act **rirg,rC=-'- -rer.i. rriiplies thatihere the are &iEa h-, *{'Ixi.}, EE; eerers! which rve tr d -rst ir: rne otd rub-a-dub;urh;-b.snd;." -G",.b.9 a "l p sa udr: rra_i, question us on o;j Ht's . ( lat€ Lhe fvck;.a1 plqc www.activeslaughter,co.uk txi Checrs, *ltf: ,i:,r7r:iri?uf,,,t iL yel! mwlh,l \r/qf'4q \e'tea
rfsu'rt !e6 |ny FooE.in lo'Jt hgo! lou (q16sr sc*t'l,l hope you bvt\ in hoLlcbfuckinl' Wll "t-fulcEl
\|'tea *+-
v,.'a V,.Ae
lt{ fitt ?r*nrl
tarountl J.
(l wrote r.his beJbre I took part in an interview about the satne s'ubject in rEASaN To BEuEvE #7.'this cover
or less the sante as I said there but it't^ warded tlifferently aid sonrc peopie orc btlknii ia read this ; ha.ven't seenthttt issue oJ R2B. So excuses overwith, rii wi* ihe arricle): Thii qu.e,srion se€ms ro u. cropfing uf a lot at the moment, Various zines have asked the question and other zinev columnrsts have added ttreiivier.is or main point being that now punks aie spoilt with free, regular zines like FRACTIIRE and !tt3 l1bj99tafne ntore
REASON TO BELIEVE they no longer feel competle-d to buy other zin-es. I mean, ler's face it, these 2 zines do agoodjob, covering a rvide variety of music and opinions betiveen them (Way too much f ucking emo for rny liking in the case of the former, though it does seem to be improving on thar point with every issiue), you can see why some kid nerv to the scene rvould be happl' reil'rng on them tbitheir information. On th-e othei hand though.
how can you read ali those zine revie*'s and not u'anr to delve deeper and investigate the underground scene tlrther- l_know.when I bought m.v ilrst zines tkough adverts in Sounds or something, I was imiediately looking ttuough thereviews, ticking the ones with bands in I liked and sending loads of50p;s and sae's throug(the post. So are.people buying less zines these days? Well, as a zine producer. based on my e*periences at gigJand wrth other distros who take my zine to sell, I'd have to say y.r. But, this isn't down toihe emergence olthe free zines. Fanzine sales have been on a steady decline for a lot longer than Fracture was on the scene. I also think if you're prepare-d to get offyour arse and put some work into selling your zine, you could sell 4/500 easill'. The most I've sold of one issue has only been 5b0 and nowadays I usuall-y sell aboui,too, so it,s hardty a tlational crisis situation! An effect I think has happened due to Fracture and co. is people no longer f'eel the need to start their own zines so there's less good new ones starting up. l}l12 years ago at a'gi.g,zine Jellers were the city centre Big Issue sellers ofthe day,.You'd be trying to Aoage them o, nghtiig tt otfrt For rhe zine lover, you eould always come arvay from a gig with halfa dozen nerv zines. Norvidayiyou're "m lucky to see one person selling. When I do take zines to sell the response varies massively as rvell. Some gigs where ithought I,d shift a few (IMBALANCE last gig), t think I sold about I 0. Some of the tooks I u'as gett-iig rvere I ike I w-as from another planet or I'd asked themlo give me a blow job or sonrethrngl lt does p'iss you offand you think,.Why the fuck do I bother?". But then I took some down to DILLINCER + at the Sassmint, not realiy expecting to sell that many. "Bloody back pack, skateboard brigade'! But I had my pre-conceived opinions shoved down throat, as not only were DILLINGER 4 shit hot, political and a good laugh (I thought they'd be another U.S, pop band acting superior to their adoring fans), but the kids also bought all my zines! lnd a couple ofpeople I,d never met before talked to me briefly about Mark Barnsley as they'd read about him in my last issue. do, my faith in selling at gigs was up again. I think it's too easy to blame free zines. As long as you're prepared to put the effort into selling your zine, keep pushing them at gigs, write to distros and othei zine write;s to trade, tiren you'tt shift 'em no problem. As long as what you're selling is worth buying, people wilt keep buying it, I mean, some zines get away with it that I think are a waste ofpaper. So ifthey can do it, so you. S.tiing-zines at gigs can be a pain in the arse or it can give you a realbuzz. Fracture may shift 5000 but ho* runy ofthor. u.. picked up by people simply because it is free who then don't actually bother to read it properly anyway? I suppose at least if you buy a zine you'd be more inclined to read it. We can btame Fraiture foi a lot of things promoting shite indie, wannabe the next big thing, rock star rvank (or "emo") but I wouldn't blame it for the decline of priced zines. It may help to make potential zr'ne makers apathetic, but they're probably akeady lazy fuokersjust looking for an excuse not to do something! Maybe Fraciure should start chaiging a couple of quid an issue, then we'd all be
Kismet is what we are' and do like Pratt's and taking an idea and comrptirrg it beyond a joke Kismetiswhatweare'anddo, ffiii".Grik;p*ti;andtakinganideaandcomrptirrgitbeyondajoke tti'acting
and the HC icene is what it is, and will be, and always has been? hardcore is that a lot of JAN- Kismef means fate or destiny, the only fateful or destiny-type{hing I can see in place. their rvill take bands younger get old & too they when stop will 6iils nf BfffT - Hardcore ija different animal than rvhen rve started but it is our destiny to play the way we do, it will always be hardcore. ft,: mi_ry as many different styles as we seem fit, but Tt",JT-l.T:1: ^, it's othenvise ihe sound, lust rock music which is a whole different barrel of .ng"i,fruio.i*r .rr",^iir
xorrcoD wrnt flm puxrscsNe nloxc rrt wlv. GooplND sADr wuAr gxpER'taNcro epvtCo CnN yOu orrnn ro yOuxC slt{pS JUSI SreRrnIc Ourt DAvEfeFanges. many Lands, ideas have come and gone. I have noticed
a big change in the way people
think and feel, about punk and life, too many people seem to care less each year. I go to all $pes of gigs, 'emo, punk, HC' all types, and still there is the silly little groups of people who can't see past their own style of music, grow up punk is about unity! We do try to play with all sorts of different styles of bands, see how many bother to communicate with you ha ! Good things are that punk is still around and kids still bother turning up at shows, even if it's only 3 ha ha, Advice, us? Mmm... Wel[ no matter what folks say to you about beingcrap and all thatjazzjust keep at it. You're going to get slagged offfrom all angles, ifybu don't like it, tough shit. Not everyone rvill like what you do, let them think what they like, stay true to yourselves. {$[- Punk has always seemed quite fragmented, there are songs about unity and stuffbut it never seems to happen in the way the songs tell it. D.l.Y rvas born out ofthe punk/ political activists arranging gigs and stuff. Nowadays you don't get as many punk & political gigs, as I thrnk the commercialisation of punk (i.e. Green Day, Offspring and Blink 1 82) has diluted rvhatever message purk once had. I've found being 'adaptive to change' is quite a useful skill to have rvhen in a band or not. And ifthere's nothing happening for you sometimes you have to get out there and make it happen, OK? DEEKEFT- There seems to be less enthusiasm for bands, although there are a lot more baotls than before, erew Uana you know has a release so maybe it's j ust with such a wide choice that things seem watered dorm. Peopie come and go and some people will always be around. Ijust hope those people ihat have passed through punk/hardcore take something with them on to their luture life and don'tjust go back to the conformity thing. We alt listen to different music, have diflbrent views, I thrnk the difference rvith punk/HC is those with the sus know,when they are getting shit on, unlike say rock/metal/rap & hip hop'-rrhere careers come first, Advice? Well from as drummers point of view, don't think you can play after consuming a bottle ofvodka, no matter rvhat your bravado tells you,' /
,/7 -l X.>';ltJ4V
THEM. SAY SOMETHING LIKE. *M'S A PERSONAL SONG. IT'S UP TO TEE LISTENER TO INTERPRET IT HOW TTfEY SEE IT"? DAVE- I always think it's a good thing to help develop the song's thought. Yes the ideas are sometimes very simple and clear-cut, but the idea to add the explanations was to give the song more depth and create a greater understanding of where we are coming from. Bands rvith vague lyrics, I find it strange that they
leeling atthe time. If you're in an'emo'band, should vou .r:'. -. .--,: :-: --< :1,.:i:'.,rrri ieelings, if not then you'readumbshitassthatisjusttryingtobeatrend-varseicl: t.:';=:.-_::::':-.=:r:cielimeu'hatyou meanl Tcan'tgetinsideyourhead;ldon'tliveyourlife \\'eaii,L,=r:.-.-i.:t.-i:::::.-.:i,.,,:encounter,iflfeltl should tell someone about it by conversation, I wouldn't tell it r-.. i!r.,-! .:l.r-6-;:;:;:'. :i.: :-1i ]'ou work it out? Sayingthat, I speak in abizane manner anyway, you have to inteT-:,:: rrl-.: l'-, r:, .l--.:r..r: JAN- I like reading vague lyrics-but then again I write poefi1.(or i u';i rii , :/i t';-r 3 .it biased. Explanations are quite good, say ACTIVE MINDS do rt to therr soo5..
. (
lvlglEiggl!.r=ugl Ltlil=?lgoIliq.yqu rBp$r rrEM
Now? ENoucrr
rr,-,:ri'i'ir": in :iear up anv
.{Rortl ounrncrtte
THEY SIILL RELAVENT? DAVE- Ha, you got us there, we
are playing the Barry Horne benefit gig on April 7th (as you can gather, this is a dated interview!!-Andy), Hasn't punk being flogging a dead horse since that Pistols Lp came out? Let's face it, Conflict have done some weird things to say the least. I can't defend them but I u,ont attack them either. Has the punk scere not learned any'thing from that era? OK, so lots of bands complained about being ripped offand not seeing money for records. So the band paid for their own recordrng costs. Wow, they expect money. Shit, we should be, and have been so lucky. They were on a free ride getting lots ofpromotion for their bands on a halfdecent label, at the time, getting across to lots offolk. I do keep foigetting ihat punk is about money, and that's ail folk do it for? I remember being at certain gigs watching folk bum Conflict records on stage and I thought then as I do now, how fucking sad. Knife in, twist, let's destroy the punk scene, and certainly the anarcho scene was bashed a bit there. Politics look so good, and then tt took the farce that it takes in the mainstream, jealousy, backstabbing and general pettiness. JAN- Conflict helped me make up my mind to ao veggre nearlr, 20 vears ago and now I'm vegan and into animal rights. So I wonder rvhat results 1,ou rioutd get if 1,'ou compared Conflict's messages with those of say, UK Subs, I wonder???? DEEKEF'I'- I krnda missed the Conflict versus whoeve r, too busy bringing up kids and playing my own littte part in punk rock's downfall. It all seems a little childish, but we do set people up on pedastals, then when they don't live up to our expâ&#x201A;Źctations tend to knock 'em down again. We covered the song for the CD and occasionally knock it out for variation. My only contact with 'Conflict' is through Paul 'Oddy' who I've known for as long as I can remember. He used to play bass in the band'D-Fect' back in the early 80's. But we have no probiems playing with Csnflict. Flogging a dead horse? Well it's always going to be a battle just for everyday existence, but it's got to be better than playing dead and conforming. It's a small part but any protest is better than none.
DAVB- Yeah, sure it works both ways. I don't have a problem with people wanting sex, and having sex. The main point is rvhy should you expect sexjust because you are in a band? And is sex any better with a band rnentber? It's all very silly really, but what I don't want to hear is some guy out of a band saying "Not much decent crack in here tonight". Lame and ego gone wrong. Fuck that. To my knowledge nobody has ever tried to get offwith me? Would you? JAN- Yeah, I agree, a lot ofpeople aren't fooled by that 'rock star' shite but maybe 'spiders' is about those sad individuals who get tangled up in those devious webs that small-minded,/ big-ego 'stars' weave. DJ-EKEEI- Anybody who's been involved in the punk/ HC scene over the years will know these sort of things happen, as it does in any music culture all over the world, l think the theme was from the sexually active person going from one person to another without a care. It couid seem we are taking the moral high ground but havrng having seen the problems this causes (it's obvious you don't know the Stoke incestuous punk
punk .4
,6gX ori
IIEALTHY URGE AND IF BOTH PARTIES ARE INTO TT. WEAT'S THE HARII{? DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE WIIO JUST WANT UNCOMPLICATED SEX? DAVE- OK, if people didn't flirt and try to get off u'ith other folk, how would they even be able to form relationships? I see no problem with that. I'm sure *,e've all been out to clubs and what not, and got off rvith someone. The main point is even if you make a habit of having many different partners, you should still respect the people you are sleeping with, and not use them for fuck holes for pleasure, JAN-No comment. DEEKEFT- As before, this is the reason we explain songs, And sexism is far from being an issue we don't have to cover because we are part ofthis 'enlrghtened' punk scene... Sex is fun and healthy, no problem there, bul sex through lies and deceit is another matter. It's about being true to the person vou're rvith who put trust into making a relationship. Not a slander on sex or the single person! We aren't purists or anything, we've all done the drunken snog thing at gigs.
morning? There is always hope. Yeah, this planet is
fucked up big style and politicians and ministersjust don't give a fuck. We live in a disposable society. Everything is thrown away; life is a throwaway commodity. Stilt there are a few people out there who do care and try to act in a responsible way. People get out there and protest. And protests do work; you have to be patient and persistent. It comes down to the facl that theyjust get sick ofseeing you and hearing you, ha ha. And public support, as in the hunt banning debate, classic example there. Real folk want it fucked ofi rich tits that'll have nothing to do all day, want to keep it. Passes the time of day like; you know what I mean? @![- About protesting: it's oh so very easy to say, 'It's not gonna achieve anything', 'The cops will really hassle us', 'What's the point- nothing's gonna change'. Just look at the situation with Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) in Cambridge & their companies in the USA, and the animal rights groups 'SI{AC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) & SHAC USA. These campaigners have brought HLS to its knees and it's nowvirtually on the edge of collapse. Regal rabbits, Shamrock monkeys and Hillgrove cats were all vivisection animal breeding'farms' which have been forced to close. I know it's a clichd but: Remember the animals-500 have died today in the labs at HLS, it's time for it to STOP!! ! ! ! !! DEEFECT- Yes humanity's fucked. All I see is a race of bigotted, anogant,selfish parasites where everything is laid out for the masses and the world is being bought by the multinationals, which is why we have to protest, why we have to make an alternative and cawe out an existence, otherwise you're just part of the problem. I hope this is why you do your zine, because the music press is always conforming to the latest in-thing, even ifthe latest in-thing is punk/FIC. And on the other hand, through punk rock I've met some of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. they are the minority
Or one bullet Bush, one bullet Bin LaCen and Blair to lake the rap for both murders Now that rvould rripe the plastic srnile offhis face. But after all the atrocities (and religious beliefs aside) the United Sutes and Britain have put on Afghanistan, it's no ri,onder they retaliated the
SOMEONE USING OTT VIOLENCE. THE MEDIA LABELLED TIIIS A 'RACE RIOT'. SO }V.{S STOKES A 'RACE RIOT'OR IS TITTS ]ITORE MEDIA BULISHIT? HOW IS TEE ATMOSPEERE IN STOKE STNCE TEE RIOT? DAVE- It was a joke around here, lies, media hype, etc. You see, Stoke has nothing interesting in it at all, so a little bit of excitement like this was real fun for
the populace. The mood here in Stoke since then hasn't changed a great deal. The football fans got a littte stupid and slogans were daubed here and there. ['m not saying all football lollowers are like this, ] assume it'sjust a nrlnority. I don't follow football that much (But for the Dog On A Rope folks, l-iverpool for the Prem' mates). Anyway, not a lot happened and it seems that it was just a cool r+,ay to throw bricks about for fuck all, Even the pics in the local papers the next day showed black and white youths together throwing shit. They can't even get that right, some race riot around here, I never saw any personally, only riot cops on street corners waiting lor a BNP march that never took place. D-fect was 'in the thick of it' I believe, due to his flat being in a riot area. Yeah, the media loved it all didn't they - which was sickening, Still, the amount ofracism around is absolutely vile, Ijust hope this country doesn't get bombed by USA or vvhoever and rve have to become refugees. I think a lot ofpeople would see a diflerent picture then! ! DEEEEKT- In Stoke, as in every other industrial city in the UK, the riots were caused by rumours of an NF march in the city (11 never happened to my koowledge). In Stoke it was more of a stand off between the police and Asian and black/ white kids, but compared to Bradford it was just a skirmish. Here I would say there's good relationships between cultures, but like everywhere else there are idiots that like to stir up trouble.
ANDWHY? DAYD- Well unfortunately it would have to be put together with animals, as humans are too much of a liability, and would mutate, and 'X' person would go crazy and attack folk, then marry a person someone else made, and put a shock of white in their hair- I'm afrard! fue you? Who would you create? Let's see, a head of a badger, a leg of a pig, a horse leg, the mind ofan ostrich and the looks ofa kangaroo, It would have a mouse tail with a fish body; I would cali this Zuppy Sash Kick Wahh! 4N- Alt I could think of were South Park
BC. TIIE EIYD. SIGN OFF ITERE CHAPS. Ok, thanks very much for the interview; this l\'as very kind and thoughtlul ofyou Sandy. And don't forget you can still get KHC stufffrom us. The new CD 'Our Message' f 5,50 postpaid, T-shirts f,5 or something like that. A few split 7''s are left, f 1.50 postpaid, the first LP is still around in small numbers now, f,4 postpaid. Soon there ,,vill be a split with EGGRAID coming out, Watch out for it. Scraggy's final thought s ofthe day Chew a red onion for about 3-7 mins. It sterilises the mouth? Pubs are boring, I grew up in one, wosh zat yush shay, false teeth are not funny. Try to smile once a day, it makes things seem a Iittle better, and tatking
BULLETS. WHO LTVES AND WHY? DAVE- OK, l leave the room, leave the gun, lock the door and let them deal with it. Ifthey kill each other, you have an answer. I might pop back in a week or so to see what's happening. JAN- As a pacifist I decline to answer believing that they should all get round a table and talk it out. Then ifthey don't solve their differences, maybe they should be invited to follow their megalomaniac tendencies somewhere else, like in a high security hospital for the criminally
to yourselfcauses great constipation? I mean inspiration, Oh yes and ifyou are in an emo band but can't express yourself, you're a dick. Contact DaveE- mail to:diddyann65@hotmail.com All insults, discussions accepted and replied to. Love pâ&#x201A;Źace,
JAN- Contact
: rywr.y5ftrqns1
wuw guilsa-p1glql'guk and get involved! ! ! DEEFEKT- You get one chance in your lifetime. You can either go the way your heart tells you or
you eaV take what's given to you...it's your choice.,, corny? Shit you asked.
lr:1 'Ih€ 'L6IJ
Aertuo w,?H:
lAffle.nc gu^/cH oF l^r&rEosj
ila. ha. ha! Doesn't itjust make you piss your pants with laughter? Some
3 eyed, bow legged, cap doting, rnbieJ, brown nosing, hunt supporting, countryside SCUM have been grafitti-ing pro huntlng messages on road signs in the outbacks, Stufflike "Leave hunting alone", you know, stuffthat would need a lo1 of thought and planningl Anyway, it got a mention in the local rag and it was clairned by none other than. .. "The Real Countryside Allience"l [,ook out! Lock up your signposts! I I tell you signposts haven't felt so vulnerable since solne student prankster decided it'd be a good idea to put one in his cellar all those years ago! Doesn't that name just instantly paralyse you with fear? The thought of this paramilitary bunch roaming round in the dead of night, masked up with their 3 holed balaclavas, armed with deadly spraycans, looking tbr i target (and with 3 eyes they obviously have better night vision than us). I tell you, just the thought ofthese bungting bafoons stomping around in the dark, on a mission j ust creases me up. I bet half of 'em have got painted faces due to not been able to handle these new fangled sprays, "Down our way, we paint the tractors with an animal". You loonies! Please just fuck offand become extinct gracefully.
to l ragsometimes laughingly refened
whit€ Horse of Kilbum it would be a good
JIsffi;H;nANEALIsdii#;;;;'1roifol*sri'e!) seeir"il#l;ti ilisters ttro"ur (Like rhe one in wiltshire but nor quite as good!). tt
.o€wspaper,. pro-hunt
n:T:,rlt{L1}J.'1ff'if$ffiti.ll*:m:1;#[l'o their necks. No, the point
;;.;irilG6g was ;*ry;:justffi;}:#t""iffx}fi'flt.:"#ifiTifiiffi laugh and very clever' and no harm rttitit-"ii;;il ,t.. /u.";,il;ffii. # that to show how downwards pushed be to of this is *tl.i, Jrur"'i tione ciippings done really...welt, excepr ffi'** "';idE+.y', th;;;l;lt h'nier foti up io their iovial tricks But dt, turry H", cause' lt'd be all stuff wi1 now make the t orr" r*ildiii. ;rrd,h. ffiiliffi;;t'pllhi[iry for their
wheeze to attsch
red coated
.r.i;h; etc' ir*tittit'vtng our heritage"' "Lock 'em up!"' sabbing toon'"iT;Ilitffii;;;;Jllirttv;t" while oubliciry this geniig ttt *&;;;ili;;[i" r,HA ;;;-rro peak' now just a handful go out! i lir t;;;;6t:'
nilnipr.t imaginc rhe outcry like "Animal ,lght, mut etc... you ser the pictufe. ,o *.4 ,i*" all se€ms to be at an Leetb' nom vans alone we'd have ln Yorkshire arone rn yorkshire
,t. "'":;;;l;;.rlrv 'Sutura"v. Now l{itiint anyone goes out ';::ffiiffi';-'.lj':i:i:.*::*fL:11"I'ii;itffiffil',t*il:f;:i:Tll
"; :#,Htir,tmr**ti'h1rylrryii'i*irsrillu**,*'::l';;,'lll;*:''' !Hl.ffi
I I{
1 r,rrur uov-tott-].tl'*,t^]t-tli'"]]il ii,[ rant ls golng arryrrrvrE' *no. thts ristening now pleasc go ,ron,t even know where don't Thanks for listening get it out of mv system' 'r{:ffs and Post lo people! the Evenins r"t tfie rest of us normal
r*iL!o,s Hd";;--t;r'ietlqe
cripple a huntcr and N B : s i nce wririns r h,s,
-y:.':i: *'ii *'r,#M'#',lf se4, iX#ffi :lTilGfirEiitrif ffi mlaubt € mllubt iloryn" n!rt. I dorytt. d Eailed down
Roberts 6aE tt Roberls 11 look io acf tbe carlst
lba bD and rnd nrlsd nrlbd h at fht
dtho sloDG. lbl!
cau6od Eion6
nlrt irt ten a
rTtorDc raE
thethaqtlf "Il trrir
a Eobra by I
-....and talking of loonies, Postman Pat The Christian Twat (See # 19) has excelled himself with nutty talk. H e told me that if he prayed for it to happen that I would become a Christian within a year! I begged him to do it, i
pleadedwithhimbuthewouldn'1... Why?lfhehasthisgreatpowerconnectionwiththealmighty,whybrag about it and then do nothing about it? Unless he already has had a sneaky prayer on my behalfanOlrrt not totA
W|g knows,
perhaps by the time the next issue comes out, there'll be a slight Christian edge to rny rants be like one ofthem TV evangelist fellows?l Ijust don'r know who is the loonier...Born again Christians or the countryside, brown-nosing, "If it moves, shoot it" brigade? l'm just looking forwird to the day I meet a hunt supporting, born again Christian...that would be the epitome of LOONIE TUNESII
And we've all seen the word'Couranga' flyposted all over but has anyone ever seen those crazy Krishnas actually putting them up? lt must be a bizarre sight. I mean, that word is flypostered everywheri so someone must be doing it and on a regular basis. Are they ninjas or something? Sneaking around in the dead of night, with their deadly tools: posters in one hand, paste in t[qother? Answers and sightinss on a oostcard to. ..
ptrQrr rr suwq bgrer JoE-We'ds all Dâ&#x201A;Źâ&#x201A;Źn playing in ban4s oBnqs since Ell becn PUNK 91 PUNK Ptaylng ln lFl ,l!lE-\'YE riu scene so t"" oeit I kuew aboui tr'r rTd:::lT,]: E".n oumn LEEDst wual-iioir iix iou ffi *Ii o^rlrllplp!'-rE|ruo-tp_c4tiJou v:l ffiii r::lP'y*I*: inspirarion. r' asx ronf READ oN AND FIND oUT [$l credit any Lceds bands wrth rhe initial inspiration. lfl $ aSx In these years firs couple we've l$1 1$1 of had shit shlt loads ;; loads wu,l'r wul'r JoE HAD TO To sAy... ft fi of help from our dcar friends JOE NINETY. On On Il" up? tiiS ii t.Wno are you all? Eow did you meet up? H ffi our a6um and on trro album r*.o tours t*o rours wc we used theirentire their entire ll il;b" FiC/Ji; FiC.a-oio the th" uninitiated. uninitiated. Iil iiBi il;b" 6!! ouralLum backline.It'seasyrofindinspirariontostart, backline. It,seasytofindinspirationtostartu ,l II !ilf,.lOg_t'-Joe-Inlavsuitaranddomainvocals JgE:iff;;,i;l;;;ffiffiao,iiinuo.urr. ffi r$? band, i'i but the reai struggle is in remaining irupired r they ffi ii nnarew ptays guitarinO Mau plays bass, they to continue. If it wasn;r-for the energy f,r [i Uotf, ring aswe-ll. Steve drums. With the I '0r surrorxrding us in the Leeds scene and the leg up f,1 exception ofMatt, we had all played together in people p3 some have gp offered us, I'm we'd sure have iIi FIG.4.0. I can,t ii!i various aMul awful teen bands before F1G.4.0. can't EXCtl.tItaG & ENERGE'IIC ENERGETIC EC HC E EXCITING H 11!
[i [i
really remember when wsmet Mat! probabty u, gie or somerhing. Without being able to view H Frc.+.0. from thi
u lfi
musical I t U.S,
grown tired of it ages ago. As for our rntluences, I'd probably start with early
u*a, tike REAGAN YourH and GTRCLE it;;17;l;;;;;; fi ,rl5l't!?1 I'd say we fi #l 9!to the really fast and simple 90's t Ii il'J:ilHH'#,ffi[l',T'*;li';iliH1"'i fi il:['ffiJo?"o#*"l,'o:',3.%%i:H#" n Pr-."-14,!.r,sir*,rrE!:l\,to"ggyt!!,!r!! 'Xd,il.ll1t,,[t.1ffi ..t-errrn woRD, KID DYNAMITE, etc. we all ritl
""r.id;, describe it. In vague terms I suppose
5X 2.How did you dircover punk? What weie
t[ r^t u""or vu l.rioi-rtro
lmmediatety ,*l
d listen to quite a wide range of music outside p** roc[ as well so I suppose a tot of that :l hsd r hand in comrpting our sound too. FiTilif{i#:tfi
lit' rtart digging- into and researching the punk lfi' -' !? post'r Are there atry bands you were into early ?'l',i'I.;i'fira.iruiin ,i
rben **
rjgfr on untit you discovlrJ better rtuft rnd id tr,t to ditch through ii JOEJ discovered punk initially through hearing ,r'!!
Ii ffit;;;il;i:li#o'J i'ru* th. sEx prsrols
l,eeds scene, big and varied though it is, suffersfiom 'separatiscenes syndrome-'. l'ou get a gig at Josephs Well with a lot of yorng, back pack wearing, sorts. Then there'll be a gig at the
skateboarding I Primros" ' ii on ttre TV, bonowed a CLASH tape off a kid at ;d RAMoNES records. il;;;;6ads il i;F;f :lg:f:? ill:1,:::h,,'+._.._1-,_*j.-Y_hl,l. is? Are. Leeds punks too spoilt i !i Of course at the time I had no idea that punk still I lo, Lttilli jtttS I for choice? I've heard someone commented . existed in the way it did, so the rest of my record ii I peoprewontteave teetls6 for a fi tnatsome J Primrose gig cos it's too far au'ay (It's half a p^i!: !", H1'de Park Corner!). I rop-rl. 'r.purur. ,..ner' thing is a selfI
.;it;";;;;riilJ;irhoNilb;N;n6"*'' Ir rvasn't until I was 14 that I lj realised people were still making punr. roct H
* rnusic, and wen then I d;;l;""";;
ii fi
"irirn t iiilffi;,' ciiHi,;iij:'i&i:;::8i:, and
the following years I gradually dug deeper went to smaiJr gigs. istill regard"myr.if
I It
out about qrg, from. being handed flyers at gigs, so ifno-one 'other side' js there to tell the anarcho lot [om the about lhej skl: ed.glg,they'll never find ou1 about it Thankftlly, all the separate sub-scenes in have enough people involved.in tfremlg jutt about get by independent of each other. The more I chat to people abou!-tfi1 the more I sense -.-".an awareness that we are all in it for the same reilions, but I've come to accept that you'll never
* u Uit ! 1 of a novice; no matter how deiply you research I musio, there's always a millionoiher bands to ! hear- and that's fucling ace! I wouldn't say I I l.:t [i
rt's ! I'm Il1]
ditched any bands tfuough embanassment, but your yuu u41u1s naturl that you gtuw groiv uut. ut4r yuu out oI of Intngs. things, ano and I m nappy lrappy to conle confesito u'il th. *bbirh t'rl iistened fl d over the years!
to !
J.Beitrg local lodr' whatrl your erperience of il Lreds punk? I suppose you're too young to ff remember l-,eeds finest spiky tops, The fl Abrasive Wheels? Was it any of the local bands fJ. that inspired you to start your own band? Who i {'. has heen fhe hioscsf influenca fn wnrr onrl *h..,
stand any century so punks
ROPE. The main thing is that rve can all side by side at a I in 12 weekender without antagonism. Punk rock is a quarter of a old now, and in that time it has diversified much that two people oan call themselves rrrithnrrf lilrinn anrr nf lhc coma handc ['rre ctnned
that as
now; a broader spectrum
of styles and sub-scenes only means more people with different tastes are getting involved in D.LY culture
S.When you played with PARADE OF ENEMIES Joe wore a bandana. Was this a piss take of punk fashion or did you just think "Fuck it, it's old school night, I'll wear a bandana"? Do you think mimicking styles of past scenes is to be applauded or would you rsther bands developed their own style? Is fashion important in punk? JOE- Applauded or criticised, the mimicking of sn,les in subcultures is inevitable. I suppose the bandana thing was a homage to old school thrash ias they say, "imitation is the highest form of l1anery"). Whether we like it or not, fashion is alri'ays gonna be a factor in social rituals Iike the punk gig. I don't think it's something we need to take too seriously though- Clothes are just clothes at the end ofthe day. Sorry, there's not much else I can say on this topic... Ask Steve, he's the trendy onel
6,-{t the same gig Joe commented on the lack of punks at that days anti-war march in town. 1?ersonally I didn't know about it'till after the t... excuses, excuses!).As a n'a lterna tive', 'cering' scene, aren't we a bit crap when it mmes to political action? A lot of people talk er-en
talk but relatively few walk the walk I mean, it's fair enough to say "We sing about th,e
irsues and try to educate people", but if everl'one's singing /writing about it, who's soing out there and actually tloing it? jCE- I seem to change my mind on this one every irne I think about it. It's easy to forget that being r..:r-: of a punk gig is a political action in itself, in that *'e're consciously snatching back control of cultural reproduction, lt's only when we compare this to uhat the other 90% of the Westem world
do in therr spare time that we realise how liberated punks are. Wrthout wanting to sound like a Labour spin doctor, *'e ought to celebrate how far \\â&#x201A;Ź'\,e come rvhile u,e $'ork out rvhere to go next, Having read that, you'd probablv think "Okay great, \\,e'\,e achieved our slice ofcultural autonomv, but *hat about the people people being bombed riith g'eapons bought rvith our taxes?l l " And that's *'ht'public protest is so valuable. I'm beginnirrg to believe that it's perhaps more uselul to share 1-oui political beliefs in smaller, one-onone situations. The average person is more likely to be won over by being told in a non-patronising
way, "Look, this government/ corporatlon want to make a mug of you. You don't have to give them appears your vote/ money,", than ifthey see "vhat to be an army of selfrighteous students parading wrtty slogans. Of course both methods are vrtal, any'thing to get your message beyond the safe walls of the gig venue,
?.'Your Wisdom, Our Youth' is a inspiring song calling for older punks and the newer kids to be more united as a scene. Have you encountered any petty attitudes or prejudice because you're a young band and if so, how have you dealt with it? (Besides writing a song!) JOE- Quite the opposite really, the older punks have been far more friendly than lve could have ever hoped. It makes me think that the old crowd's problem isn't \,vith age, but with BLINK 182 clone shite-and wlro can blame them?! ! Ha Ha! I think I'm getting old and miserable as well these days. We always get asked about that song, plus I've covered the subject a fair bit in question 4, so I hope you'll excuse me for moving swiftly
8.'Bouncers-I)ie!!'. Ilave you played any so called punk gigs that uses bouncers? Why not just say "No!' to promoters who use them? Surely ifall decent bands said that they'd get the message? JOE- Good point! What more can I say? Yeah. a couple ofour bigger gigs have been at venues with bouncers and it did my head in. You need to tune your guitar before you play and suddenly there's this meathead wanting to see your pass. You've been at the venue since 3.0' clock and now this dickhead's suddenly telling you where you can and can't go. There was this one time up in Teeside and this bouncer had been pushing people offthestage all night. During IMBALANCE'S set, we all stormed the stage at once and he was completely overwhelmed. A small victory, but a memory I cherish .-BrE..dn'.-r!.!.
9. 'Anything 4.0 A Quiet Life' seems to slag off -(. the vegetating in front of the TV lifestyle, yet Joe told me recently that his house has Cable and they watch the Simpsons 5 times a day' So have you 'internalised your values and
divorced your souls'? (If I've mis-interpreted the lyrics, feel free to laugh at me) JOE-I believe I said the Sirnpsons was ON five times a day!! Surely nobody can stand two and a half hours ofyellow cartoon people u'ithout going
mad. The point ofthat song is how the TV screen is a window into apathy, and to be honest many cif us are pretty fucking close to clin.rbing through it. As well as being a waming to others, that song is a[so a reminder to myself that the remote control is aticket to vegetation. Thankfully these days my
music, my work and my allotment don't leave me with too much time for temptation. . . and when I am watching TV I'm usually shouting back at the adverts. 10.
ln 'The Beating Of Luke Morgan'
rigbtly mock macho EC guys.
Some would say
that your style of music encourages violent dancing- What do you say to that? Should hardcore bands become more emo to encourage more loving at gigs?! And who is Luke Morgan anyway? JOE- It's disturbing to think that our etforts to channel our worldly frustrations into something creative can be classed under the same umbrella as the testosterone- fuelled brawls you see at some gigs. I salv a band recently and the crowd were intentionally kicking each other in the face. some bands and sub scenes want to embrace violence then leave them to it, but it's nothing to do with us. lt's just fucking stupid, and we don't all need to staft sobbing into our rucksacks to see that. What ever happened to DANCING anyway?
11. I know your CD rvas released before September llth but does it worry you that the artwork congers up images of the World Trade Centre attack? Have you had any letters off people upset about it? If you'd been pressured enough, rvould you have taken it out of circulation as a mark of respect, (Like that rap band did whose CD cover looked eerily similar to the pictures we saw in the next days_papers) ?
JOE- I think Alison's artwork is even more valuable since Septernber 11th. If the mass media can show the images time and time again to remind us how important it is to bomb third world countries, then surely we have to use them as a reminder of how dangerous U.S./U K. foreign policy is. I, for one, am no less anti-eskblishment since the atrocities of last September, and I don't think l'd be respecting anyone by falling in line with public opinion. I wonder how many people died olhunger on that day as a result of Westem economic imperialism? Should we stop discussing issues of fair trade and human rights out of respect for them? Silence is consent, it" absolutely vital
llijJ: 12.
kicking and screarning about these
Obligatory final words, cliches, pearls of
wisdom, jokes, whatever?
JOE- I'll leave the jokes to the comedians and say thanks to Andy grving me the chance to share some thoughts. lt's nice to do an interview that I actually have to think about!! On FIG.4.0's horizon, I see the album on vinyl very soon, a 7"
split with TWOFOLD, a spli(CD with STAND and a split of some sort on Household Name records, plus the wual shambolic live performances. Okay, you wanted a clichd, so l'll finish with our contact details! C/o Bombed Out Records,
P.O.Box 17, Leeds,
LS8 IUP wrvrv. fi gurefour. lsnet.co. uk
fig_4_0@hotmail.com 'tr was not a prlsoner, rnerdy;
I was an Anardllst ln Ule hands of the Aleronder Berkrnan, ft{son Ma ndrc oFan
T}IE|HANDS OF THE ENEMY. MARK BARNSLEY'S STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE." For those of you who don't know, Mark is out of prison now, having spent 8 years locked up for something he didn't do For those who don't know who Mark is or the full facts about his case, this is a good place to see how the state can frame one man and get away with it and how it could so easily have been any one of us in Marks place. The book is a collection of articles by Mark while inside, some of which really hit home how grim prisons are; like the one where he's describing his daily routine and how cold it is in the cell, There's also lots ofletters of support about and tbr Mark from fellow inmates, friends and comrades, an interview with Mark, reports on demos about his case and other bits all relating to the case and prisoner support. This book shows us how courageous Mark has been in refusing to be broken and continuing his struggle for justice and it also rams home the irnportarrce of prisoner support. Get it norv! f6 to: J ustice For Mark Bamsley, P.O,Box 381. Huddersfield, W.Yorks,
IrDr 3XX.
trIITFNAYS IN TIII] SIUUS qY iir.:fgr-__E*"Y*I ffi f,--* ffif: ;,Yalf',-*ffir-'-,1 rnrolv.lzth i-l
eiFnd ,uv
il( r*lrtt
Htr iri;frmiq"'11lf.
ago, you know,
##,t[*i*';ilil$:q.ll i:::*:}
;ffi t*'#rJ*;::l"d'tl'*1$li,3l"T:*'"1:i*f i**"496;':'$jii"rt{{::
x# ffil:uftHffffi#ffil fi:'l[fl#;ilri:r**mffi#:"," lwics rather than just shoutt oi ittui rte was actuary undersrand ,o*
i.i.I",::lill',i:i,[:i"]i," I singing fu:t"'*ml:n i#;'il;; f"; fr.ehtils for what thev believe tn-
#t !ii'*iJ:"1,"'trtl*.H,:r"lJ';' ilffi f [l[{lrr*rmt5:'[ J'h":x *,0 3Ji'L6trlg-l:Jill,'.xi'il,i,i,I",*, 'il;;, ;"il1r',H;l{l[ifr$:ril'*ri;:#s band *L.J il:lflifil;;iiffil;;'anarchist know il#;;; *"
iir. who you The
r* *o.orrittto'
you are one of those bands are
better on second songs this tirne)' their ;t_11"..* stufl-and a uir ,nt co,plullome newer
;;ffi i;J
ru*rinuni[6roT"::x;:x?:""ffiflfi#hmIfl;lm"rru[qt eoii tno'gh spanish !|"JH t il"t tt' tn caoitalism and fascism to a Spanish audience
una"rrtunJt.l ii
ffi #;';;;i'"h (t';
it was HoMEBREW
'r'ink about the order)' *ni*.d ':f
^:::i:"U:*:ff\il;t'*, [i.iir: txrmiqit$j','":'H'?$'"';fulf"; I f,"lFi'Inlsljyjglus' *ittt wouldn't be apotossrng.ror
, II
t I
in Spanish!rntit""tteJtittllv
ii6r'or tri'v
next? Again a gr'eat set'
"" *'n' *jffi[,;lll*l:lfh#ff[]:r]" ;i. i;;,!! A'*'".' *. '"'15ffitlilllfl
!- *l#l"Ili{*r,""'J:'*:uln:' knackered' I wat
ilffiim*trffiTtffiffiffififfi ,,,,,.0,r,". [I l ].f]'f]T?t Jarri r.0 Itrfll5tr#iiffi;ffi"ilil;dttat | m,H[H;:l-liff.'.r",]g:::" ;",. I hf,fJ,*l l"I# ;1"fiili:i::*::,nn I . *i"*-"'Gpt., rnrcrestingwaspEtrtreoluutu H:1f,iil:,#T;"J.ff(#,;;;l.q::*f Ii l 2 ;J$Yf;H'l;'"li*,: H "b*
II n^,,
;ffi,rffiif:y,1::=,:*i]l?ji [:f,l #+""i{.'.}*r5"i:',}:l*#::?i Uilffi,E:t"1,1,ry*iJJ;"tril';#:"o
frij:t{,.*f:,"'}"*ln:ry;;;:Hl"ii ;l,:ftili'*6;ne-.U*that\bytheby.They. :' "ge"'g 1L
HOTIDAYS IN T'HI] SII]US a.k.a. LEEDS & BRADFORD PUNKS PtCNIC 2002 A b€n€flt lo? Wom.n't Ald .nd iapa Crtsi3
l,,l**,l5 g:lln,*rr+ rhen Racher (ryho
set was cut short,(everybody had their sets Jut cos tare). I uied ftaving a rhemtut they dian; r er.ii.uJt our "Taxi for Barse zz" ..r have a laugh? Apparently not.
tf,iugilA;/,ffi; f[. O"ri,riril]a
9oryrl,.ly to s.y romet-hinc they tefr rhe st8ge. ..tt's a shime nevershowed up'(?l?) and ",
i;r., S,ffii#, rp r"r .iiji.
horrible disease;'were the 6oi iru *,ia-ait --'
roy sayl But it wasn,r just [,, U*J .!vla!can yn9 were miserable bastards. fhl guy viOeoine
".';j'":ii,N*,$ iH ri n I-ff,.:,F.ff"1,I:i went outsidsana
he shoured.
w.e're going home,,. r rNnr-,,nii. srnger, guitarist and bassist
oftne UanJcatmeO Agyr an! stayed for a pinr and *.r" n.n.o'ltu, arnght about the whole thing but tt.-r*,t oi them. .. ? The- drumm cr (Hiri' agai i 1l uit'iorr on, t
;;'$,'*r^#l;;:liti[:J.#i#f:::. aptllvay to end classic nigfitl td
ii.6,il.irljl*r,,, ll:: .r. rt! rhe night before. STRESC-;;;*. .B,ou.gl nnd r misseJ
inside.but I,m not reaily intoir,.r ro I ll1llli Laught up with Trev HA tr,! g.il,ei ffi'rGtE ?,rlH J:TII,T'1,T: 13 lan.' (or
some,imil., Ceorail :1io1 .'11 r,",a, rr,.n ri-i,,JJ.j
.iii,oL,,, :ii,;Hl;[#,ly ff, suddenly changed charactcr. ..Oh
H::fi 1' llll'.ry .T*gtl, .y-l
f:*k r,,',lil #;,],: lli,:t 11i,' flr* r-
r *-.n t ; n
*ii i,"#
d;"*,H::." ? ;,H1.#1.'#" ;:r;Tif,""frl',1,,,.Til1?*,,flfl
+ll:llil:llilt;I.?Il:Hii#i.- j" but the best rhey coutd ao
ff*ffdlT*iffi ff :ltH,.*[]I' iltffiT:ff H,iffi
i.*il'i"in coilr; -"" *iii;';"""
him and he just said..fuct yous".J:i, att
rhe fact rhar r gave rher-i rhe zine. Like I said to him, ,,If
1..1,:l.l Gvterv ln
"#",iii--'-" you
d-on't wanr bad reviews, don,t play in Ui,ra;. jus say r r,"p. ir,"'n.fr,,e " Y"jI Earse I I experiencc nevercomes
to Ueeds algain.
And anyway, thar music tand..htmrour,)-wai6i in.t977-. . Now in 2002 ii'r.;urr Uor:,,g. Lb:! glrn atmosphere af,erihar Uut
il;"fi tri*tffi "* aiiil ffi;:; wharexciringand ri;ty;;[';;'is 1T: ail about, " and made rhem look a littie srat;iilr;;" "'bargain!.This FREA KS Utrr tOr'r cteareA tfre
lot are so good tive. Sorn.i;o around ttke space hoppers and so full ofenJro,
[iti:HE*[:%T:;fi t;.*T,.[l;:;il'
around and me and Rob covering UrJm in stuff!. Excellent fun lf they *e.jarcricaiitrey,a ro do-shit, .orpoirr. sponsored rours...rhank fuck they're fromHull! That was the of the weekend. srttine oiiljJ, "'-
I $l
ill,triilffi,rE,,l"lrd.Hm,;; & swELLBELr.reS w€ie dil;ilr
::g:l!* came on.
r teft
foran carry ntghibe6;t.h;;'"
ff;; flf, ff :::H;ffi tl 33r,:L*. ii.ffi:tj', r m sure they were thEre
in spirit though and everyone's promised to write to them with their acounts of rhe gigs. Well done Claire and Chippie ror-ajob *"ii !1chel, Dee you all next year!
oF,LpIIDON (..THE TITTLE PEOPTE', ND.fHE CRAZIEST PARIT I'VE EIER BEEN TO!) March, 1991, and me And Rob head for l,ondon to join thousands more in what was hoped would be the 2nd annual poll tax riot! But since the Tories announced that they were replacing it with the council taxjust before the march, unsurprisingly the l\,llHOEN! / ACTIVE MTNDS /FlC.4.0 l?l maroh was a lot more "good natured" than the previous year. So, one non-riotous march through The first band said their name twice but I didn't London later and we head offto a squaffed ex-nurses carch it Expected HC sound. Not bad, I Didn't home for a party. We knew it would be eventful er.en know FIG.4-0 were playing, l'm really when we were $eeted by two women doing chicken getting into them. Play their CD loads, As good as impersonations as we entered the back garden! Later alrvays. ACTIVE MINDS seem to play a few on as the party kicked in, we managed to wangle our more tuneful numbers these days, which I think is way to being in charge of the bongos in some geat. I've even danced to them the last 2 times traditional Spanish sounding band. We were in our I'ye seen'em! MIHOEN! from Holland. On tape I element till one of the female guitar players, in Irted them. live they wEre too noisy for me. Not broken English, called Rob a 'Bastard!' because he enough melodies. grest twists and eut ttrey were , :t": wasn't playing the right songl (He was pissed and rc watc[ going fucking wild,lumping about like '*' thought he was Senior Roberto in a top Spanish folk iunarics, and talking about their songs (rvhrch rock combo!) aluays like to see. lt shows they mean what Later, one of the chicken impersonaters did this mad, rhey,re singing about). No one danced lbr rhe irratic dance around the fire which culminated with ' shole set, until they did encore. That's when her pulling a folded paper crucifix out of her fanny l;olJective TWAT gene took overl Thc guitar and the others al1 applauding this 'artistic' display! ! piayer encouraged people to dance and basically Later still, the wicker man (that I should have rhe lads in the crowd took that as a signal to act mentioned earlier!) was burned down! like Rambo! I knew it would get a bit mad so I Anyway, the night was ending and after I found Rob backed out of the way to the side of the room. asleep in rryhat was to bâ&#x201A;Źcome his first experience of i ninking I was safe you can imagine how many rave rooms, we headed offwith an assorted s,urprised I was when some fucker jumped off the motley crew ofpunks and what nots to doss at seats by the wall, outo my head and sent us both Boozers place. As we were walking in the peaceful crashing to the ground. By the time l'd got up I early morning, one ofour group started to sing a c,ouldn't even see who the fucking arsehole was beautifi.rl rendition of Wat Tyler's 'The Little cos the dance floor was awash with flying limbs, People'. He got through the first verse and without .\n).one rvho didn't want to dance was shown no prompting, everyone of us dozen people who didn't consideration. You know, people did get well even know each other started up with the chorus; .Eck out of the way but still the macho fucks rvere "You should have tumed left, you should have tumed i-i-u1ng into them. I could see others getting visably left,etc... ". Everyone singing in a silly 'Little People' pissed off I didn't see, (cos I was on the floor rvith voice and everyone laughing at the ridiculousness of *-ne nob on top of me), but Rachel says there us all knowing and singing as one, this stupid i:'ere a felv women watching the band at the front fucking song! ! ! Classic! i+ho *'ere j ust basical ly shoved to one side as the 'ro-r,5 looU over the "pit". I mean at least there was rrr '*'indmilling" or "kung fu" shit (ahem...excuse xe *'hile I do a huge belly laugh at the so called 't::ir-,9 fir" dancing ,huaaaaa,haa.hal!l), but still, u,e Packhorse is a small venue, ifyou want to &o-:e iike violent dickheads, fine,just show a !-r.le consideration for those that don't-After all, -J-'i.eaid in too, it's their right not to dance!-or d.rt:i i:e surprised when some of us start twatting
| I I ! I
r,r:a backill-OK?
polrrrcs, l9!IRy, 20 YEARS
Musrc eNo
Ol-You sav you make e livlnq from vour music Eow reliable ls thlt? Do vou have to do anv other lobs or do vou make enouqh lurt doinE whrt you elriov? Whf,t about the resa of Barnsaormer? Ilow lonc do vou think vou cau live like thls and do vou heve anv back-uo ohns for when music is oo lonser a viable ootion to survive off? ATS- I have eamed my living as ATS since 1982,
it works fine. And I am currently the only wage eamer in our farnily! I have many gig opportunities all over the world. I shall never do anything else. I don't rely on agents, manager, anybody - or the vaguanes of fashion. I do everything myself, and have a huge network ofcontacts throughout the world rvho are interested in what I have to say and help me spread the word. I publish all my own books and CDs, organise my own gigs. That's the solo thing. Being a solo performer is obviously the key to earning a living, You don't need to be hip, if you have an audience and lots ofselfbelief, you can do itl Financially, the band is a hobby! A fascinating, inspiring hobby, but because ofthe obviously vast increase in expense absolutely not how I earn my tiving (which is one ofthe reasons the band doesn't play more often) as a solo performer,
O2-How did vou let hterest€d in traditionol medieval instruments and are there rnv rnles to what vou will olav. (like. does it hsve to be au lnrlrument thal wrs traditionallv uged bv workeri/ De{gattts?)? Is "renaissgncecore" e blt of r rcene or ere you lone oioneerc? I have always been interested in Renaissance music, and I feel it fits together with punk rock really well - ie: March of the Levellers or The One That Got Away. There is nobody else doing that kind ofthing anywhere, as far as I know, apart from a band called Alians in Poland, who covered March of the kvellers (We're touring Poland in September)
O3-How would vou dercrlbe vounelf oollticallv? I dontt thlnk voutre rn enarchlrt and I doubt verv much thrt vou vote Lrbo[rt
, and happy with the term although I am not and would notjoin any party these days (I've been in a couplel) I have been politically aware and active since the days of Rock against Racism and the ANL and would certainly say that it was punk which inspired me to get involved, although many of my core political ideas had been formed before punk
QGln an lnterview vou did for Pun} Shocler zine a few verrr aso vou dcscribed oeonle wil
read tbe Sun ag .scum'. Do vou t[ink this b the rieht wev to eo aboul trvinc to chanqe thins. bv calline milliong of workirs class oeoole ccum? Don't vou think thrt if oeoole saw thst
thev'd lust think'fFuck vou!" ond not even listen to vour ooint of view? Where I work a lot of neoole rerd tbe Sun on their break and t can still have intelliqeot politicrl convercstloos with some of
theo. I thinl thev know the Suo
gurelv the oeoole who read it deserve a bit more resp€ct than to iuot labe! them .scum'? ATS- You are probably right that my language was a bit extrem€ but...,l guess the Nazis produced papers that were a 'quick easy read!'
I think there is a choice. The Minor is a 'quick, easy read'and actually has some good articles rather than nauseating, reactionary, brain numbing
bullshit. IfSun readers think'Fuck you' when I take the piss then I am getting somewhere! At least I've got a reaction, which is drflicult enough in this countryl Perhaps after thinkrng 'Fuck you' they will think about why I get so angry about it and look at what
*u-r. it is insLrltitg people's intelligence to deny
inev have r:raile that choice. Irr:sL-11 Littlejohn and his ilk are spouting :i=*ziionary, homophobic, nauseating garbage. I do ii-'!ir:j3 rhe credit of accepting that they choose to
:-=d ir. -{nd as far as I am concemed people who :-5i,;s !o read garbage like that need to be made }/ rErr. even if that reaction is at first 'Fuck Tro<!{Carry Bushell, rot in hell)
anv trouble with ttem turnine uo at vour glsg and if go. how have vou derh with lt? What do vou think of the Anti-Nazi Leaque? (Caonon fodder? Anti-rgzl choir0. Would vou trugt them. bearinc in mind lt's iust a Soclalilt Worken Prrtv front snd we all krow how thevrve stebbed eaarchirts in the brck in the psit to set control? AIS- I will unite withlwork with anyone who stands up against fascism.
ge€m to makc a noint of
fu to the norm venuc. Llke. a couole of iq I\e trotic€d sfter thc eis that vou've *rcd thc Globe ln Leedg. Itrs not brillieotlv futfoed erd lt'g well rwrv from the music uc roclcug. Ir thh done on ourome to avoid
have had some trouble
with fascists in the past, and have dealt with it (shame when Chris from the Redskins climbed under the table thoughl !) It is an occupational hazard ofbeing an anti fascist!!
.,:3[:I?TTflT"= -tgcircuit? ,l'fS I play where I am asked. Ifanyone
,;ift;g! m.
'music venue nucleus' r.g-nout expecting me to play for peanuts, see l-Err:) I rvould probably have done it. but they a gig in the
Libvan Studentr From Eell'.'lraoi From Eell'. In keeoins with thc atttGtrt sovcrnment/ medie hvne. ere you nr rccord'Talibrn Terrorirts From Hell'? I'lildo vou make of the'war acainrt terrort d tte'Arh of Evil'? lr Gqprqe W. Burh the d d$serous orelident Americs hag ever bat b Tonv Blrir the bisselt lro doc the UK b nr:r hrd?? Ir the whole world qoinc
Yeslll!! Libyan Students From Hell r:e:rirus Just that, they are the templatel
a=-d a new socialist altemative. At the -ia!--ir,t many of the people who are pissed off or& ii"re New World Order end up as islamic isA.-..entalists and this is no altemative at all!
O'-b Trantv
Ycars' you rins of ocoole that
err't cooprehend that vou're still at it 20 vearr
er "iurt a ohager'? Or i! it iurt vou have to qet used to (human
-rtiiag adrod acceot? $.f! ! ic,uei accept it, I take the piss. Especially r,ris:a gcr,rie
r&-Effrri adr +:li
us,e the 'married rvith kids' ! zn: rnarned rvith 4 stepchildren and aad nr)'rrife are more fired up norv
'iq;r e"<r!
(}l.fr slc it orcttv cleer where vou stand (ee tkir headr!). Hlve vou ever had r 6 @
VYtat docr thlr enteil? Do voo heve to wear rbirts with their loso on rnd drink their beer at qiqs?! Ilo vou conrider it a cuoromire or rre vou comoleielv haoov with it? Eave vou done e deal with tie devll or are thcv too rmall to bc lumoed into thrt cstecorv? {TS- Wrong end of the stick! I get the odd free beer from my local, which is a great pub ,The Evening Star in Brighton. As well as sen,ing fine ale they have a small independent brewery, Dark Star. In retum for the odd pint I tell people what good ale it isl That's the extent ofit! (Wetl it does say on your promo sheet; " That's right-a Poet sponsored by a brewery.. SPONSORED BY THE DARK STAR BREWING COMPANY"... so you can understand my confusion!l-Andy)
Ol0-You've worked wlth/ are still workinc with a lot of D€oDle besides Brrnstormer (T.V.Smith. Neuroticg. Blvth Power). Who has been the most fun or most insoirins to tour wilh? Have vou acturllv soent a niqht in Jmeoh Porter'c rleeoinc bac?!! Heve vou ever
worl(ed wnn 0trvone wDo you tnousnt wa3 ioupd. onlv to dilcover thev were r reo! \Yanker?
ATS- I couldn't really choose between the Neurotics and Blyth Power, Both ofthese bands have inspired me hugely, as well as being good friends. The biggest wanker (sometimes) I have worked with is undoubtedly Billy Bragg. He can be charming. But ifhe thinks you are in an area which 'competes' with him, he can also be an absolute arsehole. And then he'll tell you it was
lust a joke' I won't
be working with him any
Al S- I founded our Indepencient Suppcrl.:rs, Association in the mid 90s and was one of the leaders io thc battle to save thc club from Archer/Bclloti. Whcn the new board took over (after we had forced Archer ou! and wift our backing) the chairman Dick ltuight to become P.A, announcer at Gitfinlham everyone up a bit during our 2 years'exile. I starled doing poems and they wcnt down orettv well, as does the mrxic (beflLr the Clash ana Oflspring than phil Collinst!) I guess eithii acceped or put up with, depending on whom vou talk to, bur in rhe main I feel absoi-utely.."ipiJ
"r[J ;-"h*;
4I!_ - When the ball's in the goal it's not Shearor or Cole, it's Zamoralt CheeryA
CFIEERS ATTILA, IF YOU WANNA CONTACT HIM, YOU CAN DO IT AT: ROUNDHEAD RECORDS, P O BOX 668, PORTSLADE, E.SUSSE)q BN42 ,+BG Attrla@solutions-inc. co. u ki \\1\11,. tvsmith. com/afti
ol r-
,t*.ttrtE 8pâ&#x201A;ŹA,ts. LEAVIfil HIM IM eYcnY sufirtrER,ovea'4y9 syaq.. ...22?]
wHEttl T,tE oLl qAt'l^J
!es.. i tei! i'ou, all these punk rock reuniom arc;ust ga:atesil It's arvesome to shell out a good $20 to
4 e;'E hr,:nch of fat fucks get on stage and try to cope ill U* a.,t mid-life crisis. A few nights of reliving
*''x i,",:il li'',i;:: ; f " "' *; :#,iH,Ithis:'xiwhole punk rock oldies circuit' '
I l-,e Bon (Duran Duran) and drd Cathedral Of Tears. ! th. nutt of rhame is teemrng u'ith these hacks !f I prnk, today have any sellrJspect they wouldn't line instead wait out by the I up to see these has-beens and I- back door and kick the shrt out oIthem cfter the i.. .ho*.
Take thejr luckin' moner and tell them thev hura to u'ork for their rent Iike eren'one else. And rvhen they start to sc.eam about -vou kicking their asses, just tell them, "[t's lrke o]d timesl"
ffinqesric about 'F- t-t* tr:hote scene is a fuckin' sham. The more I look &,,.* * i: appears all those old bands are nothing more 7-.
#sz rfu iey p*t 'tf -&
bunch of lailed rock stars who could only low grade drugs while the bands in the music theyctaimed to be 4ainst were getting the .. ftrink bact to the MRR cover around mtma pictures of The Stones' The Who and raaining Beatles, and the words "Dinosaurs emSlazoned across the bottom Now let's
i ed,f"
IC m:mn"*
f"TJffi:i :i lxil'lJil:
Power, Avengprs and a million others TSOU to recapturc a time that has long passed' I *r.ltrouehiband reunions were meant for the
E f*ing Z
The above rvas onginally in (RE)fuse zine #2 from Holland. Although some of the bands mentioned and especially their histories mav be alien to sotne of tts reading this in the UK, just sr.vitch the names for some of our favourite 'H.1.'l-.S' stars of today and it still spells out the same message. This article summed it up perfectiy for me, that's rvhy I had to re-print it here. This also leads on nicely to."
c8" ,.]J
aAtk AW
furte past. But dollars lalk loud and change *:rrtting. Not to merrtion the fear of growing-older' 6ne night we can be young again, and it. =rjus d ie{ lik€ 1982 all over!" Fat fuckin'chancel As 'rtlh as I like the music from that time, I'm glad it's liow boring to want to live in the past' How
rr& Anothcr thing, it's never good today as it wa^s th Times are different, people are different' The world has changed quite a bit since. *elc ftrcking;golden era" of hardcore' These bands tso-called
and tarnish and otherwise interesting past' =-**rrn IErcsd up proving how out of touch they really if they are so committed to punk, -.-enabesiO"s, rvere they all these years inbetrveen? the hell rfe= !6t*f aot start a new band and build it from the up, write songs that are relevant to today, and
* ri€€cH l
"rl,s Qes.fiwo Foa, A'oetor<crv6lq\S'
'ttc gA't lttt ?Ao,ci,rnt icyrvrufio^t,8t? qt LAIcD gttT,'riAt SsAtog[r cavz {At .tr hrtAa€s; Lwktt vtl5l.o.t lrtArlkFuaLy HE 010/V'l tvtNo I
aAoVAA,., r+--
tliD TO fi*trtrol
SqALL woRLD €rl?
,....THE FUGKING ..DEAD KENNEDYS'' And those self- respecting punks could do a lot worse than to start the kickings with this loathsome lot; East Bay Ray, Klaus Flouride, D.H.Peligro and the other one...Those fuckersl Them touring wi,thout Jello Biafra is.lust a fucking insult to everyone rvho was ever moved, inspired by or just went mental to one of the best bands to ever come out
ofpunk rock- Forget
all the bickering between Biafra and the rest of them. I don't care who ripped who off. lt's just the fact that
they could even consider getting back together as the Dead Kennedys without the passion, anger and sortl behind the lyrics. How can soffte other nobody sing those lyrics and put the feeling into thern that Jello did? I'm not arse licking Jello here, it's just that band mean so much to me it feels like a real stab in the back to see this happening. I haven't even heard Dr Know so I haven't a clue what he sounds like but it just aint right. Apparently one of their tour buses got it's windows put through while on tour somewhere in the UK, which is a good start to letting 'em know how we feel! Let's see more ofthis happening until they realise how many people they've pissed off with their shameless money grabbing builshit, . . fuckers!
ail ihose cold war era inspired songs in the past ier CD reissues? Hell, it pretty much is a new
ttr,:-;sidering these reunion acts usually have
ee< or-iginal mernb6. And how about when they .-t=sge their sound a little to conform with the hot soonds of today's punk? Like Agnostic Front, Sntag 13 rcformed, and sounded like a third x= fu li'reckords band. How about those bands that :ETe€i ilo,r:1 their sound when they were originally e-;d norv that punk has enjoyed some interest lfu ;'rzinst;eam. the\"ve gone back to their old :aeli- Fterr;i-,isr nfien 7 Seconds thought they m*. I-if- .a:i-, c 5-,,.'; rr.h e n A gl o s ti c F ron t rve nt trrof,.{-J r-tad.it Ci ho',r, a.\out TSOL splitting E*r **l: o=' itr.rilijiloir i.t--!rlng to be the Doois.
r**ft * '.*, d trr
he ccLrld be Simon
ACTM SLAUGHTER-"Smash H.L.S.', CD Ep. Wetl, I didn't rate 'em that highly when I saw ,em live in Leeds but this CD is excellent. pure earlv 80,s anarcho punk.
ANTHRAX wrap it up in a WASTE sleeve and ad the attitude and lyrical content of said band and you'll conre close to what this reminds me of It,s
full of all that
era's cliches about
vrvisection, farmers being wankers (.,My Foot In Your Mouth"),the M.O.D, etc, There's even pictures of members of the band with animalsl But it's done in such a style that it works. It takes you back a few years but the lyrics are also up to date ( Huntingdon Life Science and foot in mouth for example), so if good old anarcho punk is your thing, check this out. 8/10. P,O.Box 35913, London,
Nl7 9YP.
worked with, including lots from some obscure American punk band from the 70,s called The DESTROYED. It's all dodgy recordings and he
claims the other bands and thi punks alt f,atod them. I'm not surprised cos they were shite. Like a bad Fall. There's also a couple of tracks from MONSTER ISLAND who at least sound a bit like the Apostles. Other stuff on here includes some psychodelic, noisy shite (or as they put it, ,.avant Enrde"l) and e tract with just him drumming...Oh woq I'll certaiDly bc ptalng that classic trac-k over ond. oy:I again!l! Apparently he,s back drumming again.
"It was unfinished
for me...I,m bacf
for good". Oh fuck no! This really should remained in obscurity.
0. www. beriswitzer. com
SAMPLER CD Sorry Aston but this is awful! Lots of songs about girls and shit done to annoying pop guitar music. There's a couple of good bands (ANNALISE being one to spring to mind) but overall it's like getting hit in the face rvith candl'floss (point)ess but annoying).
Some bands
on it are: BLOCKO,
MILES AP,{RT. etc... Thank sod this \vas treel 2i10. SAE to: Boss Tuneage, P.O.Box 74, Sandy, Beris, SGl2 2WB.
APB-"Karoshi" CD.
No lyrics, cover or anything, but at f,2 ydu can't grumble. Especially if UK ska punk is youi thing. Think Spithead and slower Citizen Fish. It's very catchy and judging by the song titles ('CCTV'. 'Advertising'), I'd say it were a safe bet that they don't sing about coffee and girlfriendsl 6110. 14 Woodland Park Road, Leeds, LS6 2AZ.
ASBEST-"Dann Heirate Ich,.. "CD
This is a really hard CD to review. It's hard to pinpoint a band thay sound like and all the info, etc is in German, so I can't even walfle about their lyrics. Musically it's HC punk with more irratic and slorver, melodic bits here and there. The best comparison I can make is a cross between Spit Acid and the late 80's Dutch band, De Kift. 5/10. Lars, Freyastr. 41, 421
l7 Wuppertal,
BREZHNEV-WWw.Bullghir/conrlq! CD The eagerly anticipated new LP and there's a slight change in style to 'North America Sucks'. Some of the songs have a harder edge to them, so much so that Trev HAGL calls them a 'shout shout band' now (He sounds like your Dad, doesn't he?!), If he thinks these are a shout shout band, what the hell does he think of bands like Totalitar?? Anyrva1,. there's some
faster songs, some melodrc sing-a-long ones and some 'Ramonesey' style. All ad up to, for me, a better LP than the last one, simply because there's more memorable, stand out songs on this. Tracks like the title track, ',A1omic Reruns', 'Dedicated', "park Your Car Up Your Ass' and 'The Disappeared' are ail great songs that'll have you dancing and singing along rn no time I'm still gutted that I missed thejr gig at the 1 in l2 Clubthis time around. I promise I,ll make up for it next time and dance like a bastardl 8/10.D-Fens Records, PMB 275, 8 Amlajack BLVD, Newnan,
30265, USA.
EASTFIELD-'Keep It Spikey" CD. A re-issue of their first and best CD with additional
the Xi*i,it3;"#3,:|,#Xf i:"'?"#iJl"''iilTl; I with much better cover art). Elaine and Eiambi,s isl backing vocals just realy add to the feel of this and What an egotist this guy must be to think we'd be they (sadly) ari no longer with the band. Melodic
u. r crocked cover, with the bass drum blasting off into space, thought "This is gonna be awful", I was right. It
in hearing the best of a drummerl That's punk with tunes and sing-a long parts a plenty. Loads basioally what this is, songs from the bands he's ofclassics are here: "Come To Bevland", "Pepper",
"\:rltcn Of Leys"
anC the strange
yotr oop put.ikers should check this out for a iatural progression into a little heavler, more :olitical stuff. 9/10, Ruptured Ambitions, Old Forge Cotuge, Rushford, Lamerton, Tavistock, Devon, PLi9 8RY.
FLOORBOARD GEORGE-"Be Ready" CD, I saw the name and cover I irnmediately thought, "Oh Cod, more U.S. pop punk clones" but thankfully it has a proper UK punk sound. Reminds
me of the Fits and a slower Exploited. This is members of other bands too and one of sounds
European. Not much else I can say really. 5/10. Amo Records, P,O Box 23497, Edinburgh, EH8 8YY.
FUCK HATE PROPACANDA. CD This is essentially EGGRAID rvith Dave lrom KISNIET HC on guitar and second vocals, So, as you can imagine, it's pretty crazy, lhrashir HC with screaming vocals, But, it's not as bad as it sounds, it has interesting little twists and tums to break up the madness, including a thrashy medieval number. Think EGGRAID (obviously) and 90's thrash bands like KITCHENER and HARD TO SWALLOW. and you'd be in the right area 6i !0. No address so write to Dave Kismet (see interview & review in here)
"Ever Felt Like Killing Your Boss?" LP in 1984, this is well worth a ;eissue, mainly cos the band were so original, didn't
=EDERZ- released ,Jnginally
e a tuck and
sang some pretty
like the classic 'Jesus lnterrng From The Rear' and 'Gut :r:rcompromising lyncs,
i.:,::'r"\'andaltsnr-a. leautiful as a rock in a
GASFIEBEL/G. S.B. -Split 1 0" Well, I was excited enough about this release to put the computer on to review it straight away. Such was
the impact GASHEBEL had on me.
. lli ..:: ::'-:,! .i : -ri : ::\ (; ;-, > - K ;rnk .-.: ..::-:1:--l.r' ::r:^'.1: .-,:.-t'i-. :.1:; ,-i-3 ::L:T -, --.. l--;-:-,.. .--.:...', -.: : il :.4::1.11I i.r1' ;;11:'11 :-, l-,:1 :.-. - --.: .',- :.---:.-:=::-, :-:..--,,',:. ':aiii;:j irl 1;::a::i..: \':,r r;,1-. -==:-:;; :--:.-;i a:4.\ inti .r-i k' i;3 i-,T-.-' -ir:i: ::'l-T-, :ll: :.-!.--.:..ia-ronal) punk rock iear e \ o!.r \\ rth a :--r-;,. Lri ihe coler: "To fhe autonomes and all the rldriiduals who, by creative sabotage on --::r---,<
r-i -:
elsewhere, vandalism, shoplifting,
. ts urrection, etc. , . consciously play at the :::,: : i,-;: riorld of rvork, merchandise and boredom. See you in the ruins!". 8/10 ^--l' ..i..: :i:i.:i., P O.Box 460402, S.F., CA 94146-
: :
:'-,-r -
I\4USHROOM AT'|ACK and then it becomes more of a DIS-core thing going on, which normally bores
in this case, I was rocking! But oh dear.,after the wedding, comes the tuneral. The funeral in this case being C,S.B, who piay thrashy, crusty punk with those annoying duel vocals where me, but
I'll stick to playing the other side thank you Decent artwork on the covers which is alrvays good to see. Overall 6/10. Harmony, Rotenburger Str 39, 27356 Hetnsbunde, one is dead grufTand one screams. t think
INDICATOR-''Critical Resistance" CD It's good to see a new, young, local band playing something other than crap U.S wannabee ska pop, This is basically all out punk rock with chaotic backrng vocals and it's all done with that new band enthusiastrc feeling, There's no lyrics but I think it's decent ones too. 5/10. Indicator-uk@hotrrail.corn
IRON MAN" Promo sheets These jusr made me laugh so much thought I'd share it with you. Each bands sheet has parigraphs
titled'lnarketing/promotion" and ..selling frints.
and under these rhey have things like whlt papers/ magazines they've received publicity' in
f'Fashionable magazines,LOADEb, SELECT, ..selling poinrs" lKYr ID. Q, etc"tt). Under
for P.A.I.N it says; "P.A.LN are cunently regarded on the British underground circuit as thc UK;s number one anarcho-punk band',...er, says who? t don,t think anyone I talk to would say that, Talking of P A LN, of the single they did with Howard Mirks ('l-et Me Grorv More Weed') it states .,Howard and P A I N. are throwing down the gauntlet to Tony Blarr and his government. Ihey believe cannabis should be legalised and will not stand aside ever.', ls it jt1sl- m! or does that just sound really fucking stupid?! If it wasn'r for the other honible marketing shite I'd think it was tongue in cheek, but no, I thin[ it's serious. I hate promo shets at the best of times but these.just take the piss. I hope the Minor, Loaded and NME appreciate them cos I din,tl
"lT CAN HAPPEN HEAR" Compilation CD. This is about as DIY as it gets; A cheap CD_R of
intemational HC punk on 3 different labels. Startins with Stoke's EGGRAID, easily rhe best on here foi me. Screaming, thrash rvith tunes vou can hear that reminds me of Godonhoea wirh Oengas out ol Scatha singing. Creat stuff for leapinglbout to. Siame that now they're any good they-'ve split up. Next it's easily the worst band on here, Cinada;s EXISTENCH. Crusty thrash with those horrible neanderthal style vocals like Soar Throat and the like used
to do... Nextll Now for a couple of thrashy
punk bands from America, MELEE uni KAKISTOCIIACY. Then after NABLA from Yugoslavia, it's the other decent band on here,
KISMET HC-'Equality" CD Sorry but compared to the last CD, I didn'i really like this. Too hardcore and shouty for me. Not enough twists and tums. 5 hacks of ultra fast HC punk wiih duel fe/male vocsls and angry lyrics. Check out the interview in here and then decide you wanna investigate further. If so, write to:434 Werrington Rd, Bucknall, Stoke On Trent, Staffs, ST2 9AB. (5/ I 0)
LEFT FOR DEAD- "Fuck Your Authority" EP the band were happy with the 'tinny' sound ofthe CD (l liked it myself) and you can tell they've tried to rectifu things as this has a more powerful feel/sound to it, You get 4 tracks of HC
I don't think
punk that I think would appeal to the older punk crowd and the newer HC crowd. Lyrics deal with (you guessed it) authorityl, political prisoners and the best song on here, 'Government State Police', about...well, just switch the words around and work it out yourself. I can't let this go rvithout mentioning I-.F.D's campaign to bring back 80's punk cliches. Thev launch the campaign nicell'by posing leaning against a garage door. and ore oI them has one foot up arainst ihe ooorll(Ai) lhar's i-rrssrng is one of then stickin_r the '\j's upHa Hai). On lovely, big lar. pink spJattered vinyl too for all you vinyl junkies out there. 7i 10. L.F.D- 23 Coronation Gardens, Hurst Green, E.Sussex,
SELKKAUS from Finland, who play pretty good tuneful punk with moshy parts. And to finish it off it's Brazil's ACAO DIRETA who remind me of thar old Norwich band, Revulsion, Not bad but i wont be over playing it. Overall, excellent project bur musically could do betterl 5/10. F.C,R, p.O.Box 152. Burton-On-Trent, Staffs, DEl4 lXX.
LEGAI Excellent surprise, this one. First impressionslike SLIME. Second impressions-sounds like SLIME! This basically is totally similar to SLIME from the guitar sound right through to the vocals (also sung in German). The lyrics are in German too so I can't tell you what they're singing about, but really, if you're a fan of SLIME (have I mentioned the similarities yet?), you have to get hold of these five tracks of melodic German punk rock A.S.A.P!. sounds
8/ I
0. Hoehnie Records. E-mail: hoehnie@grnx, net
.,4-SIC FOR THE LTNDERPRIVILIGED" comp := -*--{s share this multi label comp. kicking off rvith
,*,:rr's BLISTERHEAD The firsr song is a bit :-:== rrofihr but rt soon kicks rn 1o some fine
.::; punk a Ia Randr and Bombshell Rocks (tiat -: ' ,=:!: nelod:c punk soundt Thel have the biggest ..-: :.til-rt too. at ll. $hrch rs good cos thel rvere
r-: :r.-:
:, . '
t,and on for me Next up it's Australia's ':S:1.RI .\garn melodic punk but with more
.--:. ::i better llrics (The first song being :-,:-:i:s rs fuckrng shit'), 6 tracks and I like -:'.. .: : iact I'll make them joint best band on 'i:'-: -,1 -->'JIT SANDWICH next and they do :r- .' -,: :::::ng tletter. Musically they remind me ... '':- '.1:us norv but I can't get into the r- :- : :,. - : :-.rnk you'd catch the Mau Maus : - ,..:- :: : songs like 'Slutz'(reallY -. -. i You get 9 Dogshit songs, : -- : :--.er ol a classic Pogues song. Then =:: - .:. i.-r 7 numbers, including their live : '---: -:ire F,:cker'(from South Park) Oi and . . -, . ::,e flarour here but I think tbey miss -:, !3': at their best r+ith 2 vocals in my lut not least )ou _cet iust 2 tracks : .'l'i.l!. BLOCKS Or Or all the
Be Choosers' and all the singles, clrrcking in at.just under 80 minutes! There are some truly great soflgs on here, Tracks like 'When The Oil Runs Out'; 'Wake Up', 'The Mess' and 'Does Anyone Know W'here The ir{arch Ts?' are qurte simply classics I
e\en tike'Kick Out The Tories'norvl
about *,hat thel'thrnk punks should sing about.
Comes with a decent info booklet too Basically I can't stop playing this Track it dorln for a slice of punk rock history. 9/10. It's on Captain Oil But it's
cheaper from 'Savage Amusement' (f,7 50, inc P+P):"Rosehill",20 Front St, Tanfield [.ea, Stanley, Co Durham, DH9 gLY. (Cheques to 'T. Howarth')
a<",,Ar \.
-: i:--: ::-: ; 'i-.:aic 5 0i these tracks :.:-: ::r.:ns anci a split 7' but 1'll lorgive
:r- :'.: : -- : -rrple $ont have and with songs : ' : :,. - : :.:1-r+here She Goes" and The Gr *'og being so god, you should hear --:-: r: :. Lnclude the SxE pisstake sung in -:: .: : \lrnor Threat style and "The :-' '- ---:.'.::.us The Insidious Right Wing -.: -': : :t::.: share the vocal duties and - 1-'. :: . --r :iong to all of 'em. One of the '-:- :E--.-: f-i-. ; a.mrnally only 500 of these were -:rii --r - :r d better get this now! 9/10. 1..u
: --
' -*-
,'.i,]'- \TLROTICS-"Punk Collection" CD. .r-. crllecting all the old punk records I :-.-_: ire late 80's, I overlooked this band.
-.r :: : rra^. : a.:a^vn: surprse Thrs band that did ^! r: --: !.:^l.roi CLn'back in'83 and that's all l've r -:.'- ,'.- rher:',. unnl thrs With all this H,l.T S ! -. ::- :.. lexs rou'd thiok this would be auful and 4 '-:. .: -: r nn ih. purr ro sell this (Like doing a ] \.
politically? I think I har,e more respect for these than for some 'anarchr br numbers' bands who -just sing
:i.:d\e or jrve rerston o[ the working
anthem #
'Cream Of The Crop") but this just looks and leels
same band, with the bright. colour couer and arty lyric booklet. Musically this has been compared to loads of famous tuneful bands but ode they missed out was Mad Parade Good tuneful punk with decent
totalli lresh You wouldn't even think it was the i
! i f, the I
lyrics about the current U.S mission to control world. religron. etc Stand out tracks "lf Logic's First F
title track especially make this CD worth getting hold of.7l10 Nervest Industry, Unit 100,61 Wellfield Rd, Cardiff, CF24 3DG. 1We're Coming Second)" and the
..ONE LAW FOR THEM .ANOTHER ONE, FOR US" compilation CD. This is a benefit for the JUSTICE FOR iUARK BARNSLEY CAMPAIGN. Mai-k has been released now but still figh.ts on to clear his name. so lots of
:-::i'r leftr"politicallyforme Theyalways legal shitstill needstobepaidfor If 'streetpunk'is -:-, ::: r-lhr to rvork' vote Labour' camp, your thing especially, then this is for you, Standout , - .i. :.: :he nght NOT to rvork and I didn't tracks from WARRIORS, VIOLENT AFFRAY and -': . : rr\'5od\l And I used to cringe at RED ALERT Also featured are: BUSINESS, :osi iamous song, 'Kick Out The CONTEMPT, BLYTH POWER, GUNDOC, RED :-:': :,,,,.,, I reaiise ii'hat a great band they LONDON and lots morel 22 bands in all and for a worthy cause! 7110 L'7 (inc P+P) from the --. -l tarures their first LF'Beggars C"n adu.n
Bald Cactus address (cheque to G.A. Robinson) or write direct to: Justice For Mark Bamsley, p.O.ilox 381, Huddersfield, W.yorks, HDt 3XX.
Folee Cottage, Lamerton, Tavistock, Devon, -O]d 8RY, PLI9 17 STITCHES-"The Antisocial Ep" CD Firstly they've just used the cover off CHAOS UK,s
"Short Sharp Shock" LP. Good old resourceful
plagiarism or no originality? You decide. Musically it's an 80's punk sound with a bit ofHC punk added. Reminds me of a slower P,O.A. Also bands like
UNSEEN and PUS spring to mind. 7 tracks, including a cover of 'Police Oppression,, so if this sounds like your thing, write to: Dislocate, p.O.Box 321, Durham, DH7 0YG. (5/10)
"TmY WONT TAKE US ALM,,compilation Lp. Look, if I just list all the bands on this: BbSARTIGE FAULBRUT, MAD PL]NK DISEASE, SIN DIOS, PMT, ANGER OF BACTERIOR, MACHINE GUN
POLIKARPO Y SUS VICIOSAS.EP all female Spanish band sing about Child pomography, how women are treated in extreme Islamic countries, globalization, etc, so decent lyrics to start with. Musically it's sound too. Melodic punk that reminds me of a cross between PMT and HARUM SCARUM. One of the singers reminds me
RANGERS and then say that this is a benefit for the German squatting scene ..what more do I need to say? Get it nowl 7/10. Harmony, Rotenburger Str 39,
27356 Hemsbunde, Germanr,.
of Liverpool's ICONOCLASTS too. Comes on lovely see through vinyl. 6110. Campary, Friedrichstrasse
10, 40217 Dusseldorf, Germany,
DIE SCHWARZEN SCHATE- "Last Gang In Town" 7" I'm getting sent some cracking stuff outta Germany at the moment and this is no exception. Again, a strong SI,IME sound is evident (or is that just me being lazy comparing all good German bands to SLIME?). This is cracking German punk rock basically. It's also good to see all the German stuff I'm getting has all lyrics, sleeves etc in their native toungue. it gives it more of a special feel. Too many Europeans pander to us imperialist scum by putting everything in English. 8/10. Campary, Friedrichstr. I 10,402 t7 Dusseldo{ Germany. SENSA YUMA-"Every Day's Your Last Day" 7" Stu's (Contempt, Police Bastard) latest band and it doesn't really grab me like hrs previous bands did. The title track is a similar sound to Police Bastard
with the pounding drum intro and Stu's distinctive vocals but it's not quite as 'hard' (I just couldn't think of a better word). I like 'Waste Away' better, and the CD ends with a comedy song. Probably a classic in their neck ofthe woods cos it's a cover of Mr Unfunny, Jasper Carrot's 'Funky Moped'(I've never heard the original so I couldn't tell you how close to it it is). Overall, not bad but not it wont be a regular on the turntable. 5/10. Ruptured Ambitions,
$clrfrAasr}l SCH A TE WORDS \,\'ILL NEVER BE ACTIONS'' compilation LP The aim *rth this record is to recreate the .'Bullshit Detector" Lp's that CRASS put out all them years agot )vfost bands are unknown and there's a nice big
lold out cover with lyrics and stuff on, basicalty
stepping stone for new bands. But it's not just bands though, there's also some spoken word./ poetry type tracks. The less said about them though, the better. Call me narrow mrnded if you will but poetry really should have music with it, unless you're a good deliverer like someone like Attila The Stockbroker. Anyway, bands you may have heard before include
DOGSHIT SANDWICH, AGE OF CHAOS and PUS. The rest are all new to me (and I suspect the majority out there) so check this out, you may discover you're next favourite band, 6110. Departure Records, 24b Alexandra Rd, Farnborough, Hants, 6DA. Sidovold@aol.com
I J. i.,'i';.+ ;
lr( h l llE l{!l!i:'Jt
i '
('K #2. ffi=â&#x201A;Ź ,\ct a big;cali but it's original in that it has no intenie!vs tn, well, except tbr a shon, silll one rvith GOOD aLEAN FUN. The rest of this is taken up with reviet's, shorl articles, badly drarrn pictures of people sabbing Howto put peop)e ofl'll) and lots of top 5's lrsts like "5 things shouted a1 me $hen I hare been rvearing my =i.,irshades;! Ohyeah,alsothere'sagoodarticleaboutrvhlNlarkBamslevisinnocent lt'sabenefittbrsab ;oups too so send 50p +SAE to: Rich, cio Reading Hunt Sabs. RLsing Sun (Folder l7). i0 Silver St. Reading,
1:-: := t=T"tJr}:,Tj#[11i,';ffi;,,1:=r.r!l _ !^ffiH:'
r't I';rl lll I t_? )ZAt ,,il^6
Nlenst drshes the
dril on
;;"'*",Y.?Iffi i;13:Jt?#i.#,H?IXriryt'ffi i1'};,r++:t::':';.i,1]i'"T..!
Ht:;;:',"J,'il::i'.""":1;:t: ?'J!l|ili5l'il'"1ix-"'l;'ffi:t[i',
H{ffi,B# !'Yi1sdit{i;it5*T;1**r,**:*qiffi
"'fit:ii:ix;+*il;i ,!=ierenie*'s'Shocking'!l-ryAnd$hockcr.'U}i1,Hi.'W,rio.)
: - -i ii to. corin. 22 ag1-l-"-,1":.1;;J#;, I - .-l.iT'.t,"J:;iTifl1t;1[1iljfl'flt11.""::r y 1i:l*il'j{ll1,T:;::1?:r:;J',:,::[';:", uniergroundl ;5^*,;1:;fJilii,'r,Bf:'T:!.rrhe
er ' Iltm=r# {Si puulr'rit.rio* .:
- :.=. ;:n:ng elc.ne ,o, _- _.. ._: ::s-r :. , ,-.1]:,
: . _.,.
* ru.i
: -: :
that I nicked his joke u.ruult on riacl' E,nrn *d to t". how bitter he is when the imminent rvar with it read good to it's h"re. ui'in tuugh ro *or.
;:= f:li :Xn Xffi:ll Bil9, y ll#]l_f."#"?lTlf
.":: -::,.r:- i::JButNotScene'tharcomes*rththrsrrlhere'sahrlariouspisstakeoiDls-bandsrnthe !- -:-, : - :\iih DlShrvasher,complete with Irrics.-'-\le;r.riomen & children, eating olf piates,uraking ' ,' - - -:j:: :.:!rtres ofdishwashing. Klives, forks & spoon, lying in sinks, covered in filth. Harsh a - :. - : : '. . -itng " ! The Users Guide To British Politics tells you what lefty organisations to beware of - - -: tre wtr trusting. Complete with their favourite slogans and a "fisticuffs rating" this is both serious I : : --: -:. i:ii3r lop bit for rne was the skinhead romance stor),. you really have to rcad it to appreciatc -:-:.--:::r:lrretnthrs
notaliardrotell ithorvir
I = D
,: :i:j
tire ia1'out annoying, especially the ol'er ernphasis on slapping i)1,ers in to make a page up, and the all th-rngs U,K. SUB is a bit boring and dated. That as jde, thrs is enthusiastic, regular as : :({-,r:li and has plenty to read, including chats rvith EASTFIELD and SAD SOCIETY, plenty of reviews - --s= -{er :s not afraid to comment if he tfunks the band are wankers, and other bits complete with Alex's : on top. 50p - SAE to:Alex, Woodhouse, The Square, Gunnislake, PLl8
9BW. \ ,
jill#r:^[Irffi '#;4y;ii1;p:tiqrr;-xtmmm;; ffi,#?t'#i:+ rhil.,i"*.il;i.,i;jlf,x,iii,T*"3,Bxgi,iti*J;nif[1fl,,?#';l*,]j'ij$ftHfifl,1!T evenr
3ft-*r*rUm:rutgt*r,:::mr"u;Ut#run*l$'*:".",m SCANNER #I2. Why am I reviewing this? You can guarantee that by the time you're reading this, Steve will have done at least one-more issue. This one is the best yet, mainly cos he has interesting interviews with some of my cunent favourrtes, The TONTE, OflltNCe{ 4 and dug up from the past, the NEWTOWN NEUROTICS. There's also all the lsual stuffthat will keep you reading this for days and days; columns, hods of reviews, articles, films, a South African scene report, etc... This is just a great zine basicatty and you'd be foolish to miss out! tl and SAE to Steve, 6 Chatsworth Drive, Rushmere Park, Ipswich, SuIIolk, IP4 5XA
n c,,r
nr t,
'.uffi- W-ry
eettins lots of favourable reviews at tt. morn*t *d right[iqiip"ciarry cos lr" pr"tt] Ii: :**.1t!f in that it's mainly cartoon stories, this time hking on such issues'as rfot.i.rin! s.tt i rd
unOtl, a 6ombat
Shock, Anal Beard and Asbest tour report. These I enjoy-ed but then there's pointlesls (to me) lhings li'ke.My room is m1' favourite place" a cartoon review of hot puiaings.. Ottrers rvill probably enjoy ir rhou-gh. Thereis also a good piss take ofthe many socialist g.oopa oui there ir.irh "l Spy Socralist raitions;1you ciuldn'r make some of them up!). Good stu(f 50p+ SAE to: lsy, p.O.Box ;C. S.iehiort BNI 4Ze
HiEE-;;llI' uAuulD
r :_ _^L^^l
with lots of stories f"4q.TT;"11t][c^iltt"t::;:i rfiuuEur" on sip th.'L's tlrErE r thouglrts Arsu i; ro. Llp years, includtog school tlghts and pranKs tney gol s",6 "" ""[L *iti'p.i*nif ity. SOp irom i4tctaet Sogshit,.riint.*i".rr rnirt pniViC and a damn sight more. A funny zir
itrisisgetting more like Marv's memoirs with every
voreorBoz'sb;;*d,*I1:Ili;,^,:-E-81o,"'.1i"ffi_#ffif#ll# H;;:1i;H.; Htr{,?:i;t?T:::10"'3s:*::x;:**-:ETi*,"'*i"ffi-ilffi Best
bit in here is the pisstake or H,Hjlt;llJ;'i3ii:?$:"*:'ytgy?-fts,.ycqc_e ::,,fi TilIl,?JL?.,11:;:;**i:l;;:...",8;ili{fi i&i:;ff :JilJgBT.f Jit,ili:.':!,H"ffi:, ffi :$*::l*,no.n*:::t:***i,"fr ,Joil,I;#H:;,XlH,#.";S;Jff iifjj
(t tlrink) 2 i0 liff ;!"f :ff to: Boz- Tp.o.e'"i S,tn;;:t tilq::+?il###Xlil",;l#'.illtf&,ffif ?,:,t,..i[?,o i6ia,';;i'iiii"t,iilji.iji] !flfr-rr ,-r
Lying bastardsl t have to grass them Lrp here and tell i'ou this an an amalgamation of CAT ON A STRING and CARGO CULT and they've counted up ther collective past issues to rnake 11, so this is "13"-a cunning marketing ploy to rnake you lot think rt's an established zrneii Dodgy marketing aside, this is a damn fine zine totaliy in the spirit ofl the 2 ex-znes mentioned. Lots of articles and rants (Socialist Workers Party, l,eeds being a "P,C" scene, laughing at nazi rvebsites, etc). there's excellent rnterviews with ACTI\E SLAUGHTER & ANARCHY SPANKY, plus chats rvith EASTFIELD. CIDERFEX and Rich Lard, loads of reviews, gossip, nervs and rnuch rnore. Obviously I'!'e gotta give this a good review cos we share the P.O.Box but this really is a top anarcho punk zine- The past issues ofeach respectrve zine were a little disappointing, but thankfully that's cos they were saving all the best stufffor this one, 50p + SAE to Rachel & Chip, clo 145-149 Cardigan Rd, Leeds, LS6 1 LJ.
Intewiews FIST FUCK and T.V.SMITH. Also has lots of reviews, bits about Dogs at gigs (Only braindead idiots bring dogs to gigs in my opinionl), The Otter Trust, Asterix (one of the few decent comics), on the Middlesbrough pubs and other bits and bobs. Never a massive r"ud brt good to flick through while sitting I 4JH. TS Cleveland, Middlesbrough, + St, i. ;r,rl]lliilr,-,ir F*,,.inffi bog! 50p S-AE' to: Rob, 23 Falkland
I @!@ Eu.[ilffiit.
J';rrd interesting, well taid out zine from Srveden tt,ith u roulry-.fult
_ilimany), RILLE (sweden), DENAK (Spain) and some "old" ,..n.rt.i, (yeah, only compared to schooly =::k:)fromaroundEuropeaboutbeing"old"andbeingapunk Lotsmoretoreadinihestrapeofreviews,
l;'\'sviewsonstuffandalldoneinsmall prinrsoit's*ellpackedin Ay,e,Irecommendyoucheckthisone
Hffii?3Jlllm,,,;.;*' g1:T;"ffi1lii,xlli;;;;ii.i-rrr",
about rvharever comes inro their and ther-,-a'irrrw io datl rhrngs thel've done rv'en about iilt';nitles gtntt' is gonna
i"u. it of ,or. sS... *,hish obviously good tJca rrhen pissedlll sorn'erninfyo''*outJ tn'nl r'ras a :sEad and... poetryl leargttiiui;il;;iy rt"v'a hipprll srun tu "rhoerer' rvhettever iltt pl*tilil"l tg €.lcr^s are with uuna, tnuiJoill "pptELECr"q*Aiidit*a.l Dr DLEUr and rrJ vEcAs 8no ArNr VHUAS THIS AINT '""'*";'*;nf!-tu il:"'r,f**:ffi'6'[',::ii:ifilJi" )L{\'rs,rHIs f,!{vls, Wesr park Grove, Leeds, LS8
like in #l ! 50 o.ooJ-LfHng about games while shittrng
-rf..,fil. *
racrs as
such horrible grad l,ve finarv caugnt up, mainlv to find out ;*-*ffi*'r'#Jroti"?p"oplo f'ast lood intake wrll p€rsons "An average und gasei" anal -Hr vou *.rll brearhe , r r.ea:::-rr ci.rbic barrs- *iiL"#l *I '9 {*Pq'f drij;,.r.,. S ,.,I.,*' and rots of orher cut and pasre j5Sr.i",9s:.__El+Tsil1B*fl#;ffi;;; [*:i:,*".:.*i1',T:i,.',1;:lli:]::]
f=ki}; :--:!
:A. 3e;:r l: : ll}I
L-*r"rr,.*.,rr#I, r.-. -.--i:- ---: : ..: .,::.-, 3CFjiiiti,,:anrat.SuBivlissIOi\'HOLD and AVARICIOUS, articles about the -. .,t,:-,i Briurn.n. Iots Iors of reviervs and bags more. You even get a free Finnish flag and !. --, 1. .: -.: ir:::'l I to. Jame Nystrom, Er:rantie 12A9, 00550 Helsrnki, Finland r
r -:-- .:
*,nrcone ;17,
fl rTnrlk ttTFqD +ro
cetling rveiI prolific withhis zinethese days. llIt used to be^one e.,en,couple ofyears No*,Vou
r;;;.;;';;iJ;;iffi,#;::: L','"'-:,::;l*.T:l ilgll :T*,i'jlu:*':lo^riaFiz tN liNi e nririi; EAiJ,::t!llXff; :*t=.::d,,i:1,'"1::::ll:-'lT:J:'lT:g,yfgol? 14sr nrasoxs, ne vo, i'r,."act'r.,d;o-;;;ff:;;:;f;1* =,:jt::j :;-i:=:.i:i; J,f,:1f,fl;,'"'"':lT'"i1': l:Il9 Amencan HC t,::J,l'";Ylll:1,: ,..n. r,tr,,aJ.";;;ffii:,T,';li ;;= icpped offwith Welly, l::l *::t:::'1 11:.jT.:l:.:1. Td 1f4_9r,:viervs and i;;;; n i,.ny es,enti z-:5 :1 -s0 (inc P+p): Welly,:l,.ln:I I Aberdulais Rd. Gabalfa, Cardif! Cf f + ipH
,*,116tli7 rnrenierrrand r"6,il*riif"ijitim _*;rTnl"j.,r '-le€BREW, w.o.R'M-' l}r"S::,*r"Tarnly l7 STITCHES and Bnp of rerrerrs an,l bits aniu"ilr Iirii11t"o,l]}||ltr.. rerrer*.s.
"tn vil re^g.r' r'fffiF*; rd;f,o Loads
50p +
g4g to: Paul, The Ftat, 56a Upgare. Lo*th, l-incs, t-ttt t SfN
It : a,*td ths up free at rhe Lreds VITAMIN X gig and I did np ofl an article lrom tt. so I thrnk it's onl-v-lotslairoftha F.. ,, a plugl Great political punk nervspaper stl'le zine t'rom Holland (written in Englrsh r Fearures :r=a! *rirings about G8 proiests, why zines arJ important to lhe scene, inlerviervs AiuDt PEIERSONS old gig flyer art reproduced. Overall an ercelient zrne and it's So send them IRC's to: Hugo De Grootstraat 25, 25 18 EB Den Ltaag, The Netherlands ':1e efi/'LAIV!
3illE, OIL, OnWgll NATION and has some
X '/ F-.HHYt*,r,YY,t *l,J i-..r-I-ror-ioilBl,tEvB oii6 to.autJrt'er'
andso inspiring' I oi't' Mark Barnsre
'l.T:::Ji:jr':,[:iillg.i1:;*i." s easil) the best i"* get to waoe rlrtuuErr "'"'-'*-' ' "'- :' .l,I'r ng on rhe scene, an articlt i.r" even read it all but what you ,'f l!',',#;:iliil]::\ly,Yx'1il',Tl,.ii "il"T,'J'ft1|T:[,.I,f 'lfi r, iltn jal. r,'t"*i"i, or -d - :e; rLrt t.;l'-:g[31; 1s1 1}'-'J"'+l;Li'ffi'&[ilHfiffii.i,''."J wltn uru)rur ^' '";;"i;no ;::;--!,.t*:';;'#:'1,'"pf:f""'af'"'"Y:fl1yafi;il*i;1x::'X;*;l't,',t1,':f'",*# E,-.-: :i.i:onei support, interviews **"ur. lbesides apathl,) for not 8etfinB
reYrvwr' "s-tis :.:..;;.j;;;;a?"i"*'Thisis^ofcours.TFT1"^",.'",r^i||dfr :'-': :irrcics cu'aigun Rd' Leeds' Ls6 lLJ' S.\E to R2B. c/o 14 aLrq
::J i+
}'ou sa1 lou.re E .: .c, i.=,:=_. Brr 1_ou.re aXl tnr belHers:
j:. T= :-+= -w=__. {or-r l:i: :-. cirrd, ir-*.
ym ffiiurgs bre
you trliel-e m irt6 11rir,.a r=. Wntten by.hero* long snse &a3
(Chonrs) Godwrn and bis marcs are dearr Who cares wtrat Bahmin sid? Useless facts plague your mind Of dogmas from another time. you are now a spokesman for Those who have gone before. Now the culminating ef,fect Is the beliefs that you protect: The1,'re from tlre lbran. shelf Ard notune to do urh .l..urel: (Cho-rrs)
W'har har.e 1-os reaii-i'' Srti Perhaps -vou could *rrte for aa fur:ilectual ="g Mental masturktton rn an anacn s ragi
All you waft to know Is what you read;
Well, review your poxy books But don't review me_ (Chonx) you know more than ever I canld But with all your knowledge, are you anl.gsir+You could tell me aboul Spain, why and i:oE, But has it any relevance to w-hat's toip.o.g.*_= Fuck offback to college you love so
Oxford Dictionary languigeisn'I srclco=c lt=;: (Chorus) Who gives a toss what
Bekuin saiil
From The APOSTLES-"The Lives And Times Of Th,e ^{p,,0,:ttes- Lp (19g6)