class war #92

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C1 OR €1.50, ISSUE 92 SUMMER 2OO7 tssN 1 754-2804

CLAAB WAn, summer 2oo7


W0utDNT Y0tl FIND it a bit tucking odd if you werc told 19 British Prime Ministers went to the

acre Normanby Hall estate near Scunthorpe which has been in the family since 1590.

same school? Well... they did... they all went to Eton

Ancestors of the old Etonian Lincolnshire landowner were said to include the Speaker of the House of Commons duing the reign of Henry VIII. Her mother is Annabel Jones who owned tbe Beauchamp place jewellery shop and now runs Oka the swanky interior design and llghting shops - she is now married to old Etonian Viscount Astor - a Minister in John Major's government. Sarah is a desceudant of King Charles Il and the frrst Duchess of Cleveland as well as King Charles II via his daughter by Moll Davies and is also a descendant of Francesco the first, the Medici Grand

the poshest publir school in the count-y. It would have been 20 but Tony Blair went to Fettes public school - described as 'tle Eton of the North'. But don't worry...there'll be another one along in a rninute. David Cameron went to Eton... then the well trod path to Oxbridge aDd governrnent. 15 of tris Tory front benchers also went to Eton including chums George Osborne and Boris Johnson... then on to Oxbridge. But apparently talk of an upper class elite running ttre country is out of date! Under the last frve years of New Labour Old Etonians using the old school tie to get into 0xford has increased



Receut suryeys have shown that the privately educated dominate practically every aspect of our lives... government, civil service, education, television, newspapers, culture, hrrance, public sewices, private

companies, corporations... even fucking conedy. Listen to Daniel Wright director of'Hot Fuzz' talking about his days as a 'Bluecoat Boyi.. or Tory Tolfs like Guy Ritchie passing himself off as a "well'ard" qle geezer... or David Baddiel and the rest of the class tourists eulogising over football like rro oIe [rad lreard about it before they got their class credentials by association. There is no aspect ofour lives they have not colonised from where we live to what we fucking eat. Even the atleged opposition to the govemment in the anti-war movement is led by Oxbridge toffs like Tony Benn, Tariq Ali and Ken Loach The Class war is ongoing and we're fucking losing it. When Dougtas Hurd lost the Tory party leadership to John Major he blamed his OId Etonian past saying

the days were gone when an 0[d Etonian could


Prime Minister in a modern democracy. How wrong he was! The class divide is as strong as ever despite David Cameron's attempts to pass himself off as an ordinaqr decent bloke.

Duke of Tuscany. Cameron... is a paid up member of the Countryside Alliance and regularly goes stag hunting on his fatherin-law's 35,00O acre estate in Scotland where he boasts of his stag killing hotshot shooting abilities.

After prep school young Dave followed in the lamily tradition and went to Eton. In a strange twist of fate his headmaster Eric Anderson had been Tony Blair's housemaster at Fettes public school in Scotland, sometimes dubbed the Scottish Eton.

At oxford


joined the Butlingdon club


socially exclusive toff student dining Society famous for its well-off members and destructive binges. Membership is by invitation only and prohibitively expensive for most. The Buttindon Club was founded over hundred 50 years ago originally as a hunting club and now is primarily a dining club supporting the local hunts. Members traditionally dress IN TAILC0ATS - a specially made tail coat in royal blue

with ivory sitk lapels facing brass


buttons and mustard waistcoat... AT A C0ST 0F oVER e2,000 each. Cameron was a member oE the wretched Butlingdon Club when they smashed up a pub outside 0xford but got away with it because their mummies and daddies

am the rtrst to admit I'd make t crappy class uuior but not nou that I'ile seen the Bullingtlott photo...'


- Rowan Pel.ting, in The Independent. The Tories have now attempted damage






GLASS WAB... NAKED... UNAPOLOGETIC.. ANO BAGK ON THE FUCKING AGENDA!! (BULLTNGooN CLUB ATTTRE opTloNAL) OUOTES: "They're all cutfrom the stme cloth and it annoys me that the biggest political imn lrom the last 30 yeafi has been Margaret Thatcher, someone uho tried to destroy the uorking class... itfreaks me out loil krou. So I dol't really think there's anything lefi to uote

for. That's why people don't uote,,. uthy peopl.e uould. rather uott for cel&rity talint shous than would tote for politics."

paid for the damage and the cops refused to bring any charges despite the Iandlord demanding their prosecution. Another member accounts how they journeyed to London shooting out tralfic Iights on the

- Noel Gallagher of 0asis,

quoted on the BBC website champers with Mr Tony all those years ago was a mistake...

15l2lU. Clearly drinking

it ilas the police, and the Palermo lans, utho representrd Enemy No.1 "

"For the hooligarc oJ Catotia,

way... again no charges despite any crashes they may

Well Cameron - YOU HAYE BEEN RUMBLED! In this issue of Class War we expose Cameron for the


have caused,

- World

aristocratic lying toflee nosed inbred he is with a piece of investigative râ‚Źporting that the tabloids couldn't match or dare not run, And we make a modest suggestion as to what to do about it...






David Cameron is the cousin 0f the Consewative political journalist and editor Ferdinand Mount, third Baronet and the grandson of Sir William Mount the second Baronet. He is related to many British aristocratic families being descended from the seventlr Earl of Denbigh, the first Earl of Ducie, the first Earl of Caernarfon, the second Earl of Egremont, the sixth Duke of Somerset and the second Earl of Shrewsbury. He is also related to the British Royal Royal family by descent of his paternal grandmother from King William IV and he is the fifth cousin twice removed of Queen Elizabeth lI. He is also a descendant of the first Marquis of Montrose as well as Frederick the frfth ofGerniany and Queen Elizabeth ofBobemia the daughter of King James the fiEt. So

just like you and

me then...

Sarah Cameron -'the ordinary girl from Scunthope:.. was how she portrayed herself at the ConseNative party conference, but failed to state the fact that was actually on her t'ather Sir Reginald Shefheld's 3oo


'lt's rare thet I tieu the photo

oJ a group of strapping ond am flled uith an orcruhelming desire to strqfe them nith an Uzi. Or to dtop them all in the middle o-f the Bomeo rainforest utith some dinntr jrckrt and a bottl( o.f Bolly and shout 'see hout far that gets you mate'. Seethitg hostilit! uerging on psychosis uas my presiding emotional uhet seeing the 1987 picture oJ the Bullingdon Club published in a teu biography oJ Camton. Haxr you ertr setn such bad job anogant inbred sphintrcr faced tosspots?

loutg mfl

limitation and

got the photographers in Oxford who have copyright on the photo to withdraw it from publication. Well tough shit... sue us... its on the front page so we can all see what an inbred tosser toff Cameron really is.

Soccer magazine, discussing the Serie A match between Catania and Palermo on Sicily, which ended in one of the largest riots in football history, and the death of a riot policeman oa 2l2lo7. "The Muslim Council oJ Britiln (MCB) shouldn't try to Jorrc its religious agendo on children uho My not uant it. The goilerument teeds to send the MCB packing. Schools shoukl be about teaching, not pteaching."


in their tofJee

Terry Sanderson of the National Secular Society, after a Muslim Council ofBritain report in February on how it expects Muslim children to be treated in state schools. This included restrictions on swimming lessons, sex education, games and making school trips single sex only.

but nobody I knout is laughitg. Nor do they gfu? a monktys ahout uthether Csmeron smoked cannabis or not uhile he uas a student I silspect most people uouldn't giue a damn if he mainlined heroin and liued in a brothel.

"The link behteen the coflmon man tnd the ployer has almost gone. It's almost bccome a them and us situation and I think that's sad. lt's gont past passion - it's reached the point qf hatred and it's sad, but thot's the way football is going. A lot oJ people who support thdr team are jeolous of the players."

But the shaming euidenrc thot he onre Jlatnted himself as the liuitg embodiment of Jloppy hair


The bully boys may I suppose claim something sotiical nosed sutagger poised as they ue as iJ about to thrash a brace of .footmet Jor insuborditation

Brideshead style priuilege has the pot?ttisl to decimote his credibility and I suspect it is uomen uho utill be the most repelled. t didn't meet a sitgle Jemalr last ueek uho hasn't expressed skin creeping rotulsion in reaction to the pictwe. In fact tht Bulingdon photo INDUCED ufiprecedented use of obscettity in ercn the mikkst msnnered feuales I met.

Wigan manager Paul Jewell states the bleeding

obvious. Daily Mail 31131O7. "The auertge


of a London home is 8287, ) 76. This

is more than 9 times the awage London salary. Therr u,ere 35,000 fewer couucil and housing association social homes in 2006 than in 2OO0"


Green London Assembly member Jenny Jones ou the housing crisis in London.


lN JANUARY PRIME Ctrrtes and his other half Camilla flew out to New York to collect the Environmental Citizen prize from


Summer 2()07



Mediral School. Now, you as well as us here at the Class news desk may be wondering what the fuck any Roya.l has ever done for the environment.


When tlrey're not touring up and down the country in petrol guzzling cars they're charging around the counuyside shooting tlle fuck out of anythirrg that nloves! But this really takes the biscuit; the dozy parasites took l4 staff witi them on their two dayjaunt to make sure they were pampered 24 hous a day!

The staff included two valets, a dresser, a hairdresser, a butler, a doctor, two private secretaries, assistants, a press secretary, senior pless officer and the list goes on. A whole business classjumbo has been hired! For fuck's sake! The sooner these scum are pushing up the daisies the better and greener the world



lT'S A HARD life being Head of Security for the British Nationa.l Party. Everyone wants to punch Nick Griffrn's glass eye out, and you're the poor bastard paid to stop them! So after a hard day holding Nick's hand, Martin Reynolds likes nothing better than a few lines of Colombim marching powder (bought off white drug deale rs only) and the n swinging with overweight women. Here are some exclusive pictures of rotund Reynolds in action - remember the future of the white race is in chubby hands like these!


roll call of inbred parasites and


idiots? 1ll. Brigadier Tweedie Brown OBE. Tweedie by name, weedy by nature?


9. Major General Michael Charlton-Weedy CBE. Chief Executive of the Errergency Planrriilg College. That really fills u full of confrdence!


8. Colonel Donn de Grand. Pre. It's a racing certainty this lornrer US army f:gure will get you giggling7. Michael Dafter.


BNP membcr (obviouslyl) in



Andr.* Von

Schleswig-Holstein-SonderburgGluksburg. The next time Prince Phillip complains about "bloody foreigners" consider his lallrers full name, plus the fact he was Prince ofboth Denmark and Greece!

lN A HIGHIY unusual case a forensic expert


been exposed as a liar and a conman; nothing that unusual there then, but in this case he was sent to prison for 5 years. Gene Morrison, 48, of Hyde, Cheshire, bluffed and lied his way through hundreds of trials, for almost three decades, fooling judges, barristers, solicitors and their clients into believing he was qualified.

Morrison school

5' Richud Stucley Formantâ‚Źel Lytton-Cobbold. Try saying that without your dentures in !


3.nuegta Mostyn-Owen. Artist, and the hrst wife of Boris Johnson, Ok so the Austin Allegro was popular, but would you really name your daughter after one?

with no qualifications but

gave evidence in cases involving armed robbery, rape, death lly dangerous drivilg, urrexplained deaLh, drugs offences and questioned patertrity. He had told one

grjeving couple that the unexplained death of tieir son was suicide and charged them 116,500 for work they had never commissioned. 7O0 cases in which Morrison gave evidence, are now being reinvestigated hy the police. tf he gave evidence against you, we strong suggest you see a solicitor as soon as possible.

nt Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Known as Mr "Och Me Dinner Dad" to our readers north of the border. Crazy name, very crazy guy!


2' Eliane

de Cassagne de Braufort. Mother ofsebastian

Grigg, one of David Canrerol's druggie chunrs at Eton. Pass the coke would you old chap? 1.

Hon. ,lEdgyth Bertha Milburg Mary Antonia Frances Lyon-Dalberg-Acton. Although this old bat died in 1995, her lineage continues - her son is Alex Callinicos, one of tlre leaders of the "Socialist" Workers Party.




ItlEEHiluhl'SI{U, YOU HAVE PR0BABLY never hrard accountant Robcrt Brown.





told you he tlaims

to be the illegitirnate son of Princess Margaret, part ofyou would probably start to think "oh, not another nutter".

But it's thatrks to hjs

Legal efforts

to vjew the wills


Princess Margaret and the Queen Mother that yet another royal corruption scandal has conre to light. By law all wills are opetr lo ilspectjol, l-lrerr are rro except io n s,

Despite this, the Attorney General, Lord Goldsnrith agreed with a high courtjudge, Dame Elizabetlr ButlerSloss, in 2002 that that the Queen Mum's will would be kept secret- What did they have to hide? Worse still To ny

B Ia ir has Iied to the Co nr mo ns (no rh ing ncw therr) by saying there is an ancient convrnllon that royal wills are private. This again is nonsense. A legal challenge to all this is now underway froru The Cuardian newspaper - a rare public seryice flron] the usually supine new Labour in-house rag.

And Danre Elizabeth Butler-Sloss? She has


appointed to head the inquest into the death of Princess Diana. Do you gel the feeling rhat norhing will enlerge from that evcnt thal will upsct thc royal larilily?



Srrmmer 2oo7


take a long hard look

at Tory party leader David Cameron.

or two exceptions, do you never wonder whyyou read little similar analysis in the mainstream Despite one


It is not just because of who owns the media - quite frankly the likes of Rupert Murdoch would sell you

anything if they thought it would make them money. Nor is it because Cameron has the media dazzled in much the same way that New Labour did a decade ago.

A big reason why the media is so comfortable with the class LORD JUSTICE RICHARDS, one of Britain's most

senior judges, was charged

with two counts of

indecent exposure in Februar5r.

A mamied man with tlvo children, he has ruled some of the country's most important cases


- including

that of the Brazilian electrician murdered by the police in July 2OO5. Jean Charles De Menezes was shot after an "undercover operation" - shame Justice Richards didn't keep hirnself urrdercover! Allegedly ttre dirty bastard exposed hinrself to ferrale rail passelgers, so much lor lettirrg the train take the strain!

NOW HE'S FINISHED his army training at Sandhurst, and is supposedly being sent to fight in Iraq, where else do you think Prince Harry should serue?

There are three options in this exclusive Class War

poll: A. I B.

thi.k *e should

keep Prince

bumy in Basra! got to be Afghanistan



Hury in lraq



the Taliban would

love to shoot him up the Khyber Pass C. There's no rush. Lets wait until the Americans invade lran, then send him there. Please send your answers to:

The Where I Would Like Prince Hamr To Be Kitled Competition. The Ministry of Defence, Main Building,

$rhitehall, London SWIA 2HB.

BBITAIN'S TOP PlG, Sir tan Blair has been raught telling porkies!

Tlris March saw Ian Blair make


embarrassing pub)ic

climb-down, blaning inaccurate press reporting and iris own desire to portray the excitelileDt of his life as a young policeman. Scotland Yard conceded "These events took place 3l years ago. The Commissioner recounted his memory of the incident when he was a young PC in the form of an anecdote and far too much emphasis is being put on it':

so important the small press, blogs, Indymedia and political websites develop, out of the control of the ruling class. What are you doing to

help make this happen? 0VER THE YEARS cr"ss war may have given the entirely false impression that the aristocracy was utterly useless and could serve no purpose whatsoever other than

tilget practice for working

class youths

looking to take up shooting as a character building hobby. Flowever the case of a Yorkshire landowner


nd fornrer

MP, Sir Mark Sykes, has pronrpted us to have a radical

retlrirk. The owner of the historic Sledmere House near Drill:tld, dicd jrr tlre SparLish 11u epider)ric 1l)at


spread across Europe alter llre Firsl World War.

After a li[e-time


Sykes was buried


priviJege and exploitatioD, idle a lead-lined colf;n. As this has



"How I Caught The Great Train Robbers And Was Back At the Station In Time for Z Cars"

preseryative quality, virologists may be able to carry

f, f

"Dr Crippen Didn't Fool Me"

the old parasite and cutting him up into ljttle pjeces.

"Ronnie and Reggie: My Part in Their Downfall"

Professor John 0xford is just one expert waiting wilh his toolkit ready to start hacking away at this old


Testing Hour"



How I Invented It ln My Lunch

"Jack the Ripper: I Nearly Had The Bastard".

journalists and paper editors went to private schools. Of those who had been to Universi\r, over half went to Oxbridge. Far from getting better, these figures were actually getting worse - in 1986 "only" 490/o of the big newspaper editors were public To us, this is another reason why we need papers like this, and why it is

Hmmm. If Blair can't tell the truth about basic details of everrts 30 years ago, wtry should we believe him orr any issues now? is not lost though. In the spirit of fairness Class War approached Sir lan's office for an interuiew to allow hin to set the record straight, and the Commissioner has given us fte following exclusives:

oft en identical backgrounds. Research

by the Sutton Trust into "Educational Backgrounds of Leading Journalists" in 2OO6 found 54olo of the leading


Sir Ian Blair claimed in an interview last year that he had been shot at by the TRA at the 1975 Balcombe Street siege in the West End. Blair commented 'To actually hear the bullet going over your head - T loved it. I loved thejob from the first minute': Not so, according to an academic who had studied the siege in some drtail, and not so according to some of the police offrcers who were actually tiere, and were shot at!

backgrounds of both Tony Blair and David Cameron is that most leading journalists are from very similar,

out unique research into Spanish flu by digging




Who said lhc


class wcrc usrless?


As for opposing the likes of Cameron, we look forward to seeing you on the Bash the Rich march in November. But don't expect to read any positive coverage of it in The Sun!

Well, in the last issue we started to revamp the paper -we think we have completed that task with this issue.

We hope you enjoy it, if you do why not take out a subscription? Class War the newspaper is only as good as the people who write for it, and the people who supply us with information fr om their communities, their workplaces and, in the worstcase scenarios, their prisons. That means you - Let us know what you think!


Summer 2oo7


Iradrr-slrip cont(st, No, I)e wants Browu arrd Cruddas more ofthe same,just diflercnt nanrcs.



people are going to look to the likes of the TUC atrd Labour loving bureaucratic union bosses like this pair ol'twats. they are trigging doonred. All they want to do is furtlrer facilitate Labour's'nrodernisation plans, ger their palnls greased wirh honours, and get New Labour re-elec1rd.


care, but lining the pockets of the carpetbaggers,

TUC General Secretily,

md Derek Simpson, Amicus General Secretary. Their offerings were totally

He went on to say, 'Thls Covernment should be getting

misrepresentative of those attending the rally, who

rrruclr of the credil lor tlris betler NHS. ll is rut too late to put the NHS back on track, and rninisters are certainly mucl) nrore willing to taLk to us since we

stood aghast listening to their sickening status quo, establishment crap. Bilber is a t5ryical union bureaucrat, a mm in a suit, placating and dismissing the concerns of the workforce he is supposed to represent. And Simpson, apparently the prid€ of Sheffield, is New Labour up to his gills.

launched NHS Together - I welcorne that. Our nressage Lere today - arrd across tlre coulrtry - is work witlr usl Roughly translated this means, include us (the TllC hierarchy) ir your discussions, and we will smooth t)re way.

Brendan Barber said that the Government is in danger of squandering the political credit it has earned for its inv€stment in the NHS and the better patient care that NHS staff are now delivering. Potiticat credit? What

Derek Simpson used his speech to pronrote New Labour and the necessity ol keeping thenr in power. 'Tories ir goverlruell, urinragilable,' was Iris uressage - apparently he could perceive a dilference between

planet is this man on? The only credit they get is from the PFI profiteers. The medical staff are utterly demoralised. The investment is not going to patient



those loathsonre shites and his Labour Party colleagues.

He ever disnrissed the nrild notion of supporting tlre Lallour lelt carrdidate, Jolrn McDor)1lell, iD tlle

0PP0SED [*].,;r",11ilf-;'1


ex-spooks(includingttratotareataii.!orr;laiirvi.ri l:::,.-1i accept their co-religionists .r..;;-;;yahj.c';;;;;, havejoined forces in the UK and tretand 9/11 Truth

or persotr once thev are ensnared within the

lt all

There are rnany !recedents

for bureaucratic


interyention obstructing worker/comnrunity action (and you do['t siorply haYe to go t]ack to the 1926 and 1984/5 nriners strikes to frnd thenr). Look what happened wlth bloody Dave Prentis, the Unison Ceneral Secretary, and the public sector pet:siols dispute prior to the last general election. All geared lor slrike actiorr Llrcr qua5lr(d

- rruslrt'1 rock tlrc boat

lbr thc Labour Party! Who the fuck do they think they are supposed to be rep rese nti ng?





iffi,rl:ifu*]irftI ir*:rffili:m']ipflrl*j

gNE 0F THE daftest set oftheories out there comes apparently inhcrent crinrinality fron developing. He courtesy of the.9/1 Truth Movementl rtt.r. ur. 1'j::l'l'tthattheywilltackletheuDderlyillgcauses thejokerstllattrytoconvincethewo.rarnarri.-*ir. :fc.lltne and addre:' social exclu'iott dv'f'rnctinnal ram rcs, druss and that osama Bin Laden was not responsibre ror Asusualthemethodtobeused i-shighlvintrusivesocial September ll 2OO1 terrorist attacks in New York. ttott-corttpliance lo ttre govertrrrrerrt ln the uK a strange mixture of conspiracy theorists, ::l,ji?l,-.*h.r. a citizen will result in punitive nreasures


The NHS is being bled of its public funding by the privateers, and lts workers have been offered a'pay rise'that equates to a real terms pay cut. There should be sonre real inrpetus lor nrilitant action, but these establishnrenr turds will do all irr their power to quell the wrath-


we rrrcd to say rrrore?

Hisclair:rstolreas[andardbearerlorthe workingclass


expense of the least well ofl corporation tax was cut to 28 per cent, frorn 30 per cent, This applies to the rich conrnrercial sector who

to the wealthy at the

Alreadv ihese companies use tax avoidance practices

of old tinre social etrgineering and a that result in a considerable reduction in expected whole lot of coercion- Youth lnclusio[ and Support taxation ircome. Thjs reduction is, on avcrage, nearly Movement. intcruene with 'at risk' childrcn in 60/0 lcss cor)roratiorr tax paid by rlrc UK's top 50 They want us to betieve that anyone from Mossad l:.ltlt ,i,ut'd, contpanies than is expected. For the vear 2004/5 tl)is throush to ceorse w er.h r,i*..ii;,. ;;;;;;:i;t, :]:.:,-]',:1:i:,^1'u-::l]:""i1y''.u"'1 provide distraction activities ior the llou'n"""" l3-16 year amounted to t4.6 hillion lost tax revenue, and l2o slnacks

andeventhattheTwinTo*e.r*.].r",r,iiifri^ irrside rhe rowersbrougtrr rlern

This nonsenseiseasilylaughed



and ofcourse Bush and B]air are quite happy to


of']l'![,).'on'ronies trtc tax ro:r courd he a' ntuclt |ll',1,:1'.j1,-;'l{lil: nv lnreryenlng farllel I:'l'l:::9f:l:"9i:Y::.111:l ln a Cnlla \ llle rarenllnt ny f9.) lrilliol pet year.


ag(ncies, or to ltre blueprjlt dtsi{rrrd Ly thenr is the preterred choice.

"s Additionallv they use delerred tax provisions' which

Perhaps all those years supporting and funding living in vrry low incone fanrilies. Thcre is no nrention big busincss arc rhc rcsult of corporatc tax allowanccs Islamist bigots as a bulwark against Communism was of closing the ever increasi[g wealth divide to remove giv0r to rncourage capital investnrent. However, thcy abadidea.PerhapssuckinguptoSaudiArabiaallthe the disaffeclion that children in these circutrstances ireirrterestfree,a.clhavenospecihedrcpaymentrlate. time-hometo 15ofthe 19hijackers-wasnotsuch soluelirrts exlriLit, jusL govrnrrorlal colrtrol ol In lact delerred taxatior ca, be userl by corrrpa,ies behaviout a good idea either? whether or .ot there is any possibility of the anrounts

Thisyearhasseenthebeginningsofabacklashagainst TheWelfareState's'cradletothegrave conceptisnow theseclowns,whosecult-likebehaviouranddismissal beingreplacedwithson]ethingsimllar,butsinisterly oI anyoue who disagrees with them as 'gat€keepers" different. It is an insidious expansion ofgovernnrental is as annoying as it is telling. Expect to see Class interlerence in working class life, and it's all sticks no

War dismissed as "fake anarchists" or "Anarchist


gatekeepers" as a result of this ar

ro view

some or rhe counter



,.J,'i:,.. nonsense



visit http://


little hoon to rnanagers and city

ACC0RDING T0 TONY Blair, september 1lth 2ool and July 7th 2OO5 changed the securi\r landscape forever This has become the all-encompassing

for his various authoritilian dictats.

latest of which are included in 'justice plan.'

The his recently released

The most disturbing of these proposals are in the 'Prevention' section of Blair's crime plan, and are a

incomc tax nice


Thc frnal kick in thc tccth tbr thc low paid carnc with the altnouncentent that Lhe existing l0o/o inconte tax

:ii:i:J" ::'i,"lfiT;ll'i;!"i;Ti:".o,j',:.;

,he .ve,v

[rliilL! !:!dl{i{{{il]tit."""" *iil:i: yotLr local mcntal hea th unit. Thcrc should bc

you really are a rr)an ofthe people, providing they are stirrkirrg rich.

Mr Brown has increasingly attempted to distance visit








owcd bcing rcpaid. l'hc top-ratc



himsetf from Blair and his own history as a fellow

rchitect of New Labour. He has been


his affinity for 'old' Labour values, md the Labou Pilty's traditional voters. His media circus have tried to portray him as a wum cuddly family man, a man of the people and not the dour, saggy f'aced, frugal, Presbyterian control freak who has to hold the purse strings. This re-scripting is of course utter shite, and has failed miserably. He is New Labour through and through - all blue with a transparent pink veneer. He has supported all the Blairite policies canied out by this government, in fact he is th€ instigator of many of

FLORENCE, THE tz year old who made the gun gesture at David Cameron, very quickly had his home raided by police. Do you think t}te police would have acted so promptly ifFlorence had threatened you, or shouted abuse at you the way he


CL/ISS WA.R, summer 2oo7

did at toffet nosed twat Cameron?

and three governtrrent minsters resigned their posts.

The ftlth lound a tiny anrount olsplit[ in Florelce's house - and locked him up over the weekendl So much for thejails and police celJs being full! When he

Tories, and won the vote

appeared il magistrates court t]Ie following Mondav, even the magistmte said 'There are concerns that this arrest is politically motivated."

Ryan Florence may be a nasty piece ofshit - he has since been jailed for burglaries committed agaifft working class houses in the Benchill area ofManchester - buf his treatrnert over ttre Carnerol incident rather tells the lie to the claim that we are all treated equally before the law. This is still a class based society - and wankers like Cameron sit at the top of it.



I{ISIE 0t llhlE AH0 tr|0tEYr OA





BUSll A CUHT TRIDENT ll DE forms what is taughabty known as the UK's independent nuclear deterrent. lt is neither independent, nor usetul for deterring any current threat. The idea that the US would allow the UK to act independently against their interests is risible, and the Cold Wu srenuio is long gone.

Tony Blair states that frring Trident missiles does not require the permission, the use of satellites, or the codes, from the Utrited States, and is therefore operationally indepeldent. However, Britain is so technically dependent on then that iu effect the UK's Trident force is nerely a US client system. British Trident missiles have to be serviced in the US and are to have their lives extended by the US. Additionally the warhead design is American and their components come from the United States.

There are other issues to consider too, such as the undertakings o[ the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) aud the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CNTBT). Surely the process oF replaceuent would be contrary to Afticle Vl of the NNPT, and any testing of new nuclear warheads a direct contravention of the CNTBT. Trident is a submarine-launched ballistic missile system which originates from the US, and has been in seruice with the Royal Naty since 1994 when it replaced Polaris. 16 missiles are deployed on each of the four Vanguard-class submarines based at Faslane. Each missile can carry up to 12 warheads, although the Royal Navy's are armed withjust three.

The'need'to replace the system is due to its expected obsolescence in the 2O20s. And the decision on its replacement has to be taken now because, according to the government, a replacemert submarine would take about l7 years to develop. The government plans to join the US programme to extend the life of the missiles into the 2040s and build a new generation of submarines in the UK. lf new nuclear warheads are required, theywill bebuilt atAldermaston, likethe last lot. The costs for the new submarines are estimated to be between f15bn and l20bn. The issue ofreplacement did not legally require a vote in Parliament, the cabinet could've decided itsell But such was thâ‚Ź dissent that a Parliamentary debate and vote took place. [n it, B]ak attempted to drum up

support using uncertainty and fear, claiming that in an uncertain world, it would be unwise and dangerous for the UK to get rld of its weapons. He went onto say that it is not utterly fanciful to imagine states sponsoring nuclear terrorism from their soil. Although the Cold War was over, no-one could say whether any new threats would ernerge. Gordon Brown also gave full support. Last year he said

Britair would show a national purpose in protecting its security, 'strong in defence in fighting tenorism, upholding NATo, supporting our armed forces at home and abroad, and retaining our independent nuclear

Ilowever, fhe govcrnnlcnt wcrc supported hy the





replacement. The sort of hollocks spouted by Blair, Brown and their supporters, i.e. the Tories, nray work well with those set to gain frnancially or politically ftorn their actions, but we at Class War can srrrrll slrit whor it s serutd up lor pudding.

24 HOUR CCTV RECORDING IN OPERATION bearing gifts! Ken Livingstone's tactjc offorcing people to get oyster cards by making

;:'* ?i:: f Tl;iT.JlI'i,'.ii:l1iL".' i1i',y"TI; " llllE hlMAS " ;II tli ",,:llriJ..lry #l.',J:il ;i:,::'.1ff s ll RY El ttAH c E? than meets the eye, and none of it palatable.

The Oyster card is a smafi card, essentially



rechargeable plasric travel ticket. Tlrey can be a season ticket or you can 'pay as you gol Tlrey are repLacing paper tickets on London's travcl nctwork, and plans are afoot to roll thenr out over a larger area than the capital. However, a5 sroafi cards they also record rhe journey data of all users. lt's tl)is, alld the grearer surueillance which the cards ofler in corrjunction with ollrer systerr)s, wlrich slLould corcem people. The millions of Oyster users in London and the southeast create a huge amount ol data about thenrse)ves sirnply through th(ir lravcl pattcrns. Proplr's regular

.journeys are now, for the ftrst time, easily alalysed to frnd out where people work, who thev knorv (hv who regularly goes with whom through the gates), and mapping their social rLetwork through a[alysis of whcre, arrd wl]eil, lllcy travrl. Morc, lhrouglL Lorrdorr Underground's exrensive CCTV network, getting a picturc of thc user of a[y particular Oysler card's extremely easy. Figures released last year show that the police are making incrcasjrg use of Oyster card records, The lvletropolitan Police described Oyster records a'a straightforward investigative tool', a tool which allows the frlth to place someone (or their Oyster cardJ at a particular place at a certain time, and to ask people to account lbr thcir nrovcmcnts, Oyster cards are so inlportant

lo LiviltgslotLe, and



this governnent, that it's nore than Iikely that the surucillancc aspccts of the cards are kev to the whole pro-iect. The Train 0perating Conrpanies who run lines into l.ondon have had the installation of Oyster equipnrent made a requirenrent for rhe renewal of their fra nchises. By 2009 or 20 l0 the govenrmenr a ins 1o lrave tlir)iilal(d paper travr)cards, irr Lorrdor arrd ir)creasingly outside.

The aim of this surveillance. and the surveillance which is also a corc pan of thc Congestion Charge Zone in London, is conrbating not only terrorisnt but also dissent and suhversion. The database ivhich contains travel inlornratjon will also allow shops and busiresses to more accura[ely socially sorr their cuslolrers, as corlparries start to accepl rrrurrry via Oyster. People who nrainly travel within Hackney, for instancc, arc lcss attractive customers than pcoplc who travel between Mayf2ir and Chelsea. However, lor the next couple of years it will still be possihle to travel in l.ondon fairly anonvniouslv, BR stations stiLl sell paper travelcards (though you'll need

a photocard for tickets longer than a week). These lrave al added advaDtage that, uillike Oyster, you don't Ieed to pay for every zone lhrough which you pass. For example, a zoncs 2 and 3 travelcard will allow you to go fronr White City ro Mile End through zone 1 with no prohlem, Oyster will not only record yourjourney but charge you the offrcial rate!

Although run)ours abound of people trying to crack oyster, to deleat it technologically, this does not yet


seem 1o have been achieved- As the numlter ofservices which can be accessed using oyster grows, though, it

There was considerable opposition From Labour MPs

can onlv be u matter ol-timc.





ACC0RDING T0 A ROYAL n udemy of Engineering report, "Dilemmas of Privacy and Surueillance, Challenges of Technological Change," possible, in the not too distant friture,

it will to

be 'Google

spacetimr', and locate a specific person at any given date and time. Public surveillance is evident ever1mhere and it is still experiencing extensive growth. And now due to digital technology, data can be kept and accessed easily, and togetier with image searching techniques and face md gait recognition capabilities individual people can be sought and found.

This ability to track our whereabouts and actions is seriously irrtrusive arrd blows personal privacy out of the water. There are many 'legitimate' reasons to maintain privary. We may wish to restrict access to personal information about ourselves, keep our actions and opinions untraceable, hide our identity, or generallvjust be left alone. Thâ‚Ź state insists that this conflicts with governmental values, which include accountability for actions both public ald private, crirle prevention, detection and generaI security, information for public seruice delivery infectious disease contro[, and'acceptable standards of behaviour.' However, for this to be acceptable in the slightest, the government would have to be trustworthy - and that is patently an absurd notion. Their use of surueillance and data collection technology, as well as the vast atlourrts of personal data already available to tlleDr, would have to be used only for the purposes agreed by the people to whom it pertained. Othemise it has t}re potential to decrease the level of trust dramatically - and of course this is very much the case.

Much of the promotion of the surueillance society has come about due to scare mongering relating to such diverse issues as anti social behaviour a nd large scale terrorist attacks. The laughingly titled 'war orr terror' is often used to justiry the extensive monitoring of behaviour, and fear of terrorist attack engendered by media and politicians creates a climate of acceptance. The underlying idea being that people will put up with an]'thing to feel safe and secure. Terrorist attacks can and have been devastating, but how effective has this increased surveillance been? For the July 7th and 2lst 2OO5 incidents, l)ot at all in terms of prevention. And the greater the amounts of everyday data recorded, the greater the problem in retrieving evidence of suspicious behaviour. It may help after the went, but not prior to it and surely this cannol be t}e objecrive of the exercise. One of the main concems raised is that surveillance designed for one purpose is used for more intrusive purposes e.g. congestion charge cameras are used for more generaI suruei]lance ofmotorists, despite specifrc assurances to the country when they were set up.

There are also problems with the whole operation of surueillance systems, can operatives and their managers be trusted not to abuse their positions? Can operatives and their managers be trusted to carry out suweillance objectively, i.e. without resorting to hias or stereotyping?




Summer 2oo7


THIS PAMPHLET, SUBTITLED 'shattered Armies: How The Working Class Fought Nazism and Fascism

1933-45", has been published Federation. Tt covers resistance France and Britain.

by the Anilchist in Germany, Italy,

It correctly points out that the first victims of Nazism rot the Jews or civilians ol neighbouring countries Hitler invaded. Before he could carry out such crimes, Hitler had to defeat his enemy within first


the organised working class - socialists, communists, anarchists and trades unionists all had to be crushed. And they were. Lacking the mass base of other groups, the Anarchists were particularly susceptible.


UK and constant scare story's in the press about immigration all combine to put uti-racists and


anti-fascists across the UK on the back foot.

HEEDS YOUR SUPPORI AUGUSTIN KRAUS lS an antifascist fiom Czech city of Most, who had been recently sentenced to 14 montis ofprison for his participation in attacks against local nazis. His chuge was "body hum". He speaks Czech, md cm easily understand Slovak and Polish. You can also write him short postcards in English. Its importmt he receives some support. Augustin Kraus, Vazebni veznice, PP-1, Litomerice,4l

From a small base, ANTIFA is now beginning to build up contacts and groups across tJre country. January saw a successful national conftrence, March a major fund raising gig in Nottingham. Anti-fascist actions will follow in the months to come. Class War urges all its members and readers involved with ANTIFA-

to get

You can order ANTIFA stickers and posters from

Betweetr 1933-45, an estimated 30,000 Germans were executed for opposing the state. Some oI the fiercest resistance ca me from young people, who were expected to be successfully indoctrirrated by t)re Hitler Youtl. As the war wore on, young people began to emerge who knew nothing of the pre-Hitler Labour movement, had lost family members in a war that could not be won, and knew that the Hitler youttr, and Nazi s'ystetrr was something they hated. Youth gangs with their own specific sub-culture began to emerge - those who t}ink youth culture began with

201, Czech Repubtic. Czech comrades sent us the forrowing a(icre on


The Czech Republic is no exception and neo-fascism is a real problem for many people. ln the cities in the north of the Czech Republic where 25olo of people are urrernployed the lascist rnoverrerrt is very big. The older members of this movement are connected to tle mafia who take a part in extortion of local clubs, trade with weapons and sell drugs. Manyyoung members concentrate on racist attacks on the g)?sy community and other people. Last vear in Octoher Filip Popelka, an older member


the reo-Nazis was killed, who was for a long tilne part of this mafia. His body was found riddled with bullets

in front of his


The growth of Antifa has seen big street

frghts between both sides. AFA was very effective and some ofthe main Nazi members have ended up in hospital, windows of their cars were broken and younger neofascists became afraid and stopped their attacks.

Unfortunately Augustin Kraus, member of AFA was jailed for 4 months after one ofthese actions. After this time he was released and until the end of September before being sentenced to 14 months of prison for harming fascists health.

I;il:i:ffi[i:,[y.r#0""$"ilJ,0 "'peop

e who


I(lilASZ tryl[K0sIEIflstil suPP0RT

TOMASZ lS AN anti-fascist prisoner, seruing 15 years for killing a nazi skinhead during a street fight. He recently had another parole board hearing. His parole was denied again. Judge asked him if he is going to maintain contact with his supporters when he goes outside. Tomasz said that "yes" although now be doesn't think anymore that violence is a solution to axything. The Judge was also visibly annoyed at large amount of letters and petitions arriving in his case and said it works to Tomasz's disadvantage (very questionably-

it is more

Iikety its the way for the authorities to

undermine Tomasz's supporl). His lawyer is filing an appeal and ABC groups have had a discussion about what to do next. In the meantime Tomasz needs letters of support:

Tomasz Wilkoszewski, ZK, Ozechowa



Sieradz, Poland

n0BIl{ SIEELE - Y0Rl(Sl{IflE POttCE IHFORII|ER UHhIASI(ED R0BIN STEELE A young Leeds man fiom a Jewish background, has had a chequered political history.

Originally involved in animal rights, he joined the Socialist Party, and then later started sporting Anarchist symbols, and tried to join Antifa- After being rebuffed by them, Steele changed his politics conpletely, embracing fascisn and joining the reoNazi 'British People's Party'. While his conversion to fascisu is apparently geuuine, Steele was also working for the cops as an informer, something which came about as a result of his afiest on bomb-making charges. While Steele seems to have had little genuine information about Anarchists and anti-fascists, this did not stop him from making it up, or from attempting to act as an agent provocateur. White Steele's days as a useful state-asset may be at end, we should not forget the lengths that our errenries will go to in order to frt up activists.

JOIT AHTIFA THESE ABE NOT eary tirnes for anti-tascists in the UK. The collapse of Anti-Fascist Action, the electoral success of the nazi-lite BNP, the rise of some deeply unpleasant brands of lslam within the

^r$ .\

Read the full extraordinary story on hdymedja at: https :// I 2oo7 I 03 I 365587.


.latoes Dean some time in the 1950s in Atnerica are rristakerr. Whereas tlre Nazi youth systell segregated young people by gender, groups like the Edelweiss Pirates saw young men and wonten soclaLise together - Gestapo fLles in CoJogne identified 3000 such dissid(nts. SoorL claslres errergrd wilh both tl)r HitLcr Youth and its Streifendienst section (a sort of Nazi version of the Police Cadets). The Nazis struck back -public]y hanging l6 anti-Nazi youths in Cologne itr 1941.

Ilistory has arguably bccnjust as cruel to such youth Iargely forgotten Lrntil recently, witll post-War Cerman politic)ans happy to push the "collective guilt" that Cerntars had accepted Hitlerisnr. Many had not - but their politics and beUefs were not to the liking oI the rrcw bourgrols Crrrrran order, arrd Llrey were wriLt0r out of history.

0tlrer sections

ol the

panrphlet are perhaps


dranralic, but tell a sinrilar tale. The German syndicalist ruovenrenI decinrated by exile, then infrltration and arrcst. Thc Zazou youth rnovcrncnt in France (thc


ol their

day?) that so annoyed the Vichy

regime ard the Nazis-

of the nrost sustained anti-fascist resistance in ltaly, with the Ardjti del Popolo to tlre fore. They, in their tir]re were sold out hy the leaders of Sonre canre

party, wlro saw violrrrcc as srll-deltatirrg, and the Comnrunists, ro whom it was orrly acceprable urder their specifrc leadership. As we rise to meet the chal)enges lrotrl fascists today, these lessorrs leed to be learncd. Lire SocialisL

Two faults can bc sccn with this pamphlct. Curiously the English 43 Croup, which was active alter 1945 ls included, whilst those Britons who lbught Mosley's Blackshirts in the 1930s a[d right up until nrany fascists were interned jn 1940, do nol get a mention. Secorrdly tlre cerrtral experiurcc ol lrow tlre ruajority of people fought fascisn in much of this period - as either volunteers or conscripts in state arnies - is purposely ornitted. CONTINUED ON PAGE


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Summer 2oo?


But people do not stop being working class when they join an army, even less so when they are conscripted into ore. lndeed urany workers who bad lought on the Iosing side in the Spanish Civil War, enlisted in their home armies as soon as possible. They knew what was coming.

That aside, this is a useful cotrtributiorr to arrti-fascist history from an orthodox anarcbist perspective. You can order a copy lor e1.50 from

RUSSIAH AHTIFASCISI JAITED lN MAY 2006, Vahtang Devittidze, a member of the

Russian Federation of Rryolutionary Anuchists, was attacked by a gang of fascists in the centre of Krasnodar. ln defending himself Vahtang stabbed one ofthe Nazis in tJle leg. Despite being hospitalized himself, Vahtang was charged with causing griâ‚Źvous bodily harm and sentenced to a hvo and a halfyear probation order. As a result of this he went on

tie run, but

was arrested

MUITICUITURAIISM APPEARS T0 be eveqmhere - from the diversig units ofthe Metropolitan Police to the "A Lists" of'ordinary bloke' (and Ubertoff)

while visitilrg his larrily arrd serrtenced to prisorl

David 'Dave' Cameron.

Vahtang escaped, but was caught and badly beaten up, before being sent to a more secure prison. Anarchists in Krasnodar are raising money to support Vahtang in prison, as in Russia relatives and friends of prisoners have to feed them.

Multiculturalist ideas and practices have become the offrcial policy spanning Government and media. lt has become one of the ideological planks of the Blair

lf you

embracing a brave new world of tolerance in which the views and beliefs of all are valued and respected.

are in a position to make a donation please contact Leeds ABC at Vahtang welcomes correspondence, but please understand he only reads and wites Russian. His address is: Vahtarg Deviflidzr, ul. Libbedova 42, UO 6812, otryad 14, brigada 742, g. Hagyshensk, Krasnodilskiy Kray, 352680 Russia.


better still in cyrillic letters: 352680, KpacHoAapcuf tgaI, r.XaAHuieHct<,

yr.Jlr66sAoBa42,yO 6U2, orprA 14, 6plrra4a 142, Aeey.rn Ase Baxraxr. We know that over e250 has been sent already from the UK to Vahtang - we hope Class War readers can also make a contribution.

era. Suddeuly ttre entire establishruent appears to be casting o[f centuries of racism and discrimination and

In the true spirit of this Brave New World, history itself is being rewrinen as the crimes ofthe past are expunged through the copious application ofapologies. In Blair's world politics is.... only having to say you're sorry... but only for those acts committed by men Iong dead.

The lefty and Iiberal press have multiolturalism and

embraced denounce any who question its

tenets as racist and reactionaries lower than atrloeba. Who then would argue against it? Surely these visions of a contented multiracial society in which the ideas a nd beliefs of all are respected are so clearly positive and good that no one but the reddest necked boneheaded tosser could object?

Actually, multiculturalism

is anlthing but


ending oppression and building a fairer society. It is a cop ideology, in its design and in its practice it seeks to divides working class communities against themselves

the challelging or clrarging of cultural values. l'Ire nrulticulturalists have an idealised view ol nrodern society - seeing it as the best that can be achjeved, reeding only the slightest of tweaks to remove the 'privileges'lrorr wlrich wlrite workilg class peoplr allegedly benefrt, which in multicultLlralist eyes lornr the l)asis of racism. [\4

u Lticu

ltu ra I is n] cl a in)s th at it is aga i nst hlera rch ies



yet it is lntrjnsically elitist, ir demands that all cullures and groups bc reprcscntcd by'contrrunity lcaders'to 'speak lor' and enrbody that conltilunity. Governmelt pronlotion ol 'moderates' within conrmunlties along with the fact that those who are ntost vocal are l]tose who idenrify thelnselve.s ruost closely with the defining lcature olllreir'culture' leads lo tlrr rrlust corrseryativc elenrents tending ro take a leading role and their reactionary interprelations of what etrrbodies'their culture' hecoming the nrainstrearn.

fhe promotion of the most reactionary conrnrunity lcaders sirnply cxacerbates a glaring contradiction at the heaft of the mLLlticulturalist dreaol of a sociery oI separate and distinct cultures and groups; what to do when the beliels and tenets of one culture directly inrpingc on the rights oI another? How does a socjety satisfy (for exatnple) the needs atrd aspiratious ol a carcrr woltal, a gay llal, al

evangelical Chrlstian and an Inranr?

and foists state approved 'conrnunity leaders' upor us

who scramble against each other for the chance to win the approval of tie 'soft pig' middle class do-gooder professionals who decide which'community' is most docily deseruiug of the largest share of tLe lilrited resources avaitable.

Borrowitrg a hodgepodge I

980s political correctness,



ideas from feminism,

nd academ ic anthropology

the supporters of multiculturalism argue that human beings are defined not by their individual personalities or membership of a particular social class but instead as members of distinct 'culturesi Instead of looking

for what unites us all

- our local

community, our

class or even our cornmon humanity what is of prime

importance is the ole thing tlrat divides us wbether that is our race, gender, sexual identity or whatever.




To criticise these 'values' from the vantage point of anotler'cultural grouping' is to indulge in an act of 'cultural imperialism' -a definite sin in the eyes of the multiculturalists and one lor which you will be Jikely to get your collar felt for when the Religious Hatred Act becomes law. DESPITE the support uulticulturalisur gets frour both lefties and liberals it is in fact a highly conseruative ideology. By its insistence that all differing cultures are of equal value multiculhrralism denies the most lundamental ofliberal assumptions dating right back to the French and American Revolut'rons, the universaligr of human rights. To condemn the hanging of gays in

Iran or the mutilation of the vagina's of young girls in sub-Saharan Africa is lailing to account for 'the legitimacy oftheir cultural experience and exposes our inherent racism" and is again cult[rally inrperia]ist.

Not only does multiculturalism deny that class has ary role but neither does it allow any room for progress or change in society as t}is would involve

But all is not lost! Into the breach boldly step the 'highly trained'professionals ofthe cultural diversityunits and social seruices departments who can arbitrate betlveen the competing claims and negotiate solutiom and distribute luxding and resources to those colDrnulity

leaders who can keep their respective communities quiet and suitably respectful. WHILST the police have always been in the front line in the rich's class war against us, our rulers wouldn't

suwive long without the army dedicated

of auxiliary

to convincing us through persuasion


and coerciotr that ttre syste[r il which we live is the best possible and that our position within it is natural and unchangeable. These auiliary cops are the teachers, social workers, probation offrcers, etc., who try to con us tlrat whilst they have the power to punish us; firre us, take away our benefits, our homes, our kids, our



liberty or our future, they are in


Summer 2oo7


"CAY P'GS, S7'I.[ P'GS' realitSr on our side.

They are recruited from the university educated mlddle classes - the very people upon whom the Leninist vampire parties prey for their cannon fodder and they all share that same Cuardianista'concerned' radicalism that wishes to bring enlightenment to t})e poor nisguided proles whether we want it or not.

Multiculturalism masquerades as being the means of putting an end to racism forever and yet it has provided new Iife and opportunities for the Fascists. No fascust party in Britain's lristory has beer as strong as the BNP is today.

GRIFFIN and his cronies have pursued a successfirl

twin pronged strategy; firstly, [eedilg upon

the bitterness felt within white working class areas at the elfects of both the real and imagined passing over of those communities in favour of other more 'deserying' more'oppressed' cultural communities and, secordly, presenting themselves within 'the community of distinct cultures' as community leaders and the 'genuine'voice of the white community.

Criticism of multiculturalism is not received well and is usually dismissed as attacks upon minoilty groups and evidence of the critic's racism. The multiculturalists reserve theh bile however for those who refuse to remain within the confines of their respective cultural groupings; the breakers of the rules.

Womer, such as the lranian communist Maryam Namazie, fronr rrruslim conrnrurrities who reluse the veil and argue for secular concepts of women's equaliqr are denounced as the tools ofimperialism and peddlers of islamophobia. TREVOR PHILIPS, who has made a good living as one ofthe prime architects ofMulticulturalism, and is head of tle newl.yunifiedThe Commission forEquality and Huuran Rights made some nrinor criticisms of its elfects and how it aided segregation in some northern cities and found himselfcondemned by London Mayor ken Livingstone as 'well on the way to joining the BNP"!! You could not make it up!

lf critics in Britain get abuse i1 is far

more serious for

those who deviate from community values abroad. However the multiculturalists commitment to 'diversity' nâ‚Źver stretches to defend their rights; when gays were murdered in Jamaica, protests against the killings

were attacked as racist and showing'insufftcient understanding


Jamaican culturei

Similarly, protests agajnst the state murder of young gays in Iran were condemned as pandering to American inrperialism, just as opposing the killing of gays in pa.lestine was supporting the zionist occupier.

Altlough multiculturalism is most associated with the 'soft pigs' it has also made its presence fett in the regular police - the Black Police Association and Gay Police Association's have both been given offrcial recognition and have made high profile potitical statements and intewentions in support of laws and initiatives of which they approve. This has been paft and parcel of a explicit politicisation

of the police force as a whole over the last decade (preriously in Class War ute erposed the links betuetn senior police ofrcers and fundamentalist chistiat gtoups, sK issue 9l) Formerly police offrcers went on

coming together ofPaisley and Adams coincided with an tsunami of government grants flooding the coffers of the'community' projects, including â‚Ź400,000 go i ng directly to the UDA! The o)d joke about Jews in Northern lreland being interrogated as whether they are Catholic or Protestant Jews has become state policy, in the Census, atieists are given the option of declaring themselves as Protestant or Catholic atheists!!! The elections for the Nl assenrbly are designed to perpetuate this state of affairs - every candidate must declare themselves as either Republican or Unionist so that their preference

votes can be counted toward the major sectarian parties.

MUTTICULTURALISM claims to be the solution to tle oppression and discrimination within capitalist sociegr. II reality it is a deeply corseruative, elitist ideology concerned above all with dividing our class against itself in order to best ensure the ruling classes continued domination. What is clear is tiat we will never be free until both the hard pigs atrd the so[t pigs and the class they defend are smashed.

24 hour news channels to talk about crime - in the last year in particular figures like Ali Dizaei ofthe National Black Police Association have been readily discussing

Jack Straw's view on the veil, or Ken Livingstone's outburst about Jewish businessmen in Stratford. Dizaei may be a slick media operator, but these issues have got nothing to do witl the police at al[. To understand the'Prorrised land' that the adlrerents of multiculturalism are aiming toward it is only necessary to Iook at the situation in Northern lreland. The Good Friday Agreement and the 'peace process' are a sort of year zero for the nrulti-culturalist project. Sectarian divisions have been institutionalised and become state policy with the trvo communitjes treated as'equal and separate: OLD ATTEMPTS to break down'community divisions are abandoned as grants and access to resources are allocated on a sectarian hasis as a new middle class of 'cornurulity leaders' flourish often as barely concealed

fronts for the old gun gangs. The recent 'historic


ta t

t .l






summer 2oo7

most of his childhood in

vrious forms of state institutions prior to that. He has been at the


TllE TOOSE SCRE}{ lT lS NOT oftrn you her any prison officers, ex or seruing mentioned positively in Class War. In fact, this is a first We have to mention Jim Dawkins, an ex-squaddie and ex-Prison 0fficer from south




was expected to take part in, b write a book about his experiences.



A review of "The Loose

Screw - The Shocking Truth About Our Prison System" [Apex Publishing, e8.99) can be found on the Class War webslte. ln the meantime, wtry not show t}le geezer a bit olsupport and buy his book yourselP

cRIiil-c0H! DID YOU KN0W dr"t nutty religious cutts like the Scientologists are given free reign in British jails? Hiding behind a Chuity called Criminon, the Church of Scientology offers courses to prisoners in 76 jails

The prison population



in June.

in Ergland and Wales is

on in it reaching





HMP GANTERBURY lS installing severat "hole in the ground" toilets, that you have to squat over rather than sit on to use. Rather than portmying this as some soft ofpunishment or step backwards, Prison spindoctor David La mbourne is proudly proclaiming that this is a courtesy to foreign prisoners. How long until using such toilets is used as a punishment, with prisoners wbo have never seen a squat toilet before being forced to use tltem?

And il David Lambourne can't see how this sort of bullshit increases, mther than decreases racism in and out ofprisons, then he really is as thick as pigshit.






AT THE ENO oroecemuer, there was an uprising by l}lj:^o"o::o-:::-: rnurcn was more at HMP Featherstone' a category 'C' prison about nraking money than .ir. t"orv lil*::]: near Birmingham' ",ytr,i.J rich whacko's Iike rom cruise ir. ,i;.;;;;rr;;;;l; direct proportion to the size oftheir bank balances.

a wide berth, but the issue of how religion is used to try to "reform" prisoners really needs looking at in the c'Iass war wi'[r be returning'"


One prisoner managed to get onto the



but after additional staffwere brought in, the uprising was put down after 3 hours. The following day 18 prisoners were moved oul of the prison.


ll0 0llE FIGI,|IS





the street. His release was so sudden that he was unable to inform anyone urtil after he got out, and had to wait outside the jail while comrades arranged to go

The 'disturbance" is said to have lasted for 6 hours, and was only put down after 1 20 screws were brought in from other prisons in the area. In the wake of the uprising, a number of prisoners were moved out ofthe jail, and some cells were said to be unusable.

Gabrier Pombo da Si'Iva and

"*,:,:1xTx1"','j"".0.? the hvo remaining Aachen prisor

iiiouinou611l f,|ERE



Dovegate, a category'B' prison, is run by Premier, which is in turn owned by the Americatr private prisons and strike-breaking company Wakenhut.

BUI Il0 (lllE




I:l ffft"




Please send blank postal orders or cheques lor 12 with

the payee Iine lelt blank. Trade enquiries welconre to: Leeds ABC, PO Box 53, Leeds. LSB 4WP.


events. To receive it, please e-mail LeedsABC@riseup, net aod ask to be put on their malling llst.

GARFIELD GABBARD REI.EASED BBITISH ANIMAL RIGHTS prisoner Garfietd Gabbrd was rdeased frorn prison in the first week of March. He was sentenced to 2l months tbr allegedly assaulting a security guard during an animal rights demo and for threatening to kill a member of the British National Puty.

*l]91[t HIIf"-,T"il,r['iJr*iJ."1'j'#T }vE llAUE IffiO}t

the Home Oflice (so take it with A BIG pinch of salt), aound 30 prisoners were involved in smashing TVs and lighting fires after a refusal to bang-up at the end of evening association.

and pick him up. After his period o[ incarceration,

prjsoner l\4ark Barnsley, who serued tirne wirf .lohn in scveral prisorLs alrd segr(galiou units, arrd al original

Good to have vou back Garfield!

from Remscheid prison in Germany. Bart had been due for release last October, but the Cerman authorities had used various excuses to keep him behind bars before frnally turrritrg lrim out outo

Bart, who previously worked with the h'rghly respected Gent Anarch'rst Black Cross group, is sure to need a Iittle extra help. If vou would like to make a financial donation to assist Bart in hnding his feet again please contact Leeds ABC at

The panphlet also fearures an jntroduction by ex-

LEEDS ANARCHIST BLACK Cross now send out a regular e-bulletin containing news of the international prisoo struggle, updates on political prisoners, and information about forthcoming

science frction wriler, and thar hrs

We urge all prisoners to gjve this sort oIpsycho-babble

'Tear Down The Walls!' includes two texts by

John, the first being autobiographical, and rhesecond a frerce coldemnation olthe prison sysrenr fronr an abolitionist poinl ofview.

BUT 110 01lF .HGllIS BACK

to have missed the

and powerfi.rlly.

100,000 under New

;J;i:"::::::il:*T.'j", I#.:",:T:::, _"" seem

experiences articulately

Labour must be strong.

[l I ll


and is able to describe his


and is expcctcd to rcach 'crisis point'


of the

prison struggle for most of his time behind bars,

have been made on staffing and it is unclear where the nroney will be cooring lront."

off twice in t],e same week' whv stop





AFTER A PR0L0NGED absence fiom the net, the Campaign Against Prison Slavery website is now up and running again, although parts of the site are still under construction. Check it out at www.





H$j;i$- #,i*i:+riif#+i:1,::*H [r conrains lots or sound practical advice, as wer as


il;";;;; ftom,rina.


The Home office plan to have the modules installed with a fractured skull. The Home Offrce has maoe no in five prisons by June, at a cost of f3.5m each. mentionofinjuriescausedtoprisoners.



- h|ARl( 2 ;H'::;,lffffiiiiffi:Trr again, wi,h BEHDIHG IHE BARS l::fl.;l*tl:i;:i*l*,lll{ilt,,f..1,]t ' taking ofthe remaining wings and wayland Priion in


According to Harry Fretcher of the probation offrcers union NAPO, 'Using containers to house prisoners, even ror shorr periods orrime, ,,


over one

holding it until the following



a sAE to

guERcRowglNG ls s0 oronic in British prisons rn rhe r,rst uprising an estimated 40 prisoners i:HiH'l:itrl|Tti;]i.ltliTri'-1lil.send desuoved a wing at theiail' Tt took prisn that there ue ptans to house priso-nere The texr of the teaflet can also be read at :,"Ttl:l:lv



nnlf rU ?UF llrll

CHRISTIE B00KS HAUE reccntly pubtished a second version of the prison memoirs of long term UK anarchist John Barker, jailed in the 197Os o for

lff ,*x1*i'.i:'J,,'r".f:i'"H'r.l[jf1; "'o' *.1:ffiil:"rx'J,? IEAR D0lflJ| IHE 1T,:iiili'"il'ii'iJ,:Tf#.:1ff:+t?li';^:?:ii$ NEw pRrsoN pAMpHLET By JoHN BowDEN: l":.T,:T l,i"lii li,j'"X#X;'li'JT:Tl;:to be cramped so there will fI '"t,b^t^,11-"1 ^1":: ro APART FROM 2 y.ars on the run af'ter a spectacular activities such as education. No decisions appear ;..;;;,;r" has been in-iail since l9go, and spent


WE'UE SAID lT and we're going to say it again, Christians are fucking dangerous wankers, and if you're living next door to them, watch you're backs. Recent events

in copenhagen are,a fine example


hsrpocrisyof christian



Now a bu,ding,s just a buirding in'it? A rew atro a toucn or

drv ns unmarked






leading spokesperson

for the

Faderhuset, Ruth Evensen in an ecstatic statement stated " the young people at Norrebro are possessed with demons, but God was victorious over Satan!"

summer 2oo7


@ nlsIAH








:11_*l_T:doesthisleavethePeoPleofDenmarkwith THE FSREIGN 0FFICE

;:fi1r#,|f::}'n,il,H"i::;:;il1,:r],:.j,,#r_l:x :r:::,-,"":;]



presentty advertjsing

of st.

Herena and its

;:ilffixT'l,Jr'j,*l,i"L,m;fU*:l=: #li:**nfl:lr:,"JlTl,#,,J.i',.Tl* were beaten in full view of the media. and

But add one hundre d and ten years of rnilitant working massive amounts of tea r gas were used. A few ^Dogs people class histo r, young a i archists witL a sense o f purpose were rn over by police vehicles. euite coincidentaity, and a vision for a better world, aud it s Iike a red flag- no serious injuries occurred.


asthe-Faderhuset. About 250 oftlrose

arrested have heen remanded

;;;; Fo



group of islands in the world.

since its frst settlement in the early cerrtury. Tristau uraraged without goverrmelrt,

r.over I 20

yea rs,


muttilracial iopulation made up mainty of people so much so thar they buy the property rrom the rocal llifl:.Y]?"ll'-t:^:;'J:::o::,,0:]l':.:-9:':^t:-t:.1:",.'"' who'd been ihipwrecked. Since world war rwo the r[]m.m lsolarlon wllnoul Dall lor Mo lo British governmenL has thought it necessary Lo impose government with an eye for puliing"it down rather awaiting trials They are charged with use :I,1,::1t^ ofviolence a goveinor based in sr. Helena and a policeman than have it on their doorstep. has never been a crime reported ,nrv first the state has to do theirdirtv y:.,k fo, ffi',T:rJ,"xffffL ::1lJ,',#liiT;. ?:;:1 lf It was being used, and [ras beerr as a radical squat, gig and subsequent "clean-up,,has cost the city l4 million TheTristaniansweremovedtolivealongsidetheFawley verue arrd social celrtre by aL ever growing sectior of tron", 1et.ze-;. Must be hard to come to ,ar^. *r,i, in-H_ampshire in 1961 because a volcano Danish society, who were determined to be left alone. irr. t .iir,rt your state is just like ,1 th. ,;;i; tu.k;; :I,*!1;tl:t Itad ruiled tleir island' Their social orgallisatioll so the outcome is that on the lst March zoo? atTpn up, corrupt and brutalising. was basically'anarchy'and is well described in Peter ;:"^^_:::'^:.^'L_^ -'--"''a nti-terro rist pol ice a bseil from a hâ‚Źl icopter o nto the Even h ard er also to bear tb r m a ny the mass ive sup po rt Munch's boJk 'crisis in utopia', covering not j ust the ir Danish Christian nutjobs known


roofofthepremisesknownastheUngdo,mshusetand proceed to throw gas grenades into rhe building and brutalise the 36 peopte


,:;:Y i.t:jxi ftljl're

tt.ulloutrrropetheactivistsof ungdomshusetare enforcedevacuationtoBritainbuttheirshockdecision '-.: -. receiving as we



one lron the

Whilst we hate to quote anyone from the BBC'

Outside family members and locals quickly set up statemeut sums it up beautilully: ''Judgirrg ba,icades to prevent the police r-* irr"i,ig ,..*,i

,r,l ,rrny a"*"" tv ,i"i"r,,"..-r,o..d crashilrg througlr the barricades. werr the christians, with the support of the state frorrr below

There are a lot of things we could learn from Tristan well-organised battle plans and the cases ofprepared da cunha. That there is still no government Iike no projectiles and petrol bomhs found in Ungdomshuset, government is one! the antintnt resolve ,t:J"1';":#.':derestimate or some or its more politicised


got their bulding. rhey also gor three days or tuu ,o,,h..,, scale rioting, and 7OO arrests, the biggest mass afiest since the Nazi occupation



p-pi., I lt I i11rtr.i ht I Al, ri...

ror,n.,.,,*.,J,',1*',lili'l'lj:[ Ai{ARCI|ISI BTACI( Iive news footage of their 'prot( senerarv known

illjj:fl,,*;h,.J.,.,,ilr4;'::','.,'.',Hfl rhev warched as anti-terror usillg corcussion grenades


l;:il qfl-qEs

,rT.;:1,T,$.,iTl,.rTi: thq

1963 to return to Tristan and reject the berrefits of







FEBRUARY 12TH arouna 6o people were after a petror-bomb attack on


il1;::,;;.T;ffi*1* ,,f,tii,.,.ioi.*..:,::[.*,:l

:Xii.*ffi,"1*f* ;t "m:.*,U:frti

WHILST CQPENHAGENABC*erebusyhelpingto wasthelatestofastringofsimilarattacks. to deal with the powercuts caused bysaid'subversives' organise support for the hundreds ofpeople arrested A number of Anarchist groups have claimed who had cut the electricity supply into downtown resisting the ungdomshuset eviction, and in tre responsibility for the attacks 1.u.ryoo. wants to get Copenhagen! subsequent police raids, their own offices were in on the actl) In which petrol bombs and homemade As the riots subsided by March 4th, the bulldozers raided. Everyone present was arrested and taken gas-canister bombs were used against banks and moved in on the 5th. Heavily protected by police the away, preventing them from offering tegal and government buildings and vehicles in Athens and whotheysuspectedofbeingsubversive.Theyalsohad

non-unionised workers (the unionised were





Summer 2oo7




Gr*er unt

lsmrm 3nl I

+cat m Alrrmr lrr dilin'r qan{ tu ltiLtrdd

rrtr!*'s tr! Iqrlrrrrfttdn! {ffild! ltssr r+affh isr Jr# rfts-


iut$ t Lc slerrylr!rr .'f lgrst<l 1#+r t)ne.


rrt, ir

Then there uos t2O ntillion spett half-buiLdiry an a$tlu.n centre uhich uns rhen shehttd. Ci 5O,0OO spent

osl utrtL,'ttu l **ry


r+ollrr drlilIsl rrun'"


a rtutr&mre er[]rl qtu: rqqrEl ftrruqd inro a *ldin- Ar rn rnriihE( br drnrfrJ rlie ;qsremrnenr! nBht tc run pr rirrqe +ry hir liti

:rrl rulrd nE

ulr0lE sAt't's llEut[.$ l$tA]tD


ExPEsttHcts 0F A coilsctEilTt0us oBJEersE

fi llnfllEA 0untic iltt




hc hsf; r*

til trrt nrugity +ri e+tl rr:rit1'

{imffi'q ltrlrrrnr


i:rc :lx



[or protiding intllqles in

PeLerborough Prison uith arlmotherlpy, rciki, rcllerulogy, acupuncturc, htod

Hatr Sluqrh'e l-ihrarl-


l'lurmnr, krtdrn,1E{]l}i -lX}i, :



k5Ghalr * el


order, scnd a blank postal order fbr 19.50 to Leeds ABC, PO Box 53, LSB 4WP.




A t'ull list of our merchandisâ‚Ź is on our website. There is everything from books and back issues

FOR THREE DAYS in May, Projectile wilt be exptoring

to fat bastard sized

both contemporary and historical anarchism in its cultural, politiral and artistic forms. Now we are three, and Projecti]e just keeps growing.


shirts, cigarette lighters and



Projectile 2007 wiu take place May lB-2o at the Star and Shadow Cinema ( in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Tbis all-volunteer co mmunity space has

a fantastic cinema and friendly bar,


is fully wheelchair-accessible. Vegetarian food and snacks will be on offer. Weekend passes will go on sale soon at 025 for the full three days (flO unwaged). Entrance to individual films is t4 (e3.50 unwaged) and it's E5 forjust the Saturday night show. The Projectile Collective



has called for a mass celebration in Trafalgr Squile at 6pm on the first Saturday after Margaret Thatcher dies. Remember - Trafalgar Squae, I'll Be There! Class

The myspace site that promotes this event can be viewed

at: http :// why not add your site to its list of friends?


I.S}IIRIS LEEDS ABC HAVE produced some great T-shirts featuring a classy new rendition of the ABC logo. White design on a high quality hearyweight black

cotton T-shirt. Only f,8, and protits go directly to supporting Anarchist and class struggle prisoners.

Jountl monagenrnt indilferentes allouc(l a culture o-f pulling sickies 1o dercLop o11c screu callcd in sickJbr a yeor - Jrom. Neu Zealan.d. Anotht preteilded to be run dortn by u car just beforr his nrottth Loug holid.oy itt Sri LtnkLr lras or(r.

Adkd toqtthtr tfu ilosttful tntl

ustLess sptndin.g

Jrom oll gorcrnmeilt deportmcnts and it clm$ to tB2 billiou. Thtt is tnore lhtLn t40O0 per.[amily iil Brilain, ond tlte onnuol rLtrilot)er oJ sercrul Europetn clutltries. I.f )tou tasted ),our faili\,'s cash oil this srule, the mistus 1t'0uL(l cul yaur balls off and. send you packinq. So tuh.1, should the fucking closs ridden establishntent get auay uith it? Yours, Steu, Northunptonshire,


contemporary, from Hollrryood-style to low-fr. We have frlms from the UK, the US, Argentina, Brazil, Italy and Korea. We have engaging speakers who will

great lineup of provocative soun( join us, whether it's for the whole weekend, a day of films, orjust the rocking Saturday event.

mossag(s and shiatsu treolments. Attd 0f course thc scrct,s kttotr a cot or luo. 3000 fion ycars u,cre Lost last ycor d.ue fo sic,Qless in th.e prison sen'ite- Auditors

CW Reply: Steu, rue object strongb, to ))our usc oJ the ttrm. "Haztl lllturs'Junny". Htt ul Class Wur HQ utt

This year's line-up of films, ta!ks, discussions, spoken words and music runs the gamut, from historical to

*i-; H:ffii:,ff t':.i sil,:.,1;,fi



UufortLtt0lely though once th.t outhorities cotch. the tlrcy sre Locked up, ultich is u.ltere tln Prisott Strttict rumes in, I must collgrutltlak th( enplormill of tuo holistic therTpists pho rercil)e f I 8,00O o )'eor

,+hr,. grtrtc:nsr*r Ir

lJ F+p ruraphliqulh Fa{tr-ait l"\ p"'l prd (rJ +r L\L rutwllxn! fnqu urr+futrd:

buikLittg, t300,OO0lor

t500,0OO a1)ertine-for copptrs ro co,r?e in on their doy olf ro nnn speetL cameras. [:5OO0 -for Llro Mct o.l.lic(rs Lo t'isir lhc San Froncisco Goy Pridc F?stir?l lo stud), cltnrnunir| reloti.ons.


al errly r5roe d d"otiisir[ htr](;!rh'ur Arrrrlkr'r ilrrt hr*(FfHul ltrr-il1 li": ilk J Fhtrrlirt Jdrrorl (it\r{iffu uvJ endrrarc-


artfor tht ileil Hone qffce

Mrt Chirf Sir lon Blair la ril)atnp his o[ftce


l:"'r rhf,t


300 drLtg tltders ond smulglcrs lo "rrs-scs /ic Dusilcs-s model oJ tht It.,eroge tlrug tleoler". Whot's thot oll

nuliqrr* rvho gre"wrd # btdrul-ctd I


And uhot aboltt the Hont Office? Thq) spent L71 milliotr itt 2OO4 on consu|tants, including inturieuing

lc *'r. r

19xrl erorpE

legal oitl bill came to Ll ,180,000, comporetl to otrc of Shiptnon's non brain danrglcd pttitttls only rcccilinq

1o trrrU 0.f


Bleors os little as possible, ond

her ilcLher relions ilol aL alL!



W BIIES I Fuckittg cotnmuniiric cxlfs - you ilant our coutiru


AD hll R


lo he otterrun u'ith pakis antl toqs. You are the nrain reusonfor otu t).ownfull us a nation. Yuu huttt picturts of deod poli.ticilns 01i your sire 1ou sicir Jucks - go choke on lour out semtn ylu monkey loilng, ptki prtising scunbags. "Joe Wilk


" katryaroo poo h@ gma il. com

CW Reply: And good morniug to you as utll! We lhouqhL il o lillk' hit crccssii/c fo stv thal Class Wor is tht moin reasor Jor s11y lea:njull o.fth( nafion, but dor't uorry Joe, uhen yollr coLtntry fiilolly tlies, ne'll be stood sontuhere on tht sidtlirrts u:atchitrg ),ou crv!


Dear Closs War,

Jusl as Lht poLicc arc categorizerl bv the omourl ol' ptr.blic order trai.ning they ger, therc is a mole it hospitols itr the US to increost the numbtr oJ warkers (lrrst rtspondos or not) to bc traikl Jbr "(ntr!(n(\) indu stria lf terrois t


o to s

trop ht

Chrers, Gtry, FLorirlo, USA.

CW Reply: Att|otte hcar o-l'tuv siuilnr mo|cs in lhc UK?


ol[**r crAss ttAR cor{TAcrs

Desr Class War,

A f'ull list of regional

w e au c r at s w it hin t h e D e p artmettJo r C o n s titu ti o n al Affairs, and the Hofie Office must be hauing a Laugh when it comes to spetding tupa)tos hartl-umed

Class War

T he

s ".

They uont to makr as manl'hospitol emplqtees "frst rectilters". TlLese are workrrs fronr oLL ranks trainetl lo shifi to o milita4t mode o.f condu.ct anrl thinking. ln short labour rclations arr tht Jrrst casuaLtv tuerl,one takes orrlcrs.


cash. Ertta|Tgance, uaste and incompetence seefr to be the torm, especiolly uhefl the DCA's car pool is worth E5 million.

Class War contacts is available on our website:

National Secretary: cwfn International Secretary: cwfintsec@yahoo. (For all enquiries from outside the lX.)

The police too are an institution that shous an aloming obility to.fitter auay our morcy Por uample in one case a helicopter and a squad car tuas used to tail a lDomatl tuho uas estilg an apple whilst ditittg. The total cost for the operation uas 810,0OO. As Jor the apple eatr, she uas fined f,60 plus E10O costs.


Then there is the Croun prosecution Seruice. The court injunction to protidc ononymity fbr that bitch Muine Can mst floO,OOO plus an estimate thet goes into the milliots Jor lifetime protection- Harold Shipman's

All telepbone enquiries:

posta-l enquiries: Class War, PO Box 467, London E8 3QX.

For all membership and press enquiries. Students wanting us to do their dissertations for them can expect to be charged hard cash! 079A6 O4l 2O7

gLAaB WA.R particular looked to reach out to Joe Public in a simple, non-academic way that anyone could identifo with. Having frrst looked to install some backbone into the early 198Os Anarchist move ment, Class War was to repeat this trick. Spectacularly. BASH THE RICH




lfThatcherism had not existed, Class War would have had to invent it. Whilst most of the left cried foul at the attacks oF Thatcherism, the aim of Class War was always to flght back - botlr in print and in person. The attempts to "open up a second front" during the Miners Strike are the clearest example of this. How could the Metropolitalr Police have kept the coalfietds down arrd policied inner-city riots at the sanre time? I{hilst the 1980s may not seem that long ago, Bone also shows us how quickly things change. CND, animal rights and feminism barely rear their heads these days (especially in the anarchist movement) but all these currents had real irfluence - and perhaps needed to be overcorne - by anyone looking to make political progress at that time. IN IT TO WlN IT Class War's honesty was its strongest foundation. Nei]

Kinnock, and much of the trades union movement (nrost accurately its leaders) were no nratch for Margaret Thatcher, who fought the class war to win it. - and to an extent still do - and who were not declared Anarchists, were often people who responded positively to the sight of the odd bucket of piss being hurled back in the direction of the ruliug class. Many were life long Labourites. In the best sectjon of the book Bone outlines just what Thatcherism wanted to do, and the effect that had on some traditional working class communities:

Those who bought Class War


lan Bone's autobiography 'Bash the Rich" is probabty the most mainstrâ‚Źam Anarchist book to be published in the UK since Stuart Christie's autobiography "Granny Made Me An Anarchist'l That is not the reason why you should read it though - it should be read for its honesty, its humour and the manner in which the author places himself (and Class War) in a radical British political tradition that should be supported.

First thlngs first - Tangent Books have done an excellent job in publishing what is an immaculately produced book. Whilst billed as Bone's autobiography, it in tact covers the period from childhood through to about 1986, abruptly stopplng before one of tbe main industrial disputes of the modern era - Wapping. We are assuming a follow up is planned ! So what do you get for your tenner? Well frrst offis an interesting Anglo-Scottish childhood as a butler's sol, and a first person insigttt ilrto a class system that was once far more formal and rigid than it is now. People under 30 may struggle to come to terms with just how divided Britain used to be, in a really stuffy way. ]alr was brougllt up below stairs, whilst his parents struggled to combine working subservience with their Labour party betiefs. Jack


There are not many people for whom moving to Swansea it a liberating experience, but Bone skillfully describes student life in south Wales in the 1960s,




flrst approacll to the Alarctrist

movement via Freedom Press

in London. Politically

the scope of groups and struggles touched upon from the late 6os through to the 1970s is impressive. The

casual reader can encounter the student "rebellion" of 1968, anti-apartheid campaigns, claimants uniotrs, the Angry Brigade and most amusingly the sometimes violent, sometimes comical Welsh nationalist fringe, for whom Ian appears to have been a sort of honorary Welshman. Most siglificant politically is arguably the two groups lan helped launch that came to major prominence Alarm in a Labour dominated, corrupt Swansea, and in t]le i980s Class War. Whilst sticking to what could be terrned sta[dard class struggle arlarchist principles

and working firmly from the bottom up, AJam in

She tlidn't just uant to smash the miners and displace the innet-city inhabitants. Shc utnted to destroy the idea there ilas orly community o-f intercst amongst ordinary people. My mum and tlatl's caring Alton social nehtotks cowied Jor nothing compared to the Thatcher-eulogisetl, hid.eous, braying yuppies in the city making threeltes outmight fortunes in selling olf our social assets. I might haue stopped hating my country but I loathed its ruling clqss more than euff. But this time, common sense was on our side. Thatchs's "no suth o.s socieq)" ltas seen as bollocks by most people inclueling mrm and dacl. We had some common ground again, ue uere no longu the loonies, the vazed Thatcher uts the 'frad cou'. Therc utffe millions of people like my mum ond dod qll oiler the country. Class War neetled to reach them. We needed to emphasise the positiue self-orgaflisation that had come ou.t of the miners strike which was in direct contradiction of Thatcher's 'ute're oll selfsh

bastards' analysis.

SUMMING UP Gripes? Well lan briefly repeats the silly urban nryth that boxer Freddie Mills murdered several prostihltes

in the early i96Os (there is actually far more evidence

that Mills was not interested in women at all!) and the book sulfers from some bad spelling mistakes and minor errors that could have been removed with tighter editing. To claim the Poll Tax riot occurred in 1992 is a bit of a howler, especially for a man once confronted by a Brazilian film crew accusing him of organising it! What effect will this book have? Wel[ it has already given lan the opportunity to raise the banner of class struggle anarchism in the media in his own style. lt has also re-juvenated several other retired, or semiretired class warriors. lan also hardens attitudes. Those who hate Class War will hate Class War even nore because of this book. Bone skillfully places us il a British radical tradition that is certainly not strictly

anarchist but is optimistic, insurrectionist and based on principles of solidarity - from the Luddites to the Chartists, through to those who fought the Poll Tax, or the inner-city rioters struggling to pay the police back ir kild for every person they killed. Ultinrately you know who he means. Bash the Rich is a reminder that there is a big world out tJrere. And it still needs changing.

HH,H,H.H, You can order "Bmh The Rich" liom London War lbr e9.99.



Summer 2oo7



(PH0ENIX PBESS, 85.95)

There are very few anti-fascist memoirs. Morris Becklnan's The 43 Group tells the story ol the frght against Mosley after the Second World War, and Dave Hann and Steve Tilzey's unreliable No Retreat claims to tell the tale oftheAfA campaign olthe 'lg8os and 199os. But until now there hasn't been a decent bookIength account oFwhat it was like to confront the NF

in the


Sure, there are books about the Anti-Nazi League, like Steve Renton's When We Touched the Sky. But they're not written with the confidence or the honesty Martin Lu brings to this accomplished work. What makes this a special)y good read is the atmosphere Lu conjures up. The narrative takes us from Lux's political awakerring to the Tory victory irr tLe 1979 election. Between these two events, Martin vividly describes the central political events of the decade - fronr Red Lion Square aud the death ol Keviu Gately in 1974 to a lesser-known battle of Red Lion Square at the end ofthe 1970s, via Lewisham, Neasen and the Crunwick strike, and Southall.

The book focuses on four main areas: the paucity of the fash's politics, their pitiful dress sense, the vigorous anti-fascist campaign and the preteotious hypocrisy of tlre so-called 'anti-suist menl The sheer inadequacy of the NIF is something Martin describes very well, In the main they are shabby middle-aged men - who doubtless consider themselves smart - and 'child-molester tWes' in'ill-fitting suits replete with the odour of faded mothbaltsl As with their clothes, so with their politics: crap. Tbe NF's politics seern simplistic and infantile, centred about racism and anti-Semitism with a putrid current of Hitler-worship flowirrg beneath. The anti-fascists Lux fought beside were of the self-

organised working class, including


number ol

anarchists and socialists. Unfortunately, amongst this number were some curious pacifrst parasites - the

'anti-sexist men'. These creatures argued that'the

racists and fascists are human beings too', coming out with the old line that'because you believe in violence, you'rejust as bad as they are: What utter tosh!

Sadly, another obstacle Maftin had to face were the SWP. Il one were to beliwe the SVVP, then you'd think that Tariq Ali and the original ANL single-handedly stopped the otherwise irresistible rise ol 1be NF. Tbis could hardly be further from the truth. The ef[ective elements of the ANL were expelled from the SWP for being 'squaddist', maly going on to fornl Red Actior. As Martin details, the people who got together to stop the NF were not, in the maln, members of this party or that party but independent working class men and women organising autonomously. No single party or altiance could have mounted the lengthy campaign against the NF which continued through the 1970s and into the l9B0s. But that won't stop the Iikes ofthe SWP trying to claim credit - once again I - for something in which they actuallv played a minor role.

Lu has something to say, ard he tells the story well. This is not a history book, but history told from the perspective of one ol the people who made it. It is a tlrrilling riot through the 197Os, with heads basled and boots flaiting. As well as describing the action, Anti-Fascist also talks about the hows and whys of anti-lascisnr.

In conclusion, this book - as it says on the cover - is not tbr pacifists. lt is a hard-hitting story, a

story which still has relevance today. lf you like a gripping read about working class politics, this is the book tbr you. lf you don't, you're reading the wrong paper.


You can order 'Anti-Fascist from London Class War Class

for f5.95.






summer 2oo7

Arsenal also faced criticism from supporters who could see the contradiction in presenting an anti-racist, communiqr image in north London, but naming their new ground t]Ie Emirates Stadium. Ben Dimech, from the supporters group REDaction commented "There's the fact that Arsenal agreed to sell tle namiog rights of the new stadium to the national airline of a country which has banned Jews. Sections ofArsena['s Jewish fans conrplained but their protests fell on deaf ears



Arsenal, West Ham and indeed other Premiership clubs need to think long and hard about just who they are doing business with when they visit the UAE. Or is kicking racism out of football only important when it does not clash with hard cash?


AFTER A TWO year ''retirement" the cettic fanzine Tiochaidh Ar La has returned. Always one ofthe best political football fanzines out there, TAL 's return is timely, with Glasgow Celtic PLC looking to reign in the behaviour of large numbers of Celtic supporters in wh at they clai m is a campaign agai nst "disruptive" and "sectarian" behaviour in the stands.






bookntakers in places like Mumbai and Karachi are alleged to be in the pockets oi gangsters- One ol these booktnakers was in ,iarraica at the linte of tlte ttrurdcr atrd itt tlrr courparry olArrees IbraLirrr, Dawood lhrahim's brother. Dawood is alleged to be an al-Qaeda fund raiser, is accused ofthe 1993 MunLbai bombings, is linked to i)legal bookruakers, and a)Jegedly controls drugs ard proslituliorr rackctcrring. Woolrrrrr is sald to have had a lurious bust-up with this bookie and thrown hinr out of his roou. Janraica's deputy police commissioner Mark Shields (an ex-Met Police pig), has confrrmed this line ol inquiry and also suggcstcd thcpossibility of a profcssional hit

man being involved, In lact he didn't rule anyrhlrg our - he's obviously floundering.


;:xi';i:.-::: iJ[:;',:'i:JJ",l:i ]Jiiti'ffi: including South Alrica-based Mulrar))n)ad Hanil "Cadbury" Kodvavi, killed and cut up in May 1999.

You can order TAL from: TAI Books, BM Box 266, London WCIN JXX or

The CCTV tapes frotrr the hotel were supposed to reveal

all lhe con)ings and goings from Woolnrer's roonr, but seen)s to have resulted lrom their examinarion. lt begs tlre queslior as lo wl)ctller ll)er( wfle arLy taprs in the canreras?




The Pakistan teanl have been allowed to leave. there is no sign ofthe bookie, and the three fanatical followers who acted as gofers for Pakistan team members have disappearcd. Thc compctcncc ol tlrc autopsy is also in questiol. And now British police have been called in ro asslst with the investigation, since.lanraica's frnest appear totaLLy clueless. Perhaps it's also tinre to re cxarninc lhe circurnstances ol ilansie Cronjc's dcath. It should take a bit rrore than a little bad weather to Irrake you fly jnto the side 0l d nrounrain.

FOOIBAtt L00K AT ARSENE Wenger during most Arsenat games and you will notice his "Kick Racism Out of Football" badge. Despite Wenger's habit of "not sreing" critical incidents involving his players, there is no reason to doubt that he is genuine in his beliefs in racial equali\r, and he has spoken out strongly about racism in football and in his native France. Wenger however misses the bigger picture. Arsenal, just like football in geueral, have got themselves into a mess that centres around money, racism and antiracism. To finance their move from Highbury, Arsenal got into bed with Emirates, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE is not a country where Arsene Wenger, or indeeil anyone else could speak their mind. An oil rich dictatorship led by the At Nayhan and Al Maktoum clans, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum has been accused of abducting and trafficking thousands of childrerr for the UAE's rrational spoft - canel racing.

The prejudices

of the

UAE have sadly begun to

contaminate British football. When West Ham held a training camp in Dubai last year, the countries two lsraeli players, Yossi Bcnayoun and Yaniv Katan were Ieft behind - lsraeli citizens are banned from UAE. So much for kicking racism out of footbail!

BUIIS OT SEAIS? ONE 0F THE most noticeable things about the cricket


World Cup was t}le amount of empty srats.

BIG B0B - is Dead. Who Done It? Oh yes, and the Cricket World Cup

The lead up to Cricket World Cup stafied all so very predictably. England stuffed Bermuda, then wereannihilated by the Aussies in the warm ups - we should never have deported all those convicts, they were obviously tbe best spofts people around. The first surprise of the coupetition proper carle when Ireland beat Pakistan and virtually knocked them out of the competition. This shock result was soon side lined by the shocking news of the Pakistan coach's death, Bob Woolnrer However, it soon took on greater significance when the cause of death was stated to be murder by manual strangulation. Rumours flew about, so much so that India's equally surprising elimination from the competition was almost lost in the intrigue. Tnitial calls to cancel the tournament due to the tragic circurnstances were soon quashed. Bob would have wanted the competition to continue, was the usual drivel trotted out, but money was t}te real key here. The Cricket World Cup is hardly the biggest occasion on the world's sporting stage, but there is still a lot of money to made. The inter island rivalry carue up of rights and frxtures, sponsorship and TV rights all come into play. But perhaps the most astounding thing is the level of gambling on each match. There can be as much as â‚Źlbillion changlng hands for each game.


Iost to Ireland, Woolmer emailed


resignation early the following day, and was later lound unconcious in his room and pronounced dead some 90 minutes later. lnitially it was thought to be heart attack or sorue other pre existing conditiol, after a[[ there was no external evidence of violence to arose suspicions. Foltowing a post moftem the cause ol death, manual strangulation, was announced. Woolmer's coaching career seemed to have courted controversy. He was coach of South Africa prior to Hansie Cronje's match hxing admission, and some of his Pakistan team members had been accused of drug taking and ball tampering. This has led to speculation that his murder was linked with international gambling

Some analysts put this down to changes in Caribbean culture over the last few decades. This is the belief that cricket has declined as a sport as the West Indian islands have becorrre urore Americanised, and West Indians look to US sports like baseball and basketball. West lndians looking to emigmte are apparently now more interested in the USA or Canada than the'mother

country: There is of cource another reason. Creedy capitalist bastards have seriously damaged cricket in one of its heartlands, just as they have destroyed football in Europe. Tickets for the tournament were only available over the Internet at first (despite the fact that there is no tradition of buyilg tickets orr-line in the West Indies) this meant that the plum tickets went to wealthy Western tourists, rather than pesky Iocals. Rather than matching prices to Iocal levels, the organisers accepted ICC guidelines on pricing lwels - meaning all but the cheapest seats are out of the pocket of Iocals. The idea any of this money making should stop, even when the coach of one of the teams was allegedly murdered, is impossible. West Indians traditionally traditionally blow on conch shells during crjcket rnatctres, aud bring irr huge amounts of their own food and drink to consume. These practices have all been stopped, even to the

level of people not being allowed to take water into the grourds.

All of this

makes you think if this is what the cricket World Cup has been like, can you imagine how bad the 20lO football World Cup in South Africa is going



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