The revolutionary message of the'Friends of Durruti' English translation '1999/2000 by Chekov Feeney lrom the French text and translations by George Fontenis. This PDF version May 2003
Preface to the lst edition (1983) by Daniel Guerin George Fontenis' study seems useful to me, indeed I would go so far as to say it is valuable, not only as it teaches a tretter understanding of the Spanish Revolution of 1936-7 but it also provides a more extensive interpretation of the notion of litrertarian communism itself. When using this phrase 'libertar:ar. ::r-nunism' it is certainly rvorthwhile to clearly- distingu:sh :: ir-.rn nvo other versions rvhich are endowed \\'ith thE >,a:r-.: :-ar:?. To be specific; firstly the utopia, propagated br lir:: ----..-,... :i-.: hls disciples, of a terrestrial paradise uithout ::-::-:"' ,1, :,=:: :i.anks to the abundance of resources, each anc :'. ::' :r::- :-. .," - :-: re able to draw freely
from the stockpile.
r ,- , --:- -:::,----'1e idvll of a jumble of
- .a - :',--:,iai ontheeveof Franco's
':'':*, :: --:.: S:anish CNT before 1936. n'hich arose frur, :r--= : - -. . -- - :: --.: Puente. This soft dream left S:a::-s:- 1:..:"-:. --: - : r :--i:r. a!.:iEir-:Elv i1l-prepared for the 'free communes - a- --:.:
-.111'- 1;.'t- 1. ':r
:s - :::-:=- r :'-.-:- -: ::*. :..-;hllght Certain positive --, . t.r':-.:-v .: --136.Seemstometoerr :"- - . :::rr-:=::.-l;c from reality. --l--a aL-r-ll:,f gret that Fontenis' In the i::s.:.:-. study is only able to traces i,.:-:.:.+..: the suc:r.-. . -=: skim the surface of this glorious episode chist 1e::.:. ,'-perhap:; :-. - -. heart of ra-= :: a . viction. Tc := ::: archism. i:=a--:-
of the Spanish revolu-
rion. He would surely be
justified in retortit is no less
ing that
absent from the writings which he analy-
gle, for s'hici-prepared? Because
:, ..r
: ::
principles, hur:'.:. enceornairet'. - .-;
'- .'-::--r .,.--,:j-. led them astra-. : '.: :i' -;: ,: il' :. a ,,r:genital inra:a... .- : : -: -.-.: .:::: ii the rulersrr'.:. ':. -. - . . - -; ,,.:: ::r.r P they weren t a: -= -- ,r:,i: --l:::: ::-i- i,,ifh 1 : : . . --r:a stroke oi a ;tr -:- :+ were destinec L: ::::-:,::: aoun ln t: '-a!.. s:-*,--.: ueder the treacherous n ins :: .:--.s-:s: :l:urgeoi:s democracy anc it-ra--r -- ,=-- ri-.emse1r,es be dragged aicrq :r -.:.. s-;lnist counministerialisn'i.
ter-revolution. On the other han'. :i.=-. ',',-re damned well prepared for et.:r-ic:r: self-management of agriculture. ano io a lesser ex-
tent, industn. These. togerher \\'ith libertarian collectivisation remain a rnodel for future revolution and saved the honour of anarchism. One might express re-
The merit of these texts lies elsewhere, in the political domain. They reveal an unjustifiably obscure aspect of the Iberian libertarian avant-garde, the brief rise of the 'Friends of Durruti', named in memory of the legendary Durruti, who fell on the front on the 20th of November 1936. They emerged from the lessons drawn, a little late, from the cruel defeat of May 1937 in Barcelona. Just as in
rining that one couldn't be dissociated from the other. They proclaim that it is possible to battle against the fascist enemy without in the least renouncing libertarian ideals. They denounce the asphyxiation engendered by the machinery of state. And finally they affirm that without a revolutionnary theory, revolutions cannot come from below, and that the revolution of 19 July 1936 failed for want of a program derived from such a theory. Georges Fontenis, in his efforts to real-
ise such a libertarion communist program, wrote this in 1954 in France and updated it in July 1971 at Marseiile at the constituitive congress of the Organi-
ertarian communists was inspired by the tragedy of May in Catalonia.
sation Communiste Libertaire (OCL), which I took part in. I u'ill finish by speci-
Throughout the few editions of their
fying that, todal: I find m_r'self at his sides in the UTCL (Union des Trajvailleurs
France Babouvism was the delayed fruit of the severe repressions of germinal and
prairial[* 1] 1795, the lucidity
of these
short-lived paper, 'The friend of the people'which Fontenis has passionatly scrutinised and translated, we see these militants refusing, as was advocated by the reformist anarchists as much as by the stalinists, to wait until the war has been won to carry out the revolution and af-
Communistes Liberataires). u'hich sets itself in the tradilion bequeathed by the first internatlonal. that is to say anti-au-
thoritarian. ] 7th and 8th months of the Frence revolutionary calender. l,{arclr 22 - Apnl 20 & April 21 - May 20 [-1
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