Iy wny of earlenAtlolr as to t)r. nitl.r.e of thl6 book, it 1! for th! b.n!f1t of thos. fans of Joy Dlvlslon thcl; nrv not b6 ecql,rlnted nith tha l-^.nd'6 hlstory throrrFh hAvlnfi dldcolcr.d th6n too lrrtcr or throuih th. ECncrel lEcll of thfor,nRtlon rnri of nlslnforBitloi, 1rl thc gancral nuolc trar€. I bciian thc ralanrch for thls boot 1n l,ebruary, 19r!1, rft.r I qar Nev Oldel.Ft the CotrAl,Cnfl ih Iench,.ster.r they convlnccd lnr.nough to rsk. ltc raa116c thrt l r.ntcd to krow oor. ebout thal tna rt the sf1Er tlEa I r.e&llEcd thet I *oLlldnit kno, f,ny of thcm 1l I rerc to frll ovcr thrn tn th. 6trect. ytlth th. helt of lonAtlrl|. Lc6 rtle to cootllc a frlrly ertcnslva scrltbook collactlon of trasa cuttfu(6 end genarEl lnfortnatlorr, rnd lt 16 or thcBo dcrrrhookB thrt thls Etory 1s basedl. To thc t.oDl. lntolvcd ln the coirftltrtion of thlE lnformatlon L ext.nil Ey thank!. Wherlvcr,osB1bl. I harre tr.ied to crrdlt tha of inforhetlon hut lrj somc crE.H thlB lrovad to ba thpoE61bl.c, ?hls book 1s bEs.d orly on the fect6 FB th.y cirergcd, ther. rrc no rlrnours or nyth6 lno]udlal, though thay ere sad]ntlvc. ff you fi16h to corrasroDd rlth !r. on thc EuhJlet, or if you hevc a!1y corructlohs or &ddltlonrl ,.nlor.lnat1on {rhlch yoU fcc1 shoulat ba madc lIOr. [lda1T averIFblc, .1east u6C tha adalr.66 h.1Or?, Ilnally, l6holr1d f1k. to thAnk tha filante.A of Ne* oldar for soDa of the moet on;o;reble morrlnto of th!, ,e6t trco ylrars hnri ?ish thcfir Bcl1 foi tha fDttra. ft plonlBco to be e Aoocl one. [h16 book lR also atcdicated to thc fict or.y of Ian OurtlEr e n]An wtrosc words w111 cotl*inu. to rrech th! hcErto of mFny pcotl. th thc lutur.. C.S.Wood. ltor.irher, 19a2.
?1tege addrqaE aL1 corresFordcnce tot C.S,l','ood,
lJr Thc Brcch.6 r Tl. st llidsl,rry, ',Al,icltTrsTrn, r,r20 8I'0.
\lnrssv began their Fitrfltn6l llfe AL the lllccl,r'ic 4jIcus in f'&ncheBter on ltay 29, 19??, sLrppoitlng the Ihrzznocko and ]"enotaFtlon.
lccoldlnfi to reporta st the tine, their first 8ho, was eltbpr a quj.xkyr cocky l.1tt1. effsir shov/ln6 An elLrnive 6park of d1s8loi1rrity fro other bA,)dn of the tiue or, Ft l.est,teilious. 'l he irue plciulc of Ylarsrrvjrg oompctarca lies soilelrherc 1n tretv/cen the two evtrcmeE. ilr':noirr has it that ii'arsAw hE'd heen for:nad somc tv/o flonths eni:l l.ea rrB tii... hnal been pedterj.nt' llcr ;loroone6 (l,l,e luzzcoclasr ljsnrrre ent c.,inrtrnvl fo]. & suDport 918 for'et le4st Lh15 long. l)ur"i r1t! th. next trro fionthi iiarsaw cont'.nued to play thc rrj.nor leal:ueclr.iuLt ln the llelrc]:r'r1,ea cre6 es Buppoit bqnd to 6uclr i{roups &â‚Ź the iiorst(BL the liquat), a!,.1 Ei. Ltrl9 6tage of trhelr il.vllofrart their drufiuer vras 1'o!"y TabBc, who l,nd .lol.ned only the nlflht to1'ore ihe .ftrst i!19 llt fiA;/, !eter llook v/rs or ]'asn,,'Bn Curti.s handled the vocrls and Bernord lri.cken) ?ras or1 Suitstr ^]F althougi at ihis tlne he efis f,oi'ri' under 1.he !'e:..n llarrcy i uLb1e, An,l to thj.s day the nickname llqrney pernists. l,ucklIy. recordlngs of ?;arsayr .iLrrvr.,e fro: lljs era ar.l carr })e found or the bootleti sirv\les "l'l,e ideâ‚Ź1 lleAlnni!g'11" 12"). A1+hoff,il e ^nd h1,.:h1y ir)ttco,-lrate titlei thB recor..l I }}gs l,brov eorne lrier.estlna lLfht on to thc st:/le snd aspirstjono of tlie a.tro,:p At a v{'ry esrly stEge. Tho songs the0rsel\,e6 qrs rol p!rtj.c(Iarl.y ee11 rdcordeai, and thoufi}r thcy lAcl( the eseentlsl qr:alitjes thrt dlEtj"rgul.r)rpd Jot/ l)ivislon'6 later. ,Iork, wllil.ln lihe ta"rite thEt thetr vrpre r:eaylt to Le !eerd thFy Hhov, adeqiat. r)roof of ,r.isjca1 .orn.tBncc Bnd, .,orp lnrorljnFtl.y. froljn/: for
tht r u€lcal noyeirert whioh hnaI spr:rrod +hen l]1to helllg, thc plrrk riovarcrt. fn tihe they woulld cesse to have :lruch In comrorl wlth ttr chaotlc .lumtls that .punt wnB to deganerate lntor rn dl wo,,t1{i be secn to stand slolle at the foref"otlt of tbelr oi,n lleiv yrave. it the (?nd of Ju1y, 19?.i they clrrtBtled .t;helr hctLvil,ies to flr:d n oole auj.table dxunr&e! and wrlte more rxnterlal' 1'hey Beair to hBVa accooprlshear theee tvo . .on tho
sl* clrcu*
by n,,",,"*lT;: an o1d Echool frlend of tbe banit St6phey, rrorrls. r Lr6 ttE!! tr.,o $ohth6 thtpi the bnEd would he plr:).lnF the lrlectilc Circlo agaia_ e6 nai't of ito 1;ro atel'turk J'e$ti!.1 to ijsrk thp nlrsr:r.a of thn c1ub. Vircid ltecords had sJranlteal to record atl the hands thRt pta.,/ed at the olrrb over those last tno nlAhts anal wheD thc recorC YlAs finelll lEBuGd('ihort Clrcuit-Llve et thc nlcctric Clrcu6,), V61s6v,r" contlthutloll w6€ lnclud.d. far Curti6 $qs lator quotrd aB sa]/tn8 that l,)le hElld nes unss,rre .that they l:arl even been recofdc.j, anat in the end th6y cho'e thr wror6 llack to D:tt o,, th€ re oord .oral .1 ty_$1s6 , it ote ed that thel/ ore.d Virgln, thou/:h in l18O pCtcr flook Bald that the b,rod Ectuatlv ntrde aB hetweel theri on i.he racord. trlthout a manacer anat withorrt a cIue, .ttey set atout recolat1u5 thelr ?u]1 r?cold. ,{ Iocql recold1.rA,stndlo offered to handk the Dro(luction, nro!c1rg' lahe11lng r')d Eo on for theH. !I!*r.rraI1y thj.rl(in6 thAt thcy $crc onto a 6ood thln8, ,ey.c4eptcit, TLe lot_doy/h erhen they hes"d Hte .t[al1ty of the ?,, pres6inB, r h(,] reh|]ct4nily bhe:,. decid.d sAAilst e reLoa6e, concelll:rattng on sellln( tl,e lloj.ted n:,lober they had h.rd pr.65ed to loca1 stocklsts. The record was t1t1pd ,,An ldeal iror Llvlng,r and corltalncd lorlr tracl(6, ,lVa1s6srrr11o lovc LoEt,riJ,eaalerg Of Llen,. and 'failures 0f The fiodcrn [an,(later ohort.ned to,lsilur'es, on thc 12,, rcleaoe). Th. slecle for bh6 7tr wa6 En clabor,,tc affair whLEh foldrd o:.:i lnto a l4!' sgucre froBier fedturlnc a drrvrlng by llofllard i,l!,rrchr., on th!, l'r:o[t. fhe ]and folderl all the o":lgi:.!e1 slceves bJ. hnnd End Dlrt thc recordo ln the sloc.res theh6eli/e6. It w4a s16un6 th16 tkle ttFt a iondglt tr6s96 Ekln]eAal /.rou, calleil yiaraBw ?akt t:rBde a,ld rcleqseal a .4cord , so to Bvoid confltslon e.d t)eca.,lse they,d he&"d t!.rFt no Lo alon lra)ok1n6 vrould r'l$k booki!1A a l,rnd wtth a nare aiMjlar to that o[ llDrsasr P6]t, t]r.y declded lt lroxfd be e Eood ldea to chAnse thelr v,rag
The rana r$larE^ir veis aprE.entlv choscn ,rfl,er the trecl< on lavld l\owlAlhr& rLot/vr,rirrBrzr,wE,, $,l,i.h Ls Iollsh for ItFrsalr, h,rt the r" re Jol/
Dlvleior al ost certrlnly coireg f?o$ 6 hook cB11.d rllouac 0f Dolfsi 'rrhlch claloo to be i)a6cd on the dlary of e yolnA Jewlsh gr.t'l fron llareaE who wa6 s6nt to the ConcentrEtlon ciraps o.f ihe S"cond Eorli lvar to enal hcr llfc l.n ihe Frosl,1l,ut.3'. $irg of theoo c6mp6-l,he Joy rlvlslor. Thla surmlse 1s subets,[tlnieil I,i/ th€ fact that on page 1r? of rIIour:e 0l ])olIsr, the third parsgraph 1E E reoid for gfDr,i r€pIlca of the B€cond verse of rtlo Lolr lost' whlch €nd8,lIo llfe st s.1,1. 1n the IIo'::s. of Do116 Whateler the l.eason for the changc, they were nolr ,TOy Dlrlslon.. 0I thc 2l!d. of trai,ch, 1g?8, Joy Dill,j.sion Frtercd thc Stilf f6ot/ tlhl.Yrlck ChAlleig.r ehlch lyE's an el:dltlon nlFht 6ct up by the tro ,oldon ftrlcrcndent 1abe16 to fl*l nclr talent from eIl ovc! thc country. that nlght acvcnt!?n bandB playedr Joy I)1'rlslon caEc o[.rtBe! at thrld I,r tle nor.nlnE, 1a6t on ths b111 end played two sonf'8. ,hlthough thcy itlilntt win any p?lzes ihat nr.ghi thcy dld nrc.t tivo people rho r.cre to prola to bc Euch l[orc v61uAb1! to th!n. ore of thc6e Eas I{ob Clctton rho ra! worklng ao a IJ at RAftarB C1ub, rhere th. caEprtltlon wrs hclil, and th6 other iias Tony yilson, th! fV pr.srnt.r of rso It Gocsr End nor exGcutivc of lactory CooEunlcetions Ltd. In a m,lE artlolo of Jenuary, 19'?9,Tony lilllson oaid of tl,at nlBht,,tThr bandls we.e BLI good end thry Frie all bor.lng. But Joy Ilvlslon vrere $ondcrful And thry had son?thltrg to 66y, I thou8ht ao ehd !o did Rob, rcaua! after thEt hr bccaoo thcl! r.anatar.,, PrloT to Rob Jol'hg,thcr!, they had slgned 6 dubious cortract wlth 6 lraJo! record coEpany 6,rbsid1*ry labe1 to recoril Rn albuor And thlB xocordlng acs6lon rrould e'rontually fj.nd it8 rrsy lnto the world a6 tht bootleS L? |llar6&ivrr. Hhc[ Rob Jor,ned th. tand h. gcntly smool,hed over thclr prcvlouB blundcr6 And gsvc thro an eotual dlr€et1orl. ,]oth h! enil Iont{ t/1Isotr r/ould be Instlu[enta1 lr thc rlsr of Joy DiylBlon, In Lley, 19?a, the band wcnt to th. local IIBC radlo statlon to ie lntervl.wcd on a prograroc calLed tsaturdFy Rockr. ThlB plo8rardme
to 1n!1*e loc81 bend6 on to the rAdlo to talk sbout thelr rct:.vitlea Fnil DlFy a llttlc of t) tuuBlc, eLther lrom E ,dc,ror tapo oI, aE ln Jot/ Illvision,rs ca6e, thri! recordO, JOy Dlvialon took along ihc neely press€d anal au!n11y ouperlor 12ri verslon of 'lI ldeal For Livl!U{' EI. Thla onE play6d fr[d ln betle6es the tiacks the 6roup spoko abolrt i;h6ms€1',es and th6ir Lnfluencss. ltnfortunately, Il-ttle ls known of yrlrst $as actually Bald ao thers are appar€ntly no recoFdin6e of that p&rtlcula! paggrar&e. hovlc1/e! Lt EaeE6 l1kcly thet thcy ilould have used
ir t(i
ir I
i?it a'.
o€nlioned the ncwly opened Factory 6s the:r' hnd pleydd thore .rt l-he secord
nl8ht tt wEs opeh. The r€at o{ the year ws.s take, up wlth olAyln6 the usu.c.l one-off g;fn crlfrj.netir.t{ in iepteBbcr \rLth an aDDeer.n.ce on (ranaala Tv pcrfor$1nA of
In recorali.n{ .t,he trao tracks for ,e :.,a.:tory 6aop1e l).Pr ard puttl'16 thc flnlBhlng trecks .jot(ethel for th{r Ll, t}roy haal b6en recoidin8 at cenctie studtos ior the l]aJor J,abe'! i'tur, 1urX. Octcbcr
1978 $es spant
The yeor ended 1n lio,'e locs1 g1gs, altd e6peolally te/o srjnnort 61ot6 ln Canterbury und Readlnri yrith the itczltlos. flnelty talcinf Joy
Divislon to t.he no!. p,t1' ln lFlingtot] \,/het o Lo!1don gBined '}rui Anchor iis owi firdt-h^nd er(D€rlenc. of tbc anilnated nnd voletilc fius1o that the qusrtet w"I] no$ rrod, clns. rt lerlaful. of f:lgs 6i6r.t.d 19?9 rolllng Andt at l,hc cnrt of Jenudry the gro,.rp trAvclled donn to Lo4itoD to record thrir flrsi seseion for thr eloirh Peel proglar,r., hroadc''st n1flhb1y r.oF,tnv to ih,rrc,iaJ, on ptlc Rndlo one. The dcssion i9a6 lroadcast to thc natlon on f:lt, .,,alentlnr,E DRy End contalncd verolohs of ifihe'i Lost Control,,,fnsifihti,rTrFrlsxl16sionr. anal rl:xeroi6a onc|,
lhe lectory Salnp1c 9l lras re]..asod at the end ol lebn:nry, nnd surprlsed $pny people v/lf,h 1ts dlvcr6e oel!ction of , a!.!d srtlsta and afao 1t6 packaglng, a gate-foId tlrcy Bleeve y/ith ntickers arld atlformatlon li th6 Etyle of the chr&p Tllrlll.rr)1d ilirltstlon s16?!c6r with the 6u61c on two scven lnch 6i)rg1es. Iiecli of the four artlots lrvolvad, thet i8, Joy Dlvlslonr thc Duruttl Colunh, coficdlrn ,-oh|] l.oa;c and Cabsret VoltAlre, had one €idc to dhefieelvpB ard ,ras ln.iied to L,rovldo an lnagc for onc of the stickers lncllldrd,rl ] thc packa]{e. ,ro:I llr.vislon'6 contrlbutlOn to the FActory i'lADplc reEs tero 1,rscks, ,Clas6r Fnit rt)jf|itel'. 1'heEe two son6o, Alttrouqh direl:/ t!1 itsr-tln 116n,, wer.c loth deaperste qlld desolste, as pn|ll irorley Btrtcd ln h16 rev lall, ,, . , . t,l,? m16s1nB llnk beteeen l1Ivls and Lhe BanshccE.,, To Dromote ti;is and other irn-cornln]' irodLl(,t, Ilectory ln..tist.d A serles of packtGc 61gs to pl.Ey variooB hu]ls Frotnd the collntr.r. Iss.{t on 11,. Dnckagc tor.irs of tl,e mid-sj](ti.r 4udlerccs r:o,,1d erpect to Eee un to j'or,r hqnds on qn)'Alvcn nlfilt n..l tt,cse,l8lrt ih41lx1e ,Iol:n l,owie, A Ceituin ncl1o, Orchestr€1 rrBno.ul/rcs in thc dark ond irorei/,n ,.l"e6s fe I]l{ic s JoJ )i!lrilon. ?Le llraJorll,) of tirc bandrf, t;nle ln Aprlt y/qs Lqken up v?lth recorallnf: at ljtrawbea)^lr sl,udios in l;tockport, tte band having bv noy; conrinceal
iony fill.$on tlâ&#x201A;¬t lia 6houId PLll kctt Lllqr $r,:l vo o
for 'rr
album ancl thus
of t)r. ,tlr:$l,i, as i:hey h a..l Lwa'rR hopoil thAt thev r.lould br
to outsld.16. Ta; r;rrrtis 1lIustra1,ed th1$ po,.ni 1n an inten,'.F\.r v,ith the l.firrl in 'Ian'rnry, l9?3,,,i'/o,rt 11trc bo stai, on 1,he or+Bid., ii,crd lorelt.{f 'l'onv liilfior) o.1.i l,F,d pay u$ to do D.!1 a1l:,,. on i'4clior::. Tlr:1t eTor!ld be !1)1e
l'rifson pri.d orit e totAl of iq.'trr. fr-oi:r lri6 oph no(jk.t tc record and pre$B l0r0O0 conies of 'llhkiowD !leaFures,. Ai the ti,na ho one l(ne..? rvltcthea or,ot hr vJoLtfrl hc ir q Dosltioll td r'acorn hll; Dtoiey, tul, by no,Y he nrljst hA'uc n&.te A tldr pr-oflt. 1t tJo,l1,1 not. ho!.,e! falr tjo 6e.V tllat e.itIar Ton.,' I'iilsor or Factorv vrer. onl,,' i).1 1t for the Doney aF, 1.h1s l.rnnlrl not on1l.' bc An ln,luBLlco to both narl,ic{ ljut a16o e Bra}e urtrul;h as al-l of liCl,'6 profits ol rpc!)rl InonthE(A.d, lndeod, iLe 1,otEl profl.ts ot the cor,Fany Ior L)le yeBr 1ilB0, exccpt for tlre Ioys1t.l.R fr'oo'Love !1i11 Ton.r
tpart' )liave
flone towairs
the purchAsc and.llecorFl,ion ol 51:1'lia IIac ien(l a. Unknorn l,leasur.e6'r/ss ro leAsecl ':n Ltna. lo".l Lo mlx^,1 r..r.:, r,r,
!']1.C { 1 ,,:i
E1t houah rrosill-.? [Avou.ehl,-, a.L :rr.t, o"^ 1r..! u),,., ::r r^v.inu fr'on tl e l;.)lji.,r.rl EnIl.e 4!' a :rrr
glro, I),rrr I nA ljstencd to lJ:e l,l', coorrll.s s icidc. 1,lret this fl,'1ter 1r,'!r r,o unaflar. of vtrRt he hAd done 16 amDlt'ob.,iDur,l wh.'n ih. .,cr(l
\ \
r!rl i,er"r,a$ sent to l.!'torrl.r!? the band Fnd denlos ttrAt he hed ev.n infe.]'Ffl 1,hat the lyrics on thr t'ccord $iere peasln,lstic, preferrlng to :laufib ecl.cctically e,ith hlB photogreDher thah talk to the lard. Ylhen lrter j.n the year he lequegted anothc! intcrvleYl and was rE ftlsed he could not comprehe-ntl Just v?hst he had donc to dcaervi euclr tr.Ftnenii End rct.d 11k" r -J11tlrd sLrltor, Joy ]r)lvlslon dld not v/aBtc ti,ne in reiroanectlve tho{(htB, thouFh. In thr resh ot lntervittrc followinfl tL? reLcase of th. LP' thcy anrcarld Fr.8er to r,rov e on, to fe8ln workilrl on ne$ neterlnl. lYou're Flllhya
io thc next soi!:,rrsald IFn C,lrtlsrrrllo rncttca how nBnvron6s your!l aloncryou're aIflays looklnf fo.r thc neit on.," The nexl, sonfl rnB e sln8fc It led 'lianB|I)lssionr. worki.nF; b
,trEnatolssioEr haal beetr vrrlttot1 in tuid_19?a arrl lra.d been inclLrded on the dlbuE recorrlcd for liartin RuFlhent r ln the ne,/ rccoraltlrg the song Irac to heneflt fro a tlAhter, fa6te_r srlangeiiont ,rr1d a Eyrnpathetic m:;frofi the )undsr of llnnnetij. Thie ivas not the ,firet tlDe that Jo_/ I|rlsioi haal r.cotded rlrRnomlsslor.
thc flrct recordlr8 of
arbu,! e'dr subBequ.rtly
,"" ,;l-rl::-':::,1"1:t:.::;.:":,:t;;:'::":1""'
broaalcqdt PlccadilLy Eedlo s.6BlOnr froh B,h:ich thr rccorallrlA of 'S onlethlrr": llust !r.ak' vAs teken for the l,I rstil1,,
del;. of the plccadllh Iladio sesslon remalra shroudod 1n mystery but 1t would be saf, .Lo assunirc that J.t yre6 som.tiir. lr|,Iun!, Ig?9 A! it no+ orly freturrs tracks fioh ,Itnknowh ?1ensllrca, but also !l!E brsrd ncv, !!uEb'erl'r'Th.a9a ])ars'r,Atm06phor.,rrThe Atroclty nxliib!.t1on,r,)cnd 5ou16r and the &foromentlo:1ed ,somathlng t4ltat Brcak,. fhe rcglor that 1t tvaE never broedceat hust s r! or the rrack!, etthoup;h r* r"':ro:,:;:"1:,1T":il;';:',:I; releaoe as a hootlcg til1cd rl1s6gp56r.,. '1'r&a5Dltsion' $a6 remlxErl at Strtrlcrrv .,itud106 on thr 2eth of iIu1J, :thc s&me d,y that the behd was to pr.ay s locel fc8t1vA1 carlcd ,Stuff tho Super6l,qr6 !;p.c1F1,, Thle t7a6 to open e neg, l,errra ltt ltahcl,cstc. cal.l-cd I'he iiqnl,ouoc and ten Lanal6 r,erc prcoent to play there, altbou8h 1n oulslquant artlcles ln tha huslc presa leir of ttle5a ,rei.e Erqn nrcntlored abd thoEe that \r!.r. cou[teil thenoelvce ],ucky 1f thelr naln. was xlBht. July a16o s&w the recording ard &lxln8 of a ner, lohâ&#x201A;Źter. varsiol of rflhere ,o6i 0p4tyq1r e,t isEclierrter,s Ccntrrl Sound Stuilios. r,,hls yrd6 orlAinally lr't.llded for e IIS1 only rcl.esc anal r!.ntua1ly l?as issued i,r th. iDi a.s thc ill, B1d. of ,At ihe Eair, 6,ssroh6. ,ther li":J::, Ti:'ii,:";:::.:,:L Soulst end rlce-a6e'and tr)roagh ilead Sou1q, wRs releaEeal a$ part of 6 rLjultl-ned1a, pqc)<agc y,lirh rAtr,toEpherer fater 1n the yeer, ,Ice_ager i'to,.tlC be left o'rer untll l1B1 en,t thc relcllse of thc retrospective ,Stil1l Thle vas .ot the in+entlon at the tlner ror,,gh. Jov t)1!1r,lo,! Ira(t t)apn af'rios.hc(l to IIay Bt +he lrlturama llei-f1 rostila1 at the eueci,s lla11 in Leerla 6nd h1!jo to alonatc a tjl'ack to the nro;iected Blbrfi feFtrrir.!f ttre ar'lj-lsts 1nvo1.,,ed. The i;rack thnl wou1.l hsvc Ieen Joly- i;visloa,q eonl,rlhxt+ Thr!
Iou vrss I Ioc-age r . E)re next I\!cordl.n66
to he lssued caEe _ln lilie :forfi of tvro ,
ijrknov/n ?Ie4suleflrsesslon$. The:;e yrere, straif:eI) enorit{h, Dot Factory, but on anotlier 1t!rlcrcnd.nt Ii.ba1, f,lE1r iroducte of EdlnbulEh. TIG Ieanon ,or thls is that lo]. J,Ast f.Fd nn.roached Fnctor-:/ Fnll as,l(od if
f!o:l the
l1kc to _tahc part 1n liis 'Ilarcom6r evpertflent. ?Actory:ravinji l1othi,!6 {:oncrete ln the way of plBns for thcno t}ro trackn an.] t)alng lactory lct thern go ln nt(cb the aarijG w&v .tlat ,;.an-It.rrc iurrJrel otrtalne.i rI]ead Soulor a}ld tl.tDosphere r. In lugust the baEd wa€ askeal to supporL tbe Buzzcock€ on B nAtionvriale tour of tfie IIr(. The lrand agreed and set off eround the courtry ior y?hnt tao to bc tbeir lon8esi lxtcideal peij.od of glfls evef-tlrenty eir( drtco 81; tlc ehd of octobcr and bcglnning of llolc$bcr. ttlth tb. usua] tlrj.rg thclr nrr sln8lcr r1'rarsnj.s6ionrly'FrNov"lty, 1./6s lssucd to coir,clde v/ltlr thc torlr endin8, although this dld not hahper lts succegB i4 the toderrendcnt chErt, lt 13 JuEt poBsitf. thqt lt nay hal)r beel accn in illa iRtj.oDrl cljarl, had it }een rcleased a oonth csalle!. Joy lllvlslotl could not be said to have been we]ll rccclvcal t]i, thc l]lurcocke' arralience, indiffercnce B:ld sorrletl$es ope. ),ostiljty wera fiof. usuel reactlon6 to their shrrrpr altgr,lqr essalllt of tha scnses, and thlE i6 8t111 tbe fRt. of support IFrdsr thc rxnterB.LTcnt1fu1 1,hen es thot!f,h thcy warn 11t*1e norc than 6 frcak sho!, to hc booed .ni eatcnl!.d throu8lout the short tlmc allotted to thcm on stsge. .1otr llvision liBIod awEy lrotu ljhe Lour br[lsed and btoody, but not beat.[. Aftar the tour vre.s over, thay rcturned to r,hc capltel to rccord! |Lclr aecond ifohn Peel gesslon or thc 26th. of iiovrEber, lhis slsolon qeo ilradc
rP of entlroly nerr 3oUIs pcrforlned e.j!..] th soe. crse6 }']rlt,tcn on tb. tou". j:r. icur selcclji:)nF l'o.1" t:i.n 6c$j:1on !,crc ,The sjollnd Cf r.lusic,, rTventy liour i:ouls t , rC olony ' e]rd 'Jrovc i111 leEr Us rnr, ?rF, lrroadcaat on ^partt clepsrtLlre tle 10tL. of }eceirl)er Just prj.or to th. fourgorue,s for i,he contjront, wher. they would reilEln for thtce wcck6, returning hooe to plAy e surprise rtg dt the iietl T.Br's Dv. plrty heLd b;i lactory for 1t! staff and fri.nd6. thoy vcrc ?rorrled ahoLlt tourinfl, artlitcial prass raB ai'l fio on, rnd praferrnd to pla:/ 6hort serlas oI d-te6 rathar then onc lott8 tour. ?Lc.'Lr contlnc[t{r1 ad\eiture took theE to la]-1s, Irrsterdetil, cn:! o{inc r l-lrussels, netl:lr eEd Elndhovan ahonAst othersr 6n.l lt was olt thia shorl; tour thal sonre of tbr lorf,ert er.'oost potent Jo.rj l)lvlslon nusic tia$ ulrleashrd onl,o lluroDcis J.,uth. In larls, Irqrt of the perforhahcr vy6s Iro6dc!161 live o[ l],1 r.adio , whllst 1n Alnstsrdsm th. lntlre sl]ol, wa6 natwolk.dr-avehtnally f1ml1nfl 11,!r wa:/ onto no ll!6a th^lr l,hre.! bootlrg Lpro, Aftar Joy l)lvloioh raturEeal frorn rh. cott!nrnt fy took e coup]. of wcet6 to r-6covar and then eerra .l)ack 1E ectior plnyinA yet anothea bancflt FlE_ln llanchcater, rj.s tioc f6r a 1oca1 farzlnc callEal Ctty lutr. 1'h. very next nlAht ihet. ncrc to b. found at thc Unlver.sity of l,dadon ijtLrdentst IIrton playjrg on a. bl11. tlrat lricludcd li11l1nll ,Joke, Itohe:/ llant'c ir.rtel lliorobcs, Il.ctlon 25, alrd tho Smirlr6. Ths.t riight Joy Ilv191oll p1r.y6d a stunnlEfi sct, t)eglnnllg with thl| sp1].al1fig fiBJi6tiJr ol rDcarl :jouls'r cov4rlnA o1d Brouhd flke 'claBsr and rlnBight' tut prcferrlni,ontly to br.i.nB tls a,.!.1lanca onto coniact r?lth n.!, BonB6i thrloed ftost of l,ha $onBE thet l?arc to spFear on tClosarr(hard 'at as ln rclor.r to thc id8oi) wer6 playail that nlilht. Of thc6. nr$r riunberB tr|o fertlcularl:,r shon. 'Ihronilhr o)'rc \4aB r.Pa!'--ovcr, perform.d fi1th A â&#x201A;Źptctacrrlar iouch of nenacc that t,ro,1Uht honl6 tha tr.ue crlsls ol thc p'.ccc, thl! other vr6s rTha l]tarnElr, unvrlled Bir tt,o c!1core tltat ntght, but Bho[1nF thc subtleiy for oood that iya! to f;race mucl] of ,C1os.rr. iiowaver ihc $aJorlty of tho oroyrd reariad rither un91111ng or unabla to accept thl! new turn, prcfarrlng to Bl,o::t for o1''l fa1,ouriLcs such as tvarBawr or ge ra ralIy bamoanlng tha 1atrk of old matertal. and'tLen ercpectlng ar encor6 as though 1t eBs or,radl to thrin, ar lf thry wnrt oved alrythln6 l:roD e banil whosr exl6talrcc jlave oore th&n anl/on. corld hopc for. ThtBc on.-off ajl8s contintled throlqh let)rll4ryr 1980, an0 ir llare)r Lh. much .lclayod r.leesc of rf,er.d Soirlsr/rltEosnherer cqnr. .l\ ljrnltcd erlitlon Drenrad ln Trenoe, tlr. rccor.d came lE a vcry llaElry daDicting a covled figLrro looklrg ecro6s e vrialc vDlLly plonA wlth a four prge rlsay
ye Lo')st c0rhTt
A3 nhlch etriemrted to llece ,roy,Ilylslon in th. $alne lrF:1r o{ rcfpr?nc! e.s f;t. ThErcsitE Ecs!tBsy, llarcel Brlon, ,nd Falrrlch von Xlriat. iI tho|fht it wqR e hlt ov.r 'the lop,r' iiob r:rettolt onlned at the t1me. ,Ioy }lvls',ol! $er"c b" thiq ti e sAfc1. 1tr nrltRht!1R nov':.06 to rccord thcll h.v, T,P, ar4 to At l;ellpt to i,ix thr ncn Blngla 't,ove lIl1l Tcar Ira lDart', a soryl whlch wa,s ceLlslng thcd g.cet problcnre 1r! ffud1hg th. rj.ght mlx for, Irt fsct thls problem wa6 nr1/cr sat16fac.tor1ly 601vcd &nal wh6n thc t'ecoral rye6 lssulrd tl,cre l, two sllfhtly dlffaiart Dlxcs on 1t.
I' I
!"{ctory.l:Ad hook.d th. l.ioon^ii,:ht c'l.ub ,l"or threc rlflhts at L)r lreglining of Apr11 for y,hat lrcre tltled th.'[actory b]i i,loon1if,ht'xlfhts. ln thc Eanner of eerl'.r'r J,'actory cr',es nioe t)An4n vol!l,j plry over ihree ntght!. A progrA$ma th^t l'nctor't/ h.d prepared etatod ilrnt "Joy I)j,'.,io1on lLave teFn banncd e! a r.llllt of thelr EpDellint bchavlo:rr or th" nlght llarch of 2lrd", but nonc thc lea! lt w&s Joy Divl6lox ?ho oprn.d the proctc(llngs. 'IhAt tIr€t ,Utht, Joy Iivi6lo[ vrlth rEiBt." Iiay', t,hc oId yelvet llnd er8!.rund tlumbor, a]td 1t ls thLs verslon thet efrpaar'g oE rtitj.llr, (losDite thc wr.oEg datc belnfl Biv.n on t,ha racotd skcvc. Tho thlrd rlght at th; floor1if,ht provcd to be e ui1qu. occurrcnc6 for the band, tl,6y would !1ay ttao gIAs et te?o dlffcrctrt,vcnucg on l,ha oaat .1,ef,infr. Thc flr6t \ia! et thc Reinbow TLeEtre er tltr sLlptlort 6roup to thc Strengler6r 'then, lcss than An hour lster thay would trak. ttre ateg€ et thc oon1i6ht Club. Thc itrein of thc D.rformrncer took 1t8 to11 o, Iatr Curttc eEd h. h8d to b6 helpcd offstesc eft.i th. ftfth )..
In fact, .fenrs h.alth had becr al"terioratlng for !,one tlm. atr! a tumber qf giSB had erded 1r rlota after hc hed lcft tle'stAge t,o b?
iepleced by clthcr Sioo! Top!j.nB of l Cerl.rir netlo or A1elr ,1.nnsa11 ol Crlspy ADbul&Eca. SoEc 81g! irrre cE}lce11cd coopletely. Ian we! !n and so,rotlmc6 hls fLt6 world be trigr{cred off bJ thc flA6hlnf "pl]ept1c IlAhtr vrh116t hc wes onstagz. l1c al8o felti lneorifortable lrtth ,11 the paeasrre of atiichtion bein6 forcrd upoi h1,i,sr1f an.l the Aroup Ard i-ouid it dlfficult to copc yJlth thr streln of surtdnnlv brlrg a ce1.,hritj. All thiough thet Aprll t!e 6roup p1ay.d iTias ennoL.r,(red only l.rl the locE1 pre6E anil ivcre preparlri.: for thctr flrBt trlp to Ameiice, agaj.n 6upDoItlhC tr,e ,uzzcocks, Al the .nd of Anril i.h..{ retLlrncrl Lo llielr oId rehearsal roo$s ill l_'eansEst6, ltanchcsi.r, lo rer)orcl u 1,1deo ior th. nrw single, They h&d probf.!it6 ,!i , r,l.- soLin ^14 Lh. strej.h on Iiltu, t, e tBnd Epeering yreari qfter llu:itcroLis tAker. They ployor] .ljvc Just ohc. morer Just four dalI6 later,, at the lt1ffh IIRI1 1n Ri ro1llghan
Two lrccks latnr, Just foul dey6 before thcy flcro diue to dcFart for ,i&arlcar let Curtj.s reB fouril ai.acl et h1s homo 1Il ]tecclesfielat. ltc waA Lw.nty thr,!e.
'j'lrr ne r',s reij.rlieraled ero!nd thE $uslc 1rorld, It e.fJect..l ,j.op1c irhosc ntercst ilr iilre hsnd :?as,+o sa} the 1.e3-1, riinlcrf,'] . 'II. l iI.s+ nrrt. that :any f.ol1a heRrd qFA thRL th. t'.rr.droD rlxflod!:s lre.t .l.rllcnt.d n ,ron( 'iio fen llrrrt,ts, rfio :tBs icadrr, o!1 tire rlondny nfrier llie cvcnt. lloit r.orl. didn't \rrr sn:ithjrr!lt n11' nnd 1i EnB Itft rr, to th. nur!Lc , to thr FPd' Ehockinf nc?n' Iroft ihe f.B f..riis thet crnerlre('l El th. l qu?31 into 13n Curtl$' d.nth, n plciul.E h.glns to lrAko ah!t)e o, t11 ,iet, s.nfl1tiv. lrdiv:l.llral fol. rjhom 1lf. htrd hp'l l-reconE eh inl.ole]"1'1. l,rrr-4!!n.
fen aurtis wEs boar on tl,c 15th o.f Juily, 1956' and at En.errlv Age ia.l tcgur to spcnk of v"unx anal of trhinll h1s ovr)t 1if., Aft.r hr lrft ochool he worked for e !'?hil. 1n a fsctory, Dl:shlni{ 6 cart Aro:rnd Alrd 6e1d thet e1l hc thought abo'rt 41, th&t tloe vTar vrliat he would ap.nd hls Eoney on st the end of thc wcek, Th. trlrnlnE polnt 'ln his 11fc ce]le irh.r hr sen thc lirx ?IBtols at the Lsscl' iilrc. TrAdc Iiel1 in 19i6. Aftrr th6t t1m6 blhg ln e Land becaBe thc prcoccupat1on of th. maJority of Llarchcstcr'i youth. Curtls at th!! iloe had t,prrun work 1r a record ahop 1r the ccntrt of th6 clty, e ahop cello(l liecords, rlov clocril, Thc shop enJoyed a rcpuiatlon o{ cxccllcnt servlcc Rnd ito,:kR 1'or many year6 unt11 most of tt. 6taflr :lrlrt13 lrcli:dral,$.!a la1d off due to 1,1:c1r' po1lc). of stocklrg '1)er'.k erd Cllv. LIv.r, an 61iuD that Elilr the Bhopls 'pe!.ltrr!rl! r!fusiifl to cvcn pr.s8 snd had l.lsued mchogr vet'nlrfi of 6tcr) repGrcu!slois 6houlal ehy of thcir shopr stock tbi.iroffcnniv.r e1hum. Fy thi! tlEcr tholrgh, Jol'Dl"vislon aire alrcedy coEs:ld.11rg ',r j.r Do6lt'cn,! Btrd had mada up thalr mlrds lo ff1v. up [ day-,]ol,F to .tolr! FActory. $or'kirf et rEarr Rcrioi.d6, h|ouAhl, IAn lnto conliact erLth F Eroup thEt shored to hih F dlffer.nt FEy ol nuttliF E gong orlr-Thc 'tclv.t lrndclground. ThiB r,es coupled vrlth a n:.mor:' of l,ou on th" llto $hlch rffcctld hl.D tlecply. r'iiothlnf, appedled to ?res 1'5''"t, to ')., i stuff 1lko tho StoBcs eltd *hetevcr,,.cnd ]rhcre Rar, Ju3t soneilriFrl flh?f,-l: got two of tha Vehlt llndcrgioundrs l,F,a that cecnerl io hr var.y reel. ]'hcrc $ar stuf.f ln the lyrics that f corrl.l reletc to thst !,,{6i,t 1, arythli8 c16e, It ria! Ju6t lvhet J $a. flojrtl ttrror!,itr at tlmc.,. lt yres 1,h? Bttitlrdt of th. thllrg. J rcm.lnl,f r sc.inrl Lor iic.d o, f{tfr or. ilsco tNo or vlial,ever tLcy uBed to call 11,,nrii hc v,esn,t thc nor.a.1 r.ln/{!r ln a g.oup' r tlicrc ves sofiethlr!8 norc to hlm that secn}ed to carry or to thc irey L. llvcd and l,hirrls 'like 1.het. InFtcad of .lust sin/iiniabout !o.thlnfl,.vou couid sholr it as wc11-nut it o!.r ln lh. ,?ey that -lt 16! 1f yoLr i?cre totr.lly 1r v,ltst you y?rrn dojr!g.', JoJ livislol1 e?ere to ,sl(e thi6 nolit ehuEdani]y .jl.aai 1, the;.r l'lt.r shorvs, v,ir crc sudi.4nced l.ft tt)a hs11 totally altalhed of e!r.rflyi ss bhotlgh thcy hAd b..r o t throush er llxrotionsl. riArfilc ,.rhich squ.!z.d out cvcry lAst droD of thojr feellnge. for CIrlis,,i..., thcr. $as inor. to it thar'Juat sirgtngr, llls lnri)lrement $ri1,'. tLr ||rsic csr.rt..] o!rr 1]rto hj 3 prirati l1fc. lloretirre 1n 19i1/'18 h. {.rr orarrird to hts chil.lhoot ef,c.theert. l.borah iloodruffc, anil yras soon t,hc fsth.r of q baby glr1, ,tained i:etalla. for s l,ir;ie r,hls se.ocd to t)e E stitjr'l1sinll fq.tor 1E h16 lifc hut sooi
l,e b.Fan to L. d.pressrd a[Fln and 1n ln ]qig erF6 ,o,r!id urcohlcloui et his hooe aftor lnlllct-hfl krlfc !.roulds on hixrself. IIis DnrriAgc beEar lo go lihroilf;h iroublcs end otl th? tour of ltolfe]id jr 19RO Le LegEr sa.irf, a glrlir'1errl. f, fcl,r y/ark8 Letrr hc sp.rt ihr:ar ileJs ir hogpitrl eft.r tqk.1râ&#x201A;¬ an ov.rdooc of tsblets aftcr beconllng dcFres6ed, fl1s cIribDsy v{s grtting vrors. end ha t{es r.farr.d to e p6;,rch1atri6t bu1, otly kcDt Llvo ol tht eDDolltutnt!. li&ttcrs cam. l;o i heed {hcr D.}orah found out el)out h16 glrlfrlcrd rrd ask?al ,or c dlvofcc. Shc said at ihc lnqLrcst that ha hAd arkcd lf sh. i!a! dotg th. riEht thlr6 enl] F! u!,srt AtoL)t ihrli. d6ua{hter, II. D:rouis?d to !top lci1n6 hlt! Alrlfrleid 1t' tha dlvol,cD nl.occcdirg6 nerc daoppcd but ep.ercntly chBnf,od h:r h1ral end ask.d h16 wifc rot to sr. )rlm egeli. Th. dA:: bcfoir hts d.eth thry had hed r ro!r. 0l1 Sdtuldayr f,18y l?th. h. haal r.1,urn.d Lo hlB honr. to \ertch f, balaviBarl .11Im, 'Stroluckrrtry hlB fAvourj"t. producar, lyatn6r lhlzog. llours latar, early llunilry orlrlr1llr ha hurfl hldr6ll. A rote found bI h1, body lncludcd 1,hc paregiat)l:r'At this v.ry 6om.nt f winh 1 \e.rG dl.ld. I J1l6t carit Copr aiyi:ora.rr llla ejt. found his hod:,/ et rbout mldlday or Sunday, sh. ilno.dlately v,cnt to hcr rcighhourg fo1.h.Ip an.l th.y rushcal round to ihe housc rtd cut th? body dowr. At firlt, thcy thouEht thrt l,hcy hiJ b6 abk 'to 6av. hlll brit ll/hen theX hed found hjm .too hccvy to 11ft.nd cut th! rope, tlcy rcaliErd thrt hc hed olvlouBly bc.r +hca6 ioEc 1loa. Th! ,.iqu.6t j.rto hl.s dcetE !6turr!d a v?rdiot of sulcliic. :lr the 6ptlghtj of obltuar'{.s that folloyred, thc b.ot Jor Gf,v&8.rd 1r llclod' l.1akc r erd lc.ul t]or1.y snal JtCrler Thil11B' 1r th. lJl,lE, hhGt'a vittl nrtch rome'Jtjlcinir4 ahout ljle rglemor]r' of e rock'r'ro11 d.rth. ':har! lsrof courna, Iro)r! ! IFn CurtiBi! dpath wss sr.d and loncly, th. f6ct that D6 lelt he no or. to turi to 1! alltooclcrrr -Lf ha hrdrrt tclt thet wry hc ?rouId ltill br hcr. rlth ur. Iavr l,lccu1loug,h of isourd!r conplttely ml.s.d l,h. polnt. If I.r CuitlB hed csretl for ulr ha pould rot hev! dicd. If r?a hnd f,ot Fut thc pressur. on hln thit erc did, h. Dlght 6t11I ba arourd. Lttlmatrfy Irn Curtls $ent wlrcrc ha f.l1i oooi at holo., to the edga of hls soul, or!]y rjhls t;m!! h. (ildrrt .roD! beck
to trl1
uB ebout
Th. group weo ltuFnod, Tor)- Illlson 6ald,'r1t carle es or. l)looily shock.,.'r, wltich rvta th! n.arr6t enyone a{ot to of.flclal stAtr$r.,il,a f}rE IActory. Th. Anrc!1oen tour vrr6 ccrr-cclIed nnrl 1;l). 'threc rl:r el,ilnl: i,rnrtc?. Btatdlld thciinclvc! end lvhcth.r oi rot to corry or. :In i,,. vrorkn thst follovcA th.y d.c1d.d tl et, LhcJ {olrld, hLrt under e nclr rlAnE ^rd
tn7ioun thrt aIl th6 uirelcarrit nlat!rlil should hc {6ruari. ,hefir!tr hcj.nE threc t.,icks rrcor.d.d at ihe ,0loGeri acna loFc !' ,iot (ron6idcr(,tl ,Zoo(, i ojtAh for Th.y w.rc lsF|].d a6 a totnl]y fl-rc flexl-dlsc avEllsblc .luat l,y ark;hli for Lt rt thc court.r. Th. treckd c,r thl, l)llca|lle
r.lcord warc t}lotuaklno,, i Itlr!l!atlox,end rrrnd Thcn lgrlr,, Iii. thlrd treck was typ1erl1y rot oh thr lrl)eLr enil wltl! rlncubstiorr nlerkcd tha o)r1y 1r!trLllnrrt4lc thEt th. group had ?vol reco!'dcal, ore vrcck Iatcr, iT,ove flLl1 larr
Elv.r. Th. Flccvc 1ook.d like a tomhstorc und vlsltor.s io llacclcEficld Cr.oetorlun, ?eher. IRn Curtlgr f,.rt.ral 1/]cs Lold ,1111 aotic! on rbc oerDoricl gtOic I s1ilo1e lnscrintlonl "Isn (:rrrtls-18.1.40- _l,ov, vrill l,,rar ui Anartr,. ,t'ha
itin6lr r.aa)ted Fo.1? ir tha nrtlol1A1 chhrt! nnd rror-rIi) Drobrhly lf top 0f Tir popr hed.l,Ee,r or 1,hc Air to lhow th,
doi.e cvcn
Tht Do6thtlooLrs alhum,4Ldrcr, was isBlrcd by l,octo4, o,,Ture lha Z?th. A8ali the r.vloy/a r?lra hardly r.strRln.d 1. thclr prB1A6, but t),ln tlfie at llsst thry trled to eif,uc thrir pol)lt, r.l.itt1c bctt.r. r(rfo6.r, ooitahcd ilne trFck! rtrd po1[ted to,rrrili a eoftari fiorc subtlar elno8t liltchcockier sellsc of horlor q.,i laar, lih.r. rliil,,.)r;n Flne6rrr..s, hral a aou^dtrsck of rDuffled scream.r o.r(i t,r.ak.lrr: g:lsss, t)ris Li, conLslns r collcct,ior of liAht.r .fl.ects, mlrt reth.r j;hRr co1d, ElArlql 11flht, l,1fe efter" Curtls, deetir y/ai dlffioult for the thrcr 16rnj.!trg nrenrljcrs, but gaoely thcy docj.dod tro 60 or. Ii fect, thoy heal egxr.d 6evâ&#x201A;¬re1 yeor! errller thet if eEythtn{ sho,.,ld h.pp.,! to Aryorc ir thc Broup thc! tlie resi woulii cat-ry on u,ier a dlffereFl nnm6. .Ioy l)ivi61or v/Ea lEid to re3t, slthou&h ther. }\.DalEadl e frlr aoo,.nt of mAtrrlel to br isiued i, th. \y ard the rrmeliaicr of bh. Floup vras 1to alxi.ous e1 for ltn rol.asc, presur0ahly to prevcl.t DointleEs pr.FocnupAtiot ,rrd tlso to stco the ildc of hoothgs thet had trrfrrr_. to clry:r]bl]c i, the w!6kr fol1owj.nC the tr'.igcrly. ,t'he raleas. oi tl,i:l ,,rtcrie1 vrs lcft uri.i_L a
ther. .ou1r'l t,c ,o A.lrua^tlo1t6 of ,cashirf, in,10vc11p(l at tlre gro,rp, lLs irA Ielr,e,tt, o]" Iecto:y C o,xnllrlcet o rs l,td.. ,rld lt \,/ou1d ba a lurther flft.c)r ftonths lelorc t),. Ictroopec,tlvi! oo11.ct1oi,,Stillr 1lrou1d bt areilable to l,],e t:cterrf public. h,I!I;i !]:c {brcc muFlci6!1!t Bct ibout rcoolil1Fg four sorAs lE llhef.fieldr! ' i?ork3 Studior. Thr fo, r- :rxmhlrr l.h!y 1Ald do"r that 3Gr,!tio{ fler! rl'r.nrls ]lever Iind',rCcre,rro,ay',,Tr'fth. Erid +hc Llnralaas6d song rJloraiier. 0f thc otharsr 1,vro vcre hotally xrv, !!I)166 | and onc, rl:orlnoryr, ues orc of thr tr,o 6oigs thnt heil urlttan tho',rgh rot :coot'dcd l,t thâ&#x201A;¬ tine bctrecr the completLon of 'ClosGrt end Ier's dcath. l;he eor1r hEd opcled thc le$t nhoyi thrt the beld,or tha 2rd of fay, h i:llrnlr6hao, Tha oth.r sorg l,er rh A llo|tely Pleee, a.Ed lyeg 610|'! end brood1i6, rlorc 1r kilp1ng wlth tlta rrood oi ijhc secold sldc of rilloierr, end vras to se. 1l8ht of dEy or tha rIr s!irlc of 1,hr-' irend,s flrs t po6 t-C'rrt-La BlEglc. Tr,r Auirlst thc ba!r,9 dtartc,l to Flay 'rho occi.]ioral Elg ar.1 y,as :,rDkin4 plArj, 1,o vlBit A$e11r's sXein, th. pliri! 1li:i.ri hlne included rx.litlnf, sore rooordj-rigt !+,11!r I the)' wcro th!re a6,r'i?crve .lorrltd this dea.-] chcep lit!r.l10, Iriftv Ii!e dollerre a)i lroLrr:r'lhrtin Ilannett told thr lrr]l in e.r t
Alao 14 i:t9,,:'t Gracc ,Ioneo releescd llcr' r".edi"rg of 'Sbar9 T,o:11, Controlr titbd iTrvc TJost ConLrolr. As o!F vro::td exlcct 1t r:ar inlio njxed r.v:.r,rB. 1io1lorlltC lro-L o,r Its ]jer1s crire tr,. 12 Irr$iJ.,rl-i oi '],ove i']111 "lear r1u ipar.t' on Tractory. Thl.rr tlme, thorrilh, 'th.'Bislidc vrns:1rhFllcd iJlirnm ahd plqyed ct 45rpfi, JLlnl, l,o be i':otrt,.rsj ng. I'lt !rleeue ,res of i..'L Fiol,h{!r
l'i,'.s v/asr folLolred })y ihe l,)l rel.ase of 'Atfloiplnr.,,/,:l,r's lost Cohttol, to codbet ih€ iEport of i[] copies at iDf;L:tted Dr1cc!, Ard Just Eo that rveryonc lsaa aware of tb. illffercncc, th! ,1, erd ,r, s:rlrs r,/r re for thr .tli :rrarkrt. l'6()tolytr distrilr,:tor lr l,he Ii( was or thc opinloi thrt 1I rAt.lonrhere, hrd s18o beri avella|1a Or 7" thar both lrActor;\, An(l the be!,1 roDld h.!c hail 61p1116" htt on lihcir hen4s, 1'lrey tl,o,rBht thFt E 12,,onI:/ r,.tt'asc vrould b! too rxpeEive l,o oost of rc peop1. rrro hsd bou/1ht ,LviTrl I,,rhir may havc bcat tha, but 'Atmorpherc' naale a[ iDljresslva ahovrlr,I tr the U/- lndcnr.n,l.'.t .rharts atd cortirLL6 to !.11 st?a4i1X. 6y lrept,-'rlber, 1990, the tbr!€Dlaca hRat choselr E frerma.iert rar;re. Afi4r cor6lilltrlrg neltl63 Ilk. l'ha Il1t, The Et.rra:L Ard th. ,1,"m, thrJ evc,lxrje.l1y settled or oLaler an.1 soorr hit tL.j headli,rca zhe, the pr.cFr fo,r4(l out. Ir CeEt.rr Art16t6 iiecordlng Il1,,rd ios, e 6tre,16, sounrlirr trio *Es finlshiig work or 1ts firnt sing"h arii th. fio,,idrlti6t drlftrd froft thc coFt.rol ?oom hed ha.l a d!ep !ri.1Fnc)..oly r,.:tA to them. lior N.?] Order it $at castntiel to hsve two gorp,s b.fori tljrJ corif,r llo or. Tiiesa two son:In r?crG thc loBgs that Iah Crtri1r ied c.rllsl,orqt.d or 1th th.! erd thr], !r.ei]nd to f.jniI:h that chAptr r.et1y. O, 1,ll)l.r .etLlrr.frotu thc tl,.y pley.d e .flri,.r. n or. i.!cr.t qiE!, er:,r th.n ?,,..t ove.r t.o Lh. cr)ntj nent, to ple), ovpr ttcre for R wliil.c. i j,o,,' returr{.d to Ianchost.r for th. (j),rlsLnen celebrAtions REd Frcoarril to tl.8h recor\lh[ for thclr Ii rol, Lp a$ ]lcv, Ord.t, 1.y ,ior! R fo11o\tir8 the &ddltlor of St!:ve i,torlsr ffleid clflien Il11[ert on ';(cyboards era 6ccord Allitar, 'TrEnofi1!siorr yias relcescal 1i 12,,forniat j., t.ecember en.j tlc fitouF ra l geurtlct of ultpopuler wr-ttcrs rho b.Ii.ved that th! tame w6s l, 0ooi. testc eid otamrocd from tbc nanra givr! to thi nlilcr yorrbh itt tl. Seeord l/or1il yier. Rol, Olcttol stooC firmty L.,r hio ciplanation t;het th. tao! corres fron a rcvolutlonnry iietit,xtj.oE loundcd l, the j{h{r r Itor:g?, tlor. of thirJ stoppe.l ttF listenere tot th, John peel tedlo ore $how f,ooo !611[g the hE!d tLc B.coFd ard lhir.d i]osL roD:rl.a. s;nflc!, Dleccs ir the ytdrly Iiestlva nlfty chartr '^tftorphera, runrircr two stetus nnd Il;1'r,AI nuDl)cr thr...,rgI,, tf,o :;ex pistals rcteir.ri lrh. toDeloL -l'6r Llte thi.rd !ear J)r n,i.rcr8clo, v/.:ttr ,l-nal_chy In Th" IIi:,,. Lomtrston€.
polltrg tvJlc. es n.!y votes a; 11,r rra.eEt rlvAl though the followlrg thc !otlrg would b! B 1itt1c t1&trr togethcr. Jnlruary, 1981 c.oc nid nlth 1tn"12 tr;6 lrcw! of two r!"1r Jo"v Divi6:0, bootlcgB, t1t1ed [Ilaranw,, nid 'rr!'.. The firat oa thrr. tro t?'{! ln cortelrly the oost lDtrltulnt, co:nirlBlng 4s lt doca of thc dcEorr ircordedl for. thc oetr.tlc Btuitlos 1r lgi'8. The 61ccv. 1! rr.r1.rge{6rt o, the d.rl4r fro& th. r llnkioyr\ !1earurc6rip, Erd thc qurllty 1! of. Btudlo IJP. tlc ferm.r 1r e lrtnch T,p eid cotrlrlrt! of trrok6 f!or! the flrst rf'totor"! Sa.n!l.r, thc rllordldc S.Ftlit.lrt"lcr.trEck.(rD.ed SouL!| af,d rAtoo!!,h.t . | ) ,.nd the thrc! ulr.l.iscd aorg!.fron the Johr prlI shoi!, tllr(ercr,66 orcrr'The Sou)rd 0f end ,l,olc t?i1l Tlrf Ur lp.rtr. .rd rldr two trr.cks .tc tekcr fro0, tb. Dcrby Btg rt th. AJert. [hcrilc on tbc 19th of lprtl, 198C. !h. slrlvc of L TcI.Ecr 1! tiled orrclos.rr rnd tb! ploturc 16 f!or! th.'Sorilld. S!rtl|nrrtalrrrllcyc, Thc briil rrre cortlruixg to glg .lourd the oountry 1r J.nuery Blotteil 1r rocordlrg Btd Eirltg iletcr fo! th. rrw ip leh?tcve! thoy coulil. fh. nlaJorlty of the .e.slonB for thc Lp ric!. recorileil .t Strrlrb.rr:Jr Studlor(Soutjh) urd.r: th. !4rtchful Ber. of tl.r[ln ltrnnctt; 0r th. flfth ol Juurry, II.w ordcr rccor&aa thclr il.Llrt r.!!ion for tho John !c.l rhow. th6 four trecks iarr rDt!lt[6 lfivor Brd'rrscttc!rrrTauthr lrd rI.C.r,r. Thcs! four trAcki wcr. oi thr 15th of l.bluirJr Ard produc.d srothcr bootlâ&#x201A;¬g EP whlch wts av.11rb1. 1?s! thrr! thr.. norths lstGr. lwo rvcckt aft!r thc ,Iohn !e.1 6e!!lot ?Jes bro{doa!t tCrrrDor../rt/nr h A J,orcly Pbc.r wAr rc1c.rcd a!. ?n rreord. ft rerchcd lto. ,4 1r trc lratj.otrrl chDrtn ay,d No.1 l!1 th" lndepcnd'rnt clrert. Thls vfrrlor of th. aorg rr.! thc 1'.rr1or ,t XARS 1r Uew York end f.rtur.r the thcr thr'.a p'iccs LL,rc-up. A 12t preoolng of t)1. Ein61e rso Dedo EvAllabl? l.! llarch arC f.aturcd .r ext.rdlcal ver6lor ofrlt I Lonely l,leccrox the 'Br dldc. A1!o av.l.lahLe 1r,'J.rch re6.rothcr boot1c8, ljhl! t1{. alEo.t a cosplotc glg froo the Iryc.uo 3.llrootur l;ndor ol th! 29th of Fcbn'.f,r.y tlrd prcvl orE ycEr. Tlt1ed rXohakltor lt yras &!r Itallai presrirg apd appErcrtly limited to 1,000 cople6, llorr lj.,rc appc&rerccs aro.iral thp courfry took up tuuch of rlarch rnd Aprll Etrd rsork Yras 6t111 belrg pexforoed on thc d.}ut T,?. In Aprtl, Orarrda fV lillted Nevr ordei to ilrllcbest.r .tudlos to fl1nr a TY speclal foi thalr locel ErtB prograB$r6 'oelcbr"tlor'. ?he alFtt wq.6 set fo!'th. 2lrd ol ipril andl tlr gror.lp pcrfofiled e Belection of thei.r 6ong6 b6fore Ai a',rd.!cnc! of loco1 faro cTho hed acqulred tlckcts i:lotu 20 i)ra Lrauil e.crit trorrree6.
l,y all Eccorlnts th. ohov] of llew oldrr et t]e TV strr.lior vas elthlr 1ei'1, goodl or r).tlcrrely du11 and thls har t.ndcd to dot tho 8-roDp urfairly llrer tbelr Lf,ccptlor. A 1ot of the rfaisr who thr, ralr performences bv the bend soelll to take gre..t delldrt 1r 6tet1!rc to a'nyone who yr11l 1lrt.r th8t llew Oraler havenrt pleycd rvcll sltco...ard thon procecd lio diacuaa Br ?Arly BpJ,eat:aica tliat io or. c1a. preoelt atteFdcd. thili lenles fl"e firr nho reELly carc for the ous.i,c to aonbt the berd 6nd crcates in ltr wek. F 1ot of 'rirhaBl.thy runrolrrg about the tl\le perforoqncea of l;he prevloLln l)rcrrnatlor, vrhich could bc axcellcrt oE e good lr.â&#x201A;¬iht, erd BhoddJ oi anoth.r. . llow order wci.. Judged Lr Bdvarcc by e 6ru.t au&ber of people and fourd to bc lrckirg. In Lray, thE l.l.1ody &kBr r.yrapape! cErrled whAt lt cle,r.ned to be thr fj.rlt j.rtcnlery wlth i{evr 0rd6r. In fact, rhat lt carried $A,s th. l|lr.j tljet eccoutt of the bandi6 co|rverratj.oq ell,h tll6 r?porter the sOundcheck, but 1t do6s cover fots of grouEd that hadrrt prrvlourly b..r olrllablc, Ruoh es th. band'saltitudcr towerds toui.lrgr how thry hed eopeal efter IAn,B death, thelr lrioreEts nol1tlcelly crd Bo or. Tt 1r . lrorthrtrhiL! Articl. atd oaF of the fcB that i$ wlth trlrc urdnrsta'dhE of thr peon1. lrlolvcd ln th. procer6 of crcr,tj.o! of mualc thrt 1r eble to Bo\,c cEotlons ir f,roat of p.opk. Ir Jure etDthcr'12r,vcr!1on of ,Ocradoryr wae rel.Foeal, thls tinjc thr oloavi hid a blue ltr1pc ay,d thc veasron of tcerciio,ry,eao p -cyr ona fceiur{rg 0l11ia'1, s dJffcrrlt rrcorcllng e,r(, ir:irny re4y6 F hrdtlr
lllusirntior of th.
llew orit.r 6o,rril. iler; Crdcr had bocr v16j.tirg th. Contirclt
for tl,r clrd of fiEy, Bld so Jurc w&a e q[.let lBotrth for thr bErd wlttr oEc appcaraAce at tha olBtoil)ury CND F6Bt1vn1 end the lcrcen1|g of the CrerEde fy sp.clp1. Thc IY sp.cisl 6ulfcr'.tl its olvr Hsvj.rg trccn it.lei,cd bacRl:B. whaf, It ra! firs* recordedl ald Eixed for ty thc vocals too loud, on bl.oadcesl, the vocah heal bac)r flixld dovvn to such ar ei1;^rl, t,l,At thcy verc al1 but 1isud1bl. ird the reord cArc down fron th^ top brsa6 at irarada that therc irFa to hG no !.peFt of l,his fiEsco, aiil ro sFy c;i."c.r of BccilA Do)|c n.n, ha,rdl! on thc rca1cbrEtlor sLow cnt stralght o,.r l; of tha wlndow.
h ,lulv t)re L.aad $An keDt ]rts;r recordl-rg ^!d mixlrg the r,ocrl! for tle trl fild at ore Ete8a tlic'i corpbtol-y 1o!ri the Bultar! h thc tr{x !nd h^d to,rd tlco, All co,l1d rot ,rrrlai lrho cl"cui,ttrtcrr t. uaid to l,a gofir{ Yrel1. llso arourd tllir 6ta8; of lgalr t],c rli,Er!alr' bootlrg XP,'Th. Idcnl lle6i.rri'rts', waa lourd tur!itli up 1, r!coral fai16 trd othar mor? rcputrbLc oLrtletE, Aftoi r, ]Itl1e alctccii\,. work, 1,hc dlrtlbrtord oi thl-r duliouâ&#x201A;Ź it.m v,are t"accd to Chao6 CA66ctten llho clr.lmral thit Lhe weB aot so ouch r bootleg aB r^, urlargl'ouid collector$ cdltlor'. ,sa1d ,lohr ii.!,t, thr m..r hchhd Chros Csssett.Errrlllc orli hnd 2000 Ir.6$r.1 to that 11r ironld rco&1r coll.ctab1.. ft lJrB r1l ,o[. vrlth thc epp"oval of thc 6r'orp16 mE,re8allatt. Th?:,r dld it Jlrst tl)a aamc aa th.y rlld tlr. Sordldc Sortllientplc des,I lE3i leer. Thel. dtd tt jult to gliow neoplc \vlrqt carll. Jo:,' l)i!1s1or f?rr. l.ikr,tr In octoler JoLn l'ett plx)/.d the l1r!t trRcks fron the !1.w LP rlti1lr. 0ver slfurograr)me3 tha ertira dou}le R1l'u0r vfrs urve116d to thc ietion. Th. J,Jl ,rsf, r.lcascil to th. \.rorld oi th! ath of octob.r ard r?36 ivr.ileble l, tvro allff!ra'rt sleevcai i rDtp.rl)ackr t{d e thcrdbeckr.lhe lrsrd}nck i.a!:uc vras :t'.iil;ad qrd took the forfi of htsslan i,nck d crrd' cori"irlrg the Btp.,dr.r'd pep4rl.Fci( 16.ue hald ,.[ wli,]r a rlbbor. lirn tlt1. com66 fronr a book by Saul llelfol, ce11cd 'l'er?oBr. Thc rcferlncc jr i,hlr hook js or pBga 29 vrberc the chALecte! flarzog! 'rili' Iathc xen c bootlegg.r. lie lta! a st111...n' 'stiUr vrds th. Blbr.llrr lrtordcil to comhat ihe tr.d. lt Jl) boot].cgr rrd ijo SLvc thc publlc "411 thore 6oltg! tliey keeD complalnirg theJr hav.rrt gotr'. Corli.tlrg of all thc t].Bcks thet't prc!.ilr[rs]y b.ct 163ued 1r the II]l rGlBc!r frorA +hrrj'actory Sarirpltrrald evcr thlg lrtal brelr spechlly rerlrix.d fron Ll16 or-l8lraL r ra.6tertap.!! r erd thc le!t cacr liv6 pcrrorrii'1r4o tl,r the .illr6 at !iroirflhAm lln:\rersJt]. The oEll/ 1;raoli 1,i,at i';F!irli put oL!t on r6t:illryrss e tr:rck celled "Ih. lrawbtckl $/1ilch 1t k?loll]n 8.t !I11 0f th16 tor You' on tlin rliarser' booilc8 trP. T)!e othrr'itlrdlo trAcks Yr're outiakcr froi, bl e racordllng 6e!5i.ot! tbet y1A1de{t tl,c tvto prcvloll3 L?rs &id frorr th! ?icc&dlUy nadr-o s.srlon,'iloriethlrg llust llr'.ekr. The Lirc ],? cohtE.ited alelcn treck6 elthough olily tcn vcr6 rnr:re il or ihe 61eover t'lwant], For:'ilorr16' or l,be arld of aide 1;hlce $sr rot crcaii:rid' The rcleasc of r$ttl1, cle^roii lla v/41' for tl.e rcl..ase in tdo\'.lnl)er of
thc del,ut;lcyr
r l,l'
Ar:Fj.r LL! cr'1l,ica heFit.d to dlffer in *,cir oni-1jol!t ,nd t.),i5 tilr). i,he cojr lerded anC proRouEccd the l'lev or'd.!r l,I rl.lnt! 'llie L!r was ltot of itself dilrppointlrg, spcrt froin e poor vocll nrir(r bu', it sloDllr did
not 1:ire up to'lrhe 810l,6 eipectatlors of tjiic rocii Incalle. Siol1arly, th! rcleeoe of ri'noc.68ioEr fir,t wltir tha lconr of tha l)rca. 41ot cf v)rolh could rot dectde Lt,c rea6onj.rg behl-nd rl)rocasrJ.oni b.1t1al lebellc(l '.oftr Rnd 'liv.rythlngr! eonc 0r6en(Or colnli {;16.n)' he i.rg 1ebe1,'ed rl{ardt. 0n tha cortlrert 'lllerrthlnrirs Ilote Cra.rr ae6 lt,!u.d a6 e 12" record r{lth thc Dreviousl-y errrllased rllesh' qni} rorjc! ird l7hirperrr, iwo !ronI:-s froo thc enrl} licar ordortglcR, A dcorrpLrted thâ&#x201A;¬ fir6t yearrs Yrork for tLi Arolp. f, ])accr:lber ihel/ a.pDcared orr0r'a.radr Ileports' dra$$r'd '.n Sania clrLrsr outlit. 6irg1r4 0i,rlstnrao cs.rdIs, a,1il o, JarrAry thc fourth, L9tl2r thcy cortrlbutcd tvrg s6196 'o e n"!, lpc 2 or.rslc:':ror,r'ar;r,r. caI14d rlii.rersld!r, 'i'hc ty/o ttoFg! ware rCho6ch Tinr.' an4 lli! Eevr sonf, I'iptl,ptat:lon', l'hc btn.l It)lrFinod qui.d o'1 i,he aeconil!g front for $uc): o1' Lhc n.xt four rDortha sDd in i.iEy r1'rmptatloir flD.l.l:/ RRe 1jl-ht of r]ey, v/ith r .org csl-10d rilurtr oE lhc i!r s1de. Alrno.:+ j.m:'rcdiatf,ly Li,c t)r'1d lcturtcd to tAndon to rccord dhclr lccotd scssio. for the .Iohn Pc.1 ploArenrfl.. Broedcs6t or thr flr6t of Jun., thc nlw 6easj.o! oortsined mrni, of tlt6 'ravr lrumbeli thc band had bar,r i[troduciig lltto tha liva ret o1,cr e period of oonthr. the6e nuEbrrs lvcra rTurrthe Ileater Ot', uriqu6 anonest the r?6t of the rcp.rioire r thRt lt nFs nol wrLtl.'l by the bard th.rnsclvco, '5.e,5,r,rToo Leie' and 'l'{c All lltendr, At R co,l,reIt helai ct thc iactorl,rs oyrr r.:l hr 'lr1 a, Ue$ l:rder edded trlo hore nLrflh.rq 1,o l),c setr nar'..1r.'illtrq-.iolrnca' an,l '11,. Vi'l'l4ger. Alro nr ,r.ii -.jr l,l,cI nerforrl"d e s1;urrinll nre,lley of '!.6.6.' , i'l'enDtation' and ri:vl"r- t.lLirtf,n r;o.1p :;r..Ir, i)n. Io)l'.i, )r1,cr, et lih. fBId,s -1.r. ,i: 1l're l'enqe, i,'lFrjknool 1;,.ei r.l.tjei'leri yet a4oth.r ,.er sonl ior vjh i.., !icrc is f. l.iLle al. l,h,r l ine of yrrjtln,'i' ll,rt it {i 'l lrr'te,. ix l;s ri,^i lir'rF r areviorrs coDn^"itio'rs ,'-
.nd ro,,1d r!!fl/:.t1 ,1 '1j,ht^r :'rrrr :..r..rf l n1,'''lc 1)l ro'1r.?rritrrnr. t. 1,. nosuihl. for 'lre i':ririr'",
fhe atoly le far froD flnlshed.F.n O ler ar! JuBt putttna thc flnal to ihelr accond IJI 1n trrlttanLn RoE, sn.l thoH. peoplG nho hsv. hcerd onatchcs hBvc b.cfl of thc oplnlon that 1t i6 ,11 onr could hotrc for sfter tbe rclEtlyo dL6aplrolntDert of rLtqvgEqnlr. Dgubtloaa th.y r11l continuc to ulrs.t thc Eu6lc prcgs by refuglDg ,o coopcrete ln thc ltttle geoe8 of th. nrralc lrdustry, ^nd doubtlcsg th.y !1111 coBtlnur to Rlve thelr otaervatlong ot th. ,orld to anyonc itth . trlLlilr6 car. lU rc ean do i6 lrelt. And llEt.E. touchDB