Profane Existence #29 & 30

Page 1

$&L,r Tluf

Nonh& Soulh America, Asia and Airical Prorane Exislence/ P.O. Box 8722 / Minneapolis, MN 55,408 / U.S.A.

Ausralia: Andrew

stx tssuE




SUBSCRIPTION $10.50 $12.00 $18,00 $24.00

.S, Third Class subscriplion

N.Amerlca (Firsl Class or Air) S6uth Amedca Air Asia & Alrica Air


Dove / P.O. Box 154 / Tweed Heads

/2485 N.S.w. / Auslralia. M.O spayablelo'A. oove' New Zealand: Prolane Eanh do 703A Moainsville Foad / RD4 Nowstead





to'S. Camidlael' aTS 20 /

Austria & Swltz€rland: Exislence Dislribdion do Joe lgnaTgasse 40/ 1120 Vienna / Ausl a


ATS 120


DM 10.00

Germany: Y@hoo Dislribulion PLK 04694s


12043 Eerlin / Gemany


Scandinrvie: Jukka Kaihtala/ PL 21 / 90501 Oulu/ OTHERS: Do not sond coins lron outside



Portugal & Spain: Cootronto / Apanado 460 / 4400 GAIA/ Ponugal. {slamps/M.O. prelered)



ESC 13m ' 1 000




AclNe Dl9dbrlion / BM Active / Lon@n WC I N 3XX. Checks / MO',s pay to

ITALY: Luca Musso/C.P.83/

124 tT2


Czecho6lovakia Hungery (& belond??)

wellconcealed cash.

27100 Pavia / haly. Mo's

50 nM


Easiom Europe: nalel Kaspzak / ul. 1 1 Lislopada 17140 6.4.920 Pila/ PoJand. ln Poland, sond M.O.iallolhe6



oM 18




paylo'Luca Musso'


GBEECE: Bill / Prolane Existence / Aposlolopoulou 56 /,-lalandd 15231 / Alheris BENELEUX: Genel Records / P.O Box447/9000 Geot



1800008s BF50 / $2 /DM3

8F30061 2,OX 1 8



lf you have

Please Man won't


Since issue number nine, fuolone Existence has conqinaeil the trd.ilion of giing away cerlain quantities free in the Ttuin Cities' this issue being no erception. Howev*, il you wan to get the seven band Profane E istence and. SkuA Rekases compilation the everyone else gets with this issue, you're gonna have to same $2 as evcryone else. You can either stop by Extreme Noise Recorils arul pbk one up or senil $2 to PE for a copy (while they last!) Think of il as a small payback for all those free copies !


He!, thk ir ahe redilcr involec tcti port of PruIane Existence. Thk ts rehcre any punk oi lhe tteet car, hove his/her eBo sot'.sfizd b! sccing their N'ork appear irt prirrl We're not oxdctl! bcgginoforcontrtbutia s.buttour contributions can help fidke thit o better fiogdzing, Ecre ore d lcv Nldrs whiah lou can help:


]lI trPonla: By popular demand, we are re-instating the scene rePorts section of Profane E\istence. We encourage p€ople to write repo s about what's going on in their ar€& Please be as detailed as possible aad provide addresses for bands, zines and other cool DIY punk happenings (venues, stores, mailorders, labels, etc ) Don't folget to send photos ! I !


We are always looking for firsFhand accounts and articles written about the events that affect us. Ne\vs of actions, events, demos or an)'thing that may be of intercst lo our rEadership are welcome. Don't b€ fooled-anyone can write a news article! Why Dot be a rEgllar rcporter for your country or area?

Pfi,rBf IO i[SlSIAlEE

Send us information about the group which you are involved with: we are looking for information about squats, gig collectives, free spaces, action goups, etc. which rElate lo the subjects covered in PE. We are also interested in over-all coverage ofthe events in your area, either for this section, or the news section.



We will print wellwritten ardcles of a social or political nature. All adicles are welcome, but we will only pdnt orcs which we feel are most peninent to the readers of PE.

. .


No malor labet ads. No more l/2 or U4 page acl6


Only one ad per label, zlne, band, etc, Please make ad to the standard dlmenslons. Odd sizes make our layout job more

1/3 page

t ifitcult!


Payment ln full must accom-

1/3 page

pany ad




ads wlll be re-











. 1/3 Page (5" x 5" or 2112" xlo" down) is $60.00 .1/6 Page (2lD" x 5" down) is $30.00 . 1112 Page (2 '112" x 2 1/2") is $15.00 Please call ahead to ensure space availability.

Minneapolis' own DIY, worker-owned and volunteerrun punk record store has totally outgrown it's present location after only 2ll2years. As this issue ofPE goes to print the final details are still be arranged, but the potential new larger space will be only a few blocks from the current location of Lakes Street and Pillsbury Avenue in South Minneapolis. The planned move will likely take place on or around December lst. Visit the store or call them at 821-0119 for more information about the move, Extreme Noise Records is open Monday-Sunday, Noon-8:00 PM. As is becoming a tradition, Extreme Noise is planning to their third annual "Christmas Sucks" sale with 107o off everything in the store plus other special reduced prices. The sale will go from December 26-31. You can get good punk cheap and help EN reduce inbefore the year ends!



-B{[ s&t l'lIft(]t]lJIItONS YOU


y0ll.rAilT T0 sPtAx

Bl,,T 0ltLY









BECAUSE I S}lOI HY flA6E AI{O PASSIOII? 00 [y t00[s scA[E y0u 0R ts tT Iy t lJsi t0fl UFt yolj 0ilL,l flATt It BtcAust Y0u sti Yoljf,sEt F n llE Y0U



il0 0ilE cAlt TAIE Fn0r I AT TllE SU}I,

6tvlil6. Y0u cAttlt0T tGlr0RE l{8. il0R sl{00I 00Ilr. I Alt Tllt il0oil Tl{AI yHSPEflS



' r,,ii

Iil iHE ilIGtII, TllAI TAU6llS AT lllI, SERIOUS ,|996 Born Jon 16, 1972...0isd 0ot. 9, A10 Er,rpgrERs T1i. r00Ls. rilE 0ili. tlA[Es YoU scARtp 0F Y0|JR 0yl{ s|{Ao0ys, Hiho,.thc singtt t too.g.vriter lor Hon y0U ASf( gE 110U I iAl l11t S0 0pE1 & FflEE Afuoid, connittod tuiaido. lt's llihc's L1(EAC11lL0,tgAIURE&EAStLyAgUSE0&l lil.thdtu. loau, on snd v. nill. Ttc ASI y0U ;10I y0U CAtt l11t S0 B Lt10, t61gg1p1 loae nol oaly to his hicnds but to etlnk t hudaot, ir dcautc, his id.ols t po6' OIFFiflEIIT, TllY ARE YOU SO SCAflTO OF sion oll.clcd ut oll lhtough hit nutic YOURSELF? ond hit encrgy. Uhal ic lhcro to sa y t Sept. 7, 1974) h luahin| strchs tho niho is gono, 'tts

MARKUS (Msrk Steven Foster...Born Died ot 12,23 qm on 0ot. 2.|, 1996 white riding his motorcycte. Start A

gtrtoosl but;ttt crcit.nant lor nutic, p..opl. ond r;s bolicl thctc ucrc thinjt in the aorld you could chongc ay vith !s. pcit, uos oxttoncv



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l966.,,Died Sept,



Eqnon vill be eadly nircod, but thc nonorics he loovu ut vilh oto oonc ol ,hc bcst on$ us'll evor have....tto lova you'll nitt you.


rlloRN i Usc born August 29,

. 1996 : on cnd ! in Kim Minnaspolis, MN to ! . Donovqn. Congrctutotions l! .



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4o'our rH srireuffi{O NETSStNGS

CIICK€T otrTH rryRlCS Qotr: t\s, ($*tcs si'ri),.. ?

AeaEar ftcrr*' COPRstttCtrOll:

AcTiy€ (u.K),Ft +f eqRrre ( {ooN)rR rEs (uK) lrft okAtFe\

6t{ (pL), nrri :l8E r'l7I( (



*rc rue (xrL (Si


ffi,J:ffiIls*. 24JA?AvtA-lrALy

Austria is well known for its mounlains, skiing resq1$ Slrauss.talsburg ar-d so on. What mosl people I in anhiuhrCe dt Au3tIta ) donh know rl thal Ausrria is a real police state as well. A;iriihls a long tradition of repressions againsl left ac[ivisi3; inaidly andlchisls. During lhe last few years there has been a coDslant attack against against anarchists and other radjcal lefl activists in lhe bourgeois media. They are creating a and menace. This amosphere is

Voice) because German police found computer disk of JLS during actions against the illegal jouma!


1, 1996 . Viennar

- &e


January 9, 1996 ' wels' The buming of lwo buildings. SoOe days laler there were summons tenogatjons of Kurds and preople of




lt:$sy a (hol6

sorid lecrc. r- -{usweek lrirprisoued on

ruck: Avisitby the state police al o Muerte). In June


the fas-

ary grolps.



were raids by the supposed activists of Anarchist

alisiic and fascist groups in gfound.

the office



address for the


accusedof criminal state. The lhat only ap also

(Hirler,s ) . Innsbruck: A mololov cocktail damaged the office ofthe student represenlation office at the university. The consenative student .epresentatives claimed Ihat this action was rBadeb, members ::,of the critical and rather left sludent strike colimit&e. The this excuse lo inlerrogate and olht 20 iefl M:lh6re was clearly fascisr wrfiBg on 6c


20, 1996



lormarion- contacr: t09g vtEar,


you are interested in getting more information on what is goiog on here just write 10 the address at the end of the aflicle. Show your solidarity willl the repressed artd per" secuted anarchists in Austrial

APRIL21,1995. Two comrades Gregor Thaler

and Pe-

ter Koniczek are found dead under an electric pole in the small town called Ebergassing. The investigating police claim rhat $ey dled from an explosion whrle trying lo affix an explosive charge to fie pole. Thestate responded by nsing this act to invesligate the lefl radical movemenl will) abour 200 people being summoned un AustriJ you

still have the right to make no statement to the police). June 29, 1995 . Vienna: Two rooms of the group VIAS (information celter for free people) were searched and two memberc of the committee were inlerrogated afier

October26,1995. Vienna: 48 activis6 are anesled during an action against a military parade. The day before some home visits by the police took place.

November 13,1995. The police raided 13 home across Austria againsi supposed aclivists of the Turkjsh and Kurdish DHKC. November 1995.Linz: lnve"tgarions lale place againsl members of the JLS (Junge Linl Stimme - Young Left

It sounds incredible but in most Sou$ American countries we have a certain number of self-proclaimed members ol(he "Aryan elite." Since the late years of the 80s fie nazi pigs have proliferated in some suburban places, being particularly numerous in lwo sanriago de Chile They act really violent leftists, and vorile targets In consider wrng ods fie pigs used like security specialists.

thatway I know thal an anli fascistmeeting recend)_ Iook place m Uraguay. bul I don l have any more iniormilion ago the Argâ‚Źnlinian punls As well, when the nazis apthing lmmedialely dre Buenos a good coraective:

with baseball bals. ter-



the pigs

pam' but in belament

Regretfully, ihe Chilean punks haven'l srong capaciry to neutralize these Sroups: most busy posing or fighting belween themselves. On side, mosdy HC kids (in Chile lhat is a very

erx, .a

from the police; even in a TV the police because of nazi aggression sponded that she musl recognize that the good work forsociely because they fight the "

with bad relations and feelings towards lhe punls) that HC "unity" mans some kind ofpolitical indifferercd


HC kids (l don't give a djfference) are trying to oganize some kind |o Anti-Fascist Action. lf someone can

Soon I'll by infonning more aboul whafs gorng on riviality and all of the true anlifascist and radical people must organize now and impede in fte Soulh. ' Love and slJength.... bash lhe [a\h' Skinn\ :.'c these pigs from becoming a really serious menace. In

problem is still not a


Background Information About The

"You don't know who your friend is

Case of Czech Antifascist Pavel Kroupa At first some information about this case. Pavel Kroupa is an acdve antifascist. On the 20th ofMarch he went with his brother by bus from Pmgue to Mlada Boleslav and he was attacked by five fascistic skinheads. In selfdefense he mortally injured one of them and some hours later he was artested. At first he was accused of murder Later he was accused of kill_ ing alld now he is accused of excessive defense. It means that it is better - but only for lower rate. According to topical information there will Lre a reconstruction of the situation. The first trial will take place on the beginning of next yea!- we will try to idform

until the ice you are standing on is proverb broken."



Dear Friends. Every manifestation of friendship is needfuland encouraging in the situation ofmy son. Thanks to all of you that found the open heafi for my Pavel. Your financial help is really important for him and for me, thanks a lot for all the presents. I have be€n oo ar invalid welfare for a long time and after the divorce with my husband we lived with the "lif€ mini mum" but Pavel was modestandbrave so we mastered it. In time when Pavel got ajob and moved to reputed mor€ quiet Bmo - because of danger of skins from Mlada Boledav - we had a hope that he would start a normal life. But everything changed by his fatal and accidental visit to home. Thank you for all the support and ifyou want to write to me, her€ is my address: MuDr Lydie Kroupova' lZ947l/ / ul. Bendu 509 / Benatky n. Jizerou Czech republic

Postbank Breda Holland giro No. 1699449 (Yvette

Mor€ inlo about Czech entifa on this phone numher: 00425/339895 or address: Bor€k Meznik /

you about the concrete date. There were collected about 18,000 Czech drowos ($600) on benefit actions. This money is given to Pavel's mother for his supporl. The estimation ofthe lawyer is about 25,000 crowns ($900), but we think it will b€ much more. lt is good to keeP collecting the money, be slre that we will us€ it for

other cases. Vazebni Yeznic€ Ruzyne / Pavel Kmupa 4,3. 1977 Praha 6/ 16101/ Czech Republic



Scptember Newshtlct from LADRONI{A (Auto

mofi ,ti Kultumi Centrufi )


Council Sells Out sale- and in Despite numerous speeches this year the favor of our cultuml center By a huge maPrague council voled to jority vote in favor of council showed its true community. Since that color - putting money continuing. The time plcns for sale the price of l0 mil.Kc has alrcady been but a condition is more than lU than I and 1\2 cludes 30 mil. building cannot restoration, restored. (It amount of money, viewings by there has been ers, but the

building. we council to

Ladronka or a new space for our

'project centre,

negotiations continue-..



number of poor farni-



it was at one time a

endary the

the city course, it ists connected

Plastic therc wete no object to decay, though, of again after young activthe magazine Autonomie

reckon il was pretly blg success, Ladronka, our At the moment as well and har we have afl

sheltet mostly to travellers from various countries staying a short time. Ladronka has not only continued in to strcngthen relahas faced

had the

with into a protest which TV, the builders never Canadian firm which which they needed to build. reassess it's options. Guess




them, and

lhe council to came first... (you're


Actions in our souat since May 's day"despite bad weather

parents carne for had an open day

A large Ladronka - is

lived in separate pa(s

juries including a concussion to the brain, sevetal bone fractures and a damaged kidoeys- The attackers left him laying on the ground until he was picked up by an arnbulance that wa. ca.lled by a friend passing by. Right after the transport he was opemted but wilhout any effect. He died one week later. His friends wanted to make a candle march but it was forbidden by the police. The police are indifrerent (o this case. we well try to find more information about this sad news to spread it amund. we think this is the only way to prevent this case from being kept silent. Don'a be silert, don't be indilferent! Indifference is a c m€l Antifa slovakia: Marian Dudak / Pribisova 23 / 841 05 Bratislava 4 / slovakia I Ph# N I 727159


lol of concerts, plays,

and summer we had many

from the late lTth century middle of a park, an ideal spot, yet in the city. lt has always frce and to sray. According to legend it a Spanish thief. For hundreds of shelter to travellers as an Inn and as a rest on the way to lhe city ofPrague. ln the dePression

On the 3rd ofJuly another innocent person died in the hospital because of wounds inflicted by naziskins. on rhe 26tho[June l8th yearold Vladimirwas attacked by a group of30 nazi-skins. They caused in-

bitions, films,' discussionsi and other including children's day and op€nday. It also


celltury it was home to


Information About Another Fascistic Murder in Slovakia


Moog or DIE squat where, apart from a lot of festival at the end of bands playing (Zradce Rasy, Los Somrntos, vA.P, Telefon, I 00% from Czech, Infekcia from Poland, Fleas and Lice from Holland), there was an aitifa-solid the centre of Prague, and in the bic Undercurrent attended, and still stard was complaining, we as no one who



political, and a iea

and other

room. In

forcing an eviction on us there is that we may receive a new project. We intend to aild any help would To contect us:

/ 11121 Prague


ofcouncil possibility continue our on the council




Help us: Any kind a Dostcard lo

16000 Prague 6

(Donations to bank, Council...

'hourt id.ditlqt homatal.(nd bryond i[ct



s li.brary cod ..varcl oti.r cnoto,l Iha punk'a in tli! city b.cqm. qotiv.

g.oup'a of


rion, davaloping drmontt.qtiooa, m{rchtr,

inc lioar.ctlrm io rcioolr, univ.rsitia!,




snyrh.r.. B.rid.s

ccmociln's to boy0olt McDonqld's, Anticotnmunity qgsin!t nqlionqlilt mqn ritl 2 gun shot6 srd ritfi s k[ii.. Toe.tI.. witi atro kilt.d. Att tlir licnt! b.-

inc in dcqth. llo slin, in Brdril SHARP's, bui hitt blsck prorl., Etr.etr; qnd go on tqlking cb

tlqn br{ins inlid.. by lhs

vi.Y, qnd qtl


i! th. ri.6t

punk squqt in ol lh. !ouctting mov.-

th..icl y.qrE qoo, bul peopla fo. tho .ight to mola ond moto !( ly o, tlt. ricir, Iro row, but thrr. vqr no Squqtt... now ir th. t of


como to Curilibq dnd mqka dovntowfi 6 bi9 m..ti0g plqc. ro. puokr lo tstk, drink bc0r qnd cqchqgc (lueqr cqn. qtcolol iika I.quil{), r.ll,.cordr, sh,rls qnd ,qnzin.! tor tia intaraltad paoplr. Ih. HC / punk rc.n. in Cu.itibs lupporla mqny punk bqnd! of mqny dirr.rlnt rtyl.r, but it i! dirticutt to rind ptcc.E to plqyi without aquipmrnt ; withoul r.oord. lt i! iqrd to hqv. bic shoe! uitl good bq[dr, but v.i:!qv. punl ahout, aupportad



ANI) EililAf? *l{t{05 tio 1996 csw

oponing o, ioiolto-la noi,.onarchict epgoe"'' lrr,.soqrc 6t rpg0o r.', Atidr Jrom..lptting r,qo.{gng1 cni r t 6 o o k'i ; runrring en'i,,:.r:)it oot" :'


i lhe 1! qnds q

g potililrming in


ln eolden

Mond.qe6n ir q n.w bookstor. & cotr.. hous., (oqql.d in l/inn.pog's downtow[ !xchdlet

6uch ss bqkod Eqst lodion

tricl. Ih.

word "Mordrqg6n" coiirar lrom Bq6qu. iovn in no.thrrn Spqin, lor axtanliva natvoak of workrf!' lnrpir.d by tiir, qnd mqfiy

qttarngtiva aconomicE aqcy, tho bookllorr t nitad q6 q uorkar6'

sqmo!q!. l/s hov.

oo. lstlo6. qnd q vqr. All dl our oorl.o bqnr (dnd soma

, o, out



rirm, s ,qir trqd.


qnd hsndiorqrt!

lnlo form. Theu ieko chapes or the peacent

vrgqn bao. (oo lop .rq6 or9cnrc wrn6.


Budrp€li. The lrone3 of fhe barricade! rire uD {nd lhiver

I armtl tho

of Mekhno. TheJtrpets eElit


Ihr Mond.dg6n


odicqlr r.tqlinC qnd rati!lqnoa,



olivar E round tha world. ir licon!od, dnd or-

th(l.bryr oortc.


e{r! Pr*,

$reeln, xondorlhg rlxoagh fltrhg lesv*. The K&nctadt Eqitor! rle rchihg thioqgh the rtDet! of


isru.s. !axuril nomica, tsbiii,

.qtion, s ralaclion

rorl titt.r


!9,1997 (OUN?Y rArn ilDG TNAN(I'(O



,ictioo t?orn




louraar cs urtl t sih it.m!.

Th. Corraa


Mo.. lhqn iurt d corro.l

avolutionqay qnqrchi!i

ri,rEmms 6oldmqn, th. rn


,'rni!'.. u0iquc ts;.



cent.r is lo



suoh qs soli-

dq.ity qnd rnvi.onh.Dtql groupt, qt w.ll sr Gqy qnd La!biqn, qnti-rqci!h, cnd lndiganout Ro!i!lqnc. orgqnizstion!. Sls.i[g rqcititirs,


orr.rr q vqri.ty of yrg.lqriq,t' t,qdiliorql itoms such-'{ wici.r, snd dqily 6p.ciql6, to m;r.


oilitiar,or tocqt orgdnirqtionr,


r.cond rloot

idoa brhind Iiro tho tqir reot qnd communst lq-


mo.ting rooh!, kitchrn, qnd othar rquipmari will raduc. oyrrhaqd qod lr.. lrp tima qnd ralolrro.E for mo.a importq0t potiiicql cction. Mond.qg6n Book6to.. ond Cotr.a Houra i38 tC5

lA " 9, Atb.rt 5t. / l/ino.p.e, MB / Crnqdq (204) 945'524'l

/ /

A}tII-NUCLEAR ACIIVISIS FI6HI T() HALT C(]NSiRUCII()N ()F CZECH P,ICt'{IC P(]UEf; PLP.NI buildings and waved mockingly lor everyone to

On Sunday July 7, over 350 activists walked skaight up to the gates oltheTemelin nuclear power plant and simply lay down,


marking the greatest public protest over a single environmental issue in the history of the Czech Republic. Plant security and the police were given a week's notice via a press

release ottered by Hnuti DUHI',/Friends of the Earth Czech Republic, the principle organizers of the action. It that didn't lay any doubts to rest, the patrol qars sent past the action camp could hardly have missed the growing number of people during the week, only 2 kilometers from the plant. I positioned myselt on on€ ol the three main gates, known as gate 4 orthe "old main gate'. An hour atter our presence was clear, eighteen of the 60 smiling faces were fitted and locked into large concrete tubes that stretched completely across the entrance. Besides makino ita greatertask for police to clear, the tubes made fora skonger sense ol unity. Once they were locked into place, the other participants went out in to the surrounding area, pulling out massive blocks of concrete, old lencing poles, ladder-shaped steel, large rubber tires, and olher abandoned pieces of garbage, and placed them in from ofthe human chain. At last year's blockade, a plant worker had nearly run over demonstrators with his car so the barricade was erected as a salety measure, not as an attempt at making entry more arduous. The rest of the first evening was relatively

qui6t except for the wandering folk singer, Jaroslavem Hutkou, who played every gate r€gardless of how small the audience. At nighttall, soup, tea, and bread was doled outandthosewho were not locked into concrete tubes sat around the fire playing games and occasionally chatting about the possibility of police intervention. Soon a faint rain startod drizzling down, umbrellas were put up and plastic sheets placed overthe chained string of humans. I crawled into my sleeping next to a few olher internationals near lhe wilting fire. Around 4:OO in the morning, we woke up loud thumps that shook the asphalt beneath A small group of men were unloading large


to us. barrels which were carefully filled with concrete in

and out of the gate and action organizers began to consider strategies forsealing ofl the plant once again. Eventually, they waited until the afternoon to send in lhe "guerilla group'which was trained during the action camp to be sent in for riskiersituations and fast emergency support. With lighter more mobile concrete tubes, the small team ran from hiding, up tothe gate and,lied down chained and circled below a stopped bus awaiting entry to the plant. The police instructed the driver not to move but he relieved the brakes just long enough to nearly run over the head ol a screaming member o, the team. The danger of iniury along with police pressure forced the group away from the gate.

Organizers then decided to change tactics form securing the gate to generally causing mischief on the grounds of the plant. lt started early

thal afternoon when roports trickled in that activists had stolen blueprints of the plant; leaders form

Hnuti DUHA"/FoE agreed to return the plans to security, but only after photo copies had been made-

At our gate, a reporter asked a Public Relasuch a way thal one could chain themselves on either side to the center of the drum. The tube tions representative from Group 4, the outfit responsible for plant security, for his opinion on overlinEup was then takgn away and replaced by chain ot intedocked people and seemingly unshak- all control. He declared that his men and women were fully competent to handle the siluation and able barrels. there had been no loss ot control at any time durThen reporls lorm the other gates started make lhef wayar$md tlle small community and ing the blolkade. As these words tellrfom his we leaq,6d,ttiii &e palic€ took back two.;l thq. , lips, 4 activisis came storming from;& plant guard occ,rptio gaiia. unliie pievtoua years, ihe police l:' grounds past lhe Group 4 otficers gave no.!,vaFing; surprised, most ol the deimirir' at lhe gale. Their jovial screams w€rc !9ng iiain ga!e, a Slovene activisl was before reaching the sxit and the cam*lbhifted lrom the PR representative to he activi&d then nten,in tho van after retusing back again to speechless gaping mmof the man. Other similar actions with smaliffis of 3 or4 people were constantlydoing I actlons ihrolghout,the day. A banner had doi,,,n the slde ot o



staffi ffid


Th€ rain kept coming down with even regularity and the cold weather made lor mixed feelings; it seemed lhat lhe longer we sat blockading the gates and causing mischief, the stronger we grew despite lhe rain. Butone could nothelpcursing the uncommonly cold and rainy July. Nevertheless, as sure as the fire kept bouncing back to the raindrops, the generalteeling at gate 4 was to continue on. That night over 40 or 50 of us inhabited an old house in a village that had been abandoned alter being bought out by the plant. The ground was dusty bul we all seemed extremely grateful to have our own square meter of dry land to lay on. Tlred, cold, and wet no one mentioned the possibillty of a(est. The police found out about the dry sleeping grounds the next day and drove peopls out in to lhe rain without taking anyone into custody. Though only a tew had left for home, the next day started and continued on wilh the same rarn and silence at gate 4. People sat and read the papers, looking for any mention ol the blockade while warming iheir hands and feet by the fire. Food came again like the other days with breaklast, lunch, and dinner. The lack of clean dishes and utensils went unnoticed by most. lwatched as a Polish Earth Firstl activist cut open a plastic botte, io make a soup bowl; and lound himsel, a tree branch laying lo lhe side which he whittled into the shape of a primitive spoon. Smiles were still easy to find, but the overall sense oi accomplishment seemed to be shrinking in the rain. ln the aftsmoon I was inviled to ioin a clandestine action team comprised of about 25 loose members of the "guerilla 9roup". The majorlty of ihe participants were Cz€ch volunteers but England, Slovenija, lreland, the United States, and Austria were also represented. ln typical Hnuti DUHA,/FoE fashion, the action was carefully planned and even simulated before execution. The plan was for 3 crews oldisproporlionate numbers to run into the plant and light fireworks kom the top ol cooling towers; it was as one participant put it - every antinuclear activisfs dream. The first team was made up ot 2 Czech activists who carried bags strapped to their backs filledwith variousllying rockets;they were to gain access moments belore everyone sgcond crew wgre instructed tofollow close behind the tormer team and

at€ general frustration for security by running, dancing and singingabout. This

was to lead thE way tor third team, whowereto the parlicular cooling and stand on the stairwell

obstacles for lhe while the firework crew

ceeded unintenupted. According to the main orga-

nizers, this action was

boost the waning morale ol the other participants, but strike at the very heart of one of the principle arguments against nuclgar power: no plant can ever be completely secure. So I boarded the van along with the tirst and second crews and a dozen ladders for use in climbing the fence. To practice, we went only a lew meters torm the aclion planning site, stopped next io an abandoned building, unloaded the ladders, threw them up to the roof ol the building, and clamored to the lop. Next we discussed any practical details thal were noticed during the simulation and then crammed back into the vanlorthe r€althing. I sat in the far back of the van, ight up againsi acouple of damp giggling Czech aclivists and the rear window Just as I started to comfotubly watch the pasding headlights, the van stopped, and the lront and side sliding doors weni flying open with a dramatic swiftness. Then our back door opened like a claw at the end of an oversized arm and one by one we rgmoved the ladders. My pa.lner and I grabbed th€ finai ladder, ran down and then up and over the small ditch they had wamed us about at the initial briefing. I threw the ladder up againsl a fence post, followed my partner over and iumped dowrr onto plantsoil. I immediately started jogging in a random direction, only changing aftor hearing one of lhe guards' dogs barking aggressively- Once I gained a sense of clarity, I raced

[Far left] tl!€ lhst ninutes ol the blockade belorc the concrcte tubes wete btought in, [Left] A smaller gate securcd by activists chained into conctete tubes, People took lout hout shifts with bteaks lot lood and to use lhe rcs|r:ooms;


were five of us lett over, one otficertold us to simply take out all our money, set it on thg table, and divide by five - that, he said, was an appropriate line. Anolher told us that he border police had been called and we were going to be exiled from lhe Czech Republic for 5 years. ln retum, we suggested that our Embassies be notified of oursituation befor€ any international police bureauswere

along with a number ot olher shadows trying to

brought in on lhe matter. A bit later another ol-

tolver We

ticer said he would release us at 200 crowns per person; we wasted'little time in taking the otfer. From the time of security cuslody to release, we were detained lor no longer than 3 hours. Everyone arrested simply went back to their respective gates. The next day was the third and final day of the blockade. After hours of discussion itwas decided that everyone free from the barels would march to gate '10 where the polico w€re still managing trattic forthe planl. Over 120 people walked down the road bordering the plantto the gate holding various banners, laughing, andtalking amongst

find the way to the stairs ol the cooling

rounded through two of the giant hour glassed shaped structures and ihen landed atthe base of the staircase lhat zig zagged up into the night's sky. We climbed three or lour cases upward before stopping lo collect ourselves and to watch for the plants reaction.

lnterestingly, we wero allowed to sing, whistle, put on a complete lirework display, and laugh without interference. lnstead, the security otficials promptly dis'patched large vans to the tower and waited quietly at the bottom. There was some conlusion over whether we should trytoescape or practice noncooperation during arrest;but everyone involved agreed to gently walk down the stalrs hand-in-hand and surrenderwilhout protest. Th6 guards shipped us to the main gate still con-

trolled by the local polica where we were then handed overandtaken in on charges ol trespass. At first, the feeling in the holding quarters, which doubled as some sort ol conference room, was grave but soon people from the camp arrived bringing watermelon and t€a for everyone. The seemed almost enlertained by this yone quickly started talking laughing as ilthis was The Czechs were and released afpaying a 200 crown ($8


fine; in contrast, the were ihreatwith a series of differpunishments depending

on which officer


Since there


wsrc atways people to rclieve them dudng

themselves, The marchers slowly eased up to the row of police while various cameras snapped and llashed, recordingihe controntation. A lew

Czechsstartedtosing agentlebubblysongwhich made even an ollicer or two stretch their laces into short grins. Adorned in a Group 4 security hat, Paxus Calta, a leading antinuclear activist from fle United States, gave a short speech discussing allthe tri-

umphs which had

these times. lBelow] Cops pulling away the

lew rcmaining at the "Iast stand"-the last atlempt at sealing oll the plant.

been accomplishsd during the action. Then, the

large mass silently broke into two equal groups walking in opposite directions. At aboutS0 meters from the pollce occupled gate, on eilh€r sid€;ihe marchers once again, simply sat down to protesl any further construction ol lhe plant. Traflic began to build almost immedialely on one side and the police quickly dragged people lrom their sitting spots to idle vans which carted them away. At the police station. halt the people in custody escaped either through a bathroom window which had been Ieft ajar or by sitting down with others who had alreadybeen processed and were escorted out by a different officer. Weeks lale( there were discussions by certain members of Parliam8ntconceming a nalional

relerendum ',yhich would let voters decide il Temelin should be continued. A political move such as this had never been considered belorE, despite years of lobbying efions by various ecological groups. Questions concerning the corrupt bidding process (which eventually was won by Westinghouse of the United States) for the construction of Temelin was finally reported by national media after severalyears. Today, organizers are already planning lor next year's blockade and an activist culture, absent since the Velvet Revolution, has seemingly grown by leaps and bounds ovemight. lf nothing else, the 350 or so participants have proven once again that there are no new tricks; nonviolent direct action can slill act as a place of community and challenge. For more information on the Temelin campaign, luture actions, or the East European anlinuclearmovementin general, pleasecontactBen at Ben_Macconell @

Hnuti DUHA / Friends of the Earth Czech can nem.7/602 00 Bmo

be contacted at i JakubskE

/ Czech Republic


f el, + +42-5422 1 0434, 422 1 2847 Fa\ ++42-5422 10347 email: OBG.HDUHA @ ECN.GN.APC.OBG


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Records- Allor 2 to a Ycek. for delivery. Fo! a corpl.t. A!l.n taan Roc. c.talog full of punk r sk. tltI.r, 6end a self addra..od rt.rp.d .nv.Iop€ to A6lan rlan R.cord.. thank you iot supportlng Ast.n H.n Rccold..nd D.t loportantly, lh. b.nd.l r,tan


Standard (rcughly 8 l/2" x 11") HS = Half Staodald (roughly 5 1,/2" x 8 1/2")



xI l/2"1 1t" x 17")

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T = Tabloid (roughly

A4 = roughly (8 l,/2" x 11 3/4") A5 = roughly (5 3/4" xA l/2")

2/3 Ol, ElD, Drittel Betrziu #1 $3 ppd,/ S / 54 pages / ceroan

Arkargel #15 i4 ppd./ A4/ 56 paEes

This Eoglish magazine does a very good job al pubtishing the most up to date and useful ar-

ticles,letters, news, and opinioDsacross the spectrum of the animal libemtion movement. A thorough read from cover to cover with info!mation on local and national groups iD the UK, sanctuaries, international news, live exports diary, hunt sabbing, newspaper clips of lelated ropics, editorials. articles on wool farming, understand your dghts regarding fines, the antifur trade movement, and loads more, as well as tons of news throughout. An extremely worthy resource and deserving of suppofi. (Jon) Arkangel Magazine,/ BCM 9240l London WClN

Another impressive example of the growingtide of anarcho-nihilist zines itr Gerfiany. It's got deme[ted newspaper clippings, pictures of riots and hate filled commentary on the state of the world with a strong ecological conviclion. Interviews with Homomilitia and Oi Polloi round off this promising debut. (Y@hoo) MKB / c/o SchwaEmarkt / Kleiner Schaferkamp 46 ,/ 20357 Hamburg / Germany

Attitude Problem #2E


Another cool little UK zine wirh plenty of stuff

1O ATS 1s/DM 2 (pp?) / 40 Pages ,/ cerman The latestissue, a double issue, with tons of good

political stuff, like AnimaFRights Organisatiolr Addresses, rcpression, discussion about violence,

anarchy-history about Bakunin... Also Gig re, views aIrd some tips about demonstrationorganisation. (Joe) Aktiv Passiv / Postlagernd



6010 tnnsbruck



I can honestly say that l've never seen an),'thing

like this before! This is the absolutely bumongous (check the page numbe!!)

mailorder,/fanzine literary production from Maximum Voice Productions distribution out of Germany, There's a full- length review of every record they carry (must be hundreds!) as well

as insightful, in-depth interviews with Autonomy, Los Crr.rdos, Nabate Rec and mafly othwell as a lengthy article on Class War and columns by the people behind N{VP, all complemented by a high-impacr visual sryle in the layout departfient, This is even for ftee, but sending at least the postage should be mandatory. Setting new standards in the DIY scefle for this kind of thing. (Y@hoo) as

!firy ,/ A[dre




Postlach 26




Aogelheart / Freak AnIEaI Split Ztne 33 ppd / HS ./ 24 pases Freak Animal has iDteryiews and reviews that revolve around the noisecore scene, with bands ' that I have never even heard off and I'm sure

['m not missingmuch. Too much musicoriented bullshit. On the otherhand, Angelhean has surprisingly challenging lerrer inte iews with Glo-

bal Holocaust, Tuomiopaivan Lapset and Cause for Effect . Overall, a rather quick read. (Y@hoo)

Mikko Aspa Imatr:a




Imatrankoskenrie 73




All For Nothtng #14 $4 ppd,/ S / 56 pages,/ cerEau

This zine has been going foryears, but forsome reason I can',t seem to get into it. Maybe it's the

somewhat wishy-washy approach in the music department, mixing Dry bands like Scatha wirh senseless itdie garbage or morcnic idiots like Earth Crisis. Just too bland and meaningless for my tasle. (Y@hoo) Posdach 1212 / 63591 Niedermittlau / Germany

credit the anti-vivisections by comparing their pu[k rock supporters to fascists. (Dan) CAVC / P,O. Box 22-076 ,/ Christchurch / New Zealand

$3 ppd 34 world./ S / 4E pages

A5l 36 pages to digest. [nrerviews with $2 ppd,./



a women named Femke, who was involved in the live exports protests in the UK. Three out of the five interviews are done live, which makes them more in-depth. There's also columns and other opinions as well as reviews, photos, etc. Cool attitude. (.lon)

House,/ Colchesrer Essex/ C03 4Ay,/ England.

AufschlttzeD #1 & #2 $3 ppd ./ S / 32 & 24 pages

/ cerman

Anotherangryanddedicated anarchopunkzine from the younger generation. Good intemational coverage including interviews with Strangis Guajes, Suffer, Scum of To)4own and a Poland scene report. Has a

very antimilitadstic touch due to the editor's run-ins with the army. (Y@hoo) Axel Weis

sue has antFvivisectio[ news both internationally and on a country-wide level where the New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society has made much headway in exposing the scientific ftaud of animal experimentatiorL There is also a rebuttal to the local media who has been attempting to dis-

Beans and Rtce $3 ppd4

A Network Of Friends/ P.O. 2576,/ Hardcore

An Atrophted Preface #1 31ppd ,/ HS / 1O4 pages / cer0an



This is an infoft[ative newsletter put out by the Christchurch Anti-VivisecLion campaign in New Zealand put out wilh as part of the campaign to ultimately put an end to useless and cruel animal expedmentatiofl worldwide. This is the is,


Kusrerweg 71


Auto-Free Ttr!es $4/S/40pages







This quarterly maBa?ine i1 published by the Alliance for a Paving Moratorium and is geared

towards the total destruction of the automobile culture and lowards creating a morc ecologically and economically sanejworld. WiLh a revolutionary point ofview, they embrace a wide mnge ofrelated social causesfrom human and animal liberation to environmental issues and have a endorse direct-aclion orieltaied tactics. Each issue is extremelywell put together (the last two actuallyhaving full colo! covers) with exteflsive news coverage and information relating to the movement. Special features in this issue include articles like "Eighr M),ths of Traffic Plaoning,,, 'Beyond Perroleum: Lifestle Change?" and.How GM Destroyed rhe U.S. Rail Sysrem,,,to Dame only a few. Of course there is much more packed into these pages including action and event news, comics, and a real get up and take action attitude- From them you can also get cool stickers for you bicycle ($.50 each) like "Road removal creates obs", "Friends don't let friends drive,,, and "I'd rather be breathing." Definirety an urgent cause and an issue we will all be facing in our lifetimes, so get involved now! (Dan) P.O. Box 4347 ,/ A.rcara, CA 95518

A.V. News



There's a Iot of good interviews in here: Charles Bronson, Los Crudos, Fifteen, Chantilty Lace (a porno star), Grief, Cus, aDd Tired From Now On.

Along with the standard reviews and columns and a good layout with lots of worthwhile conte[t, this zine is worth takng notice of. (Duke) 205 Norton Sr. ,/ Corpus Chrisri, TX / 784154341

Bisexual Without Apology #1 ,5OC + 2 staEps ppd,./ HS/ 30 pages

Lots of articles and opinions from a bisexual punk point of view regarding life and polirics in the Twin Cities, anarchist politics, and various reprints. There's ab article defending punk as a vital part of the anarchist movement and varF ous stufi on queer liberation- all from a punk Perspective. (Jon) Micheal Wood/ 308 Van Buren #2/ St. paul. MN 55103.

Black Flag: For Anarchlst Reslstance #208 $4 ,/



36 pages

When this new issue arrived I was shocked to leam that founding editor and anarchist activist of over 50, Albert Melrzer, had died. I am curently reading Meltzer's fascinating autobiography 'rI Couldn't Painr Golden Angles,, bur that will have to wait for the next issue as I,m about out of timel Published irregularly since 1970, I have actually only ready maybe the last halfdozen issues of what has become one ofmy favorite anarchist publications. With a political stance of tnditional working-class based anarchism, this magazine keeps true to their politics

supporting working class issues and non,hierarchical organizing worldwide. Aside from several tributes to Albert Meltzer, this issue also has articles on hult sabbing, land reclamation (dis)action, a British war criminal and member

of the Waffen SS du ng World War Two, chemical toxins, McLibeI defendants update, pomog,

raphy and loads of [ews articles of prisoners', workers' and anti-fascist struggles world wide. Essential reading for sedous anarchists. (Dan) Black FIag / BM / Great Bdtain

The Blast!

Hlrricane / London. WCtN




The Twin Cities' only anarchist newspaper and perhaps tbe best in Noflh America. With exception of New York citfs Shadov this is one of the few proclaimed newspapers to actually have a large amount of intemational anarchist,/ rcvolutionary rcsistance news. While not pubtished

irequefltly as in the past, this issue was well worth waiting for with some of the most well though-out articles alld cntrques of social and political issues affecting all of us. lnside this as

issue arc special features on ana.chist resistance

to the right wing and hate Sroups, a large article on the dismantling of Affirmative Action programs, an interview with the pro-Black Panther rapper Paris and Ioads more. They have a good sense of humor and make every attempt to bridge the gap between the aflarchist movement and resistance sttuggies of oppressed people everywhere. Essential rcading and let's hope this continues for years to come (Dan) P.O. Box 7075 / MinneaDolis, MN 55407 InEurope you can get a six_issue subscription from Active Distribution ior fS / f7 Enrope.

style. There's probably some seDse rn

The third issue of this includes interviews with the Hysterics and Neil Robinson (of Tribal War and Final Warning). There's a lengthy essay on 'American Indians & the US Govemment'which I found to be interesting and well \lritten. There's reviews and a ferv more articles in here which all make a good read. There's quite a lot for the mind in this one...get it and see. (Duke)

c/o Sruafl Schrader / NJ


9 Fenwick Rd

/ whippany,


Articles on the commercialism of radio, why Rush Limbaugh sucks, a healthy section ofbook feviews, sotue amusing quotes from fonrms on the intemet, comments on the'rightto sue', surveys, aod a whole Iot more. A pretty interesdnS ,




Briefs #5 $1.50,/ Hs / 40 pages

An anarcho punx zine with insightful editodals

about morals and education. Interviews with Angel of the Crasshole Collective and Litmus

views. (Jon)

c. Grinnell,/



Rockwood. ON NOB 2KO,/


EX DIGEST #20 The Iatest issue, the jubileum issue of FLEX or now EX DICEST. This issue contains interyiews, wilh TEAN'I DRESCH. D4CKEISLUT, STRAHITR 80 and a mixed interviewwilh John of MISERY, Dan of PROFANE EXISTENCE and Steve of EXTINCTION OF MANKIND. There are also news, book, zine and record reviews, and one brit_pop injluenced

reviewer, who cant stop putting his shit into this

Grcen. Articles singing praises to both caffeine ard skateboarding and more. (Duke) 759 Battelle Ave. / Morgantown, WV / 26505

zine. (Joe)

Corazon De Chancho #2

Fetch the Pliers! #1 & #2 $1/ HS/ 20 pa ges


A small anarchist punk zine from Chile. We've got an intenrewwith Bebes Paranoicos ( an excellent Chilean band ), a history of Dischord records, write ups on the Business and the Ex aod pe$onal and regional punk stuff. I believe this is one of, if the only, punk zine in Chile. (Kerry)

douation/ A4/ 6 pages

A-1061 vierlna


This is cool new zine wirh a DIY punk attitude and a good music tasle. Issue #l has good in_ terviews with UNHINGED and DOOM, opinions, and reviews. Issue #2 was swiped mysteriously from PE before it made it into the rcview bin, but luckily I read it all before it disappeared. It

features more well done interviews with

and DISKONTO as well as the usual

zine stuff. (Jon) 220

A consistent operation dedicated to sprcading altemative news with an intention of spreading revolutionary ideas and information. This issue has afiicles on dircct action in Glasgow to_




Counter InfolBation #46

,/ P.O. BOx 7o3


Arlington/ Ottawa ON/ K1R 559/ Canada

FulFon frcntal assault against this vermin fllled sewer called planel earth!. HATE! HATEI HATE! Throwing the shit back into the decadent face of humanity. Bizarre, haleful collages and detoumed newspape! clippings. Don't leave life


48419 Rheine

Good to see a new issue of this anarcho-punk zine from Connecticut. LoLs of interviews in-



DISKONTO, CLUSTER BOMB UNIT, DRILLER KIIIER, and Judy from IllyJocker Records frorn Mexico. There's also an interesting section on punk resources on the internet and a first hand account of the Nottingham Pux Picnic lhat went on this past summer. Good content toppedwith nice layouts make this one of the best U.S. purk zines. (Jon) Matt/ P.O. Box 74l Beacon Falls, CT 06403.

McLibel Support CampalEn Trial News #3 Donation

/ S/

8 pages & inserts

This is the newsletter ploduced by rhe U.S branch of the Mclibel Support Campaign with information about the ongoing trial brought about by McDonald's Corporation agains! lwo

membe$ of the anarchist / environrnenul group London Greenpeace over the pamphlet "What's WroDg with McDonald's?" This newsletter is mainly a brief report on the trial status which has been going on since 1994 and wiU be wrapping up within the year. There are also factfilled inserts about McDonald's which can be copied and distributed to help keep up the pressure. Taking on a such a huge coaporation requires a massive show of support and fitrancial help, so please send a donatton and gel this in-

formation and get involved! (Dan)

Mclibel Support Cempaign / P.O. Box 62 / Craftsbury, VT 05826-0062 (or in Europe) Mclibel Support Carrlpaign c/o 5 Caledonian U.S.

Fragments #1 donatloE o! trade? ,/ S / 36 p^ges


of lhought, idea, and commentary on a wide

Mean People suck #3 ?

Scotland U.K.

variety ofimportant social/political issues. It gets the mind goingl (Duke) PO Box 5370-362 / S^nta Ana, CA / 9?7O4D / 21113

$3 ppd



/ 48




Finally the follow-up !o the wonderful debut issue. Once again, the layout is strikingly beauti_ ful, just what you would expect when Earth Firstlers, serious Amebix worshippers and political punks get together. This deals exclusively with anti-authodta an ecological issues, somedmes a bit dry because of the wealth of information and the seriousness of the subject, but still an interesti[g read, especially because this sphere is usually dominated by sour Sraped fa_ natics. However, even this could be imprcved by insening more humor. (Y@hoo) EF! Ruhr / c/o Avalon / Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 2'+ / 45127 Essen / Germany

/ Germaly

Insecurity #2 $2.00 ppd./ S/ 32 pages

This is really refreshing one in the large stack ol zines I was going through for this issue. It's full

Die Eule #2


Halluzitre #1 S2 ppd / S / 24 pares / GerEatr

wards Labour Councils, State racism, other work_

ers struggles, and a bunch of oiher bits and blurbs. tt's beefl going for ages now and is definitely worth supporting. (Jon) c,/o Transmission./ 28 King St./ Glasgow G I 5qP/



Posdach 5103

This zine is mostlycomics and artwork that deal with various politicial issues. They are compiled from various artists that remind me of ww3 IF


where, only Ican't find it! (Y@hoo) SDS / Lenzenbrunn 4 ./ 97283 Rieiâ‚Ź.heim

withour irl (Y@hoo)

Ectopia Vot. 2 #4 S1.50 ppd.,/ HS/ 36 Pages

lustrated. There's also a long inte iewwith arl_ isr/ activist Selh Tobocman and some zine re-

BlastphuEy! #1 $2 / HS / 40 pages

tead! (Duke) PO Box #1252 ,/ Bulington

Dlsturbing the Peace #3 $1 / S / 36 pages

Genetlc Diso!der #14 33 / S/ About 100 pages

This is lhe special Satafl issue and is packed full of awesome Satan sto es mostlyw tten by the editors reflections on their past Satan soaked

metalhead past's. Accompaniedby some iunny photos of 14 year old hessians and grcat stories that I, and most likely you too, can relate to.

stuff. I thidk I Iike all this metal a little bit too much! Also has reviews and other regular zine

(KeI!y) P.O.Box 15237 / San Diego, CA 92175

Gilda #5 $7 cDd /







ppd./ A5/ 40 pages

with lots of columns, reviews, photos, and interuews with Good Iooking Dutch hardcore zine




TERRORGRUPPE. Good layouts

tJon) wieken erlands.



5/ 7891

TRIO and

and printing.

KJ Klazienaveen/ The


Mysticat and Magical Laud Of Oz # 31 or 5 stamps / HS / 32 pages


Contains interviews with the Volatiles and Cel_ ery, zine and music reviews- The main focus in this issue is based on religion; and everr{hing written pretty well. Also a bit on skating and a few other thirgs. (Kerry) P.O-Box 63074 / St, Loius, MO 63163

S / 34 pages / German Truly demented comic that doesn't hold back on sex andviolence, made in an extremely crude


BOOK REVIEW Not For Retrt: CoDversations wlth CreatlYe Anarchists

iu the U.K.

By StacyWakefield and Grrrt, Evil Twin Publica-


With an explosive force

a new and


vitalized undergrou[d activist movement has

recently appeared in Bdtain. taking shape in a vadety of appearances and iDvolving numerous social struggles. Undoubtedly, much of the urgency of these stmggles has only been reinforced with the passing of the Criminal Justice Acr, which criminalized many resistance struggles, like squatting, and gave the police broad new powers to crush political dissent. This book is an extremely well put together documentary of this growing culture of resistance and a look into the thoughts of the people taking part to make them happen. As a vehicle to best express the viewpoints and ideas behind the activism, rhe authors present this docufientatiorl as a series of 21 interviews. They are conducted based on participation in va ous campaigns, actions and groups with a icon-coded key denoting different political issues (i.e. squatting, road protest, ecology, etc.) andlor (punl<, hiphop, rave etc.) associated with eacb inteNiew. This serves a graphic demonstration the overlapping and interconnections of issues and various resistance cultures iD Britain at present. The interview format can be a little tiresome to read all in one sitting, but it is also an important way to hear the opinions and ideas fiIst hand from those involved and reallyget deep into the complex issues behind them. You may have to read this book in seveml sittings to fully absorb alt of the information presented in the texts. I found this to be the best st$tegy to soak up as much of the information as possible without compre-

hension overload!

ofwhat kinds of topics are covered would include interviews with A small sampling

people involved with Squal.l rnagazine, "No

M 1



(anti road) campaign, Hackney Squatte/s Center, 1 in 12 Club, to name only sorne. The inte!views tend to concentrate on the issues, but also give some insight on how they affect people's

pe$o[ally, thus creating a more friendly and warm presentation-

There is also an introductory opening and a summary of the Cdminal Justice Act in the beginning pages of the book. These help explain the curent resistance situation in Brit-

ain at the mornent and the social and political climate in which these actions take place. As well. a more complete and useful picture is createdwith large sections of contact addresses for different organizations, resources, underground zines, record labels, and activism-orientated bands.

Throughout this book there arc dozens of photographs of the events actions and people involved with the subject of each of the interviews. The layouts aie boldly constructed as well, giving a good sense of continuity throughout the book while iflcorporating a lot of artwork produced by vadous groups and individuals, often giving the appearance of an ove$ized magazine. Constructed ilr soft-cover, perfect bound format, excellent use cover stock texture and two color plinting is consistently put to creative use throughout. Without a doubt this book would win a "best looking book ofthe underground" award on top ofthe aheady high marks given on the content. Conspicuously absent from this book

are the inclusion of any of tie traditional, working class-based anarchisl groups. lf this is an oversight, or an intentional move can only be speculated. If it is the later, it catl be under-

standable to avoid having the book become an ugly platfom for infighring and attacks by various factions. All in all this book seryes as an excellent look into a huge cross of the very different yet related \ocial struggles and the varying apploaches take[ by those involved.



Evil Twin Publications

Posrbus I 1286

1001 GG Amsterdam / The Netherlands (or) P.O. Box 12124 / Searrle, WA 98102. Disr buted worldwide by Active Distribution.

Outlet #4

The bulk of this zine consists of comics which


found pretty i[teresting/pretty lvell done! The editor then, has a few articles on his personal life e.g.; what he's been up to ar the time he was putting this out, his expedence with iury duty, and a trip he made with some ftiends in the summer. (Duke)

Lindenwold, NJ



98 Oak St.



as well as an interview with Graue Zellen. With time, these lolks could possibly approach the

special status people like Seein Red eamed themselves in my political universe, but before that happens, they will have to dump a hearty share

Ripping Thrash #12 $3 ppd. US / HS / 20 pages

This is the 10 year anniversary issue from this well known tngli\h zine. Be5ides ha\ing a reall) cool review section. its goi lots othir cool

stufflike bios on some cool labels, distros, bands and zines. This doesn't blow me away or realiy

P.O.Box 152

There's an interview with Submission Hold in here, a good homebrew cider article & recipe and an editorial on this yea$ Resist and Exist gathedqg that took place in Eugene, OR. Not a iam-packed zine put the few things in here are interesdng not the less. (Duke) 1004 N. 32nd Sr / Renton, wA / 98056

Poser Puok #14




Bufton on-Treflr







Romp #13

? ppd,./ A4/ 36 p^ges/ Swiss-Germar Since I can't read [his, I'11 jusr briefly mention

the contents. Strongly polirical punk zine from Switzerland. Interviews with STATE OF FEAR and KORRUPT and lots of ardcles and info on anti fascism, Iocal squats, multi,nationals, and loads of other news. Good attitude, great look. (Jon)

/ 24 paSes

Seems to be a regulhr Englishlanguage zine

RA c,/o Anlifaschistische Aktion / Grosse / 9'1032 Passau ,/ cermany

Messergasse 8

get my mind toostimulated, but this zine is good, dedicated punk lilerature. (Kerry) C,/O Steve

Polnt Of Intelest #14 $l / HS / 28 pages

$3 ppd./ HS

cation, I can't help but nolice some of the positive aspects in here, Iike the desire to build a politicized, radical and militant punk movement instead of making do with the drunken social club it seems to be deteriorating into these days. As for the contents, there's a very strong culren! of anti fascism in the vadous opinion pieces and articles,

of communist bullshir! (Y@hoo)


4704 Village Bridge Aprs.

ninist fascism should have no place on this ea(h, no matter what the circumstaocesl While mv first reacLion was to tolally rrp apan rhi\ publi-


c/o Fix Elsasser Lindenstr. 19l 5015 Reussbiihl/

Finland. Every country should have an international oriented zine to keep up communication with the outside world aod lhis is doing quite a


Libertad O Muerte!, Amen and many reviews and opinions. (Y@hoo) J-P Muikku / Kielokatu 7as2 / 80130 Joensuu / Finland

This is one of the best reads I've had in while. Nothing realiy new, butverywell done. A mostly political, butwith a strong punk attitude as well as punkrockmusic reviews. There's tons of stuff here including news of ALF actions, loads of interesling columns. readers poll, crder re(ipe, excellent graphics, gig reviews, Ielters, A.B.C. inio, N{clibel, and tons more- Recommended! (Joo)

good job of it. Good letter inteNiews u/ith

Punk Shocke! #6 $2 ppd,./ A5./ 28 pages

The "resurection" issue of this UK zine that called it quits a coupli! of years ago. I guess he couldn't keep away from publishing his mad sense of humor and wild layouts. Lots of stuff cmmmed in hear- interviews with a band called PAIN and Ian Bone (founder ofClass War), a POLICE BASTARD tour diary, Iots of news and opin-

ions, reviews of music, zines, arld soccer magazines. A shocking displayl (Jon) Andy Shocker/ 8 Cross lane/ Sacriston/ Durham DH7 6DD,/ England.

Attact #1 !2 ppd / S / 16 pages / cerEan


I'd never thoughr I would live ro see the day where thiDgs like this come into existence. A thoroughly bizare combination (in my eyes!) of anarchism and (authoritarian) communism, both coming from a punk and antifascist background. Circle A's, hammer and sickles, and enough traditional German communist am{ork to make shivem go down my spine! The editors consider the left to be in such a dire stare rhat unity of all extreme left ideologies should be encouraged. Needless to say, I think certain things like Le-


Savage State #4

$3 ppd.,/ A5l 40 p ages

SociaI Reject Disrro/ P.O. Box 13-585/ Christchurch,/ New Zealand.

SMART COOKIES COTLECTIVE #1 A new fanrine, and a different rdea io do a zine. A collective of people, everybody has two pages to do whatever helshe wants. Between the ar-

ticle-pages, they have some band-pictures. So its everyone's thingwhat he or she is doing with his or her pages. Some people are writing about war, the army or fascist activities, really OK political articles. They are also wriling some personal things, but theyshouid choose a language, cause some people are writing in German and some in English. Altogether really OK. (Joe) Melanie / Selzergasse 17,/I5 / A-1150 Vienna /


Social Unrest #5 $1 ppd../ S/ 28 pa ges

Well done newsprint political punk zine from Southern California. Afticles on the Zapalista National Liberation Army, AIF activists, FoodNot Bombs, Anarchist Black Cross, direct action,

vegan recipes, and an inlerview with Orange Couflty's LITMUS GREEN. There's also columns and loads of addresses for animal rights organizations. (Jon) Mail Box 138/ 4001 Stockdale Hwy/ Bakersfield, cA 93309.

Squall #13

$3 ppd./ tabloid/ 68 pages I always look forward to a new issue of Squall since it is chock full of well written articles and news spanning the spectrum of political activity in the UK and international. This issue has Iots of stuff on the antiroads movement in the UK, political repression in Tibet, effects of the

on festivals and parties, radio pirates, interviews with activists, poverty in Britain, de-

pdnt oi an interview wilh



PO Box



Why #1 75p ,/ HS


political topics, book aod music reviews, afld other news bits. A thorough and inspiring read

all the way through and never dry. (Jon) Squall/ P.O. Box 8959./ London N19 sHW/ England.

"The magazine of the North American Animal Libention Frcnt supporters group". This magazine is packed with info on AIF pnsoner support, news ofrecentdirect actions, and i[-depth articles. Thisissue has articles on actions against mink farms, incendiary devices, interview with activist Darren Thurston, lette$ to and from Rod Corcnado, a diary of actions, and lots of short articles coveringvarious evetts in the spectmm oi animal liberation. This is, in a lot of ways, like the N. American version of Arkangel. Es-

sential for building support and uniting the movement of animal liberadon. (Jon) NA-ALFSG/ Box 69597/ 5845 Yorge St./ willowdale, Ontario./ MzM 4K3l Canada.

Upheaval #1 '! ppd./ HS/ 44 pages

little on interviews, among

Cool DIY attitude runs rampant through this


Focuses mostly




from Mountain

Records. There's also editodal opinion articles, a Swedish scene reports, and teviews. Good read.

(Jor) P.O. Box

471l Allston, MA 02134.

xyste! #2






This issue features reviews with Cog and SubmissionHold! There's quite a few columns. Some typical, some prefty interesting and thought provoking. There's a large section of well done, in depth record and zine revielvs. It also includes an article on an internet site called Anarchy Net, as well as some web site teviews, Tbere's a lot of TLC put into this zine and it shows...check it out! (Duke) PO Box 56057 / lst Ave Market Pl ,/ Vaocouver, BC / V5M .+S9 ,/ Canada


OTHER WORTHWHILE ZINES AND NEWS. PAP ERS: I raD out of titue for ptoper reviews! The issue nufiber is for the most recently received copy but the desciption in a general ovetuiew. Apologies to all of the people who sent in zines bua didn't get fientioned because of the lack of tirne to cotuplete this section... naybe next tifie!

CriD1e #3$

$1 ,/ HS,/ 32 pages

This zine skrts off with a thorough and in depth, 15 point draft proposal for ao ABC movement (some necessary reading regardless ifyou want to be part of it or not). An article on some of

the hardships of being in pdson (written by

someone who's there), a few music and zine reviews, a recipe for Soy Milk, arld a partial re-





95 11


Angry People #13 $2 ppd / S / 20 pages


An angry class-struggle Anarchist maBa/ine from Australia with informative articles and in-your. face attitude. They are in the prccess of buildiog a country-wide ne8vork fo! localized involvementin class struggle activities and distribution

of propaganda. P.O. Box 108


The quafierly news magazine of rhe Anarchist Communist Federation in Britain giving a class stiuggle anarchist point of vietr in their cover age of various issues. Also has extensive inter_ national news coverage each issue. The ACF also produce a large variety of informative anarchist pamphlets. ACF c/o 84b whitechapel High St. / London E1 7qX / Grear Britain

Slingshot #55 S2/T/16p^ges A spirited, acrion-orientated anarchist newspaper from Berkeley, Califomia- Contains international news and information as well as very thorough local coverage

Stug & Lettuce #46 $.55 ./ T


16 pages

A DIY punk networking zine chock fuil of re_ views, contacts, and ads. Usually you Nill also find live band photos, opinions, comics and

St. Peters NSW 2044

/ Australia



other useful inf ormation. C/o Christine Boarts / P.O. Box 2067 / Peter Stuv. stn. New York city, NY 10009-8914

Turuing the Tide $4/S/56pages

Vol. 9, No.


The quarterly magazine produced by People Against Racial Terror and is a comprehensive journal of anti-racism activism, research and education.

hardcore / punk zine with band inte iews, columns, Ietters, articles and te!,lews. P.O. Box 204 / Reno, NV 89504 A DIY

glP?lnr Illt lrlfflllSr lnG flrs tilt xlII sllrlPux ulmf,rt

Two important anarchisl archival projects.

Heart Attack #12 $1 ppdlS/48pages A DIY hardcore / punk

seeking todocument and eventuallymake avail-

P.o. Box 848 ./ Goleta, CA 93116

able historic anarchist matedals: books, nervspapefs, magazines and documents. Please send al1 anarchist materials to them and a donation for more ioformation on these proiec[s. If you are sending mate al, they are asking only for stuff directly reladng to anarchism or the anar_ chist movement.

IndustrieI worker $lppd/T / 24 p^ges

Anarchist Alchtves Proiect P.O. Box 381323

resource magaTine comsed mainly of reviews, lette$ and columns. There is usually at leastband one interview each issue and occasionally some political content as



Vol.93. No. 10

The monthly newspaper put out by the anar-

chist labor union Industrial Workers of the

World. Mainly labor-related 44 pages

P.O- Box



The first issue of this features interviews with Marker, Split Infinity, Maggot Slayer Overd ve, Stretch and Four Letter Word. Articles or censorship, the G.A.T.T., and the lottery are in here too. Along with music & zine reviews and some cool comix... this zine has somthi[' for everyone! (Duke) PO Box #53 / Selby / NorthYorkshire / Y08 9YZ




/ 52


Underground #5 $3 ppd./ S/ 72 pages


orgaDisel For Ctass struggle Analchism


fense of environmentalist, and at Ieast a dozen other in-depth arlicles. [t also has a listiDg of interesUng useful web sights related to various

off poiot for further irrvoivement

news and stdke information, but also anarchist afld resistance info world wide. 103 west Michigan Ave. / Ypsilanti, M[48197

/ Jerry KaplarI

Cambrtdge, MA O2238-1323 KSL (Kate Sharpley Library) BM Hu!ricane

London WC 1N 3xX Great Britaln We are very lnterest to know what becane

Love and Rage


A revolutiodary anarchist newspaper produced by the Love and Rage Federation. Each issue has extensive news and articles of rcsistance struggles and current events world-wide, from a rcvolutionary anarchist point ofview. There is also informa(ion on various campaigns undertaken by the federation. P.O. Box 853 Stuyvesant Station, New York, }{Y 10009

thls orate al ts not lost to Aerlect ot deterloretloa. lI you know tf any of thls Daterlal stlll exrsts and utould llke to frake




Land Summer 1996


16pages A newspaper published by the Support for Native Sovereignty organization which helps pubIicize and organize in suppofi of Indigenous people's rights. A good resource and jumping


tie exterslve a, atchlst book ehd tuaga,Lae llbtary thet once ..xisted at the Efrtua Ceatet ia MinneApolls. It ls i@portent thet as fiuch of this tuaterlal be documenteal aad properly erchlved for ruture resources aid posterity A grcat deal of thlE tuateal was otiginally donated ftoa Profane Exlsteoce and we would ltke to fiake sure affeagerrreats to aloaate lt to the Aaafchist Archlves ProJect and Kate Sharpley Llbraty,

pleese contact Dat at Profane Existelce. we wlll retrieve the tuate al and see lhat lt ls ptoperly packed aad shipped fot perrraneat stotage.

r( I ltt EI

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.94 _::!a


processes it quiciii;.

It's uEdei PoIice 1a!. Jour li'cAs 111a!c4 of neis eaLe sure it's aiL done extrehelJ carefullJ - anrr extrs rlord is a risk to iox 4Or, OO121 Nsii: Balortit, alll activists Ior us !lrrLsb EeLsilki, nailout a Donthi; there's caleE! oililt a;ale Dt e rj, ("tbe activitJ dar") [hicb suEs u! aI] the actj'on & lrfor!0s [bere to eo. tnother tire PaPer cJcle") that slso is ,.lorre-bd, ("rile "act ivity caletdar" tur elso includes srticLes rbicb are lrritte. nore or less ir a deep-ecoloâ‚ŹicaL xaJ. their sddres s j.s: EloDkebeL, l,a!inlahderilatu 2lCl' 00180 Eelsini;j.. SoDe grou!s rhich arraDee soEe ha!])enings ale io! exampLe Sheil BoJcott csDpaign, ADt 1-!lcDoaald's grou!' AEtiIuscisi Action' etc. those three sbaie the saEe addressr Bo). 21' OO4ll EelsiElii. Ihey !re!e lacirag ar-ibt. ol shlt 1&teIJ. as. lhe co!s haragqod tLittl.Olr'6us!1cioD of t!e 1r!eboEblrA (or fur lldustri I the courtsurve

dowr o! tbe

qiiirlt i", "ro"st nisni'"i;f)

last X-Eas.. Ole hsrd-]ile sctiYist xas or l0 dEJs ard fin611i

leetj.lss froE TinLaDdl The eov nedia is direct.d aeainst beto!grng to tbese orAanizat arlesting' barassiEg & iLIeAE1 lrevious rave of rdore ladicaL deDos &


rings. Iud'l'b the ectioh the polj"ce t -the peoll.e


" are Loose or our it streets you know... lulirg the lreviotls years a lave of actrvisD Ias arlsen around tbe count!y. It hit the headliles s year a8o when few lYB (=Iinnisb .A.1,r) activists li.berated foxes froD fur farns. It bail balpeDed belore but thls tiEe -!1us the ac!ivists n got seDteDced leaI aD olgaDizatloD rhe lox") rhich has just rJ flon Flrland bJ Jea! 2OOO.

cal1ed t

!1einil1e ("Justice organizat j.o!. Both


contect ! Oikeutta

Kettu' Box Eelsinkj-. The l],?-tyPe actiYity is Arouirg dav by dal & the attlsers sbi.ver. [aDy of therd are alreatiJ outta busiDess sDd the rest ale on thelr wat/ to go. rot unlike the

rl.einille, 217,


r62, 0olrl EeLsiDlii. 0rr



style & ethics eiolerce ll hrYoc {e'Ye here erial, I,lenty o! organj.zatioDs but alDost as naly differeDt styles. Iuclily the leop1e here ale stj.ll worLing togetber. {e'Te urilerstood. j.t Ein't sDy bloody besuty coDtest but a fieht lor e saEe

ior oi tbese issres is deflnitely Drj.r8 of cbanee"). rt's a tabloidessioDaLly done bBi the contents bBr! Jourself easity! fhey EeeaI n (eviit, Box 847r in [hich eathers up arould the Alobe &

iras proYeE IDDOCeII 1n a Coult foola, that's riaiculollsl Eis and otber actlY-

ists'naEes Hsre broarlcsstea oE lattolaL Delrs DetnorE because tbe !1gs {srs so bloody sule tbey 8ot tbe rtgbt peollo inEedlately. lbere ls lucEily a totallv free lewyer fo! sII caught actiYlsts. Ee's , ork1:18 for -dxf ( Aat 1-El.1ta!ist Ied€rattoa) aDa ts bastcaUy Just' for EeD, Fho reject the Eilitaly serYLce or are accBsed of other: "war crlnes", trorsiteJs be's got soEe extra work as thele's I,IeDty of actlo! all or€!' hs bal fhs 48, coDtact isr Box 10r' 905OL OuIu. .LsT (alarchrst rj.rect lctioI1) 1s aolng soEe illrect actloE against ,orr siops' fur shorsr Dazis, etc. A Dore Iaodelats

JyYiiskyle. ?ots

li.ght necorals baYe rele8ssil seyeral olil. trirnlsb itedo tal,ee oD YiDyl' the latest r€Ieese riras s! o-solg ?' by Lahtt.

rasos (tbei! 196, tsDe)' altlays sonetbtDg

11st j.f



iD the

yersion 1s the astioEal anarchist fetlera-

t1oE, S.[!. You caD write to ttrerd for e).alal,le to! 30: ,58' 70101 truo],lo. Irl Euorio 1s also bEsed a collectlYe calted

Uh' should be already clear for or1 Earth to sup!ort tatel.s like AlterDatiYe lctlolt lecords fo! ub8t greedJ tuslDessEsn rDd eyerybody tbers 1s Do excuse

IllLlDd are rerJ YoluDtartly- !; !.I'Y' shops tele, i.t'5 all Just for-lroflt busllless lut If yorl coE€ to liDlanil vou coulil yislt StuDido Sh9, or Osku! Dlvari

") d to hlng


or theE arelsrtffritte! brats. n!o! a LlEe to ibee! Altj.fa' 3or 19' 00981 Eel.s1llki. Iea!' tbe iazr sLlnbeaa lrobleE 1s growhg hsrc iE flDlend. There ale too &arv kids rDit too Esny peece t,trEks 1nYolY6aI {1th the Durk scsDer tbey rlo!'t rsstlre tlat tbe tlood 18 ours l,lhich vJl11 be tled unless ws act I Ve'ye hsre soEe Dso-nazi / fascist orgallratj.o!s' for exanllo lGY ("l!J!D esrnE! Srotbsrbood"), rrr ("?atliot1c fet1oDa1 , rront") xlP ('rat1oas1 ,eldocrst 10 "artv") held trlD!1sb' (I&n, etc. Ihe nazi waDkers ! couple of 81gs alllring tbe Plevlous lear. IIey j.lyited dole fashos froD Sveas! & eelIlaly to coErlet€ the itllocy aDiil naD th€y succeeA. Ihey lr€rs tatulallJ beaYilJ guarded by the coDs ald tbe halalful of plDrish actiYi.sts r-,,ho dareil to leaYe bone to "?rotest' coula do Dotbj.Dg blrt glsre al iho srourt of u81y skilbeails' 0f course' tbere were pl.aylrlg elso the tr1bD1sh Dstlola1i.sts Ibe ldislreat aDaI a Dewcore! I1A Eillorr t?order Hbat ihat Dig stalil's fo!. ..? It's typlcal the laris can ilo what they Ylant tbey caD glYe sblt to us but rle caD't €lYe' Bbli to tbeE because lt's Just a ,ew l,eople wbo are r€ailJ to stald u! r fight. Tbe rest rua away screenils to the ?olice to h€1!' really, tbis ls Do shlt! llhe ilenolstretlols (Io, aDv cause {i!ha!eyer. . . ) are also lretty Peaceful !o ' bi.8ger corlllcts Hith coPB or lsris. Sore ilecert zLnes atout thls stuf, !-r€re YsstaJ.lata ('neststarce") aDd E rrlrtana

laDgusge aDil tb.y


eltber' 0r? Just o!€ YerJ j.nPortaBt thi.lg Ior you to reEeEler is tb€ rlnDlsh 'tlllliourl xock'r'!o11" tlat '3 calrea ?ol!ei? Y.Thtoehto ("Tbe secoDd !1terrat1ve") is stilt very Euch al1Ye t it's toilal tvlag the scelre together 9rolab1y eore thaD ever bef,ore. litb lt's I2OO sutscri.bers it hss

a trederilous force oD trhlsD(L's scea€. thls ziDe is Dust to heeD aliYe A strDrolt I they pubtish eYerytbirg tbet i.s of aEy lDterest of DiLnks so EeDiI anything tot loiieD Yai.btoebto' Box Ir 65200 vaasa. You caD also subscrlbe to thls woEilerl S€rd 5US! fo! a fer isstres, j.t Bav Yery vre1l be worth exrlortng. lou ca! get DaBv coDtacts to !1D!isb Duax' order recorals ll stufi vray easily and so on .'. Other good ilistlos that You coula tlyr rragldsnts Of EoPe, Boa 21, 9O5OL oulu. Ee's also the scaEiliDarla! ilis'tributor of your I! so thorel One Dore Sootl

l I 'lL

colr1Iatlols Bardcore liDtalar etc' It's all fu s],lreltln6 slnost Do gigs at all

; rb6 '8r, Russ1s lonDs tbele on cls !ow. rve've lave bere as 1i's tine for

1t vas' sorrJ. Llso la JuLy are .{II-caEP & later oD .0-Dtifa-c4n!,' ereet fu! for sulel soDe ws€ls aao ir lurku oI,eDiDg roeetiDg

of tbe llLeDils

aLready. ol ex-Tbiril Borld ("no SurviDi;ease & Ei llooEiiieneitii vors") DeEbers you knox lrbat to exPect. lyri:i '. leai tuekinE lji€ht-oD loritical .and ..e.]q9-Ue.41-

'! he--





knor,:;;r-:il dudes ir l.!.r..H.iqs.tus l d



split ertort" (ever sbslin8 hati o! tbe. ii:



Ee so

n..!Leo Lo sal Lbis trEe? OK, ju"! lo Aive i,ou beit e!.?ica.ur9,o t -t!e situstj.on bere,

I' r1,tiinii!'hdtCiiit tril:aDd,ilirrlef iEI qI !h" actloa bsppsDâ‚Źd t-tD- sctloD rapo!1sil !b rrEJti diarDgtr,St:lirj.o-.d,inr I rtliical ueell son;r:riioilts






( / li) "e l?^ spt t

.qLsls ro ole ircj.dett, // laiDted sloEans on the ralls of B bJ lasclst skinheaas // Ivo Beet



11 go

"Yorsi nightEare" // st!iDrease

their ri.ndolrs sEasheA i

bil.lboards adve / rbe rjslls of Pu!

h", "co

sbe11 so

vehj.cle got


(slosaDs ).





vehicle of


t t




ir v411,

?ur iI

He]l, tharLs to !E fo! giving us

'' tbrs ulique

cbaDce to exlose r..i.h.:..i.99p1:,..,1,L9.1,,r11r,L:::99!{,t

is the keJword. lo! our EoverleDt I So therel lle ale ing lor Jour contEcts. trever surrerPx,{C! & VIO{,!rC!! (Jtl1y 1996)

IU Eddress: o-lto ltkoDeD, PeLartie 500 PuDlahariE, ri.E1aDd..

attacked as well // nvn-t;i6it-to litira aDirals fron a laboratorJ. U.foltunateU 8ot disturbed and. bad to escale eDpti/sooLe' baEded. reYertheless' lriDdors ot 14 ,ur bsnds like 5or(50, rybbii a, ro

sulDort Detscbed and so on, Iuckili/ sobe ' bsnds are also !eyord tbe these

ot chlldish "di!'t r+r&ft,r:io!:! unitr tiLl qgeih: .,t;iiit.;;d,,;eie' ,iiiis,i}. ,:."h"!.:,. i ..9..': uclonard's Eo', desttured// ^ rj.shts ala priseivln!':.iJ:latUa..,rii!!n"; e$ t.s!ai'!' tilt :'r,01q! ribut.i osr-- rfor cars 8ot tre:., ,ain ."ssaeer riar"oa ;i;""ti ;"?; L r d" o;leUiiji:r ,ri{ih.ia:!rc,ga$ lrdars t!.U'|i,, s!4 froE rhe irvasio! or rbe rr*a-pb lands "Er,t '/;/ Ll'sai;,,sLf:il pr the oDerstloi eitber sDd it's s huge raslfon&;it riin"y':r ."lorst rieb-lrare": 3;o''tilebo!-bt!8P,, 1{ bsli ot ihe kids i; rbe sccail..,r:eaoriae !o; or',tbe... ,re&ise;- -of .Iur faraersi' those eoEe:-6re.dJ :oc- stalsl 1l 's s lBoags! lbe tlevastated blililriSs nere s

etc. ye!J varied 'i,tarde, Einiralist' vei!d/o!iej.ra- !and-. Tbere ., ore bre & cool label -oral-1hj.s, s.!d ro! list: sad .d Eeir Tuâ‚ŹuB, Box ,62' 90101 ou1u. OK' could tbis t'e everJthirg


lra11s d


a but chers sbo!.


r,i tr.nnfti 0(rlrr{4


Knt o! t,dott o!

i' Ul+tfidl Aktllt tto"'nbscld\aot t {k^tt (loi{ht ttrt ll.r

twl!\ t gl,l lo['t k t*l or

.nwq'n, - I'lrl

i nrly ttxlt

h.l/r,,ta t tor


iot.n (oxo$i$


.nt it




f{t?o,! Jo,



h,in FttY {ld to it .xl .lt, _ f[ I ddt't tldhl 1./.'n .!..!6r.t xrt it. tqt lil-r,d,n-l,rll llt!.r to,v ^$ont(

q, in

wiV, rr(t




tky bor/,o,t{dt ih

l*rt &dtft'l!'

\rtit \t/ltt(.t^tftllionl.\1 i.xr idl t 'itor.&tk t{.t, lt 9't6l;,,iifi,.W*totlr,r"\oltb*?tt n$fi Nrl$ dl'la,., ^tt ttnr {t h,o.{f&r't h d..t t t lor.4 I n$hL l,!tikl, n, n ll lot$l{ ,rort ry,rfttllr. ih t|r4.lilt wl4 I {rx't f.,t to vorry .na lrt.t. ^loflt fofiffid.t{on

r.) [rr,t


to t oxr


, I tn4.d,,

t',1 o

nft $ior,-




ruo t h

|-iettk <t


k,oltl, Url{}/z


ilt([ll, troit*)a


n xrt ti. 6rl{l


h,ftt.rtdht-drc iolitL.l ,r(l(*t,9 D r nto.{+


| {;dt,

ruod (vtA)

0r?), hrt it

rurir i



lLt h.I!

*; t t;a of

tk U trl


rrih,rd nri4l.. t ron't rv.rAnlat


it orrjdwt? It


'tE!*' lat\ .t frtotwt v't tt{,





rno!,rl ,tfi i, itr rrll]-

i.nrirt L r.l.,,l.

Tkri ,nrJ to h {oE {tron, ln,," r,.l,.t





k tot

lil .\l



)n ,04


td irito . art dn ( tlrorYl Wn , lofi Vl .ta tlo. I yl6a.rlt.!l wlt, l1r,i. txt $lr ..,tti,!:/l,,t"lit' t.\lt, l k to li lo*r oliridnt n h q

ftrj.idy lrt

'rln,d,t At of tr. .\r. vt, Aff.' r'tt othtt li,*''d?Llk t , WA <aitc,,t .tq-4t1). Ard..q+ I lik! wri, mi, dJ tk tltt t,^!i.l|t ,W tuot{ wt t,0.{,.t I.i4t'ttL k tatv. tLt !,/r l4v4ottln lt t|lltd L.t 1fi. $lrlor &. ^e*' ndlg t tL (t- U|,! wo{ala hM $* tdrtwutd.tlhl,!rl^9| a&tA "tl' A.s, Jot {t h?r.ttu! tt t{rhtl .loqt qJ tt t it ^ 4t @rl. tdirt oh.-.. D^nBit, et l.|l't .vr-i lo{ha lik tla,r*ttttil,,{/tbl.!,titt.tii1,,nt hkt t^ltiott,rtr*. (.fl<'t 1lr4rl <W.IM ro.J l/. h.v! tool td.'o hot or{rih.t ^ &brlr''\, tet b* ,n t,tLl .f I t.lla;4t too... l^Nor $nt, - ,q(t ii, dl.i( tnth, A<lxrdtg, i,*t w {t,fli *ll t.lia it $l r,.t or l{t.

w^\, tln<t.t*$lt

|oti, ,fq(l'.


utikl $st


$d{a h{!




.(l-ttil|t .(

l.rowrrt rri'n too loor... .:

+\ tfx,l ir *a'k k$t?ro l{r, ii t*,(ll^ utrr,, $aalt (or{lrtrY, a& tt! .i.rg(i, d.! (or{htryl d rtoi{r ruorll;'irdh{nt LA,r4ftJll lloNr



^otfial.dor. {.nlh,, w. o,iht {,.t lv? w.Jtir tll, tt u(tt l,tl!'r(rr, rr,rfi ht r illr .ry o+8 .rl tu t l. oJ u.rt b \9 \wlilD' i" dt tttkl.9h rle of o, t Wl. lt onl, Jo{ra( l li ill t rr(r. U;rl q,' ryrd!.doit of tN. t(nl h^,ad h





\tci!., U']t, , to lJl,ii$ ttfkl ylt k .' tt vt'r. n$t "lotA.r- ^brort, tiow it $n', not . dl-oett/ nll *r. wt t i{l A[ trr or tw.llF br|\a.l lra6, i" \w{i$ (etdt, (i*a rt$td to Lrrlift), h {t fit

lt ttrl..-\&ltlt I'idol'nlr t/lil,, I wroE *L I ./Aoxi/,vn4 ir L!{KN. ll/. r.d on t'tlo'r" otrr ?os.t to tb .oll...- u. fl,t lyn4 loot l 0l(


otll in.


Power To the Cops...

,1. 6\4


6t flitdltt .*ihl ktutlo+,, .Aa


/itl. Noliqtl



ol a.\\ ifio.i.i*.

Itu hA1 yl$t <t\!*,tt.g, hi lat ix lo+t1wtlda1. Nc tm i 'i:ta




Pztul. ir...

lahri ttft wry f^lt

; };iota t!.i'ii



Mt (t;.tt;4 , tor!a*t,


k4f , $,

* rt ik \, .i*



L t4t^t w.6ut

l.o,,t it

itbl-- 0r, tird l'* niioi,itk ,or tt! idrrn/irt ^I ,w{, I'lt h tk or!? t tln to 6{rt (Ahl I dli iot ,hilt, ,.{r l$1or\. W. bdfud tbt\, 9r an ,et, fi^t l,', t/,/,l,,rrowA cxrn$ oJ




...1s Less Power To The






il, *.i,j.&$ .ont t$ow dt t8 ht 'tt wt^t to.ltlttul $r ld]/i.,rt s trtk,rotrt l$utt. iiy( 1r,rll lqvr hodrii, to ao witl tt! g

|.1.1. $&t$!ir,t il *t^1h




fr.t,otr Diltorto.xr lrtJ r lrlrtrr(t &dl wltt lnt I (orh(tr rrrt l'lg .f.k - r't't fu?t t"t {* *rt v,gif,irit ot.ttt,l,ta,{/. }/,/.tl &.1| rutfn, r4ttnarytm,id,.tL,r flat. trl.r! ro!.ttirrt dJo(| "otr pnrk nror{ lr.rk li}(r; h lLr raPodr i' lrrr ta'tl qtilt|t,rri!, *n ttutd r,irtt,.litatllltollt $l tnAilrrl, not o*n


(^n .rort wr.t

,,.'rr, rl o!,lduql},l.. ror., r..q.r yoq {h

fr, won.-



#t b' I Lrn to hrr.t tEJ.r Frr, t dq ^ld tuy rr,t ofillftoxtxit.lio '{.tBr I rt}

hil t.d i.dir6s tuotat !.t

r,h lrn-d{t, i'.0",*X,r n(rlt h rr'

fiir, hi't .u.



Turt 9o'r


irtotnxt {,ftit {" towtfl,

oi,t . tvor,4lar



sl lffi





ffil,Ii i"*






]{,hr5 4.o+.rl,

d },ot


tolatl T[.t

ftlt t wttdt l^l to.fifrlrtldwl' -i' 'itf?ff&ffil[i n.l

Vl(,in-t tttlf/


tt4..i,I$ 4



lt t

**h,ncd{,lwt o,lrrt'fi'ttkwo

n" An


nn;;i ;; ;*'' ;i'


* r* aq^i'tl" ;

yy:'Y I 1Y:,Y'* Y:"y:Ayy"ittry:ffi, d..A6<*,.:y|yfl:yffy:Yi

ir o.r of a{ht i lot{' tJ vdl' .r nrx 'roarr T-fiIrtr li.rri*.wi'."v trs' eoqr' i *t,,,-",' il il;ii..l" 'tn't' {+l,'! tr'vtfro {trt t fita,,t**t(o'tFt't -ii". tLi **r ",r ]l*J1**i *1*0,, o{r.,.rtr, t,r,rr *,Jlrf ".d ' "r ^ "rr

\ t, t

- *,ii

.n (r !{, }?Ja fttln,ltttl,l86,[i,- .trl t hot

Al*rort .ll !.x{t l,,t

:#ti;ili,;f;;;d,.'i"#*#*ll'ii,T;;;i;;;';;;;; ." rudrtt lki;,;;i;#.*^^**,vt"t,r*o*'itt,,'\r' i ro* it nr 8t,,,


wdl.,l{:,y::_y! i *o,t n'i*q^,t n'a,.r,.raur # ^,_..,_+rlrdar I rd".ctr Idt(h. | fl(xt { t I .l.{t tk t.ort,twia




' #


f l|n,r*x





fn$ o!


.a tlr..


(1i'111r"1"r*r,1-a.r'.l'd."t^t,"o'..i,,,t'tottot*l ';T"ffi'il;;;;d;il;iln;ii;i-'*ri ffilili"#|Til"il;iffi;;,";;; r.uri4io.rn''* tr,n*;;. il;lil;;;;';;ir"y**"J*",r*'ifrff;*H# 1?*f,.^"*"'"n**. ",",*io6,*'* ** u*-. w, 4i(oxl. ,o






"xS t, ^ ffi _._


iI ltu





fifltN.! rI\--It.t:\:llir -- iigi


r$llrtrol{ld i.ovlrrrt

f{.{tlon( ir* {troir*i ,9*. t ti*t . lrwl.aial,J ir'rIdrr d lJ.rl,trl n{'t ft.{ Jor rr' irnrvLk, rxl fr, ircn(dm _fffi j r"' r'a n' lt"rr1" ,"r td* wtt vin ttot"yll 't*, f,t ,e,' ,t ;r*,ffi1i*"at ,i+t i, ^ ra t^ '7 h r iot ro ti,t nt ttut .ri r,,r]lt {turt.folit t*t i,t *rr-.,-x or ir"rr,o i rrB: ; ffi00 lrou.. ?.rlll oJ rltit fr.t h,il h rtr.'vt t^ 4 tk ut o! tt' wotu .l tr'i kol.' {ti flretr< tyt,*y*,'*ryl (d{r n*tl,,-anttn^4*,t lrr.) I goir 6lrt J.{d. f&r.rtur * . r' w ud+


,i.ilffit 'in,iit r*'r.


6..- ri .




(*'t,r.l?.kl*llill!,rot,{llt,or?lt,/(rl/k rst1ht xo litri,.r? I Uat, t,"r".l t,{n d rdt rat.."'t ft"ff, rrat, ftd!, l"A? ltatdtl



tolfift.d ',i.,tl'$lrt


","" ft';dh,.y{r.orro.,r!..irr.trl,mF4kdr'"rn!',onr





.roxt ,fiirrl

I ftYlf' loqr,'



d'r art.r


Alir'!{' lntty ' rin 'oox

lyy':ili'r^Yli.!y"*:!Iy.!:Ylt_Y:,,.tt'rt:rrqit"k,l'.r}.^]yy*!YY: rt:,u,t:''t:1'!".tth.i,ttlryt:t i,(r ornr, r,* nary irr,r rdr *oa {,ao't rt o 't or . * l'ryY.y^r::yy:y:{:jiy-Ylll ; 't_urllk4r.,lTy n"'^. iA;;;Ii'ff,*rav*.*.,r,",r-* ff'#;fi[t'J,1,Tff,ffitr^ffi r



efirorrr",tyit-w,rntrol,l..i*t",,1!r"r.y,!:\!y!"t:*!,*Y-'.?),.tu!;,lw1tt*$t*_.lirltYy*fik^y'yry kt snn s** * *.1i *, lt*rrt., tt 1;" yy ^ry_.t::': ".*. ,t y!_: t l'x,rrto ruori ,o'l: -rBlroi).x G"ro. hn r'[ t..k;a{+

nsr,(oi,ntronr it Rhtt 1k n\r .otn



trlarti!.l,lterEark KaBoElllgata! 29 3T 75, +7 vPPseLa Swe


e-Da11s naa1r 181 sturlent .uu. se



StefBE Patt els9on Ri,tar8ateE 6A 754 11 uPPsaLa S





Bools to ?.isohcn ;]!ii . ' ' !.:,: q?r.??t in h carnpilanofl benefnng ; . Biik to .Pl"ir.r*cts uith Drift, ' Lot CriA*; sei"id a,d Datoidof.Fa


There are currently more than a dozen women and men in Great Britain and the U.S. serving sentences of up to 11 years for animal liberation

Support Animal Liberation



For more information, write to: ALF Supporte.s BCM L160 London


wclN 3xx North American ALFSG PO Box 69597 5845 Yonge Street

Willowdale, Ontario Canada M2M 4K3



beer and killing yerself n

iiE cE



ctT NO'I, rloc/ o'r'r' uoarP3$ PPDI E





t.0oPo 1909 TNN I{TT DBO IJldr,' oir L53o5



Masturbation do 4 songs about beer and killing staight edgers ''Proof Positive

That The Sum is Greater Than The Total Of The Parts"

Punk hq6

b..n p.os.nt in CIil0 !inc. ll. bonds lik. 105

lqt. .ightir!, witl !ov.rql oqrty

]OF8ADOS, PINOCHEl BOYs, VANDALIK, KK, CAos,.to. lcono omergod in tim.! ol !.v.r0 politicql oppre!Eion qnd qgninsl lh.

mirund.r!lqnding of th. l.ttirt cirot.! (r.dtlv in lhr 606 youlh), thqt conrid.rcd th. punk rook tit. oflly qnollo. torm o, cuitu,ql dapcnq.Dc. t,om tno IJSA imporiotirm. ln th.90r runk b.cqm. lltongor in th. [cw g.n.rqtion, mointy inttuanc.d by SpEnish punk, snd bcnd! tik. flsKAtEs AD tl0K, L0s

MISERABLES qnd PANIC0 q.o now !uoo.!!,tll on q nqtiondt t.v.t. R.grellutly th. vs!l mdior-

ily o, punkr qr. mo.o into rqrhio[ dnd gq0e viota0c0 tlqn into rtnuin. r.sistsnca qgqinst

th. !yat.m qnd q o.adlivo ltgno.. A tot o, bqnd! qr. now on mqjor lqb.{! tih. EMl.!r BM6, in coincidenc. witi lio bie !uoc.r! o, MIY punk

ctqp. Atro in



tho I

tr jt:]r ,.

,.qf.d, like d complat.ty

qotuqlty viih olor.d miod th. lh. pu[kr. Fo. cxcmpt., w.r. cto6.. lo nqzi bon. ragd;, aaqtly hdlcd punk rookar!. Iftql naw



tio .trmant!, bdndr. aad , rith mqclo qflitud.s tnqr giva mor. impo.lEnc! lo tie lough

plqy rast and ru[ny punk rock

x, cith occqlionqt



took with

Iind lh. Th.

i! noll


qnq.choruni tqb.l c.ntly oraEl.d,


v€ lhdt


N.gro, ond lha aat

5 Thc

,unk qod in mqking gad ano olla_ crntqctr wilh

t|... i. io th. Sqnliqgo right uing on.s qnd th! bqnd!

qdd,art q!


t0 mc tnst lhir in Sqntiqgo. I iqma q dd,atE qt

BBs PARAN0l0os, On. of

bqDdr. Molodic hs,door.

tilh a 6ound

old zioo rorm.,ly

moaa Doolry qod


trr. ld!l i!su. (8) s0RD0 dnd t0s

P.0. Bor 16E89 Provid.noiq / Sqntiseo

sND, Anoth., n.w


,o.morly knowo o! 0CI0PU5, qnd plqy molodio hqtdcoto. Th.y w.nt lo, Ai..r in



A850LUT0 to Dtdv



gonlino punk bcnds. Now th.y q.. pldDning to do q split with aocording

ALTERN0CIDI0. Contqcl: Joqo



/ ls



Reins / Sqntiqgo ALTEPN0ClDl0, Fo.m.d two

7 4'12

P.0. Bor'149 / Vittq Lq


R.inq / Sq Nuovo


n.u zin. mod. bv th.

ringo. o, SND. lltue [umb.r one iocludlE q .ororl ol lit iq.dcor. bsnds o, Sqnliqgo. Con' tocl ql tho sqmo add.aEs d!


I'tqlspunk Rocord6 donl hsv. q P0 Bor bv noH, but you cq0 wril. lo lio DlSlURBlO MENoR qddr.!E. Bdnd!€d in maki09 oonttibu'


roa lho

q[qrchorunk compilqtion or otiaa

po!sibla raioq!or ptoqEa writ. !oor!




ET 268 royal oak, mi 48068 dcmo tEPc{3.m Dlrd( mrtal lnllllrncad thlldr KATHODE






..rli6] dtid.rll omllhm Il


r^lr /aErD.?Ir r'.4!-o fiTfl E}IA TI{AT HATE YOU'..i.*'.S mld I.n h.r{coE coltl! tlt! |IIoY cE,oEc Y' mon. DEWID OF



lLL, .nd much


iltEN fi'S trtE toPYoaR iltEflDSiltP t0 EtD, aand damp for



rtuf av.llBblc

POSTAGE: t.Ts-lEt itcm. $.50-2nd to sth irem no postage for ovar 5 it ms


ildd.r ..dr

or m.o. lo



Sr. .,. r.fi16 lr.lp{at ln b!ah. .ho EAl03 t.. n..d.d tor compllrflon lTfE



looldng ,oa morr at llfoa

.nd o$!r


aEx xHAalloxov

I lr',0,


irt r. Dr.r.eE


dlr!!. rtoavar




BoX S8025S

illlltlIAPOLIS, illl 55458-025s sEilt s-as_t- Fon GAIA! Oc










NE@ p@


Recodt: w[ito inl-bholt rhitt llud2ttttgo: "ficn2ot lo llharh y luh" ott tinta hl.ita-oatli!atr iito tr.itl.tioir Yit[ ii Slriilh i.r 7".p lyrica Eaglirh. Plru r lot of iiforn.tion. llrrdoorc punk,

lhuipaqo: Ittcioaa Ptn An Cut 7".1. llauipttago/ rp



lot Ctttdos






bl.ct iil-grry shirl n.gra

lirt. i!gr.-ctmit!t.


Huasipungo Huasipungo





rtulf rvrihblc/ottrr vrinrrl

Ih. Yrlling Rliu

CD. From Eloomingtoa lN,

6r.rt tolitic.l purk/lc vith r

Dcrd (cnnodyr




trn Proply'Shr orvilr rplit 7" Tro grcrt Argrntinirn hrpunt hnds. Polilicrl lyrior. Atodioi rightt lrtltg! .nd tr.iil.tioit i[to Englir[.

lo, ?": i" USA, S, [rtinormiri , $5 {orld (but You c.n g.t. brrrl Iron/frcnte for r good tcrron/o mit brr.lo ri lilir! ui. buon. All/todo!


Fax (312) 395-0942


l-rhlrty'G. i..t.r: $8 uSA,

$10 rorld/turtr dolor EEUU. Erprcify ryle/color. Erprcificrr artilo


y color.


$lo UsA, $12 rorld iloicy 0rd0r {m.d.oul lo Itirid.rl


cilEcts !h{r, lorlrl lr iomht. d. Eti.idlrl

firh oily-Lo o




Emtil: lrnrg@

1309 s.21 sT

BAB. Ryrfi. R)^rB

0itcu 9njuoaito to"r0 8.d.r Avr #125 t lrnhurrt, llY 11173-1322

MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404 FAX: (6ta a27'2100 (.HOKE ]NC. PO BOX. 46 94 CHICAGO, I.L. 60680 Phone ( 312 ) 395-0809

GffoID GhdliD C*orD SitrqoFJos






Grsatiogr po.lugot. Coimbrq i6lha city whoro lliv., qnd lihink thqt it ir qbout timo o, writiog to you tuy! rrom PE, bocquto in tho lqst two/thr00 y.qr6, lom€ good tlingt hqy. tqkon plqcs in this town. Apqrt lrom stt lhr potiticol bullshil propqgsnds, qnd th. qf ,oct ol tho lown'E own trqdition in Eomo o!poets rolqtod lo tno rlud.ntr ol lis dirto.rnt univ.asiti!!, romo guyr ioinod roroo6, qnd

c r.vr 9i9s with punk 1993 mqny concortE hqvo oc'

Etsrtod to o.gsniro

bqndr. Sinco

currgd in CPI (Contro Poputor

Dot lrqbqthqdoro!), wharo zino! qnd inrormqtion o, dirl.r.nt isrutr wher0 oqry to buy. tho guys rrom CCL (Crntro Do Culturo Lib.rlqtiq) ctwcy! bring mqny plqcor, qnd ror q toog timc, tots o, p0opts osmg to lho rhow!... bqnds tikr X-qcto, lnkiricso, Simbiore, Subcqos, l0ju!ticcd L.qgu., At6oorc, to.qgidos Dq Pts' c.nlq, Ioomqtos Noilo, DK tlqrd.lqzr, Gob Art, Strsin, otc, ptayod in thsl ptqoo. U/o qlro iqd th. ciqnc. to rao 0i Pottoi ond Scrqp!. Ur. wrrr rqd trhen Dirstr.ot qnd D0riqnc! didn't rho!, up, q lot of pooplo wor. wqiting, bui thoy didnl como. lVett, qgort rrom tho muric, thoro rcorl. triad to mqkr rom.lhing thql could mcke q

dirfaranca in mqny qEprct! to providr propt.

rome iolormction of vhqfs coing on in th. wo,ld, tiko the Mumiq Abu Jqmsl cqsa, in

trhicl somo lhingr wa.o mqdar rigoqturat waf! gqthor.d. in ord.r tiqi wo cqn go to tha UsA r.nbqrsy in Lisbon to grotott sgqinEt th. conspirqcy thot Mumiq is invotv.d in. Lois o, ,ly.rr vrro eivon to proplo t.ttinc thr t.uth. It HsE good, broquro tot' of pooptr didn't know Mumiq, qnd 0ow thry know t{hct'r going on. Lqtt yoqr in q c naqr Coim br q


(Avrrro?'a?), wr protsEtcd qgqinEt q orw MC Dollsrr thql vss hqving it'! ncw dqy ol prorit.


gqvr tots of informqtion lo th. p.opt.

rhowing ihrm thb oih.r rqo. o, McDonqtd'r. Thc monqgcr thrrqtln.d to ccll tI. pigs, but w. continurd, qnd tqlkad with him; hr wqr srraid thqt the poopto in thr rirll dcy got s

bsd imprallion o, tha rartqurqnt. grrst.



our city hqs q trqdition in Moy, thqt (un,ortunqtrty) rortrctr wiEf! goin! on t{ith tir mrntqlity o, th. otd in this oountry: Bulltiehts. ln Mqy, tha siudcnts 9o to q city nlqr Coimbrq with thrir uDiv.rlity unitormr to rr. a bull-

,ighi. Tiry clqim int€ttiglnt, thry or. th! nrrt grnrrqtion lo tcko th. commqnd o, our ljvaE: v. qro in bqd isndr, bacqu6r thay thinl in tho rqmr wqy their rothrr! or grsnd' do. Nqrrot{-mindcd cod stupid qrshoios thst mckc run o, ur rhrn l.a 9o to thr ptqcr o, tho Buttright, snd prot.!t qgcinst it. Ihit yaq, wa tys,r ln hithar flumbar, t{t gqvr toma inrormqtion qbout Hhot'r golng on with th! butt qnd ih. horr.r, showing our.lhi-

cqt qnd humqn r.rling to rustcin ou. id.s. tor you to roa thr ignorqocr, tomo o, tirm rsid rhqt thoy didnl tik! butltights, thry jlrt go bacqurc th. irqdition, ro.n. Eqy thql thay q.g ioo d.unk, q0d ju!t 9o uhara thr .r!t o, thcir ,rirnd! go. Th. tqlt thrtr yoqr! v. slwsy! wanl lo tho plqcr, qnd qtwsyt hgd !oma (tittlr) t.oubl.!, bocqurr p.oplo donl lik. tiqt w. t(lk obout a thing that hos a lont, long trodition in thi! oountry. Ralqlrd to th! town, tomrtim€! wr put q ,.w po!t..! on thr wqtlr o, tchoolr or in ptqcrt in whrra m(ny young propl. rlop, ra. to vivi!.ction qnd with tn..lcctioos (rocu5in9 on tia thitty prorqgqndq). Soma wsll! ol tha oity irsva santanca8


thqt uilh th. non-.quqlity soci.ty v. tivr on, qnd witl thr poticr bq!tqrdr thqt d.qt with sitlqtiona in ( ltuDid ncai wsy. Ih.!. uqllr


lighrohootr or in plqca6 whara mqny propl. xalk by, qnd on. totd in s rrqy thst

lh.y osn thi0k sbout


0n. ,ri.nd o, min.

told m. thst hi! "potitic!" t.qchrr told ihr cts!s

to do o work o, th. masning o, on! or ollr

!iqt.m.nts (by

E. I'lqtqtostc-qn ltqticn snqrchirt). Th. things wo do q.. mqdr in q pqcirist vqy, bscquta wr vqnt progla to undarst(nd whst ya mosn, to va msko thingr with con-

scirnc, qnd torliog. lr/. wilt continuo to mqkc tho mo6t qctiont wr cqn; tho tpcrr tima i! not mucl, thqt's lviry things q.cfl't mod. mor. ort.n. Stitl wo go 00, qnd witt n.vrr livr up... Nuno Bqr.oto P0 Box 2043 / 3000 Coimbrq



ACTIVE MINDS from Ensland have been reLeasing highlY

citical political


nearlf l1lears now on



theur own Loonf Tunes label as wellasnumer- 1/11 ous Euro-


-=a Thisinteniew

was done tluring their recent (J.5. tour. Queslions b)Dan and seems like you guysjust (ame back after a period ofinactivity. ls that a correct assump'


two piece band before And if we justconcentrate on the lyrics and saying what we want to say rather than being musically a really powerful band, andjust do the best we can with two people.'

kept getting worse worse. Sowe'regoingtohave to ditch all that. They're getting a load of new equiPment in the studio, so we're going in again in November. So it will

Is it hard to get that h€alT sound lacking arl

be out around December or


has done a


tiotl? Bobs: As a band? Yeah, in the late '80s there was a whole flurry of releases outBobs: We did an ep and an album in '87 an '88. Then wegot really slow at doing stuff. We were concentrating on releasing other bands' stuff. Set: I think we did about 10 releases by other bands in betweenourown stuff, and kePt putting ours back and back. Bobs: we also went through a period of about five years without a practice place. We used to practicetwoorthreetimesa year. Weused to tour in Europe every yea, and we woutd just do a couple of practices before that and if we were

going to record a single we'd do a couple of practices before that. Set: That really slowed down w ting new songs. Bob: Thenwegotourselves anew pmctice space, where we can pmctice evety week, about a year and a half ago. Since then we been a bit more active.

ir Scarborough to Iind a place? Bobs: Yeah, it's only a small town. Set: Also, since there's only two ofus, you've got to split the cost two ways instead of four or five ways. And some of the Places were prelty exPen_ sive to get we thought. Bobs: Weusedto hire out arecording studio, then itclosed down three years ago. Also, we make a lot ofnoise, even though itsjust two ofus, and its not the type oftown where people expect you to make a lot of noise.

Is it difficult

Is the a set reason why Active Minds


always been just two people?

wilh. We've only had choice of maybe five or six people to be in the band. Mostof them wehadalreadybeenin aband with anyway and found that we had to split up b€cause of that. we wanted to expand on the lyrics. When our last band split up, there were five of us in it and these people had different disagreements about lyrics and all we could sing about was vivisection and anti-war. Bobs: And those people \reren't really serious about what we were doing nearly as much as we were. We sat down one New Years Eve and thought 'this is going nowhere, we could probably do it withjust two. We don'tknow anyone Set: Its a small town to stan a




actual bass player? Bobs: We'vejust perfectedit inthelastcouple of yea$. Set: It used to hit or miss at gigs depending on if the guy who ran thePA knew what he was doing We sometimesgot a really good sound butsome' rimes it was pretty


You're going to put that out yourselves?


usedtoplay'with onlyoneamp' so sometimes tbe sound was a bit thin. If you were borrowing equipment and somebands dependon a bass soundandhave a really shitguitar amp, so we would have a really shitty sound. But then a few years ago I saw another band EARTH CITIZENS, and what they did was wireup a bassamp and a guitar and together and it sounded really Dowerful. Because they didn't have a bass eirher. ithought it soundedreaily powerful, but I lhought if I could get something that Played through a bass amp at one time and guitar amp at another andyou couldplay through one or both orneither, then it would sound really good. So I went to a guy at a local music store who sells and repairs eouiDment and asked Could you make me a pidil that does this?' And he said 'oh, I don'l thinkso. But I llgiveitatry. Andhemadeirand it was just twenty dollars. So that's total D.I.Y. pedal. A one ofa kind pedal. So then it's quite iasynow andweusually geta quitedecentsound. Bobs:



And it surprises peopletoo when only two people ca.l get a sort of heavy sound. It makes more of an impact.

practicing more, do you plan on putting out a lot of new releases? Bobs: We're already halfway through tecording an album and a single which should have coming out in about November. We just spent four days the studio and after all that we'll probably haveto chuck it all away because all the equipment was breaking like desk and the tape machine were really fucking up. Set: [t was really weird because as we were actually mixing it, the tape was changing the was actually deteriolevels itself. It So now that you guys are



Bobs: Yeah, same as usual. Then we've got two more sPlit eps. we haven't done any split eps in t€n years. Will those be sptit releases with other labels? Set: Some of them arc. One is a

split with about five other labels.

Bobs: We're doing one with a

sort of lroject called UM-

BRELLATRIBE which is asPIit between about half a dozen Iabels.

That flexi \ as rel€ased by nine different labels? Bobs: Yeah, that was ninelabels.

did that come about? Bobs: I thought of the idea of


doing flexi because it would be really easy to mail everywhere and it would be quite cheap to do if we did loads. so we did 10,000. We asked a load oflabels who we knew if they would be interested in doing it- Some peoPle had expressed an interestin co_releasing ourstuff, butsometimes itwas a bit too expensive, butwethought this one we can do because it will be cheap. So wewrote to all these people and said it's only gonna be gl25 for 500 copies. Set: We were surprised at how good a response we got. And get it released in places



it's really difticult



front of our




that's about right, we'd play it and there'd be drop outs that weren't


there before. Bobs: We were about to put it onto DAT, but


mailed in because they haven't got much money over there. Be_

Cdpctd/csrn c.s a dcsedse

Set: Then

' you're gonnabuy the cause all of these labels actually released them, it meant thatthey would translate all ofthe lyrics and we coirld get our message across to other PeoPle

Does every record have a different cover? Set: No, they all inserts with all the lyric translations. Bobs: There were seven different languages in that. Set: Some people think that we are amazingly clever and can speak seven different languages,


but actually we re really dumb and can only speak one.

Bobs: Yeah, we get all of these letters from people who wrile in Spanish and German and must lhink \+hat we can speak all of these lan_ guages. Some sort of multi-lingual punk band.

d I remember a long time ago, you guys were '' reolly adaftanton notdoitrg CDs. Doyou still feel that way? Yeah.


What are your general bad feeling toward the CD? Set: [t's a scam by the music industry to get everybody to buy the same records again. Bobs: How many CDs have you got in Extreme Noise that are actually just re-releases of stuff that people have already got and then say 'Oh, I'll have this on CD'. Have you ever seen aCD that's rotted away? Have you seen how they deteriorate? I was speaking to a guy at a hi-fi shop back home- and they hate CDs, these hipeople- and they said if people could see these, a CD rhat was about eighqyears old- it wasjust conodinginside. They meke thesethings with a low life expectancy- ten ol fifteen years maybe. lfyou think of the type ofmusic that you listen to, I know that the stuff I li sten to is fifteen years old anyway. Ifl had it on CD,l maybe wouldn't be able to ptay il. People say, 'oh, you canjust go and buy them again.' But from experience, you can't just go out and buy seven inches or album from '82 in shops Really, its a thing that has a very short life expectancy. If you remember when they came out, people were saying that these things would last forever. You could bash them against the wall, you could shoot bullets at them, you could cove! them withjam and everything, and they'll always play. But it's not true. They're actually quile flimsy son of things. they're very expensive. they re not getting a long life expectaflcy because this is progress. All of these corporations expect that they are going to have a better medium in the nexl ten to fifteen years. Then they will release all ofthe same things again.

same things don't know ifits

again and again. In England,l the same in America. not necessarily punk stuff, butmusic acrcss theboard_ all thebest sellers, are being re-released as best of hits of stuff already released before. And all the major record labels push these CDs, like best of hit collections of

Queen and that sort of thing. So they don't actually have to get any new bands So notjust punk, but music generally is being killed off because these labels don't want to spend any money on new bards ol promote new bands, they

just say 'let's release a new Elvis collection. Bobs: l m sure you ve noliced. bul (here is a revival in old punk stuff from 1977 to '82 and there are all of these bands reforming that are absolutely irrelevant. Not even just lhe Sex Pistols, but bands like The Special Duties' Onq Way System, Anti-Pasti, all these bands. You know, we've moved on a long time since then, you've got to comment on new things And since they've reformed, all lheir stufT has been reissued for a new CD market- just repackaged. Set:CDs arejust adream come lrue fot the music industry. But also in alotofways it can be a drâ‚Źamcome true for the D.I.Y' punks. You can release on a CD for about the cost ofa seven inch recoral and have 72 minutes of music on it. Set: People say this, but nobody does it. It'sgreat in theory, but I don't sec many CDs around for

three dollars with 72 minutes on them

Another probtem is the recording costs. Bobs:

well that's it you


But that's always gonna be there' but to actu' atly make the CD its Possible. Bobs: Ii is not actually as cheap. I don't know about over here, but it's still actually alotcheaper to do vinyl in England than CDs Especiatly seven inch vinll. Wilh CDs. you ve got a minimum print run which is aclually quile higher. and ifyou lhink aboul ptaces llke Fiilaild. where a lot of the bands used to do one sided seven inches in print runs of 100. because that s all lhey could afford. lfyou lake lhat away and canonly do print runs ofa thousand on CD, unless you've got four times as much money as these bands had' you disappear- your irrelevant. The starting point to get your band heard, and get your band's telease out is a lot higher. Set: New bands don't have like 70 milutes worth

of stuff anyway. And who wants io hear 70 minutes of a brand new band anyway? It's too much ofit all at oncc. aspect is that there aren't the Bullshit Detector compilation ideas.

I think the disappointing

And rhofte/ An AddcelcVe drry

Recenfly there was that double LP Bullshit mented- the whole scene has become fragmented prob4bly lQ people in.OU town who can make ,i$*r.tle out of bils of old shit they've Detectoi Four which was $8. It had a pretty between certain countries where this technology you ,S*r.tlp where it hasn't. And also-, caught on and foundd.!.thei:craphe4p. has Be-cause the technology you why it would package, so could see nice cost so mucL. But the same thing coukl have between certair age $oups where it's tak6n off is very Jilrplel iisJtigtathingthat gtes around. there was was people like us who It' Ifthere It' lqthing to*lli with lasers. If cover price be- and where it hasn't. For those peoPle CD with a $3 covir been done on cD player and you are older and have a lot of old rEeolds.orl vilyll ]:.;something cause nobody got any royalties, they made it all they technolbuy a loadofnew load ofrew teihnol.,.. toolEiftp. tool it tO ar hi:fi shop (i get it mended, all we're supposed to then bu] io to he be rowatfv royalty freefree. ii]] wdtild gomPanylias forcg! it..' there was anything forc€d on qsius&9 wdiild di! dCi.iS'IalSarIiS'AQan- it sorl,rg gompdnyliai qljusL&,Fe .'. If thera vinyl a lor ogy that somp Ser: lr could have been done on vinvl !e lll cheaper. We werd involved with rhat...Ihoss:. "able to plryrhis stuff. Td]ie it,.,iilrst nii! wo*nii1:.iact$1ty l.$otg witlit, You'd havrc to send it out lo lhecorPoration. Now iflbe corporations in 20 coveis we incredibly exp€nsive- they nearly as been a cheap cover, it


cout{ hane beio quire




have t6 gdt"to their technologl.


thing, they



fi19$'$$!ryr!f,{ffi9 :l .1, "1$q", iiti*rlgt cheapeiriiril easie_r-to get.a{D ' always puta rubbej'li4i{i}lt ii cRAssithere'*no iilaver ili6ii a lurntatte.






; Bob;: That's the olheiihirii:. 'S* i:i,Ibi?& .Bois: Ttidtrs ighi and that is iipr!H*ii{ll&!f-&!&i{i".. . . .. :1 doubt about,it, wiiuld ,i!,e-irraia e*isiLa init is . -'laid . .. p.lobt€lt with movtnSon;1o;qgrlripti*S1:rrh! p.lobltm wrth the .lre rccqnQrig*Pro sald that and we started Imovii]gibn'$;q!:glii{{r::,fiie *itl CRASS, age. I!.id thind wirh Cuss, was that that-'' laid day and ase-. Ii? ttrini -espettreprobleinbq.Bui{6ffiS|d:'$rliallv with CD playerr, is'that',ffilrarket is .ord stora, thek their recorda reconii wouldjust accelerale the :niiiito a recordstori:, just get mo-!9,and get mo-rd.and more aand morq!r!.1iqffiffi1&-,,); flooded with&6m,thiQlhe whole beins.differeor eot because because of the'riay rhe way CD players- I thiola"6ey.ha*a. a.gument is becoming irrelevaDtli The reabour CDs aid cqtPq ythirg about them was, abql.!.'9.qi::d$ rhem wasl ragei. Everything s.lqqlitferrb,,"ii'f;nirJ .fDusic. c. Wh6! w nen you go




there riidS$iihanv old iunk CD like cars. the new moiilels are much m'ore easv to iix than

it's the same \iith

to look different. to put yourieif across in differenr son of



will give two fucks really about an ordinary player. Noone's gonna glve a



are-teiygars older because thereisso much of

$e diw lechnolog, around thst^il


oicreated twodjftireil,:8otis: vou..6it,E!/f!em riti;,bdtiihey're,vfq&ii yaats old,,i;.l$Xlirti!.ry'I9:finq$$dlntrart' scenes. If you ielease.D.t.y. sruffiril4B-0ratirj:ery..sliyr-{&'4,ry,.iPecole cheap- these mr.ry.. qgJ'll $y "NoonesSlin'ery miiili.anv of these,

irithM'rv. Th"y',".ort ,inyliicord

play"rs, rfrut .ome nei, te"r,noriogy irave


go tu]



wbich willbeeven beuer for mos peoplebecause new one." Well l don't want r]re new one. you can ptay ttrili$i]iji.,lt{alklnani and they won'i different ,yq.


And that's


I"-;:gg*,T ll

time, all thenew kids,or buy CD players. In some release stuff on CD. Poland where they've got afte{ CDs were made, so players. B ut in Spain there are n1 itjust splits the world up. There where people don't know some places where they doti't world CDs.

Set: Plus 6h


but I think here in America. I haven't really looked at them, I haven't got a CD player. But in England, they're like $25 for a CD irt shop. And it s notjust the D.[.Y. punks who are saying that this is something fishy. Actually the Labor Party, which is the equivalent of your Democmt Pany, have tried to pul on inve"tigations saying it's a sort of scam. If someone like Bill Clinton *I think CDs are a total scam", you'd think said "Fucking hell, ifsomeone as dumb as thatthinks that, you don't have to be very D.l.Y. to know."


thej are alot

(conversation goes into long discussions about the financial pros and cons regarding CDs...) Set: I think it is a bit ifielevant to say it can be done so cheaply if it isn't actually being done. You can press vinyl for very cheap. We did our album for f2.50, and we still are.

ACTI\,/€ )\-{ l}-l



Bobs: And noone else ever has. I remember



time, people were really pissed off when we released our album eight or nine years ago because it was so cheap. SORETHROAT cameup to us and said "We're gonna release an album for ,2.00, yours it !2.50 it's arip off." Likeit'ssome sort of war. Wejust said "Great, we'll have some, we'll buy some." They said "we've got a deal with Earache, were we've got Dig ofEarache to sign on the dotted line to say that our album will be no more than 12.00." But ofcourse it wasn't.

The proof of al1 this shit it that when it actually happened. People say "ACTIVE MINDS, you can release your stuffCD for like 49 pence." Why don't you release a CD for49 pence and leave us to do what we want to do. We're happy the way we are. If you can release a CD for $3.00, then release it for$3.00. Just don't tell us to release it

for $3.00. We'll do what we want to do- and we arc by selling our stuff through vinyl. I don't think we'd be selling anymore if we did it on CD. Has Loony Tunes Records stodped putting releases of other bands? Pretty much.

You just


\ ant to concentrate of your ovpl-

interviews that it was a load of shit and people shouldn't bother buying it, and we'd have a house full of these records. There comes a time when you say D.l.Y. means Do It Your Fucking Selfand not get us to do it. Set: If bands are doing records

on DIY tabels, you should really try to help them(the

out. It's the bands that are actually touring labels)

about, and doing the gigs, and wouldn't have anything to sell ifthey didn't release it themselves. Andthe guywho put it out is sitting at home with loads of records he can'l sell.

Bobs: People used to ask "What's your best selling stuff?" And we'd say our own stuff, obviously. causewe

stuff? Bobs: The only other stuff we' moment is "Screams Ftom bands li'nd.Jhey' ,edValS: Therd: I

oo )uu colles.

;hitiiiii'ia *a .ut ihat will be


We used we released a

started trading in a small



way. Then it iust got bigger

'with',a lot of the

i*indF$?eir$dtd-nnd we don't do th, songs anymgre'i .!. They,,ryould. iell aieijple


NTâ‚Ź R\,/I â‚Ź\^/

Set: You've got to have a starting point. The trouble with the D.LY. scene is that

stopped when we got too

We used to go all


over Europe with those things- they were really


cheap. Set: Noneof us could drive at the time either.


that already. lf you're likepunk sounds good, I've heard a few things on the radio, or seen Suburbia or something

Itjust got tobe abit

ofahassle when wehadto take 200 albums strapped to our necks. Set: lf bands can do it, I really adviseitbecause it's

like that, you haven't got access to mail-order because

you don't know the address.

really nice and you don't

And you don't know where the gigs are happ€ning because you haven't got the fanzines through the mailorder. So you need some sort of open access like a

have alot ofhassles. Once

you actually board the train, you can sitdown and sleep or get up for a walk. It's notlikebeing crammed

together in a van or in a small car.

shop where anyone can just walkin and actuallY connect to punk in some sort ofway,

Didn'titsuck when You'd

arriveil and you would

Ideally, we should aim to break away from shops, but to if you get to that

haYe to linal the place

all of your gear? Bobs: We used

to tell

people fo meet us all the time. We'd just say to come and pick us up at the train station. set: We never took a drum kit with us anyway. Bobsi lt was a lot of fun back ihen and it was

environmentally friendly- you couldn't beat it.


a shame we got


And now you are touring over here. What brought that on? Set;Welike togo to new places, and wejustkept

going back to EuroPe all the time. Bobs: For almost l0 Years Set: When we fitst started, we were like- [ know what we'll do, we'll go to Europe for the first vear. then on lhe second year we ll tour Amenca, and on the third year we ll tour Japan But what we actually did was tour Europe for the first ten vears and never got to go arywhere clse. bobs: We figured that when we had a labelo\er here help us putarecordout andpeopleknew us, we'd come over. The last ep was gonna be released in America ("Dis ls Getting Pathetic") on Unite And Fight Records. But about a week before it was supposed to be pressed, he pulled out and stopped the label. So itjust dawned on us that if we didn't do it, then we were never gonna

do itSer:



rhe same with lots

basically distributed

through the mail and at gigs. The only people that cao get into it are people who know

ofthings lfyou \rait

untilthe ideal time, theideal time never happens. You just have to Press on and do it. Bobi: No oneknows us herc, butit will probably always be that way until we get over.

Last night, you were talking about how the D.I.Y, scene wasolderpeople and there aren't

many younger people inYolved. What do you think can be done to bring in new people? Set: It needs a fresh injection or something. That's easy to say from someone who's older and hasn't got the flesh injection to do it Just like when you're young at school, at when you first gotinto all this stuff, you said "Wow, this stuffis

greatl" and you played it for your friends. But iowadavs I think that if someone doesn't like punk, that's up to them. I m not going to hassle

pointBobs: The scene will just be all by itself. There came a point a few years ago where because we wererelLasing records cheap, no distributorwould stock any. The distributor that we did have, which was Southem Studios, who originally did all the CRASS stuff, said- you don'tdo your stuff on CD, you do your stuff with price limits' Now CRASS are involved with Southem Studios and CRASS are now releasing CDs and took all the prices offtheir stuff. We said- yeah, but we don't iive a shitl They meaot alot to me at onetime'

iomeone to get into it. Because I haven t got lhat enthusiasm about it in a naive sort of way someone want s to listen to the music, that's fine by me. Bobs: It's very difficult b€cause young people now, because of CDs, technology and the way that society is going, in England record shops are almost fi nished. Not just selling vinyl, but selling music, like with shopping malls and such, because they've become entertainment complexes for young people. You go in andthere's CDs on sale and computer games Computer games have almost taken over as the new thing that kids are into. They're not really into communicating with each other very much. They wouldratherjust sit around and play withcomputers allofthe time. I don't knowhow it can be changed. The D.I.Y. scene is alotolder, and maybeit's becausewe are sticking with the technology that everyone in the


D.LY. icenq already has. It almost becomes a bit cliquey. Hereyou've gotExtrem€ NoiseRecordswhich is punk record shop, we don't really have those in England and I guess there isn't many here. But the D.LY. scene in England has got to the stage where it either./asn't distributed through shopsit all, or people decided that they didn't want it distributed in shops because they wanted it to remain really underground. We'veneverhad that opidon. We've always tried to put our stuff in shops if we can. And if people say "Why do vou deal withthese sortof shops. lt's bigbusiness and all." When I was at school, like 15 or 16, I heard CRASS and tley changed my life and you probably did too. The reason that I heard them was because I went into an ordinary record shop when I was a youngkid and there wasn'treally a D.LY. scene. You didn't know anything about these things, they werejust there and you bought it because it was that cheap.


but this is us now. They said- oh, we're not interested then. And it son of died down. Fora fe$ years. we didn t have our stu[fdistrihuled in shops. Now we ve got aplace that willtake some Weire not really happy about what we do. We don't have any illusions about the people we're dealing with. They'rejust business people. We know whatwe'redealing with,butwesell through them because we want new peopte lo get involved. The only otherway new kids can hear it is if they know someone. That doesn't always happen if your in a small town with no D l.Y. scene.

Did you get any angry responses to the 'Dis is Getting Pathetic' 7"? Any death threatsfrom Sweden? Bobs: We haven't actually. Set: We've heard that a few people were a bit upset about it. We've had a few people who said they didn't want to deal with us, or trade for it. Bobs: We are used to getting threats and angry resoonses. Back when we dld the album. a long time dgo now. we said allthis stuffaboutPeaceville Records and EaracheRecords, andyou wouldn't believe the attitudes we got from some People. All these people now will deny that they ever save a toss then because Peaceville have lumed into such a bunch of fucking iokers we saw this


comlng ages ago.






way you behind


the knew that is trying to

oftrying to it's


thing you cottld say it was actually the missals werebeinE people,


punks, a World years

iiver oD the ferry and it

people people were thatto this day

faces and Bobs:


've changed < seethemand itwasS

ls the


titles are thd.!



fear of song about it. One


all thdit



around. I don't wafltto them too much because one of the guys is still TOTALITAR and we toured with are nice guys. But I also have lhe


co;t us a lotofmoney to gethere u3. I think it's still worth it know xs a bit more.


yeah got aGw songs about it. some relevance, but you can't base your


DISCHANGE write songs, or write songs that they don't say themselves. There is a called 'Odd Dog End' That

based on an English slang term that they don't understand. So that would be crazy if someone askedthem abouttheirown song andtheywouldn't know what it is.

different places. We've


Bbbs: cafl because

or so times now. oi Europe each time. We a couple of weeks at a time I have


child. Sowecan't

or two months. getthenew LP and the single future plans reallymore gigs. oplnlons.

think that they were really bothered by it Bobs: I won't mention any names, but there is one band like this- very DISCHARGEish songs and every song was about- who broke up for three years while the guys went in the army. Thatjust shows me the level of sincelity that people have towards this thing. Ifsjust a bit dumb. In the lyrics we wrote to the song, it says: 'lt may have seemed like fun in the beginning, but now the






The search for a cure to AIDS has long exceeded the predicted years of research decided by scientists since its known outbreak. AIDS was thought to be a syndrome which could be countered in its virus stage by a vaccine, The AIDS vacclne was planned to be developed within two years ol research rollowing its discovery Yet, now, well ov€r a decade later, the vaccine which was supposed to emerge is nowhere near discovery and AIDS continues to spread around the world. The slow progress in the scientific battle against AIDS may be the result ofvarious problems within lhe community; many people believe that tho use of monkeys forAlDS research (the largest form of AIDS research) is not only inconclusive, but it is regressive as well. lt is nol just the use of monkeys. however, which many considered regressive. it is also the search lor a vaccine itself. lt is quesiionable, in fact, wheth€r or not the search lor a vaccine and the subiects ol study are uselulat all. AIDS is well known to be the result Of HIV (Human lmmunodeficiency Virus). But HIV comes in more than one form and has diflerent etfects on people and animals which it infects. The two diflerent forms in which HIV can attack humans are HIV-'I and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the deadly virus which can become fullblown AIDS and killpeople. HIV2 is a less serious form of the virus and usually causes ling€ring and sometimes sedous infections, but seldom causes doath. HIV-1 is the virus which is more deadly and therelore demands a prompt cure, however, it is also this form ol HIV

keys, even chimpanzees, are solid and safe models for finding cures to human illnesses. ll the results ol testing monkeys for SIV and HIV-2 are inconclusive. then perhaps research using pri-

mates that involves HIV-1 and vaccinations to AIDS ls also questionable. . HIV-I, the more dangerous lorm of HlV, continues to baffle vivisectionists in monkey research. Researchers have been tesling ihe HIV-1 virus in various monkeys looking for a vaccinE for years. Rhesusmacaques, crab-eating macaques,squirrel monkeys, stumplails and many others have been infected time and time again, with the intent oflorcing these monkeys to come downwithAlDS so that researchers could use their monkey mod-

ficiency Virus) mirrors in monkeys almost exactly HIV-2 in humans. The allects are also similar lingering sickness and inlections but seldom death.

Examined carefully, resemblance between SIV and HIV-2 are almost identical, they are close to 90% lhe same. However, the viruses are not interchangeable between humans and monkeys. People inlecled with SIV are literally not affected. Humans can carry SIV but there ar€ no damaging aflects to the immune system and cause no sickness, The same is true for the reverse situation, monkeys can carry the human HIV-2 virus but are not aflected by it. This is kue in rhesus macaque monkeys, as well as crab-eating monkeys, as well as squirrel monkeys as well as almost all monkeys tested in these experiments. Only pigtail macaques have really been affected

and, in fact, don'l even work to prevent various illnesses, but instead do ihe opposite o, which they are supposed to do; they may actually promote the diseass which they are supposed to prevsnt and. in fact they have caused other illnesses in humans which are a direct result of vaccinalions. It is has even been argued that AIDS itself was introduced to people through vaccines which carried some form of HIV But whether or not these

arguments are valid or accurate, the issue of a vaccine forAlDS is quite difforent, because AIDS works quite differently from other iilnesses which vaccinos are supposed lo prevent. A vaccination works, at least theoretcally, by introducing some form ol a virus into the immune system. The immune system is thon supposed to be able build an immunity tothe virus and be able to recognize it if it encounters it in the future. Most single viruses are essentiallythe same as one another. Polio or pertusses, lor example, should always appear basically the same when it infects the immune system. Amicroscope should always

be able to detect one ol these viruses, and an immune system should be able to recognize it, because these viruses don't change dramatically.

They basically copy themselves in infectious growth. Polio in the U.S. in a baby girl should appear roughly the same as it would it in a grown

man in China. Therefore if vaccines do whal

which cgntinues to make little or no progress lhrough animal research on monkeys. l\,ronkeys which are used for vivisection are atfected by a diflerent disease which is similar to HIV-2. Avirus known as SIV (Simian lmmunode-

be, in lact, that AIDS can never be vaccinaied against, regardless of the research. Vaccinations in general have been questioned by doctors, researchers, parents and activists. lt has been argued that vaccinations are nol acure,

however, have been less telling than even the resultsloundwith research involving HIV-2 and SIV After continuing to infect monkey after monkey,

researchers got no harmful response from their subiects. lnlecting monkeys with HIV-1, in fact, did nothing to the monkeys. They iust ignored it HIV-1 has not sickened, has not caused immune deliciencies, has notcaused any kind ofproblems with monkeys. Monkeys can carry HIV-1, butthey

by HIV-2 dying in some cases, but even they are

cannot geis AIDS and they are not affecied by it. Using chimpanzees has not been any more helplul. When HIV-1 is injected into the blood stream olchimpanzees the immune system actuallydoes reacl but itonly detects the virus without any need for alarm. The immune system in chimps is not in any way harmed. Nordochimps become sick or even slighty ill by HIV-1. lt was thought that maybe some chimpanzees needed moretime to be infected by HIV-1. Butlodaythere are chimpanzees which have been living forover 10 years with HIV-Ii they continue to be unafrected.

only aflected sometimes and have proven poor subjects Of study for HlV. Even chimpanzees, the closest primate to human beings, are not affected by HIV-2. Yet these monkeys can all be infected with SlV, The fact that HIV-2 and SIV are almost identi cal vlruses, yet aflect humans and monkeys diflerently, begs the question o, whetheror notmon-

The lact that Monkeys in AIDS research have proven lo be unaffected by the virus which causes AIDS in humans means that the use of monkeys for finding an AIDS vaccine is probably poor scientificpraclice. Buteven il monkeyswere atfected by HIV-I or HIV-2 it is still questionable whelher or not a vaccination is possible lor AIDS. ltmay

they're supposed to, the immune system should always recognize a virus which it has been inoculated against. With HIV-1, however, the virus is quite dilferent and vaccines, whether or not they work, cannot prsvent AIDS. AIDS vaccines are problematic for two main reasons. The first is that AIDS works directy to destroy the immune system which vaccines r6ly on to build a stronger immunity. Unliks most vi-

ruses, where immune systems may be able to build a resistance to their inlrusion, with HIV the issue is different. HIV-I works to undermine the immune system so that AIOS can destroy it. Human immunity cannot resist HIV-1. By iniecting some lorm of HIV-'I lnto the human blood stream, the immune system cannot build the resislance required for any form of vaccine to work, the immune systern can only be conquered by HIV-1. An AIDS inoculation would only further this conquest, by further attacking the immune system. The second reason whyAlDS cannot be countered by a vaccine is perhaps a more important reason. HIV-1 does not repeat identical patterns in people the way Polio and other illnesses do. HIV-'I is a constantly evolving and changing virus. lt never attacks or evolves in exactly the same way. An HIV-'I positive person cardes aviruswhich will appear ditferently as it grows, and which can-

not be recognized identically in any other HIV-I positive person. This is problomatic because the



immune syslem can only build a resistance to a virus ifitcan recognize the virus and build astronger immunity to it. lf a vaccination where given for AIDS today (assuming it were safe and possible)and lhe patient became infected with HIV'1

inconclusive and wastelul and the results which infected with Hlvshould be receiving better mediare desired are impossible through the current cal care instead o, watching their tax dollars go forms of study. toward research which does not help them. FUr-

tomorrow, the immune system could not detect the new virus because it is constantly evolving. Therefore, even if an inoculation were safely possibte, ther6 is no way that il could recognize the ever changing lace of HIV-1.

AIDS research on monkeys and other animals has been proven faulty. This is largely due to reality lhat most research on animals cannot etfectjvely extrapolated to human beings. We different life forms, and we react dillerently to ierent viruses and medicines, and the concept vivisection, especially in the case ol AIDS resedrch is regressive; mor€ and more people continue

Besearchers are wellaware olthese problems in creating a vaccine and in using monkeys that are not aflected by Hlv However, there seems to be no limit to the optimism of science today, The research confnues, usingthesame monkeys and trying to find the same cure lor AIDS. ln considering the costs ol this form of AIDS research many iax payers are gro.wing less patient and less optimistic. Not surprisingly, since it is working and tax paying people, both HIV positive and not, thai are footing lhe billolthis research, and not lhe researchers themselves, many people are becoming discontentwith the lack ol progress and the channeling of money ,or these proiects.

Over $10,000.000 ol U.S. tax paying money is granted toA|DS rosearch on prjmates forthe purpose ol finding a vaccine annually. The revenue just continues to flow. But working people in the U.S. may want theirtax dollars spent more wisely. There are fsw people who don'twant a cure for AIOS. However, there is yet to be a medically preventive and permanent cure lor cancer, or herpes, or leprosy, or any disease forthat matter. lntact, whilethere maybe some medicines which help to count€r the efiects ol illnesses, there has never been a perman€nt and medically preven-

tive cure found for any disease in 'history. Yes, cancer may be removed, yes cancer may be removed, yes anti-biotics may help f ght various sickness€s, but these aren't preventive or permanent

cures. These diseases still prevail and there are no solid, medical methods that can permanently abate or prevent them. So it is not surprising that a cure for AIDS has yet to be found. Th€ problem, how€ver, with AIDS is that the researchers

are barking up the wrong tree; their research is

the be are difol to

MilI FIGIIT BACI(T eflectlve AIDS treatments accessible to the millionsol people now belng denied them by govemment red tape, insurance company gre6d, and pharmaceutical protlteering ' guarante€.ths civil and human rights of all people living with HIV inreclion . provlde unlveisal, quallly health care lo all people; health car6 is a right, not a privllege . lund massive lncreases in research on all potential treatments tor AIDS and all oiher llts-lhreataning diseases . direct immediate dlsastar reliet to th€ areas hardGst hit by HIV throughout the wodd . end lhe racism, g€xism, classism, homophobla, ablaism, and discriminalion based on natlonal o gln and lmmlgrant staluswhlch has sabotaged the tlght agalnst AlDs . make

die otAlDS, yet the currenl path ol research does

nothing to stop its growth. The vaccine desired, as €xplained, is unfeasible. The money spent onAlDS research lorvivisection on monkeys and on vaccine research should be redirected into a more appropriate direction. The millions ol tax payer dollars spenton monkey vivisection and vaccine research should be redirected into more progressive forms ol research.

AIDS research must continue; we should never give up hope for a cure, but it is not acceptable to conlinue a form of reseaEh which is wastgful ol money, animals, sciencerand the victims of HIV who continue to wait for a cure. Those persons


AGo: i need roomates, or a space of floor to unrole a sleeping bag. i can ProbablY only afford about $250 a month for rent. also anYone that can get or give rne a j-

ob at.: basLard/ 221 / w Lupane/ Pnx, az 85029. i also do a zine Diary of a bastard send 3 stanps or $1 for a4 issue.

lhermore, a serious portion of the money used lor AIDS research should be ussd to broaden general education about prevention of HIV andAIDS. Prevention is always overlooked in the scientilic community, lnslead of spending money trying to teach people how they can avoid diseases, govs61n961s qp6 ,esearchers spend money trying to fiaure out wavs to counter diseases. Most ol the

current sicknesses today would greatly diminish or disappear il prevention was funded instead of vivisection. Prevention would greaty roduce cance( it would almost end colon cancer as well as strokes and heartdisease. Furthermore, prevenlion could almost halt the spread of HIV today;

this may be the only cure available, and is certainly more promising lhan regressive research on monkeys and a pointless s6arch tor a vaccine. Prevention, education, better care for AIDS patients and progressive research is something we


must demand. Jason Justice is an anti-vivisectionist and independent rcsearcher ol prevenlive altematives.

,v\EET lotir or PuilK ?Err ?AuS NoRro

bllDE, sEilD{3. AtlD anrl other Prmk junk CI{EAP

r;, Concor4


9451 8

6OAnvr rn(\\s Nec€S5(r/


ToTAL Ir{fO. hBouT Io? fo:btHtrrlxorox ?.o.

Box l3{{.

BEttiuruLE,mD lo?o5

Seein' Red are an in3piringly dedicated political hardcore band lrom the etherland3 who hlye novsi lailqd to 3urpriro the scene with a conttant llow ol ncw gnergy and new ideas. With a history that goe3 back mote than a decade, Seein led lih.lly made their trr3t US tour and which included a stop in ltlinneapoli3. Being a bit neryous in thQ company ol such a 'legendary' band I managod to Plece together the lollowing interview-. PE: Well, I guess we shguld iust start wilh lhe usual boring introd uctionb... Olav: l'm OIav, l'm 33 ysars old and play drums. Jos: My name is Jos, l'm 32 years, and I play bass. Paul: l'm Paul, l'm 35 years old, and I sing and play guiiar. PE: Thats funny that you mentioned your ages, since some people from Extreme Noise wanted me to ask, but I didn't think it would be appropriate! (laughter)

Lirrrl, Etc... PE: Your former band, Larm, has received some sort of legendary status, playing lhis relentlessly fast and brutal style during the mid-8o's. Did the popularity of Liirm help you when you moved onto Seein' Red, or did it hamper you with pre. conceived ideas about the style of music you should play? Jos: We were actually hampered by it because people were expecting one kind ol music, which is the main reason why we changed the name, because we didn't want to do that stuff at that point. When we were in England, and people came to sâ‚Źe us play, and people vi,ere saylng, "This is totally ditferent. We don't like it. You're shit," because we didn't sound like Larm. Wh6n Seein' Red started out, we were more melodic. ln the beginning, it would say 'exLarm' on all ol the flyers, but we haven't seen that in a long time, until we came over here and saw some flyers, but not in Europe anymore. Has it really helped us? No I don't hink so. PE: Was there any time in between Larm and Seein' Red, or did it go from being one and then the other? Paut: Maybe there was tu/o or three months in between. We just came to a point wherg we were pretty much tired of the whole siluation. Not o, the music, but at that moment the audience that came to our shows, during the crossover period, was metal and there was lots

of violence and shit like this. Jos: The main reason was also that everyone -Play fasterl Play was constantly shouting, laster!" Al the end ol Larm we siarted to be treated sometimes like we were some kind ol rock stars. Like people would almost carry you into the venue. PE: The music you played tonight was much taster than say lhe stuff on the early Seein' Red records... Paul: Yeah, yeah... lwould say something like a year ago, the politics in our lyrics became more angry again, lI you compared our lyrics to the earlier stulf when we started Seein' Red, they are much more angry now. I think ihat fast music or brutal music fits more to lhe angry way we feel, which is why we started to play faster again. There is some times when we can't control ihe angry feeling. There is a lriend ol ours who always says, 'You play much to last," but we don't notice ourselves. When we go up on stage, most of the songs are evâ‚Źn faster than the records, which I think is a question of adrenaline. PE: A dumb record question... The first Seein' Red record I saw was a splil 7" with Sanctions we distributed through A.Y.F. Was this the first release as Seein'Red? Paul: No, there is a 7'before lhat. PE: What was that called? Jos: Well, when we iust started oul, we wanted to make every record to just be Seein' Red withoul anything else, but people started gBtting mixed up atter the second 7'. Then after that there was a 12"... PE: The "Workspeil" 12'? Jos: No, there was another one belore that also called "Seein' Red" Paul: After the third record, the one with the brown cover, people started getling really confused, especially the metallers. Like, "ls that a new record or an old one?" After that we staded giving ihem names. So the fkst three records are all called 'Seein' Red", which is two 7"s and an LP. Jos: Atter that was the split ep, then the "lt takes Three to Fuck Shit Up' ep, "Woftspeil" 12", 'More ol the Same'ep, Trefwoord Punld ep, the split ep with Stack, and now the "Marinus" ep on Ebullition and bunchss of songs on compilations.

Anarchy, ilarxism & Punk Bock PE: On the 'll Takes Three...'ep, there is a statement which reads, "lf you are opposed to the current system and want to make change there's no point in being anything but a l\,larxist.' Would you say that rellects the philosophy of

the band?

very personal feelings about being communist in

that side ol things, not necessarily the orthodox

Pauli Yeah.... um... Jos: Yeah sure, you betl Olav: I think there are basically three kinds o, systems. Th€re is capitalism, fascism and socialism. lf we have to choose between the three ol them, I would have to say we are opposed to iapitalism and also against fascism, which makes me hink I am a socialist. PE: Would you, or have you, ever worked with any of the exisling socialist parties? Olav: For a short while, Paul and me belonged to Communist Party... Paul: lt was called the New Communist Party, but afler a few months we recognized there was nothing new about it. ltwasthe same old autocratic system and people. So I would say we are not in favor of a party at all. We would much rather get in touch with people who are really socialist. People are always attacking us about it, atways shouting, "Oh, you are not a socialist or a Marxist if you are not in thg Communist Party," but I don't lhere is any party we could fit into. There is just our ideas and nothing we could iust join at this poinl. We have

practice, not in

Communist Party.

importanl lor are totally


A lot of

Like all


Faction and

like th€



same for us

anarchists. ln separate the same communists because they anarchists communists think that all

to change things towards

ahead. You som6 sort of way out


overthrow a,e

PE: ls points Sometimes it is a has a mix ot say

Olav: Yes lorms





lorm'of retribution. I think both sides will come beg! like 70 9L8gJe3Is 39oJ Uin!_!he_ tendencies will come back like in the 30's where

_ _

people used €achother for scapegoats.... PE: When there was a real competition ol diflerent ideologies... Paul: Yeah, I think a good thing that came out ol the fall of the Stalinist countries is that people now can't use this argument... like when we started talking about our ideas on communism, there was always this, 'What about Russia?" or, 'What about fle DDR?' like some kind of a scapegoal. ltjust proves those countries weren't really socialist or communist or whatsver. Therg were iust using that as a name. PE: Has your communist ideals caused a lot of lriction within the punk scene? Paul: Not in Holland, because in Holland you don't have th6se sections fighting eacholher. ln 1988 there was band called Coll€ctive who, although th8ir ideas were really red communlst, they also had these really anarchisl songs as well. There was always cooperation. Even now when we play with a lot of bands, like Anarcrust, things go really well. Of course there are some ideological dirferences, but there is also so much common ground. I think we musl put some oflhese ideologlcal differences aside. I mean, like for myselr, l'm pretty much into getting organized into some kind ol organization, but not necessarily a party. I know a lot of anarchist are opposed to this because they don't want to be involved with any kind of party, because they are afraid that you will g€t some kind ot authority or hierarchy. I have thought a lot about it and I think you can do it in a real

\ rr *'

democ.atic way, like with the leadership

rotating. I think the shitty thing about it, well, like we have been into the anarchist movement for quite a long while also, and we have friends involved in ditterent ana.chist collectives, is that what you see if lhere isn't any kind of organization, people will leave. Olav: To put it really blunt, mankind needs some form of leader. You see it everywhere l, you let peoPle Oo, you create only chaos, which isn't really what we need. So theres the challenge to find a form of leadership, that all people can have an input in, that would create kind of like democracy io the max. PE: Like voting on people to make decisions? Paul: Well, not necessarily decisions, but people to make proposals, like, "We can do this or we can do that...." That's the way il works Olav: Jusi as I am opposed to these communist parties, I still did lind like when we were involved, that there were these people that were 50 yâ‚Źars old and still being active. Although they've always followed this Stalinist line, and l'm really opposed to that, I still think those people really wanted to change things, although they've thought along the wrong line, but are still committed. I had a lot of respect for those people in their age and at this time who still go to demonstrations and still fight. I think that is because there is some kind of organization to it. I think that the anarchist, well, a lot of my old iriends got disappointed and lett the scâ‚Źne and are not anarchists anymore. That really bothers me... and we stillexist. All of these anarchist bands in the 80's that started the same time as we did have all disappeared. Like in England, ten years ago, there was this really big movement that started after crass. Now everyone has disappeared and there is no cooperation. And there are all of these tractions; anarchist over here, anarcho-socialist over there and they all go together to lorm a blockade or whatever, but they don't make a tront. The movement is now really divided over

there. There was once a really big movement,


mean Crass sold over 100,000 records.. Jos: Yeah, but I don't think you could say there really was a big movement, because Crass was this big "peace punk" thing that was really hip at movement was really big. Sure, they had a lot ol followers across the country and around the globe lguess... PE: For a while, I guess You would have to say Crass inspired a lot more people to participate that normally would have, but I don't think you can find a band that can do that today... Paul: Yeah, the effects it had then were bigger than now. Like everywhere it is dying. The whole political thing is moving out ol punk rock. ln Europe there are not that many political bands left, or at least bands that have a really political statement.

llake Punk Political Again! PE: Do you think punk is inherently political? Paul: Like you say, "Make Punk a threat again." I think let's make punk politicalagain. I think a lot of decisions in lile are politicai. There are a lot of bands that say they are not political, but even a PUnk band that !s singing about girls and cars are in fact making political statements like, "We don't care about what goes on in society; ws'd rather sing about girls and

cars instead ol the problems of society .. r tnir< that s a poliilcal stalement. As werl, it you siqn lo a major labels. that is a political stalement you are saying you are iust a part of the silent majority. You can pretend not to have political ideas, but you are always making statements about society. Jos: Also, if you want to distingulsh yoursetf from society, thal can be political. Certain things that you don'l even lalk about, like the way you dress, the ideas you have, the things You do and don't do, and that way Punk is political as hell. I don't think the punk movement will ever really be able to change the world, but surely it can inlluence a lot ot other People. PE: Do you see this common Political message, once so blatant in the punk scene, is declining now more or is more hidden? Jos: I guess that to a certain point, the whole common political thing was, "Fuck this, fuck that!" and ihere was something that was common... I guess it's really hard to say... I can not judge fo. American, but in Holland, you see so many people come and go, like be active lor one or maybe two years. Now there are really not that many people involved, in like doing labels or putling out fanzines. there just really aren't lhat many around in Holland. Most of them, say the



lanzines, are r€ally only based

France is really to change th€ situation, to shops because they are so is taking drugs. absolutely bullshit because ruch biqger drug problem than Like, lets say if you close the has nothing to do wilh the on hard drug, which is totally people don't go to Holland to can get hard drugs or Spain or Portugal, you on the street, iust as in a sort of myth. Whatever is also available in eah, maybe you can get easily, like you are allowed lo

and a lot ol has changed are gone.

wo should bring Heagan ard Thatcher back to revitalize lhs punk

support. Those countries have the

scene-ed.l. The strange thing is now the unificalion o, Europe ls coming. Europe is tuming inlo some kind ol America. lthink a lot ot poople have Iallsn inio this political apathy in America and it is happenlng in Eu.ope, especially the youh who are getting very apathelic as well. Its this whole compelition thlng now. 'l want to get a job as last as possible to survive in society." All ol these things like good social security and good heallh care are coming down and peopl€ want to get off school and get a job as quick as possible. They don't want to think about things like changing society now thal there is this irompetition lor,obs, to gei a house... Plus, with the European unity, some lhings in Holland are jusl changing so tast- Lik6 the whole squatting laws. lt is so much more difficult to squat today than il was ten years ago. We used io play every show in squats and now all ihe squais are €vacualed. ln Amslerdam and other big cities, som€ squats are slill happening, bul it is so much more dilficult. Jos: lt is possible to squat a house, but it only lasts lor a week or so, unless ifs a really abandoned place where no one cares and ligy're gonna take it down in a few years anyway. Paul: lt's because of the new laws about squatting coming out ol Germany. lt's the same

PE: Do you think th€ social systems in Europe were created to keep people passive or is there a genuine socialist philosophy behind it? Paul: All of these things didn't just lall out of the sky, there was a lot ol struggle behind them. The unions in our country were quite big, in the 30's and after the second world war. The Communist Parly was the second biggest party after the war in Holland and during those periods a lot ol things were changed. The normal Social Democraylabor party started to back off when the communists started to make all ol these laws, good laws, like social security. The same things happened in the Scandinavian countries, where the left wing parties were really big after the war, when red and communist ideas were really popular, which is why I think they have gol such good systems. You can see it in every country, where altsr the second world war, where left wing parties [,ere really big and had a lot of

best social systems,

which I think has a lot to do with social


lcarry around 25 qrams of mariiuana wilhout lgetting arrested, but if you are caught with theroin or coke. you will stlll get arrested. rPaul: Yeah, and other things are changing... lJos: There is a lot of pressure on the Dutch lgovernmenl because eveMhing has to be equal. To a cerlain extenl we have a really i lgood system in Holland, ,,vhen you speak ol like lhealth care or social security and stuff like that. lhat's all coming down as well. Especially lBut rfor people who are unemployed or are over 65


if you are unable to work because ol an

laccident... they are vulnerable people and are igoing to be hurt as well. I

lWeltare or Warfarg? I I

struggles as well. But to a certain point you are right, because of the wellare system, that people become passive as well. They say, '\uhy should we fight?" Or like il you don't have a job you g€t money from the bank. PEr Perhaps people don't miss it lwelfare] until its qone. Jos: Still, it's really easy in Holland where you can barrow money lrom ihe bank really easily. So, you can still get all of those status symbols like a car or a televisioh or a house, or even a nicer house. You don't need any money, you can just go to th€ bank and get so much money pretty easily. So whai you see now is that poverty is on the rise again, but people are still buying their new car or television. Paul: lt must be said that the systems are all paid for by the money that people pay in taxes, because we also have a totally ditferent tax system than like here. lt's not the money ol the government, but the money of lhe people Who pay taxes into all kinds of runds. Jos: lt's about a third of the money that you earn goes to health care... PE: Yeah, about a third of your money here goes to paying taxes as well, but you hardly see any direct benefit as a result. Paul: lt is just what your government in doing with allolthe money. lmean your government has different priorities than ours... PE: Yeah,like world domination.

ot times they iust vote against everyhing, no matter what it is. They do really stupid stulf. On

make a


television all of the political parties have a broadcast every day and, for example, Holland lost a soccer game because one of lhe Black players missed a penalty, and lhis party started off their minute of political bullshit with that actual moment and said, "lf we !,r,ould have those immigration laws years ago, this have happened." They get people worked up, Even at my work, or wher€ver you go, talk how Holland has pulled in too many But that's just not true because the ol immigrants is declining. get a lot o, relugees and that is fle sad the whole situation. Holland has a for being really open, bul at the is really hard for those people to the counlry. getting harder and harder to get into . lt is also very ditlicult to explain to there are less jobs. lts very difficult have to explain all these diflerent It's a very easy answer to blame the though those people can't technically it's not even the relugees, the most people talk about are the ones actually asked to come over to or the other western European to do all of the dirty jobs becausa the already there would not do them. PE: People who have been there lor genera. tions? Jos: Sure, you have this whole new generation of people with colored skin who were born in Holland. Olav: There are two generations who were already born in Holland. Paul: But there are more problems, say in British communities, where th€re is a higher level of unemployment. ln all major cities, it is happening in Europe, where all of those people are put lnto let's say'ghettos.' That's where these problems started and it's the fault ol the governments themselves- They created those ghettos and a lot o, stulf is going on ihere, like there are hard drug problems. lt has nothing to do with th€se people or the color o, their skin. has to do with lhe you are unemand have nothing to do than to do crime or whatever. The system has created this unjusi, indecent

ar6 even

councils. lt

to Thats a separatlons. PE: This city is people have been able to Paul: I think people should get together more. PE: But it's something we had to work at lor a long time. Jos: Yeah and that's a really good thing.

?r6lwoord Punk PE: Why was the "Trefwoord Punl( ep entirely in Dutch without any all ot your other recoiilg hev€ English lyrics? Paul: At first, there was an idea was that we should make one Dutch song compilation, where all of the bands on it would sing in Dutch. That poect didn't come oft and was going to put


are some cities Like ihe city where two members on the council. tascists crowd are pretty obvious because maybe they bBlong to a party, or talk a lot of bullshit. So most psopls gel a clue and don't vote tor that party, but what has been happening.... well, the liberal party that is called the Liberal Democratic Party, to a certain extent accept the same ideas, but they can phrase it a lot better and use more people are lor thai party, that in my point of view even more dangerous than the blatant lascists



know they are iust stupid.

cause thq/,

6ii songp a;g {ioatly

pulling the stringE{and




tolallir{nbutchandwethoggh&ebgrg{we1;:"LqPE:l-Hv6theyhadanimpactonthelawsJlt.l ,_ ,+' -^ ,o h A -t J dr should makda tf&rslatiEn bdnbt.S0dtecided Holland? Olav: Because of these r;lgftit fhritdsltre we snoutdn't dohtecaise it seems people " immigration laws have$Fanggd.lPut ntpst timh\ always expected ot bands from Europe to provide translations. I spoke with a band aboutitand they didn'i provide

French transla-

in the counc{s j}does6{n&6Bit Jos: Yeah, ripif limelhey don't matter.


and you.dgnl havq.e iiPq 94d-1&ti a'rg living-ih Ja{ hoL&6 trAn yob i'rhftadn d climinal path as"frell. tt doesn t have anything to do with color, just the whole bad social really hard to explain this who are iust now


"i r\

JSBut {rfrari

these people wtp fqlo&{.thHlrgopF bphind the thod6* cq4.hqfui& {brfsbout about it be.ils'r* .-curtan i^ f} J. .::we wo*ed


v '

hard core Nazi movement in golng more and more underground because of a lot ot actions that have gone on. At the same tim3,

they have also really radicalized, so you get more attacks against Turkish restaurants. They'll go into a Turkish restaurant and beat up a whole mess oI people. PE: They are getting more bold? All: Yeah. Olav: There is this iheory that the CD (Central Democrats) have'distanc€d themselves frcm the CB, a more radicallascist party, on purpose, This the less radical can go to the CD and ',yay, the more radical can go to the CB. Paul: The strange thing is you s€e a lot oI people change all the lime. Some people are members of the CD, as \,vell as members of real neo Nazi groups. There is this whole network; I read a book aboui a network in Holland that has been detected connecting these groups with other Europe groups, the KKK, the World Aryan Nation,lhe Anti-Communist League, and stuff like that. Like the KKK has big divisions in Europe. lt's slowly growing and its getting more radical. PE: Would you say that 'our side' is loosing ground? Paul: Yes, but mostly because the left sid€ is the most divided like I said before. We have one group ol people who say, "Yeah, we should talk to them,'and a group of people who say "No, we should ignore them," and anther group that says we should beat the shit out ol them. There's no real thing that says "Ok, we have to work together to stop them.' Olavr lt is the problem, not just in the punk scene but in general, wilh all o, these people slagging eachother oll. That's why we also wrote this song "PC Not.' We were having this strange

within the left wing movement. There are so many groups pretending to do the same, but they are also tighting eachother. lf you look back at it, it is because of such small dilterences ifs really crazy. Also, the right wing has always

come back in ten faces, even

been even more blind to their leadership than the left wing. They do what they want to lhe left wing always says, "Lets discuss lirst...", have a meeting, or whalever.

The Kick in the A3. PE: Ever think you would get Jos: No. Paul: Kent Mcclard gave so lo say, to come over. about, "Should we do it?" many records here or They had an ad about

will new ideas

chance we would response we thought, Jos: To be pertectly s€e myself in when we started the Paul: lt vi,as always European bands got offers to tour, but didn't know il we werB so much Jos: They don't need Paul: Or they weren't band or weren t saying. Of course, just amazed at how every week in every maybe just one gig per

r+ r{

politically together on be fighting can't work with

whatever- That


ground; we only seem to Thinking about this, "!Ve " or "You're an asshole,' or one of the biggest problems



Van Bandwijcklaan I l5c 3814 AH Ameriloorl

PE: Any last words? Jos: That's always the hardest question! Afew shows ago I said something like,

ThG Nethelalrdg

lvhen we

Ioad,s of recordiDgs

54 song liYe

scene down lor OK, doing making a livin* lgtter than lYorking is the * is over the do-itthat's the bands,


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world, Turk.y hqd s tqrg. qnd q smqlt oivit wqr qt tir

crilis !cm. lim.: !o or !0.n. d.lcy.d to sdsplion b.qq[!. paopl. ooutd'nt rotlo* lhr t{orld's !c.n. qt tlo !qm. tim.. Th. Th. ,ir!t lurkrh oconomicql

H.C, punk

.ic..), Smsrh.d Sytl.m (Cr[!t/ Nois.), Nu.r.r

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HC bsnd wqs

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ll.orotir. Ih.y

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Ilrk.y i! q bqod v..y limit(r


to Prorqn.


bqndt. c.r!ty, drunk.r, pirs.c otr llc. Tt.y'r. iovolvtd in bqnd! lik. Niolt P..sontich Nur, C/0 Utku Erguo / Gu.cbo tlus.yinqgcmh / I.kk. sk. 7 /1 Aksa.r.y / 34470 / lnttqDbut /



I[ir i!

s ,oung

(I.M.Y. produotioos). Thay'yr

bqnd o, Totgq !onea

iot rom.

on comrilqtion! snd ptcy Eu.op.(n punk/tlo. Goy.rrlntni Coll(pr.d: lnc..Cibl. dust vox

with cruliy U.K.tlC lound.

Tlir ir th. !id.

proj.ot of Ogur (rrom N.c.osir). f,qshit: 0n. ol tI. old.rt punl bsndr. tlieh rockin fung ir

turki!h, Ssna cCdrart sa Nacrosir. IcmDon: Ali ei.l punk bcnd yho ptcy'77 i[ttuancad punk. Ii.r. bqndr {r. qll trom ln!trnbul.

TI... it slro bqnd! ,rom othar citi.r. I'loU I will thorlt, [cm. !om. n.l, bcod! h.r. in

IIa tirrl[! rcrrinat wafr R.go.g., Diseu!t,6oreor snd Anrtt.zi., t{attsta ia q ,.aa navrtaltar tlct oontcint raviawf, collrnnt, sdC.aarat. Thar'y.,!ot I istua out. c/o K.r.m 0nqr / lnstqobut Cqd. / 0murqp. No. ltl '13 / 34300 Y.ritkoy / lnrtqnbut / I[rk.y. Goa.rill. (nqm. clqng.d) [q! 6 ir!u.r out

yitl int.rvi.y! r{itl llod.rgrou[d bsrdr (l'm th..ditor of ili. zin.). At., lli.riri: ilon muric ,ull qnqrohilt mseszin.. Ihry'v. got 8 i!!u.s out, @politiks: ltr tik. q hu0. book. llt qnoth.. qnctchi!l rin. mqdr by Ankorq (oqrccity) Anqrohi!ts.Ii.y'y. got 4 isru.s out. Yatclli:lts ona o, my rqvorit. zinas. Con-

lcinr qit ltyl.r in tI. undrrl.o[nd cnd srpporl, lh. lrgslirt ms.iiucnq mov.m.nt in aqch irtua.

Unit, o, llcol Am.r.r, full o, cnq.chirt columlr qnd q ,.w f.yi.rvt qnC inta.yilyt ct itr b.rt. ln E0eli!h, o/o Ysyuz C.lit/ C.[n.t MqI. I.vtik Fit,.t sok./No. 9/A lnrtcnb{t/ Iu.k.y $Z prd. L(b.ta srd Di ror, Tltrl.ys onty tru. indi. lqb.t it Kodmlril. Thay'.4 th. o, Dirchord, Ali.rnq-

tiy. f.otqc[.r, 4AD, .to. in Jurk.y. Thay qlao hqva s rsdio !Io!r, ror two yaqra now, cqlt.d "Ak!inot!"; snd ti.y clto orgcnir. !ig!. fh.i. ,ir!t r.t.cs. witt b. Rqdioat tloisr / Alk lt l/hy rptit

csrr. .


nrdio{t Prodnotionr: ltr

snd K.r.m (tron



li t. tqb.l o, m. l/l lotr o,

drmof, compa,7"t qnd diltro Prorsna Exirr .nc. qnd Ha{.tcttqck in Iutk.y. T.l{.Y. Prodlotioor: Anoth.r ootiy. ditt.o/

lcb.l. Ih.y'v. h{d. c 23 bqnd lu,kirn compitctiol tspa qod rom. zirc compi(qtiotrs (You osn 0ontqct msny bqoda tlroueh tiit tqb.l). Ebt.k [G: Ar I wrotl cboy., itr s rin. alro. Th.y hcv. mcda !om. Tuakilh cohpilqtionr qnd

qlro T-tIirir

Bqrds hqva 0o chcnc. to pt(y in irdaprn. d.nt qlubs, \rr ptqy mortty in mrtct ctIbt, but roon Kodmutik yitl stsrl q ctuboallrd Kod'.a

,or llstdaot.s, About

iI. An(rchitts. Moat o, th. ansrchirE

qr. not inyoly.d in hC/Punk. lr. oq['t r.. cry ttro[g tadarctiont, onty s raw ptopta ground

lha ri0aa crd Kcot pubticstiont; qnd raopt. st

d.monrlrctioo! rrith blqck rtqgr. It you xqot lo lnou c lot of thing! about ou. tcan., Ur., alc.. it


onough to

I[cnks, Emr..

t{.ita to


movomont con ccoomptith

vory tillto

uithout onq.chism. Hsinriroom dnimsi

.ighlr g.oupt tiko


ott.n ur9.

poopt. lo "got potiliosl" qnd Yot. ror potilicions t{ho q.. r,itodiy to movomonl. Ihasa p0opta orc cxlrrmety nqiv! i, thoy lhink thot. bqsl(rdt will do anything lor lhe qnimqtl. Wc, ct ansrchists, must show tha mqintltoom Anorchirm and Animot Rights Th. siruggt.s lor onimot righls cnd


uniri.d. Whrn I slqrt totking sboul Y r g.ts ri anirm, lor cnqrohitm must

ycecnilm, qod onimot rights i0 go0rrqt, ,rorte t.nd lo g.l piss.d o qnd rov ihqt l'm lrying to tott thom what lo do. l'm not. I do think lhst yolt shoutd b. vegcn, but ldon't waol you lo m(ko s dccicion likc rhoi iust bocqus, lssid ro. lnqnl yoll to took qt Phst l'm soy' iog, took qt whst oth.r pcoplo hqgo ssid, ond took dt th. rqcls. l, yoll roslty con' sidrr qtt o, thos. things th.0 lthink you'tt mskr lho right d.cis,or. Whsl it bosi' cotty comer down to it this: l, yol co.. sboul somrthi0g oth.r thsn, you'tt stop supportine tht syslam o, oni' mst sloughlor. Emmq Goldman drrin.d qnarchism ss "th. rhilosophy ol s now socist ordrr unrostrictod by mcn-mcda lst{." Anor' chy


comptcte ,r3odom. Unro.tunototy

mort qnorohislt .ovision this rrsodom dr ort.nding onty lo humdns. Thic frce' dom musl .xtond lo oit beingt. Somo paopt. thqt il no ono t{os sbto to .ol mo(l in qn anqrchist society thoit ,roodom wolttd br r!slriol.d. Aro rcpc ard murdor pofl o, th. ulopiq lh.y imsg' ior? I s.riousty doubt it. Most snar' chisl! qgr.r ihol this r.oodom r{outd m.on lhai wo coutd do ot lv6 pl.stod cs tong os it did ool intorr.r. with trlo rrsodom o, qnothsr. Thie mcsnc thqt no ono ooutd bo hsrmcd by the sc' tions o, (nothsr. l, qnimots ooniinuo to be used lor rood snd oxporimonlqtion, vhara iE lhti. comptrto ,roadom? Whdt ig qnorohy tor thom? l, w. s.r goine io lres thc opprecsed wo murt lrco att ol tio opp.osrod, r.goJdtorr o, th.i. spo' oios.

Whot is ansrohism without onimqt right!? An snsrohist sooirty t{horo paopto oqt is nol qnorohy. lfs

iust qnother ,dscist diotsto.ship,


dialstorship o, thr homo sEpion. At th.

rqm6 limo, whst is lho qnimst.ights mov.m.nt wilhout anorohism? thir

dnimql rights mogamonl thcl humsn! qnd onimstt cqnnot poccibly tive in harmony

whit. wo q,. tiving undor oppr.rtiv. copitatist snd siqta oommltnirt tooist


The anorchisl qnd qnimol

movemente must roin togrthar in

righlr on. uniti.d struggi.. Eoch movamsnl is withoul th. oihor. Onty wh.n we riehl ,or onimqt libcrqtion in qddi' tion to our own lresdom crc w. lautv ,ightinr ro. cnqrchism. Thrro uqt s tim. t{hcn ooti'rosoist slrtlgglcs whero naplaotcd bv tho mcjority o, snsrohists iust tik. th. struggto ,or qrlimst rights ir 0ow nsgtoct.d. But now msny o, us invotv.d in lha movomont q.o drdicolcd to fighting

sgoinst rqcitm, rcxitm, cnd homophobiq. Uhy hqve lhrighls o,

snimstr b6on sol qsido, to bo ,ought ror onty by d rmqtt potlion o, tho on(rohist lr th. lir. o, qo qoimot snv importqnt thso lh(t o, q humon? ls ono tiro not ds vqtusbt. ss anoth.r? Ur. must toqrn lo vqtu. aoimol tire iusl os wo vqtus humsn tire. Aacording lo PETA 8,000,000,000 snimqtc qro killod ov' ory y.qr in tho moci indtlEt.y atona. Thc tlotooaust pstâ‚Ź6 in oompq.itoo. ls this any o, o lrdgody iusl b0oauso th. victimr cre not human? A tot o, p.opto

iioir voiccs ogqintl opparsrion bul oonlinu. to oql mrct qnd rord lh. cnimst stoughl.ring mochinc. 8,000,000,000 violrrt mIrdor8 oeoty ycsr. la this ps.l o, your ulopiq? Uhqt You Cqn Do Go vogqn. ll nothing .ts., rtop ooting maqt. Som. o, you young.r punks thot tiva uith yolt oortots moy hsva q hcrd timo going vogqn i, thay ar.n't oomptiqni, but snyonr con oqrily bo s yrgots.icn. ora d rcw situqlions that msko q vlgon di.l vory dirrioutl. l, you livo in ruch s sitlqtioo 6t t.rst brcomo voeolErian. Don't bc sqtilri8d vith this howov.r. YoI shoutd rtuqys ttrivo ror q tirortytc thqt in no rqy con' tribut.s to lho tortua. qnd d.sti o, qni' mslr. You osn qtt.nd qnimot rights d.m' oortrdliont snd pfot.ft sgqinsl tho i0' roiEa

i[stioer inrlict.d upon snimqlc. Thit is olso 6 good o0poriunily to givo sno.chisl litorsture lo othor snimst righls sclivistr. unit! th. two movomontsl For morc inlormation sbout Enimst righls, vegonirm, otc., conlcol: *PEIA / P0 Box {25t0 / Washington, DC / 20015 I ?h#(301)770-7444 ln Dslcntc o, Animqtt / 8i6 W. fonoitco Btvd. / Sqn Rqro.t, CA I 54901 I Ph#(rrr5X53'996{ Ihc V.grlsriqn Reeouroc Group / P0 Box l{63, lN / Battimoro, HD / zlzt3 I ?h# (rrl0)366-VEGc Atthou!h ldisqgrro wilh ths uay thos. eroupE sf.r orgcniz6d, thov aro lhr rouro.t of inrormclion qvsilqbto. veecn ooo bo rrustr(lin0 sl limes. Uhen you ,ind out thot your ,s' vorite beer hss g.tqlin i0 it or lhst tha loolhpqri. you uss is lestcd on snimqts, it's eoing to pirs you orr, but you oao ,ind qltsrnstivo6. lt tqkss q strong uitt snd tlrong conviclion lo ohsngo your

lirrstyto, but ony strugglo lqkos slronsih. I hop. wo will qtt ,ind ou. str.ngth ood ioin togolhor st th. bqrri' cqdos o, rovolution. lt witt br o rovotution not onty ror our ot n lib.rqlion, but lor animat tiborotioo (s

I wss lust about haltway th.ough tood' ing Jonny tho Soint's neu wsehing ms' ohino with my blcck rogs, grey sliokine lonnis Eoaks qnd soilod undcrpsnts nhen, lrom iusl dot o lho rrqtluqy, thero oomo this toud ond motl iorictont rsppine o, tha rront door covot. You know. Ihql's strsng., I ihoughl lo

mysetf, how did thoy

g.t in?


through tho roo, mrybo? Ue tived on th.2oth ttoor ol s lorer blook snd wo hsd this inloroom 6.t-up in th. royor, snd so such lhoughts u.r. ctuqyt ex' citing, or st toost thqy werc initistly. I ,iniEhrd sturring tho hoto o, tho thing rith my roncid bits snd then lstood up snd vont to Entwe. tho door. I rqs grootcd by tho most sur..ot vi' sion (onolos.d tike o mqd puinting by


ths door-trsm. ss it wqs) lhot I hsd borna my lsuct muts witnosr lo ror soma

timr. Frsnkonstoi['s monstor, ott oighl ,o.t o, him, slood right in rronl o,

mo vqving s pockot or "scummo" vsrhing roudor rrooliostty and tr.rlotiostty

sbout his squsr. otd hssd. tle wsr u.qring s dusty, dsrk-btu. boiter ruit qnd lhlsr big otd hobnait boots snd his skin wos o tiltto potr, il was os thourh h, hsd tollrn.6nomio or somolhing. Bohind him I coutd iurt mcko out in lho smoky gloom o liim orer, tighting m€n, round rneino.rr ond this grinoiog idiot with o Nikoo csmoordrr botonc!d proosriousty upon his lort-hq0d shouldu. llnow thot it was Frdnk.nstoin'e monrto. (or mor. oo.r.ctty,'lhr[.r") qnd Not tlormsn Hunstr. b.csusr I rrmcmbcrsd,rom lh. roputsr btsok ond hrhits t950's TV show thqt Hcrman hcd c vcry rccsoncbia oommqnd o, tha Engtirh (or qt toqst, cotonisl-imprristist North-Americon) taneuogo, t{ Frsnkir-boy hors could m.r.ty grunt and mqk. oth.r gllltu.qt throoly-typ. noiros, atthough mqny ol thcm wcrc yrry drqyn-out ond .tongslod; but hr t{ss with hit orel{ io thir, Yho coutd m.roly oigete brhind t.!th qt our ltrcngr ritudtioo; snd morl o, lh.m did thir with appqr.ntly muoh vooot rsne. thso ho hsd. .U




UG! UG! UG! thr orcqtur.


lotd mo.

"!€oll", sEid this midg.t lust b.sid. his right stbohr who wor rllprorr ing th. microphoDe boom. I ,rouncd o tiflto but stitl I ssid nothing. lt wss, ind..d, u rlrsnge siluqtioo. I ,.lt ss though lrhould cotirct my thoughl! log.thrr boror. opening my big mouth. Uhst did thoy usnt lrom me, qnyvcy? It vqs iurt ort.r rivr o'clock on q Ssr ufday orlrrnoon io tot. Jqnuary, qnd Jrom bsok in th. tiving room lhcsrd Dcnny Bokor oomo onio ths rqdio qnd I vonderod lor s britt momonl whlthor or oot this miiht stl b. q drosm. Thon suddon(y lho trlephono in th! noxt.oom r6ng ond distrdol.d us qtt, os r{oll s5 giving mt q lilllo morr limo to think

thincs out.

"Excuto mr boyr"

I rsid,


mysot, snd slspping inlo tho guost b.droom who.s lhe oxt.nsion t.l0phono hsd

lsst born tcrt. ]hon lpickod lrp th. rtsshing recoiv;r.

"tlutto?", I told tho rcooiy.r. I wst it uss 9oin9 to b. Dsnny Bak6r on llo othor end, ploying so Aprit Fool on me in Jsnusry qnd proving to mo that lrras noilhor drosming nor mqd hopine thqt

oilhor; perhops I rqs lo b. lh. yory ,i,st 9u0st on th. pilot ro. his n.xt stupid TV progrqm, "Hiddtocrx M(" or rrom lh€ rsdio thqt hqd bcon tort on in th. tounge though, s,ld lthought, wott, msybo it's o studio r.cording o? c ?opoot oh? But reqlty I kn.u thqt it wqsn't. 5o lwcs oilhet droaming or ineqne, I hsd linatty loinod tho rert ol thc humcn fo 00.

'Hutto?", lr6id ogqin into tho totophono roooiyer which hqd by now, ol cours., d.sisFd in it's ,toshioe. I stro consid0..d to riryrrlr lhsl I r.qtly oughl

to hoyo qskod's moost.r

r.. romo lD. 5om.lim6r s couplc ot bottr through th.0.ok aod cy.s bloodshorGREEN iIst qron't cnough. "Hey Fronk, whst's hqpp.ning?" It wor my rrirod lh. midg.t on th. tio.. tlo wqr no r.tqtion lo th. mso with ih. microphono,'though. Ihis wor stt iust pur. w.i.d " K.v", ltotd him, "you mightn't b.ti.vs this but l'y. got Frcnhrnstrio'r monrt.r ot th. ,roni door. I think hr'r i.ying to rolt mo y(shing poydcr; you knou, iiks in thosr sdy.rtr o0 TV thqt Danny Baker usod to do?" "0h,.ight. ls Etyir stitt th.r.?" "No,'r just,th. monsl.r ond this rsths. lscitllro fitm crcw". "Oh urtt", Kevio thr midgot soid to me. "Any ation obduction, TROMA or Rucr Meyer stuff vith th.m thon?"

"0K", l srrurrd him. "Sec yoll


on moybc".


I pul tho trt.piooo

down qnd

voy bcck to th. rroot dooa o, tho ,tst, hoping that noithrr's monrl.r nor th. oth.r midg.t rrith tho miorop}one boom, nor' tho erinning idiot rrith th3 oqmoordrr perched on tho top o, his trrt shouldcr h(d stoton my bioyoto. Actuo y, tha orooturo h|s! probsbty q ti[t. bit bie ,or il, svsn vith tho s(ddtr pui right u9. Ar it wor. But it Hss rtitt my biks and mcdo my

I tovod tho dsmo.d thing. lt gqeo mc s portpocliva s0d it I€pt mo rsnr.



"tlohl about low-budgot Kune-tr movics?"

"Just't monstir, Kov" I sqid. "llsyo you stitt got my copy o, 'Kitting For Cutturo'?" "Yosh, stitt go my'Irsinspottio0'?" "Mmmm. yeqh, I sbout rivo pqgor o, it o coupto o, monlhs qgo but thon I 9ol into this book o, short stori0s by Jilly Cooper inslo0d. l'tt linirh it one dsy:'Trqinspotling', I m.qn. Thst is" I hsd qtrrqdy rinishsd th. Jitty coop.r ons. lt isd bo.n odltad "Oaptooti.d in Gtoucoslr.shir."r s mqrl.rpi.oo. A rost otossic. "Fqooy oomine to Pumpkins ror TEA?", Kcvin ccked me. "Wott, l'd tiko to", ltold iim, "but I rootty ought lo stick s,ound horo 6nd rorl out my eqnity liret, foqlly." I wcs th. mqslor o, r.pstition. "l rso" Koy raid. "hrtlt, givo me o o(lt i, you loocy coming qtong to the oom.dy tator, 0K?"

Ihr pqtm ol hcr hond conn.olr rotidiy lh! ch..k o, tho ,our, ycor otd. Hii t6ors rcqtlar rrom lh, impsci and his creoming is intcrrupt.d for c moment lrom tie phyticql contcct. Noi muoh to b. abt. to slop his tcqrs ond hir criec. Artor lha bcoling, hr wandofr ovor to my opcrlm.ol snd lhotd him lor s long timo whit. h! b!gs to b. otto[ed to tiy. vith mr. ltry to him hic Hamo toves him. Hc doccn't brtioyr mr. And my ptEn o, sction?, I'm on

goine to lqko q photog.cph o, tho Moth.t

it up r.qtty big snd mqko ( rilk-acreen ol it snd thon priot soma uoy coot T-shirls cnd ti.m. l,loybe Evcn hcvo q quot. lrom her on th. bsck. Shr possod out drunk at lh. pq.ty. '[ho rqrly wos ci hsr holso qnd 60 sho stumbt.d into hrr brdroom, toll inlo a crumpt.d hrqp on ier bod, snd wss out cold. Whrn rhc ayoke, ier ox-boylriend w6s roping hsr. Sh. ooutdnt stop him snd rliprcd bqok inlo unoo nsciou rnor r. Arto, s coupto o, w.okr,6ho r{ont puband btot{

tic with yhal sh. hEd tivrd ihrough. I knew thst man who hod don.lhis lo h.r. I wos sick.0.d lhot h. hsd dono this. Comptetcty dilgurted. I took q photo th(t l'd hsd ol him and msd. q sitktcr.€n ond prinlod ofi rom. more fthirtr. I mqd. quit. lhc prs;1 011 o1



Prolit oll o, olho. p.opto's pqio.

Money goincd rrom

ihr dorlruotioo ond d€vsrtstion of onolhor humsn bsing'c

A porpotlqtion o, tha ?|I9., mt.' dor, violont drolh olllllr.. brhqttht ruak am I tslhing sbolt? Lol mo erptoin it in two words: soriqt kilto.s. Ih. lrro situ'


(iions ldoscribrd obov. srcn't rostity, ,but th. roatity is thqt our socioly hos qn obs6rrion uiih soriot thqt I ilst doo't ruoking undorstond. So q msn r{ss siok onoueh lo bo qbto lo rspo, mutitqt., ord ullimatcly kilt q bunch ol vomen. Am limpressod? Do lthink thst's coot? Do I wsnt to .un oround wos.iog T-ihirts thst p.oudty diEptqy thr roc. ol comc ol lh. morr "rqmo s" topisls qnd murd.r.r6? Fuck no. Do I nssd to road bookr obolt tha psych! o, rorisl killors? llott [0. Whqt it comcr dowo to ir s gloaitio[iion o, rspo. Turning multipto murd.rr into q elqmorous sct. Msking lhr vdriour qols o, mutitqtion into tomo ,..vorso antsttqiomont rof lho msssat. And wo .qt il up. Hovior tikc 'Sevcn' or'sitenc€ 0t the Lombc'mqkc bittiong o, dottors. Booke on ccriot mskr mittions. Cotl.cior't cqrdt on reriql kitt0.s sott quito And I'shirts o, sorist kittors bring in quito c prorit too. Aod I iust don't ruckine est it. Whrn did th. dosth o, innooo0l Drooto qt lho hsods ol romo cick luck bccomo co imprst' rivr to us? Hoybc vhen wo mitptoo.d our humsnity. 5omowh6r. slong tho tin€ wo losl our compqttion qnd otlr obilily to be horrilicd., ruck thqt. l'm not going to numb oul ro ,uokiDg much lhsl I csn't b. siokon.d by to muoh poin. l'm not 9oin9 to gtoriry ceriol kittcra. thore is nothing coot oboul uhst lh.y did. Thorc is nolhinc punk oboul soriat kittsrs.


Hell, How Could We Write Any More Shit Than This? From lho bcginnine, sin0. l'm into th. DIY punh ra.n., lh.r. ir onr thiog vhici

is vory importqnt ro. m.',risndship. lisvo rcro it ve.y orl.n, in Antiroloist groues, in lhol v..y stioight potitioct r0s0s, thol r.i.ndrhip isnl thst importont. You don'l wo.k to0othrr lriii rrionds, you

rrork togelh€r rith roopl., hsving trr! Eqm., or q quil! simit(r, potiticqt opinion thsn you hov.. lhovs bsan in vqriour Antirs orgsnirstions ,or s row yacrs, cnd ,or me il saamad lo bc clusyE mor€ import(nt, iho potiticsl, thon th. p.rsonot cspoot o, thc m..lingr. lthink il's vory

importcnt to do politi0qt qctionr, I knou it'E impossibts thst you 90 t0 d demonrirotion uho.r src 500 or 1000 poopt., thoy con't atl be your,rionda, but I moun

ors, Euicido or dis0q8s. The temmingtiks drive o, ccr outttlro is bringing our eoologicst 6uioido otoso. roster snd ,qstor. A took ql our oitiss, our trqos' lhe lmatler t.ouoE. A smqll circt. o, port 6ystomE, oua psatonst gttoEEm0nl ,riandr is, v.ry .srontiqt, lhs ,oorto, hov o, woalth snd 8uccorr rhovr how totqt thry react rrh.n th3 copa src ooming whon is tho dominotion o, u6atth qnd tuccttt yqu squct s houtc, or whon you iqva o, osr culture, And why? lt ho.! does t.oubtcr during s domonrttotion, or Eimith0 n0od ro. mschinos oriso? Pri' lqr things- Yo[ knov what to do. in lh0 ,or prorit. G.ocd, liov€ lomo roslty good rri€nds, vo mority ot ovar sl thr oxponso o, (nimglt, acotmoct ssoh oth.f v.ry orton, most o, u! gnd ovon humsns ourtetYot, uo ogy sr. lrorking, o, studying, th. moEl o, us hcve boen g ,orsusded thot tho [utomodo bcnd or uork st VEB Sacro Rocord stor., doing o tqb.[ or do sny DIY thiogs. bito is sn osssntiql symbol ol mqohitmo, I/c mcrt cqoh oth€r to do eotilicoI lhings, rgx-sppeql, pou.r, ooot, hippy'chic, but uhqt th. importsnt thing ir, rro tstk s punk-aook whqtovEj c, tong os yolt hcve one. Aod onco you do you'rr drivtot sboui p..sonqI thingr, pcrronal uith jobt, girthisnd / boyhiend, psr' iIlg o doqth machinr untiko any othcr, .nlE vhct.vor. I lnink this is c very im- ono lhoi's qcceptgbtc to ovaryons. po.lqnl, sod this is cuil. rsro in Anlirq Wett no moro, my mst! tost his brothor groupt. snd liost my eroatost rri.nd to cqr cut' ln th. so cslt.d Dll scon€ you mo.l thqt turo. Evcry drivo you mokr is a th.rsi much paopla, €Yoryt{firru you go. You io humqn tiro, sn ottsok on our ptqools' knou proptr horr qnd the.o and it ir st( liro, ov€ay unnocotSq.y cruicr ir qn much mora paaronqt. Thir ssems vory insutl to our tost lov.d ono. Go by pub' impoftqni lor mo snd lhopc ii wont tic trsnrport, wotk, or boltsr rtitt, uro q ohsng.... bicycte, bike punx rule! Jor Exist.flo. / lenozgq$, 40 / 1lZ0 \/i0nnq / P.S. London (UK) cyotist6 uitt bo hotdAurtris /c'mait' i, ing s sp.ciol Romcmbrsnce Critiost Mcs. rido on lho lTth o, Nousmbsr which rT[]r AirvE is lnternstionot Rood Victim Dqy. std.t' Z\----.{ ing st llqm ,rom tho soulhbsnk wo'r. going to visil oll tho plsc0s whoro our I}lE TilEI{Y cycting comrodos hqv. boan kittcd ond poy ola resprct8. l/o don't wqnl to UIIHI}{ bocomo rutr.s trqrric csrusttirs ond u. uon'l lol our lriendr bccomo maas aoqd o Sqturdqy wot vcird ons Lost lor ooaident stqtistics. me. Ihero I uos surroundsd by wott drossod, middts ctqss snd moctty middlo-sg.d pooplo slonding in d pqrk sod my balt mqie crying in my orml! Troubto uss I coutd hqrdty slo, mysst, ,rom brrqking doun too. Why? lt wqs iho l00th cnnivsrtqry ol Bridect Drisooll gotting kilt.d qnd u. ws.o qtl



tharo to commomoroto

tio dsy. 50


lho ruck Por Mrs Driscott, you PsDns know? h/.lt thofs just ths point, untiko Rudotph Di.sol, Kqrt Bonz, or Hon.y Ford rhs'e not (in)rqmous but sho oughi

0.. tlistory, uritton by msn lor capi' totists' brnorit chooror lo ignore porto

hops lho mosi importqnt porSon in "dsvotormont" o, our cor oultura. Sho rrss tho ,irsl p..son to ba kittod by q motor vohict!. Sinco thon on oElimatod 25 mittion othors hove diid beocute ol cqrt,

cormaetcdon indo.d! Cars kitt moro psopte thsn murdor-


sviog rooontty inl.r.viow.d

sst snd Brobs, mombere of tho band Ao-

tiyc Mindr snd cr.stor6 o, Loony Tun.s aocordt, thair long outspokon criticitm o, the compsct Di6c rormot hoE spsrkod tomo dobstr on tha issua oaound Pro' ,sno Exi6tenc€. Ar things go io tho murky inn€r-workin0s o, tho P.orsno Ex'

istonc€ High nuting Councit (thofE s ioko), d.botos on isruss with suoh brosd

impticqtionr l.nd to eo on ,or yos.6 t{iih no 0ooollltiva docisions aver msda. I think hovaver, somo pointt brought up by 5.1 (nd Brobr, both in tho intrrvisw and off th. ruoord, hqvc torioucty chst' trngrd lho grsvsiting altitudo qround PE lo iehoro this slicky rubloot o, oompqct diso! or qi l.qst ond my to09 citcnoe on

trr. irsu.. Ono o, lh. bigeest qnd most yqtid critioisms o, th8 compqcl disc it tho high.r prio! st uhich thcy hove bren sotd, which is o trond uhich conti,lurs to this dqy. Thcro src oth.r suoh ss uhich lormot hsr th. sup0.ior sound quotity, tonglh o, running tims, tiro

.xeooioncy, paokoging, ota, uhioh stl hsyo q ractor in thr orgumont ror or sgqinst th. cD. But tho ..ot ohstlong0 lo th. DIY punk rcrn. is tho cur.rnt si[.nt co-op.rqlion t{iln lh. music industry's sisndqrds o, msrkoting o, tho cD.

Comgqct discs qae suppotod to

hov. th. sound quotity, t{ithout th. surroo. noicc, over vinyt. Th.y cr. rlrpporodty sur.rior in thql you hovc up lo 77 min[trs of polontisl run' ning tima qt opposod lo {0 minul.s oplimum ptqying lim. ,or a 33 RPM tP. Tha oompsct






inrinit! n.c qrroy of pqckugin, posribiiiti.s, dispt0ring uith ioor.dibti cxprneivr qnd printing involv.d in an ov.rsiz.d qtb[m oov.r. It is qtso q known lcot thai oompsct diror sro much CHEAPER to mokt thon qtbumr. But qtmorl Yithout oxcoption (Br.r Ciiy Rrcordr btin9 onr th! rrw list comos lo mind) ovrry compqct ditc produc.d within lh. pltnk Ecrn. oo8ts much mor. thsn ti. ginyt oouotorpq.t, wh.n it.vrn r,(ist! qt stt, hqrdty rv.r tqking qdvqnl6g. o, th. ,utt running timo pol.ntist, snd sro olmosl stYsys psckqgtd in ih. Yostorut "iow.t" box.s (whioh lso.m to in th. ,ivr rcoonds ol hsndtiog oo.). wilh sll o, thr grool potcntist or lhr oompqct diro qs q ursblo ,ohst ,0. thc DIY scono,lhen why qre wr rvcrtine il by coolorming to the standsrds? Admiilodty, Prorqnr Existonoe is ss guilty (s snyono ottr. Yocrs sgo ou. ignorcnoo oould hqvr bern cn excute o, goine slong with thr scom. Arlo. .s' traring lyo CD's o, our own (snd more o0 th. wqy) it is ptoin lo rot hou ocsity wo blcome c pqrl ol lhe soom. theprios ol lhr Mirery GD wsc higher thqn the ood an

vinyt counts.rort, stthouth lhoy cost (boul cs much to msnurqclur.. Tho CD .sdmittodty hqr mor. music thsn the vi. nyt, but il hsrdty cost us mor. lo inotud. thoso .xtrs tong8. Wiihout rostty thioking ro iuri s.t th. prioo ot uhqt rooplo their CD'r to ur ro.. Not rostty thinking obout whct r. ara doing it no orour. ql qll, but tirrr. is a hirtory brhind our complscenl cttitud.. Yhcn CD'r wrrc lirrt introduc.d cs th. n.w "iodurtry stqndord" sboul l0 yeorr qgo, lh. mqiorily o, th. p[nk t0o0. vicp.d thc chongo uilh iustitiobt. lurpioion. A n.w, suppos.dty sup..ior rormot moqnt huer nov prorits ,or th. corpo.qlions, Hith p!opt. nol onty hsving to r.-bry thoir.ntirc musio coltoctionr, btrl ctso msko s roriollr in n.u .guipmont. Adding insutt to iniu.y, tho pric.s o, lh. n.Y ,ormat ucra otlo cr much qe twica ss t{hct mort nrr r.cords h(d boan. Atmosl ovcr night tho vinyt ro.mot

pr.tly muoh f.cord

boc0mc cxtinot ond mosl ,ormcr

storrs suitohcd ov.r to tho ncw ond improvsd music ,ormcl. So sbrupt t{ss th. chsng. thqt q vhola grDrrstion o, kids gr.w uo not sv.n knoring whqt o rrcord wos. About eix or rcvcn y.!?a ago AYF Distribulion broueht rcoords lo rhot{s in lho suiurbs io b. ssk.d r.poql.dty, "rrhst qm thrsc?" by thr kids iooking th.ough th. boxcr ol qtbumr snd o.p.r.

Ihr yolne., d.sp.rol.ty

wonled lo g.t hsndr on punk m[aic, but hqd no wcy lo ptsy thc rrcordl qnd AYf Distribution stoak.d no com' pqcl discs. Th. inoidont uqs a bii qmuting qt thc tim., bul r't clro undrrrcorad tho chongos roo0 lo Ew..p lhrough thr gunk lctna qr vett.

Korpine in mind my own rirsl sxpcrirncc vilh th. gan.rsiion gsp tha tvo rormElr, it is ossy to s.. why msny o, lh. pu[k tqbot! rtortod to till.s oo CD, rysn .cluclqntty qt ,irst. Yilh cccrrr lo mqny lormcr outlots out off by msny shops no tongrr rtoaking vinyt snd pr.tturr rrom distributors, prodllciog comp6ct discs qton0 sidc vinyt b.cqm. th. logicat nrxt stap. Evrn smqt[ DIY distributors, AYF Distribution snd th.n [strf Prorcn. Existanco Dist.ibution inctudod, bcaoo stookiog

CD's. Wo did got som. griel trom c smatt bui vocol s.ction o, tho DIY mov.m.nt sbout rtockine CD's, but wr oount.r.d tho oritioisms Hith rrssonqbt. r.-

tpon8o8. We ,ott thst mskiog qs m(ny ,ormsl! qvsilqbts u6s o big rnough raqton lo compromite on tho potiiiact stpactr. some pooplo r{outd wsnt GD's becoure it uqs tho only tormst thoy 0outd pt(y (i.r. thair pqrrots throhl out thair turn:tabt.) cnd othlrs w.r. sotd on tho "quotity" and "convonicncc" ol th. CD. Ai iho timo rrs didn't knou hou littlc CD'r ootuotty cost to moks qnd yc ligurcd pcoptc woltd iust hqy. to poy th. high.r pricr il thcy yqntod th. C0 so bad. I lor ona rralo/. vinyt, ,or th. moin rroron that tho pookq0i0g is uruatty muoh bctler than th. CD oouolcrparic, cnd vinyt is usrotly muoh ch.cpar 6s y.ttl Bul Why? A csrr in point it s racord cnd CD I hrtpad put togothrr o coupto y.orr bsok. Th. bsnd I wos in r.oord.d on LP's rorlh o, moleriot, sll o, rrhich Yqs pqid lor by tho tqbol. th. lsb.t .x' in r0toosine ihr qtbum os c cD qs wett ond th. r.rt o, th. bond ogr.od to it os tong as tYe coutd ritt up lha rumainins timr on lh, CD uith othar racordingt, motlty tonrt .atrqrad on vinyt qnd qtmo6t stt out o, prinl r.aordingr. Thus, tho CD not onty hss th. lJqcks rrom the clbum, but qlro hss avary tong prsviousty rrla6sod on vinyt and o 0ourto unretessod on.r-s tult 7{ minut.s. Th. .xtrs songr on th. CD c[mo lo add a e.qnd lotot ol $i50 to th. aort o, th. p.ojrot (this wsr tor lvo doys worth o, digitsl soqu.0cing o, th. 50 ptus sone!). With th. spoc. timitslions o, lhr jowot box ,ormql 1h... wqr room to lit (lt o, lh. tyr: ics cnd nonc ct (tt ,or lh. artuork irrol cqm. on th. ,otd-out porlor uhich msdr up iho vinyt oover. h/hst you ondod up rrith rrqs q tutt tongth vinyt LP xith pscksging snd s CD Hith p..tly tqm. pockagine but loods or.xtrs trockr. I rrortd imcgo, .v.n vilh lho crtro $150 qdd.d in, tho Co's stitt probsbty oort qbout ss muoh, i, nol, thon lhr yinyt to monurocturo. Y.t in th. .nd, th. CD'r uoro priaed $2 higho, thsn tho vinyi, ovan lhorgh thry oost toss to sond th.ough the msit qnd didn't hsv. th. quqlily packsging. Thr bqnd hsrdly r.ts a "out" o, tha axl.c monoy mod. oo lho CD uot.s.lh.y eo qtong with s.tting oopi.s ,or ths Esm. highor prio.. l, th. "highcr" CD prico is to mqkc up lor thc "ohroper" LP prico, thco why not iust rsire thc rricr o, th. yinyl q tittl. snd th.m ,or tho soms p.ioo? Thir

is not sn isototod ox(mrto End o, ooufto wo did tho v.ry sqmo thing with tho Mis' ary GD t{iihout svrn thinking twioo. 5o Yiqt con ve do sbout il? As I montioned bororo, tough docitions cbout uhqt to do tond to got pul oll lor ev€,. qnd 0ve. sround hsrr. h/o

qtt.rcognizs lhat PE hss s grost doot o, impsct on lho toons, nel s6[v whct ur urito obout in this mqgqzins, but stso th. poticirs Ho prdcliso Hith our record tabot snd distribution uing. l, wo docid. to sott our own CD'r sl tho tsmo prior s6 vinyl (Hhich we sro slqrting to do with trsdos wilh othor tsbstc), than tho togicsl concturion lroutd bo lo ontv buy cD's rrom tsbots who witt totl thsm ,0. the som. price st ths vinvt. tlot{ ,qr shoutd we tqko this? lrould it bo ,qir ror us to suddonty impoce thit on tha tobots vs ot.oqdy dislributo? U/hsro do you moke oxcoptiont (i, qnv?). Somotim0t th6 rrosturc lo tsko tho oosy

.ood ond conlorm ic (tl too templing so He and [, prqctising inqction. lt soemt to mo tho doy o, oua own rockoning with tho compsct diso is toon at hsnd gnd somo kind o, dooision noodt to be mode

toon; ot6o t o risk ba0oming irrotovsnt lrom oltr own hypocrisy. NoTE, Altsr I t{.ote this cot' umn s d.oision wsE mqds st PE as ol Novgmber l, uo rroutd sott both CD ond LP rormals o, our ratoosos ct ths rsmo prico with th. rrtoqso ol lha now Christdrivo. "Ev.rything Burns" CD. Wt

otso r€t.oqciivoty rodlcgd tho pricos on qtl C0 rotsq!.s, inotuding Skuid sptit proiocts qnd tho CountorbtoEt CD which

is q sptit rct.srs with Etdorborrv


Raoords in suodon. lt EocmE our'portn.r' tabots a$ee 100% wilh our gocl ol cnding the Eoom onco snd ror qtt! Don't

ptsy lhrir gsmo-don't pqv loo much!


Sounds Celebrating Resistance w/ intervigws, reviews, and personal wrltings about usic and politics, #1 avallable now for 1 ppd. (N. Amer.) $2 ppd.(elsewhere).

show: playing awide varlety of muslc. Airs ln Sacramento, to communlty and stations everywhere. Political Performers: send stuff for alrplay and revlew. 60 unds C e lebra ting Re s is ta nce PO gox 191715 sacramento CA 9581 9-1 71 5







chok. sm.rhl, Fl.[,


lp but ire-

every prison, I would be beside her with a double gun blowing sone

away. It


under the

sm, and now


just tel I

not you to

but it's all the



real lY these hard-nosed 18 year old kids burglary. Just



them. Anil the



ers lrot to make whenever The nain




So, if you can contribute to any of the projects stateil above (as in political rarts for the zine) I encourage you to. I an especiallY in neeil of names & adilresses of collectives/comrunes/originations etc, or if *ould vant your (or your friend's ) to be heard on the airwaves

naterial in. r wltt pt"y

The naterial. "ni politics consist of a zines/stations


Food Not Bombs/Anti-Racist Actlon/ Not Jails ideology. Please get

opinions pr ison


i s t/pro-cho icelanti-nuke/prosquat/fro-f eninist & pro-queen stand-


te un-bigoted



zinelrailio station will be writ-

tenlbroadcasted from an anarcho-so-







about John Prison anil I

najor! supto the people!

Snash the





mates courage


the other prlsoners

plan to wri te

get a


cock Roach




anil 1n

readers out there sone

input of i

the forgotteII. christopher crawforil Box 1000




lecabout people

Dear PE,

I'm writing you for letters printeil in #27. letter written by Animai we all should get a job money from a Job

any other


to uork space. bands (pa




fuck that way of thinking working for tro years anil s before ny army service (I itl), anil a year and a half and during that iime the s



iLe Los Fish, Dirt, Hel l bands


Dog Faceil tlernans,

you an on rad

for fucking so, llhy shouldn't I take noney?! I uorkeil for it, nant it back! Anil now I to get money for the next, f half of

as food

my pay



fllu festi-

, free school, stuff. But we need

you coultl help put would really appre-

can contact

after that I'11 have 'cause there's no o After all, we anil



siII/Trunbull Detroi t,

l1 /

something... sone



lutionLll. revol fo

rg like 'that.


li bullshitl

also said that "try to

The idea of revolution is comrunist saw that when Yugoslavia was



shit, I



an attempt to help it grow I'Ye recently started a zine, a Food Not Bonbs chapter & a pirate radio statio[ . I am in desperate need of contributions.

just a ( housing oject ;1000 ,runits. Fifty of ireie j3-st renovated using

's doif,"}s. The city has

beiit! trying to tear down the A.!.v..r,, and nany squatters have taken r-esi-

dliiie thdi:e. In.fact A.P.v. is


'{iiiter of.':the Food Not Boqbs,,outfit ", in Houston. $e are trow trvins to set ar Eiir tb ri 1,1. i rrii of





in oudsti

ured. ra I


others. The


A. P. V.

t '11 f rs


me at




timds I ) .


The varukers, anil


couple of were playing

soneone pr o[ab 1y



rril eBjoyeitind

issue'*28 colr


- that





roi'r: to focus on Bhat pg$#ii;,ire d we've co-opted the *rui a lbu

stions or wish to help call at 1-?i3-580-4.t25., I'm also setting up shbws, if-'you know any bands planning to tour please give them my number anil I'll do it t00* D.I.Y.

ririi'i'ement and Food No[


Bonbs. lte iight

fascists. We roads. tte-lsing qhutes I talked:with the te#ler aboul, t'ligerian hum"n rigtrt". ^ffi$u.h alput pot{iics and lve for Burmese dlyestm"ut, we dffi lot Bfi.and ib the class rf marghist sAvE A.P.v. l! . zac ltlenace - but it could ry "p.daa out ff&af ". iy mates thoughi that I rvas ofi$i" or {s therel$rcir a drit ot my nind. and when I said that . : many mre,,uSii{i?' rl.l ..' :] pear{i*; .(or t[itiifi;las I was vegetarian they started to con1::it:li::i i11111! ' : fii'1984 1990), two new'tl:ries ne$ zlnes Finally, Finally. I'd like to thank PE for sider to put me In 1984 (or 1990)'; ne in a madhouse, All cs[e out that really filled a void in a job uell done on issue #28 and a this to show you how this ge]roratiqq punkloi '.ih;tir't{Bii;was r{.i.i{b le to sat- return troi somethiJi!. r can ilniost to- . iq., so q{ie iltnaea..glra with $thin; 'is.fu liir me. :r iliiqght the..f irst is-..talty stutl be\_i$!*;. !h{$,!b th!#d !i{.achi{ti,6 ii their'liyes, 'cipr for p-u!_s of ',eSsiuld"w/ rdt€][t To Free" ''ptlnks st!J! auirlii6.ill . i,,1 . ...... tru)-oey. I was just like them. . .with and "Profane Existence" .at the same For the tt€es / 4fu1 spencer / pqIA / .-n6thing to achieve!i! " time and have read every lssue of the rtont st. I Norfi !, vA / 23707Y ; it all started a couple of yiars whatever nethods)

barricade Iogging


laLter since then, Punk. to ne,

about nore than scenes and shows


I was a who nrs


and -To PE cre[. t}la noro r qn

q.ri^n at qf the '' horis uq. about action uirh l^f. ba[ds. p,,nL Punk was Here I am,.-t{ith stu ^h^nf ^f.rni-f,f.^ tine,.,!y farorite band.g, were No For tell and,:.don'if. knou,, hor6lto Jt An Ans$er and ss Decontrol. so the this... thitty thoughts l,hat are giie off ilidn.a.t, rE gaie ilidn.l.!, ing in my mind for quite a while! tlrunk-punk image PE whil mesh w/ me too well, well. but I was rl]as fascioctoher of.....1.95, of -,95. ther€ thene wera In 0ctober "mesh naLerl by tha news of oulf t{ar pro- elections so that Portugal coult ltes qii., and ritrixon aciton;it and$ia- thoosi'anothtli ( government. 'iiliin squatters, and so forth. This The previous goverment (of the con-




pottiti&I ruicidal ir

+h- ",{. -..-i;;

aca veil




a zine. then


of pol ice brunilr'acisn (nazi abso lveil

le i

wrote z

the zine, but our politics


,sharply. For the




tten lent action 9..s ..r rin Heartattack for d".fe* ye 'honever, respect the veiws viduals working with PE who other methods for change in mind. .non-vio

rutalitil.,.A took coitiol police biuiaIityI

conpol ice

(Underdog and

",i in


ines, only two PE)



ilir ing an interrogatory, lice station, a cop killerl shot him in his he-ad and tJren cut his

L lt-:rERS

scene in the apart, rcause.people

ore re


reailin! a Portuguesd dr-



and the nriw

in general, don't have any political content in their lyrics. 0n the other hand, in Europe, nore antl more bantls

there' I I be more you to tur e

are appearing every fucking


they are musicallY and lYr

And a1

on in the fusihce it






t on a 3iaci


cause money;



and "




r adenne

what' s

not ls

cover Punk





ls pr


"rebel l ious" not f.ilthev cal l them, most "anarcho-

clueless about

jqst too full of

1i st'rvalues, ie "me" practi ce. And if some that lets.&he rapout of anil if r





imnediate units (re house with a few acres



cows D ar{;!Df .:the, cap










you' re


as hel

snall farm).Is this dairY f







especially herefin the Us where private property is so wi




such), are

basic takes on the issue such a discuss ion/ilebate

that so many punks like in. otherwise I just dress some of what slug urote. The nhole "working class" and pretty sticky sometimes,


just saying. Most Punks le A's on their jacket


printing the mosi letters $ith a general into the name calling



and then

(Je11o B example, rcause


believing in anarchism "the biggest job of all" (a pretty insulting and cynical statenent, don't You ?). As for the meathead Punk he seems to be an examPle of


great. Also, more zines are ar ,rounil here, But others stil Uhy do I talk so much tics? As you nay worldrs engine is in the llarilcore the music. I'm tics, but the nusi a $ay to spread Bights ideals

cial egoism and gain without sacrifice at any expense. This does not


'ce of .th0:.1 t 'incotue li tllirl'incorEe


ta :to'







hop gene

to pl 1n no

this ,TN






in senil






cul ture

the l.

nl ze

Fisht Thanx,

Jorge Pessoa Cantanheile




Al l i ance, the

anarcho-syndi cal


't know anyone who beit is possible on a large this time. An couldn't succeed. I

in the political

of late. It's nice to there's at least some haven't let alcohol, drugs, antl egotistical cynicism rule their lives (you haven't have you?). Anil, as always, it's gooil to hear about what's as

happening outsiile the

US. Hopefully


tive Iy


t at I rted. It


e too many w4y,. gl_...r.I

their are too heavi ly the capitalist




I get is

th you that the anarchist tarian soc ial ism, ie "an't possible at the no-


Dear Profane Just pi cked up issue to get a better ialea of

going on


erure, Irve got to say that


reail this shi



help of

'a-ituation ndoctrina with al i ty. of antiso-

ve a shi t ve got to

ciw (state, ilire need of with any sug-

info, Ii terature, to: Craig Copen / 1/ Murfreesboro. , listen up... thing siinks around here and to be adtlressed, The one thread that's held most of us together for so long is our vegetarianism, now that that's been chuckeil out the window, (by a few IazY fucks) (well a bunch really). there is no

ground... except music. I really bitched uhen ny friends started eating meat, but I assumed ny friends rould respect ny vegetarianism. Stuff that, you're a bunch of hypoclitical wags. You guys quit, I didn't. For those that slarted up again, you're not rorth the stainS' on your undies. For those that s tdik to your guns. . . cheersl (and thei',' tofu ' s on meL JeremJ stone danmi t connnon



th&i.llras against the Job seekers Allowance. fhis is an attack on unempldyed people, cutti'lg sickness benefits...disabletl people's benefits etc. and.f<itc!ng.people to take slaye la* .



the whi which cane out


fV shows, or newS:...rdports ever that have shown punts of any.kind,,much.less the "Hol-

you lame any movies,

only attracted a few trut after 1:

eoDl e


haien't seen ally, but maybe s because I don't watch nuch And since I don'i, how coulal I Hol lywood-clone chaos

about us here in the Anarkaotic cre$; yes,

Profane Existence,


This letter is in response to Gobllns letter ln issue #28 and the other large body of d-rivel that's passing for anarchism these days. To quote Goblin, "chaos is whst wil.l. destroy the system, and powir itr geteral and after the chaqs subsides re ve got frPedom." Sure. I agree that chaos will destroy thitg.s I trash cans and lhe windowd r6f th you are supposedly Lrying to f (i.e. the niasles) but whatr:ifr ci

punl any-


Chaos Days




do wear I eather, f used boots;

's" before, ew qui te a punx at


lal al-


wha t 0f the half of


isDikY hair

. Let's ch







of ather. j acke

ridea of







i stance'


ll be the., '!he. sanir,l' tic cr beii;f in auihority? .,'.'hiye been prinied in PE.: .., llalbe you should put down the lar. I am referring to y{ der for a while or go liye out you1. -"Chaos Daze" in issue #28 eyious

Firs Beavis and Butihead fantasies. soneelse, uhere ydu can hurt no one that you have ever spent rnriclr DiaLi!,ieverythirg, dxtiendly iltf ,,but youself. Quit making pqlki.l'.. California or the Bay Area.l you would kno$ that the I t.l h.a{i ..consitlering that they won't :ij!ke. tifferent from Ho Holllyra,iidil. .r.r.,,,a.1,loii lloitering,,. ilrinking, dareing, Grok / Jeremy / 759 B&ttelle Ave, is quite different r'rii. yandalisn or mrsic Lhat eyin';iii e\ nrusic that's In fact. I don't don't L}link thinl{ that lhoplifting, vandalisn / organlown. nv / ZgfOS .The punh. yuood-c The s.tatement LA are the I I I one-'A{ei.:i-ir' in inLA "Hollyuood-clone"Hollyuood-clon( "Ho "no PC .. ..... .. ,'t,:.... ,t,:.,.. PC types that you dcscribetl ln your Wankers" *as directed at theEe people. Dear pE, .... Irve uever tl'ritlen'io..:you before article. I really have no idea wheiil :This ias ndi said to discourage pobut I thougbt you mighl be inter- ]ou got the idca chat we uere all TV- litical activiLy or proLest. which .



i" a demo in kndon recently,

brainwashed chaoe

punx. other


,,:ric9fir1g9; , eyiln r thaiUgh

it's rot

the point



DaYS. The real

point of chaos DaYs is to haYe a gathering of punks from all over for

a big party .to make new frientls and irnprove lhe:..sense of unity within the scene' .




this choice has to be done on moral grounds. For christ's sake, we'd still be living in Feudal Monarchies if everyone thought Iike You... 0K, you said that @ism is not u logical because it is not realistic, fine. that's youl lst mistake, but it's not even your biggest onel God, ,.' nlrrtworst nightnares cone true when i. you try to explain wflY @isn is not

there' s also a gaming convention on telegraph and Al catraz (in oakland) . anone las t thing; it other member of e tter Anarkaotic



istic - a Yery fuckil' grieYous ! If you think that the "big neathead" or the "guY

tic Ies to


is constantly dtwlk r'ltoned" are the reason @isn is :'ieilistic now - thelr you just rit iinilerstand what @ism is alt lt. Hearing you say that ''no one every group who


' Adrielllle (an



Ydu ngi know ic, brit you



ficking ready" iust sends th-e Ie to the tip of mY throat (relyl). enarchism is not a thing for' "every one". It is, in fact,

f it


the Idast, 'm surti\i t

e li wil


distant thing fro.n


or else shrnoe' s opin- be such a horrible Place. u-ol!, ,,. to what you (anil sone of be on ers) say, Anarchism is I lorant for the nasses, lrut- & shmoe,



kno[, anil not Your logic tularchist organizat

chists; it's

not sonethinl the Bi8

, future,

because it is not very ignorant thing 't mind me saying so. lil, at all the di

after t'he





'as i t iloesn



with five hanils or some shit I


'POSSIBLE'; eYen the

ly contradict human believe it is, such as

brutal we


Sure, some nay

thers, but that's dialectics ses, and



Adr i enn6i;;- t$

'i6i.L on,'s

,6uier shi

so tq cta hes tor you alr to 'eveiyone is willing/able to I iit"ii.l$* s- der Anarchist organization, then ulat icantly the fuck ilo all these lowlifeS,.-a!,1.,..,..!e-{ !o...yo,.!}and tlvi tqi d vou evenirenyA.{:rllt!:,llbq thliilir?. rhe'i'dl l-humanitv-or-

*hat is losienl ".'iitii{ii}e*.. the soci*l



ike fo1'qi


.]'io how y9g4




1t e IJ





yet an-





they relate to ''ieality'-- -




is nuttin'.,but



1996,.or. l,000.,.8C.-

the way, funny you should mention iior.,,, .-:'cniss " , because they say just-that,


in nore than one song, detect it in their I not being


if and nostly uith tuiles, because we


my mother-

a school class - I


and charged. 'El color, race, tellec t,









least in

at all.








d know. . . he he). "understend thet

overlooked it. I might sould massesr





and '


*i th


cane by the













y by


$hat reason,


our scene,

tead of





@isn work

your coluun

it isn't


renenber when I



"only trhen peopl thing to hide we have a tevolution people dirln't from each other,. neeil an revol





iready' too - ue would alr real i ty. because we' what is it

nothing" att tion - that thing ening, as uruealistic - that thing is a

achieve 'readiness' change the fucked-up







D. Nr:



lglous lexus).





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lie c1o not ,ant t o be a t of countel-culture iearly as much as ,'/e 'rarlt to counter cultur e , Vie do not ,ant caDitol- rJunishment as much as ee vaii the$ent of caDitol-. 'l'he crucifixion, l'i ct ion? Regard1ess, a 1itt1e too 1itt1e, a 1itt 1e too Iate, Dal

simrle fact that He al'e 'humans' has in s t ilIecl us ,{} t,{o very Precious faculties: the nowel to th.j.nk' and the cLesire to rebe].. Some,rher e bd c!: clo,rr. rhe t ime line ,re surrend.el:ed both to 1'he

feal, e feaL of God, the }ar', or simDl-y just fear of bad !:arma, an invisible chec!: and. balance system of some sorts. !ie1l., .rhate\ret it ,as, as ,?e lost oul body hair and learned to "/a1]: uDIifht, we also lost sn ine s ancl masterecl burYing orrr h.ead s in the sanc1. You have become shamed of youl natule, youn bestial i,{norance Dermeates :aour c1ai1y 1ife. Don' t fret, }:ittens, for the Hic!:eY ideal j.11 erxanc iDat e you, stamD the indelible seal of Ii.ber ty uDon your fuI'rouecl bIo'.i, Hail-l ii iiecome a lax -rnto :,rouLseIf . Subst i1u1e na. orr,r en t iorraLd'JS of rerture, folr:l a stLi e"ith f ect ar.rath:i, f eel and act '"rithout feal or even tl -olr rhr of cor,seqrrence, ir..1u1qe, for nothing can cure the soul e,{cerJt the senses.


ftil id['rrlf




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Eard, lrst PulL iroo IIalJ' Prett/ calchJ ultb'Iots oi tHj.sts throrD i, to leep tbis lealIy iDterestlng' I caE't read the lJrics'

iur s;Eehov I ihlD thev'r€ !i8ht oD the ba'k vlth ru ihose otber potlt1cal purl baDds' bit oI tbat .AEerlcaD HC Its cot r 1i.tlle sourrl throrD j.!. (Eerry) S.o.r. Records / Ca!1o caDDella / Yiale Dei' ?]atarl, ,, / 5l lOO ascoli / rjce!!, ItalJ 7' tt!Iu!t!3 hltltrd&. Solnr ansrchoDulL !a'd a ner e.l. fron !h1s Italia! )L!olr, 1;t tbelr stvI. of olil school Durk a to haYe rock. O, this recold thev seeD sliehtlv Eole coloDler' ahost eEo souDtl thai or tleir first e.p oa soa Records' ',asi'r the lvrlcs of tbe rlDe soEgs ber€ Ere eDt1le1i 1! Italla! but vlth a stro!8lv Do]ltlc.l, ;!1l-rrsclst' Dlssed oII loiDt of Ylelr' h.i!y strrlght fonlaltl aDarcboluik here' ( DrD) iu:.equrnce / via d1 xezro 12 / 01100 Yite!!o / rtrly lEogriBs / .rulorull! sDtlt ?" ^o iet uotber- Eoltbv sl)Iit e! vlib Esd BelglaD srllders lSsthocl;3' thls line Daired u! lrlth icrlir tbrishers Autorltlr' reathoole"s '1 have Ior tno studlo and tvo liYe tracEs ith arrorarce" !e1!g ar tttscL aga1!st self-rlgbt.ou;. etitist' ald ultinstely seu-desiructlye lleleDts 1! !h. Eovelelt. Iusicallv Asrthocles DIsy !he+r Eor! ot thelr uEique nL or crusi, glindl:aDd bigb-octue thrasb lleDd \rith a de;eDi sound quBlltJ eYe! froE tbe ).lYe t$ckE. AuiorltE! hrYe seYe! track5 bele alil rl,so Dlay a bellisblJ ,rst for! ol arild/tblssh Hith ao lettilg rp o! sleeil or iateairtv. thsre ate ,o Lvrics lroYideil Dut the Erllish tltles slaPblcs o! the cover slYe ri" rorrticar ;rture of the 6oDgs' (Da!) ""., terioH !-og / I.o. 3or 55 02 oB / D-r011t Beru! / cernany IEr gor.rlrn Ia E.utogc 1' !i!st orf- tbis 1s lot the laDd rroE lllla'd !1tb the sale DA!e. I ct!'t belicve I H's ,oolish eDouah to Iet thls sit .!ou!d so IoDg belore sivh; tt . s!1!' thls is solid as .tucE, Cl-rushi-lg slolr Darts luild up to driY_ i""-1.'a"o"" t',itu .retv sboutiDg YocBIs ('6 Ihese four s0!86 sr;lrI1!S or screecbilg)' iaye tb; Derrecl bir of t.Epo cbaBges aDd ate Dlrved. Hitb coDvlctioE' Tbe Dolltlcal U!ics-are wrrtter eith a shslD t$lst th6t rdd a !es! !!oof oJ Ellceritv. rlIE! are oleoutoJortbeIolald ;r the lDcredll]e laras to cone lEteIv, (Jon) rj.kt irlc rle v1el r.o. Bor 5r/ t4-1oo [o\tv !a!g/ rolald. lfl CruI 8i ,tolo!' a clasBic ihis iE r uDautbortr.d lelssue o, iiiiriiii,-r",iiit* iro! test' rt's I !1t .............'

(in Eo la*icular ordet) 1. I!/f,unaDitJ the truttv bti-cbrist 1,


2, Ardlslor

,. UDhi.rgeiI 1! 4. BeJold DescrlPtio! 5. raj.led Dov!/D'!.P.


6. floooEilj.tla IP

?. N61t sa!8na 8. SvalloulDg Sblt 9, f,ls Eero is 0ore 10. cmdltY

lrr (Ir

obsesslve-coDlulslYe order)


Sslarce of P3i, l,?



XuE! Eour




lorid to



ot the


Ni,] 7"



violeat xidd//Peaceful Eeart L?




liiISlRI ?i!e ?i SXBVIIUDD deEo







lolur lTcohol

tjD Ouz rregdol L ..ire 1I uol.[ Claos 10



! ?trreat Io Societ!? 7 cRUDllI &e rotal Erd 7 C0UIMEIdS! Balarce 0t Pain S!!U' RlD-i4ar.rrus ?"


liol,lP.{Cf, !Ioodsta1!ed DleaEs CD!}

IROTDEIj ?rx-c-r.lEXnDna IresDsss/




o1'ouai test nct-toz iioii-uiiiictetEe II1ISERI




lSSIl'If Sl|r.dotltI Cot Io, crinaco"" i,rtl aLi the uorks- 8roulils aDa scremllP Yocals' clusbllg guitarsr Dla'iEg aruns, a-!a a Dirtule of lsldcore ald Eetal illtto

ald tbeir Dutch ,altlers i! crilre i],rm lm lrcrr Yitb sD h-Your-,aca ald bslds deliver !rourl-to-!e-!uu oullool totb !,ith 1Jltcs of iaucous tlasis of DLlk lsvbeD socj.allDolitlcal tolics as ve-I1 as HeIl as saytng''uD the iucLi!' !u!ksl" aSSRISE haYe threo tracks ber€' r€colded ultb lhe saDo iiri, .ra-"mti" producllo! as 1be'ssvei ror iour Dooeed lutule" e.!' aDd lll.l's rtrD 1ICE doLlYer tvo rev roushS' stlg alolg drull' .unl sltbeEs llith s qua-ltv productloE I'cLiiq or tleir errlle; releases. ue Ye heard the uoi" r"opr"'" turltrblos ca!'t brDdle inte!;1r; of the .Assrash trscLs o, ihis e'D' lf tha!'i rou case, lhrov it sHay ald buJthea .*, one (i trlltsble tbat lsl). 0b' lssi-ASE side i5 ,l!pn vbile ILIAS LtrD LIC! ls ti ;traisht ir vo\r couldD't Eii,-"'J-i"t iieure tuai oDe out Jourseul A daE! iDpreBsi;e trilute !o the ract thrt eYe! dluDls ca! get their sblt togetherl (DaE) skulil / IroIale xristeDce rssRrsE / IISERT sDllt 7i iih1le I haYeD't bee! L!o!r! to !e fo'd of lictute dlscs lecause ol lbe oIvlo)rs Haste of ioael irrolved, the qualitv solgs ,roD lsslasb snrl Uj.serJ er.a slDost eDough to DaLe De asslssh, 11!e nost oyerloo!, ihj.5 llav. people I kEot' bave JuEt elough seDse to see ih!;ucb the alcoholic bare o.t the IulL roc! cbalte lllesiyle to rocog!iee the !eed Ior ,.t hf,intrlE a reCtlstic vles ol tbe actur)' o' Bolh illsct oi tbe nessage 1! the lyrlcs' be1'g tlii' uorr" o! this !eIelse tell ol Jsded !y ;gs 10 !e lerlistlc in.exlectaitoEE cha!8e the ird thai lietchils lolitlcs Ho! i get Eo!' o{ vorfd over !isht'- Uusicluv € the srne th!6sbv tnd aggresstYe I,u!k as oD tuetr prevrous e:,. aDd thel! sllii lith !1eEs ard Lice. uise;! coDe sctoEs strolg vltb their fi.rst lev r;cordj.Dgs slEce their aIlur ald loHeroI Last Jear. The ,ir51 ls d h'avJgronleil voiul &ri;d-hilueEced sorg vith csls; vhile the secold trac& tal'es a Dole luu:throtiled tbrash alltorchr !otb lJith,oliticat lJr1cs. irlth s]] oi tbe t1De, elergy sld EoEev lt tooi to nale ihls lecord, 11 5 a bit ol ; dlsaDDoirtha lacLage' lut I still ,""lar'i *t"-it u! i!- sDjte ol rbls' (Dt!) c1.eD Ilaie c/o t1l1 f,i1lilssuorlb / !'0' ror ?09 / FaErshile corlege / lshurst ' Ila 01002 aSSR.asH


riii roor ;ulcbl bardcore Durlr rloo this rueonrx trf6. This lealu }acks a Pulcb rltb ith lssi argrJ hsrdcore that tolls alolg scleaolDs Yocals that s lroEeD u! !y sole slov blts sld s!o! aDd go lreals' It s reai:.:r rerreslrne ta hes! Breat leH Polrtic'l hsricore balnt lile ihis rloD the stltes' .rrce rlere haver't Dee! lsrJ ]ate]J. This is e real breath a llesh alrt (JoD) victir necoras/ P.O. rox ,492I/ Pheollx' rZ ri'

;ilrs: cood lvlj'cs tbat lash out 6sailst rhe lobacco ilduslreed, the rulj;s class' i",. reara. lhe E;st j.rdustrJ, aril othe! toDic;: rhe;e'E also s Droldead cover' lhe a !1ce tape is p!o1ess1olaJ.1J !roduced !rith(Jo!) sould 6n ihe Dusic' ."i"' ilorlc thlt tbe F1nlisb balil rorca uacabra 85061-192t, """4 sterali .A!e./ c.!!itos' cL 90?0r' t.te Jaj t./ ",iTgli1 sucb a!, influenc€ iroE tbis bald silce 7' coul'l have cotre lYl,I,SrOr / loRcsD EIIRlssro, slrttt tbls slbu! souDds as 1, 1! j.D tbe earrv 8o'sl I have t;e! 1oId thtt lvulsio! ls tbe saDe I3USB f Cuds ,.tE? ?' edel s Si-.i-ii"r.'ia or llore raw Svedish hardcoie' lbis is rau aDd lf,e lvrics are 1E lortugese Dut the EaSlish i"ia as rnertla (111s .nd SlsYe State' lut 1 iltense as fuck, eith no netal PloductloD or drarsirtroas sbou s sj.n!]e aril to the lollt bave also beeD tolil rrolg in tbe Past so sDeed hetal th!o!r! 1!. the 1erlos ar' lostlJ aoo't t"lr sDJole Jou heard ibat JroD nel ID o' hallu lnlluelced the Discbarge llL. lie d-leat tith a fev iast thrash lils throu! stvle e!! case. .[mlsio! DI6v a Ylcleil ald uDlreIusicallJ course' ol atl th; daylo1itlca] i;. It reBiEds r€ a 1ot or ibe ro securrtv di;tsbte sort oi srildcore-thrash coEbi!seasthat could ard iav ,urr deEos. 1I1 oI tbe lvrlcs are sulg iD Sned- fast, the qtbe! !u31c or tio, lour tracLs tbat haYe 3o Earv cbalges in vlrh rr'ibt ilt llv hrve ish- bur vitb !!sl1sh !ralsIstloDs llovldeA- tb; classlc 'ritcoae to 198{" coEpililioD oi palts you't€ leally Ieft 8u€sslng Rhat dealilc vilh de;ressio!, o!!!es51o!' chjlA L?. Ior o!1Y S, P!d' Jou sulelJ can t 8o wj.Li cone-next' Ibe lJlj.cs ate €xtreEe1v strle of .r""".- irairia"ilitv, eic. Arother eI of erorg herel (na!) re]] lllltter Hith E! ofie! Poetic Eessages' aDEry hardcore luDL !o eDJoJ al Earjru! vo1_ ex!ressiDg the!ted sin lrorterss Dlscos c/o .Pli address grildcote plar oi a B1r Io;cea x.r!-resstoD slso c"rirrJ, r,i s1}e!r, !iel P.0. Bor 1001/ rrovl- rssEorE uxDE / r.lsoJurr .rut ?" sld !h!a;h vitb a vocal stvle tbat raDge3 chested 8rouls' to 02901. dee! delce, AI denollc boHls IaBt alil slori chopPJ souDilitrg bardcore vlth frolr deliYe!, is also oI a Political thelr lvrlcal Botb balils !]aJ sllilar slJles 'but rocals' lsv hole direct ald ol!e, blutallv to lfgso S0r0x0 Ptl'.o.B 7' to rature that kicL ass, but I lrill giYe it u!1!to .Aresone crust/lulli froo 3ras11' Suler! Ec tbe !o1Ei. Beilg horesl hele, I'n Eot luch soEerhere lbis f4115 ?, asshole ritb klcE ass ;ound quality EniI a Y'!J n1]i- vhat th.J crll PoHer vtolelce, lul Dol as oi. r"o or ihii stJle of nusjc' bu+ I tlo i&!i alarcbist nessage. As good, if lot siEzzv as ibat, oet j'!. (rer!J) adrile the qualilJ oI the eflo!!s hete vhich better tban thelr i1rs, ?'. righl, recolo- 1AI8 iY loth AYerl cairsYilre' rr ,2601 tlctuiles a great deal or attcltioD to deta115 Hhjch ilcludes a Dost card oeDiled 10 aDJ ole i!!o lolerlul PulI ultb a in tue paclt-aging(DaD) releYalt Eesssse. (re !rJ ) end s sticker. .rut lrgE rt EBrs ?" rs8xrsr / iii* / at sosa 7 ,10r, loulouse cedex / rlalce EBilnE r lutuBl L!3cI for llssirg peolle oI! Recslcitr.nt Eolse / P.O' Bo* 425 4th St' rE' !, sa;irg uhat th.J feel' uhEt bette! a sDlit 12 / \inael,o:.Ls, tfr ,547, "i"or'o

tbar lilth tl1lDeslo1is chaos d rls

rwtsroi/J,^ctRlrror ?r

.{yulsior is coBlrised oi

neDbers oi Stavestate EniI PDeuratic yalues rltb those crerlenil.tls to shoulil l:roH llhat expectll BriLu.anl Jou gllad above tbe corpetltio! llith gre6t !ro-

ductio! ald lJrj.cs coyerilg topicB oi i.v.,

scelesiers, elderlJ abuse, and sulstaace eluse,

ereut. laceratior take o. a diiierent exclairiDa lalilcore ald Euror Ble rot Eutualu er(clusive! 8 sorgs of


thrasb vitb solgs about sucb iliyerse torics as laEbo, !ack-sta!!iDg frienasr retlj.cation, dBct ta!e' etc. he!d.ed! (cale)

I great Mighu


CIea! llate Becolds/P.0. Box 2182/ Bix iag,!.ad, al/ ,5202

BElrlW / mxgrjErcE rrlti 7' IlJo BrasilliaE griDdcore b8lds bel€ lJith a ,4 tracLs letweeD tbeE (actuauy {O sllce !elzelu court ? covers IJ 7 Llirutes oi trausea Bs a

ranks ol Japalese brdcore ald baye bu1lt theEselves quite the relutatj.oD ald tbis re-

ls !o exceltio!, tro orlgilals ([o Urics?) ara ole Rircord coYer. (Cabe) leuse

Becords/cheluskerstrale r/41?9, sochur,/ ll[any

.a.Eorie e€

InIRIoL7.E lct! .ril ,u..aor 7t Ratr ald thlasbl polj.tical pulk roc! ,l.ayeil i! a straj.Eht-ioivard Eanler that h3s both aD old school,80's slarchopulE sourd, Jet hls soEe Eore EoderD and coe!]er ru6j.c31 ilfIue!ces. Six t!!cks ir alI )1itb iDtel.l.j.gc!i aDd a!g!y lyrlcs aEalrst ap6thy, the Christif! rigbt alil othe! urgelt Eublects, Ibere sre also nuEerous ilselts / losterB vith this releuse {itb iDfomatio! urd, artnork to back up the Io1itical lyrical coltelt. Ibts beilg the secold e.p. lron ihls !6rd froD tulsa, IRoIEIR

ard is lerps ald lo\rnds alove thei.r filst oiiellng, rhlcb h 1tseli }?asrrt lail eitber! (!a!)


Iola anJual I TLlee of lour E€$bels or. Yery ,riirlRei,ve-.L solg s&ra!{hx,:lblE re}r PeluleEce are Hone!, ircludiDg the tuo vo- .36rna! band. Very ptJdB.t!&, calists, altboush you lroulil ;oyo, ED6v 1t tle vii:j or r.ri;us ild Sole iloD tbe guttulal solrldllg grovls, 101M- slc5 vltb hlDts ol rEcllca! r cau Uayle? 4 co1leclor's Eet dreaD? Defl- irl1[eDce6, coEDlete ylib !Lte1Xl BiteIXl .[s fa, as I ca! te1lr leltber bald bald.... ].Jrtcs:r4.{iagBttD-your-grts-out yocals. Have a?pears to btve any couectj.on ultb tbe ac- lade qutl,!..r.'ilae ior thenselves 1! tbe 0e!tive aEalchopulk sceDe iD Braril, (,3D) E+ Il,f.3'gi?*tllir!.!8!,.t!e'1'! clever Dublicity Iotal Questlols Records / colDo. Is!1E1cht sass, (I@hoo) (auaraysn6chl' chou-Ku / oss!. stalfnetz / !.8d, thorFs Ott€ 1,&)bDD fr1, / 2-5-24 542 / laIE" (or) Rottheisss Xecords c/o relso! d, / ?8201 Breaen / }efunr calr! Iostrt .{ususto Aususto dos rlos Saltos / ca1$ }ostal 1197 - lrs. OeEtraI O]O59-9?O / s6o laulo/sP / lrsrll. good fastr sorta aEil lroiluced purk ,roa ,Irlcf nofSIr.DA I forld to ftt 7r lbe s.coDd €.0. ,ron thls pollerJul ong Slarish lurLs: _,,{L'e l band froE Yiatolla 3.C. lecause tbe cheesy rroEo riikes lt (elly sus lealiiy cre8tor xas o! D!i1o!ce ald llasskoDtrol] tour6 at tle lsst yea!, thls e.p,, recorded la 1995r lot rel.e$eil urtil this srrln& tut yls

ur!€rvilg breaks e]l tbe tiEe ,h1ch gi\les ther nore oi a puDk edge aDiI tbe vocals sourd llke ibeyrre doEe tblough a IoegsDbole. Very alist1!ct !33s playilg DAkes 1-i qulte gooil, especlally because I dolrt set to hear rraDy !E!ds ihst soulil lite this these ileys. have those


Guti / ?osllsch ].2l2 / 6119l rleaemittlau

orss.ti. tbls 1s ore of the lest }lexicar larils I've beard 1, r rhile, oreEi barilcore lunL nitb tbe I€rlect leelilg of alger alil irtelsity ,ulctualed Hith a rollilg !elody. Ulgeri, ir ileptb !oliij.ca1 Iy!1cs coD€ out EtroDgU against st6te olplessioD and tbe tr8ilitior Daiiolallsn lushed or us froD cbj.l.dbood. -{ 12 pag€ looklei al1 Urlcs ald !!glish tralslatlols, {his is a ,lofesstona]ly rccolded aDd !r1!t€d tape lJith ercel1e!t guality ultb great husic aDiI }oieDt lJrlcs, (,ron) CryDtas ?roductLo!s/ Arartado Postal/16-014/ ,e19. lrceot. 0,P. 02200/ Xexico D.r., Uextco. CofS!f,UCIoRlS DiE! 0DI0 Corrolo.D




last' kiEila slor],y !u!L ritb algiJ screaElng!15 fro! lrtlce. ?lssed oll lyllcs 3bout the sJs+eE, caDltallsn, ect..

llt6!s1tJ reslU .shous ihlough hlch 1s 8ood. l'd sal ao fo!

/ cedex

B,r.!o,6/75462/Pais 10

O, 2.1, W iD €very direisLor posEuslc tbat lu]ls

IisieEer' the!

e 1t all together.

lDreld towrrd soci.l


a nore

sbol]lD8 Eore tba! tbe the lackaailg iE qult e lllth. reil ana llacL rrirteil foLit out

fotrl &d ?'

coltalDing the 1yr1cs ald othcr ,

w!1t1ng, r sEaU booklei of ra.Ilcal ,oetly by Eax Sloa!' ald ever 6 Bhck (rolstrdt D.tch.

esseltlal roltb &erlcln MarchoDun& I.1€rse! (Da!)


coDselsus Re.lity / t95r'rest Burlside /1611 / ro*lrDd, 0R 97209 rL zt 1 rRlrr, / Eur.rr lERr srtli ?, fet anotber great release iroD the Japsiese lIY lanel follest iecords lrith a sDllt !eLesse frob frszc r frstl (Js!sn) Bnd HuDr! i,lelt (f!oE the reth€rlsnds). !11 plry 1, s slng-alolg style tbat ,a1ls so&el]here betFeeD poD ,uDk aDd soEe of the Eole Eeloaic earlJ Utr Dulk balds like the lilicts ald the D.D!1eiI ulth lyrlcs srllg i! Elgllsh. EU.EI, i.lelt rleuve! llve Dore tracks 1n tbet! Dorielful Dusic stJle aril hilaliousLy fuDrJ t8kcs o, serlous loutical tprics, hile recorded live o! the latllo, tloE t IacL 1E souad qullity anA !!e as good (1f lot better) thr! theii ercelleDt ,leyious releases, I iloubt evelJoDe ril1 8et iDto tbls rs nuch Ee because I sd!l! I', a suc;ter Jo, slythhg lut oul !J Fu-De! .{,Le!t | (!Br) Torrest lecords c/o Erdera;i o,rshsls / CeraDrcs 2 frot, 2-t-11 EinaEi Eo;ubuDji / toLro t85 / Japan

,oll lxl,oor/$ror,



the poue!h], crusty siyle defi!ite Lrplovenelt i!



i! a ral ihat ,uIIs 1or, 3r1u:ant. (Jor)

l1ait. liusicallJ thj.s e.D, is leals ald l'Jolth tbe

ietut e.D. ritb


to lick u! the lleces. eil thi.s to late treulols Dircb Eole iDt else. layered !ith clushing keJloard to acc€!tulril1ia!t teEI,o pro-

,]sgRrrror ?r

Boot Do ! tbe Doo! hall froD 0erDary llil issue tbree so!8s ot grurf vocaleil Eetalish h&!Aco!e siDsins solas alout lurL iD the

aaiEstreai, ge!€ratio! x, ard ole alout genetlc eEglleeriE8, AU leally rell }]rlttell BeJoatl ,escriptio! baye !ee! EoviDg up tbe

tioled thaa this laril of the ararcho-tbrash !a!il Subrelt, 51c of Chrl.siilrlve! :drrors th16 foEer Dlojeci o!1y i.n ih€ spirtt ol Doliiical oli.EtltioD.

XusicaItJ this orf.rf a totolly different rll,loach vith leEgthJ'solss of a coDDler .rd Iaysred stJlc vlth a sl}ark of cleltiye i.!Beluity rith aubs alil san,les ofte! fltted !1ebt

ilto the Eusic Brd lyrics.. YelJ fel'J otber Dalils cohe to Eilil to Dake a coEl,allso! ol style, nut the coDplexj.ty oi later y.ars neurosls coulil be a gooA start, DefiDitelJ Dot your average thlash banil aDiI hiably iecoEEelileit. .L sir tract I? y€rslo! urlL be released Es soo! as !lnalcial llil tecbilcal constlsllts sLlon. Proia!€ rr.isielce


/ sliuld grgstB BorB urlr to' C.B.U..haye !eer luttllg out yarious fo! soDe tlDe DoH, lui tbls 1s bJ far the lest stuff beard flon then. ?delve songs lasbed ort vlth slDple (yet roweliul as r11 bel]) Discbargisb riiis, ariyj"Dg ilrur leats, ald a vocalist that screans his guts out, oye! all, tbis a reauy ran, algry, lurk rock sourd. tlost oI tbe lyrics are i.! oerEa!, Hith oDe ir lrglish about trar. Rap tblasbhg purk at its iest. (Jo!) Ihoughi Crin€ Recorns/ c/o Jels ialter/ Peterslurger str 68.10 219 lerlrl cernary. CoIiEIILoISR l.,.r.s.Dlrr.lltfitl. at'B.lla A reB Cerna! b8rd E soural tbat soEewhrt lenlnils De or foliealsfo, ercelt tbeJ do!it

it reDalkable aDil Eosi uEnotlced Sweden h the hid-'8os. this is s tbei! 12 tlack deDo, CoEp8leil to tbeJ Day haye ever Etraleil heElers), I is eYe! nore llteEse. Ihls 1s a Eust ior aDyoDe i?ho love8 olii Suedish barilcoE. I llas hoplrg tbat tbls lecold would give rlole iliomatioE oD tbe !aDd, Iyrlcs, etc.t lut it flrst be Just aB buch a DysterJ to the bootle6ger. L aryoDe has a gooil a tale o! tbelr otbe! d.eBo nlth tbe deeDer vocBls- !lease get j.! iouchl (Jor) !o adilress

lutrIocr,/ lolsE nEDugIIot .DIti ?i Deartlocl are a Jaluese -Dls" !uD! baDd (tbej.r Dj.schElse-style lo8o is a dead give auaJ) l.Jith lEg11sb Iyrlcs aaout the usual altiusrsystee topics, nolse neductroD sle !!od siEila! Euslcal styl.e vitb a less sj.lgle-DlDded approach. Ihey have ole sorg Et8ilst the atrocities of Vl2 as rleLl as a Dor. !lhil1stlc r!o-il!i!Li!g alrl illugs soDg. trothhg greatly origira] lut so:'tlt checkug out 1l you uant to Lear soEe classlc DisBelglu.E aDd have

charge-tyre DuDk



DIf Xecords c/o RxuJj.-lsada / 102 raiiBDe fiouse / t-25-2o \oelJi UllaEl / Sugirabi-Eu ,/ IoLJo 165



DEl, SIIIr0l r. llrltlt ?t Qirite a slectacula! record lroject tehg lotb a lelefit lor ylctlDs of se:L:uaL assault as h.ell as !ei!g a challelge !o a bale iloairated !u!t scere lD a riale iloDiDated rorld, {hll.e

tbis Ls sailly pelbaDs the y€rJ last ever release froE the bj.gblJ 1ns!i!6-lioDel

NtItsl: ltl:l-trsl:E

rDarchol,ulk baril letd silelce, lt ls olso Delblls ihcir host ucll Dut iogetbet ald cohsreDt Drolect y€t' IolloB1lg 1! ile. theDe .'i"rt.jt"a'riri"u"u ("rot riur Eeo's Sale" .,0. .!il 'EeIL I Boe Cs! Ye lalc r.av Ior€ ldo!€y Tlr! Ihis" e.p.) ths eDilr. nuslc' lJric,

urit Eli.tteD cortllt oI th15 lecord 13


!ii.o). agrilst selraL Yiolerce tlil a8lllst a oatL.r.d iD the thlcl Irtrlarchrl socletJ' booklsi hcluaeil l,lltb thi.s DacLage ar€ ,trlerous lrrltlDgs fror uoEeD on tbe subiect of s€xua] ibuEe uitL rt! oYerall Eorf of lroDe! I eryoHerEelt. OE tL€ flrEt slds of tbe record ls s spolis! woril rld soDg coEb-llltio! e!tltled "n€r StorJ/t Ch.1]elge' Irh11. the u" a cov;r of r.P.,.-L,E.'s "rouble "ir'ii "ra" r?itb lecty taEbg tbe l,lsce o, (eYlll Stsldsrd' oD yoc.lsr It 1s €Yident lhrt quit. a lit trors c!€!gJ thaD usu6l, uelt into lbe crsrtlo, oi tbls !!I6ase .ril lt oDU ulil€tssores thc blortrrc. o, the ressrge. I DoteDt 3!d coherelt Daclia6. tbrouthoul thrt lar 6urIlsssss tbe ususl lccerteil leYel of Pol1t1cat Durk !oct, (DaD) SDllsl Becords / P,0. Bor 1916 / cuftor' rJ 070r5

Elutw !t's ol D.fl&o! tltd C, Ihis ls a, 1rch courct alsc re1e33.



tro Erelt ?'s fror Porltartl's D.ftaDce. r'Ure

DrlD1v released lor the JrDlDese lld srst .rEls!_DII I,uDk scere as sr eltelDatiYe to 19 LaDort ?'sr the rel.asc througb I!oia!. Irtstonce trar Essi .Dsu!€B thls vlII be availrblo cberDly lrorlil+?lile (lltbough th€ee tracks hive llredy bee! reLeas.d l! turoDe.s a sDU.t



culr€D1l.J out

Pollc. lasttrd). lotb 7is rle ol p!1Dl o! Yilyl, lut I an

fro! colssnsus Reatlty Rscorils ihrt they vll} be brcl l! !!1Di evetttutUJ' you out or ot!'t Hrlt to hea! Dore D1ss.d If of DeflsDcs's hcrealb16 deliYsrJ of trraitlo!.l aEA rrgry t!t!cho!u!L lbaD lhlr 22 1/ 2 ElDuie Dlll cD should kecp you hrpDJ i! the lIlesdv r.llrscd Daterlalr but r!.!tlr.. dotth ko6llng tlouldl (Dt!) xrl6teDce !r! lr6t !I3OS8II!0 \ttg alob. t t/ zoot bt 7' llor. Dollticsl crusty 5ty1e L.rilcors floE Polalit- rhich selEE to !c Alshllg out qulte I f6li erc.tlllt heavy IBnL llDils ].ie]y, !!1v_ 1!g b.ris thrt ro11 rloDg ulth lalreur8 rlffs lorDea vltb dual vocels tbrt yoll ard shout. Xy copy tlld!'t co!. vlth a ]llic shsst, but Drybe I'E lust r! urlortulate oEe !.c.use it sslas ucoEr,lete Fltbout r! iDsort. (Jo!) urlrrt. Rec;ra5/ c/o rhlttD ve]ts!L/ Rolice 2Bl/ 7r9 56 lrllcc 5/ Czecb RsDubllc. ,Isrorto / tr00x lrut ?r .a sD]ii o.!' of cIlsE1c olA-school styls "soeaccore" tror ore rutheEtic Sll.dlsb baDd' DlskoDtor ald tbelr couDterDrrts fron tb. oths! slil. o, thc globe, !igd!e' floE (.vtsuklC1iy, iI.Dr!. Both !a!43 Dhy iD the last tDal r., EtJl.e that Eaale legeltts ot such balils tDa }1o! 47, Cllrda SS, Roiers, etc. Nlth shorl tlasts of thrash ard lolltlce1 lvrlos sulg iD Swedl6b, ths lcsslge (.ril !v!! tbc huor) Ery b€ ieJoDd soE! ,eolrte' .slreotatlJ tboss not ttlillsr nltb €ar1y SHedlsb tbr$L' but boil !.!d3 I)Isy tLe style ertrerely reII rDd this DJ luck1!' tlayl .[ DII JaI,lEe8o rulL rel€.sc on greoa vlayl !o less! (Dt!) Blurr€d R€oolds / 182-1 [ak!, r.Ebcra' Ihare' sblloulr 42I-r2 / Jt!a! assuled by f,611y

UsIB gcm



rt loDg ]ssi lbe dcDut ?'fro! tbese Broo}ly! 'Dis' thrrehers 1B 1llally out' !el!t rade u, oi torDe! e€nb€ls of neLlsl!*n' lb€ ,€lieal rlil Flnrl flirlj.Dg tb.r. ls .louth I,u!L D!ou.6s totethcr bcre to afloril a Do_ t.nlly ,o erful !€eult' [uEiclllyr tbe out_ Inrt of tblE tbr6e Dlece lin.-trD ls soDcnhero beiw€e! tbe c1e3s1c trlg aDalchollulk soruil of €.rly traussr r7lth lordB oI Derl SeDe!.tlo! 'Dlschlr8!' tyD. nrtll llfluelces. Tbte€ soD83 !r. oD tbls sD hlrhllgbtiDg thelr anl1lty to ldequsiou Il11 a Yold of ],ov€rful lld !ollilc.l lluDt 1, [eE lork cliJ. Ulforiu-

soulit quall.ty ls rfttty lail sourilhg Do bett.r thED the best nlsclose record_ (oI course tbcJ ColrLI hrYo bee! trJilg ina foi th! JaDalese closet lecorded sould). Eouever, uhrt ibe souDd qulity is lrokiDg of, tbq teautljul folil out coYer t&ke8e no!€ thrD Eakes ut, fo!. .L Yely iiecelt ,ltst !elsase slil I iEague ihi!85 H111 ollv 8.t lotte! wltb ldore lllesscB to coie' lor sone reaso! I hsve tbis oD both Ertv 3!d vrhlte yhyl rDA tborc's !!o!lbIy seYeral otber colors rvallablc a5 vith aII !eleases o! Ervoc

lstelJ, tbe


(DBr) Hrvoc Recolds /


p.o. .lox





/ ulreaDoris,

SIJ,rf,oro rls01!r0


u,t oi

Tbis sltlt csss'.tte, eltltletl "Eardcore fo! the nr;ses" is e collaboratlo! letueer tEo oI ih! tust rctlYe DIY baDils 1! tbe Chi18ln puDk

so!!e. ,isturblo [.Dot Dl&y a tradltlonal styt. o! fast h.rdcore ,/ Purk rith .n sDrcbolurk outlook ard goLltlcal lyric sui! lote netrllects, silercio .[bsot[to PlayearlJ 6iBlghtlrf\rllceil Btyts of bDdcote of edgi sra feu Jork EC b&lilsr flitb Eo!. Ir€!soDat lyrlcs lut also lolltlcaI suljects aB veII. trJrlcs lIo lto?1dett for abort h8i'i the solgB lJlth Elglish trsnslatlols. ibjle thls do€sD't have the color coYer of ihe Chileuleleased versio!, you ca! 8et a colv oi iho Us-r€leaseil Yersio! for oDly $, llorl Sln lrolte s Dlscos c/o fE addtess (Da!) I ,sorEr, ?' !i I}J a D€v relcas! ilor DRo?DIlr. Bv.rvtblDs Jou'a erlect IloI[ thes. iDfaDous lhlrshsrs- soreanint Yocals oYe! f.8i baracore slal i rough soulil. [ot quii6 rs -Eucb rhlrhlDd ilrurDllg aDa bschl!! guD I,roc1s1oE ts lrerlous stuir (!ut lt's d;rhitcu still thelE)' but r Dor. rBv baldco!€ soulil Bhlcb theJ've doEe HeII slDce the stalt. Lyr:cs1IJ it's nore rtout tookhg i.EvBrd r!d bull.dl!g strelath. liy orly coD,lallt ls that th13 ls too sto*. Vhere's the ,ew IP? (Jo!) s!1!a1 oljectlye/ !.0. 3o:( 126/ oaklalds ?a!L/ south AustlaUa 5046, rlsurs.nce/ 2,o, to, lt r/ Richrold/ rast Ylctorla/ 1ustre]lt r121' Dlsroru / srlYBt rDtlt I'! i sDllt iI Hltb t;o of carlrorEls's lore crust-hilueDceil !a!ds EttkiDg uD qulte I hervv sld Dos€rfu1 Drckage. Ihe new tracLs lroD ,ystoDle are lote I(uBLctlly stral8ht-fonrard thur their Dor. iDBtnuc!-lal aDiI sould-bite lsile, "EuEaD-0srb.g€'albu]lr Jet baYc tbe EaD€ selse oi aleslal! ana holeIessDe6s 1n th!1r alrtoach to Do11t1c5, l1f. tld lurk roc)<. sk!Y., are a lelltiY€ E€ucoeer lroE tb. fsy .{!ert?iib one E.Dber oi the lliDn.aPo1is crust baDd Clrrbosls (1i &lvore !eEe:rlors tbelr orc .!d olly cassotte release?). lllrslcrlly they llsy a cluncbilgr lloaailg' alil Eore DetEl-ililuerced 5ty1e of clust !u!L sidits! to ,evlaicd IDstlDct $lih vocals iD a slErlarly gutiural style. Ibe rlbuld cover ls a lr.itJ ulld, fu]I col.o! co]lage ald is leaI1y v611 dole ir a! a$lstic sort of uay' there 1s rlso B thick looklet of lyflcs' trtEork sld o!6e!vat1o!s olly liltlhg to the aIleady great Drcktge her€. R.coEDeld.d for aEJoDe seeLug E dark.rr lorc eYiI srde ol tbe Eolttloal DuDk rock Yiefi oi th! vo!]il. (DsD) rrrf€ ls .[buse / ].0. 3or 20524 / o.LIaDd, c.a 9a620 {or) uiseDthroerc / 20792 colha / Eu!tlngio! Beaoh, ga 92546 3I1 mlgr,/ cuExlrcl r luro Brltt 7' $?! Srsu! plal slo$r Eootly alrrcbo-siurf. ?i.ttJ [!llow rlth lots oI feelllg' Guernlcr Y Luro ls a little Dore urleatr but stll-l rlorg tLe sare Iilea. 1 sll1ous Brtlchlst sentlDeli, glfortuiately notbr.lgs 1! X.slish, (r€rrJ) ierat scyoanlti / u,r,' Bosuslasa / xr/rt 76200 SluDsL / ?oIald EI.'ClIf,mlE lr.ErtaBo/ S.l7.r.! 7' Isl.odlo I,uDk $ith a blt of sLa tbtol-Jn iD flold

tbi.s elssgoN baEd. Ibls ls catchy es fucL

l]ilb l.olds of eDergy ibBl Dakes Ee plal 1t oy€! aDd oycr. Lylics ale about beirg locted uD uDil iskilg a stsld sgahst all tLe 5h1t tbrolrD at u6. Ilj ol]y coDPlsjlt i5 ibat tbis recolil iB so short- caD't valt 10! tL! tr! suDroseilly oui soon. (Jo!) paiigea c'ooa,/ P.o, Ror. 67r/ roldo, xU 5ml E!81enil.

,.D.S. t.r!r laEu.olilr ?' I lour song e,p. floD this anerebolulk balil

Iluslcally tbey ar€ Dtctty stlr1tht-for,?ard bsldcore purk uliL a slitlt ibrasb n€ta1 lnfluence. Ihe so!8s are suDS i! Iortu8rese, rlthough xnSlish trenslrtions troD Brrrll.

tr€ lrovlded' ultb Urics Elout alalchlsE, l.lylng ir hisorable coDditloisr ard usilE lour oHE ri!d. ProduotioD ard PacLagiDg are reEsrx.!1J good naElrg tbls deiulteU tiorth checki!8 o\rt. (Dsn) iottbe!!ess Records c/o treIso! argusto Do Saltos / Caix6 ?ostsl I197 / r.0. Celtrl1 olorg / seo ?au1o - sr / rlazil rIII drlo b]$ts that JU.IIP tro! a slo\{ ilirge' to DaDlc hachlD! grr! ltre wlth crrlJ y€llilg yocals, Il itles lt roEllds Ec stlSItU ol 116r Is rhe Sastuar lut lhat's as fr! rs tbe co4rrlsoDs go. Ihis i5 lerforried out the DorEaI d.rsica] l1Dtts of Pulk ,,Iltb a klcl .ss ,esult. (Jor) ?.0. 3or 171/ lllsloD, }ll 02111. IIIlIl xrlfo $oD YlYla.otloD tot 1l Ylth a! excelleDt' siuilio quElliy solDd' !ocorded l.lye ln 51ov€!1j! re h3Ye a fir1I Iergtb ilbuE's vorlh oI Dsterlsl iroE tbis nou saily ilelurct .larcbolluDk laid froo [eu Iort Cltv. fb1le I Hss a ltt dlsaDDoiiteil that th.r. Eas !o lyric 6heet 1!cluded, tre11's DI!tb.!jBg betweer s6cb solgs does giYe ilclt! iDto the s.r:ous pou,tlcal nsssage lelhil tbe soDgs. tj.tb ollJ o!! 7'DleYlousu $Lersed, lbis 15 the orly reat good ilocuEeltatioD of the rest o! the laDd's sorss ttLi!8 r leH rrlloaoh to tL€ irlcil tDd t!tr! Dischuge-type rg8!!s51ve DurL sourrl. OI courso iberc rre llso a coYcr 'or's "!leciroil.s," trit! StaoJ iroE lhnklDrl? slal Dirt helDhg o! Yocala. I beIleye tbele ulte only 1000 colie5 Eade so far sld ls culrelt]y ualtilg to !. roDresseil as It's rllsedy sold out. Iou Eill Uk.tJ De alle to get tbls sgah soon froD trlbrl Vlr Records o! Prolsle Eristsrce, of else xrlt. to the hlel dlrectlJ. floweYcr 1o!g 1t tEk.s to getr it n1ll De iI€IlDlteU Ho!t! your Nait ! (rs!) trrcresr suE ,/ cI 114 / ,4\o aoizla / lED

thls 1s soBe !e.11y ilsaDe ald !o1sJ thraeb. Srorsdic



!IArS lID !I03 C]ot.l ,trrruotlo! 12" llla]U ILEAS rID IICE gets tbe sourd thev de6orye. This i6 12' oaDtures the etre!8J 8!tI poH.r of ]lv€ Eelfolurlccs or Yirvl. Ebls is tbelr beEt stutf yet, !hes. soDts

rock lllith Dlelty o, oruEchr sPeedr books' aDger.!tl catclrress to leaYe a Esriou5 lD-

Drcsslo! o! aDy is! of hardcore lutlk' Dual lsle !!il feDrls Yocsls screerllg over b!1I_ llsrt riffs rlil it!lv1!g beats l€lYe little to

!e desireil. Ercoll.eDt ,o]liLcal lyrics at_ tack the Eeat 1!ilustt]t, ruclear Poeer, E\rroDlsleJ, sDd tourlE+6' 6!athJ tolisrils vatt as u€ll .s a pelsoDs1 oEe. roD lotcL luaL lock. (Jon) skuld ReLeases/ [ahsbeiDer st', 11/ 11272 aenrlleeD/ Gerr.!y' Irotale rriBtelce/ P'0, Box 8?22/ rurneaDol1s, Hr ,t408l u.s.A. rtrorrBs rr corcrrr3 ?' Ibis is reelly good, ceichJ record' but hrld to descri!.t Groovh' rool D'ro11 puDL leatB uitb s:ED1e' cttcbJ Jet b.avJ lirfs lroD tbis tbree Iiece .|trstriaD bt!d. Gtorli!6 Yocal6 thst stslil out Elx€it with aollilg blts tl. tt aU tog€the!. Yeiril btt tlefiDitelJ ,,Dteresti!s; ro ]Jrtcs ale provld.d though. (JoD) IurnJ Records/ IoD ReltEaJer/ leEedtLt

Ntilsl: ltl:l-trs[:

schelillr.i-;asse 8/1/ tt o \reb/ Lnsrljs. !,,III 0! DISOrrll / uI rouis srrllt ?'

T.O.D. s!i -irrls, r,lssed olr 9O's !olitrcal purts/c:]rsr :ro5 Colorarlo. VeLl rritteE tyilca and so:. good tules to boot. g! Iours plal iasi !i.i rock i{ttb dueling screacbers. Good

shir. (ielrJ)

![cffrca ,o,'t n fr ns




tbe lerest llstallDent by th€se SI h€ta1 EadneD. Iore !ee. s€ked heavilJ disto*ed tbsts


,acLaghg, as usual, ls really cooiDg yritb lots ol oAd ihir€s tblor! iou should buJ this. (rer!J) :rae

coolt a;.reJs

SaEe address as



locl!^cs / EroBt slrl,lt ?, Eickel llal a sonel?h3i nore neloilic stJle the! ?uciiace' especlal.l.J the vocals, SoEe-

lt seeDs to glor,r o! ee E bit, even though thls is!'t lerl]J ry cu! oi tea! But fuckface !€411J talies coltlol of ihis ole jus! bla&ilg througb thej.r side iith raE' BDgry, fast, bor

slorrJ EC.

Good, dedicated DIY

P,O,3oa 1t29'

luEL. ([e!ry)

/ S?, c-{ 94U5 oIrCIf,l I' I Ylollnt llld //!fu] Illd 1] El1I a ilecrde hter' r li.lst vilJ1 !elease iroE ole ol SoutherD CalilorDia's lest but rost olscure crust/lurk balds actlve rlurhg tbe lste 80's .nd eElly 90's. The firs! side of tbis 1? is all siudj.o recolilj.Egs Jrou thelr alolted 1991 X? lel€ase ald qulte iairly cartures their beavy clu5t sould Hith Jusi the ligbt anourt of Eeisl iDlluerces (but !o borhs sllDdcore). lbe second side of this ls varloue lraotlce alil ]1vc recorilhgs Hhich bave faj.r quality but ale liriteil !y the recordhg DeiliuE, Iyrlcs for a]l. soDgs (.xcelt the Eollbrstsril cover) els ploviiled o! the srtelold Jrclet Eid rlye r sood lDcite to the st!o!B DollticBI outlool ot the bald. It's too b6d th.y d1d!'t coltsct us beiore this !'Jeri out ior the sludi.o tracks frod the !eve! lelesseil "trightnares oi RoaIitJ" conlllation vbich rould baye lade ihls corDlet€. llaybe tbis could !e folloved u.! by a deEos aDiI coEl,ilstioE II vhich I'il be iDto fo! sul€! (ra! ) IilissDthropic 20?92 Colina ]lale / f,uDlilgtoD Bescb' CA 92545 (or) Vol.tis Recolds / P.0, Rox 5016 / rlrlIelto!' c.[ 92615 EritsoSl3n ?i

.{noiber neu 0e!Ea! land Etth

a! irlressiye

first 7i. Iusj.cally, tbet go irob Slar-a-Eah tyD€ onslaugbi to L16b speed tbrash aril crust splirLles of.grildJ El.ov Eotj.oD, I !1ght

eve! say that lt s Eoir* slishtly too iast for Ey taste, lut this has a good recoldiD8 tbat bigbligbts tbelr Dorer unllke so EAly other laDAs thcse days that oEU hurt tbeEsely€s lrith tbei.r luffled souDd, lyrlcs are Doli+icallJ notiy.ted aDa Bsu-EeaDt but sticliDg to thej.r natiye larguage ilstead o, stuob]i.!g through B soneyrht auLrard rlglish vel3io! lloulil !e B good idea. [eyedbeles8, they could to qulte Iar ln tbls hslcr1 gelre i!

tbc ,uture,


/ ?at lriet / Lchst!,, / 68045 lriedricbsbrie! / cerEalJ useless aecolds

ELlStgS^otWS .DI1t ? Elastus

plal tJ!icrl, fast crustJ kilda

Dulk. Its ectually prettJ gooil eacept IrD Dot too hto the 1o,'r trorlirg vocals (theJ have tro siEgers so its lot there alltbe tire). Iotu\rs, are ErsicaUy but ale, iD EJ ollDloD, nuch better. Tbe yocals 6re ioush as heII aEd the drslc reauJ kj.cLs ass! (Iuk€) f,onkJ Recolds

I! ,nc BcglrrlDa tE tbis recold is shlla! to tbe s!]lt 7i I leviened, at least on side oEe. ?rettJ easl flouj.lg sor8s tilh iiEds !o!!J(?) vocals. I would'!! dare pui thj.s out there tba! other shit soEe peopl€ call !o, I,u!k. I reau.J tbeir lealistlc lut soe€rhat ilef,ICIEI

lressing look et lj.fe r rbj.cb cones out through

the li!j.cs. . the 3-side ol this I? 1s B lot sEolhs, ?O s rocl illlueDced ilstfueltat *b1cb ls lrettJ 6t-a!ge. ?rettJ cool. (Ee!!y) Irobe R€cords 94566


P,O,Ror 5068


?teusentoD, al'

IIIIBIIII]I IEIIZIIIIe / Illilrx! srtlt ?r E.B. bave soEe reaUy iEterEedirte Beayis ald Butlheaa lyri-cs lacred u! !y sone rlal]y good staDdard 80'E pL!}.. tbe 3-slde, ielIale, IlaJ vithiD th. saoe y€h rDd ca!'t reallJ i1!d nucb to sllg about erc€lt driDklng ( bey, I love to dlink. lut s1lgirg alout it is gettirg realu old), Iile I s51d, tb? husic is re.lly cool Uid-nest EC sourdirg alHrJs puts r sD1le or nJ face. overr11, its lot so b.d. ((e!ry) SelsuaI gDdergrounrl Ii!istries / P.0.3ox 8545 / Iu]sa, 0[ ?410].-8545 ils E!40 IS 00IE rL! i..d ot !18ht 1D .l.gbt [ovaaaDta 7r Ihis is W f.r ole oI the lest leu recolils I ve beard 1, r wh1le, llu]tiDle lrocals accoDraly tbe s]oHer, DooiIJ Eusic, coultersa itb fastcr ibrash, IDteUigelt ly!1cs rld nlce I,actsgilg nake tbe recolil eoEplote. lv€r tbouAb tbls record rocls.!d. evelyole should have lt, it stil] does!'t calture thei! I1ve ,erforDaDce, (,Iu1ic) P!a!l ?.0. Bor 410892, san lllnctsco, C.A.


nEsrrr8 / rf,ItPED .Dlrt ?i Il Jou experi.elceil tbe ilruDke, Dess calIeil

US with reflalc. a coull€ of Jerrs ago, you could see yhy iLe lard s!]tt u!. Besliles erilleEsly arguj.rg &iorgst theEs.lyes, theJ dj.d rloduc. oD€ be]] of aE algry a!d, lissed oJf veristy oi Iulk rock rith r tight aDd pouelful sourd. their tblee tlacks hele deiillteu r aHlt leleasirA eve! afte! ibe bald LBs !ee! loDg slEce deprlted (ibus diliDg to tbelr alre.dy ertetrslve dlscoarsDhy oi 2, of tbelr 9 song deDo .Dd r EoEg o! tbe "re lre r.lL GuiltJ" coE!11it1oD),. thilleil o-C course bee! at iI ior mriy years lov thej.! three tracks bele recordcd drrling 1992. tbey Dlay 3 rore st lght-Ior"alrl style oI luDk foc} Eith Paula s otteD Dj.erclDgly screrEed Yocals you'.11 €1iher Ioee o! hate, lut rleftlitelJ c!n't i6!ore. Both balAs b8ve ur!!o!t aril l!-you!-face l)o1ltlcal olieDtcteal IJlics aDd ihere ls lIso e poster flon 6.cb !a!d lDcluded vlth ihe record. !. Eood Durts ald it's too liil dldr't [;le it to ligbt thre. years rgo !rhe! it vas lecordeil. tblt s the lII lunk lir.l (Ds!) salotls. x.!,lh lecorAs / 824 nx 45th, Bo: 27 / sertrle ' iA 9810, Ir/EUIlrI -ft. tutty l;it-ohrlst U IDlhur.!liy just Lee! Aettila better aDiI b€tterll lhis lD is AoiDg to turD e lot oJ besds, !o! sto, haldcor€/thrasb dtvelslty leavirg lr/hu-Eality ri.tb tbel! offounil sDi! style. Groat lJrlcs rith ! \ritty orerioDe xlth sorgs like: ieelage suiclile-Do ltl, truc1eu Yilter ,olderl.Ddr loulle llglt IuD, elc, Tbis laDti is-tota1ly overl.ooLea rDil horefulLy thi8 ID vill glaDt tben sone oi the ,ecotritio! theJ deserve, (Cale ) Passiye llst / ?.0. Box 9111,/ SsvaDrah, cA,/

IDbu!6De toured iLe


JoBIIIIUS! l. Sl.rr. lh. tf.rrl.!8


!€E€Ebcr LcellDg

this lot


Jerls ato or

a Selfsst trle coEI, aDd ihhlhg they lere irrelevaltU ullist.labIe. llore th! yeals later rld.theJ re stlll srouldl lllrl it lools

lile theJ've spelt thelr tlno pr8ctisilg


tbls is fucltlg greatl th€J're lot exact]J tbe Iastest llcllrs€ this deEo urs E]readJ lecorded h Iste '92 iul has arparellly lot seeE the tlght o, rlay sirce recelttJ. Iet Ee teI1 Jou, tbele s alvays beer a ve!, sleclal llace for Seliast bald.s 1!r ny he.rt. Rigbt frou the classic aEarcho DuDk !.!ils Iike loxj.c Yaste alil I7 onto thej.r earu 901es llb€rltors ?U.dJ, Sellast had Dor€ tha! tbej.r sbale oJ ercelleit, ilspj.riDg ancaus€

Nrlrsl: Rl:l- trs l:

arcbLst lBrals, IaJle lelng far a\ray iron.the oyersaturBteil XBglisb sceDes, coDbi!€it H1!h

the exloslre to tho ever lreselt !olj"] situatio! teels tbe:[ oD tbe eike, .A.Ardtteilly,

the Eusj.c is loihlrg !eH! rlgry, €relgetic, EiA-teElo ararcho DUDL trith ! Iey tuges o, crustJ thrash ylih E/l yocals ihrt soEetitres !ri!g to rlnd lute-reriod rM. gut lt's doDe vith elougb colvlctio! to Erke lt truly stalil

out, (I@boo) JollJlflst / P.o, Box U8 / Selrrsr / 3Tt / trortb.r! Irel8ld


Iulof,! &r, ,ltD.BB VB. T, / Ct Tbe thirA fuu lelgtb Xulolt rhur, I tbirh I do!rt hrye to deEcrtbe th€ir ms1c, r[!J olIy

the chtnges. tlbeD I lletcr€al to lt fllsi I y.s a bit sceDtlc, 1t souldeA too E\rch Esial llllueDceil io! r€, br.t I llstc!.il to 1t a sccoril t1h6, rlal tb6, you bcs! bou gooil its playeiI, ihe sanrles, tL! tyrical ,oreljuI truro$ style rld tbe iyrical yery goo{t !crsorrl lyrics, l'lso soEo slofle!, lJcild songs ars o! the albuo 1ts a good colbllstio!, iD

Ey oplnlor tbis ls ole o! tbe to! recold !eleases

thls yearl


Slcro ngoisrro Records / ?sLberEtrasse 2Ol2/

12 / tr50 vj.ema / Distrllut€d byr ^ustrir ColsDilacy Reco.ds / Lllge Lee$t!.rt ,88 / 2018

.{rtue!p / Belgiu!

fUnOBI O3.lo


trou! !.H solas

of ole of l\rstrllrs tsst ald also nost ,oDulrr belils. tbej.r solts rlo, l1ke eYerJtj.De, fast !!il !o)re!fu]. Ib1s tlEe,

for cyeryole lilhors ilterested, thei! LJllcs ar€ iruslateil ilto EDsIlsh, aDi liLe JroD thel! olde! recolds good ,e!so!s] lyrj.cs, ibl.i should you tbiik. (Joe) gorsIIRACy RTCoR S / Isrge L!.uslrrai ,88 / 201.8 .rrtlreq, / Belglur IXrfg, ,oruJr oarsltt! lucllDg techDo]oaj.cBl terrorr Ib1s review Nls sullossit to baYe !e6! itl last lssu€ rllerdJ, lut got Lost or lts u.y. treeAle5s to s.y, tbls 16 one of thosc cxccttlonslly ,rckaged taDe tLlt Iut to shale lost thilgs US or Hestcln ruloter! brDas put out. ol]y tbis iiEe, tbey nigbt hlve gore a b1t overlolril ylt! the four-color coye! {bicb eakes the ly}lcs soDenhrt iDaeciDbera!1.e. AlJray, unIike tbeir frnrtlcaUy cftsty loLish colteEDorarles, thls bulch aakes suft to llcLuds atEosphelic aEa Eclodlc Drrt5 lEto ihelr ten-. eral irst E.!dco!e Purk sould, oood to Esc thtt lot everylody is iryirg +o souDil Llke E I o! noo8. N!1D !ro!le! bc!. 1s tbet the ao6sD't boli uD for ths entlle leDsih, ,icking out tbe be*te! soEgs uould brve Eade

th13 hore €ri oya!le. (I@boo) QIvr Sisteaa / ro Box l, / 16-200 SLrD.k ?oltnd


IA f ltoo SOCIIII l)ot'l Aal C.\gnt 1, rj.rst of rI1, tbe cover ls scleeE Irrlrteil or the tecL or BD olJrpt8 leer case (eve! though 01yel1! lsD t too good of teeI, He all get doH! erd out ard ca! t arJord th6 gooil stufr).

ieU' lo thc Dusic, llealiuE to ir6t alurl vocaliz.d ?-rocl Hlth u ier6. sioDs. ?olj.tic.lly Eoiiv8teil lyrios Elil r lrettJ ,uuJ soig bik€ tbleves. Its a}l llgbtt ((erlr) $, to: uest sla! xecords/ ?.0,8o\ 71011/ Irs yegss, rr E9170-r0r1 Irlfrlf ru-?d.r d.r ,ufqrrt orssltt. l' lew laDd fror trorther! berDaay thrt oscj.lIrtes betue€n a verJ cruncby, Eetrllic souEtl ald fast thruEh llitb a llt oi that fulkJ bass tbille throry! t!. the rmo hilueEce is hsril to alss although sone of tlc leo-eDo talds coDe to Dlril 6s lrelI. Seers a ilefillte !o11t1c1!!tloD bas take! !16ce i! this srbere. ge*aiDly good to see iltelligelt lyrlcs (tr Cern.Dl) that rre Dot deslilg !r1tb ibe I,ro!leEs ff1shg floD horllole overyloaluctlo! or teing ioo Beasltive for thls $or]d. E.s s good t.oordhg lE is prolably ,ltthg for this [lrslcal genre, (I@boo)


/ .ule-trlerk-Rlng



24768 Rendsburg

UIJIS'IIC IfEIlfE South lolc ]rrr!3slo! 7r l seve!-soDg etD. of raw aDaI tbreshv !u!k itb shoutEd nsle rlil fenrle Yocrls. tbe a algrJ ald sohethes bave ! crJD-

tic arlroacb to Doli.tlca] ald socitl toDica. Ilcluiled are ruerous ilselts lDctudhg ariEAl lights paElh1eis alil a UI2 Ilatch' lbeJ slso seeD to have r tutsteA sort of obBesslo! $lth all€rsr croP cltcles srd d.Dols'.tossll:.v fron reaai4 ioo nslJ is6ues o, the 'U€eklJ No;Id fevs?" a DrettJ good offort fron thls

CrllfolDia bard llevious ulkDosD to tbiB !€_ vlerer. (Dr!) tild Huntsoa! / ?.0. Bor 9, / Paj.r 0415, Cr. 9r62E IIB CIA8 Lr UlraaltoD 7t lots1 vlcc squsil-1sb Dulk floE !i!IaEa. rot roo bad ro! thls stJ10. (Ee!!J) s5 io: roEJ / nalsayD!.uJr / r{ 26 / o278o , XsDoo . lhlaDii LlIL 6]0r lso.r, 0, Ove! ?0 hilutes of atDoslb.ric souDds ,ron tirls lelgira tand that ls going do ! a siDlIa! lalh feurosis baa cLose! r isH vears a8o. Ullj,ke tLe sfoleEsltlotedr they bareEtt y€t left our ,-rliDe!sio!41 uniYetse, 3o this !s thsltJullJ a ratbe! dorD-to-.uth retcaBe. 1!'fac+' ther€rs actutlly quite. fe\{ iast D\rDl< bits, coEplencltllg tbelr roody Blover lubers. 0l courBor th.y alBo hail to hrYe a longer rave/tecblo tJPe DuDber but 1t5.ctua]ll Dot 6s taal ss li D18bl Eou.dl lars ol iid-D€riod [eulosls rlII ,robabl] gei lnto thts. (Y@hoo) coEsDl;acr Racords / ,,sDto leeEstraat ,88 / 2018 irtuerp / reuiuD IIIS f.rt 43 !? Ibls 1s s pouerful as fuck tr!, l1fiE are IloD sultrerlrld rDd DIay .! ollglnrl stJl€ ol baracole tbat altsBs 1!f1u€!ceB lroD Iol6chrcbt eEo, D.tsI, sDd crust blsnileil iogether vitb porfect ploiluctlolr el0l,hlglrllg th€ !!1ght Anr! soultl rld uE11 oi grrllrrs. lyrlca ar! soneuhlt jrded !ersolal outlooks oD huraD !ature' Do1iti.cs, ald tho Du!k/ hudcore sceEe. ?ack!aj.!g is to! gualr.tJ utith 1u11-co1or brutal.Iy irde allEstloE' 1. gooil as you uoulit erpect irou a loilt ef-cott iroD th6se tHo

sra lrhst . trsSedJ[ 6 so!8s of ragllg Dowe! violeEce/grhil iDtelligert lJtics ebout lack of co[]rur1icatio, lD tbe Iunk sceDer greed, €tc, Alotber grest lecolil floD Six Yeeks. (

osbe )

S1x Yee!.s/ 2252


f,lolls H1]l cr./Ss!ts



lrsla srltt ?r $ith tbe iylical, 3hpllstlc Ulics. trothilg hele r.a11y sialds out too Euch, boveYe! its stlll good aDd lests a 1ot ouslc I'Ye levieved this 1sh. (f,crry) xride IettlalDe! / lpol]olkatu 1g 15 / 00100 f,e1silkj. / !i!l&Dd ,, ftt lro Vra. RrB. L fo,.t..7, 7' these oltl ,Ialelese hr tcore celeblities .re 'Ioilffff sitlL ragllg o! tbis !e\r eD. I baYen't hesril aDytbhg slout tlleE ln r iell y€ars' so tbls caDe as a surDris€, this 1s Jrpa!€se hardco!6 iD its Iutest foft. trour leH 6oD86 that lage iror bcgilDiDa to e[d. Iltck tbis one ilou!.

,tolrIYE /


oood llBDiEh bardcore

Blooil sucte, !ecorals/ ,rPs!

,.0.I.1. 6lY. & .8Doulilort C! Its loi sullttslEE seeing a 80's !\rD!. bald relorEed Jo! the E1d 90's I,uEk erPlosior, I gave thls a list.! rlil nas lDDressetl by a leYr tbilgs. llrst of r11r tbis is a Sood iP, yelJ o, thelr earu stuff' 5ecsrDe label Hho 6!d. thls ls relssseilfo! 'II the i! '8r( I thrDl). lut out tbeir flrst Urfo*urately olIJ oDe ollginal hoDb€r exlsts, but 1ts stiLl reclly gooa. Also bas 10 Ily.'tlacks vblch are rli ;]'nles. I'd haYe to givB ihls a tburbs upl (f,errY). IlrcleaD Rscords / 2,0,Box 1462'l / se! A!to!io' rX 78265 orB RtlD 60!

raorE r^


lbis taDilloE Quebec tbrt ui11 }nock Jou! socks olll nol olly does thie r€cord have the best altwork rlil lackagiEg of the year, Dut thelr iru6ic 15 d!lr1Dg, ilteise batilcole tLat hts dlstorleal vocrts (good Dir'.roo). lbe lhythD bullds ald bullds aDil does! t ]et Jou dowDr iast !!d crarYr h tbe veh of ol.tros but it u1U slo$ to a! rhoEt !1.cL ' IletaL tyDe o! soulil ultbout losiDg tbe 1!leDs1ty. the lyrics are vritt!! 1! ElglLsh lrd rDd are lltcluielt' lollt1ca1/"eEo" ' clearry oa!.ing iteieu"rts, yet they'Ie rrooullLty labelsr (JoD) etj.c. lhere's !o Hsy to Dut tbis ln o!. iorEo!-cause/ Eo!rad-rde!.u.r-str. rB/ D-71529 category rloler Just bul 1t- i+'3 e! all rettlirsen/ Gel}llly. arouaa ireat reieasc (tbey're sood lj.Ye, too). The creat .lrellcr! Relislo!/ 5 .trIhgthls Dlcce ol Tiryl hls not Btlry€d fa! !!oI0 lor ay€/oitaws' oatalio/ csnedt/ x2! lEl ny reiord llay:r 1! lolths. (ruttlelee) !h! creat LEerica, st.!L lollglo!/ 5 !.rli!gIISIRI r.rl I1r. 7i vhile ihls E? vor't actualu be out ultil ihe toD -{ye/ottawa, ortarto,/ canads/ [2r 111 eDa of roveEber' I'! r.vievirg lt aDytay slDc. I'D faDr.liar Hlth 1t ilEide trd outl Ilrrfog 7' navlrg been out fo! ages' lhls 1lclsarlIe ths- colstrucheI!j.!A Hlth various leYels o,f tio!. Ihe tr.t1e tlack ald -ru11' Yere re- e.!. h!5 soEebow rd6nBged io eluile ihe teYiefl sectlo! oI Pl u, urt1l noE' Iallkos 116 floD corded lD lste 1995 fo! tb€1r dooEetl 5!]1t layereil ald eEo7" witb Cbaos uf ard, Hhlre havLlg tb. saDe cleece ard I].y iD a hearyr tioD-fitled cirst I,uD! stl,le tb3t could easgrest Iroductio! as the lsErrsh s!11tr I Per_ solally thilk these are th. laEt lwo soEgs iIJ qualj.Iy the! ss tho hberltols of ihe r.Deblr / rxe8rhder !latli+ior. Hlth the outthe baDil hss eve! v!ltte!. Bu1ldi!8 o! tbel! stJle ol ,overlul. 'crust' uisery baYe dded siile Dsctsaglrg eli1lel.J 1! Creek, the oily a! old school, si!8-aloDg style c!€atlDg sone outt?ard irdlc.ito! oI coltoDt ls tbrough ibe o, the best politlcal DuDk alihers heslA ln sltlstic, t!1brl alil iolltlcal sDDroach io yeals! lLe lyrics sre quite s.!1ous EriI the altrorL. fbere are tflo lcn8tby solgs o! tbls e.!., .ach 3telt1!g 1rith subtl€ Dolitical but BIBo traYe a sllsht libilistlc ;dse rybrch, vj.tb "[ert tibe" t€1!g uritte! 1lstllrEelttls rDil the! bulldllg uI to a !48about IlleDils Hbo bdYe give! \r! Elit lefi irs iDg cresceEdo of !a8o rld alger. oood so)rDil behlrd. OEly sddlrg to th13 ,rcka8. is the B quality rld EDglisb ttanslatio!5 o, the i!stde Nhicb has ar uDrolesseil 1988 studlo !e- credibty EeaEr.rgiul ]yrlcs o!]y ldded to +y tlat s cordila ol the o!iglra1 liDe-up (Hltb l1 sleeful elloyEelt of thls !'p' r althotrSh (DaD) tbey hsd i! Elrd! Ielretlve o! vocals) dolDs or. oi nv r11 tire lrobrbu ;oi \rbrtp.o, tox 447 / 9oo0 }eni / Iayorite solgsr "uidalgbt." I ca!'t uait io oeret nicords / lel.giur haye tbe actual Yhyl iE Dy hrlils afte! all (DaE) this srtlciDstio! I P r IEITIIA Crr. l, lb. A}.osla 7' Ilofane ExisteDcc / Skuld Thls is hirl-Dscerl, Eet31 tirged h.rilcore Rith lots oi purcb. l8o!1!ed yell1!g vocals soulil gooal \rith 1Jllcs about aDBihJ ald l,ullirg out rr,rrED rorr/ !.r.?.9 ?' of the EAcbj.le, 0cca51o!41 blasilg thrasb trallea Sown slor do\rD iloD th€ ti CD antl DlaJ ald no!ts u€Il rlth the PoundI solgs thet di.turrt hold Ey atteDtlo, !o! I lits rle throrD secola. I bail Dever prevlously besrd D'P'!.s 1!g thrasb souDil. oood stufr. (Jor)


Vj.ctiE records/ P.O. Box ,4921/ lbeonlx, i.Z 85067-1921.

IIIoE This


,ollll loCS ,rlro 0B is fsst, argry puDk froD rlthiD


of VasbhetoD Stat€ ReforEiioly. Filst

of, o11' I'i ]lke to coEDcld tbe PeoDle t!yolreal in tbts Just for tryi!8. lbe quality suffels olly s little aDd is vely 11st€!3t1et

if yo\r like aooil old fashloled aD85t llddeD !-roc!. Yo*h checkiDg out. (re!!J) Sold 2 or, lucks to! scoti Rl&Es 1125089 / D,rLaE 2-15 / iissh. Strt€ Rlfornitory / P.o.Rox771 / uoDroe' Yl. 98272

irsf, o! lEMles s/t

?r Yho !?ouId bsYe .xDected such

a! incrcdlblc Dolitlc.I puDk tron a D16ce to heY! a er€ctly LEoUE Ilke llttIe xock' lot Essslv€ sce!6 th€ee ilays? to Dy Steat 5u!lrlse the e.!. coDtahs eleY-eD tracls oJ soDe o! tbe eosl !rui41 thrasb I ve helrd l! ag€B wltb e grhdcore iiflueDcs Ille tbat ol lssiick EiDus tbe stuilio irlcks' Ibere rt€ lvr1cs Droyliteal io! flYe of tb€ solgs rrhlch .re aa8ry attacLs rgaiDst tbe lEJustlcss of otrl pr?s.nt syster aEil soclety. ?he graDblcs o!tbls IEcksg€ are as brutal aDd h Jorrl tace as the Eusical conteDtr l[rlllg for E! .1I arould hlsh-lEpact release (Dar) Sc!suaI UlderEroula 11!istries / r.O, Ro, 8115 / Iulse, 0[ 74101-8545 [r!E I O!!3,DEI 14. tcrt orr'll .B. .Brr.r. il.Eo Rsnr flrrzy hirdcote PuDk tr1ih a load clrlky b6ss aDd slottJ voculs' R.hlDdE De a lot oi oo,a ncaear era llelicaE luEr !oc!. Lvllos .le algry Dol1tlca1 raris ttout letrlotlsE' s;cslled lrecdoE, driElils' Bllthy' etc, Cood lolsy DuDk. (Jor) Joh!- 5€talcoud/ 51 ldai! st. (basehsrt)/ lirth.nton, m Ir905. R8YoloIlot I !ot1t1o. y l.Itlrobl.lto... ?' Ibe sscold 7i relees€ Jron lhis an8rcboDulL baDd ilon Ulxlco. lhe lyrics a!. Eostly suDg :! Sl,aDlsbr but lngllsh tralslatlols are Provid€d' giviDg ilslgbt to the [ltra setiou5 politicsl .sp.ct of tLls balil, coEnlltllg oD ErDy iEl,ortant socle1 issues, DanI uDiquell lerlcaE / L!t1!o--ABerlcr! 1! Datur€r ltrt lD lsDy vrys relatiDg urlYerEauJ eotLd-vid.. Iuslcalu th15 ls siryIe lunk tocL tiih I rat .olil thr.sblng edgs' (Da!) r,eD8ur aIladi Drscos / zrao i 24th st. / chl;aso' u, 50608 (or) .ualra Records / 2210 v. sein;lt 1! / cbicato, ]I 60518 ^ae, ^p* rorrrr BR rr s/i 7' Yovt !.st' !au' hsrd-bittiDg Du!& lloE lta1v. Iherets leslly stloDt Dsle/fetrale vocrls oD sone soDgs bui o! a fet? they 8et k1!da Eeloiu.c, I doDrt tike relodic voc6ls but eY€! o! tho ,!u so!8s tbtt ar? Iite tbatr the Euslc Dore thr! EsLeB uD io! ltl (!u!e) Distro! Iaolo Bricca / v1a Vespuccl. 9 /10128 lolilo / I1!I,I sEEIf' xr! t tlrrB 7' SEEIr' xL boye !ee! .rouDd for sore iihe lo\1r rnrl get coDslstelt1J bete! o! elcb teIesse. lbls e! rocks bard- iastr solialt argry' .!d Do1ltical. Ibese solgs btast with rlgst aDd lerocj.tJ 1! a stJle of tbelr oIrD. ],rrlca tbat alo 5t!o!g1J agslnst calitallsE assautt of


tbe lusires8 Dr! as 1l€I1 as a couPle ol

lersolaI oDos. the oDDosite

lbese guys seeE to bare take! es rost balds nbo get 51owe!

aDA lrore Yague lyllc.UJ }rith ttE!' S,R, just gete faster ald Dore lD Jour (Jo!) Ebtrll.itj.o!/ P,0. lox 580/ Goleta, C^ 91115.


IEiYME ri[.!ro or38!ti. to begh ibls reviev' I should l,lolably start ui+h r brlef EeEtioD ibat ihis balil 13 DartirIly coDDrlsett oi lomer ilenbers of tbe tsDits DlssersloDr ,el8u1tr Destloyl aDiI JiD Jores PartJ uir, Vllbout :mch fulther exDlaDatlo, 1t shoulal be easy for -ihe reatler to iraglne tbat tLis laEd i5 Hithout a doutt th€

NtItsl: ttl:l-trsl:

frst€st luEk baEil i! iliDDealolis todaJ, IlaJ1!g tbe absolutely iEsale crazy thlush S€r-

attacl 1tb Dachile gurs blezlng lor tbis iirsi recolAed ofierilg. Dld I EeltioD ibis !e!a cB! !1aJ last Jet' llell they also bayc 51ou, laJered i!str.rEe!i61 blts Ebich s6rve 15 a gresr couDrelloirt. vocalst He11, they'11 blos Jor. a\rsJ as ve11' lritb Joe (to!EerIJ ol )rssensio!) teaEi!8 u! ro! r sboutr-tbo! vith Julie's vocals or a style lot beald iD Nille3polis silce Iardy l€ft Assrash. lbe lyrics are loliiica1, of cou!6e' ulth o ofteB l,oetic stJIe of Hriti!9. the sourtl qualltJ j.s prettJ good as te11, corslder1!g 1t vrs lecorded 1! IliselJ s llactise looD slil tbe tales dubbed on a dual cassett€ ileck iE Beally lou' lthat tbe II oflice totaIIJ ,II! !o!e car I saJ? (ra!) vituale

llsd Eouil Releases c/o SEEIIS

PX sddress

0rr!1, I!rr.o, il.!o

CrolliDg 6!iI screaBlrg gtildirg hrdcorc tbrasb fror tbis Eefl thlee llece ltaLia! bard. lbe rough aDd !s,". recodllg quttitJ brhgs lacL f,old EeDori€s oi lgatbocles denos. 19 Dad tbrasbilg !lasis here incluiling cove! !y DlsruDt ald .{gathocles- so you 8et the lder of wber€

thet! lrlhelces


iror. lbe lyrlcs

rsDge !etn!€! ,e!soDaI ald Polltlcalr lrith soD; lE Elalish ald others i.! Italj.a!. (ro!) DaDlele BorliDo/ \!s Praae 246/8/ U047 Yado

rlsure (sY)/ Ita1y.

SEI rOI' LO' this Has s lIce suryrise- I was eage!]y arait1rg r leL releaEe froD tbis !a!d 31rce I heird thclr li.c! ass €!. TblE IO" tsdes svlrytbi!8 tbat was good about tbe eI and tite!sifles it. StralAbt tolwara crushi!6 barilcore i! lbe stJle of hti ClEer ultb blutrl feEsLe yocala (but you nould!'t kEoH on you! f1!st liston) rllil b€avy-as-B!-.v.lalche riirs uith lots of poner-tllctss ald teErro cbanges, 4huDd€lous haitlcore clust that is best s nsxlnu! voluees. lhe lyrtcs as llell- ro cl1cbes, but voll are brllllrli lrrlite! DoliticaI tlrEdes l]hich are qulte EDscilic rld thorougblJ erII3iD.d. rlce ,acLasj.Ds tops j,t all ofi. (Jor) hl.er1. Records/ c/o x6r1lE Y8lase!/ 281/ 7r9 56 rlilec 6/ czech Bepullic' SI8!g rIiiVIOSO mcr! llt t y t gfDs 7' this is Eanlc tast haldcore l]itb ov€r ihe toP sole8eing vocsls ri! rlght thtough you. IulI throttle vith tbe right eoutlt of breaks lnd booLs to Eurdri.zs tbe intelsitJ. l.lger fl1Ied ]J!ics Lash-out tarhsi police orDresslo!, corPorate lurL, aDil a crur!]l!g sJste!. !xce11e!t ! (Jo!) Bril Peo!]e records/ !,0. 3ox 1809rr/ Delyer' C0 80248-095I'

s? 8mllcE ?'

.lite! nevirted LtrstlEct tbere caEe SlllellreDcb' t.tilg oD a rel1 raDtle of r! hdust!1r1 strelgth rrDloach to 8uii3r ltden !ov!r YioI.Dc€. lutldlnS o! a ll.tforE cleated b, 'UlllstrJ allil Godflesh, Sllreurelcb create their styl. of rulsilg Brd dlstort€d lois€ l'rhich is D[yea rle8JelirglJ ]oud lor Dosi eltralcilg result3. Ibere are ulics o, top ol this Jbe! ultb r d8rLeled visioD ol the Eorldt !s iI Jou cr! oalJ lool uD olce you'v. b1t rocl bottoE. rditb the sue gritl! p1lJe! oi leviateal IlBtilct, tbis shoulil souDa faEtliar to tbose ltho reEe8ber, trot io! tbe reaL at heatt. (Dt!) ffter the Bonb / 5+28 sa 62ad. / ?ortlsld, 0R 91206

glI?E .l tnrr.t 1o Soalclj"? 7'

gieat ioliof, u! to thelr delut e!. Cris! !u!; iit! the lerfect nj.r ol nelodJ enil inlelsltJ. i:::: are lecod.rg oie of EJ curlert ,aves {i'tl1 '!!.:! catcLy solgs ald sllcere lJrics, lrhici ar. persolrI and !oI1tlcal. the Dost ln-rour-isce oi these Il!ics ale tn outlasb agairst beloLr uscrs. lbj.s is or€ of the best rerl bands io coEe out of baldcore

the UI latery, (Jon)

lllrd restructlo! Records/ Bor 29, 82 colston st./ 3!istor, 3s1 53B/ u,x, srrltlD

sEur 7i

oi the lorer violeDce southerD CalilorDia is becoiilg LlouD io!. StBDled Shut do!rt ]Ilss a tliak, Their best effolt yet coirlete thetr best rioductior aEd Gige! art, Uy o!1y coEplailt is tbat tbe!6is Do 11 solgs

Iylics, (cabe) \st, a1,/ 15202

cleaE ?lare necords/P.0. Bor 2582/

8llIYlD rrD ,ELIiI0US oryroud 7r Eavhg leeD soaeuhat disapDointed bJ tbeir filst c,r., I l1rs quite surrrised to be so absolutely btolrD aliay !y this oDel Yith ?y Srith floE Resist oD aruis +his DcR6! rroj€ct

' carrles o! tbe traiii.tio! of Iortl6DiI rlarchoDurk Hith . lo-holds larred thrlsh lrfluence. Iive ultla-roLitic8l soDgB' llayoil ove! fast aral tight tbrash ,u!k Dlrsi.c, l]lth sole o! the Eost utteru fuckiDg l,issorl oii souDaliDg vocrls ili8gilab]cl lesides hrvhg a pletty uDusual gute-told tyl,e coTe!, this e.p. also coEes $ith a ]2-rEge trrlhic-fiIled ' (Dt!) Uric boo!.tet. Dso! iDpressj,vel sliral xecords / r.0. 3ox 19rB / clrlaoat tl 07015

oood nelodlc oerDr! hrlilco!! that lrllgs to hild baDils llke lotansiers .nd shoul.d not !e corlus€d vltb tradlttola] (!orortc) cer ! nelodlc 77 d !t Dirlk tbrt so DalJ Deople seeD to Eet iDto, tbis has a fleter, Dole Dature sould $1tb Et lght fo!nard, eEelgetic yocals e&kes it yerJ lrlltatilg tbat tbe ]y!1cs lre liiliculousu beartbroL€! loyc solg5. ID r strarte wryt tbis Eake. it vastl.J Eole r!I,€ ,or DeoDlc uho donrt uldelstaDd tbe Cerra! Islgllagc BB tb.J caE rLlrays rletera tbai tus iorcelul sirgllg ls alout destroJLng tbl goverDDeDt' !ur!i!g doEE tbe syllols ot olilsssion Elrl other tolrics ol equrl.tJ l,btlosotblcat llportalce,. (1@boo) sacro Esoj.sEo / llber|lr / t.IbeIstt. 20/t2 / rl)u lire! / auslrrr SfnIoEIIfB ,..r1 l!.l o*Lnd DoaB lE Iotally kickj.D, Dunk ass shit frord ole oi the lest baDil6 arould. thcyrYe tot tlDe]ess eaergJ rld sor€thlnA to sayl .d little Eole th&! !ld-!aced, graDlj.Dg husic nith scrsahj.!6 "oca15. Check tbls outl 01ve ! 11st.! to tbeyrre llrst lelease as weu {r B/t ? oD ihe saEe IsbeL). Ir 1t trtes a llttle D!!e drorphg to catcb you €aI' tbey feature solle ex-BeEbers ot loih llLtb aDil Xoolocbrlstl (Ilrt.) Easi 3ay ti.lace / PO Rox. rrl, / O.hl3an, CL / 94509 i SI lilrollre SEILorr la tL. lot of B.1ri8 Ior.A lDto lotlo! ?' .{.11 out clrry thrasb $ith laDj.d-fire Eachine au! alluoD1lg tbat le1eDtlsss1y Jack-haDEers the aDger of this lard ilee! 1!to your crallrl crvity, EaviDg slrulg iull rlc Efte! Droducilg such gushy !o! Dull as }loDogrlilbl a Ee$ breed or hJrersollc thrash has !ee! slatrDed iE tbe !orther! cbros vaste5 sulroulillng virnepeg, Calailt. tbe ilrst slde bes thlee a klacE relatlveLy sholter thrash soEgs fo! quicl strrts aDA stoD5' tenro'7Lth chutes.!d jusi . loi ot luctshg lltelse tbrasbi!8. lbe otber side has oDe longer so4 wbich sta$s Bith at tle sane irst l)rce the! slous doll! to a lear cralr] to the fiDish. .[11 ol the songs have lelatiYeu sbort eld s1Dr1e lyrlcs !u1 ure $rDDleieEteil rith lergthy BliI intelllgeEt suploltive uritj.lg. I L.te to use a Dbrase so or! out at Ertrere troise Fecoras, !u! 1 ri1li -Ihi.s lecord locisl (DaD) cotuodG / 1611 Eversres! EiIl S[ / Calssry, LR / 721 t^9 / cansaa louc rrxcorlc / rEoIlEousl 0r f,lPnlslmlllYls Brr1tt ?r Itr, lostoD's Eost !oto!1ous1J delleD lDd political pun[ rock banils baYe tro ler tlacks o! this s!l1t €.D,r ore ultb lyrlcs agailsl

Ntils[: tt]:[-trs[:

Do1itloal ellt1sE ln tbe pun! scele alil tbe otber a lousiDS drilkiDg altheE. Savj.rg ihel! Biile irol' a total lack of outlrard looklng Dolj.tics 15 E splrlled rerilitio! of tbe classic "1I1 Cols Are Bs.lard6" dore i! thei! oLrn ihr8shy stJle. ibor€house baye lheir oH! cliiicisrds of the !u!k scere 'ilth ihelr Iilst so!8 shovilg bor Duch or the sceDe is a Ei!ror oi the Serelal society. .{.s re1l, thei! other tracls does 6 prettJ good job s'rtuiDg uD the shit i! ard eyer do a cove! of "Puc^ .{.uthority." Ore o1 the bette! Eer releases 1've hesrd this iear. (Da!) RoAert lopsicle Pecords

/ ?,0, Rox 1t5 /

Ct!., uA 02159 (or) U!-YetU.EaD Recolils i/ P.0. ror 80111 / sesttle, 1n 98101-0111 refltoD

.til ltgct OD CI Jet. 16 t ck of totally dllvhg Suedish hardcore lllth scleaEtlg dual vocals ald uaj.lhg DetaL soloa tbrou!. Tbei.r earlie! stulf Eas nucb nole Eetal lnfhelcea, but ihis 1s deiinitely eole stralSht ,oNard bardcore !u!k. Cood solgs rrd lroiluctlo, ulth lleltJ of purch, LJrics deal ultb usual punl iopl.cs llLe driik1!g, !artyi!9, Elal sayj.Dg fircl oif to authorltJ aEd society. trotbirg glorrldb!eakj.!8, lut aooil lasirs lurk !o!e-tbe-Ies6. (Jo!) rhn Records/ J. Iehlo/ rooslter 4t/ 70t ,6 UIo!A!&D .RuI

thelr thlrd ald derhitely thei! lest

Tl, O,,r !rcct ou L lttc W avsiled IuII !! !J BeIgirD's UIXUCID. It s all ibat I e}lecte.I ard Dole. VeIl Dl.yed hrdcore th8t reaches out rith llge l,il erotl.on. }u31 screaEilg ieEa}e voc!ls, stloig gult8r riffs, ard iltelse druur01rg togotber !u1]d a really loveriul souDal. Ib. great Eusicr reu-uritten loutical 3Dd Dersonal lyricsr ald cool ,II atij.trde eate this ,J? r real uiDne!. (Jo!) rrbrte/ BP 92/ 4o0o Llese l/ lelsiu, UI IO llfA SoTo S ..Do!o 7" Ihls i.s stlaight fo!flald political bardcore floD ltaly. SonetiDes it leDirds be oi Vretcbed' lut is a bit Eore Eelodlc for the tr6st palt, IJlics are itr Itallan' bui lroD the gislhlcs sld Dode oi the Eusic, I'd ludge tbat theJ rle qulte polltical ald urgeri. oood st\rff. (Jon) o/o .{,cqur!o JobDny/ Vio P. cossa no ,r/ 10146 lorllo/ ItrU UfEIfeED

.[t lrst- the

y.ollrc 7'

the spiky



laEe oi ibe !a!d

brd Dy lxDectatlons lletty 1or, but iurtber ilyestiAaiior proved ne 1]!orA, It iras a

plessslt surpllse to fild

Ee soae

rast iC/

Dulk Bith catcby guita!, a couple of cool Ierils alil sobe ilte!eEtilg iileas. thj.s rer0hds De

oi otb€r stuti lroe !.l.., rhicb

cool utth re. (rerry)




?A. I8015-0168


P.0.Bor 168




IlrEEl, !tr6 tott .rd Sortlrg E..rt 1' th. last lelease !y tbese nad JaDalese thlashers, Iotally naric baldcore thlasb i! that stJle tbat could oEU !e produced 1n Jalan. ove! the top screechi.lg vocals !u! the lciEg o! iLe ceBe. I st1]] llLe tbeir li.rst eI tbe lestr b\rt tbls 1s rot ia! !ebi!d, thr8shing MaEess I (Jo!) Blood Suc!.r Records/ Japan.


0l RMISIIIIIIrES tou! LlooLol

!r:ca at lorl ?t YbUe I lov€d tbelr fllst rP aDd the split [ith toxic narcoticr I t1as il-plerared io ]e

bloun auay so Duch uben I tbler tbis goldcolore(I e.D, o! tbe turntablel H.0,8. sre


aEorgst th- besl AEericar

alaicholulk bards SoiEg right not anA tbis releases, es lretl as seeilg iheD live agaln a

cou!]e Eorths !acl, olIJ coltirlls tbis. ABgresslye DunL EusLc coEbiElng tbe no*bnest alrrchoDurk stJle oi baDals liie lefj.aEce ald Resist li,ith a ExropeaD I,urk level of coEplerilJ alal argrJ fenele Yocals rith toiallJ ,issed


off elal lre1l-Hri,tteD Dolltical lvrics' the eltire ,acLage ls a t{o-fistei atirck belt oa deitructloD of th€ systen $blch ibcluiles great art$orL oD tbe coYer aDd I,oster' strorsly recoDDeDdeill (Dan) srbot;s; Ealth / 824 ar 45+h, Ro\ 21 / seattle rl 9E105 ' vo!!!lol Slooastrh.d !r..,rs Crrl I four-soDg I,leYiev CD to lheir urcoEiDg firl} IelEth r€l€ase oE SsstIeD's Eightv Distoltlo! Recolas. lbo filst tbiDg to coEe to rlDd NhUe 11sten1!8 to this ate tI€ s1D1laritles to latsr Lntl-Ciner, for oDe otvlous re6so! belng tbe sane vocaI1st, JonssoDt as l]e11 as e si!" tlaoL ior conbit]lEg srlesdy oltl school }uDvthrssh Eith a Eetsl ed!.. If tater tlti-ClEer !e1es5€s lile "l;solut couDtrv of sueder' aDd es!€clr]lJ "scaDililayj.aD" turleil vour cra!}s, tbeD you'11 i.rstartU .fsII 1! lov€ wlth this laDil, Ihere are Do ]Jrlcs ProYlded li'Ith tLls lrgvteu e.I,. but tbeJ seen slhilar to the sbove DsDtloDed ritles' ths I1!st tvo soras o! thls cD ax€ tsLeD dir€ctlv rxoD th€ir forthcotrj.lg rol€rs6 }rblle the sccotd tBo are sllghtlJ less Droducsd ttacl8 froE their deEo, 0f cours. I loYsd tbls rsl€ase, but l ilon't errect eYeryo!€ to 6here Ey orilloEl (Da!) Dlstortior Recolds,/ Box 129 / 4Ol 22 CotbeDburs / sl1leds! IO!!! 0E Og ,.r ,5rt lnr 5otrlo!ldl.!4r.. ' lbers sssn to bs a loi of Dew, !!olalsj'n8 DII baras !oDl,1ra uD lD GerhalJ ]-ateu' alaMj.E 1s certal.!]J ole oi theEt I'11 brush .slil. the loiloE of tbe tald rllle b.tDg htdeously uDorlgi.lt1 aDd bl.tD. lt oE tb€ b]lssful Da_ ly.te of tbelr ]outh o! sonethiDg liL! tbat' that we have ber6 is Yorv Do'delfu]lv doDc frst tbrasb h tbe vei! oI Eid./late-80ies Ux classics that do€sn't(l) souDd lilc eltber Dlschar8. o! Doo!. nrvr, gruff ald scleared iluel Yocals derllDg lritb th. Ilay thls stlDLirg society ls 3 l,ile ol shit. (I@hoo) iouver Beasoann / roteDburger str. 22 / 49084 osrtbruck / Ge!!.!J ZI Bt[Uo ,s!. b. l.dtt I'oot 7t CoEIEB froE ths Czech ReDu!1j.c. IbeEe fol)is Dlsr ;016 stralght foruald DuEli vlth out the bewy t?tll of souDd 8{itars, ]lL. nost Ersterr-SuloDean !altls I Ye ]lsteEeiI to. 0ooa '82 ,uDi with chorus's I'd !s sble to sillt alolg lo lf I utraerstooal vhat tbeJ $e!e ssJtrs. ( Eer!y ) !.'za;hovrl /-raE.28. BljDs tB / Btno / 602 0O / chzecb RepuDllc lll /tdctoo0 f L fou! way coDpi.latloD featuriDs tblee C€rEan batils aDal oDo !ro! lIgebt1la' EI{SSAYII DIly troody' ltrosl,bsllc puDL li,ltL t€ia1o vocrls' 6ir11a! to 1at€r I}I SE_ rbo hees the nslt t!ec! wblc} is tateD frolo iheh Piss LP. ll.though I Drefe! th€ Lacb IP' lhls solg le deliDitely a staldout- Dlertv of I,ouDdlDg lDil screarlng. 0n tbe B sidet zORf l}1sy s style sLEuar to Rorscbach, but fultLe! oYe! tb€ eilSe !'rllb a helodic break throv! lD. HITIXR lle tloE llg€ltlDr siil DlaJ a 1o!g whacEed-orrt sort rocl D !o1l folL stJle soDg. 0t11y half the baDils I,!o_ vi.ile lyrlcs lhicL ale iD GerleD' Recon_ neEd.d 1I Jou're looLiDt for soEethlrg that Eoes b.JoDd the corfiDes oI iorEulalc hardcole sld }uDh. ( Jo!) Stl8[a/ Jochc! EcLrich/ Rudolf-rleltscbeldstt, 15/ ,5011 rllllulg/ eerntly ' a/L Boor' lo Prlcor.r. 7' .A. ibu, lrDd coEr,llatioD tbat is a bsretlt for BooLs Io ?r1so!er6, ra otgaDir8tlo! rvbo doEated Jre. looEs io Drisoaers arouDd Iorth LD€lloa, ,t gooit rsBortDent of larilt $ottb a varJtlg drsicel stJle Hlth the blldcorc sDec_ truD. DEVoID 0I ?rIrE Dla) stralsht Iorr-{a!il brrdcole 1! th€ ol d hericeD 3ty1e'

rlsy total,lJ sloB 6!il grlnallDg sluilSe )e1]oB1ng YocEls' 1.0S CRlrIoS !]av a short song iD the frst Bn8!y stJlo tbat they're so Hell Lloutr for. TbE lsclrgiDg i5 resllJ good Hlth lots of lDfo oD B.I.P' aDd irzerisirrg araphlcs aDd layout. (JoD) rouls Eei!;/-c.r.. 1ro8rl st. Rord'[ld (?Q)/ srI?xD



o6v ?r2/ Carads. A/L Cncr?obtTt bd.1.aa ,r.3.dt Ct this 1s aD extrencu ue]l ,ut together conDilatloD b€lliit lor tbe Yictin6 of Cberloby] as reLl .s resealchhg llterDltlYe cEergy aoulces lD ihe ULraiEe ard Dlollothg g1o!41 slJare!€Bs towatdi Duclear l,onet. 2? soD83 ald slokeD Hold bits iDcludhg ihc llLes

SEIIr Rx!' trorE Choraky, lrlRCRUSl, IRo?lCnlrDI, bls SydDllr' SCE{lllZlrrGClX I ITQUISIIIoI' .Ie]lo Blrfra' IH0SE IiO SIIRYM, rEI gI CUx, REYTEI 00IrrISI0r' Ualue1a (!aute!r rDil rors !s fle]I as a! rdaitj.olrl IE ilacks of Eor. sDoksD $ortl llts conc€!!1!g tbo tb.!€. Betwee! ths ba.dsr the spsechcs, sDaI tho tlaDhlcs- thls r!oJoct lalses avlre!€ss to a! issu€ tbat 15 frr too overrooled lD th! '905. trucleat DoHe! hlsD't aoDe svay ald sbould!'t be lgror.d as the loouiEs threat that tt 1s. (Jor) rrsj.rdiy cou R.cords/ schiitzers!t, 217/ D44147 DortEurd/ Cer[ery

Y/l rb. 0or. 3.rslo!i (To1. 2) 0D Ih€ secolil coEl,ilatlon CD to besr tbis Eane wirh 2-4 soDgs floi 11 uDAelglouril .tuBtra11sn lII puDts balits 1D th€ srEe sDlrit ol the fj.lst oDe. Yith ,early r 7i wottb of ueierlal froE cach balld you rc411y 6et a good Dictule o{ their styles rbtch raEge lroD DeaceluEl to gllDar tbrash to sla' ald evea a 'd13' b6rd. lach bsld a13o gets tuo I,aDets o, ihe l,oste!-coYer vith lJrlca ubich Ele gelerrlu of a Polltictl / anrlchoPuDl velD. .A.rotber good IooL lDto th€ Dewer rudergrouDd I,u!k bsnds goilg iD lustralia vbich sccns to D. srrerlerce5 r neB bu!5t of !I: puDk eltbusissE. ls vith tho fllst ols' orly ,00 of ihese arc esds so gct it qulck or Eiss out I (Dea) $U IDd. rro. IraDs-l]leD xocordt!8s / P'0' Eox 181 / x.v/tot?D' rsY 2042 / Austrsua a/L 3 ,ol Aora.dlCo lo Eorar.,0 R',otoolrlo E o 7lrz. /.'bttorto l;2 lhis ls a 6 llDil cor, wlth Dards frora sao Isulor Brasil. lcso llratar !'!.S. aDaI lglotorico !l.ay Jast Scalil4ltrlaD iDflueDced flC nitb sooil proiluctlo! aril iEisDse e!e!gy. ,.2.f,, Hbo haye DesB srould lor rhost I5 yeers, rlal old 5choo1 51Dl,11siic,ur! artl tbe oth.r tuo Darile ar. rerll.y good as ve]l, IrlryrDg fsst ,u!k rock rvltb !! atiltuilc. l. t Ir€ttJ serlous aDti-fasolst sentlDeDt aeolgst other polj.tlcal shitr sets tbs Eood. (rorrv)

/ C/0 trelso! lugusto Dos saltos / caka Iosisl 119? -Ag. c.Dtral / ClI 01059-9?0 / Sao PiuIo-SP / rrasil t/t t szttt,rtct sltglDg t,,,,Lft tntn, 7' lxccIlelt ooEDilrtlo, sDtrrliEg the 1!t6r!atloisL I.I.I. hrililcore scsne' Stllkhg AreIblcs aDd qusllty laJouts It the 16-PBgc looLlet accertuate tbe trger of the buds 1Dc1uded, ?op-Dotch soDgs of thrashlng Laralcore Du!ts by CllStXA B0[! srII (oerEaDy), NlSS(OrrROl (U.S.r.), IRICT])E (rapa!), Sr,$li!3Rs (sfleds!) ald ,IcrrrlrRl ,x ' leal standouts CotrCIXrCIl. (P6ru). lut tLc b.r€ rre FoRcl [acrBlu (Il!l!!d), srlcTus

RottenDess \eaofis

IUrr. (?oletld), ald uIrlI,US (i1DlrDd)- wbo do Irnat itey do irxtron€ly wcll,, thcle's s13o

iDfo on fascist 6rit Dollce attacks lD !oLanilr rlD off lscoral 1rbe16 aloulil tbo Plaret, alil !o1at l,olitlcsl 8ral,hics. Cleat coEP.

tbat's deiillteu Horth soeLllg out. (Jo!) levlI IE rh€ Eell Reoords/ otto ItLoEen/ IetaDtie 25l 58500 lull^aharju/ rtDIaDd. l/L fi', lD so (blal oD lL E tl.sD ,'ort ,? .|1I !un! coElllatlon 1:l a wry ttLhg o! a



thsre like ths claEsic llRi conp of E siDller

ti.tle, lui nal!1y focusirg oD baEds floE Its]y ard the Jorne! Yu8oslaYiE. I! lhe DIl Eanne!, the souDal quallty valies Jrold ercellent to hsdiocr€ vJitb traciis frob sone $eLl klofl! b.Eits, Ilke CliPI,Ie Bastards' ,.r.I. ald uls€t [o13e, tbere 1s also a! equel sbare of lesser klro!'r!' !€w baDds. {hlle there ls soBewbat of a rcgiolal thebe' th€re is also a fe aildeil trecks lroh soEe otber htematj.oisl DII btDds lloE Dast anil PrsseDt lrcludilg !5!r, Pi.EaI {rrnlDg rlil Baille of DlsarE. Vhil€ they clain not to be Duttlng thj.s togetb€r to EAlc rEy klDil of huge strts!eDt' tbe Dolitlcs alA DII lature of this corlllrtlo! 6eys s grest dsel 1D EDil of itselfl ?ullk as fuck as lt sboultl be do!e.,' ( rar) truc1!8r suD Pulk / cr 1r4 / 54L10 GotirLa / Iirly \/L ao r.l. fol, 2 zzcD Ih€ secold 1!5trllatlo! of tb15 serieE foatuliDg 2E bantts o! €ecb 0D flotl JaI,aD to ?olaDil to ihe !.S. to Brrsll, to Suciletr, Astrr1la, !ct.. (Iou 8et tbe 1der.,. .veryvhere). oysrall' I really llle tb. Hhote thlDg aDd rn 1Drre55€d Blth the chotcs of larrls' lvith alEost al.l DleJllg }oliticrllJ Eotlyrted puD)r/EC. It coEes llacEegcd 1D a ?r style EIeeYe sith oech baDil hav1!8 r Dsse, nighly t.cobDeDiled. (rerrJ) f,C Psct / 401 floreo-\ / 2-16-2 / YaJoi-cho ' trakaDo r lokyo' JrI,aD Y/L .,.vt rartrn rEl,! lns rLcE 1' .t co&!1lat1o! ? of four lex la,lits flolo Tlerla. tbe ftrst ars !lI;L TIlIx' Playlng }ollsriul s:.e EC' but Dot tbat stuPld [adta]l sbtt. tbey 6oulil a !j.t l1ke fltlotrs o, IIax birsd lrith fuor coot Iluslc ald gooil 1yr1c5. Iho secoDd !e!d 1s x.A.!lE! coRE, a straDge liDet naBed io tbei.r druDEerr but slso a oool 3anil. ?]aying cool PutrE with good Ilolitlcel Iyr1cs. Ib.D thel! are ll.atrlAclr th€ naEe souEils llk€ s stuDirl nacho sre Bard' but ihey a!€Dri. lbey ars lrllyhg BC iD the vrh of ICofoC],}sI ard 30!r ].cl'IIs!. .{!lil }ast lut noi l€rst f,ofslRuf,I. Ibey Lare 3ti11 rcleasgd a sl,tlt ?' o! th€ sa&e labe1 l1ke tbl5 coEt,:Iatj.oD ?r aDiL I dould descrlle tbel! buslc as'a loi:! oI LUZITIRS IOB rlt! tb€ Yoc!]s of RoRScEAcf,. (Joe) nr,lllxRYEBtr REcORDs / o,/o saschr / vorgalterslr, t96 / lO2O Ylern! / lu8trlr f/L a'ld.r lb. i[g, ol lb. I'ot E, ,n, f .L U,X. fur\ coEpilatio! lut o\rt by a o.rora 1rte]. n!.l,.lcm start i.t ofl wltb thoi! wtld EolBy' Jazuyr oY€!-the-toD puDk sty1e thrt ilefles e1I IrrE of, lature. ?or,llls ptry

rd€toitlc Inllk rvith a tvaDgy gultar sou-nd thai I cln 1lve Ri.thout. UmIRC,,ASS screa! tbtoug]

tr'lo tracLs of letal tlnged bardcore wlth I clszy ue!1o f.el to tt. I&REIR hev€ thelr oHn style oI h6lilcole is FettJ stralght

SI.{aIlcRl! Pley heaYy' I[€ia1-edged l baldcore l-Ilth a iorschacb fe€]. to lt.


to soDc of tbe DeHer to oifer. (JoD) corEo! causs/ xolrrd-rdsrluer-st!. 58/ D. 11529 Ralllina.n/ eetn.!,ay ' a/L fo E bTot (, gDc.L) 7t Ai coDDilatlols o.D soDellnes (!is)LeDD!!' ib:s l)loject apllears to baY. i.Lsr a lorg tire ir the 4k1ag Hlth eaDy of ths b.Dilr iEcludsil non ilefulct. ID aDy crse' lnoludcil alo serc! Ycry lolltlca] so!93' all ileslhg 1r1 ole Hry o! rDiher' oD subjects relatlng to rlcial,r se:ue}, or systsEatlc I,o11tlcal oI,!!ess1ot, fhe btEds 6l,!€arlDg Lere ale CoDout, l:1iEa1 lallr, llri Coltrr .L!Est -lsslacto! ilr Eay trlelL€t, ilara aril SDltboJ aDiI aII bayc ole 60!8 €ech' !o!e of wblcb sucL. th€le 1E a15o so e lDforEatloD hcluil.d oD s Lltllo oEeD's suDl,ort grou! cslled loyecto Erb1o. .A Eooil release but a btt lacLiDE 1, dlr.ct1oD consfuIerlDg the 1abe1 lt 1s lel.ased o!. (DaD) l,elgus lrEAds c/o Uarith 2r4O Y, 21tb Sl. / cbicsgo' I[ 6060E good



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etlcker Beer clty is distrlbuted Lhrough. -. - , , . pooFrug BxIsTEt{cE 1-61?-827-2533 & [Ar,rg"lB-qo

#8 Pt 0out




PROFANE EXISTENCE #18 (Winter '93): lnlerviews with DOGMA MUNDISTA. SEDITION and the 1 in 12 Club plus leatures on antijascism in Germany, lhe cops and more. PROFANE EXISTENCE #1920 (Sumrner'93): Cnlsh Operalion Rescue special double issue {eatudng inteNiews with HIATUS, DOGFIGHT and a European anli-fascist activisl as wellas adicles on punk & politics, the 'masses', Peruvian anarchists and twice the regularleatures. Please consider lhis t\ /o issues when

#14 ut1c01,lt I0 l9g4 tBlAcK slllnl


'94): Ninja punks issue tealuring DEFORMED CONSCIENCE, TOTAL CHAOS, AMBUSH, John Aclive, Subcommander Marcos, Plus a vastly


The lall '95 issue contains interviews with

'94): Weicome lo 1994 issue leaturing


anarcho"punks in Brazil, anarchisi squal lers in Mexico City and more. PROFANE EXISTENCE *22 (iraY.Aug.


'94): Anarchy, Bristles, Studs

Germany. PBOFANE EXISTENCE #27 (Winter 9$ g6): Thewinter'95-96 issue contains in-

& Chainsaws! Features interviews with


BISHOP KEBAB, plus lealures on Chiapas revolt, sqL]at crackdown in the UK and anti-lascisl on lrialin Minneapolis plus the regular features.

#t8 PI Pulll(



#37 "[RASll"

expanded news section, letters, columns, reviews and more. Twelve pages larger




#31 0ISIR0Y fASGlSl'l

than previous issussl PROFANE EXISTENCE #24 (Jan'Mar '95): Afterthree years ol labloids, PE returns to il's original magazine ,ormat-a full 56 pages, stillwith a $1 cover pricel lnteNiews this issue include the almighty 3-WAY CUM, HEALTH HAZARo and GRAUE ZELLEN. Also a huge Protesl punk section! PRoFANE EXISTENCE *26 (lall 1995):


/ ullff


ASSRASH as well as a specia! section on the Chaos Days 95 riots in Hannover,

teNiews with that mythical, allslar punk band STATE OF FEAR, as well as

dumpslerdiver, world traveller, and seeker ol the losl tribes olanarcho-punk;

Dumpy. Also, the usualfeatures, elc...


flI I0u0 lxc 0lsTll [08s: f,0sr PI Rtc0[N nrus I aLso avllltSu cormxlo tGItllI llslBllul0l * [t lclm * ux0oll ffilt 3Ir * ll.L * *** 2l * t0gl0 * PL * JUI(O llfllfilll P0nIUBII lPIfiID0 480 {,(l0 EllA



* flxlIID *** pntr [ IASlll * 7031tolRllsullu nuD * [ll{ lll SIrl! * Itfltut0l * llfl ll.ltl0 **r I! c,/0 lucl [us0 * G.P- 8s n 21100 PArll * |Illy *** Butc( cnoss Dtslnllul n P,0. mx 2{85 * Im[ ilIADS * ETn} ut *** EIIE nE0R0S * P.0. 80X 447 * [-9000 BBII * 8ll.eluf, *** l.[p. G./ 0ut0

0 IXIBI SIIC * tUCllSXl.AXX 20 n 075i18 CIll * CIIXIIY *** flt$IIGt 0lslnlBullol G/0 Jot * lExlz0Ass[ 40 * t | 20 ylEltla * lllslRll ***





Police Eastard Exist ',.5



Mess EP Exist 12



Way of Doom



E ist 19


S/t EP Exist 9


Only You Have the Power double EP Exist 10

Fuck allGoYcrnments

Who's the Fool

A Shattered Society

Spectators of Deca" dence EP Exist 15

lgnorance is Bliss Exist 16





Hell, How Could Wc lGke Any More l',lon?y IhBn Thls? EP



Exist 20







Exist 17


for Your Doomed

Futura EP Exist 2q


Exist 'l 1


Wallow in Squalor Exist q3




Fuck Peaceville 2LP / CD E\ist 94

Cheap Sex And Booze Exist 25



Shut up and Diink LP








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