creative photography

Page 1






p r\cT5




sLR' c cenera' iTon qnnhol3 to autofoeus i* =-t't'e fi'hn' phot-ogip:'+i - t'i't\'o odyssev ';iie fi:'st chd-ce in thecit*il :i':"Ln iiTo*ta^cs:'i2 ?i;ctcE ratkets sonie'*nur obscl'e;e orr oV"itio:l$ o;i:tl'ztea j;lecziott, oou'iilg- tolu;'"''i:'tg .i'*nz;t'itori.gin'i, apvreci'=ie i ;;;t c'i ,o-i*'-" . --:.'^ -::,,:ciltcts , z:' b't? ievel-cped "1trrl';-r tA'vie <j'*allti,es of i""e*t;:"'i;1 'i'"itutnty- naruelious" i '1s d'Lscar;irneni tr.r.)7, ten mi,nuteslr ail erc:1"';'nLr's prLnts '],.7rr","" roliit"?i"o^' tooki'ag at atiers' of f'Lin ner" choice the ;.tZ*irt-;A'i^w"t of your om' so Asswr;,ng you lwue


i,te gtecte" attenti'on'

prt n! s' an! wder s.i anding th e ctw ft pit'.;cgt' a,e- o'suAi nri ti-t cor.t,,TlPoroty oihe! fields from from' lict so vLt'h Etists ctoft in its h:ustorLccl

ri4 eemr"iZ' s b,:nind. then


,xihi s in gj u'Lti"i



c,-ters shy a,ny -t1o ore conttnuoi'i;';*;;iiiti'n+i

c)ntatphotcgraph'Lc cfrf t ' all S:udy the opti.ons a'taLleble .in -the suits f';'-n'Lsh.eq p:":\" e-,ier deciding .ttt^t a prti*ular rmter;-ais ann yaut"'o'ur ur'der p:yche, up"e1unent vLih atnilobTe w.rking cotuit'ttons'

+ho j , tttt

vtLa 4b bt.g sure you 4?e -.^^'-E:Torinent uLth f:'7n -iomatrrruke quoied b'1 that (n-2t ite corcect'rpn'i' f,.t'-necessarlTy 'io"t""troer' deuelopers fdr their


ond' check


p',i.c effects.

D...notneeessarllyaceeptuhatthemcnufacturer:ssfi'f,-'e:ythei; object'Lues' dt-;;er' b,,d!, s techni4,es", atd o7 course ciopplng and clwngtng fi'7m or Droee-b"t'l-i"g l,ie are not ,rggiiti"g in the gorut' cnd urtiened '''cur si;es constantly' satLsfv aou Ziir-"-,'- ti s-ei"ct that "i,,rbir*t,-on ihLch ,177 f=t most of yottt tmrk'




t-ZoNE Iv





ToNE<>Toil<> TeN <>ZEN +-laqrry



According to legend, Minor vhi.te sa.ii to Anser Aaans 'Hot)'s 1lour ZONE systen getti,ng on?, Ansel recliec. 'Hou's lJour ZEl,l syszen?,

without getti-ng too heauiLy inuoruec rn zone s_,s;er iheory, tes-- your film as follous, us'Lng the bcsic phct"onrZrt, o.i ogrcchy ana the Zcr,e susf,er. FAITH.... eueru hclu.Lng or d.cubittg cf the i:-3r., recchino ,...thct the fil,n on erpasure c'Lters t,h.e ,zcn-e, cn ahe negc=r-ue ira L fcctor of one, so OtiE .tl,ip _- CNE ZONEASSUME CN

A Tightmeter auercges euetAthing uithi_n its ir;s76 :o ?,one S. ,cuenage, grey,,sall scene of wbre ersosed. by c -an reflectea Light readlng, assumLng it',e mcnufcctu-ers fitm speed and deuelosnent tines to be accurcte-, cn , girey to_ that of the,nal unlt aould be proauced. in a - pi-nt standard

If a recl

BU?, more typically; 1 A real scene does not necessarilA aue"age aut to c nri.d. grey , Zone S. 2 the stated fil-m speed ,,u! not be corcect. 3 Your fiLn -deuelopnent nny be ouer o? 1or ihe fi,ln speed and your ezrysure conditi,ons. The zone systen

conelates all these uari.o.bles, crd is

an *tension of the_old od.age, ezpose for the shadous, d.euelop for^the -hngmig? :-There are notn g posstble zones, shich a|e folloued .througFfrom fi,rst li.ght mecsu?ements of =he scene to the fini.shed print.












p6,<csr,u{Aoo.J RglAtnlrNG D€Txr.

6tr I

3tri 7




TAR€- rs D€fAIL.


4E ,A, yl. IAID bI?EYTO


w{|(,}l eipagtea R€ tirrtep







, Ln *uhe ncan, a: ncc sncu xhe rcnge of Lunrurzous d.etcil of the pcoers of, sa,J , 20 years ago. lor most DlJTDases aou can consicier zones 3 1 L0 to be :aper base uhite (moz'Lnum densr)iA on negct-rue), :.nC0Eltobenatinum bl,cck on princ, (cl-eor negatiue). Sone p.pers approach the iLeal charecteti.sti,cs ae stack the ones ue bel.Leue do this. .VoCern Wpers

uith the follouing procedure, using a manufocturers stcndctd : deueloping technique. Frnci an aue"age scene thai measures, by your l,Lghimete:, c range of .) zones, uhich is aLL tLDt for practical purooses modern films and p.pers ean ltnndle. fn other words we nean {, srops, or the di.fference betueen f/2 ann f/fi at 1/B,th sec, o" anu one shutter speed. fn th'Ls scene, ag : a ah.Lte cer on a gteA road in sunli4ht, find the a?ea, usually under the car, uhich Aou tnnt to reproduce on Aou" linisheL print as the C,o.rkest area just containi,ng some shod.ou detail. Tnis , for modern Wpers is equiualent to about zone 3, and vLLL produce an almost ci'ear arec on the negatioe, ;.7 it i^s erposed properly.

.ieiar this key






that your l;4ht meter' i'f

suggested,uould Place


on zone



you used the reading 5, stop dotn \ siops


zone!,, tementbetiag that. ane 1o.:1 ,= one EtoD- Thus--If {our reading uere !/a ct, 1/60tt71, this uauld mean sto> doum to f/-Q On c?ang;,.ng speed to lrfiO'th seeond'"+"giiou" nake exposries around the manufactu"e?g filn inCex ' if ASA, ezpose for 64, 80, 700, 725, and the ftln -ASA. boz says i00 your i,n De.oelop 160 ftuour.Lte deueToper for the nanufa*uisne. Look at your results- The fra,e of c-tuyers recorr"nended i.n the sh,adaD a?ca inC'Lcatzs tiie ieiot1. hcs jtlm tTnt J|JST the of ;ffectiue sDeed litn-





-uo eualuate oll your resuLts,- ses" AFTER read-ing the follouing sect'Lcn-


'Photology' an pper:

:{C'l IES? Y)aR DilVEL1FER:-

vhe shadous @eo. The high'r.'Lgt".ts, @atm tr dark ayeas of the negatiue, cre rmtch noTe suscepti.ble to th.e Affecis of ceuetoryent, ihan to ucrLcti,on in ezpcswe. lO yLn iotott the ieueic7nent, nake another series o1 equcl establi,shd fi,ln, ana aeuel.op ".-t.oosures ai the nou yout them once again in faaourLte deueLoper, but for diifzring ti.nes bbsed around the nanufactureys recomnend.ed, e:9. ',f they suggbst 9 mLnutes giue a range of 7, B, 9, i0, 77,

rrinutes. Etc,nine' the




i'here- shoul,d be T.i.tt1,e ar no difference in the detaiT 'Ln the shadou a?zcs, but the nlghli4ht eeas (blaek on the negatiue) ,il| ci-uer apOrecLably. Lock for a carc of the negatiue that aou L)ont to aopecr as the br;4htes-u, uhitest area uLth detai-l in the pri,nt- This vLlL ap,pear es one of a72 d4xkest in the negatiue ar,.d 1ri^qht be, -say, a nl.gnlint'o, thn ohite ec:.. This is yout ,orn"], .od. vLlt coruesoond to the area in your otLginal seene that is t+ stops cr zcnes &oue the zone j fi^ted on f or the sha-

'ious. sea beat corresponds to Frnd the WcceRSo-C frcne unere this you 'naue yaut correci ae'seiov;.nE cna +he syi4inal'y,=ere , , -.t tn:le.


8 l.ta


iolloaing the aboue Dtocedure, Aou ha cptimtn fiin speed and deueloDrnent t cons'LdeT,cbZy fron that recontnendei by fron batch to batcn of f:'ln-


UC U,tty, t t.O

uhi,ch may d;.fier ar


H)vNER. Vrru F?RESTGET-. lhe aboue Drocedure uould be rrueh tf you had a ucy of producing a standerd pi-nt, ahi-cn after a17, ts the f-Lnal objectiue, and nuch eas'Ler to 'read' thcn the negcti,ue ,


this ts




^-.1 n1

euen s,)wLlar -

easier t'nan f or tke negct;-ue,


iclTou the proceaure 'Ln the pri.nt prccessir-c '?hctoTogy' section ana then come back ana mcre eesiLy iesc the tegcx'Lue the stages hcue been conDiet,ea,the it,cceture lcr c 'nasteror)nt' should be . rieke an ezposure t-n the ccmera vLth c fi,in of credetey,rn;'ned ;ceed, deueioo for a aredeteyninea tine, nake c Drint utth,tut dcd.ging or burntng ct a cred.e'certined erDastle, and ieuJlop for a predetermined ti-ne. *h.en cLL


); of course,

perfeci,but the ar-n is to ise the r=eyials to their Limiis, and. to scue t.Lne ond ef f crt it -Ls

'.;.e darkrcom. -.-:is is not o

recip fop total 'fueuisualisction', neter,y c of Vinning doun one disctete Zone, in an ortginal scene (usuaTiy the shadoD area in uhich detail is just required, zcne 2) and translat'ing that area accuratelA from 'reclity' (ori-gincl scene) , to 'reality' (orlgincl prLnt)! iecd the pages on print processing and the circle should be '-:.]rJ

: .nolete.

'not giue us a ca77!!!!!!!!!






wg, 6


AttD TilE RC/FTBPE CaArylERgv ^A vJ

I iight- se-nsitiue siTuer sclts, siTver chlorLde, btomLde, o! , ooin suspend.ed tn gelctin, which is cocted or supported on pcDe! bcse-

Since the ecrl,y '70's there hcue been tuo tApes

of blcck and

Wper evcilcble, 'resin-coated' end conuentioru,L ' unite 'fibre' Wpur. i.esin-co'ct'ed p.per hos c bcse uhich is eeoled in uith polAeihyl,ene Dcte-?proof coatings to pte_vent i-t taking uo nois.uL, whi,ch necns lt cen be processed repi.dly cs no chemLccl need.'be ucshed fran the pcper' or drted from it' REs{N aN@ - Ftgc-e. SAsEO

.,:..' .'.'.'.".'.'.'. _'







rna taadre tde.,sd sw{n ifiafuc.M*er lassia



in a notns,l. displcy of the dtosbccks is , ho0euer, thct i,TlurrLnct't-on, or c perLodic situition, ahich usually mecn; qruLbase cnd betueen wigrotion ,,1ay/n"ght cycle, moisture -wt the surface to ,iZ', tt icpe plaee, eoentually ccusing presence of a the by crack. DeterLorct,Lon is rccelercted do not ethuotds other pr-oport,ton of ultra uiolet l,ight. In problan, this Awrt from't it, cn-d store in datkness. uith the lhe of irc.go ,=iotlrur'cspect is the louer etabiTity especinlly sheen, Been a siluer ,iLt" Wpe'"6, gi,ist-ng rise top7i,nt. Research so fe cotcludea t;"*it the'edges bt the of thg Rc base to cccept cnd +i;; is due to the inobility s,tcLilise the by-products of the sli4ht fuconposition taki,ng hne

1!:i , 'euen ,1,""n under unpritected atorcge conditions' desi4rcteC, by being not is naterial n"rln-Coct'ed i-presemsct'Lon long,enulcctwers, as be'Lng su,tcble f or -tetm ,,dird.-t' 'in adti-iion.hcs genetoll,g Louet quali'tg of surface ad tonc.t_-W


P^'*L? p"pn, to yse for e.rhibition cnd @choice is sti77 conDilonq tern stbrcga, n)'neuitcbly the'only ar 'bcrvte' 'fibre' \Zi,f+"il^;o"";:" Ltt',nnoLrn t n*i .'l toner Tcyer beytc' uhi'*'-e the of beccuse i-;p;;, ir' "oit"d rr"n the bcse and the qmtls'i,onatrcx






cross sECTroN oF FrBRE

ln !.o ^rr^.


l.lALtDE' gr4915tc*'t




t Br€rfA







o."-'anX?.?*:-: ,t@,



\/ )'<



i\ t\ I

dic,gtwtt thct PcWr i,s more camp'l'ex then cppectcnce canpositzons trigiriZ. h has seutl lcyers of dil7erent content euen moi.sture ce"tci.n c gelctin hcs bi,ndet cn| the Tae

f'!..tsd-ed vi,th trcter cnd tiui" ara-. ourtig i,t 1srann"ed.


usi,ous- chenlealb uhich ilrult cll be pi,nteit ccnvcs or Dcte"c Lott?, no bonder the fr"a * , pri,nting nediwt li in a clcss of i*'s wn' 'ue pnitigtcphi.c " iiue ti think aoit fcctorls cffecti,ng the qtnli'ty c.nd


of the pri,nt,'i,ac'tudi-ii tyws of -ehadels, !rye iiige+ty "these' ciqrrt"cl) ircthl, efficiincy-'of wcshing, and methods in it a"yi"g adit etoing,. +i' oiler io- get the best fron the nctertcl,s Tne wcg

ue recct

to, ond 'Tecd' e photogircph


c Lot to do

vLth the cV'uacterlstica of the paPe" used. Fo"hnately the mcnufactuters st'L'Ll Teaue some ehoiee id selecting a. Wti.cul,cr innge tone, lur1rce cnd ppt bue the tint, ,it"h ccn be used to suggest to the u'La^ter sonn ofccc* )ndit'Lons tlut etLsted when the plcture Dc6 tcyo'n, or ntucte some aspect of the photogrcph thct ia nf* "ry!:

I i i.





Bronri-de N.pers



are generally neutral

to cold black and. are

Li,ttle afiected by modi,fications to processing

The tnrmer tone chloro-bromide Wpers haue, as


the no^e sug_ gests, d ccmbination of tuo si,Luer salts ahich by belnuing in difiereni unys make posslble uay.i.o.tions .Ln the ,cold.-_ ness'(touards blue), or 'unrmth'(touards broun), of the inage as the deueloper and aeuelognent procedure is changed.. Agfa produce cn etcellent series of matched LNeutoL, d.euelo-

Ders to exoloit this property o and sinilarly uith their 'Dektol' and 'Selectol' deuelooers.

Kodak and


of the chloro-bromi-de i,s in its abil,i,ty to separate and hold shcd.ou detail that rnaA prol)e difficult u'Lth c bromiae pa.De"- To uti.l,ise these clwracteristi,cs while stil-L cbtctnr-ng a recsancbly neutrol i,mage, a chloro-bromi,d.e unth a uhtte base (Record Rep;i) in comb.Lnation uith a cold.uork;-tg ieueloper (eg ileutol BL) is a useful conbination. Another rtd.uar.tage

uti.L also resDonci ncte to So , aLL i,n aLL , ch-Loro-bron"_d.e 'Ls c mare DersaltLz ncter.i,cl, but requires greater ccntrol for consistenc!. Tne greatest Li.mttctton of the pr;-nt, comDared uith the original scene, or e tTonsryrenca of it, is that ue are uieaing li,ght reflecced fron ,)t, uhich Linits the auailabLe tonal At one ene of the scale, tlte brightest ltighli,ght is "ange. by the ncs;-nun reflectance, or ahi,teness decided of the Wper base. But ccnsioer the blackest Wrts of the print. Not anly is th.ere c small amount of t,eflection from the si,Luerisnage 'Ltself , but a substanti,o.l cnount from the gelctLn surface of the prini - The texture and. surface becomes inportant, as 'Lt determines tlte 'depth' of the mori.tmn black. A matt surfcce uill diffuse Li,ght, tend.Lng to mask shcCou detail, uhereas a glazed glossy uill. giue a Long brLghir,ess ?ong e, but rrlrcorli,ke reflect.Lons. Cnlorc-brontae pc.Der

dif f exenx tontng cechnto.ues.

prefer a glossA paper air dried to gtue a natwal, finish, a good compromise betueen these ertremesMany pr'Lnters







fuper deuelopers usuclly contain fiio deueloping cgents. ine 'soft', usuolly netol or, cnd one ,hatd,, hydrt quinone- l,tetol on its wn vLlL give a very low cont"cst resul,t, and hydraquinone on i-ts oan vLlL giue higit contr.ost vlth poor _tonc.l Together the frio form c sustan, "cnge. gi,uing full toncl rcnge aith c nu-unTwn blcck- Eoweuer ,he rctio of the deueloping cgents to ecch other ccn be ucri-ed, es aith soft aorking deuelapers Agfc Adcptol, or Kodck selectol Sof-t, which uork about a grcAe softer thcn s+-cnd.crd.-

L fcvourLte tecnntque is' thct oi tao-bcth d.euelooment, in ahich c soft-uorking deueloper cnd c fullcontTcst deuelooer c:e use{i, c p"opc"tian of t'ne d.euelo.une".t tina .uri ecch- tsy tek;"ng 'te,to bites' ct it, en ettenaed. rctge c.f ianes ncy be ab_tctned, cs the h4hlight detcil ccn be firnec befare the s.hcdws cre uo. r'he ultimcte systen deueloper is the Beers ',scrLcble cont:cst deueloper, 'Ln whzch tua solutions are w:ured. in d;_ife"ent rct'i.os to giue c rcnge of contrc.sts aithin one giie oi Wpe". - Although c s,;,gnificcnt reduciion of cont"cst is poss:bl,e vLth thi.s deueloper, only c reletiueiy s,c.LL uplift i,s possible- bes in rrLnd uhen ordering pcper grcdes.

Although good results cre obtcined with cLL the Agfc's using most p"oprLetary deuelopers, vLth the chloro-brorr,Le a ceytcin oncunt of. inuesti4ction mcy W.pers in gticulcr, be necâ‚Źss@A to find the desired innge tone- The Agfc 'Neutol' rcnge offers a consistent tnA of achieving this -

Point to bntch - stse you c"e dbve\opi,ng fulty. ttcnufccturersrecotrnendJ - z wlnutes, but do you? am. testssone workers haue evolved their technque to include mtch longer deuelopnent tines to get the range of tones they tent. Perhcps euen


wse lL



on the ciwm.cterist'Lcs of yottr Wpet, use c serLes of tests simLlar to those descrLbea fot negatiues. A piioto Wp* nag be u.sefuLlg to a TLece of filn vi,tn a sheet of u'hite Wper at the bcek; the sane W;,nLLpic ior success appizcs , :;i,z: el7ose f or ci'.e;s , de;':lop f c.'



-L. V!tc-


1.; nh1

i nhtc

Sc tc fird th.c cor,:ect esposuxe to giue i.n the ca6e cr' WFey, uhich nwst be that ui.;.ch prcducea a mar{nw'! black, rare a test atri.o under th.e enlarger u;.th a blank glece cf i",lm i,t th,e legoti.ue carri,et". Erpcae ct yout i)su.c.L 'f ' stop, eg l/5.6, fcr' a rcnge cf *,inies around unat ycu knan u;r17 gi,ve ycu nositrlun bl.cck ail the mper, e-g ? ,E ,9 ,70 ,7i,i2,73,74,75, secords. Det,elop icr the Wper nanui'ccturels recorneniel t'tnc, usually 'Jbouc 2 ninutes.

and. fi,nd thav stt'ip bagond which nc e;r:'c naz'e dense black. g'L,-es o eJposule the bi.cckLs But !!ou are iookiq at the nost that' xne .xiper can giue? Take ancther sheet of p.per, and. expose ii cll ior 'che detern.Lned tisne, eE 70 secs at f/5.0, but before prccea-

lwnine rhe N.ter

cui it Lnto 6 equal squores, Deuelop eaeh of the:;qu4res lor a range of ttmet avound. the p.per manufccturets'Te'cottnend.ed ti-r,es, Le 7'30, i'45, 2, 2130, 3'30- lou v;"71, usual,L'g be anazed to Eee that the block ct 7 ninute 30 seconds is dLstinc+-ly Lighter than 'Lhat of the 1'45 and 2 wlnute ett-i,ps , uhi,7e the nore ectended tines no d'Lfierence t'n si,ng

noalttnLn black.

thot squdle uhich hcs just produced a nosLmtn black. erposed ond deueLoped negatiue (if such e.xiperfectly AnU


sts) prLnted. on the Wper yott'twue jusi used (the choice i,s you:rs, the test should be on a 'normaT' Wpe?, oY ote uhose charecterLstics you Tnppen tc l,i,ke) thct contdins a brlghte4W6eC f or 10 seconae neBB rsnge of no nore cha.n I zones ' d.T-L gi,ue you the ycur tine d.etermine.i or. ann d.euelopei f . orLnt' ulii.mcte 'fin,


lrr,n*rr"Lovi-ng d'etcil'.--merely produce -fr,rft,ail, thus not retcin but ertend.ed. develoPment trLll' tend to bting L'*;dd;rid;'liz'irignZst aaeas of the prt'nt', possibly- zones I &9' l.ittl.e eii2ct uitl ;;;:;r;,;; ,lilsitta inn *taatu ^rrrttn "irnr, tt A p" ,"un 'Ln the shadou arecs zones 3



iucx ro rEE NEcMrrE. lrtt our sec21on offiiati.ue deue'l.opers, ue g)Tpos-ely owLtted'' ebout contrc,it cont"ol 'Ln negatiue deuelopnent ' cs ltclking i'shotirt -oborn for the Pri,ntof l".i'-iri-zr-in*,a eists thct if the br{,htness lcnge -y.ayi yaur ertends ouet'6 stoPs '(t'wue iitAie"t tZrrry &y?) inetZr eyound. and see hw mcng stops there ar-e betueen. !\qlti L1,gh'i I



ut-!T-i oi-a- aodrZ,si areas ) . aedlc,Lni negatiue develognent^ i;;;; i,hudly affect shcdou a?ecE lncltnt y tl'answrey Wfs r!l' -?-t fi+g-i, :aegctiue, but uLLL Yeduee the buliia i7 t+trio in tie i


"p _, .._,-^.-1 cssttne that c 70%.reductioi in negetive deueL,le.'a stArtet,''condenset



the negatiue by one zone' so t\1, wi.ll 1ro*, g-,a7'tt doum' to Zonei, Lnd that.negative uiLT' i;;;;' Ithen be pri,ntable on a etcndc,zd pper. ifn wdeii"e a 207 teduction ii developnent tinp is a.LL tlnt i,a aflected. {rrus o brLshti;;;;;;;rli iefore shadou d.etai,Lpossible, i.e 'fino stops' undliiit irge of iO zones is iust ',erdeueloryent. iianent

oppasite 2f counse 4:1".. .. ?cnge'. brLghtness ?cnge ori,gincl scene conditions where the brlgntness (taYLcal (tyyLcal ovetdeuel'o-y ovetdeueLor gtea day? day?), grey ) english 2-3 zones , tis onlT onla 2--3 iis slndou eflect on the sncaou tittle effect haie Little ctsi have aiLL clso i,n this ccse atTt, ii""t lnent i7 increar,.d l.le^reab. rlTtttb-bltLbt highli,ghts i,n vne the the up aLLUet siluet l,il bui.l,d bui.l,d uP wi.LL Du7.Ls' wi,ll but LTLLL b, Duc lcaedS, to developnent estra lotn ihe 'zonet rdnge, once agei,n 70fr3 zones to 5' iexpcnd 3 zones into 4, 207 to etynnd ;Tne_




L Iu. i,i) l)ittlrrttrt t'tri'lr.


tltt sv,tttbrlit' sigtttlit ctttce oi tlrc t,rlrrs






A ! lt'4 rt ri c a l.

St, nt b



t' o

l, ) I 1 s tt c o I A pp lic ation oi




915. Ithas[;eencircums[antialll,shownabove,ihater,ert coiorproiiucesaclistiucr irnlrlcssirin in [.he nrincl, and thus addresses at once lhe e,,e end leeiings. Hence tt foii,irrs tItat rolor ura,v lre ernpioyeri tirr eerrain sensual. rnrrrsi airri.,]est.iretic entls. 916. Srich an application, coinciding

entirely with nature, rnight be cailed syrnbolical. since Llre color would lre einployed in conlbrnritl''.viLh its effect, end irytlrrlrl;rt once explcss its nreaning. Il', for example, pule led rvere assumed to rlesigniite mzljcst)', thele can be no douht thac'"his would be admitted to ire u just arrti ex1;ressive s)'mbol. AII this has been alreatl-r,sufficientlv entered in


9l'i..{nr-rrher application is nearl-v allied to this: it might be calleri the ailegorical appli.arion. In rlrrs clrere is mr,rle ot' accident anri ealllice, inasurucir as the lil(ra[ing Lr[ tire srgo nrlrsr ire lirst eommunicated to us beiore rve know rvhat ir is to signitr,; *hat rdea, for instance. is artacired fo rhe green uolor, rvirich has llteri ritrplopriated t<-r holre'/ !,18.'l'har, lastly'. color nray have a mystical ailusion, mav be readilv surmised, for stnue everrl' diagram in which the variety ot coiors rnav be replesentecl points to iirose primolriial ;'ela-tions lvirich belons both to ililtLr re :tttrl tlte ,rrgrtt nI vir;iorr. there can be no dor.rllt tirat these rla"'be'mn,le ttse ol rls l lanlurrqe. in cases rvlrere it is nroposed to express simi]ar primoldial rtlations rvhich rlo n(rt presellt thernsel,,'e-q to the senses in so porverf'ul arrr[ varied lt mitntt,-:t'.'I'he mirthemarician extols the value and applica6ll;1v of the tri:rnqle: lhe trianqle is revereci bv rhe mvsric: rnuch admits of being expresserl in it. bv rliaqt'llttts. and. amonq,rthel things, the larv of the phenonrena ol r:olors: in this i'ase. inrleed. \re I)rese ntll- irn'ive at the ancienb mvstelious hexagorr.

Whenthedistinc'tionoi'r'eilorvancl hh-reisdulvr'onrplehen<irrrl.arrrl estreciallr' tlre inrensiticau()lr into rerl. h.,'means of rvhit'h thr:opposite rlrrrrlitit,s tt'rrri tourrtri each other nnd lrecorne united in a third: then. celtainlr'. an r:speciall', rrvstet'iotts 'interpretation rvill srrqgest irself'. sinr:e l spiritrtal rrrrlrning trrirv lrr, t otrnet tlrl rvirh these f'acts: :mrl s'hcn rvt' firrtl the trvo selrarate plirrciples yrlrrrltrt irrq gtet'ti on the orre hanri anri lerl in their interrser stnte. lve lan linlrllr relt'ritr lronr thinkinq in the filst case on the earth[1', in the last or) th(] lrt,;rvt'rrlr, gt,rrt'r':tti,rtt 919.

oi tlie Elohim." 9l(). But rveshallrlo berter not to (!xl)ose outsell'es. in crrrrt'lttsiort. lo ilre sttspit'iott oi enthusiasm:sin('e.itourrloctrineof'colr,rrsfi rrdsfhvor. lliplicltiotrsnttrl nllLtsiotrs, allegotical. svmbolical. and rnvsticai, r.vill not llil to Ire nrarlt', irr lorrlirltrritv rvith rhe spirit of the age.* *

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