Yanxiang Yang _ Architecture Portfolio 2020

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YANXIANG YANG Architecture Portfolio

Selected works 2015-2020




yangyanxiang2021@hotmail.com +86 18375863709 _Yanxiangy_



EDUCATION Master of Architecture University of Melbourne, Melbourne

February 2019 — December 2020

- Master of Architecture, Melbourne School Design - 1st class honor grade in Design Thesis and Master of Archtecture Studio E

Bachalor of Architecture Shanghai Jiaotong University(SJTU), Shanghai

September 2013 — July 2018

- Bachelor of Architecture, Design School - GPA 3.4/4.0 - WAM: 84.2

WORKING EXPERIENCE Atelier Lai, Shanghai


September 2018 — December 2018

- Project: Airbnb Villa in Wuzhizhou Island, Hainan. Liaised with architect to complete the guesthouse design on stage three. Delivered Plan drawings with AutoCAD, Modelling with Sketch Up. Participated in Final Journal making and editing. - Project: Guangming Farm in Chongming Island, Shanghai Participate in design of prelinminary scheme and site plan. Take charge of Communal Library design process, including modelling with Rhino and rendering with Vray & Enscape. Be responsible for Farm Fence Design, from the phase of concept to construction, making journal

Xichao Cultural Communication Co,Ltd. Shanghai


August 2016 — Deccember 2016

- Project: Renovation of School Bus Waiting Room, SJTU Minghang Campus, Shanghai Involved in site investigation and the phase of preliminary design Participated in furniture design based on the concept to provide a space for relaxing and reading, developed model with Sketch Up - Project: Interior Design for Student Recreation Room in SJTU, Shanghai Be responsible for site study with three partners, including site drawing and modelling of original building. Involved in conceptual design and making models, produced a series of rendering images with three partners by using Vray.

ACADEMIC HONORS - Nominated in ‘Innovation and Architecture related to the Sea Level Rise’ Competition, focus on The Africa Coastline, organized by Jacque Rougerie Foundation (2020) - Third Prize in Wooden bridge Structural Design Competion from Shanghai Jiaotong University (2015) - Excellent Prize in Competition of 'Watt Paper Construction Festival' from Tongji University (2014) - First Prize of Provincial National High School Mathematics Competition (2012)



Autodesk Maya

Sketch Up

Autodesk Revit






Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Indesign

Adobe Premiere

Physical Modelling








01 02

‘JOB’ Re-awaken Fabric


Living With Water 5D City - Bostion



Hyper-Ceramics Tessellation Ex-lab 3D Clay Printing Workshop



Content 4

An Auton

Prototypes & Autonomous v

Other works Previous involved works from Internship



Victoria Office Tower High-rise building with green technology



nomous Vernacular

Genes development for vehicles

P44 E-Waste Micro-System E-Waste Gallery & Micro-factory


05 5




Re-awaken Fabric Site: 56 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC Project time: Auguest 2020 - November 2020 / MArch, 2020 Semester 2, Design Thesis Individual Work Supervisor: Yvonne Meng

Design Brief This project is to explore a design method to renew Job Warehouse, a famous historical architectural relic on Broke Street in Melbourne. It is trying to recover people’s emotions and memory from the old fabric store in Job Warehouse, as fabric has enriched the economic and cultural value of the site. People are encouraged to build strong association with this kind of ‘soft’ material as they enter with architectural language expressed by fabric. In this way, the design project will focus on re-evoking a material to try to evoke different spatial conditions and draw people’s attention to certain aspects which are important to link to Job Warehouse, combining with old and new impression.


Historical Business in ‘Job Warehouse’

From a meat-preserving works started by butcher Wlliam Crossley in 1848, to fabric trade raised by Jocab Zeimer until the year of 2012, there were lots of people with a variety of identities coming and leaving. The shops here have been a shoe shop, drapery, photographic studio, cafe, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, tailor and mercer. This building contains a ‘Time Capsule’, which includes a huge amount of precious memories from people living in Melbourne. It experienced the gold-rush, the post-World War II, and left us with a picture of the evolving city, from early settlement to present day. Job Warehouse is a mix-story container. The fabric business has enriched the economic and cultural value of the heritage, which makes the Georgian building deserve to be preserved. Mr Zeimer has contributed a lot to look after the business in Job Warehouse, while this business and the heritage can also end up looking after him. 1847 1853 1856 1858 First section

First section

1899 First section

Mrs Anne Various industry William Crossley William Angliss Crossley an English migrant and a another butcher occupied. Ownership passed a shoe shop successful butcher, Drapery managed a neighbouring No. 56 Photographic studio slaughterhouse and Cafe trained numerous early Eugene von Grocer Melbourne butchers. Guerard Wine and spirit establishing career as a merchant landscape artist. Tailor and mercer Second shopfront the same simple Georgian style as the first, designed by Joseph R. Burns.


1948 1956 1969 Zeimer Brothers


Max and Jacob ar- a grocer and fruiterer rived in Melbourne until it was turned as Polish refugees. into, and remains, a Their Jewish family bookshop. had been Polish cloth traders for generations. Jacob Zeimer purchase a section of the building and open his drapery business. bought up more space, eventually owning the entire terrace. 64 y

2012 David Zeimer The warehouse continued to trade until Jacob’s son David closed it down.


Impression & Spatial Relationship Exploration

Inner space of previous fabric store

Space 1: High dense stack Fabric Identity: objects or products Spacial Efficiency: High Feature: Dizzy, Caveneous, Blocking

The old fabric store was caveneous. Fabric store and warehouse were in the same room. It was dizzy, dark and congested, which blocks visitors to engage in the space. Considering the realationship between fabric and people, fabric and space, there are four types to be compared. Fabric identities could be objects smaller than people, or spatial elements as soft screen partions or larger background. This proposal tends to mix-use the relationships, constructing a positive interaction to engage people. This heritage can fully develop the advantage of both old and modern version of fabric, with the combination of multiple properties. People have different activities in different spaces based on different fabric feature in terms of materiality, elasticity and scale present in certain space. One question that what fabric features can contribute to the heritage will be explored through the whole process of project.

Space 2: Curtain decoration Fabric Identity: spatial elements Spacial Efficiency: Low Feature: wide, engaing but monotonous

Collage section to present existing impression and intentional sapce 10

Space 3: Multi-scale fabric Fabric Identity: objects & spatial elements Spacial Efficiency: Middle Feature: comfortable, interesting

Space 4: Exhibition space with light Fabric Identity: objects, spatial elements, decoration Spacial Efficiency: middle Feature: wide, open, engaging, positive

Physical Test of Real Fabric The physical test of real fabric is to explore the various ways fabric can behave in a certain space. As fabric contains a wide range of property, a piece of single fabric has many flexibile ways to be exhibited when it is wrapping, kneading or unfolding. It can be a ball, or a surface with different types. The different conditions reflected by the interaction between fabric and other objects(chair, table, hanger rod) in this test illustrate that fabric is a cognitive material to link space, the adjustability of materiality would become an approach to build specific spatial language.















5-3 11

Typology The C-Shaped prototype can generate a continous space which can become the floor, part of wall and ceiling, supported by an organic coloum. In this logic, floors on any level could connect and they can form Semi-enclosed spaces. When the space becomes more complex through aggregation, it is hard to ditinguish a special floor, which enrich people’s walking experience. The ‘umbrella’ structure system can be achieved by prefabricated concrete, which is able to support the continuous prototypes. Fabric can be expressed as a blind to split spaces, or hanging on the top to form a sheltered area. The way of draping should be more flexible.


In the concept of continuous surface. It is trying to use fabric to convey a specific spatial language.

Spatial language - Liquid Structure 12

Demolishment of relics

Old Fabric Store Shopfront & Wall of Historical Art graffity


Th the

mbrella structure

Spatial connection

he main strcture system to support the framework of The rule to control continous surfaces are based on e project, they can be prefabricated with concrete. the prototypes.

Material and circulation

Light Concrete structure & Fluttered glass panels The Liquid sturcture system are constructed in the central area to build communal space and circulation

Street View from Broke Street 13

Design Outcome This project consists of two parts. The continuous prototyps form the overall framework, which is supported by concrete umbrella structure system. Ideally, each componet could be prefabricated with concrete. The facade is covered by fluttered glass as the main exterior material, which can be a way to express the abstract fabric condition. Additionally, the project is also trying to use the property of physical force to create another prototype. In the central area, ‘Liquid Structure’ system is constructed to lead the circulation inside. The ‘Liquid Structure’ is inspired from the project of “Liquid Stone: New Architecture in Concrete” (Princeton University Press, 2006). It breaks the potential of fabric force and examines the forms of tensile force-flow, allowing the hydrostatic pressure to generate the desired form. In this context, In this project, Liquid Structure forms the main public communal space, there are two columns and two glass elevators coverd by organic skin, supporting the whole system. The stairs on this circulation are designed to spraw around the columns and lifts. Potentially, it could be a prefabricated concrete structure. It seems that there is invisible force (of tension and compression) that move through all material structures. Based on this structure, fabric could be suspended on the branches to strengthen the spatial languages translated by fabric meanings for the context.

Central glass elevator

The sightseeing elevator is covered by an organic form, which comes from the idea of liquid structure.

Fluttered glass

The material of exterior facade is covered by fluttered glass, since the waved pattern corresponds to a physical condition of fabric is a way to reflect the concept.

Old graffiti wall

In order to make the space along Liverpool street more open, This relic is embeded on the inner wall to be exhibited to re-evoke people’s emotion.

Liquid structure system

This strcture forms the central public communal spaces and provide circulation for the project.The rooftop connect the top two level floors and it is accessible to people.

Old shopfront

The facade of shopfront of old fabric store. this shopfront is remained to keep the memory of fabric business.


Diagram of overall space and material



Ground Floor Plan

Section 1-1 15



Design Brief Boston is a harbor city which could face the risk of flood. With sea level increasing, the central square on the North Boston and city park on the South Boston will be firstly submerged, and the city could form a new network of river after a series of heavy rain. We can predict half of Boston could be eaten out by increasing sea level, People cannot escape from water but people can live with water. And people can even live by the water, on the water and under the water. To achieve a complex urban system, the Shortest path system helps to build connection between separate urban area caused by flood. The Shortest path simulation generate a dynamic form, which get the inspiration of the coral. The form of coral has a continuous, irregular interior space and intentions to grow in multi-directions, and the holes and channels allow fish and other sea creatures to stay or pass through, which cooperates to the spirit of volumetric space. This spatial organization and interaction between coral and other organisms are applied to the new reef city. The new city is growing out of the flooded area and is expanding in multiple dimensions.


Living With Water

Volumetric City - Boston

Site: North End, Boston, America Project time: March 2020 - June 2020 / MArch, 2020 Semester 1, Master of Studio E Grounp Work / Collaborators: Junkai Huang, Wei Dong, Xinming Sun. Supervisor: Justyna Karakiewicz, Onur Tumturk

(This project has been nominated in

‘2020 Innovation And Architecture Related To Sea Level Rise Award’)



Flood Prediction Model This model is to predict how Boston would be eaten out by increasing sea -level. Flood would potentially first submerge the central square first and expand to the North Boston and South downtown.

Rainwater Runoff Model This model is to test how the water drops could flow along the urban topography after a heavy rain. The water runoff data generates a water tendency lines on the plan. to find the water concentrated area according to water line density.

Urban Plan 2020

Water flow according to the topography 20

Potential river network

Predicted Land 2120

Projected Urban Plan 2220

Predicted Land 2220 Based on the Flood Prediction Model and Rainwater Runoff Model, the city could potentially become a new land area and form a new network of river after a long period of time. Projected urban plan in about 200 years could be like the plan shown on the left.

Concept: Living with water

Apart from the lose caused by flood, the city needs to adapt the environmental change. People cannot escape from water but people can live with water. In this concept, there are four relationships to consider: Living with water, Living by water, Living on water, Living under water. Living by the water means people live in the unflooded area of Boston and have activities related to water, for example, people can have leisure time on the beach.For some areas are flooded, people lift up the buildings and structure and people have activities on the water. When the sea level go on rising, people may live under the water. Architectural forms will also change, like several pipes link buildings together when buildings are under the water. For example, when water floods buildings, people can observer the underwater world in the building through windows or dive in the water. Even in the winter, water turns into ice and people will skate on the ice.


Shortest Path System

With the concept of living with water, the interest points around the flooded area are selected to develop the city through pretending those areas have been affected by flooding. These points include some important nodes of the Boston, like train station or urban parks. A physical connection is built among these points, and the shortest path principle is applied to reconfigure the region. As a result, there are two different patterns, but the optimization illustrates they have similar outcomes. There is a scripting to simulate the path generation, trying to figure out the regulation and extract the form from it. The path becomes clear with the increasing light strips. and the plan is generated according to the thickness of the light strips. After adjusting the form to fit the submerged area to the north end of Boston, the initial proposal is created.


Urban Reef - Coral

Based on the optimized form from shortest path simulation, the initial concept comes from a dynamic form of coral. The coral reefs, are valuable in terms of the nature and human beings. The coral reefs provide habitats and shelter for many marine organisms and protect coastline from the damaging effects of wave action and tropical storms. In another word, it is similar to the rainforest. Think about it architecturally, it has a continuous, irregular interior space and intentions to grow in multi-directions, which coorperates to the spirit of volumetric space. Its holes and channels allow fish and other sea creatures to stay or pass through. There are various organic spaces of coral. Some small coral spaces form closed space; Some holes in the wall or on the floor form transparent coral spaces; Folding walls and floors form continuous structure. Large spaces and small ones combine together to form rich functional spaces.



Path Optimization

For each functional urban block, the intervention of coral is tested when the form is reconstructed and collaged in the existing building complexed submerged. Carrying out path optimization and typology generation, it plans to build a huge coral-like new city by assembling plenty of small pieces. Analysing the potential walkway based on selected urban blocks, the path lines are abstracted to form into one coral component. This approach is also used to other functional blocks and communities, and outcomes vary from the blocks with function of living quarters, government, commerce and recreation area. Actually, The system of coral is going to mix and create multi-functional spaces.


For overall space, the form of coral has been utilized that blurs the clear distinction between different functions, such as living, retails and public transportations. Water in the volumetric urban system is constantly reused to irrigate the botanical garden. It even enrich an aquarium and swimming pools on the roof. Also, we can image people can enjoy the stunning view of sea life through the window when running on the track. Additionally, coralized structure made by organic composite can even enhance sound relection in the theater. Children are encouraged to play on “soft space” made by net structure. For the space with transparency of vision, there are holes on the floors and walls. Walls may not vertical but sloping, so climbing activity is also avaliable. Furniture with coral shapes are specially designed in recreational area. the parks is not only connecting with cafe but can be seen by besides residents. Through these scenarios, coral is definitely benefits to enrich a volumetric city and ample citizen’s experience in it. Thinking about the future of 5D-Coral City, people would travel everywhere on boat; Steam comes out of Turkish bath house and from a hole; Waterfalls cool the environment during summer and freeze during winter; Citizens ski down through part of building, enjoying ice-skating and tobogganing. Section 1



Section 2









Hyper-Ceramics Tessellation Ex-lab 3D Clay Printing Workshop

Site: Glyn Davis Building(MSD), Parkville VIC 3052 Project time: Auguest 2019 - November 2019 / MArch, 2020 Semester 2. Ex-lab Workshop Grounp Work / Collaborators: Cynthia Lai, Nan Li, Shengran Zheng, Qiutong Zhang Supervisor: Ryan Pennings, Lewis Edwards, Jas Johnston

Design Brief

The project is a design experiment that explores the potentials of clay and parametric robotic fabrication process. The outcome of final production is a large-scale(1:1) pavillion. By using scripting and systematic thinking, prototypes are constantly developed which is a necessary way to experiment and evaluate an idea. The process of prototyping allows the design and fabrication of complex systems to become clearer and more manageable. In this physical prototyping experiment”Hyper-Ceramic Tessellation”, we started with simple geometry and using parametric design and autonomous fabrication process, and developed it into a self-supported architectural structure. The benefits of prototyping were leveraged to explore the possibilities of using 3D printed clay bricks in an architectural application. Clay is an enviromentally friendly and economical material, that when manipulated through 3D printing, provides the opportunity for mass customisation of structural elements. A three-dimensional interlocking ceramic brick is created with simple geomotry to achieve tessellation on a hyperbolic surface. Through parametric design and digital fabrication techniques, the required tolerances, shrinkages and geometry manipulations were accounted for, allowing the structure to fit together.






















Prototyping Exercise

This project provides me an opportunity to learn about the whole process of robot arms and I started to be familiar with the principle of 3D Clay Printing. The printing is based on the ‘bottom-up’ approach, and our models are printed by continuous closed curves. There are three exercises to guide me explore the feasible clay structure with scripting of grasshopper. -Exploration of pattern and structure -Selecting forms and Adjust variation -Enlarging scales and Trying big extruder Prototypes 1-4 Egg: partly shrinkage-slightly / partly shrinkage-highly / twisting-slightly / twisting-highly 5-6: star shaped curve extrusion and twisting 7-8: diamond pattern, partly shrinking and extrusion 9-11: frustum cone, extendable pattern 12-13: curved walls 14-16: DNA twisting 17-20: printing onto bottles(4&6) - large extruder


Prototyping - Bricks Connecting

Assembling way

Prototype 1

- Two types to interlock each other - Joint is not strong enough - Brick is flat - Hard to control if applied to curved surface


Assembling way

Prototype 2

- Bricks can be easily interlock with each other - Need more production time, include printing and firing - Unit prototype is much smaller - Can be a sample to explore material


Prototype 3

- Bricks can be easily interlock with each other - Unit is larger, less unit can form an arc

Assembling way

- Connecting relys on extra adhensive material - Can be a sample to explore adhensive

Explore more types of shape and pattern


Design Process Initial Tests

Pavilion 3 weeks

-Scripting -Clay Mixing -Tool Calculation

8 weeks

-Geometry -Colour -Tolerance

Prototyping Deisgn Production Assembly

Project Management -Timing 3 weeks -Labour 3 weeks -Costs

Form finding


Interlocked Pattern


Material: Clay Weight(ave): 400g Printing Time(ave): 1 min Shrinkage: 88%

Half brick (sides)

Typical brick (280x90x108mm)

Base brick

Length: 2046mm Width: 2357mm Height: 1818mm



Colour Tests Raw Material

Printing & Dired Pieces

Fired Pieces

Grog - Fine

Keane Stoneware 33

Feeney Dark Stoneware

Keane Clay Toast

Iron Oxide - Red Indian MC Natural

Joint Tests

Bolts-rubber washer

Super glue



Tinted Mortar 39

Final Production Process

1 2


3 4

1. Clay Mixing

Final Production

2. Tolerance Test (190kg maxium)

3. Final Printing

4 Drying and Packing (preparing for firing)

Due to the number of individual bricks(502), automated processes were put in place to take each brick and prepare for printing in an effcient way. Various clay bodies and additives were tested to arrive at the final clay with the desired visual qualities, fired structural qualities and suitable qualities for 3D printing. The bricks were printed on newly developed advanced clay extruders. Finally, the structure is assembled with a construction adhensive allowing ease of assembly and movement in the finished piece.


Final production Process Assembly



Design Brief Based on the evolutionary principle, the project begin with an extensive iterative process from a design experimentation of a wide range of architectural prototypes and interventions. In the design process, there are five generations that allows us to improve our prototypes and core genes. A large gene pool is constantly being developed through three generations systematically. Gradually, it forms our concept to promote our systematic design approaches further. In generation 4&5, our prototypes are set in a real scenario. Genes and rules are always tested to justify how they could be used to fulfill certain necessary functions. The scenario of the project is set in a prospective age that economic boom has caused electric vehicles to take over and there are much more of them than normal cars. Also, a large population growth, resulting in 4 times of population of Melbourne increase by 2050, which demands more accommodations to satisfy the needs. Therefore, it is imaginable that autonomous electric vehicles, even medium-scale aerial vehicles would become the important public transportations to adapt the intensive daily activities in an extremely congested Melbourne. To frame the project, we are working with a modular system with the need to adapt, mutate and evolve the genes, maintaining a cohesive design language and trying to bring positive changes to human society.


An Autonomous Vernacular

Prototypes & Genes development for Autonomous vehicles

Site: Blackwood St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Project time: Auguest 2019 - November 2019 / MArch 2020 Semester 2, Master of Studio D Grounp Work / Collaborators: Tay Aik Wen Supervisor: Fjalar De Haan, Camilo Cruz Gambardella



Leftover Space / Gene Pool

Gernation 1






Leftover Space: Street parking in the middle of the road not occupied throughout the day provides a temporal leftover space for which an architectural intervention can occupy.

Mobility Gene 2.2

Gene 2.3



Gernation 2

Gernation 3

















Gene 3.2

Gene 3.3



Economic boom has caused electric vehicles to take over and there are much more of them than there ever were cars There is a large population growth, resulting in population in the Central Business Distric(CBD) increasing 4 fold, topping out at approximately 400,000 people in the CBD by 2050. There is therefore a demand for electric vehicles, especially aerial vehicles that will help improve daily activities in an extremely congested CBD. Among the genes in gene pool, the Gene 2.2 & 2.3 and the Gene 3.2 & 3.3 were well developed and there were selected to put in this scenario. The notion of Mobitecture(mobile architecture) encourages the genes to be improved in terms of their diversity, accessibility, or both. This project mainly illustrates one specific gene, the bubble gene (3.3) envolving, mutating and developing to adapt the given scenario.There evaluation criteria includes Constructibility, Diversity, Adaptability, Density, Connectivity and Social Impact. SCENARIO 2060












2025 Housing Modules

Housing +

Gernation 4

Gernation 5









Social Impact

2040 Drone Landing

Social Impact

2060 Housing + Drone & Aerial Vehicle Landing



Rules Configuration of genes to form a group Prototypes at larger scale can accommodate a standard staircase, which builds a connection between different levels

Genes 5-1-1

Big bubbles serving for connecting provide social space for residents living in this mini-community

Genes 5-1-2

Genes serving for housing can aggregate and entend living spaces to multiple directions Four prototypes can generate a small atrium

Rules Collaboration between genes in different scales

Stage O

Genes 5-1-3


Aggregation of multiple genes

Genes 5-2-2


Tower 1 Drone Landing Building

Gene 5-2-1


Gene 5-3-1

Gene 5-3-2 Connection & Circulation Aerial Vehicle Landing


Gene 5-1-1


Rules Aggregation of genes Living space

Genes 5-2-1

Drone Landing

Rules Connection between old genes and new genes

Genes 5-2-2

One - 2025 Stage Two - 2040 Stage Three - 2060

Rules Connection between Towers

Tower 3 Complex Housing

Tower 2 Drone Apartment


Courtney St

Metropolitan Hotel Akita Japanese Meat Market

BMDI Rotary House

Seasaw Studio

Blackwood St 0 1m 2m

Site Plan (2060) 52




Constant population growth contributes to increasing demand of living. It is considered that ‘bubbles’ could be used for living to provide templorary accommodations which are more affordable for people without own properties in 2025. For individual bubble, the living space is set on the middle level, where the area is larger in order to fully maximize occupancy of the floor and improve the using rate of space. Additionally, a claster of residential genes are surrounding a big bubble, which serves as a communal space. After about 15 years(2040), drone would become a main way of delivery. Based on the gene 5-1-1, the bottom half of bubble is vacant, which can be used as space for drone landing and storage. As for a big bubble, the main function is actually serving for circulation. The column system can accommodate sprial stairs and provide platforms. Further, imaging the scenario in 2060, drones would become personal commodity and aerial ride share becomes ‘middle-distance’ public transportation. Communal column system would evolve to accommodate aerial ride share vehicles. Some bubbles evolve to fully cater to drones. Their aggregation with different genes could generate different functional towers.




‘E-Waste’ Micro-System E-Waste Gallery & Micro-Factory

Site: South Lawn, Parkville VIC 3052 Project time: March 2019 - June 2019 / MArch, 2020 Semester 1. Master of Studio C Individual Work Supervisor: Justyna Karakiewicz, Theo Blankley

Design Brief

With the development of science and technology, people update their electronic products very quickly. There is a large amount of old laptops, mobile phones, and watches being discarded every year, causing the emergence of E-Waste which are not disposable. Thus, the project focus on constructing a recycling and manufacturing system based on the consumption of E-Waste. The system not only contribute to economic returns, but using modern manufacturing techniques to bring innovation and positive impact to the existing environment. This design experiment is carried in the University of Melbourne Campus. The project consists of two parts. One is the temporary E-waste Gallery, which is aggregated by multiple moveable spaces. There are five types of individual galleries to develop different functional stations. And the other is E-Waste Micro-Factory, located in the southelawn carparl, aiming to recycling wastes and produce moveable gallery components.


‘Gallery System’

When E-wastes are recycled, components inside the electric products after being disassembled can be used to produce different kinds of artefacts. Products such as drones, robots, jewelries are potentially created by intelligent students from different faculties, and they can be exhibited or sold in ‘Gallery’ spaces. Also, it is considered that the screens from multiple electric products can be used to collage a big screen. In this way, these galleries can even be transformed into mini-Cinemas, positively encouraging people to engage in. The project provides five different prototypes, and these prototypes can collaborate to form a larger temporary functional space. To evaluate the effect of systematic intervention, there is a Pedestrian Simulation(Pedsim) to justify how E-Waste Gallery can influence the outcome of people’s flow. The scenario is to set on two adjacent main roads in the campus. Under the same conditions where the starting points and destination points are the same, more attracting points on a certain road can make the road more popular. While E-Waste Gallery could balance the popularity and it contributes pedestrians to spreading to more places.

Basic Strategy

Step1: Recycling and Collecting


Step2: Disassembling and Classification

Modelling and Experiment


Step3: Products Development program

Step4: Creating Collection and Gallery 56


(Pedestrian Simulation)

Simulation 1: Normal scenario Location: Monash road and masson way Popularity:Masson way>Monash road

Simulation 2: E-Waste Gallery Intervention Location: Monash road and masson way Popularity:Masson way=Monash road Narrow lanes are activated




Using structural advantages, Micro-Factory is located in the parking lot under the South Lawn, while E-Waste Galleries are moving around the campus. E-waste is recycled and will experience a series of decomposition process and the components could be reused or be ground to become powder as a 3d-printing material. There is a lifting and hydraulic system collaborating for the input and output of ‘E-Waste Galleries’.

Index Ground floor:

Gallery input and output, Entrance.

Underground level 1:

Students studio, Laboratory and Workshop, model warehouse, hydraulic workshop,data center, Mini-fablab.

Underground level 2:

Disassembling workshop, Production line, CNC Lab, E-Waste raw material warehouse, Hydraulic base bed.


Gallery Prototypes Products

Instruction Book


Section Perspective &


& Production Process


Design Brief

This project aims to create a mixed-used commercial skyscraper to redefine Melbourne`s magnificent city skyline as well as extending the green elements from the Carlton Garden to the building façade to create a vertical garden. For entrance, the design of the podium is using a large area of glass glazing to create a transparent space. The external form of the building is an X shape cutting on the two-opposite edge of the rectangular shape to create a diamonds-like form to respond to the skyline of Melbourne CBD. Also, It makes the vertical green façade pointing to the main crossroad to attract people. This tower is trying to incorporate green technology to improve its environment and energy efficiency. The planning of facade consists of curtain wall and green facade. Both parts apply the technology of double-skinned facade system and help ventilation and water system. The whole facade is constructed modularly with prefabricated curtain wall and green façade units. Envelopes on mechanical floors are mainly composed of mechanical louvre boards supported by SHS posts. The planning of green facade is to grow plants on the frame, which works as the outer layer of the double facade. Green system is constructed alongside the plant frame and is fixed to the constructed building structure. For plants protection, additional heating cables are equipped with temperature sensors, based on the gap between ASP access floor and concrete slab in interior space, which can prevent a situation of plants freezing.


Victoria Office Tower

High-rise building with green technology Site: 300 Exhibition Street, Melbourne Project time: March 2019 - June 2019 / MArch 2020 Semester 1 Applied Architectural Technology Grounp Work / Collaborators: Naiji Tian, Huairan Zhang Supervisor: Peter Neal GFA: 12580 ㎡/Effciency: 85%



Scale 1:1200


Scale 1:2000

Scale 1:1600

Scale 1:1600

Scale 1:4000


Elevation Scale 1:200

Section Detail Scale 1:200

Partial Typical Plan 1 Scale 1:200

Partial Typical Plan 2 Scale 1:200


Section Detail(Mechanical Floor) Scale 1:40

Section Detail(Green Facade) Scale 1:40

Partial Plan(Curtain Wall)

Section Detail(Curtain Wall)

Scale 1:40

Scale 1:40


Previous Involved Works

Project 1-2: Library&Cafe in Guangming Farm, Chongming Shanghai, 2018 3: Resort area in Wuzhizhou Island, Hainan, 2018 4: School Bus Waiting Room in Shanghai Jiaotong University, Minghang Shanghai 2017







Architecture Portfolio 70

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