Idee per partire: campi archeologici

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CAMPI DI VOLONTARIATO NEI SITI DEL PATRIMONIO STORICO E ARCHEOLOGICO E’ meglio scoprire i siti del patrimonio storico, archeologico e culturale da volontari che da turisti! Soprattutto se l’impegno e il lavoro svolto durante i workcamp da’ dei risultati concreti per la preservazione e la promozione della storia e della cultura. Ogni anno tantissimi volontari da tutto il mondo partono per lavorare negli scavi archeologici, imparare delle tecniche tradizionali di costruzione e restauro, salvaguardare e promuovere siti UNESCO. Partecipa anche tu, visita il nostro database: e scegli il campo che fa per te!

…in Spagna! Sistemazione del sito archeologico Castle of la Mota SVIAN011 - FORTALEZA DE LA MOTA Dates: 28/07/14 - 11/08/14 Type of work: ARCH Age: 18 - 26 Number of vols: 10 WORK: Alcalá la Real is located 75 km. from Jaén, and 57 km. from Granada. The work will be carried out in the Castle of la Mota, that is an ancient Muslim fortress, rebuilt between XIII and XV centuries. With its rich history and beautiful surroundings, the fortress is of both historic and environmental importance. It is located on the important cultural route, Ruta del Califato del Legado Andalusí. Volunteers’ work will include removal of scattered vegetation and architectural elements, collection and recording of data and reintegration of structures.

…in Morocco! Preservazione del sito patrimonio UNESCO El Jadida A.CSM76 - WORKCAMP ELJADIDA2 Dates: 16/08/14 - 30/08/14 Type of work: RENO Age: 18 - 60 Number of vols: 15 Extra fee: 60 EUR WORK: This workcamp is the second period of CSM57 ,it is organized in collaboration with the local agency for protection of ancient monuments. Its aim is to contribute in the restoration of the monuments. El Jadida is a port city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. As it was controlled by the Portuguese for more than 200 years, its appearance is affected by Portuguese architecture. Its medina with the massive external walls is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the most important buildings are the cistern and the Manueline Church of the Assumption. El Jadida is also known as a popular bathing resort in summer. The project will be organized in collaboration with the local delegation for protection of ancient monuments Its aim is to contribute in the restoration of the monuments . Its goal is to help maintaining the town’s UNESCO world heritage site as

which it was registered in 2004, as well as preserving all its splendor and beauty. The volunteers’ work will include restorations such as cleaning and painting historical remains in order to contribute to its perpetuation and guarantee its continuance. Locals may be able to tell stories about the monuments revealing interesting facts about Morocco’s history.

…in Germania! Lavori di restauro al cimitero delle vittime di guerra a Berlino IJGD 74100 - SHOW YOUR COMMITMENT TO INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDIN Dates: 19/07/14 - 09/08/14 Type of work: ARCH Age: 18 - 26 Number of vols: 15 Extra fee: 300 EUR WORK: During the first week, you will take part in an intensive language course (2. 90 minutes/day) in the mornings, where you will improve your German skills through language used in an everyday setting. Your language instructors are native speakers and have experience in teaching German as a foreign language. During the first week they are also a member of your team. During the second and third weeks, your team will be helping restore the gravesites of war victims in the Tegel district of Berlin, locate on the north side. The victims buried here are both German and foreign soldiers and civilians, for whom a cemetery was built. You and your team will help maintain and mow the lawns as well as clean the gravestones and concrete.

…in Slovacchia! Ricostruzione e rinnovo del castello Cabrad ISL09 - Cabrad castle Dats: 27/07/14 – 03/08/14 Type of work: RENO Age: 18+ Number of vols: 10 WORK: The association RONDEL was established in the year 2000 and since then their main goal is to repairing of the ruins and propagation of Cabrad Castle and the area where it is located. Cabrad is one of the least-known castles in Slovakia and was built for a protection from the south for the mining towns in the time of Ottoman invasion. The Cabrad Castle is situated on the west slopes of Krupina Mountains. However it is 4 km far from the civilization so there is no electricity and no public transport. Only water supply is in the valley and has to be carried up. Work will focus on targeted interventions, improving the status of Cabrad castle ruins. Static defects in the masonry (holes, vaults holes ...) and work around it - the preparation of stone, sand, mortar, material transport to the castle. The volunteers will help with cleaning the area of the castle, with renovating the paths in the ruins and also with the archaeological research.

…in Indonesia! Attività di manutenzione e di promozione del Tempio Plaosan, Patrimonio dell’umanità DJ-03 - PATRIMONITO Dates: 16/08/14 - 30/08/14 Type of work: ARCH Age: 18 - 30 Number of vols: 15 Extra fee: 200 EUR WORK: Since 2006 Patrimonito has become our special project focusing on heritage conservation, which is recently hold in Plaosan Temple which belongs to Prambanan Temple compounds. The volunteers will be introduced to the World Heritage Centre’s activities and campaign, the global history and dynamics of World Heritage sites. Guided visits to Prambanan will be organized in cooperation with the site’s management. It aims at rendering its symbolic dimension to heritage through debates and reflections, contribute to the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage and/or improve accessibility and availability of information, raise the awareness of the local population and create a sense of “ownership " and identification, and promote cultural heritage between international volunteers and organizations. The volunteers will be introduced to one of world heritage in Indonesia such as Prambanan Temple. They will learn why and how this temple was built long time ago. In this opportunity the volunteers will also be introduced to the Indonesian culture and customs in general, with a special focus on the Javanese particularities. Volunteers will be involved in restoration work. Besides, before the restoration work, the volunteers will have 1 day orientation about how to do the restoration and given information about the history of the temple, so that the volunteers really gain a lot of knowledge about the temples and the process of restoration. As the volunteers live in the local community, they also have activities in the local school with the local students. They will promote to the students how to preserve the temples and do some activities like students competition, culture exchange etc. The volunteers will also campaign about world heritage preservation to the local community as well as the visitors related to the world heritage especially Prambanan Temple.

…in Portogallo! Riqualificazione dei siti archeologici in un museo PT-GU-08-14 - ARQUEOROMA Dates: 04/08/14 - 15/08/14 Type of work: ARCH Age: 18 - 30 Number of vols: 17 WORK: ACDR – Freixo de Numão Cultural Sportive and Recreational Association is a youth association which main objectives are protecting and promoting region cultural patrimony. The objective of this program is to give continuity to an archeological research project and the desire to turn the archeological place into a museum that has

been developed since 1980 with the permanent support of this association and the Portuguese Youth Institute. Maintenance and restoration aiming at turning the archeological place into a museum; Methodological digging, with an archaeologist help; Soil riddling and floating aiming at collecting different elements (coals, seeds, bones …) for analysis; Materials washing and labeling. During the camp volunteers will work no longer than 6h/day. In spare time volunteers will visit belvederes, castles, historical villages (Marialva), Vale do Côa engraving and Douro Wine Region (UNESCO Patrimonies).

…in Islanda! Ristrutturazione di una vecchia fabbrica WF20 - NORTH BY NORTH WEST RENOVATION CAMP Dates: 22/06/14 - 05/07/14 Type of work: ARCH Age: 18 - 69 Number of vols: 8 Extra fee: 150 EUR WORK: The area of Strandir is a paradise for nature enthusiasts as for those who simply want to enjoy the pleasure of experiencing a place of complete silence. There you will find seabirds on rugged cliffs, arctic foxes in their lairs, and little fishing villages huddled against sheer mountains where for centuries people have battled with the forces of nature to harvest the ocean’s riches. This is the most remote area of Iceland and one of the most exiting! It is known for the inhabitants’ knowledge of magic and witchcraft. During the time of the workcamp you will enjoy sunlight all around the hour and the longest day of the year. The volunteers will help with the renovation of an old fish factory which has not been used for more than 50 years. We will work with local people to fix the walls and to take care of the environment as well.

…in Spagna! Lavoro manuale negli scavi di una villa romana SVIVA051 - VILLA ROMANA L´ALBIR Dates: 21/07/14 - 03/08/14 Type of work: ARCH Age: 18 - 26 Number of vols: 10 WORK: The works will be done fundamentally in the thermal baths, where the structures are partially exhumed. Besides the cleanliness and excavation of remains, there will realize tasks of documentation, topographic works and treatment of exhumed objects. Since complementary activity, many visits will be realized to archaeological nearby places. The work will be carried out in small groups which will shift place and type of work, so that all participants will be able to work in all places and share the work to be carried out. The work´s program will be from Monday until Friday, during 4 or 5 daily hours, generally in the mornings .

…in Messico! Recupero del patrimonio UNESCO nel centro storico di Morelia

VIVE05 - PRESERVING OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE MORELIA Dates: 09/07/14 - 25/07/14 Type of work: RENO Age: 18 - 99 Number of vols: 18 WORK: This will be the 8th year this project is organized in the 500 years old Morelia City, which is located in the center of Mexico; the aim of this project is to maintain the historic Morelia’s downtown declared world’s heritage by UNESCO to preserve all its splendor and beauty. Morelia is a beautiful colonial city built in “pink stone” it has a really nice weather, volunteers in past projects helped in different restoration activities and workshops to create awareness about the importance to preserve the World Cultural Heritage. Together with groups of local volunteers, the international volunteers will realize different activities to restore historical buildings, paint specific parts of the downtown as well as maintenance tasks such as restoration of ancient fountains. The local volunteers are looking forward to welcome the international volunteers to make a meaningful work but also make friends and show the Mexican culture!

…in Francia! Imparare le tecniche tradizionali di costruzione presso il sito storico di Vallauria SJ13 - MINES OF VALLAURIA Dates: 22/06/14 - 05/07/14 Type of work: RENO Age: 18 - 99 Number of vols: 10 WORK: Since 1960, the Neige et Merveilles association has been taking over and renovating the old buildings of the Vallauria Mining Works, creating a sustainable learning center and accommodations. After decades spent renovating and remodeling the old mining site alongside various specialists (geologists, mineralogists, archaeologists, speleologists), in 2009 the association turned its thoughts towards enhancing and capitalizing on this cultural heritage. The first step in this process was to carry out an inventory of the old mines and the of the current conditions of the site. The mining heritage of Vallauria is characterized by spectacular ancient underground mining works. The Vallauria Mining Works project embodies a desire to develop activities for the community within the framework of local sustainable development, while opening the site to a large public. The project will involve improving the safety of the mines by clearing and cleaning the ground in the heart of the mine and in its main tunnels. Volunteers will employ traditional construction techniques such as dry stone construction (retaining walls, stairs). Part of the work involves the evacuation of rubble using wheelbarrows along wooden duckboards. You will be supervised by a cultural heritage restoration professional. An educational facilitator will accompany the group during their stay, encouraging the young people to get involved in the cultural dynamic by giving them a chance to discover the findings of research carried out on the geological and mining heritage of Vallauria. Our aim is to encourage young people to engage in discovery, to develop initiative, and to take part in sports and cultural activities which facilitate self discovery and cultural exchange.

…in Germania! Lavori di manutenzione in un castello medievale OH-W11 - OLLENDORF WATER CASTLE Dates: 07/07/14 - 20/07/14 Type of work: RENO / ENVI Age: 18+ Number of vols: 10 Ollendorf is situated between Erfurt, capital of Thuringia, and Weimar, the European capital of culture 1999. The small villiage is surrounded by a beautiful countryside. Ollendorf Water Castle was probably build in the 13th century as a protective fort at the “via regia”. The “via regia”, also called the King´s highway, was the most important medieval trading route which ran West to East from Flandern via Frankfurt and Leipzig to Russia. In 1692 the castle had been destroyed by a fire and only the foundations could resist. Today´s manor house was built in 1694 in a simple rural baroque style, replacing the former castle. Nowadays Ollendorf is a good place to start excursions to important historical and cultural places like Weimar and Erfurt which are nearby the village. The volunteers will carry out different works in the castle’s complex and its surroundings. They will do small woodworks as constructing new fences in a traditional way around the ground, repairing doors, repairing furniture etc. Beside that the participants will do gardening works as cutting grass, mowing the lawn, cleaning the surrounding castle moat, digging up the garden and clearing it of weeds.


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