9 minute read

Marilyn Vaccaro

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Claire Rogerson

Claire Rogerson

Petra: Can you share why having ‘voice through art’ is important?

Livonne: This keeps getting deep, doesn’t it? I don’t mean it to, but my art is so influenced by my past that I can’t separate them, and I’ve learned that talking about those things helps me and also might help someone else experiencing similar things. I am, by nature, a very loud, gregarious, fun-loving person, but I’ve used that to hide my secrets, scared of rejection. I couldn’t speak out as a child for fear of retribution. I was silenced by violence then grief as an adult. So, I created a loud persona to hide behind. To start being able to speak my TRUTH, while hard, has brought me unbelievable joy. I know my story sounds sad and dark, and while parts of it are, my life now is full of joy. I don’t want my children and grandchildren to remember just the dark parts. I want them to know that speaking about your demons is okay. I want them to remember that I spoke out, told my story and then proceeded to live with happiness. Art has given me a way to use my voice that I can live with, and it is a fantastic feeling.


Petra: Your approach to art is so fresh and playful, are you creating works purely from your imagination?

Livonne: Most of my works come from either memories or experiences and occasionally from dreams. The ideas may have been inspired by something I’ve watched or a song that I love. I’ve always visualised songs when I sing them, so I have a whole volume of images that I want to create, just based on the soundtrack of my life. I recently worked collaboratively with a local poet who wrote about climate change. I took her poem and created a story based on her words combined with my beliefs. So, there is a plethora of sources to inspire me. I hope when people look at my work it brings them joy first, and then they look deeper and see more than what first met the eye.

Petra: What brings you joy?

Livonne: Family, first and foremost. My kids are my best friends now and that in itself is joyous. I have five gorgeous grandchildren whom I absolutely adore. It also feels so good to look back at the work I’ve created over the last 9 years and know that I’ve left a legacy behind me. With that joy comes peace which is what I came here looking for.

Petra: What does creativity mean to you?

Livonne: Hmmm… I guess to me, it means making something out of an idea that you didn’t even know you had. It’s a surprise - a ground swell that begins with one tiny grain of imagination. Then, with that planted, a smell, a colour, a memory, a song, whatever it is that is present, helps to rapidly build that tiny grain into a tangible story, and in turn into an image. In my world, Imagery and Imagination go hand in hand. Nothing has to be perfect. Perfection is the natural enemy of creativity.

Visit: https://livonneimagery.com.au/ Images: © Livonne Larkins and Petra Jungmanova

DAY 11

Everyone has heard about Tarot - some have tried and are using it in their lives for guidance. I was hesitant for years, but it eventually got me, and now I love getting readings about various areas of my life, as well as, doing my own spreads at home. Have you ever met a Tarot reader and had your fortune read? Marylin is talented in many areas and reading cards over the phone is just one of them, and we are exploring her other gifts in this interview.

Petra: Where were you born?

Marilyn: I was born in Sydney, Australia and recently have moved happily back home to Sydney from Byron Bay.

Petra: Your family has a very special Italian heritage, if I remember well. Has Tarot been in your family for long time?

Marilyn: Yes, I know of (at least) 5 generations of psychic Tarot readers, and the use of Tarot cards and other divination tools, such as psychometry, dream analysis and Italian energy clearing rituals, were commonplace for us.

Petra: How would you describe Tarot to people who have never experienced it, and what are its origins?

Marilyn: The Tarot is said to originate in Italy! The Tarot consists of 78 illustrated cards. 21 of those cards are the “Major Arcana”, which deals with life lessons, the big stuff. This is indicated through the cards by their archetypal images, such as: The Magician, The Empress, Death, and so on. The remaining cards consist of the ‘Minor Arcana’, which has 4 suits based on the elements: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air that speak of the more everyday circumstances of life and living, and the Court cards, which represent relevant people in the querant’s life.

Petra: What do you like about Tarot most; do you have a special personal way?

Marilyn: As a qualified Counsellor, I really love to help people, and I bring counselling into the longer Tarot sessions, as well as, Runes, Gypsy cards, Oracle cards and I-Ching. I also offer Counselling on its own. The way I read depends on the individual for whom I’m reading - what they need. The reading is not about me, it’s about them and I serve as a channel to convey the messages I receive from the cards and from above. I speak in down to earth relevant terms, about earthly matters, sometimes with some sassiness, always with reverence. I’m not ‘airy fairy’ or ‘woo woo’ at all.

Petra: How would you describe your (psychic medium) work?

Marilyn: I specialise in providing detailed and accurate Psychic Tarot readings. I bring clarity to the present and the future, and also direction to one’s love-life, and advice for career and spiritual growth. My focus is on the client leaving the reading empowered, with their strength fortified. My intention is that they feel capable and optimistic in bringing their dreams and wishes to reality; able to divert potential trouble by making decisions that feel good to them; and that they feel a sense of peace, understanding and acceptance in difficult life circumstances. I assist them in finding their way back to themselves. Usually, people tell me I’ve confirmed what they were feeling all along.

Petra: What are people usually most interested in when they approach you for a Tarot session?

Marilyn: Usually the reading begins with what we readers call a “general reading”, where I tell the client what I see in detail with little to no information at all from them. This helps me to be objective and them to establish that I’m tuned-in. Then I ask what questions they have. The questions often turn to love, career and for perspective on how to deal with difficult situations.

Petra: Love - do people ask a lot about love and relationships?

Marilyn: Yes, love is widely popular! I speak daily on these questions. It’s what we really need, deep down.

Petra: I remember you used to appear on TV with your Tarot readings, are you still doing it?

Marilyn: My time on Psychic TV Australia on Channel 7 Two was really amazing for me. It was really interesting to be in that unique situation reading for people on live to air TV; being so present was exciting. I’m not working on the show currently though, as I was living in Byron Bay at the time, and flying down to Sydney for the late-night show became tiring. TV show has stopped airing on Channel 7 Two since, but now airs on Facebook Live.

Petra: Have you been practicing Tarot most of your life?

Marilyn: I come from a Catholic family, who became increasingly open minded as time went by. My mum and I would go to Psychic Fairs, and I felt ridiculously at home there with the other readers. When I was 14 years old, I was gifted my first Tarot deck, The Mythic Tarot. I learned all about Tarot, I-Ching, Runes, Psychometry, and so on, and went on seeing many spirits - transitioning them into the light. Coming from a spiritual family helped prepare me for many spiritual experiences. Then I began reading Tarot professionally at age 25. Some things are meant to be!

Petra: How do you apply Tarot in your daily life?

Marilyn: I don’t anymore. For a long time, I did work personally with the Tarot, applying its principles to my life and tuning into its images - developing my intuition daily, which is something I now teach. I was in the right place at the right time to receive really amazing reading material and mentoring at a young age. Nowadays I focus more so on prayer and meditation. Presence trumps pure intellectualism and enhances intuition!

Petra: You’ve lived in Melbourne, Byron Bay and now Sydney - what’s special about each place?

Marilyn: Melbourne was truly epic and a major turning point for me. Once you find your niche, there is literally something to do every night of the week: from dancing at Goth clubs to playing in bands; to retreating to the mountains to meditate; and reading Tarot for clients from wineries, the Victoria markets, healing centres, live electronic music festivals, and corporate events. I met so many incredible people who helped form who I am today, with many still amongst my dearest friends. It’s often very cold though!

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