Start an Eco-Friendly Habit! With lots of time on our hands, now could be the opportunity to focus some energy on how we can help the environment. Below are some suggestions:
Create a Community Herb Garden using a wicking bed, that waters the pants from below rather than above. Watch our instructional video!
Review your recycling practices. Click HERE to see how you can recycle all kinds of products including bread tags, contact lenses, coffee pods, toothbrushes and pens.
Dividing out your soft plastics for recycling, will greatly reduce your rubbish. HERE is a link to further information about recycling soft plastics.
Make your own handwash or woolwash from the ends of soap bars: Ingredients 2 tablespoons soap ends 750ml water Method • Add soap ends to a pot and cover with water • Bring to a boil on the stove for 5 minutes, reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring throughout • Once soap ends have dissolved, let the mixture cool and pour into a bottle
Start separating your food scraps and compost them
Make a conscious effort to switch off unnecessary power plugs and lights when leaving a room
Ensure that all your families’ bills are sent to you electronically – these are easy to file away on your mobile phone if this is the excuse you are using for still getting printed copies!
Check out the option of a rainwater tank. Rainwater tanks can reduce the harm to our waterways caused by too much stormwater. Tank water can be used to flush toilets, wash clothes, water gardens and wash cars, significantly reducing demand on drinking water.
Buy clothes that last! By extending the lives of our clothes by just nine months, we would reduce the carbon, water and waste footprints of the fashion industry by 25%.
Make protection masks out of fabric, so that after one wear they can be washed and reused.
Use cardboard boxes from all of those ‘iso’ home deliveries as weed matting in your garden instead of plastic matting
Every plastic toothbrush ever made still exists somewhere today. When it’s time to buy a new brush, try one made of bamboo or wood. These come with removable nylon bristles so the handle can be composted or upcycled into a garden stake/marker.
Ensure you always have your own water bottle and keep cup handy!
Shop at bulk food stores to reduce the amount of packaging used. You can also refill shampoos, conditioners and cleaning products from these stores.
Bees play a critical role in our ecosystem, by providing food and water in your garden, you can encourage native bees to visit. By making them a hotel out of bamboo or rolled up cardboard, you can encourage them to stay!
Try to start some new eco-friendly habits today.