Yashwant Rawat |Undergraduate Architecture portfolio 2021

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Architecture Portfolio Yashwant Rawat

Contact phone email

+91-8800428593 yashrawat458@gmail.com


School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal, India


www.behance.net/ yashrawat04


5-C, Skylark Appartments, New Delhi, 110096

Yashwant Rawat 21 4th May 1999 Male Indian Fourth year, B.Arch student School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal

Hello, I am a 21 yr old architecture student with a zest for observing, learning, creating and problem solving. As an adult I have been always intrigued by how we (humans) function and interact with others (surroundings) and Architecture to me presents an opportunity not only to understand this but also add to it for better or worse. This never-ending cycle feeds my need for creating. This portfolio is a compilation of works done through the course of 4 years in B.arch. All these projects are included to show my growth and learning from a first year to a fourth year student.


Field of intrests Computational Design, Sustainability, Graphic Design, Automotive Design, CG, Cinematography, Economics.

Education 2017 - present


Bachelor Of Architecture School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal Mayur Public School Delhi

Workshops & Conferences 2020

Creative Coding Oneistox


Introduction to Computational Design Archidiaries


Architectural visualization NUDES in the classsroom


Kochi Design week Kochi


World Bamboo Workshop Imphal

Academic works 2020

Talking Terraces (High rise Housing) Bhopal Hotel Design Bhopal


Office for Tadao Ando Bhopal Documentation of French Architecture Pondicherry Guest House Pondicherry Residence of an Architect Pondicherry Vernacular Documentation Aarapura Tribe Anganwadi | Bhopal



Retail shop Function follows form




Rhinoceros Sketchup Blender 3Ds Max

Advance Advance Intermediate Beginner

Grasshopper Ladybug Kangaroo Galapagos

Advance Advance Advance Intermediate

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign

Advance Advance Advance

V-ray Lumion Blender (cycles) Corona Renderer

Advance Advance Advance Beginner



Competitions 2018

Faculty Housing (School Project) Dehradun Mercedes Benz Design centre Bhopal Swimming pool Stadium Bhopal



120 hours A room for communication Reschool Volume Zero



Fashion Pavilion Archasm | Top 50 120 hours 22nd Century settlement Svalbard India Lost and Found Cannes Temporary cinema Archasm 120 hours Out of sight , out of mind Adaptive reuse Design class Sacred Space Archdais Parameterized 2.0 Equim Design | Top 3 Creative coding Oneistox | Top 2


Table of Contents This portfolio showcases projects from 2017 to 2019, arranged in chronological order, showing diverse set of skills and learning acquired in last 4 years. Included projects are worked upon by author or in case of group project role has been mentioned.








Architect’s Office Academic 2017

Reschool Competition 2018

L’amour de Soi Competition 2019




04 Now-Here Competition 2019

05 Hotel Design Academic 2020

06 Miscellaneous Personal 2018-2020


01. Architect’s Office 2017


| Ar. Sourabh Tewari Ar. Sanjeev Singh

The exercise required us to study one of the given architects through their most influential project and then design an office for them, replicating their style and philosophy in Bhopal (India) . Design brief asked for the built office to be of 360m 3 in volume while containing spaces for Office work, Client meetings and a Bedroom for the Architect.



Tadao Ando

Church of Light

Borrowing from oriental philosophy, Yin-Yang is meant to represent duality in nature of existence of things. How seemingly opposite forces cannot exist without one another. This can be seen in Light and darkness, sexual coupling, Mountains and valleys and many more. Here yin-yang are used to divide design into public and private spaces.

Simple Geometry Tadao Ando uses simple shapes to create a poetic effect in his projects, often compared with Japanese Haiku. He avoids any unnecessary details, focusing on functionality. “ I create architectural order on the basis of geometry squares, circles, triangles and rectangles.”

Rearranging and superimposed yin and yang to fit site conditions.

Light Use of light to add a character of time and beauty to the project is consistent throughout Tadao Ando’s work. To accentuate the effect of light it is also sometimes used with water. The highest expression of the relationship between Tadao Ando and light is definitely the Church of Light. “In all my works, light is an important controlling factor.”

Stacking geometric interpretation of the symbol to generate usable space.

Bare Concrete Use of Bare concrete in Ando’s work with steel and metal can be seen all over his architecture. His concrete is often referred to as “smoothas-silk.”

Zen principles Ando’s work often falls under the category of critical regionalism. He is known for combining zen principles with modernist architecture. Words like Nothingness, calm, weightlessness, peaceful are often associated with his works


Final design contained within 360m 3 volume has Meeting room, Reception on ground floor and Working space along with a bedroom on first floor.










Office as seen from the edge of lake.


Rhino, Blender(cycles), Photoshop

Work space on first floor.

Rhino, Blender(cycles), Photoshop


02. Tiny Seed School 2018

Volume Zero competition | Reschool

3 member team

| Contribution: Concept, 3-D, Renders

The participants were to design a multifunctional educational space to accommodate a capacity of 200 students from the age group of 5 to 11 years. These spaces should also function as an interactive space for the local community post school hours. The designed spaces should be innovative, encourage learning for children as well as strengthen the communal spirit.



Site Selection India with a population of 135 crores has a literacy rate of 77.7% in 2017-2018 (acc. to National Statistical Commission). Out of all 28 Indian states, Odisha has the 11th largest population, with 57% of people living below the poverty line and a literacy rate of 73%. Combinations of all these facts made Odisha an ideal location for the project. Further narrowing down the location for the site, Odisha has 30 districts varying in size and population density. Nabarangapur, with a literacy rate of 48% is one of the most under developed district in the state. Kashibahal, is a village in the district with around 100 families living the village. Villagers are deprived of basic amenities from various welfare schemes of both the state and central govt. These villages also lack medical facilities and due to absense of approach road, hardly do any health officials like Anganwadi and Asha workers visit them.

Maps of India highlighting Odisha

Site : Kashibahal village (Odisha)

Maps of Odisha highlighting Nabarangapur

5m unpaved approach road on one side

6000sqm area

Mixed classrooms There is no strict age limit for a classroom, kids from a varying age group can come together to learn with and from each other.

School Program Development and Concept Design is loosely based on a combination of Waldorf education and concept of community integration. School has spaces that focuson development of a child’s intellectual, artistic, and practical skills in a holistic manner. Spaces like library and classroom strengthen child’s intellectual capabilities while workshop and school ground are to develop artistic and practical skills. School’s program has been formulated in a way that maximizes interaction not only between teacher and students but also students of different age group.


Spill over spaces Classes don’t have a restricted area allowing for flexible learning spaces, students can move around and learn acc. to their needs.

A satellite view of Kashibahal (2019).

Circle time Students can gather inside the circle and share their experiences, creating a stronger bond amongst students and teacher.

Open Plan Allows kids to move between the spaces and settle into a place that they find most comfortable while still not feeling secluded in the process.

Greenery Integration of greenery gives kids a chance to study in between and from nature, developing a better understanding of the world around them.

Community integration Along with a large ground for facilitating functions, school also has space that can be used by Asha workers and in times of election.


Form Develop

1. Brick Vault 2. Mud Plinth (0.45M) 3. Class room 1 (7.5 x 7.5M) 4. Circle (2M radius) 5. Library (5.5 x 8M) 6. Class room 2 (7.5 x 7.5 M) 7. Administration space (7.5 x 3.5 M) 8. Stage 9. Collection area 10. Teacher’s Room (4 X 7 M) 11. Workshop (5X 7.5 M) 12. Kitchen (6 x6 M) 13. Common Room (5 X 7 M) 14. Playground

1. 2.


5. 4.





10. 9.


13. 12.




1. Pushing built mass towards the end to be more inviting.

2. Extruding the mass to make use of available volume.

3. Breaking down volumes into useable spaces.

4. Final Outcome

Rhino, Illustrator

Grasshopper script Roof (Brick Vault) was created by running physics simulations with help of kangaroo solver



Brick Tile Brick Tile (40 mm).

Earth Filling (450 mm).

Mortar (35 mm).

Rubble Packing (200 mm). Earth Filling (100 mm).

Brick Tile (40 mm). Mortar (35 mm).

Plinth Details

Brick Tile Vault Detail 1:50








Concrete Cap Detail 1:30

Concrete Cap

Concrete Cap (150 mm). Rammed Earth (200 mm).


Reinforcement Bar (16 mm dia). R.C.C. Reinforcement Bar (12 mm dia). P.C.C. Bed (100mm) R.C.C. Pedestal Details 1:100


Kids enjoying circle time with each other.


Rhino, Blender(cycles), Photoshop

School as seen from afar.

Rhino, Blender(cycles), Photoshop


03. L’amour de Soi French, noun: self-love


Archasm competition


Fashion Pavillion

3 members in a team | Contribution: Concept, Renders Selected in TOP 50 entries

The aim of the competition is to design a pop-up pavilion in the emblematic Parco Sempione in Milan that connects fashion, architecture and people. The pavilion should capture the essence of fashion design and celebrate its powerful impact on our society for such a long time. The pavilion should strive to become a ‘window’ for man to experience the impact and importance of fashion design on the society. It should infuse fashion with architecture physically and poetically, creating a structure that is able to host different events and activate the zone.



Milan, synonymous with Haute couture, is a city that continues to generate lots of new talent, emerging designers and lots of high end brands. Fashion industry has been a propelling force to bring inclusivity in limelight. Recognising and being one with the fact that physical appearances are temporal is the objective that is being put forward. Can ‘positivity’ exist in mainstream culture that determines a human’s worth primarily through appearance?


L’amour de soi placed at the centre of Sempione park , borrows inspiration from Alberto Burri’s Teatro continuo to create an interactive ephemeral space, that helps inch closer to a more inclusive approach and what amounts to ‘beauty’. Walking between the mirrors, placed in a formal triangular grid one realizes that the silhouette of their reflection seems altered, which confronts them to be acceptable of others and themselves. Everything appears to be under monotone, looking through the black tinted glass, which provides for an unusual perspective of the surrounding. What is seen is a distorted reality where perception is shaped by their personal experiences. The whole setup with the punctured seating in turn builds curiosity and harmony and various tangible parameters are diminished.


Monotony seen through the tinted glass.

Altered reflection seen through the mirror.



Plan showing one of the many possible arrangements for pavilion. (N.T.S.)



Axonometric view showing people interacting with installation

Altered view as seen in Mirrors


Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop

Altered view as seen in Mirrors

Rhino, Adobe Illustrator

Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop

Monotonous reflection seen in Black glass.

Rhino, V-ray, Photoshop


04. Now-Here 2019

Archdais competition


The Sacred Space

Individual work

Brief asked for a reinterpretation of a sacred space for the new secular world. A physical manifestation representing peace and timelessness, a place open to everyone, strengthening the secular belief of community and celebrating diversity through design. Participants were free to pick any site of their liking. Final outcome would have spaces for gathering, prayer and library, rest was up to participants to add more spaces relevant to design.



Concept In modern times believing in any God has become increasingly rare. The gaping hole then left is filled in by science and culture. Science and culture are progressive in nature unlike religion which intentionally is frozen in time, which in turn creates a constant need to keep up with them. This race of cultural expectations puts a great deal of pressure on us, placing us in a state of unease making us more unstable and polarized than ever. There is so much noise that we tend to lose focus of what really is important and we keep running to fulfil this meaningless obligation. Now-here is a space designed to remind visitors of the transient nature of human life and differentiate between noise and one’s existential need. Cloaked in its surroundings, it shelters not only body and mind but soul too, to soothe the fears of an uncontrollable environment. It provides visitors space for self-contemplation and isolation through blocking cultural and sensory overload and giving them a shot at more peaceful mind.

Site : Yamuna Bank (Delhi)

20 m Highway as app

Confronting Mortality We are more polarized now than ever, divided by our political or spiritual believes. Only thing still for sure common between all of us is cycle of Life and Death. When reminded of one’s own mortality they become more sensitive towards life and let go of petty grievances.

Space provides a shelter against the cultural and sensory overload of the city. In essence now-here pulls one away from the selfcreated chaos of life in attempt to create order and to help people focus on their existential needs by means of introspection and meditation. Getting visitors to meditate upon their reason of being and realising how all of us are much similar than different. Resulting in a much calmer and focused mind and soul.


Looking outward After realizing has been pass by, for re-assess is necessary a is not, one wo all the help get hence a sp can hold such would be needed

proach road on one side

ds how life sing them sing what and what ould need they can pace that activities d.

Site Selection

545 M X 75 M

2000 M2 built up

Unsettling retrospection Reminded of the transient nature of life, one would be forced to think about their existence and how they have been wasting life away. This realization would push them to take a pause, look for what actually matters and is not just passing by.

Concept for the project revolves around the chaos and burden created by a fast-paced city. Any metropolitan city would have a great example to illustrate the same, Delhi being the capital has an extra edge over other three cities. Lakhs of people migrate to Delhi looking for work and then become a part of this huge organism functioning day in and day out, loosing their individuality and then as a result their existential needs. Focus shifts towards more of societal and temporal needs or better put as getting caught in day-to-day life. Selected site sits on the bank of river Yamuna, drawing visitors in to take a break and then finally lets them out on the bank near water, in between nature.

Meditation Meditation space provides a place for one to center themself.

New outlook After going through the whole journey, one is expected to have a fresh outlook towards life. Embracing life and those who come with it in a happier way. .


1. Entry Upon entering th walk through a bu their own morta transient nature

4. End of tunnel Opens into community space, giving people a space to reunite with society with an improved and calmer outlook on life.


3. Library Provides a space to read up on all the questions that came to you while meditating upon your life.

he site people have to urial site and confront ality. Reminder of the of our life.

2. Meditation room To come at peace with your thoughts and to find a moment of clarity in the chaos.


5. Community Space



05. Hotel Design 2020

Academic | Ar. Nayana R. Singh Ar. Rajesh Sawarkar Ar. Deepa Aggarwal

Design brief asked for a 5-3-star Hotel with a capacity of 100 rooms, packed with amenities to be constructed on a site in the middle of city for MP tourism. Given site for the project was 2.2 hc, sitting in the middle of a number of institutional buildings and in close proximity with a major market. Details like operating model for the hotel were left on individual.



Site Massing Site area - 22885 sqM

Max height - 45M

Ground Coverage - 9154 sqM F.A.R.- 1:2.25 Towards North of the site Tagore Hall and other cultural buildings Towards East of the site Lake Towards South of the site Low heighted residential area Towards West of the site Offices


Concept .

Envisioned at the city’s centre (TT nagar) project is a 3to users and being closest to railway station and airpor for hotel working model.

CONFERENCE HOTEL + TRANSIENT HOTEL . While the hotel makes for an ideal place to stay for touri and other gatherings since all other alternatives lie at c

All the space planning is done while keeping these facto

Hotel making is primarily a commercial exercise and pr approach. Evolutionary solver is used in deciding hotel’s

To get to final form, thewhole process was broken dow

Finding a footprint of more than 2000 sqm and the extr solar gains. Laying down roads and entry exits. Main Entry to site- Front Entry and Exit to hotel - Longer side Road width- 10M to 6M

Addition of Commercial blocks containing restaurant, cafe , bar, retail, meeting space and a multipurpose hall

Hotel Block at the end of site.


Then the outcome was altered to increase the surface ar gain came down to 6652026 kwh/m2 f from 11288688

Hotel Form Development

Tools used : Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug, Galapagos

Placing a mass of 2000sqM footprint with apt height

-star Hotel with 100 rooms and a variety of recreational spaces. Being at the center, it’s easily accessible rt out of all the available name hotels is an added bonus. Both these factors were the major determinants

ists coming to Bhopal to visit all the hotspots near the city, it also has space to host a number of functions ity’s boundary.

ors in mind

roject tries to maximize it through cutting on operational costs by optimizing design through a data driven s form, considering city’s climate and site context.

wn into five steps.

ruding it to required height, passing it through lady bug and then solver to find a form with least possible

Following climate and view patterns

rea in order to accommodate rooms. Final form was again run through Lady bug and annual solar radiation kwh/m2.

Inc. surface area in oder to better the ventilation

Final form with vertical circulation .


1. 15M wide entry 2. Parking for 60+ cars 3. Commercial Block 1 4. Commercial Block 2 5. Loading/Unloading Bay 6. Service Road 7. Open lawn 8. Hotel 9. Pool Deck 10. Hotel Parking 11. Entry 12. Exit









8. 11.

9. 10.




Typical Floor



5. 22.










13. 4.



6. 3.

Fifth Floor



7. 8.


11. 9.

Third & Fourth Floor Commercial Space Vertical Circulation Services Offices Service Floor



Recreational Spaces





2. 4.

First Floor



12. 9.


9. Ground Floor



Ground Floor Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 21. 22. 23. 24.

Entry Porch Reception Waiting Lift Lobby Service Lifts Staircase Eatery Currency Exchange Tourist help desk Gift shop Toilets Driver’s Restroom Cloak Room Manager’s Room Office (F&B) Office (Booking) Accounts Kitchen Wash Storage Pump Room Water Storage Priority Parking Parking

Third Floor Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Double Bed Room Twin Bed Room Suite Type A Suite Type B Spa Floor Attendant


6. 4. 4.




First Floor Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Restaurant Seating Pantry Outdoor Seating Bakery Poolside Pool Filter Room Toilets HVAC Unit Gym

Fifth Floor Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Double Bed Room Twin Bed Room Suite Type A Bar Floor Attendant

4. 5.


N 0






Service Floor Suite Type B Open Lawn



Outdoor Seating

Gift shop Gym





Twin Bed Room


Double Bed Room


Double Bed Room (A) 8 X 4.5 M

Suite (A) 7.2 X 6.5 M

Double Bed Room (A) 7.5 X 4.5 M

Twin Bed Room (A) 8 X 4.5 M

Suite (B) 7.5 X 12 M




Environmental art

Output of a visualization workshop hosted by NUDES in the classsroom.

Architectural visualization for a competition Adaptive Resuse by Design



Miscellaneous 2018-2019 Attempts at creating artworks with help of Adobe Illustrator .



Yashwant Rawat | +91-8800428593 yashrawat458@gmail.com


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